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Online magazine for Textiles, Clothing, Leather and Technology is a brand new edition. Editorial team of empowered individuals from Bulgaria, Serbia, Northern Macedonia, Romania, USA, Egypt, and Turkey. Online magazine informs, reflect and promote Bulgarian and foreign specialists, their research, studies, reports, etc. The site will present the upcoming exhibitions, fairs, conferences, workshops, seminars, participation in competitions, fashion shows and trends, business models, as well as other events in the field of Textiles, Clothing, Leather, and Technology. All publications are free.
For information – International contact – [email protected].

Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base.
Published by Daniel Angelov, 2022-08-23 06:31:42

Online magazine for Textiles, Clothing, Leather and Technology

Online magazine for Textiles, Clothing, Leather and Technology is a brand new edition. Editorial team of empowered individuals from Bulgaria, Serbia, Northern Macedonia, Romania, USA, Egypt, and Turkey. Online magazine informs, reflect and promote Bulgarian and foreign specialists, their research, studies, reports, etc. The site will present the upcoming exhibitions, fairs, conferences, workshops, seminars, participation in competitions, fashion shows and trends, business models, as well as other events in the field of Textiles, Clothing, Leather, and Technology. All publications are free.
For information – International contact – [email protected].

Keywords: textile,clothing,leather

ISSN 2535-0447



онлайн списание за ТЕКСТИЛ, ОБЛЕКЛО, КОЖИ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ 4/2022
ISSN 2535-0447


Проф. д-р инж. Йoван Степанович, Сърбия Елена Благова, Благойка Пълева.......................84
Проф. д-р инж. Душан Трайкович, Сърбия
МПраокфед. до-нрииянж. Горан Дембоски, Република Северна DESIGNING OF GARMENT SEWING PRODUCT WITH
Проф. д-р Мария Блажева, България E. Blagova, Bl. Paleva-Kadiyska............................84
Проф. Веселин Ненков, България
Доц. д-р инж. Ненад Чиркович, Сърбия International Istanbul Yarn Fair............................92
Доц. д-р инж. Капка Манасиева, България
Доц. д-р инж. Златин Златев, България SPATIAL PARAMETERS OF THE WORKPLACE
Гл. ас. д-р инж. Соня Въчинска, България AND ITS COMPONENTS
Доц. д-р Кристина Савова, България Elsayed Elnashar..................................................93
Д-р инж. Даниел Ангелов, България
МИнажке. дНоантаишя а Сивевска, Република Северна ПРОСТРАНСТВЕНИ ПАРАМЕТРИ НА
ГРАФИЧЕН ДИЗАЙН: Стефка Нейкова Елсайед Елнашар, Египет...................................93
Prof. Jovan Stepanovich Ph.D., Serbia
Prof. Dušan Trajakoviċ Ph.D., Serbia FASHION DIET..................................................104
Pnriaof. Goran Dembovski Ph.D., Republic of North Macedo-
Prof. Seshadri Ramkumar Ph.D., USA РЕКЛАМИ/ADVERTISING...................91, 103, 106
Prof. Maria Blajeva Ph.D., Bulgaria
Prof. Veselin Nenkov Ph.D., Bulgaria ОНЛАЙН КОНТАКТИ/ONLINE
Assos. Prof. Nenad Ćirkoviċ Ph.D., Serbia CONTACTS:
Assos. Prof. Kapka Manasieva Ph.D., Bulgaria
Assos. Prof. eng. Zlatin Zlatev Ph.D., Bulgaria [email protected],
Assos. Prof. eng. Sonia Vachinska Ph.D., Bulgaria [email protected],
Assos. Prof. Kristina Savova Ph.D., Bulgaria [email protected],
Eng. Daniel Angelov Ph.D., Bulgaria
Eng. Natasha Sivevska, Republic of North Macedonia offi[email protected]
First cover:
GRAPHIC DESING: Stefka Neykova

online 83

онлайн списание за ТЕКСТИЛ, ОБЛЕКЛО, КОЖИ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ 4/2022


д-р Елена Благова - ОТТОБОК, Благоевград, инженер продуктово
усъвършенстване-текстил, email: [email protected];

гл. ас. д-р Благойка Пълева-Кадийска - Югозападен университет „Нео-
фит Рилски“, Благоевград, email: [email protected]


E. Blagova, PhD, Production refinement engineer-textile, OTTOBOCK, Blago-
evgrad, e-mail: [email protected]; Bl. Paleva-Kadiyska, PhD, chief assistant, South-West

University “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT: изисквания за разнообразие и качество, поставени
The process of designing lower body garment пред производителите на облекло, не биха могли
да се постигнат без прилагането на автоматизация
product-women›s skirt with the Silhouette Designer на процесите на създаване на шевни изделия.
system is presented in the development. The Персонализиран софтуер се използва на всеки един
advantages of the program and its modules are етап от проектирането и изработването на облекла
that they are also available in Bulgarian, easy and – дизайн, конструиране, моделиране, изработване
understandable to use, compatible with almost all на работни шаблони, визуализиране на модела след
peripherals. This makes them desirable for students създаване на шаблоните, градиране по ръсто-размери
and Bulgarian sewing manufacturers. на детайлите и разработване на маркер на настила се
прилага внедряване и използване на графични про-
Key words: CAD systems, clothing design грами и CAD/CAM системи. Това налага определени
изисквания към степента на усвоени компетенции и
РЕЗЮМЕ интелектуални способности, умения и трудови навици
на кадрите, заети в шевното производство [1].

В разработката е представен процесът За конструиране на облекла, голяма част от
на конструиране на поясно шевно изделие фирмите се доверяват на световноизвестни лидери в
на системата Силует Дизайнер (Silhouette разработването на специализирани CAD системи като
Designer). Предимствата на програмата Gerber Technology-Visio Fashion Studio, Lectra-Kaledo,
и нейните модули са, че са достъпни и KoppermannTexDesign, Optitex и др.
на български език, лесни и разбираеми за
употреба, съвместими с почти всички Изискванията към равнището и качеството на
периферни устройства. Това ги прави желани знания прави немислимо общообразователната и
от студентите и от български производители специална подготовка на студентите, подготвящи се
на шевни изделия. да навлязат в света на модата и конфекционирането
на облекла, без графични продукти за разработване,
Ключови думи: CAD системи, конструиране моделиране и конструиране на шевни изделия [2].
на облекло.

Споменатите по-горе специализирани CAD
системи имат един съществен недостатък –
УВОД високата им цена. Освен това интерфейса им не е
на български език, което се оказва пречка и голяма
В днешния бързо променящ се свят, в който част от обучаваните се затрудняват при усвояването
фирмите производители на облекло се стремят да и използването им. Този недостатък отпада в
бъдат в крак с модните тенденции, прилагането на разработения специализиран софтуерен продукт от
специални софтуери за компютърен графичен дизайн Микродор ООД, състоящ се от два модула – Силует
и CAD/CAM системи за конструиране е немислимо. Дизайнер (компютърна система за конструиране и
Нещо повече, използването на софтуерни продукти оразмеряване на модели на облекло, тапицерия,
е предпоставка за тяхното съществуване. Високите обувки) и Силует Маркер (компютърна система за

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онлайн списание за ТЕКСТИЛ, ОБЛЕКЛО, КОЖИ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ 4/2022

ISSN 2535-0447 Ширина по линия на ханша - ½ Ох + ½ Псв = 50
см + 1 см = 51 см
редене на маркери и печат на капаци за настил) [3].
Вталяване по линия на талията – ½ Ох - ½ От=50
Интерфейсът е на български, програмата е лесна см – 35 см = 15 см
за разучаване и работа. Част от инструментите са
подобни на тези използвани в AutoCAD, което е плюс за Свивки на предни части - СВпр = 0.2 . 15 = 3 см
бързото ѝ усвояване, особено за студентите от направ- (общо)
ление Машинно инженерство, които се запознават с
AutoCAD в дисциплини от инженерния фундамент.

Целта на разработката е да покаже лекотата, с Свивка на предна част – ½ СВпр = ½ 3 = 1.5 см
която се осъществяват процесите на конструиране на
поясно шевно изделие на системата Silhouette Design- Свивки на задни части - СВзад = 0.3 . 15 = 4.5 см
er (Силует Дизайнер). (общо)

Фиг. 1. Скица на права пола

Конструирано е поясно изделие - пола в прав Свивка на задна част – ½ СВзад = ½ 4.5 = 2.25 см
силует, плътно прилепнала по тялото – фиг. 1. Свивки странични - СВстр = 0.5 . 15 = 7.5 см (общо)
Свивка странична – ½ СВстр = ½ 4.5 = 3.75 см
Обмерните данни, необходими за построяване
на конструктивния чертеж са:

Обиколка на талия – ОТ = 70 см I. КОНСТРУИРАНЕ
Обиколка на ханша – ОХ = 100 см Процесът започва със стартиране на програмата и
Дължина на полата – ДП = 60 см
Прибавка за свобода – ПСВ = 2 см избор на бутон „Нов модел“ – фиг. 2, при което всички
инструменти стават активни – фиг. 3.
Преди започване на работа със системата Силует
Дизайнер се правят някои предварителни изчисления: Тъй като чертежа на конструираното поясно
изделие се състои от прави и криви линии, основните
Полуобиколка на талията - ½ ОТ = 35 см два инструмента, които се използват са: „Чертане на
отсечка“ и “Чертане на крива“. При работа с втория,
Полуобиколка на ханша – ½ ОХ = 50 см при необходимост, се налага нейното модифициране,
за да се оформи плавна крива.
Половината от прибавката за свобода – ½ ПСВ
= 1 см С тяхна помощ се начертават ½ предна и ½ задна
част, спазвайки размерите – фиг. 4.
Височина на ханша – от 20 до 22 см
С инструментите за копиране на елементи се
дублира създадения четеж.

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ISSN 2535-0447

Фиг. 2. Стартиране на Силует дизайнер

Фиг. 3. Избор на „Нов модел“

Фиг. 4. Чертеж на ½ предна и ½ задна част 86


онлайн списание за ТЕКСТИЛ, ОБЛЕКЛО, КОЖИ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ 4/2022

ISSN 2535-0447 За окончателното оформяне на цялата предна
част на пола се използва инструмент „Огледален образ
А с инструмента „Изтриване на елементи“, се свързан“ и задаване на точките от линията, по която
премахват всички излишни линии от чертежа на ½
предна част. ще се свърже образа.
В този случай това са
двете крайни точки
от лявата вертикална
линия на ½ предна
част-фиг. 8.

Фиг. 5. Копиране на чертеж на ½ предна и ½ задна част Задаването на
резерви за шев е също
толкова лесно и бързо,
както и всички действия
до момента. Маркира
се детайла и се избира
инструмента „Линия на
изрязване“. В появилия
се прозорец се задава
желания размер и се
потвърждава с ОК –
фиг. 9.

Системата позволява много
лесно и бързо да увеличим или
намалим определена област на
чертежа, чрез инструментите
„Увеличение на област“
и „Намаление в област“.
Центрирането на чертежа в
работната зона се извършва с
инструмент „Покажи всички“,
а местенето му с „Местене на
видимата област. Всички тези
инструменти са позиционирани
в лентите около работната
област, което позволява
бързото им активиране, тъй
като в процеса на конструиране
се използват често.
Фиг. 6. Добавяне на елементи в нова или съществуваща част
Изчистения от всички
излишни елементи чертеж
на ½ предна част се маркира
и се активира инструмент
„Добавяне на елементи в нова
или съществуваща част“. В
появилия се прозорец с някои
параметри на маркираната
част, записва се името ѝ –
Предна част и се потвърждава с
ОК – фиг. 6.

Ако е работено правилно
и кройката е оформена със
затворен контур, частта се
оцветява в сиво – фиг. 7.

Фиг. 7.Задаване на име на частта и потвърждаване, че контура не е отворен

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ISSN 2535-0447

Зададения резерв за шев е
еднакъв от всички страни. За да се
промени размера му при подгъва, се
използва инструмент „Разстояние
до линия на изрязване“. Маркира
се линията на подгъва, в появилия
се прозорец се задава размера и се
потвърждава с ОК.

Кройката на предна част е
завършена – фиг. 10.

Фиг. 8. Свързан огледален образ За конструирането на задна
част се работи по подобен начин,
като се отчетат и особеностите.
Съгласно скицата на изделието,
полата има среден шев на гърба.
Следователно тук няма да има
огледален образ и размера на
резерва за шев на средната линия
на задната част е различен от
размера на страничната линия (по
избор на моделиера или техноло-

Колана на изделието е
лесен за конструиране, тъй като
представлява правоъгълник.

Фиг. 9. Резерви за шев II. ГРАДИРАНЕ
Фиг. 10. Кройка на предна част Градирането се извършва също
със системата Силует Дизайнер, за
online което е необходимо конструктора
единствено да въведе стойността
за градиране.
Създадените кройки в базовия
размер лесно се градират като се
работи в две стъпки:
- създаване и редактиране на
таблица за градиране;
- градиране на детайлите (за-
даване на стойностите за нараства-
Детайлите се градират чрез
маркиране на всяка контурна
(характерна) точка, като в таблицата
за градиране се нанася поотделно
всяка стойност.
Правилата за градиране
могат да бъдат копирани за всяка
една точка, може да се добавят


онлайн списание за ТЕКСТИЛ, ОБЛЕКЛО, КОЖИ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ 4/2022

ISSN 2535-0447

междинни точки, да се градират
само определени точки, без да
се нарушават общозаложените
правила за градация.

Фиг. 11. Готови кройки на предна и ½ задна част С инструмент „Местене
на части“ готовите кройки
се подреждат близо една до
друга, но така че да не си пре-
чат. От меню Размери се избира
„Размери“ – отваря се прозорец,
в който първоначално е наличен
само размер 36, избран за базов
в Силует Дизайнер. Със стрелките
(нагоре или надолу), в горният
ляв ъгъл на отворения прозорец,
се задават и други размери. Пред
тези, в които искаме да се размно-
жи кройката, се поставят отметки.
Системата позволява да се избере
цвят, в който желаем да бъде
кройката на съответния размер.

Фиг. 12. Създаване и редактиране на таблица за градиране За втората стъпка -
градиране на детайлите, се
използват няколко инструмента,
в зависимост от положението на
контура (характерните точки).
Инструментите са: „Градиране
наляво“, „Градиране надясно“,
„Градиране нагоре“, Градиране
надолу“, Градиране по посока“,
„Пропорционално градиране“ или
чрез градираща таблица, в която
се нанасят стъпките на нараства-
не между два размера и спря-
мо базовия размер. След избор
на подходящия инструмент се
кликва върху характерните точки
от контура.

С тази последна стъпка
приключва процесът на създаване
на чертежа на модела и градиране
на детайлите му.

След направената градация
е възможно моделиране на
базовата кройка и получаване на
нов модел, без да е необходимо
наново да се прави градация на
новополучения модел.

Фиг. 13. Градирани предна част и ½ задна част Всички модели могат да се
съхраняват в база данни и лесно
online да бъдат моделирани в други
модели за следващи сезони.


онлайн списание за ТЕКСТИЛ, ОБЛЕКЛО, КОЖИ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ 4/2022

1. E. Blagova, Bl. Paleva-Kadiyska, Graphic design
Заключение softwares for apparel design, Всеукраїн-ська
науково-практична Інтернет-конференція
Необходимостта от автоматизиране на молодих вчених та студентів «Ресур-
производството на шевни изделия налага бързото созберігаючі технології легкої, текстильної і
внедряване на системи за проектиране и конструиране харчової промисловості», 16-17 лис-топада
на облекла. Един от най- достъпните, бързи и 2017 р. у м. Хмельницькому, секція „Технологія
успешни начини е използването на CAD/CAM системи, на конструювання конкурен-тоспроможних
които са лесни за имплементиране и усвояване от швейних виробів”, Збірник тез, ISSN 2308-6718,
проектантите-конструктори. Възможностите на тези стр. 34-35.
CAD/CAM системи, в частност на Силует Дизайнер,
са достатъчни, за да покрият изискванията за 2. Благова Е., Пълева-Кадийска Бл., Художествено
оптимизиране на процесите дизайн, конструиране, проектиране и конструиране на облекла с CAD/
моделиране и градиране на работните шаблони. С CAM системи, „Основи на изследователското
тяхна помощ се улеснява производството на шевни обучение във висшето училище“, Сборник до-
изделия, особено в условията на изработване на клади - ISBN 978-954-00-0151-7, ЮЗУ „Неофит
многомоделни и малки по обем серии облекла; Рилски“ - ТФ, Благоевград, 2017, стр. 28-33.
редуцират се разходите за време, труд и финансови

Системните изисквания за системата Силует 3.
Дизайнер не са високи, което позволява инсталирането
и работата ѝ на налична настолна или преносима
компютърна техника със средни характеристики.
Работи с плотер, дигитайзер, принтер и позволява
импортиране и експортиране на кройки в други
файлови формати. От предложения пример е видна
лекотата, с която се работи на системата.

Силует Дизайнер разполага и с много други
възможности, които не са засегнати в изложения
пример, поради естеството на шевното изделие –
несложна конструкция.

Southeast Asia Nonwovens and Hygiene 90
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ISSN 2535-0447

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ISSN 2535-0447

International Istanbul Yarn Fair Will Meet Up With
its Visitors and Exhibitors in February

Manufacturers operating in the yarn industry, which is the most important raw material of the textile indusrty will
come together 19th time at Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center. The Istanbul Yarn Fair organized by Tüyap,

will show on the latest trends, innovations and technologies between the dates 16-18 February 2023.

The textile industry, which shines all over the World, gets its success from the yarn industry. The production and export
capacity of Türkiye in the yarn industry, especially in cotton yarn, is increasing every year. Istanbul Yarn Fair, one of the
most important exhibition in its scope, will bring together the rising Turkish textile industry and the biggest producers
of the world at Tüyap Fair Convention ans Congress Center.
The Fair Full of Success
2022 Istanbul Yarn Fair hosted hundreds of companies and thousands of products, 10.282 professional visitors from 86
countries in 19.000 sqm. area. Meeting the expectations of exhibitors and visitors, Istanbul Yarn Fair will add strength
in 2023 as well.

The Effective Marketing Channels
The important marketing activities continue for the Istanbul Yarn Fair in Türkiye and abroad. Collaborations are made
with national, international, sectoral, local broadcasting organizations and NGOs at the fair, where the effective marke-
ting channels including conventional and digital tools, are used. The yarn industry professionals are invited to visit the
fair thanks to Tuyap foreing offices from the 4 countries, and representatives network from over 80 countries.

The Large Scale of Scope Attracts Attention
Thousands of yarn types from cotton to wool, from elastan to acrylic, from silk to viscose and bobbins, spool and reels
will be presented to ready-to-wear and textile industry professionals. The exhibition where those interested can see
many product options at the same time, will be held on 16-18 February, 2023 as a platform where new business con-
tacts are established.
Take Your Place For 2023 Istanbul Yarn Fair
After the successful 2022 fair, Istanbul Yarn Fair sales started with the demands from the companies. You can contact
our sales team at [email protected] e-mail address and website to take your place in Istanbul
Yarn Fair.

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Prof. Elsayed Elnashar Ph.D., Egypt - Textiles &Apparel, Kaferelsheikh University,
[email protected], Cellphone: +201069288940


проф. Елсайед Елнашар, Египет

Spatial analysis 3D mapping operations and spatial statistics. It is multi-
Spatial analysis began with early attempts at cartography dimensional and also temporal and includes:
and surveying. Land surveying goes back to at least 1,400 - Surface analysis; in particular analyzing the properties of
B.C in Egypt: the dimensions of taxable land plots were physical surfaces, such as gradient, aspect and visibility,
measured with measuring ropes and plumb bobs. [1]. and analyzing surface-like data “fields”;
Many fields have contributed to its rise in modern form. Network analysis ; examining the properties of natural
Biology contributed through botanical studies of global and man-made networks in order to understand the be-
plant distributions and local plant locations, ethological havior of flows within and around such networks; and lo-
studies of animal movement, landscape ecological studies cational analysis.
of vegetation blocks, ecological studies of spatial popula- GIS-based network analysis may be used to address a
tion dynamics, and the study of biogeography. wide range of practical problems such as route selection
Statistics has contributed greatly through work in spatial and facility location (core topics in the field of operations
statistics. Economics has contributed notably through spa- research), and problems involving flows such as those
tial econometrics. Geographic information system is cur- found in Hydrospatial and hydrology and transportation
rently a major contributor due to the importance of geo- research. In many instances location problems relate to
graphic software in the modern analytic toolbox. Remote networks.
sensing has contributed extensively in morphometric and
clustering analysis. Computer science has contributed And as such are addressed with tools designed for this
extensively through the study of algorithms, notably in purpose, but in others existing networks may have little or
computational geometry. Mathematics continues to pro- no relevance or may be impractical to incorporate within
vide the fundamental tools for analysis and to reveal the the modeling process. Problems that are not specifically
complexity of the spatial realm, for example, with recent network constrained, such as new road or pipeline rout-
work on fractals and scale invariance. Scientific modelling ing, regional warehouse location, mobile phone mast po-
provides a useful framework for new approaches [1,2]. sitioning or the selection of rural community health care
sites, may be effectively analyzed (at least initially) with-
Spatial analysis or spatial statistics out reference to existing physical networks. Locational
includes any of the formal techniques which studies en- analysis “in the plane” is also applicable where suitable
tities using their topological, geometric, or geograph- network datasets are not available, or are too large or ex-
ic properties. pensive to be utilized, or where the location algorithm is
very complex or involves the examination or simulation of
Spatial analysis includes a variety of techniques, many a very large number of alternative configurations.
still in their early development, using different analytic
approaches and applied in fields as diverse as astronomy, - Geovisualization ; the creation and manipulation of im-
with its studies of the placement of galaxies in the cos- ages, maps, diagrams, charts, 3D views and their associ-
mos, to chip fabrication engineering, with its use of “place ated tabular datasets.
and route” algorithms to build complex wiring structures.
GIS packages increasingly provide a range of such tools,
In a more restricted sense, spatial analysis is the technique providing static or rotating views, draping images over
applied to structures at the human scale, most notably in 2.5D surface representations, providing animations and
the analysis of geographic data or transcriptomics data. fly-throughs, dynamic linking and brushing and spatio-
temporal visualizations.
Advanced operations
Geospatial and Hydrostatical analysis goes beyond 2D and This latter class of tools is the least developed, reflecting
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ISSN 2535-0447 improved performances.
The aims at investigating a correlation if any of workspace
in part the limited range of suitable compatible datasets designs and its impact on the users, through a quantita-
and the limited set of analytical methods available, al- tive and qualitative analysis of various parameters. It also
though this picture is changing rapidly. tries to establish the preferences stated by occupants in
terms of parameters to achieve satisfaction, comfort and
All these facilities augment the core tools utilized in spa- efficiency of the selected workspaces.
tial analysis throughout the analytical process (explora-
tion of data, identification of patterns and relationships,
construction of models, and communication of results).

Mobile Geospatial and Hydrospatial Computing Contexts and parameters and the methodologies adopted
Traditionally geospatial and hydrospatial computing has are based either on quantitative, qualitative or experi-
been performed primarily on personal computers (PCs) or mental research strategies. User’s perception about vari-
servers. Due to the increasing capabilities of mobile de- ous aspects of environment shall give better justification if
vices, however, geospatial computing in mobile devices is correlated with physical measurements. Functional com-
a fast-growing trend.[3] fort and related behavioural responses if assessed quanti-
The portable nature of these devices, as well as the pres- tatively and qualitatively will result in better environmen-
ence of useful sensors, such as Global Navigation Satellite tal conditions and work output.
System (GNSS) receivers and barometric pressure sensors, A similar study is done for employees in a bank wherein
make them useful for capturing and processing geospatial the workspace design, layout, furniture, noise, air quality
and hydrospatial information in the field. are given equal importance to examine the relationship
In addition to the local processing of geospatial informa- between workspace physical conditions and employees
tion on mobile devices, another growing trend is cloud- productivity[4].
based geospatial computing.

In this architecture, data can be collected in the field using Another study is done in Asia countries, building as Post-
mobile devices and then transmitted to cloud-based serv- Occupancy Evaluation based on qualitative survey related
ers for further processing and ultimate storage. to thermal comfort, air movement noise and cleanliness.
In a similar manner, geospatial and hydrospatial informa- The outcome of the survey is visual comfort;
tion can be made available to connected mobile devices indoor air movement and ventilation constitute the high-
via the cloud, est factor in terms of occupant’s comfort ability.
allowing access to vast databases of geospatial and hy- This lecture presents an empirical study and quantitative
drospatial information anywhere where a wireless data and qualitative analysis of spatial as functional and relat-
connection is available. ed behavioral parameters of selected office spaces with
Parameters Spatial Comfort Workspaces. three different densities of working population [5].
Comfort and performance standards in the workspaces To determine occupant’s comfort, performance, satisfac-
have become a primary concern in India recently and tion and perception levels by investigating and establish-
hence there is a remarkable change in designing strate- ing association if any (positive/negative) between subjec-
gies adopted for the same. The end users of such spaces tive and objective variables.
are the occupants who are spending major time in these 1) For lighting as a parameter
spaces and therefore the indoor environmental factors in 2) For air and thermal parameter
workplaces should follow functional as well as behavioral To evaluate the users’ subjective opinion related to the
requirements. Presently there is no clear cut demarcation parameters leading to efficiency and comfort and aspects
as working or non-working hours, the concept of working that lead to their enhancement.
environment is progressively shifting towards better com- To determine the preferences for the physical and psycho-
fortable situations and increased performance is assumed logical parameters based on the subjective opinions given
to be the result of good workplace environment. The envi- by the occupants for achieving comfort and efficiency
ronmental aspects include physiological, sociological and with a –
psychological comfort. 1) Group wise (sample size) comparison within the select-
The parameters encompassing these three are- spatial ed fifteen offices.
arrangement, furniture and ergonomics, air and thermal, 2) Type wise comparison within the selected fifteen of-
lighting and acoustics. It implies that the employees need fices.
environmental support for performing the activities lead- To suggest preferential parameters as per users’ choice to
ing to positive physiological and psychological impact and be considered while planning workspaces in similar con-

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ISSN 2535-0447 vironmental Psychology of Workspace:

Selected Workspaces.
Workplace selection is made from city as a part of ad- How People are affected by Environments for Work’ has
ministrative offices dealing with paper, coal, IT services, emphasized upon individual, group and organizational
sale and purchase, food products, chartered accountancy, survey for office workers leading to efficiency, comfort,
export- import and news agency, That are again catego- accuracy, speed and errorlessness. [8]
rized as administrative, IT Companies The study is based
on physiological, sociological and psychological comfort The instruments used to measure ambient temperature,
criteria; the focus being on the impact of functional and air velocity, relative humidity, lux levels is 4 in 1 environ-
behavioral parameters on the performance of the occu- ment tester of Lutron make, LM 8000, Anemometer, Hy-
pants. The evaluation done is on the basis of quantitative grometer, Thermometer and Lux meter, ISO 9001, quality
and qualitative data collected related to above mentioned management system certified by SGS.
parameters for all the offices. A general description with
existing physical conditions is included about the offices. Operating temperature is 0°C to 80°C, operating air veloc-
The commonalities in the selected fifteen offices are: ity is 0.4m/sec to 30m. /sec., operating humidity is Max
• All the selected offices are designed for the purpose and 80% RH and light is 0 to 2200lux. Non-contact infrared
have a frame structure construction. thermometer is used for measuring surface temperature.
• The spatial arrangement comprises of a mixed type- This is a non touch measure by infrared. The temperature
combination of cabins, cubicles and open workstations. range is:
- 30°C to 550°C and manufactured by MEXTECH DT-8811.
Climatic Environment of Meteorological Conditions.
During the Survey The climate of city is characterized IL luminance levels recommended by various global and
by hot and dry climate. The well-distributed rainfall in Indian standards namely IESNA (Illuminating Engineers of
the rainy season and dryness follows a typical seasonal North America) (IESNA, 2000), CIBSE (Chartered Institu-
weather pattern. The cold season is from December to tion of Building Services Engineers.
February and is followed by the hot season from March
to May. Analysis of User’s Opinion on Parameters Related to Ef-
The southwest monsoon season is from June to Septem- ficiency and Comfort In the offices, the opinions of the
ber while the period October-November constitutes the sampled employees are collected through a question-
post-monsoon season. May is the hottest month with the naire.
mean daily maximum temperature at 42.7°C (108.8°F) As given in the objective, the users’ subjective opinions
which may even reach up to 48°c . related to the parameters leading to efficiency and com-
The ‘Environmental Psychology’ is a well addressed issue fort are evaluated. [5]
in western countries, USA and Europe and implies an in-
terface between human behavior and socio-physical envi- Workplace Spatial Parameters [10]:
ronment (Wikipedia, 2010) [6]. Having a door (open cubicle vs closed office) (Hatch, 1987)
Workspace size (Oldham and Rotchford, 1983; O’Neill and
This focuses on the enquiry regarding how people experi- Carayon, 1993; Veitch et al, 2003).
ence environmental psychology of workspace. Level/degree of enclosure (partition height and number
This issue is substantially handled in western countries re- of partitions) (Charles and Veitch, 2002; Hatch, 1987; Old-
lated to workspace design and its impact on comfort and ham and Brass, 1979; Oldham and Fried, 1987).
efficiency of the users; however in conditions it is signifi-
cantly neglected. Interpersonal distance/proximity (Allen, 1977; Gullahorn,
The lecture involves independent variables as measured 1952; Kraut and Streeter, 1995; Kraut et al, 2002; Oldham
values of ambient temperature, air velocity, relative hu- and Fried, 1987; Olson et al, 2002; Schuler et al, 1981;
midity, lux levels and surface temperatures. Sundstrom et al, 1980).
The dependent variables are subjective opinions of the Desk position (in relation to office entrance) (Hatch, 1987).
occupants. The lecture corresponds to the category of Visible to superior/coworker (Sundstrom et al, 1980).
Correlation Research strategy with the Dichotomous Distance from corridor (Sundstrom et al, 1980).
framework employing the terms quantitative and qualita- Density (Dean et al, 1975; Fried et al, 2001; May et al,
tive analysis for five parameters as spatial, furniture, tem- 2005; Oldham and Fried, 1987; Oldham and Rotchford,
perature, noise and lighting for productivity. [7] 1983).
Openness (Oldham and Rotchford, 1983; Peponis and
A quantitative and qualitative analysis is was in Australia Wineman, 2002).
for air and thermal comfort of university students using Accessibility (Oldham and Rotchford, 1983; Peponis and
drawing classes. The measurements were taken of tem- Wineman, 2002; Schuler et al, 1981; Sundstrom et al,
perature, air velocity and humidity [9] in ‘Towards an En- 1980).
Visibility (Peponis and Wineman, 2002).

онлайн списание за ТЕКСТИЛ, ОБЛЕКЛО, КОЖИ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ 4/2022

ISSN 2535-0447 whether or not the workstation was in an open setting or
enclosed by a door. The application of space syntax theo-
Outcomes Reactions [10]: ries and techniques, originally developed for street and
Job (work) satisfaction (Oldham and Brass, 1979; Oldham neighborhood design, enables us to look into more details
and Fried, 1987) . regarding accessibility and visibility. [10]
Work environment satisfaction (Charles and Veitch, 2002; The analysis of building interiors using the space syntax
Oldham, 1988). methodology looks at lines of movement and visual fields
Self-perceived performance (Brennan et al, 2002). to explain how spatial layouts affect face-to-face interac-
Supervisor rating of performance (Sundstrom et al, 1980). tions through their effects on movement and visible cor-
Office turnover (Oldham and Fried, 1987). pulence. This methodology was also used to examine oth-
Motivation (Oldham and Brass, 1979). er features of the workplace, such as the shape of floor
Discretionary withdraw (Oldham and Fried, 1987). plates.
The strength of space syntax methods is that they create a
Job characteristics [10]: way to describe the overall layout of the workplace.
Job type/position (Zalesny and Farace, 1987). However, the link between the spatial variables used in
Skill variety (Oldham and Brass, 1979). this method that is, accessibility, openness, and visibility
Autonomy (Oldham and Brass, 1979). and workplace design features (the location and size of
Task interdependence (Schuler et al, 1981). various types of spaces in workplace) is not strong.
Task complexity (Oldham et al, 1991). These factors make space syntax a more powerful tool
Task identity (Oldham and Brass, 1979). for evaluating an existing layout than for directly assisting
Task significance (Oldham and Brass, 1979). workplace design. [10]
Personality [10]: (Gender: Age , Female )
Need for privacy (Oldham, 1988).
Stimulus screening ability (Oldham, 1988; 1991).
Adaptability (Schuler et al, 1981).
Sociability (Hatch, 1987).

Individual environmental experience [10]: When we look at the changing nature of white-collar
Privacy (Oldham, 1988; Schuler et al, 1981; Sundstrom et work, the trend toward interactive and collaborative work
al, 1980; Zalesny and Farace, 1987). is among the biggest changes, along with more depend-
Concentration/ distraction (Oldham and Brass, 1979). ence on social skills.
Crowding (Desor, 1972; Evans et al, 1994; Oldham, 1988). The current workforce is specialized in terms of knowledge
Stress (Sparks and Cooper, 1999; Watson et al, 1986). and skill sets, and multidisciplinary and cross-functional
Work area’s adequacy (Zalesny and Farace, 1987). collaboration is becoming an important element critical
Interpersonal experience [555]: for the efficiency, profitability, and competitive advantage
Frequency of interpersonal contact (Allen, 1977; Gulla- of organizations.
horn, 1952; Kraut and Streeter, 1995). The value of the workplace itself in stimulating successful
Interpersonal satisfaction (Oldham and Brass, 1979). collaboration has attracted our attention.
Interpersonal relationship (Zalesny and Farace, 1987). Though not responsible for creating actions or behaviors
Interpersonal relationship (Brennan et al, 2002; Zalesny themselves, certain spatial settings may facilitate or inhib-
and Farace, 1987). it desired behaviors and thus affect the use of time and
Supervisor feedback (Oldham and Brass, 1979). energy in an organization.
Coworker/agent feedback (Oldham and Brass, 1979).
Friendship opportunities (Gullahorn, 1952; Oldham and The aims to explore the typology of collaborative spaces
Brass, 1979). in a sample of office layouts; to develop quantitative indi-
Trust (Zalesny and Farace, 1987). ces that describe the distribution and amount of collabo-
rative spaces in a workplace;
Results of the relationship between visual openness and and to explore how well these indices predict the occu-
workplace interaction were not consistent. pants’ perception of the influence of workplace layout
For example, who focused on situation awareness, stated on support for collaborative work and distractions from
that the visibility of others and their behaviors allow for interactive behaviors. Identifying effective floor-plan lay-
easy interactions and shared understanding of the overall out variables will contribute to the theories of workplace
context, while believed that physical openness does not design in supporting collaborative performance.
support open communication.
Another spatial variable related to the workplace layout Though this lecture emphasizes the value of interaction
is accessibility, the ``extent to which an employee’s indi- and collaboration in the workplace, it is clear that most
vidual workspace is accessible to the external intrusions white-collar workers experience an iterative process of
of others’’. individual and collaborative tasks. Their ability to accom-
However, often the only differentiation made has been plish both types of task is important to work performance.
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This study of collaborative spaces in the workplace also such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to separate
reflects that iterative process. [10] the information contained in those metrics into useful
measurements. [11]
New Spatial variables:
Six layout-scale spatial variables are proposed in describe Spatial configuration:
the distribution and number of collaborative spaces in Global effects it is clear that Integration, as it was originally
a workplace. We studied their relationship to the occu- suggested used in the overwhelming majority of studies,
pants’ satisfaction with the spatial work environment’s even if the underlying spatial models change from axial
ability to support collaboration using the following vari- maps to room models. The various different normaliza-
ables: tions of integration were also examined. Two more global
Distance from individual workstation to nearest meeting metrics appeared in the research: Intelligibility, Visual en-
space; tropy. Integration is however a topological metric, meas-
Distance from individual workstation to nearest shared uring (essentially) the average number of turns required
copy or print area; to reach all places in a specific office. A few researchers
Distance from individual workstation to nearest shared made the case that using this metric for measuring the
kitchen or coffee area; cost of traversal in realistic terms needs more nuance. In-
Percentage of floor space dedicated to meeting spaces; stead metric mean depth, [11]
Percentage of floor space dedicated to shared service and This variety of metrics is a potentially important reason
amenity spaces; and for the lack of reproducibility in the field. In cases where
Openness. various physical properties are examined, there are no
agreed sets of characteristics shared between the re-
Typology study: searchers meaning that what might appear important in
Teamwork-related space (meeting space) of the twenty- one, could be affected by confounding factors measured
seven workplace settings studied, seven meeting space in the other.
layout types were identified on the basis of combination
of number, size, distance, and ownership characteristics A prime example of this is connectivity, which is a com-
of meeting spaces. pletely different metric for axial models, in the former
Service-related spaces (shared print/copy areas) four lay- being (essentially) the number of turns available when
out types were identified for the shared print/copy areas travelling on a straight path, while for the latter the size
in the twenty-seven workplace settings. The average dis- of the visible area. If for example two meeting rooms are
tances from individual workstations to the nearest shared examined, both with a single door but one twice the size
print/copy area for each layout type of the other, then the two connectivities would differ sub-
Amenity-related space (shared kitchen or coffee areas) stantially. [11]
finally, five layout types were identified for the shared
kitchen or coffee areas in the twenty-seven workgroup Functions.
settings. The average distance from individual worksta- The functions of the various spaces were denoted as poly-
tions to the nearest shared kitchen or coffee area for each gons on the plan encapsulating the relevant areas such
layout type as whole rooms or parts of spaces. The function names
were encoded so as to be easy to reference and create
Spatial configuration. hierarchies. There were five main types, workspace, circu-
For measuring spatial configuration. In their overwhelm- lation, meeting rooms, alternative workspaces and other
ing majority researchers employed at least two metrics, facilities. In case of an open-plan workspace the encoding
typically capturing different aspects of configuration such for each of these types there were different subcategories
as the local properties of space (column ’Local’), and levels in the hierarchy. [11]
The effects of the configuration of the whole building or
site (’Global’), the placement of attractors (’Attractor’) and In the case of workspace, two distinct subcategories were
in some cases the placement of people (’Network’). delineated, open-plan workspace and cellular workspace.
Examined the metrics in a model that contained more The demarcation of workspace was carried out with the
than one variable, relied on bivariate statistical analysis. general rule that if a room contains more than six people
The activities became generally more predictable with then it is marked as open-plan otherwise it is marked as
more variables. Taking the analysis one step further, even cellular.
carried out cross-correlation analysis between the vari- Meeting rooms on the other hand have a few sub-catego-
ables to reduce duplicate information. ries, one used extensively (bookable meeting-room) and
The analysis specifically that the various properties relat- the others rarely (training spaces, event spaces).
ed between them and with mean depth, and thus even- Spaces where staff may work or meet but are not consid-
tually only used one (connectivity) for further analysis. ered workspace or meeting rooms are marked as “alterna-
More recent cases have applied advanced techniques tive workspaces”. These spaces are typically tables within
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Figure 1: The five different types of functions examined with separations for open/cellular workspace and
alternative workspaces.

workspaces or in an office where a quick meeting may be in the office and where that is located.
had. Other facilities include kitchens and tea-points, can- - The focus on the collective follows the existing space
teens [12]. syntax research which also aims to understand, puts it,
Utility rooms, gyms etc. The final category, circulation, is the “patterns, or configurations, formed by groups or col-
the marked area that remains after all else is placed in the lections of people”. Setting the target on aggregations
floor. Stairs are not placed in a specific category. Outdoor of people allows for extracting meaningful information
areas and some inaccessible spaces such as roofs might about human activities avoiding the large variations and
be visible in the floor plans, especially in cases where the idiosyncrasies of each person’s behavior.
office resides in a campus, but are not demarcated in a - Instead creating a regular phenomenon that can be
specific category. studied and understood statistical models that examine
Human activity as a spatial variable: the relationship between the spatial metrics and the in-
- The potentials described in examined specifically against stances of activity. [11]
measurements of human activity that has been observed Aggregations.
as single instances of people sitting, standing, moving and - the most common technique employed for compar-
interacting. ing human activity to spatial configuration has been ag-
- Despite the granularity of the original measurements, gregation of the instances of activity against the spatial
this lecture does not examine the behavior of a single per- metrics. The old spatial models of axial and convex maps
son such as when and where they dwell or interact, rather lent themselves naturally to this method of aggregation
it is interested in the behavior of the collection of people allowing their spatial unit to act as the collector, either by

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ISSN 2535-0447 question is whether each of the selected metrics should
be kept for accessibility or visibility.
matching observations of people according to their clos- That many of the remaining metrics are correlated be-
est line or the convex space they are within. tween accessibility and visibility.
- though some researchers did test various techniques, In This is apparent both from the values of the coefficients of
many cases, even with the old spatial models aggregation correlation, but also by the order of the metrics. The un-
was done to identify larger patterns than the ones seen derlying algorithm (provided by the function heat map in
per line, convex space or cell. [11] base clusters together the metrics that are more closely
related, hence various groupings appear towards the top
Attractors, Paths and Visibility. of the figure. Apart from the expected groupings of all the
- In technical terms, the process has four steps and it is global metrics together and the local ones together it also
carried out from the perspective of the seat, not the cell appears that for nearly every metric its visibility and ac-
itself. cessibility value are placed close together. This is expected
- First, the closest attractor of a specific type is chosen by as the two aspects typically grow together and thus for
measuring the metric step depth from that seat to all at- many cases one of the metrics growing in accessible space
tractors of the same type and the shortest metric path on will mean that it will grow in visible space. An obvious ex-
the grid is created from the seat to the attractor. Obstacles ample is Visual Relative Mean Depth.
are taken into account given that the process happens on The column names signify the segmenting metric, while
the accessible aspect of the model. the row names show the effect of each metric for each
- The second step, the isovists of all the pixels on the path model. Cells are colored based on the variable impor-
are merged together to create a zone of visibility that in-
cludes all the cells that can be seen when following that

Figure2: Correlation matrix for each cell for the remaining metrics with higher (R) coefficients of correlation as
darker cells. Coefficients of correlation over 0.75 in orange text. More correlated metrics are clustered closer to-


- Third step, these cells are assigned a value using a decay tance within the specific model. Rows are sorted based on
function i.e. one that that decreases in output as the dis- the average t-statistic of the parameter across all models.
tance to the path increases. More specifically the value Columns are ordered according to the highest performing
assigned is inversely related to the shortest straight line of model adj.
visibility to the path, to take into account the cases where Significant parameters marked with for positive effects or
a cell might be seen twice in the same path. [11] for negative effects and highly significant parameters with
Metric elimination stage 4: Accessibility or Visibility? for positive and for negative effects. Model significance
Another dimension of the covariance and independence also shown with the same symbols at the bottom, above
the adj. Of each model. The raw output of the best per-

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forming model segmented using Accessible Visibility Con- A model of satisfaction with open-plan office conditions:
nectivity. [11] field findings.

The characteristics of workplace spatial settings. Quantifying occupant comfort: are combined indices of
The characteristics of workplace spatial settings that are the indoor environment practicable?
examined include five workstation spatial variables that -Evaluating user satisfaction.
are derived from the literature and six layout variables of -Helps occupants and managers to understand the im-
the floor plan that we propose based on our experience pacts of work environments on health and productivity;
with workplace design and evaluation. The floor-plan lay- to analyses building systems.
out refers here to the ways in which functional spaces are -Evaluation tool for nine indoor environmental quality di-
arranged in the workplace and to the spatial relationships mensions and occupants’ satisfaction.
among them in which the shared spaces are of particular -Occupants in green buildings are on average more satis-
interest. fied with their air quality and thermal comfort. Green of-

Binary Segmentation[11]

Figure3: Binary segmented areas for movement, along with all split models (Service, Dense and
Mixed workspace floors) from Poisson regions (in red text).

Classification of parameters affecting user satisfaction. fices prefer the spatial layout of open or partitioned floor
Many studies mixed physical quality and psychological or plans to enclosed private offices.
cognitive user satisfaction by using a cause and effect An- -Perceived comfort is more than the indoor air quality,
alytical approach. The approach basically analyses meas- noise, lighting and thermal comfort responses. It also in-
urable human behavior and satisfaction based on physical cludes emotional state.
conditions. However, perceived satisfaction is more than -User satisfaction for comfort parameters at workplaces
physical conditions. Therefore, it is important to develop was affected by temperature, lighting conditions, air qual-
a theoretical framework to determine the order of prior- ity, acoustics, spatial condition and office layout.
ity or the degree of importance among factors influencing 18-item environmental satisfaction measure formed a
user satisfaction. three-factor structure reflecting satisfaction with: priva-
Critical frameworks for building evaluation: user satisfac- cy/acoustics, lighting and ventilation/temperature.
tion, environmental measurements and the technical at- -Balanced occupants’ satisfaction and overall assessments
tributes of building systems. about indoor environment.
A multidimensional post-occupancy evaluation tool. -User survey instrument based on nine parameters five
Satisfaction and self-estimated performance in relation grade scales regarding to user satisfaction.
to indoor environmental parameters and building fea-
turesComfort of workers in office buildings: The European Physical comfort factors: Physical factors selected based
HOPE project. on the relationship with biological responses to indoor cli-
Occupant satisfaction as an indicator for the socio-cultural mate and quality. Those factors are basic needs that may
dimension of sustainable office buildings development of cause severe dissatisfaction and illness. Thermal comfort.
an overall building index. Thermal comfort is subjective and depends on dyna1m0i0c

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ISSN 2535-0447 ards, the level for the cellular office is 30–40 dB and for
the open-plan office 35–45 dB.
factors consisting of four variables: air temperature, rela- Light and daylight.
tive humidity, relative air velocity and radiation. Although Light conditions have an impact on visual comfort and
providing a place where every occupant can be fully satis- are another factor with an influence on user satisfaction.
fied is practically impossible, it is important to define the Many studies have shown the correlation between day-
thermal comfort range of occupants. light and user satisfaction. That found lighting quality is
Air quality: A workplace with good air quality has an im- important to attain user satisfaction.
pact on the health condition and satisfaction rate of oc- Found that occupants in open-plan office were provided
cupants. Indoor air quality (IAQ) defines the air quality with more light than those in cellular offices. Stated that
related to pollutants, contaminants, and ventilation. IAQ more sun exposure was related to less depression and
studies have found these issues by conducting a survey higher user satisfaction. The majority of office users pre-
about irritation, headaches, fatigue and illness, which are fer natural light over artificial light, for physical and psy-
related to sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms, de- chological reasons.
fined the SBS as “the occurrence of an excessive number Functional comfort factors: Functional comfort factors.
of subjective complaints by the occupants of a building. Functional factors are related to the suitability for work
These complaints include headache, irritation of the eyes, activities. When those factors have the right value, users
nose, and throat, lethargy, inability to concentrate, objec- can perform the work task efficiently. User control. User
tionable odours, and less frequently, nausea, dizziness, control is considered as one of the important factors in
chest tightness, etc.” relation to the cognitive aspect, since when the indoor en-
vironment is individually controlled, the user satisfaction
Ventilation. is likely to increase.
Ventilation systems play a key role for air quality. That rat- Privacy: has a close relationship with office layout. The
ed buildings provided higher satisfaction levels with the privacy of office workers is better protected in an indi-
air quality than rated buildings. However, that occupants’ vidual space than in an open-plan office. Privacy is distin-
satisfaction with the air quality was relatively low during guished by physical and cognitive aspects; sound privacy,
winter due to dry air and low humidity. visual privacy and perceived privacy, experienced by un-
controlled social contact and interruptions.
Stated that buildings did not necessarily affect occupants’ Concentration: implies being able to focus on work. Stud-
satisfaction with the indoor environment. ies dealing with concentration issues mainly compare the
occupants experience between open-plan and cellular of-
In line with earlier research, occupants in more satisfied fice, and investigate distracting factors. Concentration is
with the air quality than occupants in particularly, modern disturbed by different elements: air quality, loud noise,
office buildings that have an automatic air handling unit and glare.
without open able windows could cause occupant dissat- Communication/collaboration: Improvement of the com-
isfaction. munication level is connected to productivity, and leads
to effective collaboration, because better information ex-
Noise control. change between colleagues and having more contact cre-
Noise has a high relevance in office building design. The ates more understanding of each other.
effect of noise can lead to distraction and interruptions in Psychological comfort factors: Psychological factors are
work processes of occupants. Noise in the office normally related to spatial needs such as social and spatial com-
comes from colleagues, and it often occurs in the open- fort. These factors contribute to better work results and
plan that office noise would cause dissatisfaction with the high level of satisfaction, although the absence of these
work environment, and that the most disturbing noise factors does not mean that people are not able to work.
source is a telephone left ringing. Social contact. Establishing social contact is another factor
Revealed a strong relationship between noise, sound pri- to satisfy user demands. The definition of social contact
vacy and occupant satisfaction Noise performance not here means interacting with other people during break or
only has an impact on privacy but also productivity. to have a chat occasionally. This parameter is highly linked
For instance, open-plan offices have advantages in terms to office layout and workplace operation, but is not neces-
of good interaction and communication with colleagues sarily required for user satisfaction, used the concept of
stated that enhanced interactions in open-plan offices social and spatial density defined.
do not compensate for distraction from noise. However,
they found sound privacy a relatively unimportant factor
in overall workspace satisfaction.
The British Standards Institution recommends a range of
background noise level that is acceptable for open-plan
offices of 45–50 dB and for cellular offices of 35–40 dB
(Field, 2008; Standard BS 8233, 2014). In European stand-

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Spatial comfort. ogy of Workspace: How people are affected by Environ-
Spatial comfort is another key factor that determines to ment of workspace. Architectural Science Review, 97-108.
which extent workers are satisfied and motivated in their
workplace. Spatial comfort here defines that employees [10] Ying Hua, Vivian Loftness, Robert Kraut, Kevin M Pow-
feel at home at their workplace. For example, they can ell(2010)” Workplace collaborative space layout typology
insure their privacy, or they can have a sense of belong- and occupant perception of collaboration environment”,
ing in their working group through the spatial design of Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 2010,
the office. Although this is a quite subjective factor, it is volume 37, pages 429^448.
worthwhile to mention for office design: [11] Petros Koutsolampros(2019)”Human behaviour in of-
several studies have revealed that office workers who feel fice environments Finding patterns of activity and spatial
comfortable with their work environment tend to show configuration in large workplace datasets”. Architecture
better work results and have relatively higher self-esteem and the Built Environment University College London.
The awareness of spatial comfort is also associated with [12] Teapoints and canteens belong to “other facilities”
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Факултет „Техника и технологии“ – Ямбол беше домакин на Втория обучителен форум Learning, Teaching and
Training activities по Европейски проект 2020-1-DE01-KA203-005657 Fashion DIET “Sustainable Fashion Curriculum
at Textile Universities in Europe – Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Teaching Module for Educators”.
Събитието се проведе онлайн в периода 6-8 април 2022 г.

Университетите партньори по проекта са: Педагогически университет – Фрайбург, Германия – координатор;
Университет на Ройтлинген, Германия; Технически университет „Георге Асаки“ – Яш, Румъния; и Тракийски
университет – Стара Загора, България чрез Факултет „Техника и технологии“ – Ямбол.

Форумът беше открит от доц. д-р инж. Златина Казлачева, координатор на проекта за Тракийски университет.

Участниците в обучителното събитие бяха поздравени от доц. д-р Добри Ярков, Ректор на Тракийски университет.
Доц. Ярков подчерта важността на изследователската дейност в областта на устойчивата мода в контекста на
идеята за превръщането на Тракийски университет в първия зелен университет в България.
Основната цел на проект Fashion DIET е подобряване на ключовите компетенции в областта на устойчивата
мода на преподаватели, обучители, учители, студенти и на специалисти в областта на текстила и модата със
следните три интелектуални продукти:
-Модул за допълнително образование;
-Портал за информация и електронно обучение;
-Учебни материали.

Целта и основните дейности за разработване на интелектуалните продукти бяха представени от проф. д-р Ане-
Мари Грундмайер, Педагогически университет – Фрайбург, координатор на проекта, проф. д-р инж. Мирела
Блага, координатор за Технически университет – Яш, и проф. д-р Йохен Щреле, координатор за Университета на

Трите дни на форума предложиха програма със запомнящи се интересни и полезни презентации в областта на
устойчивата мода от членове на консорциума по проект Fashion DIET от Фрайбург, Ройтлинген, Яш и Ямбол, и
от модни дизайнери от Финикс, Аризона и Яш. Проведен беше уъркшоп за работа с базите данни за текстил и
мода. Състояха се плодотворни дискусии.

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Ректор на Тракийски университет, Ямбол доц. Ваня Стойкова

Презентациите от Факултет “Техника и технологии“ – Ямбол бяха в областта на устойчивия моден дизайн и
устойчивото конструиране и моделиране на облекло с автори доц. д-р инж. Златина Казлачева, гл. ас. д-р инж.
Жулиета Илиева и гл. ас. д-р инж. Петя Динева.
Докторантите от Факултет „Техника и технологии“ – Ямбол по научна специалност „Художествено оформяне
и моделиране на текстилни и шивашки изделия, облекла и обувки“ представиха свои дизайнерски проекти и
участваха активно във всички дискусии.
Участниците във форума бяха поздравени от г-жа Цветелина Пенкова, най-младия български евродепутат.
Събитието бе закрито с поздрав и благодарност към участници и организатори от доц. Ваня Стойкова, Декан на
Факултет “Техника и технологии”.
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