A Collection of creative writing in Matayom 3-6 students
The English Program for Talented Students (EPTS)
Patumwan Demonstration School
Srinakharinwirot University
Mrs.Orapin Kanungsukkasem Director
Asst.Prof. Chaisak Leelajaruskul Deputy Director of Academic Affairs FOREWORD
Mrs.Somruedee YamkachornDeputy Director of Administration
Asst.Prof.Duangchai ChongthanakornEPTS Chairman May I begin by expressing my pride and joy in presenting to you on
EDITOR : Ms. Nuannoy Thovara behalf of Patumwan Demonstration School the sixth edition of Creative
EDITORIAL COMMITTEE : Sparks, A Collection of Creative Writing by The English Program for
Mr.Kyle Dreher Talented Students. This annual anthology has become a fixture of the
Mr.Robert Bradley Burch program and is dedicated to providing a forum for publishing student
Dr.Yevgeni Gorshenin talent. Amidst a whirlwind of encouragement or even pressure to
Mr.James L. Risedorph become proficient and even excellent in various skills and knowledge,
Ms.Kangsadan Chooim I am happy to have a share in shaping the moral character of today’s
ADMINISTRATION : Ms.Nutrada Boonnun youth, reminding always the importance of goodness. Being a good
All characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual person, living or child to your parents, a good student for the school, and a good citizen
dead is purely coincidental. for society, for your country - not only in word but also in deed - are
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part,
or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, of paramount importance. We are happy when we see our pupils
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission of the respond to all of our efforts with love and gratitude for the school.
publisher. The effort that has gone into the stories and illustrations published
FIRST PRINTING : January, 2015. in this volume are a sample of such love and gratitude - as well as
COVER DESIGNED BY: of course proficiency and, yes, excellence - and we are proud of you.
Ms.Nichakarn Vichitpunt May you continue to succeed in all that you do, and especially in your
Ms.Ornrawin Chawteerapluk efforts to be good moral citizens.
Ms. Natjanan Mongkolsupawan, Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit, Ms. Wongtawan Wongsanganan, To the team of teachers, administrators, editors, and students whose
Mr. Jiramet Kinchagawat, Ms. Pannita Paradeevisut, Ms.Weeraya Pruktanakul, hearts were poured into the success of this sixth edition of Creative
Mr. Sisilpa Srisukson, Ms. Tita Prakairungthong, Mr. Ashira Tanakijchumroon Sparks - Thank you.
Patumwan Demonstration School (2015: Bangkok) School Director
Creative Sparks the sixth issue. Editor Nuannoy Thovara and committees.Bangkok/Patumwan
Demonstration School, 2015.
1. English Learning 2. English Skill 3. English Communication
I. Nuannoy Thovara and committees, Editor. II. Patumwan Demonstration School.
III. Content Topic.
ISBN : 978-616-296-086-4
A Collection of creative writing in Matayom 3-6 students
The English Program for Talented Students (EPTS)
Patumwan Demonstration School
Srinakharinwirot University
Mrs.Orapin Kanungsukkasem Director
Asst.Prof. Chaisak Leelajaruskul Deputy Director of Academic Affairs FOREWORD
Mrs.Somruedee YamkachornDeputy Director of Administration
Asst.Prof.Duangchai ChongthanakornEPTS Chairman May I begin by expressing my pride and joy in presenting to you on
EDITOR : Ms. Nuannoy Thovara behalf of Patumwan Demonstration School the sixth edition of Creative
EDITORIAL COMMITTEE : Sparks, A Collection of Creative Writing by The English Program for
Mr.Kyle Dreher Talented Students. This annual anthology has become a fixture of the
Mr.Robert Bradley Burch program and is dedicated to providing a forum for publishing student
Dr.Yevgeni Gorshenin talent. Amidst a whirlwind of encouragement or even pressure to
Mr.James L. Risedorph become proficient and even excellent in various skills and knowledge,
Ms.Kangsadan Chooim I am happy to have a share in shaping the moral character of today’s
ADMINISTRATION : Ms.Nutrada Boonnun youth, reminding always the importance of goodness. Being a good
All characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual person, living or child to your parents, a good student for the school, and a good citizen
dead is purely coincidental. for society, for your country - not only in word but also in deed - are
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part,
or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, of paramount importance. We are happy when we see our pupils
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission of the respond to all of our efforts with love and gratitude for the school.
publisher. The effort that has gone into the stories and illustrations published
FIRST PRINTING : January, 2015. in this volume are a sample of such love and gratitude - as well as
COVER DESIGNED BY: of course proficiency and, yes, excellence - and we are proud of you.
Ms.Nichakarn Vichitpunt May you continue to succeed in all that you do, and especially in your
Ms.Ornrawin Chawteerapluk efforts to be good moral citizens.
Ms. Natjanan Mongkolsupawan, Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit, Ms. Wongtawan Wongsanganan, To the team of teachers, administrators, editors, and students whose
Mr. Jiramet Kinchagawat, Ms. Pannita Paradeevisut, Ms.Weeraya Pruktanakul, hearts were poured into the success of this sixth edition of Creative
Mr. Sisilpa Srisukson, Ms. Tita Prakairungthong, Mr. Ashira Tanakijchumroon Sparks - Thank you.
Patumwan Demonstration School (2015: Bangkok) School Director
Creative Sparks the sixth issue. Editor Nuannoy Thovara and committees.Bangkok/Patumwan
Demonstration School, 2015.
1. English Learning 2. English Skill 3. English Communication
I. Nuannoy Thovara and committees, Editor. II. Patumwan Demonstration School.
III. Content Topic.
ISBN : 978-616-296-086-4
“Creative Sparks” is a collection of EPTS students’ written work with Communication. With today’s world of notes, emails, texts and tweets,
illustrations. It has served as a platform for presenting our M3-M6 we are surrounded by various modes of communication. Most people
EPTS students’ creative skill in language learning and art design. spend a fair amount of time at work and school communicating via
the written word. Whether you are messaging a colleague, writing to
On behalf of the Chair of EPTS, I hereby express my sincere your manager, or publishing the school newsletter, your writing skills
appreciation and gratitude to the school and all staff who make efforts can boost or hinder your career easily, even if writing is only a part of
in producing this platform for our EPTS students. Without this platform, your job description. Basically, writing skills make a difference in how
our EPTS students would not have opportunities to share their you come across.
inspiring work and see it published.
People with good writing skills are generally seen as more credible.
Likewise, here is my cheerful encouragement to all EPTS students, If someone sends an email filled with typos and grammatical errors,
“Practice Makes Perfect”. I look forward to seeing your work as they are often seen as not being very careful or they may even come
stimulating exemplars for your up-and-coming juniors in more and across as less intelligent and capable. Better writers tend to get
more issues! higher grades and be perceived as more competent and more
intelligent than their less literary counterparts.
DUANGCHAI CHONGTHANAKORN As good writing skills remain an essential part of our lives and are
EPTS Chairman viewed as invaluable traits, I commend the students who have taken
the time to draft, edit and polish their writing for this edition of
Creative Sparks.
Keep writing for the sake of enjoyment, clarity of ideas and for
“Creative Sparks” is a collection of EPTS students’ written work with Communication. With today’s world of notes, emails, texts and tweets,
illustrations. It has served as a platform for presenting our M3-M6 we are surrounded by various modes of communication. Most people
EPTS students’ creative skill in language learning and art design. spend a fair amount of time at work and school communicating via
the written word. Whether you are messaging a colleague, writing to
On behalf of the Chair of EPTS, I hereby express my sincere your manager, or publishing the school newsletter, your writing skills
appreciation and gratitude to the school and all staff who make efforts can boost or hinder your career easily, even if writing is only a part of
in producing this platform for our EPTS students. Without this platform, your job description. Basically, writing skills make a difference in how
our EPTS students would not have opportunities to share their you come across.
inspiring work and see it published.
People with good writing skills are generally seen as more credible.
Likewise, here is my cheerful encouragement to all EPTS students, If someone sends an email filled with typos and grammatical errors,
“Practice Makes Perfect”. I look forward to seeing your work as they are often seen as not being very careful or they may even come
stimulating exemplars for your up-and-coming juniors in more and across as less intelligent and capable. Better writers tend to get
more issues! higher grades and be perceived as more competent and more
intelligent than their less literary counterparts.
DUANGCHAI CHONGTHANAKORN As good writing skills remain an essential part of our lives and are
EPTS Chairman viewed as invaluable traits, I commend the students who have taken
the time to draft, edit and polish their writing for this edition of
Creative Sparks.
Keep writing for the sake of enjoyment, clarity of ideas and for
A quill pen. Candlelight. A knife to sharpen the quill pen. “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be
more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”
A notebook computer. A luminous screen. An online tech tutorial to -Albert Einstein-
sharpen word processing skills.
Once upon a time M4 students of the Patumwan Demonstration School embarked on a
Today’s writers are in a different world, but like William S. they still fairytale journey. While girls dashed for “Prince Charming”, “witches”, and “romance”,
need to keep one thing sharp. Their mind - the seat of imagination. lads delved into “fights with dragons”, “pirates” or “philosophies of life”. A few stories
The stub of a feather or the outdated OS may wear out or time out, involved families. Clearly, not every person in this world has a complete and happy
but imagination is here to stay. To live now, when publishing these family, but reading the fairytales I realized the fact that no matter how bad things have
written works is so easy is a luxury. The exercise of linguistic become because of shortcomings and misunderstandings, at the end of the day, your
expression and focused imagination is indispensible. Timeless. family or friends will always be there and will always accept you no matter how bruised
Testifying to the worth of such practice are the works comprising this and broken you’ve been and no matter how long you’ve been away.
sixth edition of Creative Sparks. The creative prose - both fiction and
non - as well as the original illustrations sandwiched between these The students seem to have genuinely enjoyed creating fairy tales. Why? One kid has said
paper covers is a showcase of the Talent of the Students in the that magic stories help us to connect to our lives, dreams, and anxieties. True, children
English Program for T... S... . Here you have the cream on top from discover that bad things happen to everyone. No one is immune from challenges - we all
the bucket of the said talent. These salient pieces could have been need to build emotional muscles to hang on during tough times. Therefore, fairy tales are
scratched out with a quill pen. They could’ve been chiseled in stone the best way to stomach lessons. In return for making us look at our dark side, fairy tales
for that matter. Fortunately for us, the readers, they are in one easy give us a chance to see ourselves triumphant. They let us beat our foe; they let us see
to carry paperback volume to be nibbled or devoured. The stuff of this that people who have it tough can succeed, and they let us find our unicorn. Fairy tales
sandwich are morsels to be read. Light your candle, get your glass of give us a chance to say “I’m brave! I can handle this!” Not only do fairy tales let us do the
wine (or grape juice), tuck in your bib, and enjoy! Bon appétit! right thing, they let us be a hero. Which, in this world, can be the same thing.
To the students: Your sparks are bright! Your writing and illustrations I find that what our kids really need is a chance to dream. A chance to dare to believe that
are so special to me! Thank you for making teaching worth it! there’s our own happy ending somewhere out there waiting to happen; a chance to see
that we still have good in ourselves and that good things can still happen to us; a chance
AJARN KYLE DREHER to see ourselves as the hero in the fairy tale, and to realize that we are the hero of our
own life’s story. Fairy tales give us these opportunities, which is why they’re important.
Fairy tales remind us to dream - because everyone deserves their own happily ever after.
A quill pen. Candlelight. A knife to sharpen the quill pen. “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be
more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”
A notebook computer. A luminous screen. An online tech tutorial to -Albert Einstein-
sharpen word processing skills.
Once upon a time M4 students of the Patumwan Demonstration School embarked on a
Today’s writers are in a different world, but like William S. they still fairytale journey. While girls dashed for “Prince Charming”, “witches”, and “romance”,
need to keep one thing sharp. Their mind - the seat of imagination. lads delved into “fights with dragons”, “pirates” or “philosophies of life”. A few stories
The stub of a feather or the outdated OS may wear out or time out, involved families. Clearly, not every person in this world has a complete and happy
but imagination is here to stay. To live now, when publishing these family, but reading the fairytales I realized the fact that no matter how bad things have
written works is so easy is a luxury. The exercise of linguistic become because of shortcomings and misunderstandings, at the end of the day, your
expression and focused imagination is indispensible. Timeless. family or friends will always be there and will always accept you no matter how bruised
Testifying to the worth of such practice are the works comprising this and broken you’ve been and no matter how long you’ve been away.
sixth edition of Creative Sparks. The creative prose - both fiction and
non - as well as the original illustrations sandwiched between these The students seem to have genuinely enjoyed creating fairy tales. Why? One kid has said
paper covers is a showcase of the Talent of the Students in the that magic stories help us to connect to our lives, dreams, and anxieties. True, children
English Program for T... S... . Here you have the cream on top from discover that bad things happen to everyone. No one is immune from challenges - we all
the bucket of the said talent. These salient pieces could have been need to build emotional muscles to hang on during tough times. Therefore, fairy tales are
scratched out with a quill pen. They could’ve been chiseled in stone the best way to stomach lessons. In return for making us look at our dark side, fairy tales
for that matter. Fortunately for us, the readers, they are in one easy give us a chance to see ourselves triumphant. They let us beat our foe; they let us see
to carry paperback volume to be nibbled or devoured. The stuff of this that people who have it tough can succeed, and they let us find our unicorn. Fairy tales
sandwich are morsels to be read. Light your candle, get your glass of give us a chance to say “I’m brave! I can handle this!” Not only do fairy tales let us do the
wine (or grape juice), tuck in your bib, and enjoy! Bon appétit! right thing, they let us be a hero. Which, in this world, can be the same thing.
To the students: Your sparks are bright! Your writing and illustrations I find that what our kids really need is a chance to dream. A chance to dare to believe that
are so special to me! Thank you for making teaching worth it! there’s our own happy ending somewhere out there waiting to happen; a chance to see
that we still have good in ourselves and that good things can still happen to us; a chance
AJARN KYLE DREHER to see ourselves as the hero in the fairy tale, and to realize that we are the hero of our
own life’s story. Fairy tales give us these opportunities, which is why they’re important.
Fairy tales remind us to dream - because everyone deserves their own happily ever after.
Reading is one way to form your thoughts, your ideas, your Or “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been
mind, your intellect ....Every book, every story has its own written yet, then you must write it” – Toni Morrison
character and different meaning and they are a variety of
sources of knowledge as well, which you always get something The first step is the beginning of a long journey. A simple first
and many ideas from reading. word can be the beginning of a long story. Creative Sparks will
The sixth issue of Creative Sparks has been born by all of the continue to be the platform for all students. I encourage all
students, who created and weaved the words and synchronized students come to join and be a part of Creative Sparks.
them with their ideas and their imagination to be the 24 short
stories of the sixth issue of Creative Sparks. A drop of water can be collected and get together to be
the main stream, likewise many simple words from your
“You cannot change the world, but the world will change if you handwriting can become the great stories.
change your attitude……….” (A Drop of The Useless)
“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until
“Everybody wants happiness. Nobody wants pain, but you can’t the faucet is turned on”- Louis L’Amour
have a rainbow without a little rain…”(After the Rain)
These are some parts from some of the 24 stories, which I got EDITOR
from them. If you spend time to read all of the stories, you will
find that you can get something more than you expected……
and it’s worth the time.
Reading is one way to form your thoughts, your ideas, your Or “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been
mind, your intellect ....Every book, every story has its own written yet, then you must write it” – Toni Morrison
character and different meaning and they are a variety of
sources of knowledge as well, which you always get something The first step is the beginning of a long journey. A simple first
and many ideas from reading. word can be the beginning of a long story. Creative Sparks will
The sixth issue of Creative Sparks has been born by all of the continue to be the platform for all students. I encourage all
students, who created and weaved the words and synchronized students come to join and be a part of Creative Sparks.
them with their ideas and their imagination to be the 24 short
stories of the sixth issue of Creative Sparks. A drop of water can be collected and get together to be
the main stream, likewise many simple words from your
“You cannot change the world, but the world will change if you handwriting can become the great stories.
change your attitude……….” (A Drop of The Useless)
“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until
“Everybody wants happiness. Nobody wants pain, but you can’t the faucet is turned on”- Louis L’Amour
have a rainbow without a little rain…”(After the Rain)
These are some parts from some of the 24 stories, which I got EDITOR
from them. If you spend time to read all of the stories, you will
find that you can get something more than you expected……
and it’s worth the time.
016 A Drop Of The Useless 038 King’s Cube 058 The Girl And The Candle 091 The Unbelievable Event
: Mr. Sek Sangratkanjanasin : Mr. Arnakorn Baimongkol : Ms.Supanan Supavekin : Ms. Goatchasorn Atcharanukul
: Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit : Ms. Natjanan Mongkolsupawan : Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit
Mr. Sisilpa Srisukson 100 Three Times Unlucky
020 A Journey Back Home 040 My Journey In An Elevator : Ms. Natnicha Manaboriboon
: Ms. Verin Budsabun : Ms. Peenaprapa Tangpradubkiat 066 The Good Old Days : Ms. Tita Prakairungthong
: Ms. Wongtawan Wongsanganan : Mr. Pumipat Thaweewitayarut
022 After The Rain Mr. Warit Lojanawanich 104 Time Flies (It Really Does)
: Ms. Natchira Chen 042 Peacock; The Scariest Mr. Chanut Mongkolthunmakul : Ms.Supitsara Pattarasinmano
: Mr. Sisilpa Srisukson Creature : Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit Ms.Natcha Aroonpairodjanakul
: Ms. Napasorn Saengthongsrikamol Ms.Sirada Tritruengtassana
026 Call It Magic 070 The Magical Mirror And : Mr. Natjanan Mongkolsupawan
: Ms. Virakarn Samuttrakarin 044 Silk Road The Three Sisters
: Ms. Natjanan Mongkolsupawan : Ms.Yanisa Pongprasit : Ms. Supitha Narawong 110 To Open The Door
Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit : Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit : Ms. Natjanan Mongkolsupawan : Mr. Passawee Chevasath
: Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit
030 Danger! Beware Of Glass 052 The Dragon’s Sacrifice 076 The Purple Shining Pearl
: Ms.Ketsamaporn Vijaithum : Ms.Kamolwan Bawonvaraporn : Ms. Pitchaporn Amornpimol 120 Traveler
: Mr. Natjanan Mongkolsupawan : Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit : Ms. Natjanan Mongkolsupawan : Mr. Ashira Tanakijchumroon
: Mr. Ashira Tanakijchumroon
032 Dangerous Hair Band 056 The Ducks Of Wrath 082 The Regular Ordinary
: Ms. Weeraya Pruktanaku : Mr. Trin Kanchanavasita Adventure 2 (Fairy Tale Edition)
: Ms. Weeraya Pruktanakul : Mr. Jiramet Kinchagawat : Mr. Wallis Mechuchep
Ms. Pannita Paradeevisut : Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit
034 Dear Diary
: Mr. Wachrit Chanhom 088 The Trust Game
Mr. Prompruit Snitwongse : Mr. Ratchakit Treewitsawawate
: Ms. Natjanan Mongkolsupawan
016 A Drop Of The Useless 038 King’s Cube 058 The Girl And The Candle 091 The Unbelievable Event
: Mr. Sek Sangratkanjanasin : Mr. Arnakorn Baimongkol : Ms.Supanan Supavekin : Ms. Goatchasorn Atcharanukul
: Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit : Ms. Natjanan Mongkolsupawan : Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit
Mr. Sisilpa Srisukson 100 Three Times Unlucky
020 A Journey Back Home 040 My Journey In An Elevator : Ms. Natnicha Manaboriboon
: Ms. Verin Budsabun : Ms. Peenaprapa Tangpradubkiat 066 The Good Old Days : Ms. Tita Prakairungthong
: Ms. Wongtawan Wongsanganan : Mr. Pumipat Thaweewitayarut
022 After The Rain Mr. Warit Lojanawanich 104 Time Flies (It Really Does)
: Ms. Natchira Chen 042 Peacock; The Scariest Mr. Chanut Mongkolthunmakul : Ms.Supitsara Pattarasinmano
: Mr. Sisilpa Srisukson Creature : Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit Ms.Natcha Aroonpairodjanakul
: Ms. Napasorn Saengthongsrikamol Ms.Sirada Tritruengtassana
026 Call It Magic 070 The Magical Mirror And : Mr. Natjanan Mongkolsupawan
: Ms. Virakarn Samuttrakarin 044 Silk Road The Three Sisters
: Ms. Natjanan Mongkolsupawan : Ms.Yanisa Pongprasit : Ms. Supitha Narawong 110 To Open The Door
Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit : Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit : Ms. Natjanan Mongkolsupawan : Mr. Passawee Chevasath
: Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit
030 Danger! Beware Of Glass 052 The Dragon’s Sacrifice 076 The Purple Shining Pearl
: Ms.Ketsamaporn Vijaithum : Ms.Kamolwan Bawonvaraporn : Ms. Pitchaporn Amornpimol 120 Traveler
: Mr. Natjanan Mongkolsupawan : Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit : Ms. Natjanan Mongkolsupawan : Mr. Ashira Tanakijchumroon
: Mr. Ashira Tanakijchumroon
032 Dangerous Hair Band 056 The Ducks Of Wrath 082 The Regular Ordinary
: Ms. Weeraya Pruktanaku : Mr. Trin Kanchanavasita Adventure 2 (Fairy Tale Edition)
: Ms. Weeraya Pruktanakul : Mr. Jiramet Kinchagawat : Mr. Wallis Mechuchep
Ms. Pannita Paradeevisut : Mr. Nattan Tawornsatit
034 Dear Diary
: Mr. Wachrit Chanhom 088 The Trust Game
Mr. Prompruit Snitwongse : Mr. Ratchakit Treewitsawawate
: Ms. Natjanan Mongkolsupawan
016 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 017
unwanted land below, but gravity pulls drop of water, who has never seen this
him down. The bond of love is weaker before. “I want to travel in the canal
than the pull of gravity. forever! So I can see new things I have
The drop of water locks his mind, never seen before. I wish my mother
closes his eyes until he doesn’t feel the were here so she could teach me what
A DROP OF environment around him. He misses they were!” the drop of water shouts
seeing the combination of the beautiful
out carelessly underwater. He spends
and the cruel of the world for seconds.
all of his energy on swiftly swimming
THE USELESS He comes to when he touches a strange with new friends and diving up and
down in the canal until he falls asleep.
surface and finds that he is moving
whirly among other drops of water that He wakes up later when he hears a
look very similar to each other. He strange sound above his head. It is
: SEK SANGRATKANJANASIN : NATTAN TAWORNSATIT compounds his mind and memory and louder than a lion’s roar or anything he
asks, “Is this a dream? Where am I?” has heard before. Its yellow light is
What a drop of water wants to say: things and like all of us I to the others drops around him. But no brighter and more frightful than what his
“Mum, can we stay like this have my job and duty to do, one replies to him. mother called “firework”. And he finds
forever?” a drop of water asks his just like me and you my Everyone is moving fast and seems himself between the waves above and
mother quizzically. sweetheart.” His mother to be happy for a reason that he doesn’t the colorful coral below, and he realizes
“Oh! My little sweetheart. I never explains to her son in an know. “You don’t know what is a canal? that he isn’t in the canal anymore.
want you to leave me, but it seems to easily understandable way. Stop trying to be an innocent!” Someone “Is there anyone trying to kill me?
be impossible.” a big and shady tree The drop of water is shouts from an unidentified direction. Please stop roaring up above, it’s noisy!
teaches her son. never prepared for the time The drop of water doesn’t know And your light too. It’s painful to my
“Has everyone been born to be he must leave his mother. After today, how to say thank-you back, in which eyes!” After he stops, suddenly
separate from each other? Why is the he is prepared to stay with his mum direction so he tries to push through the something brings him up to the sky
world so cruel to us?” He complains who fills with sadness and the feeling crowds to the surface above. He sees higher and higher, spinning around
about the truth of the world. of missing her son, so he doesn’t want the sunshine through the fresh air, faster than a merry-go-round. He sees
His mother pities the purity of her to move or do anything. He doesn’t want hears the sound of birds more than he things down below clearly that he
son, “No, no, don’t think like that, my to move. He doesn’t want to drop from heard when he stayed with his mother. is heading to the land full of human
sweetheart. I have been standing here a pleasantly warm and cherished leaf Strange looking living things under the architectures and few trees.
for decades. I have seen many living of his mother to an unknown and canal are colorful and attractive to the Few minutes later he hears people
016 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 017
unwanted land below, but gravity pulls drop of water, who has never seen this
him down. The bond of love is weaker before. “I want to travel in the canal
than the pull of gravity. forever! So I can see new things I have
The drop of water locks his mind, never seen before. I wish my mother
closes his eyes until he doesn’t feel the were here so she could teach me what
A DROP OF environment around him. He misses they were!” the drop of water shouts
seeing the combination of the beautiful
out carelessly underwater. He spends
and the cruel of the world for seconds.
all of his energy on swiftly swimming
THE USELESS He comes to when he touches a strange with new friends and diving up and
down in the canal until he falls asleep.
surface and finds that he is moving
whirly among other drops of water that He wakes up later when he hears a
look very similar to each other. He strange sound above his head. It is
: SEK SANGRATKANJANASIN : NATTAN TAWORNSATIT compounds his mind and memory and louder than a lion’s roar or anything he
asks, “Is this a dream? Where am I?” has heard before. Its yellow light is
What a drop of water wants to say: things and like all of us I to the others drops around him. But no brighter and more frightful than what his
“Mum, can we stay like this have my job and duty to do, one replies to him. mother called “firework”. And he finds
forever?” a drop of water asks his just like me and you my Everyone is moving fast and seems himself between the waves above and
mother quizzically. sweetheart.” His mother to be happy for a reason that he doesn’t the colorful coral below, and he realizes
“Oh! My little sweetheart. I never explains to her son in an know. “You don’t know what is a canal? that he isn’t in the canal anymore.
want you to leave me, but it seems to easily understandable way. Stop trying to be an innocent!” Someone “Is there anyone trying to kill me?
be impossible.” a big and shady tree The drop of water is shouts from an unidentified direction. Please stop roaring up above, it’s noisy!
teaches her son. never prepared for the time The drop of water doesn’t know And your light too. It’s painful to my
“Has everyone been born to be he must leave his mother. After today, how to say thank-you back, in which eyes!” After he stops, suddenly
separate from each other? Why is the he is prepared to stay with his mum direction so he tries to push through the something brings him up to the sky
world so cruel to us?” He complains who fills with sadness and the feeling crowds to the surface above. He sees higher and higher, spinning around
about the truth of the world. of missing her son, so he doesn’t want the sunshine through the fresh air, faster than a merry-go-round. He sees
His mother pities the purity of her to move or do anything. He doesn’t want hears the sound of birds more than he things down below clearly that he
son, “No, no, don’t think like that, my to move. He doesn’t want to drop from heard when he stayed with his mother. is heading to the land full of human
sweetheart. I have been standing here a pleasantly warm and cherished leaf Strange looking living things under the architectures and few trees.
for decades. I have seen many living of his mother to an unknown and canal are colorful and attractive to the Few minutes later he hears people
018 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 019
screaming loudly, calling each other by separate me from my mother, you hurt the environment always sees you as an seedlings that become shady trees, and
name and running fast to a safe place. innocent people, you are controlling the important thing,” says full of morals he becomes the most beautiful
A storm is slowly moving closer and game, may I leave the game? I don’t cactus. snowflake in the world! During his
closer. As it gets closer, the buildings want to live anymore.” The tiny drop of “I’m an ugly trouble maker! I precious time, he never forgets his
get destroyed and the debris is water speaks in a shaking voice. shouldn’t be born! I am afraid to say I mother.
attracted to the centre of the storm. The “How can you say that? Take back want to die because even if I die, As he grows up, one day he returns
storm is getting bigger and bigger so your words. I can slap you on your face nothing is going to change. I’m just a to the warm hug of his mother. He tells
that no one can wander anymore. for consciousness now!” An unwanted tiny drop of water that doesn’t bring any her what he has seen, where he has
“I wish my mother were here so she sound speaks amidst the emptiness. benefits but causes only trouble and been, and who he has met. His mother
could make me safe and protect me. The drop of water opens his eyes problems,” the drop of water says listens carefully and is proud of him.
She is the strongest and the bravest again to look for the source of the voice. sadly. From a cowardly and tiny drop of water
one. I don’t want people to get hurt or And he finds himself in the loneliness “No, No! If you see the world from he becomes useful and precious for
to destroy anyone anymore. But I cannot of a dry and sunny environment. “I don’t many sides, you will realize how many others.
control myself. I’m just a tiny and know where I am. Why do the plants people need you. You help people to be “My sweetheart, you are just like a
useless drop of water. I don’t think I can look so strange and withered and why alive. You help plants to keep growing, human. You are one of the thousands of
stop this.” The tiny drop of water speaks do they seem to be nearly dead, unlike and you keep the environment being millions of people around the world.
while his eyes still focus on people where I come from? In contrast to my the environment. You are not ugly at all. Everyone has their own duty. All of you
asking for help and suffering from the mother, she is a big and shady tree I The world is wider than you know. You have to do your best. You cannot change
things that he is taking part in. The tiny have ever seen, the strongest and the can also be a snowflake! As beautiful the world, but the world will change if
drop of water cries and cries as the bravest one,” the tiny drop of water says as you want!” the cactus says. you change your attitude. To spend
storm starts, flooding and wiping out proudly. “As beautiful as I want?!?” He gets another day doing nothing is a day
the happiness of the city, until it “It’s me, my dear, I’m standing interested in what the cactus says. wasted. I will always be here if you need
weakens down and stops. here!” someone says behind the drop. “Yes! For sure! But for now you help. Always remind yourself that you
“All of those depressing pictures “Oh! You are a cactus! Did you hear have to continue your adventure! An are not walking alone, my sweetheart,”
are still in my mind. The sounds of what I said before?” he asks endless summer is coming! Take care says his mum.
people screaming are echoing in my quizzically. of yourself and do your best in every The tiny drop of water is beaming
ears. My brain orders my eyes to close “Yes! All of it! You shouldn’t think way!” The cactus cheers him up. with happiness.
and not to open again… I don’t want to like that! It’s not your fault. Everyone The tiny drop of water continues his
perceive anything on earth anymore. It has their own duty and job. I have mine; journey, following the water cycle. He
is full of cruelty that God has made to you have yours. Even if you see yourself does his duty as best as he can. He
tease us. God, oh my beloved God, you as a useless drop of water, everyone in helps people who lack water. He grows
018 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 019
screaming loudly, calling each other by separate me from my mother, you hurt the environment always sees you as an seedlings that become shady trees, and
name and running fast to a safe place. innocent people, you are controlling the important thing,” says full of morals he becomes the most beautiful
A storm is slowly moving closer and game, may I leave the game? I don’t cactus. snowflake in the world! During his
closer. As it gets closer, the buildings want to live anymore.” The tiny drop of “I’m an ugly trouble maker! I precious time, he never forgets his
get destroyed and the debris is water speaks in a shaking voice. shouldn’t be born! I am afraid to say I mother.
attracted to the centre of the storm. The “How can you say that? Take back want to die because even if I die, As he grows up, one day he returns
storm is getting bigger and bigger so your words. I can slap you on your face nothing is going to change. I’m just a to the warm hug of his mother. He tells
that no one can wander anymore. for consciousness now!” An unwanted tiny drop of water that doesn’t bring any her what he has seen, where he has
“I wish my mother were here so she sound speaks amidst the emptiness. benefits but causes only trouble and been, and who he has met. His mother
could make me safe and protect me. The drop of water opens his eyes problems,” the drop of water says listens carefully and is proud of him.
She is the strongest and the bravest again to look for the source of the voice. sadly. From a cowardly and tiny drop of water
one. I don’t want people to get hurt or And he finds himself in the loneliness “No, No! If you see the world from he becomes useful and precious for
to destroy anyone anymore. But I cannot of a dry and sunny environment. “I don’t many sides, you will realize how many others.
control myself. I’m just a tiny and know where I am. Why do the plants people need you. You help people to be “My sweetheart, you are just like a
useless drop of water. I don’t think I can look so strange and withered and why alive. You help plants to keep growing, human. You are one of the thousands of
stop this.” The tiny drop of water speaks do they seem to be nearly dead, unlike and you keep the environment being millions of people around the world.
while his eyes still focus on people where I come from? In contrast to my the environment. You are not ugly at all. Everyone has their own duty. All of you
asking for help and suffering from the mother, she is a big and shady tree I The world is wider than you know. You have to do your best. You cannot change
things that he is taking part in. The tiny have ever seen, the strongest and the can also be a snowflake! As beautiful the world, but the world will change if
drop of water cries and cries as the bravest one,” the tiny drop of water says as you want!” the cactus says. you change your attitude. To spend
storm starts, flooding and wiping out proudly. “As beautiful as I want?!?” He gets another day doing nothing is a day
the happiness of the city, until it “It’s me, my dear, I’m standing interested in what the cactus says. wasted. I will always be here if you need
weakens down and stops. here!” someone says behind the drop. “Yes! For sure! But for now you help. Always remind yourself that you
“All of those depressing pictures “Oh! You are a cactus! Did you hear have to continue your adventure! An are not walking alone, my sweetheart,”
are still in my mind. The sounds of what I said before?” he asks endless summer is coming! Take care says his mum.
people screaming are echoing in my quizzically. of yourself and do your best in every The tiny drop of water is beaming
ears. My brain orders my eyes to close “Yes! All of it! You shouldn’t think way!” The cactus cheers him up. with happiness.
and not to open again… I don’t want to like that! It’s not your fault. Everyone The tiny drop of water continues his
perceive anything on earth anymore. It has their own duty and job. I have mine; journey, following the water cycle. He
is full of cruelty that God has made to you have yours. Even if you see yourself does his duty as best as he can. He
tease us. God, oh my beloved God, you as a useless drop of water, everyone in helps people who lack water. He grows
020 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 021
When you hear the word “journey”, you Harry took us to the bus stop and we called Llangollen which was at the end scary having no clue where I was, but
probably think of a long and dangerous went to the college. We were really of the bus route. It was a beautiful town I felt great to see many beautiful places.
trip, don’t you? However, for me, a excited and didn’t realize that an with bridges, trains and houses that It also taught me not to be afraid to ask
journey can be short and it might not unexpected thing was going to happen. made the town look so classic. We people for directions and remember the
be that dangerous. A small journey When Pare and I finished studying, decided to talk to the bus driver and ask surroundings of the place where I lived.
could give you a great experience that we began our way back home. We got him to take us back to Trevor. After that day, I could remember where
you’ve never expected. My journey back on a bus and stayed on it for about half Finally, we arrived in Trevor safely. I had to get off the bus and I’ve never
home last summer, too, was one of my an hour. Then, we arrived in Trevor and The driver dropped us at the exact same got lost in Wales again.
great experiences. got off there. However, we looked spot where we had got off at first. We
During that summer, I went on a around ourselves thinking that the asked an old man at the bus stop how
summer course in Wales for five weeks. surroundings weren’t familiar, so we to get to Charles Avenue and followed
I got a roommate named Pare and we assumed that it was the wrong place. the directions he told us. After a few
had to stay together with a host family. Pare and I got on the bus again and minutes, Pare and I reached the house.
Our first host family was only available went further away. We passed many We told our story to Louise and Harry
for the first week, so we had to move houses but later, they were all gone. and they both laughed. Then, they
to a new house. My new host family Large fields with no people on the side cooked a great meal for us. I felt happy
consisted of Louise, Harry, and their of the road came to our sights instead. being back home but I was also very
daughters, Emily-Jane and Olivia. We At that time, I was very sure that we tired from the long ride too. Therefore,
lived in Trevor, a town which was quite had got lost. It was getting late and we I went to bed early for a good sleep.
far from our college, so we had to take were quite nervous. Pare and I started This experience was great and
a bus there. On the very first morning, to feel better when we arrived at a town scary at the same time. It was a little
020 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 021
When you hear the word “journey”, you Harry took us to the bus stop and we called Llangollen which was at the end scary having no clue where I was, but
probably think of a long and dangerous went to the college. We were really of the bus route. It was a beautiful town I felt great to see many beautiful places.
trip, don’t you? However, for me, a excited and didn’t realize that an with bridges, trains and houses that It also taught me not to be afraid to ask
journey can be short and it might not unexpected thing was going to happen. made the town look so classic. We people for directions and remember the
be that dangerous. A small journey When Pare and I finished studying, decided to talk to the bus driver and ask surroundings of the place where I lived.
could give you a great experience that we began our way back home. We got him to take us back to Trevor. After that day, I could remember where
you’ve never expected. My journey back on a bus and stayed on it for about half Finally, we arrived in Trevor safely. I had to get off the bus and I’ve never
home last summer, too, was one of my an hour. Then, we arrived in Trevor and The driver dropped us at the exact same got lost in Wales again.
great experiences. got off there. However, we looked spot where we had got off at first. We
During that summer, I went on a around ourselves thinking that the asked an old man at the bus stop how
summer course in Wales for five weeks. surroundings weren’t familiar, so we to get to Charles Avenue and followed
I got a roommate named Pare and we assumed that it was the wrong place. the directions he told us. After a few
had to stay together with a host family. Pare and I got on the bus again and minutes, Pare and I reached the house.
Our first host family was only available went further away. We passed many We told our story to Louise and Harry
for the first week, so we had to move houses but later, they were all gone. and they both laughed. Then, they
to a new house. My new host family Large fields with no people on the side cooked a great meal for us. I felt happy
consisted of Louise, Harry, and their of the road came to our sights instead. being back home but I was also very
daughters, Emily-Jane and Olivia. We At that time, I was very sure that we tired from the long ride too. Therefore,
lived in Trevor, a town which was quite had got lost. It was getting late and we I went to bed early for a good sleep.
far from our college, so we had to take were quite nervous. Pare and I started This experience was great and
a bus there. On the very first morning, to feel better when we arrived at a town scary at the same time. It was a little
022 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 023
It’s a rainy day.
Most people are running to find somewhere to hide from the rain...
But not me.
I’m walking to the train station...
My uniform is wet...
Waiting for the train.
When I go up the train
Everyone is watching me because my student uniform is all wet
Some girls are gossiping about me.
But I don’t care.
When I have a sit, I start to take out my cookies “Ah...sorry... wait, who are you?!” you’re the only one in this train.”
And eat them. In front of me, there was a mystery “What the --”
I eat and eat and eat wildly. station master with a weird mask on “Anyway, this train hasn’t had a
And then his face. passenger for a long time. If you don’t
I cry... It’s the symbol of the rain, I guess... ? mind, we can talk before we have arrive
Suddenly, the lightning appears. He answered me, at the destination. And I’m sure that the
And “Eh, I think you know that I’m the rain will stop when we have arrived
Everyone disappears. train moderator.” there… What topic are we going to talk
“Where is everybody????” “The train moderator...? Then about? How about the rain on your
“Where have they... gone... ?” where are the other people?” face?”
“Madam, I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t eat or drink inside the train.” “I don’t know. But now I see that “......” I looked outside the window.
022 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 023
It’s a rainy day.
Most people are running to find somewhere to hide from the rain...
But not me.
I’m walking to the train station...
My uniform is wet...
Waiting for the train.
When I go up the train
Everyone is watching me because my student uniform is all wet
Some girls are gossiping about me.
But I don’t care.
When I have a sit, I start to take out my cookies “Ah...sorry... wait, who are you?!” you’re the only one in this train.”
And eat them. In front of me, there was a mystery “What the --”
I eat and eat and eat wildly. station master with a weird mask on “Anyway, this train hasn’t had a
And then his face. passenger for a long time. If you don’t
I cry... It’s the symbol of the rain, I guess... ? mind, we can talk before we have arrive
Suddenly, the lightning appears. He answered me, at the destination. And I’m sure that the
And “Eh, I think you know that I’m the rain will stop when we have arrived
Everyone disappears. train moderator.” there… What topic are we going to talk
“Where is everybody????” “The train moderator...? Then about? How about the rain on your
“Where have they... gone... ?” where are the other people?” face?”
“Madam, I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t eat or drink inside the train.” “I don’t know. But now I see that “......” I looked outside the window.
024 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 025
It was still raining. “......” knows she is not alone. Now…She is The rain had stopped. The sky was
“And the rain around your mouth…” The train moderator didn’t say right next to you.” so clear turning to a rainbow. The
“......?!” I quickly wiped my mouth. anything. …What?? sunset had faded and blended from pink
“Haha. Just kidding. Well, I’m not “Why don’t you say something?” Suddenly I saw her sitting beside and peach to mango in the smoothie of
going to force you to speak, so if you “Because I’m listening to you.” me the sky.
don’t want to, you know, I’m here to “No... I mean... something like She said thank you to me... and she I smiled to myself.
help you.” ‘That’s so sad’ or ‘What a sad story’... disappeared.
“Well,” I hesitated if I should tell him why didn’t you say these words?” I didn’t feel sorry for her anymore. “Everybody wants happiness.
or not. “So what do you expect me to do?” “Thank you Mr. Train Moderator for Nobody wants pain, but you can’t have
“...Last week, my friend died... “I think I don’t want to hear those listening to me and letting me meet with a rainbow without a little rain.”
Three days before she died, she had words right now... ” my friend.”
asked me to walk home with her, but I “Well, I know what you desire now. I gave him a big smile.
had ignored her because no one in our You just want me to listen to your story “Sorry, Madam. This is the last
class liked her. I had no idea why no quietly. You didn’t want me to pity or station now.”
one liked her... I wished to be friends encourage you. You just wanted to I was woken up by some noise.
with her but I didn’t want to be hated speak it out, didn’t you?” “Eh…..”
by everyone so I just ignored her as if “You can give me what I want, People were coming back.
she were invisible. And then she died right?” “Where are we?”
in a car accident... I was shocked. If I “Yes, if you are on this train, there’s “This is the last station now... It’s a
hadn’t ignored her that day... Maybe we always a light at the end of the tunnel.” mess here. Next time I hope you
would have been friends and shared a He pulled up his hand and covered wouldn’t eat or drink on the train
good memory. She would have had a his mask. When he opened his hand, again.”
friend before she died... ” the symbol of his mask changed into “Ah, Sorry.”
The train moderator moved his the symbol of the sun. “Now, you should get off the train.”
hand and put it on my shoulder gently. “Oh and I forgot to tell you that she “O... Okay.”
“It... makes me feel... bad. She is not lonely or sad anymore. She would Is that a dream... ? But it feels real
must be very lonely. I do care about her like to thank you for being her one and to me.
and want to be her friend.” only friend. She is so happy that she “Eh... ”
024 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 025
It was still raining. “......” knows she is not alone. Now…She is The rain had stopped. The sky was
“And the rain around your mouth…” The train moderator didn’t say right next to you.” so clear turning to a rainbow. The
“......?!” I quickly wiped my mouth. anything. …What?? sunset had faded and blended from pink
“Haha. Just kidding. Well, I’m not “Why don’t you say something?” Suddenly I saw her sitting beside and peach to mango in the smoothie of
going to force you to speak, so if you “Because I’m listening to you.” me the sky.
don’t want to, you know, I’m here to “No... I mean... something like She said thank you to me... and she I smiled to myself.
help you.” ‘That’s so sad’ or ‘What a sad story’... disappeared.
“Well,” I hesitated if I should tell him why didn’t you say these words?” I didn’t feel sorry for her anymore. “Everybody wants happiness.
or not. “So what do you expect me to do?” “Thank you Mr. Train Moderator for Nobody wants pain, but you can’t have
“...Last week, my friend died... “I think I don’t want to hear those listening to me and letting me meet with a rainbow without a little rain.”
Three days before she died, she had words right now... ” my friend.”
asked me to walk home with her, but I “Well, I know what you desire now. I gave him a big smile.
had ignored her because no one in our You just want me to listen to your story “Sorry, Madam. This is the last
class liked her. I had no idea why no quietly. You didn’t want me to pity or station now.”
one liked her... I wished to be friends encourage you. You just wanted to I was woken up by some noise.
with her but I didn’t want to be hated speak it out, didn’t you?” “Eh…..”
by everyone so I just ignored her as if “You can give me what I want, People were coming back.
she were invisible. And then she died right?” “Where are we?”
in a car accident... I was shocked. If I “Yes, if you are on this train, there’s “This is the last station now... It’s a
hadn’t ignored her that day... Maybe we always a light at the end of the tunnel.” mess here. Next time I hope you
would have been friends and shared a He pulled up his hand and covered wouldn’t eat or drink on the train
good memory. She would have had a his mask. When he opened his hand, again.”
friend before she died... ” the symbol of his mask changed into “Ah, Sorry.”
The train moderator moved his the symbol of the sun. “Now, you should get off the train.”
hand and put it on my shoulder gently. “Oh and I forgot to tell you that she “O... Okay.”
“It... makes me feel... bad. She is not lonely or sad anymore. She would Is that a dream... ? But it feels real
must be very lonely. I do care about her like to thank you for being her one and to me.
and want to be her friend.” only friend. She is so happy that she “Eh... ”
026 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 027
Once upon a time, there was a prince a bit of confusion. She suddenly
who was beloved by his people. His remembered that she had a class at
name was Prince Charming. He was a quarter past 9. Snow Healy was a girl
very handsome prince and he was good who was born in a small town called
at fencing. However, he was hated by Storybrooke. Snow was raised on a
an evil witch. The witch was once in farm. She was always surrounded by
love with the prince when they were the animals. She was a kind person.
young, but the prince denied her love. One day, her dream came true when
Since then, the witch had hated Prince she had received the letter from a
Charming. She wanted to take revenge fashion university. It was the university
so she decided to return to him. She of her dream. However, she was going
waited until Prince Charming’s birthday. to be late for her first class at the
She knew that there would be a huge university now. had no family or friends to come visiting “What happened?” “Why are there lots
celebration at the palace. When the Meanwhile, the nurse at Grey him at all. All the nurses and the doctors of buildings and what is that place
birthday came, the witch appeared. She Anatomy Memorial Hospital came to called him “sleeping prince”. called McDonalds?” While he was
put a curse on Prince Charming. She check up a patient who stayed in room The nurse was quite shocked that walking, he started to remember things.
made him sleep for two hundred years number 330. However, she found out he had disappeared since he had It gave him a headache and suddenly
and made him wake up again on 26 of that the patient had disappeared. This never woken up at all. he passed out.
September in 2014 at New York City. patient had had an accident. He had He walked along the street. He was Snow ran out very fast from her
9 AM on Tuesday morning, the been staying in the hospital for several very confused with all the things that apartment. She ran through a shortcut
alarm was ringing. Snow woke up with months and he had never woken up. He were around him. He was thinking to get to the university faster. On the
026 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 027
Once upon a time, there was a prince a bit of confusion. She suddenly
who was beloved by his people. His remembered that she had a class at
name was Prince Charming. He was a quarter past 9. Snow Healy was a girl
very handsome prince and he was good who was born in a small town called
at fencing. However, he was hated by Storybrooke. Snow was raised on a
an evil witch. The witch was once in farm. She was always surrounded by
love with the prince when they were the animals. She was a kind person.
young, but the prince denied her love. One day, her dream came true when
Since then, the witch had hated Prince she had received the letter from a
Charming. She wanted to take revenge fashion university. It was the university
so she decided to return to him. She of her dream. However, she was going
waited until Prince Charming’s birthday. to be late for her first class at the
She knew that there would be a huge university now. had no family or friends to come visiting “What happened?” “Why are there lots
celebration at the palace. When the Meanwhile, the nurse at Grey him at all. All the nurses and the doctors of buildings and what is that place
birthday came, the witch appeared. She Anatomy Memorial Hospital came to called him “sleeping prince”. called McDonalds?” While he was
put a curse on Prince Charming. She check up a patient who stayed in room The nurse was quite shocked that walking, he started to remember things.
made him sleep for two hundred years number 330. However, she found out he had disappeared since he had It gave him a headache and suddenly
and made him wake up again on 26 of that the patient had disappeared. This never woken up at all. he passed out.
September in 2014 at New York City. patient had had an accident. He had He walked along the street. He was Snow ran out very fast from her
9 AM on Tuesday morning, the been staying in the hospital for several very confused with all the things that apartment. She ran through a shortcut
alarm was ringing. Snow woke up with months and he had never woken up. He were around him. He was thinking to get to the university faster. On the
028 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 029
feeling? Are you feeling better?” “Yeah, you later, dress up nicely ok?” he said.
I think so,” said Charming with a smile Snow was wearing her favorite red
on his face. “What’s your name by the dress. She did not know why she was
way?” asked Snow. “You can call me really excited to go out with him even
Charming,” he replied. They both though they had hung out a
laughed and the conversation went on thousand times. Charming was
and on. Snow always came by to visit finally here. Snow opened the
him every time she finished her class door. “You look beautiful,” he said.
or whenever she had free time. “Thank you Charming. So where are we
13 November 2014, at Grey going tonight?” “It’s gonna be a
Anatomy Memorial Hospital, Charming surprise.” He took her to a really
said to Snow, “The doctor has said romantic dinner date. They both knew
that I can get out of the hospital that there was something special
tomorrow.” “Really? That is absolutely between them. As they walked down
a w e s o m e . H e y, w h e n I w a s the road, he smiled mischievously at
walking here, I saw that there is an her. Once he knew what was hanging
apartment for rent. Maybe you can stay on the ceiling, he pulled her closer and
there for a while.” “I can’t thank you gave her an overwhelming kiss. Once
enough for what you have done for me Snow pulled away from him, Charming
Snow,” said Charming. rested his forehead against hers and
25 December 2014, at 7 o’clock in whispered, “You are my first kiss under
way, she found a man who was and waiting for this stranger to wake the morning, Charming came to knock the mistletoe. The day you came into
wearing a patient outfit lying on the up. She was somehow worried about on Snow’s door. “Open up Snow. It’s my life everything changed.”
floor. She called 911 right away. “911 this guy. Charming slowly opened his Christmas,” he said. “Coming!” replied They lived happily ever after and
emergencies.” “I need some help, there eyes. Snow. “Why are you up so early? Merry Prince Charming did not plan to tell her
is a guy who passed out on Jones Road. “Where am I right now and who are Christmas by the way,” she said. “I am just about his fairytale life.
Please come as soon as possible.” She you?” he asked. “I saw you on the street wondering if you are free tonight?” he
sat and held his hand saying, “Stay with and you are at the hospital right asked. “Of course,” Snow told him. “I’ll
me.” now.” “So you basically saved my pick you up tonight, is that ok?” “Is it a
In room330, Snow ended up sitting life.” “It’s kind of that. Well, how are you date or something?” she asked. “I’ll tell
028 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 029
feeling? Are you feeling better?” “Yeah, you later, dress up nicely ok?” he said.
I think so,” said Charming with a smile Snow was wearing her favorite red
on his face. “What’s your name by the dress. She did not know why she was
way?” asked Snow. “You can call me really excited to go out with him even
Charming,” he replied. They both though they had hung out a
laughed and the conversation went on thousand times. Charming was
and on. Snow always came by to visit finally here. Snow opened the
him every time she finished her class door. “You look beautiful,” he said.
or whenever she had free time. “Thank you Charming. So where are we
13 November 2014, at Grey going tonight?” “It’s gonna be a
Anatomy Memorial Hospital, Charming surprise.” He took her to a really
said to Snow, “The doctor has said romantic dinner date. They both knew
that I can get out of the hospital that there was something special
tomorrow.” “Really? That is absolutely between them. As they walked down
a w e s o m e . H e y, w h e n I w a s the road, he smiled mischievously at
walking here, I saw that there is an her. Once he knew what was hanging
apartment for rent. Maybe you can stay on the ceiling, he pulled her closer and
there for a while.” “I can’t thank you gave her an overwhelming kiss. Once
enough for what you have done for me Snow pulled away from him, Charming
Snow,” said Charming. rested his forehead against hers and
25 December 2014, at 7 o’clock in whispered, “You are my first kiss under
way, she found a man who was and waiting for this stranger to wake the morning, Charming came to knock the mistletoe. The day you came into
wearing a patient outfit lying on the up. She was somehow worried about on Snow’s door. “Open up Snow. It’s my life everything changed.”
floor. She called 911 right away. “911 this guy. Charming slowly opened his Christmas,” he said. “Coming!” replied They lived happily ever after and
emergencies.” “I need some help, there eyes. Snow. “Why are you up so early? Merry Prince Charming did not plan to tell her
is a guy who passed out on Jones Road. “Where am I right now and who are Christmas by the way,” she said. “I am just about his fairytale life.
Please come as soon as possible.” She you?” he asked. “I saw you on the street wondering if you are free tonight?” he
sat and held his hand saying, “Stay with and you are at the hospital right asked. “Of course,” Snow told him. “I’ll
me.” now.” “So you basically saved my pick you up tonight, is that ok?” “Is it a
In room330, Snow ended up sitting life.” “It’s kind of that. Well, how are you date or something?” she asked. “I’ll tell
030 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 031
out her work even though it was a go to the emergency room to clean my
: KETSAMAPORN VIJAITHUM : NATJANAN MONGKOLSUPAWAN public holiday that day. It was a normal cuts. It was very funny and weird that I
day until that evening. My mum and I needed to go to the emergency room
Life always surprises us in an were walking toward the skywalk that with just some cuts. Later my mum had
unexpected ways. Accidents and connects two buildings together. There to go and talk to the building’s
incidents happen to us every day. was a long, not very wide glass window supervisor about the broken window
I believe that everyone must once go near the exit but it was very clear. I was glass and whether she had to pay for
through a funny accident. I’m a very walking past the window when I it, but he said that she didn’t have to
clumsy person and mishaps happen to thought I saw my dad’s car on the road because first, she works there and
me all the time so it’s difficult for me to below so I decided to run and lean out second, they had already planned on
choose one, but I think that this is one of the window to take a better look changing the glass because it was too
of the worst. without knowing that there was glass fragile.
On my summer holiday three years there. I heard my mum said “Watch I was the unfortunate one, but I
ago my family and I didn’t plan on going out!”, but it was too late. When my head thought that it was pretty thrilling
anywhere too far from Bangkok. So that hit the glass I was alarmed, so I because I was actually looking for
summer I mostly spent my time immediately pushed the glass away. something exciting to happen.
watching movies, reading random There was a loud crash and it turned However it hurt and since then I learned
books, taking extra classes, and other out that I broke the glass and cut my my lesson that I should be more careful.
stuff. On the holiday my parents hands and knee. Every time I walk past that window it
sometimes take me to their offices The broken glass was all over the always reminds me of the accident and
which are in the hospital and I usually floor. Everybody was looking at me I hope that no one makes the same
have no fun going to the hospital at all. something exciting to happen. frighteningly and I was so embarrassed. mistake as me.
I thought that it was such a boring One lovely day my mum took me to I had to go and get my cuts cleaned, but
holiday and at that time I really wanted her office again because she had to sort it was a public holiday so I could only
030 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 031
out her work even though it was a go to the emergency room to clean my
: KETSAMAPORN VIJAITHUM : NATJANAN MONGKOLSUPAWAN public holiday that day. It was a normal cuts. It was very funny and weird that I
day until that evening. My mum and I needed to go to the emergency room
Life always surprises us in an were walking toward the skywalk that with just some cuts. Later my mum had
unexpected ways. Accidents and connects two buildings together. There to go and talk to the building’s
incidents happen to us every day. was a long, not very wide glass window supervisor about the broken window
I believe that everyone must once go near the exit but it was very clear. I was glass and whether she had to pay for
through a funny accident. I’m a very walking past the window when I it, but he said that she didn’t have to
clumsy person and mishaps happen to thought I saw my dad’s car on the road because first, she works there and
me all the time so it’s difficult for me to below so I decided to run and lean out second, they had already planned on
choose one, but I think that this is one of the window to take a better look changing the glass because it was too
of the worst. without knowing that there was glass fragile.
On my summer holiday three years there. I heard my mum said “Watch I was the unfortunate one, but I
ago my family and I didn’t plan on going out!”, but it was too late. When my head thought that it was pretty thrilling
anywhere too far from Bangkok. So that hit the glass I was alarmed, so I because I was actually looking for
summer I mostly spent my time immediately pushed the glass away. something exciting to happen.
watching movies, reading random There was a loud crash and it turned However it hurt and since then I learned
books, taking extra classes, and other out that I broke the glass and cut my my lesson that I should be more careful.
stuff. On the holiday my parents hands and knee. Every time I walk past that window it
sometimes take me to their offices The broken glass was all over the always reminds me of the accident and
which are in the hospital and I usually floor. Everybody was looking at me I hope that no one makes the same
have no fun going to the hospital at all. something exciting to happen. frighteningly and I was so embarrassed. mistake as me.
I thought that it was such a boring One lovely day my mum took me to I had to go and get my cuts cleaned, but
holiday and at that time I really wanted her office again because she had to sort it was a public holiday so I could only
032 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 033
my head and cleaned the wound.
DANGEROUS Luckily, my parents are both doctors, so
they knew how to handle the situation
HAIR BAND properly. After a while, my sister started
crying too. She was embarrassed that
she had an ice cream smashed on her
head. My parents consoled both my
: WEERAYA PRUKTANAKUL : WEERAYA PRUKTANAKUL sister and me, but we continued crying
for half an hour.
Al Franken once said, “Mistakes are a seafood restaurant, we went to the After the accident, my parents took
a part of being human. Appreciate your zoo. There were many types of animals, me to the hospital to dress the wound.
mistakes for what they are: precious such as penguins, tigers, snakes, deer, My scalp was painted yellowish-brown
life lessons that can only be learned the elephants, birds, and many more. The from the iodine solution my mom had
hard way. Unless it’s a fatal mistake, first thing we did was watch a penguin applied. I looked like an alien. After we
which, at least, others can learn show. I was very impressed at how the left the hospital, we went back to the
from.” I have made a lot of mistakes penguin could follow instructions and hotel in Pattaya. My parents told me not
throughout my life, some of my do amazing tricks. Then, we visited the mom’s hand and ran to the meerkat’s to run carelessly again.
mistakes are funny, but some are not. other zones in the zoo. I had the chance cage. As I was running, I tripped over It has been a long time since the
However, I had once made a mistake to feed some of the animals. I was my own feet and lost my balance. I accident occurred, but I haven’t forgotten
and learned my lessons in a hard way. holding my mom’s hand as we were accidently threw the ice cream that the moment I fell down and hit the floor.
When I was three years old, my family walking. My mom was afraid that I I had been holding up into the air. Since the day of the accident, I have
went on a holiday vacation at Pattaya, would fell down if I walked by myself. Unfortunately, the ice cream landed on never worn a hair band with teeth. It is very
Chonburi Province, Thailand. Since my My day began nicely with gentle my sister’s head. At the same time, I dangerous. I learned not to run around
older sister and I were very young, my breezes, warm sunshine, and fresh banged my head on the floor. The teeth uncaringly. I learned a new fact that an
parents decided to take us to Khao scent of grasses and flowers. of the hair band I was wearing pierced everyday object can be very dangerous. I
Kheow Open Zoo to give us new Everything was fine until we through the skin of my head. My wound will never ever forget this lesson because
experiences. As a kid, I usually ran reached the African Savanna zone. bled. I cried very loudly because it was I learned it the hard way.
around and had fun. I was not aware of While we were walking inside, I spotted very painful. I felt like my brain was
how dangerous a mistake can be. a very cute meerkat behind the fence. going to explode. My parents were very
After eating a delicious breakfast at I was very excited, so I let go of my surprised. They took the hair band off
032 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 033
my head and cleaned the wound.
DANGEROUS Luckily, my parents are both doctors, so
they knew how to handle the situation
HAIR BAND properly. After a while, my sister started
crying too. She was embarrassed that
she had an ice cream smashed on her
head. My parents consoled both my
: WEERAYA PRUKTANAKUL : WEERAYA PRUKTANAKUL sister and me, but we continued crying
for half an hour.
Al Franken once said, “Mistakes are a seafood restaurant, we went to the After the accident, my parents took
a part of being human. Appreciate your zoo. There were many types of animals, me to the hospital to dress the wound.
mistakes for what they are: precious such as penguins, tigers, snakes, deer, My scalp was painted yellowish-brown
life lessons that can only be learned the elephants, birds, and many more. The from the iodine solution my mom had
hard way. Unless it’s a fatal mistake, first thing we did was watch a penguin applied. I looked like an alien. After we
which, at least, others can learn show. I was very impressed at how the left the hospital, we went back to the
from.” I have made a lot of mistakes penguin could follow instructions and hotel in Pattaya. My parents told me not
throughout my life, some of my do amazing tricks. Then, we visited the mom’s hand and ran to the meerkat’s to run carelessly again.
mistakes are funny, but some are not. other zones in the zoo. I had the chance cage. As I was running, I tripped over It has been a long time since the
However, I had once made a mistake to feed some of the animals. I was my own feet and lost my balance. I accident occurred, but I haven’t forgotten
and learned my lessons in a hard way. holding my mom’s hand as we were accidently threw the ice cream that the moment I fell down and hit the floor.
When I was three years old, my family walking. My mom was afraid that I I had been holding up into the air. Since the day of the accident, I have
went on a holiday vacation at Pattaya, would fell down if I walked by myself. Unfortunately, the ice cream landed on never worn a hair band with teeth. It is very
Chonburi Province, Thailand. Since my My day began nicely with gentle my sister’s head. At the same time, I dangerous. I learned not to run around
older sister and I were very young, my breezes, warm sunshine, and fresh banged my head on the floor. The teeth uncaringly. I learned a new fact that an
parents decided to take us to Khao scent of grasses and flowers. of the hair band I was wearing pierced everyday object can be very dangerous. I
Kheow Open Zoo to give us new Everything was fine until we through the skin of my head. My wound will never ever forget this lesson because
experiences. As a kid, I usually ran reached the African Savanna zone. bled. I cried very loudly because it was I learned it the hard way.
around and had fun. I was not aware of While we were walking inside, I spotted very painful. I felt like my brain was
how dangerous a mistake can be. a very cute meerkat behind the fence. going to explode. My parents were very
After eating a delicious breakfast at I was very excited, so I let go of my surprised. They took the hair band off
034 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 035
27 May 1957
Dear my beloved Banana, my first day of high school
kinda sucked! It was not what I expected. Everything was
chaotic! Nothing was like what I had imagined. The room
was dirty. More importantly... HOW CAN I AND GAZILLIONS
blaming whoever arranged the classroom.
Then, the first class of my high school started.
“Shut up, folks. The class is starting,” he shouted
“My name is Kimiligar and I’m your class adviser. Obey
or get out of my class!” The class, which was full of
chatter, suddenly fell into silence with the introduction of
the new tyrant.
“This will be a terrible year” Seng, one of my friends
who sat beside me, whispered. stand as still as a stone for another hour Finally, the sound of heaven, I
I nodded in agreement. while she was ranting at the students thought.
about rules and stuff during her home
“What? I haven’t even finished my
“You there, come up here!” The teacher pointed at me
claiming that I was the one disobeying her. room period. I didn’t pay much attention first argument! Why does the school
though. All I was doing, as well as my
give me so little time to teach all this,”
“This is the first warning! The second time you disobey
me, you GET OUT!” friends, was being frozen in the hell of the teacher shouted “Fine. Break time!”
she announced.
demonic sound that tried to kill us with
Can you imagine how terrible my first day was Banana?
But believe me, this is not the end. The demon made me her fatal voice and deadly stares. I had to endure the whole day just
“RING RING RING RING” like this. I don’t think you will believe
034 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 035
27 May 1957
Dear my beloved Banana, my first day of high school
kinda sucked! It was not what I expected. Everything was
chaotic! Nothing was like what I had imagined. The room
was dirty. More importantly... HOW CAN I AND GAZILLIONS
blaming whoever arranged the classroom.
Then, the first class of my high school started.
“Shut up, folks. The class is starting,” he shouted
“My name is Kimiligar and I’m your class adviser. Obey
or get out of my class!” The class, which was full of
chatter, suddenly fell into silence with the introduction of
the new tyrant.
“This will be a terrible year” Seng, one of my friends
who sat beside me, whispered. stand as still as a stone for another hour Finally, the sound of heaven, I
I nodded in agreement. while she was ranting at the students thought.
about rules and stuff during her home
“What? I haven’t even finished my
“You there, come up here!” The teacher pointed at me
claiming that I was the one disobeying her. room period. I didn’t pay much attention first argument! Why does the school
though. All I was doing, as well as my
give me so little time to teach all this,”
“This is the first warning! The second time you disobey
me, you GET OUT!” friends, was being frozen in the hell of the teacher shouted “Fine. Break time!”
she announced.
demonic sound that tried to kill us with
Can you imagine how terrible my first day was Banana?
But believe me, this is not the end. The demon made me her fatal voice and deadly stares. I had to endure the whole day just
“RING RING RING RING” like this. I don’t think you will believe
036 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 037
this Banana, but it’s the truth, EVERY! Seng. I wonder why no one takes care of
SINGLE! TEACHER! was the SAME. They “I agree! And why do we need to these computers and their accessories.
came in, shouted at us about how bad have assembly this early?” Why are there no regulations that will
our discipline was and went back to “I NEED more sleep,” he answered fix this problem once and for all? More
their rooms without teaching! I think me. importantly, how can the school’s
finishing the day with you is the best “Don’t complain, you rarely get executives deny these major problems
thing I can do today. Thanks a lot here on time anyway, Seng!” Guan U and ignore them as if they have never
Banana! I love you! teased. happened :(. These questions have
“Whatever, man! I don’t wanna entered my mind after we’ve continued
30 May 1957 be here early because of this stupid to have these problems.
Three days passed by, and I was assembly,” Seng replied. Finally, the bell rang without anyone
still unable to figure out how could I end Then it was time for IT class. finishing their work.
up being at this place every day. Why “Finish your work, and you are And another horrible class had
do I have to experience unusual (to the free,” the teacher said. passed.
point of weird and bizarre) things. To “Yayyy” everyone said without
give you an example, Banana, the realizing the real nightmare.
school makes us assemble every day “Teacher! I can’t turn on this
VERY EARLY in the morning, the time computer”
when no one is even usually out of their “Me neither!”
beds. “Where is the keyboard, teacher?”
“Assemble!” the administrative Students madly shouted after they find
teacher shouted every morning without out how badly the equipment for their
getting bored of his authority “Make a education was
line, have the shortest one in front and “Work in groups and share
the tallest one at the back of the line.” whatever is usable,” The teacher said
“Gosh! He is stricter than the desperately, as if he had experienced
military,” I whispered to my friend, this situation a thousand times before.
036 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 037
this Banana, but it’s the truth, EVERY! Seng. I wonder why no one takes care of
SINGLE! TEACHER! was the SAME. They “I agree! And why do we need to these computers and their accessories.
came in, shouted at us about how bad have assembly this early?” Why are there no regulations that will
our discipline was and went back to “I NEED more sleep,” he answered fix this problem once and for all? More
their rooms without teaching! I think me. importantly, how can the school’s
finishing the day with you is the best “Don’t complain, you rarely get executives deny these major problems
thing I can do today. Thanks a lot here on time anyway, Seng!” Guan U and ignore them as if they have never
Banana! I love you! teased. happened :(. These questions have
“Whatever, man! I don’t wanna entered my mind after we’ve continued
30 May 1957 be here early because of this stupid to have these problems.
Three days passed by, and I was assembly,” Seng replied. Finally, the bell rang without anyone
still unable to figure out how could I end Then it was time for IT class. finishing their work.
up being at this place every day. Why “Finish your work, and you are And another horrible class had
do I have to experience unusual (to the free,” the teacher said. passed.
point of weird and bizarre) things. To “Yayyy” everyone said without
give you an example, Banana, the realizing the real nightmare.
school makes us assemble every day “Teacher! I can’t turn on this
VERY EARLY in the morning, the time computer”
when no one is even usually out of their “Me neither!”
beds. “Where is the keyboard, teacher?”
“Assemble!” the administrative Students madly shouted after they find
teacher shouted every morning without out how badly the equipment for their
getting bored of his authority “Make a education was
line, have the shortest one in front and “Work in groups and share
the tallest one at the back of the line.” whatever is usable,” The teacher said
“Gosh! He is stricter than the desperately, as if he had experienced
military,” I whispered to my friend, this situation a thousand times before.
038 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 039
In a hidden realm isolated from the down, the king stood up slowly yet
rest of the world, there stood a king. He firmly and silence struck the
had all the qualities of a gentleman; atmosphere. “I’ve summoned all of you
strong, confident, and intelligent. He today because of a serious matter: my
had ruled his kingdom for quite some successor. I saw a potential in many of
time and his age was a major issue. He you as future king of this very kingdom.
needed a successor, but where could I will select the one who can pass my
he find one? His sons were all snobbish, qualification test. Those who wish to
spoilt, and incapable of ruling the apply, rise up.” At the instant the king
kingdom. closed his mouth, four stood up. “Four announced that it was indeed green. discovered that they all saw different
Such a thought bothered him. Day brave souls, huh? Very well. Follow me.” Both started to argue but the king had sides of the cube. He concluded that the
and night passed by as he searched for He led them to a room but he no intention of stopping them. Then a cube was multicoloured. As the fourth
a solution. Then all of a sudden, a stopped short in front of the wooden third candidate joined the quarrel, candidate finished his explanation, the
simple solution flashed into his head. door. “Behind this door, there exist four stating that the cube was red and king smiled. “You are indeed correct. A
He summoned noblemen with great paths into a cube. Your task is simple. he had looked at it very carefully. king doesn’t only have to be able to
abilities. So why shouldn’t he appoint Take a path, find the cube, come back, The argument continued until the make quick decisions. He must also
one of them? He was relieved as his and tell me what colour it is. Easy, eh?” last nobleman came. be able to approach obstacles and
kingdom would not perish with an Without further ado, the candidates As the other three noblemen saw problems from different perspectives in
appropriate king. rushed in. The first person who came him, they all turned and asked about order to solve them. From this day forth,
On the following day, he called up back only saw a glimpse of it and the cube. Instead of replying to the you are now my heir.”
all of his noblemen into the throne room. rushed back. He said it was yellow. The noblemen, he approached the king and
Nobody could read the king’s face or king remained silent. The second told him that he had gone through all MORAL: People see things differently
what he was up to. As everyone sat person ran up to the king and other paths after his own and had from different perspectives.
038 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 039
In a hidden realm isolated from the down, the king stood up slowly yet
rest of the world, there stood a king. He firmly and silence struck the
had all the qualities of a gentleman; atmosphere. “I’ve summoned all of you
strong, confident, and intelligent. He today because of a serious matter: my
had ruled his kingdom for quite some successor. I saw a potential in many of
time and his age was a major issue. He you as future king of this very kingdom.
needed a successor, but where could I will select the one who can pass my
he find one? His sons were all snobbish, qualification test. Those who wish to
spoilt, and incapable of ruling the apply, rise up.” At the instant the king
kingdom. closed his mouth, four stood up. “Four announced that it was indeed green. discovered that they all saw different
Such a thought bothered him. Day brave souls, huh? Very well. Follow me.” Both started to argue but the king had sides of the cube. He concluded that the
and night passed by as he searched for He led them to a room but he no intention of stopping them. Then a cube was multicoloured. As the fourth
a solution. Then all of a sudden, a stopped short in front of the wooden third candidate joined the quarrel, candidate finished his explanation, the
simple solution flashed into his head. door. “Behind this door, there exist four stating that the cube was red and king smiled. “You are indeed correct. A
He summoned noblemen with great paths into a cube. Your task is simple. he had looked at it very carefully. king doesn’t only have to be able to
abilities. So why shouldn’t he appoint Take a path, find the cube, come back, The argument continued until the make quick decisions. He must also
one of them? He was relieved as his and tell me what colour it is. Easy, eh?” last nobleman came. be able to approach obstacles and
kingdom would not perish with an Without further ado, the candidates As the other three noblemen saw problems from different perspectives in
appropriate king. rushed in. The first person who came him, they all turned and asked about order to solve them. From this day forth,
On the following day, he called up back only saw a glimpse of it and the cube. Instead of replying to the you are now my heir.”
all of his noblemen into the throne room. rushed back. He said it was yellow. The noblemen, he approached the king and
Nobody could read the king’s face or king remained silent. The second told him that he had gone through all MORAL: People see things differently
what he was up to. As everyone sat person ran up to the king and other paths after his own and had from different perspectives.
040 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 041
Next, the elevator continued rising
up until it reached the top floor, the
came in. They were giant, dark and
How often do you stand in an receptionist sought an available room scary. They chatted, shouted, and
elevator and wonder what to do on the upper floor for us. We carried our laughed noisily. I pretended to ignore
when it gets stuck? I experienced this luggage and walked toward an elevator. them. I touched the button for floor
situation when I was twelve years old. I was the first one who stepped into the number fourteen. When the elevator
It was about two years ago. I was elevator and my parents were behind door opened, I saw my mom waiting for
spending my holidays in Spain with my me. I had no idea that the elevator me. I threw myself to her and kept
parents. As we visited many cities and would abruptly close so swiftly that I crying. At that time, my dad was still
towns, we had to change our stay with had no time to press the ‘open’ button. looking for me on other floors.
several hotels. One night, after we had The door closed and the elevator elevator. The only feeling at that time It seemed to be a very long journey
traveled all day long, we checked-in to started moving up. I was alone and, of was I wanted to cry. Trying to be conscious, in the elevator. Though it was actually
a stylish high-rise hotel in Barcelona. course, panicked. I reached out and I was looking for an emergency button. about five minutes, it felt like five hours.
The hotel was a cylindrical tower with picked the floor number button, but the Unfortunately, everything was written Since then, whenever I step into an
a stunning look. Everything seemed to elevator kept moving up beyond the in Spanish. So, I thought out another elevator, I hasten to reach the ‘open’
be perfect except the elevator! floor number I had selected. way of using my cell phone to call my button at all times. This mishap taught
While we were getting into a hotel After being in the elevator for a parents. I reached into my shoulder bag me to have consciousness in facing
room, we noticed that the room was while, I felt the elevator shaking and immediately noticed that I had left with any unexpected incidents.
filled with the smell of cigarette smoke. slightly. A few minutes later, it stopped it with my mom. I started crying with
Since my mom is allergic to the smoke, going up. It didn’t go down, left or right; fear, but luckily, a few minutes later,
we phoned a receptionist and asked the elevator just stopped its motion. I the trouble maker elevator resumed
if we could change the room. The then realized that I was locked in the working normally again.
040 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 041
Next, the elevator continued rising
up until it reached the top floor, the
came in. They were giant, dark and
How often do you stand in an receptionist sought an available room scary. They chatted, shouted, and
elevator and wonder what to do on the upper floor for us. We carried our laughed noisily. I pretended to ignore
when it gets stuck? I experienced this luggage and walked toward an elevator. them. I touched the button for floor
situation when I was twelve years old. I was the first one who stepped into the number fourteen. When the elevator
It was about two years ago. I was elevator and my parents were behind door opened, I saw my mom waiting for
spending my holidays in Spain with my me. I had no idea that the elevator me. I threw myself to her and kept
parents. As we visited many cities and would abruptly close so swiftly that I crying. At that time, my dad was still
towns, we had to change our stay with had no time to press the ‘open’ button. looking for me on other floors.
several hotels. One night, after we had The door closed and the elevator elevator. The only feeling at that time It seemed to be a very long journey
traveled all day long, we checked-in to started moving up. I was alone and, of was I wanted to cry. Trying to be conscious, in the elevator. Though it was actually
a stylish high-rise hotel in Barcelona. course, panicked. I reached out and I was looking for an emergency button. about five minutes, it felt like five hours.
The hotel was a cylindrical tower with picked the floor number button, but the Unfortunately, everything was written Since then, whenever I step into an
a stunning look. Everything seemed to elevator kept moving up beyond the in Spanish. So, I thought out another elevator, I hasten to reach the ‘open’
be perfect except the elevator! floor number I had selected. way of using my cell phone to call my button at all times. This mishap taught
While we were getting into a hotel After being in the elevator for a parents. I reached into my shoulder bag me to have consciousness in facing
room, we noticed that the room was while, I felt the elevator shaking and immediately noticed that I had left with any unexpected incidents.
filled with the smell of cigarette smoke. slightly. A few minutes later, it stopped it with my mom. I started crying with
Since my mom is allergic to the smoke, going up. It didn’t go down, left or right; fear, but luckily, a few minutes later,
we phoned a receptionist and asked the elevator just stopped its motion. I the trouble maker elevator resumed
if we could change the room. The then realized that I was locked in the working normally again.
042 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 043
CREATURE peacock was not as scary as other Most people might feel that five minutes
birds, I was still scared of it. Therefore,
is only a short duration. However, if you
I decided to leave that area. I immediately
felt like you were running as fast as a
ran away from the swing, but unfortunately cheetah, these five minutes would fly
the peacock was chasing after me. I so slowly. It took me an hour to calm
: NAPASORN SAENGTHONGSRIKAMOL was freaked out, and I screamed out so down, and of course, I became more
loud that the all people on the island frightened of peacocks and birds.
The peacock might be one of the crystal sea was so clear that I could see could hear. Sitting thereabout, my twin From that year until now, the
most beautiful animals that Mother the seafloor. The water in the sea was brother didn’t even help me, instead, he peacock has become the scariest
Nature has created. People might be shining because of the sunlight. On the crazily laughed at me. “Help! Please creature in my life. Every time I see a
impressed with its colorful feathers, but opposite side, there were plentiful help me!” I kept shouting. I continued picture of a peacock, it will remind me
who would know that it also has a dark verdant trees. The branches and leaves running around the beach with of that mishap which always makes my
side. Since I have an ornithophobia or on each tree swayed in the wind. The the peacock following me. It was hair stand on end. Although I had a
bird-phobia, at first, I wasn’t really nature here was alive. Because of this probably the fastest run in my life. peacock nightmare that I could not
scared of peacocks, because peacocks beautiful and preserved nature, many A few minutes passed, the peacock was forget at Koh Mun Nok, I would like to
can’t fly. I hate when the birds flap their animals, including peacocks, chose to still chasing after me. I was so go back to that island again. The reason
wings. As for me, the peacock was not inhabit this island. exhausted. My legs were so weary, and is not only going on vacation, but also
that scary, or so I thought. After getting tired from scuba diving I couldn’t even stand on my feet facing my fear. As long as I can overcome
Three years ago, I went on vacation in the morning, I decided to sit chilling anymore. I just wanted to sit down right my fear, nothing in the world can ever
with my family at Koh Mun Nok, a on the beach with my brother. As I was away. However, the feeling of fright and harm me.
peaceful island in Rayong province. This sitting on the swing, a giant peacock shock told me to keep moving my legs.
was where I had my most frightening started to get closer and closer to me. I had been running for about five minutes
nightmare. When I arrived there, I was Only in a minute, I could see it ambulating until the hotel staff came to help me.
fascinated by its amazing scenery. The around the swing. Even though the Eventually, I was safe from the peacock.
042 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 043
CREATURE peacock was not as scary as other Most people might feel that five minutes
birds, I was still scared of it. Therefore,
is only a short duration. However, if you
I decided to leave that area. I immediately
felt like you were running as fast as a
ran away from the swing, but unfortunately cheetah, these five minutes would fly
the peacock was chasing after me. I so slowly. It took me an hour to calm
: NAPASORN SAENGTHONGSRIKAMOL was freaked out, and I screamed out so down, and of course, I became more
loud that the all people on the island frightened of peacocks and birds.
The peacock might be one of the crystal sea was so clear that I could see could hear. Sitting thereabout, my twin From that year until now, the
most beautiful animals that Mother the seafloor. The water in the sea was brother didn’t even help me, instead, he peacock has become the scariest
Nature has created. People might be shining because of the sunlight. On the crazily laughed at me. “Help! Please creature in my life. Every time I see a
impressed with its colorful feathers, but opposite side, there were plentiful help me!” I kept shouting. I continued picture of a peacock, it will remind me
who would know that it also has a dark verdant trees. The branches and leaves running around the beach with of that mishap which always makes my
side. Since I have an ornithophobia or on each tree swayed in the wind. The the peacock following me. It was hair stand on end. Although I had a
bird-phobia, at first, I wasn’t really nature here was alive. Because of this probably the fastest run in my life. peacock nightmare that I could not
scared of peacocks, because peacocks beautiful and preserved nature, many A few minutes passed, the peacock was forget at Koh Mun Nok, I would like to
can’t fly. I hate when the birds flap their animals, including peacocks, chose to still chasing after me. I was so go back to that island again. The reason
wings. As for me, the peacock was not inhabit this island. exhausted. My legs were so weary, and is not only going on vacation, but also
that scary, or so I thought. After getting tired from scuba diving I couldn’t even stand on my feet facing my fear. As long as I can overcome
Three years ago, I went on vacation in the morning, I decided to sit chilling anymore. I just wanted to sit down right my fear, nothing in the world can ever
with my family at Koh Mun Nok, a on the beach with my brother. As I was away. However, the feeling of fright and harm me.
peaceful island in Rayong province. This sitting on the swing, a giant peacock shock told me to keep moving my legs.
was where I had my most frightening started to get closer and closer to me. I had been running for about five minutes
nightmare. When I arrived there, I was Only in a minute, I could see it ambulating until the hotel staff came to help me.
fascinated by its amazing scenery. The around the swing. Even though the Eventually, I was safe from the peacock.
044 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 045
He felt hot – no burning – his heart great king of Persia woke up, screaming
thrummed in his ribcage and he swore and covered in sweat.
that it would burst out any moment. He The sound of footsteps echoed
was in a white plain, the whiteness through the large hall of white stones.
stretch forward into a never ending It was of a teen’s no older than twenty,
place. The only sound he heard was his with long flowing dark hair that was
own rasped breathing in the silence, braided into small braids while leaving
then, he heard the flap of wings and he the rest of the ebony strands free. He
turned, when he saw a familiar boy with wore clothes that were no doubt that of
pure white wings standing above- the a Persian, albeit a one with slightly
floor that is now changed – the lands higher status. Many Persian knives
of Europe and Asia. He froze out of a were held around his waist while one
feeling that he had never came across was in his hands, twirling expertly
before – fear, but he dismissed it. ‘It showing his skills. His face was one
would be the end of the earth before I, of irritation, and his grey blue eyes
Cyrus, felt fear.’ He stood firmly, before resembled a brewing storm. Darius was
turning toward the boy again. He was not a person with high patience, and
about to speak , when a cold, shilling now he was running out of it. He had would take most men months in days. encouragement. ‘And yet I am not there,
grin came across the boy’s face. He felt received message from the king mere Their horsemanship was second to because of an urgent meeting with the
the boy’s face getting further and minutes ago, while he was receiving his none and their skills with combats ad king.’ Darius’ thoughts made him
further when he noticed that he was men that had just come back from a weapons were not to be trifled with. A quicken his pace and he reached the
falling. Panic and fear rose to his chest, long, tiring trip from Susa. He was the two week trip between two cities is not door in a half stomp half walk manner.
he braised himself, before he felt the captain of the messenger team, the pleasant, and as a captain they looked He sheathed his knife In a one swift
force of the ground. And then Cyrus the elites of the elites, traveling a trip that up to him seeking proud words and motion and with a quick nod from the
044 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 045
He felt hot – no burning – his heart great king of Persia woke up, screaming
thrummed in his ribcage and he swore and covered in sweat.
that it would burst out any moment. He The sound of footsteps echoed
was in a white plain, the whiteness through the large hall of white stones.
stretch forward into a never ending It was of a teen’s no older than twenty,
place. The only sound he heard was his with long flowing dark hair that was
own rasped breathing in the silence, braided into small braids while leaving
then, he heard the flap of wings and he the rest of the ebony strands free. He
turned, when he saw a familiar boy with wore clothes that were no doubt that of
pure white wings standing above- the a Persian, albeit a one with slightly
floor that is now changed – the lands higher status. Many Persian knives
of Europe and Asia. He froze out of a were held around his waist while one
feeling that he had never came across was in his hands, twirling expertly
before – fear, but he dismissed it. ‘It showing his skills. His face was one
would be the end of the earth before I, of irritation, and his grey blue eyes
Cyrus, felt fear.’ He stood firmly, before resembled a brewing storm. Darius was
turning toward the boy again. He was not a person with high patience, and
about to speak , when a cold, shilling now he was running out of it. He had would take most men months in days. encouragement. ‘And yet I am not there,
grin came across the boy’s face. He felt received message from the king mere Their horsemanship was second to because of an urgent meeting with the
the boy’s face getting further and minutes ago, while he was receiving his none and their skills with combats ad king.’ Darius’ thoughts made him
further when he noticed that he was men that had just come back from a weapons were not to be trifled with. A quicken his pace and he reached the
falling. Panic and fear rose to his chest, long, tiring trip from Susa. He was the two week trip between two cities is not door in a half stomp half walk manner.
he braised himself, before he felt the captain of the messenger team, the pleasant, and as a captain they looked He sheathed his knife In a one swift
force of the ground. And then Cyrus the elites of the elites, traveling a trip that up to him seeking proud words and motion and with a quick nod from the
046 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 047
guard went in the throne room. King He then quickly jumped onto the horse. towards the delivery post, straightening jumbled up, trying to sort out
Cyrus was on the throne, his face as “Hey,captain what’s the rush?” Darius up his body – just a few more moments everything. ‘Why am I wanted? What
impassive as ever and with a posture suppressed a sigh as he heard the an- before he could take a well deserved have I done wrong? What now?’ were
that screamed ‘power’. His father was noying voice of one of his men, Feroze. rest. He waited impatiently as the man the questions that ran in his head. ‘For
to the king’s right, passive and loyal. “Work, Feroze,” he replied in his most in front of him checked his scrolls. Then now, to Bagdad – I must get as far as I
“Your Majesty,” Darius schooled his stoic voice. “Work or are you going off the man looked up – freezing for a mere can from the Persian territory.’ Darius
features and kneeled down in front of to see some pretty girl, eh cap?” Feroze second before looking down again. It was confident in his own navigation
the king. “ Rise,” the king’s deep, wiggled his eyebrows playfully and would have been missed if he wasn’t skills, and turned the horse sharply
authoritative voice rang loud in the Darius suppressed the urge to cut it off. trained to catch for these signs, he towards south.
room. “I have an urgent task for you.” “Wait-” “I do not understand why I am started to feel suspicious as the man ‘It wasn’t supposed to be like this,’
The king shifted his position and continuing to listen to his blabber.’ “–if led him to the resting quarter. He saw was the thought that ran into his mind.
brought out a small scroll.” War is upon you’re in uniform it means you’re doing five men following him, hiding The following days were filled with
us,” he said. “So soon sire?” They had a delivery, oh Ahura! The captain is themselves in corners. ‘What is going violent sandstorms and after that, the
just finished a war months ago, and delivering the message himself, how on?’ He felt confused, before noting a sky was covered in red, covering the
Darius did not look forward to another cool is that I–” Feroze’s rant was cut off poster on the wall, ‘wanted – dead or stars. Without the stars, Darius was lost.
one. “Yes, this time with the Massagetae. by the sound of flicked reign and alive – imperial order.’ He felt his world He rode aimlessly, praying that he was
It seems we could not take this one on galloping. “Hey cap! Wait–” Darius froze and like a slow running picture he going the correct way. Then he heard
our own.” There was a slight regretful zoned Feroze’s sound off and rode off. saw the man leading him widen his the sound of hooves ‘Bandits.’ He
tone to the kings voice, Cyrus was not As he reached the city gates he came eyes. He had no doubt seen Darius’ cursed and quickly stopped his horse,
one who liked to ask for help. “I will face to face with the scene of the ongoing sigh, he saw the five other men rushing trying to use the sand as cover. He knew
send our fastest rider, Ar-” “No,” the desert and the sting of the sand in his out of the corner and his world became that in his condition, he could never win
king cut him off before he could finish. eyes. Darius gave a sigh ‘This would be normal again. Darius sent a punch at against them. ‘It seems that God has
“He is not the fastest rider yet.” The a long trip.’ He put the face cloth and the first man’s jaw knocking him abandoned me,’ he thought bitterly as
king’s glance towards him was a simple hood on and rode into the desert. unconscious, he swept his leg in a the bandits got closer, clearly heading
enough message. “Ofcoure sire. I will It was a five days long of no sleep, sweeping motion bringing the second his way. He went into a fighting stance,
leave right away.” Darius gave the king dried food and boiling sun. It would have one down, punching the other three in his knives in his hands. ‘If I am going to
a quick bow and with a grunt from the taken a normal messenger seven days, the gut. This happened in five seconds. die, I will die fighting,’ he thought as he
king, he quickly left the room. but Darius hadn’t slowed down at all, Darius rushed towards a horse before sliced away another bandit’s head; the
Darius strapped his horse’s saddle stopping only to change the horse at riding on it. He was out of the city in sound of squelching blood and breaking
tightly, checking his knives and procession. each station. Darius rode tiredly less than ten minutes, his mind was bones sounded pleasant to his ears. He
046 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 047
guard went in the throne room. King He then quickly jumped onto the horse. towards the delivery post, straightening jumbled up, trying to sort out
Cyrus was on the throne, his face as “Hey,captain what’s the rush?” Darius up his body – just a few more moments everything. ‘Why am I wanted? What
impassive as ever and with a posture suppressed a sigh as he heard the an- before he could take a well deserved have I done wrong? What now?’ were
that screamed ‘power’. His father was noying voice of one of his men, Feroze. rest. He waited impatiently as the man the questions that ran in his head. ‘For
to the king’s right, passive and loyal. “Work, Feroze,” he replied in his most in front of him checked his scrolls. Then now, to Bagdad – I must get as far as I
“Your Majesty,” Darius schooled his stoic voice. “Work or are you going off the man looked up – freezing for a mere can from the Persian territory.’ Darius
features and kneeled down in front of to see some pretty girl, eh cap?” Feroze second before looking down again. It was confident in his own navigation
the king. “ Rise,” the king’s deep, wiggled his eyebrows playfully and would have been missed if he wasn’t skills, and turned the horse sharply
authoritative voice rang loud in the Darius suppressed the urge to cut it off. trained to catch for these signs, he towards south.
room. “I have an urgent task for you.” “Wait-” “I do not understand why I am started to feel suspicious as the man ‘It wasn’t supposed to be like this,’
The king shifted his position and continuing to listen to his blabber.’ “–if led him to the resting quarter. He saw was the thought that ran into his mind.
brought out a small scroll.” War is upon you’re in uniform it means you’re doing five men following him, hiding The following days were filled with
us,” he said. “So soon sire?” They had a delivery, oh Ahura! The captain is themselves in corners. ‘What is going violent sandstorms and after that, the
just finished a war months ago, and delivering the message himself, how on?’ He felt confused, before noting a sky was covered in red, covering the
Darius did not look forward to another cool is that I–” Feroze’s rant was cut off poster on the wall, ‘wanted – dead or stars. Without the stars, Darius was lost.
one. “Yes, this time with the Massagetae. by the sound of flicked reign and alive – imperial order.’ He felt his world He rode aimlessly, praying that he was
It seems we could not take this one on galloping. “Hey cap! Wait–” Darius froze and like a slow running picture he going the correct way. Then he heard
our own.” There was a slight regretful zoned Feroze’s sound off and rode off. saw the man leading him widen his the sound of hooves ‘Bandits.’ He
tone to the kings voice, Cyrus was not As he reached the city gates he came eyes. He had no doubt seen Darius’ cursed and quickly stopped his horse,
one who liked to ask for help. “I will face to face with the scene of the ongoing sigh, he saw the five other men rushing trying to use the sand as cover. He knew
send our fastest rider, Ar-” “No,” the desert and the sting of the sand in his out of the corner and his world became that in his condition, he could never win
king cut him off before he could finish. eyes. Darius gave a sigh ‘This would be normal again. Darius sent a punch at against them. ‘It seems that God has
“He is not the fastest rider yet.” The a long trip.’ He put the face cloth and the first man’s jaw knocking him abandoned me,’ he thought bitterly as
king’s glance towards him was a simple hood on and rode into the desert. unconscious, he swept his leg in a the bandits got closer, clearly heading
enough message. “Ofcoure sire. I will It was a five days long of no sleep, sweeping motion bringing the second his way. He went into a fighting stance,
leave right away.” Darius gave the king dried food and boiling sun. It would have one down, punching the other three in his knives in his hands. ‘If I am going to
a quick bow and with a grunt from the taken a normal messenger seven days, the gut. This happened in five seconds. die, I will die fighting,’ he thought as he
king, he quickly left the room. but Darius hadn’t slowed down at all, Darius rushed towards a horse before sliced away another bandit’s head; the
Darius strapped his horse’s saddle stopping only to change the horse at riding on it. He was out of the city in sound of squelching blood and breaking
tightly, checking his knives and procession. each station. Darius rode tiredly less than ten minutes, his mind was bones sounded pleasant to his ears. He
048 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 049
had killed many, but there were still and as the wonderful man I am, sales would argue over the amount of guarding the caravan and now he was
many left. He felt a knife go through his decided to recue you.” The last part silk they would get for their ornaments trying out cooking. Darius loved learning
left biceps and gritted his teeth to stop ended up in a teasing tone, while the with Ava – the blind interpreter and he had learnt much more here than
the knife from falling out of his hands. others scoffed or chuckled at his words. whenever a native with other he ever had behind the walls. He had
He felt his sight dim and his last “Wonderful or more so – foolish,” a man languages came by. Dilshad would be also changed, from the stoic captain
thoughts were of the warm, calloused with short black hair with a scar on his taking care of the camels and the – to still a stoic, but he now laughed
hands that gently ran through his right cheeks said. “Who would have horses in the barn, which sometimes freely and he rarely frowned. He now
cheeks. rescued a stranger – covered in blood Darius would join him. Paviz would be came to view the caravan as his family
Darius was awoken with the smell – in the group of bandits – in the middle taking care of the supply, buying foods and so did they, especially Arman. They
of rabbit soup, such a long time since of the desert, but you Arman.” The man from the market, eyes filled with were like brothers in all but blood; they
he had any. “Be careful,” a warm voice – now Arman chuckled lightly and took childish eagerness every time he saw acted as if they had known each other
said. “We wouldn’t want you to open up a bite of his soup. “Well stranger,” he a strange, new ingredient. Darius had all their lives. He was planning to tell
the wounds again eh boy?” He stiffened, said in a deep voice, “let us know thy learnt many recipes from him and he them the truth about himself when they
noticing that he wasn’t alone; he was name for then we could start calling you daresay that he had became a quiet had reached Xi’an , their last stop.
surrounded by eight figures, male and by name.” Darius was hesitant, giving good cook. When they were travelling, “We’re over here – in between Dun
female. “I am not a boy,” he winced at out his name would surely mark him as Bahadur and Arash – the swordsmen Huang and Xi’an, just a few more weeks
how dry his throat was and the pain in the wanted man – but he had nowhere and the marksmen would be in the and this trip’s going to be over,” Arman
his chest when he said it. “I’m glad that to go – though he could. “Alborz – my middle of the caravan, looking for any said enthusiastically. “We’ve got really
you could still speak.” There was the name is Alborz.” Arman looked at signs of danger. Ester, the navigator, good trades this year,” Zareen smiled.
warm voice again, and he glanced at him in silence for a moment, as if would carefully point out the way – “We haven’t even reached Xi’an yet and
the owner. It was a man not much contemplating on his statement – following the stars. And as for Arman we have almost ran out of stuff. We got
older than he was, with dark brown hair before breaking out into a wide smile. – the leader – it would seems like he a lot more silk than last time and they’re
and a rare color of blue for his eyes. He “Well Alborz, we could use another barely did anything, sometimes singing all very high quality too!” He was now
was dressed in the same Persian clothes member in our small little family.” and goofing around and others he spent dancing around the fire, hands rubbing
as his, but more like a – ‘merchant’ he The following year was if to say – his time sleeping, but he was the bond together in glee. “You’ve said that at
thought. ‘I must have been rescued or fun – for Darius. He came to enjoy the that held the rowdy group together – he least ten times this month, Zareen,”
more likely captured by a group of life of the people around him, free and was their comfort – if he was smiling, Daruis said teasingly. “Alborz,” Zareen
merchants.’ As thought the man knew boundless. They follow no rules, stopping everything would be fine. For Darius, he whined in a cute tone. The others
his thoughts, he said, “We found you in every town that they passed by to simply did everything. From taking care chuckled at their small banter and the
being attacked by a group of bandits, trade for goods, where Zareen – the of the horses, watching the stars, atmosphere was warm and cozy. When
048 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 049
had killed many, but there were still and as the wonderful man I am, sales would argue over the amount of guarding the caravan and now he was
many left. He felt a knife go through his decided to recue you.” The last part silk they would get for their ornaments trying out cooking. Darius loved learning
left biceps and gritted his teeth to stop ended up in a teasing tone, while the with Ava – the blind interpreter and he had learnt much more here than
the knife from falling out of his hands. others scoffed or chuckled at his words. whenever a native with other he ever had behind the walls. He had
He felt his sight dim and his last “Wonderful or more so – foolish,” a man languages came by. Dilshad would be also changed, from the stoic captain
thoughts were of the warm, calloused with short black hair with a scar on his taking care of the camels and the – to still a stoic, but he now laughed
hands that gently ran through his right cheeks said. “Who would have horses in the barn, which sometimes freely and he rarely frowned. He now
cheeks. rescued a stranger – covered in blood Darius would join him. Paviz would be came to view the caravan as his family
Darius was awoken with the smell – in the group of bandits – in the middle taking care of the supply, buying foods and so did they, especially Arman. They
of rabbit soup, such a long time since of the desert, but you Arman.” The man from the market, eyes filled with were like brothers in all but blood; they
he had any. “Be careful,” a warm voice – now Arman chuckled lightly and took childish eagerness every time he saw acted as if they had known each other
said. “We wouldn’t want you to open up a bite of his soup. “Well stranger,” he a strange, new ingredient. Darius had all their lives. He was planning to tell
the wounds again eh boy?” He stiffened, said in a deep voice, “let us know thy learnt many recipes from him and he them the truth about himself when they
noticing that he wasn’t alone; he was name for then we could start calling you daresay that he had became a quiet had reached Xi’an , their last stop.
surrounded by eight figures, male and by name.” Darius was hesitant, giving good cook. When they were travelling, “We’re over here – in between Dun
female. “I am not a boy,” he winced at out his name would surely mark him as Bahadur and Arash – the swordsmen Huang and Xi’an, just a few more weeks
how dry his throat was and the pain in the wanted man – but he had nowhere and the marksmen would be in the and this trip’s going to be over,” Arman
his chest when he said it. “I’m glad that to go – though he could. “Alborz – my middle of the caravan, looking for any said enthusiastically. “We’ve got really
you could still speak.” There was the name is Alborz.” Arman looked at signs of danger. Ester, the navigator, good trades this year,” Zareen smiled.
warm voice again, and he glanced at him in silence for a moment, as if would carefully point out the way – “We haven’t even reached Xi’an yet and
the owner. It was a man not much contemplating on his statement – following the stars. And as for Arman we have almost ran out of stuff. We got
older than he was, with dark brown hair before breaking out into a wide smile. – the leader – it would seems like he a lot more silk than last time and they’re
and a rare color of blue for his eyes. He “Well Alborz, we could use another barely did anything, sometimes singing all very high quality too!” He was now
was dressed in the same Persian clothes member in our small little family.” and goofing around and others he spent dancing around the fire, hands rubbing
as his, but more like a – ‘merchant’ he The following year was if to say – his time sleeping, but he was the bond together in glee. “You’ve said that at
thought. ‘I must have been rescued or fun – for Darius. He came to enjoy the that held the rowdy group together – he least ten times this month, Zareen,”
more likely captured by a group of life of the people around him, free and was their comfort – if he was smiling, Daruis said teasingly. “Alborz,” Zareen
merchants.’ As thought the man knew boundless. They follow no rules, stopping everything would be fine. For Darius, he whined in a cute tone. The others
his thoughts, he said, “We found you in every town that they passed by to simply did everything. From taking care chuckled at their small banter and the
being attacked by a group of bandits, trade for goods, where Zareen – the of the horses, watching the stars, atmosphere was warm and cozy. When
050 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 051
suddenly Ava shushed them, their enemies and friends. Darius knew emperor now though so don’t bother.” sitting on the throne. He beheaded the
faces lost the light and went serious. Arman was not going to be alive for “What? The Emperor?” “Cheng swore man right away, and was crowned the
Ava’s hearing was second to none, long, he was losing blood fast, from the she saw him being taken to the palace.” very next morning. Darius found out that
taking over the loss of his sight. gaping wound on the side of his leg. He was standing in front of the Cyrus dreamt about him overthrowing
“Bandits,” Darius whispered hoarsely. Without a word, they charged fast into emperor. Sitting on the throne and looking the throne and ruling the world which
The sound was getting closer, and the the group of bandits, he slashed down on him like he was the most thus began his mistrust. He scoffed –
group was large. “Let’s kick their butts desperately, knowing that it would not interesting in the world. It reminded him ironically it came true, but he was glad
and finish our soup shall we?” Arman be enough. of the day when he last met the king. for it. With the power he had now he
smirked confidently, lifting up the The sun was rising – and the ‘When it all started,’ he mused bitterly. expanded the kingdom, improved the
group’s spirit. Darius wasn’t fooled, he scorching heat was returning to the Eyes as cold as ice and his face as hard royal pathway and most importantly, he
knew Arman well, and the confidence desert. Darius was sitting on the as stone, Darius made an imposing traded more things than any other
was forced. His and Arman’s gaze met, ground, and on his lap was the head of figure. “So I’ve heard, of the man who nation would. They said it was the
they nodded, and the fight began. Arman, smiling peacefully. He cleary travelled the desert by himself. Though golden age of Persia and they praised
Darius rammed his knife into remembered the words before he died: when I’ve met him, I’ve become even him for it. Darius cared of none of that.
another bandit’s skull – there were many, “Promise me – Darius – ha- don’t look more intrigued,” the words were spoken He slowly went towards a ledge, leaning
but with the rate they were going, they at me like that. We knew from the start through an interpreter beside the out towards the sea. There lay eight
were going to come out victorious. Then of who you were. And we don’t care! emperor – his voice squeaky and graves simply buried but well taken
Ester took a wider step than she should, Why would we have to care what the annoying. Darius smiled, and he began care of. He remembered how he
and lost balance. Her face was one of imperial has to say! Promise me – my to speak the words he had recited, painfully carried each body up the
horror, as the bandit sliced a knife brother, promise to live on – and rise starting the web of his plan. caravan – their blood soaking up his
across her stomach. Ester fell, and and become great Darius – the great It was all too easy – he befriended shirt. He burnt them in China, and
Bahadur screamed in rage as he and wealthy protector.” the emperor in less than a year, and brought their remains back to Persia,
advanced towards the bandit. “Bahadur The city of Xi’an was busy with came back to Persia under a new name. where they belong. He looked at the
– No!” he screamed, hoping it would morning activities and gossips. “Did you He learnt what had happened, his father neatly arranged grave which were each
stop the raging man. Bahadur would not hear? About a Persian man that came was executed, accused of forming a dug by his own hands. He smiled
stop, and that costed him his life. in the city alone! Alone!” “They said his coup by Cambysis who came in to rule wistfully, looking at the sea and poured
Arman and Darius were standing friends got killed in the middle of the after Cyrus had died. the wine onto the graves. “You have
back to back, facing the remaining way and he traveled on his own!” “Who He went in the throne room with his always wanted to see the sea my
bandits. They were covered in blood and is he?” “His name was Alhors or other supporters, nearly almost all of friends.”
surrounded by the corpses of their Baldorse or something; he’s with the the nobles – to find a magus imposter,
050 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 051
suddenly Ava shushed them, their enemies and friends. Darius knew emperor now though so don’t bother.” sitting on the throne. He beheaded the
faces lost the light and went serious. Arman was not going to be alive for “What? The Emperor?” “Cheng swore man right away, and was crowned the
Ava’s hearing was second to none, long, he was losing blood fast, from the she saw him being taken to the palace.” very next morning. Darius found out that
taking over the loss of his sight. gaping wound on the side of his leg. He was standing in front of the Cyrus dreamt about him overthrowing
“Bandits,” Darius whispered hoarsely. Without a word, they charged fast into emperor. Sitting on the throne and looking the throne and ruling the world which
The sound was getting closer, and the the group of bandits, he slashed down on him like he was the most thus began his mistrust. He scoffed –
group was large. “Let’s kick their butts desperately, knowing that it would not interesting in the world. It reminded him ironically it came true, but he was glad
and finish our soup shall we?” Arman be enough. of the day when he last met the king. for it. With the power he had now he
smirked confidently, lifting up the The sun was rising – and the ‘When it all started,’ he mused bitterly. expanded the kingdom, improved the
group’s spirit. Darius wasn’t fooled, he scorching heat was returning to the Eyes as cold as ice and his face as hard royal pathway and most importantly, he
knew Arman well, and the confidence desert. Darius was sitting on the as stone, Darius made an imposing traded more things than any other
was forced. His and Arman’s gaze met, ground, and on his lap was the head of figure. “So I’ve heard, of the man who nation would. They said it was the
they nodded, and the fight began. Arman, smiling peacefully. He cleary travelled the desert by himself. Though golden age of Persia and they praised
Darius rammed his knife into remembered the words before he died: when I’ve met him, I’ve become even him for it. Darius cared of none of that.
another bandit’s skull – there were many, “Promise me – Darius – ha- don’t look more intrigued,” the words were spoken He slowly went towards a ledge, leaning
but with the rate they were going, they at me like that. We knew from the start through an interpreter beside the out towards the sea. There lay eight
were going to come out victorious. Then of who you were. And we don’t care! emperor – his voice squeaky and graves simply buried but well taken
Ester took a wider step than she should, Why would we have to care what the annoying. Darius smiled, and he began care of. He remembered how he
and lost balance. Her face was one of imperial has to say! Promise me – my to speak the words he had recited, painfully carried each body up the
horror, as the bandit sliced a knife brother, promise to live on – and rise starting the web of his plan. caravan – their blood soaking up his
across her stomach. Ester fell, and and become great Darius – the great It was all too easy – he befriended shirt. He burnt them in China, and
Bahadur screamed in rage as he and wealthy protector.” the emperor in less than a year, and brought their remains back to Persia,
advanced towards the bandit. “Bahadur The city of Xi’an was busy with came back to Persia under a new name. where they belong. He looked at the
– No!” he screamed, hoping it would morning activities and gossips. “Did you He learnt what had happened, his father neatly arranged grave which were each
stop the raging man. Bahadur would not hear? About a Persian man that came was executed, accused of forming a dug by his own hands. He smiled
stop, and that costed him his life. in the city alone! Alone!” “They said his coup by Cambysis who came in to rule wistfully, looking at the sea and poured
Arman and Darius were standing friends got killed in the middle of the after Cyrus had died. the wine onto the graves. “You have
back to back, facing the remaining way and he traveled on his own!” “Who He went in the throne room with his always wanted to see the sea my
bandits. They were covered in blood and is he?” “His name was Alhors or other supporters, nearly almost all of friends.”
surrounded by the corpses of their Baldorse or something; he’s with the the nobles – to find a magus imposter,
052 creative sparks a collection of creative writing by EPTS 053
In a little town, which is beautiful emaciated more and more every day.
and peaceful, there is one couple. They However, he prays with the Lord
always go to see a sunrise at the beach incessantly. Accordingly, the Lord
and look at the sunset in the evening speaks to him. “Would you permit to
together. Everybody who meets them interchange the blessing with your
will see with jealous eyes their affection. life?” the Lord asks. “I permit,” the boy
One day, there is a car accident. The says. “If you really want that, I will grant
unfortunate girl is injured fatally. She you a magical wish. Your lover will
sleeps silently in her bed in hospital. regain consciousness but you must
Day after day, she is not able to change to and be a dragonfly for three
recover. The boy always looks after her years. Do you accept that?” the Lord
in front of her bed and cries for his asks again for confidence. “I accept
sweetheart. But she does not respond that,” the boy reaffirms his answer. The
to him. At night, the boy usually goes to boy mutates into a dragonfly. He says
a suburban church to plead with the goodbye to the Lord and flies back to
Lord. He cries and cries until he does the hospital. The girl really comes to.
not have more tears to cry. There is one doctor that is standing
One month passes. The girl is still beside her. It is a pity that the dragonfly
asleep as usual. And the boy is cannot hear what they are saying.