page Move to encourage suicidal
ON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 20, 2021 3 individuals to seek help
No. 7865 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195)
Only 1.8% left to be vaccinated page
for herd immunity 4
Experts say modernising
agriculture practices in Malaysia is
one way to ensure food security.
Ensure certainty
█ BY RAJVINDER SINGH o Strengthen supply chain and raise domestic
[email protected] production to secure food supply, govt advised
PETALING JAYA: Steps must be growth plan,” he said. extreme, could lead to starvation.”
taken domestically and He added that the domestic Malaysia has depended on food
externally to secure food agriculture sector could focus on imports for years and last year, the bill
supply in Malaysia. staples such as rice, and rather than came up to a whopping RM55.5
According to an economist, this can just meeting immediate needs, there billion, the highest ever.
be done by modernising the agriculture must be a reserve stock for emergency According to the Statistics
sector while diversifying sources of use. Department, Malaysia is highly
food imports. However, he said Malaysia will still dependent on imports of mutton
have to import food, as self-sufficiency (RM879.4 million spent last year),
Sunway University Business School is not economically possible. mangoes (RM87.9 million), coconuts
professor of Economics Dr Yeah Kim “Given that we cannot rely entirely (RM266.1 million) and beef (RM2.2
Leng pointed out that food security is on domestic sources, we will have to billion). These are imported from
about meeting basic needs rather than ensure that our food import Australia, Thailand, India and
economics. agreements are binding. At the same Indonesia respectively.
time, Malaysia cannot risk relying on As a country dependent on
“Next to public health, food security just a few countries. In times of crisis, food imports, the security of food
is at the top of the priority list and as all countries will put their own needs supply has been an important
such, the supply chain needs to be first.” topic for years. The risks have
protected.” Yeah said what is crucial is that risen as a result of the
Malaysia secures a resilient Covid-19 pandemic, and will
He said risks to food security have supply chain to protect the Turn to only worsen with climate
become even more pronounced as nation from changing weather change.
climate change brings with it extremes —
in temperatures and natural disasters. page 2
“Compared with extreme weather “Failure to do so, on the
conditions that can disrupt the food
supply chain, the Covid-19 pandemic is
not that bad.
“We have to find ways to protect our
food supply chain and for the long
term, we should start with making the
agriculture sector a part of the
14,500 fire personnel
‘Concrete steps needed for nationwide have been fully
success of Keluarga Malaysia’ vaccinated against Covid-19,
said Fire and Rescue
Department director-general
Datuk Seri Mohammad
Hamdan Wahid. He said the
remaining 10% have not been
vaccinated due to several
█ BY RAJVINDER SINGH o Policies benefiting every Malaysian, Centre for Public Policy at the Asia factors, including health
[email protected] regardless of race or religion, should be Strategy and Leadership Institute, problems. Mohammad
PETALING JAYA: More than mere lip cornerstone of concept, say activists said that if Malaysians do not change Hamdan said as the first
service and slogans are essential to their ways, the nation risks going responders in any operation it
realise the “Keluarga Malaysia”, or down the path of racial and religious was mandatory for firefighters
Malaysian Family spirit espoused by prejudice. to get inoculated to protect
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail them from the virus. “We are
Sabri Yaakob. He singled out the RUU355 (Rang targeting to vaccinate 100% of
no favourites.” used to be touted as our greatest Undang-Undang 355) proposed by the personnel for their health
While social activist Tan Sri Lee Lee said special consideration strength. However, we seem to have PAS as one of the ways that could lead and safety because they will be
Lam Thye said there should be lost that sense of oneness. We are to disunity and impede progress. the first responders in
policies that benefit every Malaysian, should be given to Malaysians who drifting apart, along racial and operations during disasters
regardless of race or religion, former are disadvantaged or deprived religious lines.” The RUU355 is a Bill tabled by PAS such as floods. They are also
senior civil servant Tan Sri Ramon regardless of race, religion, creed, to seek an amendment to the Syariah required to comply with
Navaratnam stressed that all gender or geographical location. He said the Malaysian Family Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act to standard operating procedures
individuals should be treated as spirit should be practised by all strata increase penalties for various as well as undergo screening
equals. “Only then can we create a true of society. “It must be an extension offences. tests on a regular basis.”
Malaysian Family. Let’s not just talk and expression of our own family – Bernama
Lee said that for the Malaysian about it. Let’s experience it in our unity and values. This means Ramon said there should not be a
Family concept to be realised, daily lives.” breaking down racial barriers while situation where one person stands GOVT NOD FOR
everyone in the family should be organisations should not be race or dominant over another. “People want BOOSTER SHOTS
loved, respected, nurtured and given Lee pointed out that the Covid-19 religion-based. freedom and equality.”
all opportunities to develop to their pandemic had shown that all KUALA LUMPUR: The
full potential. Malaysians are “in the same boat”. “We have to do this if we are to He proposed that the next five- government has agreed to
move away from the current race and year plan should focus on providing administer Covid-19 vaccine
“It is hoped that the government He said the pandemic has taught religious bias in so many aspects of opportunities to the poor. “Income booster shots as part of efforts
will do whatever it takes to ensure Malaysians a “very valuable” lesson, our national life. level rather than race should be the to increase protection among
that family values are practised in all and that is everyone is vulnerable in basis on which aid is provided under vulnerable groups. Prime
aspects of national life,” he told the same way. “Let’s apply the Malaysian family these new plans. The poor, no matter Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri
theSun. spirit in all aspects of our national life. who they are, should receive help. If Yaakob said priority will be
“We all need the same level and After all, everyone is Malaysian, with we continue to ignore the needs of given to high-risk groups such
“In a family, we do not measure of help. There must be no equal rights, responsibilities, hopes the poor, it could lead to social as healthcare frontliners and
discriminate against any member. discrimination.” and aspirations and we require equal disunity in the long term.” immunocompromised
Everyone deserves equal treatment opportunities.” patients. Besides these two
and opportunities. There should be Lee noted that fostering national Ramon also noted that some categories, he said senior
unity has been the nation’s greatest Ramon, who now heads the leaders do not want unity for fear that citizens with comorbidities and
challenge over the years. they would lose their grip on power. individuals who work or stay at
long-term care facilities will
“The concept of ‘unity in diversity’ also be given priority for the
booster shots, adding that they
Parties, politicians will be administered once the
told to check facts adult population vaccination
rate nationwide has surpassed
KOTA KINABALU: All parties, 80%.” – Bernama
including politicians, have been
asked to check their facts before METICULOUS MEASURES ... A private kindergarten employee in Sepang, Selangor sanitising toys in preparation Kelantan moving
commenting on an RM18.24 million for resumption of operations after all such establishments registered with the Education Ministry were given approval to towards Phase 3
disaster management allocation reopen. – BERNAMAPIX
announced recently by Prime GUA MUSANG: Kelantan is
Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Pandemic shows food security vital: Expert expected to move to phase three of
Yaakob for Sabah. the National Recovery Plan at the
Universiti Teknologi From supply of staples can lead to ensure food security. end of this month or early October,
Sabah Assistant Finance Minister Malaysia geostrategist front political instability,” he told theSun. “It will not happen overnight as as more people become fully
Datuk Nizam Abu Bakar Titingan said Dr Azmi Hassan said the page vaccinated against Covid-19, said
the allocation was just the start of pandemic has shown “In the 1970s and early 1980s, we cannot simply import state Health Department director
disaster management aid assured by how important it is to we were self-sufficient for rice, but technology. We need to develop our Datuk Dr Zaini Hussin.
the federal government. have food security. our priorities changed when we own expertise. This means we have
He said at one point during the started to focus on the to give priority to research in the He said, however, several
He said the RM18.24 million was pandemic, Vietnam stopped manufacturing sector as it provided agricultural sector. criteria would be taken into
for the immediate needs of disaster exporting rice to Malaysia, causing more jobs and higher profits,” Azmi account before the transition,
management including Covid-19, a problem for the country. said. “The people as well as including vaccination coverage
adding that the Sabah disaster “This has shown us how fragile politicians need to be convinced and the trend of daily Covid-19
management committee had our supply chain can be in times of “We neglected the agricultural about the importance of food cases in the state.
already received RM8 million difficulties. Food security is sector. We need to give priority to before we can move forward. We
previously. important because an insufficient this sector now.” also need to take proactive steps to He added that as of Saturday,
protect our agriculture land if we 75% of the adult population in the
Nizam said the state government He added that modernising the want food security.” state had received at least one
had also applied for more than agricultural sector is important to dose of the vaccine.
RM200 million in disaster relief and
management allocations to the prime “We will continue to carry out
minister during the disaster activities, including outreach
management committee meeting last programmes, and we are
week. confident that the target of 80%
vaccination rate will be achieved
“The request for more than by the end of this month or early
RM200 million involves an allocation next month,” he told reporters at
of about RM147 million to the Gua Musang Orang Asli
repair infrastructure damaged by vaccination event at Pos Gob on
floods and about RM83 million for Saturday.
He said the admission of Covid
“The prime minister during his patients involving serious
recent visit to Sabah also gave an categories to the hospital had
assurance that the federal decreased. “Although the number
government would provide more of daily cases recorded in the state
assistance to Sabah,” he told is still at four figures since Sept 10,
Bernama yesterday. 95% to 97% of the Covid patients
are in categories one and two.”
DAP member of Parliament for
Kota Kinabalu Chan Foong Hin Commenting on the supply of
recently questioned why the federal 1.2 million doses of vaccines that
government had only provided will be received this month, Zaini
RM18.24 million to Sabah for disaster said walk-in vaccinations will be
management compared with the introduced to maximise the
RM78 million allocation given to vaccination rate.
Kedah flood victims.
He said more than 120,000
Nizam advised Chan to check his eligible people have yet to be
facts before issuing statements on the vaccinated. – Bernama
On Sept 16, the federal
government, through the National
Disaster Management Agency had
allocated RM18.24 million to help
Sabah manage disasters.
‘Slope development Illegal renovation among causes of Kemensah Heights landslide
needs EIA report’
Tarpaulin sheets are used to cover the exposed slope following a landslide at Jalan Kemensah Heights. KUALA LUMPUR: Illegal house
PUTRAJAYA: Environmental Impact – AMIRUL SYAFIQ/THESUN renovation has been identified as
Assessment (EIA) and approved EIA among the causes of a landslide at
report are required for any development Jalan Kemensah Heights last Friday,
or land clearing in an area with slope said Energy and Natural Resources
greater than or equal to 25 degrees, but Minister Datuk Seri Takiyuddin
less than 35 degrees. Hassan.
Environment Department (DoE) Takiyuddin, who visited the scene
director-general Wan Abdul Latiff Wan yesterday, said he understood the
Jaafar said an EIA and EIA report are need of some owners to renovate
also required for construction of roads, their houses to accommodate a
tunnels or bridges traversing an area larger family,
with slope greater than or equal to 35
degrees, he added. “But it had to be carried out in
accordance with stipulated
“The department will take stern guidelines and procedures to avoid
action against any party who does the an incident like this,” he said at the
prescribed activities without an scene of the landslide.
approved EIA report as stipulated in
Section 34A of the Environmental Takiyuddin said a report on the
Quality Act 1974,” he said in a statement landslide was being prepared by the
yesterday. minerals and geosciences
department and is expected to be
The law carries a maximum fine of completed today.
RM500,000 or a jail term of up to five
years or both. It will be used as a reference by
other agencies and departments for
The statement was issued following follow-up action, he added.
reports of land clearing and tree felling
in the slope area in Bukit Tabur, Mukim Three bungalows and 12
Hulu Kelang, Selangor. townhouses, involving 27 families,
were affected by the landslide.
Meanwhile, Wan Abdul Latiff said he However, no injuries were reported.
had visited the area with Environment
and Water Ministry secretary-general Gombak district officer Nor
Datuk Seri Zaini Ujang and Selangor Azlina Abdul Aziz said the Ampang
DoE director Nor Aziah Jaafar. Jaya Municipal Council had been
instructed to inspect the slopes and
He said land work at the site had construction sites in the Kemensah
stopped following a stop-work order Heights area to ensure compliance
issued by the Ampang Jaya Municipal with stipulated conditions and
Council last Sept 11. regulations. – Bernama
“From site inspections and Helping those who poor mental health conditions or
observation using drones, it was found have lost hope psychosocial stresses caused by
that there were no control measures to financial difficulties, bereavements
contain erosion and sediment in slope oMentalHealthAid Associationtoaddress awareness of the topic in more or difficulties in relationships.
areas that have been terraced by the suicide by spreading awareness on the issue conversations.
developer,” he added. – Bernama Farihan, who used to work in the She said criminalising the act also
Health Ministry, said she and Nyawa leads to under-reporting. “We do not
Australia to brief deputy director Khair Hisham have comprehensive data on the
M’sia on Aukus realised that many prevalence of suicides. The Suicide
█ BY SHIVANI SUPRAMANI Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said it is recommendations that have been Registry Malaysia was active only
PUTRAJAYA: Australia will send its [email protected] key to preventing suicides in reiterated in policy briefs and from 2007 to 2009,” she said.
officials to Malaysia to provide further PETALING JAYA: Sending someone Malaysia. “Recognising that suicide academic articles are acknowledged
clarification and understanding on the to jail for trying to kill himself is is not a crime is a step forward in and support by the government. In a recent “live” Instagram
security partnership involving the ironic and self-defeating. getting more people to seek “However, the red tape and lack session with Nyawa, Muar MP Syed
country, the United Kingdom and the treatment early,” he said. of resources prevented us from Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman recalled
United States, known with the acronym Rather than address the root of making the changes,” she said. going through sleepless nights,
Aukus, said Foreign Minister Datuk the problem, it could only make it The suicide rate in Malaysia has The 11-man team in Nyawa is random cold shivers at night and a
Saifuddin Abdullah. worse for the person who has risen sharply this year, and many hoping to take the “empathic and great sense of hopelessness.
already lost his way, according to an have attributed it to the economic empirically-grounded” message
In a statement yesterday, he said the interest group and a politician. losses suffered as a result of the across to the masses. “The trouble is that when you
matter was agreed on recently during a Covid-19 pandemic. Farihan said another task the open up about your mental health
telephone conversation with his Criminalising suicide attempt team has set for itself is to empower problems, people would just label
Australian counterpart, Senator Marise only deters and delays help to those Within just the first five months people with awareness on mental you as a ‘drama queen’ or ‘soft’.
Payne. in crisis, according to the Mental of 2021, a total 468 suicides have health issues by disseminating Otherwise, you’re told that being a
Health Aid Organisation (Nyawa). been recorded. In comparison, evidence-based information guy, you should man up. This
Saifuddin also called for all parties there were 609 cases throughout through policy advocacy and non- restricts our ability to express our
within the Indo-Pacific region and “People who opt to take their 2019 and 631 in 2020. partisan research. feelings,” he said.
beyond to further strengthen active lives will avoid seeking mental Criminalising the act of
cooperation in promoting peace, health support for fear of legal In the period from January to attempting suicide is just assigning He said he found a way to cope by
stability, growth and prosperity in the repercussions,” Nyawa director May, Selangor recorded 117 fault rather than addressing the sharing his feelings with family and
region as espoused in the Asean Farihin Ufiya told theSun. suicides, the highest among all the “complex underlying causes of friends. “If you have good friends or
Outlook on Indo-Pacific. states. In comparison, Johor suicidal behaviour”, she pointed out. trusted family members, speak to
The Health Ministry recently recorded a total of 101 suicides from She said these could have been them. Expressing your feelings may
He shared Prime Minister Datuk Seri announced that it would push for January 2019 to December 2020. be tough at first, but it must start
Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s concerns that the the decriminalisation of suicide in somewhere,” he stressed.
establishment of Aukus could lead to Malaysia. Its director-general Tan Sri Farihan said Nyawa hopes to
the escalation of arms race in the region. address the problem by spreading Syed Saddiq also advised those
who have been approached to lend
“It could also spark tension among an ear should listen because
superpowers, and aggravate aggression “listening in itself is already a formal
between them in the region, particularly service”.
in the South China Sea,” he said.
He agreed that repealing
On Sept 15, the US, UK and Australia provisions that make suicide attempt
unveiled the new security trilateral a criminal offence should be done as
partnership arrangement Aukus, where soon as possible. “We’ve talked
among others Australia will be about this for years. Now we should
equipped with a fleet of advanced just do it,” he added.
nuclear-powered submarines. Aukus
has raised concerns over the powerplay Stay vigilant, adhere to Covid-19 SOP: Zafrul
and nuclear proliferation in the region.
KUALA LUMPUR: The public must observe SOP when more economic Malaysia talk show yesterday on “We (Finance Ministry) are quite
Saifuddin also reaffirmed the prime remain vigilant and continue to sectors reopen, adding that this was how society can contribute towards optimistic, we can see that the IMF
minister’s assertion for all concerned adhere to standard operating quite evident when certain social its success. (International Monetary Fund) and
parties to respect and comply with procedures (SOP) when the activities were permitted recently, World Bank’s forecast and
Malaysia’s national regime under the government reopens more sectors he said. At the same time, Tengku Zafrul projections for Malaysia next year
1982 UN Convention on the Law of the once the nation enters the endemic said the Finance Ministry is open to are quite positive,” he said.
Sea, Asean’s Southeast Asia Nuclear phase, Finance Minister Tengku “These clusters emerge helping those economically
Weapons Free Zone Treaty and Zone of Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz because we tend to think that impacted by the pandemic, adding Besides this, Tengku Zafrul, who
Peace, Freedom and Neutrality Treaty. said. things are back to normal and we that for the first time in the nation’s is also NRP coordinating minister,
do not have to comply with the history, the ministry has issued a said NRP is a dynamic plan that uses
“Malaysia is steadfast in its position He said this is important as SOP any longer. pre-budget statement for Budget current data for decisions to be
on maintaining international peace and current developments show there 2022. brought to the National Security
security in the Indo-Pacific region, are still new Covid-19 clusters being “From social sector activities Council and the pandemic
including issues related to nuclear detected among certain sectors. observed recently, there are many “Those are our two focuses to management committee.
disarmament, nuclear non- who seem to have forgotten about help the people and also businesses
proliferation and the peaceful uses of These clusters are triggered SOP,” he said when discussing the in the near future and also to make “NRP focuses on both the
nuclear technology,” he said. – Bernama when certain segments of society National Recovery Plan (NRP) on plans for 2022 for the country’s economic and social sectors,” he
become complacent and fail to RTM’s Optik@Selamat Pagi recovery. said. – Bernama
Pulau Bidong springs back to life
KUALA NERUS: After being brought Zaki said the beauty of its coral reefs, been receiving encouraging response resort islands because it has no this week in conjunction with the
to a standstill by the Covid-19 Vietnamese refugee relics, diversity of from the public seeking to know permanent human settlements and reactivation of tourism activities on
pandemic for almost two years, Pulau its pristine flora and fauna and more about this historic island since is still free from any form of pollution. the island.
Bidong is starting to “breathe” again Malaysia’s first underwater gallery the Terengganu tourism sector was
after the government allowed have made the island popular among allowed to resume operations on “The beauty of its coral reefs, He said the state government
Terengganu to move to Phase Three environmentalists as well as Sept 1, Bernama reported. which can be found near the would carry out repair works and
of the National Recovery Plan from snorkelling and scuba diving campsite, is really mesmerising,” said upgrade public facilities or
last Friday. enthusiasts. Pulau Bidong was a Vietnamese the private sector worker, who was infrastructure on the island for the
boat-people settlement centre from visiting the island with her convenience of visitors.
Although not as popular as other “Pulau Bidong is not for those who August 1978 to November 1991. colleagues.
resort islands in Terengganu, Pulau want to enjoy a luxurious vacation During the period, a total of 252,390 “Cleanliness will be given priority
Bidong, once called “a second life because it has no fancy restaurants or refugees transited on the island Those visiting Pulau Bidong are because we do not want the island to
island” by Vietnam war refugees, is eateries and luxury facilities like on before moving to countries such as required to ensure cleanliness is be carpeted with garbage. Although
among the top destinations for other islands.” the United States, Canada, Germany maintained and abide by rules set. Pulau Bidong is open to the public,
history and nature lovers. and Australia. we will limit the number of visitors
Badrol Hisham, who is also a State Tourism, Culture and Digital because we want to keep it as an
Bidong Heritage Travel Sdn Bhd registered operator of one of two Nurul Ain Norazuan, 31, said Technology Committee chairman exclusive island to preserve its
managing director Badrol Hisham campsites on the island, said he has Pulau Bidong is different from other Ariffin Deraman said a mass gotong- natural beauty and historical value.”
royong programme would be held
Ras Adiba Penang needs
observes as more field hospitals
Adham gives
a vaccine GEORGE TOWN: There is a need for more
recipient his field hospitals to be set up in Penang to
Covid shot at accommodate an increasing number of
the OKU Covid-19 cases in the state, said DAP
Sentral centre secretary-general Lim Guan Eng yesterday.
yesterday. –
BERNAMAPIX The Bagan member of Parliament added
that intensive care unit (ICU) bed utilisation
Herd immunity within reach in Penang is currently at 96.6%, the second
highest in ICU bed utilisation in the
o Only 1.8% of adult least 60% of the adult population to be fully adding that it was merely focused on certain country.
population nationwide left vaccinated by the end of September. states and areas, including groups which were
to be vaccinated to achieve inadvertently left out. Lim proposed that Health Minister
80% target “This month, the vaccination rate was much Khairy Jamaluddin look into setting up
higher in certain states as efforts are focused on “The daily vaccination rate recorded on more field hospitals with more ICU beds in
JOHOR BARU: Only about 1.8% of the adult states which still have low vaccination rates, Saturday was 232,559 doses, with the highest Covid-19 hotspots such as Seberang Jaya,
population remains to be vaccinated for namely Kelantan, Pahang, Kedah, Perak and number of doses administered in Sabah, Johor Nibong Tebal and Balik Pulau.
Malaysia to achieve 80% herd immunity for Sabah,” he told reporters here yesterday. and the Klang Valley.”
adults, said Science, Technology and Innovation “Penangites are grateful for the quick
Minister Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba. Earlier, Adham visited the OKU Sentral drive- On vaccinations involving persons with completion by the Armed Forces of a field
thru vaccination centre at the Johor Baru City disabilities (PwD), Adham said according to hospital comprising 96 ordinary beds and
He said as of Saturday, 78.2% of the country’s Council Aquatic Centre in Arena Larking, data from the Covid-19 Immunisation Task four ICU beds at the Penang General
adult population had been fully vaccinated. accompanied by OKU Sentral president, Senator Force, a total of 517,447 of 575,564 PwD, or Hospital car park.
Datuk Ras Adiba Radzi. 89.9%, had received at least one dose.
“The focus is currently on all states, for at “However, with the ICU bed utilisation
Adham said vaccination coverage in most He said 401,425 of them have been fully nearly hitting full capacity, Khairy should
states was on track, especially in Sarawak, vaccinated, covering 69.74% of PwD registered consider building more field hospitals for
Labuan and the Klang Valley, covering Selangor, for the Covid-19 vaccine, Bernama reported. Penang,” he said in a statement.
Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya.
On the OKU Sentral drive-thru centre, he said On Sept 11, Khairy said a field hospital
However, he said that did not mean it would be open to the public for walk-in jabs would be built at the public hospital parking
vaccination efforts were being scaled down, from today until Sept 30. lot to accommodate more Covid-19 patients
in Penang.
The Armed Forces began the
construction of the field hospital on Sept 16
with about 23 tents set up in a 2,300sq m
area and it is expected to be operational
Meanwhile, Lim also proposed that
Khairy draw on the extra RM5 billion funds
allocated to his ministry as part of the RM45
billion fund injection to fight Covid-19 and
the economic recession in the
memorandum of understanding signed
between the federal government and
Pakatan Harapan on Sept 13.
He said the RM5 billion could help not
only to conduct mass screening nationwide
but also increase manpower by hiring
contract doctors on a permanent basis and
improve health support services. – Bernama
76 PERLIS 1,420 KELANTAN C VID-19 concTafiosrtemasl ed As of September 19
1,259 PENANG 2,097,830
As of noon yesterday
Total cNaesews 14,954
0 LABUAN ac?ve cases As of yesterday
TERENGGANU 671 219,359 1,194TIoCintUal
1,222 PERAK Total
recoveries New
2,028 SELANGOR PAHANG 705 recoveries 23,469
383 K.LUMPUR 1,863,922
207 MALACCA SARAWAK 2,707 Death New N/A
toll fatalities
As of September 11
Received second doses
JOHOR 1,948
21,938,426 18,295,014
Fake news Odd jobs
on ‘fleeing’
Orang Asli ‘Flora guru’ talks her plants
into growing well
IPOH: A viral message claiming that 250
Orang Asli Covid-19 patients in Gopeng o Epiphany brought
have fled into the jungle is false. realisation on growth
effects of positive
Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Saarani and tender words
Mohamad said this was confirmed by
Perak Orang Asli Development █ BY ELLY FAZANIZA
Department director Harulnizam Abd [email protected]
Rahman yesterday.
THE Prince of Wales does it, and so Wong tending to one of her plants. – AMIRUL SYAFIQ/ THESUN
“I received the same message does Sarah Darwin, descendent of
through WhatsApp, claiming that six the progenitor of the theory of she said. pot because there was no longer Wong is also a personal plant
people had died, including the Tok evolution and concept of natural Her success with her own plants enough space for its roots. purchaser and is often hired to find a
Batin. selection. plant suitable for a specific home.
led to her first commission as a plant She conceded that intuition plays
“Children were also being told not to They are among many plant whisperer. a part when finding answers. All the “When buying plants, I will look
go into a river as the Orang Asli had lovers who talk to their shrubs, same, she gets it right most of the at my clients’ lifestyle. For instance, I
bathed in it. shoots and seedlings. A friend, who owned a large time. would recommend a plant that
collection of bonsai, learned about needs only minimum care if my
“But after checking with the Of course, it is not like striking up Wong’s connection with plants and Wong also checks the soil and client is a very busy person.
department director, I was told it was a conversation with a bonsai sitting hired her to find out what was water to ensure they are at an
fake news,” Saarani told reporters at the on a shelf near a window, but firm troubling his plants. optimum level. She also advises “Working as a concert organiser
site of road cracks along Federal Route believers such as Wong Hooi Yean growers on how to check if their for 15 years, life was all about work
185, Section 43.9, Jalan Simpang Pulai- swears that a little pep talk helps to “I found out that my friend’s plants are happy. and the stress that came with it.
Blue Valley, heading towards Cameron boost the growth of plants. plants were being attacked by pests”, Switching to a new role at a TV
Highlands. she said. She said plants are not all the station did not make a lot of
Wong’s first introduction to the same. Some have the will to fight difference.”
He added that the Perak government concept that one could talk to plants Wong’s day at work revolves while others give up easily.
would, through the Covid-19 came when she joined a meditation around talking to plants and asking Now, Wong has finally found the
vaccination outreach programme, class. them about their well-being and “If they have lost their will to peace she longed for, through
ensure that the Orang Asli community what they need. survive, I would lose them, even meditation and chatting with her
are vaccinated, including those in the “The guru, who has green after I put in much effort to revive plants.
interior areas. thumbs, taught me a lot about “For instance, after talking to a them,” she said.
caring for plants,” she told theSun. plant, I could tell that it needs a new
Meanwhile, another video showing
the burial of Covid-19 victims in an She first realised that her voice
Orang Asli village in Ulu Geroh, Gopeng and emotions could influence a
was described as a normal process that plant’s growth when she tried to
was carried out by the Health Ministry grow mint.
and the Malaysian Civil Defence Force.
At the time, she just started work
State Health, Science, Environment at a TV station after calling it quits as
and Green Technology Committee a concert organiser.
chairman Mohd Akmal Kamarudin said
the cemetery was located across a river “I was not feeling good about
from the Orang Asli village. myself, and all that negativity
manifested in the plant,” she said.
He said the Orang Asli community in
Ulu Geroh, which had been placed “I kept asking my mint plant why
under an enhanced movement control it was so slow to grow. Then came
order, had cooperated with frontliners. the ‘A-ha’ moment. I realised that my
negativity was reflected in my voice,
Those who tested positive had been and it had affected its growth,” she
sent to the Covid-19 quarantine and said.
low-risk treatment centre in Sungkai.
– Bernama To give the plant some relief, she
stopped watering it or talking to it for
No entry of two weeks.
foreign maids
until Dec 31 “When I looked at it again, I was
surprised that it had flourished. I
PUTRAJAYA: Private employment realised that I had to give myself and
agencies that are registered with the my plant some space to grow.”
Human Resources Ministry are advised
not to make any statements or Today, Wong’s apartment is like a
advertisements that wil mislead nursery.
employers on entry of foreign maids
into the country. “I have about 200 plants in here,”
Its minister Datuk Seri Counselling for children of Covid victims
M. Saravanan said it is generally known
that the majority of foreign maids in the SEPANG: The Women, Family and a regular basis. Rina said the ministry, through government will provide monthly
country are from Indonesia. Community Development Ministry “There are some who said they the Social Welfare Department, will financial aid of RM250 per child
will focus on regaining emotional identify the children’s relatives or aged six and below, and RM150 per
The ministry is still in negotiations stability of children who lost their cannot accept the loss of their father next-of-kin who can take care of child aged seven and above under
with the republic to finalise a parents due to Covid-19. even after several months,” she told them, in accordance with Section 17 the Emergency Assistance Fund and
memorandum of understanding on reporters after checking of the Child Act 2001. Children’s Fund.
the recruitment of Indonesian Minister Datuk Seri Rina Mohd preparations for the reopening of a
domestic helpers, which had expired Harun said a total of 273 counsellors nursery yesterday. “We want to make sure they grow She said for children who do not
on May 30, 2016. from the Social Welfare Department up in a family environment and have relatives who can take care of
have been tasked with providing She was commenting on the fate their emotions are stable,” she said. them, they would be placed at seven
Saravanan said as of August, there counselling for traumatised of 4,422 pupils under the Education child protection institutions under
were a total of 92,481 foreign maids in children who need such services on Ministry who have lost their parents To help ease the burden of the the welfare department. – Bernama
the country. or guardians due to Covid-19. children’s guardians, Rina said the
Of the total, 64,181 were Indonesian Former Kunak assemblyman dies of coronavirus
domestic helpers.
KOTA KINABALU: Former Kunak Datuk Bung Moktar Radin, who is his wife Datin Amnani Abdullah. Bung Moktar described Nilwan’s
“I would like to remind employers assemblyman Datuk Nilwan also Sabah Umno liaison chairman, Nilwan was a two-term death as a great loss to Sabah Umno
that there is no entry of foreign workers Kabang died of Covid-19 yesterday. said Nilwan was admitted to the and the people in the state.
into the country, including foreign private hospital early this month. assemblyman for the Kunak state
maids, from source countries since the The 71-year-old Sabah Umno constituency from 2008 to 2018 “The late Nilwan was a strong-
implementation of the movement deputy information chief died at “On behalf of Umno Sabah, I before losing to Parti Warisan Sabah willed person who did not give up
control on March 18, 2020 due to the 3.45am at the Gleneagles Hospital. would like to extend my candidate Norazlinah Arif in the easily and always stayed calm in the
Covid-19 pandemic. condolences to Nilwan’s family and 14th general election. face of adversity.”– Bernama
Sabah Deputy Chief Minister
“The government has decided that
there will be no entry of both categories
of foreign workers until Dec 31,” he said
in a statement yesterday.
Saravanan added any decision to
bring in foreign workers, including
foreign maids, will be announced by
the government after discussions with
the National Security Council, Human
Resources Ministry, Home Affairs
Ministry, Health Ministry and the
relevant ministries. – Bernama
Australia rejects accusations KABUL: A pickup truck carrying
on purchase of submarines Taliban fighters was the target
of a bomb in the Afghan city of
CANBERRA: Australian Prime o PM says cancellation of deal with France was Defence Minister Peter Dutton Jalalabad yesterday, a day after
Minister Scott Morrison yesterday over ‘deepandgraveconcerns’raisedmonthsago insisted Canberra had been “upfront, at least two people were killed
rejected France’s accusations his open and honest” with Paris about its in a series of blasts in the area.
government lied about plans to grave concerns that the capability “This will not do.” concerns over the deal. Witnesses told local media that
cancel a contract to buy French being delivered by the Attack Class In an interview with France 2 several wounded Taliban
submarines, saying he had raised submarine was not going to meet our television, Le Drian described the Le Drian also issued a stinging fighters were taken to hospital
concerns over the deal “some months strategic interests and we made very withdrawal of the ambassadors for response to a question over why after the explosion, which one
ago”. clear that we would be making a the first time in the history of France had not recalled its journalist said happened near
decision based on our strategic relations with the countries as a “very ambassador to Britain, which was an interchange for transport to
Australia’s decision to tear up a national interests,” he told reporters. symbolic” act that aimed “to show also part of the security pact known and from Kabul. Further details
deal for the French submarines in how unhappy we are and that there is as Aukus. were not available. At least two
favour of American nuclear-powered Morrison’s comments came after a serious crisis between us”. people were killed in Jalalabad
vessels sparked outrage in Paris, with French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le The French contract to supply “We have recalled our on Saturday in the first deadly
President Emmanuel Macron Drian used distinctly undiplomatic conventional submarines to Australia ambassadors to (Canberra and blasts since the last American
recalling France’s ambassadors to language towards Australia, the was worth A$50 billion (RM152 Washington) to re-evaluate the troops withdrew from
Canberra and Washington in an United States and Britain, which is billion) when signed in 2016. situation. With Britain, there is no Afghanistan on Aug 30. – AFP
unprecedented move. also part of a new three-way security Morrison said he understood need. We know their constant
pact announced last week that led to France’s disappointment, but added: opportunism. So there is no need to VACCINE BOOKINGS
Canberra has stood firm as France the rupture. “I don’t regret the decision to put bring our ambassador back to SPIKE IN ITALY
aired accusations of betrayal, with Australia’s national interests first.” explain.”
Morrison insisting he and his “There has been lying, duplicity, a ROME: Bookings for
ministers previously communicated major breach of trust and contempt. Of London’s role in the pact under coronavirus vaccines in Italy
their issues about the French vessels. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, he spiked last week after the
added with derision: “Britain in this government said all
“I think they would have had every whole thing is a bit like the third employees must show proof of
reason to know that we had deep and wheel.” – AFP a jab, negative test or recent
recovery from Covid-19,
HK elite selects authorities said. “On a national
‘patriots only’ level, there was a generalised
committee increase in bookings for the
first dose of between 20% and
HONG KONG: The political elite LEG POWER ... Children taking part in the Settrington Cup Pedal Car Race as motoring enthusiasts attend the Goodwood 40% compared to the
here began selecting a powerful Revival, a three-day historic car racing festival in the British city of Chichester on Saturday. – REUTERSPIX preceding week,” said
committee yesterday which will coronavirus commissioner
choose the city’s next leader and SpaceX capsule with world’s first Francesco Figliuolo in a
nearly half the legislature under a all-civilian orbital crew returns safely statement on Saturday. Almost
new “patriots only” system 41 million people in Italy have
imposed by Beijing. WASHINGTON: A quartet of newly controlled its flight and handled She was followed in rapid been fully vaccinated,
minted citizen astronauts comprising the splashdown recovery operation. succession by geoscientist and government data shows –
The city has never been a the SpaceX Inspiration4 mission The three-day mission ended as former Nasa astronaut candidate 76% of the population over the
democracy but a small and vocal safely splashed down in the Atlantic the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule, Sian Proctor, 51, aerospace data age of 12. Authorities last week
opposition was tolerated after the off Florida’s coast on Saturday, dubbed Resilience, parachuted into engineer and Air Force veteran Chris extended the so-called “Green
1997 handover to China. completing a three-day flight of the calm seas at 7pm EDT (7am Sembroski, 42, and finally the crew’s Pass” to all public and private
first all-civilian crew ever sent into yesterday in Malaysia), shortly before billionaire benefactor and “mission workplaces. – AFP
After huge and often violent Earth’s orbit. sunset, following an automated commander” Jared Isaacman, 38.
democracy rallies exploded two reentry descent, as shown during a The chief executive officer of the Last remaining
years ago, Beijing has introduced a The successful launch and return live SpaceX webcast on its YouTube e-commerce firm Shift4 Payments escapees caught
new political system where only of the mission, the latest in a recent channel. Inc had paid an undisclosed sum –
those deemed loyal are allowed to string of rocket-powered expeditions Within an hour, the four smiling put by Time magazine at roughly TEL AVIV: All six Palestinian
stand for office. bankrolled by their billionaire crew members were seen emerging US$200 million (RM834 million) – to fugitives who escaped from a
passengers, marked another one by one from the capsule’s side fellow billionaire Musk for all four high-security Israeli jail through a
The first poll under that new milestone in the fledgling industry hatch after the vehicle, visibly seats aboard the Crew Dragon. tunnel dug under a sink are back
system – carrying the slogan of commercial astro-tourism, 60 scorched on its exterior, was hoisted Each of the four stood on the deck in custody, after the Israeli army
“Patriots rule Hong Kong” – took years after the dawn of human from the ocean onto the deck of a for a few moments in front of the said yesterday it had recaptured
place yesterday as members of the spaceflight. SpaceX recovery vessel. capsule to wave and give the the last two.
city’s ruling classes cast votes for a First out was Hayely Arceneaux, thumbs-up before being escorted to a
1,500-seat Election Committee. “Welcome to the second space 29, a physician assistant at St Jude medical station on board for The inmates, who were being
age,” Inspiration4 mission director Children’s Research Centre in checkups at sea. held for attacks against the Jewish
In December, that committee Todd “Leif” Ericson told reporters Tennessee and a childhood See They were later flown by state, became heroes among
will appoint 40 of the city’s 90 after the crew returned. many Palestinians when reports
legislators – 30 others will be bone cancer survivor who also LYFE helicopter back to Cape emerged they had burrowed out
chosen by special interest groups SpaceX, the private rocketry became the youngest person page 7 Canaveral for reunions with using tools as basic as a spoon.
and just 20 will be directly elected. company founded by Tesla Inc chief ever to reach Earth orbit. loved ones. – Reuters
executive officer Elon Musk, supplied The full weight of Israel’s
The following year, the the spacecraft, launched it, security arsenal was deployed to
committee will pick Hong Kong’s catch them, including aerial
next Beijing-approved leader. drones, checkpoints on roads and
an army mission to Jenin where
Beijing insists the new political many of the men grew up.
system is more representative and
will ensure “anti-China” elements The massive manhunt lasted
are not allowed into office. almost a fortnight, with four of the
six recaptured last week.
All those standing for public
office must be vetted for political In a tweet yesterday, the Israel
loyalty and cleared of being a Defence Forces said the last two
national security threat. had surrendered “after being
surrounded by security forces that
Back in 2016, some 233,000 acted precisely based on accurate
Hong Kongers were allowed to intelligence”.
select the Election Committee.
The men, Ayham Kamamji, 35,
That figure has now been and Munadel Infeiat, 26, are
trimmed to about 4,800 – 0.06% of members of Islamic Jihad, an
the city’s 7.5 million population. armed Palestinian movement.
The vast majority of seats in They were arrested in a joint
yesterday’s vote were a one-horse operation with counterterrorism
race, with just 364 contested. forces in Jenin, in the West Bank,
the army said in a statement to the
The rest will be installed press, and were “currently being
ex officio or chosen by special interrogated”.
interest groups.
Two other men who had
As a result, the committee will helped the fugitives were also
be heavily stacked with pro-Beijing detained, it said.
votes, including loyalist lawmakers
and members of national bodies as The other four men recaptured
well as representatives from last week included Mahmud
business, professional and Abdullah Ardah, the alleged
religious groups. – AFP mastermind of the escape, and
Zakaria Zubeidi, who headed the
armed wing of the Fatah
movement of Palestinian
President Mahmud Abbas. – AFP
Boxer Pacquiao to run for Philippine president
MANILA: Boxing star Manny “Bong” Go, as its presidential Pacquiao’s faction has not consistently by Duterte’s daughter planned corruption investigation.
Pacquiao said yesterday he will run candidate. expressed support for Duterte’s Sara Duterte-Carpio. His anti-corruption crusade
for president of the Philippines next vice-presidential bid.
year, after railing against corruption That faction nominated Duterte In July, Pacquiao was voted out as comes as the Senate has opened an
in government and what he calls for vice-president, a move that critics Duterte is prohibited by the PDP-Laban leader, weeks after investigation into alleged overpricing
President Rodrigo Duterte’s cozy called a cynical ploy to retain power. constitution from running for a challenging Duterte over his position of medical supplies and equipment
relationship with China. second six-year term as president. on China and record on fighting purchased under the government’s
Go declined the nomination, but corruption, but his ouster was pandemic response programme.
Pacquiao, 42, accepted the the rift between the Pacquiao and One of the greatest boxers of all rejected by his faction.
nomination of his political allies Duterte factions has escalated. time and the only man to hold world Duterte challenged Pacquiao to
during the national assembly of the titles in eight different divisions, Pacquiao, once a close ally of name corrupt government offices to
faction he leads in the ruling “I am a fighter, and I will always be Pacquiao was mum about his 26-year Duterte, had said more than 10 prove that the boxer was not just
PDP-Laban Party, days after a rival a fighter inside and outside the ring,” professional career. billion pesos (RM834 million) in politicking ahead of the election.
faction nominated Duterte’s said Pacquiao, a senator. pandemic aid intended for poor
long-time aide, Senator Christopher Despite his popularity, Pacquiao families was unaccounted for, adding Pacquiao countered by warning of
“I am accepting your nomination trails the front-runners in opinion this was just one discovery in his jail for corrupt government officials.
as candidate for president of the polls that have been topped
Republic of the Philippines.” “Your time is up!” – Reuters
Protesters in costumes taking part in a demonstration yesterday to mark the 15th anniversary of the coup in Bangkok. – AFPPIX Myanmar military
convoy hit by bomb
Hundreds rally at Thaksin
ouster 15th anniversary YANGON: Myanmar anti-junta dissidents have
carried out a bomb attack on security forces
o Protesters take to politician long associated with Thaksin, to a was deposed in a 2014 coup led by then-army BRIEFSnear Yangon, with several killed in an ensuing
streets with call to sea of supporters waving “Kick out Prayut” chief Prayut. firefight, the military and media said.
‘Kick out Prayut’ flags.
The general went on to become prime The nation has been in turmoil since the
BANGKOK: Hundreds of protesters drove “No matter how many coups there are, it minister in 2019 elections governed under a military toppled Aung San Suu Kyi’s elected
through the capital’s streets yesterday to mark cannot stop us. No matter how good capacity new constitution authored by his junta. government in February, sparking mass
the 15th anniversary of a military coup that their tanks are, it cannot stop the fighting pro-democracy protests and a bloody
ousted former premier Thaksin Shinawatra. hearts of the people.” Nattawut said the premier has had plenty crackdown by the military.
of time to improve Thailand, “but the country
The billionaire ex-premier – now living in Thailand has seen more than a dozen is in recession”. Various townships across Myanmar have
self-exile – has remained a prominent figure coups since the end of absolute monarchy in formed so-called “people defence forces” to
in the country’s politics since the military 1932 by its putsch-happy military – often “The economy, society and politics are fight back against the junta, although the
deposed his government on Sept 19, 2006. staged in the name of protecting the powerful collapsing,” he said. majority of clashes have been reported in rural
royal family. areas.
Unloading a massive cardboard model of a The red-clad protesters in cars and on
tank for their “cars against tanks” protest, Thaksin’s juggernaut rise to power was motorbikes plan to move to Democracy Security forces were travelling through
rallygoers honked car horns to call for the boosted by the so-called “Red Shirts”, mostly Monument, the site of several rallies by an Khayan, a suburb of Myanmar’s commercial
resignation of Premier Prayut Chan-O-Cha, a working-class supporters who revere him for anti-government movement that has hub Yangon on Friday when they were attacked
former army chief who came to power in a populist contributions such as instating a repeatedly called for Prayut’s resignation with a homemade bomb, the junta said in a
2014 coup. universal healthcare system. since last July. statement on Saturday.
“Fifteen years have passed, we are still here But he was hated by Bangkok elites and the Scrutiny of the government increased after “Both groups fired back and forth – a
to fight,” shouted Nattawut Saikuar, a powerful military, and has faced a raft of a fresh Covid-19 wave in April snowballed member of the security forces was injured,” said
corruption accusations. Thailand’s cumulative caseload from less the statement, adding that firearms and
than 29,000 to more than 1.4 million ammunition were confiscated after the clash.
His influence in Thailand’s infections in just five months.
patronage-reliant politics permeated the “Some terrorists were killed, one of them was
kingdom even after his ouster – his sister Earlier this month, the prime minister wounded.”
Yingluck was the next premier, before she too survived a no-confidence vote – his third
since 2019. – AFP Local media reported at least two dissidents
were killed and one arrested.
Leader of Islamic State-linked group killed in Indonesia
Earlier this month a “National Unity
JAKARTA: The leader of a militant network Central Sulawesi province, said yesterday. estimated to have just a handful of members. Government” made up mostly of lawmakers
linked to Islamic State (IS) in Indonesia was The weekend firefight took place two But it has been accused of plotting several affiliated with Suu Kyi’s ousted party called for a
killed in a shootout with security forces, police “people’s defensive war” and urged civilians to
said yesterday. months after authorities shot down two deadly attacks, including most recently killing target junta assets.
suspected members of the group in the same four farmers – and reportedly beheading one
East Indonesia Mujahideen (MIT) head Ali Parigi Moutong district, near the extremist – in a remote village in May. Communications towers belonging to the
Kalora was shot dead on Saturday in Sulawesi hotbed Poso district. military-owned Mytel company have been
island’s jungle along with another member Ali took over leadership of MIT after the targeted across Myanmar.
identified as Jaka Ramadhan. Designated a terrorist organisation by the country’s most-wanted extremist, Santoso,
United States, MIT is among dozens of radical was shot dead by troops in 2016. Conflict has also intensified in the Sagaing
Police said they have launched a manhunt groups across the archipelago that have and Magway regions, where locals accused the
for four more MIT militants. pledged allegiance to IS. A long-haired, gun-toting militant, military of burning down homes and displacing
Santoso regularly appeared in videos urging thousands.
“We will keep looking until we get After hiding out in the jungles of extremists to launch attacks on security
them,” Rudy Sufahriadi, police chief of Sulawesi for years, the network is now forces. – AFP “The military has been crushing our region
because of the local resistance forces,” said
a 25-year-old woman from Magway’s Gangaw
“I lost some of my friends.
“I am heartbroken because I had witnessed
all their atrocities with my own eyes.”– AFP
MOSCOW: Google has blocked lists of
Russian candidates recommended by jailed
opposition leader Alexei Navalny as best
placed to defeat Kremlin-aligned politicians
in parliamentary and local polls that closed
yesterday. The move comes as the US tech
giant faces mounting criticism from abroad
for backing down to demands from Russian
authorities. The lists are part of Navalny’s
“Smart Voting” strategy, which calls for his
supporters to vote out candidates aligned
with the ruling United Russia party.
Navalny’s allies said yesterday that Google
had blocked two Google Docs and two
YouTube videos after requests from Russia’s
media regulator Roskomnadzor. – AFP
LAGOS: Gunmen who kidnapped 121
students from a high school in northwest
Nigeria months ago have released 10 more
of the hostages, the head of a parents
association said yesterday. Scores of
assailants stormed Bethel Baptist High
School on July 5 on the outskirts of Kaduna
city, abducting students who were sleeping
in their dorms. Joseph Hayab, head of the
school’s parents association, said 10
students were freed on Saturday. So far,
100 of the kidnapped students have been
freed or escaped from the abductors. – AFP
Budget plan for vaccine programme
COMMENT vaccines over deactivated vaccine types, a strategies, better treatment for severe cases and areas. Given that data integration and
by Ameen Kamal higher overall cost is expected. Therefore, an prevention of disease progression. appointment systems have been set up, the
additional RM1 billion is proposed for this allocation is proposed to be reduced by RM20
THE National Immunisation sub-item, raising it to RM4.5 billion. Given its importance, an increase of RM45 million from RM70 million. Therefore, the
Programme (NIP) is likely to extend million should be considered, bringing the allocation for 2022 of RM50 million is proposed
well into the year 2022 given Moving forward, the government should budget allocation to RM60 million, as the for the revival (and potential overhaul) of the
immunological uncertainties such as embark on decentralisation strategies through increased throughput has to be met with advanced predictive Hotspot Identification for
potential reduction of vaccine effectiveness designation of general practitioner (GP) clinics significant laboratory capacity upgrades. Some Dynamic Engagement system, and upgrading
against Delta and future variants, waning nationwide and private hospitals as vaccination part of this should be allocated for monitoring of the MySejahtera application with better
immunity, uneven level of protection from centres. Hence, a need to consider costs of of other virus reservoirs (paediatric and contact tracing technology that could also be
different vaccine types and high infectivity rate equipping select GP with the necessary storage zoological). useful in future outbreaks.
of variants. and handling capacity for certain types of
vaccines, while mega vaccination centres (PPV) Allocations for rental and utilities for halls Upgrading MySejahtera with a “MyGP”
Accordingly, we need to ensure a high level could be reserved for special circumstances. amounting to RM333 million was for a total of function should also be considered as part of
of vaccination readiness, and conduct 600 PPV. Although it is expected that there the decentralisation strategy for community-
necessary studies to better inform ourselves on In an endemic stage, where people have a would be reduced rental cost in line with the level healthcare monitoring and provision by
the state of the health crisis. Therefore, the NIP higher chance to be infected sooner or later, reduced number of mega PPV, the distributed local GP or designated healthcare professionals.
is proposed to be increased from RM5 billion some of these people may have health risk logistics for special vaccines and for the
this year, to RM6.115 billion for 2022. factors that they are not aware of which could empowerment of GP may offset this. Based on the experience in 2021 and
push their symptoms to more severe stages. considerable future uncertainties, RM50
Key components seeing an increase would Moving forward, school halls should be used million worth of additional allocation is
be vaccine procurement, post-immunisation Thus, it is crucial to have locally-assigned GP as “mega” PPV if need be, which should have no proposed for contingencies, bringing it to
surveillance, outsourcing of private medical to monitor positive cases within its vicinity to rental costs, and far cheaper utilities costs. All in RM160 million, subject to the Finance
practitioners, and contingencies. avoid unattended disease progression, which all, the allocation of RM333 million is assumed Ministry’s approval. Thus, the net impact on the
could have contributed to the higher brought- to remain as it is. budget allocation for the NIP in 2022 is an
Infrastructure for data integration systems in-dead cases recently. These should also be increase of RM1.115 billion, bringing the total
has been established, therefore, the allocation the same GP empowered for future vaccination Other line items remain unchanged. For budget to RM6.115 billion.
for next year will see a reduction, although and health crises. The previously allocated example, hardware and consumables should
some upgrades are required. Other RM210 million for outsourcing of private see a potential reduction in expenditure as it is The previous commitment to Covax should
components of the NIP may be maintained, medical practitioners is proposed to be expected that most of this hardware could still also be revised, and the authorities should
resulting in a net increase of RM1.115 billion. increased by RM40 million. be used in 2022. However, the cost to re-examine if further commitments in 2022
implement this at private GP clinics, health would be warranted, based on experience. It
The sub-items worth RM3.5 billion allocated The previous allocation of RM15 million for institutions and proposed use of school-halls as was previously estimated to cost RM3 billion,
for vaccine procurement and logistics (for post-immunisation surveillance appears to be vaccination centres may offset the cost. which is a substantial amount that could be
Covid-19 vaccine portfolio) may not (in 2021) vastly under-budgeted. It is proposed that both re-allocated to increase allocations in NIP, or in
account for vaccines such as Sputnik V and genomic analysis and serological studies be The same or similar allocation for cleaning, the healthcare budget.
CanSino, and it is prudent to allocate for increased to 3% of cases (from the previously sanitisation and disposal of non-clinical waste,
boosters and/or updated vaccines. targeted 1%), as it is important to understand as well as allocations for health and non-health Ameen Kamal is the Head of Science &
immunological uncertainties of natural and volunteers’ gratuity is reasonably expected. Technology at EMIR Research, an independent
With more vaccines approved under vaccine-induced immunity, and viral variants.
National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency This is crucial in providing information on the Although there could be a reduced need for think tank focused on strategic policy
and the potential for more nucleotide-type validity of vaccination certificates, and may outreach and vaccination advocacy recommendations based on rigorous research.
offer information on vaccine procurement programmes, this cost could be offset by
expenses needed to empower local health Comments: [email protected]
centres such as hospitals or GP clinics in rural
Young workers have no more thrill for frills
█ BY NATHAN PEART after year, despite the long hours. priorities more family and life-centric. Our Ultimately, throwing money at the problem,
FROM free ice cream to headline-grabbing For the young lawyer, sticking it out for a few research shows that a third of millennials would – no longer cuts the mustard. This month, as
bonuses, companies are getting increasingly be willing to trade a portion of their businesses return to their offices, companies
creative in attempts to lure office workers back years to cash in and set yourself up for life was compensation for more time off and a quarter must finally learn the lesson that actions speak
to desks. Investment bank Jefferies gifted staff often seen as the trade-off. Now, after 18 months would take a pay cut for a flexible work schedule. louder than public relations ploys.
Peloton bikes, PwC’s UK employees will receive of remote working, the battle to retain good For Gen Z, this trend continues. Priorities are
an extra £1,000 (RM5,751) and Goldman Sachs’ talent has become creative, as competitors try to shifting and money does not always talk Employers need to recognise the efforts
workers can head to Hackney Gelato for woo new hires by offering them what they want: anymore. As such, deep-pocketed organisations employees have made during the pandemic
complimentary ice cream. Flexibility rather than frills. may soon discover that it is culture over cash and reward them not just with bonuses, but
and luxury incentives that will win. with a commitment to flexible working and a
However, with the much-anticipated return After months of hard work and no play, a better work-life balance.
to work trying to get under way, will younger young employee’s world outside the office has After all, haven’t millennials long been told
workers want to abandon their working from never been more important. Indeed, the that they can have it all? Now, they are refusing A hybrid model or flexible working
home routines for free food and cash? brightest young minds in traditionally intense to settle for anything less. Smart young people framework is quickly becoming a must-have in
Historically, high salaries, bonuses and industries like law and banking are increasingly know that it is an employee market and are a young person’s job search. If they do not get it,
financially-driven gimmicks offered by many turning down eye-watering salaries in pursuit of grabbing the opportunity with both hands. they will quickly hit the apply button elsewhere.
high profile companies were an effective way to positions that offer flexible working policies.
keep attrition down and increase employee If an organisation’s post-pandemic working The destination of these migrating
engagement. For example, some of the “Big In the legal market, for example, some model does not suit them, they are increasingly millennials will likely be companies that are
Law” firms managed to keep profits high and candidates have moved out of cities and away jumping ship – free ice cream or no free ice flexible rather than frivolous with their cash.
attrition low by throwing money at juniors year from offices, or are pursuing activities alongside cream. Does a cash bundle make up for the lost
their main career, so are not chasing the money. hours seeing friends if an employer forces you Nathan Peart is managing director at global
to return to the office? legal search firm Major, Lindsey and Africa.
Often citing work-life balance or the need to
leave law, the pandemic has made their – The Independent
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█ BY ANANSA JACOB It’s ... showtime! special deals and discounts on
tickets and concessions, which will
MALAYSIANS are tired of o Cinemas are ready to welcome back audiences this Thursday be announced via social media.
being cooped up in our
homes, and we’re all with gaps between those in Single cinemagoers will not be able to pre-order their cinema snacks Both major cinema chains have
hungering for some Seats. However, two people from purchase food and drinks at the along with their tickets using GSC also indicated that in between
proper entertainment after an the same household may sit counter, in order to avoid and TGV mobile apps or E-kiosks, screenings, cinema seats will be
extended lockdown. While together in Twin Seats. crowding. and collect them prior to entering cleaned and disinfected in order to
streaming services enjoyed a boom the theatres. There will also be ensure sanitary conditions for the
during the pandemic, it’s clear that The biggest change is that However, cinemagoers can still next guests.
nothing beats the experience of
watching the latest blockbuster on Among the movies that will be
the big screen. premiering on the big screen this
month are Black Widow,
Now, movie buffs can look Malignant, No Time To Die, Jungle
forward to being able to return to Cruise and The Suicide Squad.
cinemas on Sept 23, when
screenings are officially set to
resume nationwide.
The two biggest cinema chains,
GSC and TGV Cinemas, began
holding free test screenings last
week in order to prepare for the full
reopening, with a selection of films
that a limited number of users
could reserve seats for through
their respective mobile apps.
In order to ensure a smooth
movie-watching experience once
the doors are open, cinema goers
are reminded to follow the required
0 Only those who have been fully
vaccinated will be allowed into the
cinemas. This means those who
completed their second dose (for
Astra Zeneca, Sinovac or Pfizer) at
least 14 days prior, or who had their
single dose shot (for Cansino or
Johnson & Johnson) at least 28 days
0 They must also be aged 18 years
and above, and have a temperature
reading not exceeding 37.5°C, and
be able to display a Low Risk
reading on their MySejahtera app.
0 Once inside the cinema hall,
seating will be socially distanced,
‘The Bodyguard’ movie gets
Hollywood remake
THE BODYGUARD, the 1992 movie Despite being panned by critics at
that launched the acting career of the the time, it went on to become the
late Whitney Houston and featured second-biggest film at the worldwide
her most famous song, is getting a box office in 1992, and Houston’s
reboot. rendition of Dolly Parton’s ballad I Will
Always Love You became a classic.
Hollywood movie studio Warner
Bros said last Wednesday that a Houston drowned in a Beverly
reimagining of the romantic thriller is Hills hotel bathtub in 2012 after a
in development with a script penned long history of drug addiction. She
by American playwright Matthew was 48.
The Bodyguard would join a string
Lopez is the playwright behind of Hollywood movies to get a reboot.
the award-winning The Inheritance, a Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper
two-part drama about gay men in starred in a 2018 remake of A Star is
New York a generation after the Born, and new versions of sci-fi classic
1980s AIDS epidemic, that opened on Dune and musical West Side Story are
Broadway in 2019.
due for release later this
No details of casting, plot or a year. – Reuters
potential release date were given but
She-Ra to get live-action TV show Warner Bros said that Lawrence
Kasdan, the writer and producer of
A SHE-RA live-action series is in In the original animated series, Horde after she discovers the the 1992 film, will co-produce the
the early development at Amazon, She-Ra’s real name is Princess Sword of Protection (again new version.
Variety has learned exclusively. As Adora, the long lost twin sister of allowing her to transform into She-
the project is in the very early Prince Adam, aka He-Man. Ra) and takes up the cause of the Houston made her movie
stages, no writer is currently Rebellion on Etheria. debut in The Bodyguard, playing a
attached. She was kidnapped as a baby by singer who is protected from an
Hordak of the Evil Horde and taken The show ran for five seasons unknown stalker by a former secret
DreamWorks Animation will to the planet Etheria, where she and 52 episodes, with the fifth and service agent played by Kevin
serve as an executive producer was mind-controlled into serving final season dropping on Netflix Costner.
after recently producing the Netflix as a Force Captain of the Horde. back in May 2020. – Reuters
animated series She-Ra And The
Princesses Of Power. He-Man eventually helped her
break the mind control and gave
However, the live-action her the Sword of Protection, which
version will be a new, standalone allows her to transform into She-
story and will not be connected to Ra and grants her incredible
the animated show. power.
Should the project go to series, She-Ra: Princess Of Power ran
it would mark the first live-action for two seasons and nearly 100
adaptation of the She-Ra episodes between 1985 and 1986.
She-Ra And The Princesses Of
She first debuted onscreen in Power removed any connection of
the animated film He-Man and the character to He-Man, instead
She-Ra: The Secret Of The Sword in retconning Adora into an orphan
1985 as part of the Masters of the who became a willing member of
Universe franchise before spinning the Horde on Etheria.
off into her own cartoon series,
She-Ra: Princess of Power. The show featured her as a
teenager who breaks from the
SINCE time immemorial, nothing o A new production delves into the myths of the The river
has been as present and constant Kayan tribe of Borneo surrounding death and grief scenes were
as death, with grief and the process shot in Bau,
of mourning being its fellow made use of the software, the spirit realm could be more Sarawak, as
travellers. Although civilisations and we realised it was creative,” Wong added. Wong (left)
empires have come and crumbled, entire what Jeremy’s was insistent
cultures around grief and mourning have vision was. “We also had the help of two on capturing
formed and for many, remain to this day. We also artists from Borneo, and they helped the Bornean
realised us draw the artworks to use with the atmosphere
Having watched his family cope with Having traveled his software”. and
loss, Sarawakian director Jeremy Emang entire life, Jeremy environment.
Jecky was inspired to craft the short story never spent time Deeply rooted in the nativity of the – COURTESY
Kelinguh (Echo in English) based on in his own culture Kayan tribe of Borneo, parts of the film OF JOELINE
Kayan culture. and Sarawak, and would be lost on those not familiar with WONG
Kelinguh is, in a the themes, folklore and tribal beliefs that we admire it. That is why we are on the same
Kelinguh has been making its rounds in way, a path for him director Jeremy includes. page and had no doubts about each other”.
film festivals since last year, and most to find his voice. – This was something Joeline was concerned Directorial vision
recently was part of 20 shortlisted films for COURTESY OF about prior to production, as she had never even Plainly evident on Kelinguh is the team of
the SeaShorts Competition Official JOELINE WONG been to Sabah and Sarawak before Kelinguh. filmmakers’ uncompromising approach to
Selection 2021. “And I obviously don’t know the culture as deliver the best film they could, without yielding
well, being a Chinese who has spent her whole on their ideals and vision.
“The film is about one’s grieving for a life in the Peninsula.” According to Wong, another interesting
loved one’s death and the loss of love,” However, after a field trip of sorts by the main inclusion of symbolism by Jeremy that would
Kelinguh producer Joeline Wong told crew to Sarawak, the Kelinguh team were ready probably be lost on viewers is the final sequence
theSun. to take on the project. between the characters of The Hunter and
“I had worked with Jeremy even before Elena, that takes place on a river as the camera
Another inspiration for the film, the Kelinguh. We knew each other, and as a group, pans slowly from left to right.
producer reveals, is the Bornean we had an idea that Kelinguh was going to turn “The meaning of the shot, as it pans, follows
instrument sapeh and the legend out this way, to be something that not a lot of the movement of how the river flowed, and it
behind it. people would get. But, it is Jeremy’s vision and represents the passing of time that doesn’t stop
even for those grieving,” she explained.
“The folklore is about how a She also asserted that they wanted to make
husband, who was taking care of an impactful film that sticks with the viewer for
his sick wife, was visited by his a long time, even if the director might not want
ancestors in a dream. He was told the audience to fully get what he wants to show.
that in order to save his wife, he had to “A film is from a director’s mind, and it’s his
build a boat to cross a river into the vision. I think as a filmmaker, you have to follow
forest to rescue his wife’s yourself, because different people have different
soul,” said Wong. mindsets”.
“For me, if I see a film and think it’s difficult
The man entered a to understand, I would still respect that it is the
spirit realm where he director’s mind, and for them, it isn’t deep. It’s
built a boat and just how they are.”
brought his wife
back to life.
Tricky subject
Shown in
involving the
present and past,
halfway into
Kelinguh, the film
takes a surreal turn in
both its narrative and
aesthetic. Sequences
involving the lead characters
turn into artworks after they
enter the spirit realm.
“We used a software that
rotoscopes footage and art
pieces together. After we
Eastwood back in the saddle for new movie
AT the age of 91, Clint Eastwood is
not just directing but also climbing Lady Gaga dubbed The Icon on
back in the saddle, and even People’s best-dressed list
throwing a punch for his new
Western Cry Macho. Eastwood, a multiple Oscar- front of the camera four years later in LADY GAGA recently led a list of Hall and musician H.E.R. also made
winner born in 1930, first came to Trouble with the Curve, and again in People magazine’s best-dressed the Top 10 list for swapping “cozy
The legendarily prolific global stardom as an actor in 2018’s The Mule. celebrities that included Euphoria sweats for chic couture” this year.
Hollywood star has never shown seminal Westerns A Fistful of star Zendaya and Oscar-winning
much interest in retiring and Dollars, For a Few Dollars More and In a trailer for Cry Macho – hitting actress Viola Davis. “No one delivered more wow
appears on-screen in the movie as a The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. theaters and HBO Max streaming factor this year than Zendaya,“
former rodeo champion tasked with platform simultaneously – frequent Gaga was dubbed “The Icon” in People said of the 25-year-old
one last job. His output as a director since references are made to the age gap People’s best dressed of the year actress, referring to her cut-out
1971’s Play Misty for Me has been between unlikely pair Mike and issue, despite never having set foot gowns on red carpets.
Mike Milo (Eastwood) must prolific and diverse, and he has Rafo, who bond over the course of on a red carpet. Instead, the
travel to Mexico and retrieve his spoken in interviews of his desire to their perilous journey back to Texas. magazine praised her high fashion Odom Jr., who starred in One
former boss’s son Rafo, teaching him keep working as long as he finds street looks that ranged from “a Night in Miami, was chosen for
to ride horses in the process. projects that are “worth studying.” “You used to be strong, macho,” sculptural seersucker number to a bringing colour to menswear on
says Rafo, played by Mexican black lace corseted gown.” the red carpet, Davis was heralded
“This picture came along about While he did announce his newcomer Eduardo Minett. for showcasing designers of colour,
40 years ago,” recalls Eastwood in the retirement from acting after 2008’s Zendaya, Davis, Leslie Odom Jr., and Schitt’s Creek actor Dan Levy
film’s production notes. Gran Torino, Eastwood returned in “I used to be a lot of things,” Anya Taylor-Joy, Mindy Kaling, was dubbed “Fan Favourite” for his
replies Eastwood’s Mike. – ETX Cynthia Erivo, Dan Levy, Regina playful vibe. – Reuters
“I’m too young for this part, why
don’t I direct it and we’ll get Robert
Mitchum?” he told a producer at the
But with his career now well into
its seventh decade, Eastwood
decided to take on the role himself –
to the delight of long-time
collaborator and producer Tim
“The thing that everybody loves
to see is Clint in a cowboy hat and on
a horse,” Moore told the recent
CinemaCon gathering in Las Vegas.
“He hasn’t been on a horse since
Unforgiven,” he said, referring to the
1992 Oscar-winning film.
“The first day that we filmed the
scene of him up on the horse, the
crew were just all so excited. It was a
special moment.”
4 theSun LYFE ON MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 20, 2021
aspires to raise
– COURTESY o Female bodybuilder flexes her muscles to challenge
OF gender barriers in a male-dominated field
█ BY JOHN TAN motivation and dedication.
“This is because you are looking to win.
Bodybuilding is a sport that
empowers body and mind. But the Whereas for normal day workouts, it is just
pursuit is predominantly male turf, something you do for a hobby or to ensure
and not always welcoming of your health is in check. Like taking daily
females, according to Philomena Dexcyln. supplements to ensure that you are in the
She is among many woman pink of health.”
bodybuilders who have experienced What are your exercise routines like?
hostility from the opposite sex in following “I normally start with warm-up sessions
her passion. that usually include cardio workouts like
“When I started going to the gym, it was running on the treadmill for about five
not really a friendly environment. You minutes to doing jumping jacks.
hardly saw women using the dumbbell in
the gym. So, when I started, I was always “And then, I will move on to the main
discouraged. And I was even called workout for the day. And for each day of the
names,” said the Bidayuh fitness week, I will focus on a different part of the
enthusiast who started exercising body. So, for instance, I focus on the lower
in order to lose weight. body on Monday and the next day abs.
Despite the unfriendly
attitudes, Philomena did not “Once I am done, I finish it off with a
shy away from seeking out cool-down session which mainly is
opportunities in the field. stretching.
In fact, she has been
successful in realising her “People often underestimate the
fitness dreams while importance of stretching. It actually helps
debunking reduce the soreness that you will feel the
misconceptions about next day after working out. So, this is what I
female bodybuilders. do every day for training.”
“I have been What is your advice for
trying to reassure aspiring bodybuilders?
people that I would say it is
though I lift important to stay
weights, I have focused, dedicated
not lost my and motivated.
And that has “This is because
been my main it involves a lot of
focus and I time, sacrifice
think I have and challenges,
been especially
achieving mentally.
that since I
joined the “Nobody told
sport.” me that I had to
sacrifice a lot of
What does things like going
femininity mean to out with my family
you? and eating cakes,
“To me, it is about feeling strong and which I really like.
confident as a woman. When I started
bodybuilding, I had very low self-esteem “It also helps if
and was very self-conscious. I often you get yourself a
wondered what people thought of me. I good trainer or
was also a very shy person.
“But now being in the state that I am
as a woman, I care less about people’s
opinions of me and am more confident
of myself.
“Bodybuilding has helped me
achieve this by giving me an outlet.
Since I am relatively new in this
industry, I need [to gain exposure].
“And that process has improved my
confidence and communication skills
since I get to meet other bodybuilders
and gym-goers.”
Could you elaborate on why you
got into bodybuilding?
“I started with the intention to be
healthy because I was overweight
and not health conscious. And it
affected my work performance and
my relationships.
“So, I started going to the gym.
From there, I managed to lose weight
and transitioned from being ‘slim’ to
an athletic build.”
What is the difference between
exercising for competitions and
regular workouts?
“I think both share the same core
which is to attain a healthy
lifestyle. But for competitions, it is
a bit different in terms of focus,
Philomena Digital doggies: Pet
earned a silver influencers on the
medal at the rise in Singapore
16th South TWO fluffy white terriers wearing beautiful face and her activities,”
East Asia neckerchiefs pant quietly as their said Er, a marketing manager in
Bodybuilding owner waves a treat and snaps a her 40s.
and Physique photo for the dogs’ tens of
Sports thousands of followers. But the photos proved
Championship. They are among a growing popular online, and companies
– COURTESY number of pet influencers on started asking if Sasha would
OF social media in Singapore, a endorse their products.
PHILOMENA trend fuelled by a rise in online
DEXCLYN shopping and pet ownership Piper, a former show dog,
during the coronavirus arrived later, completing the duo.
Dog owner pandemic. ‘Can’t hate them’
Carrie Er Sasha and Piper make regular “It’s fun -- fun for the dogs, fun
using a appearances on their for me,“ said Er, as she shoots
mobile “Lomodoggies” Instagram pictures with her phone of the
account, often wearing matching dog celebrities.
phone to film accessories and posing for the
her pet white camera with their tongues The two pooches now have
terriers Sasha hanging out. nearly 24,000 Instagram
The pair have earned followers and typically earn
and Piper at thousands of dollars endorsing about SGD500 (RM1,545.24) for
her home in products ranging from vacuum each marketing deal.
Singapore. – cleaners to shoes – and are even
represented by an agency, Er said she is selective about
AFP appropriately called The Woof which products they promote,
Agency. rejecting offers from some dog
Tapping into the pet food brands she feels don’t meet
influencer boom, the company her standards – her own pets
has worked with animals ranging enjoy a diet of hand-made meals.
from a cat called Brossy
Meowington – with more than There has been a growing
50,000 followers – to a Japanese demand for pet influencer
Spitz called Luna. endorsements as companies
Sasha and Piper’s owner, bolstered their online presence
Carrie Er, stumbled into the during the pandemic, according
business several years ago when to Jane Peh, co-founder of The
she started posting photos of Woof Agency that represents Er’s
Sasha in various costumes, terriers.
playing with toys and on outings.
“We just wanted to do a daily “I think pet influencers
blog of her, capturing some generally have an advantage
precious moments like her because we just love pets,” said
Peh, whose company has about
6,000 pet social media profiles in
its network.
“They are cute – you can’t hate
them.” – ETX
coach. They understand how your body
works and that will help you reach your
bodybuilding goals.”
What is next for you?
“I have always wanted to create more
awareness about bodybuilding among
females. I feel that there is a lack of
awareness especially about the benefits
it can bring.
“Hence, I think this is something
that needs to be shared because I
believe not only bodybuilding
but exercising, in general, is the
first step to a more wholesome
and healthy life.
“So, hopefully, I will be
able to conduct fitness
programmes in future
and get more females
exercising to
lose weight. –
6 theSun LYFE ON MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 20, 2021
Instagram seeks to curb
mental harm to teenagers
INSTAGRAM recently defended
Finding some relief itself against a report that the social “Issues like negative social
THE recently-concluded o World Wellness Weekend showed different network harms the mental health comparison and anxiety exist in
World Wellness Weekend ways to bust pandemic-related stress of young girls, saying it plans to the world, so they’re going to exist
gave everyone the chance to play down posts promoting myths on social media too,” Newton said.
try out different activities, borders the famous Everglades Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil about beautiful bodies.
free of charge, in a hundred countries National Park in Florida. Take advantage of nature’s rich, The internal research pointed
around the world. diverse beauty to recharge your Instagram head of public policy out that teenagers accused
Adventurers prepared for a batteries after the months of Karina Newton pushed back Instagram of increasing anxiety
While some practices, such as particularly soggy stomp – which was lockdowns and restrictions against a Wall Street Journal report and depression, according to the
yoga or fitness, are already well- certainly no walk in the park – as they experienced worldwide. that cited Facebook research as Journal.
known for their benefits for the body sought to become one with the showing its photo-centric
and mind – which are more essential beauty and sounds of nature. That’s what the Iguazu Wellness Instagram service takes a toll on Instagram has worked to
than ever after the year we’ve had – establishment offered in Foz do teenagers, especially girls. address problems of bullying,
other, more original activities Several studies have previously Iguaçu, the gateway to Brazil’s suicide, self-injury and eating
surprised and won over participants. highlighted the benefits of walking in famous waterfalls of the same name. “The research on the effects of disorders exposed at the platform,
the forest, so why not try this swamp- social media on people’s well- Newton said.
Here’s a look at what took place at based variation for yourself in one of The activity, which is based on ion being is mixed, and our own
this year’s World Wellness Weekend. our local peat swamp forests? therapy – or the health benefits of research mirrors external Instagram is now exploring
Dubai, UAE negative ions from waterfalls – was research,” Newton said in the post. ways to understand what kinds of
At the Jumeirah Al Qasr Hotel’s Talise Note that participants will need to led by a wellness coach, posts make viewers feel bad in
Spa, volunteers were able to try two be well-equipped (long pants, hat, accompanying participants into the “What seems to matter most is comparison and then “nudge”
original activities seeking to help sunscreen, water, sunglasses, heart of the subtropical forest to help how people use social media, and people to content more likely to
them to reconnect with a more binoculars, and backpack). them reconnect with nature, while their state of mind when they use it.” make them feel good, according to
positive state of mind, while relieving Champillon, Grand Est, France offering a host of well-being-focused Newton.
stress. Nordic walking and its virtues have exercises. She cited a Harvard study
been known for many years, but the Boulogne-Billancourt, Ile-de- noting a “see-saw” of positive and “We’re increasingly focused on
In the morning, there was Royal Champagne Hotel & Spa France, France negative experiences US teenagers addressing negative social
Energizing Yoga with Laughter offered the chance to explore the At the Beauty Pop-Up in Boulogne- have on social media. comparison and negative body
Therapy, accessible to all – including landscapes and natural beauty of Billancourt, just outside Paris, visitors image,” Newton said.
beginners – offering work on France’s Champagne region through could hop onto a giant Waff cushion A teenager may enjoy
breathing while rebalancing energy a Nordic walking session among the for a session of immersive connecting with friends on the “We’re cautiously optimistic
levels and mood. vineyards during harvest season. sophrology and/or a relaxing social network one day, then clash that these nudges will help point
massage, all while enjoying a feeling with the same person another day. people towards content that
Then, in the early evening, there It was a great way to combine of weightlessness. inspires and uplifts them, and to a
was Pranic Breathing with Singing well-being and a change of scenery The Journal reported that larger extent, will shift the part of
Bowl Meditation, promising to boost with a quintessentially French The aim was simply to relax, Instagram has played down harm Instagram’s culture that focuses on
energy while reducing stress levels experience. whether thanks to a head, neck and done to millions of young people how people look.”
through meditation. shoulder massage or a via virtual who connect daily, particularly
Big Cypress National Preserve, In addition to the walk, the reality experience. It’s something when it comes to feeling shame Instagram is making a version
Florida, USA establishment also offered seated that’s likely to appeal to anyone about their bodies after seeing of the social network for children
World Wellness Weekend also gave massages to help relieve tension built whose posture has suffered while what is branded beauty in imagery 13 years old or younger, a move
people the opportunity to try a most up during the last few months, as well working from home in recent times. – there. opposed by child safety advocates.
original activity – swamp therapy. as a physiotherapist-led session on ETX – ETX
how to reduce muscular fatigue in
Participants headed to the Big the back.
Cypress National Preserve, which
Experience quality urban lifestyles
for stronger communities.
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THE first space tourism SpaceX tourists contact actor
mission by Elon Musk’s Tom Cruise from orbit
SpaceX blasted off from drew with metallic markers of the
Florida on Wednesday for a Dragon capsule being propelled
three-day voyage that ended with a into space by a dragon.
splashdown in the Atlantic Ocean o Movie star receives update about life aboard the Inspiration4 Arceneaux, a 29-year-old
on Saturday. spacecraft, as plans to film in outer space take shape physician assistant at St. Jude
Children’s Research Hospital in
Mission control said the crew Tennessee, demonstrated her
members – Jared Isaacman, Sian impressive spins in zero gravity.
Proctor, Hayley Arceneaux and “Hayley is a champ at spinning,”
Chris Sembroski – spoke with Proctor said. “She has been
Cruise, who is hoping to make a spinning from the moment we got
film in space, from the vessel on on orbit.”
Friday. “It’s a lot of fun and allows us to
lift very heavy things without any
“Rook, Nova, Hanks, and Leo issue,” said Arceneaux.
spoke to @TomCruise sharing their “We’ve also been taking several
experience from space,” said the swabs of different parts of our body
Twitter account of Inspiration4, the to evaluate the microbiome and
official name of the first ever space how that changes in these three
mission to take place without an days in space,” she added.
actual astronaut. And “we have been spending so
much time in this cupola,” she
The names are the call signs of observed.
the four passengers aboard Sembroski, a 42-year-old US Air
SpaceX’s Dragon capsule. Force veteran, pulled out his
ukelele and played a few chords.
“Maverick, you can be our The crew members also opened
wingman anytime,” the tweet up the hatch in the nose of the
added, accompanied by a video clip The SpaceX capsule to show off the view from
of Cruise playing the elite fighter Falcon 9 rocket the cupola, a clear glass dome that
pilot whose call sign was Maverick carrying the allows for a 360° view outside.
in the movie Top Gun. Inspiration4 crew
launched from Crew members said they were
Last year, former NASA Pad 39A at collecting blood samples for
administrator Jim Bridenstine NASA’s Kennedy research and doing cognitive tests
announced a film project starring Space Center in which will be compared with their
Cruise to be shot in zero gravity on Cape Canaveral, results prior to liftoff.
board the International Space Florida last
Station. Wednesday. – “We know how fortunate we are
AFP to be up here,” said billionaire Jared
However, no details have yet Isaacman, the mission commander.
been delivered about the project, – ETX Studio
which would be done in
collaboration with SpaceX.
The four crew members shared
their experiences in space during a
10-minute live webcast with
mission control on Friday.
Proctor, 51, who teaches
geosciences at a college in Arizona
and was a finalist to become a NASA
astronaut, displayed a picture she
Danger from the depleting ozone layer Get ready – Apple Fitness+ is
THE hole in the ozone layer, the coming to Malaysia
protective shield in Earth’s
stratosphere absorbing harmful UV layer present at an altitude of about As many as 197 countries around APPLE has announced that its wisdom and calm and focus, with
radiations emitted by the Sun, widens 11 to 40 kilometres above Earth’s the world have banned the use of Fitness+ training program will each session lasting five, 10 or 20
every year. But this year, the ozone surface. CFCs following the 1987 Montreal arrive in more countries including minutes.
layer hole is “larger than usual”, and is Protocol to phase out the Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Spain,
currently even bigger than Antarctica CAMS has given the first status production of numerous substances Portugal, Saudi Arabia and the In addition to the videos
in size, scientists monitoring the update on the stratospheric hole that are responsible for ozone UAE later this year. Apple Watch available on iPhone, iPad and
ozone layer have said. which appears every year during the depletion. owners will be able to benefit Apple TV, these meditation
Austral spring, or spring in the from physical exercises and sessions, led by experienced
Since 1979, the ozone layer hole southern atmosphere. This is the The ozone hole usually forms meditation sessions adapted to coaches, will be available in audio
has been monitored. This year, the region where the greatest amount of over the Antarctic during the spring their level. format in the new Mindfulness
hole has been observed to be ozone is lost annually, beginning in season in the Southern Hemisphere app on Apple Watch.
developing rapidly and to be bigger September. from August to October. The hole Apple Fitness+ can help you
than 75% of ozone holes at this stage reaches a maximum between mid- stay in shape, whatever your The best way to get the most
of the season since 1979, researchers The UV radiations emitted by the September and mid-October. level, with a wide range of out of Fitness+ is to watch the
from the Copernicus Atmosphere Sun catalyse the ozone depleting physical exercises (muscle classes on your iPhone screen
Monitoring Service (CAMS) said in a reactions, which involve chemically Ozone depletion slows during strengthening, bodybuilding, while wearing your Apple Watch.
statement. active forms of chlorine and bromine the late Southern Hemisphere yoga or Pilates) and meditation Fitness+ integrates all the data of
released from man-made spring, as temperatures high up in sessions. A new program features the connected watch for a
Vincent-Henri Peuch, Director of compounds. the stratosphere begin rising. The exercises to help you prepare for unique and personalized
CAMS, said this year’s ozone hole ozone layer returns to normal by the ski season, designed and led experience. Starting this fall,
“evolved into a rather larger than Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), December, when the polar vortex by the champion Ted Ligety. Note Fitness+ will also offer group
usual one”, and that they were looking which were first developed in the weakens and finally breaks down. that Fitness+ also offers targeted workouts, thanks to Apple’s
at a “quite big and potentially deep 1930 to be used in refrigeration and programmes, such as exercises SharePlay feature, so you can
ozone hole”. air-conditioning systems by humans, CAMS performs satellite-based dedicated to pregnant women or work out with up to 32 people
play a key role in the depletion of the and in situ observations to monitor seniors. simultaneously.
He also said the hole is similar to ozone layer. Due to their stable the ozone hole.
that of previous year, which wasn’t nature, they can traverse to the According to Apple, Launched first in the US,
thought to be exceptional, but had stratosphere from the surface of the However, it is not all bad news. meditation exercises help reduce Canada, the UK and Australia,
evolved into one of the longest- Earth. Over the past quarter century, slow daily stress, improve well-being Fitness+ will be available in 15
lasting ozone holes ever recorded, recovery has been shown by the and build resilience for life’s more countries by the end of the
later in the season. The vortex of this When CFCs reach the ozone layer. A complete phase-out challenges. Themes include year. In the US, the service costs
year’s ozone hole is stable enough stratospheric ozone, high-energy UV of ozone depleting substances will kindness, gratitude, creativity, US$9.99 (RM41.67) per month or
and the stratospheric temperatures radiation breaks them down, and a be possible by 2060s or 2070s, if US$79.99 (333.64) per year. – ETX
are lower than last year, as a result of cascade of chemical reactions occurs, monitoring efforts are maintained. –
which there may be more growth in which destroy ozone. AFP
the ozone hole, over the next two or
three weeks, he added.
The ozone hole formed last year,
over the Arctic, was also very large
and deep, and had even reached a
size, approximately three times that
of the continental US, according to
An animation of the ozone layer
on Sept 12, released by CAMS shows
that the ozone hole develops from the
edges to the middle, because of the
Sun catalysing ozone-depleting
Ozone layer is the stratospheric
8 theSun LYFE ON MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 20, 2021
Starbucks unveils its
new plant-based menu
o Starbucks Malaysia also has new meal options
made with Beyond Meat’s plant-based ground meat
BUILDING on its sustainability can also customise their beverage with
commitment to become more plant-based whipped cream, now available
resource positive, Starbucks for the first time at Starbucks stores across
Malaysia has expanded its plant- Malaysia.
based choices with an all-new
environmentally friendly menu. These favourite Autumn beverages
This season’s menu also introduces for from Starbucks are returning, along with
the first-time, the innovative plant-based new exciting merchandise and coffee
whipped cream that will provide the option additions.
to make Frappuccino ordered at Starbucks
completely dairy-free. In celebration of the brand’s 50th
To accompany the whipped cream is Anniversary, this year’s Starbucks A Siren
the returning favourite, Oatmilk Cocoa Tale Anniversary Merchandise Collection
Macchiato, a creamy and delicious mix of features the lovely, yet recognisable Siren,
indulgent chocolate and earthy oatmilk, the brand’s icon, to highlight the diversity
and also the new Almondmilk Honey Latte of the collection.
and Oatmilk Honey Latte, which are
lusciously creamy yet remaining slightly The overall lineup is designed with a
sweet. balance of three components: Siren Profile,
After their launch on Sept 14, the new Siren Tail and Underwater Elements,
beverages are currently available at all showcasing a mix of classic silhouettes
Starbucks stores in Malaysia, while stocks paired with a reinterpretation of the Siren. (above) The all- The Anniversary collection also menu is available now in Klang Valley
last. new deliberately uses a colour palette that stores, with rollouts to the rest of stores
Enjoy Starbucks signature espresso The range of the collection includes Almondmilk/ leverages on this season’s new lineup of across Malaysia over the month.
delicately flavoured with delicious honey water bottles, mugs and various drinkware Oatmilk Honey whole bean coffee, which includes the
syrup and paired with oatmilk or and accessories adorned Latte Series. Starbucks Three Region Blend. Expanding the plant-based menu is one
with playful features (below) Oatmilk of the ways that Starbucks is doing towards
of the underwater Cocoa This medium roast coffee is a blend of reducing its carbon footprint, while also at
sea. Macchiato coffees from West Java, Peru and Rwanda – the same time providing a variety of
Series to entice each chosen for the trailblazing way coffee choices for its customers as part of the
almondmilk for the perfect Autumn pick- your Autumn was grown, cultivated and processed. Starbucks experience.
me-up. Crowned with frothy foam and feels!
toasted honey topping, this beverage is the Joining alongside this coffee is the Customer’s interest in plant-based
perfect balance of earthy and sweet Starbucks Autumn Blend, a richly roasted foods also continues to grow in Malaysia,
flavours. Available as a hot, iced or blended and delicately sweet, balanced blend of which is seeing a rapid growth in Asia
handcrafted beverage. coffee to celebrate the season. Pacific.
If ordered as a blended
handcrafted beverage, Also returning again is the Starbucks As plant-based options grew in
customers can also customise Anniversary Blend 2021, in which the popularity, Starbucks Malaysia added
their beverage with plant-based Starbucks passion for coffee continues almondmik in 2018, coconutmilk in 2019
whipped cream, now available for to live on in a blend of smoked cedar and expanded to offer oatmilk national in
the first time at Starbucks stores aromas and notes of tarragon, allspice and 2020.
across Malaysia. truffle.
0 A first in Malaysia This year will mark the addition of its
0 Returning Favourite! Starbucks Starbucks Malaysia has also joined forces plant-based whipped cream, made
Oatmilk Cocoa Macchiato with Beyond Meat to offer a new plant- primarily from rice components, such as
based addition to its menu. Introduced for rice starch and flour.
Chocolatey indulgence meets the first time in all stores in Malaysia is the
creamy oats with the return Beyond Meat Spiral Curry Puff, a The new lineup of plant-based
of Starbucks Oatmilk reimagination of Malaysia’s all-time beverages, including the Starbucks
Cocoa Macchiato. favourite snack. Oatmilk Cocoa Macchiato, Almondmilk
Honey Latte and Oatmilk Honey Latte are
Starbucks’ signature Deliciously healthy and guilt-free, the priced from RM21.20 onwards, while the
espresso blends perfectly Beyond Meat Spiral Curry Puff combines Starbucks Anniversary A Siren Tale
with smooth oatmilk and Beyond Meat’s Beyond Beef Ground Meat Collection is priced from RM72 onwards.
fragrant vanilla syrup, with soft curried potatoes and gently baked
topped with a drizzle of rich cocoa onions encased in a flaky wheat flour The Starbucks Three Region Blend,
sauce to create decadent layers of spiral-lined crust. Starbucks Autumn Blend and Starbucks
flavour in every sip. Anniversary Blend 2021 whole bean
This new plant-based addition to the coffees are priced at RM40 each.
Available as hot, iced or blended
handcrafted beverage. If ordered as a In addition, the Beyond Meat Spiral
blended handcrafted beverage, customers Curry Puff starts from RM11.90.
The Class of 2021 is here.
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COMMENT by Jason Loh and Ameen Kamal
Independent body to monitor funds
THE first pre-budget
statement as premiere and setting interest rates from Her (for e.g stress tests). The IFB will act benefit what should in future be a technology layers.
prelude to Budget 2022 Majesty’s Treasury to the Bank in May as independent evaluator of the Special Select Committee on the As for monetary policy, some of
provides an opportunity for 1997” (which became operationally performance targets set by the Budget alongside the pre-existing
greater transparency, accountability independent under then chancellor government. Special Select Committee on Finance the policy recommendations could
and stakeholder engagement in the Gordon Brown as part of the Labour Last but not least, the IFB can also and Economy. include the following (not
formulation of fiscal and macro- Party’s slew of constitutional and complement and supplement the exhaustive):
economic policies. institutional reforms). role of the Public Accounts As observed, the increased role of 1. The Governor of Bank Negara,
Committee (PAC) by providing the PAC is a necessity for it to alongside members of the Monetary
We at EMIR Research would like When the UK suffered a financial independent and function optimally, and this could be Policy Committee, should appear
to urge the government to take a step meltdown and credit crunch professional/expert advice, and achieved through the support of a before what should be a
further by calling for the following news of Northern Rock’s consultancy for the latter’s terms of dedicated IFB. Parliamentary Special Select
establishment of an independent insolvency and the government’s reference and remit, especially in Committee on Monetary Policy on,
fiscal body (IFB) – either through swift action to partially nationalise it relation to “the accounts of the The case for an IFB is supported in e.g. a bi-annual basis – with
primary or secondary legislation. If it together with the Big Four, i.e. Royal federal government and the “The Success Factors of the Public proceedings open to the public and
is the former, the IFB could be a Bank of Scotland, Lloyds, HBOS and appropriation of the sums granted by Accounts Committee in Malaysia: published by Parliament; and
statutory body (commission). If it is TBS, the DMO has also been, in effect, Parliament to meet the public The Public Perspective” (IPN Journal 2. Quarterly reviews and impact
the latter, the IFB can be a “indirectly” coordinating the issuance expenditure”. of Research and Practice in Public assessment of monetary policy by a
department or unit. Better if it is a and sale of gilts (British government It is proposed that the IFB Sector Accounting and Management, future Parliamentary Special Select
semi-governmental/government- bonds) with the Bank of England regularly reports to Parliament – 2012) by researchers from Universiti Committee on Monetary Policy
linked think-tank that is funded under quantitative easing (QE) ever through the parliamentary special Putra Malaysia, who had compiled should be undertaken.
partly by the government and partly since. On the other hand, the UK’s select committees – on a quarterly several potential elements (from
by the private sector, and managed as office for Budget Responsibility was basis. The appointment of non- other studies globally) that need to be In the final analysis, monetary
a trust or foundation. established under then prime partisan experts from the finance, enhanced for a PAC to be more policy should never be considered
minister David Cameron’s watch after accounting, economics and public effective. These include “having discretely, even in conceptual terms,
Our suggestion takes its cue from the Conservatives won the 2010 policy background in IFB allows it to independent technical expertise and from fiscal policy.
Prof Dr Geoffrey Williams of general election with an eye towards fill potential gaps under the FPDMO’s research support”.
University of Science and Technology providing an independent and jurisdiction. An IFB should include the impact
Malaysia (Must), who reportedly neutral justification for the Additionally, the IFB can and The paper also referenced a of fiscal policy on monetary policy
called for an IFB to analyse public “expansionary fiscal contraction” should look into the reports of the separate study that identified and vice-versa and offer policy
finances in his article back in 2018 policy under counterpart chancellor Auditor-General, Accountant- “information availability and recommendations as to how the two
titled, “Eye on Budget preparation” in George Osborne. General, FPDMO and statements bipartisanship/non-partisanship” as can be better coordinated and
a local daily. from the ministries (and the an important “behavioural aspect” synchronised, as part of its terms of
That is, to allow for monetary respective department and agencies). success factor. reference and remit.
An IFB could be one way to “… policy to take the lead with near zero As a central component in the
depoliticise … the federal budget … interest rate coupled with QE. On formulation process of fiscal policy A paper by Rose Shamsiah In short, the formation of an IFB
and … focus on the technicalities of hindsight, for monetary policy to do and management of public finances, Samsudin and Nafsiah Mohamed – would also enable monetary policy
responsible budgeting, including the the heavy lifting – as role reversal – the IFB can boost PAC’s capability to “The Magnitude Of PAC’s Work in to be subject to greater scrutiny
efficiency of fiscal plans, their was never going to work, however ask the right questions, and more Reviewing and Reporting on State and review.
economic and social impact and accommodative it was. Osborne was effectively scrutinise the items under Government’s Financial Statements”
their long-term sustainability”. forced to backtrack on his avowed consideration, and hold the (Malaysian Accounting Review, Vol. Returning to the central topic –
commitment to fiscal consolidation government of the day to account on 8, No. 2, 2009) – suggested overall, the monitoring and analysis
In an interview with a news portal, by 2013. Nonetheless, both of the allocation and expenditure. improvements in “composition, of fiscal policy can be better
Williams was quoted as saying that historical lessons offer insights as to Indeed, the role of the IFB would capacity, work process” to optimise enhanced with the establishment of
the Fiscal Policy and Debt how we can adopt and adapt to our definitively enhance the formulation PAC’s role and function. an IFB. It should be considered as
Management Office (FPDMO) under situation. The key is timely and and implementation/execution of part of on-going institutional reforms
the Finance Ministry “established in accurate economic and fiscal our fiscal policy – to minimise Furthermore, in line with calls for – in the drive towards a more open,
May 2019 to review the government’s forecasting – that avoids group-think, leakages and wastages, ensure cash is radical transparency in governance, inclusive, progressive and
debt and liabilities, did not cover the and is able to offer critical delivered to target recipients granular data of public accounts democratic governance regime.
wide implications and alternative assessments and out-of-the-box efficiently, effectively and in a timely should also be made fully open and
interpretations of budget and debt thinking. manner, etc. accessible through a secure digital Jason Loh Seong Wei and
issues”. The FPDMO was modelled In addition to the PAC, reports platform. Ameen Kamal are part of the
after the UK’s own. The UK’s DMO The IFB would also conduct from the IFB would correspondingly research team of EMIR Research, an
was set up to take over “gilt issuance pre- and post-budgetary analyses, Securely tracking and managing independent think tank focused on
from the Bank of England, following risk assessment and horizon the movement of public funds is key strategic policy recommendations
the transfer of responsibility for scanning, and scenario management to competency, accountability and
transparency, and the IFB could be based on rigorous research.
appointed as an independent body Comments:
for the implementation of necessary
[email protected]
COMMENT by Dr MyeloneTharmaseelan
Mandatory vaccination dilemma
MALAYSIA currently boasts one of population instead of the previous that the long-term benefits of the inconclusive, more compelling addressing their concerns.
the highest vaccination rates in the 60% to 70%, due to the Delta strain. vaccine outweighs its side effects. scientific evidence is required to 2. Use behaviour nudge techniques
world, with almost 70% of its adult Once infected with the Delta Developed European countries have support the ethical dilemma faced in such as providing incentives or gift
population fully vaccinated. strain, even fully vaccinated people moved on with the majority of its such a scenario. cards to encourage inoculation.
can go on to transmit the virus as adult population inoculated and Pragmatically, mandatory 3. Clamp down on disinformation on
It has also started administering easily as those who are not children getting vaccinated. Cuba, vaccination is no guarantee that the social media that would further
vaccines to school students. While vaccinated. known for their medical revolution, vaccinated will be entirely spared reinforce their false belief.
this comes as a timely move by the It is no surprise that there have has taken a step further by from Covid-19, but it would be 4. The Health Ministry should release
government, vaccine hesitancy been growing calls by various parties administering vaccines to toddlers. beneficial in reducing hospitalisation data and statistics that are available to
among parents and students alike urging the government to vaccinate and shorter intensive care unit stay, show transparency so the vaccine
continues to be a huge challenge for teenagers under 18. Many have also The Malaysian government was which in turn would also be of great hesitant population can make
healthcare professionals, who believe appealed for the government to initially hesitant on vaccinating help to the overworked and burnt out informed decisions.
that any vaccine is better than no make it mandatory to vaccinate children below the age of 18, due to medical frontliners. 5. Teachers should not be allowed to
vaccine at all. school-going children before classes the possibilities of children The option and choice for an teach in schools if they are not
resume in October. developing cardiovascular disease otherwise healthy individual to get vaccinated.
According to the World Health While there may be hesitancy in and experiencing severe side effects. vaccinated is still better than refusing 6. Those who have been vaccinated
Organisation vaccine hesitancy can regard to vaccinating the young, But it has now approved the vaccine altogether. can play a role by sharing their
be defined as the delaying or refusal medical experts globally have long administering vaccines to those Vaccination is not mandatory or experiences. Social media
of vaccine despite the availability of supported children getting a vaccine, below the age of 18. compulsory in Malaysia but it is influencers can use their star power
adequate vaccines; it is complex. although there is concern of children Lesser restrictive measures important to look at the issue from to influence fence sitters.
Conflict of interest developing myocarditis and Proponents of mandatory the perspective of the community 7. The Education Ministry should
What seems apparent is the tension pericarditis following the vaccination normally justify the and individual. The government consider setting up vaccination
between individual rights and state administration of mRNA vaccines. importance of getting inoculated should respect the individual’s centres at schools, and provide
interest in the preservation of Although some 2,259 children, based on the grounds of protecting autonomy and not be quick to counselling for school children who
people’s welfare. who were part of a vaccine study in the welfare of others. They often impose paternalistic measures on the refuse vaccines.
Europe, did not display any severe argue that it is necessary to curtail the person, that would infringe human
It is understandable that most side effects including that of rights of others, especially in regard to rights. In a nutshell, the government
governments would want their myocarditis and pericarditis, the achieving herd immunity. The government should consider should navigate through this ethical
population to be vaccinated as the European Medicines Agency (EMA) other lesser restrictive measures that dilemma cautiously.
current Delta variant is ripping does not completely state that Conversely, it could be argued can ensure the preservation of the
through non pharmaceutical vaccines would have zero to no side that mandatory vaccination can principle of autonomy: If done properly, the lesser
preventive intervention that is effects in children. On a good note, infringe basic human rights. The restrictive measures can achieve the
pushing the herd immunity almost EMA has since approved the use of public may also end up losing 1. Emphasise the educational same desired outcome of mandatory
out of reach. the Pfizer (aged 12-15) and Moderna confidence in the government if they approach by informing the vaccine vaccination, while protecting the
(aged 12-17) vaccine to children. are forced to vaccinate. hesitant population of the risks of not autonomy of the individual.
Last month, the Infectious Studies have consistently proven being vaccinated, while also
Diseases Society of America As the arguments for and against Comments:
estimated the threshold for herd mandatory vaccination remain [email protected]
immunity to be 90% of the
SEPTEMBER 20, 2021
197201001092 (12738-U)
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17/09/2021 Fax: 03-7784 4424
Participation Bought Sold Net Email: [email protected]
% RM m RM m RM m
36.1 Institutions 1503.7 1512.6 -8.9
29.8 Retail 1288.7 1207.2 81.5
34.1 Foreign 1389.2 1461.8 72.6
100.0 4181.6 4181.6 0.0 6.75 6.69 252.91 6.87 176.71 1.91 10.42 56.49
Preliminary stats (excluding trade amendments). For final data, please refer to 1,548.51 3,071.23 24,920.76 3,613.97 30,500.05 17,276.79 3,140.51
Source: Bursa Malaysia 7,403.72
KL MARKET SUMMARY EU chip self-sufficiency push
September 17, 2021 still positive for M’sian firms
INDICES 11,365.82 CHANGE -30.02
FBMKLCI 1,548.51 -6.75
CONSTRUCTION 166.24 -0.87
FINANCIAL SERVICES 15,289.80 +25.29
ENERGY 729.77 -9.35
TELECOMMUNICATIONS 685.01 -9.29 o MIDF Research head players typically serving the makers of European chip ecosystem, including
HEALTH CARE 2,616.41 -6.54 cites fragmented nature of semiconductors. Moving downstream, production. She was quoted by Bloomberg
TRANSPORTATION 886.31 +4.58 downstream segments in these players serve the makers of the as saying the policy “ensures our security of
PROPERTY 728.63 -5.26 the industry’s value chain subsystems or end hardware – for example supply and will develop new markets for
PLANTATION 6,426.42 -93.03 automotive Tier 1s or mobile phone ground-breaking European tech.”
FBMSHA 12,414.14 -63.65 █ BY AMIR IMRAN HUSAIN SAFRI makers. Therefore, there is still a lot of room
FBMACE 7,201.22 +5.47 [email protected] for Malaysian players to benefit,” Imran told Similarly, EU’s industry commissioner,
TECHNOLOGY 93.58 +1.53 PETALING JAYA: The European Union’s SunBiz. Thierry Breton, wrote in a blogpost that
(EU) plans to be self-sufficient in chips are more than just key components
TURNOVER VALUE semiconductors against the backdrop of a To illustrate the situation, he pointed out for automakers, smartphone makers and
5.126 BIL RM4.181 BIL global shortage of the materials comes as MIDF’s top pick among OSAT players, Inari video gamers. “The race for the most
no surprise to MIDF Research head Imran Amerton Bhd, will still remain a proxy to the advanced chips is a race about
5 MOST ACTIVES Yassin, who believes the development of an growth of 5G technology via its radio technological and industrial leadership.“
September 17, 2021 EU chipmaking ecosystem will still leave a frequency business segment which
positive impact on Malaysian players due to contributes almost 70% of the group’s He elaborated that the Act will cover
STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen) the fragmentation in downstream niches of revenue. research, production capacity and
KNM 189,348,600 26.5 +0.5 the value chain in the industry. international cooperation, and look into
FINTEC 176,011,400 2.5 UNCH “Its 5G positioning solidly places the establishing a dedicated European
DNEX 160,364,500 80.0 +4.0 “For example, outsourced company to continue being the prime Semiconductor Fund.
EMICO 123,408,500 66.5 +14.0 semiconductor assembly and test (OSAT) beneficiary of the 5G tech trend and strong
AT 122,278,000 6.0 -0.5 smartphone sales,” said Imran. In June last year, the United States
initiated a similar policy, introducing the
5 TOP GAINERS On Friday, Inari closed 10 sen or 2.82% CHIPS for America Act, which will pour
September 17, 2021 higher at RM3.64 per share. billions of dollars worth of incentives and
research initiatives over the next five to ten
Last Wednesday, European Commission years into semiconductor manufacturing, a
president Ursula von der Leyen revealed sector that is deemed crucial to the
that the region will introduce the European country’s economic and national security.
Chips Act, aimed at developing an
Globally, World Semiconductor Trade
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM Statistics projected the semiconductor
GENETEC 433,000 36.02 0.84 market to grow by 25.1% to US$551 billion
F&N 434,800 27.56 0.52 in 2021, outpacing the 6.8% growth reported
PETGAS 1,721,700 17.38 0.50 in the preceding year.
PMBTECH-WA 37,200 4.91 0.41
PMBTECH-LA 10,300 7.50 0.40 Against these figures, the MIDF Research
head believes chips supply will gradually
5 TOP LOSERS meet demand as the industry remains on
September 17, 2021 track to deliver another strong year of
PETDAG 1,090,000 19.02 0.76 Based on Gartner Index of Inventory
NESTLE 155,600 134.00 0.70 Semiconductor Supply Chain Tracking,
SAM 568,600 14.00 0.48 Imran pointed out that chips supply will
KLK 1,554,100 20.24 0.26 gradually improve and move towards
BAT 471,900 13.92 0.24 moderate shortage zone by Q4’21 before
returning to normal supply zone by the
EXCHANGE RATES SEPTEMBER 17, 2021 second quarter of 2022.
Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy An employee giving a briefing on German semiconductor manufacturer Infineon’s new “This strong demand is understandable
specialist power chip plant during a preview in Villach, Austria, on Sept 16. Last Wednesday, the as we believe that the semiconductor
1 US DOLLAR TT/OD TT OD EU unveiled plans to develop a European semiconductor ecosystem. – REUTERSPIX industry is not only the basic building
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 4.2330 4.1080 4.0980 blocks of all modern technology but in the
1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.1040 2.9800 2.9640 advancement in emerging technologies
1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.1440 3.0530 3.0450 such as autonomous driving, artificial
1 EURO 3.3330 3.2450 3.2330 intelligence, 5G and Internet of Things
1 NEWZEALAND DOLLAR 4.9860 4.8250 4.8050 causes the sector to continue its robust
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 3.0040 2.8940 2.8780 growth into the next decade,” he said.
1 STERLING POUND 3.1440 3.0530 3.0450
1 SWISS FRANC 5.8450 5.6610 5.6410 Raising Covid-19 fund ceiling, statutory debt
100 UAE DIRHAM 4.5500 4.4460 4.4310 limit is to help people, businesses: Tengku Zafrul
100 BANGLADESHTAKA 116.6000 110.5700 110.3700
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 5.0480 4.7360 4.5360 KUALA LUMPUR: The government’s (SMES) and SMEs, that have been adversely economy reopens because there are still
100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 65.7000 63.1000 proposal to raise the ceiling for the Covid-19 affected by the suspension of economic many Covid-19 cases in some sectors.
100 INDIAN RUPEE 54.9700 52.2400 N/A Fund and the statutory debt limit is aimed activities due to the pandemic, especially
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 5.8500 5.5000 52.0400 at supporting the people and businesses those in the retail and tourism sectors. “In “These clusters emerge because we tend
100 JAPANESE YEN 0.0307 0.0278 5.3000 during the reopening of the economy. shaa Allah (God willing), we expect that by to think that things are back to normal and
100 NEWTAIWAN DOLLAR 3.8610 3.7400 0.0228 the end of this year, depending on the we do not have to comply with the SOPs any
100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 16.4000 Finance Minister Tengku Datuk Seri endemic situation, the people can go out, longer.
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.5700 N/A 3.7300 Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz said the proposal and businesses can resume their operations
100 QATAR RIYAL 8.6000 2.4100 N/A will be implemented immediately after as usual but in accordance to the new Meanwhile, Tengku Zafrul highlighted
100 SAUDI RIYAL 117.5600 8.1000 being approved by Parliament. norms,“ he said. that the Finance Ministry (MoF) had
100THAI BAHT 114.1100 111.6000 2.2100 published a Budget 2022 Pre-Budget
13.3200 108.3300 7.9000 “With the Parliament’s approval, we will He said the strategies outlined in the Statement – the first in the nation’s history,
11.8200 111.4000 raise the (ceiling limit) of the Covid-19 Fund dynamic National Recovery Plan (NRP), providing a preliminary overview of the
108.1300 from RM65 billion to RM110 billion, and the which focuses on meeting economic and direction, approach and expected benefits
11.4200 statutory national debt limit will be raised social needs, would help to guide Malaysia of Budget 2022.
from 60% of the gross domestic product to come out from the Covid-19 crisis both
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama (GDP) to 65% of the GDP,“ he said on RTM’s systematically and safely. “The MoF has always been open, giving
Selamat Pagi Malaysia programme yesterday. all citizens the opportunity to engage with
The minister also advised traders and the ministry, and for the first time ever, the
Tengku Zafrul said the government will the people to comply with the standard ministry had issued a public consultation
continue to help the traders, especially the operating procedures (SOP) when the paper to pay closer attention to the opinions
micro small and medium enterprises of the external experts,” he said. – Bernama
Trust your ‘inner compass’ 11theSUN ON MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 20, 2021
o This week, SunBiz chats with Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce
and Industry CEO Daniel Bernbeck Time to consider
wealth tax
SUCCESS: companies that have embraced the Fourth because after that journey from Mannheim
THE INSIGHT STORY Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) would have to Pforzheim, everyone wanted to have such IN 2021, Forbes Asia reported that the wealth of the
invested in the relevant technologies and an automobile! 50 richest Malaysian individuals increased from
How has your life experience made you the trained their staff on how to use those US$70 billion to US$90 billion
leader you are today? technologies. That technological readiness With her understanding of marketing and (RM292 billion to RM375.5
Having grown up as an expat’s child in the will allow for those companies to adjust to by breaking existing rules, she not only turned billion). This is based on
Middle East, I was taught quite early in my any sudden disruption of the international around their finances, but she also released information that is publicly
childhood years the importance of supply chains earlier and more efficiently the innovative power of this invention and available, without taking
communication across cultures, languages, than the ones who are not prepared. brought about the automotive industry. into account their private
and religions. This has silently and How do you stay abreast of issues affecting wealth.
subconsciously shaped my view of the world Also, the trend to relocate production, the your industry?
and my fellow human beings more so-called “glocalisation”, back from Asia to I believe the only way for a manager to prepare No one is questioning
profoundly than I thought. This has shaped Europe, is expected to become more popular for any type of issues and changes that could the legal ownership of
my belief in communication, in being open- due to technological advancements in high- affect their business is to create a working wealth. It is either inherited
minded and fearless to other people’s tech robotics or other low-staff manufacturing atmosphere where the members of the team or earned through passive
opinions and attitudes, and has been very concepts. That increases the pressure on feel invited to release their creativity and investments or through active involvement in
influential in my role as a leader. Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia innovative ideas. It is important for employees business or employment. Any individual having
What traits do you look for in your talent or to raise their level of IR 4.0 readiness. to feel that the leaders welcome new ideas, excessive wealth beyond his needs during a
how do you decide who is right for a job? What do you want to accomplish in the allow them to make mistakes, trust them in lifetime can only upon his death pass on the wealth
Many years ago, I was fascinated by Sergey next five years? their work and care for them as individuals. to the next generation. Such individuals cannot
Brin’s “Airport Test”. It requires you to ask In our organisation, the management team consume or enjoy the wealth during their lifetime.
yourself if you could imagine spending an has already set up a plan for the next five There is a lot of literature on the market
extended time with a person at an airport. It years to make our operations more but, in the end, it depends on you as a person Why not share some of that excessive wealth
really taught me the understanding that productive and self-sustaining by focusing and the personalities in your team. In times with the other citizens in the country?
qualifications on paper, which used to have a on efficient and customer-oriented where change is required, you will find that Why tax wealth?
very high, if not the highest, value in my birth processes. I hope that together we can make those in the team that pull the train forward In the current economic situation where the
country Germany, are not all that counts. this plan work and transform our together with you might even help convince country is in dire need of money to rejuvenate the
There is much more to consider than mere organisation into the best international those who resist the motion to follow suit. economy to get us out of the Covid-19 pandemic, it
certificates and university degrees. chamber of commerce in Malaysia, both as a is time that the extremely rich shared some of their
company as well as an attractive employer. Based on this, I believe an organisation wealth with the country.
Implementing the Airport Test adds an will be better prepared to detect, understand
interesting dimension to your assessment. Personally, I hope that in five years from and react to the need for change. The income tax regime is not sufficiently robust
However, in these unprecedented times, this now I would have managed to get all my kids If you could have an hour with any thought to tax the extremely rich in the same way salaried
simple test would probably not be enough to through school and into tertiary education, leader in the world, whom would it be and individuals are taxed. Generally, the rich do not
secure the right talent for your organisation. either in university or in technical vocational why? increase their wealth through income that is
education and training. Having read Barack Obama’s book recently taxable. They tend to receive non-taxable income
Dynamic transformation of procedures, Best piece of advice you ever received on titled The Promised Land, I truly believe that such as dividends, offshore income, capital gains,
innovation of products and services cannot your career. he did make significant and irreversible and interest, and the wealth of the rich grows faster
be achieved with a uniform group of like- I got the best career advice from the founder changes to his society. As he was a trained as their investments generate revenues “rain or
minded people that you maybe love to hang of the chamber of commerce that I lawyer like me, I believe I would be able to shine”, for example, interest.
out with at an airport for days. What previously worked for in Iran. He told me learn a lot from him on how to communicate
organisations of today need would be a more that a manager needs an “inner compass”. and convince non-lawyers of the way we The Panama and the Paradise papers clearly show
diverse mix of people, of different ages, You need to know yourself, to know what you think and see the world. that there are many Malaysian individuals parking
genders, cultures, and backgrounds. want and what you do not want, and you What has been the biggest challenge you their wealth overseas, especially in tax havens. Such
need to trust your compass to be able to have faced? What did you learn from it? wealth generated from Malaysian sources is not being
I believe that the leaders of today need to eventually take a firm stand. There was certainly a time where I had to redeployed in Malaysia productively.
understand much more than what is lacking manage my organisation through several
in their corporate culture and how a job What he meant with that was not that a years of internal issues that I inherited from Wealth tax will force the extreme rich to
applicant could be a good fit to contribute to manager should not listen to other people’s my predecessor, and it was the biggest redeploy their wealth productively such that
the company. opinions, advice, or criticism. He meant that challenge I have faced in my career. despite paying the wealth tax, their net wealth will
when the stressful and difficult moments Thankfully, they are all resolved and what the not decrease.
Leaders of today cannot stick to old- come, a manager needs to know deep inside experience taught me was that in the end, it is
fashioned methods of talent assessment and what he really stands for to make the right your inner strength and resilience, your ability Introducing a wealth tax will also flush out
hiring as they need to be much more creative decisions, to be trustworthy, and, most to stick to your professional, ethical and moral monies that have left the country without being
in their thinking in finding the right talent. importantly, to be a real leader. standards that give you the necessary grit to subjected to taxes in Malaysia and this will be an
How do you think the industry you are in Most-admired business leader? Why? persevere and reach your goals. added deterrent for those who intend to park
will evolve? I would have to say it is the late Bertha Benz, How do you expect policies on climate unaccounted monies overseas.
As a chamber of commerce, we are offering a the wife of Carl Benz, one of the founding change to impact businesses in the future? Rate of tax
vast portfolio of consulting services to foreign fathers of Mercedes Benz. She hailed from a We obviously cannot continue without doing A reasonable rate of tax would be anywhere
investors and their business partners as well family of merchants, so she understood that anything to improve the situation. However, between 0.5% and 1% of the wealth payable
as offering platforms for networking. I expect with just inventing and building but not when it comes to introducing new annually and it should only apply above a certain
this landscape to become much more selling the automobiles, they would’ve gotten environmental policies to help the planet, threshold of wealth, say RM100 million and above.
digitalised. Services like ours will be expected bankrupt. This is why in 1888, without her there will always be some cost to be incurred This should be calculated on the total worldwide
to be provided 24-7, online, paperless, fast, husband knowing, no permission from the or sacrifices that need to be made. Enacting wealth.
efficient, and be much more affordable than authorities and no driver’s licence, she took changes must be within a reasonable level How to soften the blow?
in the past. That requires us to adopt more the automobile that he had built and went on that would not disrupt economies beyond Since the purpose of wealth tax is to ensure wealth
digital solutions, new interfaces to a 106km ride with two of her teenage sons. A their capabilities to withstand it. I believe is reinvested in Malaysia, the wealthy need not lose
communicate with customers, and working trip that changed the world of industry that it is of utmost importance to empower sleep that their wealth is being taken away by the
attitudes that are much more client-focused. society and the economy to embrace the government: An option can be given to them to
necessary change because in order to reduce redeploy the tax payable by purchasing government
Naturally, the Covid-19 pandemic has the human impact on our climate as fast and bonds or private debt securities with a tenure
fundamentally impacted our working habits, as much as possible, we need to develop the exceeding 10 years without the option to sell during
as well as general rules and regulations right technologies and generate the funds that period, or to invest directly into productive
inside many other organisations. That is why needed to implement them. capital/intangible assets of a business. This will
our team is becoming flexible and adaptable A must-read for every business achieve the purpose of rejuvenating the economy.
to meet the customer’s demands and provide owner/manager is ... The fear of the flight of capital
a fulfilling customer experience. For the The book Factfulness of the late Swedish There will be a knee-jerk reaction in the short term
networking part, I believe that the experience author Hans Rosling. I think everybody with an outflow of funds before the tax is
of lockdowns and physical distancing should read that eye-opening book, not only introduced but this will only be short-lived. Most of
practices will further increase the value of managers and business owners. the large funds owned by rich individuals may have
having a strong network to find the right Tell us a joke. already left Malaysia. This concern will be raised by
contacts for the business world. I expect Haha, we Germans are famous for our powerful lobby groups who have a self-interest in
platforms like ours will gain relevance far peculiar sense of humour. Therefore, I give preventing the introduction of wealth tax.
more than we would have expected. you two quotes from one of our famous Overall aim
We all know about the industrial comedians, Karl Valentin, dealing with times The aim here is not to forcefully squeeze the wealth
revolution, are we in for a technological of change. He said: “Today we are living in from the rich. The aim here is to ensure the rich
revolution? Your thoughts. the good ol‘ days of tomorrow.”, and “In the redeploy the wealth earned in Malaysia back into
I think so. The pandemic to me has shown past even the future looked brighter!” Malaysia for the benefit of all Malaysians.
one thing: companies that can venture fast
into digital applications will stay ahead of the The secondary aim is to encourage rich
developments, thus gaining competitive Malaysians to deploy their assets actively by
advantages over their competitors. Industrial generating business activity and employment
rather than parking such monies in passive
investments. The rich have the choice of either
paying the tax or reinvesting in Malaysia.
This article was contributed by Thannees Tax
Consulting Services Sdn Bhd managing director
SM Thanneermalai.
12 theSUN ON MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 20, 2021
Johor, ECERDC team up for dairy project
o Jemaluang Dairy Valley in Mersing is expected to produce 5.1 million Menteri Besar Datuk Hasni industry across the ECER, namely in
litres of fresh milk annually when it begins operations in 2023 Mohammad. Jemaluang, Mersing, Setiu,
Terengganu, West Pahang and
MERSING: The Johor state It said the JDV is a key agribusiness feed and nutrition. “The Johor state government has Lojing, Kelantan.
government and the East Coast project under ‘agrofood@ECER,’ an “The JDV project will be modelled planned to expand its agricultural
Economic Region Development integrated initiative for agricultural sector and intends to become a “This will help to lessen the
Council (ECERDC) have signed a and food products. after the highly successful Muadzam major food exporter as well as a country’s dependence on imported
collaboration agreement to develop Shah Cattle Research and Innovation ‘food bank’ to other exporting milk while providing local
the Jemaluang Dairy Valley (JDV) in “JDV takes an integrated Centre in Pahang, another project by countries. communities with jobs and
Mersing, Johor. approach that includes upstream, ECERDC,” it said. entrepreneurial opportunities as
midstream and downstream “The JDV project by ECERDC will satellite farmers and dairy industry
The project is part of the overall activities, looking into all aspects of The collaboration agreement was support the state’s objective to entrepreneurs,” he said.
strategy in turning the East Coast dairy cattle production, including signed by ECERDC chief executive become the regional food hub, in
Economic Region (ECER) into animal breeding, livestock officer Baidzawi Che Mat, while the line with the Johor Food Security The JDV involves 275 hectares of
Malaysia’s “Dairy Valley”, the ECERDC management, milk processing, and Johor state government was Agenda, as well as the Johor Food land in Mersing, and is expected to
said in a statement yesterday. related industries such as animal represented by State Secretary Datuk Bank initiative,” said Hasni. produce 5.1 million litres of fresh
Azmi Rohani, witnessed by Johor milk annually when it commences
Meanwhile, Baidzawi said the operations in 2023, boosting the
JDV is a component of the larger national milk production by 11%. –
Dairy Valley initiative to create an Bernama
efficient and sustainable dairy
Tax transformation in the financial services industry
IN recent years, transformation and Tax transformation is not just new So, what does a vision or a plan for tax tax functions is ideal. Finally, there needs to be
automation have become a trending topic in software; it is a re-engineering of transformation look like? As the saying goes, Rome a sufficient budget allocated, as without that
Malaysia. This has been further amplified with an entire process. – REUTERSPIX wasn’t built in a day, and any transformation will budget, the vision is unlikely to be achieved.
the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic and industry has evolved and is now far more take time to properly plan and execute.
remote working as more discussions of these sophisticated with a complex array of products Taking into consideration the budgetary
issues take place across the industry. Despite an and services to meet customer demand and An effective transformation should start with challenges, our suggestion is to think big and
increased focus, one area that we noticed being increase profitability. In addition to shifting the development of a roadmap and proposal, start small. One area to focus on would be
consistently overlooked is that of tax revenue models, there has been a greater push to i.e. a tax solution architecture plan. Ideally such understanding your data sources and mapping
transformation. At best, tax transformation is increase efficiencies through driving costs down. a plan should be developed with someone who out the tax data requirements. There has to be an
considered a secondary or minor part of a wider Tax has a crucial impact on the balance is both familiar with tax processes and how understanding of what data are needed, which
finance transformation or, at worst, more of an sheet, income statement, and cash flow technology can be used to improve such are available today, and where they originated
afterthought. statement and one that has the potential to not processes, i.e. a “tax technologist”, to get the from. This will enable the function to
only support but add value to the broader aims most impact. Once the plan is developed, it communicate to dependent source departments
The tax function has traditionally been of the industry. An effective tax transformation should then go through scoping and the data required, and at what level.
viewed as a consumer of data from business through better planning, enhanced visibility development of a business case, followed by a
and finance systems. As such, engagement in and risk management, and improved return on design and implementation phase. As opposed to simply identifying the source
transformation projects has often happened in capital, benefits not just the tax function, but as a general ledger account or report from a sub
the beginning or at the end. However, this fails finance and business as a whole. While it might seem obvious, the importance ledger or other system, this will help tax
to consider the possibility of tax requirements In short, the current environment needs the of proper planning cannot be overstated. departments move from a reconciliation
evolving through the course of a tax function to play the role of a strategic function to a more powerful, flexible position as
transformation. business partner. Tax transformation is not just new software; an end user of the data.
To become a strategic business partner, two it is a re-engineering of an entire process. It is a
Without engagement throughout the entire tax transformation agents are needed, a tax change for people as well as the processes and Another opportunity for tax transformation
process, the end product fails to address the technologist and a tax solution architecture data needed to support them, much of which may be the use of work-flow tools to eliminate or
specific needs for tax reporting. The exceptions plan. These two agents will help tax drive the tax may need to be examined in detail and reduce the use of spreadsheets. The goal will be
to these are where tax is the driver of transformation business plan and the budget to rethought or reordered. To be most successful, the number of spreadsheets that can be removed,
transformation, such as was the case during our become a strategic business partner. full buy-in by finance and other involved non- and to identify which specific spreadsheets are no
previous implementation of the goods and longer needed. In the most effective tax
services tax. transformations, there should be a simplification
of the number of workbooks or tabs used.
From our discussions with CFOs and tax
directors across the industry, we have observed An additional area to take advantage of is the
a common trend in how tax is managed. In investments your business may already be making
particular, there is a heavy reliance on manual in terms of big data, cloud, and data science and
processes, data-crunching, and reconciliation ensure that these are leveraged and tax sensitised.
to prepare tax-relevant information. The
investment in technology towards automating Tax is the last piece in the process of closing
such processes is also virtually non-existent, the general ledger to produce the financial
with Microsoft Excel being a preferred option. statements, and efficiency should be a leading
driver in its transformation. If the provision can
The lack of investment and focus in this area be completed in a week, why should it take nine
could, in a way, be linked to how tax has been months to complete the related tax returns? With
viewed over the years,that is, more of a cost and the proper use of technology, that is a question
something that is not really an issue, until it that may never rise again. As the technology
becomes one. becomes cheaper and less complex to adopt and
operate, tax must take this opportunity and
Unfortunately, this traditional view of tax is no realise its role as a strategic business partner.
longer applicable in today’s environment. We are
no longer dealing with the same industry from 10 This article was contributed by Deloitte
years ago, let alone 30 – 40 years ago which had a Malaysia tax management consulting leader
more traditional set of products whether it be
deposits, loans, or insurance, among others. The Senthuran Elalingam and tax management
consulting director Cheong Mun Loong.
HSI futures, DNEX-CG remain in the limelight
WARRANTS WATCH in the underlying. Top warrants by volume traded Other popular warrants for the
The turbulent week saw HSI week were AMBANK-C24, JAKS-CD
THE warrants market witnessed lower Warrant Volume Issuer Exercise Expiry date and GREATEC-CJ with total traded
trading activity last week partly due September futures log a four-day name (million) Macquarie level/price 28 Jan 2022 volumes of up to 32.7 million, 22.9
to fewer trading days as Bursa losing streak to plumb to the lowest HSI-CIU 123.3 Macquarie 28 Oct 2021 million and 21.8 million units
Malaysia was shut on Thursday in level in 10 months, ending at 24,647 HSI-CIG 116.0 Macquarie 28,600 29 Sep 2021 respectively.
conjunction with the Malaysia Day on Thursday, before staging a minor HSI-HG2 104.1 Macquarie 26,000 30 Dec 2021
holiday. Total warrants turnover for rebound to end at 24,883 (+1.0%) on HSI-CIQ 102.9 Macquarie 25,400 29 Nov 2021 To view the full list of structured
the week came in at RM237.8 million Friday. In total, HSI September futures HSI-CIL 29,800 warrants available on Bursa Malaysia,
versus RM268.9 million in the eased by 1,258 points, representing a 99.1 27,000 visit
previous week, marking an 11.6% 4.8% weekly drop.
drop although the average daily million units. Friday, call warrants HSI-CIF, HSI-CIK Provided for Malaysian residents’
turnover jumped 10.6% to RM59.5 The holiday-shortened week saw HSI-HG2 was also the top warrant and HSI-CIQ are sold out while HSI- information only. This commentary has
million versus RM53.8 million in the active trading mainly in the HSI call CIU is currently on low inventory. not been reviewed by the Securities
previous week. warrants which include HSI-CIU, HSI- traded by value, registering up to Commission Malaysia. It is not an offer
CIG, HSI-CIQ and HSI-CIL with a RM40.1 million in value traded for the On the local warrant over stocks or recommendation to trade and is not
Warrants over the Hang Seng combined volume traded of 441.3 week. front, call warrant DNEX-CG research material.
Index (HSI) continued to dominate million units. HSI-CIU and HSI-CIG continued to be in focus with up to
the weekly turnover, accounting for occupied the first and second spot in Meanwhile, HSI-CIQ and HSI-CIL 44.1 million units traded as the Past performance is not indicative of
RM158.9 million which is 66.8% of the the most active list with 123.3 million saw up to 102.9 million and 99.1 mother share rallied 6.7% for the future performance. You should make
total, owing in part to volatile trading and 116.0 million units traded million units changing hands. It is week to end at 80 sen on Friday. your own assessment and seek
respectively while the put HSI-HG2 good to note that as of the close on professional advice. The warrants will
came in on third place with 104.1 not be offered to any US persons.
322 Notices 13theSUN ON MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 20, 2021
302 Jobs 322 Notices NOTICE Williams boss
defends Max
MEDIA SALES IN THE MATTER OF Range International WILLIAMS boss Jost Capito has
THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 Property & Valuer gone against F1 ally Toto Wolff to blame”.
REPRESENTATIVE / AGENT [VEPM(3)0266] and TZP by claiming Max Verstappen Mercedes may provide Williams with
(FREELANCE) AND Property Consultancy should not have been handed a
IN THE MATTER OF [VE(3)0349] wish to penalty for his role in the crash which took engines, but that hasn’t stopped the F1
Requirements: JANDI MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. announce that our him and Lewis Hamilton out of the Italian team’s boss Capito from publicly disagreeing
· Minimum 1 year sales experience REGISTRATION NO.: business have been Grand Prix. with Wolff’s view of the situation.
201901017269 (1326597-P) ceased from operations
in newspaper and digital (In Members’ Voluntary Winding Up) and shall be replaced The title rivals dramatically crashed at the “I don’t think it’s absolutely right to look
advertising At a General Meeting of the Company duly by Range International chicane at the end of Monza’s pit straight, for someone to blame, especially when it’s
· Attractive commission package convened and held electronically via video Property & Valuer (M) Sdn with the Red Bull flipping up off the sausage not clear,” Capito told the German version of
and incentive conferencing at BO3-B-13-1, Level 13, Bhd [VEPM(1)0271] with kerb and coming to rest on top of the
· Able to start immediately Menara 3A, KL Eco City, No. 3, Jalan Bangsar, immediate effect. Mercedes.
· Central, Northern, Southern, 59200 Kuala Lumpur on 15 September 2021, “So you should say, okay, they are racing
East Coast and Sabah/Sarawak the following special resolutions were duly 322 Notices It meant neither could score points in the drivers, so let them race too. That’s the salt in
passed: race in Italy, and a three-place grid penalty the soup, isn’t it?
Send in your application with your RESOLVED:- IN THE MATTER OF THE for the Russian Grand Prix added insult to
photo to [email protected] 1. THAT the Company be wound up COMPANIES ACT 2016 injury for Verstappen. “It’s racing. Things like that have
voluntarily pursuant to Section 439(1)(b) happened in the past. Whenever you had
LOST CERTIFICATES of the Companies Act 2016 and that Ng AND Hamilton, meanwhile, was not punished such a close battle for the title, there was
Heng Hooi of 462A, Jalan 5/46, Taman IN THE MATTER OF for his role in the incident. something like that during a season.”
Petaling, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor PERUSAHAAN INTALIAN
Darul Ehsan be and is hereby appointed SDN. BHD. 198401015309 Stewards said the Mercedes racer could “If you have two drivers who are fighting
liquidator for the Company for the purpose have done more to avoid the crash, but for the title and their cars have a similar
of winding up of the Company. (127864-M) declared the Dutchman was “predominantly speed, then of course they fight when they
2. THAT the liquidator be authorised (In Members’ meet. And then something like that can
pursuant to Section 456 of the Companies Voluntary Winding-Up) happen.” – Express Newspapers
Act 2016 to exercise the powers laid down NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING
The following Share Certificates have been reported lost or in Eleventh Schedule of the Companies NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that BRIEFS Washout in Portland
destroyed Act 2016. pursuant to Section 459(2)
3. THAT the liquidator be authorised to of the Companies Act 2016, Ko Jin-young hits WORLD NO. 2 Ko Jin-young will
Certificate No Name No Of Share distribute either in cash, specie or in the Final Meeting of the her tee shot on the have to wait to try to build on
kind any surplus assets of the Company Contributories of the Company eighth hole during her lead at the LPGA Portland
FM000006349 – HIGHLAND & LOWLAND N/A as he thinks fit to the contributory of will be held at M3B/13, (1st Round Two of the Classic, where an overnight
FM000006358 CHAN SAN CHEE the Company in accordance with his Floor), Jalan Pandan Indah 4/1A, Cambia Portland downpour forced play to be
respective rights and interests therein. Pandan Indah, 55100 Kuala Classic at the cancelled yesterday. The LPGA
LAM SOON (M) BERHAD 2 x 1000 The Board of Directors Lumpur on the 22 October 2021 Oregon Golf said in a statement that course
21163 – 21164 TAN SUAN KIAM Dated this 20th day of September 2021 at 10.00 a.m. for the following Club yesterday. conditions found in the
20263 – 20264 OOI HONG JOO 3 x 1000 IN THE MATTER OF purposes :- – AFPPIX morning, after Oregon Golf
6787 THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 ( 1 ) To consider the Liquidator’s Club received more than an
13782 GOOI SENG CHEONG 1 x 1000 Statement of Accounts inch and a half of rain
3472 KOK HUA 1 x 1000 AND showing how the winding overnight, coupled with a
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that if within fourteen (14) days from the date IN THE MATTER OF up has been conducted forecast for further rain,
hereof, no claim or representation in respect of such certificates is made to JANDI MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. and to give any explanation prompted officials to pull the
the Directors, they will then proceed to issue replacement certificates and REGISTRATION NO.: thereon. plug on the day. Officials
the original certificates will be 201901017269 (1326597-P) (2) To resolve that under Section decided on Saturday night to
deemed cancelled and void. (In Members’ Voluntary Winding Up) 518(3)(b) of the Companies trim the tournament to a 54-
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Creditors Act 2016 the manner in hole event. Donna Mummert,
of the abovementioned Company which is which the books, accounts the LPGA’s senior manager of
being wound up voluntarily are required, to and documents of the rules and competition, told Golf
send in their names and addresses on or Company may be destroyed Channel: “We just don’t have
before 15 October 2021, with particulars after the expiration of 3 the playable conditions that we
of their debts or claims and their names and months from the lodging need in order to conduct a
addresses of their solicitors (if any) to:- of the Return of the Final competition round today.”
Meeting with the Registrar
The Liquidator and the Official Receiver.
Registration No.: 201901017269 Liquidator
Kuala Lumpur
(1326597-P) Dated : 20 September 2021
B03-B-13-1, Level 13, Menara 3A, KL
322 Notices
Eco City, No. 3, Jalan Bangsar,
and if so required by notice in writing from DALAM NEGERI
the said Liquidator, or by their solicitors or
personally, to come in and prove their debts JOHOR DARUL TA’ZIM, MALAYSIA
and claims at such time and place as shall NO. PENGGULUNGAN
be specified in such notice, or in default
thereof, they will be excluded from the SYARIKAT: JA-28NCC-86-08/2021
benefit of any distribution made before such Dalam Perkara Seksyen 466 Akta Syarikat-
debts and claims are proved. Syarikat 2016;
Liquidator Dan
Dated this 20th day of September 2021 Dalam Perkara YM FURNITURE DESIGN
Date: 20.09.2021 ANTARA
In the matter of Sections 466(1)(A) of EHSAN, MALAYSIA YM FURNITURE DESIGN (M) SDN.BHD.
the Companies Act 2016; KEBANKRAPAN NO : BA-28NCC-399-08/2021 (NO. SYARIKAT : 1199808-X)
And NO. BA-29NCC-437-03/2021 Dalam perkara Seksyen 466 Akta Syarikat ...RESPONDEN
201601036543) [No. K/P: 540503-01-5421] Dan suatu Petisyen untuk penggulungan
Syarikat yang dinamakan di atas oleh
BESTWELD STEEL SYSTEM SDN BHD Ex-Parte: SOO MIN HUAT (M) SDN BHD [No. Syarikat: 2021 dikemukakan oleh LEE TAT LEE
(Company No.: 200001022897) [No. K/P: 530905-06-5051] 199601026985(399337-K)] HARDWARE SDN.BHD. (No. Syarikat:
AND NOTIS IKLAN [No. Syarikat: 803505-M] diarahkan supaya dibicarakan di
HITTI BUILDERS SDN. BHD. Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya Johor Bahru
(Company No.: 201601036543) Kepada:- ...PEMPETISYEN pada hari RABU bersamaan dengan 06
Tan Chee Aan OKTOBER 2021 jam 9.00 pagi.
... RESPONDENT 23, Jalan TR 3/1 DAN DAN mana-mana pihak pemiutang atau
ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Tropicana Golf & Country Resort penyumbang Syarikat tersebut yang ingin
NOTICE is hereby given that a petition 47410 Petaling Jaya SL FREIGHT SYSTEM (M) SDN BHD menyokong atau menentang sesuatu Clear and present danger Broad wants comfortable
for winding-up of the abovenamed Selangor Darul Ehsan [No. Syarikat: 199601026985 perintah mengikut Petisyen tersebut boleh for Kiwis in Pakistan bubble Down Under
company by the High Court was, on AMBIL PERHATIAN bahawa suatu Notis (399337-K)] ...RESPONDEN hadir dengan tujuan itu secara peribadi
the 13 September 2021, presented Kebankrapan telah dikeluarkan terhadap atau melalui peguambelanya pada NEW ZEALAND was warned of a “specific, ENGLAND seamer Stuart Broad doubted
by Bestweld Steel System Sdn. Bhd., kamu di Mahkamamah Tinggi Shah Alam NOTIS IKLAN PETISYEN masa perbicaraan. Sesalinan Petisyen credible threat” against its team, the country’s whether Australia’s travel and quarantine
having its address at 75B, Jalan Kenari oleh Soo Min Huat yang beralamat di No. tersebut akan dibekalkan oleh pihak cricket board said yesterday, elaborating on restrictions would lead to a postponement
20, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47100 5, Jalan Kasawari 3, Bandar Puchong NOTIS ADALAH DENGAN INI DIBERI bahawa yang bertandatangan di bawah ini kepada the rationale for abruptly abandoning the of the end-of-year Ashes series but he said
Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan. And Jaya, 47100 Puchong, Selangor Darul satu Petisyen untuk Penggulungan mana-mana pemiutang atau penyumbang tour of Pakistan as the squad reached Dubai. players would want to be promised the
that the said petition is directed to be Ehsan dalam No. Kebankrapan BA- Syarikat yang dinamakan di atas oleh Syarikat tersebut dan kadar bayaran New Zealand had pulled out of the limited- best possible environment for the tour. “My
heard before the Court sitting at Shah 29NCC-437-03/2021 yang mana Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam telah pada yang telah ditetapkan akan dikenakan overs tour on the day of the opening fixture message to our bosses at the ECB is simple:
Alam at 9:00 o’clock in the forenoon, tuntutan Pemiutang Penghakiman 30 haribulan Ogos, 2021, dikemukakan oleh peguam Pempetisyen bagi salinan in Rawalpindi on Friday citing a New Zealand Give us the best possible chance to be
on the 3rd day of January 2022; and ialah wang yang terhutang berjumlah oleh ARTHA LOGISTICS SDN BHD (NO. Petisyen tersebut. government security alert. “What I can say is mentally strong come January with the
any creditor or contributory of the RM 118,912.23 setakat 9 Mac 2021, SYARIKAT: 803505-M) yang beralamat di Alamat Pempetisyen adalah di No. 15, that we were advised this was a specific and environment that is created,” Broad wrote
said company desiring to support or seperti yang dituntut DAN MAHKAMAH Lot 9002, Jalan Telok Gong, 42000 Port Jalan Seroja 39, Taman Johor Jaya, credible threat against the team,” New in his Dailymail column yesterday. “Let’s try
oppose the making of an order on the memerintahkan bahawa Penyampaian Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor. Peguamcara Zealand Cricket (NZC) chief executive David to make it as comfortable as possible for us
said petition may appear at the time Notis Kebankrapan tersebut bagi Pempetisyen ialah Tetuan Chng, Yin White said in a statement. “Everything because if you go somewhere like Australia
of hearing by himself or his counsel dilaksanakan dengan menampalkan DAN bahawa Petisyen tersebut diarahkan & Co yang beralamat di No. 63A, Jalan changed on Friday. The advice changed, the and have to bunker down, you won’t enjoy
for that purpose; and a copy of the sesalinan Notis Kebankrapan bermeterai supaya dibicarakan di hadapan Dedap 6, Taman Johor Jaya, 81100 Johor threat level changed and, as a consequence, being in one of the greatest places on
petition will be furnished to any creditor tersebut bersama sesalinan Perintah Mahkamah yang bersidang di Mahkamah Bahru, Johor. we took the only responsible course of action earth – and aren't going to win at cricket
or contributory of the said company untuk Penyampaian Ganti bermeterai Tinggi Shah Alam pada pukul 9.00 pagi, possible. Unfortunately, given the advice we’d either.”
requiring the same by the undersigned di alamat terakhir Penghutang pada 30 haribulan November, 2021. T.T. received, there was no way we could stay in
on payment of the regulated charge for Penghakiman yang diketahui di 23, ….………….......... the country.” McNealy, Knous top leaderboard
the same. Jalan TR 3/1, Tropicana Golf & Country DAN mana-mana pihak pemiutang atau Peguamcara Pempetisyen
The Petitioner’s address is at 75B, Jalan Resort, 47410 Petaling Jaya, Selangor penyumbang Syarikat tersebut yang ingin Tetuan Chng, Yin & Co. Choi leads at Sanford JIM KNOUS and Maverick McNealy both
Kenari 20, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47100 Darul Ehsan; menampalkan sesalinan menyokong atau menentang sesuatu PERINGATAN:- birdied their final holes of the round to top
Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Notis Kebankrapan bermeterai tersebut perintah mengikut Petisyen tersebut boleh Sesiapa yang ingin hadir pada SOUTH KOREA’S KJ Choi shot a 4-under 66 a crowded leaderboard at The Fortinet
The Petitioner’s solicitors is WONG LU dan Perintah untuk Penyampaian Ganti hadir dengan tujuan itu secara peribadi perbicaraan petisyen tersebut hendaklah yesterday and holds a two-shot lead at 11- Championship, the first PGA Tour event of
PEEN & TUNKU ALINA, 21-6, Block B, The bermeterai di papan Notis Mahkamah atau melalui peguambelanya pada masa menyampaikan, atau menghantar dengan under 129 after two rounds of the Sanford the new season. McNealy caught fire on the
Boulevard, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Tinggi Shah Alam; dan dengan perbicaraan. pos kepada Peguamcara yang dinamakan International at Sioux Falls, South Dakota. back nine, closing his round of 70 with
Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur. mengiklankan di 2 surat khabar inggeris di atas suatu notis bertulis tentang Paul Stankowski, Germany’s Alex Cejka and three consecutive birdies to get to 14-under
dan peyampaian tersebut akan dianggap Salinan Petisyen tersebut akan dibekalkan niatnya sebegitu. Notis tersebut mestilah Australia’s Rod Pampling are tied for second 202 total and maintain a share of the lead
signed penyampaian yang sempurna dan cukup oleh pihak yang bertandatangan di bawah menyatakan nama dan alamat pihak after two trips around Minnehaha Country on the Silverado Resort and Spa course.
…..…........................ untuk Notis kebankrapan tersebut ini kepada mana-mana pemiutang atau berkenaan, atau jika ia sebuah firma, Club. Stankowski fired a round-best 63, Cejka Neither McNealy nor Knous can sleep easy
WONG LU PEEN & TUNKU ALINA terhadap kamu selepas penamatan penyumbang Syarikat tersebut yang nama dan alamat firma, dan mestsilah shot 64 and Pampling recorded a 67. Steve heading into today’s final round, as there
NOTE: tujuh (7) hari tarikh akhir penyampaian meminta dengan bayaran yang ditetapkan. ditandatangani oleh pihak atau firma Flesch (65) and Mario Tiziani (67) are tied for are 18 players within four shots of the lead,
Any person who intends to appear tersebut. berkenaan atau peguamcaranya, jika ada. fifth at 8-under. Choi had five birdies and one including six-time major winner Phil
on the hearing of the said Petition Jika kamu berhasrat untuk membantah Alamat Pempetisyen adalah di Lot 9002, Notis hendaklah disampaikan atau jika bogey but was particularly strong on the back Mickelson and 2012 US Open champion
must serve on or send by post to the Notis Kebankrapan tersebut, kamu Jalan Telok Gong, 42000 Port Klang, dihantar dengan pos, hendaklah dihantar nine, when he carded four birdies while Webb Simpson. “It was a crazy day,” said
abovenamed solicitors, notice in writing dihendaki memfailkan satu Afidavit bagi Selangor Darul Ehsan. dalam jangkamasa mencukupi, supaya posting a 32. Stankowski registered eight McNealy. “One of those days where the ball
of his intention so to do. The notice maksud tersebut dalam tempoh tujuh (7) sampai kepada pihak yang dinamakan birdies and one bogey in his strong round. He was running up in funny spots. It was pretty
must state the name and address of hari dari tarikh penyampaian menjadi Peguamcara Pempetisyen ialah Tetuan diatas sebelum pukul 12 tengahari pada carded seven birdies in an 11-hole stretch hectic, and then on the 12th everything
the person, or, if a firm, the name and sempurna. Sekiranya anda ingkar, Puspalingam, Kasmani & Partners yang 05 Oktober 2021 (sehari sebelum tarikh before a bogey on the par-3 17th and seemed to slow down for me, and I am
address of the firm, and must be signed Petisyen Pemiutang boleh difailkan beralamat di No. 2-2-1 (2nd Floor), Lorong yang ditetapkan untuk pendengaran finished with a birdie on 18. really proud of the way I finished.”
by the person or firm, or his or their terhadap kamu. Tingkat KS/01, Off Jalan Istana, 41000 Petisyen tersebut) [Ruj kami: CYCO/GL/
solicitor (if any) and must be served, Notis Kebankrapan tersebut boleh Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. WU/9520/05-2021]
or, if posted, must be sent by post in diperiksa oleh kamu atas permohonan
sufficient time to reach the abovenamed di Mahkamah ini ...........t.t..........
not later than twelve o’clock noon of the Tetuan Puspalingam,
2nd day of January 2022 (the day before Bertarikh 21 Mei, 2021. Kasmani & Partners
the day appointed for the hearing of the tt (Peguamcara bagi pihak Pempetisyen)
DS This Advertisement of Petition is taken …........................................... NOTA:-
out by WONG LU PEEN & TUNKU ALINA, PENOLONG KANAN PENDAFTAR Sesiapa yang ingin hadir pada hari
BA 21-6, Block B, The Boulevard, Mid Valley perbicaraan Petisyen tersebut hendaklah
City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA menyampaikan atau menghantar
88 Lumpur, solicitors for the petitioner SHAH ALAM dengan pos kepada Pempetisyen atau
24 abovenamed whose address is at 75B, peguamcaranya yang dinamakan di
Jalan Kenari 20, Bandar Puchong Jaya, NOTIS IKLAN ini difailkan oleh Tetuan atas suatu notis bertulis tentang niatnya
47100 Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan Law Office of KC Lim, penguamcara sebegitu. Notis tersebut mestilah
[Petitioner’s solicitors’ telephone no.: Pemiutang Penghakiman yang menyatakan nama dan alamat pihak
03-29388833 Facsimile : 03-29388811] dinamakan di atas dan yang mempunyai berkenaan, atau jika ia sebuah firma,
[File reference : L3 15798] alamat penyampaian di No. 23B, Jalan nama dan alamat firma, dan mestilah
BPU 7, Bandar Puchong Utama, 47100 ditandatangani oleh pihak atau firma
Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan. berkenaan atau peguamcaranya, jika ada.
(No.Telefon: 016-331 5821) Notis hendaklah disampaikan, atau jika
(Ruj: L/SMH/TCA/16-01/010) dihantar dengan pos, hendaklah dihantar
dalam jangkamasa yang mencukupi,
supaya sampai kepada pihak yang
dinamakan di atas sebelum pukul 12
tengahari pada 29 haribulan November,
2021 (sehari sebelum tarikh yang
ditetapkan untuk perbicaraan Petisyen
[Ruj. Kami: PKP/KP/7486/21/CVL(Winding
Up)/Tel: 03-3371 4150/03-3372 1155/
Faks: 03-3373 0746]
14 theSUN ON MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 20, 2021
INTER MILAN bounced back frommidweek Inter hit back in style
Champions League
disappointment yesterday with a 6-1
hammering of Bologna which moved the
reigning champions top of Serie A.
Simone Inzaghi’s side were sucker-punched Inzaghi’s Nerazzurri smash Bologna for six after Real disappointment
in the last minute by Real Madrid in
Wednesday’s single-goal defeat but made no
mistake this time at the San Siro with goals from Real we took 19 shots but scored no goals. impact on his first Inter start since signing from needed to bounce back and we did a very good
Lautaro Martinez, Milan Skriniar, Nicolo Barella, Sometimes you have to not look exclusively PSV Eindhoven last month, replacing Achraf job as a team,” said Dumfries to DAZN.
and Matias Vecino and a brace from Edin Dzeko. Hakimi who moved to Paris Saint-Germain, as
Arthur Theate’s late consolation goal made at the result. I analysed the match with Real Inter ran riot in front of their delighted fans on a “I feel good, my teammates gave me a warm
no dent in the final result as Bologna suffered Madrid, I congratulated the team on how we beautiful evening in Milan. welcome and helped me a lot so I’m happy to be
their first defeat of the season controlled the pitch and played openly. here.”
“I was worried about this match because The Netherlands wing-back, who scored
after a game like the one with Madrid, in which “At the same time I was very very angry twice at Euro 2020 and was a highlight for the In other Serie A matches, Duvan Zapata fired
we definitely deserved more, there was a bit of because at that point when you fail to win with disappointing Dutch, laid on Martinez’s opener Atalanta to a hard-fought 1-0 win at Salernitana,
worry (for the reaction),” said Inzaghi to DAZN. nineteen shots on goal, you absolutely must not and caused havoc down the right flank who gave former France forward Franck Ribery
“But the boys approached the game in the lose. throughout the match. his first start of the season.
best way possible.
“I think we did very well,” “But we were good at putting it behind us “I’m very happy. I think it was a good game Colombian Zapata used all his strength and
and having a great game tonight.” from us, after the defeat of Real Madrid we poise to spin and fire home the winner with 15
minutes remaining, inflicting a harsh defeat on
Denzel Dumfries made an almost instant Salernitana who played well in front of their
passionate fans and twice struck the woodwork
later reported. “It happens like tonight that you through Mamadou Coulibaly and Joel Obi.
can score six goals from 18 shots, and against
Fiorentina continued their strong start with a
5346/2021 19/09/2021 (SUN) 2-1 win at Genoa with goals from Riccardo
Saponara and Giacomo Bonaventura.
Genoa pulled one back deep in stoppage
time through Domenico Criscito. –
1st Prize 1819
2nd Prize 9091
3rd Prize 3814
Special Consolation Atletico Madrid’s 0251
Joao Felix (left) fouls
4721 3449 7584 0186 Athletic Bilbao’s 1104
2649 9099 0462 3057 Unai Vencedor
9955 3309 2924 2344 during yesterday’s 6462
6918 4339 9124 9873 La Liga match at
4207 1365 2101 6659 the Wanda 2912 + 6349
Metropolitano 5189 + 3236
7,157,237.82 stadium in Madrid. 6038 + 2059 1145 + 0269
– AFPPIX 5028 + 9920 3066 + 7345
1819 9091 9091 1819 2625 + 3447 0513 + 3251
1819 3814 3814 1819 1572 + 5992
9091 3814 3814 9091 7020 + 5457
531,950.55 Simeone fumes as Felix sees red RM4,307,384.60
Winning combination of any 1 of Top 3 & any 1 of Special prizes.
1st Prize 1819 + JOAO FELIX was sent off and Antoine sports daily Marca reported. 0251 + 1104 1104 + 0251
2nd Prize 9091 Griezmann failed to fire again as Atletico “I don’t think they were all deserved 0251 + 6462 6462 + 0251
3rd Prize 3814 + Madrid were held to a goalless draw by 1104 + 6462 6462 + 1104
4th Prize Athletic Bilbao in a bad-tempered contest yellow cards.
Special Prize + BOAR yesterday that left manager Diego “As for Felix, if that gesture is made by RM473,833.70
Simeone fuming.
+ someone else, he will probably not be
Griezmann started ahead of Luis Suarez expelled.
5th Prize Consolation Prize + but was replaced by the Uruguayan after
55 minutes at the Wanda Metropolitano “He (Manzannoa) is great referee and
6th Prize Any 4D drawn number without registering a shot on target. has very good performances. But his 610 251 + DOG RM823,333.30
sensitivity depends on the day and that
TOTO 5D & 6D PRIZE PAYMENTS GUARANTEED IN FULL Felix came on too as Atletico chased a generates different sensations.”
winner, only to be shown a second yellow
98276 card for dissent. In an earlier match, former Atleti striker 041 104 + BOAR RM2,886,457.50
8276 Radamel Falcao rolled back the years in a
20939 276 The Portuguese star was cautioned for dream debut for Rayo Vallecano as the 35- 356 462 + MONKEY RM380,000.00
02955 76 an elbow on Unai Vencedor before his year-old scored in a 3-0 victory over
arguing with referee Gil Manzanno which Getafe.
963972 resulted in a second booking and an early 896 038 662 059 252 912 316 349
bath for the 21-year-old. “He’s come wanting to help the team 885 028 969 920 985 189 373 236
96397 63972 and to integrate as quickly as possible,” 022 625 113 447 171 145 980 269
9639 3972 However, Simeone felt the decision was said Rayo coach Andoni Iraola. 551 572 275 992 493 066 887 345
963 972 unjustified, and claimed Felix’s reputation 737 020 085 457 070 513 573 251
96 72 was the reason for his dismissal. “He’s trained well, he’s helped us and
scored the goal that ended the game. We
“There were many yellow cards in the have to keep working with him.
game but you have to look at the
sensitivity of these moments”, Spanish “There are some ideas he has to adapt
to but his own condition is very good.” –
3 18 33 37 40 57 BAYERN MUNICH topped the Bundesliga Bayern have won their last seven 251 104 462
for the first time this season with a 7-0 games, scoring at least three goals on each
22,857,217.58 thrashing of Bochum yesterday as Robert occasion, with Dortmund, Leipzig and
Lewandowski scored for a record 13th Barcelona on the list of defeated
consecutive home league game. opponents. RM867,340.70
7 8 9 15 33 50 Joshua Kimmich netted twice while Bochum, who have now won just once 251 + 104 + 462 104 + 462 + 251
5,193,375.18 Lewandowski poached a second half goal in 35 games at Bayern, were 4-0 down at 251 + 462 + 104 462 + 251 + 104
to claim another league record as Leroy halftime. 104 + 251 + 462 462 + 104 + 251
Sane, Serge Gnabry and Eric Maxim
Jackpot 1 8 22 38 43 44 45 24 Choupo-Moting all scored for Bayern. “We were just really up for it,” said Don’t miss out Special Draw 289
Jackpot 2 4,687,115.70 Bochum-born Bayern midfielder Leon 2021!
226,343.99 Greek defender Vasilios Lampropoulos Goretzka, who extended his contract in
scored a first half own goal as Bochum ran mid-week until 2026.
Visit out of luck at the Allianz Arena.
for e-Results and more info. “It was fun for us. Not so much for
“Bochum worked hard, but everything Bochum which I regret, personally.”
went right for us after the first goal,” Sane
told Sky. Bayern head coach Julian Nagelsmann
made three changes from starting side
Bayern will lose top spot if Wolfsburg which won at Barcelona on Wednesday
maintain their 100% record with a fifth and was pleased with the “manner of the
straight win overnight against Eintracht win. None of our goals came from being
Frankfurt. greedy, we’re on the right path.” – AFP
ARSENAL boss Mikel Arteta was
impressed with his side’s battling Two in a row for Gunners
qualities after a 1-0 victory at Burnley Arteta impressed with Arsenal’s battling qualities in win at Burnley
clinched them back-to-back Premier
League wins. pleasing thing for me.” substitute Matej Vydra had gone down in the box their first five matches this season.
Odegaard’s superb 25-yard under goalkeeper Aaron Ramsdale’s challenge, Clarets’ boss Sean Dyche and his players were
Martin Odegaard’s first half freekick gave but Arteta insisted VAR intervention resulted in
Arsenal the edge at Turf Moor and they held on for freekick, after Ashley Barnes had the correct decision. left furious by the penalty decision, but later
a hard-fought three points to further ease the tripped Bukayo Saka, proved accepted Ramsdale had made contact with the
pressure on Arteta. decisive. The Spaniard said: “The assistant was saying ball before clipping Vydra.
straight away it’s not a penalty. You have to
The Gunners were grateful referee Anthony Burnley were aggrieved at overturn that. “It’s not a major surprise with our penalty
Taylor reversed his decision to award Burnley a referee record. I must say the keeper does get a touch on
second-half penalty as they followed up last Taylor’s U- “Hopefully this can build confidence and trust it, I’ve seen it back, so in theory that doesn’t get
week’s first League win of the season against turn and belief that we can win in difficult matches. We given,” Dyche said.
Norwich with another three points. after
need more consistency on that.” “You might question why (VAR intervened), if
Arteta said: “It was a really hard-fought victory Burnley’s winless home it’s not a clear and obvious error, but it obviously
in a place that is really tough to come and win. Premier League run was was to go to the VAR screen.
You have to be ready for a fight. extended to 13
matches in “Last season (against Leeds) the one on
“They do really well what they do. We total (Patrick) Bamford gets given, this season that
started really well, we had some big and doesn’t, but that’s sometimes the way it goes.
phases where we saw a lot of things they
I wanted as a team. “But I do get confused. Football changes, the
have viewpoint changes. Last season, that would have
“(Burnley) split the two taken only been given. This season, it doesn’t get given.
blocks very much and one point
then you have to “In other seasons, that would be a penalty. The
defend crosses and from referee seemed clear in his mind it was a penalty.”
long balls and we did – The Independent/Agencies
that really well.
“The commitment
and the attitude that
my players showed
throughout the
game is the
Aston Villa’s Leon
Bailey (left) and
celebrate after
Everton’s Lucas
Digne (unseen)
scores an own goal
during their English
Premier League
match at Villa Park
RESULTS ‘Toffees still work in progress’
ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE: RAFAEL BENITEZ insisted Everton remain a “Today is an example we can compete, even
Brighton 2 (Maupay 35-pen, Welbeck work in progress after the Toffees’ collapse at missing players, but we have to always do right if
50) Leicester 1 (Vardy 61), West Aston Villa. we want to stay there (near the top of the table).
Ham 1 (Benrahma 30) Manchester
United 2 (Ronaldo 35, Lingard 89), They shipped three goals in nine second-half “We will have situations where we will do
Aston Villa 3 (Cash 66, Digne 69-og, minutes to fall to a 3-0 defeat on Saturday. better and situations where maybe we cannot.
Bailey 75) Everton 0, Burnley 0
Arsenal 1 (Odegaard 30), Liverpool Matty Cash sparked a goalrush as Lucas “I’m confident we can do it but the players
3 (Mane 43, Salah 78, Keita 89) Digne’s own goal and Leon Bailey’s strike will do their best and hopefully we can cope.
Crystal Palace 0, Manchester City condemned the visitors to defeat.
0 Southampton 0, Norwich 1 “The reality is with so many problems I was
(Pukki 35) Watford 3 (Dennis 17, Sarr It ended Everton’s unbeaten start under really pleased with the first half. We were making
63, 80), Wolves 0 Brentford 2 Benitez and they were without the injured mistakes in decisions in the final third but we
(Toney 28-pen, Mbeumo 34). Jordan Pickford, Dominic Calvert-Lewin and were dangerous in the counter attack.”
CHAMPIONSHIP: Barnsley 0 Richarlison.
Blackburn 0, Cardiff 0 Bourne- Villa had struggled to breach the Toffees but
mouth 1, Derby 2 Stoke 1, Fulham 1 “What we cannot forget about us is that we they suddenly ripped through the visitors with
Reading 2, Huddersfield 0 are a team who finished 10th last season with a three quickfire goals after Demarai Gray missed
Nottingham Forest 2, Hull 1 new manager,” said Benitez. Everton’s best chance.
Sheffield United 3, Luton 3 Swansea
3, Middlesbrough 1 Blackpool 2, “What we did in the window was for reasons “After we got the goal it was all guns blazing
Millwall 1 Coventry 1, Peterbor- everyone knows, we need time to improve, time and we scored two other good goals as well,”
ough 3 Birmingham 0, Preston 1 to work together and I am happy because the Villa boss Dean Smith said.
West Brom 1, QPR 1 Bristol City 2. commitment of the players is there for everyone
LA LIGA: Mallorca 0 Villarreal 0, to see. “We want to be challenging Chelsea, Everton
Rayo Vallecano 3 (Trejo 9-pen, Ciss and Manchester United.
78, Falcao 81) Getafe 0, Atletico “It’s too early for me as a manager, you have
Madrid 0 Athletic Bilbao 0, Elche to adapt, change things and improve. “They had a spell of pressure for five minutes
1 (Lucas 33) Levante 1 (Morales 55), before we scored which made everyone a little
Alaves 0 Osasuna 2 (Garcia 23, “If you win everyone will have more bit edgy but the goal lifted the roof.” – The
Roberto Torres 29-pen). confidence but our starting point is what it is. Independent
SERIE A: Empoli 0 Sampdoria 3,
Salernitana 0 Atalanta 1, Inter Milan Cardiff boss McCarthy fumes as
6 Bologna 1, Genoa 1 Fiorentina 2. Bournemouth escape red card
BUNDESLIGA: Bayern Munich 7
Bochum 0, Mainz 0 Freiburg 0, CARDIFF CITY boss Mick McCarthy was the ref to have a look at it,” McCarthy said.
Augsburg 1 Borussia Moencheng- convinced Jefferson Lerma should have been “It’s a red card in my mind, he’s gone over the
ladbach 0, Arminia Bielefeld 0 dismissed during his side’s defeat at the hands of
Hoffenheim 0, Cologne RB Leipzig Bournemouth on Saturday. ball and when they see that on the video they will
1. agree with me.”
FRENCH LIGUE 1: Nice 2 Monaco However, he admits City were outclassed by
2, Lens 1 Lille 0, Saint-Etienne 1 the Cherries at the Cardiff City Stadium on what However, McCarthy admitted he was
Bordeaux 2. was another difficult afternoon. disappointed by the apparent lack of attacking
threat from his side, with star striker Kieffer Moore
After turning in a below par performance once again enduring a quiet day at the office.
against Coventry on Wednesday night, Cardiff
similarly struggled to find their spark against the “They (Bournemouth) are an almost perfect
Cherries, who were good value for their three Championship team,” he said.
points in south Wales.
“They’re athletic and they have good
However, the Cherries were perhaps lucky not footballers, they’re big and powerful and they can
to go down to 10 men shortly before Philip play so it was always going to be a tough as for
Billing’s opener, with Lerma scything down Ciaron us.
Brown with an overly zealous challenge.
“Our only problem is that even though we
“I’ve just seen the Lerma tackle and I’ve told managed to stop them, we created very little
until the end of the game.” – WalesOnline
There were many yellow cards in the
game but you have to look at the
sensitivity of these moments. I don’t think they
were all deserved yellow cards. As for Felix, if
that gesture is made by someone else, he will
MONDAY • SEPTEMBER 20, 2021 probably not be expelled.” Atletico Madrid manager Diego Simeone
Rest and reward
Klopp confident in squad depth and outlines importance of Liverpool’s rotation policy
Crystal Palace’s Christian Benteke █ CARL MARKHAM “In midfield, hopefully we have the numbers
(left) in action with Liverpool’s to do it and we need that because this is the
Ibrahima Konate during their LIVERPOOL manager Jurgen Klopp engine room of the team and we need to make
English Premier League match at has plenty of confidence in his the changes there.
Anfield. – REUTERSPIX squad depth even if some critics do
not. “Up front, we have different opportunities as
Numerous pundits have well, so that’s good. How often we do it, I didn’t
suggested the Reds’ first-choice XI make a plan already for the season, but as often
may well be a match for their as necessary and possible.”
title rivals but they lack the
quality options from the bench Liverpool may have laboured at times
the likes of Chelsea, Manchester against Patrick Vieira’s disciplined side but to
City and Manchester United score three and not concede any without two
can boast. first-choice full-backs Trent Alexander-Arnold
All three sides spent (ill) and Andy Robertson (rested), one first-
upwards of £97 million choice centreback Joel Matip (rested) and
(RM563m) apiece in the established centre-forward Roberto Firmino
summer while Klopp’s one (injured) speaks volumes.
signing was centreback
Ibrahima Konate, with the Even the loss of Alexander-Arnold on the
£36m (RM209m) acquisition morning of the game did not disrupt the game-
making his debut in the 3-0 win over Crystal plan as Sadio Mane’s 100th goal for the club,
Palace. setting a new Premier League record of scoring
in a ninth successive match against the same
The France U-21 international was one of six opposition, was followed by second-half strikes
changes from the midweek Champions League by the ultra-consistent Mohamed Salah and
victory at home to AC Milan, a fixture which perennially injury-troubled Naby Keita.
itself saw four alterations from the previous
match at Leeds. “After breakfast, Trent didn’t feel right. We
actually planned to start him but Millie (James
Klopp places great significance on Milner) did an incredible,” added Klopp.
continuity but admits with the onset of three
matches a week he had to make a choice “Joel is not injured or anything, we just left
him completely out of the squad so we don’t get
between keeping disruption to a minimum into danger of bringing him on or whatever.
or injecting new energy into the side to
maintain intensity and he chose the latter “The whole last line all of a sudden are new,
(have) never played together, and I think the
against Palace. midfield (of Thiago Alcantara, Jordan
“You want to line up the best possible Henderson and Fabinho) played only once
together before, so (it’s) interesting as well.”
team and there are different factors; one
is who played together?” he said. After the high of his first win as Palace
manager against Tottenham last week Vieira
“(Against Palace) it was ‘rhythm or was left deflated by lapses in concentration and
freshness?’ and we decided for organisation which allowed Liverpool to score
freshness. Otherwise we could have at three corners.
played one or another again, but we
didn’t want that. “We have to spend more time working on
that,” said the former Arsenal midfielder.
“I don’t know what it says exactly,
but we had to do the changes, that was “I think as well we had a number of chances
and our decision-making in the last 30 yards
clear. wasn’t good enough to score goals or to create
“We will rotate, we goals.
always rotated, but you “When you come to a difficult place like
see in the last line in the Anfield you need a little bit of luck and we didn’t
last years we couldn’t rotate have it.
really because there were
always a maximum of two fit “You expect to go through a difficult period
(centrebacks) very often – and the and we had a difficult period but we showed a
third one was already a midfielder. lot of solidarity and the key for us was we
couldn’t score that goal, especially in the first
15-20 minutes.” – The Independent
Pep blames fatigue after toothless display against Southampton
PEP GUARDIOLA felt tiredness – and not a failure “We didn’t do our process from the back four Southampton. We move forward.” There were two main talking points in the
to sign a striker – caught up with Manchester City and Fernandinho – the five guys who have to The City boss had earlier refused to apologise game, both involving VAR.
as they were frustrated by Southampton. bring the ball for the other players. It was not
good. for calling on fans to attend the game in the Firstly, City earned a huge reprieve in the
The champions were unusually blunt in attack aftermath of Wednesday’s 6-3 Champions League second half when referee Jon Moss awarded
and mustered just one effort on target – in the “Every game is different. Ralph told me he had win over RB Leipzig. Southampton a penalty and sent off Kyle Walker
90th minute – as Ralph Hasenhuttl’s men held seven days to prepare everything. We had 10 after the England right-back bundled into the
them to a goalless draw at the Etihad Stadium minutes yesterday (Friday). The official attendance at Etihad Stadium on back of Adam Armstrong.
Saturday was 52,698 – City’s biggest of the season
Despite the fact City had scored 16 goals in “I would have loved to have more time to so far and much higher than the 38,062-crowd Moss was advised to review the whole incident
their previous three home outings, it was a result recover more people or be more fresh but we did against Leipzig – but the vociferous home support on the pitchside monitor and eventually
which brought the team’s lack of a top-notch not have this freshness in our mind.” failed to inspire the Premier League champions. overturned both decisions.
centreforward following the departure of Sergio
Aguero into focus. Guardiola later told BBC Sport that he felt Guardiola reiterated afterwards that his Later City thought they had finally scored in
“guilty” after his side failed to put on “a show” comments in the wake of Wednesday’s Group A the last minute after Phil Foden produced their
Yet, manager Guardiola insisted that was not against The Saints. victory were misinterpreted. only effort on target but it did not count as a flag
the main reason for the toothless performance was raised and VAR confirmed the offside decision.
and turned attention onto his side’s lack of “Always when the game is not good I feel bad,” “I didn’t say anything wrong after Leipzig,” he
preparation time following their midweek Guardiola said. said. “I said we had an incredibly tough game “I thought I won it at the end there with the
Champions League exertions. against Southampton and we would need the goal but VAR ruled it out,” said Foden.
“(The fans) come to see a show, to see a game. support from the fans.
“We did not win because we did not have a When it doesn’t happen I feel a bit guilty because “On another day we come out with the three
centreforward,” the Catalan said. we didn’t play good. “I never complained about how many come or points but Southampton made it difficult for us.
don’t come. I have never thought this in my life.
“We did not win because our process to make “We were not good in our build-up, we lost “We can still take positives out of the game. We
the build-up, to play, to create or give better balls simple balls in our process because we were not “I don’t know why people are asking me this didn’t give up till the end and we gave everything.
for the players up front was not good. clever and a little bit sloppy,” Guardiola added. question. I’m grateful even if 85 or 100 people We need to keep that mentality into the next
come.” games.” – The Independent/Agencies
“That is why I have to compliment
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