TELLING IT AS IT IS PM to empower School
Look East page punishment
2 4Policy during
Japan visit guidelines need
to be updated
No. 8030 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195)
Food security NO HIKE FOR NOW ...
[email protected] Like most hawkers in Bukit Mertajam
who kept their prices unchanged
PETALING JAYA: The current despite a 20-30% hike in prices of
global economic crisis is most food ingredients early this
causing food prices to month, roti chanai seller Mohamad
skyrocket in Malaysia, and Zahir Husen, 42, is still selling
while the government has removed flatbread at RM1.40 apiece.
the requirement for approved permits However, he hints that all food
(AP) to import four essential food prices will go up slightly next
items, a businessman and former month. – MASRY CHE ANI/THESUN
cabinet minister say more needs to be
done to ensure food security in the poser
oBusinessman thanks govt for
While importer, wholesaler and abolishing AP on four food items but
retailer Datuk Wira Ameer Ali Mydin laments other red tape still exists
thanked the government for
abolishing the AP requirement to Development Malaysia (Jakim),” he acknowledged the halal
import milk, round cabbage, coconut, said. certification from a board in
and chicken parts and whole chicken, Pakistan. However, it does not
he said there remain other red tape Ameer said chicken supply is approve food items with halal
importers must adhere to. urgently required throughout the certification from the same
country. board. “Why is it that Jakim can
They include the import permit trust the board for halal
(IP) issued by the Malaysian “But Jakim has only approved a cosmetics but not for food,” he
Quarantine and Inspection Services limited number of overseas suppliers. asked.
Department for biosecurity control at Now that they (the suppliers) know Ameer also suggested that
the country’s entry points. this, some have combined into a Jakim make the changes quickly
cartel to control their selling prices,” as a food crisis may set in if
“Chicken importers require an he said. nothing is done promptly.
additional document – the halal The managing director of
certification that is acknowledged by Checks on Jakim’s website reveal Mydin Mohamed Holdings Bhd
the Department of Islamic that it has only certified seven also said while his company
suppliers for chicken imported from appreciates the withdrawal of
Thailand. the AP requirement on food
items, other government Turn to
Hence, Ameer suggested that Jakim agencies also need to work
seriously look into acknowledging together and help curb —
other halal certification boards in
Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Indonesia page 3
and Thailand.
goods price hike.
What puzzles the businessman is
that, for cosmetic products, Jakim has
2 theSUN ON TUESDAY | MAY 24, 2022
Perlis Umno, BN PM to empower Look East
ready to contest Policy during Japan visit
GE15 without PAS
o Ismail Sabri and Japanese premier to discuss bilateral of the System Pertaining to Foreign Human
KANGAR: Perlis Umno and Barisan ties, cooperation regarding Covid-19, border reopening, Resources with the Status of Resident of
Nasional (BN) are ready to contest among others “Specified Skilled Worker”, and Cooperation in
without PAS in the 15th general election the Field of Youth and Sports between the
(GE15) if the latter does not want to TOKYO: Empowering Malaysia’s Look East On April 20, Ismail Sabri and Kishida held a government of Malaysia and the Education,
maintain its political cooperation Policy and promoting the Keluarga Malaysia Japan-Malaysia Summit telephone talk, during Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
through Muafakat Nasional (MN). concept are part of the agenda of Prime Minister which the two leaders discussed about various Ministry of Japan.
Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob during his six- regional and international issues.
Perlis BN chairman Datuk Seri Azlan day official working visit to Japan, which began Ismail Sabri will deliver a keynote address at
Man said the state Umno is moving yesterday. Nor’ Azam said among the matters to be Nikkei’s 27th International Conference on the
single-handedly and has not forged any discussed during the meeting are Malaysia- Future of Asia in Tokyo themed “Redefining
cooperation with PAS. The visit is the first for Ismail Sabri after Japan bilateral ties, including cooperation Asia’s Role in a Divided World” on Thursday.
being appointed as Malaysia’s prime minister related to the Covid-19, reopening of borders
“There is no political cooperation on Aug 21 last year. and the setting up of Tsukuba University in Nor’ Azam said the prime minister is
between (Perlis) BN and PAS at the Malaysia. expected to touch on efforts in enhancing
moment,” the state Umno liaison He is scheduled to meet with his counterpart regional economic integration, strengthening
committee chairman said on Sunday. Fumio Kishida, who was appointed as the Both leaders will also witness the signing of negotiation and cooperation mechanisms,
Japanese prime minister in October. three memoranda of cooperation between the addressing climate change, and sharing the
Azlan, who is also Perlis mentri besar, two countries. Malaysian Family concept.
said PAS seemed to have no concrete “This will be the first physical meeting
stand on whether to continue or end the between the two prime ministers,” said They are the memoranda of cooperation Ismail Sabri will also hold meetings with
MN political cooperation by putting the Malaysian embassy charge d’affaires ad interim between the Malaysian government and the corporate leaders and businessmen from
blame on Umno through unnecessary Nor’ Azam Mohd Idrus. Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry of Japan several leading companies in Japan to attract
statements issued by their leaders. on the Aircraft Industry, Basic Framework for more foreign direct investment to Malaysia and
He said the meeting would take place on Information Partnership for Proper Operation strengthen bilateral ties.
“However, it all depends on the Friday.
decision of the top Umno leadership.” Among the companies are those which are
already well established in Malaysia such as
Perlis PAS commissioner Mohd Mitsui Fudosan, Mitsubishi Power and
Shukri Ramli said the MN coalition still Marubeni. – Bernama
Khairy made World Health Assembly veep ‘No elements
He expressed hope that MN would of graft in
continue to be defended to strengthen KUALA LUMPUR: Health Minister Khairy by the Health Ministry with the local media on Kelantan
the unity of the ummah, especially in the Jamaluddin was appointed as one of the five Sunday. religious
state. vice-presidents of the 75th World Health council’
Assembly, which is ongoing in Geneva, In a tweet, Dimishtra Sittampalam, the
“Our relationship (in MN) is still not Switzerland. adviser to the health minister, confirmed
over,” he told reporters after attending Khairy’s appointment.
the Perlis PAS Aidilfitri open house at the Khairy was appointed along with candidates
state PAS Complex yesterday. representing four other countries, namely “He will represent the Western Pacific region.
Bulgaria, Indonesia, Togo and the United States. This region consists of 37 countries and
Shukri, who is also the Sanglang represents more than one-quarter of the world’s
assemblyman, said negotiations on the The video of the announcement was shared population.” – Bernama
matter at the central level are still
“We at the leadership level are still
working towards unification and will not
give up on continuing the MN political
cooperation which can create a
harmonious atmosphere in society.”
– Bernama
BRINGING CHEER .... Deputy Finance Minister I Mohd Shahar Abdullah (second from right) and Chief Executive Officer Malaysia Rail Link Sdn Bhd Datuk KOTA BARU: There is no record of
Seri Darwis Abdul Razak handing duit raya to orphans of Pusat Jagaaan Cahaya Kasih Bestari at an Aidilfitri open house at the Kuala Lumpur Golf Club. – corruption involving imams, bilals
ADIB RAWI YAHYA/THESUN (muezzins), officers and staff of the
Kelantan Islamic Religious and Malay
Assemblyman calls for oil and gas landing centre in Balingian Customs Council thus far, said its
president Tengku Tan Sri Mohamad
KUCHING: The Sarawak thanks for the speech by the Yang O&G discovery in the Sirung-1 landing centre be built in Rizam Tengku Abdul Aziz.
government should develop an oil di-Pertua Negri Sarawak, Tun wildcat exploration well under the Mateding,” said Abdul Yakub.
and gas (O&G) landing centre in Abdul Taib Mahmud at the Block SK405B production sharing Tengku Mohamad Rizam, who is also
Mateding, Balingian, about 574km opening of the state legislative contract. He said the Mateding Industrial Tengku Temenggong of Kelantan, said the
north of here. assembly sitting yesterday. Zone is the most strategic location council always emphasised transparency
“This oil well is located in for the project which would create in any activity carried out, to prevent
The suggestion was made by The proposal was made in line shallow waters in the Balingian a lot of new jobs, benefitting the financial leakages.
Abdul Yakub Arbi (GPS-Balingian) with the announcement by constituency. It’s not wrong if we people and industry players in the
during the debate on the motion of Petronas on March 30 on a new suggest once again that an O&G Mukah division. – Bernama He said the council was trying to
create awareness among its staff
about the symptoms of corruption, to
give confidence to congregations in
“We also mentioned this matter
(symptoms of corruption) in the Friday
sermon to remind everyone. Thus far, we
have not received any report of mosque
officials and others being involved in
corrupt activities.”
He was speaking at a Corruption-Free
Pledge and presentation of letters of
appointment to mukim mosque
officials event at the Sultan Ismail
Petra Silver Jubilee Islamic Complex
The event was also attended by
Kelantan Malaysian Anti-Corruption
Commission director Rosli Husain.
Tengku Mohamad Rizam said that in
the first series held yesterday, a total of
600 staff and mosque officials under the
council’s supervision had signed the
“It is part of the council’s commitment
to support and uphold the principles of
trust and integrity in service.”
He added that the corruption-free
pledge initiative would involve nearly
1,800 council staff.
Tengku Mohamad Rizam said that the
council had also collaborated with
Universiti Teknologi Mara Kelantan
branch by holding a mosque financial
management course for mosque officials
and committees in the state. – Bernama
A trader washing up the 3theSUN ON TUESDAY | MAY 24, 2022
area after supply of fresh NEWS WITHOUT BORDERS
poultry at his stall was sold
out as early as 8am at the Voting to be reheld
Bukit Mertajam market in eight PKR divisions
yesterday. – MASRY CHE
ANI/THESUN KUALA LUMPUR: Physical voting in Parti
Keadilan’s (PKR) 2022 election for eight
‘Reweave stronger food divisions in four states will be reheld before
security safety net’ the end of the month, and the unofficial
results will only be known thereafter.
o Economists urge govt to refocus on agriculture-based “If such a strategy is not in place soon, we
policies to prevent shortage in supply will see a surge in import of goods, which is not PKR elections committee chairman
healthy. It needs to be contained, otherwise, Dr Zaliha Mustafa said the party had yet to
█ BY ELLY FAZANIZA He was responding to queries on ways to our ringgit will go down, and the import price finalise the dates for revoting in the eight
[email protected] improve Malaysia’s food security, given that that is in US dollars will be relatively more divisions involving Gua Musang, Pengkalan
PETALING JAYA: A robust change is essential the inflation rate in March was at 2.2%, while expensive. Chepa, Bachok, Ketereh and Tumpat in
to build a food security safety net for food inflation was at 4%. Kelantan; Dungun in Terengganu; Hulu
Malaysians, to prevent them from suffering the “We do not want the market to be at the Selangor in Selangor; and Padang Serai
burden of food shortage, said two economists. This is in addition to Malaysia’s mercy of inflation pressure,” he said, adding in Kedah.
dependence on food imports, which in 2020 that Malaysia can extract Nipah palm instead
“Introducing a rigorous agriculture-based amounted to a record-setting RM55.5 billion, of importing sugar. She said the revoting was necessary due to
policy to ensure food security is a priority, and to meet consumer needs and demand. several problems, including technical
providing new subsidies to farmers are ways to He cited Indonesia’s plan to develop a glitches that occurred during the physical
see that Malaysia does not lag in food security,” He applauded the government’s move to major farm estate, covering more than voting process.
Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam told theSun. review existing policies as a long-term strategy 164,000ha in Central Kalimantan as a way
to reduce the country’s dependence on forward to prevent a potential food crisis. “We have also received protests in several
“We need to refocus on policies that are imports, calling it “a step in the right direction”. divisions, and the elections committee is
agriculture-driven since we have neglected “Although we have the Federal Agricultural discussing and evaluating all the objections.
them and focused on the manufacturing Agriculture and Food Industries Minister Marketing Authority and agriculture agencies, If we have to do a revote, we will do so
industry. The introduction of approved Datuk Seri Dr Ronald Kiandee recently said in we need an action-oriented institution.” simultaneously, with the voting for the eight
permits made the situation worse, and the Dewan Rakyat that we need to reduce divisions mentioned,” she said yesterday.
giving contracts for food production to imports that included corn and soybean He added that the technology to produce
non-performers has aggravated the issue,” said waste, which are among the components of food has not been fully capitalised, although Therefore, the unofficial results of the
Ramon, who is chairman of the Centre for livestock feed. subsidies had been handed out. 23-year-old party’s divisional elections
Public Policy Studies at the Asian Strategy and scheduled to be displayed on PKR’s official
Leadership Institute. Meanwhile, economist Prof Dr Barjoyai “We have not done enough, for instance, website yesterday had to be postponed and
Bardai echoed Ramon’s sentiment but added every year we produce 70% of the rice eaten would only be known within 24 hours after
that a short-term strategy is vital to avoid a locally. the revoting process.
further surge in food inflation.
“Our capacity is huge, but we are not using Earlier, it was reported that the five
the right technology.” divisions in Kelantan, and the ones in
Dungun and Padang Serai had experienced
Barjoyai urged the government to focus on technical problems during the physical
Kedah, Terengganu and Kelantan to ensure voting process, while voting for the Hulu
that future food supply chain is not disrupted. Selangor division had to be postponed due to
logistical equipment such as chairs and tables
‘Market competition will help contain prices’ not being provided.
“With the ongoing global economic crisis, Rafidah said there should not be any currently not addressing the problems arising Meanwhile, Zaliha said that 57 out of the
the prices of everything will rise until the crisis monopolies created by issuing licences to out of disruptions to the global supply chain. party’s 222 divisions did not see contests for
is contained. However, this can only happen private companies or government-linked all divisional level positions.
by opening free trade, especially for companies. “They must look at the impact of such
essential food items,” he said, adding Malaysia’s “Iron Lady” said the disruptions, especially the supply of consumer She said 12.22%, or 136,629 PKR members,
that encouraging market competition From government should only lay down and industrial products. It is important for the had voted in the party’s election as of Sunday,
will help contain food prices. relevant measures that directly affect government to look into the food security and including 76,932 who voted online from May
front consumer interests and well-being, sufficiency situation,” she said. 18 to May 20.
Meanwhile, former international page
Some of the more urgent matters that need A total of 1,118,423 PKR members are
trade and industry minister Tan Sri such as implementing relevant laws and immediate attention are the national rice eligible to vote this time, with 11,282
Rafidah Aziz said Malaysia’s AP policy is schedules. stockpile that has been ignored. candidates vying for positions at the central,
out of date. “Businesses should have the “Other matters it must look into include divisional and wing levels.
option to research on what consumers need, reasonable pricing by monitoring and “The food supply and distribution
where the best supplies are, and what price to ensuring enough supplies of food stocks, and situations must be constantly monitored as Nominations for 20 posts still available in
charge to remain competitive and benefit preventing hoarding.” they are key to ensuring there are no the central leadership councils of the party, as
consumers,” she told theSun. Rafidah emphasised that the government is disruptions or hoarding as a result of undue well as for the Youth and Women’s wings, are
price increases,” she said. scheduled for May 28.
Backbencher proposes development agency for Sarawak Elections for the posts of vice-president
and above at the central, Youth and Women’s
KUCHING: A Sarawak government and Tatau, that also come under five state 1970 to the 1980s period, and the people there wing levels is currently ongoing.
backbencher has proposed that a new agency constituencies namely Meluan, Ngemah, had made sacrifices to support the
be established to look into the development of Machan, Tamin and Kakus. government in fighting against the The official announcement of the winners
areas that used to be under the Rajang Security communists. for the central leadership posts will be on
Command (Rascom) in the state’s central In his debate on the motion of thanks to the June 25 at the party’s Annual National
region during the communist insurgency Yang di-Pertua Negri Sarawak’s address at the “Therefore, it is only right for the Congress, while for the Youth and Women’s
period. state assembly sitting yesterday, Christopher government to return the favour to those who wings on June 24, at their respective annual
said these areas were over three million had sacrificed their lives to defend the nation, congresses.
Christopher Gira Sambang (GPS-Tamin) hectares in size, with a population of about by bringing development to those areas
proposed that the body be named Rascom 140,000. through the setting up of a Rascom Incumbent PKR president Datuk Seri
Development Agency, which would cover the Development Agency,” he said. Anwar Ibrahim, who is also the member of
districts of Pakan, Julau, Kanowit, Selangau He said that based on history, these areas – Bernama Parliament for Port Dickson and Opposition
were subjected to communist threats from leader, won the president’s post unopposed.
– Bernama
Rare earth project to
boost state revenue
KUALA KANGSAR: The Perak state
government says that a rare earth project,
identified as lintonite in Hulu Perak, is
expected to boost its revenue.
Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Saarani Mohamad
said the state government had received
approval from the Environment Department
through an Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) report last week to
implement the pilot project.
“We have agreed to carry out the project on
land owned by the Perak State Agriculture
Development Corporation in Hulu Perak.
“We have already gone through all the
processes, including getting the EIA
approval, but now it is up to the company that
has been entrusted with the project. It
will determine or confirm whether it is
radioactive or not. If not, we will get a new
source of lintonite,” he said after visiting
Sekolah Kebangsaan Jeliang here
Saarani said the new resource is expected
to be better than tin ore and could be used in
technologies such as telephones, watches and
electrical goods. – Bernama
Student punishment Labuan records
guidelines need to be updated sharp rise in
HFMD cases
█ BY MUHAMMAD YUSRY o Changes must be made in line with today’s the ministry.
[email protected] standards as parents nowadays are extra “For instance, a student cannot LABUAN: There has been a sharp
PETALING JAYA: The Education cautious with what teachers do, says NUTP increase in the number of hand, foot
Ministry needs to update guidelines be made to stand in a corner or on a and mouth disease (HFMD) cases
for student punishment in line with form of punishment by her teacher. families used to comprise seven to chair as punishment anymore. here, with 443 cumulative cases
today’s standards. The girl’s parents have met with eight people, and it was hard for Teachers are aware of this, but some recorded in the first five months of
parents to keep tabs on all their continue to mete out such this year, compared with only seve in
The National Union of the the teacher and both parties have children. punishments because they can get the same corresponding period last
Teaching Profession (NUTP) reconciled. away with it. year.
secretary-general Wang Heng Suan “But it is different with today’s
said they met ministry officials in Wang said while the punishment generation, as parents have a “Teachers have been guided on Labuan Health Department
March 2017, and a year later the then was excessive, it was an “isolated” stronger bond with their children. how best to enforce punishment. But Director Dr Ismuni Bohari said no
government assured the public it case. Hence they are extra cautious with forcing them to run 30 rounds deaths or serious cases have been
was on track to make amendments what teachers do,” he said. around a volleyball court is not one reported so far, adding that 18
to the guidelines. “A teacher should know the of them. clusters have been recorded during
guidelines for punishing students, Wang added three parties must that period.
Deputy education minister and if any teacher violates them, the come together to look after the “The parents have made amends
P. Kamalanathanan said an discipline teacher of that school interests of students – parents, with the school and teacher but what “The clusters involved residential
improved version of the guidelines should investigate. teachers and society. still remains is the way the areas, child care centres, nurseries
relating to punishment for school punishment was imposed on the and kindergartens,” he said
students was in the final stages. “If there are grounds for further Parent Action Group for entire class. The teacher should be
action, the matter should be referred Education president Datin Noor reprimanded for putting the “It is an anticipated increase
“The delay in updating the to the ministry.” Azimah Abdul Rahim said such students at risk. following the opening of schools and
guidelines may be caused by the incidents of teachers going kindergartens, but the 100% jump in
change of government and He said the whole point of meting overboard will continue to happen “At the same time, school leaders cases is worrying us,” he said
ministers,” said Wang. out punishment is to discipline if they are not reprimanded for not should understand why students yesterday.
students and build their character so abiding by the guidelines. failed to complete their assignments.
He was commenting on the that they can learn valuable life Forcing students to run around in Ismuni added that the situation is
recent case in Kulai, Johor, where a lessons. “Guidelines have been written by the heat while wearing face masks is under control as strict monitoring is
15-year-old student was hospitalised an archaic practice. Teachers should being carried out by the department
after she was allegedly forced to run “Back in the 1970s and 1980s, inspire students instead of personnel on kindergartens,
30 laps around a volleyball court as a discouraging them from learning,” nurseries and primary schools.
said Azimah.
He said the 443 reported cases are
Consultant to scattered in all five zones throughout
identify cause the island.
of collapse
“HFMD is a seasonal disease,
which spreads through direct contact
with an infected person.”
He advised parents not to send
their children with symptoms to
schools. – Bernama
Over 2m teens
fully vaccinated
KUALA LUMPUR: Kuala Lumpur KUALA LUMPUR: A total of
City Hall has appointed Public 1,119,411 or 31.5% of children aged
Works Institute of Malaysia as an five to 11 have been fully vaccinated
independent consultant to identify under the National Covid-19
the cause of structural movement of Immunisation Programme for
the contiguous bore pile wall at the Children as of Sunday.
project site of a serviced apartment According to the CovidNOW
block in Jalan Selangat, Cheras here website, a total of 1,676,457 or 47.2%
on Sunday. of the group have received at least
one dose of the vaccine.
Mayor Datuk Seri Mahadi Che For adolescents aged 12 to 17, a
Ngah said City Hall has issued an total of 2,909,585 or 93.5% have been
immediate stop-work order to the fully vaccinated, while 3,006,147 or
developer, with only repair work 96.6% have received at least one
allowed until the site is safe. vaccine dose, Bernama reported.
A total of 16,080,331 or 68.3% of
“We found that almost one metre adults in the country have received
of the entire existing retaining wall the booster dose, 22,972,728 or 97.6%
had shifted, and an estimated over have completed two doses, while
2,000 cubic metres of soil was 23,248,752 or 98.8% have received at
brought to the site to stabilise the least one dose.
area. A total of 13,706 daily doses were
dispensed on Sunday, comprising
“The developer has been 1,264 booster shots, 7,377 second
instructed to carry out immediate doses and 5,065 first doses, bringing
work on reinforcing the retaining the cumulative number of vaccine
wall with earth beams and concrete administered under the
blocks,” Mahadi said yesterday. immunisation programme to
One of the victims, Robin Loh, 85, The Health Ministry’s Github
is grateful to be safe after a portal reported two deaths due to
two-storey terrace house collapsed. City Hall has issued a stop-work order to the developer after a double-storey terrace house collapsed while undergoing Covid-19 on Sunday with one each
renovation. – BERNAMAPIX recorded in Selangor and Kedah.
In the incident, the terrace house
that was still under renovation
collapsed. Occupants of six houses
were ordered by the Fire and Rescue
Department to evacuate. – Bernama
New ride-hailing service launched in Langkawi
ALOR STAR: International visitors and local residents can look This feature also allows users to preferences based on fare, estimated through a dedicated emergency
ride-hailing service inDriver has forward to enjoy quality, affordable get ride-hailing services at more time of arrival, vehicle model and button.
launched its services in popular and convenient ride-hailing affordable rates at any time of the driver’s rating,” he said.
tourist destination Langkawi. services,” he said in a statement day. Over 250 drivers, who have
yesterday. In terms of safety measures, registered with inDriver, are available
Director of ride-hailing for Ermoshin said inDriver, with over inDriver provides the option to share in Langkawi. Drivers can also enjoy a
Asia-Pacific Roman Ermoshin said as He added that inDriver’s unique 100 million users worldwide, allows users’ GPS location and ride details in zero service fee for a limited time,
Langkawi is a premier tourist model real-time deals, which allows users to make an offer through an real-time with trusted contacts, giving them the opportunity to test
destination, the company expects the users to determine and negotiate the app where nearby drivers have the said Ermoshin. the benefits of the platform free of
demand for ride-hailing services to fare for a ride, has made it a popular option to accept or decline it, or charge.
increase, in line with the anticipated ride-hailing alternative for negotiate for a more preferable fare. In addition, users can connect
influx of both domestic and Malaysians, especially given the directly with customer support if they The inDriver app is available for
international tourists to the island. increasing demand and prices of “Passengers may then be need assistance. In the event of an free download from Google Play
transport services. presented with counter-offers, and emergency, users can also connect Store, Apple AppStore and Huawei
“With our arrival in Langkawi, they can choose the ride that fits their with local law enforcement agencies AppGallery. – Bernama
5theSUN ON TUESDAY | MAY 24, 2022
Najib, Shafee’s bids to
stop Sri Ram from
prosecuting fail
DRUG BUST ... Insp Norakma Mohd Adzli (left) and Insp Fauziah Md Lazim of South Seberang Perai District Narcotics PUTRAJAYA: Former prime sodomy case.
Criminal Investigation Department with syabu worth almost RM300,000 seized in three raids in the district on May 18. minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul The Federal Court judge (Mohd
Apart from drugs, police also impounded four cars and seized jewellery items worth more than RM417,500. Three men Razak and lawyer Tan Sri
and three women aged 36 to 64 were also arrested in the raids. – MASRY CHE ANI/THESUN Muhammad Shafee Abdullah failed Zawawi) said the plain reading and
in their bids to obtain leave to appeal construction of Section 376(3) and
Police accused of power against the dismissal of their judicial Section 379 of the Criminal
abuse on Twitter review to disqualify Datuk Seri Procedure Code pertained to two
Gopal Sri Ram from prosecuting in modes of appointment, firstly direct
o Man takes to social media after being police accuse us of obstructing their their respective court cases. appointment by the Public
detained for refusing to surrender mobile work. For a regular man, anything Prosecutor and Section 379, by fiat
phone during random inspection can happen in a police station. A three-member panel at the of the prosecutor.
Federal Court led by Justice Datuk
“The police use a whole team to Seri Mohd Zawawi Salleh Najib had filed a judicial review
intimidate a person. Threats are unanimously dismissed the application to disqualify Sri Ram as
made when we refuse to surrender applications with no order as to the senior DPP in his 1Malaysia
our mobile phones. Where are our costs. Development Bhd (1MDB) case in
rights when police abuse their December 2018, while Muhammad
powers?” Justice Mohd Zawawi, who sat Shafee, who is also Najib’s counsel,
with Datuk Nallini Pathmanathan filed a similar application to recuse
Cheras police chief ACP and Datuk Vernon Ong Lam Kiat, Sri Ram from prosecuting in his
Muhammad Idzam Jaafar said the said the legal questions that Najib RM9.5 million money laundering
policemen were on crime- and Muhammad Shafee asked the trial.
prevention patrols when they court to consider had already been
checked the man on suspicion of decided by the Court of Appeal in They are seeking a court order to
being involved in placing bets with the case of Public Prosecutor vs revoke Sri Ram’s appointment or
illegal bookmakers via WhatsApp. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in 2014 recuse him, saying that his letter of
and the decision in that case had appointment is invalid.
“The man did not cooperate been endorsed by the Federal Court.
when police wanted to examine his Najib and Muhammd Shafee
mobile phone and left for his He said the law was settled on the were also seeking a declaration that
relative’s house in his car. appointment of an advocate as there was a conflict of interest in Sri
deputy public prosecutor (DPP) and Ram’s appointment and requested
“The policemen sought the court saw no reason to depart for an order to prohibit him from
assistance from their superior who from that decision, which had been leading the prosecution team in all
then arrived at the house and endorsed by the Federal Court in of their cases, including those on
explained the situation before taking Anwar’s case. corruption, abuse of power and
the man to the police station.” money laundering.
In civil cases, a litigant must first
Muhammad Idzam said on obtain leave before he can proceed In yesterday’s proceedings,
inspecting the mobile phone, police with an appeal in the Federal Court. conducted online, Najib’s counsel,
found that the WhatsApp Muhammad Shafee, and lawyer
application had been uninstalled In Anwar’s case, he sought to Harvinderjit Singh, representing
and all evidence relating to any remove Muhammad Shafee as ad Muhammad Shafee, said there were
alleged involvement with illegal hoc prosecutor to lead the novel legal questions and of public
lottery punting had been erased. prosecution team in the interest for the Federal Court to
prosecution’s appeal in Anwar’s consider. – Bernama
He said after the particulars of
the man were recorded, he was Foreigner arrested over kidnap attempt
freed unconditionally and a police
█ BY CHARLES RAMENDRAN The man said he allowed the report was lodged over the matter. KUANTAN: Police arrested a while she was outside watering her
[email protected] police to look at it without taking it Myanmar national for attempting to the plants, and her son, the youngest
KUALA LUMPUR: A Twitter user into their possession. kidnap a four-year-old boy from the of seven siblings, was playing in the
took to social media to accuse police compound of the child’s house in a compound.
of abusing their powers when he was When he opened his WhatsApp village at Batu 3, Jalan Gambang on
detained for refusing to surrender his application, the policeman clicked Sunday. “The suspect was said to have
mobile phone to a group of on the search engine and searched covered the boy’s face with a white
policemen during a random for “MKT”. Kuantan district police chief ACP cloth and was able to flee with the
inspection at a food stall on Jalan Wan Mohd Zahari Wan Busu said the boy for about 200m before he was
Cheras Utama on Saturday. The man said he was irked by the attempt by the 30-year-old suspect apprehended by the public,” he said
action of the police officers and was foiled by members of the public in a statement yesterday.
In his Twitter posts, the man quickly kept his mobile phone who chased him down upon hearing
claimed he was having tea at a food away. the screams of the child’s mother, The victim did not suffer any
stall near his mother’s house at and handed him over to the police. injuries during the incident.
2.30pm when two plainclothes Later, as he walked to his car,
policemen approached him and more policemen showed up and According to the child’s mother, The suspect is believed to have
identified themselves as police. tried to stop him. “They attempted the suspect approached her house entered the country illegally three
to snatch my phone many times,” he months ago. – Bernama
He said they asked him to hand said.
over his MyKad and mobile phone, Four students plead guilty to assault
prompting him to question them on He claimed he was trailed to his
why they needed the latter. mother’s house as he drove off with SEREMBAN: Four students of a They were charged under Section
two policemen in the back seat. secondary school pleaded guilty in 323 of the Penal Code, read together
The man claimed the policemen the magistrate’s court here yesterday with Section 34 of the same law, and
told him they had a right to check his Later, police took him to the to a charge with assaulting a junior face imprisonment for up to a year, or
phone without quoting any law that Cheras district police headquarters student at the school. maximum fine of RM2,000 or both.
allowed them to do so. where an officer asked him to
surrender his mobile phone. Three of them, aged 16, and the Deputy public prosecutor Nurul
The policemen also failed to tell other, aged 15, made the plea before Muhaimin Mohd Azman appeared
him if he had committed any He said he gave in then as by that magistrate Norzaliza Tesmin. for the prosecution, while the four
offence. time he had spent over three hours students were unrepresented.
with the police. All of them were jointly charged
with voluntarily causing hurt on the The court set June 22 for
“Later, I was freed. When the 13-year-old student at the boy’s sentencing and probation reports on
public takes a stand on its rights, the hostel at about midnight on May 13. the four students. – Bernama
Tens of millions of ringgit in Yayasan Akalbudi belongs to me: Zahid
KUALA LUMPUR: Former deputy “Before I became a member of the taxpayers,” he added. advice of my father, who was a mudir conducted stock market transactions
prime minister Datuk Seri Ahmad administration, namely as deputy He was replying to a question or principal of a religious school in for income, which he deposited into
Zahid Hamidi told the High Court minister, minister or deputy prime Bagan Datuk, to channel the surplus the foundation’s coffers.
yesterday that not a single sen of minister, I was in the corporate from his lawyer, Datuk Ahmad Zaidi income to people in need via
Yayasan Akalbudi’s funds came from business sector. I used to head four Zainal, on the third day of his defence donations, alms, and infak or tithes Ahmad Zahid is facing 47 charges
the government or the people. companies listed on Bursa Kuala proceedings on 47 charges involving for welfare and religious purposes with 12 of them for breach of trust,
Lumpur and used to be the chairman breach of trust, corruption and through Yayasan Akalbudi. eight for corruption and 27 for money
Instead, he said, the tens of of Bank Simpanan Nasional. money laundering. laundering, involving tens of millions
millions of ringgit in the foundation “The funds in the foundation are of ringgit in funds belonging to
belonged to him. “There were some contributions The Bagan Datuk member of derived from my personal income Yayasan Akalbudi.
from friends and businessmen who Parliament also said that his income and the allowances that I received
Ahmad Zahid, 69, said the source had nothing to do with the portfolio I and allowances as a chief executive from my corporate businesses,” On Jan 24, the court ordered
of the foundation’s funds was from was holding, but not a single sen was officer, executive chairman and Ahmad Zahid to defend himself
his income when he was in the from government contributions or chairman exceeded his family’s Ahmad Zahid said he also against all the charges after the
corporate sector before becoming a the people’s money or from the expenses and needs. received dividend payments from the prosecution succeeded in proving a
member of the government. companies concerned and prima facie case. – Bernama
“So I was determined, on the
6 theSUN ON TUESDAY | MAY 24, 2022
Marcos Jr in nuke plant revival talks with South Korea
MANILA: Philippine president-elect Ferdinand He left open the possibility of resuscitating and their findings, and we will see if we can still Manila, near several volcanoes in a part of the
Marcos Jr signalled his determination to adopt his father’s failed venture – an idea he is now apply.” Philippines regularly shaken by earthquakes.
nuclear power yesterday, holding talks with pushing ahead of his June 30 inauguration.
South Korea’s envoy on possibly reviving a Studies by South Korean and Russian The Philippines – regularly affected by
mothballed US$2.2 billion plant built during his Marcos Jr said he met South Korean experts showed it was possible to get the plant electricity outages – relies on imported
father’s dictatorship. ambassador to Manila Kim Inchul yesterday to working again, Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi carbon-belching coal for more than half of its
discuss a proposal on reviving the Bataan plant. told a Senate hearing in 2020. power generation.
The 620-megawatt Bataan Nuclear Power
Plant was left dormant after the elder Marcos “Can we continue with it or do we need to But upgrading an ageing facility fitted with Supporters of nuclear power say the
was toppled in 1986. build a new one? What are the things that we outdated analogue technology could take at technology offers a cleaner option to help meet
will have to do?” he told a news conference after least four years and cost another US$1 billion. demand.
In the run-up to the May 9 presidential the meeting.
election, Marcos Jr spoke about the need for There are also question marks on its design But critics argue that renewable sources,
nuclear power to address exorbitant electricity “So we revived the discussions on it, and location. such as wind and solar, are cheaper and safer to
costs in the country. although they have come before. produce in a country hit by earthquakes,
A monument to the greed and graft of the typhoons and volcanic eruptions. – AFP
“We will now study their recommendations elder Marcos’s era, the plant sits 80km west of
America, Japan aim ‘US willing to use force
for lunar landing to defend Taiwan’
TOKYO: Japan and the United States said o Biden says Beijing already
yesterday they want to put the first Japanese ‘flirting with danger’
astronaut on the Moon as the allies deepen
cooperation on space projects.BRIEFS TOKYO: President Joe Biden vowed yesterday Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, alongside Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong, waves as the
that US forces would defend Taiwan militarily two board a plane in Canberra yesterday to attend the Quad leaders meeting in Tokyo. – REUTERSPIX
No non-American has ever touched if China attempted to take control of the
down on the lunar surface, and Japan has self-ruled island by force, warning Beijing was Chinese people in defending national Beijing from declaring war and also to stop
previously said it hopes to achieve a Moon already “flirting with danger”. sovereignty and territorial integrity”. Taiwan from formally declaring
landing by the end of this decade. independence.
The remarks, made in Tokyo where he is “China has no room for compromise or
President Joe Biden, after his first meeting with Japan’s prime minister ahead of concession.” Biden is in Japan on the second leg of an
face-to-face meeting with Japan’s Prime a regional summit today, were Biden’s Asia trip intended to reinforce regional ties
Minister Fumio Kishida in Tokyo, said the strongest to date on the issue and come amid Like most nations, the United States and show Washington remains committed to
nations will work together in the US-led rising tensions over China’s growing economic diplomatically recognises Beijing over Taiwan. the region despite its heavy involvement with
Artemis programme to send humans to the and military power. the crisis in Ukraine.
Moon, and later to Mars. But it also maintains de facto diplomatic
Washington and allies like Japan have ties with the self-ruled, democratic island. He announced yesterday that 13 countries
Biden said he was “excited” about the framed their tough response to Russia’s have joined a new, US-led Asia-Pacific trade
collaboration, including on the Gateway invasion of Ukraine as a warning to others, For decades it has maintained a policy of initiative touted as a counterweight to China’s
facility, which will orbit the Moon and especially China, against unilateral military “strategic ambiguity” in which it never makes aggressive expansion.
provide support for future missions. action. clear what it would do in the event of an
invasion while agreeing to help Taiwan build Biden meets today with fellow Quad
“I’m excited (about) the work we’ll do Biden hammered that message home after its defences against attack from Beijing. leaders from Japan, Australia and India. – AFP
together on the Gateway Station around the talks with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio
Moon, and look forward to the first Japanese Kishida in which the pair agreed to monitor The policy was designed both to keep
astronaut joining us on the mission to the Chinese naval activity and joint
lunar surface under the Artemis Chinese-Russia exercises.
programme,” he said at a joint press
conference. Biden then went further.
Asked if the US was willing to get involved
Japan’s domestic space programme militarily to defend Taiwan, he replied “yes”.
focuses on satellites and probes, so Japanese “That’s the commitment we made.
astronauts have turned to the US and Russia “We agreed with the One China policy, we
to travel to the International Space Station. signed on to it ... but the idea that it can be
taken by force is just not appropriate, it would
But space agency Jaxa is looking to dislocate the entire region and would be
revitalise its ranks, last year launching its another action similar to Ukraine,” the
first recruitment of new astronauts in 13 president said.
years. Biden directly linked the fates of Ukraine
and Taiwan, saying Western sanctions on
It lifted the requirement that applicants Russia must exact a “long-term price” because
have a science degree and urged women to otherwise “what signal does that send to
apply, because all seven of the nation’s China about the cost of attempting to take
current astronauts are men. – AFP Taiwan by force?”
He warned Beijing was already “flirting
CHINESE PROVINCETO COVID with danger right now by flying so close and all
TEST EVERYTWO DAYS the manoeuvres undertaken” – referring to a
growing number of Chinese sorties, naval
BEIJING: The Chinese province of Henan exercises and other power projection in the
has ordered its nearly 100 million people Taiwan Straits.
to take a Covid test every two days, an In Beijing, Foreign Ministry spokesman
unprecedented step as the country Wang Wenbin swiftly responded, declaring
grapples with an Omicron-fuelled surge. that “no one should underestimate the firm
Local governments are adopting resolve, staunch will and strong ability of the
high-frequency testing to detect cases
more swiftly and potentially isolate UN human rights chief begins China visit
clusters without ordering entire
populations to stay indoors. “Residents BEIJING: The United Nations (UN) High and prisons where rights groups say Uyghurs meetings with anyone who has not been
of (Henan) province and other personnel Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle have been mistreated. pre-arranged by China to be brought inside the
there should complete nucleic acid Bachelet arrived in China yesterday, kicking off “bubble”.
sampling at least once every 48 hours,” the first trip by a holder of the office since 2005 China has repeatedly denied any
according to an article posted on Sunday amid concerns that it could lead to an mistreatment of Uyghurs. Wang also said that the media will not be
on the local government’s website. endorsement rather than scrutiny of China’s travelling with Bachelet because of the
Residents who do not comply will have rights record. “The purpose of the private visit is to coronavirus pandemic.
problems scanning the codes needed to enhance exchanges and cooperation between
enter public places or take transport, the During the six-day trip, Bachelet will visit both sides and promote the international The May 23 to 28 trip has been long in the
report said. – AFP Xinjiang, where the High Commissioner’s cause of human rights,” ministry spokesman making after Bachelet said in 2018 she wanted
office said last year it believes the Uyghurs have Wang Wenbin told a media briefing yesterday. unfettered access to Xinjiang.
SANDSTORM FORCES been unlawfully detained, mistreated and
CLOSURE OF IRAQI AIRPORTS forced to work. He said that Bachelet’s visit will China said the visit should not be based on
be conducted in a “closed loop”, referring to a a presumption of guilt.
BAGHDAD: Iraq closed public buildings The Chinese Foreign Ministry said it way of isolating people within a “bubble” to
and temporarily shut airports yesterday welcomes her but rejects “political prevent the Covid-19 virus from potentially Rights groups worry that if Bachelet does
as another sandstorm – the ninth since manipulation” when asked by media if she can spreading. not press China hard enough, her post-trip
mid-April – hit the country, authorities visit the detention centres, re-education camps report may not give a full picture and could be
said. The capital Baghdad was enveloped This means that Bachelet will not be able used by Beijing to justify its actions in Xinjiang.
in a giant dust cloud that left usually to have free and spontaneous in-person – Reuters
traffic-choked streets largely deserted,
an AFP correspondent said. Prime
Minister Mustafa al-Kadhemi ordered all
work to cease in public institutions, with
the exception of health facilities and
security agencies. He cited “poor climatic
conditions and the arrival of violent
sandstorms” in a statement issued by his
office. Iraq is ranked as one of the five
most vulnerable nations to climate
change and desertification. – AFP
7theSUN ON TUESDAY | MAY 24, 2022
Seven killed after fire engulfs Philippine ferry engulfed by fire and passengers were already “We were able to rescue 40 survivors,” said
floating in the sea,” the high school student Captain Brunette Azagra, whose passenger
MANILA: At least seven said. vessel was 500m from the Mercraft when the
people were killed and fire broke out.
scores plucked to safety in the Thick black smoke billowed from
Philippines yesterday after a fire Mercraft 2 as flames tore through the entire Two bodies were also pulled from the water,
ripped through a ferry and forced vessel, photos shared by the coast guard he said.
passengers to jump overboard, the
coast guard and witnesses said. showed. “They were lucky, because we also came
People with life rings and life vests from Polillo. They overtook us, but we were just
The blaze broke out on the Mercraft 2 at nearby,” Azagra told a local radio station,
6.30am as it carried 134 passengers and crew were in the water. Some were rescued describing sea conditions as “quite good”.
from Polillo Island to Real in Quezon province by other ferries or clambered into
on the main island of Luzon. inflatable boats. Twenty-four people were injured, including
The fire appears to have the captain of the ferry, according to the coast
Seven people died and 127 were rescued, started in the engine room, guard.
Philippine Coast Guard spokesman Balilo said.
Commodore Armando Balilo said after the last A team of investigators Speaking from the hospital where the
missing passengers were found. was preparing to look injured were being treated, Real town disaster
into the cause. officer Ricky Poblete said the seven dead had
The fibreglass fast craft boat, which had a drowned. – AFP
186-person capacity, was 1km from Real when
it caught fire.
“We heard an explosion,” said Kycel Pineda,
18, who was travelling on another ferry.
“When we saw the boat, it was already
People throwing buckets of water onto the
smouldering ferry yesterday. – AFPPIX
BRIEFS GUARD AT QATAR’S Ukraine court jails civilians or involvement in war
EMBASSY KILLED Russian soldier for life crimes.
PARIS: A security guard
working for the Qatari embassy The Kremlin did not
here was killed yesterday after immediately comment on the
a fight with another man in verdict.
front of the mission, French
prosecutors said. The fight took It has previously said that it has
place just before 7am local no information about the trial and
time in front of the embassy in that the absence of a diplomatic
the 8th district in central Paris. mission in Ukraine limits its ability
“The circumstances to provide assistance.
surrounding the security on Shishimarin for a certain period.”
guard’s death still need to be oCase is first war crimes trial Shishimarin, wearing a blue and Ukrainian state prosecutors said
precisely determined,” arising from Feb 24 invasion Shishimarin and four other Russian
prosecutors said, adding that grey hooded sweatshirt, watched servicemen stole a privately owned
the use of a weapon had not proceedings silently from a car to escape after their column was
yet been confirmed. The man reinforced glass box in the targeted by Ukraine forces.
involved in the fight has been courtroom and showed no emotion
arrested and Paris police have KYIV: A Ukrainian court sentenced a “criminal order” by a soldier of as the verdict was read out. The soldiers then drove into the
opened an investigation for Russian soldier to life in prison higher rank, had fired several shots village of Chupakhivka where they
murder. The incident did not yesterday for killing an unarmed at the victim’s head from an For much of the time, he stood saw Shelipov riding a bicycle and
appear to have any links to civilian in the first war crimes trial automatic weapon. with head bowed as he listened to a talking on his phone, they said.
terrorism, a source close to the arising from Russia’s Feb 24 invasion. translator who stood with two
probe said. – Agencies “The court has decided: guards outside the reinforced glass The prosecutors said
Vadim Shishimarin, a Shishimarin Vadim Evgenyevich ... box. Shishimarin was ordered by
UN: MORE THAN 100M 21-year-old tank commander, had is found guilty ... and sentenced him another serviceman to kill the
FORCIBLY DISPLACED pleaded guilty to killing 62-year-old to life imprisonment. The trial has huge symbolic civilian to prevent him reporting on
Oleksandr Shelipov in the significance for Ukraine, which has the Russians’ presence and he fired
GENEVA: Russia’s war in northeastern Ukrainian village of “Given that the crime committed accused Russia of atrocities and several shots through the open
Ukraine has pushed the Chupakhivka on Feb 28 after being is a crime against peace, security, brutality against civilians during the window of the car with an assault
number of forcibly displaced ordered to shoot him. humanity and the international invasion and said it has identified rifle at Shelipov’s head.
people around the world legal order ... the court does not see more than 10,000 possible war
above 100 million for the first Judge Serhiy Agafonov said the possibility of imposing a crimes. Shelipov died on the spot.
time ever, the United Nations Shishimarin, carrying out a (shorter) sentence of imprisonment In court last week, Shishimarin
said yesterday. “The number of Russia has denied targeting acknowledged he was to blame and
people forced to flee conflict, asked the victim’s widow, Kateryna
violence, human rights Shelipova, to forgive him. – Reuters
violations and persecution has
now crossed the staggering Biden says ‘extra efforts’ not needed against monkeypox
milestone of 100 million for the
first time on record, propelled TOKYO: The United States has “No, I don’t think so. Look, we’ve fatal, can cause a fever, muscle aches, for a “consequential” impact if it were
by the war in Ukraine and other enough vaccines to deal with a had this monkeypox in larger swollen lymph nodes, chills, to spread further.
deadly conflicts,” said UN potential outbreak of monkeypox numbers in the past,” he told reporters exhaustion and a chickenpox-like
refugee agency UNHCR. The and “extra efforts” are not needed to in Tokyo after talks with Japanese rash on the hands and face. He said yesterday the situation did
“alarming figure” must shake prevent its spread, President Joe Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. not warrant the same emergency
the world into ending the Biden said yesterday. The virus, which is endemic in response seen worldwide during the
conflicts forcing record “Number two, we have vaccines to parts of Africa, can be transmitted coronavirus pandemic.
numbers to flee their own Biden was asked if Americans take care of it. through contact with skin lesions or
homes, UNHCR said in a could expect to see weeks-long droplets of bodily fluid from an “I just don’t think it rises to the
statement. – AFP quarantines for people infected with “Number three, thus far, there infected person. level of the kind of concern that
monkeypox after several cases were doesn’t seem to be the need for any existed with Covid-19,” he said,
detected this month in North kind of extra efforts beyond what’s Biden said on Sunday that people adding he believes the US has
America and Europe. going on.” should be on guard against the enough smallpox vaccine stockpiled.
disease, warning it has the potential – AFP
Monkeypox, which is not usually
Iran warns it will avenge killing of colonel
TEHRAN: Iran will avenge the death confront the enemies of Iran, Guards The colonel was “one of the had been discovered and arrested by the attack, it is a reminder of Israel’s
of Revolutionary Guards Colonel spokesman Ramazan Sharif said, defenders of the shrines”, the the Guards. growing reach and destabilising
Sayad Khodai, President Ebrahim according to the semi-official Mehr semi-official Tasnim news agency capacity inside Iran.”
Raisi said yesterday, a day after the news agency. reported, referring to military The killing comes at a time of
elite corps officer was shot dead by personnel or advisers who Iran says uncertainty over the revival of Iran’s The Israeli Prime Minister’s Office,
two people on a motorcycle in a rare “The martyrdom of Colonel fight on its behalf to protect Shiite 2015 nuclear deal with world powers which oversees intelligence agency
assassination in the capital. Khodai strengthens the determination sites in Iraq or Syria against groups after months of stalled talks. Mossad, declined to comment.
of the Revolutionary Guards to defend such as Islamic State.
“I have agreed for our security security, independence and national Sanam Vakil, deputy head of the At least six Iranian scientists and
forces to seriously follow up on this interests and to confront the enemies Two people on a motorcycle Middle East and North Africa academics have been killed or
matter and I have no doubt that of the Iranian nation. opened fire on the colonel, Tasnim programme at Chatham House, said attacked since 2010, several of them
revenge for the pure blood of our reported, citing an informed source, the assassination was meant to by assailants riding motorcycles, in
martyr will be taken.” “The thugs and terrorist groups while the semi-official ISNA news unsettle Tehran as tensions escalate incidents believed to have targeted
affiliated with global oppression and agency reported that members of an with its arch-enemy Israel over Iran’s Iran’s disputed nuclear programme,
The killing only reinforces the Zionism will face consequences for Israeli intelligence service network nuclear programme. which the West says is aimed at
determination of the Guards to their actions.” producing a bomb. – Reuters
“Should Israel be responsible for
COMMENT Why was Shireen Abu Akleh
killed in cold-blood?
by Jamari Mohtar
“must be held accountable”. president it wanted the crisis to be resolved via But again its trademark response for
WHEN Israel has to stoop so low in The US ambassador to the United Nations, the negotiation table. delaying an investigation is fully exhibited
murdering Shireen Abu Akleh, 51, a Linda Thomas-Greenfield, called Abu Akleh’s “War does not benefit anyone. In fact, many when Bennet said: “To uncover the truth, there
Palestinian-American journalist in death “really horrifying”, and called for a would suffer great losses because of the war,“ must be a real investigation, and the
cold blood in order to prevent her transparent and thorough investigation. said Ismail Sabri. Palestinians are currently preventing that.
from reporting the truth about the brutal US speaker Nancy Pelosi wrote on Twitter: He was spot on in his comment but should Without a serious investigation, we will not
treatment of the Palestinians by the Zionist “The killing of Shireen Abu Akleh is an horrific have added more. reach the truth.”
apartheid regime of Israel, it was a sign the tragedy”, to which a rightful sarcastic rejoinder Ismail Sabri also pointed out that Southeast
country was going down into oblivion, following from Al Jazeera columnist, Andrew Mitrovica, Asian countries were also affected by the war, He was referring to an earlier statement by
the path of the former apartheid regime of South was: “Newsflash, Speaker Pelosi, shooting a especially in terms of the rise in inflation and the Israeli government saying it would jointly
Africa after decades of apartheid system and Palestinian-American journalist in the face on food prices, hence the call for the war to be investigate the killing with the Palestinian
policy. purpose is not a ‘tragedy.’ It is a crime. We know, resolved through peaceful means. Authority, but the Palestinian side declined to
we know, Israeli soldiers never commit crimes.” Meanwhile, the Roman Catholic clergy in provide Abu Akleh’s body or share the bullet
Abu Akleh, who worked for Al Jazeera for 25 It is quite unprecedented for a Jerusalem strongly condemned that killed her with Israeli authorities.
years and was one of the most prominent names long list of US high-ranking the actions of Israeli police at Abu
across the Middle East for her decades of “It will be moreofficials to comment on such a Akleh’s funeral, adding that Israeli According to analysts, the Palestinian refusal
reporting in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian police were “disrespectful and has a lot to do with the Israeli government not
territories, was shot and killed while covering an killing – a normal and routine affair having a good track record of investigating its
Israeli military raid on the Jenin refugee camp in interesting toin Israeli-occupied territories. disproportionate” in their use of own crimes.
the West Bank on May 11, despite wearing a blue Perhaps, this has a lot to do force.
vest with “PRESS” written on it. with the Russia-Ukraine war watch the As the late Abu Akleh was a Israel doesn’t allow international
where it is observed a double reactions of the Christian, it goes to show the investigations of violations in the country or the
She was shot in the face, allegedly on standard exists in which the US is US, EU and UN Palestinian issue was not merely a occupied territories, and in recent years has
purpose, while doing what she has been doing quick at condemning perceived Security Muslim or Islamic issue but an chosen not to cooperate or provide access to
since 1997 for Al Jazeera – telling the truth. atrocities and injustices compared Council in the all-encompassing issue involving UN commissions or special rapporteurs.
with its abstentions and elegant even Palestinian Christians who
Abu Akleh was murdered for telling, yet silences on the real atrocities and have been oppressed and are Israel has even designated the premier
again, the truth about how Israel has corralled, injustices of Israel towards the being continually oppressed along Palestinian rights organisation Al-Haq as a
bludgeoned, “raided”, evicted, jailed, Palestinians. with their Muslim brethren by the terrorist organisation in what experts called
traumatised, tortured, murdered, and terrorised event IsraelAt the recent Asean-US Special brutal Zionist regime of Israel. retribution for Al-Haq’s documentation of
Palestinian after Palestinian, day after day, week Israel’s first reaction to the violations on the ground.
after week, month after month, year after year, Summit on May 14 in Washington, killing was attributing it to
decade after decade. drags its feet inPrime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Palestinian gunmen, and that she It is quite telling that even an Israeli rights
group has no confidence in investigations
She did her job well, with grace, patience and Sabri Yaakob was the only Asean spearheaded by Israel.
resilience despite the indignities, horrors and carrying outleader courageous enough to bring was caught in the crossfire of
dangers. clashes. “No one should believe the Israeli promises
up the issue of Israeli atrocities to quote-unquote investigate what has
It was her duty, obligation and responsibility thetowards the Palestinians during the This is a well-known trademark happened because the promise of
to bear witness. response of denial and shifting the investigations are nothing but the first step in
meeting with Biden. Israel’s organised whitewash,” said Hagai El-Ad,
Even in death she was not spared. Television He called for Washington to use investigation blame to the Palestinians by Israel. executive director of the rights group B’Tselem.
pictures worldwide showed her casket almost its influence in resolving the or refuses to Israeli Prime Minister Naftali
falling to the ground on several occasions during Palestinian issue. investigate the “Israel is unable and unwilling to conduct
her funeral due to the severe beatings from killing. Bennett, said “armed Palestinians such investigations which opens the door to
Israeli security forces on the pallbearers – a “Israeli atrocities must be shot in an inaccurate, international legal responsibility,” he added.
testament to how dignity and respect for the stopped. The US must be honest in indiscriminate, and uncontrolled
dead was trampled by the uncivilised security resolving the issue. If the US can manner” during the IDF’s (Israel And that’s mainly because it’s the army
forces of Israel. take swift action in Ukraine, we Defence Forces) operation. that’s investigating the army.
want the same swift action to be
This time around international taken on the Palestinian issue,” he “Our forces from the IDF The big question now is with the global
condemnation for the killing and brutal returned fire as accurately, condemnations on the killing including from its
treatment of mourners were fast and furious. said. carefully and responsibly as biggest ally, the US – which has demanded a
The US and its European allies seem to get a possible. Sadly, Al Jazeera journalist Shireen thorough, transparent and independent
For the first time, Israel’s biggest ally the US lukewarm response from many countries for its Abu Akleh was killed in the exchange.” investigation, along with the EU and UN
had come out with supportive statements for the advocate of a global coalition of the willing to But for its accurate, careful and responsible Security Council – it remains to be seen
Palestinians, in contrast to abstentions or enforce sanctions on Russia for its invasion of returned fire, the IDF failed to kill a single whether Israel will drag its feet in carrying out
elegant silences of the past. Ukraine. Palestinian gunmen then, making its account of the investigation.
Perhaps this was among the chief reasons the killing of Abu Akleh a real fantasy.
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called why a special summit by the US president with Also, a researcher with the preeminent Israeli With Israel well known for ignoring and
for “an immediate and credible investigation Asean leaders was held, ostensibly to get their human rights organisation B’Tselem analysed violating UN Resolutions, it will be more
into the circumstances surrounding her death”, buy-in in supporting the coalition of the willing the footage and reported the gunman in the interesting to watch the reactions of the US, EU
expressing his deep condolences for her loss and to impose a global sanction on Russia, instead of video was in a separate location in Jenin entirely. and UN Security Council in the event Israel
deep respect for the “work that she did as a giving more emphasis on working via diplomacy Israel has maintained that it is committed to drags its feet in carrying out the investigation or
journalist for many years – widely respected to end the war. investigations, including one devoted to Abu refuses to investigate the killing.
around the world”. On the Russia-Ukraine war, Asean told the US Akleh’s death.
Jamari Mohtar is the Editor of Let’s Talk!, an e-
On the brutal treatment by Israeli security newsletter on current affairs. Comments:
forces on unarmed mourners, Blinken said: “We [email protected]
are deeply troubled by the images of Israeli
police intruding into the funeral procession of
Shireen Abu Akleh. Every family deserves to lay
their loved ones to rest in a dignified and
unimpeded manner.”
State Department spokesman Ned Price said
“we are heartbroken by and strongly condemn
the killing”, calling it an “affront to media
freedom everywhere” and said the perpetrators
9theSUN ON TUESDAY | MAY 24, 2022
Realising potential of domestic tourism
COMMENT industry’s recovery. “Conducting overwhelming majority driving their own novel products that could also appeal to
byYS Chan However, those interviewed did not tourism lab cars and spending RM15.5 billion on the majority of Malaysians is to conduct
sessions petrol or diesel in that year. laboratory sessions nationwide to
ON May 17, the Ministry of propose any practical solution that could nationwide generate many new domestic tours and
Tourism, Arts and Culture benefit a large number of tourism could energise The amount spent on fuel was more travel services that could benefit a large
(Motac) through Tourism industry players. the entire than the expenditures for number of tour bus operators and
Malaysia (TM) launched the nation and accommodation and other transport entrepreneurs.
Tourism Recovery Plan 2022 and the During the recent National Recovery revitalise our combined.
second version of the Cuti-Cuti Malaysia Council (NRC) meeting, TM presented a country’s In these labs, all participants are
song in an effort to boost domestic report on the recovery of the country’s economy, as The main purpose for domestic travel encouraged to share and speak freely as
tourism as it transitions to the endemic tourism sector. new bus tours was visiting relatives and friends, and their they will not be representing any
phase. are highly homes provided free accommodation for organisation.
But NRC chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin visible, useful over 70% of domestic tourists.
The recovery plan is a continuation of Yassin commented that the five-year and have a After a brainstorming session when no
the Economic Stimulus Package and one target was too long, just as lengthy as five- great impact Hence, Deputy Tourism, Arts and ideas will be judged but thoroughly
of the initiatives will be the distribution of year Malaysia Plans. on the local Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Santhara discussed, participants will then be
incentives in the form of discounts, population Kumar said the recovery of the country’s placed in small groups to work out
vouchers and rebates to encourage After chairing the meeting, he said the tourism sector will depend on the solutions.
Malaysians to travel within the country. council had recommended that the reopening of borders of other countries,
government come up with new initiatives notably China, which has yet to open its They are to proceed with the
The scheme was rolled out on April 29 and assistance to help increase the borders for its citizens to travel abroad. assumption that current obstacles,
and the first beneficiaries were service capacity of tourism industry players, as including regulations, could be overcome
providers in land transport and tourism they have been severely affected by the Although Malaysia had reopened its later. Their mission is to make the
associations. Covid-19 pandemic over the past two borders since April 1 and Covid-19 testing impossible possible.
years. requirements eased from May 1, the
It will later be expanded to air number of foreign tourist arrivals is Many would need a paradigm shift
transport, accommodation and special But are trade associations and expected to be low as airfares have soared from playing the devil’s advocate to
interest segments such as scuba diving, government agencies involved in tourism and prices of many goods skyrocketed believer of something untested or
homestays, shopping and theme parks. capable of finding new initiatives and after Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb 24. unknown.
aiding the 4,693 travel and tour
Under land transport, TM has entered companies currently registered with It will take a long time, if ever, for If Tourism Malaysia or any of the eight
a strategic partnership with Express Rail Motac? foreign visitor arrivals to Malaysia to travel associations sanctioned by Motac
Link Sdn Bhd and Keretapi Tanah Melayu surpass 35 million as in 2019. were to organise a tourism lab, I would be
Berhad (KTMB) to offer fare discounts of How fruitful were the many meetings happy and ready to share at least five great
between RM10 and RM15, which will held between Motac and numerous That year, we received 26,100,784 ideas that could transform domestic tours
benefit a total of 64,675 riders in KLIA associations? foreign tourists plus another 8,944,841 in the country and would also put
Ekspres and KTM service. excursionists that did not stay overnight. Malaysia on the world map.
Members of tour and travel Last year, there were only 134,728 foreign
Under tourism associations, TM is associations were advised by their leaders tourists. Conducting tourism lab sessions
collaborating with Malaysian Inbound that their proposals have been submitted nationwide could energise the entire
Tourism Association, Malaysian Inbound to various ministries. Meanwhile, if inbound tour operators nation and revitalise our country’s
Chinese Association, Malaysian Chinese continue to wait for foreign tourists that economy, as new bus tours are highly
Tourism Association, Malaysian Indian If so, how many were accepted and they are heavily dependent on, they visible, useful and have a great impact on
Tour and Travel Association and Bumitra implemented, and were they effective in would not survive the next few years and the local population.
Malaysia in offering various domestic helping tourism businesses stay afloat? are likely to join those that have already
travel destination packages by registered perished since the beginning of the If not, conditions will continue largely
travel agents through the Shopee e- The RM100 discount for 14,935 Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020. status-quo and remain in the doldrums.
marketplace app. Malaysians would cost the government
RM1,493,500. While spokesmen for travel New initiatives and effective measures
A RM100 discount will be given to associations have rightfully called on the are elusive without the clarity and insight
Malaysians buying travel packages On average, each of the 4,693 travel or tourism ministry to look beyond the to find them.
between April 29 and Oct 31 and valid for tour companies will get to sell only three incentives listed under the 2022 Tourism
travel until the end of this year. subsidised packages over a six-month Recovery Plan, travel and tour operators Those looking at the same things may
period. The profits may not be enough to themselves have created nothing new or not be able to perceive without thinking
The target is to attract 14,935 pay staff wages for a day. appealing for domestic visitors over the outside the box.
Malaysians to spend about RM3 million past decades.
through Shopee Pay on domestic holiday Even during the best of times, few Most choose convenience by dishing
packages. Malaysians purchased domestic packages And nothing will change if they out more of the same, but such attempts
from travel agents. continue with the same narratives and would be in vain.
It was reported that travel associations self-fulfilling prophecies.
have welcomed the incentives for If they need accommodation, they YS Chan is Asean tourism master
domestic tourism, but are asking for could easily book directly with hotels or Meetings are unproductive when trainer for travel agencies, master
more to be done to accelerate the operators that offer short-term rentals of participants from various organisations trainer for Mesra Malaysia and Travel
apartments or houses. maintain opposing views and defend & Tours Enhancement Course. He is
their positions. And the result is only a few also a tourism and transport industry
Likewise, they could book domestic proposals get implemented. consultant and writer. Comments:
flights and purchase train and bus tickets
on their own. The best way to innovate and create [email protected]
In 2019, 98.5% of domestic visitors
used land transport, with an
Calls for effective legislation to curb bullying
COMMENT bullies on the road, at the workplace and at person’s appearance, taunting or irritating awareness among students at an early age to
by Muzaffar Syah Mallow home. someone, issuing threats and using insults as a understand the ugly nature of bullying and
way to humiliate a person. would eventually deter them from getting
BOLD steps need to be taken to stop bullying If we take the matter lightly by imposing a involved such acts.
incidents in our educational institutions. small penalty, sending a warning letter or even It can also be sexual such as sexualised This simple yet clear policy will also
imposing a short suspension, it could send the name-calling, sharing intimate images, texts establish a climate in which bullying is not
There was a recent video clip that went viral wrong signal to a bully to commit a more and videos, inappropriate sexual remarks and, tolerated and acceptable.
depicting a bullying incident that occurred to a serious act in the future without hesitation, in the most extreme form, includes stalking, A similar approach has also been
student at a boarding school. regret or a complete understanding over the sexual harassment, molestation, sexual assault implemented in the United States, where all 50
consequences of their actions towards others. or even rape. It can also include physical abuse states in the US already have their anti-bullying
Bullying incidents that happen to a student as well. laws.
are not something rare or uncommon for us. Punishments are good, but we also need to These laws are not going to abolish bullying,
make sure our educational environment is Physical abuse can occur by way of pushing, but it does draw attention to the behaviour
Almost every year we are exposed to this conducive for all our students to focus on their punching, kicking, biting, scratching, spitting while letting the aggressors know their harmful
issue whether it occurs in our schools or at our studies and learning process. and any other forms of physical violence and behaviour will never be tolerated.
institutions of higher learning. abuse. Some of the written policies in the US even
Bullying is defined as a single or repetitive require disciplinary procedures to be made
Recall, that in 2017 the nation was shocked behaviour that is intended to hurt someone Regardless of the types of bullying, the specifically to deal with bullying incidents
over the tragic death of one Universiti either emotionally or physically and is often government must act now to put an end to the while others mandate that schools track and
Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia student cadet aimed at a certain individual due to many menace in our country as these harmful report every bullying incident that occurs.
officer Zulfarhan Osman Zulkarnain. reasons such as religion, race, gender or sexual behaviours affect the victim’s well-being and A growing number of states in the US also
orientation or any other aspect such as being learning process, and could also threaten their require schools to employ someone specially
The 21-year-old undergraduate student different from other people based on their safety. trained in anti-bullying education.
passed away at Serdang Hospital after appearance or even being disabled. Besides having strong and effective
sustaining serious injuries due to suspected There are many steps which can be taken to legislation, it is also important for everyone in
bullying by his university colleagues. Various forms of bullying can happen to a overcome the issue and one way is by having the community to work together to send a
student in school, young adults at university effective legislation in place. unified message against any form of bullying in
We cannot allow this menace to continue and full working adults in a workplace such as educational institutions.
affecting our children be it at schools or in social and emotional bullying, which includes This can be done by amending our existing This can be simply done by launching
universities. excluding someone out on purpose, Education Act 1996 (Act 550) or creating a new continuous awareness campaigns,
encouraging others not to be friends with specific law that can address the issue of programmes or activities on the issue to make
The time is right for our government to take them, spreading gossip or rumours, bullying. the objectives known to everyone.
bold action to put an end to this issue or at least humiliating someone in front of others and
take some initiative to control the problem. many more. We can learn from what was implemented Muzaffar Syah Mallow is associate professor
in the United Kingdom where Section 89 of the in Faculty of Syariah & Law at Universiti Sains
If no concrete solution is taken now it would With the creation of many new Education and Inspections Act 2006, provides
not only harm the victims themselves but will communication technologies and apps such as for an anti-bullying policy to be made for all Islam Malaysia (USIM). Comments:
also affect the reputation of our education Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram and state schools and to be made available to [email protected]
system in the long term. more, such bullying acts can also occur online parents as well.
in the form of cyberbullying.
Bullying will also affect the perpetrators It has been widely believed that creating
themselves because if the matter is not arrested The act can also be verbal, which includes and developing a strong and proper policy
and dealt with at an early age, they could teasing, making derogatory remarks about a against bullying in schools and universities
become criminals in future or become active would be the first important step to creating
10 theSUN ON TUESDAY | MAY 24, 2022
Immerse yourself at
Chalet Edelweiss
oDiscover a new adventure with Edelweiss across
the KlangValley, Penang and Johor regions
A chef’s playground EDELWEISS introduces journey at Publika from May 26-29, will be met with an Alpine-inspired
Chalet Edelweiss — a unique then to Eco Palladium, Johor Bahru campground from the moment they
experience that transports from June 6-12, and lastly at Straits step outside. Furnished with its own
COOKHOUSE, a homegrown imported ovens and coffee guests from the heat of the Quay, Penang from June 16-19. tents, Edelweiss Jeep, and sitting area
cloud kitchen brand, announced machines that come with sky-high tropics to the sweeping horizons of – it is the perfect area for relishing the
the launch of its latest high-end investment costs. Thus, this creates the alps, right here in Malaysia. If there’s anywhere to get away freshly tapped Edelweiss from the
shared kitchen concept, Artisan’s a challenge for F&B practitioners in Immerse yourselves in the true right now, look no further than Chalet Edelweiss BLADE machine. For those
Playground by COOKHOUSE. As pushing their culinary barriers.” nature of Edelweiss and be Edelweiss. Inspired by the serenity of who love a hands-on experience,
the brand’s flagship outlet, Artisan’s transported to seeing the golden the Alps, guests will first be greeted by Edelweiss brand ambassadors will be
Playground aims to not only She added: “Beyond the first-rate wheat fields, hearing the howling the sight of lush fields of wheat, there to guide guests to tap their
provide world-class and bespoke tools and equipment that F&B wind, smelling the fresh alpine air mossy mountains and herb hills perfect glass of Edelweiss.
equipment to help foodpreneurs businesses will have a hard time and feeling the cool breeze – all while while feeling the wind and breeze
bring their artisan crafts to life, but finding in any other shared kitchen, tasting a refreshing glass of Edelweiss that flows through the air – allowing Pablo Chabot, Marketing Director
to also create a unique destination Artisan’s Playground has a large and at a crisp Alpine temperature. people to hit the refresh button and of Heineken Malaysia, said: “Being
dining experience for food lovers. adaptable space that can Chalet Edelweiss will begin its awaken their senses. the premium wheat beer born in the
accommodate different types of Alps, we want to encapsulate the true
Artisan’s Playground will be an events and settings. From From the peaks of the Alps, guests Alpine spirit with the ambience felt at
exciting addition to COOKHOUSE’s speakeasies and live performances Chalet Edelweiss. Transporting
shared kitchen lineup. As an to workshops and activities, we consumers who desire to escape the
exciting new space for budding hope that the space will bring routine, and discover the new tasting
foodpreneurs and food artisans, together a community of food lovers experience of the pure and rich taste
Artisan’s Playground takes and artisans alike.” of the Alps.
COOKHOUSE’s original concept a
step further to offer premium Artisan’s Playground will be able “Edelweiss is all about bringing
facilities – providing more avenues to accommodate over 450 diners for fresh experiences and what better
for experimentation, menu and skill a feast for the senses – the result of a way to do it than bringing the
refinement, customer interaction collaborative community of chefs immersive Alpine experience to
and event ideation. and food artisans who are Malaysia. I hope this will inspire fans
A Dream Artisan Space constantly exchanging ideas and to seek new discoveries and create
Spanning 33,000 sq ft of kitchen and challenging one another to be the their own fresh experiences with
dining space, this first-of-its-kind very best at their game. Edelweiss.”
shared kitchen comes equipped
with an eclectic mix of high-end By creating a space where chefs With weekend promotions
features tailored to the concept of at the top of their game are able to available, guests can enjoy special
an innovative and conducive share resources and experiences Edelweiss discounts at nearby
kitchen for food artisans. Those with one another, COOKHOUSE is participating modern on-trade
passionate in the culinary arts will optimistic that Artisan’s Playground outlets in the KL, Johor, and Penang
have access to the international will become an up-and-coming regions; and score exclusive
grade tools to take their skills and destination dining location in KL. merchandise and gifts at Chalet
craft to the next level. Edelweiss when they join in on-
“We are very excited to reveal ground activities.
The facilities include a world- this unique shared kitchen which
class Josper grill, dry ager, Victoria features a safe and conducive space #FeelTheAlps with your crew at
Arduino espresso machine, for highly-skilled chefs to refine, Chalet Edelweiss at:
Japanese knife shop, state-of-the-art develop and even perfect their 0 Publika, Kuala Lumpur (May 26-
coffee roastery, butchery and meat recipes and craft. More than that, 29)
carvery, Asian and western live-fire we hope for every resident here to 0 Eco Palladium, Johor Bahru (June
cooking stations, Italian-style wood- be inspired by one another and 9-12)
fired oven, demo kitchen and engage in fruitful co-creation and 0 Straits Quay, Penang (June 16-19)
private dining, along with other top collaborative efforts,” Huen said.
of the line equipment. *Chalet Edelweiss will carry out all
To find out more, visit activities in full accordance with the
COOKHOUSE founder Huen Su SOPs established following the
San explained: “More often than government’s safety rules. Edelweiss
not, the skills and expertise of chefs For more information on and any associated promotions and
are sometimes limited by access to COOKHOUSE’s premier hybrid activations are exclusively available to
high-grade equipment such as kitchen spaces, log on to their non-Muslims aged 21 and up. Enjoy
responsibly. Do not drink and drive.
official Instagram page at
MAY 24, 2022
197201001092 (12738-U)
Editorial Tel: 03-7784 6688
A Participating Organisation of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Fax: 03-7785 2624/5
A Trading Participant of Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad Email: [email protected]
Advertising Tel: 03-7784 8888
23/05/2022 Fax: 03-7784 4424
Participation Bought Sold Net Email: [email protected]
% RM m RM m RM m
43.5 Institutions 811.8 822.9 -11.1
26.1 Retail 514.8 467.7 47.1
30.4 Foreign 553.8 589.8 -36.0
100.0 1880.4 1880.4 0 6.59 26.93 247.18 0.29 262.49 11.56 8.09 3.30
Preliminary stats (excluding trade amendments). For final data, please refer to 1,542.53 20,470.06 3,146.86 27,001.52 16,156.41 2,647.38
Source: Bursa Malaysia 3,213.65 7,148.90
KL MARKET SUMMARY International air traffic up
May 23, 2022
INDICES 11,042.58 CHANGE -28.79 53% after border reopening
FBMKLCI 1,542.53 -6.59
CONSTRUCTION 164.45 +0.80
FINANCIAL SERVICES 16,554.95 -6.75
ENERGY 864.15 +11.99
TELECOMMUNICATIONS 604.12 -0.30 o Airline operations, too, movements out of Kota Kinabalu million international and 1.08 million
HEALTH CARE 1,979.12 +23.54 picking up momentum International Airport, Penang International domestic.
TRANSPORTATION 849.67 +0.50 on resumption of more Airport, and Langkawi International
PROPERTY 693.89 +0.24 routes, says MAHB Airport. MAHB managing director Datuk
PLANTATION 8,041.11 -216.69 Iskandar Mizal Mahmood said airlines are
FBMSHA 11,464.57 -64.70 PETALING JAYA: International traffic at In April, the group registered 2.78 million also picking up momentum by actively
FBMACE 5,276.08 -67.01 Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd’s (MAHB) passengers for Malaysia, with domestic resuming international flight routes.
TECHNOLOGY 66.10 -0.52 local network of airports increased 53% passenger movements totalling 2.13 million
after the border reopening on April 1, 2022. or 77% of the total. “This adds on to our optimism for faster
TURNOVER VALUE recovery. Our Tioman STOLport (TOD) has
3.379 BIL RM1.880 BIL Since then, the group recorded an Meanwhile, for both Malaysian and resumed operations this month to serve
average of 23,000 international passenger Turkish operations in April, 4.90 million SKS Airways’ (KI) Subang Airport-TOD
5 MOST ACTIVES movements daily, with numbers peaking passenger movements were recorded, flight route. KI is currently the only carrier
May 23, 2022 above 30,000 during the Hari Raya festive which was a 7.9% decrease compared with with a scheduled service flying this route
break. March. The decrease in passenger four times weekly.
STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen) movements was due to April being the
SAPNRG 813,476,300 8.5 +1.5 On the whole, the airports recorded a month of Ramadan that witnessed less “We will continue to work closely with
SERBADK 194,223,300 11.0 -2.5 total of 642,128 international passenger demand for travel both locally and globally. our partner airlines to speed up the pace of
KNM 144,519,700 19.5 -0.5 recovery for both domestic and
SAPNRG-WA 75,135,100 5.5 +1.5 Out of total passenger traffic movements international sectors,” he said in a statement
HSI-CQW 69,516,800 21.5 -4.5 of 4.89 million, local airports in Malaysia yesterday.
contributed 57%. Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen
International Airport, Turkey, registered Five airlines resumed 17 international
2.13 million passengers comprising 1.05 routes last month, including Vietjet Air,
Scoot, AirAsia, Thai AirAsia and AirAsia X.
May 23, 2022
NESTLE 117,000 134.20 0.60
HEIM 180,600 25.00 0.52
CARLSBG 48,000 22.14 0.30
QUALITY 33,200 1.32 0.30
PIE 1,666,100 2.98 0.21
May 23, 2022
KLK 1,179,700 26.42 0.48
GENP 60,200 8.30 0.32
HLFG 106,500 19.18 0.32
IOICORP 8,863,000 4.08 0.32
PETGAS 1,166,500 16.48 0.32
Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy MAHB’s local network of airports recorded an average of 23,000 international passenger movements daily. – BERNAMAPIX
1 US DOLLAR TT/OD TT OD MPC: Palm sector risks RM28b losses in
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 4.4525 4.3195 4.3095 2022 if hiring of foreign workers is delayed
1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.1730 3.0470 3.0310
1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.2310 3.1370 3.1290 KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Productivity due to the shortage of local and foreign programmes, especially for local workers.
1 EURO 3.4730 3.3810 3.3690 Corporation (MPC) has proposed that workers. ”Development and empowerment of
1 NEWZEALAND DOLLAR 4.7200 4.5680 4.5480 stakeholders take intervention measures
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.8820 2.7770 2.7610 such as expediting the arrival of foreign “To facilitate the process of hiring foreign local workers must be given full emphasis as
1 STERLING POUND 3.2310 3.1370 3.1290 workers to address the shortage of labour in workers, the process must be complete and their (workers) holding positions at the
1 SWISS FRANC 5.5840 5.4090 5.3890 oil palm plantations. efficient because currently, the higher level such as office workers and
100 UAE DIRHAM 4.5590 4.4550 4.4400 coordination in the process must be plantation managers will ensure the
100 BANGLADESHTAKA 122.6200 116.2900 116.0900 Director-general Datuk Abdul Latif Abu switched to the full digitalisation platform management of the plantations is well
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 5.1720 4.8520 4.6520 Seman said the arrival of a total of 32,000 without any human interference,” Abdul taken care of.
100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 66.7000 64.1000 foreign workers (field workers) from Latif said in a statement yesterday.
100 INDIAN RUPEE 57.3300 54.4900 N/A Indonesia must be accelerated as there is a “The provision of subsidies for the right
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 5.8100 5.4600 54.2900 shortage of workers to carry out harvesting As for the long-term intervention, the educational programmes on oil palm
100 JAPANESE YEN 0.0314 0.0285 5.2600 work in the plantations following the government and plantation owners are plantation must also be given priority,” he
100 NEWTAIWAN DOLLAR 3.4870 3.3780 closure of borders during the Covid-19 urged to cooperate in continuing the said.
100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 16.1000 0.0235 pandemic. funding for reskilling and upskilling
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.2600 N/A 3.3680 Abdul Latif also said the programmes
100 QATAR RIYAL 8.6500 2.1200 He said the shortage of harvesters introduced by the government must be
100 SAUDI RIYAL 123.1400 8.1500 N/A among foreign workers saw the oil palm designed and empowered towards good
100THAI BAHT 120.0100 116.9000 1.9200 plantation sector incurring losses of RM21 thinking, perception and understanding of
13.5800 113.9200 7.9500 billion in 2021, and it is expected to suffer the oil palm sector.
12.0500 116.7000 losses of RM28 billion in 2022 if the foreign
113.7200 workers are not brought in immediately. Programmes on awareness and
11.6500 prepardness must be emphasised toward
Additionally, the sector saw a decline in automation and mechanisation initiatives
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama exports of 4.4% in the fourth quarter of 2021 to attract more Malaysians to get involved in
this sector, he added. – Bernama
12 theSUN ON TUESDAY | MAY 24, 2022
TO LAUNCH PAYMENTS, net profit soars to RM435m
o Aided by gain from disposal of land, higher progressing as planned. palm oil in relation to European
PETALING JAYA: Grab Financial palm product prices and improved fresh fruit It said prices of palm oil is conflicts.
Group (GFG) will be launching bunch production “With Covid-19 attaining
GrabFin, a new brand for its digital expected to remain strong for endemic phase, we remain
payments, insurance, lending and the remaining second quarter of positive and expect that local
wealth management offerings. 2022 in respect of the ongoing consumption will increase
GrabFin allows a single entry point Ukraine-Russia conflict and the gradually with higher demand
to access payment, investment and tightness of CPO production from hotel, restaurant and café
insurance services on the Grab app. PETALING JAYA: Boustead Its revenue grew 89% to that would dampen the segment.
GrabFin offers everyday financial Plantations Bhd’s net profit for RM324.16 million from increasing demand of edible oil. “The group is encouraged by
services that are simple to activate the first quarter ended March RM171.94 million previously However, the sentiment on the bullish price trend and
with just a few clicks in-app; 31, 2022 jumped 35 times to due to the increase in palm Indonesia lifting the ban on encouraging crop production in
fractionalised so more people can RM435.16 million from RM12.23 products prices and FFB export of palm oil products will the first quarter of 2022. The
access the services; and flexible to million a year ago, which production. add bearishness to the palm oil group will remain focus on PPIP
enable consumers to choose how includes a gain on disposal of It declared a first interim prices. to further improve the
they use the products with no lock- Kulai Young land of RM364.1 single tier dividend of 7.3 sen productivity in the coming
in period. GrabFin head Lim Kell million. per share. Palm oil supply is expected to quarters to take advantage of
Jay said GrabFin can empower the The group’s profitability is improve over the second half of the strong CPO price. PPIP main
six in 10 financially underserved in Excluding the gain, the mainly driven by crude palm oil the year due to easing of labour initiative is on mechanisation
the region, by providing simple, operational unaudited pre-tax (CPO) price, crop production, shortages with the entry of and digitalisation, in line with
accessible and flexible financial profit of RM145.4 million Plantation Performance foreign workers back to the Boustead Reinventing
services in a single platform that surpassed RM19.3 million Malaysia. Market is expected to
they are familiar with and already achieved in the corresponding stabilise earliest in July 2022
access daily.“With GrabFin, access to quarter last year, attributable to and palm oil demand set to
financial services will be as simple as the higher palm product prices increase due to the good price
ordering a ride on the Grab app. paired with improved fresh fruit spread between soybean oil,
Our customised products offer bunch (FFB) production. also on the switching
consumers flexibility and GrabPay’s application of sunflower oil to
multi-layered security features let
them transact with peace of mind,”
he added.
HSS TO PROVIDE BUILDING Improvement Programs (PPIP) strategy. The group expect to
INFO MODELLING SERVICES and Boustead group’s realise more benefit in the
FOR OXLEY TOWER PROJECT Reinventing Boustead strategy. coming months from effort on
Both PPIP and Reinventing mechanisation,” Boustead
PETALING JAYA: HSS Engineers Boustead strategy are currently Plantations said.
Bhd’s wholly owned subsidiary BIM
Global Ventures Sdn Bhd (BGV) has Foreign net
accepted a contract from BUCG (M) buying down
Sdn Bhd to provide Building to RM26.15m
Information Modelling (BIM) last week
services for the Oxley Tower mixed
development project in Jalan PETALING JAYA: Foreign
Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. BGV will investors continued to be net
provide BIM specialist services buyers again but buying
encompassing 3D modelling, dropped to RM26.15 million last
coordination works, monthly week compared to RM56.9
submission of as-built 3D models for million in the week prior.
valuation of interim and 4D
simulation of construction progress MIDF Research said local
for main building works in retailers turned net sellers, after
accordance with the consultant’s five consecutive weeks of being
design drawing and structural net buyers, with net outflows of
requirement. HSS executive director RM8.03 million. Meanwhile,
Sharifah Azlina Raja Kamal Pasmah local institutions continued to be
said it has seen growing adoption of net sellers with a net selling
BIM in recent years. “This is position totalling RM18.12
especially true for major million last week.
undertakings and by international
players, where project efficiency in “To date, international funds
terms of construction progress, have been net buyers for 16 out
costing and timelines are of utmost of the 20 weeks of 2022, with total
importance,” she added. The net inflows of RM7.00 billion.
contract period of the project is for They were net sellers on Tuesday
20 months. and Wednesday, at RM51.97
million and RM10.6 million
BNM INTERNATIONAL SC deputy CEO Datuk Zainal Izlan Zainal Abidin (left) and Siti Zainab at the MoU signing ceremony. respectively,” MIDF said in its
RESERVES AT fund flow report.
US$111.4B ON MAY 13 Securities Commission, Labuan FSA
to strengthen regulatory cooperation It added that local institutions
PETALING JAYA: Bank Negara were net buyers on Tuesday and
Malaysia’s international reserves Wednesday to the tune of
fell to US$111.4 billion (RM438.3 RM57.68 million and RM13.23
billion) as at May 13, 2022, from million respectively.
US$112.5 billion (RM438.2 billion)
at April 29, 2022. “The reserves The highest net selling was
position is sufficient to finance 5.6 recorded on Friday at RM63.07
months of imports of goods and million while the smallest net
services, and is 1.1 times total selling happened on Thursday at
short-term external debt,“ the RM25.96 million. They have
central bank said in a statement. been net sellers for 17 out of 20
weeks this year. To date, they
SARAWAK CONSOLIDATED have sold RM8.11 billion of
PETALING JAYA: Sarawak Local retailers were net
Consolidated Industries Bhd’s PETALING JAYA: The Securities Commission Malaysia technical assistance, capacity building and exchange of sellers from Tuesday to
wholly owned subsidiary SCIB (SC) and the Labuan Financial Services Authority information between the two regulators. Thursday, with a total net selling
Properties Sdn Bhd has accepted an (Labuan FSA) yesterday signed a new memorandum of of RM13.55 million. It was
engineering, procurement, understanding (MoU) to pave the way for greater SC chairman Datuk Syed Zaid Albar said the exceptional on Friday, whereby
construction, and commissioning regulatory, enforcement and supervisory co-operation arrangement is an important initiative to grow capital local retailers recorded a net
(EPCC) contract worth RM38 million between the two markets and achieve greater cooperation and synergy buying of RM5.52 million for the
from Masama Sdn Bhd for road between the SC and Labuan FSA. week.
infrastructure projects in Sarawak. regulators.
SCIB Properties will undertake, Taking cognisant of the changing business “Supervision and oversight are always at the core of In terms of participation,
implement, and complete the landscape as well as new regulatory and policy any regulator’s mandate. This enhanced collaboration MIDF said foreign investors saw
proposed new road connecting developments, the MoU builds upon and further towards building a robust, innovative and stable an increase in the average daily
Baleh Bridge, RH. Belaja, Ng. Benin, strengthens the memorandum of co-operation and regulatory environment will spur the growth of existing trade value (ADTV) by 13.14%.
SK. Ng. Pelagus and Pelagus Resort mutual assistance signed between the two agencies in and new market segments and benefit our markets, Local retailers saw a decline of
in Kapit, Sarawak. The project 2004. participants and investors,” he added. 1.06% while local institutions
commences from May 2022 to The MoU covers the development and regulation of also declined by 0.75%.
March 2023. capital market activities in Malaysia, including Labuan FSA chaiman Datuk Siti Zainab Omar said
monitoring of risks and promoting stability of the the MoU will further strengthen collaboration between
capital market. It will also enhance provision of both regulators in ensuring steady development of the
capital market industry in the Labuan IBFC and
Malaysia’s capital market landscape.
PETALING JAYA: Sports Toto Bhd’s Sports Toto’s Q3 net profit up
(SPToto, formerly known as Berjaya fourfold, 2 sen dividend declared
Sports Toto Bhd) net profit for the
third quarter ended March 31, 2022 o Boosted by better results from principal accelerate. However, the Russia- resilient nature of the number
jumped fourfold to RM79.56 subsidiary STM Lottery, and HR Owen Plc Ukraine war and certain supply forecast operation (NFO) business
million from RM18.68 million a chain disruptions following as noted in the past economic
year ago, attributed primarily to China’s strict Covid-19 crises and turbulent
higher results reported by its policy may continue to periods. Barring any
principal subsidiary, STM Lottery impact the global and unforeseen
Sdn Bhd (formerly Sports Toto compared with RM3.70 billion in the RM26.8 million. With this, the total domestic economies. circumstances, the
Malaysia Sdn Bhd), as well as from corresponding period of the previous dividend distribution for the nine- The management directors are
HR Owen Plc. year, mainly attributed to higher sales month financial period is RM53.6 of SPToto will remain confident that the
registered by HR Owen. million, representing about 46.6% of vigilant and continue group will continue
Its revenue increased 54% to the profit of the group for the nine- to monitor the to lead in terms of
RM1.73 billion from RM1.12 billion in The board has declared a third month period. development of market share in the
the corresponding quarter of the interim dividend of 2.0 sen per share domestic and global NFO business for the
previous year. in respect of the financial year ending As Malaysia transitions towards economic issues and its financial year ending
June 30, 2022 and payable on July 22, endemicity along with the resultant impact on the June 30, 2022 in line with
For the nine months period, its net 2022. The entitlement date has been reopening of international borders group’s operations. the recovery of the NFO
profit was lower at RM115.16 million fixed on June 30, 2022. and further relaxation of Covid-19 “The directors are cautiously industry when the overall economy
compared with RM151.59 million a standard operating procedures from optimistic that the group’s businesses improves,” the group said in a
year ago, mainly from the lower result The third interim dividend May 1, 2022, the pace of overall will gradually recover with the statement.
reported by STM Lottery, which was distribution for the financial year economic growth is expected to
mitigated by improved results from ending June 30, 2022 will amount to
HR Owen. The group’s share of profits
in associate companies in the current
financial period, as opposed to share
of losses in the previous year’s
corresponding period, also mitigated
the effects of the decrease in the
group’s profit.
The group reported a 1.9%
increase in revenue to RM3.77 billion
Public Bank: Strong balance
sheet, solid assets provide
cushion against uncertainties
KUALA LUMPUR: Public Bank “Coupled with sound
Bhd’s strong balance sheet and fundamentals, cost discipline
solid asset quality will provide a culture and superior asset quality,
sufficient cushion for the group to the group stands ready to pursue
weather any threats and capture all business opportunities and
new opportunities. continue generating value for its
stakeholders,” Teh said.
Public Bank founder, chairman The group’s total gross loans
emeritus, director and adviser, and financing grew by
Tan Sri Teh Hong 3.6% to RM358.0
Piow (pix), said billion in 2021, with
although the group is domestic loans
cautiously optimistic growing by 3.4%.
Chin (left) and Lai about the economic According to the
at the MoU outlook, the group is statement, the group
signing cognisant of the continued to sustain
ceremony various domestic and its leading position in
yesterday. – external concerns the domestic retail
AMIRUL SYAFIQ/ that could impact the financing with market
THESUN economy. shares of 20% and 34%
in residential property
“To maintain and commercial
long-term viability, property financing
KAB signs MoU with Pinetree Field to raise the group will respectively, as well as a 30%
RM100m to fund telecoms, hydro power ventures continue to be market share in hire purchase
attentive and flexible, balancing financing.
growth and risk in a dynamic The group is a leading small
business environment,” he said in and medium-sized enterprise
█ BY GLORIA HARRY BEATTY and hydro power. investment heavy as well,” he told a statement in conjunction with (SME) financier with a 22%
[email protected] KAB managing director Datuk Lai reporters at the MoU signing Public Bank’s 56th annual general market share in domestic SME
PETALING JAYA: Electrical and ceremony. meeting yesterday. financing.
mechanical engineering services Keng Onn said the company is growing In terms of funding, the group’s
provider Kejuruteraan Asastera Bhd rapidly and is expanding to different He mentioned that the group’s He also said Malaysia’s total customer deposits increased
(KAB) and investment holdings sectors such as telecommunications first hydro power project is in transition to the Covid-19 by 4.0% to RM380.4 billion in
company Pinetree Field Sdn Bhd and hydro power. Indonesia and said further ventures endemic phase is set to stimulate 2021, with domestic deposits
signed a memorandum of will be announced soon. key economic activities further growing by 4.5%.
understanding (MoU) yesterday to “We would want to have more and be supportive of the banking The group’s low-cost current
raise RM100 million in two years via funds to be ready for further Pinetree Field founder Sophia sector growth. and savings deposits recorded a
private placement to spur KAB’s plans expansion due to hydro power being Chin said: “We find that KAB is worth strong growth of 11.7% during the
to expand into telecommunications capital intensive. We have also investing (in) and we have the trust “The group will continue to year, the statement added. –
recently ventured into the and faith in them with all their strive for business growth in its Bernama
telecommunications sector with projects and their planning with their core business segments,
over 1,000 sites and that is energy savings (concept).” maintaining prudent credit
policies and improving cost
MPDT Capital proposes RM1b seawater desalination project in Penang
GEORGE TOWN: MPDT Capital Bhd considered for development as a Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam redevelopment of Tanjung City restaurants that will offer a variety of
will submit a proposal to the Penang long-term preparation in an effort to Bridge here,” he said. Marina worth RM120 million is local, foreign food and so on in this
State Government to develop ensure water supply in Penang and expected to be completed in October place,” he said.
seawater desalination technology to throughout the country. He said this to reporters after the and would be the focus of tourists,
meet demand for raw water from stone-laying ceremony for the especially those looking for good food He said the marina’s close proximity
industries in the state. “Our proposal on desalination desalination facility at Tanjung City and a location to stroll by the sea. to cruise ships port Swettenham Pier
technology in Penang involves two Marina, which was officiated by Cruise Terminal would certainly made
MPDT Capital CEO Datuk Dr Nik phases, of which, the first is that it Deputy Minister of Environment and He said among the attractions to it a tourism product
Zamri Abdul Majid said the RM1 involves a desalination facility for the Water Datuk Mansor Othman. be developed in the 24,945.67 square
billion proposed project, if approved, use of shop and restaurant tenants for metres area are an e-sports arena, Previously, the Penang Port
would be able to produce 250 million free in Tanjung City Marina here. He said so far, Penang has no various restaurants including open Commission (SPPP) signed a lease
cubic litres of seawater that has been record of water supply problems and food courts, branded fast-food agreement with MPDT Capital to
desalinated daily to be supplied to “Meanwhile, the second phase is the seawater desalination technology restaurants, various sports and develop three warehouses at the
industries. still in the proposal stage to the state could help maintain the state’s record entertainment facilities, tracks and Swettenham Pier Cruise Terminal
government worth RM1 billion for of being the best state in supplying recreational facilities and more. and the land portion of Tanjung City
He said desalination is an the use of industry players. We water to consumers. Marina to be used as a tourism
important technology to be propose to develop it around the “We are expecting 17 eateries and product. – Bernama
Meanwhile, Nik Zamri said the
BRIEFS INFLATION RISES TO 3.3%, Indonesia lifts palm export
FASTEST IN A DECADE ban but uncertainty persists
SINGAPORE: Singapore’s key consumer o Traders awaiting details on new rules aimed at securing to shampoo, comprises a third of the world’s
price gauge rose in April at its fastest domestic supplies of the commodity vegetable oil market, with Indonesia accounting
pace in a decade, driven by higher for about 60% of supply.
inflation for food, official data showed JAKARTA: Indonesia allowed a resumption of struggling with sunflower oil supply shortages
yesterday. The core inflation rate – the palm oil exports from yesterday after a three- due to the war in Ukraine. To ensure supply security, Indonesia said it
central bank’s favoured price measure – week ban, but shipments were not expected to will impose a so-called Domestic Market
rose to 3.3% in April on a year-on-year get underway until details emerge on new rules President Joko Widodo announced the lifting Obligation (DMO) policy, whereby producers
basis, the highest since February 2012. A aimed at securing domestic supplies of the of the ban on exports of crude palm oil and are required to sell a portion of their products
Reuters poll of economists had forecast a edible oil. some derivative products last week, expressing locally at a certain price level.
3.4% increase. Headline inflation rose to confidence that bulk cooking oil prices were
5.4%, the fastest since April 2012, The world’s biggest palm oil producer halted heading towards a target level of 14,000 rupiah Indonesia plans to retain 10 million tonnes of
compared with economists’ forecast of exports of palm oil from April 28 in an attempt to (RM4.20) per litre, even if they were currently cooking oil supplies at home under the DMO
5.5%. Singapore’s central bank tightened bring down soaring local prices of cooking oil, higher in some areas. rules, Chief Economics Minister Airlangga
its monetary policy last month, making a rattling global edible oil markets already Hartarto said, adding their implementation will
double barrel move, as the city-state Palm oil, used in everything from margarine be regulated by the Trade Ministry.
ramped up its battle against soaring
prices made worse by the Ukraine war To ensure supply security, Indonesia will impose a Domestic Market Obligation policy, whereby Traders were yesterday waiting for details on
and global supply snags. – Reuters producers are required to sell a portion of their products locally at a certain price level. – AFPPIX the DMO and other rules to be made public.
PHILIPPINES’ LARGEST “Sellers are first trying to clear pending
TECH GOODS RETAILER quantity that was stuck because of the ban. They
UPSON FILES FOR IPO are accepting new orders as well, but demand is
not great,” said a Mumbai-based dealer with a
MANILA: Upson International Corp (UIC), global trading house.
the largest retailer of personal computers
and information technology products in “They are also not too keen to sell a lot before
the Philippines, said yesterday it has filed understanding DMO rules,” added the trader.
for an IPO of up to 5.4 billion pesos
(RM452 million). UIC plans to offer up to Partially reflecting the Indonesia policy
986.8 million shares, including an over- uncertainty, palm oil futures from rival supplier
allotment option of up to 98.7 million Malaysia climbed 1.67% yesterday.
shares, at a maximum price of 5.50 pesos
each. In Philippine filings, prices of initial Asked whether palm oil producer Musim
public offerings (IPOs) are typically set Mas had resumed exports, spokesperson
above final selling prices. UIC, which Carolyn Lim said the company was still focused
plans to open 250 branches in the next on “flooding the domestic markets with cooking
three to five years on top of its existing oil to hopefully reach the target retail price”,
183 stores, saw sales climb 5% to 8.6 noting the Indonesian government was still
billion pesos and net income surge 95% concerned about the high retail prices.
to 403 million pesos in 2021, company
data showed. – Reuters As of Friday, the average price of bulk
cooking oil was at 17,000 rupiah per litre, trade
UK CEO’S PAY REBOUNDS, ministry data showed.
Some farmers, though, cheered the ending of
LONDON: British CEOs’ pay is on track to the export ban.
exceed their employees’ median
earnings by more than before the Covid- Last week, farmers staged rallies across
19 pandemic as profits and executive Indonesia to protest a 70% drop in prices of
bonuses rebound, a report from Britain’s palm fruit as refiners stopped accepting
High Pay Centre showed yesterday. The supplies because palm oil storage filled up.
ratio of executive pay to median
earnings had fallen sharply during the “There are no more long lines at palm oil
Covid-19 pandemic, due to lower profit- mills,“ said palm oil farmer Irfan, who said palm
related bonuses, which make up a high fruit prices in his area of West Sulawesi had
proportion of CEO pay. Looking at started to stabilise. – Reuters
Britain’s 350 largest listed companies,
the ratio of median CEO pay to median China bill yields slump as lenders ‘window dress’ loan books
employee pay fell to 44:1 in the 2020/21
financial year from 53:1 in 2019/2020. SHANGHAI: Slowing economic growth in chief economist at ANZ. “In a normal year without Covid, it takes
For FTSE-100 companies, the ratio fell to China and anaemic demand for loans have “This allows banks to ‘window dress’ their about three to six months until easing
67:1 from 73:1. However, that trend now sparked heavy buying of low-risk short-term measures have a strong, clear pass-through to
appears to be going into reverse. Across financial instruments by lenders, pushing loan books by purchasing banker’s acceptance broad-based activities,“ Xing said. “But this
69 companies which reported in the first yields near zero, as banks seek to meet internal bills so that they can meet the loan targets,“ he year, given the lockdowns, the pass-through
quarter of this year, the ratio of CEO pay lending targets. said. will be longer.”
to median pay rose to 63:1 from 34:1 a
year before. – Reuters Strong demand for banker’s acceptance The regulatory loophole distorted interest Commercial paper yields have slumped in
bills – debt instruments guaranteed by banks – rates in the commercial paper market, and the past, often toward the end of a quarter, or a
INDONESIA’S GOTO has pushed yields on one-month bills to an risks encouraging arbitrage activities and year, before rebounding quickly. But during
SEEKS APPROVAL TO average of less than 1% and as low as 0.04% undercutting China’s monetary policy. the past month, ultra-low yields have
ISSUE 118.44B SHARES since the beginning of Shanghai’s Covid-19 persisted.
lockdown in late March, according to data A loan officer at a state bank said meeting
JAKARTA: Indonesia’s biggest tech from the Shanghai Commercial Paper banks’ internal performance metrics for The increasingly common practice of
company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk Exchange. average daily volume and month-on-month buying bills to meet loan targets has already
intends to issue a maximum amount of increases in lending has become increasingly sparked criticism from banks and exchange
118.44 billion of shares worth around That compares with an average yield of challenging as widespread lockdowns in officials.
10% of its total capital through a private 2.07% during the first three months of the year. Shanghai darken an already gloomy growth
placement. The private placement will It is also well below banks’ own interbank outlook for the world’s second-largest Such activity is the main contributor to
be put forward for shareholder borrowing cost of around 2%. economy. trading volatility in the commercial paper
approval at GoTo’s annual general market, and creates a disconnect between
meeting on June 28th, it said in a The surge in demand for short-term The authorities have taken steps to support prices of commercial paper and other similar
statement on Friday. The tech company instruments reflects a quirk of Chinese hard-hit sectors of the economy and assets, Xie Jinglei, an official at the monitoring
seeks to raise funds to support its own regulations, by which banks’ commercial encourage lending, but lockdowns have department of the Shanghai Commercial
working capital and for its subsidiaries paper holdings are counted as short-term eroded the effectiveness of easing and muted Paper Exchange, wrote in a paper posted on
like its e-commerce unit Tokopedia, lending, said Raymond Yeung, Greater China demand more than supply, said Robin Xing, the exchange website. – Reuters
according to the statement. – Reuters chief China economist at Morgan Stanley.
Biden’s Indo-Pacific economic talks include 13 countries, and no China
TOKYO: President Joe Biden launched the Philippines, but provides a way to “We’re writing the new rules.” future members, including China. Also left out of the initial talks is
his plan for US economic engagement sort through key issues from climate Biden wants the deal to raise “This will enhance access to sources Taiwan, which wanted to join.
in Asia yesterday, leaving it to the 13 change to supply chain resilience and
founding countries to work out how to digital trade. environmental, labour and other of finance and technology,” said Thai Beijing appeared to take a dim view
enforce their agreements and if China standards across Asia. Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, of the planned IPEF.
could ever join. Washington has lacked an who joined the launch event by video.
economic pillar to its Indo-Pacific The other founders are Australia, “It is still a work in progress, with China welcomes initiatives
Biden is unveiling the Indo-Pacific engagement since former president Brunei, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, detailed consultations planned in the conducive to strengthening regional
Economic Framework for Prosperity Donald Trump quit a multinational New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, near future.” cooperation but “opposes attempts to
(IPEF) in Tokyo on his first trip in office trans-Pacific trade agreement. Vietnam and the US. The founding create division and confrontation”,
to Asia. countries will need to negotiate what US Commerce Secretary Gina Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in a
“The future of the 21st Century standards they wish to abide by, how Raimondo told reporters the IPEF statement. “The Asia-Pacific should
The White House says the deal economy is going to largely be written they will be enforced, whether their presents Asian countries with “an become a high ground for peaceful
offers no tariff relief to the countries in the Indo-Pacific – in our region,” domestic legislatures will need to ratify alternative to China’s approach to these development, not a geopolitical
that join, including India, Malaysia and Biden said at a launch event in Tokyo. them and how to consider potential critical issues”. gladiatorial arena.” – Reuters
2 4 M AY 2 0 2 2
Wheat Threshing in the Camargue, Rosa Bonheur. – MUSÉE DES BEAUX-ARTS in the spotlightPloughingintheNivernais, Rosa Bonheur. –MUSÉEDESBEAUX-ARTS
ARGELY sidelined in the
annals of art history,
women were essentially
L Finallyexcluded from artistic
legitimacy until the end of the 19th
century. Recent years have seen
their work increasingly being
honoured by museums, o Long sidelined female artists Rosa Bonheur and Berthe Morisot
attempting to redress some of the
balance. are finally getting some of the attention they deserve
In Paris, the name “Rosa
Bonheur” is most commonly
associated with a guinguette-style
bar on the River Seine or in the
Buttes Chaumont park. Few people
know that it actually refers to an
artist who was celebrated in her
time for her animal paintings and
landscapes. Now the Musée des
Beaux-Arts in the French city of
Bordeaux, her hometown, and
Paris’s Musée d’Orsay want to
remedy this through a major
retrospective of her work,
presented from May 18 to Sept 18
in Bordeaux.
This exhibition honors an
extraordinary, innovative and
inspiring painter who chose to A photo of Berthe Morisot. –
remain single and not have
In 1859, she settled in her
château in Thomery, where she
surrounded herself with women
such as young American painter
Anna Klumpke, whom she made
her sole heir at her death.
Fascinated by animals, Rosa
Bonheur also created a large
menagerie with dozens of different
species including dogs, deer and
wild animals.
Her work testifies to her
attachment to animal painting,
which was long perceived as a
minor genre. The retrospective at
the Musée des Beaux-Arts de
Bordeaux and at Paris’s Musée A painting of Bonheur by George Achille-Fould. – MUSÉE DES BEAUX-ARTS
d’Orsay (Oct 22, 2022-Jan 15, 2023)
offers visitors the opportunity to marry,” said Leïla Jarbouai, chief
discover masterpieces illustrating curator at the Musée d’Orsay in a
the richness of the living world, statement. “This image of the Jeune Fille au Bal, Berthe Morisot. –
such as King of the Forest, emancipated woman was thus
Ploughing in the Nivernais and linked to her desire to fulfill her
Wheat Threshing in the Camargue. artistic vocation and ambition.” freedom of expression, which were
The exhibition aims to highlight admired by her Impressionist
little explored, even unknown, Overshadowed by Manet, Renoir colleagues.
aspects of Rosa Bonheur through and Degas Unlike them, she sold few
unusual objects such as paintings On the other side of the Channel, paintings during her lifetime,
on pebbles, chestnut sculptures the Dulwich Picture Gallery has which explains why she is still little
and caricatures. The goal: to allow chosen to pay homage to another represented in museums today. “It
the public to discover an artist painter who is little recognised is unfortunate that they are not
whose art and personality resonate alongside her colleagues of the men,” once wrote Edouard Manet,
with societal issues that are more Impressionist movement. about Berthe Morisot and her
topical than ever, including the Berthe Morisot was a sister, Edma, also a painter.
place of women in art and society. contemporary of Claude Monet, This did not prevent the two
“Her life and her work are Edgar Degas and Camille Pissarro. women from venturing, like others
inseparable. Rosa Bonheur felt she This is the first time that a major before them, into a field then
had a calling to paint animals. But exhibition will be dedicated to her nearly exclusively reserved for
to do this, she had to commit her in the United Kingdom. male artists. If Berthe Morisot’s
whole self. As a woman, in order to The programme includes name has long been overshadowed
become a painter and make a paintings in which the artist Woman at her Toilette, Berthe Morisot. – DULWICH GALLERY by those of Manet, Renoir, Cézanne
living from her art, she had to explored several themes of modern and Degas, the exhibition at the
make a life choice (and this is still life, such as the intimacy of discover, from April 4 to Sept 10, Woman at her Toilette and The Dulwich Picture Gallery intends to
at least somewhat the case bourgeois life, interest in gardens 2023, 40 paintings by Morisot. Psyche Mirror. All of them testify to rehabilitate it so that she will be
today...): like many other female and female domestic chores. Among them, a self-portrait she her taste for light, pastel colours, remembered as an undeniable star
artists of her time, she chose not to London art fans will be able to made in 1885, Jeune Fille au Bal, her gift for drawing and her of Impressionism. – ETX Studio
THE new season of Stranger Something
Things premieres on strange is afoot
Netflix this Friday, and
following strong praise o The first part of the new season of
from those who have already Stranger Things premieres on May 27
watched the premiere, fan
anticipation has reached peak unconscious. When he awakens, 21 Laps Entertainment, and The
level. he discovers that everyone else in Duffer Brothers serve as executive
the building has been murdered, producers, along with Shawn Levy
The fourth season will be split most likely by Eleven, which is and Dan Cohen of 21 Laps
into two volumes, with Vol 1 where the opening ends. Entertainment, Iain
premiering on May 27 with seven The rest of Season 4 Paterson, and Curtis
episodes. Vol 2 consists of two reportedly takes place six Scan for Gwinn.
episodes, and will premiere on July months after the events of S4 Stranger
1. The upcoming season is the Season 3. The Byers and Aside from Brown,
longest in terms of both runtime Eleven have migrated to Things fellow cast members
and episode count, and will sneak peek Winona Ryder, David
include two feature film-length
episodes. California, and the majority Harbour, Finn Wolfhard,
of the party is well into their Gaten Matarazzo, Caleb
Netflix has opted to deliver one first year of high school, McLaughlin, Noah
more tease ahead of the start of the shortly before spring break. Schnapp, Sadie Sink,
new season by releasing the first Although our heroes have Natalia Dyer, Charlie
eight minutes of the season been dispersed to the Heaton, Joe Keery, and
premiere on its YouTube channel. winds, if the Season 4 trailer Maya Hawke will be
is any indicator, they will not be featured in the new season.
The opening scene takes place apart for long, as a new menace In addition, Stranger Things has
in 1979, four years before the first joins the fight for Hawkins. already been renewed for a fifth –
season, and shows Dr. Martin Stranger Things is produced by and final – season. – by Thashine Season 4 of Stranger Things continues the story of a group of plucky teenagers
Brenner (Matthew Modine), the Monkey Massacre Productions and Selvakumaran trying to save their town from supernatural threats. – NETFLIX
doctor who was one of the key
villains in that first season. The first
scene takes place in Hawkins
National Laboratories and has
Brenner dealing with another of
the facility’s children, Ten, who has
exceptional talents similar to
Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown).
During the experiment, the
facility is placed on high alert, and
they begin hearing pleas for help
before the door to the room is
blasted off, knocking Brenner
SNL bids goodbye to some of its stars Kourtney and Travis Barker’s
THE recent Season 47 finale of lavish wedding
Saturday Night Live was full of
goodbyes. A tearful McKinnon saying goodbye during her opening sketch. – NBC REALITY star Kourtney Legendary opera musician
Kardashian and drummer Andrea Bocelli and his son
While Russian Doll actress Natasha in 2013 and Bryant in 2012. Davidson also said his farewells Travis Barker have tied the Matteo reportedly were
Lyonne made her SNL host debut, During the “Weekend Update” during “Weekend Update”, recalling knot in an intimate ceremony invited to perform three
much of the finale’s attention focused some of his fond memories with the in Portofino, Italy. The pair tunes – the 1959 classic I
on Pete Davidson, Kate McKinnon, segment, Bryant appeared alongside show’s executive producer Lorne exchanged their vows in the Found My Love in Portofino,
Kyle Mooney and Aidy Bryant, who her trend forecasting partner Bowen Michaels, and the latter’s reaction to lavish 16th-century castle Elvis Presley’s Can’t Help
marked Saturday’s episode as their Yang to deliver what is going to be “in” his first audition. Castello Brown in the seaside Falling in love, and their 2018
last. and “out” this season and in the future. town. duet Fall on Me.
“Thank you, Lorne, for never giving
News of the departures came “In: 10 nice years,” said Bryant, who up on me, or judging me, even, like, “‘Til death do us part,” According to a close
Friday, but were more tangible with joined the show in 2012. when everyone else was. And for wrote the bride and groom source, their staging was “an
tender moments during Saturday’s believing in me and allowing me to on their respective incredible moment and a very
episode. Yang added that another “in” trend have a place that I could call home.” – Instagrams, confirming the special performance.”
was “a friend I couldn’t do this by Mark Mathen Victor exciting news. While no
Before the show, Davidson said his without” while gesturing toward official footage of the However, as many fans
goodbyes in a touching post on SNL Bryant with a smile. ceremony has been released, know, this is not the first time
writer Dave Sirus’ Instagram page. several photos of the couple’s the couple tied the knot. Just
McKinnon waved goodbye to the wedding were posted online. last week, the two said “I do”
audience in the opening sketch under in Santa Barbara. The two
the guise that she was being abducted Kardashian was seen reportedly were in a sweet
by aliens, Mooney appeared in many wearing a customised Dolce black lowrider convertible
of the night’s sketches and trend & Gabbana minidress with a that had a sign strapped to
forecaster Bryant said her time on the long and dramatic veil. Barker the grill that read “Just
show was “in.” on the other hand was marrried.”
wearing a sleek black suit.
Each comedian has been a fixture Surrounding them was a Before that, Kardashian
on the long-running NBC sketch bunch of red roses and their supposedly married Barker at
show, which broadcasts live and proud six children. a wedding chapel in Vegas
features celebrity hosts. after attending the Grammys.
But the buzz surrounding Their union was officiated
Davidson, 28, started on SNL in their wedding ceremony is and approved by an Elvis
2014 as one of its youngest cast also due to the performers Presley impersonator. – by
members; McKinnon in 2012; Mooney the pair have hired. John Tan
Lapillus set to debut in June
AFTER six years, MLD Entertainment debuting as a member of Lapillus. New Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker after their nuptials. – INSTAGRAM
finally introduced its first girl group Born in December 2002, Chanty Lapillus
since Momoland – Lapillus, who are members
set to debut on June 20. was first introduced as an MLD Shana and
Entertainment trainee in November Haeun. –
On their official social media 2021, and has already starred in ALLKPOP
account, Lapillus introduced its first multiple television series. Chanty and Shana also have a
two members, Shana and Haeun. weekly YouTube show together called
ChanSha World, which features the
Shana, formerly known as Nonaka pair playing games and completing
Shana (born in 2003), was a Japanese challenges on the Nadol YouTube
trainee under the agency and was a channel. – by Marietta Mu
contestant on the South Korean reality
survival show, Mnet’s Girls Planet 999.
Meanwhile, Haeun was born in
November 2008, making her debut
with Lapillus at the age of 13.
The name Lapillus comes from the
Latin word for “jewel” and the group’s
motto is” Shine your Lapillus”, meaning
to find your own colour in this world.
Previously, MLD Entertainment
confirmed that Filipina-Argentinian
actress Chantal Videla (Chanty) will be
17theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | MAY 24, 2022
█ BY JOHN TAN melodicAcoming The upcoming record will
MALE pop stars of explore the struggles of
today’s music have o Singer-songwriter Lauv is all set for the transition into adulthood. –
more freedom to release of his forthcoming album, All 4 Nothing VINCE AUNG
express themselves
creatively. Unlike their Lauv’s sophmore
counterparts in the past, male album All 4
performers today are no longer Nothing will drop
obliged to reflect the stereotypical this coming
image of masculinity. August. – VINCE
In fact, there has been an AUNG
increase of male pop musicians
openly channelling their sensitive
side in their music. One star
pioneering the wave is Ari Leff
a.k.a Lauv. The 28-year-old singer
has indeed dominated music
charts by singing about his
emotions and personal difficulties.
From his feelings of loneliness
to his mental health struggles,
listeners have resonated and
embraced his music in their
personal lives. And now returning
from his hiatus, Lauv is ready to
usher in his new era with more
honesty and vulnerability.
The singer will follow up his
debut album, How I’m Feeling with
his upcoming sophomore album,
All 4 Nothing. Speaking at a recent
zoom conference, Lauv dished on
the process of making the record
and what fans can expect from him
this time around.
Why did you take a hiatus after
making your last record, How
I’m Feeling?
All 4 nothing “I felt like a search process was music. song from All 4 nothing that you
will feature essential. I needed to do searching “But I will tell you that I was up are most excited for fans to hear?
more personal for this album, and finding the “I would say every song. They all fit
tracks. – VINCE best stuff. And I think I also just all day, every day and all-night different moods. I will say this
AUNG needed a break because life was making stuff. I definitely drove album – every song fits a different
really crazy before. But now I am myself a little crazy but we are mood for sure. So, it is hard for me
so excited for the new album and I good.” to choose but what I would say is
feel like once I put out this album, Is there a significant difference to go out somewhere in nature
it is going to be like a run. between How I’m feeling and All with some friends and listen to the
4 nothing? album. You will find your favourite
“There is going to be a long run “I would say All 4 nothing is rawer songs but they will probably
where I do not want to have and a meatier album. Like change over time.”
another hiatus. I do not want to lyrically, there is a lot more in this You have mentioned in the past
stop. I do not want to pause. I just album to latch on to. But I also that you felt lonely and empty
want to go. So, let’s go, yeah!” think it is more cinematic and despite achieving everything you
How long did it take you to bigger than the last album. So, I wanted. Looking back at it all
complete All 4 nothing? am excited.” now, would you change anything
“I pretty much started the process Speaking of lyrics, what is the in your pursuit of musical
right after I put out How I’m songwriting concept going to be success?
Feeling and I was stuck at home. like this time around? “I think I would adjust as I
But I would say most of the album “It is very much 50% light and definitely did not realise that my
was made a year later. A lot of the dark, just like those two sides ways were so heavy on like being
first year was just experimenting, battling each other. Trying to get obsessed with work. But I look
making crazy songs, which maybe back in touch with the feeling of back and it is always been very
they will come out. There is like being a kid and being alive, free, much obsessed with my dream
probably at least another two excited and innocent. Yeah, the and music at the expense of
albums worth of songs. struggles of getting older and everything. Like not being a
growing up while also still consistent person for other people
“I do not know if they are all maintaining that part of yourself.” in my life.
good but yeah, a lot of it was made Is there any particular
in the past year and a half. And it “And I think there is a certain
was everything making the album. point where that just does not
I think I realised I was like ‘Oh like really work anymore. But I have
it will be good to have some time at like no regrets because I am here
home. now. Everything has worked out in
And like such beautiful ways but if I would
I was like do anything differently, it would
thankful be to have more balance in my life.
that I
could be “It would be like I would have
here in worked a lot harder to take in the
my studio moments as they come, as opposed
and make to chasing them really hard.”
From hospital to courtroom
WHEN one of Korea’s top surgeons is certified, Yi-han used his experience the rights of Gangnam Beauty) as the head
imprisoned and stripped of his to save the lives of the city’s most doctors - Sun, prosecutor of the Medical Crime
license following the unexpected important residents and was well on even if it Ghost, I’m Sorry, I Love You) as star Divison, Geum Seo-kyoung; and Shin
death of a patient, he is forced to step his way to becoming the next chief means surgeon turned medical malpractice Sungrok (Kairos, Vagabond) as Lee
out of the operating theatre and into surgeon when everything suddenly regularly lawyer Han Yi-han; Lim Soohyang Jayden, the ambitious Director of the
the courtroom to protect others from fell apart. clashing with (New Tales of Gisaeng, My ID is Banseok University Medical Center,
a similar fate and expose the truth the head Doctor Lawyer is written by Jang
behind his wrongful conviction in Blamed for the death of one prosecutor of Hongchul (Class of Lies) and directed
Doctor Lawyer, coming to Disney+ patient, and left confused by the S e o u l ’s by Lee Yongsuk (Haechi, The Village
Hotstar on June 3. sudden disappearance of another, Yi- Medical Archiara’s Secret, The Great Seer).
han is stripped of his license and left Crime
For former star surgeon Han Yi- determined to uncover the truth. Division and Set to debut on Disney+ Hotstar
han, nothing was more important With no way to practice medicine, Yi- his former fiancée, Geum Seo- this June 3, Doctor Lawyer is the latest
than saving his patients’ lives. Top of han trades in his scrubs for a suit, kyeong. Korean story to join the service’s
his class and the youngest doctor in becoming a medical malpractice ever-growing library of world-class
the country to become double board- defence lawyer who fights to protect Starring So Jisub (The Master’s content.
18 theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | MAY 24, 2022
Tips to make long distance
relationships work
o Here’s how to improve your chances for fulfilment
distance relationship couples believe that they must make No one can promise
appears to be easier than up for the distance by doing more. long distance
ever before in this age of This is not correct. And it may just relationships will be
technology. Gone are the days when make matters worse. If you don’t talk easy. – BRIDES
long-distance calls were so expensive to your spouse for a few days, you will
that they had to be rationed like have a more exciting chat to look are sitting together with each other.
priceless diamonds. No longer must forward to in a few days. Watching things together is a great
someone in a long-distance Furthermore, maintaining track on
relationship rely solely on their 3 another person and delivering way to bond over new topics and to
p.m. postal delivery, anticipating a regular updates might be stressful. keep your interactions flowing. At the
letter with news that is at best four end of the day, it doesn’t really matter
days old. We’re not even in the days Know each other’s schedules Emotional connection are so important in a long distance relationship. – COSMOPOLITAN what movies you watch, games you
when you had to wait for your loved It’s useful to know when the other play, books you read, or workout
one to sit down with their computer person is available and when they are contact with their loved one. But Doing things together, while you’re challenges you participate in;
to check email: Instant reactions are occupied. So that you may send a text don’t underestimate the importance apart completing these things is about
almost always expected these days. or make a phone call at the of having something tactile that Even if you and your companion are finding entertaining ways to connect
appropriate time. You wouldn’t want reminds you of your relationship. in different parts of the world, with your spouse, no matter how far
However, ask anyone who has to bother your spouse while they are Keeping a piece of clothing that still whether in separate towns, states, or apart you are. Taking the time to
been in a long-distance relationship: in the middle of a lesson or a work smells like your spouse around, even countries, it is crucial to find connect in interesting ways might
Technology cannot compensate for meeting. Make sure you are having a unique token that acts as a methods to spend time together, even help to alter your relationship.
everything. Many long-distance informed of everyone’s little and sign of your commitment, or if you are a part. It may be simpler Let yourself trust, and earn that
relationships appear to be as major life events, such as college conspicuously displaying a present than you think to accomplish things trust yourself
emotionally difficult as ever due to midterms and examinations, crucial from them in your bedroom may all together from various locations in This takes us to one of the most
the lack of frequent physical business trips and meetings, job function as proximate reminders of this day and age of technology. All of fundamental aspects of every
closeness. Nobody ever claimed interviews, and so on. This is their presence. And don’t overlook the online streaming sites give hours relationship: trust. The work to build
long-distance relationships were especially crucial if you reside in the pleasure of receiving something and hours of entertainment for you and maintain. Trust goes both ways,
simple, but it doesn’t have to be the separate time zones. physical from them like a sweet note and your partner to binge on. This with your earning it being just as
end of your romance. Long-distance Don’t rely just on technology or a gift. might make you feel as though you crucial as your partner’s. Regardless
relationships can be more durable Many long-distance couples may of distance, trust in a partnership is
than geographically close thank their fortunate stars for video essential. Try your hardest to stay
partnerships with the correct calls, texting, and other technology faithful while avoiding temptation. If
dedication and communication. improvements that have made it so you do make a mistake, it’s critical to
Simple changes in your attitude and much simpler to keep in real-time be honest and tell your spouse the
way of living can help you maintain truth, especially if lying might benefit
your loved one in your life. Here are you. For example, if you place
some tips for making a long-distance yourself in a situation of temptation,
relationship work, no matter how far lying about your whereabouts will
apart you are. So read on and keep benefit you personally, but being
the flame burning! honest would enhance your
Prioritise each other relationship. It is crucial to realise that
Long-distance relationships require trust breakdowns may degrade a
effort, and it is critical that both connection in a variety of ways, even
parties put in the effort and prioritise outside of a romantic relationship.
one another. When one person quits Check in with each other’s feelings
selecting the other, it’s no longer Express your compassion and desire
worth it. If someone begins to to be there through it all. This helps
distance themselves, refuses to the person who is feeling
commit to plans, or withdraws, it is disconnected to reflect on and
critical to talk about it. It’s just as communicate what is truly at the
important for both individuals to feel heart of their feelings and thoughts.
as though they’re being prioritised in
whatever methods make them feel For the individual asking, it
good. demonstrates concern and provides
Avoid excessive communication insight on what is most required to re-
Being extremely clingy and establish connection and affection. If
possessive is not a good idea. You anything has changed in the
and your partner don’t have to relationship, it’s time to start
converse 24 hours a day to keep the questioning if you’re both on the
connection going. This does not same page and have the difficult talk
imply communicating as little as about whether it’s time to end the
possible, but rather making the most relationship.
of the time you do share. Many
Ask about what has changed and
Long distance relationships what has changed. You may also need
fail because of a lack of to check whether there is anyone else
trust and invasion of space. present if you believe there is. Believe
– HELLOGIGGLES in your intuition.
If you want to live together, you first need to learn how to live apart. – HUFFPOSY
THE fourth Industrial EDUCATION
Revolution (IR4.0) is
making sweeping 19theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | MAY 24, 2022
changes to every
economic sector, leveraging exHpaonsdusr-eoinn Agriculture 4.0
technology to increase
productivity and promote
innovation. In agriculture,
advanced technology is being
used to ensure better crop yields
while preserving environmental
sustainability known as o TAR UC leads charge in new technologies
Agriculture 4.0. via its Faculty of Applied Sciences
At Tunku Abdul Rahman
University College (TAR UC),
several Agriculture 4.0 research
projects are currently being
carried out by the Faculty of Bachelor of Science (Hons) in UC’s unique way of allowing
Applied Sciences (FOAS) such as Bioscience with Chemistry, was students to learn beyond
Optimisation of Crop Growth in involved in the project on education to help students
Farm Box as well as Optimisation Optimisation of Nutrient Media in develop important skills and
of Nutrient Media in Soilless Soilless Culture for Ginger Growth. competencies that would be
Culture for Ginger Growth. helpful in their careers and life.”
The main objectives of these Yap explained: “With what I
projects are to help industries learned in my degree programme, For more about the TAR UC’s
solve common agriculture I contributed to the scientific applied science programmes,
problems and to assist in the aspect of the project and the intakes or other general enquiries
decision-making process by technology part was handled by about TAR UC, visit
providing sound data. In addition, the team from FOCS. I learnt a lot Attractive
FOAS students are also involved through the many discussions we scholarships are also available at
in these research projects and this had. Among the interesting tools TAR UC on the basis of academic Optimisation of Crop Growth in Farm Box which is one of the Agriculture 4.0 projects
allows students to work on solving that were used included merit and sibling discount for conducted at TAR UC.
real industrial problems even Computer Vision which uses the qualified students.
latest Machine Learning model
before they graduate. and Image Processing to study
The research project on and analyse the plants’ health
Optimisation of Crop Growth in level in real-time. We also used
Farm Box is to study the wireless communication such as
effectiveness of farm box which is WiFi, Low Power Wide Area
a modern environmental control Network (LPWAN) and Long
system for agriculture. The other Range Radio (LORA) technology
project on Optimisation of and protocols to enable wide
Nutrient Media in Soilless Culture coverage for the sensing devices.
for Ginger Growth is to study the There is also the Weather Station
best nutrient formula to promote which collects data on the real-
ginger growth without soil but time weather and environmental
using soilless media. changes throughout the life cycles
Choo Jia Min, a TAR UC of the plants. The experience is
Bachelor of Science (Hons) in very educational and it is very
Bioscience with Chemistry exciting to see first-hand how
graduate, was involved in the technology can be used so well for
abovementioned two Agriculture scientific research.”
4.0 research projects at TAR UC.
Choo said: “Apart from what I Dr Tan Hui Yin, Deputy Dean
studied in my degree programme, of FOAS and Research Centre
the experience of being part of Leader of the Centre for
these research projects was BioScience and Food Science
tremendously educational for me. Research, explained how the
I have learnt how to design a Agriculture 4.0 research projects
project and have experienced would benefit the students, saying:
how proper scientific research is “Involving students in industry-
conducted especially in analysing based research projects is one way
the results based on the data we enrich their learning
collected. I worked closely with a experience beyond the classroom
number of students from the where they gain valuable
Faculty of Computing and experience and exposure in
Information Technology (FOCS) working to solve industrial
in TAR UC to share inputs and problems. Agriculture 4.0 projects
solutions on the types of are multidisciplinary and involve
technology needed to generate the integration of precision
specific data and how to agriculture, the internet of things,
improvise the overall research machine vision, AI and
projects using technology. The automation. This would require
experience was enriching and I students from different
especially appreciate the backgrounds and specialisations
discussions and brainstorming to work together as a team to solve
sessions we had to find solutions industrial problems. This will
to the challenges we faced.” enable students from different
Yap Kah Sing who also fields of study to learn from each
graduated from TAR UC with a other and exchange knowledge
among themselves. This is TAR
A Weather Station to collect real-time weather and environmental data
throughout the plant lifecycle.
20 theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | MAY 24, 2022
MANAGEMENT and Science Postgraduate studies at MSU
University (MSU) is a Quacquarelli oMSU offers a wide range of accredited Management (GSM).
Symonds (QS) and multi-global- award-winning academic programmes The university’s award-winning academic
ranked institution focused on programmes meet the stringent standards of
building holistic human capital. Envisioning a local and international bodies. MSU accreditors
better, more sustainable future for all, it include the Malaysian Qualifications Agency
champions equality by providing a level playing (MQA), the United Kingdom’s Accreditation
field across extensive efforts to transform lives Services for International Schools, Colleges &
and enrich futures through compelling learning Universities (ASIC), Japan’s Alliance on
experiences. Business Education and Scholarship for
Tomorrow (ABEST21), the Netherland’s
MSU focuses on developing and delivering Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial &
quality human capital in critical-need areas Engaged Universities (ACEEU), the United
specialised at the postgraduate and Kingdom’s Institute of Biomedical Science
undergraduate levels; among these are (IBMS) as well as the Sri Lanka’s University
Medicine, Health Sciences, Pharmacy, Grant Commission (UGC).
Information Sciences, and Engineering, besides MSU currently ranks in the Top 100 among
Business Management & Professional Studies, the world’s top young universities, Top 150
Education & Social Sciences, Hospitality & among Asia’s best universities and Top 301+ for
Culinary, and Music & Fashion. Graduate Employability Ranking. Ranked by
both QS and Times Higher Education (THE),
MSU prioritises quality education; MSU’s world rankings place it in the Top 601+ of
incorporating 21st-century learning in the the world’s best universities in the QS World
teaching delivery focused on producing holistic University Rankings (WUR) 2022 and Top 401+
graduates. Real-world scenarios are adopted in THE University Impact Rankings 2022.
into a classroom learning experience. Strategic MSU has also been awarded Platinum 5
thinking and thought-provoking case studies Crowns by the UK’s Accreditation Service for
equips students with a higher level of practical International Schools, Colleges and Universities
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The faculty consists of individuals from programmes that emphasise and recognise advanced degrees at MBA, MSc and PhD levels Learning, Social Responsibility, Inclusiveness,
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have worked in and taught at all levels of focus. With advanced facilities and technical Management, Computer Science, Information programmes through an entry system that
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large, at home and abroad. They have also highly active in top-level research, leading Information Technology, Clinical Pharmacy,
taught university-level business courses in projects in a wide range of areas and interests, Pharmacy, Applied Science, Design, Medical For more information on postgraduate
diverse countries. Professors at MSU are requiring innovative approaches that push the Physiology, Public Health and Anatomy. These programmes offered at MSU, please call 603-
rigorously selected from among the best boundaries of interdisciplinary research. programmes are offered by the School of 5521 6868, email [email protected] or visit
consultants and professionals in their Graduate Studies (SGS) and Graduate School of
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The postgraduate programmes at MSU are
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MSU is proud to recommend the degree of
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302 Jobs 322 Notices JUSTIN THOMAS matched the 21theSUN ON TUESDAY | MAY 24, 2022
greatest last-day comeback in
COMPANIES ACT, 2016 AND yesterday, roaring back from
seven strokes down at Southern Hills Just-in time
IN THE MATTER OF to capture his second major title.
PEREMBA MANAGEMENT Thomas comeback seals PGA
The 29-year-old American victory after Pereira collapse
SDN BHD defeated compatriot Will Zalatoris by
ADVERTISING SALES & Company No. one stroke in a tension-packed three- PGA title, fired a 3-under 67 in so tough,” Thomas said.
MARKETING 198401010725 hole aggregate playoff after a yesterday’s final round and Zalatoris, Zalatoris settled for his fifth top-10
(123264-M) heartbreaking 72nd-hole collapse by last year’s Masters runner-up, shot 71
1)ASSISTANT MANAGER / MANAGER Chile’s Mito Pereira. to finish 72 holes deadlocked on 5- finish in eight major starts and a sense
2)EXECUTIVE / SENIOR EXECUTIVE REDUCTION OF SHARE under 275. he’s near a breakthrough.
CAPITAL Pereira led all day only to hit his
Job Description: final tee shot into water and launch a Zalatoris and Thomas each “I can do it. I’m pretty close,” said
Notice is hereby given that, double-bogey disaster at the 18th birdied the par-5 13th to open the Zalatoris. “I battled like crazy today.
• Building and sustaining strong working relationships with pursuant to Section 117(1) of hole and hand Thomas the trophy. playoff. At the par-4 17th, Thomas I’m close and super motivated. We’ll
advertising clients. the Companies Act, 2016, that drove the green and two-putted for get one soon.”
the Special Resolution set out “It was a bizarre day,” Thomas birdie from 36 feet while Zalatoris
• Plan and executive new, creative, exciting and innovative below was duly passed by the said. “I was asked earlier in the week chipped to seven feet but missed his Pereira shot 75 to share third with
marketing campaigns for the company members of the company on about what lead is safe, and I said, no birdie bid. American Cameron Young on 276.
20 May 2022. lead. This place is so tough.
• Develop and continuously improve marketing materials, At the 18th hole, Zalatoris missed a “I was really nervous,” Pereira said.
product/service presentations and proposals. “RESOLVED THAT the issue “But if you hit the fairways you can 40-foot birdie try and finished on 1- “I tried to handle it a little bit, but it
and paid up capital of the make birdies and I stayed so patient. I under while Thomas two-putted from was really tough. Sad to hit it in the
• Passionate in serving client accounts to improve sales revenue Company be REDUCED from just couldn’t believe I found myself in 26 feet, tapping in for par and the water. I wish I could do it again.”
RM7,571,097.60, comprising a playoff.” victory on two-under.
Requirements: 326,005 Ordinary Shares England’s Tommy Fleetwood, who
of RM1.00 each, 7,016 Not since John Mahaffey’s seven- “We just tried to play the golf had runs of four bogeys and four
• Minimum Diploma/Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, Redeemable Preference shot rally at Oakmont in 1978 had course for what it is, and this place is birdies in a row, shared fifth on 277
or any other related field. Shares of RM1,000.00 each anyone made such a fightback to win with countryman Matthew Fitzpatrick
and transfer of RM229,092.60 the PGA Championship. and American Chris Kirk. – AFP
• Assistant Manager/Manager: minimum 5 years of experience in to issue and paid up
sales and marketing in media industry Thomas, who also won the 2017
• Executive/Senior Executive: at least 2 years of sales and capital due to redemption
marketing experience in media industry of redeemable preference
shares, to RM6,571,097.60 by RESULTS
• Good communication, presentation, problem solving and returning to the shareholders Verstappen
organizational skills 1,000 Redeemable on cloud SPANISH GRAND PRIX
Preference Shares at nine as 1. Max Verstappen (Red Bull), 2.
• Possess own transport and willing to travel RM1,000.00 each, which is Perez sulks Sergio Prrez (Red Bull), 3. George
• Able to start work immediately. in excess of the needs of the Russell (Mercedes), 4. Carlos
Company, in cash.” Sainz (Ferrari), 5. Lewis Hamilton
DIGITAL MARKETING (Mercedes), 6. Valtteri Bottas (Alfa
KHOI HOAY LING Romeo), 7. Esteban Ocon (Alpine),
EXECUTIVE / SENIOR EXECUTIVE Director 8. Lando Norris (McLaren), 9.
Fernando Alonso (Alpine), 10.
Job Description: Shah Alam, Selangor Yuki Tsunoda (AlphaTauri)=, 11.
Dated this 24 May 2022 Sebastian Vettel (Aston Martin,
• Design and develop online marketing strategies, digital roadmap 12. Daniel Ricciardo (McLaren), 13.
and creative campaigns that aligned with the business goals and 322 Notices Red Bull driver Max Verstappen (left) celebrates with his team principal Pierre Gasly (AlphaTauri), 14. Mick
directions. Christian Horner as they pose for a team photo after winning the F1 Spanish Schumacher (Haas), 15. Lance
IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES GP at the Circuit de Catalunya yesterday. – AFPPIX Stroll (Aston Martin), 16. Nicholas
• Provide creative ideas for content marketing. ACT, 2016 Latifi (Williams), 17. Kevin
• Manage all digital marketing channels AND MAX VERSTAPPEN was delighted to race. It was a difficult beginning but a Magnussen (Haas), 18. Alexan-
• Plan and manage social media platforms. overcome further Red Bull reliability good end. der Albon (Williams).
• Able to create content & produce graphics for social media IN THE MATTER OF issues to win the Spanish Grand Prix Fastest lap: Sergio Perez (Red
ASIAWORKS TRAINING SDN BHD yesterday. “I tried to stay focused; of course, Bull).
postings. it’s not nice when stuff like that DNF: Charles Leclerc (Ferrari),
• Prepare copywriting for the marketing campaign. (199601042047 (414400-H)) However, all might not be well in happens, but I’m very happy to win Zhou Guanyu (Alfa Romeo).
(In Members’ Voluntary the camp after Sergio Perez’s and very happy for Checo (teammate World championship standings
Requirements: Winding-up) frustrated reaction to a team order to Perez). It was a great result for the Drivers
surrender the race lead to team.” 1. Max Verstappen (NED) 110
• Diploma/Degree in Marketing, Digital Marketing or equivalent. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Verstappen. pts, 2. Charles Leclerc (MON) 104,
• At least 2 years of experience in implementing digital marketing pursuant to Section 439(2) of the Perez was leading the race after 3. Sergio Perez (MEX) 85, 4.
Companies Act, 2016, the Special After winning his fourth race of passing George Russell on lap 31 but George Russell (GBR) 74, 5.
strategies Resolutions as set out below were the 2022 season, Verstappen after Verstappen pitted for the third Carlos Sainz (ESP) 65, 6. Lewis
• Excellent understanding of digital marketing concepts and duly passed by the members of expressed his happiness after a and final time, the Dutchman re- Hamilton (GBR) 46, 7. Lando
ASIAWORKS TRAINING SDN. BHD. challenging start involving issues entered in second and was gaining a Norris (GBR) 39, 8. Valtteri Bottas
best practices. (199601042047 (414400-H)) on 19 with the DRS system that affected his second every lap on his teammate. (FIN) 38, 9. Esteban Ocon (FRA)
• Required Skill(s): Google Adwords, Google Analytics, SEO/SEM, May 2022:- qualifying session on Saturday. 30, 10. Kevin Magnussen (DEN)
1. THAT the Company be wound up As the race neared its final 15 laps, 15, 11. Daniel Ricciardo (AUS) 11,
social media marketing and optimization. The Dutchman also went off the Red Bull ordered Perez to allow 12. Yuki Tsunoda (JPN) 11, 13.
• Team player voluntarily pursuant to Section track on turn four but recovered to Verstappen past, which he obeyed. Pierre Gasly (FRA) 6, 14.
• Great interpersonal and communication skills 439(1)(b) of the Companies Act, help secure a “great result” for Red Fernando Alonso (ESP) 4, 15.
2016 and that Ms. Chong Ai Ling Bull. However, he wasn’t pleased with Sebastian Vettel (GER) 4, 16.
Office based in Petaling Jaya (5 days a week) of SOHO Suites @ KLCC, Block A2, the decision and responded: “That’s Alexander Albon (THA) 3, 17.
Closing date - 31 May 2022 Level 32-3A, No. 20, Jalan Perak, “Yeah, of course, I went off. I lost very unfair, but OK.” Lance Stroll (CAN) 2, 18. Zhou
50450 Kuala Lumpur be and is the rear and went off. I was in the Guanyu (CHN) 1, 19. Mick
Send in your CV with your photo via email to : hereby appointed as the liquidator train, and I tried to pass, but my DRS And after both drivers crossed the Schumacher (GER), Nico
of the Company for the purpose of wasn’t always working,”Verstappen line to secure a one-two finish, it Hulkenberg (GER), Nicholas Latifi
[email protected] such winding up. told Sky Sports. seemed the moment was still playing (CAN) 0.
2. THAT Ms. Chong Ai Ling, the on Perez’s mind as he told the team Constructors
322 Notices 322 Notices Company’s Liquidator, be and is “That made it very tough, but we radio: “I’m happy for the team, but we 1. Ferrari 157 pts, 2. Red Bull
hereby authorised to distribute managed to get ahead again and do need to speak later.” – Express 151, 3. Mercedes 95, 4.
Rotec (M) Sdn. Bhd. IN THE MATTER OF either in cash, specie or in kind any our own race and eventually win the Newspapers McLaren 46, 5. Alfa Romeo 31,
200701032593 (790621-U) - THE COMPANIES ACT, 2016 surplus assets of the Company as 6. Alpine 26, 7. AlphaTauri 16,
In Members’ Voluntary Liquidation she shall think fit to the contributory 8. Haas 15, 9. Aston Martin 6,
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Special AND of the Company in accordance with 10. Williams 3.
Resolution set out below was duly passed by IN THE MATTER OF their respective rights and interests
the members of the Company on 19 May 2022: therein.
The Company be wound up voluntarily PEREMBA Leong Hooi Min
pursuant to Section 439(1)(b) of the PROJECTS SDN BHD Director
Companies Act 2016 (the “Act”) and that Teoh Dated this 24th day of May 2022
Lye Huat of TLH Associates (AF1009), 28A Company No. IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES
Jalan Serampang, 80050 Johor Bahru, Johor 201001028534
be appointed as Liquidator of the Company ACT, 2016
for the purpose of the Winding Up with such (912453-T) AND
powers as are conferred by Section 456 of
Cheng Yit Seng @ Aw Beng Chai, Chairperson
of proceedings Notice is hereby given that, (199601042047 (414400-H))
pursuant to Section 117(1) of (In Members’ Voluntary
Rotec (M) Sdn. Bhd. the Companies Act, 2016, that Winding-up)
200701032593 (790621-U) - the Special Resolution set out
In Members’ Voluntary Liquidation below was duly passed by the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the creditors of members of the Company on Creditors of the abovementioned
the above Company, which is being wound up 20 May 2022. Company, which is being wound up
voluntarily, are required on or before 24 June voluntarily, are required, to send in
2022 to submit particulars of their debts or “RESOLVED THAT the issue their names and addresses on or
claims in prescribed forms to the Liquidator and paid up capital of the before 24 June 2022, with particulars
at the above registered address for due Company be REDUCED of their debts or claims and the names
process and adjudication or in default thereof, from RM24,073,632.00, and addresses of their solicitors (if
their rights to any claims on its assets will be comprising 2 Ordinary Shares any) to:-
expunged. of RM1.00 each, 10,291
Dated this 24 May 2022 Redeemable Preference The Liquidator
Teoh Lye Huat, Liquidator Shares of RM1,000.00 ASIAWORKS TRAINING SDN BHD
each and 1,378,263 Osaka out at French Open, Swiatek extends winning run
Advertise with us & Redeemable Preference (199601042047 (414400-H))
connect to our urban Shares of RM10.00 each SOHO Suites @ KLCC
to RM22,373,632.00 by Block A2, Level 32-3A
readers. returning to the shareholders No. 20, Jalan Perak FORMER world No. 1 Naomi Osaka mandatory media commitments last five tournaments and is bidding
KLANG VALLEY 1,700 Redeemable 50450 Kuala Lumpur lost in the first round of the French before revealing she had been for a second French Open in three
PENANG | KEDAH Preference Shares at Open yesterday, 12 months after suffering from depression. attempts.
PERAK | PERLIS RM1,000.00 each, which is and, if so required by notice in writing controversially quitting the
PAHANG | KELANTAN in excess of the needs of the from the said Liquidator, or by their tournament, while women’s title “It’s tough to see Naomi Osaka in “Today was a pretty good match,”
TERENGGANU Company, in cash.” solicitors or personally, to come in and favourite Iga Swiatek stretched her the first round so I knew it wouldn’t be said Swiatek.
prove their debts or claims at such winning streak to 29 matches. easy,” said Anisimova, who reached
MS. Shoba KHOI HOAY LING time and place as shall be specified in the semifinals in Paris three years ago. “I love playing here even though
TEL: 03-7784 8888 Director such notice, or in default thereof, they Osaka, a four-time Grand Slam the last couple of days it’s been
FAX: 03-7784 4424 will be excluded from the benefits of champion, was knocked out 7-5, 6-4 “I knew I had to play my best raining and pretty dark.”
Shah Alam, Selangor any distribution made before such by American 27th seed Amanda tennis and the conditions were not
MALACCA Dated this 24 May 2022 debts and claims are proved. Anisimova – the same player who easy.” Swiatek is unbeaten since February
Chong Ai Ling ended the Japanese star’s title defence and has the longest winning streak on
MR. Rajah Liquidator at the Australian Open this year. As rain fell on the outside courts, the WTA tour since Serena Williams
TEL: 012-628 2844 Dated this 24th day of May 2022 Swiatek required just 54 minutes to won 34 matches in a row in 2013.
FAX: 06-764 2051 An error-plagued Osaka served up dispatch Ukrainian qualifier Lesia
eight double faults and committed 29 Tsurenko 6-2, 6-0 under the roof on “I’m pretty sure that it can end, but
JOHOR BAHRU unforced errors on her return to Court Philippe Chatrier. I just want to keep going. I’m sure
Roland Garros, after withdrawing in someday my streak will stop.
MS. Anne Lim 2021 when she refused to honour The 20-year-old Swiatek, who took
TEL: 013-770 6699 over as world No. 1 following Ashleigh “I’m just focusing on tennis and
FAX: 07-355 5549 Barty’s shock retirement, has won her playing my game, not on stats or
some numbers.” – AFP
22 theSUN ON TUESDAY | MAY 24, 2022
SEA GAMES 2022 in the men’s under 54kg elite The heartbroken 20-year-old, who
Malaysia end Hanoi games category. is based in Belgium with Malaysian
with two more golds businessman and Berjaya Group
However national snooker player founder Tan Sri Vincent Tan’s club KV
THE national contingent managed to Lim Kok Leong, 27, was unable to fulfil Kortrijk, said no one was more
add another two gold medals on the his dream of winning his second disappointed than himself after
15th day of the 31st SEA Games in personal gold medal when he lost 2-4 missing the penalty.
Hanoi yesterday, on the eve of the to Thai legend James Wattana in the
end of the biennial Games. men’s individual snooker finals. “I was disappointed, very
disappointed with my penalty kick.
The two gold medals came from Maloney sad but proud Malaysia played well with attack after
the badminton mixed doubles and attack but my penalty and Hadi’s
Muay Thai events, bringing Malaysia’s NATIONAL U-23 head coach, Brad could not help Malaysia win the
campaign to a close with an overall Maloney was proud of his boys bronze.
haul of 39 gold, 45 silver and 90 performance in the SEA Games
bronze medals. football competition but disappointed “I apologise to Malaysians, my
after Malaysia were defeated by parents, the local football supporters
The haul exceeded the target of 36 Indonesia in the bronze medal match and all parties,” he told Bernama.
gold medals, placing Malaysia sixth at the My Dinh National Stadium on
behind Games champions Vietnam, Sunday. Malaysia’s Luqman Hakim Shamsudin (centre) in action against Vietnam during MEDAL TALLY
with a stunning haul of 205 gold, 125 the SEA Games men’s football bronze medal match on Sunday. – REUTERSPIX
silver and 116 bronze. Malaysia lost 3-4 in the penalty G S B Total
shootout after a 1-1 draw in 90
Malaysia’s 38th gold medal came minutes of regulation time which dominated with several golden proud of,” he said. Vietnam 205 125 116 446
from badminton mixed pair Chen forced the winner to be decided by chances mainly in the second half
Tang Jie-Peck Yen Wei, as they ended the “lottery” without going into 30 but failed to finish it off with the KV Kortrijk’s Luqman Thailand 92 103 136 331
a 23-year wait for the gold in the minutes of extra-time. desired result. sorry for penalty miss
event when they downed compatriots Indonesia 69 91 81 241
Hoo Pang Ron-Cheah Yee See in the In the decisive penalty shootout, “We just couldn’t manage to put YOUNG national striker Luqman
all-Malaysian final. Luqman Hakim and Muhammad the ball in the back of the net, so Hakim Shamsudin is shattered for Philippines 52 70 104 226
Hadi’s attempts were saved by while disappointed honestly with the result. failing to score in his penalty kick after
National junior Muay Thai only Asnawi Mangkualam Bahar failed My players were undefeated in 90 Malaysia lost to Indonesia in the men’s Singapore 47 46 73 166
champion Ahmad Nor Iman Aliff to find the back of the net for minutes of football in each game. football bronze medal playoff which
Rakib also excelled in his debut by Indonesia. ended in a penalty shootout at the Malaysia 39 45 90 174
delivering the 39th gold for Malaysia “It’s difficult to accept but again 31st SEA Games on Sunday.
Maloney said it was another game they play their hearts out and for me Myanmar 9 18 35 62
in the tournament that his side again it was a performance to be
Cambodia 9 13 41 63
Laos 2 7 33 42
Brunei 111 3
Timor-Leste 0 3 2 5
Milan end 11-year wait Tuchel keen for
AC back on top after snatching Serie A title from Inter Blues takeover
to be finalised
AC MILAN won their first “They snatched my medal in AC Milan’s Olivier
Serie A title in 11 years the celebrations: if you can make Giroud celebrates █ NICK PUREWAL
yesterday after beating an appeal I thank you, it is the only with the trophy THOMAS TUCHEL has admitted
Sassuolo 3-0 in Reggio one I have,” said Pioli, according to after winning the Chelsea’s transfer market
Emilia to snatch the crown from La Repubblica. Serie A yesterday. “disadvantage” deepens every day
local rivals Inter Milan on the final – REUTERSPIX that the Blues’ takeover remains
day of a thrilling campaign. Milan were imperious in incomplete.
winning their sixth match on the
Needing just a point to claim bounce and securing a title which The Chelsea boss insisted the
the Scudetto, Milan swept their for long tracts of the season looked Blues’“hands are tied” while Todd
hosts aside thanks to an Olivier like Inter’s to lose. Boehly’s Stamford Bridge club
Giroud brace and another from purchase continues to be held up.
Franck Kessie in the first half in “When I came here (over
front of an army of away fans at the Christmas 2019) I said that I would The Roman Abramovich era
Mapei Stadium. take Milan back to the top and that officially ended with Chelsea beating
I would win the title,” said Zlatan already-relegated Watford 2-1 at
Stefano Pioli’s Milan finished Ibrahimovic, who was at Milan the Stamford Bridge to cement their
two points ahead of Inter, who last time they won the league. third-place finish.
beat Sampdoria 3-0 at the San Siro
but could not retain their title. “This is a great group of Ross Barkley netted the final goal
players. We’ve worked hard, of Abramovich’s tenure, after 19
Fans partied in Milan and sang quietly and in the end we’re the years and 21 trophies.
We Are The Champions with the ones who have won, because two
players on the pitch in Reggio years ago the situation was very Boehly was on hand to watch the
Emilia as the Rossoneri returned to difficult.” Blues complete their season, but the
the top of the Italian game after US magnate cannot leap into
years of poor teams and financial Inter fans applauded their transfer action with the west
problems since their last league team off the pitch despite what Londoners still operating under a
crown in 2011. must have been a painful way to strict temporary Government licence.
lose their Serie A crown, with the
“We deserved this for always hardcore in the Curva Nord The Chelsea takeover remains
having believed it was possible,” chanting coach Simone Inzaghi’s close to completion, with the
said Pioli after winning his first name in a show of faith which is Premier League owners and directors
ever major trophy as a coach at the likely to be shared by the club. tests likely to be ticked off, leaving
age of 56. the Government to grant a new
“I think the team need to be licence for the sale to proceed.
“My players never gave up, applauded. It was an brilliant
they were all fantastic… I’ve season which could have been an “Let’s see, when, finally, we will
enjoyed it because I could see that extraordinary one,” Inzaghi told have the chance to act and make up,
my players enjoyed it too.” DAZN. because the disadvantage in terms
of timing for the rebuild is big,” said
But Pioli had a sour end to the “We have a bit of a sour taste in Tuchel.
day when his winner’s medal was our mouths as we won nine of our
stolen amid the presentation last 10 matches, but it wasn’t “We have to be fast and smart.
ceremony. enough.” – AFP/The Independent And the disadvantage grows every
day, of course, while the two top
Marsch always believed Leeds would stay up teams improve their teams, and have
very clear teams on which they build.
█ SONIA TWIGG ensure Leeds beat the drop. Marsch shied away from any personal plaudits
JESSE MARSCH insisted he always believed Leeds “I believed that we were going to do this,” insisted from fans for his part in Leeds’ final-day escape act. “It’s a kind of rebuild for us and
United would stay in the Premier League after they makes things even more
clinched safety on the final day of the season with a Leeds boss Marsch afterwards. “I don’t want them to chant my name, I want challenging.
2-1 victory against nine-man Brentford. “There wasn’t one day I didn’t believe and that’s them to chant who we are,” he said. “This is not
about any one person and it’s certainly not about “We have in the moment a huge
Leeds went into the match at the Brentford why I never talked about being in the me. disadvantage; that’s not decisive yet,”
Community Stadium needing to better Burnley’s Championship. said Tuchel.
result at home to Newcastle and did so as the Clarets “This is about our club and who we want to
went down 2-1. “For me this business is about belief, and about become and the unity that we have as a group. “There is no need to make
exuding it as a leader, and the other part that I had Don’t worry about me. If you want to criticise me, excuses now, it is just the situation
Leeds took the lead in the second half through as an advantage was the group of players that we that goes with being a coach. we are in and we have to be as quick
Raphinha’s 56th-minute spot-kick and, after have. I believed in them. I believed in their spirit and as possible.
substitute Sergi Canos headed an equaliser for the their resolve and I believed in their character. “What’s most important is that we are Leeds
Bees, Jack Harrison fired an injury-time winner to United, and the United part of our name is who we “Right now, of course, it is
“And I believe that over time with all the things are at all moments, at all times. That will always be unsatisfying because our hands are
we’ve been through that, that it’s made us stronger, the case.” – Reuters tied and we cannot act as we want.
not weaker.” We have clear ideas for the profiles
and characteristic of these players.
“But it is not like you put a name
on the list and then you get the
player.” – The Independent
RESULTS & STANDINGS Arteta in ‘a lot of pain’
(Martinelli 27-pen, Nketiah 31, Cedric 56,
Gabriel 59, Odegaard 82) Everton 1 (Van
de Beek 45+3), Brentford 1 (Canos 78) Gunners boss regrets costly Newcastle defeat as Arsenal miss out on Champions League
Leeds 2 (Raphinha 56-pen, Harrison 90+4),
Brighton 3 (Veltman 50, Gross 80, Welbeck █ DUNCAN BECH
90+2) West Ham 1 (Antonio 40), Burnley occur. That’s it. The League table at the end of the to get a few days on holiday because today I don’t
1 (Cornet 69) Newcastle 2 (Wilson 20-pen, MIKEL ARTETA admitted he was still season doesn’t lie,” Arteta said. think I’m able to reflect the season the way it is.”
60), Chelsea 2 (Havertz 11, Barkley 90+1) haunted by last week’s defeat to
Watford 1 (Gosling 87), Crystal Palace 1 Newcastle as Arsenal missed out on “It’s true that last season Chelsea were in the Everton secured their Premier League survival
(Zaha 37) Manchester United 0, Champions League qualification Champions League with 67 points. We have 69 and with last Thursday’s stunning comeback win
Leicester 4 (Maddison 49, Vardy 74, Perez despite a 5-1 victory over Everton yesterday at are out of it, but that’s the level and the demands against Crystal Palace and at Emirates Stadium
81, 90+4) Southampton 1 (Ward-Prowse Emirates Stadium. that this League has now. they played like a team on the descent phase of an
79-pen), Liverpool 3 (Mane 24, Salah 84, emotional roller coaster.
Robertson 89) Wolves 1 (Neto 3), Gabriel Martinelli, Eddie Nketiah, Cedric “I can not assess the season today. I’m sorry, I’m
Manchester City 3 (Gundogan 76, 81, Soares, Gabriel Magalhaes and Martin Odegaard still in a lot of pain because of what happened on “My immediate feeling is my absolute delight
Rodri 78) Aston Villa 2 (Cash 37, Coutinho scored as the Gunners finished the Premier League Monday and I would like to have a fair assessment and relief that we’ve kept the club in the league,”
69), Norwich 0 Tottenham 5 (Kulusevski season in fifth place, their fate sealed by Tottenham on how well we’ve done. manager Frank Lampard said.
16, 64, Kane 32, Son 70, 75). beating Norwich 5-0.
P W D L F A Pts “What I can guarantee you is that we have tried “We expended a lot of energy on Thursday. Our
Man City 38 29 6 3 99 26 93 Only a Spurs collapse at Carrow Road would to squeeze the lemon as much as we possibly can to big final was on Thursday and we won it. This was
Liverpool 38 28 8 2 94 26 92 have seen Arsenal edge their north London rivals get every single drop. We’ve reached the point we just a step too far.
Chelsea 38 21 11 6 76 33 74 for fourth and Arteta felt the damage had already have reached.
Tottenham 38 22 5 11 69 40 71 been done with the 2-0 defeat at St James’ Park that “This was a difficult game for the players and
Arsenal 38 22 3 13 61 48 69 meant their destiny was no longer in their own “We know where we have to go. The feeling of Arsenal were playing for something when the game
Man Utd 38 16 10 12 57 57 58 hands. guilt at not reaching that level is painful.” started.
West Ham 38 16 8 14 60 51 56
“We knew that we needed a miracle and it didn’t When asked what satisfaction he takes from “There’s nothing there for me to really shoe the
qualifying for the Europa League, Arteta replied: “I players about too much. The reflections will be on
don’t get much if I’m honest. Today I’m still in pain. the whole three and a half months since I’ve been
here.” – The Independent
“That’s why I need the dust to settle and I need
Leicester 38 14 10 14 62 59 52 Spurs ready to back Conte
Brighton 38 12 15 11 42 44 51 after top-four finish
Wolves 38 15 6 17 38 43 51 Son Heung-min (2nd right)
Newcastle 38 13 10 15 44 62 49 celebrates scoring Tottenham
Crystal Palace 38 11 15 12 50 46 48 Hotspur’s fifth goal with
Brentford 38 13 7 18 48 56 46 teammates during the English
Aston Villa 38 13 6 19 52 54 45 Premier League match against
Southampton 38 9 13 16 43 67 40 Norwich City at Carrow Road
Everton 38 11 6 21 43 66 39 yesterday. – REUTERSPIX
Leeds 38 9 11 18 42 79 38
Burnley 38 7 14 17 34 53 35
Watford 38 6 5 27 34 77 23
Norwich 38 5 7 26 23 84 22
LA LIGA: Elche 3 (Olaza 37, Perez 84,
90+2) Getafe 1 (Unal 33), Alaves 0 Cadiz
1 (Lozano 76), Granada 0 Espanyol 0,
Osasuna 0 Real Mallorca 2 (Rodriguez
Diaz 47, Grenier 83), Sevilla 1 (Mir 68)
Athletic Bilbao 0, Real Sociedad 1
(Guridi 90+3) Atletico Madrid 2 (De Paul
50, Correa 68), Barcelona 0 Villarreal 2
(Pedraza 41, Moises 55).
P W D L F A Pts
Real Madrid 38 26 8 4 80 31 86
Barcelona 38 21 10 7 68 38 73
A. Madrid 38 21 8 9 65 43 71
Sevilla 38 18 16 4 53 30 70
Real Betis 38 19 8 11 62 40 65
Real Sociedad 38 17 11 10 40 37 62
Villarreal 38 16 11 11 63 37 59
A. Bilbao 38 14 13 11 43 36 55
Valencia 38 11 15 12 48 53 48
Osasuna 38 12 11 15 37 51 47
Celta Vigo 38 12 10 16 43 43 46
R. Vallecano 38 11 9 18 39 50 42
Elche 38 11 9 18 40 52 42
Espanyol 38 10 12 16 40 53 42
Getafe 38 8 15 15 33 41 39
Real Mallorca 38 10 9 19 36 63 39 █ JONATHAN VEAL February, but 10 wins from their the club need to understand that you need to improve, improve a lot
Cadiz 38 8 15 15 35 51 39 TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR are next 14 games saw them overhaul additions are vital. in many aspects and I know only
Granada 38 8 14 16 44 61 38 expected to back Antonio Conte in Arsenal, Manchester United and one word, that is work, work, work.
Levante 38 8 11 19 51 76 35 the transfer market this summer as West Ham to claim fourth spot. “But it is very important to not
Alaves 38 8 7 23 31 65 31 they try to challenge at the top forget the path that we had to try “Everybody has to do the right
table of English football again. Conte is due to meet chairman to improve the situation because path in this process. We need to
SERIE A: Inter Milan 3 (Perisic 49, Correa Daniel Levy and managing director we need to improve the situation, improve a lot. Next season the
55, 57) Sampdoria 0, Salernitana 0 Spurs booked their return to the of football Fabio Paratici in the next season for sure, there are five League will be very difficult for all
Udinese 4 (Deulofeu 6, Nestorovski 34, Champions League after a 5-0 win coming days to discuss the future. substitutions, another competition the teams.
Udogie 42, Pereyra 57), Sassuolo 0 AC at Norwich on the final day of the and Tottenham must understand
Milan 3 (Giroud 17, 32, Kessie 36), Spezia season, completing an The 52-year-old has made it this, that it will be very difficult, “With five subs you can change
0 Napoli 3 (Politano 4, Zielinski 25, achievement that boss Antonio clear that his ambitions are much maybe much more than this a game. If the bench is strong like a
Demme 36), Venezia 0 Cagliari 0. Conte had described as needing a loftier than scrapping for fourth season,” he said. top team, like City, Chelsea, United
P W D L F A Pts “miracle”. place and the PA news agency and Liverpool, you need to improve
AC Milan 38 26 8 4 69 31 86 understands the club are planning “Today is not the right time to a lot your squad in quality aspect
Inter Milan 38 25 9 4 84 32 84 They were ninth when the to give him the tools to help them speak about this topic. Today is and numerical aspect.
Napoli 38 24 7 7 74 31 79 Italian took over in November and challenge for the top honours. really important to celebrate this
Juventus 38 20 10 8 57 37 70 then seven points adrift of fourth big achievement but for sure to “You have to face in England
Lazio 38 18 10 10 77 58 64 when they lost to Burnley in Conte immediately sounded a become competitive and be ready three national competitions and
warning in the aftermath of the to fight for something important one in the Champions League.” –
Carrow Road success, saying that The Independent
Roma 38 18 9 11 59 43 63 Rangnick thanks Brighton for helping Devils
Fiorentina 38 19 5 14 59 51 62
Atalanta 38 16 11 11 65 48 59
Verona 38 14 11 13 62 56 52
Sassuolo 37 13 11 13 64 63 50 RALF RANGNICK was thankful Brighton helped Selhurst Park. 2.1 until the game against Atletico but I think that
Torino 38 13 11 14 46 41 50 Manchester United qualify for next season’s Europa “Yes, I think Brighton did us the favour to turn defeat in the Champions League was in a way like
Bologna 38 12 10 16 44 55 46 League following their own 1-0 loss away to Crystal somebody popped the balloon.”
Udinese 37 10 14 13 57 58 44 Palace. the game around because they were losing at
Empoli 38 10 11 17 50 70 41 halftime,” Rangnick said. Rangnick did not hold back in his assessment
Sampdoria 37 10 6 21 46 60 36 Rangnick left the hotseat by telling incoming key members of the Old Trafford squad lost focus
Spezia 38 10 6 22 41 71 36 boss Erik Ten Hag to focus on improving the team “They scored three times in the second half and after they exited the Champions League in March.
Salernitana 37 7 10 20 33 74 31 spirit at Old Trafford. that was the good thing about the weekend and
Cagliari 37 6 11 20 34 68 29 about this fixture. “I think the big goal of some of our top players
Genoa 38 4 16 18 27 60 28 The Red Devils saw a sorry campaign end with was the Champions League and after this defeat to
Venezia 37 6 8 23 34 69 26 another defeat after Wilfried Zaha’s first half goal but “We would have loved to take care of ourselves Atletico you could literally feel it in training that we
they avoided the embarrassment of dropping into but in a way the game was indicative of last couple did not have the same level of energy, focus and
Note: Top four – ChampionsLeague, 5th & the Europa Conference League after West Ham were of weeks, especially when we played away from concentration in training.
6th – Europa League, 7th – Conference unable to win at Brighton. home.
League. “In the League if you are not playing at the best
It meant United finished the season in sixth “Unfortunately we didn’t have any pre-season or highest level, and this also happened before I
but there would have been little positives for Ten and unfortunately we couldn’t strengthen the arrived, even against bottom teams like Watford you
Hag to take after he watched from the stand at squad. can concede four goals and this can happen.” – AFP
“We collected enough points with an average of
I was disappointed, very disappointed
with my penalty kick. Malaysia played
well with attack after attack but my penalty and
Hadi's could not help Malaysia win the bronze. I
apologise to Malaysians, my parents, the local
football supporters and all parties.”
TUESDAY • MAY 24, 2022 Luqman Hakim Shamsudin
█ SIMON PEACH Proud Pep probably the best achievement we have
done in our careers.
Manchester City’s stars and “It’s incredible. We’ll be so proud for
title rivals Liverpool after a long, long time.”
yesterday’s breathless
comeback victory secured a fourth Guardiola arrived in the post-match
Premier League triumph in five years press conference nearly two hours after
and sparked bedlam. the final whistle wearing a City home
A decade on from Sergio Aguero shirt with “21-22 champions” on the
sealing the crown in a jaw-dropping 3-2 Guardiola hails City’s achievement and credits rivals Liverpool back.
final day win, a rocking Etihad Stadium
witnessed similar drama just as the title But his delight at retaining the
appeared to be slipping out of their absolutely eternal in this club because gave me good advice,” he said with Premier League title came with an
grasp. what we achieve is so difficult to do. a smile. “This was the reason appreciation of title rivals Liverpool’s
Matty Cash and ex-Liverpool why. quality.
favourite Philippe Coutinho scored “Just Sir Alex Ferguson with United “Listen, no explanation in
against stunned City, who knew the has done it years ago two or three times, Madrid, no explanation today. “I want to congratulate Liverpool
crown would head to Anfield if Jurgen now I realised again the magnitude of It’s momentum. Football Club for this incredible battle
Klopp’s Reds eventually found a way to Sir Alex Ferguson and his United.” “Sometimes for the last years, especially this one.
beat well-drilled Wolves. it’s nice to live
Liverpool ended up 3-1 victors but Asked how he masterminded such these kind of “The magnitude of our achievement
City by that point had launched an an unlikely turnaround, Guardiola situations. We live it is related to the magnitude of this rival.
unforgettable five-minute turnaround joked that Real Madrid had given him for the future. I had
rendering that immaterial, with some tips after flipping their a feeling that it will “Never ever I had a rival like
super sub Ilkay Gundogan Champions League semifinal against help us to be Liverpool in my career as a football
scoring either side of stronger next
Rodri’s strike in a 3-2 City on its head earlier in season. player and manager.
victory. the month. “Maybe we need “That makes me feel more
The Etihad “Well, I a little bit more time
Stadium had called Real but every second proud, all of us more prompted,
not seen such Madrid that passes after about these players, this
and organisation because we know
they exactly which opponent we face. And
we are incredibly happy.”
noise and winning this
drama since Premier League, As for Villa boss Steven
winning by the we realise that Gerrard, the Liverpool great was
same scoreline four Leagues in frustrated to see his side leave
against QPR a five years in this without so much as
decade ago, country is
leaving a point for
Guardiola their
beaming with efforts.
pride and “Look, I
admiration. think we did
“In the last five everything
years winning four
Premier Leagues, ever so well
these guys are up until the
legends already,” 70th minute,”
Guardiola said. he said.
“I’m sorry, people
have to admit it. “The game
This group of plan was
players are working for
three quarters of
Manchester City the game and
manager Pep Guardiola I’m slightly
celebrates with the disappointed we
Premier league trophy didn’t play a little
after the English bit more football at
Premier League match 2-0 to rest and stay
against Aston Villa at with the ball.
the Etihad Stadium
yesterday. – AFPPIX “We
decided to
go into a
shell, if you
like, to
survive rather
than to really
open it from our
goalkeeper and to
try and play so,
obviously, I’m really
disappointed that we
had it in our hands for 70
minutes.” – The
Klopp’s pride tinged with disappointment after final day drama
█ ELEANOR CROOKS much about these boys. faded. The other major blow of the afternoon was the
JURGEN KLOPP was proud but disappointed after “We concede an early goal, which gave us a Klopp could not help experiencing the loss late in the first half of Thiago Alcantara to
seeing his Liverpool side miss out on the Premier injury, and Klopp kept his cards close to his chest
League title to Manchester City. knock. We didn’t play football really, not like we emotions on the sidelines, saying: “I can imagine it in terms of whether the midfielder could be fit for
usually play. was much worse for the people at home watching the Champions League final.
A rollercoaster afternoon saw the Reds’ fans on their tellies, when Aston Villa is 2-0 up and you
buoyed by City’s struggles against Aston Villa “We had to take off Thiago early, which is not think, ‘Wow, it could really be’. “(It’s) not good but I cannot say more,” said
while they willed their side to find a way to defeat helpful, and then you still find a way. It’s Klopp. “He was outside with the families, he had
Wolves after conceding an early goal. absolutely outstanding – 92 points obviously is “I was not really aware of it, in my mind it was his little girl on his shoulders, so he could walk.
crazy with all the games we played. 1-0. I heard all the story only after the game. That’s obviously a good sign. All the rest, we will
They eventually managed it with late goals see from tomorrow.”
from Mohamed Salah and Andrew Robertson “So yes I am proud but I’m disappointed, of “There was one moment when I heard 3-2 and
earning a 3-1 victory but City mounted their own course. It’s not cool but it’s not completely then for a second, I don’t know why we started it, I Liverpool must quickly reset and turn their
comeback to maintain their one-point advantage. unexpected, obviously. It was clear before the thought they equalised again. It was a good minds to the date with Real in Paris, and Klopp
game that a lot of things have to happen. moment but it was only a second. said: “We will try absolutely everything.
The result ended Liverpool’s hopes of winning
an unprecedented quadruple ahead of this “Congratulations to Man City and Pep “With all the things, I would have preferred “It’s never happened before that you go
weekend’s Champions League final against Real Guardiola, all staff and all players, the whole club, they (City) were 5-0 up after 10 minutes and then completely without knocks into a final. We had
Madrid, and Klopp said: “The boys played an for being champions. We were close but in the we play the game and it is fine. It makes it of our knocks. We have five days to prepare the final.
incredible season. end not close enough.” course more difficult.
“We face an incredible, experienced team. Of
“The whole journey of 21-22 so far is absolutely Huge cheers greeted the news that Villa had “But the season was so close, so tight. What I course losing the League today increases the
exceptional. The game today showed again so gone two goals up and, after Salah finally made learned in life is, if you keep going, you get the desire to put it right next week.” – The
the breakthrough, excitement swept Anfield that reward. Not today but we will get it. It’s up to us to Independent
City may have conceded again before hope swiftly keep going and that’s what we will do.”
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