High hopes
for reopening page
of land travel
route to 4
ON MONDAY FEBRUARY 21, 2022 Company told
to stop work
No. 7969 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195) 5page after quarry
NATIONAL HERO ... Badminton ace shakes up
Lee Zii Jia acknowledging cheers from the crowd
after defeating Indonesia’s Dwi Wardoyo Chico residents
Aura during the Badminton Asia Team
Championships at the Setia City
Convention Centre in Shah Alam Story on
yesterday. – BERNAMAPIX
page 21
Duty bound
[email protected] oGovt obligated to help refugees
overcome hunger, education
PETALING JAYA: Refugee children problems: Groups
are sometimes up against
insurmountable odds. Apart from Malaysia, particularly on their right to detainee population.
the lack of nutrition, they do not work legally,” she told theSun. Fan pointed out that refugee
get to go to school and are at risk of being children were also not entitled to
detained by law enforcement agencies. Fan was commenting on a recent report government assistance.
that two Myanmar children died after “It is important to have a genuinely
However, this could be avoided if the eating out of the trash in Langkawi. inclusive approach to eliminating
government took necessary steps to meet hunger and poverty among children
its obligations as a member of the United She said refugee children live in poverty in Malaysia that address vulnerability
Nations and the Human Rights Council by primarily because their parents or without discrimination,” she said.
helping such children, according to guardians are not able to get jobs legally. “That means helping them
interest groups. regardless of ethnicity, religion,
Data from the United Nations High background, nationality or status.”
Geutanyoe Foundation co-founder Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Fan said for the Universal Child
Lilianne Fan said one of the best ways to show that 70% of refugee children do not Grant initiative to work, Malaysia
support refugee children is to help their go to school because they do not have would need to have a clear policy on
parents or guardians become self-reliant. access to national schools. recognising or regularising refugees to
incorporate them into the
The foundation is a non-profit Fan said the little that non- government’s categories of children
organisation based in Aceh and Malaysia governmental organisations (NGO) do to who need assistance.
that works to protect the most vulnerable educate these children is insufficient. The grant is a
people in local communities. commitment made by Turn to
Refugee children also do not have United Nations under the
Fan, who is also chair of the Rohingya identification documents, putting them at Sustainable Development —
Working Group of the Asia-Pacific Refugee risk of being detained.
Rights Network, said problems faced by page 3
refugee children such as poor nutrition, In October last year, Home Minister
poor health and difficulty in gaining access Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin revealed Goals.
to education are rooted in poverty and lack that 1,400 to 1,500 refugee children were in
of documentation. immigration detention centres
nationwide, accounting for 7.5% of the
“However, helping their parents stand
on their own feet is difficult as long as we
do not have a clear policy on refugees in
2 theSUN ON MONDAY | FEBRUARY 21, 2022
BRIEFS KELANTAN LOCAL GOVT Don’t be afraid to come out
CHIEF TESTS POSITIVE and vote, says Annuar
KOTA BARU: The Kelantan Local o ‘Layout of voting process and SOP for balloting for Johor Annuar added it must be understood that
Government, Housing and Health polls can control spread of Covid-19’ the country is transitioning to the endemic
Committee chairman Dr Izani Husin phase, Bernama reported.
was confirmed Covid-19 positive. JOHOR BARU: Johoreans need not worry to manage the polls. All will proceed well,” he
Izani, 59, is being treated at Raja about going out to vote in the state election said at a question-and-answer session during He said this meant that life, including the
Perempuan Zainab II Hospital’s on March 12 although Covid-19 cases have the Bicara Keluarga Malaysia programme at democratic system, needed to return to
intensive care unit (ICU), after testing increased recently, said Communications the Johor RTM Dewan Auditorium yesterday. normal by practising the new norms.
positive on Tuesday, according to his and Multimedia Minister Tan Sri Annuar
official Facebook page. Meanwhile, a Musa. He was replying to a question about the “If campaigning is not allowed, then the
post on the Facebook page of Izani’s greater flexibility in SOP during campaigning democratic process is flawed. We must move
son, Shahid Izani, 32, said that his He said despite standard operating given by the Election Commission compared towards a new kind of normality by practising
father as well as his mother, Rosmaria procedures (SOP) being more flexible during with previous state polls. the new norms. If this is understood then
Yusoff, also 59, are currently being the campaign period, the layout of the voting voters do not have to be afraid.”
treated at the hospital’s ICU. process and SOP put in place for balloting Activities such as ceramah, physical
– Bernama would be able to control the spread of the campaigning and house-to-house visits will Annuar said authorities are open to
infection. be allowed during the 14-day campaign allowing official government media to be
PROGRAMME TO HELP period. used to introduce candidates, including
CREATIVE INDUSTRY “There is no need to be afraid. When one those from the Opposition.
goes out to vote there could be a self-test Ceramah and campaigns will only be
JOHOR BARU: The first edition of the process to go through. In fact, polling centres allowed at party offices and official He added there are other platforms that
RIUH-Keluarga Malaysia programme have designated areas in the event that there operations rooms, with participation limited can be used, including social media.
organised by the Communications are Covid-19 positive cases. to 100 people. In the case of house-to-house
and Multimedia Ministry will be held visits, not more than five people will be “We will take into account views given, but
for three days from March 3 to 5 at “At the authorities’ level, they have layouts allowed to enter homes or meet their there is no direct campaigning via RTM
Arena Warna, Ayer Hitam in Johor. in accordance with the SOP and new norms occupants. as yet.”
Deputy Minister Datuk Zahidi Zainul
Abidin said the programme, a PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
collaboration between the ministry, in his speech on Saturday to announce the
MyCreative Ventures Sdn Bhd and the party’s candidates said Opposition parties
Cultural Economy Development have not been given the space to use official
Agency is aimed at promoting and media channels as mentioned by Annuar.
elevating the local creative industry as
well as boosting the tourism sector. He
was speaking on the Sembang Santai
programme Hello Permata aired over
Johor FM radio yesterday. – Bernama
3,000 cops to be deployed on nomination day About 3,000
young voters
MERSING: About 3,000 police personnel will reporters after a dialogue with Felda “In the two-day blitz which ended on registered
be on duty on nomination day on Feb 26 for Tenggaroh settlers in Tanjung Leman Saturday, most offenders picked up were from in Nangka
the Johor state election to ensure that the yesterday. the second and third generations of Felda
process runs smoothly, said state police chief settlers. They were held on suspicion of taking
Datuk Kamarul Zaman Mamat. The Election Commission has set March 12 syabu or ‘ice’ (crystal methamphetamine)
as polling date and March 8 for early voting. drugs. Our investigation revealed that there
He said police would increase deployment are hardcore addicts and new addicts.”
during the campaign period as needed. On another matter, Kamarul Zaman said
58 individuals suspected of being involved in He said police also detected drug addicts
“All parties are requested to abide by the drug abuse were arrested in an operation stealing fresh fruit bunches of oil palm in the
rules, and follow the advice and instructions named Op Tapis conducted along with the wake of an increase in the price of the
issued by police personnel on duty so that Mersing branch of the National Anti-Drug commodity, to buy drugs. – Bernama
public order is always maintained,” he told Agency at Felda Tenggaroh.
SMOG-FREE RIDE ... Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Seri Faizal Azumu officiating at a Coffee Ride KL Car-Free Morning 2022 programme at Dataran SIBU: A total of 2,748 new voters, aged 18 to
Dewan Bandaraya in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. – BERNAMAPIX 20, have been registered in the N55 Nangka
state constituency since the implementation
of automatic registration for new voters and
Undi18 from Jan 1.
Nangka assemblyman Dr Annuar
Rapaee said the new voters will be able to
experience voting for the first time in the
coming general election.
“These young voters will be playing an
important role in deciding the future of
Sarawak and the country.”
New voters should use the power they
have in the best possible way to ensure
that the direction and future of Sarawak is
safeguarded, he said in his speech at a
Projek Suara Networking dinner on
The project is a collaboration among
the Sarawak chief minister’s office,
Yayasan Perpaduan Sarawak and Owl &
Badger Group Sdn Bhd.
It is aimed at understanding the
importance and potential of youth
participating in the state’s development
Earlier, Annuar, who is also assistant
minister of Education, Innovation and
Talent Development, urged young
Sarawakians to bravely express new and
good ideas to help the government
develop the Sarawak into the most
advanced state in Malaysia by 2030.
He said the ruling government is
always ready to hear fresh ideas from
young people.
“If you have a new idea just voice it out.
I am a good listener and the ruling
government is also a good listener.”
– Bernama
‘Premier’ designation not for self-glorification: Sarawak chief minister
MIRI: Designation change of from other states in the federation. to be different in style, compared (Amendment) Bill 2022, containing be changed to deputy minister.
Sarawak chief minister to premier “I would just like to say that it is with other states in the federation,” a clause to change the designation The day after the Bill was tabled,
is not a self-glorification move, he said at the Federation of of “chief minister” to “premier” by a
said Chief Minister Tan Sri Abang neither for self-glorification nor Chinese Associations Sarawak majority of more than two-thirds, state Tourism, Creative Industry
Johari Abang Openg. for me to be personally proud of. Unity Year event on Saturday. Bernama reported. and Performing Arts Minister
Datuk Seri Abdul Karim Rahman
He said the step was taken to “The state government is of the The state assembly passed the The amendments also provide Hamzah said the change will only
differentiate the status of Sarawak view that the designation of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak for the term assistant minister to come into force after it is gazetted.
(Sarawak) head of government has
Access to food Give them native names too
basic right
Tenaganita executive director o This will denote ties with their indigenous heritage issues in the past. recognised as bumiputras.
Glorene A. Das said it is not solely the “With the new law in place, I They are the Bagatan, Bakong,
responsibility of NGO to provide food parents, says Dayak group believe such issues will be more Bemali, Berawan, Dali, Lakiput, Jatti
for refugee communities. easily resolved,” he added. Miriek, Narom, Sa’ban, Tatau, Tring
“The host country is Sarawak Federation of Chinese and Vaie.
equally responsible. Associations president Datuk Prior to that, only 23 indigenous
Given that we are also From █ BY MUHAMMAD YUSRY in the middle of the child’s name,” Richard Wee described it as “a good groups such as the Iban, Bidayuh,
a member of the front [email protected] he told theSun. development”. Kenyah, Penan and Melanau as well
United Nations and page PETALING JAYA: A group as the Malay were listed as
the Human Rights “This will ensure that the native “From my point of view as a bumiputras.
culture is not forgotten. That also Sarawakian, this has long been an
Council, our obligation is representing Sarawak natives has makes it more meaningful,” he issue that needed to be addressed,” Under the amendments, the
greater,” she said. proposed that the move to added. he told theSun. native status of people in Sarawak
“Apart from recognising them as recognised children of mixed Joseph Ninting was commenting He agreed with Joseph Ninting will no longer be decided by the
refugees, livelihood opportunities marriages as natives be taken a step on the recent passage of the that inheritance and land issues federal government but instead by
must be given to refugee parents to further by giving these children Interpretation (Amendment) Bill were among matters that needed to the Sarawak government through its
enable them to provide nutritious names of indigenous origin as well. 2022 in the Sarawak State Legislative be dealt with. constitution.
food for their children. (The Dayak Transformation Assembly to accord native status to Wee said the change would also According to Minister in the
Langkawi) incident clearly indicates Association (Trada) president children of mixed marriages as long give children of mixed marriages in Prime Minister’s Department
the high rate of food insecurity Joseph Ninting Janting said they as one parent is from an indigenous Sarawak a sense of belonging. (Parliament and Law) Datuk Seri
among refugees and asylum seekers, could continue to use their community. He also commended the Sarawak Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar, the
and the impact this can have on their traditional names but a native name He agreed that it was a good government for the move. “This amendment is important to the
health and welfare,” she said, adding be added to denote their ties with move. “For a start, it will resolve goes to show that the Sarawak people of Sarawak because it can
that access to safe and nutritious their indigenous parents. some of the conflicts faced by the government is inclusive, willing to resolve many serious legal problems
food is a basic human right. For instance, he said, the child of natives of Sarawak,” he said. listen to the people, that it is moving affecting children of mixed
“Food insecurity is an important a Chinese father and native mother He pointed out that there had forward in keeping the racial marriages.
social determinant of health and has would traditionally be given a been disputes among family harmony in the state and showing “Previously, children of mixed
a significant impact on well-being. It Chinese name. members on the inheritance of that Sarawak is different.” marriages were recognised as
can result in death, as it was in the “What the government can do is native customary land and Under the new legislation, an bumiputras only if both parents are
case of those two children.” require them to add a native name ownership of longhouses and other additional 12 races have also been from indigenous communities.”
She said failure to ensure food
security for children was also a
violation of the UN Convention on COOL AND CRISPY ... 70% of Labuan
the Rights of the Child, and the Child Hokkaido Ice Cream Puff Vocational
Act. seller Jessy, 20, with an
array of puffs that are a real
As of January, there were 45,375
refugee and asylum-seeking children College grads
registered with UNHCR in Malaysia. feast for the senses at her
Regat Sri Cempaka outlet
Parents urged to in Taman Cempaka, Ipoh, expected to
encourage yesterday. Featuring a work in
children in total of 13 flavours, the ice skills sector
cartoon drawing cream puffs are sold at
RM5.50 or RM5.90 each LABUAN: Labuan Vocational
depending on the flavour. College is aiming for at least 70%
KOTA BARU: Parents must give of its graduates to be employed
as skilled workers in various
encouragement to children who industries, said its director Siti
show an interest in cartoon drawing, Muslihah Leeudin.
said cartoonist Norhasram She said some 20% of its
Mohamad, or better known as students were expected to
Ozom. pursue higher education, about
The recipient of “Tokoh Kartunis 10% would go on to become
Kelantan 2021” said apart from young entrepreneurs and the
having many developmental rest would work in other sectors.
benefits, the activity could also help “For the record, 85% of our
reduce the time children spend graduates were employed, 13%
staring at their screens. went for further studies and 2%
“Parents can encourage or teach became entrepreneurs.
their children to do this art activity, “Our efforts must be in line
which can clearly hone their talents with the government’s focus on
from an early age” he told reporters improving the national
after conducting a basic cartoon education system in the next five
drawing workshop at the Kelantan years, as it will help cultivate
Art Gallery here yesterday, Bernama more talents with the rise of the
reported. Fourth Industrial Revolution
Norhasram said people could (IR4.0),” she told Bernama after
also use their drawing talents to the Labuan Vocational College’s
generate lucrative income as a sixth graduation ceremony for
cartoon can be used in many forms, 89 graduates at the college hall
including advertisement and mass yesterday.
media. Siti Muslihah said the college
“Cartoon drawing is an ‘endemic’ has been working closely with a
branch of art because it will not number of local contractors and
disappear just like that despite the companies in various sectors for
sophistication of today’s technology.” its internship students to
undergo industrial training to
gain hands-on experience.
Seberang Takir boat operators cry out for urgent repairs to jetty “Labuan Vocational College
is making efforts in tandem with
the government’s move to
KUALA NERUS: The Seberang Takir it is pitiful to see sick passengers and take too long. another jetty, when we actually have increase skilled workers to tailor
Passenger Boat Association has passengers carrying a lot of goods Boat operator Wan Mohd Alif our own? I truly hope it can be to the increasing demand of
appealed to the authorities to double having to walk almost 400m (to reach Muhaimin, 27, said the jetty must be completed before the school holidays skilled employment and
up on repairs to the damaged jetty at the market). repaired immediately to maintain soon because that is the only time we promoting the development of a
Pasar Besar Kedai Payang here, to “Complaints have been made to Kuala Terengganu’s image as a coastal have a lot of passengers,” he said. knowledge-based economy,”
make it easier for passengers to be the Kuala Terengganu City Council tourism city. Passenger boats were the main she said.
picked up and dropped off. and the Marine Department, and we “Many tourists were shocked to see water transport in Kuala Terengganu Siti Muslihah said it would
Its chairman Muhammad Ibrahim have been informed that work to the poor condition of the jetty and for the people of Seberang Takir, continue to increase the number
said the jetty had been lying in repair the jetty is being done. But the some complained they had to use the before the government built two of students enrolling for various
disrepair for the past four months, four-month wait was already too long, PMINT jetty, which is farther away bridges, namely the Sultan Mahmud programmes in the college.
forcing 14 boat operators to “borrow let alone waiting for it to be fully (from the market). Bridge and the Pulau Rusa Bridge. “We are introducing culinary
the adjacent jetty, which is owned by completed,” he told Bernama when “We also have to ask for permission The boat crossing from Seberang programmes only in 2024, as a
the Terengganu State Economic met here yesterday. and wait our turn to use the PMINT Takir to Pasar Besar Kedai Payang new building for the class and
Development Corp (PMINT). As an alternative, he suggested that jetty because there are quite a lot of only takes six to seven minutes with a training centre is still under
“The problem is, the jetty is quite a temporary jetty be built should the boats operating. fare of RM4 for adults and RM2 for construction,” she said.
far from Pasar Besar Kedai Payang, so process to repair the permanent jetty “How long do we have to use children for two-way travel. – Bernama
4 theSUN ON MONDAY | FEBRUARY 21, 2022
High hopes for PM’s Thailand visit
o Matters to be discussed include reopening Covid-19. Natapanu Nopakun said Thailand & Go” programme. However,
of land travel route and mutual recognition “There will be some good news was planning to reopen the Thai- travellers need to pass an RT-PCR
of vaccination certificates Malaysia border in March to boost Covid-19 test upon arrival and a
(on the reopening of land borders). tourist arrivals, as Malaysian tourists second test on the fifth day of the
BANGKOK: Prime Minister Datuk invitation of Thai Prime Minister There are a few proposals on the have been the largest group of visit.
Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s official Prayuth Chan o-cha. table. visitors to the kingdom before the
visit to Thailand this week is Covid-19 pandemic. Before the Covid-19 pandemic,
expected to bring “good news” on This is also the first visit by a “Senior officials and a technical Thailand recorded nearly 40 million
the reopening of Thai-Malaysian Malaysian prime minister to the committee will discuss the details on He said the Centre for Covid-19 visitors in 2019, including 4.1 million
land borders. kingdom since the start of the global the reopening,” he told Bernama Situation Administration and Malaysians.
Covid-19 pandemic two years ago. after attending a dinner hosted by Tourism Emergency Operation
Malaysian ambassador to Kelab Malaysia of Thailand (KMT). Centre has been ordered to prepare At the dinner, KMT president
Thailand Datuk Jojie Samuel said Jojie said matters to be discussed and outline pandemic mitigation Datuk Bobby Tai said it was held to
Ismail Sabri’s three-day visit, the first during the visit included the Jojie added that there would also measures for the reopening of the give fellow Malaysians a sense of
since he was appointed prime reopening of land borders, bilateral be discussions on recognising southern border provinces at the “home festivities”, especially those
minister last August, was at the cooperation and exploring trade and vaccination certificates of both checkpoints in Songkhla, who cannot fly home due to the
investment opportunities post countries. Narathiwat, Yala and Satun. Covid-19 pandemic.
Ismail Sabri is scheduled to go on Natapanu said tourists from About 80 Malaysians attended
a working visit to Bangkok from Feb neighbouring Malaysia will enter the dinner, held in compliance with
24 to 26. Thailand via a quarantine-free “Test Covid-19 standard operating
procedures set by the government.
Last week, Thai Foreign Affairs
Ministry’s deputy spokesman
Inflammatory syndrome threat
to Covid-infected children
Children waiting for their Covid jabs at the World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur yesterday. – ADIB RAWI YAHYA/THESUN KUALA LUMPUR: Children under the “The vaccination of children aged
age of 18 who are infected with five to 11 is timely to protect this group,
Over 400,000 children given first dose Covid-19 can suffer from multi-system especially children with comorbidities.
inflammatory syndrome in children Children aged five to 11 should be
KUALA LUMPUR: A total 454,194 A total 151,156 doses were “The number of children (MIS-C), a critical condition that can given two doses of vaccine with an
children, or 12.8% of the child administered on Saturday involving receiving vaccines has increased occur when there is inflammation of interval of eight weeks, after the first
population aged from five to 11, have 72,991 first doses, 648 second doses from 530 on Feb 12 to 25,663 as of internal organs, especially the heart, dose.”
received a first dose of the Covid-19 and 77,517 booster shots, bringing Saturday, which is 16.5% of the total lungs and brain.
vaccine under the National Covid-19 cumulative vaccine doses number of children aged five to 11 Meanwhile, he said there was an
Immunisation Programme for administered under the National years. Health Director-General Tan Sri Dr increase in daily bed usage of Covid
Children (PICKids) as of Saturday. Covid-19 Immunisation Programme Noor Hisham Abdullah said from June patients among children under the age
to date to 66,018,432. “Until two days ago, Penang 2020 to December 2021, there were a of 12 due to an increase in cases in the
Based on data from the received PICKids registrations of total of 174 cases of children under the country, adding that the increase was
CovidNOW website, a total The Penang government more than 64,300 children. Our age of 18 suffering from MIS-C due to more significant this month, especially
13,924,411 (59.2% of the adult announced that a total of 25,663 efforts with the Penang Health Covid-19 infection, namely children involving categories Two to Five.
population) have received booster children in the same aged group in Department and the Penang under the age of one involving 24
doses, 22,943,785 (97.5%) have been the state have received the first dose Education Department is aimed at cases, children aged one to those He said from early January to mid-
given two doses while 23,220,757 of the vaccine. providing information on the under the age of five involving 38 cases, February, a total of 50,826 children
(98.7%) have received at least one benefits of the vaccine to curb the 64 cases involving children aged five to under the age of 12 were infected with
dose. State Agrotechnology and Food spread of Covid-19,“ she said in a under nine, 36 cases involving Covid-19. Of the total, 15,817 cases
Safety, Rural Development and statement. children aged nine to under 12 and 11 were in Category One, 34,857 were in
For children aged 12 to 17, a total Health Committee chairman Dr cases involving children aged 12 and Category Two, 120 cases in Category
2,798,646 individuals (89.9%) from Norlela Ariffin said the vaccination She said as of Feb 18, a total of older. Three, 28 cases in Category Four and
the group have completed their drive was carried out at several 938,065 people (68.3% of the adult four cases in Category Five.
vaccination while 2,883,444 (92.6%) vaccination centres, including population in Penang) had received “To date, seven cases (4%) of deaths
have received at least one dose. hospitals and schools. their booster doses. – Bernama involving children have been caused He added that there was an
by MIS-C following Covid-19 infection. increase in daily bed use of Covid-19
Children are also at risk of getting long- patients involving children aged 11 to
Covid (Covid-19 syndrome after the 17, and that this may be due to the
acute phase of infection),” he said in a spread of the Omicron variant as well
statement yesterday on the as the increased mobility of children in
development of Covid-19. the community following the
reopening of school sessions and
He added that children who were at childcare centres.
high risk of serious Covid-19 infection
were paediatric patients with chronic Noor Hisham said the country
lung disease, heart disease, weakened recorded 28,825 new cases on
immune system, diabetes, those Saturday, the highest so far, while
undergoing treatment using steroids 18,514 recovered cases were reported.
(such as autoimmune and transplant
patients), cancer, asthma and obesity. Of the total, only 95 cases were in
categories Three, Four and Five, while
Noor Hisham said among the main the rest were in categories One and
measures to reduce the risk of Covid Two.
infection among children were
self-discipline and vaccination. “Of the 95 new cases in categories
Three to Five reported on Saturday, 28
He said the Comirnaty were unvaccinated or those who have
(Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccine had been yet to be fully vaccinated, 49 cases had
approved for use in children aged five received two doses, 18 cases had
to 11 in Malaysia and from clinical received booster doses, 41 cases were
studies, its effectiveness was 91% and aged 60 and above and 48 cases have
was able to boost immune response comorbidities. There are no cases
against Covid-19. involving pregnant women,” he said.
– Bernama
Solution to water woes in Nibong Tebal
NIBONG TEBAL: Several short and long-term elevation or at the end of the distribution pipe static tanks under PWSC’s operation. comprises 95% of water supply in the district
measures have been taken to overcome the network. He said PWSC would only station static but when the five projects are completed, it will
years-old problem of prolonged water supply provide an additional 569 million litres daily.
disruption at 14 areas in Nibong Tebal, said its “The areas are Merbok-Air Lintas Residency, tanks if there was a water supply problem in the
member of Parliament Datuk Mansor Othman, Taman Sintar Indah, Taman Cenderawasih, affected areas but the 16 new tanks, each “Based on SPAN’s monitoring on
who is also deputy minister of environment and Taman Cenderawasih Indah, Taman Cowin capable of holding 1,000 litres, would be Wednesday, the issue of low water pressure had
water. Indah-Jalan Ooi Kar Seng, Taman Seri Pancur- permanent. decreased and supply in the majority of areas is
Jalan Bukit Panchor and Taman Widuri. stable for now but it will be influenced by
He said his ministry and the Penang Water He added that the five projects, that would current consumption trends by domestic and
Supply Corporation (PWSC), National Water “Also affected are Taman Seruling Emas, take three to five years to complete, are phase industrial consumers in the area,” he said.
Services Commission (SPAN) and residents’ Kampung Wellesley, Taman Pancur Permai, two of the Sungai Dua Water Treatment Plant
representatives held a dialogue yesterday and Kampung Tasek Junjong, Kampung Sungai (WTP) sedimentation tank upgrade, Package Meanwhile, deputy chairman of the Sungai
managed to reach several agreements. Duri, Sungai Baong and Taman Seri Putera,” he 12A, namely the Sungai Dua WTP module Bakap (Temporary) Steering Committee
told a press conference after the dialogue. project, phase one of the Mengkuang Dam Khairul Ahmad Fitri Suhaimi, who is also the
“The 14 areas involving a total of 6,612 WTP, phase one of the Sungai Muda WTP and residents’ representative, said they were
accounts and over 33,000 residents were Mansor said among the short-term the Sungai Perai Baharu Water Supply Scheme. satisfied with the dialogue held to address the
identified as locations that often experience measures to be taken immediately were issue of water supply disruption that has
water supply disruption and low water pressure strategically placing 16 community static tanks “The Sungai Dua WTP currently supplies a plagued residents for the past few years.
problems, with most of them being at high worth RM1,000 each, donated by the Nibong total of 180 million litres of treated water per day – Bernama
Tebal MP’s office, in addition to 16 existing to the Seberang Perai Selatan district, which
Developer told to stop work NEWS WITHOUT BORDERS
MALACCA: A man is believed
to have stabbed his girlfriend
to death before taking his own
life in Batu Berendam on
GEORGE TOWN: The Penang o DoE issues order to halt quarry works after the site that caused noise disturbance Saturday. Central Malacca
Department of Environment (DoE) expiry of environmental impact assessment to residents.” district police chief ACP
yesterday issued a stop-work order to approval period Christopher Patit said in the
the developers of a housing project in Sharifah said a notice of 4pm incident, the bloodied
Persiaran Kelicap, Bayan Lepas to applied for an extension of the that the quarry was still in operation instruction was submitted by her to body of the 22-year-old
halt unapproved quarry works at the quarrying period and it had been and causing a disturbance, adding the developer yesterday, directing all woman was found with stabs
project site with immediate effect. approved three times, namely in that her team used drones on Feb 14 quarrying activities and sub-activities wounds. “We received
2016, 2018 and most recently, on Dec and found that the site was still being to be stopped immediately, and her information from a friend of
Its director Sharifah Zakiah Syed team was also in the process of the woman who said the
Sahab said the developer and quarry preparing investigation papers to victim had called her for help
operator is also facing action, bring the developers and contractors during an altercation with her
including being taken to court, after to court for offences under Section partner.” Initial investigations
they were found to be still carrying 34A, Section 31 and Section 38 of the
out quarry-related activities after the 7, 2021,” she said yesterday. used to carry out stone-crushing Environmental Quality Act 1974. revealed that the man had
DoE environmental impact She added that the application for activities, in addition to the use of She saud the notice also directs stabbed his girlfriend before
assessment (EIA) approval period the extension of the quarry works high-power water jets. the developer to submit an stabbing himself. – Bernama
expired on Dec 7 and was not could no longer be considered due to Sharifah said the developer and its Environmental Management Plan
renewed by Penang DoE, Bernama the current insufficient buffer zone, quarry contractor were then called to (EMP) report for housing activities MURDER SUSPECT
reported. resulting in complaints by locals the Penang DoE office and advised to according to the contour within six SURRENDERS
“The site was originally approved related to the issue of tremors, noise, abide by its instructions not to carry months from the date of the notice if
dust, rubble and flying rocks. out quarrying activities after the EIA it is still interested in carrying out KUALA LUMPUR: A man
for a contoured housing project on quarry approval period had expired, housing activities and if no EMP wanted by police for his
Aug 18, 1994. However, the project Sharifah said investigations found However, the developer was allowed report is submitted within the suspected involvement in a
was delayed several times and the that the complaints were based on to continue EIA-approved housing stipulated period, the developer fight in Serdang Perdana, Seri
developer, through its contractor, the current distance of the quarry to activities at the same site. would be deemed as not interested to Kembangan on Saturday night
submitted an application to carry out the nearest housing area, which was continue housing activities. that resulted in a woman’s
quarry works. The application was about 70m and DoE was also of the “In the meeting on Feb 18, the death, surrendered at the
approved on Oct 3, 2013, taking into view that the developer had been developer made a recommendation “Any application in the future will Serdang district police
account the remote distance of the given ample opportunity to plan and to take steps to comply with the be subject to the need to conduct a headquarters yesterday
housing project at the time. implement the project. directive but yesterday, complaints new EIA study and no work is allowed morning. Serdang district
“The quarrying period allowed She said even after the quarry were still received and our to be carried out on-site until the police chief A. A. Anbalagan
was for three years and ended on Oct operation was not extended, DoE still investigations found that there were EMP is submitted and confirmed by said the local man, aged 33,
31, 2016. However, the developer received complaints from residents still quarrying activities going on at Penang DoE,” she added. said to be the woman’s
boyfriend, turned himself in at
11.30am, adding that the
Kuantan motive for the killing was
jealousy. Anbalagan also said
the suspect, a lorry driver,
attraction tested negative for drugs and
targeting that the police are
investigating the case under
Section 302 of the Penal Code.
A 29-year-old woman was
350,000 visitors believed to have been slashed
to death in a fight at her
business premises on Saturday.
KUANTAN: The latest icon of – Bernama
Kuantan, a 188m tower called
Kuantan 188, which is also the second MOTORIST DIES
highest tower in the country, is IN FIERY CRASH
targeting 350,000 visitors this year.
SEREMBAN: A man was burnt
Its managing director Datuk to death after the car he was
Zulkifli Mohamad said since it was driving caught fire along Jalan
opened officially on Dec 15 last year, Seremban-Kuala Pilah near
Kuantan 188 received 45,791 visitors. Balai Undang Sungai Ujong
yesterday. Seremban district
“Other than the view from the 92m police chief ACP Nanda Maarof
high observation deck with a 360 said the 35-year-old victim was
degree view, and at a height of 104m driving alone towards Kuala
at its skydeck, Kuantan 188 also offers Pilah from Seremban when the
the experience of dining at a height of
98m beginning the month of incident happened at about
Ramadan. 5am. “The victim is believed to
“For those who like challenges, have lost control of the car,
there are various extreme activities A visitor showing some of the thrills available at Kuantan 188. – BERNAMAPIX causing the vehicle to skid and
such as sky walk, antenna climb and hit a road divider before
drop zone, similar to those at Macau Development Council before it was inspired by the flowers and leaves of the interests of the young and I ramming a lamp post. The
Tower and Taipei 101,” he told a press handed over to the Pahang the White Teruntum plant, that used understand that Kuantan 188 will crash caused the front portion
conference during the launching and government. to grow abundantly along Sungai become the landmark of the 5G of the car to be badly damaged
rebranding of Kuantan 188 yesterday. Kuantan in the past. technology experience, virtual reality and the victim was pinned in
At the ceremony, it also received and lifestyle products based on the vehicle when it caught fire,”
The event was officiated by certification as an official member of Zulkifli also said that Kuantan 188 technology, which can attract he said in a statement. Nanda
Deputy Minister of Tourism, Arts and the World Federation of Great accepts bookings for private events, domestic and foreign tourists and added that the victim’s body
Culture Datuk Seri Dr J.P. Santhara. Towers. while urging entrepreneurs, boost the image of local tourism,” he was sent to the Tuanku Ja’afar
Also present were Kumpulan handicraft or food sector industry added. Hospital in Seremban for an
Hospitality 360 Sdn Bhd president The tower, formerly called Menara players to conduct tourism related autopsy, adding that the case
and chief executive officer Datuk Teruntum, has a tapering profile that activities at the venue. Since Jan 1, the operation of the was being investigated under
Omar Naresh Mohan and state Public symbolises the shape of the tower has been handled by Syarikat Section 41(1) of the Road
Works, Transportation and Health traditional Malay spear, as featured Santhara said the rebranding of Hospitality 360, a subsidiary Transport Act 1987. – Bernama
Committee chairman Datuk Seri on the Pahang State Coat of Arms. Kuantan 188 was timely, especially
Norolazali Sulaiman. Its name was then changed to with the expected reopening of company of MAA Group Berhad, BIKERS NABBED
The tower was developed by the Menara Kuantan 188 before it was international borders in the second which is experienced in various IN TRAFFIC OPS
federal government through the East rebranded as Kuantan 188. quarter of this year. sectors of businesses, including
Coast Economic Region tourism. – Bernama SEREMBAN: Six youths who
The design of its viewing deck was “The activities are in keeping with performed stunts on their
motorcycles and a drunk driver
Cuepacs: Time to review circulars on allowances were detained at separate
locations in a traffic operation
conducted in Seremban on
Saturday. Negri Sembilan
traffic investigation and
KUALA LUMPUR: Circulars on the Fire and Rescue Department Fire (in granting allowances) and to implementing the procedures as set enforcement department chief
provision of various allowances Incentive Payment were low and do ensure fairness to all schemes in the in the circulars. Supt Shafiei Muhammad said
under the Malaysian Remuneration not commensurate with the risks public service,” he said following a “The service circular to the motorcyclists, aged
System are among matters that must some civil servants were facing. call by Public Service Department implement promotions by time- between 17 and 21, were
be reviewed by the government as “The Fixed Housing Allowance director-general Datuk Seri Mohd based excellence for example, which arrested in Senawang and at
soon as possible, in line with the and Permanent Remuneration for Shafiq Abdullah on Thursday that all needs to be implemented after the North-South Expressway at
current situation being faced by civil Public Service rates have not been existing circulars be immediately completion of 13 years for the first about 11pm. “The youths were
servants, said Congress of Unions of increased for a long time. Likewise, reviewed to see if they were still time and 13 years for the second spotted performing ‘wheelies’,
Employees in the Public and Civil the risk allowance for enforcement feasible in the current perspectives. time, has not been systematically ‘superman’ stunts, racing with
Services (Cuepacs) president Datuk personnel available today can only be applied. one another and zig-zagging
Adnan Mat. enjoyed by some service schemes Adnan also expressed hope that between other vehicles.” He
(sector) while other sector workers the government could monitor “Cuepacs has been receiving said a 40-year-old motorist was
He said the allowances provided are not given such benefits. several circulars that were in force several complaints about the matter also detained in Jalan Kayu Ara
under the present system such as the because based on complaints and this has been the cause of for driving under the influence
Critical Service Incentive Payment, “As such, a comprehensive study received, some department or demotivation among civil servants,” of alcohol. – Bernama
Regional Incentive Allowance and is needed so that there is uniformity service unit heads were not serious in he said. – Bernama
Recorded confessions
of drug lord stolen Smoke rises from the ferry,
off the coast of Corfu,
BOGOTA: Recorded confessions made by yesterday. – REUTERSPIX
the man who was Colombia’s most wanted
drug lord before his arrest have been stolen, Survivor found on ferry ablaze off Greece
in another blow to his latest trial, officials
said on Saturday. ATHENS: A passenger was yesterday found The news of the man’s survival raised hopes Corfu, but 12 lorry drivers remained missing.
alive aboard a ferry that has been ablaze off further lives might be saved. The man rescued yesterday was one of
The recordings of Dairo Antonio Usuga, Greece for three days, coast guards said, but 11
also known as “Otoniel”, were made on truck drivers are still missing. “There is optimism. Given the fact this man those drivers, the coast guard said.
Wednesday by a member of the Truth managed to get to the upper deck in these Authorities initially gave the missing as
Commission, the body investigating a Rescuers spotted the 21-year-old man on conditions,” coast guard spokesman Nikos
decades-long conflict between the the stern of the stricken vessel as it was being Alexiou told Ert television. seven from Bulgaria, three from Greece, one
government and the Revolutionary Armed towed to port. from Turkey and one from Lithuania.
Forces of Colombia (FARC) that ended with He said first aid was given to the driver who
a 2016 peace deal. The ferry was 2km off the northern part of was to be transferred by ambulance boat to the They said there was an error yesterday and
Corfu, the coast guard said. port of Corfu. the missing Lithuanian was actually the man
The commission reported that on Feb 18, saved, who was from Belarus.
“unidentified persons entered the “Tell me I’m alive,” the truck driver, who said According to the fire brigade, 40 firemen
investigator’s home at night”, according to a he was from Belarus, told rescuers, according were deployed in the area yesterday morning The drivers are believed to have been asleep
statement. to the Proto Thema news website. to help with rescue efforts. inside their lorries when the blaze broke out.
“In the incident ... the digital recorders Clad in shorts and a tee-shirt, he climbed The blaze broke out on the Italian-flagged Olympia was carrying an estimated 800
that were used in the interview and a down a ladder into a rescue boat, according to Euroferry Olympia late on Thursday as it sailed cubic metres of fuel and 23 tons of “corrosive
computer were stolen.” images from the iefimerida news website. from Igoumenitsa in Greece to Brindisi in Italy, dangerous goods”, according to Italy’s
with nearly 300 people aboard. Environment Ministry which said on
The commission had already stressed on “I was in my cabin. I went to the lower deck. Saturday that a “possible spill” was detected
Thursday the need to have “guarantees” that I heard voices. I did not see others,” the Rescuers managed to save 281 after a fly-over by an Italian coast guard aircraft.
Otoniel’s testimonies were received “in survivor told rescuers. passengers on Friday, evacuating them to – AFP
confidentiality”, after various media outlets
reported police officers were present during Last-ditch push to head off
the interrogations. Russian attack
Police interrupted a hearing for OtonielBRIEFS o London warns Moscow But in a speech to the Munich Security Russia, according to Western leaders, has
on Thursday, arguing there were concerns could start Europe’s Conference, he also called on western more than 150,000 troops along with missile
he was planning to escape. ‘biggest war since 1945’ governments to stop what he said was “a policy batteries and warships massed around
of appeasement” towards Putin. Ukraine, poised to strike.
The Truth Commission also asked KYIV: Last-ditch diplomatic efforts were
authorities and the international underway yesterday to prevent what Western “Every indication indicates that Russia is Some 30,000 of these troops are in Belarus,
community, including the United Nations, powers warn could be the imminent Russian planning a full-fledged attack against Ukraine,” ostensibly for an exercise alongside Putin ally
for conditions to continue investigating invasion of Ukraine and a catastrophic Nato chief Jens Stoltenberg said, echoing US Alexander Lukashenko’s forces, but also close
“without intimidation”. European war. President Joe Biden, who believes the invasion to the Ukraine frontier and the road to the
is imminent. capital Kyiv.
Usuga, 50, was arrested in October in French President Emmanuel Macron called
northwest Colombia’s dense jungle during Russian leader Vladimir Putin yesterday about The Moscow-backed separatists have On Saturday, from the Kremlin situation
an operation involving some 700 uniformed the situation in Ukraine in an effort to avert a accused Ukraine of planning an offensive into room, Putin and Lukashenko watched the
agents backed by 18 helicopters. Russian invasion of Ukraine, his office said. their enclave, despite the huge Russian military launch of Russia’s latest hypersonic, cruise and
build-up on the frontier. nuclear-capable ballistic missiles.
The government of conservative Ivan The call, which lasted 105 minutes, came
Duque has expressed its intention that he be two weeks after Macron went to Moscow to Kyiv and Western capitals ridicule this idea, Russian invasion plans would see its troops
extradited soon to the United States, where persuade Putin to hold back from sending and accuse Moscow of attempting to provoke not just enter Ukraine from the rebel-held east,
he is wanted on drug trafficking charges. troops massed on the border into Ukraine. Ukraine and of plotting to fabricate incidents to but from Belarus to the north and encircle the
provide a pretext for a Russian intervention. capital Kyiv, British Prime Minister Boris
Otoniel has been convicted in Colombia It represented “the final possible and Johnson said, citing US intelligence relayed to
on charges including drug trafficking, necessary efforts to avoid a major conflict in “Russian military personnel and special Western leaders by Biden.
homicide, terrorism, recruitment of minors Ukraine”, the Elysee said ahead of the services are planning to commit acts of terror
and kidnapping. conversation. in temporarily-occupied Donetsk and “The fact is that all the signs are that the
Lugansk, killing civilians,” alleged Ukraine’s top plan has already in some senses begun,”
He led the Clan del Golfo, Colombia’s The call came a day after Ukrainian general Valeriy Zaluzhniy. Johnson said in a BBC interview broadcast
largest drug gang, which exports some 300 President Volodymyr Zelensky told Macron that yesterday, after two Ukrainian soldiers were
tons of cocaine annually. he would not respond to what he called Russia’s “Our enemy wants to use this as an excuse killed in attacks around rebel-held enclaves.
“provocations”, according to the Elysee, and to blame Ukraine and moving in regular
Colombia is officially at peace after remained open to “dialogue” with Moscow. soldiers of the Russian armed forces, under the “People need to understand the sheer cost
signing a pact with the FARC guerilla group guise of ‘peacekeepers,’” he said. in human life that could entail.
in 2016 to end more than half-a-century of
armed conflict. – AFP The rebel regions have made similar claims “I’m afraid to say that the plan we are seeing
about Ukraine’s forces and have ordered a is for something that could be really the biggest
UAE WARNS OF DRONE general mobilisation, while staging an war in Europe since 1945, just in terms of sheer
THREAT AT CONFERENCE evacuation of civilians into Russian territory. scale.” – AFP
ABU DHABI: The United Arab Emirates Australia terms China laser incident ‘intimidation’
(UAE) warned yesterday of the rising
threat of drone attacks, such as those CANBERRA: Australian Prime Minister Scott endanger lives”, the defence department said. According to the Defence Ministry, the
launched against it by Yemen’s Huthi Morrison accused China of an “act of “I can see it no other way than an act of ships were sailing east through the Arafura Sea,
rebels, at a defence industry conference. intimidation” yesterday after Canberra said a just north of Australia.
“We have to unite to prevent the use of Chinese naval vessel shone a laser at one of the intimidation,” Morrison said, terming the act
drones from threatening civilian safety country’s defence aircraft. “unwarranted and unprovoked”. The Chinese government has not
and destroying economic institutions,” responded to the allegations from Australia.
said UAE’s minister of state for defence The ship was one of two Chinese navy Australia’s Defence Minister Peter Dutton
affairs Mohammed bin Ahmad vessels sailing through waters off Australia’s echoed his concerns, saying it was “a very China last faced accusations of targeting
al-Bawardi. While the Unmanned Systems northern coast on Thursday when it aggressive act”. Australian aircraft using military-grade lasers
Exhibition will showcase the latest in illuminated a surveillance aircraft in in 2019, when Australian Defence Force
high-tech drone technology, the host an incident that had “the potential to “I think the Chinese government is hoping helicopters were illuminated over the South
country warned such weapons are that nobody talks about these aggressive China Sea. – AFP
becoming cheaper and more widespread. bullying acts,” Dutton told Sky News yesterday.
They are now part of the arsenals of
“terrorist groups that use the systems to
terrorise civilians or to impact the global
system in a negative way,” said UAE’s
minister of state for artificial intelligence
Omar bin Sultan al-Olama. – AFP
WASHINGTON: Two people were
hospitalised on Saturday after the
helicopter they were flying in crashed
into the ocean off a beach in the US state
of Florida. Police said on Twitter they
received a call about the crash at 1.10pm.
“Police and @MiamiBeachFire responded
to the scene,” the tweet said. The Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) also
responded to the crash. “There were
three passengers onboard. Two were
transported to the hospital,“ police said,
adding the two were in“stable condition”.
A video posted alongside the tweet
shows a helicopter falling into the sea,
not far from people swimming or
sunbathing on the crowded beach. – AFP
Pandemic fuels romance scams
WASHINGTON: For years, Debby o Isolation, loneliness and increased internet use documentary on Netflix The Tinder normal conversation, except that
Montgomery Johnson didn’t tell behind surge in cases, says fraud buster Swindler – many still fall prey to they’ll utilise very specific
anyone she’d been scammed out of elaborate cons spun to get into a manipulative techniques to begin the
more than US$1 million by a man Those figures cap an upward trend travel plans due to lockdowns are victim’s heart. grooming”.
with whom she believed she was in a that leapt in the first year of the ruses that feed into the well-worn
loving, though virtual, relationship. pandemic. script of romance scammers, the FTC When Montgomery Johnson, now Scammers, many based in West
warned. in her early 60s, realised the scale of Africa, will adopt fake identities, often
“It should not have happened to People reported to the FTC losing the problem, she decided to share saying they work abroad and travel a
me,” the business owner and former US$1.3 billion to the scams over the One male victim told how she was taken advantage of by a lot or are in the military – providing
Air Force officer told AFP from her past five years, the most of any fraud awareness-raising organisation Silent man who had come to feel like ready-made excuses for why they
home in Florida, a common refrain category. Victim No More that Covid measures “family” over two years starting in cannot meet in person.
among those defrauded by someone provided his supposed girlfriend with 2010.
they met online and grew to trust. But it is just the tip of the iceberg, excuses to “bail out”. A period of intense contact is
the FTC notes, as the vast majority of She spoke widely, wrote a book – followed by requests to wire money
But many tens of thousands of cons go unreported. “Covid-19 benefited the The Woman Behind the Smile – and for plane tickets, visa fees, medical
people are targeted by cons dubbed scammers.” joined the board of SCARS, which has expenses or other emergencies –
“romance scams” every year, their Tim McGuinness, founder of the had contact with some seven million always with the promise of paying the
numbers skyrocketing during the non-profit Society of Citizens Against He finally did a reverse image victims since 2015. amount back when they are finally
Covid pandemic when lockdowns Relationship Scams (SCARS), said search on photos she had sent, united.
sent people flocking to the internet numbers soared because of “the discovering they were of a different “I was looking for a confidant,” she
seeking a salve for isolation. isolation, the loneliness and the person – but only after he’d spent said, having waded into online dating The internet was already a
utilisation of the web as virtually the US$400,000 on visa fees and other following the death of her husband. low-cost, high-return field, but
The US Federal Trade exclusive communication tool” concocted urgent costs. scammers, often working in teams,
Commission (FTC), tracking scams during the pandemic. She said it was out of character to now hunt everywhere from
reported to its Consumer Sentinel While awareness is growing – give money the way she did, but “he Instagram to online games.
Network, said 2021 saw a record Cancelled dates over supposedly through support groups, online really had my heartstrings tugged”.
US$547 million stolen in romance positive Covid tests and disrupted forums and even a recent “Any place where you can begin a
scams – a nearly 80% increase “It’s expert manipulation,” said conversation with someone, that’s
compared to the year before. McGuinness, who himself was a where the scammers are,”
victim of a romance scam. McGuinness said. – AFP
Canada police
clear main Interactions “will progress like a NEPALIS RALLY
protest hub AGAINST U.S. GRANT
KATHMANDU: Police in Nepal’s
OTTAWA: Police in riot gear cleared FOR OUR FURRY FRIENDS ... Taiwanese activists at a rally demanding lawmakers draft animal protection laws into the capital fired teargas and water
the main protest hub in downtown constitution in front of the Presidential Office in Taipei yesterday. – AFPPIX cannon to disperse protesters
Ottawa on Saturday, using batons opposed to a US-funded
and pepper spray and making dozens ‘Fortress Australia’ to welcome tourists infrastructure programme,
of arrests, as they worked to flush out witnesses said yesterday. Some
a hard core of demonstrators CANBERRA: Australia will welcome Most of the country’s 2.7 million “fortress Australia” for its strict border protesters were injured in the
occupying the Canadian capital. international tourists today after coronavirus infections have occurred controls, remains to be seen. clashes, they said. The
nearly two years of sealing its borders, since the Omicron variant emerged Millennium Challenge Corp, a
In a day-long show of force, relying on high Covid-19 vaccination in late November. Australia has been gradually US government aid agency,
hundreds of officers pushed into the rates to live with the pandemic as reopening since November, first agreed in 2017 to provide
city centre – facing off in tense scenes infections decline. But with one of the world’s highest allowing Australians to travel in and US$500 million in grants to
with determined protesters who vaccination rates – more than 94% of out, then admitting international fund a 300km electricity
hurled gas canisters and smoke “The wait is over,” Prime Minister people aged 16 and over are students and some workers. From transmission line and a road
grenades at advancing police, linking Scott Morrison told a briefing double-dosed – there have been just today, leisure travellers and more improvement project in Nepal.
arms and chanting “freedom”. yesterday. under 5,000 deaths. business travellers may enter. Government officials said the
grant will not have to be repaid
By the afternoon, police backed by Australia’s opening to tourists is The country yesterday recorded Fully vaccinated tourists will not and comes with no strings, but
tactical vehicles and overwatched by the clearest example yet of the more than 16,600 coronavirus cases, need to quarantine, but those not opponents say the agreement
snipers had cleared Wellington Street government’s shift from a zero-Covid before all areas had reported, and at double-dosed will require a travel would undermine Nepal’s laws
in front of the parliament – the approach to living with the virus and least 33 deaths. exemption to enter the country and and sovereignty as lawmakers
epicentre of the trucker-led vaccinating the public to minimise will be subject to state and territory would have insufficient
demonstrations that began almost a deaths and severe illness. Whether travellers will flock back quarantine requirements. – Reuters oversight of the board
month ago over Covid-19 health rules. to the island continent, dubbed directing the project. Major
political parties are split over
Trucks were towed and tents, food whether to accept or reject the
stands and other structures set up by US grant money. – Reuters
the demonstrators were torn down.
On side streets around the TREASURES TO KING
parliament, a police message
boomed by loudspeaker urged LAGOS: Nigeria’s government
die-hard demonstrators: “You must has handed over two bronze
leave, (or) you will be arrested.” treasures to a traditional royal
palace in part of a series of
A few hundred ignored the order, restorations of artefacts looted
braving bone-chilling cold while during colonial times. In a
waving Canadian flags, setting off ceremony accompanied by
fireworks and singing the 1980s rock songs, drums and dancers on
anthem We’re Not Gonna Take It. Saturday, a bronze cockerel
and a king’s bust were given to
Police said 170 people had been King Uku Akpolokpolor
arrested since the start of the Ewuare II, one of the traditional
operation, 47 of them on Saturday. rulers in Africa’s most populous
country. Thousands of Nigeria’s
As tensions ratcheted up, police Benin Bronzes – 16th to 18th
used what they called a “chemical century sculptures and art –
irritant”– apparently pepper spray – were pillaged from the palace
against protesters, who they said were of the ancient Benin Kingdom
being “assaultive and aggressive”. and held in museums across
the US and Europe. The two
Organisers of the so-called objects were held in Aberdeen
“Freedom Convoy” accused police of and Cambridge before Nigeria
beating and trampling demonstrators, negotiated their return. – AFP
telling supporters to leave “to avoid
further brutality”. – AFP
Hong Kong in ‘all-out combat’ to contain Covid outbreak
HONG KONG: The Asian financial facilities to shelter patients amid a nearly 10,000 Covid units at Penny’s Hong Kong’s top civil servant, urged patients to fully cooperate with
hub is in “all-out combat” to contain drop in temperatures as healthcare Bay close to the Disneyland resort, Chief Secretary John Lee, said in a hospital staff.
a surge in coronavirus cases, its facilities are overwhelmed. said the initiatives would enhance blog post yesterday that the city’s
number two official said yesterday, the city’s anti-epidemic capacity “government has entered a state of Health chief Sophia Chan said the
with the ramping up of community Officials reported 6,067 new “within a very short period of time”. all-out combat”. government was considering
isolation and treatment units helped coronavirus cases yesterday, a day tightening social distancing rules.
by construction teams from China. after the government announced that In what was seen as a rebuke to The city’s public hospitals have
the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal would be the Hong Kong authorities’ handling been severely stretched, struggling to While the city has so far ruled out
Scenes of people lying outside turned into a dedicated Covid-19 of the spiralling outbreak, Chinese cope with an influx of patients a city-wide lockdown, authorities are
public hospitals in the rain and chilly facility with 1,000 beds to mitigate President Xi Jinping said fighting the including the elderly, many of whom examining mandatory testing for its
weather have shocked many in Hong overburdened public hospitals. virus must now be their “overriding have resisted vaccinations. 7.4 million people.
Kong, leading to an apology from mission”, in comments carried in the
authorities. Chief Executive Carrie Lam, who state-backed Ta Kung Pao newspaper Hospital Authority chief manager An election to choose the city’s
attended a ground-breaking last week. Sara Ho said yesterday that she next leader, initially scheduled for
Officials have now organised ceremony at a construction site for understood public frustration but next month, has been postponed to
May. – Reuters
Waiting to be helped Western media should
FINALLY, give peace a chance
the struggling to make ends meet should try to expose themself or PERHAPS the biggest untold
government has or laughing all the way to others to Covid-19 on purpose. story of the Olympic Beijing Olympics?
heard the loud the bank. Children’s risk to infection is Games is the competition NOTHER TA It shows the following
rants from Meanwhile, while I similar to that of adults. When
to date:
netizens who have been was at WTCKL, I saw children get Covid, they may run the among the English A 0 A strong
struggling with glitches parents bringing their risk of prolonged post-Covid language Western ideological fixation
and incompetencies young children for conditions, hospitalisation, multi- media to see which can E 0 An anti-China
from MySejahtera. The vaccination, and as they system inflammatory syndrome or win the gold medal for agenda
decision to set up a made it through the death. While the booster vaccination using a sporting event to 0 Racist undertones
physical helpdesk at World checks and queues, there effort is at its peak, so is the effort to criticise China. Y LIM GHE 0 A thin layer of
independent and fact-
Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur was hardly a look of get children vaccinated. But there is As a run-up to the games, TECK
(WTCKL) and Shah Alam bewilderment, worry or concern on a small segment of our population we had reports from Western based reporting
vaccination centres has been hailed the children’s faces. Naturally, they who subscribe to this incredulous media outlets focusing on why This finding is based on what
by all. According to a media are too young to know anything but notion that vaccination is a China does not deserve to host the has appeared in what is still
statement, the set-up will parents know that between the virus means through which certain games. Pre-game coverage regarded as the more trustworthy,
be operating from Feb 19 and only and the vaccination, people/organisations focused on the Peng Shuai story liberal and progressive media in
on weekends. the latter is a calculated are planning to control and the diplomatic boycott of the the US and Britain.
I was elated on hearing this and risk worth taking. “The Covid-19 man’s existence on games by the United States and a What is important to note too is
decided to drive to WTCKL on the vaccine has earth. few allies. This attempt to that media reporting in countries
first day to have my problem fixed, If everything else undergone discourage nations of the world such as the United States harp on
and not to my surprise, the queue for fails, we have to rely on Incidentally, my from participating in China’s first their integrity, independence,
the helpdesk snaked sluggishly, and science and facts regular airport taxi Winter Olympics failed badly. transparency and commitment to
instead of being driver is one who
I could not even locate the rigorous reviewsswayed by rumours staunchly believes in In total, 2,800 athletes from 91 journalistic ethics.
starting point. this. On my recent trip countries are taking part, only one In addition, media companies
and gossip. According to the airport, he had
I enquired with those in the and has beento the US Centres for lots to say for the 45 nation less than the record 92 that having a global reach emphasise
queue and was told that some of took part in the 2018 games. that they report issues and events
Disease Control and minutes I was in the
them had been there since 9am, authorised byprevention (CDC), the taxi with him and I With its optimistic motto, in a way that reflects the global
while many even came before that to “Together for a shared future”, the plurality of views. They also claim
Covid-19 vaccine for
beat the queue but sadly did not. children is safe and the US Food and came out feeling Beijing Olympics should be an that their stories are to help
I decided to give it a miss, telling effective. It has Drug momentarily dizzy occasion to bring countries of the different countries and
myself I will return but looks like undergone rigorous Administration with confusion. Hence, world together in peace and communities understand each
time is not on my side. If the reviews and has been and you can imagine the friendly competition. other better.
government decides to recognise authorised by the US impact such people As aptly summarised in the What we see is a sharp contrast
only those with booster as having Food and Drug may have on innocent address of International Olympic to these ideals. The emphasis is on
been fully vaccinated, the crowd at Administration and minds during this President Thomas Bach during the manipulation of stories and
the helpdesk will only swell this recommendedrecommended by CDC pandemic. opening ceremony on Feb 4: “In information aimed at bringing
week and next. Looking at the There are anti- our fragile world, where division, down China as a rising global
for children between vaxxer groups of various
queue, it looks like MySejahtera is by CDC forthe ages of five and 11 kinds and a common conflict and mistrust are on the power. Thus every aspect, news
not much of a help, and I can rise, we show the world, yes, it is and development of the games –
after thorough testing
imagine the frustrations of those for safety in thousands children denominator uniting possible to be fierce rivals, while at use of artificial snow, the weather,
who have no avenue for recourse. of children. between the these movements is the the same time live peacefully and the choice of Uighur cross-country
The government spent millions ages of five and penchant for viewing respectfully together. This is the skier, Dinigeer Yilamujiang, as final
on this application but I would give it According to CDC, 11 after the world through the mission of the Olympic Games – to torch bearer, the meals served,
only a two-star rating. But on the Covid-19 vaccines for prism of conspiracy bring us together in peaceful Covid quarantine requirements,
other hand, if you are entering children ages five theories. But vaccine competition, always building the success of Gu Ailing, the failure
Singapore using the Vaccinated through 11 years were hesitancy is an urgent bridges, never erecting walls, of Zhu Yi, the response of
developed and tested problem and a global
Travel Lane, there are many more thoroughin the same way as one. New variants can uniting humankind in all our aggressive segments of Chinese
applications that you need to adult Covid-19 diversity.” social media – has been subject to
download on your handphone. For testing forvaccines. In clinical emerge wherever In his speech, Bach referred to efforts to sensationalise and to
those without a smartphone, you populations remain the Olympic spirit of truce and reinforce negative views of the host
trials, the vaccine
can rent one from the airport. So, side-effects were mild safety in unvaccinated. There appealed to “all political nation, its citizenry and the
considering that, we are not doing and similar to those thousands of are talks that if we had authorities across the world – athletes associated with China.
too bad after all. seen in adults and with children. immunised everybody observe your commitment to this This anti-China propagandistic
This pandemic has made many other vaccines in the world who is over Olympic Truce. Give peace a war by the Western media is
people poorer but certain recommended for the age of 18 with at chance”. Unfortunately, this appeal nothing new. It emerged
segments are making big money. For children. The most least one dose of Covid appeared lost on the Western prominently during former US
example, the digital tracking facility common side-effect vaccine, Omicron may media that was covering the president, Donald Trump’s period
was outsourced to a single was a sore arm. not have happened. Games. of office and still continues in
conglomerate, and I can see many Then, there is another school of Then again, the worldwide vaccine It is well recognised that the leading Western media.
general practitioners who have set thought that if children were distribution is still mired in the rich media is among key stake players
up separate business entities solely exposed to the disease, they may be versus poor controversy. that can help bring nations and Lim Teck Ghee’s Another Take is
to provide vaccines. Truly, we are able to build natural immunity communities together or tear them aimed at demystifying social
living in different times with unique towards the disease. But the World apart. So, what can we find from orthodoxy. Comments:
Comments: [email protected]
challenges, and everyone is either Health Organisation says no one [email protected] Western media coverage of the
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COMMENT by Jason Loh andTanTzeYong
Right move to hold OPR
THE decision by the Monetary
Policy Committee (MPC) of consultancy firm SP Global (“Panama “Our “inflation-aversion” as shaped by the the end of 2022.
Bank Negara on Jan 20 to hold Canal booking tariff hike postponed to government influence of Monetarism and the EMIR Research calls for the
the overnight policy rate (OPR) June: ACP”). should German-phobia of hyperinflation that
at 1.75% (in continuity with its decision conceptualise occurred during Weimar Republic in the minimum wage to be implemented in
on Nov 3, 2021) is the correct policy Our government should and aftermath of World War I, which was the second half of 2023 at the earliest
stance. However, Bank Negara could conceptualise and implement its implement its only cured by the introduction of a proxy instead – with ample consultation with
have gone further by cutting the OPR to intervention accordingly – where the intervention currency called the Rentenmark. Again, the stakeholders such as the Malaysian
1.5%, with the view of holding it for the most critical part would be in relation to accordingly – Weimar hyperinflation had nothing to Employers Federation, Federation of
foreseeable future. our freight forwarders and importers in where the do with loose monetary policy as Malaysian Manufacturers, Small and
the supply-chain – as part of efforts to most critical Germany scrambled to fulfil its Medium Enterprises Association,
The policy context/backdrop is, of control and subdue inflationary part would be repatriation commitments in foreign chambers of commerce, etc.
course, the heightened inflationary pressures. And this is what is meant by in relation to currencies and its Ruhr industrial
pressures of Q4 2021, that have persisted inflation as being “transitory”, i.e. not our freight heartland came under French Ii. Persistent supply-side issues
into the beginning of 2022, and the short-lived as such but dependent on forwarders and occupation – affecting the price levels. The government’s continuation of price
momentum is expected to continue the phasing out of the supply-chain importers in controls (as pre-condition) must be
although it should dissipate eventually. bottlenecks and supply-side shocks. the It is true that the Rentenmark, which consistently and systematically
supply-chain – tamed hyperinflation, was fixed in accompanied by subsidies and other
According to Bank Negara Governor The cost-push nature of (this) as part of supply as it is tied to the value of forms of financial/fiscal measures. The
Tan Sri Nor Shamsiah Mohd Yunus, for inflation is recognised by central efforts to agricultural and industrial land. But this recent decision by the Cabinet to
2021, the average headline inflation banks in developed economies, control and served only to restructure the price subsidise 60 sen per kg for chicken and
stood at 2.5%, against a low base of -1.2% notwithstanding policy announcements subdue (quality) of the currency itself. five sen per egg for poultry farmers is the
in 2020, while core inflation averaged at and moves. inflationary right policy direction.
0.7%, versus 1.1% in 2020. The pressures. Fast-forward, ECB President The most critical part is shipping and
Consumer Price Index (CPI) was at 3.2% In the US, Federal Reserve chairman Christine Lagarde was quoted as saying freight forwarding costs. The government
in December 2021 with core inflation at Jerome Powell has “committed” to that the “[d]espite the current inflation must act fast and intervene by using its
1.1% and inflation without fuel at 2.2%. raising the federal funds rate by March. surge, the outlook for inflation over the bulk purchasing capacity either directly
This would align with the timeline of medium term remains subdued” or indirectly and removal of caps, etc.
Moving forward, economists tapering down the quantitative easing although she now “acknowledges” that Other measures include:
Geoffrey Williams and Paulo Cassadio (QE) programme of bond buying that the ECB was “getting much closer” to a) Forming a consortium which
forecasted that average headline will end in March also. Since the Great hitting its target on inflation. includes government-linked
inflation would be around 2% for 2022, Financial Crisis, lowering the federal corporations (GLC) (shipping) to
while average core inflation would be funds rate has been synchronised with In a Twitter Q&A (Feb 10), ECB import on a bulk basis to reduce and
around 1.6%. “twisting down” the long-term yields of executive board member Isabel cushion the impact of excessive or
the term maturity structure. Schnabel laid out three main points: sky-rocketing shipping costs;
The spike in food prices came to the 1. “Inflation has risen mainly due to b) Forming a special purpose vehicle
fore in November 2021, mainly in the However, a significant increase in the (SPV) to import certain categories of
form of vegetable prices. Prior to that, interest rate is highly unlikely as it could energy prices which we [i.e. the ECB] goods, whereby the government
there was the issue of rising chicken feed cause market jitters and Treasury bond cannot affect directly”. bears 50% to 70% of the shipping
prices, with particular reference to corn yields to go up with “transmission” 2. “Currently, longer-term inflation costs which will be “compensated”
and soybean meals since Q2, 2021. implications in terms of market liquidity. expectations remain well-anchored”. on a profit-sharing basis in
Banks will be hard-pressed to off-load 3. “‘Transitory’ shocks typically do not agreement with the shippers on a
According to an industry insider with the bonds at the secondary markets require [monetary] policy action”. long-term basis; and
the Federation of Livestock Farmers’ because they will be selling at a loss Notwithstanding this, the c) Forming a GLC to act as the
Associations of Malaysia, “corn makes (recall that the yield is inversely conventional wisdom remains that middleman (not for profit) – i.e.
up about 50% of feed costs, and soybean proportional to the principal). combating inflation requires raising the secondary importer (post-shipment)
meal makes up about 25%. interest rate. For example, the HSBC – whereby the costs will not be passed
Whatever the percentage, the irony is Asian Outlook 2022 anticipates that on to the next stage in the supply-
Both corn and soybean meal are fully that it will not “cure” inflation – with Bank Negara will likely increase the OPR chain (e.g. wholesale or retail).
imported products from Argentina borrowing costs going up (interest rate by 100 basis points (1%) between 2022 In addition, the government should
[Pacific route] and Brazil [Atlantic route], rises together with quantitative and 2023 because of Malaysia’s tighter set up a SPV for the purpose of
and since October 2020, the cost of corn tightening) for both the government and labour market and gradually upward implementing inflation-linked swaps
has shot up by more than 60%, while non-government (private and movement of core inflation. (ILS). The SPV would also
soybean meal prices have gone up by households) sectors. At the same time, However, as MARC (Malaysian simultaneously be tasked to project and
more than 40%” (“Poultry players up in via the forward pricing channel, i.e. the Rating Corporation Berhad) Chief forecast on future inflation movements.
arms over extension of price control pricing in of future delivery of goods Economist Firdaos Rosli points out, “… The ILS should be traded on Bursa.
scheme”, The Edge Markets, Jan 18). anchored on the interest rate will also raising interest rates will cause In short, monetary policy should be
These would be imported via shipping rise. For the administration, the “hawks” borrowing costs and input prices to accommodative of fiscal policy (and not
lines that are registered in countries like may clamour for the national debt to be increase further amid the slack in the only the economic conditions) by
Panama and Dominican Republic, reduced/repaid, which could create economy. Hence, prices will likely surge maintaining the OPR at the current level
which do not regulate shipping prices “gridlock” in Congress and derail Biden’s rather than decline”. or even lowering it to 1.5%. And further
and, hence, cartel price-fixing (price infrastructure spending under the Build Renowned economist Prof Dr Jomo develop measures as part of its “toolbox”
gouging) – as has been recognised and Back Better plan. Kwame Sundaram has also hit out at any and policy levers to synchronise
placed at the forefront by US President call for a rise in the OPR in his joint- monetary and fiscal policies.
Joe Biden’s administration. As for the Bank of England, the cash article, “Inflation Paranoia Threatens
rate was recently increased to a mere Recovery” (Feb 2). Jason Loh Seong Wei and Tan Tze Yong
On top of that, the Panama Canal 0.5% from 0.1%, which is insignificant The following two factors should are part of the research team of
Authority increased the canal transit fees and can be considered as a token compel a rethink on interest rate EMIR Research, an independent
that took effect on June 1, 2021. The hike (policy) move. What is more, Governor increase. think tank focused on strategic
represented: Andrew Bailey warned against wage i. Minimum wage increase policy recommendations
0 a minimum cost increase per transit increases. This definitively reflects the Recently, Human Resources Minister M. based on rigorous research.
thinking that inflation is a cost-push Saravanan indicated that the increase in
reservation of US$20,000 (RM83,720) phenomenon and monetary policy the minimum wage to RM1,500 a month Comments: [email protected]
(up by 57%); as well as cannot be expected as the be-all and is expected to be implemented before
0 maximum cost increase of US$58,500 end-all.
(up by 167%), etc.
For a detailed picture, see the report The European Central Bank (ECB)
by ratings agency and analytics has typically been associated with
Seafarers – much needed, less appreciated
LETTERS Significantly expanded freight change to their careers? home, visiting their families and being where is Malaysia on that?
volumes must be handled securely and Many seafarers have been working in with loved ones are vital. We should share how much they
[email protected] effectively between origin and
destination, necessitating the an already challenging environment. The maritime industry stakeholders, mean to us and the world at large. If we
MALAYSIA’S economic development is appointment of skilled seafarers. The pandemic has further complicated namely shipowners, seafarers’ do not provide them with fair working
heavily dependent on maritime their lives. Seafarers can no longer enjoy organisations and other non- conditions, they will seek better jobs
commerce, which is recognised as They are the lifeblood of global their shore leave due the lengthy governmental organisations, should onshore, and thus the high demand for
having national strategic interests and shipping that transports 80% of the quarantine period, often unpaid during collaborate with the relevant agencies professional seafarers to serve the
maritime geopolitical values. world’s goods, including our daily needs, signing on and off, and have to follow to provide comprehensive and coherent shipping sector will never be fulfilled. It is
by sea. Unlike most other professions, strict standard operating procedures. guidance to limit the impact of the time we valued their work, efforts and
The government prioritises maritime seafaring requires individuals to spend pandemic on seafarers. sacrifices.
transport as part of the country’s goal of substantial periods of time working at Malaysia has demonstrated its
achieving industrial revolution. sea. Nevertheless, seafarers are effectiveness in adapting to health laws They are unsung heroes who have Dr Izyan Munirah Mohd Zaideen
considered a neglected profession, to meet the country’s needs, yet the persisted through hardship to deliver Senior lecturer at the Faculty of
According to the United Nations overlooked by the world. issues concerning procedures faced by supplies and essentials, despite health
Conference on Trade and seafarers are rather passive. concerns and restrictions. Maritime Studies in Universiti Malaysia
Development’s review of maritime Many are unaware of the importance Terengganu.
transport, Malaysia ranked 31st in the of seafarers, resulting in them not Concerns about their mental and The International Maritime
world in terms of fleet ownership by receiving the necessary support. physical well-being should not be Organisation first recognised June 25, Capt Mohd Faizal Ramli
deadweight and 23rd in terms of The Covid-19 pandemic further overlooked. Fatigue, depression and 2011 as the day of seafarers, to Offshore Oil and Gas marine specialist,
registration by deadweight in 2020. highlights the struggle of seafarers. Who panic attacks can impair their capacity to appreciate the invaluable contribution seafarer and graduate of the Malaysian
is assisting in bringing constructive accomplish duties properly and safely. they make to international trade and the
As a result, assisting them in coming world economy. But after 10 years, Maritime Academy and Universiti
Malaysia Terengganu.
10 theSUN ON MONDAY | FEBRUARY 21, 2022
Medicos goes big on Adjusting to
safety and style #LifeZamanSekarang
MALAYSIA’S leading higher standard in
pioneer and trusted developing quality masks.”
manufacturer in medical Each respirator from the
mask manufacturing, M99 range comes with its
MEDICOS officially debuts own unique distinctive
the premium M99 features to suit the
respirator range. Hot off the individual needs of we will be able to help families in need
press, M99 respirator Malaysians. o Lifebuoy launches campaign to inspire stay safe.
comes in three different The M99 PRO is the only Malaysians to embrace living in a safer new reality Lifebuoy Malaysia is steadfast in its
types, namely PRO, NEO respirator range that comes commitment to driving the Unilever
and FLIP. with adjustable ear loops, Sustainable Living Plan through
The M99 range is created creating a tailor-made fit HYGIENE soap brand, campaigns such as this.
with superior 5 layers of and ensures secure phase of the campaign engages key Lifebuoy is an organisation with a
protection and equipped protection for different Lifebuoy Malaysia, has opinion leaders to encourage their strong sense of purpose and is proud to
with HydroChargeTM shapes and sizes of faces. It launched its followers to showcase how their lives work with partners such as HOPE
technology, the most is available in five colours - #LifeZamanSekarang have changed post-pandemic by using worldwide
advanced filtration Black, White, Cool Grey, Campaign in tandem with the the hashtag Malaysia,
technology by MEDICOS to Midnight Blue, and Dusty progressive re-opening of numerous #LifeZamanSekarang. Guardian
date. Rose. sectors within the country. And for every Malaysia and
It is designed with its Meanwhile, the M99 The campaign acts as a nationwide submission of user- other like-
safety performance tested NEO comes with ultra-soft reminder to instil positivity within generated content, minded
and validated by the ear loops, making it Malaysians while reminding them of the Lifebuoy has teamed up organizations to
National Institute of comfortable for long hours importance of washing hands to keep with Guardian and support those
Occupational Safety and of wear. Malaysians can Covid-19 at bay. With this campaign, HOPE worldwide most vulnerable
Health (NIOSH) Malaysia, choose from seven colour Lifebuoy Malaysia is determined to do Malaysia to donate a care during this trying
which is aligned with options – Black, White, its part in helping both the public and package to a family in time.
MEDICOS’ brand DNA to Hazel Brown, Olive Green, underprivileged communities in need, thus living up to Chuah
help millions live and work Caribbean Teal, adapting to the new normal, essentially, the idea of concluded: “We aim
safer. Wanderlust Green and #KitaProtectKita. #KitaProtectKita. to make a difference to
Together with NIOSH, Lavender Purple. Lenny Chuah, Beauty Personal Care The care packages, jointly developed those who need it most. We have and
MEDICOS M99 has Separately, in a true play Marketing Director of Unilever between Lifebuoy and Guardian, will will always prioritise working towards
undergone intensive of style and protection Malaysia-Singapore, shared: “While the include essential daily items such as the betterment of our planet and
respirator class laboratory combined, the M99 FLIP, is national vaccination programme has hand sanitisers, handwash, body wash, society. This campaign is another step
testing requirements, such an homage to Malaysians’ accelerated the process of herd and Guardian sponsored facemasks, in the right direction for us to realise our
as NaCl and Paraffin Oil love to accessorise. immunisation, we must not drop our both to encourage good personal mission of motivating our consumers to
penetration tests at the flow M99 FLIP’s sleek design guard. Handwashing, masking, and hygiene and to help minimize the risk of improve their hygiene behaviour.
rate of 95 litres per minute. with precise angles on the social distancing remain critical in infection. “We understand the impact the
MEDICOS M99 achieved facial feature lines give fit ensuring good hygiene and keeping Darick Wong, Country Director Covid-19 pandemic caused the country
99% filtration efficiency in and structure, a true everyone safe. HOPE worldwide Malaysia, shared: as well as the people and are
both tests, proving its definition of a stylish flip “As a company, Lifebuoy Malaysia “This is an exciting collaboration for determined to do our part in making
effectiveness against from the regular mask and has and will always prioritise working HOPE worldwide Malaysia especially in sustainable living commonplace –
airborne particles such as respirator. towards the betterment of our planet this age of Covid-19. While we recognise starting from home. We are not only
SARS-CoV-2 viruses. M99 FLIP comes in four and society. This campaign is aimed to that the country is beginning to recover providing the tools to keep them safe
William Wong, Chief bold colours – Black, Sand inspire Malaysians to live from the Covid-19 pandemic, the ripple but also inspiring hope among the
Executive Officer (CEO) of Grey, Mocha Brown and #LifeZamanSekarang and enjoy their effect of the pandemic still can be felt, people that they can enjoy their lives
MEDICOS said: “As the Fiery Berry. lives even with the continuous impact of especially within the marginalised even with the changes that have been
world continues to evolve the Covid-19 pandemic, all while communities. Through this donation, made in #LifeZamanSekarang.”
in the face of a new normal, staying safe using Lifebuoy and
so is MEDICOS. It has been practising standard safety procedures
long withstanding in our that have been set.” Model and
mission, that safety is The campaign kicked off in July actress,
paramount and we strive with the launch of our Lifebuoy Amber Chia,
to develop the safest Public Service Announcement joins the
personal protective (PSA) and infection alert system, campaign to
equipment in the market, the latter being a collaboration encourage
which is why MEDICOS will between Lifebuoy and Google to her followers
continue to demonstrate a identify those Malaysian cities to showcase
most affected by Covid-19 so that how their
Lifebuoy might serve those same lives have
communities. changed
These initiatives were meant post-
to raise awareness on the pandemic by
continuing Covid-19 cases and using the
the need to practice good hygiene hashtag
using the hashtag #LifeZaman
#KitaProtectKita. The second Sekarang.
FEBRUARY 21, 2022
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% RM m RM m RM m
53.5 Institutions 1488.5 1708.3 -219.8
28.7 Retail 877.9 837.4 40.5
17.8 Foreign 623.1 443.8 179.3
100.0 2989.5 2989.5 0.0 1.97 12.67 465.06 22.72 110.80 36.22 0.43 74.50
Preliminary stats (excluding trade amendments). For final data, please refer to 1,603.05 3,428.90 3,490.76 27,122.07 18,232.35 2,744.52
Source: Bursa Malaysia 24,327.71 7,221.70
KL MARKET SUMMARY Berjaya Kelava’s growth
February 18, 2022
INDICES 11,451.51 CHANGE -17.14 recipe for vegan ice cream
FBMKLCI 1,603.05 -1.97
CONSTRUCTION 151.69 +0.02
FINANCIAL SERVICES 16,400.68 -64.93
ENERGY 765.18 -7.84
TELECOMMUNICATIONS 633.58 +1.00 o A one-man show before
HEALTH CARE 2,167.81 +23.47 BFood came into the
TRANSPORTATION 888.39 +0.96 picture recently, it now
PROPERTY 723.06 +9.21 plans to inject RM1m into
PLANTATION 8,120.23 +152.96 faciities to expand
FBMSHA 12,210.71 +2.69 production by 10 times
FBMACE 6,294.76 -41.87
TECHNOLOGY 80.73 -1.72
3.869 BIL RM2.989 BIL
February 18, 2022 [email protected]
STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen) PETALING JAYA: Local vegan ice cream
TAWIN 175,226,800 18.5 +3.0 producer Berjaya Kelava Sdn Bhd, a 51%-
HIBISCS 143,919,200 118.0 +4.0 owned subsidiary of Berjaya Food Bhd
SMTRACK 141,967,800 24.0 UNCH (BFood), sees a sweet and bright horizon in Berjaya Kelava’s sweet offerings. – WEBSITE PIX
DGB 122,080,800 2.5 UNCH 2022, catalysed by the Berjaya Corp Bhd
GOCEAN 105,323,400 2.5 UNCH
(BCorp) group. that Kelava was just a one-man show over rare item and saw an opportunity in the
Berjaya Kelava founder and CEO Azlan three months ago makes its growth thus far market.
5 TOP GAINERS Shah Alladin (pix) has set his sights on an impressive feat.
February 18, 2022 expanding production by tenfold with a Previously, he held down a career as an
RM1 million investment into its facilities. This growth optimism is fuelled by the accountant registered with Certified
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM “With that we hope to hit our first million acquisition of Kelava by the BCorp group, Practising Accountant (CPA) Australia as well
PMBTECH 426,400 19.50 1.56 ringgit sales in a year in 2023 and which took place over three months ago as the Malaysian Institute of Accountants and
PMBTECH-WA 42,600 16.16 1.40 subsequently maybe we can grow to RM2 when the taste of Kelava’s ice cream sparked was at various times under the employ of
NESTLE 140,800 135.90 1.10 million sales a year. If it works we can look the interest of BCorp founder and chairman Ernst & Young, Boustead Holdings and
PMBTECH-LA 4,000 18.90 0.80 into building a Tan Sri Vincent Tan to acquire the business. Singapore-based Neptune Orient lines.
KLK 6,931,900 26.46 0.66 bigger or another
Before the acquisition, Azlan used to run With the ice cream venture, the ex-
production the production on an ad-hoc basis with accountant found his former career to be
facility,” he told himself being the only permanent member beneficial in figuring out the financial
5 TOP LOSERS SunBiz. of the team. details of the business, especially on
February 18, 2022 Although profitability and cost.
the figure “The Covid-19 pandemic made a lot of
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM might not be my part-time helpers leave. In fact, when When starting out, Azlan found access to
MPI 591,100 35.96 2.16 out of the Berjaya approached the business it was just capital to be the biggest challenge,
CARLSBG 187,100 21.52 0.78 ordinary for a me in the company. It was a one-man
SAM 144,400 22.50 0.50 small and show,” he shared. “It is not too hard to figure out what
VITROX 3,213,300 7.78 0.42 medium needs to be done but it’s quite hard to have
PANAMY 2,800 28.58 0.22 enterprise, the fact As a one-man show, the CEO used to the money to get it done.”
whip up 2,000 to 3,000 cups a month and
EXCHANGE RATES FEBRUARY 18, 2022 now production has doubled to 4,000 to When it comes to execution, Azlan said,
6,000 cups a month with the help of four the biggest challenge is capital, similar to
Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy Azlan says Berjaya Kelava aims to support staff as well as an assistant in the any small business and he overcomes this
hit its first million ringgit sales in a kitchen. challenge by being really cost conscious,
1 US DOLLAR TT/OD TT OD year in 2023. – PIX BY AMIRUL picking up how to do social media as well as
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 4.2470 4.1220 4.1120 SYAFIQ/THESUN Kelava’s average monthly sales have also website management to keep the overheads
1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.0670 2.9460 2.9300 doubled since the acquisition. low.
1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.1610 3.0700 3.0620
1 EURO 3.3380 3.2490 3.2370 “Right now, we are running things from With Kelava’s current business
1 NEWZEALAND DOLLAR 4.8320 4.6770 4.6570 my own central kitchen based in a small trajectory, he admits it has entered
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.8530 2.7490 2.7330 shop lot but we are looking to expand 10 unfamiliar territory as marketing becomes
1 STERLING POUND 3.1610 3.0700 3.0620 times in terms of production capacity.” an inevitable part of business. Coming from
1 SWISS FRANC 5.7880 5.6070 5.5870 an accounting background, the CEO
100 UAE DIRHAM 4.6030 4.4980 4.4830 At this stage, Azlan said, the expansion explained that marketing is seen as
100 BANGLADESHTAKA 117.0000 110.9400 110.7400 plan is very much work in progress and the something not critical to the business, a
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 5.0290 4.6970 4.4970 “nice to have” over the fundamental process
100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 67.1000 64.4000 RM1 million investment will be put of producing and selling.
100 INDIAN RUPEE 55.0400 52.3100 N/A towards the facility as well as the
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 5.7500 5.4000 52.1100 equipment used in the production. “But without marketing you might see
100 JAPANESE YEN 0.0307 0.0278 5.2000 “Currently, we have decent enough the business plateau,” he admitted. At this
100 NEWTAIWAN DOLLAR 3.7020 3.5870 0.0228 equipment but it is not fancy.” juncture, he expressed relief that BFood is
100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 16.3000 3.5770 To produce a consistently smooth on board to provide Kelava with support.
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.4600 N/A ice cream, he explained, there is a need
100 QATAR RIYAL 8.4000 2.2900 N/A On the whole, the estimated value of the
100 SAUDI RIYAL 117.4300 7.9100 2.0900 to spend on the equipment. global non-dairy ice cream market stands at
100THAI BAHT 114.4600 111.4700 7.7100 Aside from the usual capital injection US$520 million (RM2.18 billion) with a
13.8100 108.6500 111.2700 compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of
12.2500 108.4500 and operational support, the ice cream 13.7%, according to a study by Allied Market
11.8500 maker pointed out it can also leverage Research in June 2020.
BCorp’s distribution network.
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama Similarly, the Good Food Institute found
“For example, they have a chain of a 34% jump in the vegan ice cream sales
resorts which we have immediately started between 2017 to 2019 and expect the market
supplying to, places like the Taras, Pulau to see a CAGR of 15% to reach US$1.2 billion
Redang, Berjaya Hills and Berjaya Times in 2025.
Square hotel.
On the ground, Azlan observed that the
“We also have good prospects to supply demand for plant-based food has been
to their other food channels under the increasing in Malaysia, which mirrors the
Berjaya umbrella, such as Starbucks and global trend due to reasons relating to
perhaps even 7-Eleven,” he said. sustainability, ethics and health.
Looking back at the start of Kelava’s “I hope and foresee this trend will
journey, Azlan said the business came to be continue.”
four years ago, when he started on a vegan
diet and realised vegan ice cream was a
12 theSUN ON MONDAY | FEBRUARY 21, 2022
The world is acquiring a taste for kimchi
o South Korea’s traditional side dish of fermented cabbage
is winning fans globally, Malaysians included
KUALA LUMPUR: South Korea’s packaged food not only in areas where kimchi is high demand South Korea’s packaged food products, especially kimchi, are now gaining momentum worldwide with exponential
products, especially “kimchi”, a traditional among consumers in the United States and sales growth, thanks to the Korean wave craze in popular culture and content industries. –BERNAMAPIX
Korean side dish of fermented cabbage, are now Japan, but also in countries such as Malaysia,
gaining momentum worldwide with Indonesia, and Thailand, where demand has kimchi industry is estimated at 9,510, acording and various types of kimchi processed products
exponential sales growth, thanks to the Korean been picking up. to the institute’s data. using kimchi such as kimchi sauce will also be
wave craze in popular culture and content developed.
industries. Malaysia, in particular, accounted for 28.7% The company’s sales amounted to 1.619
of Korea’s annual average exports of Korean trillion won (RM5.66 billion), producing a total “If there are more than 100 countries
Hence, it was not a surprise when the kimchi from 2017 to 2021, making it the 10th of 486,000 tonnes of kimchi, exporting about importing Korean kimchi, we will continue to
headline “South Korea’s Kimchi Exports Hit biggest importer, and in 2019 and 2020, the 30,000 tonnes and distributing the rest to Korea. expect a trade surplus due to the increase in
New High in 2021” appeared on the news feed import increased to 43% year-on-year, kimchi exports.
recently. It is the first time in 12 years that South indicating the popularity of kimchi in the Excluding kimchi produced by kimchi
Korea registered a surplus in the kimchi trade, country, he said in an email interview. manufacturers, the amount of kimchi made by “In this era, it is expected that there will be a
Yonhap news agency reported recently. Korean households is 747,000 tonnes, while “localisation of kimchi” form in which people
“Malaysia, in particular, has 28.7% annual restaurants and food facilities accounted for buy and eat kimchi in each country, as well as
According to the report, outbound average kimchi exports from 2017 to 2021, 368,000 tonnes. make and eat kimchi with local vegetables,” he
shipments of the spicy Korean traditional side making it the 10th country to import kimchi added, noting all Korean kimchi exported is safe
dish came to a record US$159.9 million from Korea, and in 2019 and 2020, it shows an Commenting on the prospects of kimchi as it is produced at HACCP (Hazard Analysis
(RM669.3 million) in 2021, resulting in a trade increase of about 43% year-on-year, indicating trade in the coming years, Lee expects the trade and Critical Control Points)-certified industrial
surplus of US$19.2 million in the sector. the popularity of kimchi,” he said in an email surplus to expand based on two factors – facilities and secured hygiene safety.
interview. continuous awareness and base of consumption
It is a clearly evidenct that Korean influence is abroad. In the quest to build trust in Korean kimchi,
spiralling from its K-Pop culture to its food, Elaborating, Lee pointed out that the the National Geographical Indication System
which has indirectly benefited South Korea’s increase in exports could be attributed to Lee said: “Through science-based research has been in force since 2021 that allows Korean
economic projection. interest in immune-enhancing health foods and in the future, the health functionality, excellent kimchi manufacturers to officially mark and use
the growth of the online market during the quality, and safety of Korean kimchi will be the name “Republic of Korea” for kimchi made
In Malaysia, such dominance of influence is Covid-19 pandemic, alongside the growing identified; various recipes to enjoy kimchi to suit from Korean ingredients. – Bernama
also apparent, what more with so much more demand for Korean pop culture. the taste of local consumers, will be developed;
exposure of South Korean entertainment on
Netflix in the domestic market. “The increase in kimchi exports is also a
result of restrictions on external activities due to
A Korean living here told Bernama that the Covid-19, which can be seen as a result of
kimchi sold in Malaysia is comparable to the people tasting food from local Korean popular
ones in his home country. cultural content at home satisfying their needs
through online shopping.
“I guess this is mostly attributable to the fact
that most of the kimchi that my family buys “In addition, in the case of kimchi, the main
(either from major supermarkets or Korean factor is that various consumption methods
supermarkets here) or consumes is made by combined with the food culture of importing
Korean producers in Malaysia, using the same countries are shared through the global video
techniques and recipe as in Korea,” said a 29- platform and social media channels, so that they
year-old Korean, who decllined to be named, on can be consumed in a localised way,” said Lee,
kimchi, which has been recognised as one of the who is working at the Gwangju-based institute.
world’s healthiest dishes.
To date, a total of 934 kimchi industry
World Kimchi Institute research group leader production facilities have been registered with
Dr Lee Chang Hyeon told Bernama that South Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. Of the
Korea’s kimchi exports have steadily increased total, 616 companies produced and sold kimchi
over the past five years. in 2019, and the number of workers in the
He said this increasing trend is expanding
EPF withdrawals – the problem of income inequality
DURING the past two years, Malaysians have Withdrawals by 7.4 million EPF members in the past two years through the i-Lestari, i-Sinar and i-Citra especially true given that current projections
been allowed to make several rounds of schemes totalled RM101 billion. – BERNAMAPIX indicate that Malaysia would become an
withdrawals from their Employees Provident ageing nation by 2030 and lack of savings for
Fund (EPF) savings. This was done via the i- funds to create economic activity leading to a It has to be noted that the disparity of the golden years would eventually lead to a
Lestari, i-Sinar and i-Citra schemes which potential savings glut. Over time, as savings of wealth accumulation, especially in the top greater fiscal burden in terms of future
resulted in a total withdrawal of RM101 billion those in the top tier keep increasing, the 10% of income earners, is a common healthcare costs and income security.
by 7.4 million members. According to the EPF, valuation of financial and non-financial assets phenomenon across many countries and not
this has resulted in 6.1 million members would increase in disproportion to something which is particular to Malaysia The long-term approach should be
having less than RM 10,000 currently in their productivity. Thus, the inequality would keep alone. In fact, historical data points towards focused on resolving or at least reducing
savings and a staggering 79% of them having rising as the increase in wealth would not the top 10% driving most of the GDP growth in income inequality with greater participation
less than RM1,000 left consequently. While generate additional economic activity which the country. However, the disparity has largely in the economic pie by the B40 especially
this is not a new phenomenon, given that 28% would allow participation by those in the resulted in the dire situation arising from the given that the poverty line in Malaysia has
in the pre-Covid years already had critically bottom tiers leading to reduced disparity. pandemic-induced crisis. The situation has been redefined to RM 2,208 per household
low savings in their EPF account, the exposed the lack of social protection in leaving more than 600,000 households below
pandemic has only exacerbated the issue. It is expected that in the post-pandemic dealing with adverse shocks in the economy, the poverty line by the end of 2020. In the
era, the gap would further widen given that especially those who are self-employed or foreseeable future of the next five to 10 years,
The current situation of low savings by a income inequality tends to increase post working in the informal sector. the government would need to consider
large segment of contributors highlights the adverse shocks in the economy. Trends providing means of social security for those
limitations in distribution of net wealth. The indicate that the income distribution in Short-term relief measures such as direct within this group and retiring. This would
issue can be explained by the “savings glut”, a Malaysia follows a power-law pattern for the transfers from a disaster relief fund rather ideally come in the form of non-contributory
phrase coined by Ben Bernanke in 2005 where upper tails due to a surge in top wage earners than withdrawing from retirement savings pension.
savers in the top income brackets with excess over the years. would be a more preferable approach. This is
funds were not spending the money but The longer-term and pressing issue would
instead investing in greater proportion. Over be to give opportunities to those with low
time, the total savings would exceed the need incomes to close the retirement and pension
for funds to spur economic activities and end gap. There are lessons to be learnt from the
up creating a savings glut. work of Nobel-Laurette Abhijit Banerjee who
shows that a one-time economic boost via an
To illustrate the matter, the level of total influx of capital along with consumption
wealth to gross domestic product ratio in support over a period of time allows greater
Malaysia stands at about 1.87 at the end of social mobility and results in increased
2020, based on estimations by Credit Suisse productivity rather than the misconception of
indicating a disproportionate supply of it leads to laziness.
savings by those in the top income tiers. In
addition, it also paints a grim picture of In fact, it would lead to greater
inequality given that the median wealth is just opportunities for the next generation of those
about a third of the average wealth per adult receiving the boost as it allows access to better
in the country. EPF data further confirms this education and eventually quality jobs. The
where less than 0.5% have more than RM1 boost however has to be a big push and
million in savings in their EPF accounts and followed-up by support in terms of financial
have more money than potentially the literacy and other life skills.
combined savings of the bottom half of
members. This article was contributed by Associate
Professor Dr Hafezali Iqbal Hussain, head of
The figures lend support to the notion that research at the Faculty of Business and Law,
the supply of savings exceeds the need of
Taylor’s University.
IN BUDGET 2022, the Foreign-sourced income
government announced that it – what is remaining
intended to tax foreign-sourced
income received in Malaysia
from Jan 1, 2022 by all Malaysian tax
residents. Non-residents were
Through a media release on Dec
31, 2021, the Ministry of Finance
announced changes to the taxation of
foreign-sourced income. In summary,
resident individuals are exempted
from all foreign-sourced above relaxation is subject to Resident companies and limited that the funds remitted have not With regard to other types of income
income received in conditions that are yet to be liability partnerships will only enjoy escaped taxation in Malaysia such as interest income and rental
Malaysia, while announced by the Inland this exemption on foreign-sourced previously and are truly income from income, there are specific criteria and
companies and Revenue Board (IRB). dividend income. All other foreign- foreign sources. The reason for this rules that needs to be applied in
limited liability Although we are coming sourced income will be subject to tax. reminder is because IRB is increasingly determining whether the income is
partnerships are close to the end of February, requiring taxpayers to prepare capital foreign sourced or domestic sourced.
exempted from we still do not know the Other taxable persons such as statements especially those individuals This misunderstanding could lead to
foreign-sourced details of the conditions that trusts, business trust, unit trusts, who have foreign bank accounts and costly outcomes.
dividends received in will be announced by IRB. It Hindu joint families, cooperatives, other foreign assets.
Malaysia from Jan 1, is important for the authorities trade associations, clubs and All other taxpayers highlighted
2022 to Dec 31, 2026. to announce the details very societies are not covered by the above Although companies are above have not been covered by this
Foreign-sourced income exemption. exempted from taxing foreign exemption.
received by large companies will be quickly so that taxpayers are not sourced dividends, the primary Request to the authorities
taxed at 24% despite the company caught out with surprises. The media release specifically problem with many companies is the It is only fair to bring all taxpayers into
being subject to Cukai Makmur at 33% What is left mentioned that the exemption will lack of understanding the difference a level playing field by extending the
(companies with taxable income As far as resident individuals are not apply to individuals carrying on a between foreign-sourced income exemption beyond individuals and
exceeding RM100 million). concerned, they can freely remit partnership in Malaysia. and domestic-sourced income.For companies.
As it stands at the moment, the foreign-sourced income such as Points to note example, when it comes to business
media release is not the law, but we dividends, interest, rental, commissions, Although resident individuals are now income, it is incorrect to assume that This article was contributed by
have been assured that the position employment income, royalties, free to bring in their income from if you receive monies from overseas Thannees Tax Consulting Services
taken by the media release will be discounts, premiums, pensions until foreign sources, as mentioned in our customers for work performed
adopted by the tax authorities. The Dec 31, 2026. article in January, individuals should overseas but controlled from Sdn Bhd managing director
be mindful to be able to account to IRB Malaysia is foreign-sourced income. SM Thanneermalai.
WARRANTS WATCH Tengku Zafrul: MoF focusing on
driving country’s financial recovery
Top warrants by value traded
Warrant Value Issuer Exercise Expiry date KUALA LUMPUR: The Ministry of
name (RM mil) Macquarie level 30/03/2022 Finance (MoF) is focusing on driving
HSI-CI9 Macquarie 26,000.00 30/03/2022 the country’s financial recovery so
HSI-HMZ 52.2 Kenanga 23,600.00 30/05/2022 that the people can return to normal
DNEX-CG 37.2 Maybank 1.20 30/08/2022 life comfortably through several
DNEX-CN 29.1 Macquarie 0.78 25/02/2022 strategies such as creating jobs,
HSI-CI2 9.4 25,400.00 bringing in investment and helping
7.9 businesses.
DNeX and HSI continue Finance Minister Tengku Datuk
to take centre stage Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz (pix) said the
strategy to drive the country’s
LAST week, the warrants market that are going to expire as they financial growth was laid out through had been made out to be, vowing to helping the prime minister lead
saw an increase in overall trading will experience a much higher two main pillars, namely JaminKerja make further exposures on the matter Malaysia towards post-Covid-19
activity compared to the previous rate of time decay, i.e. the warrant and SemarakNiaga in Budget 2022, soon. recovery,” he said.
week, recording a total value of price will start reducing more after the country was ravaged by the
RM227.6 million versus RM200 rapidly even if the underlying Covid-19 pandemic. Muhyiddin, who is Perikatan Tengku Zafrul asserted that the
million previously, representing a price or level remains constant. Nasional chairman, also gave clues of economic facts in the report were facts
13.8% jump week-on-week (w-o- “I hope we can continue to give how far stretched the country’s that had been mentioned repeatedly
w) as global markets remained Over at the local scene, the most important priority to treasury was after weathering the to the Cabinet and the public.
volatile on fears over geopolitical warrants over Dagang economic recovery for the people. We twin crises of the economy and the
tensions between Russia and NeXchange (DNeX), particularly are on the right track where economic pandemic, calling it the “biggest “I never hide, either through my
Ukraine on top of inflation DNEX-CG and DNEX-CN were activity, whether from a macro, challenge”. media statements, comments in
worries. the top active warrants over business or individual perspective, is forums, parliamentary answers or
Malaysian single stocks with a gradually recovering rapidly based on Tengku Zafrul said the statement reports from agencies such as Bank
Hang Seng Index (HSI) total traded value of RM29.1 indicators such as the job market and was in reference to a report he had Negara Malaysia, the Statistics
February futures kicked off the million and RM9.4 million so on. submitted to Muhyiddin. Department and so on.
week on a weaker note, falling respectively. DNEX-CG was also
1.7%, weighed down by Covid-19 the top traded warrant by volume “I am confident that we can “It was a report given to the “That’s why since last year, we
lockdown fears coupled with with a whopping 354.6 million recover according to plans and Secretariat of the National Recovery have been talking about the Fiscal
geopolitical tensions surrounding units traded while DNEX-CN saw generate the economy, hence, Council (MPN), just like other reports Responsibility Act, to prevent issues
Ukraine which sapped investors’ up to 36.8 million units continuing to bring confidence to given by my Cabinet colleagues such as 1MDB, Suria Strategic Energy
risk appetite. Warrants over the transacted. investors to continue to come to regardless of any party. Resources Sdn Bhd and others from
HSI continued to be the focus for Malaysia,” he said in his Facebook happening again,” he added. –
the week, dominating turnover The shares of DNeX extended post yesterday. “As MPN chairman, he needs the Bernama
and accounting for RM119.7 gains into a third straight week, reports to make the right decision in
million, which is over 52.5% of the rallying by another 16.5% w-o-w Tengku Zafrul was responding to
overall weekly turnover as the to finish at RM1.27. Other popular former prime minister Tan Sri
underlying see-sawed throughout warrants over Malaysian single Muhyiddin Yassin’s statement on the
the week before ending 2.2% stocks last week were HIBISCS- country’s current financial situation.
lower w-o-w and recording only C25, GENM-C1F and ARMADA-
two positive days out of five. C64. On Saturday, Muhyiddin was
reported as saying that the country’s
The call warrant HSI-CI9 was To view the full list of structured finances were not as pretty as they
the top traded warrant by value warrants available on
last week, clocking up RM52.2 Bursa Malaysia, visit Prioritise SME survival, Samenta appeals to govt
million in value traded with a
total of 291 million units changing KUALA LUMPUR: The Small and pandemic level is an unrealistic spiralling, coupled with our inability
hands followed by the put Provided for Malaysian residents’ Medium Enterprises Association of illusion,” he said in a statement to operate at pre-pandemic levels,” he
warrant HSI-HMZ which Malaysia (Samenta) has called on the yesterday. added.
recorded RM37.2 million in value information only. This government to prioritise the survival
traded. The near expiring HSI-CI2 commentary has not been of small and medium enterprises Ng said the government must be The association urged the
was also among the top traded reviewed by the Securities (SME) in the realistic in trying to implement government to take immediate steps
warrants last week, coming in Commission Malaysia. It isnot an coming months to save SME and called for firmer
with RM7.9 million worth with offer or recommendation to trade as they go through adjustments policy interventions at this juncture
124.7 million units transacted. and is not research material.Past a “steep and that would to help lift them, and by extension,
This warrant will be expiring on performance is not indicative of difficult recovery.” affect SME. the economy, to pre-pandemic levels.
Friday with its last trading day on future performance. You should
Wednesday. make your own assessment and Samenta For example, It pointed out that some of the
seek professional advice.The president Datuk William Ng said SME he noted that low-hanging fruits that could be
Investors should exercise warrants will not be offered to any are facing several difficulties, including recent implemented now to save SME,
caution when trading warrants rising costs and labour challenges. justifications for a wage increment or include halting the increment in
US persons. electricity bill hike did not account for electricity bills, speeding up the
“Until and unless these are the sector’s compounded loss. transition to market-led financing,
resolved or substantially mitigated, “It makes little sense for SME to be and to reopen the borders
any hope of a full recovery to the pre- warned not to increase prices or lay immediately. – Bernama
off redundant workers when costs are
West could cut
US dollar Singapore’s carbon tax
access for to increase fivefold in 2024
Russian firms:
British PM o It will be S$25 a tonne by then, but businesses will be refinery in Singapore.
allowed to buy international carbon credits to offset up to “Carbon tax and supportive government
LONDON: The United States and Britain 5% of their taxable emissions
would cut off Russian companies’ access to policies can help to incentivize more industries
US dollars and British pounds if the Kremlin SINGAPORE: Singapore will increase its carbon tax functioning and regulated carbon markets.” and sectors to invest in research or technologies
orders an invasion of Ukraine, British Prime fivefold to S$25 (RM78) a tonne in 2024, Finance Carbon credits are certified instruments to to reduce emissions,” she said.
Minister Boris Johnson said yesterday. Minister Lawrence Wong said, in an attempt to
meet its zero-emissions target by around 2050. represent emission reductions at climate action “As Singapore has an export-oriented
The United States and Britain have projects and are traded by companies to offset economy, it is also important that the designed
repeatedly cautioned that Russia is about to The city state, a major Asian oil refining and emissions elsewhere. carbon tax framework encourages greenhouse
invade Ukraine, a step Washington and petrochemical export centre, plans to increase gas reductions, while safeguarding
London say would trigger the biggest the carbon tax further to S$45 in 2026 and 2027, Singapore, the first country in Southeast Asia competitiveness of trade-exposed industries.”
conflict since the end of World War Two. and S$50 to S$80 by 2030, Wong said on Friday to introduce a carbon pricing scheme,
Russia denies it plans to annex Ukraine. in a budget speech. implemented its carbon tax in 2019. A spokesperson from Shell said the carbon
price should apply to as many sectors of the
Johnson said that Western sanctions on From 2024, businesses will be allowed to buy The country’s carbon tax applies to all economy as possible and the company expects
Russia in the event of an invasion would go international carbon credits to offset up to 5% of facilities producing 25,000 tonnes or more of the price to increase over time as energy
much further than he has previously their taxable emissions, he added. greenhouse gas emissions annually, which transition progresses.
suggested in public. include oil refineries and power plants.
“This will moderate the impact for “This is critical as near-term competitiveness
“We are even, with our American companies,” Wong said. “It will also help to A stronger price signal from the government impact is real,” she said.
friends, going to stop them trading in create local demand for high-quality carbon would encourage investments in greenhouse
pounds and dollars,” Johnson told the BBC. credits and catalyse the development of well- gas reduction, said a spokesperson from “Unlike power, which is consumed
“That will hit very, very hard.” ExxonMobil which operates its world’s largest domestically, Singapore exports most of its energy
and chemical products, and has to compete with
Johnson, though, questioned if the other exporter countries that either do not have a
threat of sanctions would be enough to carbon price policy, or have sophisticated
deter Russian President Vladimir Putin mechanisms to help their trade-exposed industries
because the Kremlin chief might not be remain competitive, if they do.” – Reuters
thinking logically.
With weak lira, Turkey woos foreign companies
“We have to accept at the moment that
Vladimir Putin is possibly thinking ISTANBUL: There is a silver lining to Turkey’s A view of Kadikoy in Istanbul showing containers at Haydarpasaa port. With record exports in 2021,
illogically about this and doesn’t see the currency crisis and the global supply chain Turkey dreams of being the ‘world’s factory’ at the gates of Europe. – AFPPIX
disaster ahead,” Johnson said. crunch: the country is becoming an attractive
alternative at the gates of Europe for foreign Netherlands-Turkey Chamber of Commerce, Bangladesh and Vietnam but ahead of
Britain, home to the centre of global firms. said the business group received “requests from Indonesia and China.
foreign exchange trading, has previously the household and garden sector, textile and
threatened to block Russian companies Turkey is seizing on its geographic advantage fashion and also yacht building industry who “Apparel companies are also looking to change
from raising capital in London and to to woo companies as the skyrocketing cost of search for new partners in Turkey”. their sourcing-country mix ... to secure the supply
expose what Johnson calls the “Russian sea freight and pandemic-related disruptions to chain,” the global report’s authors wrote.
doll” of property and company ownership. supply chains push some European companies It has become extremely expensive to ship
to reduce their dependence on Asia. goods from Asia. The report said Turkey offers “cheaper
Britain has not spelled out who would production costs due to a declining lira.”
fall under the sanctions, but has pledged President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose As a result of container shortages, the cost of
that there would be nowhere for Russian policies have contributed to the lira’s plunge, freight between China and northern Europe has The lira has fallen by 44% against dollar since
oligarchs to hide. Johnson has said targets has promoted a new slogan for exports: “Made increased ninefold since February 2020, 2021 as the central bank – prodded by Erdogan
could include Russian banks. in Turkiye”, using the country’s language instead according to the Freightos Baltic Index. – cut interest rates even though inflation was
of the internationally-known “Made in Turkey“. rising.
Russia denies it plans to annex another While a cargo ship can take weeks to travel
part of Ukraine, after it took Crimea in 2014. But his vision must overcome concerns from Asia to Europe, Turkey is only three days Erdogan, who has been in power for two
Putin says the West is sowing hysteria in a about Ankara’s complicated relationship with away by truck. decades and seeks re-election in 2023, is betting
crude attempt to lure Russia into war after the European Union, the independence of the on a weak lira to boost exports and growth .
ignoring the Kremlin’s concerns about Nato judiciary and political uncertainty ahead of A study by the McKinsey consulting group
enlargement after the Cold War. elections next year. published in November placed Turkey in third The collapse of the lira is also problematic for
position among countries with the best several industries due to the country’s
Russia, according to Western estimates, Nevertheless, Turkey’s exports reached a potential for textile supplies by 2025, behind dependence on imports for energy and raw
has more than 150,000 troops on the record US$225.4 billion (RM943.5 billion) last materials. – AFP
Ukrainian border. year, with a target of US$300 billion in 2023.
Such assessments by US and British “Many international companies are taking
spies cannot be trusted as they made so action to supply more from Turkey,” Burak
many grave mistakes in the run up to the Daglioglu, head of the Turkish presidency’s
US-led invasion of Iraq, Russia’s first deputy investment office, said.
permanent representative to the United
Nations, Dmitry Polyanskiy, said. He said the country offers automakers or
textile companies a “competitive talent pool,
Given Russia’s position as one of the sophisticated industrial competencies, well-
world’s top exporters of oil, gas and metals – developed services industries, perfect
which are largely priced and settled in US geographic location and state-of-the-art logistic
dollars – blocking Russian companies from infrastructure”.
access to dollar markets could have a
stinging impact. Ikea announced last year it wanted to move
part of its production to Turkey.
Russia's largest oil company Rosneft
fully switched the currency of its contracts The Italian clothing group Benetton told AFP
to euros from US dollars to shield its it wants to “increase its production volumes in
transactions from US sanctions, CEO Igor countries closer to Europe, including Turkey.”
Sechin said in 2019. – Reuters
Peter Wolters, vice chairman of the
Luxury sector undaunted by Covid, soaring inflation
PARIS: The pandemic and soaring price flexibility, i.e. we have the exceeding pre-pandemic levels. “very strong demand”, raises its prices Rolex, for example, had largely
inflation have done nothing to take means to react to inflation,” LVMH The French company also owns a once a year. refrained from increasing prices
the shine off luxury brands, from chief executive Bernard Arnault told during the last two years. But at the
Louis Vuitton to Gucci and Cartier, as reporters. broad range of spirits, perfume, “All of our products have the same start of 2022, it raised prices by more
the sector increased prices to notch jewellery and cosmetics products. margins. We don’t play with our prices. than 3.0% on average “and for some
up stellar profits. UBS analysts estimate that top They’re linked to manufacturing costs models they soared as high as 12%”.
brands such as Louis Vuitton, which Kering – which owns Gucci and and not to desirability.”
The world economy began to is owned by industry leader LVMH, Yves Saint Laurent – also beat its pre- Chanel “has also been in the news
recover from the pandemic last year have raised their prices two-and-a- Covid levels to book a net profit of Swiss group Richemont, which for its aggressive price hikes of iconic
but the rebound has been half times higher than the inflation €3.2 billion on sales of €17.6 billion, owns Cartier and runs its business bags during the pandemic and more
accompanied by rising inflation, with rate over the past 20 years. the group reported on Thursday. year from April to March, said it so recently”, the analysts said.
prices for raw materials and energy booked sales of €5.6 billion in the third
soaring. But luxury good makers can Indeed, “pricing power remains Kering CEO Francois-Henri Pinault quarter alone, an increase of 38% over “While not every luxury brand can
respond by increasing their prices one of the key characteristics of the acknowledged that “for every new the corresponding period of 2019. pull off this double-edged sword, we
and actually look more desirable to luxury goods industry”, UBS analysts season, we create a new collection and believe Chanel’s pricing actions have
their customers. wrote in a research note. we review all the price matrices”. “In certain cases demand exceeds probably created a good space for the
supply and that means consumers will likes of Louis Vuitton, Hermes and
“Our advantage over many other LVMH bagged a record €64 billion Hermes chalked up profits of €2.4 both trade up and likely accept paying Gucci to raise their price points
companies and groups is a certain (RM304.6 billion) in sales and €12 billion on sales of €9 billion. higher prices, which again will cushion further.” – AFP
billion in net profit last year, both the margin,” said analysts at HSBC.
Hermes chief Axel Dumas said
that his brand, which is enjoying
21 FEBRUARY 2022
WHEN marine Di Iorio and her CEFREM
researchers started coleagues are working
recording sounds in the on identifying the
seagrass meadows of the different sounds made
Mediterranean Sea they picked up a by fish. – CEFREM
mysterious sound, like the croak of a
frog, that
resounded within
the dense foliage
– and nowhere
“We recorded
over 30 seagrasses
and it was always
there and no-one
knew the species
that was
producing this
kwa! kwa! kwa!”
said Lucia Di
Iorio, a researcher
in ecoacoustics at France’s CEFREM.
“It took us three years to find out
the species that was producing that
The melodious songs of whales
might be familiar music of the world’s
underwater habitats but few people
will have heard the hoarse growl of a
streaked gurnard or the rhythmical
drumbeat of a red piranha.
Scientists are now calling for those
sounds and many thousands more to
become more widely accessible.
They say a global database of the
booms, whistles and chatter of the
sea will help to monitor diversity in
aquatic life – and help put a name to
mystery sounds like the one Di Iorio
and her colleagues investigated.
Experts from nine countries are
working to create what they have SoundsScientists believe that all 126 marine mammal species emit sounds, as do at least 100 aquatic invertebrates and some 1,000 fish species. – AFP
dubbed the Global Library of
Underwater Biological Sounds – or
This would gather together
recordings held all over the world and
open them up to artificial intelligence
learning and mobile phone apps from the deep
used by citizen scientists.
While experts have been listening
to life underwater for decades, the
team behind GLUBS say that audio
collections tend to be narrowly
focused on a specific species or
geographical area. o Mysteries and music – listening
Their initiative is part of in on underwater life
burgeoning work on marine
“soundscapes” – collecting all the Whales are one of the few aquatic creatures known to use sound to
sounds in a particular area to discern communicate with each other. – SHUTTERSTOCK
information about species types,
behaviour and overall biological underwater animal sounds before noise of an animal munching a meal. Scientists can recognise families of finger of suspicion at the
diversity. Scientists say these they potentially disappear,” said lead Di Iorio, a co-author on the fish just from these sounds, so with a scorpionfish.
soundscapes are a non-invasive way author Miles Parsons of the GLUBS paper, said while marine global library they might be able to But they struggled to explain how
to “spy on” life underwater. Australian Institute of Marine mammals, like humans, learn their compare, for example, the it was making such an unusual noise
In a paper published recently in Science. language of communication, the thrumming calls of different grouper – and it refused to perform for them.
the journal Frontiers in Ecology and sounds made by invertebrates and fish in the Mediterranean to those off They tried catching the fish and
Evolution, the GLUBS team said Sonic ‘barcode’ fish are “just their anatomy”. the coast of Florida. recording it in a carrier. They sunk
many fish and aquatic invertebrates Scientists believe that all 126 marine Many fish produce a distinctive But another key use for the library, sound equipment onto the seabed
are mainly nocturnal or hard to find, mammal species emit sounds, as do drumming sound using a muscle that they say, could be to help identify the next to the fish. They even listened in
so acoustic monitoring could help at least 100 aquatic invertebrates and contracts around their swim bladder. many unknown sounds in the world’s to aquariums that contained
conservation efforts. some 1,000 fish species. “This dum-dum-dum-dum-dum, seas and freshwater habitats. scorpionfish.
“With biodiversity in decline The sounds can convey a wide the frequency, the rhythm and the “Nothing,” she said.
worldwide and humans relentlessly range of messages – acting as a number of pulses vary from one Mystery music Eventually colleagues from
altering underwater soundscapes, defence mechanism, to warn others species to another. It’s very specific,” After many months investigating the Belgium took a camera that could
there is a need to document, quantify of danger, as part of mating and Di Iorio told AFP. strange seagrass croaker, Di Iorio and record at low light and staked out
and understand the sources of reproduction – or just be the passive “It’s like a barcode.” her colleagues were able to point the some seagrass in Corsica.
They were able to capture the kwa!
kwa! sound as well as video of the fish
making a shimmying motion.
Back in the lab, they dissected a
scorpionfish and found that they
have tendons strung along their
Their hypothesis is that the fish
contracts these muscles to produce
the sound.
“It’s a guitar, an underwater
guitar,” said Di Iorio.
But there are many more
mysteries where that came from.
Di Iorio said in the Mediterranean,
up to 90% of noises in a given
recording might be unknown.
“Every time we put a hydrophone
Scientists at CEFREM were able to match one of the sounds they heard to a In the Mediterranean Sea, up to 90% of sounds in a given recording might be in the water we’re discovering new
scorpionfish. – SHUTTERSTOCK unidentified. – AFP sounds,” she added. – AFP
16 theSun LYFE ON MONDAY | FEBRUARY 21, 2022
North (left) has a brief but memorable cameo in Uncharted. – SONY
Kelly Clarkson wants SONY’S action adventure Top of the charts
name change for film Uncharted is set to o Uncharted is set to rule the box office, “Fell out of a car then fell out of
fresh start score big on its opening with a little help from a video game icon a plane,” Holland’s Drake
weekend. Director Ruben answers, drenched, but mostly
FOLLOWING her recent divorce, singer Kelly Fleischer’s live-action adaptation making his mark as treasure plummeting from a cargo plane unfazed by his near-death
Clarkson has filed papers to legally change her of the popular video game is hunter Nathan Drake, for many thousands of feet in the air. experience.
name to Kelly Brianne. projected to earn US$45 million video game fans, the film would
(RM188.4 million) domestically be incomplete without the The sequence, inspired by an “Huh. You know, something
In court filings uncovered by US Weekly, the over the four-day Presidents’ Day participation of Nolan North, who action set piece in the game like that happened to me once,”
singer stated her desire to go by her first and weekend – a tally that would voiced and performed motion Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, North says knowingly. As Drake
middle name because “my new name more notch it as the biggest theatrical capture for the video game icon made waves once bits of it were and Chloe walk off, North calls
fully reflects who I am.” opening of 2022 so far. for nearly 10 years. glimpsed in the film’s trailer. out: “Good luck!”
The move comes five months after she was The film is also set to test star Fortunately for fans, North has In the film, Drake and Chloe North recently spoke about his
legally declared single amid her contentious Tom Holland’s ability to anchor a a brief, but memorable cameo in survive their fall, and end up cameo, saying he didn’t want it to
and lengthy divorce from talent manager new franchise, after achieving the Uncharted adaptation, right landing on a beach – where they be self indulgent.
Brandon Blackstock. success with the recently after Holland’s Drake and Sophia run into North lounging in a chair,
concluded Spider-Man trilogy. Ali’s Chloe Frazer survive who asks the two what happened He explained: “It’s a quick
Clarkson filed for divorce from Blackstock in Uncharted marks his first starring to them. little thing, and it works for the
June 2020 after nearly seven years of marriage, role in a non-Marvel theatrical scheme of the film and it’s fun.
citing “irreconcilable differences.” blockbuster, apart from last Like Stan Lee’s stuff in Marvel
spring’s Chaos Walking, which sat movies. They always were
The former couple share two children, River on Lionsgate’s shelf for years and perfect.”
Rose, seven, and Remington Alexander, five. hardly made any noise in the
Although they have yet to finalise their divorce, middle of a pandemic.
Clarkson recently agreed to give Blackstock 5%
of their Montana ranch, which has been a But while Holland may be
sticking point in their split.
It is unclear what the name change would
mean for her eponymous talk show The Kelly
Clarkson Show. Currently, the singer is on a
break from hosting, with the show carrying on
with guest hosts.
Earlier this week, Clarkson called in to the
show, telling gust host Taraji P. Henson that she
and her children were watching reruns of
Encanto to pass the time.
Kanye files legal challenge
against ex Kim
KANYE WEST does not want estranged
Upcoming girl group XG. – XGALZ ex Kim Kardashian to be declared legally The couple in happier times, with their
single. children. – INSTAGRAM
YG set to debut Japanese girl group remarriage”, meaning that Davidson
The troubled rapper filed a motion would be compelled to testify.
ANTICIPATION HAS been has a seven-member line-up. complete. late last week opposing Kardashian’s
building up over YG Kep1er‘s Hikaru was originally Both K-pop and J-pop fans request to finalise their split until custody Followers of the couple’s saga believe
Entertainment’s first Japanese part of the line-up, however, her have been looking forward to and property issues are resolved, citing that this is part of West’s tactic to imply
girl group. In collaboration with placement on Girls Planet 999 seeing the group in action, several requests of his own should her that Kardashian is an unfit mother, as he
the Japanese company AVEX that landed her in her current thanks to the release of two motion go through. has long alleged that she has been
Group, YG Entertainment (under group has put her high-energy dance preventing him from seeing his four
the combined label XGALX) has debut with XG on teasers that were While this comes as no surprise to children with her since their split.
been preparing for the group’s hold, though there Scan QR released on social observers following weeks of West’s
debut since 2017. are plans for her to code for media. erratic behaviour towards his ex and her Previously, Kardashian had told the
join them once her dance current beau, comedian Pete Davidson, media: “Divorce is difficult enough on
The group’s name has been time with Kep1er is teaser XG is set to one part of West’s filed documents has our children and Kanye’s obsession with
revealed as XG, and currently debut on March 18. raised eyebrows. trying to control and manipulate our
situation so negatively and publicly is
Amidst the usual issues involving only causing further pain for all.”
taxes, health insurance and retirement
funds, West has also included a demand Lawyers for Kardashian have rejected
for his Kardashian to waive marital West’s conditions. A hearing has been set
privilege if she gets hitched before their for March 2 at which Kardashian will
divorce is finalised. likely be declared single.
While this might not appear to be
such a big deal, it holds certain
implications for Kardashian and
Davidson’s relationship.
Legal experts have noted that should
Kardashian wed Davidson before
finalising her divorce, should he witness
an incident involving her children, he
would not have to testify about it as
communication between spouses is
West is demanding that Kardashian
waive marital privilege “until a final
custody determination has been made,
and that [she] obtain the same waiver
from any new spouse prior to
17theSun LYFE ON MONDAY | FEBRUARY 21, 2022
Queens of comedyDoyennes of comedy Wanda Sykes, Amy Schumer and Regina Hall will be hosting this years Oscars. – AFP Return of the Jedi
o Wanda Sykes, Amy Schumer and Regina Hall confirmed as Oscars hosts FOLLOWING on the heels of his greatest defeat – the
The Mandalorian and The Book downfall and corruption of his
NEXT month’s Oscars will be years. blockbusters including Spider-Man: of Boba Fett, the new Lucasfilm best friend and Jedi apprentice,
hosted by three doyennes of Late night comedian Jimmy No Way Home and No Time To Die series on Disney’s streaming Anakin Skywalker, who turned
comedy, Wanda Sykes, Amy failed to earn Oscar nominations in service takes a break
Schumer and Regina Hall, it Kimmel was the last person to host the major categories, including best from the adventures to the dark side as
was confirmed last week, as organisers show, in 2018. picture. of galactic bounty evil Sith Lord Darth
amp up efforts to lure viewers back to hunters and goes Vader.
the ceremony. The following year’s hostless format In 2018, organisers proposed a back to what made
drew praise and was even emulated by “popular film” Oscar to honour the Star Wars The series also
It is the first time since 2018 that the other awards shows such as the blockbuster movies such as the Star universe special .... marks the return of
Oscars will have a host, the first time Emmys, but subsequent Oscar Wars films or Marvel superhero The Jedi and Hayden Christensen
since 1987 that it has had three, and the ceremonies have been criticised for pictures that rake in millions at the box lightsabers! in the role of Darth
first time ever that all three will be lacking focus and humour. office. Vader. Joining the
women. Obi-Wan Kenobi, cast are Moses
Last year’s edition, which honoured But it swiftly shelved those plans the new Disney+ Ingram, Joel
The comedians’ names were mainly smaller, arthouse movies such after critics ridiculed the move, and the Hotstar limited Edgerton, Bonnie
announced on ABC’s Good Morning as best picture winner Nomadland, new “fan favourite” award will not be a series, will debut Piesse, Kumail
America (GMA). ABC will broadcast was watched by just over 10 million formal Oscar category. exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar Nanjiani, Indira
the 94th Academy Awards on March viewers – a 56% decline from 2020, May 25. The series stars Ewan Varma, Rupert Friend, O’Shea
27. which was already a record low. Next month’s Oscars will return to McGregor, reprising his role as Jackson Jr., Sung Kang, Simone
the ceremony’s traditional Dolby the iconic Jedi Master. Kessell and Benny Safdie.
“I’m not sure who thought this was As Oscars voters have drifted away Theatre venue in Hollywood, after the Obi-Wan Kenobi is
a good idea, but I’m hosting the from more mainstream fare, the pandemic-affected 2021 Academy The story begins 10 years executive-produced by
Oscars, along with my good friend Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Awards were held at a Los Angeles after the dramatic events of Kathleen Kennedy, Michelle
Wanda Sykes and Regina Hall. I’d Sciences has toyed with reforms to train station. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Rejwan, Deborah Chow, Ewan
better go watch some movies,” boost the ceremony’s popularity. where Obi-Wan Kenobi faced McGregor and Joby Harold.
Schumer said in a video selfie aired on They are being held later than
GMA. This year there will be a new “fan usual, reportedly to avoid clashing Blade Runner 2049 TV series
favourite” prize for the most popular with February’s Winter Olympics and green lit
Television ratings for the Oscars film as voted for by Twitter users. Sunday’s Super Bowl in Los Angeles. –
have dramatically declined in recent ETX STudio THE sci-fi franchise Blade be part of the project. The
The new category was announced Runner is back! Amazon Studios director of the very first opus of
after several crowd-pleasing is tackling a new franchise. the saga, Blade Runner released
After the prequel of Lord of the in 1982, will act as executive
New series about the rise of the LA Lakers Rings, the firm is set
takes to the court to produce a producer. And
sequel to the according to some,
HBO’S Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers science fiction he could even
Dynasty is a new ten-episode HBO Original movie in the form direct some
sports drama series that goes back in time to of serial episodes. episodes.
chronicle the professional and personal lives of Here’s what we
the 1980s Los Angeles Lakers, one of sports’ know. The Blade
most revered and dominant dynasties. Runner saga tells
Based on Jeff Pearlman’s book, Showtime: Will Harrison the story of a
Magic, Kareem, Riley, and the Los Angeles Ford feature dystopian world in
Lakers, and executive produced by Adam among the cast of which the
McKay, the show takes a look at a team that the Blade Runner environment has
defined its era, both on and off the court. 2099 series? The been totally
The ensemble cast includes John C. Reilly, show has now been officially ravaged.
Jason Clarke, Adrien Brody, Quincy Isaiah, Sally confirmed. Amazon Studios has Androids, called “replicants”
Field, and Jason Segel, among many others. outlined it is working on a live- are exploited for performing
The series premieres the same time as the US action series about the sequel difficult tasks.
on March 7 to Blade Runner 2049, the film After a revolt, special forces
at 10am on directed by Denis Villeneuve called blade runners are in
HBO GO Scan the QR with Harrison Ford and Ryan charge of eliminating any
code to watch Gosling, released in 2017 in dangerous replicant. A task that
and HBO theatres. is difficult because these
(Astro Ch the trailer androids have the appearance
411) with a This new series called Blade of regular humans.
same day Runner 2099 is set to take place The franchise has already
encore at 10pm on HBO. The following 50 years after the last film. spun off an animated series,
episodes will debut at 9am on subsequent called Blade Runner: Black Lotus.
Mondays. For the moment, Amazon Launched on Adult Swim in
Studios has not revealed the 2021, the story follows a female
plot of the series which should replicant trying to recover her
consist of ten episodes. One memories in 2032. – ETX Studio
thing is sure, Ridley Scott will
18 theSun LYFE ON MONDAY | FEBRUARY 21, 2022
█ BY THASHINE SELVAKUMARAN YourAloevera. –PINTEREST home, yourSpiderplant.–HAPPYSPROUT gardenEnglish Ivy. –MYDOMAINE
EVEN people without green
thumbs can appreciate the
beauty of indoor plants. If
you are one of those people,
then this story is for you! This
outdoor touch is a great way to
brighten up the mood, add colour to
your interior and develop your
gardening skills.
Houseplants add beauty to a
space while providing functional
benefits such as creating a positive
atmosphere, purifying the air, and
allowing you to connect with nature
without going out. Plants can put
your mind at ease. No wonder many
people want to fill their homes and
offices with beautiful green leaves.
Luckily, there are several types of
houseplants that can fill your home
and don’t require much effort to
sustain life. We compiled eight
indoor plants for you to consider for
your home.
CALATHEA o No matter your skill level or how much space you have
Low sunlight and very humid to spare, there’s a houseplant for you here
environment are the ideal conditions
for Calathea plants to thrive! They
have colourful, bright patterns and
come in many varieties, with
distinctive rounded leaves with a
light green pattern on the top and a
maroon pattern below, or long wavy
dark green leaves with a deep purple
tint. They are generally easy to care
for, but like all plants, don’t water
them too much! They like to be wet
all the time, so a rule of thumb is to
make sure the soil is dry, then water
it regularly and drain excess liquid.
Aloe vera, also called the “healing
plant,” is the ultimate multitasker. It
not only decorates your home, but is
also a popular ingredient in skincare
products. Its super low maintenance
and is also extremely easy to keep
alive. Aloe likes the sun and only
needs to be watered once a week.
Aloe vera will love a spot on your
desk or bedside table as it’s perfect
for indirect light. Place the plant in a Pothos plant. – INDOOR PLANTS WORLD Lily. – HGTV Snakeplant. – PINTEREST
tall pot so that the leaves do not fall LILIES
on the table. Soak well every week or limited light, so it’s a good idea to put and should be placed in a basket on Sometimes flowering plants are the
every two weeks for optimal growth. them in the bathroom. Spider plants the wall close to the window to most difficult to maintain. Durable
They also make a great gift for a act as natural indoor air fresheners, receive sunlight. This plant is very and beautiful, the Peace Lily is
friend who has problems with other so there is no need to invest in effective at filtering out harmful appreciated for its ability to purify the
plants! They look great in almost any artificial plants. Make it stand out by pollutants and odours from the air, air. Peace Lilies are hardy but grow
type of container and in any type of putting it in a pot on your bathroom making it a great addition to your best in indirect sunlight with access
interior. They are just that flexible. windowsill. If you want to mix things bathroom. In terms of interior to shade. For best results, wait until
up, try adding them to hanging design, these houseplants hang you see the leaves droop slightly.
SPIDERPLANT ornaments near the sink or bathtub. picturesquely from ceilings or walls,
Bright indirect lighting and Give it an earthy industrial feel with a especially when placed next to a sink Consider planting them in simple
occasional watering make spider metal pot in shades of rose gold, gold or bathtub. English Ivy brings the pots so that beautiful flowers can
plants the easiest to care for. This and silver gray. essential tropical wonderland vibe to take center stage. If your bedroom is
houseplant has nothing to do with any bathroom, especially one built of decorated in a minimalist or
real spiders. However, this plant is ENGLISH IVY white and gray marble or quartz. industrial style, the soft aesthetic of
named after a spider because of its English Ivy has lush evergreen the Lily will be a welcome contrast.
long, tapering leaves that look very leaves. You can leave the long POTHOS PLANT Not only will you sleep better, but you
much like spider legs! Spider plants tendrils hanging from the fireplace Also known as ‘money plants,’ pothos will also get fresh air.
grow well in damp places with or shelf. English Ivy is a houseplant plants are considered a lucky plant
by many, and are easy to grow SNAKEPLANT
indoors especially if you are new to Also known as “snake plant”, mother-
gardening. Money plants thrive in-law’s tongue is visually very
anywhere, whether in soil attractive – a bunch of strong spikes
pots or pots of water. covered in yellow, green and grayish
The plant is also patterns. This plant, officially known
referred as “the as Sansevieria Laurentii, is a very
devil’s ivy” for hardy and unique plant with high- Orchids. – BETTER HOMES AND
its toughness. contrast stripes that cannot be GARDENS
The plant ignored. This sturdy shrub requires you love decorating your home with
can access minimal maintenance. It is enough colorful flowers, check out orchids.
indirect to water every week. Mother-in-law’s These flowering plants are easy to
sunlight and tongue is best seen as a central find in Malaysia, so you have plenty
water every few decoration of a living room or dining of choices when choosing the type
days. room. To ensure a good visual you want to grow at home. Also,
If your home impact, place the plants in colourful because the orchid family is vast,
has a pots. If you don’t want the plants to varieties can vary by character, so be
minimalistic obscure the rest of your beautiful careful when deciding what kind of
visual style, you home interior, you can complement flower to work with.
can hang it on the it with small decorations like glass
wall of your vases or jars. Decorating your home Growing orchids indoors requires
bedroom. The vines with snake plants has a number of exposure to moderately strong
can grow incredibly benefits as it absorb various toxins, sunlight, and regular watering in hot
long, making them a pollutants and odors and improve months. If you have an open or semi-
great choice for hanging overall air quality. open kitchen with large windows for
from high ceilings. ORCHID ventilation, plant an orchid there.
If you’re worried about your Phalaenopsis orchid prefers low light And if the aesthetics of your kitchen
plants taking up extra space, you can and a humid climate, but is calmer are generally monochromatic, bright
position them on or near a shelf for a than its colourful flowers suggest. If orchids will add some colour to the
Calathea. – THE SPRUCE cleaner look. room.
19theSun LYFE ON MONDAY | FEBRUARY 21, 2022
Tiong during one of her streams in which she baked. –
Tiong first entered the industry at 16 through modelling. – JOLENE Tiong posing for a picture after being crowned first runner up at Miss Tiong considers herself a variety streamer. – JOLENE TIONG
TIONG Astro Chinese International 2018. – BRIAN LEE
The stream queen lifestyle stories, her segments has not only
streams. solidified her presence but also done justice to
oBeauty pageant contender Jolene But after much practice, she her as an entertainer.
Tiong traded the spotlight for a ring light adjusted to the standard
and eventually developed When asked about her favourite aspect of
her niche on the the job, Tiong contends it to be the relationships
platform. that she has built with her viewers.
█ BY JOHN TAN allowed her to pursue many These days, you
of her interests within the can find the 23- “I enjoy the conversations and connections
BEAUTY pageants have long been a entertainment industry. year-old I’ve built with my viewers. I tend to have heart to
consistent component in the global However, she was unhappy by streaming a heart conversations on stream and would have
culture ever since their inception in the “inauthentic” nature of her variety of some meaningful conversations with the
1854. In fact, many young women and fame. content on her viewers on chat.
girls participate in beauty pageants annually to “After being in the pageant, I profile. From
represent their community at large. felt very trapped and couldn’t entertainment to “I also have been organising meetups for the
truly be myself on camera. As community and the people I’ve met are simply
While some experts argue it to be sexist, pageant girls, we were often told to amazing to get to know. It’s rather fascinating
others believe it to be a good avenue for girls to be in a certain manner – elegant, for me that I’ve built some valuable friendships
discover their inner beauty and self-confidence. composed and poised at all times and I via Twitch. It’s really great to be in a community
lost my personality. I couldn’t recognise whereby both viewers and fellow streamers are
Regardless, beauty competitions serve as a so supportive of one another. “
good platform for contestants to advocate for
important causes and to kick start their careers. who was the person I was looking at in the Lessons from beauty pageants
The latter is especially true for the mirror and felt insecure and vulnerable.” While Tiong is pleased to have
entertainment industry. Fortunately, she stumbled upon discovered Twitch, she still holds her
Twitch, an online streaming platform that days as a beauty queen close to her
In fact, 2018 Miss Astro Chinese allowed her to be comfortable in her skin heart. Indeed, she acknowledges
International first runner up Jolene Tiong is a once again. the positive role it played in
prime example of someone who turned the “I saw live streaming on Twitch as an realising her current goals.
attention she got from the competition into a opportunity to create my own platform – “My professional and
lucrative career. one which I could be myself and not be pageant experience is one of
constricted to any rules. I could combine the main reasons as to why I
In an exclusive interview with theSun, the my strengths and leverage on them by love being a twitch streamer.
Sarawak native said: “I’ve always wanted to curating my own shows.” I’m able to incorporate the
participate in Miss Universe and to represent majority of my skill sets into
Malaysia on a global stage. When I found out Current Twitch endeavours one career – streaming. To
about the auditions for Miss Astro 2018, I was 19 But like any new journey, Tiong’s be in front and behind the
years old and still midway through my degree transition into Twitch was no piece camera and to build my
programme. of cake! For instance, the streamer own community and
initially found streaming to be brand has been
“However, I thought it was a good difficult and draining on her extremely fulfilling.”
opportunity to try out pageantry at an early age energy.
and so I auditioned for Miss Astro.” Her future plans
“To stream for at least include
Organised by Astro Malaysia, the pageant is three hours each time pursuing a
conducted entirely in Mandarin and you’re live on Twitch, Masters degree.
Cantonese. Although Tiong did not speak either especially when you’re – JOLENE
language, she saw it as a golden opportunity to just starting out,z was TIONG
be scouted by the channel for future particularly
opportunities. exhausting.”
“My agenda when auditioning was to get She was so worn
noticed by Astro and hopefully get roped into out from the
their English programmes as I did not believe I pressure that she
could get shortlisted due to the language could not speak to
barrier.” anyone for the rest
of the day
Despite not fulfilling the language criteria, following her
Tiong managed to win over the audience and
was crowned Miss Astro Chinese International
first runner up.
Entering the world of streaming
Her win definitely was a victory as her hard
work paid off. Aside from that, the participation
also helped open up new doors for her. It
20 theSun LYFE ON MONDAY | FEBRUARY 21, 2022 /theSunMedia
Stinky no more!
o These hacks will keep you from
desperately trying to clean yourself with
towels in the bathroom at work
█ BY THASHINE SELVAKUMARAN but being mostly vegetarian can help Remember to wash your clothes more frequently if you tend to sweat a lot. – 123RF
neutralise odours. So try to consume
BODY odours make your nose more vegetables and fruits! and deodorants. Antiperspirants are needs well but once you manage to inside out and wash them. Let your
wrinkle before you even Remember to pay attention to what more effective at controlling armpit stick on the right ones, it’s all good detergent remove sweat and odours
realise where the bad smell you eat. sweat, while deodorants only mask then. Always keep an eye for from the inside of your shirt.
is coming from. Bad body 0 Handle smelly feet the odour at first, but eventually mix irritation when experimenting to get
odour makes people avoid us. But There’s always this one person we all with the sweat to create a much the best one. As a matter of fact, if you’ve ever
that’s not something surprising, is it? hate whenever he or she takes off stronger, unpleasant odour. 0 Update laundry routine put on a clean shirt and find yourself
We live in a hot country and body their shoes. Don’t be that person. It is Now this is an obvious fact. Wash smelling stale even before you reach
odour just comes with the territory! very important to change your socks Searching for the right deodorant your clothes as soon as possible the office, your fabric softener could
We all sweat. every day. If your feet sweat a lot, can be annoying, but if your current regularly. Do not allow sweat to sink be the cause. The fabric softener
consider changing your socks every choices don’t work, it’s time to throw into the fabric. Otherwise, you may remains on the fabric surface of the
But before you leave the house, two hours. Purchasing socks made them out and try new ones. It’s better have a hard time removing odours garment, preventing air penetration
there are certain things you can do to cotton or wool is a great way to reduce than using a deodorant that barely from your clothes. Turn the clothes and evaporation. This means the
make sure you handle certain body smelly feet. lasts for two hours. It may take several fabric doesn’t get the air it needs to
odours well and don’t offend others! tries to find a deodorant that fits your fight odour-causing bacteria.
Remember, sweat itself is odourless. It is okay to invest in quality shoes
It is the bacteria in the sweat that as cheap ones are not good for your
causes the odour. feet. Wash your feet with soap and
0 Wash regularly rub your feet when you are
Proper cleaning can make a big showering, many people tend to
difference. If you are prone to body leave out that part. Dead skin builds
odours, wash the area that is causing up on your feet as you walk, which
the discomfort more often. eventually stinks.
While you’re at it, think twice Also, make sure your shoes are dry
before putting on the same pants or t- before putting them on and change
shirt again. You don’t need to wash all your shoes frequently! Do not wear
your clothes after each wear, but you the same shoes for several days in a
may need to wash them more often if row.
you tend to sweat a lot. Shirts and 0 Handling underarms
other clothing that touch the armpits Here’s a tip. Clean your armpits
should be washed after wearing regularly with a mixture of baking
whenever you experience body soda and lemon juice. Both items
odour. have antibacterial properties that
would help you get rid of body
Wear a basic layer, such as a short- odours. Alternatively, add a
sleeved t-shirt, to cover your armpits tablespoon of baking soda to your
and prevent sweat and bacteria from bath water every few days.
spreading to your sweaters and
outerwear. This eliminates the need Exercise every day and drink lots
for frequent washing. Also, both you of water. Wear cotton and breathable
and your sweater will smell better fabrics instead of synthetics like
and prevent the risk of smelling bad polyester, especially when exercising.
and avoid people’s stares on you. Synthetic fibres trap sweat and allow
0 Take care of what you eat bacteria to thrive. Be sure to check the
What you eat directly affects your label on the garment before
body odour, not just from your purchasing.
breath. Foods that contain sulfur,
such as kale and broccoli, can You may want to consider using
increase odour. Onions and garlic are armpit pads under tight-fitting
common culprits. Curries and other clothing such as blouses, while men
spicy spices can also get into your should consider wearing a short-
body odour. sleeved cotton vest under their shirt
to control both smell and sweat.
One way to reduce these odours is 0 The right deodourant
to include mess meat in your diet. It’s okay to invest in antiperspirants
You don’t have to quit meat entirely,
Can Botox reduce anxiety?
THE pandemic has had multiple
Botox could have beneficial effects on anxiety, a scientific study reports. – ETX STUDIO repercussions on the physical and journal Scientific Reports, are
mental health of people around the surprising, to say the least. They
world, notably leading to a rise in found that the reported anxiety risk
symptoms of depression and anxiety. was between 22% and 72% lower in
patients treated with Botox than in
This phenomenon has led those who did not receive such
scientists to look further into the injections.
subject in a bid to find effective
responses. And some of their findings This was true for half of the
have certainly proved unexpected. conditions and injection sites
According to a recent study, Botox studied: facial muscles for cosmetic
could be a new ally to take into use, facial and head muscles for
account when it comes to reducing migraine, upper and lower
anxiety. extremities for spasms, and neck
muscles for treatment of torticollis.
The results of this study could
raise a smile, but the findings are At this stage, the researchers
serious science. A team of consider that botulinum toxins could
researchers from the University of reach the regions of the central
California, San Diego, investigated nervous system involved in mood
the potential benefits of Botox, or and emotion, thus impacting mental
botulinum toxin, on mental health. health. But they also believe that
relieving migraines or spasms –
They studied the Food and Drug chronic conditions that can generate
Administration’s adverse event anxiety – is likely to play a role in
database of nearly 40,000 people who mental health.
had received Botox treatment for
cosmetic or medical purposes, to Given the lack of data on the
reduce wrinkles, migraines or muscle subject, the scientists now intend to
spasms. continue their research to determine
the mechanism by which Botox could
Their findings, published in the reduce anxiety. – ETX Studio
IN THE MATTER OF Malaysia rout Indonesia
Assistant Manager/Manager - PIONEERFIELD CAPITAL to win men’s BATC title
Finance and HR
NOTICE DALAM PERKARA AKTA Syarikat, SDN. BHD. Malaysia’s Lee Zii Jia in action against Indonesia’s Dwi Wardoyo Chico
Job Description: IN THE MATTER OF THE 2016 DAN DALAM PERKARA Registration No. Aura during the Badminton Asia Team Championships 2022 final held
COMPANIES ACT, 2016 REN GING (M) SDN. BHD. 201001012172 at the Setia City Convention Centre yesterday. – BERNAMAPIX
• To handle full set of accounts following accounting principles,
compliance with applicable standards and regulations. AND [No. Syarikat(Syk.): 201001013473 (1000096-U) THE Malaysian men’s team The world No. 7 pair lost the
IN THE MATTER OF (897704-V)] (In Members’ Voluntary clinched their maiden Badminton first game 17-21 but recovered to
• Prepare & oversee full spectrum of accounting, month-end closing, SKNE RESOURCES SDN. BHD. Asia Team Championships (BATC) win the second 21-13. The
year-end closing, audit schedules, tax, stock control, etc. [Company No: 200501015518 (Dalam Pembubaran Sukarela Ahli) Winding Up) title with a 3-0 win over Malaysians clinched the nerve-
Dalam Mesyuarat Ahli-ahli Syk. yang NOTICE is hereby given that defending champions Indonesia wracking rubber game 21-18 to
• Responsible for management, statutory and group reporting (692565-P)] dinamakan di atas yang diadakan di M2- pursuant to Section 459 of in Shah Alam yesterday. put Malaysia two up.
requirements. (Incorporated in Malaysia) C-9/2, Tingkat 2, Jalan Pandan Indah 4/6, the Companies Act, 2016, the
(In Members’ Voluntary Winding Up) Pandan Indah, 55100 Kuala Lumpur pada Final Meeting of the members’ Malaysia’s win over Indonesia’s Young shuttler Ng Tze Yong
• Responsible for finding solutions and resolving daily operational issues At an extraordinary general meeting 14 Februari 2022 resolusi berikut yang of the abovenamed Company second stringers dashed their then rose to the occasion to seal
if any. of the members of SKNE Resources dinyatakan di bawah telah diluluskan will be held at 11-3-6 New arch-rivals’ hope of securing their the championship point for the
Sdn. Bhd., duly convened and held dengan sewajarnya: Bob Centre, Jalan Gottlieb, fourth straight BATC title since the hosts.
• Responsible for the development of business plans, budget and cash at registered office at Wisma ADISS, Resolusi Khas 10350 Georgetown, Penang tournament began in 2016.
flow forecast. Udarama Complex, 1-3A 4th Floor, Bahawa Syk. digulung secara sukarela, on 24 March 2022 at 10:00 am The 21-year-old Tze Yong,
Jalan 1/64A, 50350 Kuala Lumpur sebagai Pembubaran Sukarela Ahli, for the following purposes:- In the opening match, ranked 47th in the world, put on a
• Periodically review financial reports and identify opportunities for on 18.02.2022, the following special menurut Seksyen 439(1) (b) Akta Syk., i) To receive the Liquidator’s Malaysia’s All England champion sublime performance as he
cost reduction. resolutions were passed. 2016. Lee Zii Jia got off to a rocky start as subdued the world No. 90 Ikhsan
“THAT the Company be wound up Bahawa Encik , LIM CHIN HOE dari M2- Account showing the he lost to Chico Aura Dwi Wardoyo Leonardo Imanuel Rumbay in
• Ensure internal control and accounting control procedures are in place. voluntarily pursuant to Section 439(1) C-9/1 2nd Floor, Jalan Pandan Indah manner in which the 14-21 in the first game. straight games.
• Administer credit control and debt collection. (b) of the Companies Act, 2016 and 4/6, Pandan Indah, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, winding up has been
• Responsible for Finance audit and tax matters. that Dr Adissayam @ Xavier a/l dengan ini dilantik sebagai Penyelesai conducted and to receive Buoyed by a 200-strong home After taking the first game 21-
• Oversee the recruitment and selection process to attract, recruit and Suseimanikam of c/o Wisma ADISS, Syk. bagi tujuan penggulungan tersebut. any explanation that may crowd at the Setia City 14, Tze Yong kept up the
Udarama Complex, 1-3A, 4TH Floor, Bahawa Penyelesai Syk. dengan ini be given by the Liquidator. Convention Centre, Zii Jia stepped momentum in the second before
retain talents. Jalan 1/64A, 50350 Kuala Lumpur to be diberi kuasa untuk mengagihkan ii) To resolve that pursuant up a gear with a series of fiery delivering a powerful smash to
• To manage payroll system, staff benefit, yearly performance and appointed as Liquidator to act for the kepada ahli dalam spesis mana-mana to Section 518(3)(b) of attacks which saw the world No. 7 wrap up the match 21-15 and
purpose of the winding-up. bahagian aset Syk. dan bahawa Syk. the Companies Act, 2016, take a 16-6 lead over the 23-year- crown Malaysia as the new king of
appraisal. Dated this 21.02.2022 hendaklah menanggung rugi Penyelesai the books, accounts old Indonesian before sealing the Asia.
• Develop, design & implement of HR policies to support the company Sgd terhadap semua kos, caj, kerugian, and documents of the second game at 21-12.
……………………….. perbelanjaan dan liabiliti yang akan Liquidator and of the It was sweet revenge for
business objectives and compliance with law and regulatory. Dr Adissayam @ Xavier a/l ditanggung atau dikekalkan olehnya Company thereon shall be In the rubber game, Zii Jia Malaysia, as they lost 1-3 to
• To handle disciplinary matter including staffs counselling, grievances Suseimanikam dalam melaksanakan dan menjalankan destroyed three (3) months proved too strong for Chico, Indonesia in the 2020 final in
Company Secretary/Liquidator tanggungjawab berhubung dengannya. after the Company has drubbing him 21-10 to deliver the Manila, the Philippines.
handling, domestic inquires & termination process & other industrial Bertarikh : 21 Februari 2022 been dissolved. first point for Malaysia.
relation procedures in compliances with local Labour Law. IN THE MATTER OF GAN TIEN LAI, Pengarah iii) To discharge the Liquidator. Despite the loss to Malaysia,
• To handle standard HR letters, documents, memorandums and other THE COMPANIES ACT, 2016 Dated this In the next match, Tokyo Indonesia can still afford a smile as
correspondences, such as warning letters, appointment letters, DALAM PERKARA AKTA SYK., 2016 21st day of February 2022. Olympics 2020 bronze medallists their women’s team won their first
confirmation letters and related correspondence as requested. AND DAN DALAM PERKARA DATO’ H’NG BAK TEE Aaron Chia-Soh Wooi Yik had to ever BATC title earlier yesterday.
• Other administration duties where required and part of the scope. IN THE MATTER OF REN GING (M) SDN. BHD. Liquidator slog for 56 minutes to beat Leo
• Any other duties as assigned by the superior/ management from time SKNE RESOURCES SDN BHD Rolly Carnando-Daniel Marthin, The Indonesians defeated
to time. [Company No: 200501015518 [No. Syk.: 201001013473 (897704- IN THE MATTER OF THE who are ranked 28th in the world. South Korea 3-1 in the women’s
V)] COMPANIES ACT, 2016 final. – Bernama
Requirements: (692565-P)]
(Incorporated in Malaysia) (Dalam Pembubaran Sukarela Ahli) and
• Candidate must process at least Professional or Degree in Finance / (In Members’ Voluntary Winding Up) Dengan ini dimaklumkan bahawa para IN THE MATTER OF
Accountancy or equivalent. Notice is hereby given that the pemiutang Syk. yang disebut di atas INSAF SEMARAK SDN. BHD.
creditors of the abovenamed company yang sedang digulung secara sukarela, Registration No:
• At least 5 Year(s) managerial / supervising of working experience in are required on or before 21.03.2022 dikehendaki pada atau sebelum 21 198901010397 (187699-V)
audit, financial accounting and HR. to prove their debts or claims, and Mac 2022 untuk menghantar nama (In Members’ Voluntary
to establish any title they may have dan alamat peguam cara mereka (jika
• Familiar with Accpac, ERP Accounting & HR software would be an to priority by delivering or sending ada) kepada Penyelesai tersebut di Winding-Up)
added advantage. through post to the Liquidator at the bawah, dan jika dikehendaki secara NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that
undermentioned address and affidavit notis bertulis daripada Penyelesai pursuant to Section 459(2) of the
• Computer literate and knowledgeable of Ms Excel, Word & Power Point. verifying their respective debts or tersebut, para pemiutang dikehendaki Companies Act, 2016, the Final
• Good command of written and spoken in English. Proficiency in Bahasa claims. In default they will be excluded menghadirkan diri, melalui peguam Meeting of the contributories of
from the benefit of priority, if any, and atau secara peribadi dan membuktikan the abovenamed Company will be
Malaysia & Mandarin will be an added advantage. from objecting to any such distribution. hutang atau tuntutan mereka pada held at the Liquidator’s office at
Form of proof may be obtained from the masa dan tempat yang dinyatakan Wisma Goshen, 2nd Floor, 60, 62
Admin Executive cum Liquidator at the address shown below. dalam notis itu, atau ingkar, mereka & 64 Jalan SS 22/21, Damansara
Personal Assistant Dated this 21.02.2022 akan dikecualikan daripada faedah Jaya, 47400 Petaling Jaya,
Sgd mana-mana pembahagian yang dibuat Selangor Darul Ehsan on Friday,
Job Description: ………………… sebelum hutang tersebut dibuktikan. 25th day of March, 2022 at 10.00
Dr Adissayam @ Xavier a/l Bertarikh : 21 Februari 2022 a.m. for the following purposes:-
• Reporting to senior management, performing and administrative duties. Suseimanikam, Liquidator LIM CHIN HOE , Penyelesai 1. To lay before the meeting
• Data entry, maintaining operations database, records keeping, compile c/o ADISS Consultants Sdn. Bhd. M2-C-9/1 2nd Floor,
Wisma ADISS, Udarama Complex, Jalan Pandan Indah 4/6, the Liquidator’s statement
and analyse KPI reports. 1-3A, 4TH Floor, Jalan 1/64A, Pandan Indah, of account and to give
• Liaising and coordinating with internal departments, answering calls 50350 Kuala Lumpur. 55100 Kuala Lumpur explanations thereof.
2. To decide under Section 518(3)
and making travel arrangements. 322 Notices (b) of the Companies Act, 2016,
• Scheduling appointments, maintaining events calendar and sending the manner in which the books,
LOST CERTIFICATES accounts and documents of the 322 Notices TRAMLINES
reminders. Company may be destroyed. Bautista Agut captures Qatar Open
• Arranging and preparing monthly meeting minutes. The following Share Certificates have been reported lost or Dated this IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES
• Any other ad hoc duties assigned by management from time to time. destroyed 21st day of February, 2022. ACT, 2016 AND IN THE MATTER OF ROBERTO BAUTISTA AGUT captured his
Phang Fook Fong @ Phang Kok 10th career title yesterday by defeating
Requirements: Certificate No Name No Of Share Kong REN GING (M) SDN. BHD. reigning champion Nikoloz Basilashvili in
HIGHLAND & LOWLAND BERHAD Liquidator [Company (Co.) No: the Qatar Open final. The world No. 16 from
• SPM/High School/Diploma level and above. FM000006470 - M. MAHADEVAN A/L MAHALINGAM NA NOTE: Spain triumphed 6-3, 6-4 to avenge his loss
• Certification in secretarial work, office administration or related training FM000006473 A contributory entitled to attend 201001013473(897704-V)] to the Georgian in last year’s Doha
LAM SOON (M) BERHAD and vote at the abovementioned (In Members’ Voluntary championship match. “I am very happy. It
will be an added advantage. 14705 CHEONG HWA SENG 3 x 1000 meeting is entitled to appoint a Liquidation) has been a while since I lifted a trophy. I
• 1-2 years of experience as a personal assistant would be 33606 – 607 proxy who need not be a member have been working very hard to reach
41227 – 231 TEE PECK LOO 5 x 1000 of the Company to attend and At a Meeting of Members of the above another final and to get the chance to win
advantageous. 8569 vote in his stead. The instrument named Co. duly held at M2-C-9/2, another title,” said the 33-year-old whose
• Knowledge in using software such as MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint. 33478 – 479 TAN TEE KOON 3 x 1000 appointing a proxy must be duly 2nd Floor, Jalan Pandan Indah 4/6, last title came at the same event in 2019. “It
• Possess advanced skills in typing, note-taking, organising, and 5566 deposited at the Liquidator’s Pandan Indah, 55100 Kuala Lumpur was a big dream for me to win a title and I
24809 – 810 LOW AH KOW @ LAU KOW 3 x 1000 office, not less than 48 hours on 14 February 2022 the following have now won twice in Doha. It is very
record-keeping. before the time of the meeting. resolutions set out below were passed: special for me and I am very happy.”
• Ability to manage internal and external correspondence. Special Resolution
• Good command in written and spoken English. IN THE MATTER OF THE That the Co. be wound up voluntarily, … as Ostapenko triumphs
COMPANIES ACT, 2016 as a Members’ Voluntary Liquidation, in Dubai
Office based in Petaling Jaya (5 days a week) pursuant to Section 439(1) (b) of the
Closing date - 28 February 2022 AND Companies Act, 2016. JELENA OSTAPENKO capped a statement
IN THE MATTER OF That Mr. LIM CHIN HOE of M2-C-9/1, week in Dubai by lifting her first hard-court
Send in your CV with your photo via email to : LIAN YIN PROPERTIES ,2nd Floor, Jalan Pandan Indah 4/6, title since 2019 with a dominant 6-0, 6-4
[email protected] Pandan Indah, 55100 Kuala Lumpur be victory over Veronika Kudermetova in the
SDN. BHD. and is hereby appointed Liquidator for final yesterday. The former French Open
322 Notices NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that if within fourteen (14) days from the date hereof, no claim 197001000609 the purpose of such winding up. champion needed just 64 minutes to
or representation in respect of such certificates is made to the Directors, they will then It was further resolved that the overcome Russian world No. 31
proceed to issue replacement certificates and the original certificates will be (10005-V) Liquidator be empowered to distribute Kudermetova and capture the fifth singles
deemed cancelled and void. (In Members’ Voluntary to the members in specie any part trophy of her career. The 24-year-old from
of the assets of the Co. and that the Riga, who is set to return to the top 20 for
NNOOTTIISS JJUUAALLAANN SSEECCAARRAA LLEELLOONNGG AAWWAAMM REGISTRARS Winding-Up) Co. shall indemnify the Liquidator the first time since 2018, seems to have
AAkkttaa PPeemmeeggaanngg PPaajjaakk--GGaaddaaii ((8811)) 11997722 BOARDROOM SHARE REGISTRARS SDN (378993-D) At an Extraordinary against all costs, charges, losses, recaptured the powerful and aggressive
SSaannddaarraann--ssaannddaarraann yyaanngg ttiiddaakk ddiitteebbuuss PPeemmeeggaanngg PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii Date: 21.02.2022 General Meeting of LIAN expenses and liabilities to be incurred form that earned her a Roland Garros title
YIN PROPERTIES SDN. or sustained by him in the execution four and a half years ago in Paris. “I think I
yyaanngg tteerrsseebbuutt ddiibbaawwaahh iinnii BHD. duly convened and and discharge of his duties in relation played really well today. In general I’m really
AAkkaann DDii--jjuuaall DDeennggaann LLeelloonngg UUmmuumm held at Suite 729, 7th thereto. happy with the whole week because it was
Floor, Menara Hai-O, Jalan Dated : 21 February 2022 very tough opponents I had to face every
DDii--5599TTiinnggkkaatt 11 JJllnn KKeennddii KKaawwaassaann PPeerrnniiaaggaaaann PPaaddaa HHaarrii 0022hhbb MMaacc 22002222,, 322 Notices Bukit Bintang, 55100 GAN TIEN LAI, Director round,” Ostapenko said on court after the
TTmmnn MMeerraakk 1144110000 SSiimmppaannggAAmmppaatt WWaakkttuu 44::0000 ppeettaanngg Kuala Lumpur on 18 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES win. I’m really happy with the way I was
February 2022, the Special ACT, 2016 AND IN THE MATTER OF playing all week and I think this way I can
NNEEGGEERRII PPUULLAAUU PPIINNAANNGG Resolution set out below gain more confidence.”
was duly passed : REN GING (M) SDN. BHD.
AAkkttaa PPeemmeeggaanngg PPaajjaakk--GGaaddaaii ((8811)) 11997722 Company be wound
PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii EEmmaass JJaayyaa SSddnn BBhhdd 2299 JJaallaann UUssaahhaawwaann 44 1133220000 KKeeppaallaa BBaattaass SSaannddaarraann--ssaannddaarraann yyaanngg ttiiddaakk ddiitteebbuuss PPeemmeeggaanngg PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii yyaanngg tteerrsseebbuutt ddiibbaawwaahh iinnii up voluntarily and Mr. (897704-V)]
Foong Chee Sum (IC No. (In Members’ Voluntary
PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaiiYYSS SSddnn BBhhdd 444422 JJaallaann PPeennaanngg 1100000000 PPeennaanngg AAkkaann DDii--jjuuaall DDeennggaann LLeelloonngg UUmmuumm 691031-10-5397) of No.
15, Jalan SS23/21, Taman Liquidation)
PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii KKaahh HHiinn SSddnn BBhhdd 66668888 JJaallaann BBaaggaannAAjjaamm 1133000000 BBuutttteerrwwoorrtthh DDii--66TTiinnggkkaatt 11 LLrrgg 11TTmmnn RRiiaa PPaaddaa HHaarrii 0033hhbb MMaacc 22002222,, Sea, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Notice is hereby given that the
0088000000 SSuunnggaaii PPeettaannii WWaakkttuu 44..3300 ppeettaanngg Selangor be and is hereby creditors of the abovementioned Co.
appointed as Liquidator which is hereby wound up voluntarily,
YYMMCC CCaappiittaall SSddnn BBhhdd 4477 JJaallaann PPeerrmmaattaanngg RRaawwaa BBaannddaarr PPeerrddaa 1144000000 for the purpose of such are required on or before 21 March
BBuukkiitt MMeerrttaajjaamm winding up under Section 2022 to send in their names and
NNEEGGEERRII KKEEDDAAHH 439(1)(b) and 445 (1) of addresses of their solicitors (if any) to
SShhuunn CChhaanngg SSddnn BBhhdd 222288 JJaallaann PPaassaarr 1144000000 BBuukkiitt MMeerrttaajjaamm NNAAMMAA PPAAJJAAKK GGAADDAAII AALLAAMMAATT PPAAJJAAKK GGAADDAAII the Companies Act, 2016. the undersigned, the Liquidator of the
PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii EEMMJJ SSddnn BBhhdd 1122 LLoorroonngg 11TTaammaann RRiiaa 0088000000 SSuunnggaaii PPeettaannii BY ORDER OF THE BOARD said Co., and, if so required in writing
SSiinnggTTaaii FFoohh SSddnn BBhhdd 771166 JJaallaann RRaayyaa 1144220000 SSuunnggaaii BBaakkaapp PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii KKaahhYYuuiitt SSddnn BBhhdd 1155TTaammaann CCeennddeerraawwaassiihh JJaallaann KKeellaanngg LLaammaa 0099000000 KKuulliimm FOONG CHEE SUM from the said Liquidator, are by their
PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii KKaahhYYoonngg SSddnn BBhhdd 66AA,,JJaallaann KKaammppuunngg BBaarruu 0088000000 SSuunnggaaii PPeettaannii SECRETARY solicitors or personally, to come in and
PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii LLiiaann HHiinn SSddnn BBhhdd 11007788 JJaallaann CChheeAAhhmmaadd 1144330000 NNiibboonnggTTeebbaall MMiinn SSeenngg PPaawwnnsshhoopp 77 JJaallaann RRaayyaa 0099330000 KKuuaallaa KKeettiill DATED : prove the said debts or claims at such
PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii SSaann HHeenngg LLCC 11220033 JJaallaann BBaalliinngg 0099440000 PPaaddaanngg SSeerraaii 19 FEBRUARY 2022 time and place as shall be specified
PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii SSuunn HHeenngg 1166 JJaallaann KKeerruuiinngg KKaawwaassaann PPeerrnniiaaggaaaann SSiimmppaannggAAmmppaatt LLoooonngg SSddnn BBhhdd in such notice, or in default thereof,
PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii SSiinnYYiitt FFoohh SSddnn BBhhdd 2233--BB MMaaiinn RRooaadd 0066330000 KKuuaallaa NNeerraanngg they will be excluded from the benefit
YYoonngg CChhaanngg DDaanngg SSddnn BBhhdd 229933 JJaallaann BBuurrmmaahh 1100335500 PPeennaanngg PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii SSiinngg LLeeee SSeenngg SSddnn BBhhdd 55 JJaallaann SSeemmiilliinngg 0088110000 BBeeddoonngg.. of any distribution made before such
PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii SSiinn SSeenngg HHuuaatt SSddnn BBhhdd 5577 JJaallaann SSuunnggaaii EEmmaass 0088550000 KKoottaa KKuuaallaa MMuuddaa debts are proved.
PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii BBuukkiitt MMeerrttaajjaamm SSddnn BBhhdd 7755 GG JJaallaann PPeerrnniiaaggaaaann GGeemmiillaanngg 11 PPuussaatt PPeerrnniiaaggaaaann PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii SSuunnggaaii PPeettaannii SSddnn BBhhdd 117744 JJaallaann KKuuaallaa KKeettiill 0099330000 SSuunnggaaii PPeettaannii Dated : 21 February 2022
1144000000 BBuukkiitt MMeerrttaajjaamm LIM CHIN HOE , Liquidator
M2-C-9/1, 2nd Floor, Jalan
PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii BBuutttteerrwwoorrtthh SSddnn BBhhdd 777766 GGTTaammaann KKeekkaayyaa JJaallaann BBaaggaannAAjjaamm 1133000000 BBuutttteerrwwoorrtthh Pandan Indah 4/6, Pandan Indah,
55100 Kuala Lumpur.
CChhuunngg HHiinn PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii 331133 LLeebbuuhh CChhuulliiaa 1100220000 PPeennaanngg
PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii ZZiilllliioonnWWoorrtthh SSddnn BBhhdd 22888899 JJaallaann BBaarruu BBaannddaarr PPeerraaii JJaayyaa 1133660000 PPeerraaii
SSiinnggYYeeee LLii SSddnn BBhhdd 4466 JJaallaann TTooddaakk 22 PPuussaatt BBaannddaarr SSeebbeerraanngg JJaayyaa 1133770000 PPeerraaii SSaannddaarraann--ssaannddaarraann tteerrsseebbuutt bboolleehh ddiippeerriikkssaa ddeennggaann PPeemmeeggaanngg PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii bbeerrkkeennaaaann ddiiaattaass ppaaddaa
2222hhbb FFEEBBRRUUAARRII 22002222 sseehhiinnggggaa 2244hhbb FFEEBBRRUUAARRII 22002222,, ppuukkuull 1100..0000 ppaaggii sseehhiinnggggaa 44..0000 ppeettaanngg sseebbeelluumm
SSaannddaarraann--ssaannddaarraann tteerrsseebbuutt bboolleehh ddiippeerriikkssaa ddeennggaann PPeemmeeggaanngg PPaajjaakk GGaaddaaii bbeerrkkeennaaaann ttaarriikkhh jjuuaallaann lleelloonngg iittuu..
ddiiaattaass ppaaddaa 2233hhbb FFeebbrruuaarrii 22002222 sseehhiinnggggaa 2255hhbb FFEEBBRRUUAARRII 22002222,, ppuukkuull 1100::0000 ppaaggii sseehhiinnggggaa IIkkllaann BBeerrttaarriikkhh 2211--0022--22002222
44..0000 ppeettaanngg sseebbeelluumm ttaarriikkhh jjuuaallaann lleelloonngg iittuu..
IIkkllaann BBeerrttaarriikkhh 2211--0022--22002222 CCHHOONNGG KKIIAANN CCHHOONNGG PPeelleelloonngg BBeerrlleesseenn
PPeelleelloonngg BBeerrlleesseenn 0044--55779922662288
22 theSUN ON MONDAY | FEBRUARY 21, 2022 Madrid bounce back
SPORTS Ancelotti’s Real forget disappointment in Paris by beating Alaves
REAL MADRID put their defeat by Paris against Granada – and there was particular Atletico Madrid after his phenomenal long-range line into Suarez.
Saint-Germain behind them yesterday criticism after the passive performance against strike helped Atleti to a 3-0 win over Osasuna, However, he has been forced to rotate and fill
by beating Alaves 3-0 in La Liga as Marco PSG last week brought a 1-0 defeat in Paris. ahead of Wednesday’s crunch Champions
Asensio’s stunning goal helped send League game against Manchester United. in at right back on occasion this season, due to
Carlo Ancelotti’s side seven points clear at the top There was frustration again against Alaves and injury problems for Sime Vrsaljko, and the
of the table. Ancelotti will hope Vincius’ first goal in seven Joao Felix smashed his team into a third- January departure of Kieran Trippier.
matches and Benzema’s first since returning from minute lead and Angel Correa tucked in a third
But the result flattered Madrid, who struggled injury can now reignite the spark. late on to round off a convincing win for Atletico, His start in midfield against Osasuna is a real
to break down Alaves until Asensio unleashed who climb back into the top four. positive ahead of taking on United and Simeone
from distance at the Santiago Bernabeu, where “We needed this match,” Ancelotti said. “We was impressed by the 27-year-old.
the disgruntled fans had whistled with the score had the commitment, but we lacked a bit of Atletico boss Diego Simeone praised the role
goalless at halftime. quality in the final third. I said that at halftime, to of midfield star Marcos Llorente after yesterday’s “We came from a hard blow (against Levante)
add a bit more quality, and the players did it, win. and it’s been difficult because we had just a few
“We agreed with the fans,” Ancelotti said. above all the three forwards (Asensio, Vinicius days to prepare,” Simeone told Spanish sports
“They want the team to win the league. We had a and Benzema).” Spanish international Llorente, who played a daily Marca.
bad game on Tuesday (against PSG), they’ve seen key role in Atleti’s title win in 2021, was
a reaction and that’s good. Luis Suarez had earlier lifted the mood at deployed at right midfield, as part of a supply “We started very well, with a good attacking
shape and Marcos in midfield, which gives us
“Nobody in the dressing room was happy with something extra, as we know he does.”
how we played in the first half.”
Llorente is expected to retain his starting role
Asensio’s goal opened the floodgates as at home to United this week with Simeone’s
Vinicius Junior finished off Karim Benzema’s cut- defending champions returning to domestic
back before Benzema converted a late penalty action at home to Celta Vigo at the weekend. –
after Rodrygo was brought down in the area. AFP
Madrid had managed only one goal in their
previous four games – another Asensio stunner
5422/2022 20/02/2022 (SUN)
7180 DrawDate:20/02/22(Sun) DrawNo:5369/22 Venue: PERAK TURF CLUB
7403 7080 2259 7817 Real Madrid’s Vinicius 0511
0800 7202 8413 7244 Junior (centre) vies
6574 1253 4269 6892 with Alaves’ Gonzalo 4646
9703 5510 2183 0494 Escalante (left) and
4290 1339 1037 4473 Nahuel Tenaglia 9206
during the La Liga
7180 4563 6,165,694.85 match at the Santiago 8065 + 6839 5654 + 0343
7180 0364 4563 7180 Bernabeu yesterday. – 5629 + 5345 7011 + 2733
4563 0364 0364 7180 AFPPIX 1057 + 9014 5386 + 8413
0364 4563 0077 + 1169 6748 + 8759
599,255.26 8901 + 5084 4938 + 3078
Jose fumes, held back RM20,717,316.40
after seeing red
7180 0511 + 4646 4646 + 0511
4563 0511 + 9206 9206 + 0511
4646 + 9206 9206 + 4646
MONKEY JOSE MOURINHO had to be held back Hellas Verona, who have had a RM397,676.50
after being sent off yesterday during AS season full of mid-table mediocrity –
Roma’s clash with Hellas Verona. had entered halftime two goals up, 210 511 + ROOSTER RM1,483,333.30
much to Mourinho’s frustration.
80960 The former Chelsea boss was furious 364 646 + RAT RM3,025,381.20
0960 with the Serie A referee after he felt But his side bounced back in the
96799 960 aggrieved at some of the decisions that second half with Cristian Volpato and 349 206 + RAT RM1,040,000.00
60744 60 went against his side. Edoardo Bove, the latter netting in the
84th minute to fire Roma level.
105979 Mourinho pointed to his head, 708 065 586 839 345 654 520 343
implying the referee had made some But a point was not good enough for 805 629 515 345 607 011 302 733
10597 05979 questionable decisions, during stoppage Mourinho, who has come under fire in 151 057 129 014 855 386 228 413
1059 5979 time. recent weeks, as Roma have now 610 077 681 169 966 748 558 759
105 979 dropped out of the European places. 748 901 995 084 464 938 073 078
10 79 And then the Portuguese boss
thumped a ball up into the air in Yesterday’s dismissal was Moutinho
frustration – earning him a red card. second red card of the season, having
received his marching orders against
Mourinho reacted furiously to the Napoli.
decision, and he had to be held back by
Roma’s goalkeeping coach Nuno Santos. Moutinho was even sent off in a pre-
season friendly against Real Betis in
Mourinho’s red card rounded off an August. – Express Newspapers
entertaining night in the eternal city.
Nantes down angry PSG
4 15 23 40 45 54 PARIS SAINT-GERMAIN were brought It was a shock to the system for PSG, 511 646 206
57,677,266.66 back down to earth after their Champions who appeared more concerned with
League win over Real Madrid as they criticising the referee rather than their own RM645,907.20
12 21 27 43 49 53 slumped to a 3-1 defeat at Nantes in Ligue performance.
10,178,859.35 1 yesterday. 511 + 646 + 206 646 + 206 + 511
“We knew we were the team to beat. 511 + 206 + 646 206 + 511 + 646
29 35 36 37 39 50 22 Nantes, looking to qualify for Europe The referee knows that, it’s difficult, I don’t 646 + 511 + 206 206 + 646 + 511
7,478,041.66 for the first time since playing in the 2004 want to judge, he’s a person,” PSG sporting
270,449.65 Intertoto Cup, raced into a stunning 3-0 director Leonardo told Canal+. Grab your Fortune Ang Pow today!
lead at the break – the first time PSG had
conceded three goals before halftime in “The match was no longer controlled…
over two years. It was completely out of control. You risk
having players three months out with an
Neymar gave PSG hope with his first injury, like Kylian.”
goal since last November, but then saw a
poor 59th-minute spotkick saved. Midfielder Marco Verratti claimed: “It’s
the only referee in the world who could do
Mauricio Pochettino’s men failed to put something like that. We had 10 yellow
any further pressure on their opponents as cards… Sometimes the referees have to
they slipped to only a second league loss take responsibility,” he added even though
of the season. six bookings were in fact handed out and
not 10.
But the capital giants remain 13 points
clear of second-placed Marseille, who have Nantes move into fifth place, only four
a game in hand, at the top of the table. points off the top three. – AFP
/thesundaily 23theSUN ON MONDAY | FEBRUARY 21, 2022
RESULTS & STANDINGS Ziyech saves the Blues
(Smith Rowe 48, Saka 79) Brentford 1
(Norgaard 90), Aston Villa 0 Watford 1
(Dennis 78), Brighton 0 Burnley 3 Chelsea snatch late victory after surviving Zaha’s misses
(Weghorst 21, Brownhill 40, Lennon 69), When queried further on whether that same
Crystal Palace 0 Chelsea 1 (Ziyech 89), AFTER being crowned world champions system has restricted Lukaku’s ability to influence
Liverpool 3 (Mane 64, Salah 67, Diaz 81) under the desert sun, Chelsea’s short trip a pattern of Palace playing well but failing to reap games, he bluntly responded: “No, it’s not about
Norwich 1 (Rashica 48), Manchester City 2 through the storm to south London any reward. system. It is what it is. It’s the same attacking
(Gundogan 33, Mahrez 90+2-pen) Totten- threatened to leave them drenched in structure.”
ham 3 (Kulusevski 4, Kane 59, 90+5), When asked about Lukaku’s struggles against
Palace, Chelsea boss Tuchel said it was not down to Although Tuchel was visibly frustrated on the
reality. his chosen system. Lukaku was kept quiet by the touchline for much of yesterday’s game, he did not
Southampton 2 (Armstrong 52, Long 84) For 89 minutes, a fairly miserable performance defensive duo of Joachim Andersen and former seem surprised after the final whistle that his side
Everton 0, West Ham 1 (Dawson 32) were slightly below par.
Newcastle 1 (Willock 45). was mired in familiar problems as Thomas Tuchel’s Blue, Marc Guehi.
attack toiled in vain and Romelu Lukaku’s presence After a first half which saw the striker touch the “We struggled, and I did not over expect from us
Man City P W D L F A Pts wavered between inhibiting or anonymous. ball twice, one being the game’s initial kickoff, he today because I know where we have come from,”
26 20 3 3 63 17 63 he added.
Liverpool 25 17 6 2 64 20 57 But just as the clock was about to bleed into the only racked up a further five touches in the second
Chelsea 25 14 8 3 49 18 50 red of stoppage time, Hakim Ziyech’s deft volley at half. “We had two extra times in the last two weeks.
Man Utd 25 12 7 6 40 32 43 the far post rescued all three points for Chelsea and Ziyech stepped up to carry the attacking We have a bit of jet lag, difference of temperature is
West Ham 26 12 6 8 45 34 42 huge. Everybody feels the cold, feels tired. We
Arsenal 23 13 3 7 36 26 42 prevented them from being plunged deeper into a burden, and after the final whistle, Tuchel claimed played against a strong team here away from home.
top-four battle. that Chelsea’s chosen system works well with his
Tottenham 23 12 3 8 31 31 39 It was hardly what Patrick Vieira’s side had skill set. “I think we were solid, especially defensively.
Wolves 23 11 4 8 21 17 37 We were disciplined, but of course we can play
Brighton 25 7 12 6 25 28 33 deserved but there can be few cries of injustice. “If we play a 4-1-4-1, this is the position that better.”
They might have taken the lead through suits him best,” he said. “This is what we know. He
Southampton 25 7 11 7 32 37 32 Wilfried Zaha themselves in the first half and the feels good to play from the very far right wing. It’s The Blues must go again in just two days’ time,
Leicester 22 7 6 9 36 41 27 when their Champions League knockout
Aston Villa 24 8 3 13 31 37 27 winger almost snatched a dramatic equaliser too, good. campaign begins against Lille. – The
but he was left crouched against the turf at Selhurst “At the moment he has good balance between Independent/Express Newspapers
Crystal Palace 25 5 11 9 32 36 26 Park in despair at full-time amid what has become taking a risk on keeping possession.”
Brentford 26 6 6 14 27 42 24
Leeds 23 5 8 10 27 46 23
Everton 23 6 4 13 28 40 22
Newcastle 24 4 10 10 26 45 22 Bagan on
Watford 24 5 3 16 24 43 18 target again
Burnley 22 2 11 9 20 29 17 for Cardiff
Norwich 25 4 5 16 15 53 17
CHAMPIONSHIP: Bristol City 2 Middles-
brough 1, Cardiff 1 Blackpool 1, Coventry 1
Barnsley 0, Derby 1 Peterborough 0,
Fulham 1 Huddersfield 2, Luton 2 West
Brom 0, Preston 2 Reading 3, QPR 1 Hull 1,
Sheffield Utd 4 Swansea 0, Stoke 2
Birmingham 2.
TOP 5 P W D L F A Pts
Fulham 31 19 7 5 79 28 64
Bournemouth 30 17 7 6 49 26 58
Blackburn 32 15 9 8 45 33 54
QPR 32 15 8 9 47 37 53
Huddersfield 33 14 11 8 42 35 53
LA LIGA: Granada 1 (Milla 61-pen) Cardiff City’s Joel Bagan (left) celebrates after scoring a goal during the English Championship
Villarreal 4 (Arnaut Danjuma 35-pen, 39, 81- match against Blackpool on Saturday. –
pen, Moises 90+6), Osasuna 0 Atletico
Madrid 3 (Felix 3, Suarez 59, Correa 89),
Cadiz 1 (Negredo 45+2) Getafe 1 (Mayoral 6- JOEL BAGAN’S third goal in three games Ekpiteta timed his jump perfectly and
pen), Real Madrid 3 (Marco Asensio 63, earned Cardiff City a draw with Blackpool in a headed into the top corner.
Vinicius Junior 80, Benzema 90+1-pen) Alaves blustery Championship encounter in the
0. Welsh capital. The Bluebirds’ equaliser was made by one
TOP 10 P W D L F A Pts wing-back and finished by the other as
Real Madrid 25 17 6 2 51 20 57 Playing with the wind in the first half, Drameh drilled a low ball across the box,
Sevilla 24 14 8 2 36 16 50 Blackpool led through captain Marvin where Bagan snuck in from the left to tap in.
Real Betis 24 13 4 7 45 29 43 Ekpiteta’s 11th-minute header.
Atletico 25 12 6 7 45 34 42 “It was one that showed how far we’ve
Villarreal 25 10 9 6 42 24 39 Bagan levelled for the much-improved come as a group,” Cardiff manager Steve
Barcelona 23 10 9 4 38 27 39 home side early in the second half as he Morison told BBC Sport.
Sociedad 23 10 8 5 24 21 38 tapped in from fellow wing-back Cody
Bilbao 24 8 10 6 25 21 34 Drameh’s fine cross. “We didn’t start as intensely as we wanted
Osasuna 25 8 8 9 25 30 32 to and they didn’t really have any chances in
Celta Vigo 24 8 7 9 28 25 31 The draw keeps Blackpool in 15th place in the first half other than the goal.
the table, while Cardiff stay 19th.
SERIE A: Sampdoria 2 (Quagliarella 14, 29) “We dominated the ball but didn’t hurt
Empoli 0, Roma 2 (Volpato 65, Bove 84) As south Wales felt the residual effects of them too much – everything was slightly off
Verona 2 (Barak 5, Tameze 20), Salernitana Storm Eunice, a swirling wind around Cardiff – and then at halftime we made some tweaks
2 (Bonazzoli 29, Djuric 72) AC Milan 2 City Stadium made for tricky playing and asked them to be more intense.
(Messias 5, Rebic 77). conditions, particularly when the ball was in
TOP 10 P W D L F A Pts the air. “In the first 20 minutes of the second half,
AC Milan 26 17 5 4 52 28 56 I thought we were fantastic and it would
Blackpool’s opening goal was all the more have been great if we could have got one
impressive because of it, as Charlie Kirk more goal. It was a 1-1 game and the group
showed excellent control to guide his being disappointed with that is good.” –
volleyed cross into the penalty area, where Agencies
Inter Milan 24 16 6 2 55 20 54 Arteta remains cautious
Napoli 25 16 5 4 46 17 53
Juventus 26 13 8 5 38 23 47
Atalanta 24 12 8 4 46 29 44
Lazio 25 12 6 7 52 39 42 after Brentford win
Roma 26 12 5 9 44 34 41
Fiorentina 24 12 3 9 43 34 39
Hellas Verona 26 10 7 9 49 42 37
Torino 25 9 6 10 32 26 33 ARSENAL manager Mikel Arteta has warned Tottenham below the north Londoners.
he’s “sure” there will be plenty more twists and Yet while Arsenal have the chance to usurp
BUNDESLIGA: Wolfsburg 1 Hoffenheim 2, turns in the battle to qualify for next season’s
Stuttgart 1 Bochum 1, Augsburg 1 Freiburg Champions League. their rivals thanks to their extra matches,
2, Arminia Bielefeld 1 Union Berlin 0, Arteta is refusing to get carried away and is
Cologne 1 Eintracht Frankfurt 0. Arsenal beat Brentford 2-1 at the Emirates confident there will be setbacks before May.
TOP 5 P W D L F A Pts on Saturday in a boost to their top-four hopes.
B. Munich 22 17 1 4 70 25 52 “It’s a long way to go but we’re a little bit
Dortmund 22 15 1 6 57 36 46 Academy graduates Emile Smith Rowe and closer today because we won our game. It’s
Leverkusen 23 12 5 6 60 39 41 Bukayo Saka both scored in the second half what we have to do,” Arteta said.
Hoffenheim 23 11 4 8 45 35 37 before Christian Norgaard scored a consolation
Freiburg 23 10 7 6 36 26 37 for the visitors. “You can see with the result how tough it is
to win in this League. We need to go Thursday
FRENCH LIGUE 1: Lens 1 Lyon 1, Nantes 3 Arsenal have now won six of their last eight again, prepare very well, against Wolves is
Paris Saint-Germain 1. Premier League matches, losing just one, and going to be a really difficult match, and
TOP 5 P W D L F A Pts are in a strong position in the fight for perform well to win.
Paris SG 25 18 5 2 53 22 59 Champions League qualification, having not
Marseille 24 13 7 4 38 21 46 played in the competition since the 2016-17 “We need to play better and better and
Nice 24 13 4 7 36 21 42 season. better. That’s the aim. We want to win every
Strasbourg 24 12 5 7 46 29 41 game.
Nantes 25 11 5 9 34 29 38 They sit sixth and one point behind
Manchester United, who play Leeds United “We want to try and have a big purpose for
overnight, but having played two games less. the season. It’s certainly one of them but we
cannot look too far. Things change very
West Ham sit fifth and are also very much quickly… (there’s) still a lot of turnarounds. I’m
in the top-four hunt, as are Wolves and sure about that.” – Express Newspapers
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It feels great, says Salah after reaching 150-goal landmark for Reds
█ CARL MARKHAM which is what we did today,” said Salah, who has some really good goals. complicated, that makes it so special when you
LIVERPOOL forward Mohamed Salah expressed scored 25 in 30 appearances this season including “The first was at Watford (in August 2017) was win,” added the Liverpool manager.
his pride after scoring his 150th goal for the club in 17 in 23 Premier League matches.
a 3-1 comeback win over Norwich which probably the easiest. No-one could imagine when “We could have scored early with two massive
maintained the momentum in their title challenge. “What we can do is focus on each game and he scored the first that he could score 149 in such a chances from Kostas (Tsimikas) and the header
that’s the most important thing. short period of time.” from Virgil (Van Dijk) and then you don’t score but
Trailing to Milot Rashica’s deflected strike early at half-time we did not say we had to change.
in the second half, Liverpool drew level through “We know when you fight with City, City most Despite the quality of Liverpool’s three goals,
Sadio Mane’s overhead kick before taking the lead of the time they win games so all we can do is which all came in the final “Then we concede that goal and you could see
soon after through Salah’s landmark effort. focus on ourselves and see what happens at the 26 minutes, it was it was a bit hectic, atmosphere was hectic and it
end of the season.” far from plain makes sense to make early changes to calm it
The Egypt forward became only the 10th man sailing for down again and we did it literally with Thiago and
to reach 150 goals in the club’s history and the Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp was asked to Klopp’s side a system change to 4-4-2 and you have to finish
second fastest (232 matches) after Roger Hunt name his favourite Salah goal and he reeled off and for a while the situations off.”
(226). at least half-a-dozen. it looked like
their Norwich boss Dean Smith was not happy with
January signing Luis Diaz scored his maiden The German said: “Today was a really hopeful the goals they conceded but admits they did not
goal in his fourth appearance to wrap up the win cheeky one, to be honest. I remember pursuit of deserve any more than they got.
but it was Salah who received the plaudits as the Chelsea goal, comes inside and City was
Liverpool made it eight successive victories in all thunderbolt in the corner, a few of the about to “I have to be honest and a realist and ultimately
competitions to keep the heat up on Premier dribblings against City and Watford, the founder. we got what we deserved – nil points,” he said.
League leaders Manchester City. United goal as well, Ali’s pass as well, the “No
Champions League one at City as well was problem “We asked some serious questions of a good
“It feels great. I’m always proud to score for this very special. with team and it took a front three of Salah, Mane and
club and the most important thing is to win games Diaz to ultimately take the points away from us.
“I can probably not remember all 150
Kane but I can remember a lot and there were “Certainly there are some things we could have
done better.” – The Independent
for City
England captain has final say as Spurs stun champions in five-goal thriller
BACK on the opening position and are not being expected them to play. They were
weekend of the season, after hunted down by a pack. good in the build-up and created a lot
a defeat to Tottenham Liverpool are the only of space to run on the counter-attack,
Hotspur and as the challengers. but in general we coped well and
protracted summer-long pursuit of But if any other club has played a good game.
Harry Kane appeared destined to fail, consistently tested
Pep Guardiola was ever so slightly Guardiola’s side during his “Everyone knows what Kane
worried for the campaign ahead. time in Manchester, in one- gives. For the first goal we defended
on-one contests rather than the pass inside badly, but after 10 to
“I didn’t know what would over the course of a season, it 15 minutes we created a lot of
happen,” he admitted in the build-up is Tottenham and so it should chances. We have to score more.”
to this return fixture at the Etihad. be no surprise that they have
opened the race up again. Spurs boss Conte hailed the work
What happened was that Guardiola couldn’t find ethics of his players and demanded
Manchester City shook themselves fault in his City stars’ they maintain those standards.
down, won 20 of their next 24 games performance, admitting his
and opened up a commanding lead frustration at Conte’s defensive “It was an emotional game for
at the top of the Premier League table setup. sure. It was an exciting game,” he told
that convinced most of us that they “After going behind, they Sky Sports. “We played a good game.
had won the title by Christmas. defended so deep and so We followed a plan.
compact – it was incredible,”
It was as if they did not actually Guardiola told BBC’s Match of “Manchester City would keep the
need a £150 milion (RM850m) striker the Day. possession for 65 to 70 minutes for
– or indeed any kind of striker – after “I think we played well. We the game so we needed to be good
all. The question is Pep, how are you created a lot of chances. I can’t tactically.
feeling now? say anything wrong about the
team because we were there all “But even when defending our
Perhaps if Kane had joined City, the time. But it was difficult. first thought should be to attack. We
that position would have been even “They played the way I created chances and scored good
more commanding. Perhaps the goals against a fantastic team.
race would already be run.
Nobody can say for sure. “This win will give us more
confidence. It wasn’t simple to play
The only thing for certain is Manchester City after three losses in
that he would not have been a row,” he added.
playing against them here,
scoring a 94th-minute winner – “But this is a process, we are
the fifth goal in an extraordinary working very hard to improve this
game – that cut City’s lead down aspect. This type of game gives us
to three points and furrowed confidence.
Guardiola’s brow once more.
“We have a lot of space for
As Spurs look upwards, City improvement. This is one of the
look over their shoulder. Their hardest working teams I have
first League defeat since managed in my career.” – The
October means Liverpool are Independent/Agencies
six points behind with a game
in hand. Tottenham Hotspur’s
Harry Kane
There is still a long way to go celebrates scoring
until the two contenders meet at his team’s third goal
the Etihad in early April but it is in stoppage time
not inconceivable that, if Jurgen during the English
Klopp’s side keep pace then beat Premier League
the champions in their own match against
backyard, they could go top on Manchester City
goal difference. yesterday.
That is still a lot to ask to merely
draw level. City remain in a strong
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