M A LTA July - August 2018 | #04
5 -12 May 2019
# 04 Forever News Malta
Page 4........................................................REX’S LETTER
Page 5............................MANAGING DIRECTOR’S LETTER
Page 7.......................... .EAGLE MANAGER RETREAT 2018
Page 8................................................ ALOE EAT & DRINK
Page 10................................................... WHY FOREVER?
Page 11........................................ FOREVER SUMMER FIT
Page 14................................ GREGG MAUGHAN’S LETTER
Page 15........................................... TRAINING SCHEDULE
NEW OFFICE FOREVER MALTA Phone: +356 27882272
Office address: 65 B, Triq It-Torri, Swatar, Birkirkara Mobile: +356 79593109
Nusranutducgcirveee sitstimgerow # 04 Forever News Malta
Bamboo is a unique plant, There is a story about a farmer who decided he For all those years, although it seemed like
as it takes longer to grow wanted more in his life than his neighbors had. nothing was happening, the roots of the
Corn, wheat and other crops were dependable bamboo plants were strengthening and growing
than other plants and but they weren’t leading his life in the direction he to establish a sturdy foundation on which to
crops. wanted. He heard from someone in a nearby grow tall.
town that bamboo could create massive wealth
You might be wondering for his family, if only he was willing to stay As we are continuing to celebrate 40 years of
what bamboo has to do persistent through its growth and harvesting. success in Forever, it’s important to recognize the
value of persistence and taking your own path.
with Forever, as we’re The farmer got to work planting his new crop Even if you can’t see the tangible results yet, your
The Aloe Vera Company. despite disbelief of his fellow farmers. He was dedication will pay off.
Bamboo may not have certain his new venture would help his family and
much to do with Forever that patience would give them success and Just like the bamboo farmer who ignored those
or our products, but the abundance for many years to come. around him who didn’t see his vision, each of you
lesson it can teach us can build the future you dream of when you have
has everything do with A year passed and the other farmers were busy faith in your journey and have patience to see it
harvesting their crops and taking them to market. through.
our business. He stood strong against their mockery when they
boasted that their crops had grown and earned
them money for their next ventures. Yet, his
bamboo had not even sprouted a twig.
He continued keeping his head down while
tending to the bamboo fields, faithful that his
plants would grow into their full potential. Another
year passed, then another, until four years after he
had planted the seeds, bamboo plants began to
shoot from the ground, growing almost a foot a
day. In no time, the farmer had almost a complete
bamboo forest, his investment finally realized.
Forever Yours,
Rex Maughan
CEO, Forever Living Products
Managing Director’s Letter # 04 Forever News Malta
Dear Friends,
2018’s first semester is over and for all of us who dedicate ourselves
daily as FBOs (Forever Business Owners), we discover how much our
path towards our goals is important. In this first semester we have
already reached some of our goals, perhaps one of them is the 40%
increase in the meal packing for the Rise Against Hunger project – as
all of you may already know, Rex and Gregg have launched the
challenge to pack 5 million meals by the end of 2019 in order to fight
hunger in Zimbabwe.
Now we need to concentrate on the productivity increase in terms
of sales percentage and the premises for a 15% annual growth are
set, considering that in the first six months we have all planned and
organized ourselves to boost in the second semester.
We are also very excited about the fact that the main Head
Quarters chose to add in its European group our colleague’s
competences, as Dejan Knezevic has been promoted to Director of
European Operations. This rewards us as the results of these past 14
years proved the strategies coordinated by Dejan. We are also very
excited for all the carrier changes that are taking place in the Forever
Italy & Malta company as Carmela Bernardo has been promoted to
Administrative Director and Marco Fortuna has been promoted to
Sales Director - two very figures for our business development and
important referrals for all of us.
We are certain that together we are creating something unique
and special with deep roots in the wise teachings of our company’s
founder. Our Team is now ready to play the important match, the one
in which the sharing and the love are substituting traditional
competition, leading to meritocracy and competences for each one of
us in order to make Forever even better, although, as everyone says,
Forever is already very much loved.
The new products, the changes within Forever Italy & Malta’s offices,
the joy in sharing and the daily confidence into the company’s values, are
our natural way to express ourselves.
A huge thank you to all FBOs for the support and the
collaboration, united, together, we win.
With esteem and affection,
Giancarlo Negri
Country Manager
OCTOBER 7-13, 2018
# 04 Forever News Malta
# 04 Forever News Malta
Group 1
7 - 10 October 2018
Sunday 7 October: Arrivals
Monday 8 October: Training SENIOR EAGLE MANAGER
Tuesday 9 October: Tours
Wednesday 10 October: Departures CHETCUTI ODETTE & CHETCUTI PAUL
Hotel & Travel Info
The Westin Kierland Resort and Spa will be host EAGLE MANAGER
to our EMR18 qualifiers and event this year. Learn
more about the resort here. GALEA PACE MARK
Q: What airport should we fly into?
A: Phoenix Sky Harbor International (PHX)
Q: What is included in the child’s pass and where can I purchase it?
A: Visit the Child’s Pass section above or go here to learn more.
Q: Is there a special hotel rate for those who wish to stay before or after EMR?
A: Yes, the rate is $279 USD per room, per night for the 3 days before or after EMR. To
book this special rate at hte Westin Kierland, please mention you are with Forever Living
Q: Can I have a larger room if I am bringing more than two children?
A: The room occupancy is a max of four people, 2 adults and 2 children. If an FBO has
more than two children, the qualifier is responsible for arranging an additional room with
the hotel directly. Please call the hotel and speka to Stefanie, mention you are with Fore-
ver Living Products. Note that a child’s pass is available to purchase for the transport and
meals at the hotel for children 17 years of age and younger, per our global events policy.
Q: What time of day should qualifiers arrive?
A: Qualifiers can arrive at any time during the scheduled day of arrival.
Q: When is the Forever EMR party?
A: Forever Palooza will be on October 9th for group 1 and October 12th for group 2. The
attire is your favorite musician or genre of music. Get ready to celebrate festival style!
Q: I would like to bring an additional guest. Will they be able to attend EMR events and use
A: No, EMR is only open to qualifiers and their children with child’s passes. Please note
that rooms can accomodate up to 4 people. If you bring an additional guest, please be
prepared to make necessary arrangements.
More information about #EMR18 is coming soon! Use the hashtag to share your excite-
ment and follow the information being posted on social media.
MORE INFO: http://pages.foreverliving.com/emr18#event-info
# 04 Forever News Malta
Flowers BarleyPearl Barley with Zucchini Flowers and Aloe
Ingredients (4 people): Wash and cut the courgettes into rings and the flowers
200 gr pearl barley into stripes. Chop the basil with garlic and onion and
200 gr zucchini with flower brown in oil. Add the barley, wet it with aloe and add
1 Lt vegetable broth the broth, cook it for almost 10 minutes. Add the saffron
Half onion previously melt in a cup of broth and cook it for another
1 clove of garlic 10 minutes. When cooked, mix with cream cheese and
4 tablespoons of olive oil grated cheese, decorate with zucchini flowers and a
4 teaspoons of grated cheese sprinkling of aloe.
10 gr saffron
5 basil leaves
Salt and pepper
20 gr creamy cheese
200 cc Aloe Vera Gel
# 043 Forever News Malta
Sweet Summer
100 ml Forever Aloe Vera Ge
1 peach
1 mango
Cut the fruit and blend it together with the Aloe Vera
to obtain a homogeneous mixture, if necessary
add a little water to reach the right consistency.
Thanks to the properties of peach and mango, this
is a refreshing drink rich in vitamin A, E, C, iron and
Aloe Vera
# 04 Forever News Malta
Forever Living Products offers a wide range of
products including drinks, supplements, skincare,
personal care, weight management and cosmetics.
There are many reasons why you should choose
to start a business with Forever, but here are
some of our favorites:
• The potential to receive a significant • A global business operating in over 160
income stream. countries worldwide.
• Time and freedom to build your life • Proud to offer products that carry a
according to your dreams. 30-day money back guarantee for retail
• Control of your income and career.
• The potential to achieve bonus and • The provider of high quality products that
embrace the purity of aloe vera’s inner
reward programs. leaf gel.
• Access to training and support.
• Flexibility – you can start part-time and • An established company of 40 years;
cash rich, debt free and financially secure.
build a full-time income.
# 043 Forever News Malta
AEROBICS, STRENGTH, FLEXIBILITY AND BALANCE. • Enjoy a post workout snack and don’t worry about
calories, the body needs a snack to recover.
Aerobic exercises require resistance and lead to an
increase in heart rate and frequency of breathing. A • Refine your techniques: incorrectly performed
quick walk, jogging, dancing, gardening, swimming exercises are inefficient.
and sports like tennis can all be classified as aerobic
exercises. These activities help keep circulation • Choose a short-term goal; long-term goals can
healthy. overwhelm you.
Strength exercises are defined as workouts • Find a friend! Working with someone can help you
performed with weights, elastics or other fitness stay focused, and you’d have someone to chat
equipment. Exercises that require you to lift your with while jogging.
body, such as squats or push-ups, fall within this
category. These exercises can help strengthen • Count the repetitions in reverse so you will think
bones and muscles. about what you have already done and not about
how much you still have to do.
The workouts that improve flexibility are the least
essential of these 4 categories, but they are still • Start with the activity you like the least. Ignoring it
useful as they help keep the movements active. emphasizes a weakness you must defeat.
Problems such as arthritis can limit movement, so
stretching regularly or practicing yoga can help keep • Drink a protein shake as soon as you have finished
the body elastic for longer. physical activity to nourish muscle mass.
Balance can support agility and prevent “accidents” • Keep a diary to monitor your progress and keep
and unfortunately many of us now take the motivation high.
balance for granted. If you don’t want to lose your
balance during a fall, it is recommended to start • Do not overdo it! The days of rest give way to
supplementing exercises that help minimize risks. repair the muscles, making them stronger.
• Don’t forget to download the Forever F.I.T. App!
By following these tips and choosing the right
training, you will be able to feel and see yourself
better throughout the year if you are constant and
You can always help yourself by incorporating some
of our favourite Forever products like: ARGI +,
Forever Move and Forever Lite Ultra.
# 04 Forever News Malta
L-Arginine is a potent amino acid that helps to Forever Lite Ultra with Aminotein is the perfect
support what scientists refer to as the “Miracle addition to your healthy Forever Living lifestyle. It
Molecule” - nitric oxide. L-Arginine is converted into integrates new thinking with new technologies to
nitric oxide in the body, to help support circulation. help you maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Enhanced blood flow supports many important Two servings a day of Forever Lite Ultra, prepared
systems in our body: with skim milk as directed, supply a full 100% of
• Overall cardiovascular systems the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for the vitamins
• Immune system and minerals shown in the Nutrition Facts section.
• Muscles Forever Lite Ultra supplies the 18 important amino
• Bone & skeletal system acids, including essential, non-essential and the
• Male genitourinary system branched-chain amino acids. Forever Lite Ultra
• Fat and glucose metabolism is also an integral part of Forever’s Clean 9 and
• Metabolism FIT programs. It will help you take charge of your
health and put you on the path to effective and
sustained weight management!
The ability to move is often something we take for
granted. With Forever’s latest and most clinically
advanced joint and muscle supplement, you can
move freely and get support for joint comfort
and flexibility. NEM, an all-natural food-sourced
ingredient taken from eggs, delivers chondroitin,
hyaluronic acid, glycosaminoglycans and key
proteins like collagen. This patented ingredient has
published studies that show it supports a healthy
range of motion, enhances joint comfort and
flexibility, promotes healthy cartilage, decreases
stiffness in joints, and promotes fast recovery from
exercise—basically everything your joints have been
begging for! 12
# 04 Forever News Malta
Look better.Feel better.
F.I.T. better!
With the new Forever F.I.T. App you can have your Forever
F.I.T. program with you every day!
Keep track of your progress and motivate yourself!
Download the Forever F.I.T. App from Google Play or the
App Store. Now!
Standfavoritesbehind your
According to a study done I love to tell people this simple phrase – “Be a others is what makes this social business
by McKinsey & Company, product of the product.” As a representative of work.
a leading global consulting The Aloe Vera Company, it’s your role to show
agency, up to 50 percent of people what our aloe products are really all Using the products is the first step to building a
purchases made are driven about and just how life changing they can be. successful business. Become a believer and an
by word of mouth. This study Determining the superiority of our products over expert. Become an Aloe Ambassador and
has been done time and time others for yourself is a key first step if you’re develop a business grounded in your own
again, proving that direct selling hoping others will also make this discovery. You experience of Forever’s fantastic product line.
is a viable method of retailing, will only have the tools to sell what you have
especially when it’s done right. yourself tried and tested. It all starts with you Keep Smiling,
developing your own opinions and experiences
As consumers have become more desensitized with each product. Gregg Maughan
to mass-media advertising, they’ve turned to
word of mouth and seeking the opinions of Aloe vera-based product sales and President, Forever Living Products
others to help make their choices. In fact, consumption are on the rise. It’s not just the
another study done showed that word of mouth latest trend, but year after year, the demand for
advertising generated twice the sales as paid products that are based in nature and
advertising. Isn’t that an amazing fact? developed with passion and care continues to
grow. It’s clear that people are looking toward
Social media and blogs rule what’s deemed companies that offer more natural, healthy,
popular and most people don’t purchase high-quality products they can depend on,
something until they’ve read reviews. Think and as The Aloe Vera Company, we always
about how you learn about new restaurants, look to deliver.
new movies and new vacation destinations. Do
you ask friends? Do you read reviews? The We choose to grow, manufacture and
number one way to discover new products and deliver our products through our own
new things is by recommendation. process to ensure every product you receive
is dependable. As the ambassador for the
How lucky we are to be in an industry that is products and the quality that is a result of
dependent on doing exactly this. All we must do our vertical integration, your word is
is ensure we’re doing it correctly. There’s one crucial to driving sales and helping other
secret to being successful at the art of people discover what Forever offers. Your use
recommendation – it’s being honest. Customers of the products and how you share them with
want to feel they are given advice they can rely
on and information that comes from real
11 44
Training Schedule
# 04 Forever News Malta
Training Schedule
at Forever Living Product Centre
Paul & Odette Chetcuti
We hold training sessions every Tuesday at 6pm
for all FBOs. We are focusing on Business.
Product knowledge which be provided accordingly.
This is a fantastic opportunity for FBOs who
want to take their business to the next level.
We share experiences, testimonies, ideas and learning tips.
The more you learn the more you will earn.
Kindly contact us at (00356) 79251882 or email us at odette.
[email protected]
PEPLOW JESSICA ..................................... LEONORA
VELLA MARTHESE..................................... GALEA PACE MARK
Purchase your ticket at the Malta Products Center or ask to your Sponsor.
ST. JULIAN’S STJ 3143, MALTA. Purchase your ticket and bring a guest* free!
*a guest is a new potential Fbo
2 PM. Registrations Tickets are non-refundable.
3 PM. Event Opening
About 6.30 PM. Event Closing Special Guest:
Diamond Manager from Uk!
[email protected]