M A LTA January - February 2018 | #01
Forever Lean
The perfect product for a low-calorie diet!
Two revolutionary ingredients, prickly pear and
beans, help reduce the absorption of calories
coming from fats and carbohydrates.
January - February 2018
Page 4.............................................................................. REX’S LETTER
Page 5.....................................MANAGING DIRECTOR’S LETTER
Page 6...........................................................40 YEARS OF FOREVER
Page 7...................................................................DETOXIFY WITH C9
Page 8.........................................................RISE AGAINST HUNGER
Page 9................................................FLYING START CHALLENGE
Page 11................................................................... ALOE CHALLENGE
Page 12.............................................COMPANY POLICY UPDATES
Page 14............................................GREGG MAUGHAN’S LETTER
Page 15...........................................................TRAINING SCHEDULE
NEW OFFICE FOREVER MALTA Phone: +356 27882272
Office address: 65 B, Triq It-Torri, Swatar, Birkirkara Mobile: +356 79593109
to the
Have you ever heard that through disciplined efforts, rewards are
plentiful? ? I was inspired by this message recently as I read about a
12-year-old boy who lives with his mother and six siblings in Zambia.
Clean water and medical care is difficult to His consistency gives his family nourishment Each rung you climb, while it may get more
come by, and each day on his way to school, and care. He wakes up and makes the difficult challenging the farther up you go, will culminate
he passes homes with no electricity or running walk to school even when his health or in bringing you closer to the things that you
water. Despite the challenges his family faces, circumstances create challenges for him. want and need.
he makes perfect attendance at school every
year! Perfect attendance is not an easy How many adults do you know that are more We know that through consistent actions, made
accomplishment for anyone, especially fortunate and don’t have this same discipline to wholeheartedly and frequently, we can change
someone who faces challenges getting to show up each day? the world. Just like the boy who has shown
school each day. discipline in attending school each day, we
Nothing is impossible must practice discipline to accomplish our
His hardships at home don’t deter his if we apply effort and goals. As we celebrate our 40th anniversary,
education. To help him stay nourished and work toward progress take some time to observe the incredible
focused for his long day of learning, Rise every day. achievements of our leaders and company
Against Hunger offers him a meal each day. since the beginning of our business. I hope
The organization also provides his whole family While we may not struggle with these same these motivate you and help you stay
with meals throughout the school week, to hardships, there are difficulties in our lives that disciplined to accomplish everything you desire
reward his dedication to getting an education are not easy to get through. They create in 2018 and for years to come.
that will help him rise against any of life’s barriers to achieving our goals and sometimes
challenges. I’m very proud that we have even cause us to underestimate how difficult it Forever Yours,
committed to packing 5 million meals for Rise may be. While they might be ambitious goals,
Against Hunger over the next two years. like packing our 5 million meals, nothing is Rex Maughan
impossible if we apply effort and work toward CEO, Forever Living Products
There’s a deeper meaning to this story that progress every day. Think of discipline in terms
I’d like you to consider. At the age of 12, when of climbing a ladder.
children are not expected to have so much
responsibility and are supposed to be blind to
the hardships of adulthood, this boy is
exemplifying discipline in his daily actions.
Two Ways to Become Disciplined in Giving:
1. Donate monthly to Forever Giving to help us fund the meals that will 2. Find out where the next meal pack is near you or how you can
be packed globally throughout the next two years. organize your own by contacting your country office and commit to
at least two meal packing events per year.
Managing Director’s Letter
Dear Friends, it is with great enthusiasm that together with all the staff
of Forever Living Italy & Malta I wish you a resounding new year and,
above all, an extraordinary new beginning. Yes, because in this 2018,
which is so special to be the fortieth year of life of a company that is also
a great Family, the moment is favourable to talk about new beginnings,
new perspectives, new personal and shared dreams.
Before setting off on this journey together, it is worth to stop for a moment
and remember, as Gregg suggests, what lies at the origin of every
project; the Forever Mission: «We will create a profitable environment
where individuals can, with dignity, be what they want to be. Where
integrity, empathy and fun are our guides. We will create and cherish a
passion for, and belief in, our company, our products and our industry».
2018 is going to be a year full of events. We are ready to celebrate the
40th Anniversary of Forever, the International Global Rally in Dallas (22-
30 April) and the Eagle Manager’s Retreat in Phoenix (07-13 October).
We are also ready for the national Malta Success Day: we are waiting for
you to inaugurate a new year of success!
Driven by this thought, we can then set goals and take the path towards
their achievement. The Mother House has outlined five specific points
on which to focus in the next 60 months. Let’s see them together. The
first point of the five-year planning is to motivate everyone to drink more
Aloe. Strongly broadcasted on the social networks of the world since
the beginning of the year with the Aloe Challenge, this mission counts
on the Forever commitment to provide more scientific support, to be
able to encourage more and more people to enjoy the benefits of Aloe.
The second point concerns the improvement of products; at this regard,
FBOs and Customers are invited to express any suggestion on products
or packaging to improve them. The third point of the planning is the
purpose of doubling sales. This is a very ambitious purpose, and the
Mother House knows it, but she also knows how determined FBOs are.
The last two points of this inspiring program are the great Forever Staff,
the best one, and the Forever Pride. We must be proud to say aloud
how much and why we love our Company, we must share our Forever
story through social networks and through ourselves. We fully share and
embrace the Gregg and Rex project, and we are certain that the future
will be even more prosperous than it has been in the first 40 years.
To all of You and Your Families, our best wishes for a rich, exciting and
successful 2018.
Best regards
Giancarlo Negri & Staff
Giancarlo Negri
Country Manager
Since 1978 Forever Living is a source of opportunities. It can count on a solid base. During the year-end speech,
gives us the possibility to discover Aloe Vera benefits every President Gregg Maughan said he is more enthusiastic
day, to take possession of our destiny and to be part of now than ever about the opportunity and growth potential
a Family that has no geographical or cultural boundaries. that Forever business represents for many people. It is
1978 - 2018 Forty years of activity, success, commitment with the same enthusiasm that we want to wish a good
and passion. Forty years of Aloe and Forever values. fortieth birthday to the whole Forever Family.
Forty years of well-being, or “being well”, because being
Forever means improving the quality of life every day. This
was the dream that forty years ago, during the first Forever
meeting in Phoenix (Arizona), animated the spirit of Rex
Maughan. The dream of a single man has grown until
Forever Living has become the leading global company in
the production of Aloe Vera Gel and well-being and body
care products. Aloe Vera is now part of the daily health
routine of many people all over the world.
Strengthened by the success of the passed forty years,
Forever now wants to look to the future. The purpose is
to continue to innovate and improve products, to offer
more and more wellbeing, as well as to constantly improve
the marketing plan to offer more and more business
opportunities to its employees.
The end of a year is the right time to draw conclusions,
just as the beginning of a new year is the right time to
rebirth and start all over again. We are ready to accept
the challenge that Rex and Gregg have launched for the
next five years of activity, which is to double sales. They
set a very ambitious and brave goal to achieve, but we
January is the month of Aloe and new beginnings. After the excesses
of the Christmas holidays it is quite common to feel heavy, but in the
new year you can turn the page and take advantage of this boost
of renewed energy to take a detoxification path. There’s no better
moment than now to start the C9 detoxifying program! It is known
that C9 is the first step of the Forever F.I.T. program, including C9,
F15 and Vital⁵ and specifically designed for weight management.
The C9 program specifically allows you to detoxify the organism,
thanks to the Aloe Vera Gel and the other products in the kit:
Forever Garcinia Plus
Dietary supplement that helps to stop the transformation of
carbohydrates into fats and reduces appetite
Forever Lite Ultra (Vanilla or Chocolate)
It is great for a low-carbohydrate diet and it helps to maintain a
balanced diet
Forever Therm
It is a combination of botanical extracts and nutrients that helps
thermogenesis for the weight management
Forever Fiber
It is soluble and almost tasteless, it allows to reach the daily
requirement of fibres.
The C9 kit also includes a tape measure, a shaker and the informative
brochure of the program with low-calorie meals and smoothie
recipes, physical exercises and the instructions to achieve the set
goals. You can also choose between the Vanilla and the Chocolate
kit; a differentiated offer between those who prefer a more delicate
taste and those who prefer a stronger one.
Meal Packaging Event
December 16th, 2017 - Rome
Forever Christmas expressed the wonder
of values such as empathy, generosity
towards others and the joy of sharing.
Thanks to the hunger relief organization
Rise Against Hunger and the precious
help of hundreds of FBOs and families,
Forever Living has really made a positive
difference in this 2017 in the fight against
hunger in Africa. After the November 18th
event at Nogarole Rocca, the Forever
Family replied the solidarity event by
continuing to pack meals for many
schools of Zimbabwe during the whole
day of December 16th, this time at the
Rome headquarter.
It was a very special day, divided in four-
shift packaging sessions, involving over
250 people. Fun, method and rhythm
allowed us to generate a recipe written
with love. Every single participant
significantly contributed with commitment
and optimistic mood, achieving a total
of 50,000 meals (rice, soy, vitamins and
freeze-dried vegetables) packaged by the
end of the day, which added to the event
of Nogarole allowed Forever Living Italy
to contribute with 140,000 meals to the
global cause.
The Mother House purpose in 2017 was
to pack 1 million meals all over the world,
but thanks to the tireless contribution
of the participants it has been reached
and surpassed, with almost 2 million
packaged meals! Forever Mother House
contributed with the necessary donation
of 0.25 cents per meal. Much more we
want to do in this new year!
A true Christmas magic, a great gift for
Zimbabwean schools and a vital support
for children’s families. Our wish for 2018
is to continue making the difference and
to achieve even higher goals, always
together and proud to be Forever.
Forever wants to support those who are willing to go the extra mile and reward those who achieve their
self-set goals in the first three months of 2018!
How it works.
1. Team up with an FBO-friend.
2. Fill in the ‘#MyForeverPromise’ document and set yourself a measurable goal. This could be a promise to achieve a
number of CCs or new registrations by 31st March 2018. Tip: Check out the incentive levels on the next page to get extra
Forever rewards for completing your goal!
3. By signing the document, you not only promise to achieve your goal, but you also agree to donate to Forever Giving to
benefit our Rise Against Hunger initiative if you fail to achieve what you’ve promised. The document also states that your
FBO-friend agrees to donate to Forever Giving on your behalf if you do achieve your goal. Signatures from both parties
are very important and must be present on the document.
4. Your FBO-friend will also complete a ‘#MyForeverPromise’ document with their own personal goal, but this document will
be witnessed by another FBO-friend – and so on, and so on.
5. Let us know what you have promised by mailing your ‘#MyForeverPromise’ document to your country office. Let the
world know about your promise by posting a video on Facebook using the hashtag #MyForeverPromise.
Why participate in this global challenge?
Just three months of extra hard work will help to get your business and income off to a flying start in 2018.
This challenge is truly global, which means you won’t be alone! Team up with a friend in the business so that you have someone
to remain accountable to, and that friend will know what business goals you have promised to achieve by 31st March 2018. They
will then team up with another FBO-friend until everyone is connected, and eventually we’ll build a global chain of FBOs who are
all determined to achieve what they have promised themselves – a flying start to 2018!
Making a promise to yourself that’s witnessed by somebody else, with a reward when you deliver and a penalty when you
don’t, is a powerful and proven psychological tool. It is much stronger than making New Year’s resolutions.
If for some reason you are unsuccessful in achieving the goal that you promised, we ask that you donate to Forever Giving
to benefit our Rise Against Hunger initiative; however, if you do achieve your goal, we expect your FBO-friend to make a
donation on your behalf. All donations to Forever Giving will allow us to hold new meal packing events in your country over
the coming years. In fact, Forever has set itself an astonishing goal: to pay for and pack five million meals for Rise Against
Hunger over the next two years!
By creating new business and generating additional case credits, you will, of course, see a boost in your income. But, don’t
forget, Forever rewards achievers! You could receive recognition at a Success Day, a 40th anniversary collector’s item or a
fully paid trip to an international Success Day in your region, so it’s definitely worth making the extra effort!
Important: FBOs can choose whether or not they want to participate in this challenge. Growing a business
should be fun!
Forever wants to support those who are willing to go the extra mile and reward those who achieve their
self-set goals in the first three months of 2018!
Here are the rewards Forever is offering to FBOs who achieve each level:
LEVEL 1 – Your goal is to: YOU
• achieve 7 new case credits 4CC Active
• be active (4CC) during each full month of FBO-ship during the
contest period 7 New Business CCs
• sponsor a minimum of two new Assistant Supervisors in
separate lines
YOUR REWARD: two free tickets to the next Success Day and
recognition on stage during the first Success Day. You will also
receive an exclusive branded Cabin sized suitcase with Forever
LEVEL 2 – Your goal is to: YOU
• achieve 14 new case credits 4CC Active
• be active (4CC) during each full month of FBO-ship during the
contest period A
• sponsor a minimum of two new Assistant Supervisors with at least
14 New Business CCs
one of them sponsoring a new Assistant Supervisor
YOUR REWARD: four free tickets to the next Success Day and
recognition on stage during the first Success Day. You will also
receive an exclusive branded Cabin sized suitcase with Forever
Logo and a valuable collector’s item gift marking Forever’s 40th
LEVEL 3 – Your goal is to: YOU
• achieve 28 new case credits
• be active (4CC) during each full month of FBO-ship during the 4CC Active
contest period
• sponsor a minimum of three new Assistant Supervisors with at least AAA
two of them sponsoring a new Assistant Supervisor AA
YOUR REWARD: two free tickets to the next Success Day and 28 New Business CCs
recognition on stage during the first Success Day. You will also
receive an exclusive branded Cabin sized suitcase with Forever
Logo and you will be invited to a Success Day in Italy, including free
travel for one guest.
How Do You Aloe?
Our President Gregg has challenged us, and we are ready to welcome him.
2018 is the year of Aloe. To celebrate 40 years of business and success, the Mother
House has invited everyone to drink more Aloe, reminding the reasons why it is worth
to keep this good habit.
The challenge launched by Forever is already spreading on social networks all over
the world with #AloeChallenge and #HowDoYouAloe hashtags. You are all invited to
take a picture or record a short video while drinking Aloe Vera and publish the image
or video on one or more social media with special hashtags.
The properties of Aloe Vera Gel are known to many, but why is it important to
remember to include it in our daily diet? If taken regularly, it helps digestion and
completes nutrition with important nutrients. Indeed, Aloe Vera Gel provides a daily
dose of minerals, vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, C and E, folic acid and niacin, balancing the
nutritional status of the body and helping skin regeneration. It works as a detoxifier,
facilitating the elimination of toxic waste. It represents an excellent ally for the
wellbeing of the throat, for the hygiene and health of the mouth. Aloe Vera Gel also
provides an emollient and soothing action on digestive system and skin irritations,
helping to alleviate them.
We are ready to share our reasons to drink Aloe Vera with others. And what about
you? The initiative has already become viral, so hold your smartphone! We expect
to see your videos and images, which will be shared on the Facebook, Instagram
and Twitter pages of Forever Living Products Malta. Remember to add the hashtags
#AloeChallenge and #HowDoYouAloe. Challenge accepted, Gregg!
Great news come flying!
Important Company Policy updates will improve
your business.
4-Month Manager Move-up Policy
Manager is achieved by generating a total of 120 Personal
and Non-Manager Case Credits within any 1 or 2 consecutive
Months, or 150 Personal and Non-Manager Case Credits within
any 3 or 4 consecutive Months.
This policy is effective February 2018, which means that an
FBO can count case credits from Dec-Jan-Feb, or from Dec-
Jan-Feb-Mar, for the new 150cc option.
Gem Eagle Manager
Gem Managers (Sapphire & higher) may qualify as Eagle at a
lower Gem Level.
For example, if a Diamond Manager has 6 Downline Eagle
Managers, then he/she qualifies as a Sapphire Eagle Manager.
An FBO who qualifies as Sapphire, Diamond-Sapphire, or
Diamond Eagle, will automatically be qualified for the 1%, 2%,
or 3% Gem Bonus, respectively, in his/her Home Country, for
each of the twelve months beginning with May in which he/she
is LBQ.
If a Gem Manager qualifies as Gem Eagle at a level that is lower
than his/her actual Gem Position (i.e. a Diamond Manager who
qualifies as a Sapphire Eagle), he/she will receive the Gem
Bonus pay-out percentage corresponding to his/her Eagle
qualification, except for the months in which he/she qualifies
for a higher pay-out percentage as per the Gem Bonus policy
(see Section 9 of the Policies).
This Policy will take effect immediately, so that any FBO who
qualifies as a Gem Eagle by the end of April 2018 will be eligible
to receive the Gem Bonus beginning May 2018.
Gem Bonus Qualification
Effective May 2019, the qualification for Gem Bonus with 9, 17,
25 Active First-Generation Managers will no longer be an option.
After that, Gem Bonus qualification must be either through the
Gem Eagle Incentive, or via the 9/17/25 25-CC Manager legs.
OCTOBER 7-13, 2018
Developing a Mission
A new year is upon us! By now, you have set your New Year’s
resolutions and you’ve thought about what you’d like to
accomplish in 2018.
That’s an essential part of being a We will seek knowledge and balance Without seeing the mission statement daily,
successful Forever Business Owner. and above all, we will be courageous it’s easy to get distracted. Having the
Whether it’s to get Forever F.I.T. or to as we lead our company and Forever mission statement written somewhere
double your sales, goals make us stronger Business Owners. prominent gives our minds a gentle
and more likely to achieve the life we want. reminder each day that there’s a purpose
A major part of the goal setting process As we head into 2018, you’ll hear a lot to the sometimes stressful or long work
that is often forgotten or ignored is the about our five focuses for the next five day. There are people counting on us.
development of core principles or a years – Aloe Vera, product perfection,
personal mission statement. 15% increase in sales, engaging the right January is a great month to look at your
people and sharing why we are Forever goals with a refreshed outlook and to dig a
At Forever, we have a mission statement Proud. You may have heard us say before little deeper into your personal mission. I
that we’ve gone by for years. It guides that first and foremost are our FBOs. You encourage you to write out your mission
us through making decisions about the are the reason Forever continues to flourish statement. It doesn’t have to be long, but it
Marketing Plan, the products and the all over the world, so it is our duty to put needs to be truthful. It must remind you of
incentives. More importantly, it helps us your needs first. To do this, we must focus what you believe in and your purpose.
nurture the environment and culture that on the values that are promised through Look at it every day to help keep you on
Forever has thrived on for almost 40 years. our mission statement – to create a track to achieve your goals for the next 5
Our mission statement represents how we company where you thrive and to years and beyond.
do things as a company and it will guide courageously lead you to achieving
us through our 2x sales goal over the your dreams. Happy New Year!
next five years.
Our mission statement is in front of our Gregg Maughan
Our Mission: We will create a profitable staff at the Home Office daily, just before President, Forever Living Products
environment where individuals can, with they board the elevators to enter the
dignity, be what they want to be. Where building. They not only see it every day,
integrity, empathy and fun are our guides. they live and breathe it. Many of them have
We will create and cherish a passion for, it memorized. This is true! Test them next
and belief in, our company, our products time you see a Forever staff member.
and our industry.
You are the reason
Forever continues
to flourish all over
the world, so it is
our duty to put your
needs first.
Paul & Odette Chetcuti
We hold training sessions every Tuesday at 6pm
for all FBOs. We are focusing on Business.
Product knowledge which be provided accordingly.
This is a fantastic opportunity for FBOs who
want to take their business to the next level.
We share experiences, testimonies, ideas and learning tips.
The more you learn the more you will earn.
Kindly contact us at (00356) 79251882 or email us at odette.
[email protected]
PULLICINO DYLAN ...........................GAUCI STEPHEN
ZAMMIT SARAH ................................GALEA PACE MARK
AZZOPARDI JOHN ............................GALEA PACE RUTH
CAMILLERI YVETTE .........................AZZOPARDI JOHN
VELLA FONTAINE .............................CAMILLERI SHARON