03 / Welcome
04 / Introduction to Forever
07 / The business opportunity
08 / Success Day
10 / The Marketing Plan
12 / Company Departments
14 / Checklist: to help
15 / Forever Communications
16 / FLP360°
18 / Incentives
02 Welcome
Dear Forever Business Owner,
This is an exciting time to be joining us.
Dear Friend
We would like to welcome you into the Forever Living
Family, knowing that your decision to become a
professional in the Network Marketing will be the ideal
condition for a better life style.
With the acquisition of the basic material to get to know
our company better, you have the opportunity and right
to use our main office in Malta and participate to trainings
and Company’s meetings.
We are certain that your path along our side will make
the difference for you and for many other people who will
choose our business just like you.
We renew our best wishes for a successful career and
great personal and professional satisfactions.
Giancarlo Negri
Country Manager
Italia e Malta
Welcome 03
Founded in 1978, Forever Living Products has dedicated itself to seeking
out nature’s best sources of health and beauty products and sharing them
with the world. Forever and its affiliates have become the largest grower,
manufacturer and distributor of aloe vera and bee products in the world.
Forever is now an established multi-billion dollar company trading
in over 160 countries.
From its international headquarters located in Scottsdale, and weight management products and personal
Arizona, Rex Maughan, Founder, Chairman and CEO, care products offers the remarkable properties
directs operations worldwide. Approximately 9.25 million of aloe to the entire body.
Forever Business Owners enjoy the support, tools and
guidance required to live healthier and wealthier lives. Add that to a line of nutritional supplements and products
from the beehive, and you have a complete system for
Forever prides itself for producing health products that naturally achieving better health and beauty. Forever is
use high-quality, natural and ethically sourced ingredients. a world-class company with world-class products and
Its complete range of aloe vera gels, skincare, sports a track record that is second to none.
1CC = Approximately € 300
04 Welcome
Forever Worldwide / Scottsdale, Arizona
“We will create a profitable environment where individuals can, with dignity, be what
they want to be. Where integrity, empathy and fun are our guides. We will create and
cherish a passion for, and belief in, our company, our products and our industry.
We will seek knowledge and balance and above all, we will be courageous
as we lead our company and our Forever Business Owners.”
– Rex Maughan
Welcome 05
06 Welcome
The Forever opportunity has helped millions achieve their dreams.
Where do your dreams take you? Wherever it is, Forever can help.
We have the products and the Marketing Plan. If you have the
attitude and enthusiasm, we can help you to succeed.
This business opportunity is available to everyone looking to earn
an extra income. You may choose to dedicate just a few hours a week
or you may decide to work full-time and build a substantial business.
All you need is hard work and commitment.
Discover the power of network marketing.
Network marketing is a strategy that rewards Forever When you work together with others, the energy and
Business Owners for product sales they generate achievements you generate will multiply and grow until
personally, and for the sales generated by people they the compounding effects have created financial rewards
have introduced to the business. Networking allows you that you’ve never before dreamed possible. The time
to achieve financial gains through the effects of working has never been better to learn how to become healthier
together as a team to build an enterprise. Through and to generate rewards for yourself through the power
networking, you can join together with others to work of network marketing.
towards a common goal.
Welcome 07
Success Day is a national event held regularly throughout the year.
It is good business practice to attend as many of these events as possible
as they will motivate you to develop your business.
This event celebrates the accomplishments of Forever Business Owners by publicly
recognising hard work and commitment to the business. Through doing this, Forever
Business Owners have the opportunity to share personal stories and experiences.
Guest speakers and successful leaders are also invited to share their journeys and
any advice they have that will support you in building your business.
This event is also a training day packed with learning, Forever Business Owners also have the chance to meet
coaching and business tips. The trainings are designed the Head Office team, from Forever Business Owner
to make you more effective, to help you to grow and Support to Events and Marketing.
develop your team, and to enable you to gain knowledge
and inspiration. Much of the training is presented by top
leaders in Forever. This event will give you lots of practical
help as well as build your belief, skills and confidence.
At these events, Forever Business Owners can learn
about and purchase products and merchandise. FBOs
can also buy various business tools including specialist
stationery, motivational books and apparel from Forever’s
approved suppliers.
08 Welcome
Success Day is an inspiring event aimed at Forever Business Owners and
their guests. These events are packed with business and product training,
as well as networking and recognition designed to help develop and support
your business.
Welcome 09
The Forever Marketing Plan is successful because it is simple. The Marketing Plan
provides the structure to get your business started, and it offers opportunities to achieve
generous company incentives. The Marketing Plan is Forever’s core business model; a
framework to build and develop your business into a successful venture.
Once you start your business, you will never be demoted. Novus Customers purchase all products at a 15%
Instead you maintain your level until you successfully discount on the full retail price. This is known as the
reach a higher Marketing Plan position. This is called a Novus Customer Price (NCP). Once you achieve at least
Marketing Plan Promotion. two case credits (CC) worth of product purchases within
any two consecutive months, you will qualify for the
Depending on your aspirations, you move through the Assistant Supervisor level. This entitles you to purchase
Marketing Plan, achieving the level of Assistant Supervisor at the wholesale level which is a 30% discount on the full
to Supervisor and so on. By building a team and retail price. At this stage, you will also be eligible for the
increasing sales, you can progress your career, working 5% month-end Personal Volume Bonus.
through the Marketing Plan. At each stage, you will be
rewarded with larger bonuses.
10 Welcome
Personal Discount Manager
Volume Bonus * 120CC / **150CC
Assistant Supervisor Assistant 18%
Supervisor * 25CC Manager
* 75CC 5%
* 2CC 8%
13% 10%
5% 3%
5% 13%
Novus ** in 3 or 4 consecutive months
Retail Customer
* in 1 or 2 consecutive months
Welcome 11
Produces work materials such as products manual,
The department consists of two units: customer support brochures, leaflets and other business tools to support
and orders / invoicing. Customer Care’s section provides the activities of the Distributors. It also verifies that
information regarding shipments, orders and activity. the Head Office guidelines are respected and check
The Orders office deals with the management of orders that the Forever logos are used correctly. Together
received via fax, web, phone, email; everything is managed with the Scientific Consultant deals with the creation
electronically, not using paper for environment respect. and updating of Italian labels according to our current
laws; verifies the conformity of the material regarding
[email protected] to medical claims; provides information to Distributors
Orders, purchases, invoices.
and Customers on how to best use our products.
[email protected] [email protected]
Responsorships, password CC, anagraphic changes, Info products, info company advertising tools (brochures
missing and damaged products, issues with products, and other).
refunds, expeditions, demonstration and promotional
International sponsorships, change of Home Country.
Takes care of the International Events and Incentives
ADMINISTRATION - HUMAN RESOURCES organized by the Head Office, and the National Events:
MILAN & VERONA PRODUCTS CENTERS Success Day, training courses, launches of new products
etc. Designs and implements communication and related
HEAD DEPARTMENT: CARMELA BERNARDO promotion activities. It manages the organization of the
meeting rooms at the Forever centers and the related training
The Administration department guarantees punctuality meetings. It is also in charge of Corporate Communications
in the payment of your bonuses, in the tax obligations to clients and representatives through the Newsletter, the
and in the management of customers receipts. Provides monthly Forever magazine, the design of communication
moreover support and assistance to the FBOs on all campaigns and Social Media.
aspects concerning the tax and social security position.
[email protected] [email protected]
Bonus recap info, CU certifications, contributions, Info Events, Success Day, Global Rally, Eagle Managers
accounting and fiscal aspects of the FBO’s management, Retreat, Meetings and Company Formations, requests
generic refunds and suppliers, info and authorization to related to pins, awards and requests for Assistant
Supervisor pins.
carry out the activity of Wholesale.
[email protected]
[email protected] Info on social media use, verification of social FBO
Sending and changing IBAN for the receipt of the bonus profiles.
accrued, various requests regarding payments.
[email protected]
Request for meeting rooms at the Forever Centers (Rome,
Milan, Verona).
12 Welcome
Triq it-Torri, 65B - B’Kara
The Web department has developed an effective online FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS ITALY S.R.L.
sales system, functional and reliable. It manages our
website and offers you the necessary assistance to learn a socio unico - P.Iva: 05654691004
how to use its various useful functions to your business,
showing the validity and the enormous potential of the web REGISTERED OFFICE: via del Casaletto, 305
in developing a solid and dynamic activity entrepreneurial. 00151 Rome
Phone +39 06 886981
[email protected]
PRODUCTS CENTER: viale Fulvio Testi, 25
360° assistance on Italy and Malta sites, password recovery 20162 – Milan
request, illegal sales reports (e-bay, e-commerce sites etc.), Phone +39 02 36519949
incorrect registrations, digital signature, event tickets, third
party registrations, Forever Card management, Company PRODUCTS CENTER: via delle Compagnie, 3
APP. 37060 – Nogarole Rocca (VR)
Phone +39 045 7049020
Sets up and implements a logistic management based on
the needs and objectives of the Company, guaranteeing
the management of material procurement activities,
production planning and product delivery for the continuous
improvement of customer satisfaction.
The Development and Career unit is responsible for FBOs
assistance with CC monitoring and qualifications, as well
as monitoring for Chairman’s Bonus, Global Rally and Eagle
Manager incentives.
[email protected]
Information, help and requests about move ups and
score, Company Policy clarifications, info and incentive
[email protected]
Termination forms, sponsor assignments.
Welcome 13
+ Work with your Sponsor
Your Sponsor is there to help and support you in growing a successful business. Working together
and as part of a team will guide you in the right direction. Your Sponsor is there as your contact
to answer any queries or questions you may have. Building a strong working relationship with
your Sponsor will enable you to build your business more effectively.
+ Use the products
It is vital that you and your family use as many of the products from the range as possible. You will enjoy
the products, feel the benefits and most importantly you will be able to share your experiences with your
customers and prospects. Being able to talk about the products with conviction and belief is key to your
success. Try a new product every week in your first few months – you will be amazed by the results.
+ Attend local trainings
Local trainings are the core company trainings that have been designed to enhance your key skills
and product knowledge. It is recommended that you attend all the trainings to equip yourself with
the skills and confidence to build your business. At these trainings, you will have the opportunity
to meet top leaders and other FBOs. You will be amazed at how much you learn and how much
help and information other FBOs are prepared to share with you.
+ Attend Success Day
These events are held several times a year and have been designed to support you in building your
business. These events are not to be missed and are packed with learning, coaching and business
tips to make you more effective, to help you grow and develop your teams and to enable you the
chance to gain knowledge and inspiration. Presented by the top leaders in Forever, Success Day
events offer lots of practical help as well as helping to build your belief, skills and confidence.
Please remember to invite your guests to Success Day events.
+ Use FBO Support at Head Office
The Head Office team are here to support you every step of the way and FBO Support will answer any
queries on bonuses, products, international sponsoring, Company Policy, incentives and payment issues.
14 Welcome
Forever Facebook
Forever encourages its FBOs to make use of social media to help grow their business. Please make sure you refer to the
Social Media Policy before you post promotional content online.
Keep up to date with all the latest from Head Office by following us on:
+ Ordering online
Order products online via our online shop – find it on You can order
products through this site twenty-four hours a day, seven
days a week. Ordering online is the simplest and most
convenient way for you to place orders.
Europe > Malta > FBO Login > Shop Now
Welcome 15
+ Ignite your biz
FLP360° is an online suite that has everything you need to manage
and grow your business, including an extensive personal back office
with calendars, reports, contacts, reminders, email and more. It also
includes a robust customer relationship management system (CRM)
and a platform for you to build and host your own websites – all built
on Salesforce and Google platforms. FLP360° gives you rock-solid
performance. It provides you with access to tools and business-building
information wherever and whenever you need it; this means you can
see the big picture and drill down to the finer details.
+ Downline Map
Want the full view of your business? The Downline Map allows you to
visualise and explore exactly what is happening with everyone in your
entire downline. With all of this information at your fingertips, you can
manage your prospects, contacts and customers like never before –
this will help you to make sure that nothing ever falls through the cracks!
+ Website templates
With FLP360°’s pre-designed website templates and user-friendly editing
tool, it’s never been easier to target your online message and add your
own unique spin to your website. These websites will present
an incredibly professional face to the online world, and you’ll be able to
collect leads that will go directly into your FLP360° portal. All customers
who are referred to from your site that buy a product or
join as an FBO will be tracked and credited to you.
+ Chatter
Chatter gives you a social media experience within your Forever network.
It allows you to communicate with your upline, downline or any other group,
which means you can plan meetings, ask for advice and share ideas – it’s
social collaboration for your business!
Did you know?
If a customer goes directly to to place an order and does not
enter an FBO’s ID as the referral code, then the revenue and case credits are
rewarded to the nearest (geographical) 4CC active FBO with a FLP360° account.
16 Welcome
+ Google Hangouts
You can also harness the power of Google Hangouts for instant
messaging, video chat and screen sharing with people around
the world. You’ll even have 30GB of storage so that you can
keep all of your stuff in one place. So, if you want to know how
many new Supervisors you have in France set the location of
this week’s team meeting, check in face-to-face with Matteo
in Argentina, see your top global non-Manager CC volume so
that you can put those legs to work, send Joan an email with
your new email address – in short, be connected with
all of your data, colleagues, customers and leads, all in one
place – you now have the full 360 degree view.
+ Email Blaster
The Email Blaster tool – found under the CRM tab in the top navigation
bar on the FLP360° homepage – is a fantastic function that allows you
to create professional-looking emails through customisable, pre-designed,
Forever-branded templates. These emails can be sent to up to 250 people
at one time and in one smooth blast. So next time you want to email
all your new customers, all your prospects or all your downline, make
sure you consider taking a look at how FLP360° can help you.
+ FLP360° app The app enables you to:
+ add, edit, and manage your leads on the go.
The FLP360° app provides you with an opportunity + view your volume by month, year, or country.
to manage your business on the go, conveniently and + navigate and view the performance of your downline.
instantly from your fingertips. You must first subscribe + keep track of your progress towards achieving incentives.
online, but once you have signed up you can download + invite others to shop from and join your Forever business.
the app from the app-store. + review your order history.
+ manage your FLP360° contacts and retail customers.
For more information on FLP360°
Welcome 17
There are a vast range of incentives available to help you build your business.
All of the incentives created by Forever are available to everyone and underpin
your vision and hard work.
Use these incentives to achieve more within the business, and also as a reward for your commitment. Always aim
high, use every incentive that is available to you and you will see your business and team grow and have fun along
the way! For the latest information and training resources on the Forever incentive programme visit Incentives
+ Forever2Drive
This incentive is based on the number of case credits you and your team achieve on a monthly basis. Depending on how many case credits you
achieve, you can qualify for one of three levels. The monies received can be used to help purchase a car, a home, or whatever you like.
+ Eagle Manager
Eagle Manager status must be earned each year by meeting various requirements (during the calendar year) after qualifying as a recognised
Manager. You must be active and Leadership Bonus qualified every month, accumulate at least 720CCs total, including at least 100CCs from
new, personally-sponsored downlines, personally sponsor and develop at least two new Supervisor lines and support local and regional
meetings. Eagle Managers will be recognised as such and earn a trip to the Eagle Managers’ Retreat.
+ Global Rally
Have you ever dreamed to travel to beautiful destinations all over the world? Then you do not want to miss this. Forever’s Global Rally brings
together top FBOs from over 160 countries to discover new products, attend impactful trainings, be inspired by empowering stories, witness
huge recognitions, enjoy amazing entertainment and more. There’s a reason we say it’s like nothing you’ve ever seen!
+ Chairman’s Bonus
This incentive is an additional annual bonus where Forever puts part of the country’s profit into a pot and FBOs can qualify to earn a share.
Cheques are awarded on an annual basis, and range from a few thousand pounds to hundreds of thousands of pounds or more. Qualifying
for Chairman’s Bonus is all about building a good customer base, building your team and qualifying for other incentives.
+ GLT (Forever’s Elite)
Enjoy the view from the top! The Global Leadership Team (GLT) is formed by the top Forever Business Owners who generate at least 7,500CC
and above. These leaders serve as global Ambassadors for Forever and work closely with the Executive Team to support and improve the
Forever opportunity. Their leadership is essential to the growth of the business all over the world and their success serves as an example of all
that is possible with Forever.
To learn more about these rewarding incentives, visit and select ‘Incentives’.
18 Welcome
+ Global Rally
Global Rally is unquestionably the most momentous and exciting event
ever in the history of the Forever incentives. With thousands
of FBOs gathering together from across the world, Global Rally celebrates
and recognises the achievements of the Forever global community.
This event provides an opportunity to rub shoulders with the absolute best in the business,
access sophisticated trainings, witness substantial recognitions and watch great entertainment.
Those who qualify to attend Global Rally will jet off to a unique and exciting destination and
stay in five-star luxury accomodation. It is a journey that includes dinners, trainings, planned activities,
recognitions, product launches and related trainings. The Global Rally is an exceptional experience and
event that all FBOs should aspire to attend.
For more information on Global Rally, visit and select the incentives menu option.
Welcome 19
Ensuring the
highest quality.
We own numerous patents for the stabilisation of aloe vera, which assures you of the highest quality aloe vera-based health
and beauty products. Our aloe vera products were the first to receive the International Aloe Science Council Seal of Approval
for consistency and purity. Many of the products also feature the Kosher and Halal seals of approval. Forever does not test its
products on animals.