April 27 | 2017
From the
Dear Avila College Community,
Thank you for the warmest of welcomes into the Avila family. I feel blessed
to have come to Avila and I hope to honourably steward the rich traditions
that run deep within the College.
Dr Michelle Cotter I very much look forward to working in Learning something new each
partnership with all of you; day, learning to build on the past
Principal and learning to take up change
Exec. MBA, M.Ed. Leadership, • with students, staff and parents in opportunities even when it’s hard,
M.Ed. RE, Post Grad. Dip. IT, the daily happenings of school life challenging and scary.
Post Grad. Dip. Adult Ed.,
Grad. Dip. RE, B.Ed • with friends of Avila and Catholic For me, leading the Avila community is
Education Melbourne who exciting and challenging. I am after all
35 Charles Street, support us in exploring diverse the newest person here! All of you know
Mount Waverley, opportunities for our students more about what it means to walk the
Victoria 3149 corridors here, to be in conversation
T 03 9831 9600 • and with our College Board, and to get involved in all that is Avila;
[email protected] Parishes and the Presentation and I will need each of you to walk with
avilacollege.vic.edu.au Sisters in further celebrating our me on this journey.
faith and our witness to being
Avila College acknowledges the people of Christ in the footsteps of In my preparations one of the things
Wurundjeri people, the traditional Nano Nagle. I’ve done is some reading. I’ve read a
custodians of the land on which range of texts, including some of Teresa
the College is built. The colours and events of this journey of Avila’s writings, the story of Nano
2 we will take together are of course Nagle, past Avila College Year Books, a
as yet unknown, but the spirit of our proposal from Student Leaders, some
journey is clear to me. young adult fiction and a story book
called My Two Blankets to name a few.
In the words of Teresa of Avila;
together we each need to be the voice, I like to read and I like to talk – and -
the hands and the feet of Christ for I like to talk about what I’ve read and
each other in our daily actions, our what you have read too.
relationships, our personal goals
and our aspirations as a learning Each of these texts has made me think
community. in new ways and see things from other
perspectives and that’s something
In all of this we are woven together I love about reading and about
in a shared vision. conversation. The storybook, My Two
Blankets, is a great example, it’s about
To achieve all that we can I believe we a girl called Cartwheel.
each need to be committed to learning
Cartwheel travels to a new place where conversations, dreams, activities, Prayer
she feels like she is “under a waterfall relationships and achievements that
of strange and unfamiliar sounds”. She we will share together. Jesus said ‘ I am the
wraps herself in a blanket of her own resurrection and the life.
familiar words and sounds. It covers I invite you to take these first new steps Those who believe in me
her all over and makes her feel safe, on a marvelous learning journey with even though they die will
but she knows she must try new things. me. The many paths of Avila; present, live, and everyone who
Her journey is full of new words, new past and future have inspired me lives and believes in me
places and new ways of interacting. to join this energized and engaging will never die.’
When a girl in a park talks to her learning community. John 11:25-26
she is scared because she doesn’t
understand the words, but she also Strong academic foundations, a O Risen Lord,
feels welcomed by the outstretched commitment to excellence in all of its the Way, the Truth,
arm and friendly smile of this stranger. forms, a dynamic co-curricular program and the Life,
The girl in the park gives Cartwheel and clarity of values and faith identity are Make us faithful followers
new words and pushes Cartwheel high compelling features of this College and of the spirit of Your
on the swing. She gives her new fun are clearly evident in the buzz of daily Resurrection.
memories and offers Cartwheel hope. school life I have experienced so far. Grant that we may be
inwardly renewed,
With each new experience and with As Principal of Avila I seek to know and dying to ourselves in order
each new word Cartwheel learns understand our students as young that You may live in us.
she wraps herself in a new blanket people with enormous potential. May our lives serve as
that grows in warmth, familiarity and Meeting them formally and informally signs of the transforming
comfort. on their learning journey and walking power of Your love.
The story of Cartwheel made me think with them as they discover and explore Use us as Your
about commencing as Principal of Avila all the world has to offer and all they instruments for the
this term. can offer the world. renewal of society,
I love being a teacher, a learner and bringing Your life
a leader and I’ve brought my warm I would like to express my gratitude to and love to all,
blanket of learning, teaching and Madeleine Franken and her stewardship and leading them
leadership with me to Avila. as Acting Principal for the last two terms. to Your Church.
Now I look forward to adding new Madeleine has been incredibly This we ask of You,
words, new experiences and new supportive and generous with her time Lord Jesus,
relationships to this blanket. The and knowledge during the transition living and reigning
Avila layer I am sure will add many period and ensured that Avila College with the Father,
has continued to be a vibrant learning in the unity of
community. Madeleine will return to her the Holy Spirit,
role as Deputy Principal of Learning and God forever.
Teaching this term and continue to play
a key role within the College Executive Amen
Thank you to all involved in the
liturgy and commissioning ceremony
last Tuesday. Thank you also to Fr
Pearce, our Board Chair Mrs Petrie,
Sr Maria Lazzaro, staff from Catholic
Education and my family and friends
for your support. This has been a truly
wonderful first experience for me of
the whole Avila family coming together,
I look forward to our journey.
Happy Learning!
Michelle Cotter
How can I support
my daughter's learning?
Parental engagement with the learning process is related to but not
the same as involvement in the school. Parents can make a significant
difference to their child’s learning outcomes by engaging in their
daughter’s learning in a variety of ways at home.
Mrs Madeleine Franken In many families the transition from Shakespeare as the year 9 students
primary to secondary schools sees are introduced to him this term
Deputy Principal parents take a step back. Of course, through their study of Romeo and
Learning & Teaching this is a natural and important Juliet.
step for the student to develop her
[email protected] independence and resilience too. Parents with daughters in year 11 may
like to engage in some debate about
Ms Angela Torelli However, parents can engage core values as students consider the
with their daughter’s learning by price of staying true to one’s beliefs
Director of Studies Y10 - 12 continuing to ask about activities, in their study of Bolt’s A Man for All
events or what is being studied and Seasons.
[email protected] by offering their own perspective
and relating skills used in parents’ Thomas More’s action in standing up
Ms Klara Baka own work life to the skills being to King Henry VIII is challenging to
developed. understand, even for his own family
Director of Studies Y7-9 who try valiantly to persuade him to
For instance, parents can talk about “bend”.
[email protected] planning or making “to do” lists
so that students continue to see Whilst some teenagers may almost
4 that prioritising and developing instinctively question or dismiss a
organisational skills are relevant. parent’s perspective on some issues,
it is important that the young person
Parents can also contribute to develops an awareness of them and
discussion of texts studied at school. their reasoning. Hearing about a
Parents don’t have to read every time that their parents struggled
novel that their daughter studies with a challenge too can encourage
but they can ask about the ideas or students. Try not to provide the
issues raised and offer an alternative solutions for your daughter but
perspective too. instead prompt her to consider
the various options there may be
For instance, many parents may to approaching a problem. This
recall their own first encounter with
will facilitate the development of resilience and PsbtBlo5ioemopoaoonmeskkseayilonosolnogtup!gsSroiuwpsnnsirleiadlbfsaceleylrortseoed at
problem solving skills whilst also demonstrating 26 March
to your daughter that you are interested in her
learning. Key ways parents can
support student learning
It is important for young people’s success to
know that there is trust between parents and the • Provide both the place and time for homework.
school. We look forward to continuing to work in This may include not only a quiet, well- lit
collaboration with parents in supporting learning space; but also the hard conversation about
for all students. reducing some extra curricular activities or part-
time work hours in the senior years.
Parent-Student-Teacher Meetings
• Ask questions and make bcHMeooainnurngcsehsecttu2Siodwnieismdbmaentiwdnegen
After an aborted start to our Parent-Student- the activities and events
Teacher meetings due to the power failure on
Monday 27 March, it was great to see so many current events or own expCearirennicvea.l
parents attend on the two alternative days
available. • Use recreation and holiday time to take young
dthifafet reennctoMYceuuaarlartrcug1her0ao3lRreesvueflnpetpcsot,irotn
These meetings are just one of a number of ways people to places Day
that parents support their daughters’ learning. learning such as
International research has shown that parental
engagement has a positive impact on student museums, exhibitions, liveMtahrecahtr8e etc.
• Show an interest in swchheonoIInnlyopdfouroorncmgaernaasmtiaiaonsnEdxbEpyveernieinngce
Generally students whose parents engage in their by attending events
learning not only achieve better academic results
but also commonly have higher attendance rates, discussing strategies to taMckalercchha1l3lenging tasks.
better social skills and a greater sense of personal • Provide extra resources sLuacbhoausrsDubasycriptions
or newspapers and booksStchhaot oolffCerlorsicehd
material to support learniMnga.rch 14-17
Parents of students in years 7 and 9 are reminded • Seize opportunities for coYmeamru7n+ica9tCioanmp
that the national testing program for literacy and
numeracy will take place on Tuesday 9, Wednesday awtittehntdhiengscPhaoreonl tb-yStruedaednint-YCgTeoetahmarecmh1ne0uerwnmsitleyeetSttieenrrg, vsicaend
10 and Thursday 11 May.
contacting homeroom or sSuTUbDjeEcNtTteAaBcShEeNrTsEwEhLeINnE
All students in year 7 and 9 are required to
undertake all tests. All NAPLAN tests will occur necessary so that all have9t8h3e1op9p6o9r6tunity to
in the years 7 and 8 classrooms in the morning
and parents are asked to assist by ensuring that maximise learning for theIfsytuodurendat.ughter is not
students are punctual so that they can commence attending school, please
the tests as scheduled. More information about call 9831 9696 by 10am.
the NAPLAN program will be sent to parents via
Caremonkey within the next week.
Madeleine Franken
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching
If a student has not been
recorded as absent,
notification to parents
will go out via text message.
Ms Janine Bauman My Digital Shadow
Deputy Principal Students Social networking is using the internet to connect with other people.
Social networking sites are a big part of teenagers’ social lives.
[email protected]
You can help your daughter get the most out of social networking and
Mrs Anne Stephens avoid some of its downsides.
Director of Pastoral Care Y7-9 This website explains the benefits and risks of social networking sites and how
you can support your daughter to stay safe online:
[email protected]
Written by Raising Children Network and Tena Davies (Psychologist)
Let's also hear from our College Captain, Sinead Coulter and other students, on
the benefits of social networks and managing yourself online.
Pastoral Care Video: Social Media
Click on the picture below to view the video.
Having trouble viewing the video?
You can also view it on the Avila College website page "Student Voice"
Mrs Anna Marvelli
Director of Pastoral Care Y10-12
[email protected]
Resources and Links - Headspace
As a school we understand that for our young
people life can have many ups and downs.
Headspace is the national youth mental
health foundation dedicated to improving the
wellbeing of young Australians, and as a leading
organisation, provides early intervention mental
health services to 12 - 25 year olds.
Headspace also post ‘news’ updates on latest
research and review the appropriateness of
online content of shows, especially those related
to young people.
We encourage families to visit the website via the
link below for the most updated news reports.
Other useful organisations are: Red Cross Door Knock Appeal
Lifeline Australia 13 11 44 Avila College has a long affiliation with Red Cross
https://www.lifeline.org.au/ and have been actively supporting this Social
Justice initiative in the Mount Waverley zone for
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 many years.
This year’s event was held on Sunday March 26 and
Youth Beyondblue involved 90 students and 17 staff. Students ranged
https://www.youthbeyondblue.com/ from year 7 to year 12, and their fundraising efforts
raised $2,823.30.
As ambassadors of Avila College, students were able
to actively engage with the community and raise
awareness of the organisation, as well as raise vital
funds that go towards the local community and
further afield to those who have fallen on tough
We thank all those who participated and supported
this event.
Mrs Carmelo Marino and Ms Janine Bauman
Celebrating Easter
Easter Sunday is a day of great joy and celebration.
The Jesus we follow is alive, risen among us
Ms Carmela Marino We are called to be truly resurrection Project Compassion
people, bringing light where there is During term 1 the Avila Community
Director of Faith and Mission darkness, joy where there is pain, peace dedicated its fund raising efforts to
where there is conflict. Then we can truly raising an awareness of the work done
[email protected] say our risen Lord is with us and among by Caritas and by raising funds to help
us, as we journey together in faith. those in need.
Mother General, Sr. Anna Maria The Avila Community contributed
Parenzan of the Daughters of St Paul approximately $6,000.
in her Easter letter to the sisters said: This contribution will be used
by Caritas in the much needed
‘Let us irradiate good news first of all in communities of Australia, Philippines,
our communities, urging one another Timor-Leste, Vietnam and Fiji.
to see the positive sides of different
situations and to believe that every
event, even the most insignificant, is
part of salvation history.
Let us irradiate good news through
the social media we normally
use by spreading words of peace,
reconciliation, new life… ‘
Here at Avila College we too are called
to irradiate good news by being the
hands, feet, eyes, ears and voice as
Christ disciples as we celebrate the
Easter message of hope.
May our hearts be touched
by the love of God
May our eyes see
the wonder of the risen Lord and
May our lives bring the hope
of the resurrection to the world
Easter Liturgy and Principal’s Commissioning
Over 120 Musicians from the Avila and Mazenod College orchestras joined together for a workshop
and performance where they exchanged repertoires and experienced different conductors.
in the Capital
22nd National Schools
Constitutional Convention
A big Congratulations to Emma Spencer who Emeritus Professor John Warhurst AO facilitated
was selected to represent Victoria at the recent the Convention where Emma, along with the other
22nd National Schools Constitutional Convention 120 delegates, spent two days exploring the topic.
(NSCC). The convention was held at The Museum Together they engaged in group discussions on the
of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House, issues, received input from a panel of experts and
Canberra. participated in a mock referendum .
The National Schools Constitutional Convention Decisions made at the Convention will be
programme provides senior students with an incorporated into a communiqué that will be
opportunity to become better informed about presented to the President of the Senate. The
how Australia's Constitution provides a democratic Communiqué will then be tabled in Parliament.
framework and encourages them to take an active
interest in the operation of government. Emma was also invited to a private meeting with
Lady Cosgrove at Government House and held the
The topic of the 2017 Convention was ‘Indigenous honour of delivering the official thank you speech
Australians and the Constitution’. on behalf of all delegates to Lady Cosgrove.
In becoming a national delegate Emma, was
selected from around 4,000 students from
government, independent and Catholic schools.
Congratulations Emma!
Tour 2017
Language, Culture and Learning in Indonesia
On the 27th of March, 18 Indonesian language students as well as three of our amazing teachers, Ms
Kelly, Mrs Manning and Mrs Clapperton embarked on a journey to Indonesia; where we travelled for
two weeks through the island of Bali in particular Sanur, and Yogyakarta- the capital of Java.
On our first week we travelled prayer to give to the Hindu Gods. Our time in Bali is one that
to Sanur, Bali. Whilst the heat We also enjoyed a traditional we will never forget. We
and humidity were great, we Balinese cooking class, set in the were blessed to be given this
treasured our time there and hills with an incredible view and opportunity and we can’t wait to
made the most of our bargaining delicious food. go back some day!
skills to get a great deal!
At the IALF, we learnt new skills The next stop on our journey
During our time in Bali, we had and techniques to enhance was Java. With a 3am start to
the opportunity to take lessons our Indonesian and give us an our morning, we went to see the
at the Indonesian Australian insight into a culture that is sunrise at Borobudur, the world’s
Language Foundation (IALF). so different from our own. We largest Buddhist temple. It was a
We took intensive classes for five were all extremely grateful for beautiful view, also overlooking
days and studied Indonesian in a the opportunity to learn in such one of the most active volcanoes
way that was different from what a prestigious school, and have in the world, Mount Merapi.
we were used to. developed skills and vocabulary
that will enhance and benefit the The temple tour was amazing
At the IALF we got to take part our Indonesian study. as we saw the many detailed
in many cultural ceremonies carvings each explaining different
such as making and presenting In Bali, we were also delighted stories.
offerings, and taking part in to visit the beautiful Ulu Watu
temple and watch a traditional
12 kecak dance. The dance was
unlike any dancing Australians
were used to, and we were very
excited to see it performed and
were fascinated by their talented
techniques. It was also amazing
to see the view of the ocean
behind the stage.
This half of the trip was filled
with many different activities
such as a village cycling tour
and learning to play traditional
Indonesian instruments like the
We visited the Sultan’s Palace craft skills We learnt many things and
and saw the gold painted roofs in a traditional now are able to have a better
and family trees of past sultans. batik painting understanding and connection
The Taman Sari Water Palace, workshop, where to the language and culture of
which used to be where the we dyed patterns Indonesia. We are very thankful
Sultans bathed was wonderful on our own piece for the opportunity and the trip
and the tour of the underground of fabric. has especially helped us in our
mosque was interesting and Indonesian classes.
exciting. We went on a
chocolate factory Terima kasih!
In Yogyakarta, we were given tour and were
the opportunity to attend a able to see typical Indonesian Clare McMorrow
silver-making workshop. It was life with a tour of the Kota Gede and Emma Faraone.
a difficult and delicate process, neighbourhood. This was very
but with the guidance of a few insightful as we saw the different
workers we able to make own painting and houses and the
own piece of silver jewelery to beautiful maze of alleys.
take home. After a quick bus ride,
we went to Parangtritis beach, When it was time to go back
which has black, volcanic sand. home to Melbourne, we brought
Here we met many Indonesians back with us many memories
and took many photos with our and language skills we will never
new friends. forget.
We also had the opportunity to
go shopping at an Indonesian
shopping centre and perfect our
bargaining skills. We saw different
parts of Indonesian culture such
as a Javanese Catholic Church
and again were able to use our
Year 9
Challenges, canoes
and "creepy crawlies"!
Catherine Panagiotakopoulos and Maja
Kosavic admit they were pushed out of their
comfort zone at Year 9 camp but "loved it"!
Here they share their experiences from the
week at Lake Eildon last term.
We went to Lake Eildon After our bags were taken away, When we got to shore, we stayed
campsite where we had we ONLY had 3 t-shirts and 2 at an amazing place and set up
to fend for ourselves. pairs of shorts. Except for Maja, camp. Together with another
who forgot to bring pants! friend, we tried to put our tent
We reached new peaks and as close to the water as we could
were way out of our comfort We were on the water in no time, with the exit looking out over the
zone but by the end of it, we running into dead trees and water. We left the water-proof
had expanded our comfort seeing lots of spiders which were door open and just closed the
zone to a new level. living on them. screen so we could see out.
At the start of camp, (we are not At one point some of the girls Throughout that night there
going to sugar coat it), we felt like thought it would be a good idea wasn’t much sleeping. We didn’t
we wanted to go home!!! Merely to pass some crackers around. know the time and the stars in
at the fact that Catherine wanted You could just imagine our 3 the sky made it look bright. We
her phone and toothbrush and canoes with 6 girls floating on were laughing and singing, trying
Maja just wanted to hug her dog the water eating crackers and to learn the song ‘I Miss the Old
and sleep another few hours. laughing along. Kayne’ by Kanye West. It got to
the point where we decided to
After the long bus drive, we Catherine kept yelling out to get some sleep, only to all wake
arrived at our stop. We were told other passing canoes, asking if up about 20 minutes later, look
to only bring a couple of pieces they wanted any crackers. Soon outside and convince ourselves
of clothing and a few toiletries. enough, those in nearby canoes we had actually slept through the
You can just imagine how hard were all eating crackers. night. We were very wrong about
it was for us to minimize our that and you may just imagine us
luggage down since we had Throughout the whole time, we waiting for everyone to wake up.
taken our whole wardrobe and were screaming out lyrics to
bathroom! songs and laughing with each The next day was just as
adventurous, if not even more so. It was the biggest, The next two days went by in a
As we just set off in our canoes, hairiest spider I breeze. Hiking was a lot of fun,
Annie, Catherine’s canoe partner, had ever seen. from trying to get up the big
started screaming out to Maja We were told that hills to sitting around as a group
and her partner that they had a moving to the eating lunch. We sang lots of
massive spider on their canoe. side of your boat songs as we walked.
would cause it to
I (Catherine) looked at their capsize. I could cry at the memories of
canoe and saw nothing so started camp from how much we loved
saying that Annie was only joking The spider it. It was by far one of the best
until, I saw it. From where I was, started to move to my seat so experiences and by the end we
the spider looked about the I stood up and the only option I were so happy at how close our
size of my hand. In a matter of had was to either kill it or jump. group had become.
seconds, Maja was in the water Me, being a scared, screaming
screaming for her life thinking little girl, jumped and in the We were like a family and
the spider may still be on her. process lost one of my contacts. everyone was friends with
everyone. It was nice to get
away from reality for a bit and
even though camp threw many
challenges our way, we wouldn't
want to change it for the world!!
Catherine Panagiotakopoulos
and Maja Kosavic
If you put Maja's side of the story At that moment , IT WAS LIFE OR
into words, it would go something DEATH !! You can just imagine
like this - "So, I saw the spider everyone teasing me for the rest
and I started moving to the right of the trip."
side of the boat.
SCSA Swim Meet 2017
Avila’s 2017 swim meet started long As usual, it was a quick warm up The most important thank-you
before the 29th of March. After before heading up to the stands to goes out to all the girls who
approximately 20 training sessions get the show on the road. Avila’s continuously showed up to 7am
filled with fun, sweat and a lot stand was filled with many excited trainings twice a week and made
of chlorine all the girls were well encouraging girls, coaches and the whole process just that much
prepared for the challenging night families. more fun!
The participation of the girls was a To the best combined team of
The inaugural pre swimming sight to be seen! Over 50 members coaches the school has had the
dinner had a slight change this of the team meant there were pleasure of seeing in a long time!
year but never-the-less was still many lollipops to be brought but Natalie, Dani, Steph, Bec, Georgia
one of the favourite parts of the more importantly more races to be our past student coaches thanks
night. With the introduction of competed in! for yet again giving up your time!
pizza and the omission of a fan To Ms Flynn, Ms Randle, Mr Ross a
favourite lasagne everyone was Division 1 this year was a huge huge thank you for your ongoing
skeptical, but we have never had challenge and success, although encouragement, dedication and
such good pizza! the result may not reflect this, enthusiasm; none of this could
attitudes sure did! Congratulations have been achieved without you!
After a few presentations and an girls on an awesome 9th place!
amazing inspirational speech it #AvColSS2k17
was time to head off to MSAC.
Carla DiGregorio
and Abbey Goullet
Diving In
Term 4 2016, and out came the divers for the Avila
diving squad. With a 6:45am early start and an
energetic coach, Miss King, the Avila diving team
practised with pointed toes and perfect entries into
late term 1 of 2017.
Like always, the Avila girls were willing to try
something new and therefore a huge selection of
girls from across the year levels gave it a go. Miss
King had a tough decision ahead of her. With great
deliberation, came forth three representatives for
junior, intermediate and senior.
Both past divers and newbies, the diving squad was
a force to be reckoned with.
The competition day was held on the 29th of March,
and although competing in division one was tough,
the girls showed persistence, teamwork and, most
importantly, great dives.
Special mentions to Logan Sharrock for placing
second and Rebecca Wright for placing 3rd in their
divisions. Overall, all the girls did an amazing job,
and should definitely be proud of their efforts.
Special thanks to Miss King for her superb coaching
and support, and to all the Avila PE department for
helping out at both training and competition.
Well done girls!!
Maggie Minchin
Diving Captain
+ Reminders
Monash Children's Hospital
Grand Opening
Avila College Year 8 student Miah
Khan was the guest of honour for
the opening of the new Monash
Children's Hospital. Miah cut the
ribbon at the ceremony and was
the first patient admitted to the
new facility. Water tight learning Reconciliation activities to
SCSA Sports Captain Breakfast acknowledge and support our
Avila House Captains met Alicia Year 7 Humanities classes completed Aboriginal People. Avila sent 3
Eva, vice captain of the AFLW a task in mixed groups about the students to participate in the
Collingwood Club at the annual Melbourne water cycle. This activity annual Fire Carriers Conference
SCSA Sport Captains' Breakfast. showcased the advantages of team this year, Emma Spencer, Shaunna
teaching for differentiation and 21st Bilson and Maddy Janky. Fire is
Monash Scholars century learning. at the heart of Aboriginal culture
and represents the spiritual
Congratulations to Avila College Fire Carriers Conference connection to Mother Earth.
Year 11 student Jessica Satya
Graha who has been selected for Avila is a Fire (Friends Igniting During the conference our
the prestigious Monash University Reconciliation through Education) students were presented with the
Scholars Council. Carrier school. This means symbolic flame and committed
Well done Jessica! that our school community is themselves to working with
committed to helping with Aboriginal Australians.
Senior Debating News Commissioning of the Principal:
Dr Michelle Cotter
Round Two of the Senior Debating was a challenge to
all students from all of the schools as it was only two On the 18th of April 2017, the Avila College community
days after the return to school from holidays. The gathered together in a sacred place. We had the
Avila students, however, had spent time over the break commissioning of the new principal, Dr Michelle
reflecting on the value of the ATAR; the importance Cotter.
of the "sharing economy"; the problems of providing
housing for Melbourne's burgeoning population and It was an amazing experience for us because this
the dangers of children playing professional sport. was a special occasion that brought us together to
This preparation paid off with Avila College celebrate.
securing twelve wins.
We had our three school captains walk in carrying
Congratulations to the students who received "Best the candle and our Avila College banner. Following
Speaker Awards": Georgia Pitt, Kate Tidswell, Kiran the captains were Fr Pearce, Mrs Franken and Dr
Kottakkal, Paige Bryant, Olivia Black, Amelya Laurence, Cotter.
Georgia Thomas, Priyanka Sharma, Martha Sarumpaet,
Marina Baroudi and Imogen Galbraith. Well done. We had some very special people from Dr Cotter’s
family come to the mass and commissioning to
Rotary National Conference support her. They included her mother, sister and
brother -in-law.
Year 11 student Sophia Grubnic presented at the
National Conference of Rotary's District 9810 in During the ceremony we had some beautiful dancers,
Geelong recently. With an audience of about 500 speakers and musicians performing.
people Sophia spoke beautifully about "Women facing
the glass ceiling in business". We learnt that Dr Cotter loves to read. Reading is one
of her hobbies and she also loves to chat.
Dr Cotter gave the Avila community some gifts that
included, the book “My Two Blankets”, a blanket
and an hourglass timer. That was a very thoughtful
The Avila community gave Dr Cotter a couple of gifts
to welcome her. We gave her a quill with some books,
a cross with some aboriginal symbols from Santa
Teresa and a lantern.
We feel very lucky to have a new principal like Dr
Cotter who has such a good sense of humor and is
getting to know us.
Porshia Motta 8 Pink
+ Reminders
Guest Speaker Mimi Kayeye in her presentation and we were Opening College Hours
reminded to be sisters for each
Due to the social justice other. It was a timely prompt as Avila College is open for students
initiatives of Jesuit Social Services we continue our Lenten journey; from 8am through to 4:30pm.
Year 12 students recently heard being the hands and feet of
Mimi Kayeye from Burundi speak Christ. The back gates open at 7.55am and
about her life journey. closed between 9am and 3pm.
They are then opened until 4:30pm
Mimi’s passion to advocate for Avila College Mobile App before being locked overnight.
change grew out of witnessing Staff are on duty from 8:10am.
first hand her girl friends' Did you know that Avila Access along the pathway beside
injustices. She had a weekly radio College has an app that can be Holy Family is not available during
program in Burundi where she downloaded from the App store? the school day.
focussed on health issues related
to women. This program has seen Linked to our website, it offers Any student arriving or leaving the
a slow cultural shift regarding the calendar, news updates, College during the school day must
injustices women face in her notifications and contacts enter via the main entrance and sign
home town. details as a handy and easy to in (or out) at the General Office.
use resource for all parents. A
Mimi has met with Barrack recent use of the notifications Student safety is priority and unless
Obama and won a scholarship funtion in the app alerted people participating in a supervised
to study in Canberra where of the cancellation of parent- activity should not be dropped
she completed a Master’s in student-teacher meetings due off or collected outside these the
International Development. to the power failure on 27 March. opening hours. If students need to
The link is on the Avila College be collected after 4:30pm we
Her passion for helping website, or you can search Avila recommend the Mt Waverley Library
vulnerable girls was highlighted College on the app store. for a monitored environment.
Upcoming Events
Avila Calendar
Dates & Events
Parents + Friends Association | Mother’s Day Breakfast Creative Arts April 27
Festival PFA Meeting
Crepes and Coffee Thursday 4 May,
2017 at 7:30pm April 28
Friday 12 May at 7.30am Yr 11 Formal
in The Gathering Space at Avila College com/267283 May 8 - 12
Yr 10 City Experience
$10 per person | trybooking.com/271643 Mothers’ Day
Breakfast May 9 - 11
Yr 7 & 9 NAPLAN
and Coffee MAY 12
PFA Mothers’ Day
Tickets for the event Breakfast
are $10 per person
and available from Top Acts Excursion
www.trybooking. May 14
com/271643 Aerobics State Final
The General Office
opening hours are
8am - 4.30pm
35 Charles Street, Mount Waverley, Victoria 3149 ABSENTEE LINE 21
T 03 9831 9600 [email protected] Please call
avilacollege.vic.edu.au 9831 9696
before 10am
if your daughter
is absent