September 21 | 2018
From the
A busy and fulfilling Term 3
Dr Michelle Cotter Term Three finishes today and the sun has started to shine
through even though the air is still brisk. Units of work have
Principal been studied and assessments completed. We have also
Exec. MBA, M.Ed. Leadership, celebrated efforts and achievements in Public Speaking and
M.Ed. RE, Post Grad. Dip. IT, Debating, Leadership, Arts, Design and Technology, Drama and
Post Grad. Dip. Adult Ed., Music and Sports. It has indeed been a busy and fulfilling term.
Grad. Dip. RE, B.Ed And now it’s time for some rest.
35 Charles Street, The term break is a chance to rest Holidays, “an extended period of
Mount Waverley, our minds from focussed learning all leisure and recreation” according to
Victoria 3149 day, a time to rest our minds from the the dictionary are also to be made
T 03 9831 9600 busyness of schedules and a chance to the most of.
[email protected] rest our feelings from the intensity of social interactions in the excitement of As the end of the year creeps every
school life. closer for our Year 12 students and for
Avila College acknowledges the others studying a Unit 3/4 subject, the
Wurundjeri people, the traditional In seeking restful times over the holiday holidays are an important preparation,
custodians of the land on which break we can gain great insight through planning and revising time.
the College is built. some quiet contemplation, prayer and
2 gentle conversations. We wish each of the students preparing
for exams all the best and I take this
It’s a great time to reconnect with each opportunity to thank the teachers
other, particularly in our families and to and support staff who offer their
lend a hand when it’s not asked for and support, time, expertise and wisdom so
when it’s unexpected. generously to help in exam preparation.
It’s also a marvellous time to read a Best wishes to all Avila families for a
book, to sink into another world and restful and rejuvenating holiday break.
read about how life unfolds for fictional
characters as well as for the events and Happy Learning (and holidaying!)
activities of non fiction.
Dr Cotter
Prayer for People who are Homeless
From the 2018-2019 Social Justice Statement:
A Place to Call Home: Making a home for
everyone in our land
Lord our God,
You who so mysteriously call upon us to share in the
sufferings of Christ, fill our hearts with compassion
for those who lack the warmth of a home.
We commend to you in prayer this day all men,
women and children who suffer because they have
no shelter; those who sleep in our streets and public
spaces, who have nowhere safe to lay their heads,
and who wander from place to place as a way of life.
We pray for broken families who cannot pay the rent,
for those who are the lost and abandoned, for those
on the streets whose minds have been touched
by illness or whose bodies are sorely affected by
We ask that your merciful Grace be poured out upon
those with addictions, those who have given up in the
face of enormous tribulations, and those driven into
a homeless life by crushing poverty.
God of Compassion, your love for us is revealed
in your beloved son Jesus, who was born into
homelessness, lived with nowhere to lay his head,
and died for us in agony on the cross.
Inspire us to act in justice, by all means at our
disposal, to right the wrongs of peoples who are
suffering the deprivations of homelessness, and
to see in them the dignity of a brother and sister
redeemed by Jesus Christ.
Let us have the commitment, as people of the Gospel,
to be ever mindful of our obligations we have to the
poor and marginalised, to work in your name, O God,
to turn sorrow into joy and to bring all those who live
in darkness into your own wonderful light.
Student of the Term Awards
Term Three | 2018
Year 7 | Sienna Costabile
Sienna joins in school life enthusiastically and is always smiling.
She willingly shares her thoughts and ideas, asks questions and seeks
excellence in her learning by trying her hardest. Sienna consistently
shows that she knows that if she doesn't get something right, that there
is always next time and that you can only grow if you make mistakes to
learn from.
Sienna consistently says the right things at the right time to create a
happy and positive atmosphere for all. She is kind, compassionate and
Year 8 | Marlee Langdon
Marlee actively, tirelessly and selflessly supports and cares for her
fellow students to help them achieve their best. She shows through her
words and actions that all people with all skills and abilities are valued
members of our Avila learning community.
Marlee is committed to living out our Presentation Values by trying to
achieve her best in all she undertakes.
Year 9 | Annabelle Avgeridis
Annabelle shows her commitment to and pride in our learning
community by being a role model for her peers both formally and
informally. She is patient, considerate and kind, and endeavours to
show others how to make the most of every day of schooling.
Annabelle has supported her fellow students by attending events as an
audience member and genuinely celebrating the success of others.
Year 10 | Delani David
Delani shows her commitment to our school community by finding ways
to actively connect with her peers and to help students across different
year levels. She shows her independence and leadership by the way she
approaches challenges and problems when they arise.
Delani always tries her best. She upholds our shared Gospel and
Presentation Values in her relationships and in the way she represents
the College as a student.
Year 11 | Tricia Cowan
Tricia has displayed maturity and leadership in a range of ways in formal
and informal forums. She listens to others, weighs up the matters being
discussed and draws mature conclusions for herself.
Tricia is a strong supporter of our Presentation Values through her
relationships, her public actions and her commitment to standing up for
what is right. She shares her talents and skills generously and is truly an
active member of our school community.
Year 12 | Rebekah Mason
Rebekah has a strong sense of the value of being a member of our
school community and upholding our shared Presentation and Gospel
Values through her actions, attitude and relationships. Rebekah exhibits
compassion and is willing to take the lead to show others the way. She is
a determined and brave student, who, despite her small stature, stands
tall for what she thinks is right.
Faith SinptorFianitgh
and Mission
Ms Carmela Marino Spring into Faith
Director of Faith and Mission Walk of Witness | Australian
Catholic Bishops Conference
[email protected] Social Justice Statement 2018–19
Tiana Chandraratne Each year the Australian Catholic Bishops
Chiara Smith Conference issues a Social Justice
Grace Guiliano Statement to coincide with Social Justice
Caitlin Grima Sunday (30 September 2018)
Faith and Mission Captains Holy Family Confirmation This year the Statement is titled A PLACE TO
CALL HOME – Making a Home for Everyone
6 Congratulations to the Year 6 students from in our Land. The Statement discusses
Holy Family Primary School on recently Homeless and Housing
receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.
A group of Year 10-12 students together with
We pray that the Holy Spirit guides and Mrs Stuart took part in the Walk of Witness
protects you today and always. on Tuesday 18th September led by Bishop
Mark Edwards OMI.
Avila College students acknowledged this
event by delivering special cupcakes to the This walk commenced in Federation
Year 6 students. Square with the Parable of The Good
Samaritan then moved to St. Patrick’s
Spring into Faith Cathedral, (with a stop on the Steps of the
Victorian Parliament) where Bishop Mark
Last Tuesday commenced our fortnightly officially launched the Statement for the
Lunch time Masses. Fr Ralph from St Archdiocese of Melbourne. This Walk of
Christopher’s Parish Syndal celebrated Mass Witness was an action of solidarity with the
for us in our Avila College Memorial Garden. thousands of people who are homeless and
Look out for details for when Mass will be for the many others for whom dignified
celebrated in Term 4. housing is becoming an unrealised dream.
Walk of Witness Faith and
Sunday's Gospel
Sunday 23 Sept
Mark 9: 30–37
Jesus teaches that to
rank first, disciples
must serve all.
Sunday 30 Sept
Mark 9: 38–43,
45, 47–48
If they are not
against us, they
are for us.
Thurs 27 Sept
Memorial of
St Vincent de Paul
Sat 29 Sept
Feast of Ss Michael,
Gabriel and Raphael
Mon 1 Oct
Memorial of
St Thérèse of Lisieux
Tue 2 Oct
Memorial of the Holy
Guardian Angels
Thur 4 Oct
Memorial of
St Francis of Assisi
and Teaching
Mrs Madeleine Franken Overseas Study Tours
Deputy Principal Italy 2018 France and Indonesia 2019
Learning & Teaching
Students from Years 10 and 11 who are Planning is well underway for study
[email protected] studying Italian departed last Sunday tours to France and Indonesia for 2019.
(16 September) for Italy. According to
Ms Angela Torelli reports received so far, they are enjoying Students who will be studying either
this rich immersive tour, extending their of these languages at Years 10 and 11
Director of Studies Y10-12 language learning every day. in 2019 will have the opportunity to
undertake these tours.
[email protected] They have been exploring Rome this
week, including an audience with His
Ms Klara Baka Holiness the Pope, and will travel to
Pompei and Sorrento this weekend.
Director of Studies Y7-9
Next week they will visit the medieval
[email protected] city of Siena then undertake intensive
language classes for the week at the
8 Monash Prato Centre. The tour will
conclude with some time in Florence
and Venice before returning on 4
We look forward to the students’ report
on their experience in our Newsletter
next term. In the meantime, you can
follow their progress on our social media:
Avila College Facebook and Instagram.
Stay tuned to learn more about this
amazing international opportunity.
Space Tour to NASA Year 12 | Practice Exams
Information about an opportunity to undertake a Students undertaking VCE 3/4 studies will be sitting
study tour to NASA in Houston, Texas in December practice exams in the second week of the Term 3
2019 was emailed last week to all parents of school holidays from Monday 1 October to Thursday
students currently in Years 9, 10 or 11. 4 October.
On this tour students will have an opportunity to Avila College prepares all students studying a
engage in learning from astronauts, engineers and subject at Year 12 level for their final exams by
scientists. creating the authentic experience of sitting a formal
practice exam in each subject.
They will work in teams with mentors to develop
their innovative thinking at the Johnson Space The conditions of the exam arrangements in the
Centre. holidays match those of the external exams, not
only in length, but also with the use of external
They will also have an opportunity to go behind the supervisors and instructions delivered according to
scenes to the Neutral Buoyancy Lab and the historic a VCAA script.
Mission Control as well as other newer facilities.
Students should use the first week of the holidays
Parents and their daughters are reminded to book to revise in order to maximise their opportunity for
tickets to attend the Information Night about the learning from the practice experience.
Space School trip on the first Thursday of Term 4
(Bunjil - 7pm, 11 October). Students will receive feedback on their performance
early next term that will identify areas that they
Families need to click on the link in the invitation need to address to achieve success in their final
to book a seat for this event. Clicking on the link in exams.
the invitation, also takes you to a website with more
information about the exciting Space Tour program. Madeleine Franken
Deputy Principal, Learning and Teaching
Ms Janine Bauman National Child
Protection Week
Deputy Principal Students
[email protected]
Mrs Anne Stephens National Child Protection Week Avila has recognised this week through
provides an opportunity for Catholic a number of initiatives and activities
Director of Pastoral Care Y7-9 schools to share their child safety that have been explored throughout
journey with their community the week.
[email protected] and highlight the significant work
undertaken to ensure a safe and As a faith community we all have a
Mrs Anna Marvelli nurturing school environment. role in ensuring ‘Catholic Schools’
are places where all young people
Director of Pastoral Care Y10-12 At Avila we strive to ensure that we are feel safe and have a strong sense of
a Child Safe organisation. connectedness and belonging.
[email protected]
Our aim is to keep families and The video below is the student version
communities informed and involved in of the Child Safety Code of Conduct
promoting child safety and wellbeing. and is further evidence of the value
placed and the importance of student
The theme for National Child voice at Avila.
Protection Week was: Protecting
Children is Everyone’s Business: Play
Your Part, with an accompanying
theme of Stronger Communities, Safer
Children, emphasising the importance
of connected communities in keeping
children and young people safe.
Campaign for a Headspace in the City of Monash
With 100 centres across Australia, Headspace provides early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year
olds. The City of Monash and the Monash Leader have been working on a campaign for the last 5 years to get a
Headspace Centre in Monash.
The young people of Monash, including some representative students from Avila College, have developed a
new video asking our governments to back this important campaign. This two minute video was written and
developed by young people.
You can watch the video and discover more about the campaign here.
Avila College Child Safety Code of Conduct Video
Watch the video here:
Performance Poet, Manal Younus enthralls Year 7's
We sat there silently, mouths closed - ears open. There stood in front of us
a beautiful lady with many powerful stories and poems to share.
The Year 7's experienced wise words from a guest speaker that will stick
with us forever. Manal Younus, an amazing poet, came to share with us
her captivating journey from a baby in Eritrea, to a poet who is taking the
performance poetry world by storm in Australia.
Year 7
She was inspiring in her stories and her poems The Year 7's learnt so much about expressing
really connected with the audience. She has been a ourselves through poetry and how it can help us as
finalist twice in the National Poetry Slam; performed we move towards reciting poetry for the class.
at the Sydney Opera House; and been a speaker at
international writers’ festivals. Since she was 14 she Manal, come back soon please!
hasn’t slowed down – she has composed “words with
She writes poems that tackle real life issues like
racism but in person shows her entertaining and
creative streak. Her favourite type of poetry is the
spoken-word - a style where you don’t read from a
paper but you perform the words – and in some parts
you can speak really fast to exaggerate the point.
Manal is also a really good rapper.
She has published a book called ‘Reap’ containing
poems that she has written over the past nine years.
Melbourne Year 11 Literature at the Theatre!
Festival This term the Year 11 Literature students attended the
Melbourne Theatre Company's performance of Oscar Wilde's
A group of keen readers and writers play An Ideal Husband. The students had studied the play
attended an event at Federation earlier this year and were very excited to see this compelling
Square where they listened to stage production brought to life in the resplendent setting of
authors presenting at the 2018 the Playhouse Theatre. The students thoroughly enjoyed the
Melbourne Writers Festival in the highly entertaining show, as well as the exploration of the
Schools’ Program. imposing spaces of the Arts Centre.
There were some meaty discussions VCAL Students Rev Up!
involving our constant social media
presence by author Amy Gray and Year 12 VCAL students got behind the wheel when they attended
the question of toxic masculinity by a defensive driving program at METEC in Kilsyth.
Omar Musa.
There was also advice given by
the comedian Sammy J about how
to write effectively in the style of
The day finished with The Great
Debate battled out by students
from schools all over Victoria.
It was a great opportunity for
students from Book Club and Quill
& Ink Writers Guild to be involved
in a fun and creative day out.
Dianne O'Neill
Head of Resource Centre
2018 Public Speaking and Debating Party
The Constitutional Convention
For Secondary Schools
Year 11
Last week Rachel, Iwuagwu and I, accompanied by Ms Carroll,
were fortunate enough to attend the Secondary School’s
Parliamentary Convention at our State Parliamentary House .
The intention of the day was to come to a joint conclusion as
to whether or not the current Australian Constitution meets the
needs of modern Australia, through discussion with students
from all across Victoria after being informed by our own research
and input from a few excellent guest speakers which included Ms
Judith Graley MP, Parlimentary Secretary for Education; Laureatte
Professor and Emeritus Cheryl Saunders from The University of
The speakers certainly provided compelling arguments for
both sides of the topic through the lens of concepts from their
respective areas of expertise. Throughout the day we were given
chances to voice our opinions on the selected topic through
discussion time with other politically inclined students.
Overall the day was interesting to say the least, and exposed
us to disparate views which we would have otherwise never
The day challenged us to develop our own standpoints on
the issue and, ultimately, come to the conclusion through a
majority vote that our current constitution does not meet the
current needs of Australia as it does not serve all sections of the
RYDA VCAL excursion
Want to learn more about Road Safety?
How to be a responsible passenger?
Then you need to attend a ‘RYDA’ Road
Tahlia Baldwin Fiona Boulous Caitlyn Kechichian Safety workshop like the Year 11 VCAL
Year 11 Year 11
Year 11 students just did…..
We had the opportunity to speak to Anat, who survived a Together we all learnt as a class about hazards and the
crash in 2004. Although fatigue may have been a factor, it risks and distractions that can affect your ability to drive
was a dog running across the road that startled her and well. I have learnt so much from this experience and how to
her car swerved into a pole. Although she lived, she now avoid this to become a better driver.
is disabled and has a brain acquired injury. She also has a
tremor, has trouble articulating speech, and suffers short DO
term memory loss.
• Offer to answer texts/calls for the driver
Anat is a brave woman who decided to use her own • Passengers should also keep their eyes on the road
misfortune as a way to educate others. She is incredibly • Tell the driver what’s going on if they get distracted
intelligent and it really was an honour meeting her. • Help the driver out when they are confused with where
Another workshop we attended was ‘Genevieve's story.’ they are going.
It was a true story about Genevieve and her best friend
who were killed in a car accident on the way to someone's • Encourage the driver to pull over and rest if they’re
house. They were driving on Lilydale Road at 100km per tired
hour and it was only a two lane road. For some reason
Genevieve wanted to overtake the person in front of her • ARRIVE ALIVE!
and that led to the accident. Some people found this
workshop really upsetting and confronting. It made me DON'T
realise a small mistake like that can take someones life. • Ever tell the driver to hurry up
• Let the driver touch their phone
16 • Distract the driver.
• Get in the car if they’re drunk or tired
• Don’t peer-pressure the driver.
Year 12 Literature - Examining Art at NGV
The Year 12 literature class took part in an excursion
to the National Gallery of Victoria in order to better
understand the relationship between art and literary
perspectives. The ability to comment on the authorial
and artistic intentions of the creators of artworks-
both visual and written- lies at the heart of the study
of Literature.
We were given a tour by Jenny Isaacs, who has
Ellie Karaula considerable experience both as an educator at
Year 12 the gallery and as a teacher of literature. Jenny
encouraged us to explore the underlying class
and gender issues within art and texts, especially in reference to the
novels North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell and The Baron in the Trees
by Italo Calvino. We discussed the depiction of class and gender in
Victorian art through close analysis of works such as Sir William Quiller
Orchardson’s painting “The First Cloud” (1887) and in modernist works
such as David Hockney’s (1963) “The second marriage”. We also engaged
with more contemporary art forms such as music video by learning to
read the depiction of gender and race through the lens of feminist and
postcolonialist criticism.
2018 Sports Awards Night
Sport & PE
Like always, this Having the opportunity to train on
both Wednesday and Thursday
year brought every week allowed girls to have
more of a chance to perfect these
another year of routines and skills, and enabled
many of the students to reach
large numbers their full potential. As a result we
had many fantastic placings in the
of students competition.
Logan who wished The competition for Avila spread
over two days, September 6th and
Sharrock to participate 7th, with extremely early mornings
and very long days, yet the girls
Sport Captain in gymnastics, didn't seem to let their tiredness Most importantly they all had
get to the better of them when smiles on their faces the whole
including a range competition time came around. time while on the comp floor, and
were all having fun whether it was
of new students Over the two days we had a variety their first time competing or their
of 1st, 2nd and 3rd placings both last.
from various year levels, as well as for team and individuals, which
was a great way to top off all the A big congratulations to all the girls
previous students coming back for hard work the girls had put in. who placed, with Sally Barlow and
Samara Egglezos placing equal first
another year. in the individual competition, as
well as 2 teams coming first overall.
The departure of Ms King brought
a challenge for us, yet one of All the girls should be immensely
positivity and opportunity for proud of themselves for what they
both myself, Ms Hume and all the have achieved this year. I am one
students. very proud captain!
With training beginning late May,
two months were ahead of us to
learn new routines, new skills and
perfect every move possible before
the big day.
SCSA Netball
Hayley Alyssa Monday 17 September All our teams should be incredibly proud of their
Poulton Dorio saw 60 eager results. Our Junior A’s finished 2nd, B’s 3rd and C’s
Netball Netball netballers compete 2nd. Our intermediate A’s also finished 2nd and the
Captain Captain in the annual SCSA B’s finished 3rd.
tournament. This
year our squad was For some of our senior girls it was their last ever
placed in Division school netball tournament and the entire team
2 where we faced played hard but unfortunately lost by a narrow
strong competition. margin, finishing a respectable 4th overall!
All the girls were extremely excited and for the We’d like to thank all our coaches, Miss Linossier, Ms
majority of our Years 7's it was their first ever netball Cummins, Ms Carol, Ms Gilfedder, Miss Wood, Chiara
tournament for Avila! We congratulate all the girls. We Smith and Mrs Rowell for all their efforts to ensure
are exceptionally proud of the results, with all six Avila our teams were ready for the tournament.
teams making the semi finals and then three teams
going on to compete in the grand final. Congratulations to all the girls on all their efforts and
the support offered to each other throughout the day!
Art, Design &
2018 Art Aquisition Awards
Each year Avila College selects an artwork from each year level to place in the school's
permanent art collection. Congratulations to the following students whose work has been
selected for the Avila College Collection.
Year 7
Gina Fleming
Year 8 | Tanika Whyte | Art
Year 9 | Joyce Lay
Studio Arts - 2D
Year 10 Year 11
Salome Prado Holly Thompson
Studio Arts Studio Arts – Photography
Year 12 | Theresa Avice
Studio Arts – Photography
Craft Club: Poppy Project
My name is Maddie. I have travelled through the
battlefields of France and seen a
I am part of Crochet couple of poppies scattered around
the place.
Club this year.
Poppies do mean the world to me.
At the moment I I want them to remember all the
days we have for commemorating the
am working on a fallen and those who are currently
serving for our country.
Poppy Project for
I personally think that we should do
Remembrance Day something for this and get others
aware of what these days are all
Madison this year. about and not just remembering
Taylor history.
Year 8 I am making a heap
of crochet poppies
and then framing
them as a art piece for the library.
I am doing this because it is quite an
an important thing for our family.
My dad is currently in the Defence It is in remembering
Force, serving in the Navy. We the past we can
celebrate ANZAC Day with the family hope to secure the
and to support the charities. free and safe life
our service people
My great-grandfather was also in the fought for.
defence force. He flew a plane in WW2
and his plane is over in England in an
air force museum.
I am very proud of my dad and all the
others that sacrifice being away from
their families as well as their homes.
Take it from me, I know, it’s not easy
to say the least.
Chloe Luk Avila Calendar
Year 11 Dates & Events
Salome Prado Monday 8 - Friday 12 October
Year 10 Year 8 City Experience
Wednesday 10 October
Billboard Posters STEM-4-All Presentation Evening
Monday 15 October
Congratulations to the Visual Avila Day
Communications students whose Tuesday 16 October
designs were selected for the Art, Design SCSA Softball
& Technology Exhibition and Sports Friday 18 October
Award Night posters. Their designs have Sports Captains Lunch
featured across all the event collateral Saturday 20 October
and on billboards on Charles Street and Avila Alumnae Day
Stephensons Road.
Salome Prado (Year 10) designed the Art, Design & Wednesday 17 October, 1-4pm
Technology Exhibition poster and Chloe Luk (Year 11)
designed the Sports Awards night poster. SEPTEMBER SCHOOL HOLIDAYS
8am - 4.00pm
Smile Day
Vincent Year 10
Smile Day was run by
the Peer Helpers to
promote a positive
mood in the school
as well as to develop
greater connections
and happiness in our
There was an array of
activities, such as a
bowling station and
hopscotch, as well as
pink face paint, music,
bubbles, Smile Day
stickers and more.
During lunchtime, we
also ran a cake stall.
The money raised
from this cake stall
will go to Presentation
Charities to support
the education of
Overall, the day
provided an uplifting
and inclusive mood
for our community.
Michaud Year 10
Smile Day is an
annual event
organised and held
by the Peer Helpers
to promote a positive
attitude, happiness,
and connection within
our community.
This year was the
first year we decided
to hold a bake sale
to raise money to
support female
education through the
Presentation Sisters.
This is obviously a
very important and
valued cause within
our school, and lots of
money was raised.
We believe that it
is important for
everyone to have
many reasons to smile,
and by helping these
young women get an
education, they will be
able to have another
reason to smile, like we
do at Avila.
We hope that everyone
had a fun time, and
that they can reflect on
all the reasons that we
have to smile every day.
and Careers
Holiday Activities
The September holidays provide many opportunities for students
and families to attend events at Tafes and University.
Ms Jenny Dunn Deakin Step on Campus The Melbourne Juris
Doctor (JD) Showcase
Pathways Co-ordinator Tours of each campus will be
[email protected] provided by Student Ambassadors at Designed to give Year 10-12 students
10am and 3pm on these dates: an interactive experience, this one
Ms Ann Boyce • Burwood Wednesday 26 day workshop combines sample
law classes with information about
Careers Teacher September & 3 October Melbourne Law School and the
[email protected] • Geelong Waurn Ponds Thursday Melbourne JD.
30 27 September & 4 October • Melbourne Law School
• Geelong Waterfront 185 Pelham Street in Carlton
Wednesday 26 September, 9-3pm
Tuesday 25 September
• Warrnambool Register online at
Melbourne Juris Doctor Showcase
Tuesday 25 September
Register and find out more: Angliss Experiences
Food Day | Tuesday 25 September
ACU Talk with Teachers
Baking, Cookery and Patisserie
What is it really like to work in the workshops. Learn about emerging
education industry? careers in the field of Food Studies.
Hear from teachers about their Tourism, Events, Hospitality & Hotel
experiences and get tips and advice Management Day | 27 September
about a career in education.
Engage in workshops and sample
• ACU Melbourne Campus subjects including the Aviation (Cabin
Tuesday 25 September, 10-11.30am Crew) program.
• ACU Ballarat Campus Book online.
Tuesday 2 October, 10-11.30am
Click for more information.
Mission Discovery Program | The University of Melbourne
A five day space and STEM student program for Years 7–10 secondary school students.
Mission Discovery offers full immersion in Space and STEM – with plenty of hands-on activities and is run by
Latitude Travel Group in association with ISSET and NASA.
As part of the program, students will:
• Learn from NASA astronaut, engineer and ISS commander Steve Swanson, NASA leaders and expert
scientists from the University of Melbourne
• In teams, take on the role of research scientists and design a space Science experiment
• The overall winning team’s experiment, as judged by the NASA panel, will be launched to the International
Space Station and conducted by astronauts on board!
• Develop leadership, teamwork and public speaking skills
• Hear a range of Space and Science careers paths
The program will take place from 24–28 September 2018, 9.30am–4.30pm each day. To find out more regarding
the full program as well as costs, visit Mission Discovery Program
Choose Clever Workshops | Latrobe University
The Choose Clever workshops are interactive, hands-on, and designed to give prospective students a greater
confidence in what they will study in 2019. Each workshop will include a presentation from an academic
or course advisor, along with a panel of speakers – current and graduated students – who will share their
experiences at university and working within the industry.
Register for these workshops at Choose Clever Workshops
Monday 24 September Business 8.45am – 11.45am Melbourne
Tuesday 25 September Law & Criminology 12.4pm – 3.45pm Campus
Wednesday 26 September Agricultural Science 8.45am – 11.45am
Thursday 27 September Physiotherapy 12.45pm – 3.45pm Bendigo Campus
Exercise Science 9.30am – 11.30am Melbourne
Creative Arts (Visual) 12.45pm – 3.45pm Campus
Engineering 8.45am – 11.45am
Cybersecurity 12.45pm – 3.45pm
VCAL Melbourne Legal Precinct Tour National Road Cycling
As part of their road safety studies, students visited the Old City
Watchhouse, the Old Melbourne Gaol and participated in a Culpable
Driving mock trial in the Old Magistrate's Court.
Avila College wishes Sophie Marr
from 8 Blue the best of luck when she
competes in the National Junior Road
Cycling Championships in Bunbury
Western Australia!
In Print
Inspired by 7 Green, check out this
article in Living Now magazine about
experiential environmental education
written by our very own Avila College
teacher Ms Gemma Di Bari.