May 24 | 2017
From the Principal
Dear Avila College Community,
There is much to learn from every day life if we give some of our attention to the ordinary things. It is in the ordinary things that sometimes we learn the most about each other and how we can bring the best out in each other.
I have delighted in walking through the schoolyard at lunchtime and nding out what’s being consumed, who made it and what makes it a good lunch.
I’ve met students from all year levels
– some eating the classic – cheese, vegemite or ham - sandwich (50/50 crusts on and crusts off!), some who ate their lunch at recess and happily took a piece of fruit l had left over as a bonus snack and some who had left overs of rice, noodles or pasta stored in thermos containers, looking delicious and acting as a reminder of family connections the night before.
Talking with students as they eat lunch reveals some of their achievements, challenges and aspirations for the day.
I have found that our Avila young women have great stories to share about the big things and the little things in part because of the wide range of experiences our school affords them.
The adventure of learning in its most holistic sense continues every day
at Avila. From a wide range of STEM programs and Book and Art Clubs
to rehearsals for the Avila-Mazenod Musical and Statewide Aerobics competition, the possibilities for learning are abundant.
In addition to out of class learning adventures other opportunities like Year 8 City Experience sees Avila students rise to the challenges of
Dr Michelle Cotter
Exec. MBA, M.Ed. Leadership, M.Ed. RE, Post Grad. Dip. IT, Post Grad. Dip. Adult Ed., Grad. Dip. RE, B.Ed
35 Charles Street, Mount Waverley, Victoria 3149
T 03 9831 9600 [email protected]
Avila College acknowledges the Wurundjeri people, the traditional custodians of the land on which the College is built.
developing knowledge and problem solving skills with optimism and courage.
Last Friday the Inter school Athletics Team competed in the Division 1, SCSA competition and demonstrated commitment, spirit and athletic prowess to place third overall.
The Year 12 Public Speaker of the Year competition saw Year 12's volunteer to compete in the art of oral language communication and showed them to be articulate, thoughtful and intelligent.
It is because of the broad experience of learning at Avila that makes our community such a great one to journey within. One where we share Gospel values and actively respond to the call of Jesus to be people in Christ; one where we see a need, an opportunity or chance for kindness or excellence and we get involved.
More recess “Cookies and a Chat” have continued
to keep me in the loop of being a Year 7 at Avila. I am learning much about which primary schools our girls have come from, what their favourite subject is and what their Avila highlight has been so far. Some more snap shots from our morning teas in my of ce are included in this newsletter.
Happy Learning!
Dr Michelle Cotter
Annual Report
to the School Community
The 2016 Annual Report to the School Community is now available in either digital or hard copy format, via the College website in News & Events/ Publications or on request at the College front of ce.
National Sorry Day Prayer
adapted from National Council of Churches in Australia, 2002
Australia-wide observance held on May 26 each year. This day gives people the chance to come together and share the steps towards healing for the Stolen Generations, their families and communities.
Almighty and loving God,
You who created ALL people in your image,
Lead us to seek your compassion as we listen to the stories of our past.
You gave your only Son, Jesus, who died and rose again so that sins will be forgiven.
We place before you the pain and anguish of dispossession of land, language, lore, culture and family kinship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have experienced.
We live in faith that all people will rise from the depths of despair and hopelessness.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families have endured the pain and loss of loved ones, through the separation of children from their families.
We are sorry and ask God’s forgiveness.
Touch the hearts of the broken, homeless and in icted and heal their spirits.
In your mercy and compassion walk with us as we continue our journey of healing to create a future that is just and equitable.
Lord, you are our hope. Amen.
Faith and Mission
Archbishop's Pentecost Letter
Recently Catholic Secondary Schools received a letter from the Archbishop of Melbourne – Denis Hart calling on young people to ‘Be Courageous’ in demonstrating the Gospel message.
Every year, Archbishop Denis Hart writes a letter to young people, which is released for Pentecost Sunday.
The Pentecost letter is inspired by the Archbishop’s annual conversation with student leaders and re ects on the hopes, concerns and questions expressed by young people at this gathering.
This year’s Pentecost Letter challenges young people to embrace the words of Pope Francis;
‘My friends, Jesus is the Lord of risk... Jesus is not the Lord of comfort, security and ease.
Following Jesus demands a good dose of courage, a readiness to trade in the sofa for a pair of walking shoes and to set out on new and uncharted paths.’ (World Youth Day, Krakow 2016)
Archbishop Hart asks us to consider what the characteristics of real life heroes might be, and what it means to live courageously in today’s world.
A copy of the letter to the youth can be found on the following website:
A special mention to Maeve Gill (Year 12 College Vice Captain – Faith and Mission) and Tiana Chandraratne (Year 11 Faith and Mission Captain) for their words of wisdom on the video link which can also be found on this website.
Ms Carmela Marino
Director of Faith and Mission [email protected]
"...the courageous witness of young people who put faith, hope and love into action today" - Archbishop Denis Hart
The Nano Way...
At the recent NEAA (Nagle Education Alliance
of Australia) Conference for Leaders in schools committed to the Presentation charism and the legacy of Nano Nagle we were called to think and re ect on how we are to carry the Nano charism in our schools and the broader community.
The theme for the Conference was ‘One Step Beyond’... a call to take the next step and create the Nano Way through our actions.
Avila College is a proud member of the NEAA and this Conference has given us the opportunity to re ect and determine what our ‘One Step Beyond’ will be for 2017 and the furture.
We look forward to sharing this journey with the entire Avila community throughout the year.
Nano Nagle: A Pro le
(taken from Songs of the Journey by Raphael Consedine pbvm 2015)
In the face of fear, she chose to be daring,
In the face of anxiety, she chose to trust,
In the face of impossibility, she chose to begin.
To universal misery she opposed ministry to persons, To ignorance, knowledge
To disillusionment, tenacity of purpose,
And to multiple vexations, singleness of heart.
Faced with failure, she held fast to hope,
Faced with death, she believed in a living future,
And programme for that future she gave in one word LOVE.LOVE
Faith and Mission Important Dates
Sunday's Gospel Reading Sunday 21 May John 14: 15-21
Jesus promises the disciples the Paraclete
Sunday 28 May
John 24: 46-53
Jesus commissions the eleven, ascends to heaven
Wednesday 24 May
Solemnity of Our Lady, Help of Christians
Friday 26 May
National Sorry Day
27 May - June 3
National Reconciliation Week
28 May - June 4
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Learning and Teaching
Gifted and Talented Conference
Last week, 12 students from year 10 attended a conference for Gifted and Talented students. The aim of the day was to help gifted and talented students to:
• Improve their thinking skills
• Begin to be able to identify what is fundamental from what is trivial
• Become intellectually creative
• Identify assumptions and distinguish between good and poor arguments
• Think systematically and rigorously about relevant modern day issues
Asking the right questions is important.
The great thinker, Socrates, was called the midwife of people's thoughts because he asked the right questions and helped people give birth to new ideas.
Throughout the day the students explored rich topics such as: ‘Who should run a country?’ and ‘The Science of Time’.
They also considered how to respond to questions designed to test their
real ability and potential, which meant seeing if they could think laterally, and apply their thinking to new ideas and in different contexts.
At the Gifted and Talented Conference, students practised using thinking tools including basic rules of logic, deduction and reason, and considered how they might develop higher level lateral thinking skills in the future.
Madeleine Franken
Deputy Principal Learning & Teaching
Mrs Madeleine Franken
Deputy Principal
Learning & Teaching [email protected]
Ms Angela Torelli
Director of Studies Y10 - 12 [email protected]
Ms Klara Baka
Director of Studies Y7-9 [email protected]
Year 9 Examinations
All Year 9 students will undertake examinations in English, Mathematics and Science on Wednesday June 7. As this is the rst time the students will undertake formal examinations which are reported on, students will be undertaking examination revision in their classes. They are expected to use the techniques, strategies and tips learnt in the classroom, at home as well to ensure they maximise their potential.
Examinations will take place in normal class time in Periods 1, 3 and 4 with a study period during Period 2. There will be no other classes on this day. It is essential that students are punctual and arrive at school no later than 8:30 am. Students are advised that they are not to be absent from school prior to the examination day to study. Students are also encouraged to eat a nutritious breakfast on the morning of the exams and ensure that they keep hydrated.
Full school uniform is to be worn on Examination Day including the Avila schoolbag. Please see Simon for materials permitted in the examination room. Parents are thanked for their cooperation and assistance in preparing their daughters for this aspect of their studies at Avila.
Klara Baka
Director of Studies Y7-9
City of Monash
All Schools Leadership Program
Feeling a bit nervous, and not knowing any one else, I arrived at the Clayton Community Centre ready to spend the week on a leadership course.
However, a few ‘icebreakers’ later, I had a feeling that this week was going to be memorable.
On 1 - 5 May, twenty seven students of Years 10 and 12 came together for the ‘All Schools Leadership Program’ to discuss all things related to leading in our schools and areas.
I was lucky enough to be one of those people. The course covered a range of topics, including: qualities of a leader, different leadership styles, how to work in groups, how to communicate with others, how to embrace diversity, community action, leading from the sidelines, and public speaking. It was an action packed week!
Our last task of the course was to prepare and deliver a speech on what we had learnt and what had the biggest impact on us. My speech focused on the way that many different people, with different opinions, different backgrounds and different ways of solving a problem, can all be classi ed as leaders and work together to reach a common goal.
This re ected exactly what happened on this course as students from schools including Salesian, Glenallen and Brentwood, came together to work, talk, share, re ect and grow.
The people I met and the things we achieved as
a team were astounding! I would like to thank the organisers from Monash Youth Services, for creating a very special week and to my teachers at Avila for their encouragement and support.
Chiara Smith Year 10
Learning and Teaching
Yr 10-11 Exam Preparation
As you are aware the examination period is fast approaching with the Year 10-11 Examination Period commencing on Thursday June 8th and concluding on Friday June 16th.
Students have already received the examination timetable and should be preparing adequately.
Students have also been informed about the details and procedures to follow during this period.
The GAT is scheduled on Wednesday 14th June.
• It is an expectation that students attend ALL of their scheduled examinations.
• Students are expected to be present at least fteen minutes prior to the commencement of their examinations and half an hour prior to the GAT.
• Students are permitted to leave the College at the end of their nal examination on a particular day. However, students are NOT permitted to leave the College between scheduled examinations.
• Students are expected to attend each examination in full school uniform including their school bag.
It is absolutely essential that parents notify Ms Torelli at the College should their daughter become ill during the examination period.
Medical documentation must be provided in this instance. Please contact Ms Torelli as soon as possible should further clari cation be required.
Parents are an important support to their daughters in many ways during this challenging period.
Through words of encouragement and assistance, or even just by reinforcing the practical elements of examination preparation, this role is essential.
Angela Torelli
Director of Studies Y10-12
Steps to Exam Success!
An article recently published in the Learn section of the Herald Sun by Heath McGregor, outlined a number of steps students can take to prepare for VCE Examinations. Some of these steps are vital and I would like to highlight these.
• Review all SAC’s and assessment tasks to determine areas of strength and weakness
In reviewing your SAC’s and assessment tasks ensure that
you ascertain whether the areas of weakness are related to poor knowledge, the application of your knowledge or your examination technique.
• Complete your summary notes for mid year exams by June 1st
It is helpful if you develop your notes into multiple 1 page Mind- Maps, colourful summary/concept notes for revision.
Workin45or50 minute blocks.
Studies have shown that
if you have a small 5 minute break then spend at least 5 minutes actively
reviewing that sessions work, you will improve your retainment of the information by over 50% and by over 90% if you review the work
each week before the exam.
• Master how to stress less by gently breathing in through your nose feeling the breath travel down to in ate the lower abdomen.
Slowly release the air to “leak” back up and out through the nose. Try to slow down the breathing with each consecutive breath and repeat at least ten times.
• Aim to eat a small, balanced and nutritious meal every 3-5 hours.
By doing this you will help to manage your blood sugar levels which will in turn go a long way to maintaining your energy levels, keep your mood elevated and hunger at bay.
Avila Calendar Dates & Events
May 24
Yr 9 Re ection Day and RE Excursion
May 26
Staff Professional Learning Day Student Free Day
May 29 - June 2
Reconciliation Week
May 31
Second Hand Uniform Shop 1 - 4 pm
June 4 & 5
Aerobics State Final
June 7
Yr 9 Exams
Yrs 10 & 11 Study Day
June 8
Yr 9 Careers Day Yr 10 & 11 Exams PFA Meeting 7pm
The General Of ce opening hours are 8am - 4.30pm
Please call
9831 9696
Pastoral Care
A Safe School
Student Voice - Episode 2
“Students play a powerful role in the development and maintenance of a safe school. They can make a positive contribution to the wellbeing of all students in the school, their families and members of the broader community. Through assuming ownership for their own safety and wellbeing, as well as that of others, students develop a sense of connectedness and add meaning and purpose to their lives.”
Sourced from: ‘Student Wellbeing Hub’
The hallmark of a safe school is one where students feel supported, respected, valued and listened to. At Avila we recognise and value authentic student voice.
We are endeavouring to give that voice a wider platform through our video series. In episode 2 of ‘Student Voice’ we asked our students the following:
‘What does Avila do that makes you feel safe? Who do you turn to when things don’t feel right and what do you do outside of school to stay safe?
If you are having trouble viewing the video, you can watch it on the Avila website:
Ms Janine Bauman
Deputy Principal Students [email protected]
Mrs Anne Stephens
Director of Pastoral Care Y7-9 [email protected]
Mrs Anna Marvelli
Director of Pastoral Care Y10-12 [email protected]
Model United Nations Assembly
Avila College represented at MUNA
The annual Rotary - Model United Nations Assembly was held at Parliament House on May 6 & 7, 2017. Representing Avila College were students Atara Thenabadu, Hannah Krasovec, Anokhi De Silva and Jessica Satya-Graha. Avila College received a special mention in the (condensed) report below.
Once again we were fortunate
to be able to hold MUNA in the beautiful Victorian Parliament House. We should never underestimate the impact on the students of this elegant historical building, the atmosphere of
the place, and the fact that the students are actually sitting and working in the seats normally occupied by our lawmakers.
This year 40 teams took place representing 40 countries in ve blocs that are grouped according to the geopolitical and economic development stages of the countries.
There were a number of complex issues and resolutions debated over the two days. There were very few interruptions to
debate which resulted in nine resolutions being examined
and discussed. The teams were fairly well balanced with no team or delegate dominating the proceedings.
Costuming was of a high standard with many of the teams making an effort to represent the national dress of their allocated country.
A team from Avila College representing Lebanon received the prize for submitting the best
student resolution which was debated as the rst resolution on Sunday morning.
This program is viewed as part of leadership training for many of the schools.
Joe Somers
Chair, D9810 MUNA Committee 9 May 2017
Thank you to Ian Ballantine, the of cial photographer for MUNA, and a member of Rotary Club of Bentleigh Moorabbin Central for the images.
Physical Education
SCSA Athletics
The Avila College Athletics squad trained hard and competed well at the SCSA Athletics Competition securing the 3rd position overall in Division 1.
Well done Team Avila!
Dear Fareshare,
I’m Rebekah Mason and a
Year 11 VCAL student at Avila College. As part of the VCAL program, the Year 11 and Year 12’s volunteered in the kitchen last week. I just wanted to say thank you very much for having us and teaching us skills that we can use in the kitchen.
If we could visit the kitchen again, it would be a wonderful way to prepare us for the workforce, get a hands on experience, understand what you do as a community, what you make, who receives the food, how to use rescued/recycled food.
Every one of the students who went on the excursion enjoyed the feeling of achieving a task that is simple, yet extremely helpful by making sausage rolls and starting to make pies.
On behalf of Avila College, I thank you again and hope to see you again soon.
Kind Regards, Rebekah Mason
VCAL Cook Up at Fairshare
On Tuesday 9th of May the Year 11 VCAL class worked in the Fareshare Kitchen in Abbotsford as Volunteer Chefs.
The kitchen is a huge commercial kitchen that ‘rescues’ food. Rescued food is any food
that is an odd in its shape, or
the packaging is ripped, or
near the end of its expiry date. Fareshare receives this food from pastry shops, egg farms and supermarkets.
I learnt how it feels to work
on a production line, to be in
a commercial kitchen and the satisfying feeling of making
730 sausage rolls knowing that they would go to people in the community who truly knew what hunger was.
It was a valuable and worthwhile experience. Make a date and visit sometime! Roll up your sleeves and help others in need!
Business Studies
On Wednesday May 10th, the Unit 3 & 4 students visited the Carlton and United Breweries as part of their study of Operations Management.
Students were given the opportunity to view one of Australia’s biggest breweries in full operation. A number of key aspects of the course were covered during the tour.
Students witnessed an automated assembly line in action. The importance of quality was discussed. Students were about to see a number of the quality strategies CUB adopts. Another key aspect of the Business Management course is the importance of corporate social responsibility.
CUB adopt a number of initiatives in this area including recycling, reducing waste and educating its
stakeholders on the importance of responsible consumption of alcohol.
CUB will be used as an important case study for the remainder of the year as we study other key aspects of the contemporary business world.
Emilio Bernardo
Curriculum Leader – Humanities
Year 11 Formal
Reconciliation Week
A Message from the Avila College Reconciliation Group
To nd out more...
Visit the Reconciliation Group Meeting on Friday 2 June.
PFA Mother's Day Breakfast
Thank you to the Avila College Parents + Friends Association for putting on the annual Mother's Day Breakfast. A special acknowledgement to Terri Brideson and Maria Frizziero for all their hard work, careful preparation and organisation behind the scenes. Also to Kathy Pitt for the beautiful table decorations.
Comedy Drama - Year 9
Year 9 Drama students recently enjoyed a visit from Rosa Campagnaro from "Make a Scene" to introduce the Italian Drama traditional technique - Commedia dell'Arte.
Students had the opportunity to don the traditional masks used by the Stock Characters in the theatre form and learn shapes and styles of acting for lazzi and scenarios.
Commedia dellʼArte is a unique and stylised theatrical tradition that was born in Venice in
the 16th Century. It combines stock characters
(tipi ssi), masks (maschere), parody and satire, exaggerated and stylised movement, lazzi (comic business and visual gags), improvisation, gibberish or grommelot.
Commedia was revolutionary for inventing the concept of the actress. It was the rst theatre tradition that allowed and encouraged women to perform on stage, like pioneering actresses, Vincenza Armani and Isabella Andreini, who became the rst celebrity actors of the era.
New Winter Uniform Option
Student Voice
Avila has a strong desire for students to know that their experiences, opinions and ideas are valued in aspects of school life. We encourage students to generate discussion, gather information and formulate proposals that represent the student community.
Following a request from students about the level of comfort of the winter uniform, the students’ and the Executive Leadership Team have agreed on choice, and subsequently from Wednesday May 17 students will be able to choose to wear the following with the winter uniform:
navy tights or long navy socks
In partnership we trust that you will support this student voice initiative and the spirit of collaboration in which it has been enabled.
School Uniform is available at PSW Waverley Shop online at 290 Stephensons Road
Mt Waverley VIC 3149
03 9768 0335
Trading Hours
Tue to Fri: 9:00am 5:00pm Sat: 10:00am 1:00pm
*Store hours subject to change
News, Updates
+ Reminders
Rugby Union Stars
Avila Alumnae Mikaela Welti
(class of 2012) and Georgia Cormick (class of 2013) have just returned home from the 2017 Women’s Rugby Union National Championships on the Gold Coast.
Mikaela and Georgia were invited to trial for the state team in March and after seven trial sessions, both were selected for the Melbourne Rebels' team
In April they headed to Wagga Wagga for the Southern State Championships. They then continued with another month of intense training in preparation for the National Championships in May where they proudly represented the state in their beloved game of Rugby Union.
Mikaela currently plays for the Box Hill Quins and Georgia plays for the Melbourne Unicorns in the Victorian Dewar’s Shield Competition. Congratulations!
Public Speaking News
Congratulations to the students in the Year 12 Public Speaker of the Year Competition (see above L-R: Emma Spencer, Dena Tissera, Georgia Pitt, Tamara Ryan, Roisin Selvarajoo, Mrs Clare Manning (Year 12 Coordinator), Brittany Moore, Tynah Pearson and Zoe Evans).
Special congratulations to Dena Tissera and Georgia Pitt who were jointly chosen as Public Speakers of the Year for 2017.
Sir John Monash Awards
Year 12 student Emma Spencer was recently awarded the Sir John Monash Youth Leadership Award in recognition of her contribution to the community. Well done Emma!
Meeting the Minister for Health
On their visit to Parliament House as part of the City Experience, Year 8 students met Avila Alumnae Hon Jill Hennessy,
the Minister for Health. Not only did students received a warm welcome but they featured in sel e tweets with the Minister!
Tweet from Jill Hennessy:
@Avila_College students visit Parliament House today. Great to
chat to so many smart & lovely young women. Compulsory #springst #springst
Junior Public Speaking
After many meetings with Mrs Valladares, it was time for the DAV Public Speaking Competition on Monday the 8 May, 2017 at Huntingtower School.
We started the day with a training session in which we got to meet students from St Kevin’s College, Huntingtower School, Mac Robertson Girls High School, Highvale Secondary and many others. This training session taught us how to present our speeches and write impromptus.
Next, we competed in the prepared speeches round where we had to deliver the speeches we had prepared earlier. Then it was into the hardest part of the day, the impromptu speeches. This is when we had to speak for two - three minutes on the spot - only getting ve minutes beforehand to re ect on what we were going to say.
Overall, it was a fun and enjoyable day and we have grown in con dence because of it.
The girls that participated in the competition with me were:
Pawani Bhatia: Year 8 Sanjana Nair: Year 9 Jocelyn Satya Graha: Year 8 Neha Cherayat: Year 8, and Nikki Sebastian: Year 7 Elizabeth Dinh
Book Review
Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
An ENTHRALLING, captivating, SMARTLY written book which will keep you gripped until the end. A combination of dark-humour, drama, thriller, mystery, and much more!!!!!!
It touches base on many important themes that are really life changing.. and A MIND BLOWING... unexpected twist in the end will leave you ABSOLUTELY. PERPLEXED. Also streaming as a TV series!!! A MUST-READ!!!
In the grounds of Pirriwee Publics annual school trivia night, one parent ends up dead. Was it a murder? Accident? Or something completely different? An innocent single 24 year old mother who takes her son Ziggy to his new school... stumbles on lies upon lies.. What really happened?
This book reached Number 1 on The New
York Times Bestseller list on its rst week of publication, a FIRST achieved by an Australian author!! Brilliant! It has also reached 1st in the Australian ction charts and has been adapted to television on HBO!!
You DEFINITELY won’t regret reading this book! (5 stars) (Senior Reading)
Anna Zhang
Want to share your insights, discuss book reviews or discover new reads?
The Junior Book Club (Y7-9) meet in the Resource Centre (library) every Thursday lunchtime on Week B. The Senior Book Club (Y10-12) meet every Monday lunchtime on Week B.