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The fortnightly newsletter from Avila College, a Catholic girls secondary college in Melbourne, Australia. In this issue: School Captains meet the PM, Mary Poppins the Musical, Cross Country results and more!

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Published by Avila College, 2017-07-26 01:06:56

26.07.2017 Avila College Newsletter

The fortnightly newsletter from Avila College, a Catholic girls secondary college in Melbourne, Australia. In this issue: School Captains meet the PM, Mary Poppins the Musical, Cross Country results and more!

July 26 | 2017


From the

Welcome back to Term 3! Using a phrase that has been said really quite
a lot over the past week or so …. the term ahead is looking

Over the term break there was, as
always quite a deal going on around the
school campus and out and about in
the community.

Dr Michelle Cotter Students, staff and parents have been Together with representatives from
involved in the International Netball other local schools, College Captain
Principal Competition at Jells Park, Year 12 Sinead Coulter, Vice Captain Community,
Exec. MBA, M.Ed. Leadership, revision, folio sessions and of course Tamara Ryan and Vice Captain Faith
M.Ed. RE, Post Grad. Dip. IT, some care and maintenance of the and Mission, Maeve Gill enjoyed a chat
Post Grad. Dip. Adult Ed., College property too. Thanks to all staff and a 'selfie' with Malcolm Turnbull and
Grad. Dip. RE, B.Ed who lead and supported these pursuits the Federal Member of Parliament for
over the holiday break. Monash Julia Banks.
35 Charles Street,
Mount Waverley, We also had final rehearsals during This past week has seen us begin the
Victoria 3149 the break for Mary Poppins the Avila- important process for preparing for
T 03 9831 9600 Mazenod musical in conjunction with set, next year. It seems a long way off but as
[email protected] props and costume making. A huge thank we head through the winter months the you to all the parents and students who reality of the need for planning for next
were involved behind the scenes. year is a key priority.
Avila College acknowledges the
Wurundjeri people, the traditional Many hours of work were contributed These preparations include
custodians of the land on which by members of our community to re-enrolment for all current students,
the College is built. support the production and the results subject selection for Years 8 to 11, VTAC
2 were spectacular. This was my first planning for Year 12 and staffing needs
Avila-Mazenod Musical and it certainly analysis. Thanks to all families for their
lived up to high expectations. Mary active involvement in these processes.
Poppins is a technically challenging
musical, yet the cast and crew made it
look seamless as they entertained us
with such a professional and vibrant

During the holidays, our school
captains had the opportunity to meet
the Prime Minister of Australia.


I have been delighted to have We at Avila are of course compliant with Quality Street
continued my Avila journey with the this and included later in the newsletter
first of a series of morning teas with is the formal notification from the Let us be people of quality
Year 12 students. Catholic Education Commission of Let us do the ordinary
Victoria (CECV). Should parents/ things of life in an
In the spirit of the 2017 College theme, guardians have any queries relating to extraordinary way!
Journey With Us, I have been sharing an the NCCD, please contact Mrs Tracey
aeroplane jelly morning tea along with Gannon, Learning Enhancement and Let us make extraordinary
great conversation and some paper Enrichment Co-ordinator on 9831 9600. use of our ordinary talents,
plane construction with Year 12 students. because we are all called
I would also like to invite you all to the to be FULLY ALIVE,
In my school wide wanderings this week Family Day Mass at Holy Family Parish to be saints of God.
I have been welcomed into Ms Baker’s on Sunday 30 July. Avila students will be
8 Red History class where I enjoyed singing with Holy Family Primary School And so we thank you, Lord,
listening to the podcasts developed by students at the Mass starting at 10.30. for making us people of
teams of students about Medieval Life! quality.
This will be followed by a number of
Amazing things certainly happen in the family activities including face painting We pray that we may use
every day of Avila College life – take a and paper plane making with myself our gifts well
look at our recently launched Facebook and Avila students. and not keep them unused,
video to hear what our students love unwrapped,
about learning at Avila! It promises to be a great community because a gift is no good
day and I look forward to seeing you unless it is shared.
All schools are required at this time there. We thank you
of the year to complete an important that we are people of
survey called the Nationally Consistent Happy Learning! quality
Collection of Data (NCCD) on students whom your hands have
with disabilities. Dr Michelle Cotter made.

Quality Street chocolates are all different: they would May you be blessed
not be Quality Street if they were all the same. And forever!
when I come to meet the Maker of all this QUALITY, he
will not ask me: "Why weren't you Mother Teresa?" Amen

He will be asking me if I have grown as the person 3
he called me to be? In Catholic schools we are not
called to try to make people into something that they
are not, but to invite people to be and to grow as who
they already are.


Circle of Silence

At the end of Term 3, students gathered at lunch time to show their
solidarity of those people seeking asylum. Students from all year levels
gathered together in silence to pray together and share stories
of asylum seekers.

Ms Carmela Marino

Director of Faith and Mission

[email protected]

Maeve Gill

Tiana Chandraratne

Faith and Mission Captains

Chiara Smith
Alicia Roy

Faith and Mission Captains


Young Vinnies are busy collecting beanies, gloves, scarves, blankets and socks Faith and
to donate to the wider community. These can be left in your Homeroom. Mission
Woolly Winter Dates

Vinnies Sunday's Gospel
needs you!!! Reading
Sunday 30 July
WITH FOOD ITEMS FOR OUR Jesus describes the
WINTER APPEAL: kingdom through
TEA BAGS images
MILO Sunday 6 August
HOT CHOCOLATE Matthew 17: 1-9
CANNED SOUP Suddenly a bright
BREAKFAST CEREAL cloud overshadowed
Monday 31 July
Avila College Prayer to welcome wholeheartedly Memorial of
and to support all of your creation. St Ignatius of Loyola
Our patron, Saint Teresa of Avila, Tuesday 1 August
calls us to be the hands, feet and Let us use our voices for thanks and Memorial of
eyes of Christ. praise as we grow in the light of St Alphonsus Liguori
Saint Teresa. Thursday 3 August
Lord, you have blessed us Memorial of
with many gifts, Grant us wisdom to live out the St Dominic
Gospel as Daughters of the Church. Friday 4 August
Guide us so that we make the most Memorial of
of these in our everyday lives. Saint Teresa of Avila, Pray for Us. St John Vianney

May we respond to your call to give Amen 5


Subject Selection and P-S-T Meetings

Mrs Madeleine Franken Subject Selection Forms may be collected from their year
There was an air of excitement amongst Level Coordinators, Ms Marina Kelly or
Deputy Principal the Year 8 students and their parents Mrs Sophie Clapperton. Students will
Learning & Teaching on Monday (24 July) with the first of our be informed of the outcome of their
Subject selection information evenings. applications by Tuesday 15 August.
[email protected]
Students in Years 8 to 11 need to enter Students and parents are reminded
Ms Angela Torelli their preferences via the Web Preferences that the final date for submission of all
link before Thursday 24 August. Web subject selection forms to Homeroom
Director of Studies Y10 - 12 Preferences information and link will be Teachers is by 8:35am Thursday 24 August.
emailed to students this week.
[email protected] Parent-Student-Teacher Meetings
Printed and signed copies of their Bookings will be open from Wednesday
Ms Klara Baka Web Preferences selections must be 26 July for Semester 2 Parent-Student-
submitted to Homeroom Teachers no Teacher meetings scheduled for
Director of Studies Y7-9 later than 8:35am on Thursday 24 August. Thursday 17 August and Tuesday 22
[email protected] Further opportunities to ask questions
of specialist teachers will be available Please use the link on PAM to access
6 for students in optional lunchtime PTI bookings. Parents are asked
sessions and via email. Email to select and carefully check their
addresses of all Curriculum Leaders are preferred date on their booking
included in the presentations on the sheet because, in the past, some
Subject Selection Information evenings. parents have inadvertently booked
Slides of the presentations may be for the wrong day and missed their
accessed via the Curriculum Guide appointments.
available on SIMON.
Parents are free to choose either date
Later this term, when they have more but as evening appointments book
experience with the language they are out quickly, we suggest you make your
studying in Semester 2, current Year 7 booking soon.
students will be asked to select their
preferred Language for next year. Careers Advisers Ms Jenny Dunn and
Ms Geraldine McKenna will be available
VCE Acceleration on the evening too. No booking will
Students wishing to apply to accelerate be required to speak with them about
in VCE are advised that completed pathways.
“Expression of Interest” forms must be
submitted to the Studies Hub no later Madeleine Franken
than Monday 7 August. Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching

Key Dates Avila Calendar
for your Dates & Events
July 26
Wednesday 26 July TIPParent-Student-Teacher Meetings Yrs 8-12 Leadership
Parent-Student-Teacher Seminar
Meeting booking portal open. Uabfsenreeeosdntpmwtdaeheslceoleoionanmwfellatayhaapnieppf5upohlaoooialrncilbnal1t.omt0tmeoemdkeniinintnnstguotttfooepesapamtonbuosorrveitetehaeker,
July 27
Monday 31 July Australian Maths
By Invitation Competition
Current Year 10
and 11 students July 31
VCAL Info Night
7:00pm - VCAL Pathways Twilight Tours
Information Evening in the
Gathering Space August 3
Year 12 Reflection
Monday 7 August Twilight (1:10-5.30pm)

VCE Acceleration Expression August 8
of Interest Forms due. All School Netball
Yr 12 Leadership
Tuesday 8 August Breakfast
Current Year 12 students Open Morning

7:00pm - VTAC Information August 9
Evening in Bunjil. Advice on Second Hand Uniform
the application process for Shop Open 1 - 4pm
university and other tertiary
institutions in 2018. August 10
Thursday 17 August Group Photos
PFA Meeting (7:00pm)
Tuesday 22 August
8am - 4.30pm

Thursday 24 August ABSENTEE LINE

Subject Selection Web BEFORE 10am IF YOUR
Preferences form (signed and DAUGTHER IS ABSENT
printed) due to Homeroom
Teachers by 8.35am. FROM SCHOOL

9831 9696



Absenteeism Affects Results

Ms Janine Bauman The Pastoral Team welcomes students There is a proven link between
and families to Term 3 and hope that attendance, learning and
Deputy Principal Students the break was an opportunity to reflect connectedness to school. Parents
on Semester 1 achievements, refresh are pivotal in ensuring that good
[email protected] energy levels, contemplate goals for attendance habits are established and
Semester 2, catch up with friends and maintained. Often getting younger
Mrs Anne Stephens have ‘fun’! children out of bed and off to school is
As we begin this new term the not too difficult but as a child gets older
Director of Pastoral Care Y7-9 Pastoral Team we would like to draw and takes on greater responsibility for
your attention to the importance of getting to school, challenges can arise.
[email protected] maintaining a high level of attendance
because as we know: Naturally parents should keep their
Mrs Anna Marvelli daughter home if she is very unwell,
Research shows that academic but small discomforts such as coughs
Director of Pastoral Care Y10-12 achievement declines with any absence and colds are probably best endured
from school and continues to decline at school. This does much to build
[email protected] as absence rates increase. your daughter’s resilience and helps
The nature of the relationship between her establish realistic attendance
absence from school and achievement, expectations that can be taken into her
across all sub-groups of students senior school years and the workplace.
strongly suggests that every day of Students who stay home often spend
attendance in school contributes the day quietly watching television
towards a child’s learning, and that or engaging in online activities and
academic outcomes are enhanced by it should be remembered that a day
maximising attendance in school. at school sitting quietly at a desk is
not significantly more strenuous but
valuable learning can still occur.

Asking to stay at home once or twice a
month can seem an innocent request
but, once parents support unnecessary
absences, absenteeism can grow into a
problem over the course of the year.

At times, absenteeism can be linked
to anxiety surrounding friendship
issues but students are still better to


come to school and talk to staff or Useful Websites and Contacts
counsellors about their concerns
rather than stay away. If parents These websites offer a number of useful online resources and
feel that this is the case, they are information sheets. Click each logo for the direct links.
most welcome to call the College
to share their, and their daughter’s,
concerns so that we can deal
with issues in a supportive and 9
proactive way.

Occasionally your daughter may
be straightforward and ask you to
stay home because she is behind
in her work and doesn’t want to get
‘in trouble’. It is not always easy
for parents to stand firm in this
circumstance. Often this problem
is of the student’s own making
and parents give a mixed message
if they condone a day away from
school to catch up. Rest assured
that staff set reasonable time
frames for the completion of work
and often class time is set aside to
work on assignments.

Absenteeism does not only affect
the individual, it can also have a
negative effect on the rest of the
class as a collective. Students who
are away impact on group work,
team building in class groups and
teaching time as staff re-teach the
absent student on their return.
Students with a high number of
unexplained absenteeism impede
their own learning and can exclude
themselves from undertaking
extension programs, such as
studying a VCE subject in Year 10,
regardless of their academic ability.

There is no “safe” threshold and
the effects of absence accumulate
over time (refer to chart on the
right). When young people are
taught that they need to 'show up'
for school and make a commitment
even if they feel anxious or
concerned, this positive mentality
aids academic and career success
and brings benefits in adulthood.

Janine Bauman
Deputy Principal Students


Netflix Film 'To The Bone'

You may be aware that Netflix is currently The Butterfly Foundation, an advocacy group
promoting across social media the imminent representing those affected by eating disorders
release of ‘To the Bone’, a film following the and negative body, suggest that in this context
journey of a 20-year-old woman living with and parents and others make every attempt to
recovering from anorexia nervosa. This film was view the film with their children or other young
released on Friday 14 July, during the school people.
Avila College has a comprehensive Living and
Eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia Values Pastoral Program that address many
nervosa, binge eating disorder) are complex issues that young people face, including
neuropsychiatric disorders that manifest in resilience, positive identity and body image. It
disordered eating and exercise behaviours. is a holistic program that empowers our young
women to develop an understanding of their
Although serious mental illnesses, they result dignity, self worth, and their responsibilities in
in physical impairment and they have a high the school and in the world.
mortality rate, including very elevated levels of
suicide risk. We want to ensure the safety of young people in
our care by working in partnership with families,
The graphic content of ‘To the Bone’ – both visual external agencies and our College Counsellors
and audio – may be triggering for someone with and pastoral team to support our young people.
or at risk of an eating disorder. For those who are
not so vulnerable, it may still be disturbing, and We encourage parents to access this link, which
possibly distressing. provides advice from the Butterfly Foundation on
supporting young people who watch ‘To the Bone’.

Key National Support Services

• Butterfly Foundation National Helpline 1800 33 4673 |
• Lifeline 13 11 14
• Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 |
• Beyondblue 1300 224 636 |
• Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 |
• Headspace 1800 650 890 |



Healthy Debate

The second round of the Internal Junior Debating We await the results of this round, but hope that
was challenging for some students but they should Sanjana will continue to the Grand Final.
be congratulated on their resilience in ensuring The final round of the Junior Internal Debating
that all teams debated well. Competition.
It was a well-attended final round with audience
Congratulations to the Best Speakers: numbers increased for the final of the Year 8
• Elizabeth Dinh competition and the attraction of the topic to be
• Anna Kouvelase debated - that Avila and Mazenod should join to
• Tanika Whyte become Avinod. The results seem to suggest that
• Lucy Healy the girls favour the idea.
• Nishara Fernando
• Elisa Scholast Congratulations to everyone who participated in the
• Ebony Johnson internal debating.

• Mila Vargas Congratulations to the Year 8 champions: Team 11

Round Five of Senior Debating Emma Johnston , Lucy Healy, Jocelyn Satya-Graha ,
The power-paired round is always full of very close Matilda Baumann, Caitlin Cameron.
decisions. This round was particularly hard as it
was only our third day back at school and it was The Runners Up were: Natarsha Scavello, Ebony
cold and wet; nevertheless, the debaters were Johnson, Tina Varone , Brigitte Phillips
resourceful in finding students to fill in for those
involved in the musical or ill due to colds and flu. Congratulations to Teams 1 and 9 at Year 7 who go
through to the Grand Final:
Congratulations to the seven teams that won and
the students who received Best Speaker Awards: Sophie Markos, Kaysha Somaia, Elizabeth Dinh, Ruth
Edward, Elisa Scholast, Nishara Fernando
• Nicole Ng
• Atara Thenabadu Awards for the winning teams will be given out at
• Kiran Kottakkal the Public Speaking and Debating event later this
• Ashley Ng term.
• Natasha Bellizia
• Mieke De Vries Congratulations to this round's best speakers:

Debaters' Association Of Victoria Junior Public Nishara Fernando, Mila Vargas, Jocelyn Satya-Graha,
Speaking Competition Parys Kaoulla,Sarah Cooke, Anna Kouvelas, Shenalie
Congratulations to Sanjana Nair who competed this Fernando.
week in the semi finals of the Junior DAV Public
Speaking competition held at St Bede's College. Christine Valladares
Public Speaking & Debating
Co ordinator



Maths Report

As I write this report my senior classes are Mathsonline. All their teachers were impressed
coming to grips with the fact that we have with the preparedness of the girls which involved
completed two thirds of our class time and our having bound notes books and calculators ready.
courses. With one term to cover most of Unit 4 Well done girls!
the need for our students to work effectively and
be organised is imperative. As revision and exam Year 9 Mathematics Streams
preparation come to the fore parents may notice In Semester 2 the Year 9 students are divided into
their daughters using the Edrolo online revision Extension Maths and Mainstream Maths groups.
more often. In preparation for this the Year 9‘s were asked to
fill in responses about their interest, attitude and
Students will of course come to their teachers for the challenges of Mathematics.
help when needed but as their study timetables The Year 9 teachers gave me extensive feedback
will vary having online assistance can be valuable about their students and I then sent out
and time efficient. invitations to join the extension classes. As a
direct result we have three extension and four
Catch Up Corner mainstream groups for Semester 2. The extension
classes are designed to extend our stronger
Please note that we have Catch Up Corner every and faster students and are more rigorous and
lunchtime at the College where maths teachers demanding.
are available to assist any student with their I look forward to meeting many parents and their
maths work. This is in addition to the many hours daughters at the Subject Selection Information
the teachers willingly give up to help students in evenings.
their preparation periods. Allan Kennedy
Maths Curriculum Leader
The Australian Mathematics Competition

Over 140 students have nominated themselves
and enrolled in the annual Australian
Mathematics Competition which they sat this
week. We will await their results later in the year.

Maths Exams

The Year 8 to 10 students have completed
examinations in Mathematics over the past few
weeks. The girls used a wide variety of materials
in the revision period before the exams which
included using their interactive textbooks and



SCSA Cross Country

On Wednesday 21 June, 2017 the The majority were able to beat Avila once again demonstrated a
Avila cross country team travelled their times from last year with a great deal of sportsmanship and
to Yarra Bend Park, Fairfield for few placing in the top 30. Excellent encouragement for their fellow
the fierce SCSA Cross Country effort girls! teammates, and the other schools
competition. After many weeks competing on the day. If there was
of early, cold morning training The success continued into the a spirit award, Avila would be the
sessions, the Avila team was intermediate’s race which saw a obvious winner!
pumped and ready to go! couple of girls placing in the top
30, and six others in the top 50! A special thanks to Miss Flynn, Mr
With some slight rain and drizzle in Francis, Ms McLennan and Mr Ross
the morning, it surprisingly cleared It was our last time competing in who helped guide and prepare the
up just in time for the races, but SCSA cross country for our seniors team to achieve a great result!
in turn left everyone’s feet soaked. and they received enormous
Thank goodness for spare socks! encouragement from the junior I am so proud of all my CC girls
and intermediate teams who and it has been a pleasure being
After walking the course with cheered them all along the course. their captain for these past two
the team it was time to get the years! GO AVILA!
Juniors warmed up and ready for The overall result saw Avila placing
their race. Despite some nerves 6th in Division 1, which was an Alana Nikcevich
about racing in Division 1 for amazing achievement.
the first time, the juniors did an
outstanding job.



Safe Birthing Kits

On Thursday 22 June the Year 10’s helped us create a production line to assemble 1000 birthing
kits for Birthing Kit Foundation Australia. Each Year 10 class had two Year 11 girls manage and run
the day together with one volunteer from Zonta.
These kits are designed to save the lives of women and their babies in developing countries. Without these
simple birthing kits - which cost less than a cup of coffee - the mortality rates would be much higher.
The day ran very smoothly. Although it was pretty stressful at times, it was all worth it in the end. The chance to
do something that would have such an impact on so many women’s lives was amazing.
The day could not have run so well without the help of Pam Sloss, the Zonta volunteers and the VCAL teachers.
We would like to thank you for all of your hard work.
Teagan Hall
11 Purple

These photos show some Year 10 girls helping put the Zonta birthing kits together and demonstrate how important teamwork is to make
such a day work.




+ Reminders

Baseball Brilliance! Tertiary Education Expo

Congratulations to Rebecca Representatives from a range of and friends to register online for
Wright from Year 9 who was tertiary institutions visited Avila a tour and information session
selected to attend the Victorian College for a mini expo. Students and discover Avila at one of these
Touring squad who travelled had the opportunity to meet the events.
to Japan in July, as part of the representatives, ask questions
Australia - Japan Women's and explore options and courses Avila Video
Baseball Youth Leaders Exchange. available after completing their
secondary school education. A number of students from
All players were selected based across different year levels were
on attitudes and performance Twilight Tours involved in the filming of the new
at the 2017 Little League & Girls Avila College introduction video.
Charter Tournament, and the Thank you to all the Student
potential shown to lead Victoria Ambassadors who volunteered Students showcased their
baseball in the many years to their time to lead school tours at favourite places across the school
come. Well done Rebecca! the first Twilight Tours event. and shared their thoughts on
what it means to them to be an
Tim Ross This event provides prospective Avila girl.
Sports Co ordinator parents and students with an
opportunity to visit the school You can view the video - This is
Holy Family - Family Mass after hours. Based on the Where it all Begins online on the
feedback, Avila has decided to Avila website.
A Family Mass will be held at Holy make this a regular event each
Family Parish on Sunday 30 July term. View the video.
from 10.30am. Come and join
Dr Cotter and other Avila College The next Twilight Tours event 15
students for the Mass followed will be held on Monday 31 July,
by face painting and paper plane followed by the next Open
making! #journeywithus Morning on Tuesday 8 August.
2019 applications close August
25, so we encourage all families

Year 12 Trivia Night Student Safety
and PJ Party Traffic

Because safety is a key issue for all our Avila
students, we ask for support and co-operation
from parents when driving near the school.

Please refer to the above diagram and follow a
clockwise direction when dropping off or picking
up students and note:

Parking areas for parents

Drop off areas

Bus parking only

Staff parking only

Flow of traffic

For the safety of all students, staff and parents, we
ask that no cars come past Portsmouth Street to
the dead-end part of Charles Street. We also ask
that you are mindful of neighbours’ access to their
driveways. We urge parents to please follow the
recommended route when dropping off or picking
up their daughters.

Donna Bell
Head of Operations




Open Days and Future Directions

Ms Jenny Dunn Subject selection time is on Careers counsellors will be available
us once again! in September leading up to the
Pathways Co-ordinator holidays to assist students. A very
[email protected] Making informed decisions and useful range of Youtube clips has
keeping your options open as much been produced by VTAC to assist
Mrs Geraldine McKenna as possible are two pieces of advice students. Visit the VTAC website.
we give to students. It is also recommended that students
Careers download the VTAC app.
[email protected] Many Year 10 students have
participated in interviews with a Check out the latest Careers
Careers counsellor and are aware Newsletter on SIMON:
of the importance of including • Dates to Diarise in Term 3
prerequisite studies in their • What is VET in the VCE?
selections. These interviews will • VTACmag 2018
continue until the end of the • The ABC of Applying for 2018
selection timeline. • Key Dates for Tertiary Applications for

Below is a list of resources to help 2018 Entry
better inform students selections. • Why Study Science at Monash?
• Defence Jobs: Job Finder Website
Help your child choose subjects. • UAC Schools Recommendation Scheme
• Visual Merchandising at Kangan Institute
VTAC Year 10 and 11 • Bachelor of Pre-Medicine, Science

VCAA Introduction and Health at the University of
Year 12 2018 Pathways • Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Courses in Victoria
This term also includes the opening • Open Days 2017
of the VTAC portal for many 2018 TAFE • Getting the most out of an Open Day
and University selections. To assist
students and parents we are running
an information evening on Tuesday 8
August from 7.00 to 8.00 pm in Bunjil.

College staff will assist students
to register on the portal but all
applications and associated process
must be completed by the student.
Students who attended their interview
in term one will be aware of the







Mary Poppins The Musical - Backstage



Inspiring today for tomorrow

Discover Avila College

Twilight Tours Monday 31 July
Open Morning Tuesday 8 August

Register online at
or call 9831 9600 for more details.

2019 Applications close Friday 25 August 2017



You are invited to the Ultimate Musical After Party to help
celebrate the great musicals Mazenod and Avila College has
produced over many years. Come and celebrate Mazenod’s 50
years in true theatrical style with a party!

Join us for a special one off ‘night of nights’ hosted by past
student, writer and comedian, Gerard McCulloch featuring live
performances from the past shows. It will be a great opportunity
to connect and socialise again with cast members, teachers and
their families from our distinguished list of musicals over the years.

Saturday 26 August 2017


7.30 – 11.00pm

Tickets for the event $30 (finger food included) plus a cash bar

Pre-purchase your ticket via

For more information visit or contact
[email protected]

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