May 24 | 2018
From the
Love is the Way
“Love is the Way” you may have heard if you watched a particular television
event last Saturday night. You would have also heard this at Mass last
Sunday as our Church celebrated the feast of Pentecost.
Dr Michelle Cotter Love is indeed great and it can We can be challenged to be open
take daring to love – to love one to challenges that can seem
Principal another, to love ourselves, to love our insurmountable, learning new content,
Exec. MBA, M.Ed. Leadership, imperfections, to love what challenges skills and aptitudes.
M.Ed. RE, Post Grad. Dip. IT, each of us, to love learning and to love
Post Grad. Dip. Adult Ed., trying to improve. Our students can be challenged to
Grad. Dip. RE, B.Ed complete assessments to demonstrate
All of this love dares us to share a bond their learning and teachers are
35 Charles Street, of faith as well as a belief in hope for challenged to provide feedback that
Mount Waverley, each other and for the future and a plots some next steps for learning.
Victoria 3149 commitment to be present for each
T 03 9831 9600 other. This time of year can also be a good
[email protected] time to pause and enjoy the emerging The power of God’s daring love for us winter and the longer nights and
as a Catholic and Presentation shorter days, to huddle down and to
Avila College acknowledges the community is present in all of our read and to talk and to collaborate as
Wurundjeri people, the traditional endeavours at Avila. families, students, teachers, support
custodians of the land on which staff and parents.
the College is built. In the classrooms, on the playing
2 fields, in teams and groups and in our
openness to change, challenge and
Love is the way when we immerse
ourselves in our shared values and
commitment to the Gospel.
Every year, deep into Term 2 all of us
are challenged a little, by the weather
that seems colder and the outlook that
seems darker.
We can be challenged by the need to
be tolerant of different needs, different
perspectives and different priorities.
Winter will pass, but we can enjoy it’s briskness if Official Family Prayer
we dare to look at it in new ways. For World Meeting
Congratulations to the numerous sports teams of Families 2018
who have dared to do their best over the past
two weeks, to the Creative Arts students, to the God, our Father,
Debaters and Public Speakers, to the Rec Group, We are brothers and sisters
to the ambassadors, to the students who smile at in Jesus your Son,
someone they don’t know in the corridor …. You One family, in the Spirit of your love
are being fine examples of doing like Nano and Bless us with the joy of love.
thinking like St Teresa …. People of daring and Make us patient and kind,
ambition! gentle and generous,
It’s been delightful to host several groups of Year welcoming to those in need.
12 students and some of their teachers in my Help us to live your forgiveness
office at recess for a “cuppa and a cupcake” over and peace.
the past couple of weeks, you are teaching me Protect all families
much about Avila! with your loving care,
Especially those for
Happy Learning! whom we now pray
Dr Cotter (remember family members)
Increase our faith,
The 2017 Annual Report to the Strengthen our hope,
School Community is now available Keep us safe in your love,
in either digital or hard copy format, Make us always grateful
via the College website or on for the gift of life that we share.
request at the College Front Office.
This we ask, through Christ our Lord,
Faith &
Life-Giving-Love Student Seminar
Together with over 400 students and staff we visited Nazareth
College for the Life Giving Love Seminar Day.
Ms Carmela Marino The program included music, from former Nazareth student,
Genevieve, who performed many songs of her own, as well as
Director of Faith and Mission more popular songs. She spoke about her change in attitude
from a shy teenage girl, to a now confident and more secure
[email protected] amazing singer/songwriter.
Tiana Chandraratne Nicoletta Akritidis Father Pearce, hosted the Youth day and shared insights about
Chiara Smith his journey to become a Priest and challenges within himself
Grace Guiliano Year 10
Caitlin Grima and his faith, which was quite inspiring.
Faith and Mission Captains The highlight, and an experience I will hopefully never forget was listening to
Jason Everett, from America, explain his profound understanding of relationships
4 between males and females, the love within these relationships and respecting
and cherishing the commitment of a long-lasting relationship.
We ended the day with a Q&A session with Jason and then prayer, in which a
few of the NET team also performed songs. Overall this was an incredible and
motivating experience.
Nagle Education
Alliance of Australia
(NEAA) Pilgrimage
“At its heart the journey of each life is a
pilgrimage through unforeseen places that
enlarge and enrich the soul.”
John O’Donohue
Our pilgrimage to Ireland provided Dr
Cotter and I the opportunity to visit the
birth-site of Nano Nagle and to walk
in her footsteps through the streets
of Cork where she fed and educated
the poor. Being in Ireland gave us the
opportunity to reflect and grow closer
in relationship with God and to share in
Nano’s story.
Young Vinnies Conference Faith and
We were lucky enough to attend the St Vincent de Paul Important
College Conference, at the Abbottsford Convent on Dates
Thursday the 3rd of May.
Sunday's Gospel
We met with graduated last year, we gained a deeper Reading
understanding of how our ideas can
Chiara Smith other Catholic turn into actions that have long lasting Sunday 27 May
Year 11 schools from repercussions. Solemnity of the
We are excited to implement the Most Holy Trinity
around Victoria, ideas presented to us in the future! Matthew 28: 16–20
Jesus sends forth
all interested in supporting an You can view the video from the the Apostles with
Conference here. the promise to be
organisation, whose work transforms with them always.
lives and communities. Sunday 3 June
Solemnity of the
The theme for the day was Most Holy Body
‘Be Vincentian’, and we attended and Blood Of Christ
workshops and heard from speakers (Corpus Christi)
related to this eye-opening topic. Mark 14: 12–16, 22–26
Jesus took
There, we learnt many new ways bread, broke it a
to involve our community to offer nd shared it.
a hand up, instead of a hand out,
to people in need. 27 May - 3 June
By collaborating with other students Reconciliation Week
and members from St Vincent de
Paul, including young members who Week of Prayer for
Christian Unity
Thursday 31 May
Feast of the
Visitation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
Friday 1 June
Memorial of St Justin
Tuesday 5 June
Memorial of
St Boniface
World Environment
Friday 8 June
Solemnity of the
Most Sacred Heart
of Jesus
and Teaching
Mrs Madeleine Franken Exam Preparation
Deputy Principal As you are aware the examination However, students are NOT permitted to
Learning & Teaching period is fast approaching with the leave the College in between scheduled
Year 10-11 Examination Period examinations.
[email protected] commencing on Thursday 7 June
and concluding on Friday 15 June. Students are expected to attend each
Ms Angela Torelli examination in full school uniform
Your daughters have already received including their school bag.
Director of Studies Y10-12 the examination timetable and should
be preparing adequately. It is absolutely essential that you notify
[email protected] the College should your daughter
Students have also been informed become ill during the examination
Ms Klara Baka about the details and procedures to period. Medical documentation must be
follow during this period. The GAT is provided in this instance.
Director of Studies Y7-9 scheduled on Wednesday 13 June.
Please contact the Director of Studies,
[email protected] It is an expectation that students attend Klara Baka (7-9) or Angela Torelli (10-12)
ALL of their scheduled examinations. as soon as possible should you require
6 Students are expected to be present further clarification.
at least fifteen minutes prior to the
commencement of their examinations You as parents are an important
and 45 minutes prior to the GAT. support to your daughters in many
ways during this challenging period.
Students are permitted to leave Through words of encouragement and
the College at the end of their final assistance, or even just by reinforcing
examination on a particular day. the practical elements of examination
preparation, your role is essential.
Ms Angela Torelli
Director of Studies Y10-12
Steps to Exam Success
An article recently published in the
Learn section of the Herald Sun by
Heath McGregor, outlined a number of
steps students can take to prepare for
VCE Examinations.
Year 9 Exam + Career Days • Review all SAC’s and assessment tasks
to determine areas of strength and
All Year 9 students will undertake examinations in weakness
In reviewing your SAC’s and assessment
English, Mathematics and Science on Thursday 14 tasks ensure that you ascertain whether
the areas of weakness are related to
and Friday 15 June. poor knowledge, the application of
your knowledge or your examination
As this is the first time the students will undertake formal technique.
examinations which are reported on, students will be
undertaking examination revision in their classes. • Complete your summary notes for mid
year exams
They are expected to use the techniques, strategies and It is helpful if you develop your notes
tips learnt in the classroom, at home as well to ensure into multiple 1 page Mind-Maps,
they maximise their potential. colourful summary/concept notes for
Students have been encouraged to make good use of
the Study Day on June 6 to consolidate learning. This can • Work in 45 or 50 minute blocks.
be achieved by summarising notes, making cue cards,
completing extra questions, attempting quizzes and Studies have shown that if you have
writing practice essays.
a small 5 minute break then spend at
Examinations will take place in normal class time
on both days. Students will undertake the English least 5 minutes actively reviewing that
Exam on Thursday during Period 1 and Science during
Period 2. During Period 1 on Friday, students will sit the sessions work, you will improve your
Mathematics Exam.
retainment of the information by over
There will be no other formal classes on these day.
For the remaining lessons on Thursday and Friday the 50% and by over 90% if you review the
students will undertake a series of Careers related
activities. work each week before the exam.
It is essential that students are punctual and arrive at • Master how to stress less by gently
school no later than 8:30 am as per usual. Students are breathing in through your nose feeling
encouraged to eat a nutritious breakfast on the morning the breath travel down to inflate the
of the exams and ensure that they keep hydrated. lower abdomen.
Slowly release the air to “leak” back
Full school uniform is to be worn on Examination Day up and out through the nose. Try to
including the Avila schoolbag. Please see SIMON for slow down the breathing with each
materials permitted in the examination room. Parents are consecutive breath and repeat at least
thanked for their cooperation and assistance in preparing ten times.
their daughters for this aspect of their studies at Avila.
• Aim to eat a small, balanced and
Mrs Klara Baka nutritious meal every 3-5 hours.
Director of Studies Y7-9 By doing this you will help to manage
your blood sugar levels which will in
turn go a long way to maintaining your
energy levels, keep your mood elevated
and hunger at bay.
Year 8 City
First Impressions - City Experience
We head out into We head to lunch. The mere idea years of discrimination and racism,
the city, with the of the independence and freedom we still use stereotypes and judge
unknown and our we are provided with makes me books by their cover. She speaks of
nervousness. even more excited. her own personal life experiences,
the stories shes heard of the things
The buzz and Walking through the streets of people say to her.
Melbourne - those busy streets,
bustle of the city with the smell of exotic street She teaches me new things, things
food and meeting familiar faces at I have never heard of before. She
drones around every turn, alert me to a new issue, exposes me to new concepts. She
something that has been taunting passionately preaches about her
Nishara me. People are the face of our earth for many faith and explains how she doesn't
Fernando rapidly flashing decades - judgment. want to be affected by the actions
Year 8 in and out of my of others.
We return to the Office, minds still
peripherals and fresh with our many sightings. Her moving statements follow me
all the way home. We walk through
the sickly scent of smoke hangs A woman comes to speak to us. the city for the last time today,
She is quite young. She is Muslim. with new knowledge and less
thick in the air. nervousness.
Throughout her presentation, she
Honks and continuous chatter discusses many serious subjects. After taking in all the information
loom around and my insides swivel today I am slightly overwhelmed
and swirl - a mix of excitement and Her own experiences make me but thrilled with my new bank of
nervousness. wonder - how can we be a society knowledge.
that mostly strives for good, base
Through the dense fog, I can make our opinions of others on the face Each sight has a new and different
out the Office. We amble along, of their culture, religion and faith? meaning and the excitement
and instantly my realisation of the once again of the unknown lingers
actuality of Melbourne kicks in. In simpler terms, I guess it makes inside me for tomorrow's journey.
me question that, after so many
We explore the city. The scavenger
hunt helps me become more and
more familiar with the vast city of
City Reflection - MELBOURNE
M - a maze. I saw how many university students were walking
Totally confusing as to how anyone through the city preparing for maybe job interviews
could wrap their minds around the or presentation they have may lead to a promotion.
inner streets that wind and wave The Melbourne city is always making room and always
through the Melbourne city. The offering opportunities.
Ruby Diver lucky ones who understand seem U - united.
Year 8 to be connected with the full and
rich history of these streets that I am aware that everybody has different opinions
make up the total maze that we all and throughout our past, we have been less tolerant.
call the Melbourne city. However, walking around the city today displayed
the type of tolerance and unity our city embraces.
E - excites me. My group got lost a few times (mainly because Lynn
Walking around this city and witnessing the many couldn’t use google maps) and even though we were
amazing technological and social milestones we as a hesitant to ask for directions, every person we went
nation have accomplished. I saw so many buildings to for assistance was really nice. They told us not to
such as Crown, the Eureka, St. Paul’s and St Patrick’s worry even though it looks confusing because you’ll
cathedrals as well as the many law courts we have. always find your way back.
Not to mention the immigration building and the vast R - rough sleeping.
variety of people with different cultures, religions, and
races that walk our streets daily. I already had some idea of the homelessness in
the city would look like. However, being confronted
L - Liveable. with it up close really emphasizes how rough it is.
The Melbourne city is totally a liveable city. Walking Homelessness is everywhere in Melbourne and it’s
around I saw how many different ways to get places not only everywhere, it’s a different variety of people
around the city. I saw cabs, Ubers, trains, trams, buses who are the homeless. There are males of colour,
and even city bikes. Also, so many job opportunities women with dogs and sometimes even teenagers.
await in the city, I constantly saw young university N - Neat.
students rushing around the city.
I was proud as I was making my way around the city
B - Busy. today as I saw how neat and clean our streets are.
As I was making my way around Melbourne today I Aside from the occasional cup lid or serviette dropped
definitely noticed the buzz this city carries throughout from a bag or slipped from a busy hand, our streets
the day. Every minute there is loads of people are environmentally safe.
cramming onto trams and trains, buses and struggling E - educational.
to get through the thick pedestrian traffic.
I truly expanded my knowledge and learned a lot
O - An offering city. about my city today. I learned so much from the
public transport, interacting with the public and
I saw many flyers pinned to traffic posts and street meeting and listening to the amazing Muslim speaker.
sign posts with information stating they are going to The city has taught me so much in only one day and I
be hiring new employees. Many of these flyers are can’t wait to learn more over the next few days.
asking people who have qualifications and interests
which relates to the profession of the flyers to come
and have an interview.
Reducing Risky Behaviour
On Tuesday 15 May students from both the Year 11 and Year
12 cohorts met in Bunjil during their LAVP session for a
presentation from Monash Link Counsellor, Nick Garofalo.
Nick talked about Many girls took away new information
and a different outlook on the
Ms Janine Bauman drug and alcohol misinformation and misinterpretation
of drugs and alcohol in today’s society.
Deputy Principal Students awareness and risk-
They were also given a set of agencies
[email protected] Natasha taking behaviours. He and groups that work within the
Palomara informed students local area who can be accessed by
Mrs Anne Stephens Year 12 about the dangers, individuals, families and any with
preventative actions concerns related to alcohol, drugs or
Director of Pastoral Care Y7-9 risk-taking behaviour.
they can take to reduce their own
[email protected] Some of the feedback from students
risks and the statistics surrounding included:
Mrs Anna Marvelli
the prevalence of drugs and alcohol in “It was interesting to hear real life
Director of Pastoral Care Y10-12 stories and experiences, it made us
society, especially in their current age relate or understand in a different way.”
[email protected]
bracket. “Lots of girls felt he had clarified things
they weren't sure about, but felt silly
What resonated with the group was his asking someone."
emphasis on being vigilant, both for
themselves and their friends. He also “Tuesday's LAV session on Drugs and
stressed the value of communication Alcohol made an impact on me. I was
and keeping parents in the loop as part reassured that it is important to not
of the protective factors needed. leave my friends if they are in trouble -
Nick from Monash Link talked at length
Nick used many images and statistics about ‘sticking together.“
throughout his PowerPoint presentation
thatwere highly informative. His visuals
added humour and light to some of the
more challenging topics and discussion,
making s tudentsfeel more comfortable
and at ease.
He also answered a range of questions “Nick made me feel more comfortable
that were sent in by some of the about the fact that telling someone
students and tailored his session to about my concerns for my friend was
what questions were most important the right thing to do.”
for the s tudents to have answered.
Headspace Alert Launching....
Season 2 Release of 13 Reasons Why The
The second season of teenage drama 13 Reasons Hour |Let's Chat
Why is about to be released on Netflix.
Join us on Tuesday 5 June
As this program contains confronting and from 7pm in the Gathering
potentially distressing content, Headspace has Space for Avila' College's
developed a range of resources on how to safely inaugural Conversation Hour.
watch the series, self-care, help-seeking behaviour
and how to have constructive conversations with Hosted by Avila College students, this is a
friends and families. chance to have a round table discussion on
current topics that impact students study,
All resources and discussion guides are available social connections and aspirations such as:
on the Headspace website. • Why am I always so tired?
• Am I normal?
If your daughter is determined to watch the • Most Girls...
new season, we would suggest that you watch • What I want my parents to know about
it together so that firstly you understand the
show’s content, but also that you are able to have being a teenager
conversations around this. Book your seats on trybooking, meet staff,
parents and hear from your daughters in an
Further advice for supporting adults, children evening that celebrates student voice.
or young people who are vulnerable or have
expressed concerns about their own mental health 13
is available from:
National 24/7 crisis services:
• Lifeline: 13 11 14
• Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
• beyondblue: 1300 224 636
Youth Support Services:
• eheadspace: 1800 650 890
• headspace centres
• Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
• ReachOut
• SANE Australia: 1800 187 263
"It truly is a
once in a lifetime
Tiara Chandraratne
Santa Teresa
Immersion 2018
Applications Close
Wednesday 30 May
Collect your Application Form from the
Year 10 Coordinator or download from
the Faith & Mission folder on SIMON.
Senior Academy Conference
A group of Year 10 Avila College students attended the "I found the day to be really thought provoking and
Senior Academy Conference at Camberwell Grammar. very rewarding. It was a great chance to hear about
topics that we don't normally get a chance to talk
This study day provides academically gifted students about in the classroom.
an opportunity to:
For example, we explored the idea of life after death -
• Improve their thinking skills the different perceptions of mind and matter as well
as the varying beliefs surrounding the idea".
• Begin to be able to identify what is fundamental
from what is trivial Tiana Pincic Year 10
• Become intellectually creative "What I enjoyed the most from the conference was
probably the last session with Dr Mark Lewney as it
• Identify assumptions and distinguish between was informative and enjoyable.
good and poor arguments
I enjoyed how he used the bass guitar to further
• Think systematically and rigorously about relevant explain his thoughts and explain aspects of physics
modern day issue and string theory. It was overall a great experience
and It really challenged my thoughts to think outside
the box".
Sherlin Kalarikkal Year 10
and Public
Year 10 Public Speaker of the Year
The Public It brings the Year 10 students A very tough choice had to be
Speaker of closer together as we learn about made by Judge Mrs Stephens, as all
the Year each other’s ideas, interests and the speeches were insightful and
Competition personal stories. It is a vibrant delivered with passion.
is one of the competition with speeches ending
highlights of the in shouts of encouragement. Eventually Ella McKenzie and her
term. brilliant speech won the title this
This year competitors could choose year – but our congratulations go
Priyanka Sharma It is another from 3 topics: Swimming Against to the other class representatives:
Year 10 Public way we can the Tide, Out of the Blue and From Kyra De Leon, Alicia Roy, Paris
Speaking and showcase the Little Things, Big Things Grow. Collins, Isobel Craig, Isabel
Debating Captain talent in our Amoranto, and Martha Sarumpaet.
These brought out many different
year level and provides a forum ideas. A total of seven speeches The Public Speaker of the Year
were heard and they all were so Competition is always lot of fun
for us to discover more about one amazing. and we cannot wait for next year!
My First Public Speaking Competition
After weeks of a stirring speech about how
rehearsing and climate change has become a
some admittedly cliche and why we need to make a
unnecessary difference.
Matilda Baumann panic, the night There were also lots of other
Year 9 Public of the AINGER interesting, and even some
Speaking and Public Speaking humorous, speeches that night,
Debating Captain Competition had ranging from topics like "being a
arrived. foreign student in Australia" to
"how annoying parents can be on
There were facebook".
20 other
students, ready to get up and The AINGER Public Speaking
speak their hearts out. I, however, Competition was a fantastic
was extremely nervous. I had experience for me and I definitely
never done a public speaking took a lot away from it. I greatly
competition before, so I really look forward to participating in
didn't know what to expect. But, I more public speaking competitions
16 swallowed my fears and performed in the future!
Satya Graha
Year 9
Debaters Association of Victoria
Public Speaking Competition
The Intermediate DAV Public The impromptus reminded us just debates and students who compete
Speaking Competition with how much fun public speaking can in this competition may apply to
its challenge of presenting a be. Throughout the competition, represent Avila College in the DAV
meaningful and engaging speech we dealt with our racing hearts and inter school competition.
and delivering TWO impromptus in enjoyed the adrenaline pumping
a forum of about 60 students from through our veins. To develop the students'
schools around the metropolitan All of us were proud Avila girls. confidence our senior debaters
area, provided all of the have been working with the juniors
experiences that you could have in Jocelyn is to be congratulated on and will also be our adjudicators
a Public Speaking competition. receiving second place overall in during the competition.
the competition and first place in
Pooja, Pawani, Suhavi and I were the Year Nine’s - a fine effort! The girls are to be congratulated
all participants in this Year 9-10 on signing up to tussle with
competition, and I’m proud to say Junior Debating ideas and to learn to think
that we all tested our brain power gets Underway logically on the spot in rebuttal.
and spoke to our heart’s content. Congratulations to the recipients
Congratulations to the Year 7 and of the "Best Speaker Awards":
Though we only had about a week 8's who have signed up to the Avila Tamara Spasojevic, Jessica Loeding,
and a half of intensive preparation, Internal Debating Competition. Shastra Selvananthan, Kavipriya
we pulled it off. This is a series of lunchtime Arunagirinathan, Elisa Scholast and
Demi Bourdopoulos.
Year 12 Italian - Coffee Culture Excursion
As part of the Year 12 Italian Course this year, Avila At Museo Italia at the COASIT centre in Carlton the
students have been studying the Italian Coffee Year 12 Italian class were able to see first hand a
Culture. number of the first and original coffee machines
imported from Italy in the 1950’s.
The unit looks at the history of coffee through time
and the birth of the very first coffee house in Venice The students were then fortunate enough to take part
at the historical Florian in Piazza San Marco. in a coffee tasting session at one of Melbourne’s most
famous and first coffee houses, Brunetti.
Students learnt about the history of coffee, the impact
on one’s health, the various types, its effect on the A wonderful way to end their studies of a very
daily life of the Italian and how this has now impacted historical unit.
the life of Melbournians; with Melbourne being
Australia’s coffee capital. Salvatore La Fauci
Languages Curriculum Leader
Year 9 Annual Sliders Competition
Recipe Book Launch
VCAL Students
Address the Issue
of Food Wastage.
Annalyse Carey
Year 12
Do you know how much food
gets thrown away? Too much!
We, the Year 12 VCAL students,
have chosen to address this
We have expressed this as
a recipe book which gives
you, ideas about how to use
leftovers for future meals.
This recipe book was
launched at a shared lunch
which featured food from
the published recipes using
Staff and students attended
and had a good time.
A Taste of French Culture
On May 16, the Year 10 French class
were lucky enough to take part in
the French Poem Competition at
Alliance Française.
Hasandie It was a magnificent opportunity
Vidanapathirana for me to immerse myself in French
Year 10 culture. We attended a workshop
with a native speaker where we
learnt new vocabulary and about
major landmarks and specific cities
in France!
Not only did I learn new things, but I was also inspired
to continue learning this language. Even though, I was
nervous to recite a poem in front of a native speaker,
the whole experience made me feel really glad I
After, the poem we were given croissants and a hot
chocolate which are well known foods in the French
We then visited The National Art Gallery where we
saw paintings from many French artists such as
Claude Monet and Auguste Rodin.
We saw “The Thinker” by Auguste Rodin as well as
Claude Monet’s “Rough Weather at Étretat.” Both these
artworks were remarkable and made me even more
passionate about France.
I would like to thank Mrs Patterson for giving us
this chance as, without you it wouldn’t be possible.
Overall, this whole experience was really inspiring
for me as an individual learning French.
I may not have visited France itself, but I got to
immerse in the culture and in that moment it felt like
my dream came true.
Year 10 Fine Dining Evening
Year 10 Food Technology students treated their parents to
a formal three course dinner complete with custom table
settings and menu designs.
Visiting the Vikings
On Monday 21 May,
VCAL went on an
excursion to the
Vikings exhibition
at the Melbourne
Fiona Boulus We looked around the
Year 11 exhibition and gain
information which
was really fun.
We also visited IMAX and viewed a 3D
movie on Ocean Life. The footage was
amazing! Such clever filmwork about life
under the sea.
Lunch was also fun, we shared pizzas
and ice cream. Overall the VCAL class
had a really fun day.
Thank you so much to all the teachers,
especially Ms Dunn and Mrs Swift, who
planned on the excursion.
SCSA Basketball Champions!
On May 21, three teams of Avila’s As a result of their hard work and dedication, both the
finest basketballers set out to Junior and Intermediate teams earned their spot in
Melbourne Sports and Aquatic the finals, which although concluded with a rivetingly
Centre for the Division One SCSA narrow loss for the Juniors, saw the Intermediates
Basketball Competition. through to the Grand Final, topping off their day with
a convincing win over Sacred Heart Geelong.
Jade Morgan The nervous, yet unified energy
Basketball on the bus to the competition Overall the Juniors placed 3rd, Intermediates placed
Captain prepared the girls for a fun- 1st and Seniors placed 6th in a great day showing off
filled day where they could our undeniable Avila Spirit and extremely talented
demonstrate the skills and basketballers. Congratulations to Hannah Rapp who
teamwork developed in the many was recognised as the Most Valuable Player in the
training sessions prior. Grand Final.
Upon arrival, all three teams had a bye for the Special thanks to coaches Mr Gutteridge, Mr Whiston
first round, which gave us a chance to size up our and Mr Hammond, as well as Mr Ross and Mrs
competition, and strategise the many games ahead. Williams who coordinated the competition and
ensured the day ran smoothly.
Throughout the competition, the teamwork and
sportsmanship shown by all of the girls was highly Players, coaches and all others involved should
commendable, and all members of the Junior, be extremely proud of their efforts throughout the
Intermediate and Senior teams should be extremely entirety of the lead-up and the competition itself.
proud of their efforts.
Congratulations to
Stephanie Karaula
(Year 9) who was
selected for the
Victorian Acrobatic
Gymnastics Team and
will be competing at the
Australian Gymnastic
Championships on June 2.
Congratulations to
Abbey Russell (Year 7)
and Grace Louey (Year
8) who both set new
school records at the
SCSA Athletics Carnival.
Abbey ran 2.49.73 sec
in the 800m breaking
the old Year 7 record by
more than 4 seconds,
and Grace broke the
Year 8 1100m walk
record by 7 seconds in
a time of 6.02.07 sec.
Edwina Monique SCSA Athletics Carnival
Williamson La Rose
Athletics Athletics
Captain Captain
The Avila Athletics Team, all 62 of us, headed to As the day went on Avila kept climbing until the very
Lakeside Stadium on May 18, for the 2018 SCSA end, our Intermediates (9-10) placed 4th and both
Division 1 Athletics Competition. our Juniors (7-8) and Seniors (11-12) placed in the
lucky number 3rd. For our second consecutive year
This year there were nine schools competing, Avila placed 3rd out of 9 schools but our team spirit
Avila in Lane 7, Heat 1. After many months of training was number 1 in our eyes — with the Avila dinosaur
hard, the (rainy) day had finally arrived for us all. mascots even making an appearance!
Although at first the weather wasn’t looking great, We would like to thank all of the teachers and
the girls still were enthusiastic and keen to get on the coaches involved in helping the team train for our big
track and show everyone what Avila is made of! day! Mr Ross, our head coach; Mo Zeed, Angela Phillips
and Mr Edwards. We would also like to thank Ms
After a quick warm up and team chat, it was time Randle and Ms Linossier for their support on the day
for the events to begin. and a very special appearance from Mr Bullock.
Avila was off to a fantastic start with the hurdlers Well done and congratulations to every girl involved!
strapped for time as they went straight from the bus Every effort contributed to our final result and
to the track. Their performances left the whole team everyone should be very proud of the amazing skill
and the teachers excited for the rest of the day. and talent that was showcased.
Arts 2018
Arts 2018
Student of the Term Avila Calendar
Dates & Events
Nominations are now open
Wednesday 30 May
Have you noticed a student go above and beyond Year 9 Careers Day
to contribute to our school community?
Have you seen them demonstrate a commitment Thursday 31 May
to Gospel and Presentation values as a member of 7pm Drama Unit 3 Showcase
the Avila learning community?
You may like to nominate them for a Student of 4-7pm Twilight Tours
the Term Award. All students and staff can put
forward nominations for Term 2 by Friday 15 June Monday 4 June
by submitting the form on SIMON. 6-9pm
Y11+Y12 Music Performance Evening
Debating News
Wednesday 6 June
Congratulations to the six teams who won their Student Free Day
Round Five debate at St Kevins.
Commiserations to the other six teams who lost 7 - 15 June
their debates by one point ... the result could have Y10 + Y11 Exams
gone either way.
Well done to the winners of "The Best Speaker SECONDHAND UNIFORM SHOP
Award" - Chiara Smith, Beatrice Van Rest, Sanjana
Nair and Pawani Bhatia. Wednesday 20 June, 1-4pm
on Wednesday 6 June GENERAL OFFICE HOURS
8am - 4.30pm
SCHOOL on 9831 9696
Friday 1 June
Monday 23 July 29
Friday 26 October
Register at
Who Dare
Each newsletter Amelia Harris
edition our College
Captain Abbey Goullet Up next in our Girls Who Dare series
profiles a student who is Amelia Harris from Year 12. Millie’s
is "daring to do" in the positive outlook on a challenging final
school community. year is amazing. Since Year 7 she has
defined what it is to be an Avila girl
Abbey out in the community, and this year
Goullet Millie has cemented that through her
College awesome ability to ‘Dare to Do’.
Millie’s subject load is enough to scare Millie enthusiastically takes time out
anyone! Millie tackles English Literature, of her hectic schedule to participate in
Chemistry, Drama, Math Methods and many Avila activities including trying
Italian. Five very demanding subjects out for cricket in Term 1 and giving up
means Millie is always attentive and her Sunday morning to raise over $100
enthusiastic in class and always on top for the Red Cross.
of her work out of school.
Millie is also a dedicated member
What is most ‘daring’ about Millie is her of Nagle house and was recently
ability to balance these subjects with celebrating at Nagle Day, painting faces
all of her extra curricular activities. and having a dance on the dance floor.
You may have seen Millie around the Piecing it Together
place, having landed a role in Creative
Arts as the one and only ‘Bob’, but even Did you know that we always have a jigsaw on the
more impressively taking to the stage go in the Resource Centre that students and staff
to showcase an amazing Hip Hop dance contribute to?
that left all the audience in awe. This
meant every Tuesday night and weekly The latest puzzle 'Stumped' has just been completed
lunch times were given up in order to thanks to major contributors Mrs Anna Huntley and
prepare for the night of nights. Maya Trcek from Year 7. Look out for the next one!
It is an absolute pleasure to be involved
in anything with Millie. She never fails
to light the whole room up with her
smile and positive attitude, up for
Her greatest gift may be the ability she
has to brighten up anyone's day no
matter how they are feeling. Not only is
she constantly ‘daring’ to go out of her
comfort zone, but has a unique ability
to take everyone else with her too.
Millie is always willing and up for a
chat, the first person to comfort anyone
else with a simple ‘How are you’.
I personally cannot wait to see how
Millie touches the world with her ‘Dare
to Do’ attitude after school, but for now
keep up the good work Millie.
The year is far from over, so remember
to keep an eye out for the always
friendly Amelia Harris, whether that be
in the corridor, during class or out in
the school yard.
Thank you Millie, for being a great role
model to the community, showing the
many, many ways you ‘DARE TO DO”.
and Careers
Careers in Psychology
Ms Jenny Dunn Psychology is a popular field of study in Find out more at Australian
Australia and is taught at universities in Psychological Society (APS)
Pathways Co-ordinator every state and territory. - Careers in Psychology
[email protected]
With diverse workplace settings and For the most part, the only VCE
Ms Ann Boyce areas of expertise, psychology can be a prerequisite subject for university entry
highly rewarding and satisfying career is English.
Careers Teacher choice.
[email protected] For a comprehensive list of all courses
Psychologists who complete offering psychology, including the many
32 postgraduate studies in specific areas double-degrees options and to verify
of psychology may be eligible to receive pre-requisites visit VTAC
area of practice endorsement from the
Psychology Board of Australia.
Victorian universities that offer dedicated APAC
- Accredited psychology degrees include –
ACU Psychological Science 58.90 (M)
Deakin University Psychology (Professional Streams) 71.10 (G) 71.95 (M)
Arts (Psychology) 61.10 (M), 60.70 (G)
Federation University Psychology (Honours) 80.05 (M), 80.50 (G)
La Trobe University Psychological Science 60.00 (M), 60.25 (G), 71.00 (W)
Psychological Science n/a (Be), n/a (Gi), n/a (Mt H)
Monash University Psychological Science 55.00 (M), 56.05 (B), 60.40 (A)
RMIT University Psychology (Honours) 84.20 (M), n/a (B), n/a (A)
*other prereq’s Psychological (Honours) 85.45 (C)
Criminology & Psychology 87.30 (Ci)
Swinburne University Psychology (Applied Science)* 68.10 (Ci), 65.15 (Bu)
Psychology (Social Science) 83.60 (Ci)
Victoria University Psychological Sciences 60.05 (H)
Psychology (Honours) 85.05 (H)
Criminal Justice & Psych. Studies n/a (FP)
Psychological Studies n/a (FP)
Psychology (Honours) 86.15 (FP)
Deakin Genie
Deakin University's app, Deakin Genie has received
receiving a 2018 Digital Edge 50 award. The digital
personal assistant tool is designed to help students
navigate and organise their tertiary experience.
Watch the YouTube clip above to see how it works for
Deakin students or visit the following link: https://
DeakInspire 2018
Melbourne Burwood Campus
Tuesday 3 July 2018
Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus
Thursday 5 July 2018
DeakInspire, is an event designed to inspire, motivate
and engage students in Years 10-12 and provide a
head-start on their study and personal career goals.
Students will get the opportunity to:
• Transform their way of thinking
• Connect with meaningful experiences
• Explore their study options
To find out more watch the video,
or to register, visit DeakInspire
NCCD Information Sheet for
Parents, Carers and Guardians
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) on School
Students with Disability
What is the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data?
Schools must now complete the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with
Disability (NCCD) every year. It counts the number of students who receive additional adjustments
or ‘help’ at school because of a disability. The NCCD helps governments plan for the needs of
students with disability.
Who is counted in the data collection?
To count a student in the NCCD, schools must think through some key questions:
1. Is the student getting help at school so that they can take part in education on the same
basis as other students?
2. Is the help given because of a disability? The word ‘disability’ comes from the Disability
Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and it can include many students.
3. Has the school talked to you or your child about the help that they provide?
4. Has the school kept records about the help they provide, the student needs and the reasons
that the student needs this help? The school will need to keep copies of tests, student
work, assessments, records of meetings, medical reports or other paperwork and
information about how the student’s learning is moving along over time.
Once the school decides that the student should be counted in the NCCD, they then choose a
disability group and one of four levels of help that has been given to the student.
What does word ‘disability’ mean in the NCCD?
In the NCCD the word ‘disability’ comes from the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA). There
are four types of disability that the school can choose from: sensory, cognitive, social–emotional
and physical.
Many students who need help at school can be counted in the NCCD. For example, students with
learning problems, e.g. specific learning disability or reading difficulty (sometimes called dyslexia),
health problems (e.g. epilepsy or diabetes), physical disability (e.g. cerebral palsy), vision/hearing
loss and social–emotional problems (e.g. selective mutism, Autism Spectrum Disorder, anxiety).
Letters from doctors or specialists can be very helpful for schools as they plan how to support
students with their learning. Schools do not need to have these letters before they can count a
CECV NCCD Information Sheet for Parents, Carers and Guardians Page | 1
student in NCCD. Teachers can use all that they know about the child’s learning and the records
that they have collected over time to decide if a student can be counted in the NCCD.
What sort of help does the school give students?
Students need different types of help at school. Some students need a little help sometimes while
other students need a lot of help nearly all the time. The type of help given depends on the needs
of the student. The help can include changes to the school buildings or grounds (e.g. ramps or
things like special desks or chairs), extra teacher help in classes, special learning programs, changes
to the work they give the student or extra adult help.
How will the NCCD be different in 2018?
All schools have been counting students in the NCCD since 2015. The government will use the
NCCD data as part of the funding to schools.
What will the school need to know about my child for the NCCD?
Schools work together with families to understand the needs of each student. It is helpful if
families give their child’s teacher a copy of any letters or reports they have. The letters or reports
will help the school understand the student and the help that they might need. Letters from
doctors, psychologists, speech pathologists and occupational therapists etc. can be very helpful for
schools. These reports, along with information that the teacher has (i.e. school based tests, your
child’s work and learning plans), helps the school to understand and meet the student’s needs.
What happens to the NCCD data? Who will have the NCCD information?
Each school principal must check the NCCD data in August of each year. The school will give the
information to the Catholic Education Office. The school will work with the Catholic Education
Office to make sure that the NCCD data is OK before they give the data to the government. The
government will not be given the names of any students or any letters or records. Please ask your
school for their privacy policy if you need to know more.
Does the school need me to agree with them about counting my child in the NCCD?
Changes were made to the law (Australian Education Act 2013 and Australian Education Regulation
2013). Schools do not need you to agree to let them count a child in the NCCD. You cannot ask the
school not to count your child.
Where can I find out more?
If you have questions, you can ask your child’s school for help. You can find out more by looking at
these links:
● NCCD national website
● Disability Standards for Education 2005
● Australian Government Department of Education and Training–NCCD
● 2019 Students with Disabilities (SWD) Information Sheet for Schools, Parents, Carers and
CECV NCCD Information Sheet for Parents, Carers and Guardians Page | 2
Time Thursday 7 June – DAY 9 Room
(R) 8:50am – 9:00am
(W) 9:00am – 11:00am Exam HALL
Year 11 English
(R) 8:50am – 9:00am Year 10 Economics HALL
(W) 9:00am – 10:30am Year 10 Food Studies: The Menu HALL
Year 10 Indonesian
(R) 8:50am – 9:00am Year 10 Vis Com & Design 41
(W) 9:00am – 10:00am Year 11 Biology
Year 11 Physics HALL
(R) 11:50am – 12:00pm Year 11 Studio Arts (Photo)
(W) 12:00pm – 1:30pm Year 11 Studio Arts GYM
Year 11 20th Century History GYM
(R) 11:55am – 12:00pm Year 10 English GYM
(W) 12:00pm – 1:30pm GYM
Time Study Supervision Room
P1 (8:50 am – 10:10 am) Yr 10 students only 30, 31, 32, 33
P1 (8:50 am - 10:10 am) Yr 11 students only Library
P2 (10:30 am – 11:50 am) Yr 10 students only 30, 31, 32, 33
P2 (10:30 am – 11:50 am) Yr 11 students only Library
P3 (11:50 am – 1:10 pm) Yr 10 students only 30, 31, 32, 33
P3 (11:50 am – 1:10 pm) Yr 11 students only Library
P4 (1:55 pm – 3:15 pm) Yr 10 students only 30
P4 (1:55 pm – 3:15 pm) Yr 11 students only Library
FINAL_S1_2018 1 Student Copy with Supervision TT
Friday 8 June – DAY 10
Time Exam Room
(R) 8:50am – 9:00am Year 11 Mathematical Methods (Tech) HALL
(W) 9:00am – 10:30pm Year 11 Classical Studies
Year 11 Theatre Studies HALL
(R) 11:50am – 12:00pm Year 11 Accounting HALL
(W) 12:00pm – 1:30pm Year 11 Physical Education
Year 10 Chemistry HALL
Year 10 Environmental Science HALL
Time Study Supervision HALL
P1 (8:50 am – 10:10 am) Yr 10 students only Room
P1 (8:50 am - 10:10 am) Yr 11 students only
P2 (10:30 am – 11:50 pm) Yr 10 students only 30, 31
P2 (10:30 am – 11:50 pm) Yr 11 students only Library
P3 (11:50 am – 1:10 pm) Yr 10 students only 30, 31
P3 (11:50 am – 1:10 pm) Yr 11 students only Library
P4 (1:55 pm – 3:15 pm) Yr 10 students only 30
P4 (1:55 pm – 3:15 pm) Yr 11 students only Library
Monday 11 June – Queen’s Birthday
(No Examinations)
FINAL_S1_2018 2 Student Copy with Supervision TT
Tuesday 12 June – Day 2
Time Exam Room
Year 10 Music Performance 41
(R) 8:50am – 9:00am Year 11 Mathematical Methods (NT)
(W) 9:00am – 10:00am HALL
Year 11 General Mathematics
(R) 8:50am – 9:00am HALL
(W) 9:00am – 10:30am Year 10 Big Ideas in Computer Tech
(R) 11:15pm – 11:25pm Year 10 Studio Arts HALL
(W) 11:25pm – 12:25pm Year 11 Psychology HALL
Year 11 Italian HALL
(R) 11:15pm – 11:25pm Year 11 Vis Com & Design
(W) 11:25pm – 12:55pm Year 11 Indonesian 41
Year 11 Geography 40
(R) 1:40pm – 1:50pm Year 10 French 41
(W) 1:50pm – 3:20pm 40
Time Study Supervision Room
P1 (8:50am – 10:10am) Yr 10 students only 30
P1 (8:50am – 10:10am) Yr 11 students only Library
P2 (10:30am – 11:50am) Yr 10 students only 30
P2 (10:30am – 11:50am) Yr 11 students only Library
P3 (11:50am – 1:10pm) Yr 10 students only 30
P3 (11:50am – 1:10pm) Yr 11 students only Library
P4 (1:55 pm – 3:15 pm) Yr 10 students only 30
P4 (1:55 pm – 3:15 pm) Yr 11 students only Library
FINAL_S1_2018 3 Student Copy with Supervision TT
Wednesday 13 June – GAT
Time Exam Room
Year 10 Religious Education GYM
(R) 8:50am – 9:00am Year 10 Health & Physical Education GYM
(W) 9:00am – 10:00am
(R) 11:20am – 11:30pm
(W) 11:30am – 12:30pm
Time Study Supervision Room
P1 (8:50am – 10:10am) Yr 10 students only 30
P1 (8:50am – 10:10am) Yr 11 students only Library
P2 (10:30am – 11:50am) Yr 10 students only 30
P2 (10:30am – 11:50am) Yr 11 students only Library
P3 (11:50am – 1:10pm) Yr 10 students only 30
P3 (11:50am – 1:10pm) Yr 11 students only Library
P4 (1:55 pm – 3:15 pm) Yr 10 students only 30
P4 (1:55 pm – 3:15 pm) Yr 11 students only Library
FINAL_S1_2018 4 Student Copy with Supervision TT
Thursday 14 June – DAY 4
Time Exam Room
(R) 9:00am – 9:05am
(W) 9:05am – 10:05am Year 9 English HALL
(R) 8:50am – 9:00am Year 11 Chemistry GYM
(W) 9:00am – 10:30am Year 11 Business Management
(R) 10:40pm – 10:50pm Year 9 Science
(W) 10:50pm – 11:50pm Year 10 Mathematics HALL
Year 10 Mathematics A
(R) 11:15pm – 11:25pm Year 11 Religion & Society GYM
(W) 11:25pm – 12:55pm Year 11 French GYM
Year 11 Aust & Global Politics GYM
(R) 1:40pm – 1:50pm Year 11 Health & Human Dev 40
(W) 1:50pm – 3:20pm Year 10 History: Our Australia HALL
Year 10 History: Modern World HALL
Time Study Supervision HALL
P1 (8:50am – 10:10am) Yr 10 students only Room
P1 (8:50am – 10:10am) Yr 11 students only
P2 (10:30am – 11:50am) Yr 10 students only 30, 31, 32, 33
P2 (10:30am – 11:50am) Yr 11 students only Library
P3 (11:50am – 1:10pm) Yr 10 students only 30, 31, 32, 33
P3 (11:50am – 1:10pm) Yr 11 students only Library
P4 (1:55 pm – 3:15 pm) Yr 10 students only 30, 31
P4 (1:55 pm – 3:15 pm) Yr 11 students only Library
FINAL_S1_2018 5 Student Copy with Supervision TT
Friday 15 June – DAY 5
Time Exam Room
(R) 8:50am – 9:00am Year 9 Mathematics HALL
(W) 9:00am – 10:00am GYM
Year 10 Drama GYM
(R) 8:50am – 9:00am Year 10 Studio Arts (Photo) GYM
(W) 9:00am – 10:30am Year 11 Literature 40
Year 11 Music Performance 45
(R) 11:15am – 11:25pm Year 10 Italian HALL
(W) 11:25pm – 12:55pm Year 11 Legal Studies
Year 11 Specialist Mathematics
Year 10 Forensic Science
Year 10 Genetics & Evolution
(R) 1:35pm – 1:45pm Catch UP Examinations
(W) 1:45pm – 3:15pm Room
Time Study Supervision 30, 31
P1 (8:50am – 10:10am) Yr 10 students only 30, 31
P1 (8:50am – 10:10am) Yr 11 students only Library
P2 (10:30am – 11:50am) Yr 10 students only 30, 31
P2 (10:30am – 11:50am) Yr 11 students only Library
P3 (11:50am – 1:10pm) Yr 10 students only 30
P3 (11:50am – 1:10pm) Yr 11 students only Library
P4 (1:55 pm – 3:15 pm) Yr 10 students only
P4 (1:55 pm – 3:15 pm) Yr 11 students only
FINAL_S1_2018 6 Student Copy with Supervision TT