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The fortnightly newsletter from Avila College, a Catholic secondary college in Melbourne, Australia. In this issue, discover Science Week, listen to students discussing positive identity and enjoy the red photos form MacKillop Day.

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Published by Avila College, 2017-08-23 22:26:34

24.08.2017 Avila College Newsletter

The fortnightly newsletter from Avila College, a Catholic secondary college in Melbourne, Australia. In this issue, discover Science Week, listen to students discussing positive identity and enjoy the red photos form MacKillop Day.

August 24| 2017

From the Principal
Every week at Avila I learn more about what makes us tick as a learning community. There are words, numbers, experiments, challenges, songs, activities, sports, debates, academic and vocational programs just to name a few of the things that energise and excite individuals and teams.
Across the last two weeks we have seen Science Week spark the imagination and inspire us to consider the world we live in more deeply.
Avila student work has even been sent into space to the International Space Station through the Cuberider launch. SCSA Volleyball Teams competed in
the interschool competition and won, Parent-Student-Teacher Meetings have continued learning conversations, staff have undertaken professional learning in faith formation and Catholic identity and the Year 7, Class of 2018 have had their rst of cial experience of Avila
as a student in their rst transition discovery - it’s a busy time! But fun too!
At the College assembly last week the inaugural Student of the Term Awards were presented to one student at each year level.
This Principal’s award recognises the efforts of individual students in their efforts to make a difference, try their best and live out our Presentation and Gospel values in the “every day of school life”.
The recipients for Term Two Student of the Term are:
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12
Mila Vargas
Miah Khan Imogen Galbraith Chloe Virginie Ranuli Manatunga Niamh Smith
I look forward to catching up with these students over lunch to celebrate their achievements.
A reminder to all Avila families to be respectful and mindful of our neighbours as they attend school events and drop off students.
All local parking and driving rules apply and exist to ensure a safe environment for all. Please be mindful of not obstructing driveways and of not double parking, the smooth ow of traf c at peak times can be dif cult to navigate if road and parking rules are not adhered to.
Our recent Open Day and Twilight Tours saw our student Ambassadors showcase the many dimensions of learning at Avila to a large number of visitors to the College.
Dr Michelle Cotter
Exec. MBA, M.Ed. Leadership, M.Ed. RE, Post Grad. Dip. IT, Post Grad. Dip. Adult Ed., Grad. Dip. RE, B.Ed
35 Charles Street, Mount Waverley, Victoria 3149
T 03 9831 9600 [email protected]
Avila College acknowledges the Wurundjeri people, the traditional custodians of the land on which the College is built.

There is a great deal of interest in and excitement about enrolling at Avila for future years. Parents of Primary students expecting to enrol in Year 7 in 2019
are reminded to enrol as a matter of urgency. Enrolments close on Friday 25 August and even if an older daughter is currently enrolled at Avila an application still needs to be submitted.
I take this opportunity to thank the many families who have completed
a School Improvement Survey so far and look forward to more parents undertaking this important feedback for us in the coming weeks.
All students will also complete a survey this year, as will staff and the feedback received will form an important part
of our annual school improvement planning.
A warm welcome is extended to all families to join the Avila community
at upcoming events such as the Music Festival, Father’s Day Breakfast, Sports Awards Evening and Art, Design and Technology exhibition. These events
I am sure will further build on my experience of Avila being a place where everyone can nd “a place to shine”.
It is our human nature to seek to better understand the world, understand ourselves and understand each other. Sometimes this seems easy and other times it is complex; it is however always an opportunity for deepening our knowledge and understanding.
Our daily encounters challenge us to
be open to new ideas and experiences and to accept that we won’t always
fully understand the human condition
- this is the mystery and the beauty of humanity. We can’t control everything and we can’t always know a de nitive answer, but we can have faith and hope and we do have each other and a Loving God.
This coming Sunday is World Refugee and Migration Sunday. It is an important moment to take note of what Pope Francis said earlier this year about
our mission as people of faith about journeying together, ”a word to you, who walk alongside migrant children and young people: they need your precious help. The Church too needs you and supports you in the generous service you offer. Do not tire of courageously living the Gospel, which calls you
to recognize and welcome the Lord Jesus among the smallest and most vulnerable.”
In this spirit we at Avila Journey Together locally and globally.
Happy Learning!
Dr Michelle Cotter
Loving God
Your light took Nano to places she never imagined,
In service of the poor and the marginalised
Inspired by the light of her lantern and the work of her sisters
Throughout the world, we are called to take one step beyond;
Beyond our school communities, beyond the con nes of a secular world,
In the spirit of service of the poor and the marginalised
In our world today.
May we be inspired
by the courage and example of Nano Nagle
Who took light into a dark world.
As Presentation People we are called to take one step beyond and
Make known the message of the Gospel
With joyful spirit .
We let love light the way from our hearts into the world.

Faith and Mission
Year 10 Re ection Day
This re ection day explored the idea of morality and how we use this concept to inform our actions in the world.
Students were asked to consider
their own launching pads for making decisions and value judgements - what is your starting point?
Activities and small group discussions enabled students to start to think about the role our conscience plays in the way we think.
The girls were introduced to the idea of sharing a common faith-based launching pad, and how this informs Catholic teachings on social justice issues in our world today.
Ms Carmela Marino
Director of Faith and Mission [email protected]
Maeve Gill
Tiana Chandraratne
Faith and Mission Captains
Chiara Smith Alicia Roy
Faith and Mission Captains

Staff Faith Formation Day
Journey with us on Nano’s Path
The Avila College staff gathered together as a community at Holy Cross Retreat Centre on Friday 18 August to re ect on our mission to educate young women in the charism of Nano Nagle and the Presentation core values of faith, vision, community, compassion, action, daring, justice and presentation.
Even as she began her new life as a sister, Nano’s thoughts often returned to the children of the poor families back in Ireland.
At age 32, she left the convent in France and returned to Ireland, where she secretly gathered the children of the poor and taught them catechism, reading, writing and mathematics.
As Nano spent her days with
the children, they would tell her of their sick friends or family members. Nano began to visit the sick and the elderly after school, bringing them food, medicine and comfort.
She often made visits late into the night, carrying her lamp among the alleyways.
Before long, Nano became known as the Lady of the Lantern.
Nano decided to open a convent where women could share the mission of Jesus through prayer, teaching and care for the sick and needy.
Nano and three companions opened the rst Presentation Convent in Cork, Ireland, on Christmas Day in 1775.
In 1784, at age 65, Nano died.
She left her compelling vision of service to a growing community of Presentation Sisters.
Her nal words are emblematic of her timeless legacy, and they remain a guiding principle for the Sisters:
“Love one another
as you have hitherto done.”
Faith and Mission Important Dates
Sunday's Gospel Reading
Sunday 27 August
Matthew 16: 13–20 Jesus asks, ‘Who do people say I am?’
Sunday 3 September
Matthew 16: 21–27 Jesus reveals his future death, rebukes Peter.
Monday 28 August
Memorial of St Augustine
Tuesday 29 August
Memorial of the Passion of
Saint John the Baptist
Friday 1 September
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
Sunday 3 September
Father's Day
Friday 8 September
Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Learning and Teaching
Course Selection and NAPLAN
Course Selection for 2018
Years 8 to 11 students and their parents are reminded that all subject selections must be completed via the Web Preferences link that was emailed to students by Thursday 24 August.
Although students from Years 9 to 11 make their selections online, they are reminded that signed print outs of their selections must be submitted to their homeroom teachers no later than morning homeroom on 24 August.
Students with an invitation to “Year 9 Literacy Enhancement”, “Year 10 Our Australia History” or approval for VCE acceleration must attach the relevant document to their subject selection print out.
Construction of the 2018 timetable grid will commence immediately and will be based on students’ subject selections as at 24 August.
Next week, Year 7 students will have the opportunity to select their language for study in year 8 in 2018.
They will be informed of the factors
to consider and how to make their online selections on Tuesday 29 August. Parents will be sent further information about this via CareMonkey
Madeleine Franken
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching
The results from the 2017 National Assessment Program: Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests, undertaken in May by Years 7 and 9 students, were released recently.
Individual NAPLAN reports were mailed to parents last week.
Please note that as the VCAA only provides one hard copy per student, we are not able to issue duplicate reports to families.
Of course, the NAPLAN tests are only a snapshot of a student’s ability in numeracy or literacy as demonstrated on a given day.
The results are objective and standards-referenced evidence of
a student’s knowledge and skills in relation to what is expected in mid-year 7 and 9.
Every test includes items that assess curriculum content from year levels above and below the level assessed.
In conjunction with other information about a student’s ability, the results can be used to determine whether a student may be under-performing in class or whether more challenging work may be required.
If there is a signi cant and unexpected variation between performance in
the NAPLAN and assessment at Avila, we advise parents to contact their daughter’s English or Mathematics teacher for further discussion.
Teachers have access to much more detailed data about students’ responses in these tests.
Each year, teachers review the data and use it, together with results from internal assessment, to address students’ learning needs.
In 2017, Avila students continued to show great improvement from Year 7 to Year 9.
Avila College offers several speci c programs to extend students and to address the learning needs of students who may bene t from additional targeted teaching in numeracy or literacy.
Once again we suggest you contact your daughter’s English or Mathematics teacher for more detailed information.
Klara Baka
Director of Studies Y7-9
Mrs Madeleine Franken
Deputy Principal
Learning & Teaching [email protected]
Ms Angela Torelli
Director of Studies Y10 - 12 [email protected]
Ms Klara Baka
Director of Studies Y7-9 [email protected]

Pastoral Care
‘Students Create the Future’ Focus Group
Working as a team, students have re ected upon our school’s strengths and challenges, as shown in our Resilient Youth Survey results, and are brainstorming ideas for a better future. An area that the students are working on is developing positive identity.
Positive identity re ects a young person’s emerging identity, and includes self- esteem, optimism, and a growing sense of purpose in life.
The student focus group recently worked with Jessica Sanders, who is on placement at Avila from RMIT and is passionate about building resilience and positive identity in young people. In this video the focus group discuss ‘The Body Positive Movement’ whose goal is to shift the perception of one’s own body from being self-critical to self-accepting.
The focus group has a vision to build resilience through action based projects which they hope will help young people draw upon their strengths within themselves and around them, and to exibly respond to life while remaining true to themselves and creating positive relationships with others. Put simply the more resilience a young person has the more likely they are to have a safe, healthy and ful lling life.
Janine Bauman
Deputy Principal Students
Video: Avila "Students Create the Future" focus group discuss positive identity.
If you have dif culty viewing the video you can watch it here.
Ms Janine Bauman
Deputy Principal Students [email protected]
Mrs Anne Stephens
Director of Pastoral Care Y7-9 [email protected]
Mrs Anna Marvelli
Director of Pastoral Care Y10-12 [email protected]

Fire Carriers Ceremony
Induction of our Fire Carriers
At the recent Avila College whole school assembly, Year 12 student Shaunna Bilson and Ms Kate Johnston were inducted by Emma Spencer as Fire Carriers.
Fire is central to Australian Aboriginal culture.
In a circle around the camp re people told, sang or danced stories of Law and customs, teaching them to live their lives in order and harmony with all creation. They believe that the Spirit of the Creator always Was, Is and Ever shall Be in all living things, from the heavens to the earth.
At Avila, we have supported Aboriginal people in a number of ways.
• Avila has listened to their stories and trying to bring about the change they want. We have done this locally by supporting the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry and the Opening the Doors Foundation.
• We have led the Reconciliation Group by leading weekly meetings that educate and inform the school community in Aboriginal culture.
• We have spread the word of Reconciliation through Facebook and our attendance at conferences.
• We have used our knowledge to argue for
a Treaty at Constitution Conventions and supported the Aboriginal Catholic Community through hosting the FIRE Carriers Conference.
• We have spread the word of Reconciliation by working with the City of Monash Reconciliation Group by supporting their NAIDOC Week songlines exhibition
• We have urged the government to work with Aboriginal people through participating in The Long Walk and working to Close the Gap
As Fire Carriers, we invite Ms Johnston and Shaunna to stand tall as you are the Living Flame that will ignite the Fire of the New Dreaming of True Justice, Love, Compassion and Hope for the world today.
We recognise that you will be igniting Reconciliation through education in our school.

Award Recipients
Congratulations from the Avila Community
Congratulations to all the Avila students who were recognised at the recent school assembly for their contributions to our school across a variety of elds.
Lions Club Youth of the Year Award
Emma Spencer
Dante Alighieri Poetry Competition
Year 9 | Christine Rigopoulos Year 12 | Amalia Cuda
Language Perfect Certi cates
Gold Awards Faith Chung Elizabeth Dinh Ruth Edward Monica Fazzino Emily Goncalves Lili Johnson
Jade Kong Hannah Lawrence Sophie Marinis Corina Pascoe Jahaira Pascoe Hannah Sefton Skye Yu
Language Perfect Certi cates
Elite Awards Bridget Benedos Giuzelle Di Nuzzo Jocelyn Satya Graha Ashleigh Trinh
ICAS Science Competition Distinction Awards
Year 7
Greta Cassidy, Jenica Rodrigues Year 8
Neha Cherayath, Emma Johnston Year 9
Nicole Trawicka
Year 12 Science Awards
Javira Altmann Brittany Moore Tamara Ryan
Year 12 Drama Colour
Paige Harris
Year 12 Debating Colours
Devni Nagodavithana Becky Tie
Niamh Smith
Year 12 Public Speaking
Georgia Pitt Tynah Pearson Dena Tissera
Year 12 Music Colours
Javira Altmann Letitia Anderson Sarah Canning Sinead Coulter Christine Erpsimidis Claire Esler
Zoe Evans Hannah Faraone Eliza Giuliano
Sally Hu
Nicole Lee
Gabbi Lobo
Olivia McNamara Joanne Martino Devni Nagodavithana Tynah Pearson Georgia Pitt
Tamara Ryan Mia Silich Abigayle Thomas Stephanie Yanko Crystal Zhou
Year 12 Sport Full Colours
Maggie Minchin - Athletics Jorjia Cotte - Netball
Roisin Selvarajoo - Aerobics Sarah Craig - Tennis Stefanie Olivetti - Tennis

Student of the Term Awards
Avila College 2017 - Term 2 Awards
The Student of the Term Award is an individual recognition of students who actively seek
to achieve excellence in their participation in and contribution to Avila College school life - recognising and celebrating “every day of school life”, contributing to learning community culture. Students and staff nominate students for this Principal’s Award. One student per year level each term is awarded.
Year 7 | Mila Vargas
Mila has immersed herself into school life by getting involved in many events and groups, including Drama Club, Reconciliation Group, Debating, Library Club and Public Speaking; she has also tried out for sports teams.
Mila shows passion for learning and challenged herself by taking up the Math’s Olympiad. She has shown herself to have leadership capabilities; she shows kindness to others and always tries to help those who need a hand in daily school life.
Mila is calm under pressure, can have a laugh and enjoy the fun of school life too.
Year 8 | Miah Khan
As a member of the Avila community, Miah displays commitment to Gospel values of faith, hope and love through the way she values everything available to her.
The importance she places on learning and education, her sense of community, her gratitude, her compassion and respect for others are admirable and inspiring for all she meets.
Miah is courageous and humble and shows a positive attitude and tenacity whenever she faces challenges. She seeks assistance when needed and she offers help in equal measure to others.

Year 9 | Imogen Galbraith
Imogen has shown a commitment to her studies and consistently submits high quality work. She is enthusiastic about her learning and is willing to support her peers when they need assistance.
Imogen has shown herself to be able to take on formal and informal leadership responsibilities. She is generous with her time and shows an energy and enthusiasm for the Performing Arts in particular.
Imogen has successfully worked with students across all year levels and encourages her fellow Year 9s to put themselves forward to participate and celebrate their talents too.
Year 10 | Chloe Virginie
Chloe has shown herself to be caring and supportive of her fellow students. She is hardworking in all of her studies and always seeks to achieve her own personal excellence.
Chloe has been an active participant and cooperative team members
in the Amazing Spaghetti Machine Contest, Clarinet Ensemble, the Flute/ Clarinet Ensemble and the Orchestra.
She has shown formal and informal leadership capabilities and has carried out the responsibilities of a Peer Helper and class captain with integrity.
Year 11 | Ranuli Manatunga
Ranuli has been thoughtful and encouraging of other students, encouraging them to see the positive in all that they do and the opportunities available to them.
She has openly welcomed new friends into her friendship group, making sure that they feel connected. Ranuli is most conscientious in her studies, always taking up the advice of her teachers to improve her results.
She has a cheerful disposition and is warm and hospitable to everyone she comes into contact with, both peers and staff, even when she herself might be struggling with a sporting injury she has a smile and a kind word to share.
Year 12 | Niamh Smith
Niamh is a person who volunteers her time and talents for the good of the wider school community. She participates in Young Vinnie’s, Creative Arts, Debating, Cross Country, Reconciliation Group, Red Cross Door Knock and Athletics to name a few.
Niamh’s commitment to her studies sees her putting in an excellent effort in all of her learning endeavours. She seeks to learn deeply; she motivates and brings out the best in others by her example of how to quietly make the most of opportunities available.

Public Speaking
Diplomatic Ties
Diplomacy with North Korea
The United Nations Youth Association held a workshop at Avila College on Friday 7 August.
Year 9 and Year 10 debaters were invited to participate in this engaging workshop which was about the political relations between North Korea and South Korea.
We, as the government of either the South or North, were to negotiate solutions to real life issues over the deployment of nuclear weapons.
We were split into two groups representing each nation and each member had a speci c role within their country's delegation.
We all had an amazing time working together with the UNYA representatives. It gave us a new perspective on how each change of stance we made for our country impacted on the direction of the negotiations and could move us closer to war or towards enabling peace.
Sadly, on the day we discovered what the acronym "MAD" means as we ended the day with Mutually Assured Destruction.
As the future generation, it is important to have workshops like this to enable us to think outside the box and develop an awareness of political issues in our world.
We were very appreciative of this experience and hope that our world's representatives at the United Nations can be more successful than we were in negotiating peace agreements with North Korea.
Kavia Pynadath
Year 9 Public Speaking and Debating Captain
Unya Evatt Trophy
August is the time when the UN Youth Association invites students to engage in a mock session of the United Nations Security Council.
This year Avila College had teams representing Russia (Claudia Chmielewski and Emma Faraone) and Ukraine (Ashley Ng and Amelya Laurence).
This activity required research as the Council was to discuss Freedom of Navigation and Cyber security/Espionage, Freedom of Speech and a secret resolution to be announced on the day.
The debate on all topics was lively and insightful.
We were taken aback and then excited when the secret resolution was announced - the Russian Federation's annexation of Crimea - and we became the lead countries in the debate.
The day was a valuable experience as it allowed us to discuss our stance with other countries' representatives through which we learned a great deal about current affairs.
The art of diplomatic negotiation proved to be more complex than we had expected and it gave us respect for the work of the United Nations and an understanding of the compromises required for the formulation and passing of amendments.
Claudia, Emma, Ashley and Amelya.

Academy Conference
Does a Snail Have Consciousness?
A group of Year 8 students recently attended the Junior Academy Conference. Designed to improve thinking skills, become intellectually creative and think systematically about modern day issues, students were exposed to a number of mind boggling ideas such including Does a snail have a conscious, Nanatechnology and Has Science replaced God? Students engaged in university style lectures, joined in discussion groups, and will never look at a snail in the same way again! What a wonderful opportunity this was!
Tracey Gannon and Amanda Marvelli Learning Enrichment and Enhancement Department
"I really enjoyed learning about nanotechnology. It was really fascinating and a bit scary to hear about how our future could be transformed in such a drastic way".
Niamh Gallagher
"Everything about the day was eye-opening and mind boggling. The concepts made our brains hurt afterwards, but the ideology and topics we discussed were worth the trouble". Jocelyn Sata-Graham
"It was very hard to pick a favourite session as I enjoyed all of them, but the debate (Science has replaced God) was the most interesting for me. It had a lot of concepts that made me think a lot and I loved hearing what all of the other kids had to say when they expressed their views. Emma Curtis
"My favourite session was probably the discussion.
It was really interesting to hear how everyone had different thoughts and views on the situations. It was also fun to be able to share your view and to meet new people". Neha Nair
"I think I liked the debate the most. The topic was “Has Science Replaced God?” and it ended up being very controversial. People were very passionate and everyone made an impact on the audience.
We left Siena College with a new and fresh perspective on everything".
Taliesha Hall-Huynh
"I am so grateful for the opportunity to attend the conference! I enjoyed all the sessions, although my favourite session was de nitely the rst, about consciousness.
In that short period of time, I learnt so much about the brain of humans, animals
and how doctors communicated to people through their brain reactions.
I never thought a simple question about a snail could get me replaying everything I'd learnt inside my head to try and comprehend it all". Faith Chung

Science Week 2017
Future Earth
The theme for National Science Week this year was Future Earth. Avila College students celebrated with a variety of themed lunch time activities throughout the week.
Monday saw students producing hundreds of seed bombs to take home and grow various owers, herbs, vegetables and native grasses in their own gardens.
Tuesday was our traditional periodic table competition and Wednesday we enjoyed viewing the Future Earth dioramas produced by very creative Year 8 students; Annabelle Avgeridis, Ellisha Sykes,
Alicia Joseph, Caitlin Grima and Sriprada Yadavalli. Thank you to everyone who got involved!

Cuberider Space Program
Lift Off 2017
Cuberider is a science experiment that literally goes to space!
In Cuberider, we have learnt to code, designed experiments, chased a giant helium balloon and watched a rocket go to space. It has allowed us to program many sensors as part of an experiment that is to be tested in the International Space Station (ISS).
At the beginning of Term 2, 15 students from Years 9 to 11 as well as the teachers Mr Baroudi, Mrs Thom-Tydell, Mrs Clapperton and Ms Kingston came together for the rst time with a shared interest in coding, science and space. One of the rst things we did was learn about the different types of sensors we would be able to use in our experiments. These sensors were attached to a device named ‘Sagan’. We then learnt how to code the Sagan using Python.
In June, we went to Lake Bolac for a stratosphere balloon launch. A Sagan was attached and it took readings from different parts of the Earth’s atmosphere.
"Being part of the Cuberiders has opened up a whole new perspective on computer technology, space
and science for me. It's provoked analytical thinking and a fascination for what I've been able to learn." Beatrice van Rest, 9 Green.
The day of the balloon launch was very windy so the balloon was taken way off course - it ew near Avila and ended up in a tree!
The next stage involved designing our own experiments. The three experiments we have submitted are:
1. Testing the living conditions inside the ISS
2. Testing the magnetic eld around the Earth
3. Testing the acceleration and rotational velocity of the ISS.
On August 15 many of us got up very early to watch the rocket that would be taking our experiments to the ISS take off. SpaceX Falcon 9, launched successfully from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 2:31am our time. We are now eagerly awaiting the results of our experiments to get back to us from the ISS.
Cuberider is an amazing experience that I am lucky enough to be a part of. We have all enjoyed our time in Cuberider so far and are all looking forward to completing our experiments. Who knows what results we will get?
Tiana Pincic, 9 Green

Physical Education
After weeks of trials and training, it was nally the day for the Avila Volleyball teams (all 5 of them!), to show off their amazing skills at the SCSA volleyball tournament, held on Thursday 17 August.
Having both experienced and new players, our squad was a force
to be reckoned with, possessing determination, team work and skill.
Both our Junior teams showcased great talent and team work. While tackling tough competition, the girls did not give up throughout the day. Our Junior A’s gave it their best shot, nishing on sixth.
The Junior B’s did an amazing job nishing fourth.
The intermediates were outstanding. Both teams had extremely consistent and high skill levels and the opposition did not stand a chance.
Our Intermediate A team made the grand nal, coming in rst place. The Intermediate B team, also claimed 1st place.
Huge congratulations to Alicia Yiannios (intermediate A), and Casey Dimitrakas (Intermediate B) for being most valuable grand nal players for their respective
matches. It was de nitely a fantastic effort.
With perfect digs, sets and spikes, the seniors were a team of
talent and played incredibly well throughout the whole day. Whilst missing out on a chance for the grand nal, the girls battled it out like superstars, coming fourth.
Thank you to all the teachers who supported us throughout training and on the day; Ms Flynn, Ms Randle, Mr Kennedy and other supporting staff.
Maggie Minchin
Volleyball Captain


Physical Education
At Avila, girls have many opportunities to represent the school for netball as we compete in three different tournaments.
So far this year Avila has entered two of these competitions:
the Waverley International Schools Netball Championships (WISNC) and the All Schools Netball Tournament.
During the second week of the mid-year holidays, a team of 10 elite and extremely dedicated netball players ventured down to Jells Park to compete in the WISNC. After enduring many early morning training sessions, the team was ready for the long week ahead.
The week was lled with wins and losses, heart-felt sing alongs and team foam rolling sessions, all
of which created a strong bond between girls ranging from Year
9 through to Year 12. All the girls were able to maintain a positive
mindset and continued to work together throughout the four days.
The team put in an amazing effort that they should all be proud of, nishing an impressive 9th in the senior division which included over 30 interstate and international teams.
More recently, on the 8th of August, Avila sent three teams to the State Netball and Hockey Centre to compete in the All Schools Netball Tournament. Starting off the day
as an Avila squad, the junior, intermediate and senior teams all warmed up together showing off our proud school spirit.
The seniors started off with some near misses losing the rst three games by short margins, however the juniors and intermediates were straight off the mark winning their games early. The girls were tested both physically and mentally as the day progressed with the girls
playing up to 9 games throughout the day. All 29 girls put in a spectacular effort and reaped the rewards with the juniors placing 2nd and the intermediate and senior teams both placing 3rd.
On behalf of the Avila netball squad, I would like to especially thank Miss Linossier for not only the time and effort she put into coaching, but also for the organising of both tournaments and all the behind the scenes work.
I’d also like to give a massive thank you to all our other coaches, Kristen Poulten, Mrs Cummins,
Mrs Meo and Danielle Khoury (Year 12). Without your dedication and guidance the All Schools tournament would not have been such a success.
Jorjia Cotte
Netball Captain

MacKillop Day

+ Reminders
Basketball National Championships
Congratulations to Year 12 student Brianna Hans who represented Victoria in the 18 and under women's basketball team at the School Sport Australia National Championships in Canberra on Friday August 18th.
Brianna and the team performed admirably eventually nishing in 4th position after going down to the ACT 71-62 in the playoff for 3rd. Well done Brianna!
National Hockey Championships
Congratulations to sisters Abbey and Jemma Ryan in Year 7 who have been selected to represent Victorian in the under 13 National Hockey Championships in Perth from September 26th until
October the 8th. We wish the girls the very best of luck!
Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI)
Titration Stakes Competitors
Congratulations to the Avila students who competed in the RACI Titration Stakes; Ellie Van Velsen, Joanne Martino & Veronica Hegarty.
Year 7 Colour Wheels
Art Room 5 was a rainbow of colours as Year 7 students created their colour wheels.
Save the Date
25 and 20 Year Reunions
Reunions for the Class of 1992 and 1997 have been scheduled for Saturday 14 October. Invitations will be sent out shortly.
Congratulations to the Avila Senior Soccer Team who came rst in the SCSA Soccer Competition!

A Friendly Reminder
Avila College belongs to the Mt Waverley community and values our neighbours. We recognise that living so close to a school offers some advantages and drawbacks.
One of these is the amount of traf c and parking in the street at peak times. As a courtesy, each term Avila alerts neighbours via letter of events where congestion is expected to increase.
However we ask that all parents please be mindful of our neighbours each and every day when driving near the school.
Please do not
• double park in the street
• park across driveways
• park or stop in unauthorised or dangerous spots
• make it dif cult for neighbours to back out of their driveways Thank you for your assistance in building positive relations with our
Re-Enrolment Form - Due Friday!
A reminder to all Avila College families - the Re- Enrolment Form for 2018 is due back to the General Of ce by this Friday 25 August 2017.
All queries regarding this form can be directed to the General Of ce on 9831-9600.
Avila Calendar Dates & Events
August 28-September 1
Music Week
August 30
Secondhand Uniform Shop Open 1-4pm
August 31
Music Festival 2017
August 31
Y10 Re ection Day
September 1
PFA Father's Day Breakfast
September 5
Y11 Re ection Day
September 14-15
Art, Design and Technology Exhibition
September 21
Sports Awards Evening
8am - 4.30pm
9831 9696

Pathways and Careers
Holiday Workshops
Looking for something to do in the holidays???
NAO Robot Coding Day
Victoria Polytechnic is running a one-day workshop during the Term 3 holidays for students interested in IT and coding.
The hands-on coding day equips students with fundamental coding skills to program a NAO humanoid robot using Choregraphe software and basic Python code.
For more information, or to register, contact [email protected]
Werribee Open Range Zoo
Keeper for a dayKeeper for a Day
is designed for secondary school students who are interested in caring for wildlife and working at the zoo. Note: there is a cost involved.
Spaces are limited and bookings are essential. Call 1300 966 784.
More details are available online: whats-on/keeper-for-a-day
Year 12 VTAC
transition from secondary schooling.
If you were unable to make it a copy of the presentation in under the Year 12 tab on the career guidance site accessed via SIMON and Mrs Manning has your copy of the ABC of Applying.
All Careers Newsletters are available on the Careers Guidance tab on SIMON
This week's topics include
• Dates to Diarise in Term 3
• Fine Arts and Music Degrees at the University of Melbourne
• Access Education Daily Challenge App
• News from Monash University
• Inside Monash: Science & Careers
• Important Changes to the Bachelor of Health Science for 2018
• Nutritionists & Dietitians
• Teaching Degrees – Early Childhood
• Teaching Degrees – Primary
• Teaching Degrees – Secondary • Upcoming Open Days 2017 See you in the Careers Hub,
Jenny Dunn
Pathways Co-ordinator
Geraldine McKenna
Careers Counsellor
Thank you to all the students and families that attended the recent VTAC information evening.
Assisting our Year 12 students to make well informed choices is our primary aim as they begin to plan for the
Ms Jenny Dunn
Pathways Co-ordinator [email protected]
Mrs Geraldine McKenna
Careers [email protected]

my world
Thursday 31 August | 6PM | trybooking

Parents + Friends Association | Father’s Day Breakfast
Fathers Footy
Wear a splash of your footy colours!
Friday 1 September at 7.30am
in The Gathering Space at Avila College $10 per person |
35 Charles Street, Mount Waverley, Victoria 3149
T 03 9831 9600 [email protected]


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