June 22 | 2018
From the
Dr Michelle Cotter Rest, Recoup, Read and Reflect
Principal Avila students of Term 2 have been like superheroes,
Exec. MBA, M.Ed. Leadership, achieving marvellous feats and being marvellous people.
M.Ed. RE, Post Grad. Dip. IT, I am told that every superhero needs a sidekick and what
Post Grad. Dip. Adult Ed., better time to make sure we make time for each other,
Grad. Dip. RE, B.Ed family and friends than the school holidays. After a busy
term two I am proud to say that students and staff have
35 Charles Street, dared to try their hardest and they have learnt much.
Mount Waverley,
Victoria 3149 The learning adventures have been big Thanks to all who have dared to do
T 03 9831 9600 and small, from the Year 7 Better World their best, be their best and supported
[email protected] Project that was showcased last Friday others to daringly pursue learning!
avila.vic.edu.au night to Year 10 Peer Helpers hosting
the Primary School Experience Day on As a Catholic and Presentation
Avila College acknowledges the the last day of term, the learnings have Community we are connected by our
Wurundjeri people, the traditional been deep and broad. shared Presentation values: Faith,
custodians of the land on which Vision, Community, Action, Daring,
the College is built. Congratulations to all and now a time Justice and Compassion. These values
2 to rest, recoup, read a book, watch a are a wonderful challenge to live by
flick, talk with each other, spend some and to be attentive to our relationships.
time in quiet reflection and prayer and I look forward to seeing how we can all
regenerate - ready to fly to new heights be “Presentation People” in Term Three.
(cape and eye mask on) next term.
Happy Learning!
Dr Cotter
Board Report Prayer for
Refugee Week
During Term 2, the Avila College Advisory Board held its AGM,
which was immediately followed by Reporting Meeting 2. A Place to Call Home
Dr Cotter presented the Avila College Annual Report Compassionate God,
through an informative powerpoint presentation. This No one is a stranger to you
report emphasised the outstanding opportunities and and no one is ever far from
education that Avila students are offered each day and your loving care.
also highlighted the renewed focus on Continuous School Watch over those who are
Improvement since 2017. The 2017 Annual Report is readily separated from their loved
available via the College website. ones and homeland;
those who fear persecution
The election of Office Bearers is a regular feature of the and hope for a better life in
AGM. This year, the recently developed role descriptions our community.
were referred to, highlighting particular responsibilities. May we reach out in welcome
to all those who arrive as
The roles of Chair and Vice – Chair were reappointed to Mrs refugees, embracing one
Sally-Anne Petrie and Mr Thinesh Chandraratne, with Mrs another so that together your
Jo Cowan also reconfirmed as Board Secretary. I am also hope O God will be our future.
delighted to report that Mr Damien Cairns has accepted the We make this prayer through
position of Honorary Accountant for a further 12 months. Christ our Lord.
Ms Kristen Steer, recently appointed Avila College Business
Manager was welcomed to the Board during these meetings. From the Australian Catholic Bishop
The AGM concluded with all Board Members verbally Conference
pledging the Board Commitment Statement, developed in
2017. 3
During Reporting Meeting 2, Kristen had an opportunity to
introduce herself and to share some of her passion and
significant experience with Board Members. The Board and
Finance Committee Members look forward to journeying
with Kristen as she shares her skills and talents with the
College community.
Several focus topics were identified for future Board
meetings, including an opportunity to explore the feedback
from the External School Review just recently finalised.
Sally-Anne Petrie
Chairperson, Avila College Board
Faith &
St Vinnes Many thanks to all of the girls and families who helped
Food Drive raise proceeds for this appeal. It was a great result!
Ms Carmela Marino
Director of Faith and Mission
[email protected]
Tiana Chandraratne Holy Family First
Chiara Smith Holy Communion
Grace Guiliano
Caitlin Grima On behalf of the Avila College Community
we congratulate all the Holy Family students
Faith and Mission Captains who received their First Holy Communion
last weekend.
Refugee Week Faith and
Sunday's Gospel
Sunday 1 July
Mark 5: 21–43
Jesus heals Jairus'
Sunday 8 July
Mark 5: 21–43
No prophet gains
honour in his native
Sunday 15 July
Mark 6: 7–13
Jesus sends the
Twelve out in pairs.
Sunday 22 July
Mark 6: 30–34
Jesus pities the
crowd, sheep with-
out a shepherd..
Tuesday 13 July
Memorial of St
Thomas, Apostle
8–15 July
Wednesday 11 July
Memorial of
St Benedict
Wednesday 25 July
Feast of St James
Thursday 26 July
Memorial of
Ss Joachim & Anne
(parents of Mary)
and Teaching
Semester Reports
Mrs Madeleine Franken Semester reports will be released to assist with subject selection. The first of
parents via the Parent Access Module the formal information sessions will be
Deputy Principal (PAM) on Simon on Friday 22 June. at 7:00pm on Monday night 23 July for
Learning & Teaching Parents will be sent an email to alert all current year 8 students and their
them when reports have been finalized parents with the following evening (24 July)
[email protected] and uploaded. A “Report Guide 2018” for years 9, 10 and 11 students and parents.
explaining the codes used on the
Ms Angela Torelli reports is available from a link on During special year level
Simon. Of course, students can also assemblies on Tuesday
Director of Studies Y10-12 access their semester reports from their 24 July Curriculum Leaders
personal profile page on Simon. will outline to students
[email protected] the elective units available
Any parent with queries about and some specific factors
Ms Klara Baka accessing reports via PAM may contact that need to be considered
the College Help Desk via email when selecting them. The
Director of Studies Y7-9 [email protected] or years 10 and 11 students will
phone 9831 9634. undertake a “Careers Day” to
[email protected] assist them with planning for
Subject Selection the future.
The Curriculum Guide for 2019 is now All the general information pertaining
available from both Simon and the to the subject selection process will
College website. All students in years 8 be conveyed only in the evening
to 11 and their parents are encouraged sessions; hence attendance is vital for
to use the school holidays to explore all. The process and criteria for VCE
the vast array of choices on offer at acceleration will also be explained on
Avila in 2019. You will find written these evenings. It is crucial that both
information about the different subjects parents and students are informed
and where they lead, pictures of accurately about this to avoid future
students undertaking various learning disappointment.
activities, plus videos with students
talking about their experience in the
some subjects.
In the second week of Semester Two, Madeleine Franken
there will be some important events to Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching
Key Dates Subject Selection
Monday 23 July
Current Year 8 Students
7pm | Subject Selection Information session in
Bunjil for current Year 8 students and their parents
Tuesday 24 July
Current Year 9 Students
7pm | Careers Advisors and Curriculum Leaders
available in Hall for informal questions from
current Year 9 parents and students
8.15pm | Subject Selection Presentation in
Bunjil for current Year 9 students and their parents
Current Year 10 Students
7pm | Subject Selection Presentation in Bunjil
for current Year 10 students and their parents.
8pm | Careers Advisors and Curriculum Leaders
available in Hall for informal questions from Years
10 into 11 students and parents.
Current Year 11 Students
7pm | Careers Advisors and Curriculum Leaders
available in Hall for informal questions from Years
11 into 12 students and parents
Monday 30 July
By Invitation | Current Year 10 & 11 Students
7pm | VCAL Pathways Information Evening in the
Gathering Space
Tuesday 14 August
Current Year 12 Students
7pm | VTAC Information Evening in Bunjil. Advice
on the application process for university and other
tertiary institutions in 2019
Parent-Student-Teacher Meetings
Thursday 16 August | 3:30 - 8:30pm
Tuesday 21 August | 3:30 - 8:30pm
Ms Janine Bauman
Deputy Principal Students
[email protected]
Helping Your Daughter Cope with Failure
Every parent/guardian wants their daughter to be happy and successful, but
they can’t be that all the time. Sometimes parents/guardians go to ever-greater
lengths to protect their daughter from the pain of disappointment.
Mrs Anne Stephens Research suggests that failure is a valuable skill and through
disappointments are actually beneficial experiencing disappointment and
Director of Pastoral Care Y7-9 for young people. Learning to deal failure your daughter can grow and be
with setbacks helps them develop motivated to take on new challenges.
[email protected] key characteristics they'll need to We find success in failure when we
be successful, such as coping skills, use it as a learning experience and
Mrs Anna Marvelli emotional resilience, creative thinking, move forward with greater strength.
responsibility and the ability to Furthermore, what matters most is how
Director of Pastoral Care Y10-12 collaborate. we respond to what we perceive as
[email protected] A young person who fears failure isn’t
likely to reach her greatest potential. The good news is, you can teach
While some young people are able to your daughter how to manage
use failure to become better, others disappointments and her fear of failure
become immobilised by their intense so she can ‘bounce back’ better than
fears. Learning how to approach before.
Here are some ways you can help build
a ‘courageous learner’:
· Teach your daughter about healthy · Create a home environment that
self-talk. Help her to avoid “self- celebrates safe risk-taking. Encourage
downing” statements and have a more your daughter to be creative, express her
compassionate conversation with herself. opinion and justify it, try new things –
even if she feels it might look or feel silly.
· Temper your own disappointment
in your daughter’s failure and avoid · Give your daughter specific feedback
comments that are based on your own after a failure. What can be learnt from
anger or frustration. Anger shuts down the experience?
the learning potential in this situation.
Instead use the failure to have tempered · Role model how to deal with failure
conversations around possible changes and look for opportunities to show your
and improvement in study habit, daughter how you have bounced back
motivation, stress and sleep. from disappointment and failure.
· Teach your daughter to look at failure By allowing your daughter the chance to experience
in an analytical way. What is the size failure and discomfort, you enable her to develop
and gravity of the failure? What are its important coping skills, which she can call upon
consequences? Don’t let her dwell too time and time again throughout life. A little
long on the feeling of failure. disappointment can actually benefit your daughter,
but it is the journey you take with her that can
· Praise your daughter’s effort rather support how well she can ‘bounce back’ from, and
than achievement and emphasise the
importance of trying her best.
· Talk about failure and normalise it.
Don’t react as though it is something
to be afraid of. Discuss feelings that
sometimes accompany failure – shame,
embarrassment, guilt, sadness, or even
anger. Teach your daughter how to
cope with the discomfort associated with
Y8 History Excursion - Kryal Castle
After a long bus After the apothecary we moved onto knights and
ride, half the armour, where we got to try on pieces of armour and
Year 8’s filed off test it. We couldn’t believe that the knights could fight
the bus to see in such uncomfortable, heavy armor. We had lots of
Kryal Castle. fun, but that’s not where it ended.
Eisha Singh Melanie This castle is a The next activity was the “sword fighting” where we
Year 8 Muhundan depiction of the used foam swords and shields to fight each other; a
Year 8 castles from the battle to the death!
Medieval era we
learnt about in During our lunch break, we were free to explore.
History. Most of us headed to the maze, only to find that once
we got out of it, our shoes and socks were soaked for
Despite the rain and icy wind, we still had a great the rest of the day! Still, that wasn’t enough to ruin
time. When we got inside, we met people dressed as our day.
knights, pharmacists (apothecary) and archers.
In our last activity we got to role play a noble family
The first activity we did was archery. Surprisingly we and their staff. We really got into it and we were sad to
weren’t that bad at it! We learnt that to be one of the have to go.
King’s Archers you had to be able to shoot 45 arrows
in 30 seconds. While we thought we were amazing, we To end the day, we learnt about crime, punishment
probably won’t be able to do that time limit! and torture techniques used which was very, very,
gruesome! This was explained in graphic detail! Then
Our next activity was apothecary. During that, we we went through a torture chamber, which held
learned some cures for open wounds, which was a models of people getting tortured, as soon as we
mix of fennel, sage, lavender and rosemary; for a sore heard the word ‘torture’ we started freaking out, only
throat honey and milk was used. to find that the “torturous” part was the jump scare!
Originally, the cure also included baby poo, with milk Overall, it was an awesome adventure to have on a
and honey but they slowly discovered that baby poo freezing, gloomy day!
had no effect on curing it.
Food Tech Rocket
Rubarb & Scientist
Custard Treats
Music Solo Soiree
Year 7 Music
Write a
Book in a Day
Consumer Science
Make a Moisturiser
Administration | Library Refurbishment – Case Study
TBheelAovvilaeLdib‘rdaarygfegaytu’rleidbirnaaryre’csenmt eodditeiornnofmScahkooeloNveewrs
Although the girls at Avila manager) Colin Matthews who The library’s collection of tall Dianne explains that the old
College, Mt Waverley flew down to Victoria to bounce shelving was replaced with low library had a glass corridor
Victoria, had much ideas. shelving which contributes to the outside where students would eat
affection for their old open feel of the room and better their lunch before entering.
library, it was long overdue “Colin envisaged a new future for showcases books.
for a makeover. us. He listened to how we wanted That hallway has been reclaimed
the library to look and function All the new shelving can be into the new library and houses
The “daggy” 1980s style building and then helped us create that wheeled to alter the floor space. eight “booths” (think diner booths)
had exposed roof rafters, glass space,” she says. where students can study or eat
walls, heavy shelving and a inside.
scuffed blue carpet.
“The booths are prime real
The imposing library desk, which estate,” says Dianne.
stood like a barrier between staff
and students, was the signature “I think the eating has made the
orange laminate of earlier library a more social place with
decades. groups chatting and eating and
girls catching up on work. It’s a
“In the time since anything had vibrant place.”
been done, most other libraries
would have been updated twice,” Couches, cushions and slimline
explains head of library Dianne counters and desks add colour
O’Neill. to the room, with bright shades
of red, blue and yellow enhanced
“Even still, the girls loved the against black edging or highlights.
library and it was always well
used and they didn’t seem to A nook of soft lounges where
mind.” students can sit together or alone,
or nestle on a floor cushion, is
The girls loved the library then but tucked cosily between shelving.
they love it even more now.
Dianne says the modern
After painting the rafters white, makeover has boosted the
the job of replacing imposing popularity of the library and she
heavy furniture and fittings with anticipated it would translate into
functional and colourful designs an increase in book borrowings.
“We’ve got very keen borrowers
Queensland-based Quantum because the library has always
Libraries was chosen to been busy but their mindset is
undertake the refurbishment much improved with the new
and Dianne worked with (sales library.”
42 schoolnews Term 2 - 2018 15
Avila Calendar Avila's Internal
Dates & Events Junior Debating Competition
Monday 16 July The final round of the Junior Internal Debating
First Day of Term 3 Competition produced some very unusual results. For
the first time we have had three teams in both the Year
Wednesday 18 July - Saturday 21 July 7 and 8 competitions finish with equal points at the top
Avila - Mazenod Musical of the ladder. Keep posted for the final result after we
All Shook Up have a playoff debate.
Monday 23 July Congratulations to the students who received
Y8 into Y9 Subject Selection “Best Speaker Awards”
Information Night
Year 7: Siennah Ferris, Vivana Bhathena, Tanisha Ashby,
Tuesday 24 July Jessica Loeding
Y9 into Y10 and Y10 into Y11
Subject Selection Year 8: Sienna Marziale, Victoria Sarafian, Elizabeth Dinh
Information Night
Thursday 26 July
Monday 30 July
VCAL Information Night
Wednesday 18 July , 1-4pm
8am - 4pm
Stella Prize Girls Write Up
Stella Prize Over the course of the day, helps me to read and write with a
authors, journalists, artists, poets critical point of view. I also learnt
Girls Write Up and other creative thinkers and how important it is to have a multi-
emerging leaders shared how ception beyond literary (when
Workshop was they use writing to define their writing) and how to distinguish
identities and shape the world assumptions that we make from
an incredible around them. There were different the reality.
workshops that tailored different
Anna Zhang experience that writing experiences. This included As a group we all decided
Year 11 offered an all-day the writing of the self, slam poetry, that we learnt to incorporate
festival for teens creative writing etc. different ideas in writing with
our own voices, giving a deeper
teaching empowerment through We also had guest speakers that understanding about the world
helped us explore the different through knowledge and writing.
writing and sharing of stories. Girls ideas of sexuality, gender and race.
Write Up’s innovative program Speakers took us on an experience
that made us question the social
of talks, interactive panels and norms, and how we can create
change. This made everyone
practical workshops explored the re-think and challenge the
stereotypes are portrayed through
relationships between language, the media and writing. This was an
incredible thing to learn as it now
gender and power.
It elevated voices and stories that
had historically been devalued
or marginalised, and gave all
participants the opportunity to
discover their own creative voice,
equipping them with the skills and
the confidence to use it.
Congratulations Lynn
Year 8's Lynn Ng has won the Monash Music Battle
2018, in a field of 7 other competitors. Lynn was
encouraged to sing her own compositions and
chose two of her own songs plus a Shawn Mendes
mash up. She now goes on to the next battle.
SCSA Cross Country Competition
On June 19, the Cross The course was difficult at times with a
Country team headed very steep hill, which had to be climbed
to Fairfield Park for twice during the race.
the 2018 Division 1
Cross Country It was a tough day on the course,
Competition. however this didn’t stop the girls from
running their best. As a result lots of
Our training for the new PB’s were achieved throughout the
day. Overall the Juniors placed 7th,
Tamsyn Pacoe competition Intermediates placed 5th and Seniors
Cross Country consisted of a term also placed 5th, with Avila placing 7th as
Captain of early 7am starts a whole.
where we would run Special thanks to our coaches Ms Flynn
and Mr Francis for coming to all the
as a team through Valley Reserve. The morning trainings and motivating us to
always try our best to improve. Their
girls would push themselves each and passion and hard work is greatly
every training session trying to pick up
The girls are to be commended on their
speed for the competition. spirit and cheering throughout the day,
which helped everyone across the line.
The day had finally come around and it Congratulations to every student
was time for the girls to put their involved! You should all be very proud
training into play. This year we came up of your efforts.
against some of the best schools in
division one, with some very speedy
It wasn’t the warmest weather, with
temperatures reaching a top of five
degrees while all the girls competed.
Aerobics State Finals!
Due to having
three incredible
performances at the
state qualifications on
the 21st of April, The
Wonderous 8, S & P and
Amplify all competed at
the Geelong Arena in the
Logan Sharrock state finals on the 2nd
Aerobics Captain of June. With all teams
competing throughout
the day, it was a long
Saturday yet a very worthwhile one with the
girls performing to the best of their abilities,
making their teams, their coaches and Avila proud.
The girls demonstrated support for one
another as they all delivered the best routines,
making it look strong, powerful and effortless.
After the most amazing routines were done,
all there was to do was to wait for results. The
final scoreboard showed that The Wonderous
8 placed 9th in the state and Amplify came in
as 8th in the state.
An outstanding 3rd place from S & P secured
their passage to the next stage of the
competition which is Nationals on the Gold
A huge congratulations to all the girls that
competed at State Finals. You should be so
proud of what you have achieved through all
your hard work and commitment.
It is a huge honour to compete against the
best teams in the state. A massive good luck to
the girls in the team S & P for their upcoming
competition on August 26 at Nationals.
We all know you will smash it.
ELVIS PRESLEYInspired by & featuring the songs of
Who Dare
Each newsletter Julia Grubnic
edition our College
Captain Abbey Goullet What an amazing term it has
profiles a student who been for Daring Girls!
is "daring to do" in the
school community. With so many activities to be involved
in, opportunities to test ourselves
Abbey and everyday challenges to face
Goullet and learn from, there has been
College an overwhelming number of girls
Captain stepping up to the table.
For our final Term 2 'Girl Who Dares' A keen member of the Quill and Ink
column I would love to highlight Julia group, just yesterday she was part of
Grubnic, someone who brings joy and the ‘Write a Book in a Day’ program
laughter to any challenge she faces. where she spent 12 hours at school
creating a masterpiece.
Julia, from Year 9, inspires girls daily
with her positive, bubbly attitude. The way Julia approaches her every day
schooling is what is really ‘Daring”.
You were sure to have seen Julia star
in the Year 9 Creative Arts production Never settling for the minimum, she is
where her passion for acting and always reaching for the next challenge.
making people laugh was showcased. It is amazing to watch Julia around the
school grounds, always saying hello to
Julia’s commitment to the Arts is not anyone willing to listen.
only daring, as she regularly puts
herself in front of crowds, but her The way Julia lights up a room when
willingness to embrace those around she steps in is truly inspirational,
her and lift them up alongside her is always bringing joy and happiness to
amazing. everyone around her.
It is widely recognised that Julia made Julia, keep lighting up the room and
the build up to Creative Arts a fun and bringing your joy to others.
hilarious experience for all the other
girls involved! Thank you for showing other girls
what it is to ‘Dare’, stepping up to an
Julia’s skills were also on display when challenge that comes your way!
she volunteered to be part of the Holy
Week liturgy where her performance
helped the school reflect and embrace
the story.
and Careers
Ms Jenny Dunn Year 9 Career Days
Pathways Co-ordinator The Year 9 students participated in a
[email protected] Careers Program on 14 and 15 June.
They were presented with information
Ms Ann Boyce looking at the changing nature of work
and the importance of understanding
Careers Teacher their skills and abilities so they can
[email protected] manage their careers and be more able
to adapt to the ever-changing work
22 place.
The students;
• Completed an online Careers
• Discussed different personality
types required in the work
• Researched job descriptions
• Listened to Deakin Student
• Ambassadors discuss their
learning pathways
• Were made aware of Work
Experience opportunities
• Interacted with Year 12
students talking about their
study pathways, part time jobs
and time management
• Started preparing their own
After the two days, feedback from
the students was that they felt better
prepared to think about subject
selections and pathways for the future.
The school holidays are a great time to visit
some university campuses!
DeakInspire 2018 Monash University
DeakInspire, is an event specially designed to inspire, Change the World with Engineering and IT
motivate and engage students in Years 10, 11 and 12. Monash University will be hosting a fun and inspiring
DeakInspire will provide students with a head-start workshop for Year 10 girls – ENGenuITy – Change the
on their study and personal career goals. World with Engineering and IT. Students will hear
stories from women who have been successful in
Students will get the opportunity to: engineering and IT careers, and students will also
• Transform their way of thinking get to build and code their own robot. This is a free
• Connect with meaningful experiences event, and morning tea and lunch will be provided.
• Explore their study options
To find out more watch the video, Tuesday 10 July 2018 9.00am – 3.45pm
or to register, visit DeakInspire Clayton Campus Monash University, New Horizons
Building, 20 Research Way,
Faculty of Arts and Education For more information and to register
Teaching Information Sessions Discover the rewards https://monashengit.typeform.com/to/VuoiRY
of studying a teaching degree at Deakin and why our
teaching graduates are so highly sought after. Medicine, Nursing & Health Science Campus Tour
Monash University wishes to showcase its facilities
Tuesday 24 July that demonstrate innovation, collaboration, and
Melbourne Burwood Campus 5.30 – 6.30pm endless discoveries. Students will get to see the
Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus 5.30 – 6.30pm advanced clinical buildings, comfortable study
Warrnambool Campus 4.00 – 5.00pm spaces, and everything the university’s largest faculty
For more information and to register has to offer. There will be student ambassadors
http://www.deakin.edu.au/arts-ed/info-sessions there to assist students with enquiries they may have
about their areas of interest.
Faculty of Health
Information Sessions Sessions for students wishing Monday 2 July (Clayton) 11am
to learn more about our innovative degrees in Thursday 10 July (Peninsula) 11am
exercise and sport science, health sciences, nursing For more information and to register
and midwifery, nutrition sciences, occupational https://www.monash.edu/medicine/news/events/
therapy, psychology, and social work. events/winter-and-spring-break-campus-tour-
Melbourne Burwood Campus
Exercise and Sport Science Wed 18 July 6.00 – 7.30pm Science Precinct Tour
Nutrition Sciences Wed 18 July 6.00 – 7.30pm Take a closer look at where you could be studying
Health Sciences Thurs 19 July 6.00 – 7.30pm next year. There is an option of visiting the science
Nursing and Midwifery Wed 18 July 6.00 – 8.00pm facilities and student spaces during the upcoming
Nursing and Midwifery Sat 21 July 2.30 – 4.30pm school holidays. Not only will students get a feel for
For more information and to register campus life, have a chat with some of the science
http://www.deakin.edu.au/health/health-events students and staff, but also get some course advice if
Tuesday 3 July 10am ACU University
Thursday 5 July 10am
Tuesday 10 July 10am Experience Days
Thursday 12 Jul 10am Students get a taste of life at ACU by meeting
For more information and to register academic staff and current students – and trying
https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/monash-science- out the course they are interested in. Students can
precinct-tour-tickets-45275045881 choose workshops from a range of ACU study areas,
including nursing, midwifery, business, paramedicine,
Melbourne University education, physiotherapy, psychology, public health,
exercise science, theology and lots more.
A Day at Melbourne
Current Year 11 and 12 students are invited to attend Melbourne - Tuesday 3 July 2018
a free one-day event Ballarat - Thursday 5 July 2018
For more information and to register
Friday 13 July 2018 9.00am – 3.45pm http://www.acu.edu.au/student_experience/student_
Parkville Campus The University of Melbourne, life/experience_uni_before_you_start/university_
For more information and to register experience
LaTrobe University
Experience Clever
Experience Clever gives students the chance to
not only see the La Trobe University campuses
but experience them too – by taking part in fun
and dynamic workshops led by real lecturers and
teachers. Students get to see inside the La Trobe
teaching facilities, particular to the areas of study
that interest them. This free event is open to future
students and parents, and registration is essential.
Albury-Wodonga: Friday 1 June 2018
Bendigo: Wednesday 4 July 2018
Melbourne: Friday 6 July 2018
For more information and to register