March 28 | 2017
From the
Dear Avila College Community,
As we approach the term 1 holidays, I want to thank and commend
students on their commitment to learning this term and to encourage them
to use the next couple of weeks to relax, reflect and set new goals for term 2.
Mrs Madeleine Franken Although we have almost completed Participating in these services provides
only a short 8 week term, it has an ideal time to reflect, acknowledge
Acting Principal been filled with many activities and and celebrate our Catholic faith.
BA, Dip Ed (Sec), achievements including:
M.Ed.Leadership, • Opening of the School Year Mass, In addition, I also invite families
Post Grad Dip • the House Swimming Carnival, to consider publicly showing their
(Student Welfare), • camps for years 7, 9 and orchestra, support for ‘welcoming the stranger’
Post Grad Cert • year 10 community service, as Christ urged us to do by joining
(Careers Ed), MACE • years 7, 10, 11 and 12 Reflection the Palm Sunday (9 April) “Walk for
Justice” commencing 2pm at the
35 Charles Street, Days, State Library, corner of Swanston
Mount Waverley, • various subject specific excursions and La Trobe Streets, Melbourne.
Victoria 3149
T 03 9831 9600 and guest speakers,
[email protected] • interschool swimming, tennis and
cricket competitions
Avila College acknowledges the
Wurundjeri people, the traditional and preparation for the Indonesian
custodians of the land on which Study Tour departing on 29 March.
the College is built.
2 Much work goes on behind the Camps
scenes in preparing so many valuable
learning opportunities for our
students and I thank all staff for
their generous support of our rich
co-curricular program.
Easter is the most significant time in We welcomed back some very tired
the Church calendar so I encourage but happy campers from years 7 and 9
families to use the holidays to attend on Friday 17 March.
the Easter liturgies commencing with
Mass of the Last Supper on Holy Many students commented on
Thursday evening, Commemoration developing skills that they didn’t know
of the Cross on Good Friday and they had and on the great opportunity
celebration of Christ’s resurrection on to get to know others, students and
Easter Sunday. teachers, at a deeper level.
The Music Department also held its We will also hold another session for
annual overnight camp last weekend at those unable to attend on 27 March.
Mt Evelyn with 65 students and 10 staff The new date will be Monday 24 April.
attending. Bookings will open on Thursday 30 March.
The Music Camp provides an ideal Avila College Board AGM 7pm 18 April Prayer
opportunity for intensive work in
preparation for the Creative Arts The Annual General Meeting of the Heavenly Father,
Festival to be held on Thursday 4 May. Avila College Board will be held in the
Gathering Space commencing at 7pm As I enter another week
I thank all staff who gave so generously on Tuesday 18 April. of my Lenten journey,
of their time in being away from their guide me to the path
own families to support Avila College Any parent who wishes to attend that leads to you.
students on camps. the AGM is most welcome. The first
Reporting Meeting for 2017 of the Avila Fill my heart with
College Board will follow immediately gratitude, patience,
after the AGM. strength, and peace as
I strive to become the-
Reporting meetings are open only to best-version-of-myself,
Board members. honestly admitting my
shortcomings and sins.
New Principal Commissioning
Ceremony 9am Tuesday 18 April As I renew my resolve
each day to become a
All parents and friends of Avila College better person, let me
are reminded that the commissioning hear your voice in the
of new principal, Dr Michelle Cotter will deepest reaches of my
occur at 9am on Tuesday 18 April in the heart.
College Hall.
Give me rest in you.
All are welcome to attend but must
register by 3 April via Trybooking: Help me to accept others, showing them your great
event?embed&eid=267263. love instead of casting
Community Service The proceedings will commence
with an Easter liturgy to celebrate Stay with me through
Year 10 students returned from their the Resurrection, followed by the the busy days this week
recent Community Service placements Principal’s Commissioning Ceremony, and remind me that when
with some noting how it opened up then morning tea. Guests are asked to I need comfort, solitude,
their eyes to career possibilities that be seated in the Hall by 8:45am. wisdom, or guidance,
they had not thought of before whilst I can always turn to you.
others said how much they appreciated Staffing News
getting to know more about a particular Help me develop
form of service such as aged or In term 2 there will be a few staff on discipline and generosity
disability care. long service leave. Fortunately, some through fasting and
current part-time teachers have agreed to almsgiving, and come
Parent-Student-Teacher Meetings increase their load to cover the absence closer to you through
of colleagues and, in addition, three prayer this Lent.
We attempted to hold the first of the replacement teachers have been engaged.
Parent-Student-Teacher meetings In your name I pray,
yesterday but were defeated by the Teachers taking leave have liaised
wild weather that caused a large power closely with the replacement teachers Amen
outage. Wednesday meetings will over the past week to ensure that
continue as planned and there are still there is a smooth handover to the 3
some interview times available. replacement teachers who will
introduce themselves to classes at the
beginning of term 2.
From the Principal continued...
Avila Calendar The following staff members will be on Whilst I have appreciated the privilege
Dates & Events leave during term 2. and challenges of this leadership
role, I look forward to handing over
March 29 - April 12 • Jackie Benton- English and to Dr Michelle Cotter as Principal and
Indonesia Study Tour Humanities teacher- all term 2 to resuming my usual role of Deputy
Principal Learning and Teaching.
March 30 • Jenny Dunn- Pathways Leader-
Years 9 & 12 first half of term 2 I am particularly indebted to Ms Angela
Leadership Mentor Torelli who has led the Learning and
Breakfast • Kate Johnston- Religious Education Teaching area very effectively over the
Curriculum Leader- all term 2 past twelve months. Angela initially
March 31 stepped up to the Deputy Principal
Term 1 ends 3:15pm • Nerida King – Health & Physical Learning and Teaching role for term 2 last
Education Curriculum Leader- year whilst I was on long service leave but
April 18 all term 2 generously extended her tenure in the
Term 2 commences role when needed. Angela will take up
• Colleen McCaffrey - Science teacher her new role as Director of Studies years
Easter Liturgy and – all term 2 10-12 from the beginning of term 2.
of Dr Michelle Cotter • Maureen Garrecht- Food Technology I wish all families well for the term 1
Assistant- first 4 weeks of term 2 holidays and look forward to seeing
April 24 students return refreshed from their
Parent-Student • Brenda Dent -Learning Support break at the start of term 2 on 18 April.
Teacher Meetings Officer– first 3 weeks of term 2.
4.15pm-8pm With rich Easter blessings to all,
I thank all in our community who have
OFFICE HOURS DURING supported me so well in my Acting
TERM BREAK Principal role over the past six months.
The General Office will be
open from 8am until 4pm. Madeleine Franken
Tuesday 18 April 2017 at 9am
Avila College Principal Commissioning Ceremony
All welcome to attend. Please reserve your seat via trybookings.
St Patrick’s Day Mass for Schools
“Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me.”
These are the words of St. Patrick, reiterated by the choir
in the Mass of St Patrick for Schools 2017, held on 17th March
at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne.
This is a Mass celebrated The beautiful cathedral filled community and to display faith
annually in the Archdiocese quickly as it approached 10am. and hope in everything we do.
of Melbourne, during Catholic Mass commenced with the
Education Week. banner procession followed Overall, it was a fantastic
by distinguished guests, then day with an opportunity for
Many students from Catholic the concelebrating priests and reflection and development of
primary and secondary schools Archbishop Hart. understanding, none of which
across Melbourne attend would be possible without the
the event to partake in the With the unique sounds from the accompaniment of our Acting
‘opportunity for all Catholic Celtic Irish Pipers reverberating Principal, Mrs Franken.
Education ministries to celebrate around the Cathedral, we were Thank you for a great day!
their distinctive mission and share astonished by the abundance of
the great things they are doing’. schools sharing in our Catholic Tiana Chandraratne
community celebration. Year 11 Faith and Mission Captain
The enormity of Melbourne’s Emma Johnston
Catholic Education community Archbishop Hart delivered a Year 8 Chisholm House Captain
didn’t really hit us until we strong, concise message:
found ourselves caught up in to keep the teachings of the
the waves of people flowing Church alive in both our teaching
on the streets of Melbourne and learning, to serve God
towards the cathedral, some constantly in our living;
coming from as far as Geelong. caring for every individual in our
Improving Learning
with a Growth Mindset
At the age of 87, Michelangelo said, “I am still learning”.
This is what made him one of the best artists the world has ever had.
It all begins with how you think.
Ms Angela Torelli
Deputy Principal Learning
and Teaching
Ms Klara Baka At the age of 65 Colonel Sanders For them, it’s not about looking smart
started his famous KFC franchise. or grooming their image. It’s about
Director of Studies However many do not realise that in a commitment to learning – taking
his attempt to find the perfect fried informed risks and learning from
director.studies79 chicken recipe he failed 1009 times! the results, surrounding yourself with people who will challenge
Famous are those people who kept you to grow, looking frankly at
PTWMaeeoradencndnheatesydSr2atM4yuAed2p9eertMnilintargcsh learning all the time with a thirst to your deficiencies and seeking to
improve. remedy them.” Dwek (2012)
In preparing my students to sit for In a study of 373 7th graders, students
their SAC’s I often speak to them were divided into two groups and
about believing that their talents and taught about the brain and study
abilities can be developed through skills (Blackwell, Trzesniewski &
passion and persistence. Dweck, 2007).
Carol Dweck ( 2012) wrote about Both groups were taught about the
‘Growth Mindsets’ and concluded, structure and function of the brain
in the first two lessons.
“In the growth mindset, people
believe that their talents and abilities
can be developed through passion,
education, and persistence.
However, half of the students received training PsbtBlo5ioemopoaoonmeskkseayilonosolnogtup!gsSroiuwpsnnsirleiadlbfsaceleylrortseoed at
about the stages of memory (reading for memory, 26 March
teaching mnemonic strategies), while the
other half were taught about the growth mindset Developing a Growth Mindset
(the malleable brain and growing the “neural
network maze” through learning). Developing a growth mindset enables us to take
more risks and improve in all aspects of life.
Three times as many students in the growth
mindset group showed an increase in effort and These techniques can help you change from a
motivation compared with the control group ‘Fixed Mindset’ to a ‘Growth Mindset’.
during the training.
1 Acknowledge your imperfections.
After the training, the control group continued to
show declining grades, but the growth-mindset Take risks and don’t be afraid of making mistakes.
group showed a clear rebound in their grades. Mistakes are how we learn and improve.
The study concluded: “Children’s beliefs become 2 View challenges as Moparpcohr2tunities
the mental ‘‘baggage’’ that they bring to the
achievement situation.” Setting challenges or overcomHinogusoebsStawcilmesmcianng
Furthermore, “while recognising that there can help us learn about our talenCtsaarnidvarleas that we
be real differences between individuals in the
speed of their intellectual growth, and without want to improve. March 3
denying that there may be differences in capacity,
a focus on the potential of students to develop 3 Use ‘learning’ insteaYedaor f10‘fRaeilfilnecgt’ion Day
their intellectual capacity provides a host of
motivational benefits.” (Dweck) No one is perfect. Some of theMmarocsht s8uccessful
people we know and have reaIdndaobonuetsaiareEaxpgeoroidence
I remind all students to believe in their talents example of this. They kept onIntrfyoinrgmdaetsiopniteEfvaeilniningg
and focus on goals well beyond secondary several times, till they achieved what they wanted.
education. Keep on creating goals - Growth aWthtahtewirafsaitlhuereirssaescrfaeitl?uSreims.pTlheMSLe.acyTahbhrioonceouthyelrnr1pCDe3rlvaoeeytsreeldodoitkaesd
minded people know how to continue developing learning and areas to improve.
goals to keep them motivated.
4 Learn from other peYMoeaaprrcle7h’+s149m-1Ci7asmtapkes
At the beginning of the year I asked my Year 12’s to
set some goals for English. We recently reviewed Everyone around us is trying tYoeaimr p1r0ove, rise above
them in our last few lessons and most had their current situations and mCaosmtemr tuhneirtyskSilelsr.vice
achieved them.
Learn from their incidents.
The challenge now is to set more for the future.
“Twenty years from now you will be more
disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than 5 Welcome criticism 9831 9696
the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines,
sail away from the safe harbour, catch the trade Accept it positively and work oIfnyoitutrhdeanu.gThhteisr iiss naont
winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover”. important step to develop a gartotewntdhinmginscdhsoeot.l, please
Mark Twain
call 9831 9696 by 10am.
Angela Torelli
Acting Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching 6 Keep on creating goIfaalsstudent has not been
Growth minded people know rnheooctwoifridctoaetdciooannsttaoinbpsuaeernetn, ts
developing goals to keep themwilml gootiovuatevdia. text message.
Let’s get ‘Appy!
Clinical researchers are increasingly turning to technology to assist
young people, one in six of whom are affected by anxiety and depression,
according to research from youth support service ReachOut Australia.
Ms Janine Bauman There is still a degree of stigma Devices should be left outside of the
attached to mental health issues. bedroom at night, especially with
Deputy Principal Students younger students.
Renowned children’s psychologist These are some tried and tested
[email protected] Michael Carr-Gregg has said that some apps, endorsed by Dr Michael Carr-
80 per cent of young people do not Gregg, designed to support the health
Mrs Anne Stephens seek professional help for anxiety and and wellbeing of young people. We
depression. encourage students to access these
Director of Pastoral Care [Y7-9] apps as a means of supporting their
Furthermore, he believes that the overall wellbeing.
director.pastoralcare79 anonymity and immediacy of an app can make a world of difference to Anxiety | Depression
young people.
Mrs Anna Marvelli MoodGYM Website
“What we’re finding is about 99 percent
Director of Pastoral Care of young people use technology every
[Y10-12] single day, and aren’t particularly good
at managing their own well being,” Dr
director.pastoralcare1012 Carr-Gregg said.
“The logical step to take would be to
8 use technology to deliver evidence-
based psychological therapies,
particularly on mobile devices.”
Many of the apps offer the user Feeling Anxious Beyond Blue
anonymous advice 24/7 on how to cope Factsheet Website
with a range of issues.
Sourced from Sydney Morning Herald Supporting Friends
Whilst young people are now able to The Check In App Youth Beyond Blue
stay connected 24/7, it is important for
parents and guardians to monitor their
daughter’s internet and electronic use
especially at at night.
Snorelab App Recharge App TED Talk Prof Foster Riding the Sleep Black Dog
Wave Factsheet Institute
Coping | Suicide | Self Harm Factsheets
Beyond Now iCope App Pillboxie App Happiness Connect
App Trap App with Avila!
Worry | Stress | Panic Attacks Avila College regularly
posts photographs,
Reachout Reachout updates and insights
Breathe App Worrytime App into daily life at the
school across a number
Smiling of platforms.
Minds App
Follow us online and you
Relationships can stay in touch with the
Emotional Wellbeing latest from Avila 24/7.
Breakup Shakeup App
Couchto5 App Zombies, Run! App
Close the Gap Opening the Doors
Day at Avila Foundation
Avila acknowledged Close the The Opening the Doors Foundation
Gap Day on Thursday 23 March. addresses the severe educational disadvantage still being
experienced by many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.
Closing the Gap is a government
strategy aimed to reduce The Foundation provides assistance so that families are able
disadvantage among Aboriginal to choose and successfully maintain a positive education
and Torres Strait Islander people environment for their children. It also provides grants towards
regarding life expectancy, child the funding of educational costs such as school uniforms, books,
mortality, early childhood school camps and other school associated costs. For more
milestones, educational information go to
achievements and employment
outcomes. It is a formal
commitment made by all Australian
governments to achieve equity.
Did you know that Indigenous
Australians die about 10 years
younger than non Indigenous
Did you know that 62% of
Indigenous students finished
Year 12 (or equivalent) compared
to 86% of non Indigenous
If you would like to find out more
visit the closing the gapwebsite.
A sausage sizzle and lolly jar
guess were held to raise funds for
Opening the Doors Foundation.
Congratulations to Shea Joyce 7
Gold who guessed 1208 jelly beans.
The closest to the total of 1218.
Kate Johnston
Religious Education
Curriculum Leader
Avila College Annual Orchestra Camp
The annual Avila College Music camp was held at Camp Oasis in Mt Evelyn. As selected by the Music Captains, the
Friday night theme of Star Wars brought out many creative interpretations in costume, music and dance!
and Camps
Y9 Camp - “We can do it!”
Consider this: four days of constant hiking, We’ve come home with improved basic cooking
canoeing, setting up tents and packing belongings and cleaning skills, and learnt to live a little more
with a group of fourteen people you know from simply. It certainly tested our resilience.
school, a group leader and more often than not-no
bathroom. Canoeing on Lake Eildon was by far the preference
of many. Needless to say, the ‘big hiking day’ was
Year 9 camp at Lake Eildon was a challenge, but the most difficult and required substantial bursts of
not one of us regret it. We began sceptical, with perseverance. The multiple screams of “WE CAN DO
our heart in our hands. However, throughout the IT” or “WATCH THE TREE” kept us all in good spirits.
four days, every one of us grew in comfort and
determination. We emerged from the bus back at Collectively, we are all more mettlesome and
Avila with sunkissed skin and a swarm of stories in optimistic than before. Personally, each one of us
our heads. gained a sense of connection to the Australian
bush and reached a new level of RESILIENCE.
The nights were mischievous. Some woke up
to evidence of kangaroos and possums who’d Because after all, that was the purpose of this
scrounged through some of the packs or heard adventure.
some rather suspicious sounds. Others dealt with
the ‘outside toilet’ struggle, or simply being away Beatrice Van Rest, 9 Green
from home and deep in the ‘outdoors.’
Year 7 - Camp Marysville
Year 7 camp was an unforgettable experience. We The first night we had a Wacky Wombat Night -
had a week of bonding and making fun memories. which was full of wacky challenges that we had to
On behalf of just about all the year 7’s, I wish we do. The other nights, we had pretty chill activities
could go back. rather than loud ones.
“Take what you eat and eat what you take” was the
As soon as we arrived at Camp Marysville, we were motto for camp. Each time we had leftovers from
impressed with how well they ran the place. It was the meals, we would put them into a waste bucket.
sustainable and efficient. We learnt that the cabins At the end of the day we played a funky game
were actually the temporary homes of those who called “Waste Watchers” where we counted up our
were made homeless as a consequence of the waste then made goals to beat it the next day.
Black Saturday Marysville Bushfire tragedy. Overall, Camp Marysville was a great experience.
We learnt a different approach to things, how to be
The activities were action packed with fun! We had sustainable and we made lots of friends whom I’m
Mountain Bike Riding, Canoeing, Abseiling & Rock sure will stick with us until Year 12.
Climbing, Grow it, cook it (we picked some food
from the garden then made a delicious scone/ Ruth Edward, 7 Red
muffin) and The Overnight Campout.
In each activity, each of us learnt something
Year 8 - Dandenong Market
VCAL - Excursions
The year 12 VCAL class went to the Escape Room at Throughout this exhibition we immersed ourselves
Strike Bowl in Glen Waverley on Monday 20 March. in experiences, artworks and historical psychiatric
The Escape Room’s purpose is to solve a mystery objects. We then moved over to the First People’s
by putting together all the clues to get to the next Exhibition where the voices and language of our
room until you solve the final puzzle. Koorie community tell the story of Aboriginal
In order to solve the puzzles we needed to show Victoria from the time of creation to today.
resilience. The room was small and dimly lit to
create a scary atmosphere with special effects of This exhibition celebrates the history, culture,
pictures falling off the wall and noises. achievement and survival of Victoria’s Aboriginal
It was a new experience for all of us and we had people and their identity.
to work together strategically and have good
communication. We ended the day with a short visit to the
The Year 11 VCAL students spent Monday 20 Immigration Museum where we explored the
March in the CBD exploring the Melbourne and ‘Identity-Yours, Mine and Ours’ Exhibition.
Immigration Museums to support their learning of
this term’s topic, Me! The exhibition explores how our cultural heritage,
languages, beliefs and family connections influence
Our first stop was at the Melbourne Museum our self-perceptions and our perceptions of other
exploring the Mind Exhibition, where we learnt people that lead to discovery, confusion, prejudice,
about the workings of our mind through the stereotyping and understanding.
galleries presented to us.
Engaging personal stories, intriguing objects,
compelling images and interactive multimedia
experiences invited us to find connections with
others, as well as challenge the assumptions we
make about each other every day.
We were encouraged to share their stories, affirm
their identities and celebrate diversity in our
Lisa Meaklim
VCAL Teacher
Makenna Middleton 12 Purple
Indoor Cricket
On Monday 20 March, Avila’s three With a few close matches, a fantastic day and even though
Indoor Cricket teams travelled to the girls demonstrated their we didn’t place in first position,
Box Hill Indoor Action Centre for the abilities and persistent everyone’s efforts should be highly
SCSA Indoor Cricket Competition. attitude which made the day commended.
Arriving early allowed each team all the more enjoyable.
time to warm up and prepare Thank you to Ms Flynn, Mr Johnson
themselves for the games ahead. The junior team had a very and Ms Bauman for coaching
successful day, winning all of their the teams and encouraging us
The senior team’s first few matches matches which secured them a to not only work on our abilities
were challenging and were lost place in the Grand Final. It came and skills, but to also enjoy the
only by a few runs; however down to the last ball, where both day and go home with a smile.
this didn’t stop the team from Avila and PCW were on a score of Special thanks also to Mr Bullock
eventually winning 3 of 6 matches. 40; however, PCW won by just 1 run. for coming on the day to coach the
A wonderful effort from all saw senior team.
techniques improved and the It was a fantastic effort to see how
enthusiasm never waned. successful the junior team were. Hannah Faraone
Their efforts in the final game and Indoor Cricket Captain
The intermediate team also had the close final scores were a credit
a challenging start to the day; to their determination and skill.
however, they finished strong, also
winning 3 out of their 6 games. Well done to all involved! It was
SCSA Tennis Take a look at what is growing
Tournament Review in Avila’s Agriculture and
Horticulture Centre!
On Thursday March 9, a team of 22 girls started
out in 32 degree weather for the SCSA Tennis Year 9 students are busy growing a range
Tournament. Playing against five other schools, of seedlings and flowers.
we had a tough day ahead.
As the day began to heat up, so too did the
competition, with our Senior and Intermediate
teams just missing out on the semi-finals, and
our Junior team advancing to reach the finals,
playing against OLSH.
This proved to be a tough set of matches for
our Junior girls; however, Avila managed to pull
through in the end, winning both doubles and
the singles match.
A huge congratulations to Leona Doan in year
7 for receiving the best player award in the
grand final.
Overall the day was a success for Avila with
outstanding results from our Junior team,
finishing first in their division and our
intermediate and senior teams placing 5th
A big thank you to Mrs Williams, our coach, for
preparing us for the day and Mr Bernardo and
Mr Ross for supporting us on the day. We are
all looking forward to another successful day
next year.
Stefanie Olivetti
Tennis Captain
+ Reminders
Taekwondo in Spain
Year 11 student Sophie Colbourn
is currently competing at
the 2017 Spanish Open
TaekwondoChampionships in
Alicante, Spain. Good luck, Sophie.
Slam Dunk!
Congratulations to Year 9 student Indonesian Study Tour More details about Year 7 Trivia!
Rebecca Wright who has been
selected to represent Victoria During the Term 1 break eighteen The Public Speaking and Debating
at the National Youth Women’s Avila students will be off to captains enthusiastically
Baseball Championships in Indonesia to learn more about encouraged the Year 7s to stand
Canberra this April. the local language and culture. up and speak while showing their
Look out for their blue signature knowledge - of trivia!
Year 10 Studio Arts tops in Bali and Java!
It was a fun community building
Avila Year 10 students have Earth Hour 2017 lunchtime with many in the year
been creating sculptural paper level participating.
head pieces using a range Avila raised awareness and
of processes, materials and showed support for global Earth The competition was ably led
techniques to present as a group Hour by switching off as much by Tynah Pearson, while Dena
installation. electricity and electronics as Tissera showed she was amazing
possible during Period 1 on at calculating the winners under
Bullying No Way! Friday 24 March. Our energy use enormous pressure.
for that hour was 51% of our
Avila College girls pledged their useage the day before! Thank you to the other captains
commitment to the National Day and helpers who came along to
of Action against Bullying and help out. Congratulations to the
Violence by signing a banner and winners.
wearing the wristbands.
Community Service Message of Thanks
150 Avila College students and staff volunteered Avila College recently received this email
for the Red Cross Door Knock on Sunday 26 message from a member of the public
March and raised over $2800 for the appeal. after the swimming carnival event:
Slam Poetry “I just got on the tram,
laden with groceries,
Contemporary Slam Poet Luka Lesson enthralled the tram packed,
Year 11 students with his clever use of words and including a number of
delivery when he visited Avila College. young women in green
sports kit.
Parents and Friends Association A couple (of the girls)
jumped up immediately
The Avila College PFA Committee have already offering me their seat.
conducted two meetings this year and welcomed Very impressive.
a number of new members. Planning is already They are from Chisholm.
underway for the PFA Mothers’ Day breakfast on Credit to the School.”
Friday 12 May - Crepes and Coffee.
If you would like to meet other parents, build
connections and participate in college life, join
the PFA. Email your interest to marketing@
for Parents
Students who arrive after OPENING COLLEGE HOURS: 8am-4.30pm
8:35am, must sign in at the
General Office on their arrival. This is a reminder for Parents/Guardians and
students that the College is open for students
LATE student procedure: Sign In from 8am through to 4:30pm.
Avila College uses an automated SMS to alert Our back gates are locked prior to 7:45am then
parents/guardians to the fact that their daughter is again between 9am and 3pm. They are opened
not present at the beginning of the school day. between 3pm and 4:30pm for students leaving the
To ensure these alerts are only sent to those
parents/guardians whose daughters are not on As from the beginning of term 2, college buildings
Campus, we require students who arrive after will be unlocked at 7:55am for student access.
8:35am, to immediately sign in at the General Office
on their arrival. It is necessary for any student arriving or leaving
the College during the school day to sign in (or out)
This includes ALL girls who are on late buses. at the General Office and to use the main entrance
to the College - Gate 2.
A student who signs in at the office will issued with
a Late Pass and then marked present. Access along the pathway beside Holy Family is not
available during the school day.
Avila College students’
safety is our priority Our students’ safety is our priority and unless a
and unless a student is student is participating in a supervised activity they
participating in a supervised should not be dropped off or collected outside
activity they should not be these specified opening hours.
dropped off or collected
outside the College open Staff are on duty from 8:10am. If students need to
hours of 8am - 4.30pm be collected after 4:30pm they should go to the Mt
Waverley Library where they will be in a warm &
monitored environment.
We thank you for your cooperation.
Donna Bell
Head of Operations
Avila College Absentee Line 9831 969
Please call before 10am if your
daughter is absent from school.
Parents and Friends Association SCHOOL UNIFORMS
Winter Uniform
Mothers’ Day Breakfast only from
Crepes and Coffee Changeover Friday 28 April
The annual Avila College Mothers’ Day breakfast to Winter Uniform
is an opportunity for Avila students to get
together and celebrate their mums. From the beginning of Term 2
This year the Avila College PFA is providing until Friday April 28, students can
crepes, coffee and a delicious array of fabulous wear either the summer or winter
fruit and other toppings in the Gathering Space academic uniform.
from 7.30am onwards. Drop in, meet other
parents and be spoilt! Students should not mix and match
Tickets for the event are $10 per person and the uniforms, and are reminded that
available from trybookings: blue tights and not socks are to be worn with the winter uniform.
CAPSA Palm Sunday Students are also able to wear the
Walk for Justice for Refugees 2017 full winter PE uniform to and from
school in Terms 2 and 3 on days when
Every year tens of thousands of people nationally they have practical PE classes.
march for justice for refugees affected by the
policies of governments. With the increasingly The Avila College Uniform Policy can
vitriolic attacks on refugees and migrants around be downloaded from SIMON under
the world, it is now more important than ever School Links.
that we gather and express solidarity alongside
those who have struggled for their rights in this Queries should initially be directed to
country. your Homeroom teacher.
Find your local walk on the CAPSA website
2017 Creative Arts Festival - Book Your Ticket Now!
On Thursday evening 4 May, Avila College will present our annual “Creative Arts
Festival”. Come along for a fun-filled night of entertainment about THE FUTURE.
Over 300 students from all year levels will present on stage and screen their interpretation of what the
future entails. See the many talents of Avila girls represented in futuristic art works, dances, drama skits
and music items. Tickets are now on sale for one of the biggest events on the Avila College calendar,
Creative Arts Festival 2017. Use the booking link below to secure your tickets. We’d love to see you there!
Justin Cash, Drama Coordinator
Creative Arts Festival - THE FUTURE Thursday 4 May, 2017 at 7:30pm
Besen Centre, 87-89 Station Street, Burwood Tickets: