March 2 | 2018
From the
Dr Michelle Cotter A Vibrant Learning Environment
Principal The year has continued to roll on at a rate of knots with students delving
Exec. MBA, M.Ed. Leadership, into learning in a rich variety of ways.
M.Ed. RE, Post Grad. Dip. IT,
Post Grad. Dip. Adult Ed., This newsletter captures the flavour The coming weeks offer a further
Grad. Dip. RE, B.Ed of energy, excitement and momentum range of activities and opportunities
that ebbs and flows through corridors, for parents and students.
35 Charles Street, classrooms and outside. More
Mount Waverley, importantly the vibrancy is evident in I particularly highlight the
Victoria 3149 the dialogue and the relationships - International Women’s Day (IWD)
T 03 9831 9600 students, teachers and support staff Breakfast with former student Paola
[email protected] working and learning together. Di Trocchio as guest speaker.
As a Catholic and Presentation Our 2018 Avila community is rightly
Avila College acknowledges the community we have also taken the proud of the achievements and
Wurundjeri people, the traditional opportunity to further deepen our people who have shaped our heritage
custodians of the land on which Catholic identity as people of Lent. and International Women's Day is
the College is built. another excellent opportunity to
2 Whether we have donated to celebrate the importance of women in
purchase goats for those in society as well as learning for girls!
developing nations, walked K’s for
Caritas or spent a few quiet moments Be sure to book your tickets and join
in reflective prayer our Lenten journey me for a cuppa and a chat.
continues to enrich our spirit.
Happy Learning!
Dr Cotter
In the face of fear
she chose to be daring,
In the face of anxiety
she chose to trust,
In the face of impossibility
she chose to begin
God our Father in this our Lenten
journey guide us to be the light
of Christ to others
Help me to listen so that I may
know what it is you asking me
to do and give me the strength
and the courage to respond.
and Mission
Meet the Faith and Mission Captains
In the first edition of the 2018 Avila newsletter we met Tiana Chandraratne,
in this edition, we meet the rest of the Faith and Mission Leadership Team.
Ms Carmela Marino Caitlin Grima being given the chance What do you enjoy
to be Faith and Mission doing in your spare time?
Director of Faith and Mission Y9 Faith + Mission Captain Captain. I can really make I enjoy playing netball,
a difference by helping to reading, shopping and
[email protected] As a young person, how do organise liturgical events spending time with my
you embrace faith? and raising money for family and friends.
Tiana Chandraratne worthwhile causes. Being
Chiara Smith My faith has always been in a Catholic school gives Grace Giuliano
Grace Guiliano important to me. I practise me a chance to think about
Caitlin Grima my faith by attending mass and grow even further in my Y10 Faith + Mission Captain
weekly and I have been faith on a daily basis. As a young person, how do
Faith and Mission Captains lucky enough to attend you embrace faith in your?
the Guild of St Stephen How can students embrace I embrace faith by
4 conference for altar servers. faith and mission at Avila? attending Mass every week,
On both occasions, I have immersing myself in all the
walked away feeling more Now is a great time for opportunities Avila has on
connected to my faith students to get involved offer and by taking time to
and leave with a greater and embrace their faith at relax, mediate and just bring
knowledge of what it means Avila. During Lent, we are myself back down to earth.
to be a young Catholic in fundraising for Caritas and What do you value most
today's society. encouraging students to about attending a Catholic
take part in activities such school?
What do you value most as Caritas K's, Crazy Hair Day The amount of
about attending a Catholic and a BALLOON RAFFLE!! opportunities I have to
school? express and share my faith.
How do you see the role
I value the opportunity of a young person in our
Avila gives me to grow even world today?
further in my faith by firstly
I think young people are the
change for a better future.
We can recognise the
problems our world is
challenged with and use our
voices to stand up and be
the change that our world is
looking for.
How can students embrace faith and is not heard, participating in outreach Faith and
mission at Avila? activities, such as Young Vinnies and Rec Mission
Group, where we learn about social issues, Important
Not only can students join groups such as and create change by raising awareness Dates
Reconciliation Group and Young Vinnies, among our peers. From a liturgy point
to embrace their faith at Avila, but they of view, I am involved in the masses in Sunday's Gospel
can also be a part of the many fundraising school, and at my parish. Reading
events throughout the year for different
incredible causes. Currently students can What do you value most about attending Sunday 4 March
get involved in the fundraising activities we a Catholic school? 3rd Sunday of Lent
have planned to raise money for Caritas. John 2: 13–25
At Avila, we endeavour to follow the Jesus drives the
How do you see the role of a young model provided by Christ every day in money-changers
person in our world today? our day to day actions. This cultivates a from the Temple.
special environment where people have
I believe that young people, “the next the opportunity to thrive. Sunday 11 March
generation,” are some of the most 4th Sunday of Lent
significant people in our world today. We We draw inspiration from our patron saint, John 3: 14-21
are the ones shaping the kind of world we St. Teresa of Avila, through many ways, Jesus converses with
want to live in. including reading the Avila College Prayer, Nicodemus.
or singing 'Hands and Feet', where we are
We must work together to solve issues reminded that we are the hands and feet Thursday 8 March
that affect those beyond first world of Christ, while singing passionately as a International
countries. We need to take a step back and community. Women's Day
remember that not everything is about us
and we have to think about others. How can students embrace faith and Wednesday
mission at Avila? 21 February
We are of incredible value to society and International Mother
we need to prove to everyone that we can Everyone can embrace Faith and Mission Language Day
be the change our world needs. at Avila by 'daring to do'. They can donate
to Project Compassion and further their 11-18 March
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? understanding of the positive impact of Catholic Education
their actions. Also by understanding the Week
I love to play netball and cook/bake. I way that morning prayer in homeroom
find that taking part in leisurely activities can make an impact on their day. Saturday 17 March
makes me feel grounded and keeps me Solemnity
calm. Also going on walks is something How do you see the role of a young of St Patrick
I love to do, especially in the bush or person in our world today?
rainforest type areas. For me that is the
easiest kind of meditation and makes me We are aware of the wider community,
feel at peace. and how we have benefitted through the
leaders who have come before us and
inspired us through their knowledge and
actions. We keep this in mind as we are
aware of our position in society, and how
we are privileged as we are empowered
to make change. Because we have been
blessed with opportunities, we have an
obligation to do things for others.
Chiara Smith What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Your generous support for Project
Compassion 2018 helps end poverty,
Year 11 Faith + Mission Captain Sport, music, debating and social justice. promote justice and uphold dignity.
At home, I enjoy spending time with my
As a young person, how do you embrace friends and family. I love to play, umpire, To see how you
faith in your life? coach and watch netball. During the are helping, visit
holidays I enjoy going to Nan and Pop's
I am active in living out the Gospel values house in Mornington and spending an
in everyday interactions and behaviour, afternoon on the beach with friends and 5
whether through including others or family!
speaking up for people whose voice
School Mass
One Community
On Thursday 22 February we We shared our ecclesiastical and endearment personalities
gathered as a large school with each other and our spirit and faith with God. We got to
community of students, staff take the time to reflect on our past and plan for the future
and parents to celebrate the and most importantly come together as a multicultural and
Opening School Mass. stalwart school community.
Kinuli Ranaweera Our college was beautifully As it has been quoted from the bible: Psalm 133:1-3
Aratchchige Don transformed into a sacred, devotional “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers
8 Orange space for an ebullient celebration and sisters dwell in one unity.”
led by Fr Nicholas Pearce from Holy
Family Parish. This tells us that when we stand as one community as
brother and sisters we dwell in a good , happy community,
As the music started for the procession Fr. Pearce entered and this Mass really allowed this to happen and strengthen
beside our school captains and the room was full of spirit our relationship with God and each other.
and endearment. We opened our devotional hearts to God
and had time to pray as one loving community. Also, we were taught that a community is the body of
believers and we see how good and pleasant it is to reside
At our school Mass, we were joined by members of the in one unity, working together as many members yet one
Avila Board and representatives from Presentation College body, knowing that Jesus Christ is in our presence, hearts
Windsor, Star of the Sea, Mazenod, Good Shepherd and and souls.
Holy Family. This was the time where we came as a united
group and celebrated a divine, blessing together. At the end we all stood together as courageous ,
independent and audacious sisters from the past and
present, blessed by God and ready for a new year of
memories, contentment and moments that will be in our
hearts forever.
Caritas Ks
Reflections on the Opening School Mass
Today, we gathered as a school community to share our Today, we gathered as a school community to
opening school Mass. celebrate our Opening School Mass.
We welcomed our Year 12 school leaders at the Mass. We welcomed our Year 12 School Leaders at the Mass.
Each leader lit a candle. They also received a badge. This year Abbey is the School Captain.
There are leaders in Art, Drama, and Music, even my
house MacKillop has a leader and she received a Father Pearce led the School Mass. We listened to
badge. Father Pearce say the homily. There were students that
read out prayers during the Mass. Near the end of the
Father Pearce led the Mass. We listened to him read out Mass we had Communion, most people had the bread
the homily and some students read out the prayers. but some got a blessing. Everyone was quiet when we
Most of us went up for communion and received the had the Communion. This morning I lined up to take
bread and some of us got blessings. Everyone was very Communion. The orchestra played music like Hands
lively and sang the song Hands and Feet joyfully. That and Feet, Our Father, One Bread One Body and lots
was my favourite part of the whole mass. more. I liked the Hands and Feet song after the Mass
because everyone joined in singing. I enjoyed the
Father Pearce made a really inspiring comment during orchestra playing the music because it was calming
the Mass. He said “when you put on the Avila uniform, and relaxing to listen to.
you get a dose of the Holy Spirit”. I liked this so much
and to me it meant that God is always there for me Father Pearce made a really inspiring comment during
when I put on my school uniform and is with me Mass. He said “When you put on the Avila uniform,
through my school journey. you get a dose of the Holy Spirit.” Mrs Gannon thought
that the comment was lovely and beautiful. To me it
Claudia Costanzo Year 8 meant that God is always watching us, protecting us
and always with us wherever we go.
Caitlyn Davies Year 8
and Teaching
Parent Student Teacher Interviews
3:30pm – 8:30pm Monday 26 March
3:30pm – 8:30pm Wednesday 28 March
Mrs Madeleine Franken One of the forms of reporting used at Parents should select the day and time
Avila College is the Parent-Student- suits them best.
Deputy Principal Teacher Meeting.
Learning & Teaching Early Dismissal
The Parent-Student-Teacher Meetings
[email protected] provide opportunities for students, Please note that classes for students
parents and teachers to discuss an will conclude at 1:10pm on Parent-
Ms Angela Torelli individual student’s progress and to Student-Teacher Meeting days.
work together to develop strategies to
Director of Studies Y10 - 12 enhance learning. Meeting Locations
[email protected] Booking Your Meeting All Parent-Student-Teacher Meetings
are held in the Hall with the exception
Ms Klara Baka • Bookings have now opened for this of a few teachers whose surnames
semester’s Parent-Student-Teacher commence with a letter towards the
Director of Studies Y7-9 Meetings. end of the alphabet located in the front
(stage area) of Bunjil.
[email protected] • Parents need to make bookings
using the Parent Access Module Meeting Length
10 (PAM).
Interviews are usually only five minutes
• All parents should have their user in length so if a longer appointment
names and passwords for PAM. is required, the five minute meeting
may be used to identify a suitable
• If parents are unsure of their PAM alternative time to chat with a specific
details, they may ask their daughter teacher.
to retrieve them via a link on their
Learning Management System: Each teacher will have many parents
SIMON. to meet with at the Parent-Student-
Teacher Meetings so parents are asked
Mindful of the parents’ busy lives, to assist teachers by being aware that
we have scheduled two dates for all only five minutes are allocated.
students in Years 7-12 in the last week
of Term 1.
How to book Parent
Student Teacher Meetings
Step Log on to PAM
Multiple Subjects Step Click on Parent Teachers
Two Interview link on top right
If a student has a particular teacher for hand corner
multiple subjects, only the one appointment
slot should be booked. Step Select Subject
Three Select Time
If more time is required, a date can be Click on Book Now
arranged for that to occur subsequently. Print booking times
Students should accompany their parents to
the meetings to discuss their learning.
Book Early
We urge parents to book early to secure their
preferred time slot. If circumstances change,
parents can return to the booking program
and alter bookings up to 5:00pm on Sunday
25 March.
If there are concerns or problems with
booking interviews, parents should contact
the IT Help Desk at the College.
Madeleine Franken
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching
Book early to
secure your
preferred time slot.
Bookings close
at 5pm on
Sunday 25 March.
Pastoral Care
Student Leadership Seminar
Last week the Directors of Pastoral Care Mrs Anne Stephens and Mrs Anna
Marvelli facilitated an all day planning and team building workshop for the
Avila College Student Leadership team.
Ms Janine Bauman member from their year level leadership
group to be on the new Student
Deputy Principal Students Representative Council. Our new SRC
members are: Sarah Loughnan, Chiara
[email protected] Smith, Priyanka Shama, Emma Johnston
and one Year 8 leader per term.
Mrs Anne Stephens
Ms Bauman then went on to talk about
Director of Pastoral Care Y7-9 the Resilience Youth Survey, which all
girls undertook last year.
[email protected]
We began with the Acknowledgment of We learnt that resilience is the ability to
Mrs Anna Marvelli the Land and a prayer lead by the very draw upon the strengths within yourself
talented music captains. and around you to flexibly respond to
Director of Pastoral Care Y10-12 life while remaining true to yourself
Ms Di Bari then guided a session and creating positive relationships
[email protected] in which we explored overcoming with others (Andrew Fuller, Clinical
mountains and obstacles and Above Psychologist).
the Line Thinking. She told us the story
of Alyssa Azar, the youngest person The survey outlined strengths and
to have ever walked the Kokoda Track issues that Avila students identified,
at the age of 7 and the youngest and this data was then the impetus for
Australian to climb Everest. the afternoon session.
This inspired all the leaders to push Using an Appreciative Inquiry Model:
themselves further and to never give Discover, Dream, Design and Deliver,
up, because if we set our minds to Mrs. Stephens and Mrs. Marvelli
something and believe that we can brainstormed with the group what
achieve our goals and begin acting now, we valued about Avila (Discover)
anything is possible. dreamed possibilities (Dream), and
then designed and planned for events
All student leaders, guided by our Vice- throughout the year (Design and
Captain, Sarah Loughnan, voted for one Deliver).
After an amazing lunch provided by the outstanding Priyanka Sharma, her infectious smile and
Avila Cafe staff, we broke into our areas of expertise from Year 10 is an laugh when she walks in
and spoke about what our dreams for the school ideal student to the room is enough too
were and how we could implement them. begin our ‘Girls Who brighten anyones day!
Dare’ Series with.
We discussed what it meant to be daring and what After a successful
actions we must take to lead and inspire others. An active inspiration to the Leadership Seminar
We audited the calendar and each wrote an Annual Avila Community Priyanka sharing her bold ideas for
Action Plan, committing ourselves to certain tasks is not afraid to step out of the year to come, Priyanka
throughout the year. her comfort zone, taking was also selected by her
on new challenges and peers to be the Year 10
The underlying aims for the day were: to build inspiring many around her. representative on the
leadership capacity based on a specifically Christian School Representative
view of the world, to acknowledge the importance Officially our Year 10 Public Council (SRC). It doesn’t
of student voice and to give students agency to plan Speaking and Debating stop there as Priyanka
for the year ahead. Captain, she regularly can also be found at choir
leads our school in many rehearsals and will be
“Dare to Do”, which is this year’s theme, was at the unofficial ways. Already, performing at the Music
forefront of all of our thinking. . This statement is four weeks into term, Festival soon!
represented by an outstretched hand, which after Priyanka has been spotted
some discussion, was decided to be associated with speaking and debating. An Avila Ambassador,
empowerment, uniqueness, teamwork and making Wednesday and Tuesday Priyanka often takes
our mark as both individuals and a community. lunchtimes are spent visitors on school tours
training, whilst on Tuesday and answers a variety of
The day inspired all of us to be better leaders and nights she drives into St questions from interested
to go out and dare to do. Kevin’s to show the boys parents and students
and girls how it's done! about Avila College life.
Sarah Ang, Emma Gare, She even convinced me I
Anna Marvelli and Anne Stephens. Priyanka already has ideas should be going to Avila!
to introduce our Year 7s to
the wide world of public We at Avila, are so proud
speaking and is planning and honoured to have
workshops and lessons Priyanka showing us
in her free time! An active the meaning of DARE TO
interest in the Avila DO. Stepping out of her
Community led her to be comfort zone and facing
part of our Students Create challenges so she can see
the Future Committee, herself grow.
which introduced ‘Self
Love Week’ in Term 4 2017. Thank you Priyanka!
Not only does she tick all
the boxes on paper but Abbey Goullet
Avila College Captain 2018
Student Peer Helpers 2018
The Peer Helper initiative is a program designed to support new students at
14 Avila and encourage positive involvement in our school community.
The current Each Year 7 homeroom is allocated
two or three Peer Helpers who visit
group of sixteen and connect with them once a week
during homeroom and at Friday
Year 10 students lunchtimes through various activities.
participated in This allows the development of
connections between students and
a training day fosters friendship among year levels,
both of which are important aspects
over the summer of the Avila community spirit.
holidays, led by The Peer Helpers also facilitate a
number of events during the year,
Mieke De Vries College Counsellor collaborating with other groups, such
as the Students Create the Future
10 Blue Mrs Rachael Committee, to foster happiness, build
resilience and promote wellbeing
Janssen, focusing within our school.
on the results of the This tradition has ensured a continuous
nurturing environment for every girl
Resilient Youth Survey from last year. throughout her journey at Avila.
During the first of four sessions in
the upcoming year, we developed
a range of skills involving effective
communication and problem solving,
which will assist us in our leadership.
One of the main roles we have as Peer
Helpers is to listen to students and
support them in a variety of
ways throughout their Avila journey,
in particular their transition from
Years 6 to 7.
We act as role models, giving
each student a friendly face and
a connection to the senior school.
Some of the support services we offer
include organisation and personal
management strategy programs
where we pass on advice to younger
students on how to manage their new
school routine.
Hot off the Printing Press!
Year 12 Student, Dinelle Hettiarachchi, has achieved what most only wistfully wish to do in their lives,
write a book! Through some extremely savvy technology use and a whole lot of hard work,
"The Universe and its Souls” is now available to pre-order on Amazon, Booktopia and Book
Depository. It’s 134 pages of prose and poetry also contain stunning images taken by Year 12
photography student, Anokhi De Silva. Alexandra Chant interviewed Dinelle to discover more.
This is such a phenomenal thing to do at such a
young age Dinelle, what inspired you and what is the
book about?
I've always had a passion for reading and it was
during Year 8, when we learnt about creative writing,
that I fell in love. I spent my time writing short stories
and planning out novel ideas, but I could never
find an idea that I liked. Fast forward three years, I
discovered contemporary poetry and this inspired me
to start writing poetry of my own.
My collection of poetry and prose explores just as Dinelle’s Editor) went through is perhaps the
about everything! From existence, grief, and anxiety definition of tedious. The formatting and cover design
to nature, friendship and faith. There isn't a specific was also a lengthy process, but with due time and
theme to my book. Because life isn't picture perfect, it patience, it was all completed by January this year.
can't be categorised into one thing! I used a print on demand service to publish my works
and really enjoyed it!
The publishing system sounds extremely tedious,
what was the process behind it and when did you
begin writing?
The publishing process is definitely a tedious Do you see yourself doing this again in the future?
challenge, but a somewhat fun one at that! I decided What do you hope to pursue?
not to take the traditional route of publishing,
whereby an agent and publishing company is behind I hope in the future to have novel released, because that's
my name. This is because I wanted creative control where my love of reading and writing stemmed from.
over my book. However, by self publishing, you have
to do pretty much everything alone. I began drafting Pre-order yourself a copy here! Available March 3rd.
the book in August of 2017 - using a number of poems
I had already written. The countless drafts that myself Dinelle's Book will be available from Knox Dymocks.
and Jocelyn Satya-Graha, Year 9 student who acted You can also pre-order it online at Amazon,
Booktopia and Book Depository.
The renovated Avila College Library is now open!
Designed to offer more natural light and provide greater lunchtime seating and dining options, the
new look library is the place for reading, research and relaxation. Fit with custom made furniture,
there is still more to come including new booths (arriving soon) and an IT Helpdesk.
and Public
Trials for the
State Debating Team
On the 11th of February Martha Sarumpaet, Kavia
Pynadath, Sia Mattoo, Vibusha Raghudhevan and
I, Priyanka Sharma, all participated in the Victorian
State Team Debating Trials held at St Kevin’s College.
We went equipped with our faith in the debating skills Lions Youth of the Year
we have developed over the years at Avila. We had
no idea what the topics were going to be; who we The students selected to compete in the Lions Youth
were going to be in a team with (and they could be of the Year for 2018 were Jessica Satya-Graha, our
students from Years 10 – 12); or how these debates Year 12 Music Captain who has shown herself to be a
were actually going to go. strong and generous leader in Music, Public Speaking
and Debating since Year 7, and Rachel Iwuagwu
Our nerves were stretched, yet we endured by of Year 11 who is our Kwong Lee Dow scholar with
supporting each other and reminding ourselves of the Melbourne University. Both girls showed themselves
basic principles of debating: how to develop a model; to be dignified and intelligent young women with
what knowledge we have to give depth to our matter; winning smiles.
and how important a confident manner is.
Jessica's speech on the importance of Music in
Our two topics were quite tough but we gave it our a world focused on STEM and Rachel's on the
best. Even though eventually we didn’t make it to opportunity that is being lost to Australia by detaining
the next round of the trials we had such an amazing refugees offshore, impressed the audience.
experience - and we came back with many memories,
new friends and a whole new set of skills and tips for Congratulations to both students. Well done to
use in our debates in the upcoming season. Rachel who was chosen by the judges to be the Lions
City of Monash Public Speaker of the Year.
Overall, it was a fantastic day.
Senior Debating Begins
Priyanka Sharma
Year 10 Debating Captain
Avila College will once again compete in the St
Kevin's zone of the Debaters Association of Victoria
competition. This year we have 13 teams registered
with a very strong contingent from Year 10.
Congratulations to our captains: Sheanna
Hettiarchichi, Paige Bryant, Emma Gare, Pryianka
Sharma and Matilda Baumann who led a workshop
for our new debaters.
The Arts
Year 9 students designed hats in 3D art while Year 11 In the afternoon Year 11 students engaged in a gallery
and 12 students attended the 'Triennial' exhibition talk and ipad sketch of Ron Mueck 'Skulls' and Yayoi
at NGV. They explored the works on show that Kusama's 'Flower Obsession'. The students immersed
incorporated a range of artforms and processes from themselves in the works presented and engaged both
local and international encased and housed through critically, with a number of Visual Thinking Strategies,
out the many various sections of the gallery. digital note taking on Picassp's 'Weeping Woman' and
practically with sketches in the gallery.
Get Ready for Discovery Learning!
The Discovery Learning program offers Year 7, 8 and 9 students the opportunity to venture beyond
the classroom and learn new skills in an innovative and collaborative outdoor environment. Camp
departure is coming up! To maximise the experience, get prepared with the following three steps.
Step 1. Update Care Monkey
Did you know that there are options to add more
details into CareMonkey? This information plays a
crucial role in supporting your daughter both in an
emergency and throughout the program.
> Under Medical Conditions click EDIT to select
additional conditions not listed on the first page.
> Under Medical Conditions click the ADD button to Step 2. Build up your Fitness
include other information (e.g. learning disability)
The Discovery Learning program includes a number
20 of physical challenges. Get ready by building up your
fitness levels. Over the next three weeks get outside
and explore the great outdoors - walk the dog, jump
on a bicycle or go for a swim.
Why not join the Caritas K's challenge and walk during
Tuesday lunchtimes with other students?
Step 3. Foster Independent Thinking
The Discovery Learning program encourages
independence, problem solving and new experiences.
Let students pack their own bag, work through
problems and find solutions. Be open to challenges
and recognise that it will get uncomfortable.
Remember we are here to support you.
Learn more on the Outdoor Education Group website:
Log in: avila college | Password: discovery
The Next On the first day of school, it was time for the
Big Step former Year 7’s to face their next big step… Year 8.
It can be hard leaving friends and teachers from
Oviya your previous year level, but it is also beneficial
Ponkathirvarathan because you get to meet a whole new bunch of
8 Orange people and watch each other going into a level
full of new wonders and ambitions!
Quill & Ink Writers Collective member
Oviya Ponkathirvarathan shares Year 8 offers new If you are a fashionista or a
her experiences on transitioning opportunities and food CRAZY person, then the
from Year 7 to Year 8. adventures. Year 8's can choose one of
those for next year, which is a
In Year 7, we tried two completely new big step!
languages out of French,
Indonesian and Italian; and How to manage homework
in Year 8 you get to pick one
of those two languages. Year 8 is different because
you do two more subjects.
In Year 8, you face more Therefore, it is best to keep a
homeworks, expectations, diary or use stickies on your
and opportunities like class computer to stay organised.
captain, ambassadors and
extra-curricular activities. If you have any trouble with
your work or were away, don’t
Also, coming into Year 8 is be afraid to ask a teacher
fun and exciting because of because their whole purpose
City Experience, stepping out is to help you.
of your comfort zone and
new subjects; Textiles and Also find a study buddy who
Food Technology. keeps you on track with the
Sport and PE
Year 7 Swim Day
On the 15th of February the House All the houses Nagle, Chisholm, Flynn
Captains and Year 7's went to Monash and MacKillop took part and did very
Aquatic Centre for a fun swimming well.
carnival. It was an awesome day!
It was a day where you could swim,
There were multiple events and even chill, share food, have fun cheering
novelty races like the Noodle Race and your team on, hang out with friends
the Point Swim. and even make some new ones.
In the Noodle Race groups of three We interviewed some people and here
would have to hold part of the noodle are their thoughts about the day:
and swim to the captains. We would
high five them and then swim back. Charlotte said she "loved the point
First team back to the wall would win. swim and wants to do it again".
In the Point Swim we had limited time Eden said "it was fun and enjoyable".
to swim as many laps as we could. The
more laps you swam, the more points Tia "really liked the chanting and
you scored for your House. thought Chisholm was the best".
The novelty events were fun. If you were Overall everyone enjoyed it and can’t
not a confident swimmer you could get wait to do a another. A big thank you to
in the water and still enjoy the day. Mr Ross for organising the carnival.
Jess and Amaya, 7 Red
Genazzano Swim Meet
On Friday the 16th of February the 2018 Avila College Our team finished the night in 4th place!
swim team ventured all the way to Genazzano to ‘dip
their toes’ in the water. The meet saw a squad full of Our first official swim meet for the year prepared all
eager girls excited to put all their hard training ses- our new members and old members alike for what is
sions to work! to come at SCSA in a few weeks.
The afternoon was full of ribbons, lollies, and firsts Before then we will continue to wake up for 7am
for our Year 7’s and new swimmers. Our Year 7 squad swimming twice a week to perfect our dives and
members (who started training last year when they strokes!
were in Grade 6, took on their first meet with extra
enthusiasm and talent. Carla DiGregorio and Abbey Goullet
2018 Swimming Captains.
Behind the Scenes at Avila
At every major Avila event, a team of students and staff are diligently working behind the scenes
to ensure that the event runs smoothly and seamlessly, everyone has a seat and chairs are quickly
packed away. Thank you to the Stage Crew team who did another fabulous job at the Opening Mass.
Year 12
Join an Avila Club or Lunchtime Activity!
There is always lots of activities going on at lunchtime in and around Avila College. From community
focused groups like Young Vinnies to the Book Club in the library. Discover what is on offer this year.
Young Vinnies Mr Cash and Ms Kelly and is run by Catch Up Corner
Wednesday Lunch | Hall Foyer Avila's energetic (and more than Every Lunchtime | Room 66
a little bit whacky) student Drama
Young Vinnies is about being a Captains! Catch up Corner is a supervised
caring Catholic charity offering “a opportunity for any student to
hand up” to people in need. We Crochet Corner catch up on any work they may
do this by respecting their dignity, Wednesday Lunchtime | Library have missed or a short test that
sharing our hope, and encouraging Crochet corner is a group that needs to be finished in order to
them to take control of their own anyone can join. You can learn catch up while the information is
destiny. how to crochet and make some still fresh in the mind.
amazing craft items or if you
Young Vinnies undertakes a already know how to crochet As an added advantage Catch up
range of projects throughout the you can share your craft with Corner is always supervised by a
year including - Winter Appeal, other students who enjoy getting teacher of Mathematics and this
Christmas Appeal, and drawing together and making things out of presents a great opportunity to get
awareness of the how we can wool. help with a nagging question or
assist our local communities. We meet every Wednesday in topic that needs some clarification
the Library at lunchtime on the or just a slightly different way of
Junior Drama Club couches. solving a problem. This is open to
Monday Lunch all students and there is no need
Upstairs Drama Rooms to make an appointment - just turn
up with the appropriate book.
Junior Drama Club is open to
all Year 7 and 8 students. and Craft Club
designed for Avila students who Thursday Lunchtime | Room 2
simply can't get enough drama in
their lives! It is full of fun group Every Thursday lunchtime in Room
activities, drama games and even 2 you will notice the creative
more drama games! Students hum of Craft Club students busy
in Junior Drama Club also get to making all things crafty. Everyone
be on the stage at Avila's annual is welcome.
Creative Arts Festival in May.
Bring your lunch and come and
This club is facilitated by our join in the fun.
resident Drama teachers
Book Club Swimming Carnival 2018
Week B Monday Lunchtime | Library Seminar Room
Date: Friday 9 March
Do you like books of any kind? Enjoy chatting to oth-
ers who like to read? Then why not come along to an Time: 10am to 2:30pm
Avila Book Club meeting! Students need to arrive by 9.40am
We have relaxed meetings over lunch, a bowl of lollies Venue: Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre
and we talk about books we’ve read and recommend
them to others, help select the latest fiction for the Avila College welcomes parents to attend the 2018
library to buy and have first choice of new books! House Swimming Carnival at MSAC, Albert Park.
This is a fun and energetic carnival where students
The Book Club also has guest speakers, plans events can earn house points in both recreational and
like the excursion to The Melbourne Writers’ Festival competitive swimming races.
and gets involved in competitions and other activities Transport - Year 7 + 8 Students
that promote the library A bus will be available for Year 7 and 8 students to
transport them to and from the venue. The bus will
Quill & Ink Writers Collective depart Avila at 8.15am and return by 3.15pm.
Wednesday Lunchtime | The Gathering Space Transport - Australiner Bus students
Any student who currently catches an Australiner bus
Designed to provide Avila's budding writers with can do so as normal. The bus will pick and drop off as
a platform to workshop and publish their creative normal and transport students to MSAC
work, the Quill & Ink Writers Collective is a brand new Transport - All other students
initiative. If you are interested in writing for different All other students will make their own transport
audiences and platforms, come along, workshop your arrangements to and from the venue. Please note,
ideas and hear from special guest speakers. staff will be supervising the tram stop and road
crossing outside MSAC.
Reconciliation Group Essentials
Friday Lunchtime | Womejika Room • Students need to bring their own food and drink
Founded over twenty years ago, the Avila as no kiosk facility will be available.
Reconciliation Group is still going strong. The Rec • Students need to bring sunscreen, hats, t-shirts
Group, as it is commonly known, brings to light
the issues facing our Indigenous communities and and plenty of water to drink throughout the day.
is committed to building awareness within our • The PE uniform needs to be worn to and from the
venue. Accessories can be added once inside.
The aim of Rec Group is to educate and advocate for • MSAC rules do not permit the use of zinc, glitter,
our indigenous communities. Throughout the year the
Rec Group organises school events for awareness days face paint or coloured hairspray.
such as Proud Race and Close the Gap Day.
+ Reminders
National Cycling Champion! Victorian Hockey Stars Borstelj were selected to be ball
kids at the Australian Open. Emily
Sophie Marr (8 Blue) recently Congratulations to Year 8 students even assisted Roger Federer!
represented Victoria at the Jemma Ryan and Abbey Ryan who
National Junior Track Competition have been selected for the U/15 There's a Hippopotamus
and now holds the Australian State Hockey Team and will be on the Roof of Avila College
National title in the Individual competing in Newcastle in April.
Pursuit (2000m). Wow! All the best in the competition Children's book author Hazel
Jemma and Abbey! Edwards shared her tips about
Sophies was a member of the writing for a younger audience
Victorian team who secured a total Australian Open with the Avila Quill & Ink Writers
gold medal tally of 21 (out of 26) - Collective. The Avila writers are
their best result yet. During the summer break Year 8 currently working on a project
students Emily Morris and Jessica aimed at primary school readers.
VCAL Excursion Avila Calendar
Dates & Events
VCAL students recently visited the Shrine of
Remembrance. Wednesday 7 March
Y12 Student Leadership
First Lesson in the New Look Library Breakfast | 7.45-8.30am
This group of Year 7 students embraced the comfort, Thursday 8 March
atmosphere and reading nooks within the newly PFA International Women's Day
renovated library, crawling up to discover new books. Breakfast | 4-7pm
Avila Cafe Friday 9 March
House Swimming Carnival
Eftpos now available as a payment Breakfast | 4-7pm
option in the Avila Cafe!
Monday 12 March
Labour Day - School Closed
Tuesday 13 - Friday 16
Y7 Camp, Y9 Camp
Y10 Community Service
Wednesday 21 March, 1-4pm
Wednesday 28 March, 1-4pm
8am - 4.30pm
SCHOOL on 9831 9696
and Careers
Ms Jenny Dunn Angliss Experiences Experience Clever at La Trobe
School Holiday Program
Pathways Co-ordinator La Trobe University is reimagining their
[email protected] The William Angliss Institute is big experience days in 2018 and have
providing a unique, hands-on look at started with a new name.
30 what future careers might entail with
experience days. Experience Clever will run across
Melbourne and selected regional
Secondary school students can campuses giving guests an immersive
experience elements of the tourism, opportunity, with a range of new and
hospitality and events industries, with clever twists.
workshops including cookery, event
styling, beverage making and flight It provides students and parents (if
attending. attending) the chance to not only see
the campuses , but experience them
Recommended for students in Years – by sitting in real classrooms, with
9-12, the day also includes a catered academics from the study areas they’re
lunch. interested in.
Thursday 5 April - Foods day offers Registrations for Experience Clever will
an opportunity to experience cookery, open towards the end of the month.
patisserie and food science workshops. In the meantime you can register your
interest in the event so that you’ll be
Register here ($15) amongst the first to receive updates.
Wednesday 11 April - Students will 2018 Experience Clever Dates
experience elements of the tourism,
hospitality and events industries, with • Melbourne (Autumn) – 6 April
workshops including event styling,
beverage making and flight attending. • Melbourne (Winter) – 6 July
Register here ($10) • Bendigo – 4 July
Spaces for the April sessions are strictly • Albury-Wodonga 1 July
limited, so be sure to book in early.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Whom do I contact if my daughter Q. I dropped my daughter to school. Why
is absent from school? did I receive an SMS?
A. Ring the Absentee Line on 9831 9696. A. An SMS is automatically generated if the
student is marked late for Homeroom. If your
Please leave a clear message on this line daughter is running late, she must present to
stating your daughter’s name, homeroom, the General Office to recieve a Late Pass. Once
reason for absence and date of absence. the pass is issued, you will not receive an SMS.
This line is available 24/7. Q. My daughter needs to leave school for a
family emergency. What do I do now?
Q. Do I send a note with my daughter
if she has been absent? A. In an emergency, please call the General
Office on 9831 9600.
A.. Yes. Once your daughter returns to school,
please send a note with her to explain any If your daughter is required for an emergency
absence. This note is to be handed to the appointment later in the day, please email
Homeroom Teacher by the student. [email protected] giving permission
and stating your daughter’s name, homeroom
Q. What will I do if my daughter is late to and time of departure.
Your daughter will then receive an Early
A. Please phone the General Office on 9831 Leaver’s Pass which must be presented at the
9600 or give your daughter a note. A late pass General Office prior to leaving the College.
will then be issued.
Q. Is my daughter permitted to use her
This must be collected by the student from the mobile phone at school?
General Office on arrival at school.
A. Students are permitted to use a personal
No phone call or note will result in the Student mobile device (PMD) only under the direction
receiving “LILO” (Late In/Late Out) for the and permission of staff.
duration the student was late.
PMD use that interrupts the learning
Q. What will I do if my daughter needs to environment of the school is not acceptable.
leave the school early for an appointment? Please refer to the PMD section of the Student
Agreement (available on SIMON) for full details.
A. Students are required to bring a note from
their parent/guardian stating the student’s
name, homeroom, date, time and reason for
leaving early.
This must be presented to the student’s
Homeroom Teacher who will then issue an Early
Leaver’s Pass. This pass is to be presented to
the General Office at the time of leaving the
Next Week
Book Now!
Avila Parents + Friends Association
Inf luencers
Avila College | The Gathering Space
March 8International Women'sDay
Up close with
NGV Curator | Fashion & Textiles
The Avila PFA is proud to present the first in a series of breakfast events. Join us for this inspiring look
into the world of international fashion with NGV Curator & Avila Alumnae, Paola Di Trocchio
Time: 7.00-8.30am | Cost: $10 | Bookings Essential: www.trybooking/342352
replace trains
Darling – Glen Waverley Allow
an extra
Thursday 8 March (from 9pm) to 40 mins
Monday 12 March (all day)
While Melbourne Water works take place,
buses will replace trains between Darling
and Glen Waverley stations.
Please note that this may increase your
journey by up to 40 minutes.
Train services will resume Tuesday 13 March.
For more information visit or call 1800 800 007
Authorised by Transport for Victoria, 1 Spring Street, Melbourne.
Good Shepherd Parish School
Our Valued Sponsor
Understanding DATE: Tuesday 6 March
TIME: 7pm–8.30pm
SScehomol Rienfuasarl WHERE: Monash Civic Centre,
Function Room, 293 Springvale Rd,
Does your child worry and feel Glen Waverley
anxious so that it impacts on their
ability to attend school? Seminar is free. Bookings are
Would you like to gain a essential as there are limited places.
greater understanding and
learn some helpful strategies Please contact:
to support them? Rebecca Giles 9518 3571
Children worry about many different things. [email protected]
Learning to cope with their anxiety, stress
and fear can be really difficult, not only for
them, but also for their parents and family.
Developing a better understanding of why
children refuse to go to school and some
strategies to help understand and support
them is empowering for families.
The Anxiety Recovery Centre of Victoria
(ARCVic), a specialist state-wide mental
health organisation, is passionate about
supporting and educating parents so that
they feel able to help their children.
Join our relaxed and informative seminar
which includes:
» Defining school refusal
» How to approach it with my child?
» The school’s role
» Parents’ and family’s role
» What’s helpful and unhelpful
» Relaxation techniques with tips on
building resilience
» Where to go for more information and
help and take-home material support.
Engaging parents in
Career Conversations
Helpful hints
As a parent you can assist your child in many different ways to Eight ways to prepare and support your child
help develop their knowledge around careers. From a young age with their future career plans;
your child will start to explore the world around them, including 1. Talk with your child about what they like,
their understanding about work.
their strengths, interests and why they
Using the links provided on this page you can begin to find out like them.
more information about the world of work, access information 2. Encourage your child to talk to the career
on the latest job trends, labour market information, and tertiary advisor at their school.
and training options. Always remember that your first point of 3. Encourage your child to participate in
contact should be your child’s career advisor at their school. out of school activities and different
experiences such as sport, music and
Where can I get assistance? volunteering.
4. Support your child to explore and research a range of careers using the
Information on different careers, Education and Training options. provided website links. 5. Encourage and support your child to visit
Explore different careers, job prospects, wages and skills. Tertiary open days usually held in August and any Career expo events.
Search for jobs. 6. Support your child in adapting and changing career ideas as they become
Vocational training in Victoria, search for certificate courses. aware of other options. 7. Talk to your child about your work and
Centralised admissions centre to apply for most undergraduate workplace. Encourage them to talk with
university and tafe courses. Scholarship and special entry access other adults and relatives about the kind
schemes information (SEAS). of work they do. 8. Try and support your child’s interests and
Choose a university or higher education institution. Compare strengths, rather than a particular career
undergraduate student experience and graduate employment. that you think is right for them. The most valuable thing as a parent you can
Information for students about government assistance for fi- do to help your child with career planning, is
nancing tertiary study. keep informed, listen, don’t judge, be open to ideas and encourage them to explore all
Career Education Association of Victoria is where you will find their options.
resources on career development and advice from qualified
career counsellors. 37
Career Education Association of Victoria Inc.
Unit 3 192 B Burwood Road
Hawthorn Vic 3122
Ph: 9810 6400 Fax: 9815 2490
Email: [email protected]