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The fortnightly newsletter from Avila College, a leading Catholic secondary college for girls in Melbourne Australia.

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Published by Avila College, 2017-03-15 00:06:59

15.03.207 Avila Newsletter

The fortnightly newsletter from Avila College, a leading Catholic secondary college for girls in Melbourne Australia.

March 15 | 2017


From the

Dear Avila College Community,

The recent House Swimming carnival provided a wonderful opportunity
for students to demonstrate how much they love being part of the Avila
College community.

Mrs Madeleine Franken Thanks to the great work of our all students to see every event from
student leaders there was a wonderful the stands whilst sheltered from the
Acting Principal level of participation and truly joyful weather: rain, hail or sun. A large screen
BA, Dip Ed (Sec), atmosphere emanating from the keeps all informed of events, times
M.Ed.Leadership, spectators’ stands, supported by DJ Mr and scores in real time thus adding to
Post Grad Dip Bernardo’s well-selected playlist. excitement throughout the day.
(Student Welfare),
Post Grad Cert Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre
(Careers Ed), MACE staff said they had never witnessed
such energetic school spirit and were
35 Charles Street, really amazed to hear our students,
Mount Waverley, not only cheering the competitors, but
Victoria 3149 singing at full voice, both to current
T 03 9831 9600 popular tunes and to some of Avila
[email protected] College’s favourite hymns too.
It was a fantastic event and I encourage Class of 1977 Reunion
Avila College acknowledges the you to click on the link to the video clip
Wurundjeri people, the traditional later in this newsletter to enjoy a few On Friday 3 March we welcomed back
custodians of the land on which moments from the day. alumnae from the class of 1977. With
the College is built. just over 30 attending, there was much
2 Congratulations to all in Flynn who reminiscing and some misty-eyed
contributed to winning the House nostalgic glances into Avila College 40
Swimming Carnival Cup for 2017 and to years ago as we toured the grounds and
the enthusiastic activity and voice of buildings noting the many changes too.
students in MacKillop who earned the
House Spirit Shield for 2017. I thank Director of Marketing,
Communication and Events, Kim
Thanks are extended to Mr Tim Ross, Edwards for her work with the alumnae
Sports Coordinator and his team and to in organising the reunion and in
Head of Operations, Mrs Donna Bell for supporting so many past students to
the smooth running of the carnival. reconnect with each other and with
Avila College.
We are fortunate to be able to use
MSAC because it is a world-class
outdoor swimming venue that enables

Community Service

As part of the Religious Education
curriculum, all Year 10 students will
undertake their community service
placements this week.

They will live out their commitment to A prayer
being the “hands and feet of Christ” for Lent
through giving generously of their
labour to those in need. Lord, during this
Lenten season,
Discovery Learning Many thanks are extended to the Nourish me with
Year 10 Religious Education teachers Your Word of life
This week almost 40 staff will be and to Director of Faith and Mission, And make me one
accompanying students from Years 7 Ms Carmela Marino who have put with You
and 9 on camps. Year 7 students will be many, many hours into not only In love and prayer
at Camp Marysville and Year 9 students preparing students for this work, but Fill my heart with
will be undertaking their journey camp also in chasing up the extensive legal Your love
by hiking and canoeing around Lake documentation required for students And keep me faithful
Eildon. to undertake their placements in to the Gospel Of
accordance with the new Child Safe Christ.
Both camps are well supported with ministerial order. Guide me in Your
Avila staff accompanied by Outdoor gentle mercy and
Education Group experts who have Avila College teachers will also either Prepare me for
additional wilderness and activity visit or phone to check in with students the glory of Your
specific accreditation. as they undertake their placements Kingdom
throughout the week.
The programs have been designed Amen
to develop student learning in the Catholic Education Week
Victorian Curriculum key capabilities of: 3
Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical Although we have three year levels and
and Intercultural Understanding, many staff out of the College this week,
Personal and Social Skills. it is also Catholic Education Week in
Throughout each program students
also develop their understanding of On Friday, two students will accompany
environmental sustainability, local me in representing Avila College at the
geography and address some of the annual Catholic Education Week Mass
Health and Physical Education stands in St Patrick’s Cathedral. As part of
for their year level too. Catholic Education week celebrations,
our Year 12 students will undertake
We farewelled the excited campers on their first Reflection Day for the year on
Tuesday and look forward to welcoming Thursday.
them all back on Friday afternoon too.
It is a busy week but by holding the
two camps and community service in
the one week, we are able to contain
the disruption to student learning
to a shorter time frame thus leading
to fewer interruptions later in the

With blessings to all,

Madeleine Franken


Student Centred Learning
Less Us, More Them

Last week the Avila staff took part in a professional learning session
with Peter Kadar a curriculum advisor currently working at Mater Christi
College. The focus of the session was on student centred learning.

Ms Angela Torelli

Deputy Principal Learning
and Teaching


Ms Klara Baka These student-centred environments When a classroom operates with
emphasise supportive relationships student-centred instruction, students
Director of Studies between students and teachers in and instructors share the focus.
academic environments that are
director.studies79 challenging, relevant, collaborative, Instead of listening to the teacher student-directed, and connected to exclusively, students and teachers
real-life situations. interact equally.
Students are assessed on their Group work is encouraged, and
mastery of knowledge and skills students learn to collaborate and
and have multiple opportunities to communicate with one another.
demonstrate that mastery.
PTaeraecnhteSr tMuedeetnint gs
Educators are supported in 3MWB:o1ooen5ndo–Sd8knuai:e3nnys0gdd2psaa7mcyyMlo22a6s9recMMh5aaprrmcchh
creating a student-centred learning
environment through opportunities
for reflection, collaboration, and

Research shows that this is the type
of setting necessary for students
to develop the skills to succeed in
college, career, and life.

26 March

What can students expect in a student-centred Student Centred Learning
learning classroom? Approach to Parent Student
Teacher Meetings
• Students learn important communicative and
collaborative skills through group work. As a College we are committed to Student Centred
Learning and as such, many of the teachers will
• Students learn to direct their own learning, ask have a different space set up which will allow for
questions and complete tasks independently. the student to be at the centre of the meetings.

• Students are more interested in learning Students will also be asked specific questions
activities when they can interact with one
another and participate actively. in relation to their learning and will be asked

• Students will experience less Teacher-centered to reflect on their own strengMthasrcahnd2areas for
instruction which can get boring.
Their minds may wander, and they may miss improvement. House Swimming
important facts.
Over the next few weeks homCearronoimvatleachers will
• Teacher-centered instruction doesn’t allow
students to express themselves, ask questions help students familiarise theMmasreclvhes3 with the
and direct their own learning. following set of questions onYweahric1h0sRtuedfleencttsiomnigDhaty
Students will have more opportunity to ask be asked to reflect during the Parent Student
questions and make decisions about their
learning. Teacher Meeting. March 8

The Avila staff defined the learning as “Less Us Questions for Students: Indonesia Experience
More Them”, with the focus on giving students the What have you learnt? Information Evening
tools to engage in much richer deeper learning.
• Skills March 13
Avila is committed to this approach and as a result • Concept and ideas Labour Day
students will be asked to reflect on their learning • Other things School Closed
during the forthcoming Parent Student Teacher
Meetings. What have you enjoyed? March 14-17
Year 7 + 9 Camp

What have you not enjoyed? Year 10
Community Service

How well do you feel you use your class time?

How well do you feel you useSyToUuDrEtNimT eABaStEhNoTmEEeLfIoNrE

school work? 9831 9696

What do you need support wiIatfhtty?eonudridnagusgchhtoeorli,spnleoatse

What would you like to improcvaello9r8c3h1a9n6g9e6?by 10am.
If a student has not been

It is essential that students arreecoinrdaetdteansdaabnsceentf,or

the Parent Student Teacher Mnweoiletlitfgiiocnagotsiuo.tnvtiao parents
text message.


Studying Surviving
at Avila Year Twelve

Surviving Year Twelve

VCE students have now well and truly settled in and many have undertaken SACs and
Assessment Tasks. I have witnessed many students working in small groups during study
periods and heard discussions centred around English texts, Mathematical concepts and many
other topics. This has been extremely pleasing as working with others has many benefits.

However, I have also witnessed students wasting this valuable time which cannot ever be
retrieved. I encourage all VCE students to be mindful and utilise their time effectively. VCE
is challenging but it can also be the best years of one’s education. Youth Central is a great
resource for young people and I recently discovered these tips on the site you may find useful.

Balance is important Find your own best way
to study
With so much going on it can be
hard to find a balance between VCE is all about independent
study and life. “Balance” is a word learning and finding out how you
you’ve probably heard before, from learn best. This means discovering how you study.
every year level coordinator, education expert,
psychologist and everyone else with an opinion. You might learn best by drawing pictures and
diagrams, making up songs with matching dances,
Keep up hobbies and leisure activities, and talk to or you might learn by simply writing things down.
someone if things are getting overwhelming.
As well as experimenting with different methods of
Remember: everyone at your school is on your side study, try studying at different times of the day. You
and looking out for your mental health. might be sharpest in the evening, rather than the
Don’t compare yourself
to others If you know yourself and how you study, learn
and remember, you will have a better chance of
It’s easy to get caught in the trap of knowing your coursework.
comparing your marks, results or
other things to those of your friends or peers. Actually try the GAT

Try to avoid this. For years students have been
dissatisfied with their GAT. You often
All it does is get you frustrated with your own hear things such as, “Well that was
marks and make you doubt your abilities - which three hours of my life I’ll never get back!” and “They
isn’t helpful in the slightest. should call it the GWT- the General Waste of Time!”


The GAT is by no means a waste of time, The Norm A Smith
though. It could very well save a year’s worth Memorial Scholarship
of hard work if you happen to fall sick around for Year 10 Students
exam time.
The Norm A Smith memorial scholarship is
The GAT is essential in formulating a Derived offered to Year 10 students to support them in
Examination Score - should you be unable continuing their education into tertiary studies
to attend an end of year exam because of with a view to becoming a leading member of a
extenuating circumstances; the DES is the profession or trade and contribute to the further
score that you could get for the exam. It is a development of the nation to the benefit of all
prediction of your outcome, based on GAT and Australians.
SAC scores. This scholarship is open to any full-time Year
10 student who resides in the City of Monash,
So as tiresome as it can be stick it out and do attending a Secondary School within the city
your best. Because it’s worth it. of Monash and is an Australian citizen or
permanent resident.
SACs are intended The Assessment process is based on several
to prepare you criteria which needs to be demonstrated through
for exams academic ability, leadership qualities, community
awareness and involvement etc.
School Assessed Coursework (SACs) is the The value of the scholarship is $8000.
closest you’re going to get to an exam
situation throughout the year, especially with I invite Year 10 students who would like to
regard to time constraints. apply to please pick up an application form
from Mrs Clapperton, Year 10 Coordinator or Ms
Use your SACs to practise completing Baka, Director of Studies. Please note that the
assessment tasks in allocated times. Treat application forms are due Friday, 17 March 2017.
every SAC like you would an exam - lose the
phone, arrive with the right supplies and forego 7
chatting in class. That way, you’ll be much more
prepared to tackle a real exam.

Don’t stress too much

Research shows that the most
successful students are those
that also fit in extracurricular
activities including time for
relaxing and exercise.

You will be less stressed if you have a chance
to enjoy other things in life and aren’t focusing
solely on study.

Remember to eat well, get plenty of sleep and
exercise. A walk around the block is a good
way to clear the head!

Klara Baka
Director of Studies


“R” for Resilience

With various co-curricular activities occuring such as camp, city
experience, community service and high work demands for senior
students it is an opportune time to consider the importance of resilience
in a young person’s life.

Ms Janine Bauman What is Resilience? • A positive view of yourself and
confidence in your abilities
Deputy Principal Students Resilience is the process of learning
to ‘bounce back’ from challenges, • Communication and problem
[email protected] adversity, trauma, tragedy and other solving skills
sources of stress.
Mrs Anne Stephens • The capacity to manage strong
Why is resilience important during feelings and impulses.
Director of Pastoral Care [Y7-9] adolescence?
How can I help my daughter?
director.pastoralcare79 The transition from being a child to an adolescent to a young adult As parents, we’re wired to protect our
occurs over a relatively short period kids, so our first (understandable)
Mrs Anna Marvelli of time. Rapid changes in physical, instinct is to solve the problem for
psychological and social development them. But it’s also our job as parents to
Director of Pastoral Care present a number of challenges. teach our children how to manage their
[Y10-12] social challenges.
Students who are more resilient
director.pastoralcare1012 are better able to stay on track with To do that, we’ve got to give them a the demands of adolescence. Being combination of skills including know-
resilient is also associated with better how, confidence and the belief that I
8 academic performance and school can do it if I try.
behaviour and over the longer term,
with fewer mental health difficulties In other words, our job is to cultivate
and greater life opportunities. resilience in our girls and therefore
their ability to handle stress and
How do we encourage resilience? adversity in productive ways. When
we try to solve our girls’ problems for
Resilience is not a trait that people them, we send the message that they
are born with. It involves behaviours, can’t resolve conflicts on their own. We
thoughts and actions that can be also tend to make the situation worse.
learned and developed. A combination By delaying your intervention, and
of factors contribute to resilience: allowing your daughter to wrestle with
• The capacity to make realistic plans her options, you have the opportunity
to help her:
and take steps to carry them out

Tips on how to build resilience Upcoming Events:

• Delay your intervention, and allow your daughter Monash Waverley Schools Network Resilience Survey
to wrestle with her options
During the month of March students in years 7 to
• Recognise that all relationships involve some 12 will be undertaking the Resilient Youth Survey.
hurt, disappointment and setbacks, giving her a
more realistic set of expectations and healthier This is an evidence based survey that analyses and
definition of friendship. measures resilience amongst 10-18 year olds. It
provides schools, the City of Monash and Gateway
• Consider multiple strategies to respond, allowing LLEN with measurable data that can be compared
her to flex her problem solving muscles. over time to monitor and improve resilience. Avila
has made a 3 year commitment to this initiative
• Reflect on her feelings before acting, developing (subject to ongoing School Focussed Youth Service funding).
her emotional intelligence.
This project will provide our school with:
• Validate her feelings by affirming them with her,
increasing her confidence to act. 1. A statistically validated measure of the
resilience of young people in our school; and

2. A baseline of wellbeing that we can use to
show the impact of possible interventions.

The resilience survey does not identify or
diagnose individual students, assess success or
failure or compare students, classes or schools.

Since 2013 Resilient Youth Australia has surveyed over 160,000
students in over 800 schools. They provide reports that can
assist schools’ to assess, prioritise, and plan an intentional
resilience improvement agenda. The Resilience Survey includes
three scientifically validated and internationally accepted
measures to assess resilience. It is taken by students online, in
class time, and is normally completed within 30-40 minutes.

While these tips provide a good useful starting National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence
point, it is important to remember that the key is
to identify ways that are likely to work well for your On Tuesday, 21 March, Avila College will be
daughter as part of her own personal strategy for acknowledging the National Day of Action against
fostering resilience. Bullying and Violence.

For example, some young people write about their Catholic Education Melbourne supports Catholic
deepest thoughts and feelings related to anxiety schools to create safe and inclusive learning
or other stressful events in their life. Meditation environments and recognises this annual event
and spiritual practices help some people build as a key opportunity to ‘take a stand’ together
connections and restore hope. against bullying and violence, and promote safe
environments. Over the course of this week and in
We recommend that you discuss some of these the LAV Program students are encouraged to start
strategies with your daughter that she can use in thoughtful discussion and take positive actions to
almost any difficult situation. We urge you to use address bullying and violence.
these strategies again and again; over time, with
practice, your daughter will eventually begin having Students and staff will be given a wristband to
the conversation “with herself.” In other words, she’ll wear to mark this occasion and stand in solidarity.
begin to use these strategies on her own.

Adapted from The Road to Resilience


Top Tips: Resilience Useful ResourcesWtphpphaWaetrhirhtaoletaeecptvorshttlieifeehn1ecwca.hfegerswirorlMketoooseest2htempstrcaemer.rhhaiipariyhakvfmlaAnetyomaielordeetetvteeo3rdeibmlpggihneeswoonis.puctlcserotlocoatharpfiAgoiceito4eosgnidanlserntllsmtearyuamcb.ninoe,“ohYpiptvno.ihatm.t6nrtnarimrthtcsTrtotetyeronAhsPvsdvDudhsi.gyatasaatetntoeetoueoeetcigbgneiaohiLaiohiotmsclmrkacvaooytthnuefcdnnrr.oonerwotatohcipaftetescpotneonetxideoisNriigeewoseyrwpcaeidotincrriomnecifaupapwsobstpefeted.faeewiooonlaueoikIolucocnahmup,ysd,sgeetmsGevoornsseaotnl’vrhaualinfkrepruatfasegtptreyefentroencsoraerdouwncirpntaedoltsslbmlnitariseclegaoidgaohesdgenftivlhe“feravoteendsrtoootehblhyenantisdacseeehodaw.edonanieertchwegwjfyenuospoaiileevsgcrueuTtiiyasaimdnepodyseonieconnlrtinaseueperrditbanasblibsyIpteitgtschlyuam.dgsndtscddtrgruypheihtptlotgsheaecelisasAcuuoteaneruhioesoaolttcuiogegruaehocaedtstousggncltaamuudbhaaaueghstsirnhpoorvhorntepnhnekchomilirnyarconrttgitcetssoaaapoasdnrsepenmisoeosestlamlkfuaagdauaadrnelseatynsolot.wetptdtfarswssin;iwarensnscnhll.srainttieoocrsharopfsstarrssewwnhs.esacdouoaioMotyyeaihguletuuco.aytterhl.r.tkoenoDnanaaobiaamfhyrivrirmltacIoieaAlpnfoclAfeebnmsgytnepbt.gceiluleytieuyfisteecuvsnitsinfptefelclseeisstsovssolotbenehte.pcasiopbgeh”rytcraydtoslesttyahltinulfeii.siiihbneeyealnfhifsesrofoonralnvnywaaaitaortsm-uketotcnitalntstnconitnsriignhwtdteshaIirneunehnlenwhepeefdmn.essuatdtgsaweidromloargfaraTrdghpilhliytieiprttonfeaioyrnnac.nfdeataoahaes,hinrshlorthftbiaskcCngdbbfv,ens“ahradn.egtheetacue-hebgfeWdeeagtolslt,aeooWivdeusyvd.wlislgrrrnsuptuadstuye7oheycsirgsteDoehhic.slptaaiteuwsloeosuebaftatmiihtneetoicN8rciehchtngsnpfteutssthnyioovasohne.a’iueioohinaenst9oisidntenvvbKorhenlhrrtwr?lrtei.rdeuwaptellegguloveietka”d1oeaMsieo,eidberuretsa0rtlenvrriepmhvlewyatlilkrtraweunenaer.poentegire.ehaneesnsngiTtcesos,csnneBs,taeqtgdiiautgSastkeelehesrnattpop.oulyikiRlsimabaebdlicaenp.eoecopuReMifnreittaPinoreouruednopiuefhmFusenneheeragllcatncodRlcdeeayaisnelotwcs,tscaeteneoarwa.frsyeiepbsshrrreirdohiesrtwer.nilgnTeiistudirslnhiitetnpoflooiainhseiyhB-vjengewhuoioesetMtoorceinputseoryip-onaptethlaannuai.xsloypniitirdortmtsiicftyenenntuerc-evanot:anpaetuwiatkwocypneyrYgigirof.pehdpr.eirfwpmenrnes!eoumooinro-c:und.ati:ol:iypqohwfedioldeltnultgwunulnwhituorptplguepliftr.po-hrttaoienweffttuolorrywr:scntshilieoeat/eyoaou..onuAeegrfktewpegaw:rdr/dilvTnmintxiuddnpyislmisdgshva.rlelr.nfeepbsab.lspordg:oyo.e.u/tuh/esartaseTomonrstEeuuolPae.o#./v.alrptomettacrunscArmabsilktiyiwgbieeowta:snusakosltng/putvy.iiaoihucetdwhetxrelcninaon/cveAoihtaiecauiateelatmteergwh/irgnansfhayndtetllephrsce.ib.tmyigt.ltosttisssphhowetborycaoep.byuioiiigui.aP.nenonpntlEchnwoe-lruoiutbaorlUrsktnsxestgadu.peproaiocianiowe.holtnoetmcd.rsnswoc3decgtrelowgintygieteQcvotmmnxrhyioeiotmlseirativmonignhtasntutn/inoimsnu.eii3tt.sab.cne/iafOdtyy:eueu.ghtbucooghsasio.e/


Y10 Peer Helpers

Being a Peer Helper allows us
to contribute to our school
community in a positive way.
As Peer Helpers we interact
with and help the Year 7’s settle
into Avila College life.

Our role started in the holidays, Each Monday morning, all 16 of Also, the Peer Helpers were
when we all came back to school the Year 10 Peer Helpers go to visible at the Swimming Carnival
and learnt different techniques their Year 7 homeroom, where recently, due to the support
to help out our fellow Avilonians. they read the bulletin and the shown towards other peers
In particular we focused on the prayer, talk to the students about during the day and also their
the Year 7s and how to energise their day and even play a round bright pink vests!
everyone in the homeroom. of ‘Simon Says’ or ‘Heads Down,
Thumbs Up’! The part we love most about
After learning all we could on our role is meeting new people
the training day we did the best On Friday lunchtimes you will in Year 7, having the ability to
we could to welcome the new see a group of girls laughing and make a difference to someone’s
students and their parents on the socialising thanks to the Peer day and creating relationships
first day of term. Helpers playing with the skipping that will last long after this year.
rope with any girls who want to Having a welcoming face which
Many of the girls were a bit join in. can be noticed all around the
nervous, excited and everyone school is something all Peer
thought that their bags were Helpers strive to have everyday.
super heavy!
It feels great knowing we can
We took them down to their make their first year at Avila the
homerooms and helped parents best it can be and help them
say their goodbyes. adjust to college life.

“The part we love Another thing the Peer Helpers Morgan Triskelidis 10 Green and
most about our role is run is Craft Club on a Thursday Chiara Smith 10 Pink
meeting new people at lunch. We do this to help girls
in Year 7 ... having have fun at lunch, to give many
the ability to make a people a way to spend their
difference ... “ lunchtimes and to help them
meet new people in their year
level with similar interests.



Be Courageous

Ms Carmela Marino Conversations with the Archbishop The day began with meeting new
‘Be Courageous’ was the theme for (and old) students and teachers from
Director of Faith and Mission this year. Students from a range of Catholic schools around Melbourne.
Catholic secondary schools across
[email protected] Melbourne came together to converse Maeve and I were able to give our
and listen to Archbishop Hart’s thoughts on what courage is and how
12 message for young leaders in faith. to be courageous as a leader.
The day allowed us to discuss a range
of issues that affect young people The Honourable Archbishop Denis
and to have the opportunity to ask Hart then addressed all the leaders.
Archbishop Hart about these issues. He spoke about his childhood
It also provided us with the experiences witnessing and
opportunity to be courageous and experiencing courage and shared
to work together to carry forth the three key messages:
message of faith, especially during
this Lenten time. “Firstly, God is near and understands
you. Secondly, believe in yourself.
Perspectives from Avila Faith and Finally, God is a God of surprises.
Mission Captains Don’t be afraid to use your gifts”.
“Be courageous” was the theme of
the Archbishop’s Conversation with Roby Curtis, the founder of Blind
Student Leaders, held at St Kevin’s Eye Ministries, then spoke about
College, in Toorak on March 2. his journey in the Catholic faith.
His organisation aims to “connect
the disconnected” and deals
with a variety of issues including
homelessness and violence as well
as assisting Indigenous communities,
through “the real world approach”

Roby opened up about how he
struggled with his faith as a teenager.
He stressed the “call to service is
not easy” and we “have to exercise
courage” and that it can be done
with God. His presentation concluded
with his performance of “Your name
is Mercy”, an original song Roby had
written, inspired by the words and
work of Pope Francis.

Before lunch, all the leaders were separated
into groups to discuss the proccedings so far
and what the theme of Courage really means,
directed by representatives from the National
Evangelisation Team.

It was insightful to hear how other leaders view
their position and fulfill their role, and what that
means to their faith in God.

The Honourable Archbishop Denis Hart ended the
Conversation by answering questions posed by
the student leaders, confronting current political
issues such as gay marriage.

It was an experience that brought new
understanding on what it means to be Catholic
|and inspired the action of Courage to be
implemented not only school, but also when faced
with day-to-day challenges.

We appreciate Ms Marino, taking time out of her
schedule, to share the day with us.

Maeve Gill and Tiana Chandraratne

Shrove Tuesday

Project Compassion Before the Lenten journey began, the Avila
students came together to feast on delicious
Throughout the next few weeks there will be a pancakes, in celebration of Shrove Tuesday.
range of lunch time activities giving students and
staff the opportunity support Project Compassion. Shrove Tuesday is a day for all Catholics
to come together the day before Ash
Every Friday we will be rattling the money tins for Wednesday.
loose change - ‘Loose change Friday’
The Faith and Mission captains, as well as
Start collecting your 50cent pieces for Avila’s first staff, all helped in the making pancakes.
ever house money line competition – how far
around the school can each house take their 50 The tradition of Shrove Tuesday came from
cent money line. Staff will also compete in this the English custom of using up all the rich
competition with all proceeds going to Caritas. ingredients before the 40 days fast. At the
time, it was egg and milk, which once flour
was combined made the simple idea of
making pancakes.

Girls from all year levels came to purchase
pancakes, and the money kicked off our
annual Caritas Australia: Project Compassion.

Together, the Avila girls raised an amazing
$465. An amazing start to the Project
Compassion Campaign!


Reflections on Reflection Day

On Friday the 3 March the Year The School of St Jude soon We discussed the type of people
10 students were involved in developed beginning with only 3 we might be meeting in our
their first Reflection Day. This students. That school, which was placements and it helped many
day helped us prepare for our founded in 2002 now has 1,900 girls truly understand and think
upcoming Community Service pupils, and is changing the lives about what they might face in
and get us in the right mindset to of many children in Tanzania. their placement.
be able to give wholeheartedly to Winrose, was a student at
our placements. St Judes, graduating in 2016. This valuable and interesting day
Through hard work and the would not have been possible
Tanzanian Guest Speakers generosity of sponsorship to without Mrs Marino and the help
attend the School of St Jude, of our Year 10 RE teachers. As
We started the day by developing Winrose has been successful in a cohort, we thank Mrs Marino
a true understanding of where obtaining a placement to study for her constant guidance, as
community service can lead you, Aeronautical Engineering in we prepare for our community
in listening to Gemma Sisia and America. service.
Winrose, who have come from
Tanzania. Community Service There is a wide variety of places
For the rest of the day, we to which we are going for
They spoke to us about their learnt all about our upcoming community service and at the
stories. Gemma grew up in Guyra, Community Service placements. end of a day we were all excited
Northern NSW, and always had A very beneficial activity was about the times ahead, stepping
seen a need for education of the when we discussed what it would out of our comfort zone to aid
poor. When she went to teach in be like to ‘walk in someone else’s others.
Uganda, Gemma fell in love with shoes’.
it. She built a school with $10 and Chiara Smith
a block of land. Y10 Faith and Mission Captain



Lions Club Youth of the Year Zone Final

We wish Emma well in the District Final which she
will compete in after returning from Canberra as
a Victorian representative in the National Schools
Constitutional Convention in March.

Debating News

Round One of the Senior Debaters Association of
Victoria competition was an exciting night with the
St Kevin’s campus alive with many excited debaters
keen to begin the season.

The topics this round were very challenging, but
all debaters engaged wholeheartedly with them to
deliver some very good speeches.

The highlight of the night was the success of so
many of our Year 9 teams who were debating at this
level for the first time.

Congratulations to the recipients of the
“Best Speaker Awards” on the night:

Emma Spencer of Year 12 recently competed Tynah Pearson Marina Baroudi
in the zone final of the Lions Youth of the Year
Competition. Jessica Satya-Graha Paige Bryant

This zone covers Lions Clubs that extend beyond Ashley Ng Kavia Pynadath
the Yarra Valley down to the suburbs along the
south of Port Phillip Bay. Emma continues to shine Alissa Baldwin Isabel Amoranto
through her broad knowledge of politics which has
been enhanced through her excellent results in Alicia Roy Ella Mc Kenzie
Politics and her participation in Debating. Also the
judges have been impressed by her leadership of Christine Valladares
the College’s Reconciliation Group both last and
this year. Public Speaking and Debating Co-ordinator

Photo at top: Lions Youth of the Year Quest2017 Chief Judge Stephen Richards with participating students
L-R Liam MacGregor - Kingswood College, Neha Salahuddin - Mt Waverley Secondary College, Tara Schwarz -
Vermont Secondary College, Emma Spencer - Avila College, Isabella Crouch - Laurieston Girls School



Y8 - Splish Splash Learning

For the past couple of weeks, half of the year 8s We kicked off our shoes and ran straight to the
have been studying coastal landforms and their shoreline. After the selfies were taken and the
characteristics in our geography classes. water fights were settled, we took to exploring
why this coastline is so sandy and, for the sake of
On Wednesday March 8 we had the wonderful fieldwork of course, started building sandcastles
opportunity of visiting the beautiful coastal and scrawling messages in the sand.
destinations of Cape Schanck and Point Leo so that
we could get up close and personal with some of Being able to see these amazing coastal
these amazing coastal landforms. environments in person has been not only a fun
experience but an educational one.
While at Cape Schanck we explored the many rocky
platforms and traversed what seemed like infinite The weather was perfect for our day in an ‘outside
flights of steps. There were plenty of intricate rock classroom’. After all the photos that were taken that
formations for us to photograph and tons of rock day, I’m sure no one will forget it.
pools that we could fall into - which lots of us did!
Matilda Baumann, 8 Green
Upon arriving at Point Leo it was immediately
obvious that this was a different type of coastline;
plenty of sand dunes and a wide glorious beach.


Y12 - Top Class Drama Y11 Geography Excurion
to the Burwood Brickworks
On Friday March 3, the Unit 3 Drama Class,
consisting of five year twelve and four year Year 11 students explored the former Brickworks
eleven students, travelled to the Melbourne site which is currently under redevelopment
Recital Centre in the city to enjoy an afternoon and enjoyed an indepth presentation from the
of Top Class Drama. property developers.

This was one of three concerts presented 17
by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment
Authority showcasing nine of the top-scoring
Unit 4 Drama solo performances from the 2016
examination period.

These solo performances are the culmination of
months of hard work in VCE Drama, compacted
into a very brief seven minutes each. Going
to see the best of the best of these solo
performances is excellent preparation for the
performance exam each student in our Drama
class will undertake in October this year. This
was confirmed by the hundreds of VCE Drama
students and their teachers who were seated in
the auditorium alongside us.

For our solo performance examination in
Drama, we are given outlines on characters
and important points that we must include
in our task. These character exams are never
simple and require extensive research. For
example, one performer we saw on our
excursion performed the character “liberty”,
a topic that is both vital in today’s society as
well as a right that is fought for and splattered
across the pages of history. In seven minutes
the performer must convey their message in
a creative and abstract way involving different
dramatic elements, performance skills,
expressive skills and stage techniques.

The creativity of the performers was absolutely
incredible to watch and admire as role models
for our up-and-coming exams. We hope that we
can reach the talent and sophistication of the
students we saw at this year’s Top Class Drama

Georgia Pitt and Ashleigh Janky


Year 12 - Life Lessons

Year 12 Religion and Society students visit the Jewish Museum of Australia and the Holocaust Museum.
For students who need to investigate the meaning and purpose of life; the meaning of pain and
suffering; the relationships humans should have with one another; the nature of God there could be
no more profound and insightful experience than visiting the Jewish Museum of Australia and the
Holocaust Museum.

Our guide at the Jewish Museum, We were touched by Susie’s that everyone in Melbourne
Susie, was a delight as she led stories that explored the should have.
us through Jewish history, rituals, symbolism of the Jewish wedding
festivals and worship. and the reverence of the Jewish It is such a privilege to know that
funeral. we are part of the last generation
She taught us a great deal about who will hear the personal
the beauty of an ancient belief Sharing prayers that would be stories of a Holocaust survivor.
system that our tradition echoes said as blessings at a Sabbath Joe’s story to us was profoundly
in so many ways. celebration was very special. moving.

We were surprised by how It was with a broadened It was a story of tragic loss of
small the Jewish community is understanding of Judaism that family, home, nation, and dignity
in Australia even though their we moved on to the Holocaust - yet he remains positive as
history goes back to the First Museum - this is an experience he knows that life can change;
Fleet. that God is present and that a
mother’s love can sustain a child
through the worst of times.

He spoke of the hope that a loaf
of bread can give to those who
are starving and the joy of two
pieces of chocolate given by a
guard in a concentration camp
who saw Joe as person, not a

Reflections from the Yr 12
Religion and Soceity class




+ Reminders

Ash Wednesday Absentee Line - 9831 9696 Australiner Buses

Avila College acknowledged A ‘user friendly’ absentee line Students travelling via Australiner
Ash Wednesday and the Lenten has been established to enable Buses should note that due to
period with a liturgy and parents to record student heavy traffic congestion recently,
administering of ashes. absences quickly and easily. the A3 and A4 bus routes will now
depart stops 5 minutes earlier on
Public Speaking Captains Please call the Absentee Line the way to school.
on 9831 9696 before 10am to
Together with Mrs Valladeras, record any student absence. Any enquiries can be made
Public Speaking and Debating For your convenience, this line is directly to Australiner on 9543 1222
Captains Dena Tissera and Tynah available 24/7.
Pearson introduced Y8 students Late Passes
to the public speaking and A fridge magnet with details of
debating opportunities within the absentee line number was All students arriving at school
Avila College and conducted sent home with all students. late must report to the General
the Y7 Trivia Competition. Extra magents are available from Office where they will be issued
Congratulations to the winning the General Office. with a Late Pass which students
team of Adriana Caratti, Sophie present to their class teacher.
Busscher, Jenica Rodrigues,
Cynthia Cheniart, Simran Sandhu Students must confirm the
and Oviya Ponkathirvarathan. reason for arriving late by:-

Year 11 Biology Class • a note from a parent/medical
professional, or
Year 11 Biology students were
‘hands on’ in the science lab this • a telephone message to the
week learning about anatomy College from a parent
through dissections.
Late passes are also issued when
a school bus arrives late.

Early Leave Passes

All students are required to bring
a note to present to their Home
Room teacher for early departure
for any reason.






2017 Avila College Swimming Carnival

On Thursday March 2, Avila College Congratulations to Audrey Charlton
held its annual House Swimming from Year 11 who won in a blistering
Carnival at Melbourne Sports and time of 32.64 seconds.
Aquatic Centre.
The race for House honours as
Not only was this a day of great always was hotly contested, with
competition, but also a celebration of Flynn, MacKillop and Chisholm
house spirit and colour. house competing desperately to
wrestle back the trophy that Nagle
The day was feverishly embraced convincingly won last year.
by all, highlighted by a record
attendance and outstanding This year however, it was Flynn who
participation. came out on top.

Students demonstrated their Congratulations not only to Flynn
participation not only in the House, but to all students involved on
swimming pool, but also by assisting the day.
around pool deck, and by supporting
their fellow competitors in the stands. A special thank you to all staff for
their hard work in helping to make
The Points Swim was again one of the the day a great success and to all the
highlights of the day with brilliant parents who came along to support
participation from students from their daughters.
all houses. A special thanks and
congratulations must be given to the Tim Ross
student leaders on the day who were Sports Co-ordinator
instrumental in driving the festival
like atmosphere.

Another highlight of the day was the House Results
inaugural running of the Avila ‘Splash
and Dash’. This event pits the 8 1st Flynn - 1165
fastest freestyle swimmers across the
entire College against each other over 2nd Nagle - 818
50 frantic metres! The first addition of 3rd MacKillop
the race did not disappoint with the 4th Chisholm - - 790
result going right down to the wire. 700


Watch the Swimming Carnival
Video! Log on to the Avila
Facebook Page and view all
the action and excitement.

Avila Aces!

Congratulations to the Avila College Junior Tennis Team on winning the SCSA Division 2 Competition!





Deakin University


Pathways Co-ordinator During term 1 school
holidays students are
[email protected] invited to experience Deakin
University. Students will be
taken on a 45 minute tour of
their chosen campus, where
they will find out more about
university life, study areas
and be able to gain a feel
for the campus from their
tour guide, a current Deakin

Mrs Geraldine McKenna Where: Geelong (Waurn
Ponds and Waterfront),
Careers Melbourne Burwood and
Warrnambool Campuses
[email protected]
When: Every Monday and
Thursday of the school
holidays Time: 10.00 am and
3.00 pm

For registrations and to find
out more about Step on
Campus, visit http://www.


Community Student Safety
Notices Traffic
St Jude’s Family Fun Fair
Because safety is a key issue for all our Avila
Saturday 18th March 2017 students, we ask for support and co-operation
11am to 9pm from parents when driving near the school.
Please refer to the above diagram and follow a
George Street, Scoresby clockwise direction when dropping off or picking
up students and note:
Pre-sale discount all day wristbands Parking areas for parents
available for St Jude’s Fair only $35.00 Drop off areas
Bus parking only
(discount of $10.00). All wristbands Staff parking only
include a free sausage in bread. Flow of traffic
For the safety of all students, staff and parents, we
Available until 5pm Wednesday 15 March ask that no cars come past Portsmouth Street to
at the dead-end part of Charles Street. We also ask
that you are mindful of neighbours’ access to their
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BEING driveways. We urge parents to please follow the
CONFIRMED in 2017? recommended route when dropping off or picking
up their daughters.
At Holy Saviour Parish we offer a six
week Confirmation preparation program 23
designed for students in Year Levels 10,
11 and 12 (16 years+) in readiness for
the Sacrament of Confirmation to be
celebrated on Sunday 4 June at 11am.

Come along with a parent and sample a
session at the Information Evening on
19th April at 6.30pm (Enrolments close on
21st April).

For further information and enrolment
forms please visit the Parish website: or
contact Mo Cromar, Pastoral Associate at
Holy Saviour Parish Office Tel: 9803 3554/
email: [email protected]

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