March 16 | 2018
From the
Dr Michelle Cotter Embrace
the experience
Exec. MBA, M.Ed. Leadership, This week daring at Avila has
M.Ed. RE, Post Grad. Dip. IT, headed outdoors! Year 7's have
Post Grad. Dip. Adult Ed., headed off to Marysville, Year 9's to
Grad. Dip. RE, B.Ed Lake Eildon and Year 10's out into
the community.
35 Charles Street,
Mount Waverley, Learning and teaching in the 21st Congratulations to all students who
Victoria 3149 century offers many opportunities enthusiastically participated in the
T 03 9831 9600 and a rich tapestry of challenges to pool and in the grandstands, to
[email protected] engage, extend and enrich the way Mr Ross who organised and led the our young people see and experience event and to all staff who took up
their world. With programs designed duties to ensure the day ran smoothly.
Avila College acknowledges the and supported by College staff we
Wurundjeri people, the traditional are indeed fortunate to have Avila As we continue to journey through
custodians of the land on which College staff willing and able to Lent we have a chance to take quiet
the College is built. go the extra mile (sometimes with moments in our daily lives if we
2 backpack and hiking boots!). Thank choose to. As people of Avila we
you to all staff who have ventured might choose to consider what our
outside of their usual work routines individual Lenten journey could be
and congratulations to our students and should be if we are truly living
who have dared themselves to learn out the Gospel in our relationships
beyond the classroom! and in the way we contribute to
the world. We might choose to give
Last week ended with our whole something up as a sacrifice and we
school community at MSAC with much may choose to do something “good”
cheering, singing, swimming and too. We might just stumble upon
hoopla! The annual College swimming the chance to be the hands and feet
carnival provided one of those special of Christ in our everyday lives and
moments when we get to celebrate hopefully we each dare to take up
our spirit and our competitive spirit these opportunities.
together - Avila people joining
together! Happy Learning!
Dr Cotter
Women's Day Prayer
Today we honour the women of all times
and places:
Women of courage.
Women of hope.
Women of suffering.
Women of mourning.
Women living fully.
Women experiencing joy.
Women delighting in life.
Women giving life.
Women knowing the interconnectedness
of the human family.
Women promoting human flourishing
Women boldly leading the transformation
of unjust global structures.
Women seeking and sharing wisdom.
Women seeking and sharing love.
Loving God, we celebrate your faithfulness
and love.
On this day we commit ourselves to the
promotion of the full humanity of all women
everywhere. We know that whatever denies,
diminishes, or distorts the full humanity of
women is not of God.
Help us to be faithful to your call to love.
Faith Open New Horizons for Spreading Joy
and Mission
It is Catholic Education Week and Grace Giuliano
Ms Carmela Marino shares her thoughts on what is unique about the
Catholic school experience, from a student’s perspective.
Director of Faith and Mission
groups, music groups, book club or
[email protected] just discovering new friendships
through joining in.
Tiana Chandraratne
Chiara Smith Grace Giuliano We bring joy into our own lives
Grace Giuliano Y10 Faith + Mission Captain by taking up these opportunities
Caitlin Grima and spreading joy into the lives of
Attending a Catholic school not others. Being a part of occasions
Faith and Mission Captains only offers opportunities to further such as the Red Cross Door Knock
our religious studies, but also a or even fundraising for Caritas,
Catholic chance to be a part of something allows you to be exposed to the
Education bigger, such as a loving, welcoming, possibilities of bringing joy to
Week accepting and supportive people you may not even know.
4 As we are such blessed people,
This year Catholic Education Week is being able to bring joy to the less
even more special to students as its fortunate is a blessing to us.
theme is Discovering New Horizons,
linking with Pope Francis’ call to Last year’s College Feast Day was a
young people to "open new horizons beautiful celebration. With a Spanish
for spreading joy.” fiesta theme to celebrate our
namesake St Teresa of Avila, whilst
This really connects to Avila as we also celebrating our Irish origins in
are constantly trying to put our faith Nano Nagle, we remember that right
into action by being the hands and from the start, Avila has always had
feet of Christ. a special blend of two origins under
the umbrella of Catholicism.
We strive to inform others of what
is happening in the world through Being Catholic does not mean we
Reconciliation Group and Young shut ourselves off from the world,
Vinnies. but that we want to spread joy to all.
We have so many diverse ways for We appreciate everything that we Fait
students to experience leadership at have and we want to share it with and
Avila, to challenge ourselves to grow, everyone.
to gain new skills and to use our
gifts and talents. Catholic means “All embracing,’ and
to be part of a Catholic community
We respond to the invitation to try is to be ready to open ourselves
out new things and open those up to see the world in a richer, all
horizons, whether it be through embracing way.
public speaking and debating, art
Year 7 + Year 12 Reflection Days Faith and
Sunday's Gospel
Sunday 18 March
5th Sunday of Lent
John 3: 14–21
Jesus converses
with Nicodemus.
Sunday 25 March
Palm Sunday
Mark 14: 1 – 15: 47
The Passion.
Friday 16 March
National Day
of Action Against
Bullying and
17 March
Solemnity of St
17 - 25 March
Cultural Diversity
Monday 19 March
Solemnity of
St Joseph, Spouse
of the Blessed
Virgin Mary
and Teaching
Parent Student Teacher Meetings
Mrs Madeleine Franken 3:30pm – 8:30pm Monday 26 March
3:30pm – 8:30pm Wednesday 28 March
Deputy Principal
Learning & Teaching Classes will finish at 1:10pm on both days
[email protected] All parents are reminded that bookings Bookings may be altered up to 5:00pm
for Parent-Student-Teacher meetings on Sunday 25 March but early booking
Ms Angela Torelli need to be made using their PAM is advised.
Director of Studies Y10 - 12 Please note carefully whether your
Once in PAM, parents should click on booking is for Monday 26 March or
[email protected] the link to Parent Teacher Interviews in Wednesday 28 March.
the top right corner.
Ms Klara Baka Parents are also advised that teachers
We encourage all students to attend regularly provide feedback to students
Director of Studies Y7-9 with their parents to discuss progress on assessment tasks that can be viewed
and to plan for future learning. via PAM.
[email protected]
The informality of such meetings can Both the comments and the grades can
ease anxieties and provide a useful be seen in real time once the task has
opportunity to develop a better been marked and released to students
understanding of what will help each by the teacher.
student to succeed.
If there are problems associated with
Although interviews are limited to accessing PAM to make bookings
five minutes each, if a longer time is or view assessment tasks, please
required with a specific teacher, the contact the IT Help Desk at the College
meeting can be used to make individual [email protected]
arrangements to continue discussion or or 9831 9600.
review again at a time negotiated early
in term two. Madeleine Franken
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching
'Girls in single-sex schools are nearly twice as likely to study VCE chemistry and
specialist maths than those in co-ed school, new research has found'
'Year 10 student Beatrice van Rest of Avila College in Mount Waverley will be
filling her VCE schedule with science and maths subjects'
Excerpt from The Age, March 1, 2018
Cyber Bullying
As part of Avila College’s upcoming commitment to, and recognition of,
The National Day of Action Against Violence and Bullying, we are focusing
on the issue of cyber bullying.
Ms Janine Bauman Avila will be actively raising awareness The Age recently published an
on Friday 23 March for The National interesting article, "Parents can do more
Deputy Principal Students Day of Action Against Violence which is to stop cyber bullying" highlighting
recognised nationally on 16 March. ways in which parents can be proactive
[email protected] Raising awareness and understanding in cyber space and a useful parent
of this issue is one of the first key steps information sheet is available from The
Mrs Anne Stephens we can take as a community towards Department of Education and Training.
Director of Pastoral Care Y7-9 We encourage parents to read these
At our school we treat others the resources and continue the discussion
[email protected] way we want to be treated. at home.
Friday 16 March 2018 Some of the key points have been
summarised here together with links to other useful resources.
If you would like more information,
please contact your daughter’s
homeroom teacher or Year Level
We also have the Avila Counselling
team available to support students.
Together, lets build awareness
and say Bullying. No Way!
Janine Bauman
Deputy Principal Students
Mrs Anna Marvelli Together we can actively discuss cyber
bullying, encourage transparency
Director of Pastoral Care Y10-12 around digital behaviours and regularly
check in with students about what they
[email protected] are doing, seeing and feeling online.
Understanding Useful Links
Cyber Bullying
Cyberbullying Susan McLean
How is cyber bullying different to traditional Cyberbullying
face to face bullying?
Digital technology enables the bully to ‘follow’ their Cyberbullying can be pervasive and incessant.
victim 24/7 and often publicly, as many others can Parents should be aware of what they can do to help.
see or share what is written or posted online.
What is ‘cyberbullying’? Forms of cyberbullying
How can I recognise if my child is
being cyber-bullied? Cyberbullying is bullying behaviour, using digital • sending nasty texts, picture messages, emails,
Refer to this information sheet. Bearing in mind technology, including the internet, email or or instant messages (e.g. MSN or Facebook)
that cyber bullying may not be the cause of these mobile phones.
behaviour changes, some of the symptoms to look • repeated prank phone calls
out for include: Like any bullying, cyberbullying often occurs • using a person’s screen name to pretend
· Mood and demeanour changes between people that know each other—students at
· Friendship group changes a school, members of a sporting club, people from to be them (setting up a fake account)
· Changes in academic results and study patterns the same social circle, ‘friends of a friend’. • using a person’s password to access their
· Secretive behaviour
· Changes in online behaviour Cyberbullying is pervasive and incessant. It differs account and then pretending to be them
· Being reclusive and not wanting to go out from face-to-face bullying in that the bully can • forwarding others’ private emails, messages,
‘follow’ their victim 24/7, and continue the bullying
What can I do if my child is being cyber-bullied? in the home. Cyberbullies may take advantage of pictures or videos without permission
A full list of advice is included here. the perception of anonymity (e.g. using an account • posting mean or nasty comments
• Talk to your child and ask them if they are ok. in a fake name, or a blocked number) but in many
cases it is clear who is behind the bullying. or pictures on chat or forums
Is there anything they would like to talk about? • sending and/or forwarding sexually
• Acknowledge their response and reassure them Cyberbullying can be particularly harmful as it is
often a public form of humiliation and many others explicit images (‘sexting’)
you are there to help. are able to see what is written or posted. Once • intentionally excluding others
• Do not intervene or interact with the bully something is published online, it is difficult if not
• Save copies of any content such as emails or impossible to remove all traces of it. from an online group.
posts Advice Sheets: Cyberbullying | © 2013 | Department of Education and Training | Susan McLean, Cybersafety Solutions Page 1
• Help your child block and delete the bully from
Parent Information sheet
any networks or contact lists. Department of Education and Training.
• Inform Avila College. You can contact your
Office of the ESafety Commissioner
daughter’s Homeroom teacher or Year Level The Alannah & Madeleine Foundation
Friendly Schools
What do I do if I discover my child is the bully?
As described in this parent tip sheet, it can be a
shock to discover that your daughter may have
engaged in bullying behaviours. However they do
need to understand that there are consequences.
It is important to help them understand what are
acceptable and unacceptable behaviours both
online and offline. Monitor their online behaviours
and most importantly contact Avila College.
More details are in the parent tip sheet.
and Public
Avila v Mazenod On International Women's Day, Avila
hosted a debate with Mazenod students.
Anna Zhang & Olivia Di Petta Passionate young men and women
Year 11 debated affirmative action, a topic
prevalent in our society today. It was
a fascinating experience to see such
an enthusiastic and sophisticated
understanding of affirmative action.
The crowd was enthralled with the gripping
debate, energetically cheering along for
both sides.
Not only did both sides speak and conduct
themselves with confidence, some of our
Avila students dressed up with enthusiasm
for International Women’s Day, and along
with this, in the spirit of gender equality,
the result was declared a draw.
Round 1 Avila had a very good opening round of It was lovely to see a number of our Avila
DAV competition of debating with eight out of Alumnae adjudicating for the DAV. One of
Debating our thirteen senior teams winning. our former students has gone on to have
a leadership role with the DAV and with
Congratulations to the students who were the Monash Association of Debaters.
awarded "Best Speaker Awards": Kiran
Kottakkal, Angelina Li & Isabel Amoranto.
'The world assumes that we’re all
Kardashian-loving, apathetic, and self-
interested teens – ignorant to global
discussions, but in fact, we are really
paying attention'
Excerpt from Sophia Grubnic IWD speech opposite
One the workplace. For every dollar the injustice! and draw attention to
Day average working man makes in the what needs to be addressed”.
I Will... US, a black woman makes 59 cents. Soon, we will be the leaders,
Bringing it back home, in Australia, the voters, the academics and
Sophia Grubnic further making the glass ceiling entertainers and journalists
IWD Today's Girls, Tomorrow's real, there are currently more male and diplomats and politicians,
Leaders Rotary Speech CEOs named David than there are and, because of the role models
women CEOs in total. we have today and the impact
At the end of this year I will gradu- we feel we will not be ushered
ate from high school and I’m going The impact of these media debates into a culture of acquiescence.
to take my paddling baby steps out has been tangible. Online and at Instead, like the suffragettes, and
of the children’s swimming pool of school my peers stand in solidarity, the feminists of the 70s, we will
life and dive into the deep end of I see friends sharing articles on continue to fight with passion,
the real world. Of course, I’m not facebook about New Zealand’s making our predecessors proud
alone, I have thousands of female prime minister, Jacinda Arden, she’s and inspiring future generations of
peers in the same position and we currently balancing motherhood women.
are walking hand in hand. These and running an entire nation. In
young women, who walk life in the classroom, girls deliver english The former US Secretary of State,
time with me, are all coming into orals on the prejudice against Madeleine Albright, said “It took
contact with the discussions that transgender women, in our free me quite a long time to develop
surround women’s rights, misogyny time, at lunch, my friends and a voice, and now that I have it, I
and gender stereotyping. Whether I are talking about politics and am not going to be silent”. Young
we actively seek it out or are just feminism that's topical in the news. women from my generation aren’t
doing our own thing, it’s impossi- Every step builds more confidence just diving into the deep end of
ble to ignore and impossible not to in what we say, more passion in life, we’re being flung into stormy,
be affected. what we think and more interest in stormy seas, and I strongly believe
creating our own opinions. Albright’s sentiment is felt in us all.
Last year, Carrie Gracie of the BBC Women have fought for centuries
fearlessly spoke out about the Young people often feel that to develop our voice – today, I am
equal pay fraud that personally we’re underestimated. The indescribably grateful, that I can
affected her and all her female world assumes that we’re all be born into this generation where
colleagues. Similarly, Serena Kardashian-loving, apathetic, and my struggle has been alleviated
Williams wrote an essay about pay self-interested teens – ignorant to by those I can now admire, both
inequality particular to women of global discussions, but in fact, we women and men, who came before
colour. We also saw the rise of the are really paying attention we’re me. I thank them, those from the
supportive ‘hashtag’ metoo trend really learning and observing first wave who established our
and the Times Up movement, and thinking about the actions cause and won us the right to vote.
both of which address sexual we will take in our futures. These I thank those from the second
harassment and rape culture. movements have a ripple effect wave, who integrated us into the
and we are learning that we don’t workforce, I thank those of you
These were all catalysts in the have to think “Well, it is what who have been a part of the third
discussions of gender equality, and it is.” Girls of the 21st century wave now, who have worked to
grasped the attention of girls both are growing up seeing women address the pain felt globally by
online and in the school network. supporting each other and women due to race, poverty and
We discovered stories, found advocating for each other’s rights, corporate closed doors. And to
heroes and learned facts we never we learn that it is okay, that it is those in the audience like me, who
would have thought to discover fantastic, to say are going to be the next wave, work
previously. 1 in 3 women aged 18- hard and keep at it because we are
34, my age, is sexually harassed in “No. lets stop ignoring the next in turn to change the world.
discrimination, the misogyny, the
Women's Day
Prakashika Ravi & Lily Maul On Thursday 8 March, International Women’s Day, the Avila College
Year 11 Quill and Ink Writers Guild Parents and Friends Association hosted a delicious breakfast with
guest speaker, Avila Alumnae, Paola Di Trocchio, who graduated in
the Class of 1998.
Paola Di Trocchio is currently the Dior” and the “Bvlgari” exhibition. possible without an ongoing
Acting Senior Curator of Fashion dedication to study.
and Textiles at the NGV. It was truly inspiring to hear her
speak about the twenty years after During her talk, she went over
Essentially her job is to represent her graduation and the passion briefly her time at Avila and
artists, in her case fashion that drove her to the fashion concluded that it was a wonderful
designers, showcase their work industry, eventually becoming a and ‘grounding’ environment to
and highlight the messages that fashion curator at the National grow up in. It was an extremely
fashion designers are attempting Gallery of Victoria. comforting thing to hear from a
to convey to their audience such as woman who went through the
gender issues within fashion. Her ‘vigorous journey’ to success is same experiences as we, current
one of hard work and clear goals, Avila students, are.
Through her fifteen years of work beginning from her time at Avila.
at the NGV, Paolao Di Trocchio has In a girls school, it is impossible
curated over twenty textiles shows, An internship and Dean's not to underestimate the
her most notable curation of which scholarship provided the practical importance of role models like
to Avila students is “The House of beginnings for her current success Paola Di Trocchio.
which could not have been
Hearing a woman speak about sexism in the fashion industry, she Paola Di Trocchio’s further went
pursuing her dreams is powerful. answered with a hopeful message on to say that throughout history
Especially for young women who of change. ‘fashion brings women freedom’
have not yet entered the world of and has empowered women to
careers and may feel that many Paola acknowledged industry be more than what they were
career paths have no room for issues such as the treatment expected to be.
them. of young models and garment
workers but is positive about Paola Di Trocchio delivered a
Paola Di Trocchio was able to the future. She declared that the powerful speech describing the
provide a positive influence for “fashion industry has gotten away very rewarding and inspiring story
students unsure of their futures with dark things but its treatment of her experiences after Avila
and abilities and give hope for of people is improving and the College and in the fashion industry.
those who have similar aspirations. treatment of women is changing The insight she gave from her
and is getting better”. job regarding her hard work and
She showed us that we can follow determination proved to all girls
our dreams, practically and in Paola also said that Melbourne present that our aspirations truly
principle. ‘offers opportunities for women are achievable.
to pursue their dreams’ and is a
When asked about the nature of thriving city for the arts.
Meg Allan Caroline Chisholm | 1808 - 1877
10 Gold
Philanthropist and Promoter of Immigrant Rights
In celebration of Chisholm House Day, Year 10 student Meg Allan
explores the life and legacy of the woman who inspires the name
and values of Avila College's green Chisholm House.
In the 1830's of Australia, New wife, Lady Gipps, and despite life in Australia so that British
South Wales was falling into discouragements, she managed to immigrants would have a more
a depression and throngs convince them to let her use part thorough knowledge of what their
of immigrants were not only of the old immigration barracks. new home would be like and be
unemployed, but had no means of better prepared for the colony.
finding work to support themselves She set up a Female Immigrants’
during this tough time. Home, which was entirely Now, almost 150 years after
dependent on public subscription, her death, Caroline Chisholm’s
Caroline Chisholm was a but it housed up to 96 women, example inspires us, as women of
philanthropist in Northampton, and attached was the only free Avila, to become better advocates
England, who converted to employment registry in Sydney. for those in need.
Catholicism, and travelled from
Northampton to Sydney with her This home did not last long as It’s important for us to not only
husband and two sons at the time, she was soon able to help the understand what she did, but to
where they decided to live for a women residing there, finding follow in her footsteps and forge a
period of time. She could see many them permanent employment and better Australia for people in our
people, women in particular, who accommodation, thus assisting community who are in need of
needed her help. their families too. When Caroline advocacy and opportunity.
Chisholm asked for support from
Caroline Chisholm went on to meet the broader community, she was
every immigrant ship, becoming often faced with rejection, and
a familiar figure on the wharves, ended up helping the women and
looking for women who needed their families entirely at her own
help. She sheltered immigrant girls expense.
in her home and helped them to
find work. Caroline Chisholm’s kindness and
determination to create permanent
In January of 1841, Caroline homes and opportunity for women
wanted a place to house these in Australia touched the hearts
immigrant women; she approached of many people. She was able to
the Governor Sir Gipps, and his collect over 600 statements about
Avila House
Watch the Video
Sport and PE
Triathlon + Tennis
Triathlon Championship Annabelle competed as a team in the
Intermediate division placing 26th
Congratulations to Amy Burns, out of 159 teams. Prue and Chiara
Annabelle Avgeridis and Prue Roach combined in the senior division,
of Year 9 and Chiara Smith of Year placing 59th out of 156 teams, a brilliant
11 who recently completed in the performance considering for each of
Inaugural Victorian All Schools them this was their very first Triathlon!
Triathlon Championships. Amy and
SCSA Tennis Tournament
The Avila tennis team had a fabulous
day on the court with the Juniors
finishing first in their division and
the Intermediate and Senior squad
securing 2nd position on the day.
Well done!
Girls Who Dare - Chiara Smith
Abbey Chiara Smith, from Year 11 is the having an active role in the pancake
Goullet next student to feature in our selling on Shrove Tuesday!
College ‘Girls Who Dare’ series as she is
Captain an active inspiration to all of the Not only is Chiara inspirational on
Avila Community. paper, as she juggles the many extra
curricular activities she chooses to
Chiara is officially our Year 11 Faith be part of, her smiling face makes
and Mission Leader, but continually her approachable to all. Whenever
leads the school in many unofficial you turn a corner you see Chiara
ways. Already, only four weeks into talking to one of the many girls who
the term she is participating in a rightfully look up to her!
number of sports teams, taking on
Cricket, Swimming and Diving. This 2018 will be a big year for her as she
means that Tuesday, Wednesday, tackles Year 12 Biology together with
Thursday and Friday mornings are five Year 11 subjects. Chiara was also
spent in the pool, whilst Thursday recently selected to be the Year 11
afternoon is spent in the gym. representative for the newly founded
Avila SRC.
Chiara has already assisted with a
beautiful opening school Mass, and We at Avila, are so proud and
helped introduce the ‘Caritas for Ks’ honoured to have Chiara showing
lunchtime program to raise money us the meaning of DARE TO DO.
for Project Compassion. Chiara has Someone so willing to get involved
been seen speaking and assisting and inspire the girls around her.
girls in the House Liturgy as well as
Be sure to listen out for her
infectious laugh!
Georgiana Stathopoulos Year 8
Year 8 Coastal
Mrs Andrea McCann Fieldwork
Geography Studies Trip
On Monday 5 March, four Year 8 classes went to We then set off to Sorrento front beach, where we
the Sorrento back beach and foreshore to do some observed some dramatic differences. The foreshore
research on how the natural and human processes had little to no waves and the water looked a bit
can impact on a place. Our first stop was the back polluted. The water was a light green colour in some
beach, which had rough waves but was at low tide. places but in others was a dark green. There was
The water was a clear blue colour. We saw a variety of much greater evidence of the human impact on this
landforms, including stacks, rocky platforms, notches landscape.
in the cliff and even a small arch that has formed on
a headland. Overall, It was a fun and educational day.
News, Study Buddy
Updates Introducing “Study Buddy”, our
after school Homework Club that
+ Reminders runs in the library on Tuesdays
and Thursday 3.15-4.30pm! This is
VCAl visit to Fiona Boulous What I enjoyed supervised by staff and all Avila
FareShare students are welcome to attend.
Year 11 about FareShare
VCAL’s recent ‘Study Buddy’ allows students to
visit to FareShare was that I got to access support and additional help
Food Charity with classwork and homework in a
in Abbotsford make the sausage rolls and that safe and friendly environment. Like
highlighted to me Avila’s lunchtime “Catch Up Corner,”
Tahlia Baldwin how lucky we are we got to prepare the food for “Study Buddy” provides valuable,
& Mrs Gannon to get 3 meals a professional tuition style help to its
day. FareShare the sausage rolls. We made a lot students.
is a charitable organisation that
prepares and distributes meals to of food for the homeless people Student
people in crisis. Community groups of the Term
such as schools are able to spend and that was a really good feeling.
a day in their kitchen helping out, Nominations are open
and that is what we did. We worked I also enjoyed making the pastry
on a production line and made The Student of the Term Award
hundreds of sausage rolls, that we parcels that were stuffed with is a recognition of individual
later enjoyed for morning tea. We students who seek excellence for
also made filo pastry parcels. meat. Just helping the homeless themselves and our school.
people was a great experience. The award recognises and
celebrates student achievement in
In 2017 FareShare cooked nearly the "every day of school life".
1.2 million meals and rescued 821
tones of food to do this. FareShare It has particular focus on students
don't purchase their food, the contributing to our learning
food is donated from local community culture in an all-round
supermarkets just before it expires, way. One student from each year
so in this way the food is rescued level is recognised each term.
and put to better use. Knowing we
were helping people in need was a All students and staff can nominate
great feeling. a student to receive the Student of
the Term Award by completing the
google form located on SIMON in
School Links/Local Links.
Nominations close
Friday 23 March.
CSSS Quarterly Meeting Avila Calendar
Dates & Events
Avila recently hosted the Catholic Schools Support
Services (CSSS) quarterly network meeting, which Tuesday 20 March
sees counsellors from Catholic Secondary Colleges Diversity Week
listening to a speaker, sharing ideas and discussing
the challenging issues they are dealing with on a daily Thursday 22 March
basis. Avila Open Morning | 9.00-10.30am
Our Deputy Principal, Students, Janine Bauman Friday 23 March
informed participants about the Respectful National Day of Action Against
Relationships Program, and how Avila has been Violence & Bullying
integrating the program into school curriculum.
Saturday 24 March
The CSSS network provides opportunity for Red Cross Door Knock Appeal
professional development and enables Avila
counsellors to benefit from the support and expertise Monday 26 March
of counselling colleagues in other schools. Wednesday 28 March
Parent Teacher Student Meetings
Donna Teekens | School Counsellor Avila College 3.30-8.30pm
Early dismissal at 1.10pm
Thursday 29 March
End of Term 1
School Finishes 3.10pm
Wednesday 21 March, 1-4pm
Wednesday 28 March, 1-4pm
8am - 4.30pm
SCHOOL on 9831 9696