April 27 | 2018
From the Principal
Commemorating Nano Nagle
Nano Nagle - woman of strength, resolve, fortitude and creativity.
A woman who in her time set in place a pilgrimage that continues today, some 300 Years after her death on the 26th April, 1784.
We at Avila share her pilgrim journey as a school established in the tradition of the Presentation Sisters whom Nano founded.
This rst few weeks of Term Two I nd myself a Presentation pilgrim, along with Ms Marino (Director of Faith and Mission) on a pilgrimage that has started at Avila College in Mt Waverley and taken us to Ireland.
I look forward to this pilgrimage experience shedding a new light on my seeing, experiencing and hearing the story of Nano Nagle.
As I deepen my understanding and appreciation of her journey I am seeking to re ect on how as an educator and leader I can be a true steward of her vision.
Our pilgrimage today, on the other side of the world from her hometown of Ballygrif n, County Cork, Ireland is of course different but it is inspired by and in the spirit of her vision of empowerment.
With this spirit carrying us we journey with the Avila family in our hearts.
We commenced our pilgrimage on Monday of this week along with staff from across Australian Presentation ministries. We began by re ecting on the idea of being pilgrims, not just travellers.
The word pilgrimage elicits a range of different thoughts, feelings and ideas and the concept of being a pilgrim is deeply personal. It places us in the footsteps of those who have gone before us and calls us to take each step physically, in our hearts and
in our minds considering what the journey means for us today.
Beginning to walk as pilgrims in the footsteps of Nano Nagle in Dublin we have visited the place where Nano undertook her novitiate, Georges Hill.
This holy place sits alongside the oldest Catholic and Presentation school in Ireland, Georges Hill Presentation Primary School that last year celebrated its 250th anniversary.
Our experience with students and staff inspired each of the pilgrims to think about how Nano would call us to offer support to this Presentation school that provides an education for some of the poorest in Ireland.
As we continue on our pilgrimage and as this newsletter goes to print we will journey to Cork, Limerick and Waterford.
Dr Michelle Cotter
Exec. MBA, M.Ed. Leadership, M.Ed. RE, Post Grad. Dip. IT, Post Grad. Dip. Adult Ed., Grad. Dip. RE, B.Ed
35 Charles Street, Mount Waverley, Victoria 3149
T 03 9831 9600 [email protected]
Avila College acknowledges the Wurundjeri people, the traditional custodians of the land on which the College is built.
Whilst each day, with tired feet we physically rest as night falls, it is in the quiet of our minds and hearts that we re ect on our learnings
for the day. St Thomas More’s observation, “There is never a pilgrim who returns home without one less prejudice and one new idea” rings most true.
Happy Learning!
Dr Cotter
Avila College Board
Annual General Meeting
Please be advised that the 2018 Avila College Board AGM is scheduled for Tuesday 15 May at 5:30pm in the Gathering Space.
All members of the Avila College community are welcome to attend.
Please RSVP to [email protected]
Nano Nagle Prayer
Lord God,
You raise up people from age to age to speak anew Your Word to us and to show us your ways.
Such is Nano Nagle.
In days when courage is needed, you give us this woman of strength to walk before us with conviction.
In days of great change, you present us with a prophet whose faith is rm.
As the light of her lantern brought hope into the lives made wretched by poverty and oppression,
so may she inspire us to compassionate action for those in need around us.
and Mission
Nano Nagle The Lady of the Lantern Commemorating the 300th anniversary of Nano Nagle's death | 26 April 1784
Beatrice van Rest
Year 10
Mieke De Vries
Year 10
However, despite these barriers
that presented many risks, Nano continued to serve the underprivileged, disregarding her own safety.
Her dedication to providing poor Irish Catholic children with an education is a testimony to her compassionate and sel ess personality.
Nano Nagle opened seven schools for poor children during her lifetime, the rst in 1754 with a enrolment of thirty ve girls in a two-room cabin. She taught children literacy, mathematics and catechism during the day, and later visited the sick and elderly well into the night.
It was during her nightly ventures
with an oil lamp that she attained the affectionate nickname, The Lady of the Lantern.
Nano’s dedication to providing hope through compassion and education is an inspiration to the many people who continue her work today.
She established her own order of nuns in 1775, the Presentation Sisters, who founded Avila many years after her death.
Nano Nagle has been said to have saved the Irish culture by reinvigorating the desire to learn and have faith, even when doing so was perilous.
“Love one another as you have hitherto done.” - The last words of Nano Nagle.
Three centuries ago, in 1718 Ireland, The Lady of the Lantern was born.
Honora "Nano" Nagle dedicated her
life to providing education and comfort to those bearing the brunt of the oppressive British government, and founded the order of the Presentation Sisters. She was sel ess and giving, and her legacy continues to inspire others to this day.
Nano and her sister, Ann, received their education in Paris, France, having been born into a wealthy Catholic family, and it was here where she later became
a Sister. But after realising that she didn’t have suf cient access to the poor, elderly and sick in a conservative French Convent, she returned to Ireland.
Nano felt that it was her vocation to help marginalised people in every possible way. During this time it was a crime of treason to educate the Irish and it was forbidden to practise the Roman Catholic faith.
Ms Carmela Marino
Director of Faith and Mission [email protected]
Tiana Chandraratne Chiara Smith
Grace Guiliano Caitlin Grima
Faith and Mission Captains
Faith and Mission Important Dates
Sunday's Gospel Reading
Sunday 29 April
5th Sunday of Easter John 15: 1-8
Jesus the vine,
the Father,
the vine-grower.
Sunday 6 May
6th Sunday of Easter John 15: 9-17
Live on in Christ
Saturday 28 April
Memorial of
St Peter Chanel
Wednesday 2 May
Memorial of St Athanasius
Thursday 3 May
Feast of Ss Philip and James, Apostles
Project Compassion Results
Tiana Chandraratne
Faith & Mission Captain
Thank you to all those who participated in and donated to the Caritas Project Compassion 2018!!
Whether you contributed once over the term or every week, whether you bought something from our stalls or joined in Caritas K's, all your efforts are truly appreciated.
As a result of all your fantastic contributions, we managed to raise over $7000 collectively. It is amazing how much can be achieved when we come together as a whole school community.
The donations collected will be going towards things like
education scholarships, language courses, small business loans, labour work resources, shared public facilities and many other projects
Caritas runs and assists with.
This will help both the world's most vulnerable and impoverished as well as the communities they belong to.
Congratulations once again and well done on helping create "a just future"!!
and Teaching
How can I support
my daughter's learning?
There was a great buzz amongst parents, students and teachers at the Parent- Student-Teacher meetings held in the last week of Term 1. These meetings are just one of a number of strategies that support student learning.
Many studies have shown that parental engagement has a strong correlation with student achievement. Generally students whose parents engage in their learning not only achieve better academic results but also commonly have higher attendance rates, better social skills and a greater sense of personal competence.
Parents can make a signi cant difference to their child’s learning outcomes by engaging in their daughter’s learning in a variety of ways at home. Assessment task feedback from teachers is entered regularly in Learning Areas on Simon enabling parents to log in via PAM to view and discuss it with their daughters whilst the experience of completing a task is fresh.
If there are queries about assessment tasks, parents should encourage their daughters to develop responsibility for their learning by exploring such queries with their teachers rst and if parents believe further clari cation is required, they may email their daughter’s teacher.
We also encourage parents to let the Homeroom Teacher know if there
is something happening outside of school that may be impacting on their daughter’s learning and or wellbeing.
All staff email addresses use the protocol of the initial of the rst name followed by [email protected].
We look forward to continuing to work in collaboration with parents in supporting learning for all students.
Parents of students in Years 7 and 9
are reminded that the national testing program for literacy and numeracy will take place on Tuesday 15, Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 May.
All students in Year 7 and 9 are required to undertake all tests. All NAPLAN tests will occur in the morning and parents are asked to assist by ensuring that students are punctual so that they can commence the tests as scheduled.
More information about the NAPLAN program will be sent to parents via Caremonkey within the next week.
Madeleine Franken
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching
Mrs Madeleine Franken
Deputy Principal
Learning & Teaching [email protected]
Ms Angela Torelli
Director of Studies Y10-12 [email protected]
Ms Klara Baka
Director of Studies Y7-9 [email protected]
Key ways parents can support their daughter’s learning are:
• Provide both the place and time for homework.
This may include not only a quiet, well- lit space; but also the hard conversation about reducing some extra curricular activities or part-time work hours in the senior years.
• Ask questions and make connections
between the activities and events being studied and current events or own experience.
• Prioritise taking young people to places that encourage or support learning such as different cultural events, museums, exhibitions, live theatre etc.
• Show an interest in school programs
by attending events when you can and by discussing strategies to tackle challenging tasks.
• Provide all book listed items as well as extra resources such as subscriptions or newspapers and books that offer rich material to support learning.
• Seize opportunities for communication
with the school by reading the newsletter, attending Parent-Student-Teacher meetings and contacting homeroom or subject teachers when necessary so that all have the opportunity to maximise learning for the student.
Avila Calendar Dates & Events
Friday 27 April
Year 11 Formal
Thursday 10 May
Creative Arts Performance
Friday 11 May
Late Start - 9.30am
Monday 14 - Friday 18 May
Year 8 City Experience
Tuesday 15 - Thursday 17 May
Year 7 + Year 9 NAPLAN
Tuesday 15 May
2018 Avila College Board AGM 5.30pm in The Gathering Space
Monday 21 May
SCSA Basketball
Wednesday 2 May, 1-4pm Wednesday 23 May, 1-4pm
8am - 4.30pm
Pastoral Care
So, why am I always so TIRED?
Teenagers often complain about being tired, listless and sleepy.
Sleep research shows that a teenager needs between 9 and 10 hours of sleep every night, yet most teens are only getting 6 to 7 hours.
It’s also about how well they sleep, and how much deep sleep they get. Deep sleep is the most restful phase of sleep.
Your teenage daughter needs sleep to:
• maintain a healthy body
• keep her immune system working well
• boost her energy levels, her learning and concentration
• store things in her long-term memory
Shorter sleep times are associated with concentration dif culties, mentally ‘drifting off’ in class, poor decision making and shortened attention
span, moodiness, aggression and potentially depression. Inadequate sleep can also lead to an increase in the number of ‘sick days’ from school because of tiredness and reduced sporting performance and academic performance.
Dr Andrew Fuller, a clinical psychologist who specialises in Adolescent Health, says “Getting enough sleep is one of the most powerful ways we can protect ourselves against depression. The structures in the brain that support
the most powerful antidepressant, serotonin, are built and re-built between the sixth and the eighth hour of sleep. Adolescents are often sleep- deprived which may in turn increase vulnerability to stress,” says Fuller. (Sourced from MindMatters)
The need to be constantly connected, (FOMO fear of missing out), ease of access to mobile devices and lack of boundaries around them, hectic after school schedules, hormonal changes, and blue light from screens (studies have shown that exposure to blue light in the evening can affect your circadian rhythms, making it harder
to fall asleep) can create a vicious cycle where insuf cient sleep causes a teenager’s brain to become even more active. The result is an over-aroused brain which is less able to fall asleep followed by sleep deprivation which has a cumulative effect.
There is no such thing as a sleep bank; just because you slept 10 hours one night doesn’t mean you can get away with sleeping only 6 hours the next.
Ms Janine Bauman
Deputy Principal Students [email protected]
Mrs Anne Stephens
Director of Pastoral Care Y7-9 [email protected]
Mrs Anna Marvelli
Director of Pastoral Care Y10-12 [email protected]
Here are some tips for teens to promote a good night's sleep:
Try to get up at about the same time each morning.
Try to get natural light into eyes as soon as possible after getting up. On weekends don’t sleep in for more than 2 hours past normal waking time.
Physical Activity
Do physical activity during the day, preferably outside.
Problem Solving
If you're worrying about things during the night, set aside some time for problem-solving during the day.
Relax before Bed
Try to relax before bed. Turn off loud music, mobile phones, computer screens and TV at least one hour before bedtime. Late-night phone calls, text messages and social media use can mean broken sleep, so encourage your child to connect with friends during the day instead.
Create a Sleep Space
Check your daughter’s sleep space. A quiet, dimly lit space is important for good sleep.
Filter Electronic Devices
Installing a LUX lter on all electronic devices (orange lter that defuses the blue light of screens) which can be downloaded for free from the internet.
The Better Health Channel
Tips on sleep hygiene for teenagers and parents
App to reduce blue light emission from screens
Sleep Health Foundation
Good sleep habits
Orygen Youth Health
Riding the Sleep Wave
Avoid Naps
Try not to have naps during the day as this skews normal sleep patterns. If a power nap is desperately required, make sure it is for no more than 15 minutes. After 15 minutes we fall into deep sleep and wake groggy, which is counter productive.
Avoid caffeine drinks
Avoid drinks that contain caffeine (e.g. tea, coffee or soft drinks) after 4pm as it’s a brain stimulant.
Wind Down Time
Allow yourself time to wind down before going to bed. If you're working or studying, stop at least 30 minutes before bedtime.
Monash Youth Services
Monash Youth Services (MYS) offers services including information, referral, support, advocacy, programs and events for young people and families who live in, work in, study in, or visit the City of Monash.
iParent from the Of ce of the eSafety Commissioner
A new resource form the Of ce of the eSafety Commissioner has been introduced to support online safety. The Screen Smart Parent Tour is an interactive self-re ective tool that helps parents and carers of pre and young teens keep on track with online safety.
The virtual tour takes you through six important online topics including social media, screen time, personal information, inappropriate content, cyberbullying and contact with strangers. Each topic offers practical tips and advice on how to allow children to explore safely and manage online issues if they arise.
Take the tour here: https://esafety.gov.au/education-resources/iparent?utm_medium=email&utm_ campaign=Parent%20Tour&utm_content=Parent%20Tour+CID_5a2aaba436483a8649baecc0c3be410a&u tm_source=Email%20marketing%20software&utm_term=Take%20the%20tour
Science Talent Search
Our Talented Scientists
Late last year a number of Avila College Year 8 students received bursaries as part of the Science Talent Search. A number of students are engaged in the program again this year. (Now) Year 9 student Emma Johnston shares her experiences about the program.
Weeks of researching, experimenting and writing were celebrated as we received our bursary awards at La Trobe University.
Early in Term 1 our Science teachers introduced a great challenge: to conduct our own research related to this year’s Science Talent Search theme, ‘Future Earth’.
The completion of this competition is part of the Year 8 Science course but is open to all girls from Year 7 to Year 10.
The Science Talent Search is open to all students in Victoria and aims to stimulate scienti c interest by offering different means by which the development of scienti c ideas are communicated.
It is generally agreed that this rst stage is the most challenging and frustrating one; coming up with a creative idea!
We dug up old resources and discussed ideas frequently with teachers and peers before we settled on a topic.
With the guidance of our teachers, we were then able to condense our idea into a testable question with a single variable. After hours of researching we had to plan an experiment, which is easier said than done! The massive restriction of having to conduct it at home, with everyday household materials made good ideas almost impossible to achieve!
However, we all eventually got there; whether that meant starting from scratch with a brand new idea or altering our original idea.
Then came the tedious stage of experimenting, with varying levels of success, before we began writing our practical reports.
More than 3 months after the assignment was rst introduced over 170 unique reports were written, and the due date had arrived!
Teachers then selected the most creative and well-crafted reports to be entered into the actual competition.
Reports were re ned and papers were signed and at the end of term 2, they were sent off.
Results were announced in mid October and Avila girls de nitely impressed. Caitlin Grima, Niamh Gallagher, Vara Tyrikos, Victoria Yu, Faith Chung and Emma Johnston are to be congratulated for being awarded a bursary for their achievement, which was received during the Presentation and Exhibition Day in late October. There, we were able to present our work to a larger audience.
On behalf of every Year 8 student I thank all of our science teachers and Miss Spiteri for their time in assisting us throughout the entire process.
Pictured above from left to right Vara Tyrikos, Faith Chung, Caitlin Grima, Niamh Gallagher and Emma Johnston.
Girls Who Dare
Abbey Goullet College Captain
Caitlin Greenhill
After a quick and busy break it is amazing to see all the girls back in action, diving straight into what Term 2 has to offer, making sure they “Dare to Do”.
What an honour it is to feature Caitlin Greenhill of Year 8 Pink for this edition's “Girls Who Dare” column.
In just her second year at Avila, Caitlin is always seen around the school with a smile that radiates enthusiasm and passion, spreading positivity to everyone (especially me!).
To see Caitlin’s amazing dedication in action be sure to grab a ticket to the Creative Arts Festival.
She is playing one of the lead characters that will make you both laugh hysterically and think deeply at the same time.
Caitlin embodies the ‘Dare to Do’ theme taking to centre stage with con dence and demonstrating a sass and maturity well beyond her years
Her courage and contribution to school life does not stop there. Twice a week she attends early morning Aerobics training before school and in the recent competition, Caitlin led and assisted her team mates drawing on her background in Calisthenics.
Caitlin was also enthusiastically involved in the Athletics Carnival, with any spare moments spent cheering along her friends and her beloved Nagle House. Of course,
she was not too far away on Nagle Day either, in amongst the crowd encouraging friends to come and join in all the fun!
Truly, there is something inspirational about the way Caitlin goes about not only her studies but more importantly her readiness to go beyond what is asked and required of her.
Walking through the school it is amazing to see Caitlin’s small acts that so often go unnoticed including her Avila Ambassador role - you may be familiar with Caitlin's face projected across many of our Avila posters and booklets.
Caitlin, keep stepping up to all the challenges and opportunities that are put in front of you. We love the way you ‘Dare To Do'. So many girls, including me, look up to you and your courage! I have loved taking inspiration from your daring actions.
Keep an eye out for Caitlin in
the school yard always playing something new and don’t forget to check her out at the Creative Arts Festival.
Swimming and Diving
Swimming and Diving
The swimming re ected the hard work that was put in Diving Captain Swimming Captain Swimming Captain over the last two terms of early morning training.
Chiara Smith Carla DiGregorio Abbey Goullet
What a night it was for the Avila College swimming and diving teams! The 18th of March saw over sixty girls make their way into MSAC (after a great afternoon of presentations and pizza at school!).
There was a buzz in the air as the girls put on their swimming caps, goggles and bathers and headed down to the practice pools. After a quick warm up it was back to the stands to cheer the squad on!
Impressively, there was never a quiet moment. All girls were heard cheering and chanting for their fellow team members. An impressive number of Year 7 students made their swimming and diving debuts, tackling the challenge with enthusiasm after some only had one term's worth of training!
Being in Division One, the competition was de nitely hard, but our girls did not let it show.
Overall, Avila College nished 7th on the night with an impressive 6th position for the intermediates. Our divers came fourth overall after an impressive night showcasing our skills which were practised over two terms of training every Monday morning!
A massive thank you on behalf of all coaches, Ms King, Ms Randle and Ms Flynn and student coaches Nat, Steph and Dani who put up with early, cold mornings sharing their expertise with enthusiasm, resulting in massive improvement across the board.
We speak for all when we say we are so incredibly proud with not only the results on the night but the way the girls went about the training for the past couple of months.
Monique Larose
Congratulation to Monique Larose of Year 12 who was selected
to represent Victoria at the
2018 Australian Junior Athletics Championships.
The event was held in Sydney on March 18 at Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre. Monique had a fantastic meet runnning 26.63s in the 200m, only missing out on her personal best by 0.26s.
Well done Monique!
Pitch Perfect
Rebecca Wright
Congratulations to Rebecca Wright of Year 10 who was recently selected to represent the under 16 Victorian Baseball team in the 2018 National Youth Women's baseball team championships in Geelong from March 29 - April 3.
The girls had a brilliant tournament, winning gold by defeating New South Wales 2-0 in the Final.
Sports Captains
The Avila Sports Captains Logan Sharrock, Ellie Karaula, Tricia Cowan, Alicia Yiannios and Stephanie Wales recently enjoyed breakfast with AFLW star Elle Bennetts who plays for the GWS Giants.
+ Reminders
Grease the
Arena Experience
Ensemble Cast!
Bravo to the Avila students
who performed in the recent production of Grease staged at the Hisense Arena, Charisma Thiele, Danielle Weyermayr, Maddison Taylor and Alana Monea.
Sport Cycle Monitor
VCE Physical Education students had a great opportunity to see theory in action when they powered through the VO2 Max Test and applied their knowledge of fatigue and recovery, energy systems and acute responses.
Used by professional athletes, this tness test is used to nd a common measurement linked to aerobic capacity. Lactate levels in the blood were also measured.
Thank you to Alyssa Dorio and Hayley Poulton who volunteered to put their bodies on the
line and push themselves to exhaustion. Also to the rest of the class who provided support and encouragement as they pedalled!
Well done Alyssa and Hayley!
Debating News
Round Three of the DAV debating was a challenging round. We had only 4 wins ... but 8 out of the 9 remaining teams lost by only one point. The debates could have gone either way.
The highlight was Avila 2 at A Grade's win over MacRob's number one team.
Well done to the team. (pictured here: Maria Yeo, Sashenka Justin, Tina Shankar, Paige Bryant,
Angelica Rigopoulos and Jessica Bishop).
The students who received "Best Speaker Awards" on the night were Paige Bryant and Sia Mattoo - congratulations!
We would like to thank the parents who come along to support our students and to Ms Soedarsono who has enthusiastically come to watch the students debate over the last two rounds.
Winter Uniform - From Monday 30 April
From Monday 30 April, Avila College will change over to the winter uniform.
For more information about the Avila Uniform Policy, please log on to the Avila College website. During winter, the Avila school scarf is the only scarf to be worn.
Compulsory Winter Uniform
• White, Long Sleeve Blouse
• V-Neck Jumper
Maroon (Y7-10) | Blue (Y11-12)
• Blue College Blazer
• Pleated blue wool tartan skirt
(knee length)
• Navy stockings
or navy knee high socks
• Black , lace up shoes
Optional Winter Uniform
• Navy Avila scarf
Pathways and Careers
What can you do
with an Arts Degree?
Monash University has produced a great video that focuses on two Year 12 students who are given the opportunity to explore the possible outcomes of an Arts Degree.
Got a passion for
law and business?
P4L is an early entry program for Year 12 students designed to nurture your learning potential and give you a step up in your future law career. Bene ts of the program include:
• early offer for an ACU law degree
• access to Academic Skills workshops, CareerHub, and network events
• study abroad opportunities
• participation in the pro bono program
• invitation to P4L welcome event.
Applications Open May 1.
> Click for more information.
Program with the Department of Tresury and Finance.
The Mentoring Women program provides an opportunity for young women to connect with female economists at DTF.
The 2018 program will run between July and October and will provide student mentees with access to highly relevant career and educational guidance, and a valuable insight into the diversity
of pathways to economics and the possible careers available to them.
Year 11 or Year 12 students are invited to apply. Applicants do not need to have studied economics, but will need to demonstrate a genuine interest in the eld. Applications for the program are open from 16 April and close midnight Sunday 27 May.
Ms Jenny Dunn
Pathways Co-ordinator [email protected]
Ms Ann Boyce
Careers Teacher [email protected]
VCE and Careers
Expo 2018
Thursday 3 May
and Friday 4 May, 9am-3pm
Saturday 5 May
and Sunday 6 May, 10am-4pm
The VCE and Careers Expo
at Caul eld Racecourse offers
• information and resources for the VCE
• information about university, TAFE and training courses
• career advice
• study advice
• employment advice
• apprenticeship and traineeship advice
• international exchange and gap year programs
Admission is $10 per person (cash only) or $25.00 for families (3 or more including at least one parent).
More information about the Expo is available on their website: www.vceandcareers.com.au
Asthma and Allergy Plans Reminder
As the cooler months approach it is essential that all Asthma Plans and Allergy information is loaded in CareMonkey by parents to ensure the school has current medical information on le.
CSEF (Camps, Sports & Excursion Fund) Application Reminder Applications for 2018 are now open
to current Healthcare Card Holders.
If you have not already returned your application,
please visit our website at: avilacollege.vic.edu.au - Enrolment / Fees / CSEF Application Form to download a copy of the application form to complete and return to the College by Friday 22 June 2018.
Applications received after this date will be ineligible to be lodged on your behalf.
For further information please click on the link below:
http://www.education.vic.gov.au/about/programs /Pages/csef.aspx?Redirect=2
Approved payments received are allocated against your Annual Tuition Fees account on receipt in July.
Please direct any enquiries to:
Deborah Matthews - Family Accounts on 9831 9600
Athletics Carnival
Athletics Carnival Wrap Up
Reynolds Relay Winner
Avila Gift Winner
Monique Larose
House Spirit
Overall House Results
1st - Flynn 1532 points
2nd - MacKillop 1415 points 3rd - Chisholm 1269 points 4th - Nagle 1144 points
Group Champions
Year 7
Thanh-Vy Quach Nguyen Runner Up Abbey Russell
Year 8
Grace Louey
Runner Up
Kyra Petrousis
Year 9
Amy Burns
Runner Up
Jordan Chapman
Year 10
Tamsyn Pascoe
Runner Up
Alicia Yiannios
Year 11
Mietta Busscher
Runner Up
Chiara Smith
Year 12
Stephanie Smith
Runner Up
Abbey Goullet
Nagle Day
International Presentation Association Celebra
Nano’s love for God and God’s people has been talked about, written about a Her long hours in prayer, her attentive listening and complete openness to G
outpouring of herself to the ministry of those in need are testimony to May we, too, be women and men of welcoming hearts, whose
An unconditional commitment t truthfully communicate, fearless gracefully forgive and enduringl relationship with and for the sak
continue to speak the language of the heart each
As Nano gathered others around her in her work, she said, "There is no greater happiness in the world than to be in union."
In a fractured world Nano's call to be in union challenges us to break down
barriers and devote our lives t in service to others.
We, Presentation people, commit to respond to the cry of Earth and to people made poor by embracing the Sustainable Development Goals, providing us a plan of action for living the values of Nano’s life.
•V a
•E th
•V lo
•W in
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
•A Equality and empowerment includes freedom from discrimination, le
violence, child marriage, sex tra icking and female genital mutilation and cutting. It also includes making sure woman have their equal share of leadership opportunities in government and the work place, as well as, property ownership and other concrete reflections of power in society.
•O in
Do we act with love toward those who experience gender inequality and do our part to bring about change?
© Sisters of the Presentation of the
y e
o N w
h e o
w d
o c
d a
tes the Tercentenary of the Birth of Nano Nagle.
selflessly serve, ly protect,
y remain in e of another.
nd prayed over for many years. d’s will in her life, the generous
ano’s extraordinary love. ords and actions
Walking in Nano’s footsteps, we are invited to o er love
rough small everyday activities that ripple beyond ourselves.
rything we do has a global e ect.
lunteer or donate items to women’s shelter.
ucate yourself and others on e signs of domestic abuse and
tition for stronger laws.
te for women candidates in cal and national elections.
ork to end sexual harassment every setting.
vocate for equal pay and adership for women in the
er a helping hand to a family need.
Photo credit: Presentation Sisters
Love and ever more love
is the only solution to every problem that comes up.
If we love each other enough, we will bear with each other’s faults and burdens. If we love enough, we are going to light that fire in the hearts of others. And it is love that will burn out the sins and hatreds
that sadden us. It is love that will make us want to do great things for each other.
No sacrifice and no su ering will then seem too much. Dorothy Day
Blessed Virgin Mary, Dubuque, Iowa
o s
a o N w
h e o
d h
e o
d o
A message from
sets in
During term 2, we
are collecting non-perishable food items (such as rice and tinned food) and warm items of clothing (such as gloves, beanies and scarves).
These donations will go to support those less fortunate in
our community
Avila Young Vinnies
Baskets will be located in your year level corridors