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Published by St. Joseph Parish Maysville, 2022-01-10 10:26:14



Keywords: St. Joseph Bulletin 01-09-22


MINISTRIES Keep In Prayer Our...Ill & Homebound Parishioners
Altar Servers………………………………..Kimara Hawthorne
Altar Society…………………………………..….….Patricia Reed Ms. Josephine Betton Mrs. Katie Peters THE CASINO BUS TRIP—has been cancelled due to un-
Bereavement……………………………………...Pamela Barnes foreseen circumstances.
Bldg. & Grounds Mgt..…………..………Walter L. Battles Jr Mrs. Windola Thompson Mr. Rickey Balasco
Choir Director……………..……………….……………...Lillie Key 2022 ANNUAL CALENDARS—are available for pickup
Family Life………………………………….………….....Tara Evans 2022 CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPES DELAYED! Mr. Feron Washington Mrs. Janet Ford in the vestibule. Please only take 1 calendar per household
Finance Chair……..………………………….. Robert Pettaway to ensure that every family receive one. Thank You
Hospitality & Ushers……….………………….Sharon Malone Our annual contribution envelopes are not available at this time. Mrs. Irene Grove
Legion of Mary………….…………………..… The printing company, Cathedral Corporation, has experienced 2021 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS—will be availa-
Liturgy….………….………………………….……...Ruth Pettaway some internal delays. In the interim temporary envelope packets Please sign the Healing Prayer Book to list ill parishioners). ble January 16, 2022. If you would like a copy of your
Male Choir…………….………………………..….William Frazier have been provided in the vestibule for your convenience. Please statement please email: [email protected]
Media & Public Relations…….……….….…….Greg Cyprian put your name, date and contribution and amount on the outside SACRAMENTS or leave a voice message on the church office phone: 251-
Outreach Ministry……………………….….Rosalind Wallace of the envelope. You can also use blank or unused contribution 473-3761.
Parish Council………..……………..…….………..Yolanda Long envelopes you may have instead. Thanks for your understanding Baptism: Parents desiring baptism for their children
RCIA………….………………………..Deacon Ronnie Hathorne and patience. are encouraged to contact the Pastor at least two CONGRATULATIONS—to Mrs. Gloria Petty, Decem-
Religious Education …..……………………….…Marva Carter weeks in advance to arrange for the required prepara- ber’s 50/50 winner!!! Mrs. Petty received $76.00, half of the
St. Joseph School Alumni……………...……..Shawn Bivens A Prayer for Persons tion class for parents and godparents. total collected for the month.
Stewardship…………………………………….…....Keith Brewer Suffering from the Coronavirus
Youth Ministry ………………………….……… Sacrament of Matrimony: Any parishioner seek- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED—we are in need of a few dedi-
(Catholic Health Association of the United States) ing marriage must contact the Pastor at least six (6) cated people to help clean the parish hall twice a month
MINISTRY OF WORSHIP months prior to the desired wedding date. when religious education is in session and as needed for
You shall not fear the terror of the night other parish related activities. Please see or call Fr. Bura
 January 09 nor the arrow that flies by day, Mass of Christian Burial: When a funeral is to be (251-473-0223) to volunteer.
Lector……………………….…...Walter Frazier celebrated, please contact the Pastor before contacting
nor the pestilence that roams in darkness, the funeral home. Funerals are not permitted on Sun- MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY—January 17, 2022
 January 16 nor the plague that ravages at noon. days or Holy Days of Obligation.
Lector…………………….…...…...Karen White Ps 91:5-6 LOST & FOUND- a social security card was found on the
Readings for the church grounds New Year’s Day. If you are missing this
 January 23 Merciful God, hear our fervent prayer for all card please stop by the parish office after Mass or call the
Lector…………………………….Walter Henry who suffer from the coronavirus. First Week In Ordinary time office: 251-473-3761

JANUARY CELEBRANTS May those who are infected receive the January 10–January 16, 2022 THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING!!!
proper treatment and the comfort of your healing presence. St. Joseph Parish has once again been blessed with a huge
3rd –Justice Brown MON First Reading: 1 Samuel 1:1-8 donation to our Outreach Food Pantry. Dione Howell and
5th –Ruby Evans May their caregivers, families and neighbors be 10 Gospel: Matthew 1:14-20 the Sizewise family collected and gifted several pounds of
9th – Delicia Fuller shielded from the onslaught of the virus. food for families in need in this community. Many families
11th – Marva Carter TUES First Reading: 1 Samuel 1:9-20 will be blessed with this huge food donation. Dione Howell,
13th – Deborah Browne Give solace to those who grieve the loss of loved ones. 11 Gospel: Mar k 1:21-28 many Thanks and Appreciation to you and your team at
15th – Tawana Malone Protect and guide those who strive to find a cure, Sizewise for your generous donation!
19th – Nia Jackson WED First Reading: 1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-20
21st – Ella Everett that their work may conquer the disease and restore 12 Gospel: Mar k 1:29-39 AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE
23rd – Lillie Key communities to wholeness and health.
24th _Tara Mackie Help us to rise above fear. THU First Reading: Gospel: 1 Samuel 4:1- ENIGMA (EVEN NOW I GIVE MYSELF AWAY): Fun,
24th - John Jackson 13 11 Fellowship, Food, Fraternity at the CYO Hall, 11 N. Lafa-
27th – Jesse Stevenson We ask all this through the intercession of Second Reading: Mar k 1:40-45 yette St., January 16. Please encourage all young black
30th – Sheila Mosley Our Lady of Lourdes, and in the name of Catholic Christian men, 8th grade-25 years of age to partici-
31st – Carolyn Hawthorne your Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. FRI First Reading: 1 Samuel 2:4-7, 10-22A pate. Open Gym/Open Practice Field, 4:00-6:00 p.m., Home
14 Gospel: Mar k 2:1-12 Cooked Dinner, 6:00-7:00 p.m., Program 7:00-7:30 p.m.
Anniversaries Amen. Sponsored by Fr. Victor Ingalls and the Office of Vocations.
SAT First Reading: 1 Samuel 9:1-4, 17-19;
2nd--- Terry & Monica Motley (12 yrs.) 15 10:1 NATIONAL MARCH FOR LIFE –January 19-21, 2022!
The March for Life is an inspiring, peaceful, vibrant, and joy
15th – Charles & Barbara Mitchell (45 yrs.) Gospel: Mar k 2:13-17 filled rally of women, men, young people, and children from
all across the country. Every year, tens of thousands of pro-
31st – Willie & Tara Evans (13 yrs.) SUN 2nd Sunday In Ordinary Time lifers converge on the National Mall and march on Capitol
16 First Reading: Isaiah 62:1-5 Hill on the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v.
January 02, 2021 Second Reading: 1 Cor inthians 12:4- Wade ruling which legalized abortion in all 50 states.
Collection: 1,700.00 11
Gospel: J ohn 2:1-11
Attendance: 60

December’s Online Giving

St. Joseph Parish, Maysville

1703 Dublin Street ▪ Mobile, AL 36605

Staffed by the Josephites and Dedicated Lay People of St. Joseph Parish

the baptism of the lord
January 09, 2022

Your Providing a Beacon of Hope Reflection
Ad In the Maysville Community Share In The Work of God

Could PASTORAL STAFF On Holy Saturday, adults wearing white clothes wait with unlit candles in hand.
Be They will be lit during the Christian ritual of initiation of adults, when adults are
Rev. Bura Aloysius Koroba, S.S.J…….……..…...Pastor readied for full initiation into the church through baptism, confirmation, and first
HERE Mr. Ronnie A. Hathorne..…..………………....…Deacon communion. Families, friends, and the assembly of God’s people bear witness to
The Josephites & Dedicated Lay People……....Staff the faith they are about to profess as they join the church community.


Parishioners: The Greatest OFFICE……………………………....(251) 473-3761 We hear in the gospel that Christ showed up like everyone else to be baptized by
Gift in the RECTORY ……………………………...…251) 473-0223 John the Baptist at the Jordan River. In the presence of all, Christ’s sonship was
PLEASE patronize the WORLD! FAX …………………………………….…..(251) 473-3768 publicly proclaimed by a heavenly voice: “You are my beloved Son; with you I
businesses that advertise in our E-MAIL ……[email protected] am well pleased”. The fondness of Christ’s relationship with God is revealed as
bulletin. Let them know that WEB ………..……..… pleasing and delightful just as that of believers.
TWITTER…. ……………………...……StJosephMaysvil
YouTube……………..…………...St. Joseph Maysville

you saw their ad in our bulletin. MASS SCHEDULE The reception of the Holy Spirit and divine anointing prepare Jesus for the min-
Sunday Mass …………..…………………….….9:30 AM istry of justice. He dedicates his life to serving humanity, restoring the poor to a

Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday..………...5:30 PM place of honor and dignity, rehabilitating those on the fringes of social life and

. Thursday & Saturday….……………….…....8:00 AM relationship, and freedom for those whose experience of self-flourishing is con-
Holy Days Of Obligation…...………..………6:00 PM trolled or denied in a social system that is designed to keep them out. Jesus re-
First Friday Adoration……...4:30 PM —5:30 PM veals to us what happens to a believer who is anointed at baptism and receives

SACRAMENT OF PENANCE the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Sunday ……………………….…………..8:45 – 9:15 AM Just as Christ acknowledges that he must get on with doing the work of God,
likewise our baptism prepares us to get involved and to share in the work of God
(or by appointment)

THIS WEEK’S MASS INTENTIONS for the salvation of the world. We are called for the ministry of justice in the
Sunday………..Edmond Jones Jr., Eric Steele (D) world as the prophet Isaiah said in the first reading. Through our baptism in

Christ and our relationship with God we become people of justice. Our experi-
ence of the reception of the Spirit of God prepares us for service in the saving
plan of God for the world.

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION.. To each one of us and to those whose baptismal initiation we witness, Pope
Religious Education Class …..After Sunday Mass Francis reminds us that our “identification with Christ and [the will of Christ]
RCIA Classes– Wednesday…….…..…….10:00 AM involves a commitment to build with him that kingdom of love, justice, and uni-
versal peace.”

Our baptism in Christ, therefore, invites us to uphold the life of each one in a
dignified world.

(th“eThcoismepxlecteerpvtersisionreaptrtinhteefdolwloiwthingexUpRreLss: permission from U.S. Catholic. You ca n read and

Copyright—Sermon4Kids, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Happy New Year!!!

May You Have Good Health and Prosperity and May You
Be Blessed With God's Abundant Favor

Throughout 2022!

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