MINISTRIES Keep In Prayer Our...Ill & Homebound Parishioners
Altar Servers………………………………..Kimara Hawthorne
Altar Society…………………………………..….….Patricia Reed Ms. Josephine Betton Mrs. Katie Peters
Bereavement……………………………………...Pamela Barnes
Bldg. & Grounds Mgt..…………..………Walter L. Battles Jr Mrs. Windola Thompson Mr. Rickey Balasco
Choir Director……………..……………….……………...Lillie Key
Family Life………………………………….………….....Tara Evans Sacred signs and active participation Mr. Feron Washington Mrs. Janet Ford CHRISTMAS WEEK MASS CALENDAR
Finance Chair……..………………………….. Robert Pettaway Praying with Body, Mind and Voice
Hospitality & Ushers……….………………….Sharon Malone Mrs. Irene Grove
Legion of Mary………….……………………..……Charlie Lyons In the celebration of Mass we raise our hearts and minds to God. We are
Liturgy….………….………………………….……...Ruth Pettaway creatures of body as well as spirit, so our prayer is not confined to our Please sign the Healing Prayer Book to list ill parishioners). Friday 12/24: Christmas Vigil 5:00 p.m.
Liturgical Dancers………..………….…..….….….Yvette Smith minds and hearts. It is expressed by our bodies as well. During Mass we
Male Choir…………….………………………..….William Frazier assume different postures; standing, kneeling, sitting and we are also invit- SACRAMENTS St. Joseph Parish
Media & Public Relations…….……….….…….Greg Cyprian ed to make a variety of gestures. These postures and gestures are not
Outreach Ministry……………………….……...Sr. Susan Pugh merely ceremonial, they have profound meaning and, when done with Baptism: Parents desiring baptism for their children Saturday 12/25: Christmas Day 9:30 a.m.
Parish Council………..……………..…….………..Yolanda Long understanding, can enhance our participation in the Mass. are encouraged to contact the Pastor at least two
RCIA………….………………………..Deacon Ronnie Hathorne weeks in advance to arrange for the required prepara- Most Pure Heat of Mary Parish
Religious Education …..……………………….…Marva Carter STANDING Is a sign of respect and honor, so we stand as the celebrant tion class for parents and godparents.
St. Joseph School Alumni……………...……..Shawn Bivens who represents Christ enters and leaves the assembly. When we stand for Friday 12/31: New Year’s Eve 5:00 p.m.
Stewardship…………………………………….…....Keith Brewer prayer, we assume our full stature before God, not in pride but in humble
Youth Ministry ………………………….……….Leona Rudolph gratitude for the marvelous things God has done in creating and redeem- Prophecy & Testimony MPHOM
ing each one of us. By Baptism we have been given a share in the life of
MINISTRY OF WORSHIP God, and the posture of standing is an acknowledgment of this wonderful Saturday 01/01: New Year’s Day 9:30 a.m.
gift. We stand for the proclamation of the Gospel, which recounts the
December 19 words and deeds of the Lord. The bishops of the United States have cho- Sacrament of Matrimony: Any parishioner seek- St. Joseph Parish
sen standing as the posture to be observed for the reception of Commun- ing marriage must contact the Pastor at least six (6)
Lector………………………..Thomasine Brown ion. months prior to the desired wedding date. LITANY OF THANKS:
December 24 Christmas Eve PROCESSIONS The Mass begins with the procession of the priest and min- Mass of Christian Burial: When a funeral is to be past Friday was another huge success! Thanks to all the
isters to the altar. The Book of the Gospels is carried in procession to the celebrated, please contact the Pastor before contacting dedicated volunteers who made this happen! You
Lector………………………..….Ruth Pettaway ambo. The gifts of bread and wine are brought forward to the altar. Mem- the funeral home. Funerals are not permitted on Sun- worked tirelessly; grocery shopping, packing, delivering
bers of the assembly come forward in procession—eagerly, attentively, days or Holy Days of Obligation. and distributing Christmas bags. The Outreach Minis-
December 26 and devoutly— to receive Holy Communion. We who believe in Christ are try blessed 30 families in the Maysville Community
moving in time toward that moment when we will leave this world and Readings for with generous bags of food to help them enjoy a Very
Lector………………………....Pavia Dewberry enter into the joy of the Lord in the eternal Kingdom he has prepared for Merry Christmas!
us. Fourth Week of Advent BULLETIN REFLECTION SCRIBES—thanks to
DECEMBER CELEBRANTS everyone who has taken time from their busy schedules
KNEELING In the early Church, kneeling signified penance, in the Middle December 20–December 26, 2021 to write weekly spiritual reflections for the bulletin
1st – Malachi Pratt Ages kneeling came to signify homage, and more recently this posture has throughout the year. Your thoughts and words continue
7th – Marshae B. DuCloux come to signify adoration, especially before the presence of Christ in the MON First Reading: Isaiah 7:10-14 to be an encouragement and inspiration to many.
9th – Robert Pettaway Eucharist. It is for this reason that the bishops of this country have chosen 20 Gospel: Luke 1:26-38 Thanks for a job well done!
9th – Rafeal Jones the posture of kneeling for the entire Eucharistic Prayer. MANY THANKS—to everyone who generously donated
16th – Sister Susan Pugh TUES First Reading: Song of Songs 2:8-14 or non-perishable items for the Outreach Food Pantry dur-
20th – Lisa Dewberry GENUFLECTING As a sign of adoration, we genuflect by bringing our right 21 Zephaniah 3:14-18A ing the month of November. Because of YOU we contin-
20th – Miles Hathorne knee to the floor. Many people also make the Sign of the Cross as they ue to provide food to needy families in the Maysville
21st – Caleb Roberson bend their knee. Traditionally, Catholics genuflect on entering and leaving WED Gospel: Luke 1:39-45 Community! Thank You for your generosity!!!!
23rd – Genevieve Carter church if the Blessed Sacrament is present in the sanctuary of the Church. 22 First Reading: 1 Samuel 1:24-28
23rd- Tiffany Davis The priest and deacon genuflect to the tabernacle on entering and leaving Gospel: Luke 1:46-56 PLEDGE DRIVE 2021!! is coming to an end, If you
26th – Michael Steele the sanctuary. The priest also genuflects in adoration after he shows the THU First Reading: Gospel: Malachi 3:1-4, have not fulfilled your pledge please do so ASAP! St. Jo-
28th – Kendrick Mackie Body and Blood of Christ to the people after the consecration and again 23 23-24 seph Parish is appreciative of any amount you give
31st – Traivion Jowers before inviting the people to Holy Communion. Second Reading: Luke 1:57-66 small or large. The Pledge Drive is a necessity for the
financial support of the Parish. Thank You for your
Anniversaries SITTING Is the posture of listening and meditation, so the congregation sits First Reading: 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8B-12, continuous support!
27th—Walter & Toni Henry, 24 yrs. for the pre-Gospel readings and the homily and may also sit for the period FRI 14A, 16
29th – William & Iris Frazier, 15 yrs. of meditation following Communion. All should strive to assume a seated 24 Gospel: Luke 1:67-79
29th – Dwight & Marie Frazier, 13 yrs. posture during the Mass that is attentive rather than merely at rest
The Nativity of the Lord CASINO BUS TRIP IS COMING BACK SOON!!! Af-
December 12, 2021 Excerpts taken from SAT First Reading: Isaiah 52:7-10 ter a long hiatus, The Knights of Peter Calver Council/
Collection: $1851.00 25 Second Reading: Hebr ews 1:1-6 Court #210 will resume their monthly sponsored bus
(to be continued next week) trips to the Imperial Palace Casino in 2022! Donation
Attendance: 55 Gospel: Matthew 1:18-25 $25.00, times and dates TBA. Keep your eyes and ears
alert for upcoming dates.
First Reading: Sir ach 3:2-6, 12-14 or
1 Samuel 1:20-22, 24-28
Second Reading: Colossians 3:12-21 or THE MEN OF ST. JOSEPH—Most Pure Heart of Mary
Chapter extends an invitation to St. Joseph Parish men to
3:12-17 join them in a weekly prayer service every Tuesday morn-
Gospel: Luke 2:41-52 ing, 7:00 a.m. in the parish hall.
ADVENT—means “coming” St. Joseph Parish, Maysville
A Season of 1703 Dublin Street ▪ Mobile, AL 36605
Hope & Expectation
Staffed by the Josephites and Dedicated Lay People of St. Joseph Parish
PLEASE patronize the fourth Sunday of advent
businesses that advertise in our December 19, 2021
bulletin. Let them know that
you saw their ad in our bulletin. ADVENT Providing a Beacon of Hope Reflection
In the Maysville Community Trusting and Believing
. A Season of
Preparation PASTORAL STAFF Kimara Hawthorne
Copyright—Sermon4Kids, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Rev. Bura Aloysius Koroba, S.S.J…….……..…...Pastor The fourth Sunday of Advent represents the life of Christ and the best way to
Mr. Ronnie A. Hathorne..…..………………....…Deacon bring it in is to speak about the Visitation of Mary. Today's gospel comes from
The Josephites & Dedicated Lay People……....Staff Luke, the Visitation of Mary. Mary is visiting her cousin Elizabeth. When Eliza-
beth heard Mary's voice, the infant, John the Baptist leaped in joy and acknowl-
CONTACT INFORMATION edgment while in Elizabeth's womb. Knowing that he was in the presence of Je-
OFFICE……………………………....(251) 473-3761 sus Christ and that he would soon lead the way for the Messiah.
RECTORY ……………………………...…251) 473-0223 Elizabeth then recites the beginning of the prayer “Hail Mary”, bringing atten-
FAX …………………………………….…..(251) 473-3768 tion to Mary as the mother and Jesus as the Messiah. This shows Elizabeth's be-
E-MAIL ……[email protected] lief that Jesus is not only just God's son but the faith that she believes in both
WEB ………..……..… Jesus and God. She also honors Mary for everything she has done when it comes
FACEBOOK:.…………..............StJosephsMaysville to the Messiah.
TWITTER…. ……………………...……StJosephMaysvil Mary is showing her belief in God by saying yes to Him when told about Jesus.
YouTube……………..…………...St. Joseph Maysville He personally chose Mary to carry the person that would one day save the world
from our sins and she did just what she was supposed to do. With that, just like
MASS SCHEDULE Elizabeth stated, Mary is blessed among women. We believe and give her thanks
Sunday Mass …………..…………………….….9:30 AM for trusting in God and the plans he had for her in the end.
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday..………...5:30 PM This says to me that when you trust and believe in the Lord's work good things
Thursday & Saturday….……………….…....8:00 AM will result in the end. The more you trust in the Lord the greater the blessings
Holy Days Of Obligation…...………..………6:00 PM when you need them the most.
First Friday Adoration……...4:30 PM —5:30 PM
Sunday ……………………….…………..8:45 – 9:15 AM
(or by appointment)
Sunday………………………………….…Aubrey Rankin,
Thomas Hackman, Sylvester Hackman (D)
Friday………………………..……..Frozine Mitchell (D)
Religious Education Class …..After Sunday Mass
RCIA Classes– Wednesday…….…..…….10:00 AM In the glory of the birth of Christ
CHOIR REHEARSAL and celebrate the
Miracles and Blessings
of the
Holy Spirit
Merry Christmas to ALL!