MINISTRIES A PRAYER OF PROTECTION Keep In Prayer Our...Ill & Homebound Parishioners
Altar Servers………………………………..Kimara Hawthorne IN TIME OF PANDEMIC
Altar Society…………………………………..….….Patricia Reed Ms. Josephine Betton Mrs. Katie Peters THE CASINO BUS TRIP IS BACK!!! Come join us for
Bereavement……………………………………...Pamela Barnes O Mary, an afternoon of fun!!! The Knights of Peter Claver Council/
Bldg. & Grounds Mgt..…………..………Walter L. Battles Jr you always brighten our path as Mrs. Windola Thompson Mr. Rickey Balasco Court #210 will resume their monthly sponsored bus trip
Choir Director……………..……………….……………...Lillie Key a sign of salvation and of hope. to the Imperial Palace Casino, beginning next Sunday,
Family Life………………………………….………….....Tara Evans We entrust ourselves to you, Mr. Feron Washington Mrs. Janet Ford January 9, 2022! The bus will leave from St. Joseph Parish
Finance Chair……..………………………….. Robert Pettaway Health of the Sick, who, at the Cross, took at 2:00 p.m. and return at 9:00 p.m. Donation $25.00
Hospitality & Ushers……….………………….Sharon Malone part in Jesus’ pain while remaining stead- Mrs. Irene Grove (receive 15.00 back in FREE PLAY), cold beverages and
Legion of Mary………….……………………..……Charlie Lyons fast in faith. snacks included. COME, get on the bus!
Liturgy….………….………………………….……...Ruth Pettaway Please sign the Healing Prayer Book to list ill parishioners).
Liturgical Dancers………..………….…..….….….Yvette Smith O loving Mother, CONGRATULATIONS—to Mrs. Gloria Petty, Decem-
Male Choir…………….………………………..….William Frazier you know what we need, and we are confident SACRAMENTS ber’s 50/50 winner!!! Mrs. Petty will receive $76.00, half of
Media & Public Relations…….……….….…….Greg Cyprian you will provide for us as at Cana in Galilee. the total collected for the month.
Outreach Ministry……………………….……...Sr. Susan Pugh Intercede for us with your Son Jesus, Baptism: Parents desiring baptism for their children
Parish Council………..……………..…….………..Yolanda Long the Divine Physician, are encouraged to contact the Pastor at least two 2022 ANNUAL CALENDARS—are available for pickup
RCIA………….………………………..Deacon Ronnie Hathorne for those who have fallen ill, weeks in advance to arrange for the required prepara- in the vestibule. Please only take 1 calendar per household
Religious Education …..……………………….…Marva Carter for those who are vulnerable, tion class for parents and godparents. to ensure that every family receive one. Thank You
St. Joseph School Alumni……………...……..Shawn Bivens and for those who have died.
Stewardship…………………………………….…....Keith Brewer Intercede also for those charged Sacrament of Matrimony: Any parishioner seek- 2021 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS—will be availa-
Youth Ministry ………………………….……….Leona Rudolph with protecting the health and safety of others ing marriage must contact the Pastor at least six (6) ble January 16, 2022. If you would like a copy of your
and for those who are tending to the sick and seeking a cure. months prior to the desired wedding date. statement please email: [email protected]
MINISTRY OF WORSHIP or leave a voice message on the church office phone: 251-
Help us, O Mother of Divine Love, Mass of Christian Burial: When a funeral is to be 473-3761
January 02 YOUTH SUNDAY to conform to the will of the Father celebrated, please contact the Pastor before contacting
Lector…………………………...Braden Turner and to do as we are told by Jesus, the funeral home. Funerals are not permitted on Sun- LOST & FOUND- a social security card was found on the
who took upon himself our sufferings and carried our sorrows, days or Holy Days of Obligation. church ground New Year’s Day. If you are missing this
January 09 so as to lead us, through the Cross, card please stop by the parish office after Mass or call the
Lector………………………..…...Walter Henry to the glory of the Resurrection. Amen. Readings for office: 251-473-3761
January 16 Under thy protection we seek refuge, O Holy Mother of God. Week After the Epiphany THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING!!!
In our needs, despise not our petitions, St. Joseph Parish has once again been blessed with a huge
Lector…………………….…...…...Karen White but deliver us always from all dangers, January 03–January 09, 2021 donation to our Outreach Food Pantry. Dione Howell and
O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen. the Sizewise family collected and gifted several pounds of
JANUARY CELEBRANTS MON First Reading: 1 J ohn 3:22-4:6 food for families in need in this community. Many families
(Adapted from the prayer of Pope Francis) 03 Gospel: Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25 will be blessed with this huge food donation. Dione Howell,
3rd –Justice Brown many Thanks and Appreciation to you and your team at
5th –Ruby Evans We are officially in the 2nd year of the Coronavirus Pandemic. TUES Memorial of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Sizewise for your generous donation!
9th – Delicia Fuller Please consider praying this prayer of protection to the Blessed 04 Religious
11th – Marva Carter Mother to help put an end to this modern day plague called COVID- First Reading: 1 J ohn 4:7-10 FREE FRESH FISH—get your free fish, this Thurs-
13th – Deborah Browne 19. WED Gospel: Mar k 6:34-44 day, January 6th and every first Thursday of each
15th – Tawana Malone 05 Memorial of Saint John Neumann, month. Stop by and get your fresh fish in the church
19th – Nia Jackson 2022 CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPES DELAYED! Bishop parking lot around 11:00 a.m.
21st – Ella Everett First Reading: 1 J ohn 4:11-18
23rd – Lillie Key Unfortunately, our annual contribution envelopes are not availa- Gospel: Mar k 6:45-52 ST. JOSEPH, THE MOTHER OF CHRIST
24th _Tara Mackie ble at this time. The printing company, Cathedral Corporation, PRASEDIUM first Friday Hour of Adoration will
24th - John Jackson has experienced some internal delays. In the interim temporary THU First Reading: Gospel: 1 J ohn 4:19- begin at 3:00 p.m. followed by Mass at 4:00 p.m. in the
27th – Jesse Stevenson blank envelopes will be provided for your convenience, please put 06 5:4 chapel.
30th – Sheila Mosley your name, date and contribution amount on the outside of the Second Reading: Luke 4:14-22
31st – Carolyn Hawthorne envelope. If you have unused contribution envelopes you may use AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE
them instead. Thanks for your understanding and patience. FRI First Reading: 1 J ohn 5:5-13
Anniversaries 07 Gospel: Luke 5:12-16 ENIGMA (EVEN NOW I GIVE MYSELF AWAY): Fun,
Fellowship, Food, Fraternity at the CYO Hall, 11 N. Lafa-
2nd--- Terry & Monica Motley (12 yrs.) SAT First Reading: 1 John 5:14-21 yette St., January 16. Please encourage all young black
08 Gospel: J ohn 3:22-30 Catholic Christian men, 8th grade-25 years of age to partici-
15th – Charles & Barbara Mitchell (45 yrs.) pate. Open Gym/Open Practice Field, 4:00-6:00 p.m., Home
SUN The Baptism of the Lord Cooked Dinner, 6:00-7:00 p.m., Program 7:00-7:30 p.m.
31st – Willie & Tara Evans (13 yrs.) 09 First Reading: Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 Sponsored by Fr. Victor Ingalls and the Office of Vocations.
Second Reading: Acts 10:34-38
December 26, 2021 Gospel: Luke 3:15-16, 21-22
Collection: 2,526.00
Attendance: 53
St. Joseph Parish, Maysville
1703 Dublin Street ▪ Mobile, AL 36605
Staffed by the Josephites and Dedicated Lay People of St. Joseph Parish
the epiphany of the lord
January 02, 2022
Your Providing a Beacon of Hope Reflection
Ad In the Maysville Community Wise Men Still Seek Him
Rev. Bura Aloysius Koroba, S.S.J…….……..…...Pastor
Mr. Ronnie A. Hathorne..…..………………....…Deacon
The Josephites & Dedicated Lay People……....Staff
Parishioners: The Greatest OFFICE……………………………....(251) 473-3761
Gift in the RECTORY ……………………………...…251) 473-0223
PLEASE patronize the FAX …………………………………….…..(251) 473-3768
WORLD! E-MAIL ……[email protected] The visit of the Magi occurs directly before the story of the Holy Family’s
WEB ………..……..… flight into Egypt. Matthew’s Gospel tells a version of Jesus’ birth that is dif-
businesses that advertise in our FACEBOOK:.…………..............StJosephsMaysville
bulletin. Let them know that TWITTER…. ……………………...……StJosephMaysvil ferent than the one in Luke. Of the actual birth of Jesus, Matthew tells us lit-
you saw their ad in our bulletin. YouTube……………..…………...St. Joseph Maysville tle more than, “When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of
King Herod . . . ” The story of the census is found only in Luke’s Gospel, but
Sunday Mass …………..…………………….….9:30 AM we hear about the visit of the Magi only in Matthew’s Gospel.
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday..………...5:30 PM
. Thursday & Saturday….……………….…....8:00 AM We know little about the Magi. They come from the East and journey to
Holy Days Of Obligation…...………..………6:00 PM Bethlehem, following an astrological sign, so we believe them to be astrolo-
First Friday Adoration……...4:30 PM —5:30 PM gers. We assume that there were three Magi based upon the naming of their
SACRAMENT OF PENANCE three gifts. The Gospel does not say how many Magi paid homage to Jesus.
Sunday ……………………….…………..8:45 – 9:15 AM In Matthew’s Gospel, they represent the Gentiles’ search for a savior. Be-
(or by appointment)
THIS WEEK’S MASS INTENTIONS cause the Magi represent the entire world, they also represent our search for
Sunday………………………………..……For the People Jesus.
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION.. We have come to consider the gifts they bring as a foreshadowing of Jesus’
Religious Education Class …..After Sunday Mass role in salvation. We believe the meaning of the gifts to be Christological.
RCIA Classes– Wednesday…….…..…….10:00 AM Gold is presented as representative of Jesus’ kingship. Frankincense is a sym-
bol of his divinity because priests burned the substance in the Temple. Myrrh,
which was used to prepare the dead for burial, is offered in anticipation of
Jesus’ death.
CHOIR REHEARSAL The word Epiphany means “manifestation” or “showing forth.” Historically
Thursday…………..………………………………...6:00PM several moments in Christ’s early life and ministry have been celebrated as
“epiphanies,” including his birth in Bethlehem, the visit of the Magi, his bap-
tism by John, and his first miracle at Cana.
Copyright—Sermon4Kids, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Happy New Year!!!
May You Have Good Health and Prosperity and May You
Be Blessed With God's Abundant Favor
Throughout 2022!