First Lights
Kids News Firstlights.org
We Can Do More Together!
Winter March 10, 2019 4:30-6:30pm @ Red Bridge Roller
weather policy Rink
In case of inclement weath-
er, FUMC follows the same
delays and cancelations as
Chambersburg Area School
District. If school is can-
celed then all ministries and
events at FUMC are also
canceled. If school is dis-
missed early, all evening
ministries and events at
FUMC are canceled. In re-
gards to Sunday morning,
please call the church office
for a message or visit our
facebook page for cancella-
tion notices. Always be safe
and use discretion in bad
Summer Church Camp Register now
online at www. susumc. org or grab
a form from the lobby. FUMC
scholarships available for early regis-
tration ( deadline May 1) - Fill out a
form and return it to Brianna
( Children’s Minister) .
Register today!
When: February 20 February 13 6:30pm FLC
10:30am– 11:30am
Where: Red Bridge
Roller Rink
Who:Weeones not
yet in kindergarten
Cost: $3 per child
February 2019
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
3 45 1 2
10 11 12 9
17 18 19 6 Choir 6pm 78 16
24 25 26 23
F&F 6:30pm Starbursts 5:30pm
13 Choir 6pm 14 15
Dodgeball 6:30pm Starbursts 5:30pm
20 Choir 6pm 21 22
F&F 6:30pm Starbursts 5:30pm
27 Choir 6pm 28
F&F 6:30pm Starbursts 5:30pm