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23.SexualTransmittedDiseases(STD)-ศ.คลินิก พญ.ยุพิน ไทยพิสุทธิกุล(25-11-61)

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Published by Kunlayanee Reunroeng, 2019-11-18 04:02:07

23.SexualTransmittedDiseases(STD)-ศ.คลินิก พญ.ยุพิน ไทยพิสุทธิกุล(25-11-61)

23.SexualTransmittedDiseases(STD)-ศ.คลินิก พญ.ยุพิน ไทยพิสุทธิกุล(25-11-61)

Urethral discharges

Gonococcal urethritis
Non-gonococcal urethritis

Genital ulcers

Herpes simplex
Lymphogranuloma venereum
Granuloma inguinale

Gonococcal urethritis


Neisseria gonorrhoeae
(gram negative diplococci)

Cilnical manifestations

urethral discharge

Laboratory tests

gram negative
diplococci intracellular

1. quinolones (oral)

-norfloxacin 800 mg single dose
-ofloxacin 400 mg single dose
-ciprofloxacin 250-500 mg single dose

2. spectinomycin 2 gm intramuscular
3. cephalosporins

-ceftriaxone 250 mg intramuscular
-cefotaxime 500 mg intramuscular

+ probenecid 1 gm. oral

-posterior urethritis
-paraurethral duct abscess
-periurethral duct abscess
-disseminated gonococcal
-gonococcal conjunctivitis

Non-gonococcal urethritis


•Chlamydia trachomatis
•Ureaplasma urealyticum
•Trichomonas vaginalis

Clinical manifestations

• dysurea
• urethral discharge
• leukorrhea in female

Laboratory tests

1. gram stain
2. culture in cyclohexamide

treated McCoy cell culture
3. direct fluorescent antibody

detection or enzyme


1. tetracycline 500 mg. qid 1-3 wks
2. doxycycline or minocycline 100mg.

bid 1-3 wks
3. erythromycin 500 mg. qid. 1-3 wks or

roxithromycin 150 mg. bid. 1-2wks or
thiamphenical 500 mg. qid. 1wks or
ofloxacin 200 mg. bid. 1 wks or
ciprofloxacin 500 mg. bid. 1 wks



Treponema pallidum
:active motile spiral spirochete
(4-14 spirals , 5-20 um)

Clinical manifestations

1. Primary syphilis
2. Secondary syphilis
3. Latent syphilis
4. Tertiary syphilis

1. Primary syphilis

• IP 18-21 day
• hard chancre (Hunterian chancre)
• non-tender not suppurate

• chancre redux
• syphilitic balanitis of Follmann

Laboratory tests

1. direct fluorescent antibody tissue test for
T.pallidum (DFAT-TP)

2. dark field examination
3. nontreponemal tests

Rapid plasma reagin (RPR)
Venereal disease research laboratory(VDRL)
4. polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
5. microhemagglutination assay for
6. fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption
(FTA-ABS) for treponemal test

2.Secondary syphilis (syphilids)

• maculopapular rash
• condyloma lata
• alopecia (moth-eaten)
• pharyngitis,tonsillitis
• relapsing secondary syphilis
• systemic involvement

Laboratory tests

1. VDRL strongly+ve
2. dark-field illumination

3.Latent syphilis

• early latent : no symtom (<2 yrs)
• late latent(>2 yrs)

4.Tertiary syphilis(3-5 yrs)

• nodular (reddish brown or copper-
color) with crust and scales(Kidney
shape),scars , ulceration , atrophy ,
macroglossia , perforation of hard

• gumma (deep punched ulcer)

Laboratory tests

1. VDRL or RPR + ve 75%
2. FTA-ABS or MHA-TP + ve 100%
3. Dark field illumination
4. PCR

Late complication

• osseous syphilis
• neurosyphilis
• cardiovascular syphilis
• congenital syphilis


Primary , Secondary , Early latent syphilis

1. benzathine penicillin 2.4 million IM
2. tetracycline (250mg) 2x4 pc x 2 wks
3. doxycycline (100mg) 1x2x2 wks
4. ceftriaxone 1 gm IM or IV x8-10 d.
5. azithromycin 2 gm single dose oral


Late or Early latent syphilis > 1 yr

1. benzathine penicillin 2.4 milliom Imx
3 wks

2. tetracycline (250 mg) 2 x 4 x1 month
3. doxycycline (100 mg)1 x 2 x 1 month


1. Pen G 3-4 mu IV every 4 hrs x2 wks.
2. Procaine Pen G 2.4 mu IM / day

+probenecid (500 mg) oral qid x 2wks
+Benzathine Pen G 2.4 mu IM/wk x 3wks

Congenital syphilis
Pen G 2-3 mu/kg/d IV
or 0.5mu every 4-6 hrs x2 wks

depends on stage

Jarisch – Herxheimer reaction

: 6-8 hrs after initial injection of Penicillin
: fever , sore throat , malaise , myalgia

headache , tachycardia
: erythematous swelling of initial syphilitic

: premature labor , fetal distress
: symtomatic treatment

Herpes simplex
fever blister , cold sore


Herpes simplex virus (DNA virus)
type I , II


1. Mild primary infections
2. Severe primary infection
3. Recurrent herpes simplex

I Mild primary infections

• gingivostomatitis
• genital herpes
• keratoconjunctivitis

2 Severe primary infection

• kaposi’s varicelliform eruption
(eczema herpeticum)

• meningoencephalitis
• disseminated herpes simplex

3.Recurrent herpes simplex

less severe , no symtom

Laboratory test

1. Tzanck test:multinucleated giant cell
2. Immunofluorescence:Ag detection
3. Elisa

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