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Gaskets & Wetted Components FORM L3.GMG.909 S1.5M Specifying Dresser Gaskets For corrosive or chemical line contents and/or adverse conditions

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Gaskets & Wetted Components - Wal-Rich Corporation

Gaskets & Wetted Components FORM L3.GMG.909 S1.5M Specifying Dresser Gaskets For corrosive or chemical line contents and/or adverse conditions

Gaskets & Wetted Components

BUNA S, BUNA N, Armored and High-Temp Gaskets

Plain Armored

Brass Coil

Includes Compatibility Charts for
Corrosive or Chemical Line Contents

For Dresser Gas & Water Market
Product Applications

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Gasket Overview

Dresser® Compounded Rubber Gaskets Buna S (Grade 27) - Max. Temp. 212°F*
The compound most generally used for plain gaskets is Buna
Pipe joints must be able to absorb pipe stress caused by S (Grade 27). This gasket has wide applications and is accepted
natural forces and allow for expansion, contraction, vibration and as standard for most pipeline use. It is recommended for use
deflection while the line is in service. on lines transporting both fresh water and salt water, natural
The sealing capabilities and the extreme flexibility of a Dresser and other gases, air, most acids, alkaline and sugar solutions
coupled joint is made possible by the resilience of the rubber- and some refrigerants.
compounded gaskets. Resiliency is the property that enables the Fluorocarbon - Max. Temp. 350°F
gaskets to maintain pressure against the followers that confine Fluorocarbon gaskets are resistant to hydrocarbons, aromatic
it and, at the same time, allow for flexibility not found in rigid hydrocarbons, alcohols, organic acids, nitrogen-containing
piping connections. Without it, a flexible joint is not possible! compounds, vegetable oils and greases.
Simply put, the absorption of pipeline stress permits each sec- Butyl - Max. Temp. 250°F
tion of the pipeline to “float” in the joint ensuring a flexible piping Butyl gaskets are resistant to hot air service, steam, hot
system while avoiding leakage, line breaks, costly repairs and water and miscellaneous aqueous solutions. They are also
service interruptions. suitable for vegetable oils, organic chemicals, oxidizing acids
The information below is provided as a general review of vari- and alkalies.
ous gaskets available when installing Dresser products. Please EPDM - Max. Temp. 300°F
consult Dresser engineering department for proper recommen- EPDM gaskets provide excellent resistant to aging factors
dations pertaining to your particular requirements. such as ozone, oxygen and elevated temperatures. This
WARNING: Temperature recommendations are for reference includes service in hot water, steam and dry heat. They are
purposes only. Please consult Dresser Inside Sales for specific also suitable for handling popular chemicals such as ketones,
recommendations, product style, line content, working pressure and alcohols, phosphate ester hydraulic fluids, glycols, dilute acids
temperature ranges. and alkalies.
High Temperature - Max. Temp. 1200°F
Armored® Gaskets These braided flexible gaskets are designed specifically
Armored gaskets can be used to great advantage where low for the high temperature and abrasive atmospheres
electrical-resistant joints are desired. The armor “bites” into the associated with services such as fly ash handling systems.
pipe providing metal to metal contact allowing easy passage of As a replacement for asbestos, these gaskets are manufactured
current where cathodic protection is a necessity. of a pure homogenous graphite bonded to a fiberglass carrier
The armor­—an elastic, practically indestructible brass coil or for strength and thermal durability. The braid over braid
helix—is molded into the gasket tip becoming an integral part of construction is die-formed and cut to length to fit proper
the gasket. When used with the proper grade/compound rub- coupling configurations resulting in a uniform tolerance which
ber, the armor shields the gasket material from the line content has proven itself as a reliable asbestos replacement.
without interfering with the sealing efficiency of the gasket. Note: The non-resilient characteristic of this particular gasket
Buna N (Grade 42 - Nitrile) - Max. Temp. 212°F* material may result in a non leak-proof seal. This should be
Buna N (Grade 42) gaskets are resistant to oil, most taken into consideration for this application.
aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, natural gas fogging oil,
condensates and gasolines.

Gasket Recommendations for SEVERE Service Conditions

Acetic Acid Ethylene Dichloride Armored Gr. 27 Plain Gr. 27
Plain Gr. 27 Ethylene Glycol Plain Gr. 27 Sodium Metaphosphate Plain Gr. 27
(10% concentration) Plain Gr. 27 Ferric Chloride Plain Gr. 27 Sodium Perborate
Ammonium Chloride Ferric Sulfate Plain Gr. 27 Sodium Phosphate Plain Gr. 27
Ammonium Phosphate Plain Gr. 27 Formaldehyde Plain Gr. 27 Plain Gr. 27
Formic Acid Plain Gr. 27 (monobasic, dibasic, Plain Gr. 27
(diabasic) Plain Gr. 27 Gelatin Plain Gr. 27 tribasic) Plain Gr. 42
Ammonium Phosphate Hydrogen Peroxide Plain Gr. 42 Sodium Sulfate Plain Gr. 42
Plain Gr. 27 Armored Gr. 42 Sodium Thiosulfate Fluorocarbon
(monobasic) Plain Gr. 27 Lacquers Plain Gr. 27 (hypo)
Armored Gr. 42 Magnesium Chloride Plain Gr. 27 Soybean Oil
Barium Chloride Plain Gr. 27 Nickel Sulfate Plain Gr. 27 Stearic Acid
Barium Hydroxide Armored Gr. 42 Oxalic AcidP lain Gr. 42 Plain Gr. 42 Styrene
Benzene Phosphoric Acid Plain Gr. 42
Boric Acid Plain Gr. 27 Picric Acid Plain Gr. 27 Tannic AcidP lain Gr. 27 Plain Gr. 27
Butyl Acetate Plain Gr. 27 Potassium Hydroxide Plain Gr. 42 Tartaric Acid Armored Gr. 42
Plain Gr. 27 Potassium Sulfate Trichloroethylene
Calcium Bisulfite Plain Gr. 27 Puric Acid Plain Gr. 27 Vinegar Plain Gr. 27
Calcium Chloride Plain Gr. 42 Vinyl Chloride Plain Gr. 27
Carbolic Acid, Phenol Plain Gr. 27 Sodium Bicarbonate Zinc Chloride Plain Gr. 27
Carbon Dioxide, Wet Plain Gr. 27 (baking soda)
Carbon Tetrachloride Plain Gr. 27
Citric Acid
Copper Cyanide
Copper Sulfate

REV 9.09

Specifying Dresser Gaskets

For corrosive or chemical line contents and/or adverse conditions

For those who may need gasket selection assistance with corrosive or chemical line contents, or adverse
conditions, Dresser engineers require the submittal of the following data specifications particular to your piping
system. Please fill out data below, copy and Fax to: 1-800-362-9363
1.) Line Content
2.) Chemical Name
3.) Concentration
4.) PH Reading and Moisture Percentage
5.) Piping Material Being Joined
6.) Piping System Pressure Rating
7.) Piping System Temperature Rating
8.) Atmospheric Conditions - Is product submerged?
9.) Operating Pressure
10.) Operating Temperature
11.) Size
12.) Type (Style) of Product Being Used
13.) Other Special Conditions
Name Phone:


Call Dresser Customer Service in Bradford, PA at 814-362-9200

Selection of the proper Temperature
materials and product recommendations are for
style must be made reference purposes only.
by a qualified person. Product style, line content
and temperature ranges
Improper materials should be submitted to
could result in leaking
line content and cause Dresser Engineering
property damage, serious Department for specific

injury or death! recommendations.

Piping Specialties
Dresser, Inc.
41 Fisher Avenue, Bradford, PA 16701 S1.5M
Phone: (814) 362-9200
Fax: (814) 362-9333

© 2009 Dresser, Inc.

DRESSER® Gasket And
Wetted Component Combinations

For Use With Chemical Or Corrosive LineContent

Acetic Acid (10% concentration)
Acetic Anhydride Plain Gr. 27 Plastic or Rubber-lined, Stainless
Acetone Plain Gr. 27 Aluminun, Monel
Acetylene Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Air Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Aluminum Chloride
Aluminum Fluoride Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Rubber-lined or Plastic
Aluminum Sulfate Plain Gr. 27 Rubber-lined or Plastic
Alums Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Ammonium Gas Plain Gr. 27 RubbeNinedbr Plastic
Ammonium Chloride Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Plain Gr. 27 Plastic or Rubber-lined, Monel, Stainless
Ammonium Hydroxide
Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Ammonium Nitrate
Ammonium Phosphate(diabasic) Plain Gr. 27 Plastic or Rubber-lined
Ammonium Phosphate(monobasic) Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Stainless
Ammonium Phosphate(tribasic) Plain Gr. 27 Stainless
Ammonium Sulfate Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Amyl Alcohol
Aniline, Aniline Oil Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Plastic or Rubber-lined
Asphalt Armored Gr. 42 Standard
Barium Chloride Armored Gr. 42 Standard
Barium Hydroxide Plain Gr. 27 Plastic or Rubber-lined, Stainless
Barium Sulfide Plain Gr. 27 Plastic or Rubber-lined, Stainless
Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Plastic or Rubber-lined, Stainless
Beet Sugar Liquors
Benzene Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Blast-furnace Gas Stainless
Borax Armored Gr. 42 Standard
Boric Acid Plain Gr. 42 Standard
Butane Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Plastic or Rubber-lined, Stainless
Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Butyl Acetate Plain Gr. 27
Butyl Alcohol Stainless
Calcium Bisulfite Armored Gr. 42 Standard
Calcium Chloride Plastic, Stainless
Calcium Hydroxide Plain Gr. 27 Stainless
Calcium Hypochlorite Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Plain Gr. 27 Plastic or Rubber-lined
Calcium Phosphate Plain Gr. 27
Caliche Liquors(sodium nitrate) Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Cane Sugar Liquors Standard
Carbolic Acid, Phenol Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Carbon Bisulfide Plain Gr. 27 Aluminum, Monel, Stainless
Carbon Dioxide, Dry Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Carbon Dioxide, Wet Plain Gr. 27
Carbon Monoxide Plain Gr. 27 Stainless, Monel, Plastic or Rubber-lined
Carbon Tetrachloride
Castor Oil Plain Gr. 27 Standard
China Wood Oil, Tung Oil Plain Gr. 27 Stainless
Chloracetic Acid Plain Gr. 42 Standard
Plain Gr. 42 Standard
Chlorinated Solvents, Dry Plain Gr. 42 Plastic
Chlorinated Solvents, Wet Plain Gr. 42
Chlorine Gas, Dry Standard
Chlorine Gas, Wet Plain Gr. 42 Monel
Citric Acid Plain Gr. 42 Standard
Plain Gr. 27 Plastic or Hard Rubber-lined
Coke-oven Gas Plain Gr. 27 Aluminum, Monel, Plastic or Rubber-lined,
Plain Gr. 27 and Stainless
Copper Chloride Standard
Copper Cyanide Plain Gr. 42
Copper Sulfate Plastic or Rubber-lined
Plain Gr. 27 Plastio or Rubber-lined, Stainless
Monel, Plastic or Rubber-lined, Stainless
Plain Gr. 27
Plain Gr. 27

NOTE: The Information in this chart is based on service at ambient temperature and is offered only as a guide.


Plain Gr. 42 Standard
Corn Oil Plain Gr. 42 Standard
Cottonseed Oil Armored Gr. 27 Standard
Creosote, Coal Tar Armored Gr. 27 Standard
Creosote, Wood Tar
Armored Gr. 42 Standard
Ethers Armored Gr. 27 Standard
Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Ethyl Acetate Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Rubber-lined
Ethyl Alcohol Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Ethyl Cellulose Armored Gr. 27 Monel, Rubber-lined, Stainless
Ethyl Chloride
Ethylene Dichloride Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Plain Gr. 27 Plastic or Rubber-lined
Ethylene Glycol Plain Gr. 27 Plastic, Stainless
Ferric Chloride Plain Gr. 27 Rubber-lined, Monel, Stainless
Ferric Sulfate Plain Gr. 27 Plastic or Rubber-lined, Stainless
Formic Acid Armored Gr. 42 Standard
Armored Gr. 27 Standard
Freon Armored Gr. 27 Standard
(11) Trichloromonofluromethane Armored Gr. 27 Standard
(12) Dichlorodiffuoromethane Armored Gr. 27 Standard
(13) Monochlorotrifluoromethane Armored Gr. 27 Standard
(21) Dichloromonofluoromethane
(22) Monochlorodifluromethane Armored Gr. 27 Standard
(113) Trichlorotrifouroethane Plain Gr. 42 Standard
Plain Gr. 42 Standard
(114) Dichlorotetrafluroethane
Armored Gr. 27 Standard
Fuel Oil Armored Gr. 42 Standard
Gas, By-product, Manufactured (sour)
Gas, By-product, Manufactured Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Stainless, Rubber-lined or Plastic
Plain Gr. 27 Standard
(except highly sour) Plain Gr. 42 Standard
Gasoline Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Plain Gr. 42 Standard
Gelatin Armored Gr. 42 Standard
Glue Plain Gr. 42 Plastic or Rubber-lined
Hexane Plain Gr. 27 , Plastic or Rubber-lined
Hydraulic Fluid Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Plastic or Rubber-lined
Hydrobromic Acid to 40% Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Plain Gr. 42 Plastic or Rubber-lined, Stainless
Concentration Plain Gr. 42 Standard

Hydrochloric Acid (up to 37% Cone.) Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Hydroflurosilicic Acid Armored Gr. 42 Standard
Hydrogen Gas Plain Gr. 42 Standard
Hydrogen Peroxide Armored Gr. 42 Stainless, Monel
Hydrogen Sulfide (cold dry) Armored Gr. 42 Monel, Plastic or Rubber-lined
Plain Gr. 42 Standard
Isopropyl Alcohol Plain Gr. 42 Standard

Jet Fuel Plain Gr. 27 Plastic or Rubber-lined, Stainless
Kerosene Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Lacquers Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Lactic Acid (cold) Plain Gr. 27 Plastic or Rubber-lined
Linseed Oil Plain Gr. 27 Standard .
Lubricating & Refined Oil
Armored Gr. 27 Standard
Magnesium Chloride Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Magnesium Hydroxide Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Magnesium Sulfate Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Mercuric Chloride Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Mercury Plain Gr. 27 Standard

Methane Plain Gr. 42 Standard
Methyl Alcohol (methanol) Armored Gr. 27 Standard
Methyl Chloride Armored Gr. 42 or 29 Standard
Methyl Ethyl Ketone Armored Gr. 27 Standard
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone Plain Gr. 27 Plastic or Rubber-lined
Milk Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Plastic or Rubber-lined, Stainless
Armored Gr. 42 Standard
Mineral Oil
Mineral Spirits
Natural Gas (including fogged)
Nickel Chloride
Nickel Sulfate

NOTE: The Information in this chart is based on service at ambient temperature and is offered only as a guide.

Selection of the proper materials and product style must be made by a

AWARNING qualified person. Improper materials could result in leaking line content
and cause property damage, serious injury or death.


Nitrogen Gas Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Oil, Crude, Sour Plain Gr. 42 Standard
Oleic Acid Plain Gr. 42 Aluminum, Monel, Plastic or Rubber-lined
Oxalic Acid Plain Gr. 42 Plastic or Rubber-lined, Stainless
Oxygen, Cold Armored Gr. 42 Standard

Palmitic Acid Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Perchlorcethylene Armored Gr. 42 Standard
Petroleum Ether Naptha Armored Gr. 42 Standard
Petroleum Oils (general) Armored Gr. 42 Standard
Phosphoric Acid Plain Gr. 27 Plastic, Stainless, Monel, Rubber-lined
Picric Acid Plain Gr. 42 Rubber-lined, Stainless

Potassium Chloride Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Potassium Cyanide Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Potassium Hydroxide Plain Gr. 42 Monel, Plastic, Stainless
Potassium Sulfate Plain Gr. 27 Aluminum, Plastic or Rubber-lined,
and Stainless
Producer Gas Plain Gr. 42 Standard

Propane, Saturated Armored Gr. 42 Standard
Propane (100% Vapor) Armored Gr. 27 Standard
Puric Acid Plain Gr. 42 Rubber-lined, Stainless
Secondary Butyl Alcohol Plain Gr. 27 Plastic
Sewage Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Standard
Soap Solutions Plain Gr. 27 Standard

Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Plastic or Rubber-lined, Stainless
Sodium Bisulfate Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Plastic
Sodium Carbonate (soda ash) Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Sodium Chloride Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Sodium Cyanide Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Sodium Dichromate (not over 10%) Plain Gr. 27 Plastic
Sodium Hydroxide
Plain Gr. 27 Standard
(caustic soda, 50% concen.) Plain Gr. 27
Plain Gr. 27 Plastic
Sodium Hypoohlorite Plain Gr. 27 Aluminum, Monel, Stainless
Sodium Metaphosphate Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Sodium Nitrate Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Stainless
Sodium Perborate Standard
Sodium Peroxide Plain Gr. 27
Sodium Phosphate Standard, Monel, Plastic, Stainless,
Plain Gr. 27 or Rubber-lined
(monobasic, dibasic, tribasic) plain Gr. 27
Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Sodium Silicate Plain Gr. 27 Aluminum, Plastic, Monel, Stainless
Sodium Sulfate Plain Gr. 42 Plastic
Sodium Sulfide Plastic, Stainless
Sodium Thiosulfate (hypo) Plain Gr. 27 Stainless, Rubber-lined
Soybean Oil Plain Gr. 42
Fluorocarbon Plastic or Rubber-lined
Stannic Chloride Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Plastic or Rubber-lined, Stainless
Stearic Acid Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Plastic, Rubber-lined, Stainless
Styrene Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Sulfurous Acids Standard, Plastic or Rubber-lined
Sulphur Plain Gr. 27 Rubber-lined
Sulphur Chloride Plain Gr. 27
Plain Gr. 27 Standard
Sulphur Trioxide Armored Gr. 27 Standard
Sulphuric Acids (up to 40% Concen.) Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Plastic or Rubber-lined, Stainless
Tannio Acid Fluorocarbon Standard
Tar Armored Gr. 42 Aluminum, Plastic, Stainless
Tartaric Acid Armored Gr. 42 Standard
Toluene Plain Gr. 27
Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Stainless
Trichloroethylene Standard
Turpentine Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Plastic, Stainless
Vinegar Standard, Stainless, Monel
Vinyl Chloride Plain Gr. 27
Water (sea water, acidic basic Plain Gr. 27 Monel, Plastic or Rubber-lined

chlorinated) Monel, Plastic or Rubber-lined, Stainless
Monel, Plastic or Rubber-lined
Zinc Chloride
Zinc Sulfate

NOTE: The Information in this chart is based on service at ambient temperature and is offered only as a guide.


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