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Published by mtnmessenger, 2022-12-31 13:48:56



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FLOODPL AINS What’s Brewing at
coal creek coffee...

OPEN MICNovember 12CthO, 5M:30MpmUatNCSICAeTCeIpAYaNgeD2H0 ANSEGvheo-npOtpiUngT
Friday, JanSeN6e opavg.e1244th Game Night
See page 23
Pastor’s Pantr y Sat.,SNeoe pvaegme b20eSr 1ee4ptahge 15

Every Wednesday, 3:00pm to 5:00pm Community
Mountain Artisans Guild Holiday Food DriveSeepage25
Whispering Pines Church Yoga Class

Mountain RidesIntrodu FREE Intro to Yoga class
cinYgou can par 24
ticipate by donatinSgee page

See pacgaen4ned and packaged food page 6
Holiday Arts & Crafts Sale
Coal Creek K-8
WildAwareKCindoeSaFarrgtiludardarCytaeyrNnNeoPvoe.av2.rk02et1nhsCtt61Ipa0nmafnmo-yr-9mo4papmntmionKSN-eie8gpahgteS,9JcanhuToaakroiyngEl12ovrederrgsrneoewnthsroFuughnNdorvaeimsbeerr 29th
Kindergarten Classroom Visit, January p13age See pagSe e15e page 25

Thursday, November 26th, noon – 2M:0a0rpkmy,oCuCCrICA aHlaelnl dar:
Happy New Year OpenWVMiladilcefinr&etiCnReios’mks DPmaisuncncuiatskyseSiHosnea-en-FpgeaFobgeueb1t1311-2Feb 3

3 CCC K-8 School Invites YOU! 14 Coal Creek Mourns the Loss of
PO BOX 7351, Crescent Branch
Submitted by Kendra Long Ross Vance Golden CO, 80403
By Ruth Rodgers
4 Introducing Mountain Rides 303.642.0067 please leave a message
15 WildAware - of Lions! email: [email protected]
By John Jantsch
By Jan Waddington and Chris McAllister Website:
5 Coal Creek Quick Quiz #22
16 CCCIA’s 2022 Santa Visit Produced, Designed and Printed monthly by
By Ruth Rodgers The Coal Creek Canyon Mountain Messenger, LLC
By Suz y Schemel, CCCIA Manager
6 It Takes a Canyon! To advertise email: [email protected]
19 Power and Authority or call 303.642.0067 & please leave a message
By Dave Pence and Linda Mar tin
By Glor y Fletcher Contact The Mountain Messenger, LLC by the
8 Kevin Patrick McNamara 20th of the month regarding news you feel Canyon
20 Saws & Slaws News residents and businesses would like to know and
November 21, 1969 - December 6, 2022 would enjoy reading. If you have recently moved to
Submitted by Ashley Roberts By Jody Dickson the canyon, had a new baby, wedding, write stories,
articles, or poems, climb mountains, run in races
9 EarthWatch 21 Januar y Calendar etc. We would appreciate it if you would give us a
call, mail or email the information. All letters must
By Jody Dickson By Linda Martin include your name, address, telephone number
and/or email address. We will not print anonymous
10 Januar y 2023 Crossword 22 Legal Guardians letters.

By Tony Thorpe By Tamra K. Waltemath The Coal Creek Canyon Mountain Messenger,
LLC is published the 1st week of each month or
12 The Conductor’s Dispatch 23 Sur vivors In Chaos thereabouts. Advertisers need to provide a digital
advertisement by the deadline; or arrange for the
By By Brad Swartzwelter By MB Reith advertisement’s design and preparation by The Coal
Creek Canyon Mountain Messenger, LLC.
13 Santa Paws 25 CCC Sky Watchers
All advertising, articles or letters presented to The
By Shelly Peters-Schaller By Barbara David & John Williams Coal Creek Canyon Mountain Messenger, LLC is
subject to managements approval. The policy for
CHURCH & COMMUNITY DIRECTORY this publication is to run advertisements until the
Facebook: Coal Creek Canyon, Colorado advertiser notifies management to cancel it. If errors
or omissions in advertising occur management will
Alcoholics Anonymous : Hybrid, Every Wednesday 7pm, CCCIA Hall, Fire District Board Mtg. - Second Monday each month 7 PM at CCCFPD print a correction in the next issue of the publication
31528 Hwy 72, (except 1st Wed of the month - online only) Station #1 (30579 Hwy. 72) All meetings open to the public after the advertiser notifies the publication of
the error or omission. Submissions are to be
Canyon Cares - Serving our community by providing resources to help care for JEWISH HAVURAH - call 258-7971 informational and cannot be confrontational,
the necessities and urgent needs of our neighbors! Call 720-515-1129 threatening or intolerant. If the article is advertising
NA meeting, Mondays - 7pm. Nederland Community Presbyterian Church an event, service or product, a print ad should be
CHAPEL IN THE HILLS - Office: 303-642-3130, Nederland, CO submitted in addition to the article.
Pastor Todd W. Fletcher 720-401-6471, Adult Sunday School: 9AM
Sunday Morning Worship: 10AM THE ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP (TEG) 1ST Tues. each month 5:30 pm see Advertisements in this publication do not constitute
EarthWatch article for location an endorsement of the publication, management
Coal Creek Canyon Park and Recreation District or staff. Every advertisement is published with the Saws and Slaws - agreement that the advertiser indemnifies and holds
the The Coal Creek Canyon Mountain Messenger,
CCCIA BOARD MEETING & other information. Second Tuesday of each Sky Watchers - LLC, management and staff unaccountable from
month 7 pm at the Hall. All meetings open to the public. To have items added any loss claims or suits arising out of publication of
to the agenda, please call 642-1540. For Hall rental/info contact Hall Manager Spirit of the Mountain Lutheran Church their advertisements. Submission of photographs
at 642-7300. For membership, Molly Fisher 642-3955. 31528 Highway 72, Contact Steve Hauser: 720-490-6826, Sunday Worship 11:00 am at the CCCIA Hall or other material is done at the risk of the sender; The Mountain Messenger cannot accept liability
WHISPERING PINES CHURCH, 73 Gross Dam Rd (behind United Power) for loss or damage. Letters or articles to The
CCC K-8 C3AC & PTSA -, Office: 303-642-3201, Coal Creek Canyon Mountain Messenger, LLC,
Pastor Nate Roschen, Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30AM do not necessarily reflect the opinion of
Cub Scout Pack 51 - For more info contact Tom 303-642-0309. Meetings are the publication, management, staff or
scheduled for the 1st Tues. of each month. To be added to the directory email: [email protected] advertisers; we reserve the right to edit
content and length.

Ad rates to increase
January 2023

Cover Photograph © Dave Schemel,
Quantum Photography, [email protected]

Coal Creek Canyon K-8 School Invites YOU!!

Kindergarten Parent Information Night and
School Tour: Thursday, January 12th, 2023
5:30-6:30 PM
Kindergarten Classroom Visit:
Friday, January 13th, 2023 9:00-9:45 AM

Will your child be five years old on or before October 1, Parents of ALL future Kindergarteners will need to create an
2023? Are you interested in learning more about Coal Enroll Jeffco account to either confirm your Jefferson County
Creek Canyon K-8 School? Now is your chance! student will be attending CCCK-8, or apply to Choice Enroll
your non-Jefferson County student into CCCK-8.
We would like to invite you to visit CCCK-8 and learn about
our Kindergarten program. On the evening of Thursday, For more information visit: https://www.jeffcopublicschools.
January 12th, from 5:30-6:30 PM, we will have a 2023-24 org/schools/enrollment/enrolljeffco
Kindergarten Parent Information Night and school tour with
CCCK-8 Interim Principal, Kevin Carroll (future students are Please call our Main Office at 303-982-3409 if you would like
welcome too!). You can also visit the morning of Friday, January to attend either event or make other arrangements to visit if
13th from 9:00-9:45 AM for a Kindergarten classroom visit. you cannot attend these events. We are excited to meet you
For those families who live in Boulder or Gilpin Counties, you and show you all of the wonderful opportunities Coal Creek
will need to Choice Enroll into CCCK-8. The first round of Choice Canyon K-8 School has to offer your student!
Enrollment for Jefferson County Public Schools ends on January
13th, 2023. Januar y 2023 © Mountain Messenger 3

Introducing Mountain Rides
▪ By John Jantsch
Getting around the mountains can present a challenge even
to the hardiest. Still, it can be nearly impossible for those under 12 may ride with an adult, but you must bring a car seat
without reliable transportation, the ability to drive, or worried for infants and toddlers. A $5 donation per ride is suggested
about road conditions. to support Via’s ongoing efforts.
How do I become a rider?
Public transportation, an on-again, off-again proposition in
these parts, is spotty at best due to a lack of sufficient demand Anyone interested can call a Via Mobility Specialist at 303-
to fund it. Private options such as Uber and Lyft suffer from 444-3043 or go online at to register. Once
the same financial constraints, not to mention the connectivity registered, a trip can be scheduled through Via’s call center
issues required to make the services viable. from 8 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday, or sign up for rides
listed on their monthly calendar located on the website. You
Fortunately, beginning in November this year, the Peak to may schedule up to seven days in advance.
Peak area has a new ride service called Mountain Rides.
Rides are available Monday through Thursday from 10 am
The service, operated by Via, provides wheelchair-accessible to 4 pm.
rides currently centered on the Peak to Peak highway route.
Rides to Black Hawk and Coal Creek Canyon are part of future This new program may take some trial and error to get
expansion plans. right. So as Via learns the best way to make the service work,
the community should practice patience while details are
Mountain Rides is a shared ride service with fixed pick- sorted out.
up times and locations and open times to accommodate

Where are Mountain Rides available?
Mountain Rides operates along the Peak to Peak Highway

from Ward to Gilpin County Rec Center. Current pick-up
and drop-off locations are in Ward, Nederland, Eldora,
Rollinsville, and Mid-Gilpin. Home pick-up can be scheduled
as requested.

Mountain Rides provides transportation for almost any
purpose, including medical and therapy trips, employment,
education, shopping, personal appointments, and more.

How much does it cost?
The service is free and available to anyone. The service is

made available by grants and local contributions. Children

4 © Mountain Messenger Januar y 2023 In an emergency


Coal Creek Canyon
Fire Protection District

P.O. Box 7187
Crescent Branch
Golden, CO 80403

Non-Emergency Contact
Phone Number:

Non-Emergency Contact Email:
[email protected]

They promise to do their best to adapt and adjust to the issues. Seeing that need, the Mountain Transportation
community’s needs. Betty Abel, Mountain Transportation Coordinator was hired to facilitate the launch of the Via bus
Coordinator shares, “With time, we will see where we need and start the driver volunteer program to help the Peak to Peak
to provide more service or less. We eventually plan to expand community take advantage of other transportation options
to include the communities in the north end region, adding available.”
Allenspark, Jamestown, Gold Hill areas, and Coal Creek
Canyon.” To learn about volunteer opportunities, visit
Think you want to volunteer? This is such a vital resource for those lacking great options
Along with managing Mountain Rides, Abel plans to build a to complete some of life’s basic tasks, so please support this
effort and give a cheery honk and a wave to a Mountain Rides
driver volunteer program that will complement the Mountain driver the next time you see one. 
Rides service to help maximize ridership and continue John Jantsch is a volunteer board member of Canyon Cares
addressing area transportation needs.
and a resident of Coal Creek Canyon.
Via hopes to have a full schedule for drivers within a year.
“The transportation options up here are one of our biggest

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

* * * Coal Creek Quick Quiz #22 * * *

Get to Know Coal Creek Canyon - - Round Twent y-Two - - Januar y 2023 Submit ted by Ruth Rodgers
Send your answers to: [email protected]

We all love and appreciate the Coal Creek Canyon area, its history, and its people. Test your knowledge with these next five new

questions for this month.

1 - - What road is the first left west of the CCCIA building?

2 - - How did Ralston Buttes get their name?

3 - - What content area did these former Coal Creek Elementary School teachers all have in

common: Mr. Terrill, Ms. Nixon, Mrs. Joy Bishop?

4 - - Some of the canyon’s teens opted to attend Oberon Junior High School in the 1960s

and 1970s. What was/is that school’s mascot?

5 - - WHO AM I? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>

[In each round, we’ll include a photo of a canyon resident, past or present, someone prominent, influential,

well-known, interesting, and/or accomplished (or some other related image) for you to identify. Can you name

the individual in these twenty-second round’s photos?] Continued on page 6

Jerry Deges

(Construction - Ten Yard & Twelve Yard Size)

Airways Electric Januar y 2023 © Mountain Messenger 5
Since 1979

Rick Hunton

Master Electrician


15400 W. 64th Ave, Unit E9-174
Arvada, CO 80007

CC Quick Quiz Cont’d from page 5 originally located on Twin Spruce Drive and now relocated to the
Ecology Site of Coal Creek K-8 School for restoration and history
Answers to the December 2022 CCQQ questions lessons. Murva Ann and her brother, George, grew up in the valley
1 - - Kurt Braginetz now known as Blue Mountain Estates and attending the Plainview
2 - - August 1979 School. In order to not have to board out for continued education, the
3 - - At the intersection of Crescent Park Drive and Hwy 72, family moved into Arvada, where Leavitt grew his lumber business
on the SE corner of the intersection, across Crescent Park and began developing Booth Land and Cattle Company. It was here
Drive from Fire Station #1 that Duane and Murva Ann met.
4 - - Mustangs
5 - - Duane & Murva Ann Rodgers Duane’s family had homesteaded north of Ft. Collins and has
(Can you tell this photo much family history in that area of the state in addition to the
was taken on their 57th Arvada area. After serving in Patton’s Third Army, his father settled
anniversary celebration?!? the family on a small farm and orchard at Ralston and Simms near
Notice the gag gift!) the Booths’ lower place, close to his brother Frank’s place along
present-day Indiana Street. He and Murva Ann dated through their
Married in 1957, Arvada High School years and married while he attended Colorado
this couple has deep State University. Soon after, they built one of the first homes in
roots in our area. Murva Crescent Park. Their three daughters, Becky (Johnson), Ruth, and
Ann’s great-grandfather Martha (Stricker), all grew up there attending Coal Creek Elementary,
ran a blacksmith shop in Golden Junior High, and Golden Senior High. Through the 60s,
Nevadaville beginning in 70s, and 80s, the family was very involved in the school, the Fire
the 1870s. The family’s three children, including Murva Ann’s Department, the CCCIA, scouts, and the Church of the Open Door
grandmother and her uncle “Gus” Brumm who was prominent in (now Whispering Pines), remaining involved with a variety canyon
the canyon, all attending the Bald Mountain School above Central groups and friends still today.
City. The family filed for homesteads on the south side of the canyon
between Coal Creek and Ralston Creek. Murva Ann’s father, Leavitt Duane and Murva Ann now live on a parcel of the former family
Booth, and his siblings attended the Old Columbine Schoolhouse, ranch above the original Brumm homestead and Blue Mountain
It Takes a Canyon!
▪ By Dave Pence and Linda Mar tin

I recently stopped in at The Garage at Carl’s Corner to get a tire
Welcome to the January edition of It Takes a Canyon!  Our Coal repaired and had a wonderful chat with Bill Shaffer, the new
Creek Canyon “downtown” is developing a different look, owner.  
complete with new businesses and business owners.  Please support
the local businesses in our community! 


Water Wells  Complete Pump Service  Wells-Tested For Loans
Solar Pump Systems

6 © Mountain Messenger Januar y 2023

As a retired shop teacher, I’m curious about what influences you had What services do you offer your customers? What is your
at an early age that might have steered you into skilled trades.  What/ specialty?  What are your hours of operation?
who influenced you to become an auto technician?
For now, our hours are from 9am-3pm.  We are going to offer
From the time I was very young my three brothers and I all had basic needs for modern cars (oil change, tire work, and other things)
a love of cars.  I really liked the history and the people behind the but I would really like to focus on older vintage cars and trucks.  I’ve
development of cars …from the racing background of different models been lucky to have made contacts in the old car sphere where finding
to changing technologies in the industry.  I like the personality of the parts is sometimes possible.  We will be doing different things as time
different companies’ leadership, and the reason why some companies goes on, like the farmers market, to help out the Canyon and to be
thrived and others did not.  a bigger part of the community as a whole. We hope you like what
we have done so far, and I can’t wait to show you the up-coming
Please tell us a bit about your passion for vintage cars. improvements!  Thank you!
To this point in my life I have owned 60 plus cars, some for only
Author’s note:  My experience with Bill Shaffer and The Garage at
a short amount of time, others for a really long time.  If you look at Carl’s Corner was first rate.  Stop by if your car or truck needs service
the shop, I have also collected a bunch of automobilia.  or just to say hello.

What advice would you give to young people who want to become Sad note….As I talked with Bill, I couldn’t help but think about the
auto technicians? many, many times over the past 25 years I stopped by Carl’s Corner to
see my friend, Carl Vair.  His passing came as a terrible shock.  I’ll
My advice to a young person with the passion for cars is to read always remember him for his great service and friendly demeanor. 
as much as you can about it and try to find a mentor to teach some
of the tricks, and mostly just get started. Starting with whatever car Dave Pence is a retired Boulder Valley Schools teacher,
you have, learn why your model was made, who was the competitor former W-EMT, former National Outdoor Leadership
and why yours is different.    School (NOLS) instructor and a 30+ years resident of
Coal Creek Canyon.
What led you to set up shop here in CCC?  
My wife Emily and I and our daughter Chloe have had a cabin on Linda Martin is a Volunteer Coordinator for Saws &
Slaws, past Board member of CCCIA, CCCPRD, and past
Twin Spruce for about seven years now, so we knew the area.  When I owner of Wee Creekers Child Care.
retired from UPS I thought that with my love of all things automotive,
the Garage at Carl’s Corner would be a great next step.  We have
been in the space since the end of June and have been working hard
to change the look inside and out.   My goal has been to make it a
place I would want to come to.  

DECEMBER 2022 ANSWERS: ACROSS: 1. Tyler Adams 8. Ed 10. HBO 11. UAO 12. ICE 13. Ned 15. Bronson 17. Geo 18. Rosie
19. Ohm 21. Lionesses 23. DMO 24. VS 25. Me 26. ion 27. Hinokami 30. TP 32. Kin 33. Nord 36. Leek 37. Treat 38. Pena 40. Bio
41. Plane 43. Morgues 45. Etna 46. SE 47. Santa 48. Skeet DOWN: 1. Thorodin 2. YB 3. Longmont 4. Rudolph 5. Dubrovnik
6. Aaronson 7. Moose 9. Eco 9. Denise 12. ISES 14. EE 16. Nissan Rogue 20. HMO 22. Emirates 28. IKEA 29. Moe 31. Planet
34. DT 35. Bella 37. Tir 38. PP 39. NA 40. BO 42. ETA 43. Mas 44. Set

Massage Therapist
and Esthetics


Coal Creek Canyon
and Arvada

Massage  Facials  Chemical Peels  Cupping
Waxing  Massage for Equines and Canines

Shelly Peters-Schaller, CMT, CCMT, CEMT, CME Januar y 2023 © Mountain Messenger 7

Kevin Patrick McNamara
November 21, 1969 - December 6, 2022

Kevin Patrick McNamara, of many gatherings, with his enthusiasm and zest for life.
formerly of Coal Creek Kevin was a geographer at heart; he was deeply interested in
Canyon, passed away on the natural world, having studied Physical Geography at the
December 6th, 2022, at State University of New York and the University of Wyoming.
UCHealth University of He was curious about many things and researched the world,
Colorado Hospital after a from archeology to politics, climate, and the physical world.

battle with cancer at the Professionally, he ended up being a Software Engineer,
age of 53. Kevin was born developing software to support the Utility industry. After a
on November 21st, 1969, few years, his entrepreneurial spirit led him to start his own
in Perth Amboy, NJ. He is
survived by many close company. He soon brought his brothers into his company to
loved ones. His two sons,
James and William McNamara reside in Coal Creek Canyon, work with him. Kevin also loved travel, the physical geo(g[raFpOhXy VLYH
Colorado. His two brothers, Derek, and Douglas; and his father,
Gale; nephew Riley McNamara, all reside in Hood River, Oregon, .DWK\ .HDWLQJand climates of different places, and the varied people found
and he had many uncles, aunts and cousins throughout the
country. His partner Stephanie Faren resides in Louisville, throughout the world. He traveled throughout North and
South America, from Prudhoe Bay in Alaska to Tierra del Fuego
Colorado with her son and daughter, Tommy and Katie, who in South America. Any trip with Kevin was an adventure; you
Kevin was a stepfather to.  never knew where it would take you or when you would return.
There was always a new road to see, a new mountain or ridge
Kevin was a friend to all who knew him, with an infectious
personality that warmed those who met him immediately. Kevin to climb to see what was over the horizon. He took the path
could start a conversation with anyone, relating to them on a less traveled. Kevin lived a remarkable life, and he left us too
personal level, and as a result, he made many deep connections soon. His charismatic personality touched many lives during
throughout his life. He was often the life of the party, whether his time. 
it be telling stories or playing his guitar; Kevin was the center
A Celebration of Life was held on Dec. 17th at the Table
Mountain Events Center in Golden. In lieu of flowers, the family
requests that donations be made to the Aplastic Anemia, MDS


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8 © Mountain Messenger Januar y 2023

EARTHWATCH ▪ By Jody Dickson

New Year Sustainabilit y Commitment - Compost your food waste. Keeping our food waste out of the
landfills is a huge help on greenhouse gases.
It’s that time of year where a lot of people take the occasion of a new - Use rechargeable batteries. Yes, they are more expensive at the
calendar year to make a new commitment to change something in beginning, but think of how much is spent on replacing batteries
their lives. It can be a “resolution” or something smaller and more over the years of use.
bite-sized. To make it more manageable, I’ll often make a list of things - Carpool or use public transportation. The fewer cars putting out
I just want to try doing in the year to come. In honor of this new emissions the better it is for our air quality and health, especially in
year, consider making a commitment to the environment in some the Denver metro area.
way. Not only will you feel better about doing something good for the - Do an environmental audit of your home and/or lifestyle and
Earth, it is a good way to gradually live in way that is true to what is identify where you think your biggest impacts are so you know what
important to you. It’ll feel just as good and is more achievable than you change is a meaningful and effective one.
some of those other resolutions we make… and then break! Here - Join and be active with a local organization that works to protect
are some ideas: the environment in some way. (TEG, for example!)
- Reducing waste by using what you have. Our waste stream is The possibilities are endless. It is easy to pick a passion or priority
overwhelmed by materials. If we make a point of using what we based on your values and find a way you can take a step toward a
have (think clothes, food, household products, etc.) then we reduce better world for everyone.
the amount of waste that enters the waste stream. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Reducing waste by not using disposable products like straws, single- We are listening … to a podcast called “New Food Order” which is
use water bottles and to-go containers. Bring your doggie bag to the dedicated to the topic of how our food and agriculture systems affect
restaurant for your leftovers. The restaurants really appreciate it! both climate change and social inequities. The focus of the podcast
- Shop local like I talked about last month. It reduces the impacts of is slightly on the business of those industries, but it is relevant for
transportation emissions and keeps our local economy going. those of us outside of a food business as we consider the foods that
- Go meatless for at least one day a week or one meal every day. By we choose to buy and eat. The hosts are truly on a discovery journey.
reducing our demand of meat and dairy products, we reduce the Through their expert guests, they explore very nuanced subjects in
impact of the production of those products. both culture and science. I love listening to them consider the beliefs
- Reduce your energy consumption by air-drying clothes out in our that they came into the interviews with and the things they are
lovely Colorado sunshine. chewing on after the interviews. I’ve found the episodes to be very
- Layer up even at home to reduce your consumption of fuels for thoughtful and thought-provoking. Look for this podcast wherever
home heating. you listen to podcasts. They’re available on the web, too.
- Not buying any new clothes for a year. Earlier this year I wrote about
“fast fashion” and one person responded with their commitment to Continued on page 10
not buy new clothes for a year.

303-642-3853 • 303-885-8965 (Cell) Januar y 2023 © Mountain Messenger 9
[email protected]


In Coal Creek Canyon
Will Barkley

Please call 303-642-0582
for more information or to schedule lessons

EarthWatch Cont’d from page 9 Get Involved!
Why should you become a member of TEG? When you become a
Calendar of Events: member you have an instant platform for your local environmental
January 12th – TEG Board Meeting – 6 pm – Our board meetings are priorities and plenty of opportunity to join us with our current
on a conference call. All are welcome. If you want to attend, please priorities including the Gross Dam expansion project, sport shooting
contact us for information. Please visit our website for more info: and local development. To join, go to our website: or on Facebook at

January 2023 Crossword ▪ By Tony Thorpe
33. Fish N’ Chips down the hill (2)
Questions: Across: 34. Squid discharge (3)
1. Imaginary line in Northern Canada (6,6) 36. Bay in Oregon (4)
8. Text for the answer is not forthcoming (3) 38. Clippers and Lakers (2)
10. Juniper berry drink (3,3,5) 39. Popular tight undies (6)
13. Older than a Jr. (2) 41. Zoom Video Communications Inc (2)
14. Anastasia Oleksiivna Kamenskykh (2) 42. Could be Grandad (3)
15. The US had a large surplus of this in 2020 (3) 43. This State’s Governor might run (2)
17. Pay attention to the next part in Latin (4,4) 45. Greek fabulist and storyteller (5)
19. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (4) 47. World Cup Finally, the best ever soccer player? (6,5)
20. Duran Duran song (3) Down:
21. Palencia, Actress (5) 1. Won the World Cup in Qatar (9)
22. University in Flagstaff (3) 2. Roman Emperor also Chenyenko (11)
23. Fancy Jeep (7) 3. Austrian Ski Resort (9)
25. Don’t give Bankman-Fried your non-fungible token (3) 4. Yellow heavy equipment (3)
27. The DaVinci or the Bible (4) 5. Place to skate (4)
29. Mercedes model (2) 6. Glycyrrhiza glabra (8)
30. “What’s My Name Ernie?” boxer (3) 7. Legendary Wondervu HVAC and nice guy, Mr. Walter (2)
31. Japanese carp (3) 9. French World Cup phenom (6,6)
32. Big record (2)

Arrow Drilling Company

 Water Well Drilling
 40+ years in the Drilling Industry
 Licensed, Bonded, Insured


Peter R. Berglund Lic. #1215
5800 West 60th Ave.
Arvada, CO 80003

Arr ow Drilling Co. has be en the pr emier family owned and operated well drilling service for
the city of Denver and its surr ounding ar eas. We ar e a second-generation business dedicated to
pr oviding excellent services and high quality pr oducts for our valued customers.

10 © Mountain Messenger Januar y 2023

12 3 4 5 67
10 11 12 15 16 Need a little extra help?
Whispering Pines Church’s
13 14 33
38 Food Pantry
17 18 19 42 Open every Thursday
20 21 46 from 3-5pm.

22 23 24

25 26 27 28

30 31 32

34 35 36 37

39 40 41

43 44 45

47 33. Motivational place on Mapleton (4)
35. Ready to get going (4)
11. 3 Germans humor (4) 37. Not an Aus doctor finished down under Fetterman (2)
12. Step Beyond, by Madness (3) 39. Sunny in Mexico (3)
16. Comes before sphere in the sky (4) 40. Almost ROFL (3)
18. Cross Country skiing (6) 42. Air in your tires (3)
19. In the UK, a packet of these is a bag of chips (6) 44. Somewhere in the middle of the Alphabet (2)
21. Could be a gun or Mr. King (2) 46. E-mini S&P 500 price (2)
24. Portable speakers (2)
26. Fix and this to a house (4)
28. De-Lally Coffee Shop in Castle Rock (2)
32. Chilean and Peruvian mist (5)

Scott C. Cooper
Skid Steer and Operator for Hire

Bristlecone, LLC
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The Conductor’s Dispatch ▪ By Brad Swar t zwelter

The most perfect train to the best ski slopes in the world. That’s What has always set Colorado’s ski train apart is how close the
what we’ve got right here in Colorado - and it rolls right through train stops to the lifts. After getting off the train and onto the heated
our own backyard in Coal Creek Canyon. concrete platform, the Gondola, and other lifts are just 50 steps
away! There is no hassle of parking, hauling ski gear, or hunting for
I first rode the ski train back in the early 1970’s. I got on board lockers. Winter Park Express passengers get off the train with boots
with my friends from the ski club at the Rocky Flats stop, which was and snow suits on, ready to ride straight up to the slopes. Bags and
still allowed back in those simpler days. other things not needed during the day can be left on the train for
the return trip home that evening. No train anywhere - not even in
For us kids, it was a party! The train was almost as much fun as Austria or Switzerland - can offer such perfect convenience.
the bumps on Bradley’s Bash, or the thrill of bombing down Cranmer.
Taking the train to Winter Park for the day was the best part of winter. Sadly for those of us living in Coal Creek Canyon, there is no
The old train cars with velvet seats and steam heat were magical. longer a stop at Rocky Flats. We have to get to Denver Union Station
There may have even been a few kisses inside the dark tunnels among to catch the train. Perhaps one day soon a group working to create
the older couples who were “going steady.” an Amtrak stop in the western suburbs, and possibly Rollinsville,
will succeed. But for now, an early morning drive or RTD ride to the
Today, Amtrak’s Winter Park Express is a more grown up station is required.
experience, rather than kids in ski clubs. But it keeps the Colorado
ski train tradition alive. It runs over the same route, which is by any Amtrak’s Winter Park Express will begin 2023 operation on Friday,
measure one of the most amazing scenic train rides in the world. January 13, and run every Friday, Saturday and Sunday until the last
The destination, Winter Park Resort and the village of Winter Park, weekend in March. Reservations are required. They are available at
has only gotten better year after year. Now there is every activity Most trips sell out, so make your
and amenity any skier, or non-skier could dream of. The runs are reservations early.
even better than when I was a kid, with expert grooming and other
technologies that make rocks on the slope almost non-existent. And I will be the conductor on every run of the Winter Park Express
still, there is the world famous champagne powder of the Colorado this season. If you do ride the train this year, make sure to introduce
Rockies. On a bluebird day at Winter Park after a fresh storm, no yourself. I am always thrilled to share what we do on the rails with
snow on earth can compare. my neighbors in the Canyon. If you bring someone along who you
really like, you might even get a kiss in one of the many tunnels
The Superliner train cars used on today’s ski train are luxurious. along the way.
Leg room is greater than a first class seat on an airliner. Windows are
huge. The lounge car, with its wrap-around floor to roof windows, is All Aboard!
well stocked with snacks and beverages. The staff of volunteers and
professional Amtrak employees keep every passenger safe, informed See you on the rails,
and even entertained. There are a few extra amenities, like massive
ski and luggage areas, so that seats are not cluttered with gear. Conductor Brad

12 © Mountain Messenger Januar y 2023 Spirit of the

Lutheran Church

Coal Creek Canyon

Sunday Services
11:00 a.m.

at the CCCIA Hall

Contact person
Steve Hauser

Come Join Us

Santa Paws

Iwant to give a heart filled thank you to everyone who participated in making
Santa Paws a huge success!!! It wouldn't have been magical without ALL of

Santa was able to see 28 dogs, 2 Guinea pigs, and a bunch of smiling faces.
The winners of the gift bags were Sarah Reagan and Michael Maio.
Santa's helpers were Suzy Schemel, Bruce Goodwin & Jay Schaller. Behind
the scenes was Chris Passarelli.
A big thank you to Mr. & Mrs Santa Paws!!! Who took their time out of their
busy schedule to visit the pets in the Canyon.
Sponsored by United Power. Gift bags donated by Petco on 80th and
Wadsworth. Dog treats donated by JL&B. People treats donated by Walmart on
Thank you again I'm very grateful.
Shelly Peters-Schaller 1957 - 2022

Januar y 2023 © Mountain Messenger 13

Coal Creek Mourns the Loss of Ross Vance
Abeloved and longtime canyon resident, Harold Ross enjoyed building ride-able model trains. He
Ross Vance, 84, of La Junta, Colorado, previously loved spending time with his family and loved all this
of Arvada and Coal Creek Canyon, passed away grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Ross will be
on December 7, 2002, at the Memorial Hospital in dearly missed by his family and friends.
Colorado Springs. The Celebration of Life service for
Ross was held at the First Church of the Nazarene in A whole generation that grew up in the canyon
La Junta on the afternoon of Saturday, December 10, during the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, often looks back and
2022, and included the musical selections “Amazing expresses how they felt like they had a large extended
Grace”, “It Is Well with My Soul”, and “Highway to family all across the canyon. Most felt these additional
Heaven”. supportive adults in their lives had their backs (if not
eyes over their shoulders) and that several could be
Ross is survived by his wife, Ruth Ann (Svoboda), called upon when needed beyond their parents. Faith
Robert (Cheryl) Vance of Oklahoma; Ronette (Lee) Hopkins Mittman remembers being a bit too small for
Swank of Florida; Richard Vance of Kentucky; nine an inner tube in their pool when she was around 4 or
grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. He was 5 years of age. She remembers her mother pulling her
preceded in death by his parents, one brother, and back to the surface, but it was Ross who pulled her up
one sister. on the edge and wrapped a towel around her making
sure she was OK. She remains grateful for his kindness
Ross was born in Akron to LaDene and Ellen and gentleness still today. Reminiscing with Ronette,
Elizabeth (Ross) Vance on April 10, 1938. The family Tracy Jorgensen DeYoung recalled that when her mother couldn’t
moved to Arvada when he was in high school. Both Ross and Ruth make it to the hospital, Ross delivered her baby brother. Another
attended Arvada High School. Ross worked for Mountain Bell for 30 example is recalled by Ruth Rodgers. Her parents had emphasized
years and for Continental Airlines for 10 years. He and Ruth built their safety and many go-to adults should the need arise. One evening
home on West Ranch Elsie Road in 1965. The Vance home was well- when home alone with her little sister, Martha, something went
known to many in the canyon both as ‘the round house’ and also for wrong with their furnace. Ross was the individual who came to mind.
having a belowground swimming pool which the family shared with Indeed, after a phone call and Ross’ assistance, all was well. That
many friends and groups. During their many years in the canyon, the particular memory remains vivid still over 40 years later. In those
Vances were involved in the school, scout troops, and the Church of days, with people like Ross Vance in the canyon, the village indeed
the Open Door. For 20 of those years, Ross was a volunteer on the helped to raise its children.
Coal Creek Volunteer Fire Department also serving as fire chief. Indeed, Ross will be dearly missed, but countless fond memories
will live on.
Ross and Ruth lived in the canyon for 50 years until 2015 when
they moved to La Junta; they have lived there for the past seven


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14 © Mountain Messenger Januar y 2023

WildAware - of Lions! ▪ By Jan Waddington and Chris McAllister

Mountain Lion  - It wasn’t in the canyon, but just over the are closely tied to the Ponderosa Pine so perhaps they will now be
Wondervu Ridge: from Pinecliffe, to Hwy 119, and from seen more often.
Nederland to Mountain Meadows, there is/was a mt. lion that was     Our other squirrels, the chipmunk, and golden-mantled ground
killing dogs! (Many of you remember when that happened in the squirrel have gone to bed, but the chickeree (aka pine squirrel) is
canyon. It was terrible.)  Someone in Nederland has posted a map still out and about, swearing at folks in its territory, and visiting rain
showing where 11 dogs had been taken, plus threats, and sightings! gutters where bird seeds have collected.
A meeting was held in Ned and 150 people showed up.  One has to     What’s lacking? Bear reports! Sleep tight, bears.
wonder why a lion would go after pets - since mule deer are the main     Keep watching and report on CoalCreekSpeak or
prey of lions, one has to wonder if something happened to the mule CoalCreekCanyonWildlife, or call Jan at 303-642-0926.
deer population in that area? Let’s stay aware, and hope the problem
has been solved by the time this is published. Here’s Chris with the bird report.  Coal Creek Canyon Birds
     Moose - There were few reports this month. Perhaps people are so
used to seeing moose that they don’t report, or maybe everyone was participated in the 4th Annual North Jeffco Christmas Bird Count circle
just very busy. A mom moose, and her twins, were on Spruce Canyon representing Zone 1.  A small group of us met at the Plainview Rd.
Circle. A  moose was on So. Boulder Creek, and one in Wondervu. A parking lot and birded for a few hours along the road, near the creek
bull moose, lacking one paddle, was on Lyttle Dowdle. and just past the burn area.  Even though it was a cold and windy
    Elk - Several elk with great racks had their pictures taken. One of day, we recorded at least two new species for Zone 1 – Bushtits and
those was at Walker Ranch. a Wilson’s Snipe!  Afterwards we birded the lower trails at White
    Mule Deer were across the canyon - no lack of deer here! Ranch.  What a fun time – a special thanks to the ladies that came
    Coyote - A coyote was seen on Circle Drive. out to support this great event!
    Gray Fox - This fox was seen on Butte Drive. It is not to be confused
with our red foxes, the gray fox is a different species, very nocturnal, This past month included SO many Wild Turkey reports! One video
and shy. included 4 Wild Turkeys just casually ‘strolling through.’  Another
    Bobcat - A bobcat was near the United Power office. member counted about 50 (the most he ever counted was 30), many
    Abert’s Squirrel - What a delight to have this beautiful squirrel of them looked like juveniles.  He also saw another rafter of 23 and
with tufted ears  in our area. This one was on Copperdale Ln. They got a great video of them.  A different member caught about a dozen
on a video that she labeled ‘Marked Safe from Thanksgiving.’  Wild
Turkeys seem to be thriving in mid Coal Creek Canyon.

Continued on page 16

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Januar y 2023 © Mountain Messenger 15

WildAware of Lions! Cont’d from page 15 As I wrap up this month’s report, we’re heading into two days of
very cold artic weather with snow and wind, but I’m thinking ahead
Other reports this month included Mountain Chickadees, to April which is less than 4 months away which brings the return of
Common Ravens, Steller’s Jays, Clark’s Nutcrackers, White-breasted our Broad-Tailed Hummingbirds! 
and Pygmy Nuthatches, Hairy Woodpeckers, Townsend’s Solitaires
and a few large groups of American Crows. We hope you will join us in Coal Creek Canyon Birds Facebook
Group to share what you are seeing in your yard.  Do you love birds
 Our birdy highlights this month included a Northern Shrike and
the most spectacular video called ‘Grosbeaks aplenty.’ There were SO and like to write?  Please reach out as we’re looking for reporters to
many Evening Grosbeaks on this member’s deck railing that I could
not even count them all.  WOW, just wow!  I also had a Northern help with our monthly summaries.  Have a happy holiday season! 
Saw-Whet owl calling briefly one evening, always such a treat.

CCCIA’s 2022 Santa Visit
Abig thank you to the Coal Creek Canyon Community Center for
inviting Santa in for a cozy visit on Dec 10, 2022. The weather of whipped cream and goodies. Each child received a special gift to
was nice and 60+ canyon children (and their parents) enjoyed take home too.
sharing their secret wishes with Santa, writing letters to the North
Pole and making fun crafts. We all enjoyed a cup of cocoa with lots Thank you, Santa and Mrs. Claus, for the special visit to Coal Creek
Canyon during your very busy time of year!

The CCCIA offers this canyon kids event for free. A big thank you
United Power for their sponsorship!
If you see these folks in the community,
please give them a big virtual hug!
• The CCCVFD, Josh Caldwell and family, for
delivering the Jolly Old Elf in style.
• Cindy Kolinski for providing crafts.
• Stephanie Ruswick and Sam for helping
the children write letters to Santa.

• Caron Huffman for handing out gifts.
• Tami Waltemath for assisting everywhere
• Penny Smith, as Mrs. Claus, assisting
Santa and handing out candy canes
• Nancy Viviano for her magical line

Continued on page 19




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16 © Mountain Messenger Januar y 2023 Januar y 2023 © Mountain Messenger 17


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[email protected]

18 © Mountain Messenger Januar y 2023

CCCIA Santa Visit Cont’d from page 16

• Santa shall remain anonymous but was
the star of the show

Thank you to each and every Elf, present
and behind the scenes, who made this day so
special for our canyon kids!
Happy Holidays!
Suzy Schemel, CCCIA Manager

Power and Authority ▪ By Glor y Fletcher

At just three weeks old, Owen has quickly become the most doted and go home’” (Mark 2:10-11). The man got up and walked. Jesus
upon member of our household. He weighs just barely over five
pounds, but what he lacks in bulk he makes up for in influence. He demonstrated His authority to heal the man’s invisible ailment by
smiles; we swoon! He whimpers; we soothe.
healing his visible ailment, evidencing His authority over what is
I’d never discerned much difference between God’s power
and authority in the past, but Owen’s life is proving that a person seen and unseen.
can have one without the other. Owen is not powerful; he has no
strength to physically enforce his will if we choose to ignore him. He Why show His authority by forgiving the man’s sins? There is
does wield a lot of authority, though, as he enjoys prompt obedience
to his every whim. perhaps no clearer display of God’s authority than in His salvation of

The disparity between power and authority can also be seen sinners. Revelation 7:10 says that salvation belongs to God who sits
in the difference between the reign of a figurehead and a warrior.
A figurehead possesses exclusive authority to wield the pen, but on the throne. And it is not only His to save, but also to condemn.
is dependent upon others to execute his wishes. A warrior king
possesses superior power to wield the sword; but is dependent Jesus warned us not to fear man, but to fear Him who has authority
upon an obedient army to extend that dominance throughout his
kingdom by their own physical presence and power. The presence to cast into Hell (Luke 12:5).
of only authority or power without the other will leave a king
dependent upon others – either for execution or extension. Jesus alone has the authority to execute judgment and to grant

Ephesians 1:21 tells us that Christ reigns with both authority and eternal life at the end of time (John 5:27, 17:2). This is where God’s
power, “far above all rule and authority and power and dominion,
and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also sovereignty is not just seen in the judicial absolution of sinners, but
in the one to come.”
in the execution of our salvation.
Jesus revealed His authority when a paralytic man’s friends
brought him to Jesus for healing. Instead of addressing the man’s Sinners are powerless to save themselves or anyone else. “Truly,
physical condition, Jesus told him his sins were forgiven. When asked
what right He had to declare such a thing, He responded, “that you no man can ransom another or give to God the price of his life,
may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive
sins”—He said to the paralytic— ‘I say to you, rise, pick up your bed, for the ransom of their life is costly and can never suffice” (Psalm


Only Jesus is able to save those who draw near to God through

Him (Hebrews 7:25). No amount of willpower on our part can

produce salvation. Even the Israelites, who endeavored to achieve

righteousness through earnest piety, ”failed to obtain what [they

were] seeking. The elect obtained it, but the rest were hardened”

(Romans 11:7).

God alone has the power to save. Romans 9 asks, “Who can

resist his will?” “Who are you, O man, to answer back to God?”

God alone can say, “Those who were not my people, I will call ‘My

people.’” Continued on page 22

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Saws & Slaws News

Time to get to work! ▪ By Jody Dickson

As I write, the Sunshine Canyon fire is burning in Boulder County. Colorado Gives Day was a great success because of people like

We are also approaching the one year anniversary of the Marshall you! Through your support, Saws and Slaws was able to raise over
Fire. Both are good reminders that these wildfire events can happen $850 that will help us host more events and purchase equipment
when we least expect them to, so it is important to be prepared. We to make our work easier on our precious volunteers!! Now we
get prepared by mitigating around our homes and our community. can continue our work of building a stronger community through a
We can do that by getting a home ignition zone assessment. We can healthier forest. We are so grateful for your support.
do that by hosting a Saws & Slaws event this summer! We can also get If you were not able to join us on Colorado Gives Day, it is not too late
prepared by planning for evacuation. Part of planning for evacuation to give or get involved. Visit our website:
includes talking to our neighbors and sharing our respective needs for more information about donating, volunteering and more.

and plans in the event of a wildfire or other evacation event. We do Safety Tip of the Month: Sign up for Emergency Notifications! This
not control when or where a fire may occur, but we can take small is another repeat, but it is an important one that I was reminded of
steps towards being ready by being prepared. in the recent Sunshine Canyon fire. In the event of an emergency
that affects a broader section of the community, our first responders
We at Saws & Slaws are planning our 2023 season, and we need want to make sure that the affected people are notified of any action
your help. If you are interested in helping to make our community they should take as quickly as possible. These systems could be used
safer in a wildfire event, please email us at [email protected] in the event of a wildfire or flood (as we have experienced) as well
or call Linda Martin at 720-326-7739. We have a job for everyone as other hazards to the community like a hazardous material spill.
that can be as big or as small as you want or need it to be. As in all The best way to get these notifications are likely through a telephone
things that Saws & Slaws does, many hands make light work. If this call or text message, but with the proliferation of cell phones the
is important to you, then please help us out.

Thank you for your support Colorado Gives Day!! notification systems don’t necessarily know what numbers to notify.

While most of our community is covered by a single fire department,

the notification systems are county-managed, and each of our three

counties has their own notification system. Even if you still have a

land line, please keep in mind that you may not be at home when

the emergency occurs. Notifications can be made on work phone

numbers as well as by email if one of those methods is more likely

to reach you faster. Most systems also allow you to sign up

First Time Service for multiple locations. For example, you may also want to
Call $54.95 be notified of emergencies near your child’s school or your
place of business. I know you’ve heard it before, so please

take the time to sign up for emergency notifications for

any and all phone numbers and emails that would get the

information to you as quickly as possible. There are links to

each of the notification sign-up forms for our three counties

on the Community Resources page of the CCCFD’s website,


Saws and Slaws is a 501(c)3 organization committed to

Building Stronger Communities Through A Healthier Forest.

Find out more at and Join Us!

Brian Hard

Fuels reduction specialist


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Improving your home’s defensible space one tree at a time.

20 © Mountain Messenger Januar y 2023

Presented by Januar y 2023 © Mountain Messenger 21

Power of Authority Cont’d from page 19 power to enable our wills in the battle against sin (Psalm 110:3).
Those who have taken refuge in Christ’s salvation, however, Isaiah 59:1 tells us, “The Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it

can depend upon His power to preserve His elect until the end, no cannot save.” Indeed, “There is no form of sinfulness to which you
matter how feeble our faith. Jesus prayed to the Father, “While I are addicted which Christ cannot save” (Spurgeon). Nothing is too
was with them, I kept them… I have guarded them, and not one of difficult for Him (Jeremiah 32:17).
them has been lost” (John 17:12).
Oh, that we might come to better understand the hope of His
Jesus has the authority to break the tyranny of sin in our lives calling and the surpassing greatness of His power to us who believe
because He has already conquered sin and death, and He has the (Ephesians 1:19)!

LEGAL GUARDIANS ▪ By Tamra K. Waltemath

When someone is impaired by mental illness, physical illness safety or self-care even with appropriate and reasonably available
or another disability, and they have not previously appointed technological assistance.” A guardian has only limited authority to
someone to act for them through a health care power of attorney, manage finances for the protected person. A guardian may receive
or they have revoked their health care power of attorney, they may the protected person’s income, such as Social Security, and pay bills.
need a court appointed guardian. A guardian is someone who A conservator is appointed when someone has considerable assets
is appointed by the courts to assist another with their personal that need managed. When a person needs help with both daily
and medical affairs. The person who needs a guardian is often living and asset management, both a guardian and conservator may
referred to as a “protected person.” To find that a guardianship is be appointed. The same individual can serve as both guardian and
necessary, the court must find that the protected person is “unable conservator unless the individual is a “professional caretaker.”
to effectively receive or evaluate information or both, make or To be appointed as a guardian, you must file a petition with
communicate decisions to such an extent that the individual lacks the court and interested persons must be notified of the petition.
the ability to satisfy essential requirements for physical health,

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Interested persons are generally a spouse, parents, adult children, A guardian’s responsibility will vary with the circumstances.
other caretakers, and the treating physician. The petition must Generally, the guardian’s powers should be no greater than necessary
include a letter from a doctor that indicates that a guardianship is to see to the particular needs of the protected person. The protected
necessary. In addition, the petitioner must file an acceptance of office person should be encouraged to maintain the greatest degree of
attaching a background check and a credit report on themselves. independence under the circumstances. A guardian must ensure
The court then appoints a visitor to investigate and report to the that the protected person is physically taken care of. The guardian
court whether an appointment for guardian is warranted and if the is not required to physically take care of the protected person,
person petitioning the court for appointment is a suitable person but they must ensure that the protected person is housed in an
to be appointed. After all of this documentation is filed with the appropriate place whether that is a nursing home, assisted living or
court, the court holds a hearing where the protected person must other institutional care. A guardian’s appointment is terminated by
be present. The court will then make an appointment and issue the death of the protected person, death of the guardian or order
Letters of Appointment and an Order, unless the protected person of the court.
objects. The Order will require the guardian and/or conservator to
file annual reports with the court.

This article was written by Tamra K Waltemath of Tamra K. Waltemath, P.C. This information is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For specific questions,
you should consult a qualified attorney. Tamra K. Waltemath is an elder law attorney focusing on wills, trusts, estate and trust administration, probate and non-probate transfers, guardianships
and conservatorships. She can be contacted at: Tamra K. Waltemath, P.C., 3843 West 73rd Avenue, Westminster, CO 80030; 303-657-0360; or visit her website at:

Survivors In Chaos ▪ By MB Reith

What’s NEW? THE YEAR!! Since retiring in 2020 my only “job” has been writing this column.
I consider it a job cuz it has to be done on a regular basis. It’s more
Amazing. Here it is again. End of one year and the beginning of a hobby since no money is paid for it’s submission! Especially since
a NEW year. Hard to believe that I started writing this column retiring? Every month I spend from the first of the month to the
about surviving the chaos in late ‘97, probably consistently since 20th thinking about and then writing it. In our current life/world
Jan ‘98. So…. Something like 25 years? Holy smoke! That alone
kinda stops me in my tracks. My baby who was born June ‘88 has Continued on page 24
lived on Burland Dr his entire life! Happily I might add. We are lucky
and blessed with our family dynamics. LOVE Coal Creek Canyon!

Byers & Sellers Mountain Properties, LLC

“Real Estate on Higher Ground” Est. 1997

Denise Byers 299 Boulder Canyon Dr
Town of Nederland with city
(303) 642.7951 OFFICE water/sewer. Private and
(720) 302.3636 MOBILE sunny, mature landscape,
[email protected] remodel. 1295sqft/2bd/1ba

188 Silver Creek Bonus studio and parking $649k
3 season cabin.
Live water and 418 Copperdale Lane
adjoins National
Forest. 432sqft, Great location in lower
Coal Creek Canyon.
1bd, 3/4ba, 2 lots. Non
county maintained Deferred maintenance. Cash
or rehab loan. 1532sqft ~
road. $360k 3/2/2 on 1.17ac. Call for

pricing. Randy

Serving the rural mountains of Boulder, Jefferson Randall Byers
and Gilpin Counties. Black Hawk and Central City. Associate Broker

Residential - Land - Cabins - Commercial (303) 642.7951 OFFICE (303) 718.1943 MOBILE
[email protected] Januar y 2023 © Mountain Messenger 23

Survivors in Chaos Continued from page 23 Ahhh oxygen: think better and act easier!
Don’t care what addicts say, cuz I’ve been there. I’ve said:
situations? There are a zillion topics to expound upon every hour,
let alone - once a month. You could ask those I talk to? They would everyone has to die of something. I did quit: over 20 years ago.
tell you, yep, I literally talk to them about everything any chance I Went well for a long time. Eventually abused lungs need Oxygen
get. Sorry! in a stronger form. (Either equipment to assist breathing, or move
to a lower altitude. Over the years sold real estate for those who
I do believe I have learned to listen to others at least part of the couldn’t breathe easily at CO altitudes.) It helps to have oxygen
time! That way I can maybe shed some light on whatever is on their get into your lungs. Can be challenging. Also requires retraining
minds. Good practice for me. I know I talk a lot, however? I have how you thought your ending years would be.. If you ever thought/
sooooo many stories to tell. Having been in sales for about 40 years? think about it. I’ve said that before. If you do any “habit” that is
Besides travelling a good deal before I met TLOML (The Love Of My detrimental to your health, please think long and hard about your
Life) I also come from a large family. Their stories alone make Young future. IF you get any type of lung disease? Your life will be much
& the Rest of Us etc pale in comparison. Don’t worry if you are less comfortable. It may take you away from here.
involved in my past history stories? I never use real names tee hee!
How many folks have I talked to in recent YEARS who said what
A NEW YEAR always leads into one of the most important months I feel: even though us babyboomers didn’t know what retirement
of our lives. Seems we all can make resolutions, or not. Make and or might look like? We didn’t think it looked like this. Meanwhile, life
usually break them. It’s nice to have that yearly extra push to see if is going on. It is up to each of us to make our part the best we can
this time you CAN make a change that would indeed make your life for ourselves and those we care about. STOP SMOKING CIGARETTES
better. No one makes a resolution to do things to make their lives IF AT ALL POSSIBLE.
worse. I don’t think so anyway! Silly huh. But ending one year and
starting a new one? No matter how much you might try to make it I want to mention that I saw hullabaloo about families where the
NOT a BIG deal? This new year thing? It just IS. Ignore if you wish, adult children still living with their parents & other family members
but why not seize the opportunity to try to change, maybe just one were this high percentage now. Wasn’t all bad. Some folks out
thing? there think it is mandatory for adults over 18 to move out etc. I
have always disagreed. I think families need to do what ever is
Perhaps you are completely happy with your current situation. right for THEIR family. IF children grow up in a loving caring family?
Makes me glad for those who feel that way. Although I, myself, They don’t necessarily want to leave home automatically after high
am relatively happy with life, considering all things? I still do wish school or college. Raise kids with love. Keep them close. Since I
current life was different. Mainly wish I could breathe better at this live in Hallmarkville I want EVERYONE to feel good, or figure out a
altitude. I have done everything necessary to deal with the results way to feel good. I am smart enough to know in the big picture?
of my earlier life actions? (Mostly nictotine—GET RID OF THAT ONE Not So! But give it a shot. Find your peace. Share love… Into 2023!
DRUG and your life will be so much better.) Up here? Oxygen 24/7. PS If you want my little calendar? CALL ME. 0809

Coal Creek Canyon JANUARY

www. │ 31528 HWY. 72 │ [email protected]


Friday, Jan 6

Open MIC, 7pm – 8:30pm, followed by community hang-out until 10pm
See our website for open MIC signup and time slots

Community Yoga class with Kim Rand

Sat, Jan 7, 3pm – 4:30pm

In partnership with Kim Rand, we are excited to offer a FREE Intro to Yoga class. Bring your own mat
and join us at the Hall to stretch and strengthen your bodies. Questions directly to Kim at [email protected]

Mark your calendar:
Open Mic and Community Hangout Feb 3, 7pm – 10pm

Valentine’s Pancakes  Feb 11, 7am – 11am. Proceeds to scholarship fund.

CCCIA has some great events coming up in the new year! Please let us know if you’d like
to volunteer to chair an event? It’s fun and you get to meet great neighbors.

24 © Mountain Messenger Januar y 2023

*~*~* Coal Creek Canyon Sky Watchers! *~*~*
▪ By Barbara David & John Williams
Credit John Williams
that each night it’s been moving westward against the backdrop of
Join us for our next Sky Watchers Zoom meeting on Saturday, the stars. Last month, Mars reached opposition, the point where it
January 21st at 6:30 PM – and learn more about the recent was directly opposite Earth from the Sun. At this position, it is closest
successful launch, splashdown and recovery of the NASA Orion to the Earth and the brightest. Earth’s orbit is closer to the Sun and
spacecraft. Orion flew on the first lunar test flight of the huge as we pass by Mars it appears to move backwards in the sky against
Artemis 1 launch vehicle. Presenter Stu Walker will bring us his the starry background. If you watch the planets closely, they move
unique perspective on Orion. slightly to the east every night but once a year they switch directions
and move west against the sky in what is called retrograde motion.
Stu is a local Coal Creek Canyonite and a long time aerospace Planet is a Greek word for wanderer and it was this quirky motion
veteran who played a significant role in the design and integration of that gave life to the planets in mythology. Mars ends its retrograde
the Orion Multi-purpose Crew Vehicle though his work at Lockheed motion on January 12th.
Martin in the Denver area. He will provide an overview of Orion,
his role in the program and some post flight discussion. Here’s the Other planets in the evening sky include Jupiter and Saturn to the
NASA Orion spacecraft website – west of Mars. Mercury is low in the evening sky just after sunset while
systems/orion Venus remains very close to the Sun this month. A Full Wolf Moon
rises on January 6th. This moon was so named because hungry wolf
Local Sky Watcher Leonard David will also provide us with a brief packs wandered closer to Native American villages this time of year.
update on international space missions. Everyone is welcome to join It’s also known as the Old Moon and Moon After Yule.
us. If you’re not already on our Sky Watchers email list, send your
email to – [email protected] During the week before our OUR DECEMBER MEETING
meeting, we send out an email reminder and the Zoom link. We’ll Our December 10th Zoom meeting featured astronomy and
also email you the day of the meeting with the link so you have it
handy. space presentations from our Sky Watchers John Williams and
DECEMBER NIGHT SKIES – Mars’ Quirky Movement Leonard David that looked back on 2022 and into 2023. During John’s
By John Williams presentation, he shared some amazing images from the James Webb
Space Telescope after explaining how the Webb telescope works.
This January, the evening sky is dominated by Mars. Look for it Leonard gave us a detailed presentation on international space
straight overhead not far from the Pleiades and Taurus. If you’ve
been watching the red planet this past month, you’ll have noticed Continued on page 26


Google My Map Connect with us.
Email Signup
Denver Water representatives are here to help answer your questions
and address your concerns:

Project hotline: 303-628-6348

Project email: [email protected]

Schedule an in-person or virtual meeting with a Denver Water representative:

For more information on site closures, roadway work and recreation access,
scan the email signup or Google My Map QR code. Januar y 2023 © Mountain Messenger 25

CCC Sky Watchers Cont’d from page 25 Artwork of Orion Spacecraft with the Moon and Earth. Credit: NASA
missions past and future, including major advances that the
Chinese space program has recently made. CLASSIFIEDS

We had hoped to meet on December 10th in-person at
the Hall for a holiday potluck as well as brief presentations,
but with Covid and flu cases again at a high level, we met
via Zoom. In 2023, we will follow the risks and hope to have
some meetings in-person.


Find links to astronomy and space exploration topics, and
activities for kids, at –

Thanks to John Williams for our website, hosting our Zoom
meetings, and being the co-director of Sky Watchers. Thanks
to Carolyn Collins Petersen for our Facebook page – https:// We’re
grateful for our sponsors – CCC Park & Recreation District.

Happy Starry New Year to All! ~ Barb & Leonard David
and John Williams

WANT A HEALTHY HOUSEPLANT OR 3? I have at least 20
houseplants I need to move out. Will give away. They are great.
Healthy. Call me to ask how and where. 303-642-0809. Anytime!!

(303)278-20/20 2301 Ford Street

26 © Mountain Messenger Januar y 2023 Haro3l3d00B3o3-r7d.e64n8-4M-92a8s.t37er13ECl1eeclt2lrician

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upgrades and custom lighting

Wiring for hot tubs, landscape lighting and

Power Update January

Operation Round Up Gives Big in 2022

Operation Round Up had one of its biggest giving
years on record since the foundation’s inception more
than 25 years ago. The foundation distributed more
than $170,000 to nonprofit organizations serving
United Power members across the cooperative’s
service territory.

Members who enroll in Round Up have their monthly clothes on their back, a warm place to sleep, or Scholarship
billing statements rounded up to the next whole any other number of needs met. More than 20,000 Opportunities
dollar, which averages about $.50 per statement — members are currently enrolled in the program.
or just $6 per year. Donated funds are distributed “We participate in Round Up,” said one Commerce Applications Due: Jan. 27, 2023
to four partner nonprofit organizations representing City member when asked about the program. “To
members in each of the cooperative’s districts, us, it is just a monthly reminder, however small, that Each year, United Power awards
as well as other organizations that submit grant everyone who benefits is part of one big family.” academic scholarships to outstanding
requests. The board, made up of fellow United Power Members who are interested in enrolling in Round students served by the cooperative.
members, meets five times throughout the year to Up — or increasing their contribution — can go to Scholarships include awards for students
review grant requests. or call Member attending an accredited university
As a voluntary foundation, members form the Services at 303-637-1300. or college in Colorado or pursuing a
backbone of Round Up. Because the growing number specific degree program, as well as
of people in need is stretching local nonprofits 10 book scholarships. New this year,
beyond their means, United Power is making a the cooperative will also award one
call to its membership to consider enrolling. Your scholarship to a nontraditional student
contribution will go further than you imagine and pursuing a degree in a technical or
could mean another family has food on their table, vocational program. United Power will
award 19 scholarships worth more than
Bundle Up for Winter Storms $20,000. Awards range between $1,000
and $2,000.
Are you prepared for winter’s cold grasp? The winter weather can wreak havoc on your home. By Eligibility varies for each scholarship, but
winterizing your living space, you’ll be prepared for extreme cold and hazardous conditions. Here are in general overall academic achievement
some ways you can better prepare your home for winter weather. (such as GPA and ACT/SAT scores),
extracurricular activities and community
• Remember to maintain and inspect heating equipment every year to ensure they are working safely involvement rank high in the evaluation
and properly. Change out the filter on your furnace. Have your chimneys cleaned and inspected to process. A brief written essay is required,
make sure nothing is blocking the flue. and the applicant’s primary residence
must be in United Power’s service
• There are many places in the home where heat can escape and cold air can enter, but windows are territory.
one of the biggest culprits. Consider installing storm windows for better insulation. For more information, including a list of
available scholarships, visit the website at
• If replacing windows is too expensive, sometimes a little caulk can do the work. Caulk and weather
strip doors and windows to make the most of your heating system. Covering windows with plastic
(from the inside) can also keep the cold out.

• Freezing temperatures often cause water pipes to burst. Remember to insulate pipes with insulation
or newspapers and plastic. Allow faucets to drip during extreme cold to avoid frozen pipes.

United Power Coal Creek Office Payment Kiosk Location
5 Gross Dam Road | Golden, CO 80403 EV Charging Site (CHAdeMO, CCS/SAE)
Member Services: 303-637-1300
Coal Creek Office: 303-642-7921
12/19/2022 9:45:19 AM
UPAd_Jan_2023.indd 1

Useful Numbers/Websites ECRWSS
Coal Creek Non Emergency 303-642-3121 GOLDEN, CO
High County FD Non Emer. 303-582-5768 Electrical PERMIT NO 118
Jeffco Sheriff 303-277-0211 Airways Electric pg. 3 303-995-4935
Boulder Co. Sheriff 303-441-4444 Mastercraft pg. 26 303-748-9831 Real Estate
Gilpin Co. Sheriff 303-582-5500 Raceway Electric pg. 6 303-880-5752 Byers & Sellers pg. 23 303.642.7951
Excavating Janet Ingvaldsen pg. 18 720.600.9006
Canyon Cares 720-515-1129 Jake of all Trades pg. 4 303-808-4490 Lise Friisbaastad pg. 9 720-514-9727
Scott Cooper pg. 11 720-666-4356 Tony Thorpe pg. 16 720-552-2127
Coal Creek K - 8 303-982-3409 We Can Dig it pg. 9 303-642-3853 Recycle Green Girl pg. 22 303-442-7535
Firewood Remodeling
Colorado Parks and Wildlife 303-291-7227 High Timber pg. 12 303-258-7942 Dean’s Remodeling pg. 5 720-515-7151
Foundations Third and Long pg. 7 303-642-1314
Drake Middle School 303-982-1510 Jake of All Trades pg. 4 303-808-4490 Roofing
Handyman Top Coverage pg. 22 303-258-9322
Ralston Valley Sr High 303-982-5600 Dean’s Remodeling pg. 5 720-515-7151 Rock/Retaining Walls
Tom/Loftin Const. pg. 11 970-389-5914 Benchmark Land Care pg. 7 303-485-1001
Golden Sr. High 303-982-4200 Hauling Jake of All Trades pg. 4 303-808-4490
Benchmark Land Care pg. 7 303-485-1001 Septic Services
Attendance 303-982-4260 Big D Dumpsters pg. 5 303-642-7995 Columbia pg. 22 303-526-5370
High Country Rubbish pg. 17 303-642-0303 Storage
Nederland Jr. & Sr. 303-447-1010 Heating & A/C Advantage pg. 8 720-734-7971
Efficient Comfort pg. 14 720-299-8745 Apollo pg. 22 303-420-9915
Nederland Elementary 720-561-4800 Paul Accetura pg. 6 303-642-0886 Tax Preparation
Instrument Sales & Service Karen Schwimmer, CPA pg. 11 303-642-0628
Kwik Mart 303-642-3061 Brightwood Music pg. 26 303-258-8863 Toilet/Portable
Insurance Air-O-Pure pg. 7 303-258-3597
P.O. Coal Creek (Crescent) 303-642-0119 Mitch Davis, State Farm pg. 3 303-424-4895 Columbia pg. 22 303-526-5370
Internet Network Setup Trash/Rubbish Service
Pinecliffe Post Office 303-642-7358 Wondervu Consulting pg. 19 303-642-0433 High Country Rubbish pg. 17 303-642-0303
Internet Provider Tree Service
Wildlife Sightings 303-642-0926 Mountain Broadband 303-642-3858 Brian Hard-Lumberjake pg. 20 303-718-1990
Land Clearing High Timber pg. 12 303-258-7942
CCCIA Web site: Benchmark Land Care pg. 7 303-485-1001 Jake of All Trades pg. 4 303-808-4490
Jake of All Trades pg. 4 303- 808-4490 Trucking
Facebook: Coal Creek Canyon, Colorado Lessons Jake of All Trades pg. 4 303-808-4490
Guitar and Ukulele pg. 9 303-642-0582 We Can Dig it pg. 9 303-642-3853
Advertisers Massage United Power pg. 27 Inside back cover 303-642-7921
Directory Hands Hoofs & Paws pg. 25 303-503-6068 Veterinary
Masonry CC Animal Clinic pg. 6 303-642-3468
Accounting Treu Accounting pg. 19 720-730-4838 Third and Long pg. 7 303-642-1314 after hours 303-279-1701
Animal Services Newsletter Vision
Mountain Messenger 303-642-0067 Golden Vision pg. 9 & 26 303-278-2020
Hands Hoofs & Paws pg. 25 303-503-6068 Odd Jobs Water Delivery
Rabbit House Society 303-469-3240 Tom/Loftin Construction pg. 11 970-389-5914 Bulk Water Runner pg. 3 303-946-9026
Architect We Can Dig it pg. 9 303-642-3853 Water Purification
Sunique pg. 11 303-642-0474 Painting/Staining Doctor Water pg. 20 303-438-6669
Attorney Jake of All Trades pg. 4 303-808-4490 Water Wells
Tamra Waltemath, P.C. pg. 20 303-657-0360 Loftin Construction pg. 11 970-389-5914 Arrow Drilling pg. 10 303-421-8766
Automotive - Repair, Sales Plumbing Aspen Well Drilling pg. 6 303-697-8335
Peak to Peak Imports pg. 5 303-258-0635 Paul Accetura pg. 6 303-642-0886 Doctor Water Well pg. 20 303-438-6669
Carpentry Pump Repair James Drilling pg. 13 303-420-5181
Third and Long pg. 7 303-642-1314 Doctor Water Well pg. 20 303-438-6669 Website Design
CCCIA pg. 24 303-642-7300 Wondervu Consulting. pg. 19 303-642-0433
Spirit of the Mtn. pg. 12 720-490-6826
Computer Service
Wondervu Consulting pg. 19 303-642-0433
Jake of All Trades pg. 4 303-808-4490
Loftin Construction pg. 11 970-389-5914
We Can Dig it pg. 9 303-642-3853
Denver Water/Gross Res pg 25 303-628-6348
Directories 303-582-3101
Benchmark Land Care pg. 7 303-485-1001
Jake of All Trades pg. 4 303-808-4490
We Can Dig it pg. 9 303-642-3853

Please tell our advertisers you saw them in the MM.

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