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Published by Carmen Eckard, 2019-05-31 15:57:02

SummerGood2019 Flip

SummerGood2019 Flip

Letters from Mayberry

Note: the following is from a trove of letters I found in an old trunk that was
purchased many years ago at an estate auction in Raleigh, NC. For decades the
trunk sat, unopened, in my basement. Recently, in an effort to clear out some of

the clutter, I opened the trunk and was greatly surprised to find scores of letters
postmarked “Mayberry, NC.” Most of the letters are hand-written and concern
the goings-on in the town of Mayberry. Curiously, none of the letters contain

any reference to any of the characters from the TV show. I have no explanation
for this—the letters appear genuine, with postmarks from various years. Does
Mayberry really exist, perhaps on some alternate world, and these letters have
somehow been transported to our Earth? We may never know. Nevertheless, I thought
some people might have some interest in learning about life in this (presumed) real town of
Mayberry and so have decided to share selected letters.
--Martin Owens

May 25, 1972
Dear Jane,
Well, it’s been an interesting couple of weeks here in Mayberry.

It all started when the Merchant’s Association of Mayberrry (yes, MAM!), at their monthly meeting, decided
we needed another event to draw people into town. As usual, there were some for it, and some against it. Old
Joe Coffey was quoted in the paper as saying “Y’all been eventing us to death in the last couple of years. We got
enough to do without all these out-of-towners coming in, using our toilet paper and paper towels and not
buying anything much.”

As you might guess, that comment created quite the firestorm. Jeff Powers, who owns the oldest jewelry store
in town, and is president of the merchant’s group (we call him the head MAM man, but not to his face), let
the bickering go on for a while, then he pounded his gavel and shouted “Order!” Naturally, Louie Delmas, from
Louie’s Diner, shouted “I’ll have a cheeseburger and fries!” the way he always does when anyone, anywhere, says
the word “order.”

I’ll tell you, Louie’s inhaled too much grease from that ancient grill of his. Anyway, according to the paper,
Jeff just ignored Louie and kept on talking about the new event. “We want to have a Sock Hop,” Jeff announced,
which was met with a few jeers, a smattering of head-shaking, and a whole lot of feet-shuffling. Undeterred, Jeff
went on: “But not just any old sock hop. We’re going to get a TV star to come to town!”

Boy, that sure quieted the other merchants, the paper stated. “Who, who??” several people asked. Joe waited
patiently, and then, lowering his voice for dramatic effect, said “We’re going to get a Western star!” Everybody
looked around, as if they expected Roy Rogers to come riding in on Trigger. “Wait a minute,” said Tex Bodford,
“you’re talking about Fred Clark, that singing cowboy on Channel 7, aren’t you?” “Nope,” Jeff said, “this is
someone from a *really* big* show.”

The group, perched on the edges of their seats, waited. “As you know, we don’t have much in our budget, so we
couldn’t afford one of the super stars.” Now, I’ll say this, Jane--I wish I could have been there for what came
next. According to the story in the Gazette, Jeff reached under the podium and pulled out what turned out to be
an autographed photo. Slowly he turned it around so the crowd could see…applause erupted, there were murmurs
of “I can’t believe it!”

Jeff, beaming proudly, soaking up the glory, said “That’s right folks, direct from the set of Bonanza, the one
and only Hop Sing is coming to Mayberry!”

Well, Jane, I never. The way the town is all abuzz about this, you would think we were getting some really
big star, such as Arthur Godfrey or Jimmy Dean! But here’s what most of Mayberry doesn’t realize: the man
who plays Hop Sing, his real name is Victor Sen Yung and he’s been in dozens of movies and TV shows. He’s a
veteran and he was shot during an airplane hijacking last year! (It helps me a lot, being the head librarian.
A little research goes a long way).

The majority of people, though, won’t care anything about all that. I can imagine most people will want
to know such things as “What was Hoss really like?” and “Why did Adam leave?” or “Is Little Joe married?”

So the Cartwright’s cook is coming to town, and we’re going to have a big dance at the same time. Know
what they want to call this to-do? You won’t believe it—The Hop Sing Sock Hop!

I can’t wait!
Hope all is well with you and the kids, and if you want to drive up from Raleigh and meet Hop Sing and
dance, well, I’ll make room for y’all!


Bonnie Lou 101

One Subject You children do. We hear nothing from the story of
Can’t Talk About Enough their life except that somewhere along the way, the
human calling and vocation, the one that told us we
By Heather Davis were to care for the earth and her creation, to take
Genesis 4:1-16 care of the land and animals, somewhere along the
There’s this episode of the Andy Griffith show, where way, this meant dividing that vocation into two.
a fancy preacher from New York, Dr. Everett Breen “Now Abel was a keeper of sheep and Cain a tiller
comes to Mayberry to preach one Sunday. The of the ground.” (Gen. 4:3)
preacher goes on and on about how we shouldn’t And shepherds and farmers don’t always get along.
hurry through life and we ought to slow down—but The one needs space with no borders or fences or
people fall asleep left and right! walls to roam the herd so the cows can find the
But after the church service in the greeting line the freshest grasses. The other needs those gates and
good Mayberry towns folk gush, ‘Oh reverend, what barriers and limits so that the rainbow kale can grow
a wonderful message.’ “Yessir,” Andy nods, “you hit in between the carrots and the olives. You can see
the nail on the head with that one.” “Yep,” Barney how the tension is already building can’t you? It
pipes up, (mind you, he’s been asleep) “that’s just surely happened when they were just tots, just as
one subject you talk enough about, sin.” A shocked it does with your children and mine. One minute it
Andy side-eyes Barney saying, “the sermon wasn’t is calm and playful and the next minute there are
about sin…” tears and bite mark.
But I love that line, “That’s just one subject you talk Anyhow, they make it work these two brothers, until
enough about, sin.” Isn’t that the truth! It is the all of the sudden it doesn’t. This is of course where
subject that keeps the church up and running, isn’t the story gets interesting. They both bring the best
it? Really the good news is what keeps the church of what they have. Probably beaming with pride,
up and running, and we know it to be good news Cain puts his prize-winning pumpkin on the altar,
because we can see the effects of sin in our own, along with corn and mint, basil and rosemary. And
everyday lives. Abel, proud too of his offering, is hefting a nice cut of
From the moment Adam and Eve left the garden, beef and leg of lamb. He’s wiping his brow because
life was hard. Life was painful. Life was forever the meat is so heavy. And then there’s God. God who
out of whack. If we continue to tell the story, that every time we try to pin down, somehow escapes
is because it continues to be true for us. No sooner our grasp. Somehow even when God is revealed,
are the new couple thrust into a neighborhood of God is still shrouded in mystery. For reasons
fixers-uppers; lawns with overgrown brambles and unknown to us, God prefers the smell of barbeque
thorns would be my guess, no sooner are they trying over roasted squash.
to water the red, hard clay for the tomatoes to grow The text says that Cain’s countenance fell. And who
and repairing the broken porch steps, and well now can blame him?! My countenance would fall, and I’d
there’s the pitter-patter of toddler feet running burn with anger too if the Lord favored my sister’s
around. offering more than mine. That’s how it is, siblings
His given name is Cain—which has, down through tend to be competitive for any attention. The rub is
the years, left a rather acrid taste in our mouths that we are given nothing, not one reason for God’s
when we say it. But his name, Cain, comes from capriciousness of choice. “No reason is given in the
the word that means “to get, to create.” The name passage because there is none to give. God’s regard
was given as a praise to God. Cain is celebrated for Abel and his offering is simply a fact of life. Such
and well thought of—after all he’s a first-born male is the mysterious freedom of God.”
child—what’s not to celebrate? Well actually when And that is unnerving. We’d like a predictable God,
it comes to Genesis, first born sons—think Isaac, one that seems to have a reason to dole out divine
Ishmael, Jacob and Esau—don’t seem to fare well. favor, yet what we get is a story where God’s clear
Adam and Eve next have a son named Abel. choice falls to one brother instead of them both.
Interestingly enough, Abel’s name means, vapor, Cain is angry and God knows it. The Lord can tell;
nothingness—without the possibility of life. Which “Why are you angry?” God asks Cain.
of course is a good textual clue. They grow, as And before Cain can make his defense, before he can
stammer out the question of why did you like Abel’s
102 meat more than you liked my vegetables, the Lord
spins Cain a sort of riddle; “If you do well, will you
not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is
lurking at the door; its desire is for you, but you can/
must master it.” (Gen.4:7)

“That’s just one subject you talk enough about, sin.” And sadly, Cain’s reply is said in anger, How should
This is the first naming, the use of the word sin. Here, I know what my brother is up to? How should I
“sin is not breaking the rules, the commandments know what he is doing or where he is? If he is your
have not yet been given. It is not missing the mark favorite, you should know…Those famous words,
of perfection or righteousness or godliness; such a “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
report card mentality does not do it justice. Sin is We want to shout, yes, Cain you are! Stand up man,
a larger than life. It takes on a life of its own, and tell the Lord what has happened. Tell the Lord that
what it wills is death.” sin had its way with you and now you don’t know
“It is lurking at your door, its desire if for you, but up from down and right from left and though you’ve
you can master it.” Here’s what I love about this washed your hands, you brother’s blood has stained
answer. What God is saying is sin is not passed every part of your life. Tell God you feel that barbed
down through any sort of lineage. Augustine was wire wrapping around your heart. But Cain doesn’t.
famous for explaining that there was an original sin God’s judgment is swift and harsh. “And now you
and it was passed on from the parents to children; are cursed from the ground, which has opened its
but God is not saying sin is in you waiting to take mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your
over. What God is saying is sin is lurking at your hand. When you till the ground, it will no longer
door. Its desire is for you. Sin is again, larger than yield to you its strength; you will be a fugitive and a
life. That is something different. That is a presence wanderer on the earth.” (Gen. 4:11-12)
that is always with us, presenting us the choice to The punishment is great. You can feel Cain’s
either let it consume us or to, as God says, somehow shoulders sag, his lips tremble, his heart breaking.
master it. And in this moment he is truthful—he cries out that
In her book, Speaking of Sin: The Lost Language the punishment is too much for him to bear. The
of Salvation, Barbara Brown Taylor tells about a full weight of his anger, his fratricide, and now his
conversation she had with a friend: “The thing is,” separation from the land and from God is too much.
my friend said, “in this life, it’s possible to get away “My punishment is greater than I can bear! Today
with some of the awful stuff we do for a long time. you have driven me away from the soil and I shall
We can hide it or lie about it and sometimes it takes be hidden from your face; I will be a fugitive and
years for the fallout to catch up with us. But in wanderer on the earth and anyone who meets me
God’s life, everything is present and revealed. When may kill me.” (Gen. 4:13-14)
you make a choice, there is absolutely no delay in “That’s just one subject you can’t talk enough about,
feeling the consequences of it. The moment you sin.”
speak or act, you get a full dose of the reality you Life outside the garden is hard. It is fraught with
have just chosen.” pain, heartache, murder, sin—sin that is larger than
“So if I choose hate,” Taylor says, “then my heart life and lurking at our doors. Its deathly desire is for
gets wrapped in barbed wire right that minute, and I us. This story is our beginning, and is not a literal
can feel everyone one of those spikes gouging me?” wooden story about particulars but rather grand
“Worse than that,” her friend replies. “All around story of truth that may have happened and is always
you, crowds of angry people you can’t see are happening.
screaming vile things at you. They are punching Though God is capricious in this story, God shows
and kicking you in the dark, because of the main grace and mercy even to a murderer. Just as Cain
consequences of hating is finding out how it feels to now prepares to wander, God marks Cain as his
be hated.” “The more you’re living God’s life, though, own. God claims even Cain. God who chose Abel’s
the quicker [the consequences] come and the worse offering, now chooses Cain—Cain who feels as if his
they hurt.” life is over, finds a wife and is blessed with children.
No sooner does Cain hear God say to him that he can Life outside the garden, though hard, continues.
choose how to handle his anger, than Cain handles The God who is revealed remains shrouded mystery.
his anger, the wrong way. And this is the story of The story will continue with Cain, and with Adam
our lives. Day in and day out, we can choose—not and Eve who have another son, Seth. The line will
whether we sin or not, but we can choose to contain lead from Seth to Noah, and the human spirit will
and master its desire for us. Cain murders Abel and flourish and fail. Yet this mysterious and gracious
because God’s time is present and things are always God continues mark us as his own.
revealed, God can hear Abel’s blood crying out from Perhaps that is one subject you just can’t talk about
the ground. The very ground that Cain tills and loves enough.
and takes care of. The Lord wants Cain to tell the
truth, God gives Cain a moment to do the right thing; 103
where is your brother Abel?

Stay Healthy Travel Tips

Do your summer plans include traveling outside of the country? Don’t forget to
make an appointment with a travel medicine specialist prior to summer travel to
discuss important health and safety tips specific to your destination.

Here are some travel health tips to help you before you go:

1. Do your research
Learn about the health concerns at your destination. Even if you’re familiar with
the place, there may be new health risks that could make or break your trip. The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Travelers’ Health website is a
great place to start/find more information.

2. Protect yourself before you go
Schedule an appointment at a travel medicine clinic, like what’s offered through
Catawba Valley Infectious Disease (ID) Consultants, to get needed vaccines and
medicine at least four to six weeks before you leave.

“We’re actually a full-service travel clinic,” explains Dr. Veronica Corcino of
Catawba Valley ID Consultants. “When you schedule a travel consultation at
Catawba Valley ID Consultants, we provide you with information about health
risks you may be facing in the country or countries you are visiting. We also
explain the required and recommended immunizations you will need, and
immunize you while you are here at our clinic. In addition, we offer prevention
and treatment for medical conditions you may encounter in the region of your

3. Eat and drink with precaution
“Part of the fun of traveling to a new place is experiencing the culture and local
cuisine” says Dr. Corcino. “However, we want to make sure you do so safely.
Contaminated food or drinks can cause all types of illness including the most
commonly diagnosed, travelers’ diarrhea. If you are traveling to a developing
country, you are especially at risk.” During a travel consultation with at Catawba
Valley ID Consultants, the physicians will educate you on what foods you should
avoid based on your specific destination and equip you with several tips on how
you can still enjoy local foods, safely.

4. Be sun and bug smart
When packing, make sure you consider your destination’s climate. Protect
yourself from hot temperatures and sun exposure by staying hydrated, wearing
the appropriate clothing and applying a sunscreen with at least 30 SPF.


Using insect repellent can protect you from serious diseases spread
by mosquitoes, such as Zika, dengue, and malaria. As advised by the
CDC, use an EPA-registered insect
repellent with one of the following
active ingredients: DEET,
picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon
eucalyptus, para-menthane-
diol, or 2-undecanone.
Pro Tip: Apply sunscreen first,
then repellent. Be sure to
follow instructions on the label
and reapply as directed.
No one plans to get sick on
vacation, but it does happen. Don’t
leave your vacation plans and health
up to chance, make sure your first stop before
traveling is a visit to a travel medicine clinic to discuss
what precautions and diseases you may need to be aware
of. To make an appointment with one of the travel
medicine physicians at Catawba Valley
ID Consultants call 828.326.2145.


By Carmen Eckard Photography by Jon Eckard


They say the devil is in the details, but that’s where you find perfection. Cafe Rule is a fine
dining restaurant that builds a beautiful experience out of a series of perfectly executed
details. Located in Hickory NC, Cafe Rule offers consistently delicious food that surpasses
The atmosphere is sophisticated, with unexpected twists. There are several dining spaces,
and all are available for private parties upon request. The “big room,” shown below, has
flexible seating. Visible structural details and wine storage are integrated into the design.
The team of chefs is led by Dave Robbins, and Rick Doherr is sous chef. The renowned
chefs are known for their innovative treatment of southern staples. They are excited to roll
out their new seasonal menu, which we were fortunate to sample. The menu is inspired
by nature, offering seasonal local vegetables. This menu features several “share plates,”
like the ones we sampled.


At left is the Burratta Salad, which features fresh cheese
curds wrapped in mozzarella. Local greens, tomatoes and
radishes are drizzled with a balsamic reduction and basil
oil. This dish was perfectly balanced, with the tartness
of the tomatoes and balsamic notes playing beautifully
with the cheese.

Next we tasted Citrus Ahi Tuna Crudo with Tomatoes and
a mint mignonette with fried capers. This is an absolute
flavor explosion that’s hard to describe. The blending
of these strong flavors made for an exciting culinary

Roasted Carrots from Coto Farms with dill and whipped
feta was drizzled with local honey and pine nuts and
served chilled. This dish was perfectly crisp and quite

On the opening page, you’ll find the Cucumber and Tomato
Salad, which was our favorite. Mint, shaved red onion
and mint oil are welcome additions to the traditional
cucumber/tomato combination.

Cafe Rule offers a “Chef’s Table” experience that people
enjoy. Shown at right, large table is set up inside the
working pantry of the kitchen. A two way camera/
TV shows them the kitchen in real time, and they can
communicate with the chefs to ask questions. Call to
reserve this exciting space for your group. There is also a
private garden patio attached to this space, and together
they accommodate up to 30 people.

Cafe Rule also has a beautiful garden dining space,
offering the most sought out al fresca dining experience
in the Catawba Valley.

The restaurant also offers wine tastings and a full bar.

(828) 324-2005





For some people, watermelon is synonymous with summer.
Is there anything better to eat outside in the sunshine? North
Carolina grows a LOT of watermelons, but most of them
are grown in the Eastern part of the state.

Did you know that watermelons are not a fruit?
It’s true! They are technically a vegetable!

When you were young, did you believe that
watermelon seeds would grow in your
stomach? Our editor’s mom had an uncle
terrify her by sticking a watermelon vine
in her ear while she slept, and she was
convinced she was growing a watermelon
when she woke up! Don’t worry though-all
parts of a watermelon are edible, including the
rinds and the seeds!

Watermelons are 92% water! They’ll certainly quench
your thirst, and they are also great at reducing
inflammation caused by arthritis and diabetes.

Watermelon sweetness is measured on
a Brix Scale, and most watermelons
rate a 9. Your best bet for the sweetest
watermelon is the middle of July, when
they are perfectly in season.

Worldwide, there are over 1,200 varieties of
watermelon, but only 300 are grown in the US.


The most often asked question about watermelons is simple: how do you pick the
perfect melon?
The most important thing to look for is a yellow, creamy underside. The yellower,
the better. It should look like it sat on the ground for a long time. If the bottom
of the melon still looks picture-perfect, it was picked far too early and won’t be
You see folks knocking on watermelons at the grocery store, but what are they
listening for? A properly ripe watermelon sounds hollow when you knock on it.
The webbing on a watermelon is also a good clue. The webbing indicates how
many times bees touched the flowers...the more polinated, the sweeter the melon.
Webbing is the marks on the melon that are brown, and not smooth.
This is news to some, but watermelons can be male or female. The males are
more oval shaped, while the females are round globes. The females are sweeter.
Size does matter, but you don’t want to get the biggest one in the bin. You want
to go for the most average melon you can find.
The last thing to look at is the tail. You don’t want to pick a watermelon with
a green tail. It usually means it was picked too soon and won’t ripen. The best
watermelons have dried, shriveled tails.


People also ask if seeded melons taste better than seedless melons. Science has
the answer, and it’s surprising.
Seedless melons have more flavor than their seeded cousins. Seedless
watermelons are made by mixing 22 chromosomes from the mother watermelon
and 11 from the father, instead of the traditional 11 from each. Because they have
33 chromosomes, they cannot reproduce and make infertile white seeds. But!
The chromosomes hold the keys to what makes the melon watermelony. So since
there are an extra 11 chromosomes, more flavor and more sweetness is expressed!




By Calvin Reyes
Photos by Jon Eckard


Watermelon Lemonade

Summer is hot in the Carolinas! This lemonade will help cool you down during the long, hot, southern summer.
Or, at a minimum, it may help you forget just how warm this time of year can be. In any case, the watermelon
simple syrup in this lemonade is super easy to make at home, and all of your friends will wonder exactly how
you made something so simple, yet so full of watermelon flavor. Of course, you can exclude the moonshine

and liqueur for a beverage the whole family can enjoy!

8oz Moonshine • Squeeze lemons and retain the juice.
8oz Pomegranate Liqueur (We used Pama) • Combine all ingredients in a large
16oz Watermelon Simple Syrup
pitcher including lemon juice and stir

16oz Cold Water to combine.

2 Mint Sprigs • Add ice to pitcher until full.

12 Lemons • Serve in a tall glass filled with ice.

Watermelon Simple Syrup

Recipe can be made up to 2 weeks in advance and kept in refrigerator.

• In a medium sized pot, combine 2 Cups of granulated sugar with 2 cups of water.
• Heat mixture over medium heat until all sugar is dissolved.
• In a gallon freezer bag, combine 2 cups of freshly diced watermelon and add the sugar and water syrup.

Seal bag with as much air removed as possible.
• Gently heat freezer bag with combined ingredients in a water bath at 135 degrees for 2 hours (this can

be done via sous vide, or by heating a couple gallons of water to 140 degrees and adding to an insulated
• After 2 hours, strain contents through a fine mesh sieve or cheese cloth to remove watermelon pieces.
Store infused syrup in an airtight container in the refrigerator until needed.

Watermelon Salsa

This salsa has summer written all over it. It goes phenomenally well with fish tacos, as shown,
but it can be served all on its own with a side of your favorite tortilla chips. The watermelon adds
a unique dimension to this familiar snack, and I can promise that you will have people asking you
to make it again and again!

1 1/2 Cup Watermelon, diced • Add all ingredients in a large bowl
1/2 Medium Red Onion, diced and mix until well combined. Keep
1 1/2 Cup Cherry Tomatoes, quartered refrigerated.
2 Jalapeños, diced
1/3 Cup Cilantro, finely chopped
1/4 Cup Red Wine Vinegar
2 Juice of Lime
2 Garlic Cloves, diced


Watermelon Panna Cotta

I love Jello, especially in the summer. This is a fancy jello, made with cream rather
than water. Don’t let the Italian origin of this gelatin based dessert steer you
away from enjoying this very easy recipe. If you’ve already made the watermelon
simple syrup from the lemonade recipe, then most of your prep work is already
done! This is a great dessert to make with the kids and can be used with any type
of silicone mold.

1/2 Cup Watermelon Syrup In a large bowl, combine Cold Water and Gelatin and mix to combine.
3 1/2 Cups Heavy Cream A firm gel should form.
2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract In a medium pot, gently heat Watermelon Simple Syrup and Heavy
4 teaspoons Gelatin Cream until combined. This only needs a few minutes of heat, since
6 Tablespoons Cold Water the sugar is already dissolved.
1 Zest of Lemon Remove syrup and cream mixture from heat and add vanilla.
Combine warm mixture to the cold gelatin mixture and stir until well
Pour into greased silicone molds and refrigerate until set firm.
Serve with Watermelon Compote (Recipe Follows) and Lemon Zest.

Watermelon Compote

3 Cups Pureed Watermelon • In a medium saucepan, combine all ingredients over medium heat.
1 Cup Granulated Sugar • Stir mixture occasionally to help the sugar dissolve.
1 Juice of Lime • Reduce until thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.
• Remove mixture from heat and cool until ready to serve.


Grilled Watermelon and Mushrooms w/
Watermelon Guajillo Pepper Coulis

Every time I mention this dish to someone, they think I’m crazy. Watermelon and mushrooms could
never go together, right? Wrong! This dish will shock you and your fellow diners because the sweet
deliciousness of the watermelon pairs perfectly with the umami saltiness of the mushrooms. When
I decided to cook this up, I knew it made sense on paper, but it came out even more amazing than
we all thought it would in taste testing. Be adventurous and give this one a shot!

6 Watermelon Steaks (we cut ours into 3 inch by 4 inch rectangles about 1/2-3/4 inch thick)
3 Cups Oyster Mushrooms
8 Leaves Rainbow Chard (leaves separated from stems)
1 Tbsp Coconut Aminos
2 Tbsp Vegetable Oil
Salt to Taste

• Prepare watermelon for grill by thinly coating with vegetable oil.
• Grill watermelon on hot grill for about 3 minutes per side.
• In a medium sauté pan over medium-high heat, add enough vegetable oil to barely coat the bottom of the pan and

sear mushrooms for only about 2-3 minutes. Do not add salt until after mushrooms are cooked.
• In another medium sauté pan over medium high heat, add enough vegetable oil to barely coat bottom of the pan and

sauté stems of chard until tender.
• Add leaves to pan, along with the Coconut Aminos. This will create a good amount of steam if your pan is hot. Toss

together stems and leaves until leaves are wilted.
• Plate all ingredients together along with the Watermelon Guajillo Pepper Coulis (recipe follows).

Watermelon Pepper Coulis

2oz Reconstituted Guajillo Peppers • Combine all ingredients into a blender and
2 Cups Diced Watermelon puree on high until a thick puree forms. Store
3 Cloves Roasted Garlic in refrigerator until ready to use.
1 Tbsp Vinegar
3/4 tsp Xanthan Gum

Salt to Taste


QuiePEACE &t

by Donna Steele Photography by Jon Eckard

In this crazy, fast-paced world, one must have a place to find peace and quiet time...a time
to simply settle your soul and remember to breathe.

What better place than a master bath that is a true oasis? Your phone is not needed in this
room, and electronics don’t play well with water anyway, so leave it in another room. Give
your mind, body and spirit time to reconnect with what is important to you and take care
of yourself.

A quiet, warm bath relaxes the muscles and the mind. We add a small table to have a place
to sit your favorite beverage. Florals bring a touch of nature inside for a true spa feel. And
nothing feels better than finishing a bath wrapped in a luxurious towel, warmed on the
towel warmer.

Remember to slow down and find some time for bath at a time.




Summer Vitality Surgical Center
Serving Men and Women for all of your
The color palette for the Summer of Surgical Aesthetic needs. Vitality Surgical
2019 is decidedly spicy. You can’t go Center offers a wide array of services
wrong with warm hues like coral, red, including Vaser-Lipo, facial plastics and more.
burgundy and orange.
Don’t be afraid to be bold in your color 828-322-1498.For more information contact
choices. Bright is incredibly en vogue.
Pantone selects an on-trend palette
for each season, and we are sharing it
below. You can mix and match these
colors with neutrals to be as bold as
your own personal style allows.
As always, you should hold true
to your own personal style, while
nodding to trends and selecting only
what delights you.



by Amber Bryson of Kelly’s Hair Company

This is the season surely to celebrate! Since ancient times we have found symbolism
in this time of year! What does it remind us of? Youth and childhood or romance and
passion? All these feelings can come alive during the hot sizzling summer months!!

Now how can we translate these feelings into our hairstyles? Well if you are wanting a
youthful look the answer is BANGS!! Bangs are a huge trend for the summer of 2019. We
all have different facial shapes. Whether it be heart, square, or round there is a perfect
fringe style for you! Are you bold and trendy able to pull off a mini fringe? Or are you
more reserved and like to keep things soft like a feathery fringe? Or maybe your style
is something in between and would like a pin-up style like seen on some of the most
fashionable celebrities? Just consult with your stylist to find the perfect style for you!

Now if summer speaks to your romantic side then we have lots of choices to bring this
out in your hair color!! Faded pastels are all over the runways bringing us inspiration
to try something fun and different! Cool brunettes are showing their ashy side! Not
mousy but kissed with subtle beige highlights. If you are ready to make a statement
Coral is the perfect peachy hue to surely turn heads! And one of my absolute
favorites is Antique Gold which is bringing back the old Hollywood glamour style!!!

Unfortunately the summer can be gone in the blink of the eye. Make sure and take
the time to relax in the sun, enjoy a cold beverage, and enjoy the longer days! But
don’t forget to try on some of these fun summer trends and make this a season to
never forget! And hopefully 2019 will the be the year your summer time shines!!!



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Eventfully Yours. . .

My fiancé and I are looking into the best options for our upcoming summer wedding. I love the idea of an
outdoor wedding while he prefers and indoor air conditioned option. How can we come to an agreeable
choice that makes us both happy?

There are numerous venue choices for your upcoming wedding that extend to you the best of both options. I
personally believe you always need to make sure that you have backup options available in case of inclement
weather. Summer rain and storms can pop up at any moment, not to mention that heat can be oppressive in
specific months. Couples do need to ensure that they, as well as their guests, are comfortable from wedding
ceremony to reception. Together both events can be held anywhere from 3-6 hours which is a long time to
fight mother-nature.
When considering your wedding venue, look into options that have an indoor and outdoor option. There are
many new wedding venues that offer garden or patio spaces for the wedding ceremony with the addition of
an indoor space for the wedding reception later in the day or evening. When meeting venue owners, be sure
that you inquire if there is a possibility to host your wedding ceremony indoors in case of rain or storms. There
most likely is room to host both events indoors if the case arises.
Newer barn style venues are becoming very popular with couples as well. This type of venue may offer a
large field or open area for the ceremony with the opportunity to hold the reception inside of the venue. This
style wedding is rustic and more casual while offering guests the options of meandering outside of the venue
during the reception. Venues offer fire pits, areas of for outdoor games and more.
The piedmont and mountains of North Carolina create an absolutely beautiful scenic backdrop. You may
choose to have a destination wedding in the mountains which is cooler in the summer months. Couples are
also opting to host exclusively outdoor events with the addition of large tents with air conditioning units, raised
floors and other comfort amenities to include luxury trailer bathrooms. Whichever option you choose most
definitely be sure that you are both satisfied and comfortable with your venue selection.

Tara H. Bland is owner and event specialist of Eventfully yours,
Tara B’s Eventful Planning and It’s My Party
Rentals. Tara has planned, designed and directed Tara B
weddings and events for the past 18 years in the
Foothills of North Carolina.



By Rudyard Kipling

Eyes aloft, over dangerous places,
The children follow the butterflies,
And, in the sweat of their upturned faces,
Slash with a net at the empty skies.

So it goes they fall amid brambles,
And sting their toes on the nettle-tops,
Till, after a thousand scratches and scrambles,
They wipe their brows and the hunting stops.

Then to quiet them comes their father
And stills the riot of pain and grief,
Saying, "Little ones, go and gather
Out of my garden a cabbage-leaf.

"You will find on it whorls and clots of
Dull grey eggs that, properly fed,

Turn, by way of the worm, to lots of
Glorious butterflies raised from the dead."

"Heaven is beautiful, Earth is ugly,"
The three-dimensioned preacher saith;
So we must not look where the snail and the slug lie
For Psyche's birth.... And that is our death!



A short historical fiction by Carmen Eckard


reckon I’m getting old. That’s why I’ve When you worked at that mill, your life was that
decided to write all this down. I was mill. They paid you with these coins, and you’d
writing my Last Will and Testament (not use them to pay your rent and buy your food.
Life was hard in that village. A lot for a girl to
I that I have much money to leave folks) get used to.
The Spring after my Mama died, I spent as much
but I realized the things I really wanted to time away from home as I could. I wasn’t ready
leave to people, well they won’t hardly know for my remembrances back then, not yet. I got
what they are, so I figure I need to tell ‘em. invited to play softball with my friend from
I’m full of stories, but people are too busy for school, Anita. She was a mill girl if ever there
that these days. Anyway, I don’t even think I’m was one. She was born there and so was her
good at tellin’ tales, so I guess I feel better about Daddy. If I remember correctly, he was the last
writing them down and tucking them away. person to move out of the village, but I’m off
I suppose everybody collects stuff over the years, track.
but I’ve tried to only hang onto the things that’s
real beautiful to me, or make me remember She invited me to play softball and I was saying
something I love to remember. I’m gonna write “yes” to just about anything that Spring. I’m
about what each one of these things make me terrible at softball…never liked it and that day I
remember, and I might ramble, but darlings, my didn’t hit a single ball. Wasn’t a total strike out
memory rambles these days, so it is what it is. though, because I met my Earl. It wasn’t love at
first site, not like you read in the movies. It was
Doogaloos more of a slow burn. He was nice to me, really
nice, and even made me feel a little tickly in a
N ow this one isn’t like others. It’s not way I wasn’t familiar with yet.
something that I keep displayed for We went together my last year of school…
folks to ask me about. These little coins he was already graduated and working at the
make me feel downright conflicted, mill. Right after graduation, he asked me to
guilty even. Guilt is a tricky emotion - it don’t let marry him, right there in the parking lot. We
go, even after all these years and all the good got married one month later at my little Baptist
deeds and good memories I’ve piled on top of it. Church, and that was that.
Earl had moved to the Henry River Mill Village
Don’t look like much, and I’ve kept ‘em tucked with his parents, when he was only two. That
away in my sock drawer for decades, same way qualified him as being From Here, and I tell you
I kept them tucked away inside me. I tell myself what, them that were From Here - they stuck
all the time that I didn’t do anything wrong, and together. They stuck together like they were an
I really, truly don’t think I did, not really. But actual clan. I think maybe my biggest mistake
anyhow, my meddlin’ led to some disastrous was not realizing quite how deep that loyalty to
consequences and a dead man that meant a lot each other was, but I’ll get back around to that.
to a lot of folks. We lived together, Earl and me, in relative peace
and happiness. Four years passed, and our only
These coins are doogaloos, and they only ever real hardship was that I hadn’t fallen pregnant,
mattered at the Henry River Mill Village over despite lots of trying. At least the trying was fun.
in the eastern part of the county. You know the Honestly, though, living in that village was kind
place? Little village, built up around a cotton of a hardship all on its own.
mill down by the river? It’s been abandoned for Our house was very small, but that was OK
a long time now, though they’ve been fixing it up since it was just Earl and me. Most of the houses
lately. Bout 30 houses or so, plus a little store. were split in two and held two families. It had
electricity by the time we lived there,


but no running water. Even my old mountain I was real happy for her when she started going
house had running water by then, and it was with a new mill worker, a fellow named Boyce.
hard to get used to going outside to do your He wasn’t From Here - he’d moved to the village
business, and carrying in all that water just to to work with his brother just a year before. I’d
take a bath. It was 1961 when I moved in, but heard some whispers that he drank a lot, but I
it felt like stepping back in time 50 years or so. figured - hey - just near every man I knew drank
But I’m not sure that was such a bad thing for sometimes.
me back then. I really enjoyed the slower pace. I Every warm evening the air was positively filled
didn’t work in the mill - just my Earl did. So, I had with sounds of the men laughing and drinking
lots of time to keep the house and make friends. down by the river. The river was good for three
My favorite friend was Mary. When we first things, so far as I could tell: powering the
moved in, she and her folks lived in the other side village, cooter hunting, and providing the perfect
of our house. She was older than me, almost 40, drinking spot. Heck, even my own Daddy had a
and she lived with her mom and dad. The first still, although it got busted up about a year after
year I lived there, her mom died. The second, her I moved out. In fact, it was busted up by the very
dad spent ailing. It took him almost two years person this story is about.
for him to die, but Mary was From Here, her dad So, we knew he liked to drink, but we didn’t think
had worked the mill near 50 years, and no one it as much of a problem. He was also a good bit
wanted to kick her out of the house she’d lived in older than her. I never asked but he seemed as
for her whole life, not yet at least. So Mary and old as my daddy at least. But, Mary was lonely.
I found ourselves spending our days together, Also, it was only a matter of time before she had
often on our shared front porch. to move-mill houses were for mill workers and
We got real tight-thick as thieves they say. their families.
I’d just lost my Mama pretty recently, and I
remembered how white-hot the pain is, and I Eventually it was time for her to move out, and
didn’t mind when she needed to cry, or even the he asked her to come live with him. Said he’d
days where she didn’t talk much. marry her, but just wasn’t quite ready for all
And I tell you, after about a year, her smile that. And she was getting ready to be homeless,
started coming back. First she only showed it so she jumped at the chance.
to me, but then she started flashing it around We didn’t see each other quite as much when
the village, and when Mary was happy, she was that happened, but most days, I still walked over
beautiful. to her place while our men were working. One
She told me every bit of gossip she’d ever heard day, I knocked on the door but no one answered.
about anyone, and I was starting to feel like I That was real strange because I knew she’d be
was From Here too. home. I put my ear to the door and I heard that
man of hers screaming that she was stupid,
I taught her how to knit and how to stitch. I and a whore, and a bunch of other nasty things
really wasn’t that good at stitching, hadn’t had that make me blush even now. I could hear her
much practice, but I taught her what I knew. crying, and then a big crash, and then she didn’t
She taught me to quilt, and I helped her with a cry anymore. Now I was crying too, and I didn’t
square she was working on. Lord knows I don’t know what to do. I waited across the way, eyes
have the patience for quilting, but it was fun to trained on their door, and after about an hour
make something with someone again. he left.
Once a week, we’d walk to the store together I ran to the door and knocked. I could hear Mary
to get a bag of peanuts to share and two cokes. whimpering, but she wouldn’t let me in. Said
Folks around there called them “dope”. Those through the door, “Everything’s fine, Rose love.
walks were some of my favorite times in the I’ll see you tomorrow.” But the next day she
village. Mary was the best friend I ever had. didn’t open the door again. And the next day,
she opened it just a little, enough for me to see

a nasty black eye. She looked so sad, and told He left in a rush to find his friend Robert. I saw
me we could chat the next day. them walking back up the trail together. Saw
So I took an action that caused a lot of heartache. them walk right past our house, and it looked like
The action that makes me keep these doogaloos they were blowing glowing with embers inside
in my night stand. The one that still wakes me up them.
at night, more than half a century later.
They banged on the door. Mary told me that Earl
I told my husband. said, “Mary, go to my house right now. Rose is
waiting for you,” and she could tell she better
Earl is a good man. skedaddle.
A hard man. They wouldn’t tell us just what they said, or did.
Earn never saw much gray-everything was stark But they seemed to think it worked. They were
black and white for him, and this, well this was at his house about 30 minutes before they came
black. back. Said he’d be moving on and Mary could
And that loyalty! That loyalty covered him like stay with us a few days.
some sort of righteous armor and he burned, We went to sleep, a little later than usual,
positively burned, to protect his clan. convinced that the men had fixed the problem.
It’s the first time I saw that part of him; a We laughed like our old selves.
bright and gorgeous glimpse of something truly
exceptional. I saw it again several times in our But, we were woken in the morning by that old
life together, but only when our kids or I were devil bangin’ on our door, drunk as Cooter Brown.
threatened. It was fierce, wild, beautiful.


Screaming bout how he was gonna kill us all, they didn’t, I guess cause the deputy being shot
especially Earl and Robert. Said some right caused a bit of a ruckus. Wasn’t long before we
nasty things. Madder than a wet hen, he was. caught sight of him running off, out his back door
Well, the village is small, and as you can imagine, and through the woods. He saw us see him, and
this caused a bit of a ruckus around our little he trained that gun of his right on my head. We
house. When people came around to run him off, gasped, ducked down, and cried.
he’d leave for a bit. Earl came out once and had What we didn’t know was that he’d jammed his
words with him. Big, deep, mean soundin’ words. gun up good when he was shooting the deputy-
He left again, and we relaxed. that’s why he only got one shot in. That devil took
That is, until he was banging on the door again advantage of how slow news traveled, and turns
with his pistol. It was a little easier to believe out he was walkin’ around the village, chatting
he’d kill us when he was banging on our door up the people out on their porches, trying to get
with a gun. Short of shooting him ourselves, we some help unjamming his gun. No one could help
thought calling the law was the best solution. him, so he walked right up the road to the first
Earl argued it a bit, saying we didn’t need law store that wasn’t owned by his bosses and he
men out at the village, but it didn’t take long for asked for help. That clerk - he was a friend to
him to realize that we did, in fact, need law men. all of us, and he didn’t have any idea what was
So while that devil was busy banging on our going on. I bet the guilt he carries is heavier than
door, and Mary and I were hiding out upstairs, mine. That’s a mighty sad thing to me. But, he
Earl slipped out the back door, ran to the store fixed that gun right up, and ol’ Boyce was able to
and called the police. slip back into his house before Sheriff Oaks got
And we waited. Lord knows we were nervous there from his cottage on Jonas Ridge.
that he’d get in and shoot us before the police
made it there. We were barely breathin’ till we He barricaded himself in there real good. When
heard those sirens coming down the road. the Sheriff finally arrived, there was a lot of
yelling, and then they threw some sort of gas
Mary and I snuck to a window and cracked it- bomb into the house. I heard when the law men
we couldn’t see anything, but we could hear entered the house, the devil was laying on the
pretty good. It was late summer, and we’d had floor trying to breathe through a little hole (not
those windows closed for safety while he was the best time to say this, but those houses were
out there screamin’, so opening it let a beautiful plum full of holes. We joked sometimes that
breeze in the room, and the whole world seemed we had swiss cheese walls and floors). Well,
like it was going to be OK. that devil seemed to know he was caught and
shouted, “I give up.” I couldn’t hear that part, but
The devil ran to his house, which was 3 houses the papers say it happened, and I mostly believe
down from ours, and shut himself up in there. the papers.
It wasn’t OK. It only took that devil about 3 We heard the Sheriff shout, and I’ll never forget
minutes before he went and shot the deputy. the way he sounded, so commanding, “Come
Ended up being just a flesh wound, and that on out with your hands up and nobody will hurt
deputy lived to a ripe ol’ age, but we didn’t know you.”
that at the time. We heard the deputy, Burns was Another Deputy, Gassman was his name, was
his name, call for backup, and the Sheriff, on the standing in front of the Sheriff, but the Sheriff
radio, told him“Stand down and wait for me.” He was a mountain of a man, tall and broad.
wasn’t close by, and the situation was tense. That devil came out, alright, but he came out
shooting. The deputy must have been covered
Now you’d think they’d keep an eye on that in divine protection that night…maybe somebody
rascal. I mean, I would. I expected them to. But prayed real hard for him every day, I don’t know,
but the bullets wizzed right past him and they
134 hit that Sheriff, three times! All the parts of him
that were bigger than the deputy in front of him
were in danger, it seems, and he was hit in the

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They got that giant of a man in a car and started
rushing him to a hospital, but he died before they Offering:
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second, and those other deputies hunted him
down on the spot. He tried to get away, but Offering Care Credit
you can’t get away from that many folks aimin’
to catch you. They caught him, sent him to a (828)327-8300
mental hospital for two months, then put him
on trial. He was found guilty and was told he’d
serve life in prison.

Thousands of people showed up for Sheriff Oaks’

Mary moved away after that. Then, so did we.
Everywhere I looked I just saw death. And when
I turned up pregnant, finally, I told my Earl that
there just no way on earth I’d be living there. He’s
a good man, and he started looking for a new job
right away, and he left that mill clan of his.
The baby was a little girl. I named her Mary.
Everyone assumes she’s named after me,
Rosemary, but it isn’t so. She’s named for my
good friend Mary who didn’t deserve any of this.
And my Mary grew up strong and independent
and my friend would have been proud.
And even though I carry this guilt my whole
life, and that clerk too, and my Earl, and Mary…
they let Boyce out of prison 17 years later, even
though he’d broken out of prison once and
certainly wasn’t a good prisoner. He died five
years later in a nursing home. I’d like to think
he died carrying more guilt than a person could
bare. I’d like to thing it was that guilt that made
his heart stop beating.
I’m sorry. I hope that’s enough. I know my
meddlin’ led to that Sheriff’s death but I know
in my heart - Mary needed help and helping each
other is what friends do.


Photo by Kat Dellinger.

Find info about this hike on page 96.





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