Here's the wind-up: Batter up!
Hit... A secret rally is planned if the Chicago AV Chicago steps up to the plate...
Cubs are able to pull off a World Series victory Cubs vs. Indians, Game 7 of the World Series
after a 108 year curse. Tied ballgame
2-run double RBI in the 10th
Run... AV Chicago must quickly find a video Cubs win, breaking 108 year curse
AV Chicago is on deck in a matter of minutes
production crew for this massive rally, having
their qualified & available crew on-site by noon “What we knew...was that if the Chicago Cubs won on
the next day. Wednesday night, we would actually go into full production
starting at noon the next day. But, we couldn’t tell anybody.”
Score! Cubs win and AV Chicago hits it out
~ Andrew Abrisz, Director of Operations
of the ballpark, using LASSO to vet their crew AV Chicago had won the contract to do the video production
and communicate important job details - for the "hush-hush" World Series rally and was ready to tackle
successfully having a fully-crewed staff ready to the challenge, despite being in the midst of one of their
go in a matter of hours. busiest seasons and the fact that they couldn't actually tell
anyone (including their crew) about the event prior to the the
Request a Demo Today: conclusion of the game.
Then it happened, the Cubs made World Series history. And
AV Chicago took center stage, rallying to crew the massive
celebratory event.
Why AV Chicago put LASSO “We got on-board with LASSO because they
up to bat are a young, hungry company trying to
accomplish something, and, what they are
One of the main reasons AV Chicago decided to partner trying to do matches with the way we want to
with LASSO was the ability to quickly and easily mass do things. We couldn’t be happier.”
communicate opportunities to their crew database,
determine availability and deliver important event details ~ Andrew Abrisz, AV Chicago
right to their mobile phone.
So, during the game, Andrew powered up his laptop to
LASSO's workforce management platform where he built
out the event in the hopes that the Cubs would win...
Already working long days managing multiple clients,
events and crews, try as he might to watch the finale of the
game, Andrew fell asleep.
"I woke up at about 2 o’clock in the morning, thinking oh-my-
gosh, oh-my-gosh I fell asleep, what happened? I googled
the results of the game and low-and-behold, the Cubs won!
So, I instantly logged back into LASSO and published the
event, and then went to back to sleep…When I got up the
next morning, I saw that I had enough responses to fulfill my
calls that morning. I instantly approved all the people I
wanted on the job and then drove into the office.”
Thanks to the power of LASSO, Andrew was able to have a crew A game-changing experience
on-site and ready to make history in a matter of hours.
Prior to LASSO, AV Chicago had to BCC a massive email to all
TleahvreegrercseteclgeoabrtdrhaeetdiroininngtihitnseehWluf mensaotnewrhnirsHatnoekrmysis–aptshheetrhleae.rUg7seintshgt of their crew and make 100+ individual calls – just to
determine who was available. Andrew, who had worked in
LASSO’s workforce management platform, AV Chicago served the staffing industry for over 30 years, knew there had to be a
up enough qualified resources to execute all of the video better way.
production work for this massive event, with an estimated 5 "So, I am doing 2 days worth of work just to see if I can find
million people in attendance. enough people. You know, it is daunting and it is frustrating
and a giant lack of human resource."
tvabw“hTemehehriayonestugsoCLhnlaAuuotbstSbri~ltooSseaOfnAttmhfontrciheodnpaaeurgnaetlnasiwtdtssnhoiocaiAvsefefbgoirtlnriryramiedssvsazueooat,s.miuAeltIarrtxVecybareoeCinmlnaliehatelpyeilrcylgd-ieaneisgso.”aof “I looked at other solutions on the market and with LASSO,
you can vet your people, build your database, have people
apply directly into the database, get everybody rated, put all
of their skills in and approve, and then literally have the ability
to blast needs to that database based on specific skills and to
get back a mass amount of availability, immediately."
“My mandate was to figure out a way to keep budgets in line,
but to be able to scalably fulfill staffing needs no matter what
we sell. So, knowing that I needed to have a robust system to
communicate with freelance workers, after looking at
everything else on the market, this was the product for me.”
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