`Issue Number 1263 (Items 1582 - 1676 & MR 148 - MR 162) (E-BLN 42 PAGES) 20 August 2016
Published twice monthly by the Branch Line Society (founded 1955)
Website: www.branchline.org.uk
Membership Enquiries: [email protected]
22 Treemount Court, Grove Ave., Epsom, Surrey, KT17 4DU. 01372 728677
British Isles news from members, an international section is also available.
Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Compilers or the Society.
BLN 1264 is dated .10 September. (NB: 3-week gSaocpi)etayl.l contributions must be received by 31 August.
Date Event Details BLN Lead Status
Sun 21/8/16 Afternoon Mountsorrel railway walk; a branch running day 1260 TG OPEN
Sun 28/8/16 Weston Wharf Railway Near Oswestry; morning railtour 1261 JC OPEN
Mon 29/8/16 A Tale of Two Ports Sunderland & Tyne Port branches 1259 KA OPEN
Sun 4/9/16 Derby RTC, 11.30-14.30 Signet Solutions conducted visit 1259 PS OPEN
Sat 10/9/16 Londonderry to Fintown and Difflin Lake Railways etc 1261 GB OPEN
Sat 10/9/16 Valley Line Tracker (2) Rare track by service trains 1261 DC OPEN
Sun 18/9/16 Fancott Miniature & Summerfield's Bedford MES railways 1262 BD OPEN
Fri 23/9/16 Douglas Horse Tramway comprehensive tour, 11.25-14.00 1262 GJ OPEN
Sun 25/9/16 11.00 Wensleydale Railway Track & Traction (with PLEG) 1263 JE *OPEN*
Fri 30/9/16 13.00 Eastleigh Lakeside & Netley Royal Victoria Railways 1261 JE OPEN
Sun 2/10/16 Apedale Valley Railway 10.30 & 13.00 all line railtours 1261 JC OPEN
Fri 7/10/16 The Cliffe Hopper loco-hauled tour, Crewe (08.35-16.34) 1262 KA OPEN
Fri 4/11/16 Epping Ongar Railway 08.30 Very comprehensive tour 1257 DG OPEN
Sat 5/11/16 East Kent Railway/AGM 08.30 Very comprehensive tour 1257 DG OPEN
Sat 5/11/16 Evening presentation by Ian Mortimer with interval buffet 1257 DG OPEN
Sun 6/11/16 Kent & East Sussex Rly 08.30 Extensive railtour 1257 DG OPEN
10-17/11/16 Jordan Hejaz Railway UPDATE WITH E BLN 1262 1250 IS OPEN
Mon 26/12/16 Boxing Day 10.00 private 10¼" railway in Worcestershire 1261 PS OPEN
Sat 14/1/2017 *NEW* Mainline railtour in the southeast - save the date TBA TBA Claimed
BD-Bill Davis, DC-David Clark, DG-Darren Garnon, GJ-Graeme Jolley, GB-Geoff Blyth, IS-Iain Scotchman,
JC-John Cameron, JE-Jill Everitt, KA-Kev Adlam, PS-Paul Stewart, TG-Tom Gilby.
X.116] BLS Branching out into DVDs: With thanks to @Felixjaz for their generosity, copies of the 90
minute charity DVD 'Shildon, Weardale and the National Railway Museum, 2011 & 2015' of our
fixtures at the two locations in the respective years are still available. Includes coverage of the
Society's 60th anniversary AGM fixture last November in York. Good value at £10 including P&P.
Cheques payable to 'Branch Line Society', to Sales Officer Dr Mark Gomm, 84 Mornington Road, Stoke-
on-Trent, ST1 6EL. Every home should have one (or two). All proceeds go to Railway Children.
[BLN 1263]
1582] BLN Pictorial (BLNP) - A FINAL APPEAL: Originally this was conceived as an 'occasional'
supplement to send out pictures with e-BLN. From the download count, it seems that BLNP with its
wide variety of content and pictures is popular with members. However, previous appeals to our
now over 1,000 members for assistance in producing it have sadly failed to generate any response.
The job of our volunteer e-BLN distributor, Dave Cromarty, has grown dramatically since he took it
on with the variety and complexity of items sent out with e-BLN, updating email addresses and
membership and dealing with queries from members. E-BLN has grown in size and distribution.
Dave also greatly assists with BLN generally but is no longer able to produce BLNP single-handedly
as well. This is a final appeal for anyone who might be interested in assisting or production will
regrettably cease. Email (no obligation) Dave at [email protected] by 20 Sep to discuss.
1583] Mountsorrel branch, 20 & 21 Aug: (BLN 1260.1366) Tickets are now on sale for the DMU
shuttles in advance online* via http://goo.gl/qFhw4M (only) to Swithland Up Goods Loop (no
alighting), this is past the branch junction and gives 'overlap' with our Great Central Railway DMU tour
of 17 Mar 2013, or with GCR Gala passenger workings that have done the loop. £5 for one nominated
return trip or £7 day rover, child (2-15 incl) £3/£5, no other concessions. Mountsorrel Halt 10.30-
15.45, every 45 minutes; 8 return trips each day. *Or pay on the day with cash only to a ticket
inspector on the train. BLS Mountsorrel walk, Sun 21 Aug: Thanks to local member Tom Gilby,
Mountsorrel Halt 14.00 (traverse the branch/visit Heritage Centre etc before). A two-hour circular
walk to the quarry and the start of the 'other' (MR) branch closed in the 1970s, to the Midland Main
Line to Barrow-upon-Soar. It now carries stone on a conveyor rather than trains. Includes the Canal
Wharf and ornate bridge over the River Soar, passing a canal-side pub and bus stops for Leicester/
Loughborough about 15.30; back about 16.00. Notify [email protected] or 07531174919.
[BLN 1263]
ABOVE: 1950-56 OS one-inch 7th Series map. The present Great Central Railway is left and the Midland
Main Line is right. The reinstated (GCR) Mountsorrel (Quarry) branch runs from Swithland Sidings
(southeast of the reservoir, bottom left) for a mile northeast to just past the second overbridge. The
former MR Mountsorrel branch is now occupied by a covered conveyor that carries the aggregate
instead. Barrow-upon-Soar Grove Lane is the south most of the three overbridges (see item 1660).
X.117 The Wensleydale Wilton Shunter Spectacular, Sun 25 Sep: With grateful thanks to Wilton
International and the Wensleydale Railway, http://goo.gl/sUDGj0 in association with PLEG, we are
delighted to invite bookings for a very special loco-hauled charter in scenic Wensleydale. Featuring a
range of motive power, the highlight being a once only chance to ride behind both of Wilton
International's Class 08 locomotives which are being transported to Wensleydale especially to haul our
train. The main track highlights include running beyond Redmire station to the very end of the line
https://binged.it/2b3WcI2 (allow time to load) and (at least) one of the two Redmire MOD ramps. A
leg stretch and photographic breaks will be scheduled. Our coaching stock will be a load 5 rake of MKII
coaches and a buffet/real ale bar will be included in the formation. A donation to Wilton
International's nominated charity will be made for the use of their Class 08 shunters, which they are
providing free of charge. Our fund raising activity will be supported by an on train raffle with a range of
exciting prizes. Participants will receive the usual stock list, souvenir ticket and track map.
*Route: Leeming Bar (PU) dep 11.00 - shunt east (RM) - Leeming Bar Through Road (RM) - Leeming
Bar (RM,DAE,AAE) - Bedale – Finghall - Constable Burton Loop – Leyburn – Redmire end of line
(RM) - Redmire MOD Ramp (RM) - Redmire EOL (RM) - Redmire - Leyburn - Constable Burton Loop
(bang road) - Finghall - Leeming Bar (Break,DAE,AAE) - Redmire - Leeming Bar (SD) mid-afternoon.
RM = Reversal Manœuvre, DAE = Detach Assisting locomotive, AAE = Attach Assisting Locomotive.
*Motive Power: 01xxx, 01xxx, 08743, 08903 and 26007 *Subject to availability
2 x Class 01/5 Leeming Bar - Leeming Bar east Fares: £45 for BLS/PLEG members,
1 x Class 08 (Loco 'A') Leeming Bar east - Redmire £50 for non-members. Please note
1 x Class 08 (Loco 'B') Redmire - Leeming Bar that fares have to be set at this level
1 x Class 26 Leeming Bar - Redmire - Leeming Bar to cover the road haulage costs of
the Class 08s. Bookings: Should be
sent to Jill Everitt, Fixtures Team, Branch Line Society, 4 Barnside Way, Moulton, Northwich,
Cheshire, CW9 8PT. Please supply names of all applicants with cheques payee 'Branch line Society' or
http://goo.gl/Oje70q CPA. If you do not have an email address, please
provide a stamped self-addressed envelope with your booking and a
second if an initial acknowledgement of receipt is required. All queries
should be directed to Jill Everitt, preferably by email to
[email protected] or by telephone (only if absolutely essential)
to Kev Adlam on 01270 662396, Monday to Friday between 20.30 and
21.30 only please. Note that tickets are NOT transferable and smoking
is not permitted aboard the train. The Society will not accept any
liability arising from changes imposed by any third parties (either
before or on the day) or any consequences of any late running that
may occur. Please note that no refunds will be entertained for
cancellations. Tickets will be sent out approximately seven days before the tour. Where possible this
will be an e-ticket with a souvenir ticket being provided on the train. Participation in any Society event
is subject to the Society's Standard Booking Terms and Conditions for Fixtures http://goo.gl/TR1nWQ
also provided in printed form on request with an SAE. ABOVE: The end of the Wenseleydale railway
beyond (west of) Redmire station. BELOW: End of line and MoD Sidings (Sep 2004, FreeFoto.com).
BLN 1263.1584] Douglas's High Viz Souvenir: Thanks to John and Jenny
Williamson, special road/tramway high viz yellow vests used on the Horse
Tramway are available for sale to all. They are not compulsory for our 23
Sep comprehensive tour of the line (BLN 1262.1277)! Those attending the
IOM fixtures can collect vests post free and pay cash but must order
please. The child sizes in particular make ideal Christmas and birthday
presents. Child sizes (all £6) 4-6yr, 7-9yr, 10-12yr; Adult small/ medium
and large/extra large (both £10); those not participating on 23 Sep trip
please add £2.50 P&P per order. All orders by 9 Sep please to Graeme
Jolley (CPA/cheque payee 'Branch Line Society') per back page. The
'Friends of Douglas Bay Horse Tramway' have a very interesting website
http://goo.gl/hO0x2V and a new exhibition area and mini-shop at the
Summer Hill Stable (both open Wed to Sun, 12.00-16.00, the days the
tramway operates). 'Meet the Trammers' guided tours of the stables Sat
& Sun 12.00 until the end of the season. Limited numbers, please book at
Derby Castle (MER) ticket office.
1585] Cliffe Hopper loco-hauled tour, Fri 7 Oct: PLEASE NOTE that booking acknowledgements may
be delayed until preparation for Tale of Two Ports is complete - please do not chase as this just creates
further emails to handle! This is a large capacity train and no one who has booked so far will be turned
away. A booking form was sent out with BLN 1262 and as a download with e-BLN for this final chance
to do the Rugeley Power Station branch. There are many other highlights including the Cliffe Vale
branch, where Imerys have now kindly approved access to their sidings beyond the NR boundary,
and various 'firsts'. Cliffe Vale is a relatively new 1980s branch built on the site of a former railway tip
sidings, 50yd south of, and quite separate from, the former line to Market Drayton via Silverdale.
[BLN 1263]
The rail access to the 50ch long clay terminal branch diverges from the main line very close to the
north end of Stoke station, 26ch south of the site of Newcastle Jn (for Market Drayton), then swings
away to cross the Trent and Mersey Canal on a separate single track bridge before passing through a
gate into the private siding area https://binged.it/2bfC7BY which the railtour is now booked to
access. It is not a former North Staffordshire Railway branch as such, but the canal bridge is probably a
survivor from the tip sidings and headshunt of tracks into Shelton Wharf public goods depot (CG 4 Dec
1972) and Vernon Road Wharf. There is generally only one train a week of incoming China Clay from
Cornwall now (tripped via Bescot Yard on a Monday). The tour is booking well, so please book soon.
Crewe departure is expected to be at 08.35 and returning 16.34, or Stoke 09.07/16.06. We regret that
Four Ashes Loop is unavailable as it is temporarily OOU.
1586] BLS/LCGB Jordan Railtour, 10-15 Nov 2016: (BLN 1250.217 with map) If any further members
wish to book on this unusual railtour, which has been difficult to arrange, please contact our
member Iain Scotchman now. This will allow confirmation of viability and details to be firmed up.
[email protected] or 102 Shenfield Place, Shenfield, Brentwood CM15 9AJ (+ SAE).
X.118] ABOVE: Not quite cattle trucks but a BLS tour for 50 members at Richardson's Moss Litter
Company Letham Moss Peat Litter Works Railway, near Falkirk. This was Sun 9 Nov 1980, part of
our rather extensive 25th Anniversary celebration (very) long weekend of fixtures that started at
Fleetwood Power Station on Tue 4th and concluded with the 18th event at Grangemouth BP internal
railway on Mon 10 Nov. The rotary moss tippler was not experienced! BELOW: 'For Pete's sake,
where are we, Kate?' - no Global Positioning System then. Earlier in the morning of Sun 9 Nov 1980,
the first visit of the day at Fannyside Muir Peat Moss Railway (near Cumbernauld). Despite
appearances, the motive power was able to haul 50 BLS Members. Richardson's also had peat moss
railways at Solway Moss (by Longtown Central Ammunition Depot) and Nutberry Moss (near
Eastriggs Ordnance and Explosives Storage Depot.) There were nine BLS trips on the four 2' 6" gauge
railways. In our '40 Year Book' they are under 'Horticultural & Fishery (Fishy?) Lines'! (Ian Mortimer)
1587] Llandecwyn: (BLN 1262.1482) The resited new station south of the new Pont Briwet was
definitely OP for Mon 1 Sep 2014. The BLN video link shows that the 09.34 Pwllheli to Harlech on 30
Aug 2014 ran past non-stop. No evidence has been found that the station (a request stop) was
available or actually used by passengers on 30 or 31 Aug 2014 (unless anyone knows otherwise).
1588] Northfleet Jn (21m 43ch) - Northfleet Lafarge: (BLN 1260.1276) CG after the last (and fourth
recent) outward train of loaded cement ran on 21 Jul 2016 to Manchester Weaste (see next item).
1589] Folkestone East - Dover Priory (BLN 1262.1535) From 16 Jul 2016 the 'High Street Environment'
length was reduced. The Up and Down Main lines between (71m 22ch), the Folkestone end of Martello
Tunnel and (75m 14ch), the Folkestone end of Shakespeare Tunnel were returned to normal use.
Buffer stops, with red lights, were installed on both lines at 75m 14ch. From 22.00 on Wed 17 Aug
2016 work on repairs to the sea wall between Shakespeare Tunnel and Dover Priory were to be
completed. The line between the Folkestone end of Shakespeare Tunnel and Dover Priory was to
revert back to an operational railway. The Up and Down lines between Folkestone East and Dover
Priory remain OOU to normal traffic until 5 Sep while track replacement work takes place within an
Engineers possession then trial running and crew route refreshing is due to take place for a few days.
BLN 1263.1590] Eccles Station Jn - Weaste (Lafarge Cement Terminal): (BLN 1260.1277) CG after the
last (and fourth recent) incoming cement train from Northfleet on 22 Jul 2016 (previusly ROG 1 Jul
2016). The collapsed new Barton lifting bridge deck that had blocked the Manchester Shipping Canal
was cleared on 25 Jul see http://goo.gl/OK8SNy (scroll down). At least two of the four new bridge
support columns are expected to be demolished and rebuilt due to damage. A fire then destroyed the
Barton Aqueduct wheelhouse delaying departure of the ship 'Arklow Vale' trapped upstream of the
collapse. The merchant vessel 'Arkonia' resumed inward shipment of cement via the canal arriving by 8
Aug. The one mile long Weaste branch https://binged.it/2bfEt3M (allow time to fully load) runs from
Eccles Up Goods Loop (Weaste Station Jn) north of the Up Chat Moss line, heading westward and
descending then turns sharp right underneath it (28m 19ch). It then turns left north of the Manchester
Ship Canal (MSC) to the former NR/MSC Railway boundary before splitting into two tracks in the
cement terminal with a crossover at the far end for running round (TRACKmaps Vol 4 p46.A).
1591] London Underground, Paddington P3 & P4 (Bakerloo line): ROP 1 Aug 2016 as planned after
TCP 2 Apr to construct a 165m passenger interchange tunnel connecting with the new Crossrail
platforms and life extension work on the Bakerloo escalators (replacing most of their components).
1592] London (Croydon) Tramlink, Reeves Corner (excl) - East Croydon (Incl) - Reeves Corner and
West Croydon, Wellesley Road, East Croydon, George Street & Church Street Stops: TCP 21.00 Fri 6
Aug for track renewal work; ROP Wed 10 Aug.
1593] London (Croydon) Tramlink, East Croydon* - Sandilands also Church Street - West Croydon
(direct): TCP 21.00 Fri 6 Aug; ROP Tue 16 Aug. (*Inclusive until Wed 10 Aug then exclusive.) The
closure for road resurfacing, between East Croydon and Sandilands and other track renewals,
extended to New Adlington and Blackhorse Lane until Mon 8 Aug including seven more intermediate
stops. From 10 to 15 Aug trams from Wimbledon reversed in the rare P2 centre road at East Croydon.
1594] Motherwell, Dalzell Loop (88m 77ch) - Dalzell Plateworks branch: (BLN 1255.765) ROG 8 Aug
2016 (previously CG early Dec 2015) with 66090 on an inwards train of heavy duty steel plate from
Tees Yard. Liberty Steel has acquired the plant (and Clydebridge) to specialise in wind towers and
tubular fabrications, supplying the offshore wind market and casings for tidal lagoons. BELOW: On the
former Dalzell (pronounced 'Dee - el') Internal railway in British Steel Corporation days (Ian Mortimer).
BLN 1263. X.119] Fort William Jn - Mallaig (incl) & nine intermediate stations: TCP from 18.00 on Thu
11 Aug until 06.00 Mon 15 Aug 2016 due to heavy rain and flooding causing a landslip (ABOVE press
release). Over 100 tonnes of mud and stones were deposited across 230ft of track near Lochailort and
the A830 Fort William to Mallaig road was blocked necessitating a 60-mile diversion. The 'Jacobite'
steam train ran from Fort William to Crainlarich (126 miles return) instead of Mallaig (82 miles).
1595] Strathclyde Partnership for Transport, Glasgow Subway and all 15 stations: (BLN 1256.882)
ROP 10 Aug 2016 after TCP 2 Jul 2016 to replace the 37-year-old crossovers, junction points and
Broomloan Depot ramp access tracks. These join the subway between Ibrox and Govan stations.
1596] Thameslink; Canal Tunnels Jn - Belle Isle Jn: (BLN 1254.632) CANCELLED Due to be brought
into use Sun 14 Aug and includes a gradient of 1 in 28. On the ECML at Belle Island Jn on the Up slow
line at the south end of Copenhagen Tunnel signal K302 (0m 64ch) has a new indication 'T' in
association with the main signal aspect. On the Down slow line here, two new indications have been
brought into use on signal K300 (0m 64ch), displaying 'T' for the route onto the Up Canal line and 'X'
for bidirectional moves onto the Down Canal line, both in association with the main signal aspect. At St
Pancras International on the down Moorgate signal TWH1020, the new indication for the down canal
line has been brought into use displaying a 'C' in association with the main signal aspect. On the Up
Moorgate TWH3012, for bidirectional moves into the Up Canal line the new indication has been
brought into use displaying a 'Z' in association with the main signal aspect. It now appears that the
line, t, was not open earlier for non-electrified trains (BLN 1241.1735) other than under a possession.
1597] Alton branch, Holybourne Oil Sidings (47m 28ch): (BLN 1257.980) CG is expected after the final
outward train of crude oil train on Wed 24 Aug 2016. Trains are scheduled to arrive MWO 12.20 and
depart at 20.03. The 1986-provided facility receives production by road from Horndean (northwest of
Rowlands Castle), Humbly Grove (between Alton and Basingstoke), Singleton (West Sussex) and other
local oilfields for rail dispatch to Fawley. This will now use road tankers for the whole journey.
1598] Marchwood (86m 10ch) - Esso Fawley Oil Refinery: CG expected after the final inward train of
crude oil scheduled to arrive Thur 25 Aug 2016 at 07.47 from Holybourne Oil Sidings (previous entry)
via Eastleigh East Yard. Beyond the junction for the Marchwood Military Railway the nine mile Fawley
branch to our largest oil refinery will become NRU. Presumably, there is no internal railway activity
there now? Fawley are ending rail traffic as it is 'uneconomical'; 99% of the crude oil arrives by ship.
[BLN 1263]
1599] Folkestone Central (excl) - Dover Priory (excl): ROP is expected Mon 5 Sep 2016, after TCP from
11.30 on 24 Dec 2015 due to weather and high tides damaging the seawall at many locations.
1600] Welsh Highland Railway, Caernarfon: TCP of the present station (OP 11 Oct 1997 and only ever
intended to be interim) is expected from the beginning of Nov 2016 for about 18 months. This is for
relocation of the sewer beneath the site in preparation for work on the £2M new permanent station to
start in March 2017 (with completion in spring 2018). A temporary station will be provided next spring.
For pictures http://goo.gl/jv5y88 (scroll along). BELOW: Proposed track plan (dashed brown - WHR)…
1601] Keeping Track, (extra to Head Lines) significant passenger service suspensions: *= New/altered
BLN Start (incl) End (incl) Location (exclusive where bracketed) [bold = closed now]
1258.1068 Sun 26 Jun Mon 29 Aug Metrolink, (Deansgate-Castlefield) - The Delta West/North
1258.1070 Sun 26 Jun Mon 29 Aug Metrolink, MediaCityUK (excl after 1 Aug) - Eccles
1258.1072 Sat 27 Aug Thur 1 Sep Cannon Street - (Borough Market Jn)
1258.1072 Sat 27 Aug Thur 1 Sep (North Kent East Jn) - (Charlton Jn) via Greenwich
1248.79 24 Dec 2015 Mon 5 Sep *(Folkestone Central) - (Dover Priory)
1255.783 Mon 12 Sep Fri 21 Oct (Filton Abbey Wood/Bristol Parkway) - (Severn Tunnel Jn)
1261.1388 Sun 11 Sep Sun 23 Oct (Kettering North Jn) - (Manton Jn)
1255.784 Thu 3 Nov? Tue 22 Nov? (Antrim) - Londonderry and Coleraine - Portrush branch
1198.1659 15 Feb 2013 12 Dec 2016 (Oxford Parkway) - (Oxford) with new timetable
1261.1389 Sat 24 Dec Thur 29 Dec London Paddington - (Slough)
1261.1390 Sat 24 Dec Mon 2 Jan *(Liverpool Street) - (Ingatestone) & Shenfield - (Billericay)
1257.979 Sat 7 May Feb 2017 Tottenham: South Jn - East Jn & West Jn - Seven Sisters Jn
1253.554/5 Sat 4 Jun Feb 2017 (Barking) - (South Tottenham) (Gospel Oak) from 24 Sep
1237.1360 28 Jun 2015 Early 2017? Third side of the triangle avoiding MediaCityUK
1251.334 9 Feb 2016 March 2017 (Carlisle) - (Armathwaite); to end March 2017 (provisional)
1222.1799 20 Dec 2014 Jan 2018 (London Blackfriars) - (London Bridge) Thameslink work
1222.1799 20 Dec 2014 Jan 2018 (London Bridge), Spa Road - Bricklayers Arms Jn
1602] Unusual Track: Expected but should be re-checked http://goo.gl/wwSbYv etc.
Dumbarton Central P3 west end: Sun 16 Oct, all day trains to/from Helensburgh Central and
Balloch. Arrivals use the rare facing western X/O (16m 19ch). Buses to/from Dalmuir (mostly).
1603] Points & Slips: BLN 1262.1502] At Hazel Grove our 3 Jul TPE 170 Farewell Tracker did not run
'bang road', as the move was signalled. This term is for trains running wrong line on an un-signalled
move, at least on the former Western Region anyway! Therefore, the tour took the unusual direction
on a reversibly signalled line! It also took the Down Goods Line at Stockport on the way back to
[BLN 1263]
Manchester in the evening, which is on the west side of the station not the east. 1505] The shipment
of coal to Hunterston in July did not originate from Columbia, a university in New York, but Colombia.
Item 1517] It has emerged that the diagram of proposed 2018 Thameslink services with e-BLN 1262
was a previous proposal, not the current one. We have been unable to find a map or diagram of the
latest proposals. 1523] Keep off the grass? The non-preferred platform at Butterley is grass covered,
and was used to board the 'driver for a fiver' loco at the 23-24 Jul Midland Railway Centre Diesel Gala.
The route was into the unusual Hammersmith platform and back. 1542] At Shrewsbury, former bays
P1 & P2 are on the west side of the station, not the east. (TRACKmaps is drawn with east on the left!).
Item 1569] A member with local South Wales knowledge advises that the Ely Valley Line served the
large Cambrian Colliery (1862-1967) rather than Clydach Vale Colliery. Colonel Cobb suggests that the
latter was served by a branch off the Taff Vale Railway just north of Tonypandy. 1572] Two members
at least have enjoyed Ffestiniog Railway cab rides at Porthmadog Harbour (available 10.00-16.00 until
27 Aug) which run on a dedicated line not used by ordinary passenger services. Access is via the staff
barrow crossing from the end of P1, the main platform, to the fourth track across (on the right looking
towards Boston Lodge). Note that TRACKmaps Vol 4 p24E (Aug 2013) is out of date; the layout has
changed considerably with expansion of the station. Four passengers at a time are taken running
through the station up to the points near the signal box at 'The Cob' end and then back through the
barrow crossing to the buffer stops (end of siding next to the coal loading stage) returning to the
crossing. No points are traversed. According to demand, there may be one or two traversals of this
unusual track. At the end of e-BLN item 'X.XXX' (…and Finally, 'it was a long time ago') should have
been 'X.115'. In BLN Pictorial 1262, p14] the Tweedbank branch OP/ROP Sun 6 Sep 2015 (not Oct). A
press preview train ran on 4 Sep and for local invitees ('Golden Ticket Day') on 5 Sep with ceremonial
opening by Royal train on 9 Sep 2015.
1604] PSUL 2016 – UPDATE 2
The previous update was in the supplement dated May 2016 (BLN 1257.258); those
details are not repeated below. Minor retimings of a few minutes either way are ignored
but the latest version of PSUL can be found http://goo.gl/ceD0On or http://goo.gl/0wbGtM
Page 5: Syston North Junction - Syston East Junction: Derby Corby services
suspended 12 Sep until 21 Oct 2016.
Page 5: Corby - Manton Junction: services suspended 12 Sep until 21 Oct 2016.
Pages 6 and 7: Sudbury Junction - Willesden West London Junction (via Willesden
Relief Lines diveunder) and Willesden - Mitre Bridge Junction and Latchmere Jns -
Clapham Junction: Southern trains had been running SSuO (but see 'Greater London').
P8: Tulse Hill Jn - Leigham Jn: add: 2I05 06.20 SSuX Streatham Hill - London Bridge
Supplement (= page 9): Channelsea North Junction - Stratford Central Junction
West: 2N14 SSuX Richmond - Stratford starts 20.07 SSuX.
Page 11: Farington Jn - Lostock Hall Jn and Clitheroe - Hellifield Jn: RTC and
Statesman excursions suspended during closure of the northern section of S&C line.
Page 11: MediaCityUK - Broadway and [Salford] Harbour City - Broadway: all Eccles
services suspended beyond MediaCityUK / Harbour City until late August 2016.
Page 15: Norton Bridge Junction - Yarnfield Junction (Norton Bridge East Chord)
came into use 29 July 2016.
Page 16: Wolverhampton Crane Street Jn - Portobello Jn and Darlaston Jn - Pleck
Jn and Soho North Jn - Perry Barr North Jn: 2J02 06.28 SO Wolverhampton – Walsall
expected to resume via Darlaston Junction from date to be advised.
[BLN 1263]
Page 19: add: Dublin Connolly (P7) - Newcomen Jn: Mondays to Fridays: D906 0804
Dublin Connolly - Maynooth. [notes: see also Regular but infrequent services; service
to be diverted to call at Drumcondra in next timetable revision, from date to be advised.]
Page 22: Downpatrick: Halloween: 29-31 October (schedule: SSuO: 14.00-17.00; MO:
between 18.00 and 21.00). Christmas dates: SSuO 26 November until 18 December.
Check with railway nearer the time as to just what 'unusual' track they may be using.
1605] National Timetables and Railway Mileages: (BLN 1260.1291) Section 94 of the Railway Clauses
Consolidation Act 1845 says: The company shall cause the length of the railway to be measured, and
milestones, posts or other conspicuous objects to be set up and maintained along the whole line
thereof, at the distance of one quarter of a mile from each other, with numbers or marks inscribed
thereon denoting such distances. There appears to be no obligation on the railway to publish a list of
distances, but Section 93 of the 1845 Act required the railway to display a notice board setting out the
tolls that were charged. Section 95 provided that no tolls could be demanded or taken before the
notice board and milestones were displayed. This related to the tolls, which had to be approved by
Parliament, being so much per ton/mile and was to avoid over-charging.
Section 93 was repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act 1959, which also amended Section 95 so that
now it just provides the level of fine for anyone who wilfully pulls down a railway milepost. The
publication of distances in timetables goes back to the days when passenger fares were charged
strictly on a mileage basis. In the early 1970s the Southern Region timetable book was smaller and in a
different format from that of the other regions. The tables were the same as those published in the
ABC Rail Guide and did not include distances. There appears to have been no specific amendment to
the 1845 Act to allow use of metric distance markers, as adopted by London Underground, but there
may be Weights and Measures legislation that permits this.
The Channel Tunnel Rail Link Act 1996 incorporates certain provisions of the 1845 Act, but section 94 is
among those disapplied. It was also disapplied in the Croydon Tramlink Act 1994, so probably others as
well. It would appear that there is no specific statutory requirement to have distance markers on the
lines concerned, though safe maintenance and operation demands these. It would probably be an
offence under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, or legislation derived from it, if staff could
not accurately identify where they are and where specific assets (particularly if faulty) are located.
Railway Group Standard GI/RT7033 and Guidance GI/GN7634 cite only the 1845 Act as a reason for
having mileposts.
1606] Barrow-upon-Soar: (LEFT - NR) On 2 August,
the overbridge at Grove Lane, north of Barrow-
upon-Soar (108m 48ch) partially collapsed
resulting in closure of the Midland Main Line for
the whole day. A crack had appeared in the bridge
and, shortly after, part of the parapet, footpath
and road fell onto the railway. A significant
amount of debris fell onto the Fast lines and a 5m
section of parapet was displaced hanging above
the Slow lines. Initial investigations indicated that
contractors who were working on site
investigating a dipped pathway had drilled through
the water main, rupturing the pipe and causing the
bridge to collapse. Note that the bridge was closed the the public but the railway was open (an ECS
working had just gone through and a London to Nottingham passenger train 10 minutes before).
[BLN 1263]
Services were diverted where route knowledge allowed. The line from Burton to Knighton Jn via Moira
was staffed, as was Allington Jn until 02.00 and from 05.15 on 3 August as a diversionary route for
overnight freight traffic. After clearing the track, the slow lines re-opened the following day and the
fast lines the afternoon afterwards. The bridge remained closed to road traffic.
1607] Corby - Kettering, Harringworth Viaduct: NR has two different projects here. The first is a
continuation of repairs. The second is more complex involving strengthening of the 82 arch, 1,275yd
1878-completed structure to allow heavy freight trains to pass over it at 60mph, their normal
maximum on NR infrastructure. Current restrictions to 20mph inhibit its use as a diversionary route for
freight trains serving the port of Felixstowe. The few passenger trains are allowed 20mph in the Down
Direction and 40mph in the Up giving a splendid view from the impressive structure. Instead of just
repairing the seriously damaged areas, leaving less urgent damage for later, the plan is to repair
everything but without using pattress plates (circular restraints), maintaining the Grade II listed
viaduct's appearance. The piers, arches, spandrels and parapets all require significant work to ensure
that they function safely under current loadings, before increasing the speed of freight traffic. The
piers were consistently cracked vertically, as well as having some defective brickwork, and repointing
was needed. Repairs are scheduled to be completed by March 2017, costing £7.6M. Strengthening the
piers and arches is very complex and now deferred until CP6 while the best method is considered.
ABOVE: The 82 arch 2,275yd Harringworth (or Welland) Viaduct. © Copyright littlemark and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence
1608] Lincoln: With thanks to 'Unusual Track', there are only three services booked to use the trailing
crossover just east of Lincoln station on the line to Wrawby Jn. Of these the 16.46 (SSuX) Newark
Northgate to Grimsby Town service appears to have used this crossover most reliably in the past
running via Lincoln P5 (Note: TRACKmaps Vol 2 p27E has the previous platform numbers, it was P7).
1609] Nottingham: A small taxi rank and turning circle has recently been installed at the station
following adverse comment from passengers. There is however, space for only three vehicles and
access both in and out is extremely poor due to the road outside being jammed. Fines are being levied
if drivers do not exit within 5 minutes and cameras record waiting times, a challenge for taxi drivers!
1610] Nottingham NET: A protest (unconnected with the trams) involving people chaining themselves
together across the tramway in the city centre on 5 Aug effectively cut the service in two (rather than
the protesters) for most of the day. Following a poor response from the police, NET staff attended with
bolt cutters to clear the lines. Use of the crossovers at the Station and Market Square was required
(but members requiring these are advised to wait future BLS tours rather than follow this example).
1611] Ratcliffe-on-Soar: (BLN 1246.2184) Despite the forecast of ongoing generation there has been
no recent rail traffic at the Power Station. When seen by a correspondent from a passing Lincoln to
Leicester train on 30 Jul, both tracks were yellow with rust and becoming covered by tall weeds.
Several red 'STOP' signs were fixed to the rails. [They have been there for some months now - Ed.]
1612] Central Line Micro-Gricing: The last such guide (BLN 1060.164) was in Feb 2008, when
Woodford to Hainault was still a self-contained shuttle. The current WTT No69 is dated 7 Aug 2016
(BLN 1260.1301). All running lines, crossovers and platforms are in passenger use all day every day
except the following, for which the booked passenger service is given here. Running numbers of trains
which might otherwise be difficult to identify on the day are shown in [square brackets].
•Debden, departures via 22 Siding (centre road): SSuX 05.40¾ ([031] 05.33 ex Woodford); SO 05.39
..([256] 05.31¼ ex Woodford); SuO 07.15¾ ([021] 07.13¼ ex Loughton).
P2(=P3) westbound arrivals: SSuX several 06.42¼–07.53¼ [032, 011, 102, 110, 050, 144, 010, 104];
SO 07.50¾ [022], 12.25 [057], 12.30 [007]; SuO 07.52 [110].
P3 eastbound departures: SSuX 04.56¼; FO 14.33; SuO 06.36½, 06.56¼, 21.43½.
P2 westbound departures: All the arrivals listed above then continue. Also all starting trains in these
periods: SSuX 3+ tph 08.24¼–17.48½ (except 14.35¾ FO), several 19.11½–21.16¾; SO 3tph 02.03–
05.03, 3tph 07.16¾–21.31¾ (except 07.56¾); SuO 3tph 02.03–06.03 (except 03.43, 05.03), 2¾tph
P3 eastbound arrivals: All terminating trains in these periods: SSuX 3+ tph 08.16–17.39 (except FO
14.32¾ [325] to Epping displaces 14.27¾ terminator), 18.56¼, several 19.45½–22.07¾; SO 01.26¼,
01.46¼, 02.26¼, 03.06¼, 03.46¼, 04.26¼, 07.05, mostly 3tph 08.27½–22.08; SuO 3tph 01.46¼–06.06¼
(except 02.26¼), 2¾ tph 09.30¼–22.33 (except 21.38 [112]) plus 21.43¼ [005] to Epping; MO 00.07¼.
P4 westbound departure: FO 14.35¾.
•Woodford, P2 eastbound departure: SuX 06.01½ to Epping.
•Woodford P1 and all four west crossovers: ECS only, but all used to turn trains back in service when
..line blocked to east. (The only signalled route west from P3 is via the 21 Road loop.)
• Hainault, both ways out officially go west; however, for the purpose of this article, towards
..Woodford is regarded as north and towards Newbury Park as south.
Crossovers at north: NRU; either or both may turn trains back in service when line blocked to south.
P1 northbound arrivals: SSuX 07.29¼ [63], 3tph 09.07¼ [070]–15.49¾ [060], many 16.48 [140 MTWTh,
340 FO]–23.31 [105 MTWTh, 305 FO]; SO 00.01 [046], 00.40½ [340], 3tph 08.48½ [113]–21.48¾ [136],
fewer until 23.31 [231]; SuO 00.01 [061], all 04.39½ [230]–05.59½ [004], 06.39½ [020], 08.25 [030], 2¾tph
11.22¼ [046]–20.10½ [042], 21.10¾ [072], 21.45 [063], 22.11½ [055], 23.04½ [031].
P2 southbound departures (no extra track, but may interest signal and directionality enthusiasts!):
SSuX 08.24¼, 08.36¾, 08.59 then several 16.16¼-18.15; SO 00.30, 08.20¾, 11.58¾, 13.04¼; SuO
00.30, 09.50, 10.34¼, 11.13¼.
P3: north to south turnrounds daily throughout; north end access is ECS only.
•Newbury Park, departures via 31 Siding (centre road): SuX 06.52¼ ([047 SX, 121 SO] 05.53¼ ex-
..Ealing Broadway).
• Leytonstone, trains from the Wanstead line generally use P1, those from the Snaresbrook line use
..P2; departures from P1 use the Westbound Loop, and all eastbound trains use P3. Exceptions: ..
P1 departures to Snaresbrook line: SSuX 05.36.
P2 departures to Snaresbrook line: SSuX 05.47½, 06.04, 06.13¼, 06.41; SO 06.53. At times of severe
service disruption a special timetable may be introduced with a shuttle service operating between
this platform (or more rarely P1) and Epping.
P2 arrivals from Wanstead line: SSuX 19.11½ [007], 20.14 [116]; SuO 09.07 [032].
P1 arrivals from Snaresbrook line: SSuX 05.50½ [111], 06.02 [041], 06.11¼ [025 M-Th, 325 FO], 06.40
[140], 19.09 [034], 19.13¾ [112], 20.16 [071], 22.15 [034], 22.35 [125], 22.55 [103]; SO 05.48¾ [225],
06.46¾ [260], 06.51 [133], 22.55 [015]; SuO 07.37¾ [016], 09.03¼ [062].
[BLN 1263]
P1 departures direct to Westbound line: SSuX 06.03¾, 06.11¾, 06.40½, all 07.03¼–09.16¼, all
17.01¼–18.08¾, all 18.20–19.05; SO 06.47½, 06.51½, 22.56¾; SuO 07.24¼.
P2 eastbound arrivals: SSuX 06.12¾ ([002] 05.33¾ ex White City).
Trailing crossover at west: ECS only.
•Bethnal Green, trailing crossover: NRU, but turns trains back in service when line blocked to east.
•Queensway, facing crossover: NRU, but turns trains back in service when line blocked to west.
•White City
P2(=P3) westbound arrivals: Terminating trains (mostly 3tph daily), plus TWThFO 00.47¾ [023], SuO
00.47¾ [127], MO 00.03¼ [051].
P3 eastbound departures: Starting trains (except SSuX 05.33¾; SO 02.15½, 03.55½, 04.35½, 04.55½;
SuO 03.15½, 04.15½, 04.55½, 05.55½).
P2 westbound departures: MSX 00.48¼; MO 00.03¾.
P3 eastbound arrivals: TWThFO several 00.12–01.18 [017, 121, 101, 027, 025, 105, 120]; SO 00.12
[017], 00.18¼ [121]; SuO 00.12 [114], 00.18¼ [110], 22.37¾ [001], 23.47¾ [073], 23.32½ [003], 23.39
[111]; MO 00.23¼ [050].
•North Acton
P2 connections at east: trains reversing west to east: SSuX 2–3tph 08.00–10.11¾, 15.44¼/15.57,
16.27¼/16.39½, 16.51½/16.59½, 2–3tph 17.35 – 21.31½, a few more until 23.08¼; SO
07.28¼/07.41¾, 3 tph 08.14½–23.07¾; SuO 09.29/09.34¼, a few 21.05–23.43.
P2 westbound departure: SuO 07.38¾.
P2 eastbound arrivals: SuO 07.23¼ ([003] 07.05½ ex West Ruislip).
•Northolt, trailing crossover: ECS only.
Special thanks to our member Bill Lynch for his phenomenal amount of work in producing this guide.
1613] Crossrail: (BLN 1262.1515) A member travelling on the GEML on 27 Jul observed the new Down
to Up reversing siding between the Down Electric and Up Electric Lines at the country end of Chadwell
Heath station. It is entered by a turnout to the right off the Down Electric and, where the siding has
become straight track, there is a crossover connecting it to the Up Electric for exit moves (thus a
crossover that would be trailing if between two tracks of normal left hand running). He notes that it
must suffer from the disadvantage, however operationally useful it may be, that the similar siding at
the country end of Brentwood had. That was removed some 50 years ago but, from the passenger
perspective, neither is a significant destination. A large proportion of the passengers detraining at
Chadwell Heath will wish to travel to Romford and at Brentwood it will be to Shenfield. Platform
extensions were well under way at the country ends of Gidea Park, Harold Wood and Brentwood.
Construction method is precast beams spanning between transverse concrete supports.
On 8 Aug it was noted that part of the country end of Ilford depot had been de-wired and some track
lifted. 'B' Shop was empty and appeared to be OOU, with the stock moved to 'A' Shop. The country end
connections to the Electric Lines had stop blocks installed and were de-wired on the depot side of the
block. Sidings in front of 'B' Shop were also de-wired. New connections to re-laid roads 3-5 at the
London end of 'A' Shop were not yet wired and new ground signals were covered over. By 10th the
front roads had been de-wired and blocked OOU from the London end of 'B' Shop. Track lifting and re-
modelling was taking place at the country end of 'B' shop and the country end sidings. At Gidea Park a
new carriage washing plant is being installed on No4 siding on the London side of the mid-siding
crossovers which appear to be OOU.
1614] Bow East Yard: (BLN 1248.50) Brett Concrete, Hope Construction Materials and S Walsh & Sons
have applied for planning permission for three concrete factories and an asphalt plant here.
[BLN 1263]
1615] Croydon Tramlink: (BLN 1255.800) Two more trams have been ordered for delivery in Mar 2017
enabling further service increases. The current financial year's budget also includes a second platform
at Elmers End and doubling the remaining single track section of that branch. ('Railway Magazine')
1616] Custom House DLR: The station will close between Jan and Nov 2017 for redevelopment for the
opening of the adjoining Crossrail station in 2018. This includes taking down the existing canopies and
the installation of a new mezzanine deck above the platforms and two additional staircases.
1617] Museum of London: The museum is proposing to move from its current site in London Wall,
although plans are still being finalised. The new site will utilise a disused part of Smithfield market,
with many exhibits displayed below ground in rooms formerly used to store produce for the market. A
siding beneath the market still exists and could become home to an historic engine. A planning
application is not expected to be submitted until 2018, with opening in 2022. ('Evening Standard')
1618] Less Reduced Southern Services: (BLN 1261.1407) From 15 Aug two SSuX return trips in each
peak were timetabled between Clapham Junction and Watford Junction, the last trip runs to Selhurst.
1619] Camden Town: (BLN 1260.1296) The works here overran, with the segregated northbound
service continuing on 8 and 9 August.
1620] Thameslink: (BLN 1262.1517) In the early hours of 30 Jul a new Class 700 EMU successfully ran
through the core section under the control of the European Train Control System in-cab signalling
('Rail Technology Magazine'). This is required to achieve the 24tph peak service each way on the core.
1621]: Port of Sunderland branch: (BLN 1261.1409): This was always called the 'South Dock branch'.
The first train of scrap ran on Tue 7 June, loaded on the running line, south of the former Londonderry
Junction SB (and well south of the former Hendon Junction Signal Box) - not in Londonderry Sidings,
which are right of the running line heading into the docks. It appears that a large concrete pad for
scrap storage/collection has been created on the northern part of the former Brian Mills/Littlewoods
mail order parcels depot site (NZ 4092 5597) where rail traffic ceased in 1981 and the warehouse is
being demolished. Grabs are used to lift the scrap over the boundary fence directly into the wagons.
Some new signs outside the scrap yard with the address (Robinson Terrace) include 'Hendon Sidings'.
The Regional Ed was unaware that the Pathfinder 'Blyth-Tyne Collier' tour (18 Apr 1992) also went to
the bottom of the incline. The NR (ex-BR) boundary must surely have been further north in the past,
probably at the start of the incline down to the quayside, as otherwise South Dock shed (left of the
incline) and Hendon Sidings (right of the incline) would have been on land owned by the Port of
Sunderland, which seems unlikely. The 1960 Sectional Appendix shows the River Wear Commissioners'
Exchange Sidings as 1,056yd north of Hendon Junction SB, which must put it right down by the river.
[The NR Sectional Appendix gives the current NR boundary as 1m 53ch, as on TRACKmaps Vol 2 p48B
(Sep 2006) and 'Six Bells Junction' http://goo.gl/D7nFy6 in the Pathfinder tour report - Ed.]
1622] Escape to the Country: Your Regional Editor recently had an 'awayday' courtesy of a Lancashire
Day Ranger ticket. Starting from, and finishing at Liverpool, an interesting cross section of lines were
covered. Short visits were also made to the Ribble Railway at Preston and the East Lancashire Railway
at Bury. Outbound the route to Preston was via Ormskirk with the compulsory change of traction from
electric to a single coach Class 153 DMU taking place there. Why does the loop still exist at Rufford
(and from the polish, obviously it is used both ways by the service train)? As far as can be seen from
the timetable, there are no crossing trains here as the timetable is built around 'one engine in steam'.
The turnaround at Preston on several services is very tight and running is 'lively' in places. The
conductor was kept busy throughout the journey with the train being three quarter full by Preston.
[BLN 1263]
Later in the morning the 12.38 to York was sampled as far as Blackburn. Big mistake if you want a
seat…………it was full coming in from Blackpool and wedged on departure from Preston after spending
some seven minutes cramming further passengers into the 2-car class 158. Fortunately, the next
service taken from Blackburn to Manchester Victoria via the reinstated Todmorden Curve was
comfortable - well at least to Rochdale where it filled to the brim for the final part of the journey to
Victoria. There were plenty of people joining all the way through the journey but especially from
Accrington and Burnley (Manchester Road). Having, during the last few years, travelled on several
railtours over the Copy Pit line, it had not been noticed that there were any real severe speed
restrictions. However, on this occasion the Class 150 driver seemed very cautious after passing the
summit and heading down the valley towards Todmorden. Has the line been subjected to further
restrictions? [In both directions the speed restriction is 45mph for Class 1-6 trains from Gannow Jn to
Portsmouth Level Crossing then 40mph to Stansfield Hall Jn and 30mph from there to Hall Royd Jn.
Todmorden Curve itself is subject to a 20mph restriction. Copy Pit crossover is currently OOU. - Ed]
Returning to Victoria after visiting the ELR, the 15.30 TPE train to Liverpool had been cancelled. To
keep moving the Southport service at 15.46 was used to Wigan Wallgate and a quick trot over to
North Western enabled the author to catch the 16.31 to Lime Street. The interim (Jul 2014) three-
track Huyton layout was noted with much of the fourth track laid ready for the next stage. Completion
of the fourth track requires requisition of a strip of land 260 yards (240 m) long from the BT Telephone
Exchange site together with part of Huyton Bus Station. As the train arrived at Huyton P2, a non-stop
TPE to Liverpool overtook it via P1 as booked, demonstrating the reason for the investment. Again
echoing trains throughout the day, this stopping service from Wigan was very well loaded by Edge Hill.
The Lancashire Day Ranger is very good value (£22.70 adult, £15.00 railcard) and, having purchased it
from a TPE guard the previous day (whose comment was oh I haven't issued one of those before - this
should be interesting) whilst on a service between Leeds and Liverpool, it is not even necessary to join
the ever lengthening queue for tickets which there always seems to be at Lime Street. The Lancashire
Day Ranger is valid after 08.45 SSuX, all weekends and Bank Holidays. The area is within 'Liverpool',
Southport, Blackpool (North and South), Heysham Port, Silverdale, Wennington, Clitheroe, Colne,
Hebden Bridge - Manchester Victoria. Also Manchester Piccadilly to Liverpool via Newton-le-Willows.
1623] Liverpool Lime Street: (BLNS 1249.163 & 1255.805) Expansion and remodelling work starts later
this year, anyone needing any of the present layout that can be done is advised to visit. Firstly the GPO
building between P7& 8 will be demolished. This will allow the space to be dug out of the former
carriage road for two new lines for 6 coach units to be created from what is a 'virgin' sandstone base.
The existing P1 will be abolished and P2 extended. The disused relief roads between P1/2 (Road 'A'),
P3/4 (Road 'B') and P5/6 (Road 'C') will be taken out. The former parcels road between P6/7 (Road 'E')
is to remain but is unusable due to supporting columns. In 2018 a temporary two month closure of
Lime Street station for remodelling will result in Virgin London services terminating/starting at
Liverpool South Parkway P4, which will be extended 250yd south to take Pendolinos. Recommended
onward transport will be by Merseyrail. A four trains an hour shuttle will operate from Liverpool South
Parkway to Edge Hill (reverse) to serve St Helens and Wigan. Ultimately, the Chester trains using the
Halton Curve will take the slow lines to Allerton. Lime Street, Edge Hill, Allerton Junction, Speke
Junction and Ditton signal boxes will be closed and demolished on transfer of signalling control to
Manchester ROC. Runcorn closes but remains because it is listed.
1624] Appleby - Armathwaite: (BLN 1260.1274) Working of trains to/from the Point of Obstruction
between Kirkby Thore and the Down Main platform at Armathwaite, as per Rule Book Module P1
Section 10: Down direction trains must stop at Appleby station on the Down Main line where the
pilotman will join and give instructions to the driver. When authorised by the pilotman, trains will
proceed via the Down Main line and travel as far as the Down Main platform at Armathwaite station.
[BLN 1263]
Once the driver has changed ends and the train is ready to depart in the wrong direction, the pilotman
will arrange for crossover points KT101 to be reversed and for the associated ground position light
signals KT58 and KT56 to be cleared for the train to return to the Up line in the right direction at Kirkby
Thore. The pilotman will then issue instructions to the driver.
The driver must bring their train to a stand at Langwathby station in order that the pilotman can call
the signaller at Culgaith and instruct the signaller to lower the Culgaith crossing barriers. The driver
must only proceed across Culgaith crossing in the wrong direction when they are sure that the barriers
are in the lowered position, that is it safe to do so and once they observe a green flag or light from the
signaller at Culgaith. The train must be stopped at Appleby station in order to allow the pilot working
ticket to be cancelled and for the pilotman to alight.
1625] Not Unparalleled : On 8 Aug a member experienced some interesting running with the 19.28
and 19.31 Class 323 EMU departures running side by side from Wilmslow to Alderley Edge. The 19.28
is the 18.49 from Manchester Piccadilly via Airport and ran on the Down Wilmslow in the Up direction
to terminate at Alderley Edge P2. The 19.31 is the 19.04 from Piccadilly via Stockport. Both main lines
between Wilmslow South Jn and Sandbach South Jn are fully reversibly signalled for passenger trains.
1626] Leyland Business Park: (BLN 1262.1522) By 4 Aug (seen from a passing train) all the track that
had previously been removed up to, and at least a short distance beyond, the boundary gate had been
replaced and freshly ballasted but was still to be finally aligned. [Hopefully to railtour standard!]
1627] Skelmersdale: (BLN 1236.1256) Lancashire County Council is spending £71k on a study to help
decide between its two favoured locations for the new station. The assessment to be carried out by NR
will compare the benefits of putting the station on land behind the Concourse Shopping Centre or on
the site of the former Glenburn High School. The study will examine issues including how well the sites
could be accessed by public transport, cyclists and pedestrians following proposed changes to local
roads, and the feasibility of providing a 250-space car park with the potential to extend it to 500
spaces. It will also look at how well each site could accommodate a bus/rail interchange with two
platforms for trains, four drive-through stands for buses, and a booking and information office.
BELOW: Blackburn King Street when it was still a Coal Concentration Depot with resident D2272 on
Galligreaves Bridge (Ian Mortimer). Ian will be presenting more of his pictures after our 5 Nov 2016
AGM at Shepherdswell; places are still available - £10 per head including a buffet (BLN 1257.970).
[BLN 1263]
1628] Blackburn, King Street Goods/Coal Concentration Depot: (BLN 1262.1524) A 1 Aug local press
report has confirmed that a new 6-track £10M permanent DMU stabling, maintenance and cleaning
depot is being built here for Northern services. The derelict site known as 'The Wrangling' is between
the East Lancashire line, Sumner Street, Duckworth Street and Brunswick Street. Offices, a carriage
wash, a 'controlled emission transfer toilet emptying system' (sic), plant room and water tanks are
included. (A hyperlink to the plans including the track plan was in BLN 1262).
The connection at Bolton Jn will be reinstated and the metal underbridge at Galligreaves Street
replaced by a concrete one. The DMU depot will create 40 jobs (Northern have advertised for new
drivers at Blackburn) and is well situated to reduce ECS mileage. It is part of plans for an all day half-
hourly Manchester to Clitheroe service due to start 2017 (using the extended Darwen dynamic loop).
The planning application decision is expected this month (August).
1629] Preston: The Lancashire Evening Post carried an item on 22 Jun concerning a hotel in Preston
which has been purchased by the Lancashire County Council Pension Fund. Originally, a home for the
Simpsons who owned Preston's famous gold thread works, it was bought jointly by the LNWR and
L&YR and opened as The Railway Hotel in 1883.This was sold to the County Council in 1950 for use as
offices. Lancashire County Council moved out in 2011 and put the building on the market in 2012 to
raise money to offset government budget cuts. It seems that the 1960's concrete and glass office block
built between the original building (and totally out of sympathy in terms of style) and the railway
embankment at the south end of the station throat will be demolished, and replaced with a high
quality conference centre and office accommodation.
1630] Wolverton: (BLN 1240.1675) St Modwen and their tenants Knorr-Bremse are refusing to permit
the installation of a War Memorial remembering the 213 staff from Wolverton Works who died in
World War 1 despite earlier promises and the raising of money through works tours and sales of a
175th anniversary book. The expected demolition and relocation of the Works may be the reason.
1631] East Anglia Franchise: Abellio have won a 9-year franchise and an order has been placed with
Bombardier in Derby for 660 Aventra EMU cars of the 1,043 new coaches required during the new
franchise which starts in October. The first order will in part replace the locomotives and coaches on
the London to Norwich service. Other vehicles are expected to be supplied by Stadler. 'The entire fleet'
is to be replaced by Oct 2020. At least two weekday London to Norwich services each way are to run in
90 minutes with two 60-minute London to Ipswich services. Free WiFi is to be available on all trains
and stations; all trains will have retention toilets by 1 Jan 2020. Analysts commented that lower traffic
forecasts since bidding may make 'First' and 'National Express' relieved that they did not win!
1632] Reedham East Curve: Meanwhile, in a totally different era, Railway Historian John Gough has
found evidence of use in 1847, when a 'pointsman was appointed to control the curve', for a Lowestoft
to Yarmouth service (presumably goods). However, there is no mention of this curve (still less of its
use, even for goods trains) in the Eastern Counties Working Timetable 1 Sep 1856 or Great Eastern
WTT Jun 1863, Oct 1866, Oct 1870 or Feb 1875. So it did exist early on and was used - but not for long!
1633] Oxford Parkway: (BLN 1262.1500) Since 8 Aug the 10.05 from Marylebone is booked (and did so
run on 9 Aug) into P1 before returning via the 'westbound' track to Bicester Village P1, then taking the
Up (left hand reversible) chord line at Gavray Jn. Its slightly earlier than pattern departure is to keep
out of the way of the next train to Oxford Parkway; it then waits at Haddenham & Thame Parkway for
about four minutes. During its Oxford Parkway layover, a Class 66 hauled freight backed into P2 from
Banbury Road Stone Terminal (as booked), then set off to Bicester for Acton Yard via High Wycombe.
BLN 1263.1634] Islip: The new ramp to the 'eastbound' platform is operational but the level entrance
to the 'Oxford bound' platform has been out of use for weeks while the entrance road and car park is
resurfaced; there have been drainage problems. Ticket machines have now been installed on both
platforms and on 9 Aug some noise reducers were being installed west of Islip station.
1635] Peterborough - Huntingdon: (BLN 1261.1418): A member was involved in the decision to
remove the Up Slow between Woodwalton Jn (as it was not then called) and Huntingdon. In the early
1980s (he cannot remember the exact year) a landslide blocked the line. At the time, Huntingdon was
still an InterCity station so passenger trains ran up the Fast, including the overnight sleeper and seating
services. There were hourly Hertford North to Huntingdon trains by then, which replaced a very
sparse off-peak London service before GN suburban electrification. The only local passenger trains to
and from Peterborough were the locomotive-hauled London peak services (and two in the morning
using HSTs in marginal time) and a pair of return Peterborough to Huntingdon DMUs for
schoolchildren, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. There was very little freight and none of
those involved in the decision to close the Up Slow had any inkling of how busy the line would later
become. Even with hindsight, our correspondent would make the same decision.
What he cannot agree with, though, was plonking overhead line posts (188 was the number quoted to
him) in the trackbed of the Up Slow. That does show lack of foresight and moving these and replacing
the headspans will, presumably, constitute the bulk of the cost of restoration. Woodwalton Jn is
slightly north of the village of Wood Walton, its correct nomenclature. The accident report into a
collision on 21 Jan 1876 tells us that there were two signal boxes between Holme and Abbots Ripton,
where the accident occurred, and that the more southerly one was called Wood Walton. At the time of
the 1970s resignalling between Biggleswade and Peterborough, there were still two signal boxes but in
Jan 1954 they were definitely Connington South and Connington North. Regarding the spelling issue
(BLN 1262.1418): The railway industry has regularly spelt place names wrongly; Whittlesea /Whittlesey
(BLN 1261.1419) for example and Hanborough was Handborough from 1853 to 1992 (BLN 691 p290).
1636] Clacton branch: A potential new station at Essex University, between Hythe and Wivenhoe, has
been included as part of plans for 2,500 homes north of the A133 east of Colchester. The proposed
new development is on one of three sites for so-called garden communities and does not adjoin the
railway line. ('Braintree & Witham Times')
1637] Oxford: (BLN 1262.1528, platform numbers BLN 1253.589) P3 has been temporarily shortened
at the north end by 44m and previously plain lined 278 points on the Up Passenger Loop have been
relocated 115m towards Banbury, clipped and padlocked in the normal position.
1638] Banbury: (BLN 1262.1527, track plan BLN 1258.1119) The last train north at the end of service
on Fri 29 July, before the possession for the signalling and infrastructure changeover was marked by an
explosion of detonators laid on the rails at Banbury North. There is a video of this on Facebook. The
main mechanical signals that were left at the South, BS3/19/27 & 33 were removed straight away,
along with remaining ground signals, after the block was taken on Sat 30 Jul in the early hours. By
07.00 all channel rodding and cranks had been removed south of the station. Much relaying has taken
place throughout Banbury. Where the South box stood for 108 years (and had been demolished in
three hours!) was basically a hole in the ground. The old goods shed siding was removed by the
morning of 1 Aug all the way to where it went behind the South box towards the old steam shed, along
with the line from the south end of P1 to where it connected to the Down Main. On 2 Aug the new
trackbed was prepared from P1 over the site of Banbury South box. By 07.00 on 3 Aug, the track was in
place including over the site of the South box. Since then the connection from the Down Banbury Loop
(in P1) to Banbury Depot Reception line has been installed and also the Depot Reception Line towards
the Depot Departure Road. At the time, two of Banbury North signals still stood as well as BN50 and
they are BN39 and BN47 on the gantry at the end of the Stoneyard.
ABOVE: Banbury's double-platformed north Down bay (used by ECS only latterly) on 2 Aug 2014 with
our 'Sidings & Semaphores Tracker'. The track was lifted during the recent remodelling. (Geoff Plumb)
1639] Redhill now: A problem has arisen at this station with the dispatch of the new 12-car class 700s.
The driver sits in the middle of the cab and is out of sight of platform staff holding up their white bat to
give instruction to close the doors. Therefore, they have to walk down the ramp and wave it ahead of
the cab window. However, the ramp is out of bounds to any platform staff not in possession of a
Personal Track Safety certificate, so not all of them can dispatch 700s. After waving, the dispatcher has
to walk back along the platform to press the TRTS (Train Ready To Start) button to give the RA (Right
Away) display to the driver; it seems that there is only one button. Redhill in future: (BLN 1260.1319):
The conversion of Up P1, the west side of the island, to a south facing bay will result in a
reduction of its operational length, because the new crossover providing exit south from the
new through P0 will be wholly within the length of P1.
The new P0 will extend well north of the present north ends of P1 and P2, including a curved
section where the new Up Loop gains an alignment alongside the Up Redhill.
Convergence of the Up Loop into the Up Redhill north of the station will be north of the facing
and trailing crossovers between the Up Redhill and Down Redhill. The facing crossover will be
new and north of an existing trailing crossover.
In the Down direction, all four platforms will have access to all three routes (Nutfield, Reigate
and Earlswood).
The station Down Redhill (the platformless Down Through), will not have access to Reigate.
Trains from Nutfield, Earlswood and Reigate will be able to access P0, P1, P2 and, (except from
Reigate), to the platformless Up Redhill through at the station.
The absence of overrun at the new buffer stop at the north end of what is the present through P1
track is in dramatic contrast to the lengthy overrun provided recently at Gatwick Airport (at the south
end of Down P6 for its use for terminating services between P5 and the new P7). That overrun is long
enough to stable a train, but has no conductor rail and presumably no signalled access.
X.120] ABOVE: 66058 works a loaded Margam to Round Oak steel train through Colwall station on Tue
9 Aug, diverted from the Gloucester route due to work on Worcester Tunnel Junction Signal Box.
ABOVE: 66058 'heads for the hills' (Malvern); the same train heading east leaving Colwall. The
Worcestershire Beacon (1,394ft) on the left is the tallest of the Malvern Hills. (Ralph Ward)
1640] Friends of Malvern's Railway: A sub-group http://goo.gl/ESTVkN of the locally prominent and
very active 'Malvern Civic Society' set up in Nov 2011 as there was concern about the state of the built
environment on the railway in the area. The original aims and objectives when the group began:
Create an inventory by making an initial inspection to assess the state of the stations (Colwall, Great
Malvern and Malvern Link), signal boxes, bridges and any accessories. (completed and actioned)
Campaign for improvements to bring any identified elements up to an acceptable level to improve
the environment. (constantly lobbying appropriate authorities as and when areas are identified)
Create and maintain links with: o Rail for Herefordshire
o Branch Line Society
o Cotswold Line Promotion Group o Worcester Locomotive Society
Generate funding where required.
Achievements: The Group influenced the design of the redeveloped Malvern Link Station and
persuaded NR to repaint the footbridge to complement the new station buildings. At Great Malvern
station, they have lobbied NR to replace the damaged floral work to the ornate columns and carry out
repairs to the canopy, now planned for 2016/17. After lobbying, the unique pedestrian passageway
(known locally as 'The Worm'), linking P2 with Malvern St James School, has now been listed Grade II.
NR has been requested to carry out repairs to arrest any further decay. A very detailed and rich
historical chronology of Malvern Railways has been created http://goo.gl/AznSsh (contributions from
BLS members very welcome). Work is in progress on an extensive bibliography/photograph collection.
[BLN 1263.1640 - cont:] Clock Tower Appeal: English Heritage has rated Great Malvern station as one
of the top ten stations in the country (ninth, ahead of St Pancras!). The Friends are currently aiming to
improve the station's appearance by restoring the clock tower, creating a copy of the original which
was taken down in the 1950s. (Photo ABOVE taken in 1879.) The estimated total cost of the project is
about £384k +VAT of which over £100k has been offered or received. NR has undertaken a roof survey
free of charge and London Midland has indicated they could project manage the construction, allowing
them to claim zero rating on VAT. The Railway Heritage Trust (RHT) and Lord Faulkner of Worcester
are in support of restoring the clock tower. In response to a request, Sir Peter Hendy (chair of NR) has
indicated that NR is also supportive of the project. He has kindly agreed (subject to conditions) that NR
will take ownership of the reinstated clock tower and landlord maintenance responsibilities as well as
carry out planning and Listed Buildings Consent applications at no cost to 'The Friends'. NR will work
with the RHT, which it funds, to make the project happen and provide support in other non-cash ways.
Sponsorship of specific items is available http://goo.gl/WyQyW1 from £10 (roof tile) to £4k (roof
finial). For more details, ways to help and to join the group, contact the chairman, Peter Clement at
[email protected] or 01684 891815.
1641] Hereford: (BLN 1262.1546) By good chance on 10 Aug a member happened to be in the 'right
place at the right time' when the 07.59 Birmingham to Hereford terminated in P1 at 09.24 (on time)
and formed the 09.40 back to Birmingham from P1. This provided a very unexpected (but very
welcome!) opportunity to traverse the 'Up/Down' trailing crossover north of the station that has been
recently upgraded for passenger use. The resulting platform alteration required passengers waiting on
P3 to cross over the footbridge. At least one did not do so as he had used the station for over 50 years
and believed a train to Birmingham could not possibly leave from P1! Departure was 6 minutes late
due to 'waiting another train to move out the way'. This turned out to be a Margam to Round Oak
steel train on a scheduled diversion via Malvern due to the signalling work at Worcester Tunnel
Junction Signal Box, closing all the lines from there to Shrub Hill station for five days (BLN 1159.1190).
It had been waiting in the Up Relief (a Hereford centre line) from 07.27 until departing 110 minutes
late at 09.18 and had to clear the single track from Shelwick Jn to Ledbury before the passenger train
could depart. The 'orange army' were working on the Hereford north crossover and its relay cabinet,
so may have requested a 'test train'. It is important to note that Realtime Trains incorrectly showed
the normal ECS move from P1 to the reversing siding and back to P3 with departure from P3 when the
actual train did not turn a wheel and departed from P1. The 09.40 Hereford to Birmingham is believed
to have departed from P1 on 11 Aug too; this time the ECS move was not shown as happening in RTT.
1642] Bromsgrove: (BLN 1262.1545) The old station platforms were both completely demolished by 6
Aug. Work is ongoing on the re-signalling project, due to be commissioned after a 13 day partial line
closure on 7 Nov. This covers re-signalling of Five Ways (where there is to be a new starting signal at
the south end of the Up platform allowing turnbacks from the south there in passenger service via the
trailing crossover at 43m 46ch) to University, now controlled by New Street Power Signal Box (PSB).
Barnt Green to Ashchurch (78m 40ch) is also being resignalled (currently controlled by Gloucester
PSB) and there will be re-control of the Saltley South Panel area to next door (!) at the West Midlands
Signalling Centre, Bromsgrove Workstation. This is the final operational section of the 1969 Saltley PSB
which closes and includes the 1 Sep 2014 Redditch branch panel extension, Lifford Curve and the
Camp Hill line to Hazelwell. Also from 7 Nov, the ex-WR/LNWR boundary at 52m 40ch moves 26 miles
south to 78m 40ch (north of Ashchurch) to match the control areas.
Major changes to running lines, all upgraded to passenger status, will be as follows:
Up Goods from Barnt Green to Longbridge Jn will be renamed Up Gloucester Slow.
Up Goods from Bromsgrove South Jn to North Jn, renamed Up Gloucester Loop.
Down Goods from Bromsgrove South Jn to Stoke Works Jn, renamed Down Bromsgrove Loop.
[BLN 1263]
The Up & Down Goods lines north of Barnt Green are to be passenger rated and the Blackwell Down
Goods Loop extended. From 7 Nov Bromsgrove station layout will be re-modelled with all platforms
open as follows, (the centre P2 & P3 will be electrified for terminating Cross City EMUs to turn back):
P1 Up Bromsgrove Loop. P3 Down Bromsgrove Station Loop.
P2 Up Gloucester. P4 Down Gloucester.
1643] Norton Bridge: (BLN 1259.1234) A correspondent has provided an answer to the query raised
regarding the closure of the station. The Stafford to Crewe local service was withdrawn from 4 Feb
1952 when Standon Bridge, Madeley and Whitmore stations closed, leaving Norton Bridge as the
only intermediate survivor. However,
documents from the National Archives show
that, when the closure was proposed in May
1951, it was stipulated that one daily service
in each direction would be temporarily
retained at Norton Bridge as 40 civil and
mechanical engineering railway staff used it.
Thus it is probable that public use of the
Slow line island platform ceased from 4 Feb
1952 but staff use continued until a date
which seems to have escaped Clinker and
everyone else!
1644] Kenilworth: (BLNs 1223.487 &
1257.1021) Ground works have started on
the new £12M station in Priory Road. The
design, which includes a main building and
footbridge, is in 'heritage' style,
incorporating elements from the former
station, including two original stained glass
windows and a Kenilworth station sign.
Warwickshire County Council (WCC) and
London Midland (LM) have jointly developed
the specification for the new station building
to include a ticket office, a community café,
cycle facilities, public Wi-Fi access and an
external ticket vending machine. There will
be a south extension of Kenilworth loop
through the new station, construction of a
new line at Leamington Spa station and
signalling upgrades. The DfT's New Station
Fund is contributing £5M to the total cost,
with the remainder provided by local
transport bodies and WCC. The work is
planned to be finished early next year 2017
with the new LM service from Coventry to
Leamington scheduled to start from the
summer. The original station opened in
1844, closed to passengers in 1965, and was
later demolished.
[BLN 1263]
X.121] ABOVE LEFT: Four recent pictures at Pleck Jn, Walsall from our friend, Richard Hickman.
1645] Ironbridge: The Telford Steam Railway wish to extend southwards along the Gorge to
Ironbridge, with local council support, following the end of regular traffic to the Power Station (the
branch is still technically open). This would connect 'key points' in Telford from Lawley Village through
to English Heritage's historic Buildwas Abbey at the end of the branch. It is unlikely that the former
Severn Valley Railway line will be brought back into existence, with houses now built on portions of
the line and subsidence in Jackfield. The 'Albert Edward Viaduct' over the River Severn on the
Ironbridge branch just before the power station also needs considerable expenditure.
The last NR train known to have used the Ironbridge branch was on Mon 16 May, an 06.09 inspection
train from Derby Railway Technical Centre (RTC) to Shrewsbury Abbey Foregate Carriage Sidings. It
also did (amongst other lines) the Oxley Chord at Wolverhampton in both directions, Oxley Down
Goods Loop and reversed in Wrexham General P3. A similar train from Derby RTC to Llandrindod Wells
via Ironbridge on Mon 1 Aug waited in Cosford Down Goods Loop for an hour and 50 minutes (leaving
there 45 minutes late) and then passed Wellington 55 minutes early instead of making the return trip
over the branch and back to Cosford Up Goods Loop. [Maybe no one aboard required the track ? - Ed]
1646] Doncaster 0: Schedules for the first services to use the new bay P0 are now in the system. The
first arrival is the 06.04 (SSuX) from Hull (06.06 SO) at 07.12 from Mon 12 Dec, forming the first
departure at 07.28 to Beverley. SuX, there are approximately hourly arrivals/departures until the
20.25 Doncaster to Scunthorpe (SSuX) or 19.55 Doncaster to Hull (SO). Sundays there are just two
departures (to Goole at 09.07 and 11.07), with one arrival at 10.47 (the 09.43 from Hull).
1647] Kirkstall Forge: Just two months after opening 170-180 people are using the station each day.
1648] Belmond train: (BLN 1222.1830) The new train of refurbished Mk III coaches was to be tested
from 15 to 18 Aug. On 15th the route was Inchicore to Cork and return, then Cork to Thurles and back.
On the 16th it was to run from Inchicore to Killarney, Waterford and Inchicore; on the 17th Inchicore to
Galway, Westport and return and on the 18th Heuston to York Road via Connolly and back to Inchicore.
1649] Coleraine - Londonderry: (BLN 1262.1552) Trains are to be replaced by buses for engineering
work all day on 21 and 28 August and 10, 11 and 18 September.
1650] Carrickfergus and Londonderry: From 1 Aug these stations were no longer to be considered as
staffed for the purposes of Train Dispatch. Station Staff there no longer have any involvement in the
Train Dispatch process. It is not clear whether this is a reduction of staffing or if it applies all the time.
1651] South Wexford line: (BLN 1260.1342) On 17 Aug the inspection car was to run from Waterford
to Rosslare Europort and Greystones.
1652] Douglas Bay Tramway: (MR p12) (BLN 1262.1555) This horse tale is set to run and run. The 29
Jul 'Manx Independent' reported that the IOM Department of Infrastructure (DOI) has withdrawn its
latest plan to reconstruct the road and footpaths along Loch and Harris promenades (Villa Marina to
the Sea Terminal) without tram track. However, it did provide a seaward side corridor for possible
future tram reinstatement. This would cost £1.65M rather than £750k if track were to be installed
with the promenade work. The DOI will submit a new plan that includes tram 'tracks' (sic - a single
track is actually expected). It remains to be seen if the tramway will be on the road or promenade. A
video by Jenny Williamson of toastrack tram No21 being shunted https://goo.gl/tobPZG before the
140th Anniversary (of the tramway) Cavalcade of horses and trams on 7 Aug. In the event this tramcar
was failed and did not take part - there were nine trams and nine horses.
[BLN 1263]
1653] Ballaugh: On the former St John's to Ramsey Manx Northern Railway a short section of 3ft
gauge track has very recently been laid just outside the old goods shed (which has a track set in the
floor leading to the door) here by the Ballaugh Heritage Trust as part of their 'Manx Rail Project'.
1654] Port St Mary: A plan to convert the Victorian railway station building and goods shed to offices
has been refused http://goo.gl/ZVLgyI by the planning committee. The proposers argued that
alternative use is needed to secure the future of the buildings but 26 parking spaces were proposed,
clustered around and between the buildings. The Isle of Man Steam Railway Supporters Association
were concerned that, with the loss of the waiting room and ladies toilet, the facilities left for railway
users were insufficient. Objectors were concerned about the retention of the goods shed track
internally and externally, which they said should be kept for railway related activities. They argued
that the building should be considered for 'registration' (listing) before the application was
The planning committee was 'not persuaded' that the station buildings were redundant for their
original purposes and felt their conversion 'may adversely affect the operation of the railway or result
in the need for the construction of additional unwarranted buildings'. Waiting room space is
inadequate for railway users, they said, and car parking would visually separate the two buildings,
which have 'an operational and historical association'. The committee said registration should be
decided first to provide 'clarity' on decisions regarding any application. If the plan was approved, any
work undertaken could affect registration. The proposers have appealed against the decision.
1655] Foxdale Branch: (BLN 1262.1556) CG should have been shown as 26 Jan 1960 rather than 1950.
'Steam Railway News' No15 (June 1970), p11/12, explained that during WWII, after the 2 Sep 1940
cessation of passenger traffic, the Foxdale line was in use for moving 'quarry waste' for airfield
construction in the north. In 1942 with the airfields complete and the war in full swing, the use for
the Foxdale waste came to an end, the special traffic therefore ceased and for the Foxdale branch, now
bereft of regular services, the activity was over and the line lapsed into disuse, broken only by the
running of occasional trains for military or maintenance purposes. (Information was acknowledged
from George Crellin, a long-time St John's stationmaster, and A J Caine, the branch loco driver.) So far
as 'last trains' are concerned, Douglas to Ramsey including the Foxdale branch (T Heavyside,
Middleton Press, 2004) states The last trains to run on the branch were a couple of specials from the
permanent way department in Jan 1960, sent to recover track materials from Foxdale station. Boyd
(Isle of Man Railway Vol 2, p151), is more specific: '… two 'goods trains' ... ran on 22 and 26
January [1960] respectively. They were to prove to be the last on the Foxdale branch. Note, however,
that the St John's end of branch was used on 3 Jun 1967 for stabling surplus coaching stock. Track
lifting was completed May 1976. [A real surprise that the track survived so late - Ed.]
1656] Getting Cross Over an Edinburgh Tram: On Sun 17 Jul due to a parade, trams from the Airport
turned back at West End-Princes Street using the crossover http://goo.gl/5QJp8B on departure.
1657] It's all Scottish to me: Amending (BLN 1262.1559), the original NR 'Special Advice of Signalling
and Permanent Way Alterations' dated 19 Mar 2016 would certainly not qualify for the Plain English
Campaign's Crystal Mark. In summary, on re-reading it, since 19 Mar 2016 diesel locos and DMUs have
been allowed to apply power at Glasgow Queen Street Low Level in either direction which was just as
well with the Fort William sleeping train and the recently diverted DMUs calling there! The restrictions
still apply to diesel locos at Glasgow Central Low Level and Argyle Street stations and to DMUs at
Argyle Street. To avoid unnecessary activation of the smoke alarms, signallers must ensure that these
trains are regulated so that they can coast through on clear signals and the Train Running Controller
must remind train crews of the instruction to do so before passing through the stations concerned.
BLN 1263.X.122] ABOVE: Glasgow Central during our 'Glaschu Service Train Tracker' of 10 June (report
BLN 1262.1501). BELOW: 170414 at Stirling in Borders Railways Advertising Livery. (Kev Adlam).
[BLN 1263]
1658] Stirling: On 5 Aug, during the Queen Street diversions, the 08.22 from Queen St LL to Dundee
was routed via P9, thus doing all the crossovers at the south end of the station then from the Up
Kincardine (P9) right across to the Down Main (to Perth) at Stirling North. Ian Delgado suggests this
has been a regular routeing; RTT showed it as booked to use P6 (09.36/09.40) which changed to P9
after that was used. The Stirling departure screens showed P9 at least 30 minutes before. The reason
for this was an ECS working booked off P6 at 09.40 from Stirling to Stirling via Alloa (reverse)! Since
Queen Street HL re-opened, the equivalent working leaves there 46 minutes later and uses Stirling P2.
1659] Glasgow Queen Street: BELOW: Thanks to Martyn
Brailsford, a plan of the new layout since 7 Aug reopening.
At first sight not much appears to have changed. In fact
the pointwork has been moved north with some platform
lengthening that end and there are more tandem points
than before to save space. (Tandem points are where the
second point splits off within the length of a first; but the
split for the three lines is not exactly at the same spot.
Technically that is the definition of a 'three way' point.)
There will be future platform lengthening at the concourse
end as Queen Street is rebuilt. RIGHT: An example of a
tandem point.
1660] Perth: On Fri 5 Aug the 10.22 from Queen St LL ran into P3, to within 10yd of the end - the very
front of the train was just where the wooden platform starts. RTT shows it is booked into P6. It is now
a common observation at Perth that RTT does not match what actually happens on the tracks.
1263 WALES
X.123] ABOVE: Cement traffic was brought into Aberthaw Cement Works from Oxwellmains (with a
Colas Class 60) by rail on 3 Aug; this is looking towards the main line junction (Tim Hughes).
1661] Taffs Well: An engineering possession from here to Pontypridd until 15.30 on 14 Aug meant
that Up trains were terminating in the Down platform at Taffs Well, using the south facing crossover. It
has no booked passenger trains, but is used on weekdays for empty stock from Canton to form the
06.53 to Coryton. On the same date, Up departures from Pontypridd left from Down P2, using the two
north end trailing crossovers firstly on the line to Abercynon and secondly towards Porth.
1662] A Trip to Wales in 1961: By Geoff Blyth (Member No315) - continued from BLN 1262.1567….
Sat 19 Aug 1961: We had decided to make a larger circular journey to cover the entire Mid Wales line.
My aunt had had her fill of early starts and left the younger generation to take the 07.15 Aberystwyth
to Carmarthen unaccompanied. A 10-minute connection saw us on the 09.34 to Newport and then
the 13.05 to Hereford (arr 14.15). As we had almost two hours to fill we visited the cathedral before
taking the 16.05 to Three Cocks Junction. Our befriending the crew before departure was rewarded by
unmistakable signals at Credenhill to join them for my first experience of a footplate ride. This lasted
until Glasbury-on-Wye as Three Cocks Junction presumably had a stationmaster. We had 20 minutes
at this delightfully named outpost before taking the 17.41 to Moat Lane Junction (arr 19.40) and then
the 19.57 to Aberystwyth. Arrival at 21.30 meant a very long day; but it was certainly worth it.
Sun 20 Aug 1961: Our first experience of a Sunday in mid Wales in the early 1960s showed the stark
contrast with Northeast England. The first departure of the day from Aberystwyth was the 14.15 to
Devil's Bridge - the only service on this line. We made a return trip, arriving back at 17.30, to fill the
day before the 18.20 departure, only train of the day (Sunday) on the Cambrian main line. Old habits
die hard on the railways and this train took the traditional route, running to Whitchurch via Oswestry
rather than the more useful destination of Shrewsbury. Having booked a hotel there in advance, we
had to wait at Oswestry from 21.17 until departure of the auto train at 22.35 to Gobowen, connecting
into the 22.54 to Shrewsbury, where we arrived at 23.19.
Mon 20 Aug 1961: Our late arrival in Shrewsbury meant a leisurely start the next day. In any case
there was no service to Crewe between 08.38 and 12.00. The 12.15 local took us to Crewe for a
leisurely connection (13.19/13.55) to Manchester. Even on this line services were thin at times; the
previous train to Manchester was at 11.03. We had just over an hour to transfer from Manchester
Piccadilly (arr 14.36) to Manchester Exchange for the 15.45 to Darlington (18.56) via Greenfield (the
[BLN 1263]
present line), the Spen Valley, Wetherby (to avoid reversal at Leeds City) and Ripon. The entire route
from Cross Gates to Northallerton South Jn was new track for me. The Trans-Pennine was very much a
Cinderella in those days, with only four trains per day between Newcastle and Manchester, averaging
less than 40 mph. The 19.15 to Middlesbrough rounded off our trip.
We certainly learnt our lesson from this holiday and put it to good use in Scotland the following
summer. We bought the summer timetable before and spent 2 months planning our journeys to cover
the maximum number of lines and avoid duplicating our journeys unless it was unavoidable!
1663] Bala Junction: (BLN 1262.1567)
It has commonly been said that this
was an 'exchange station' only with
no public access (other than by train)
but there was a footpath on the Down
side. James Boyd wrote in Oct 1959
Railway World: The only footpath is
not even a path proper, but simply a
signposted walk across a field from a
blind lane which is so little used that
the path is almost indiscernible. (Don't
ask how Boyd would differentiate a
'proper' path!)
Some years later, correspondence
culminated in a letter and photo in
June 1965 'Railway World' (LEFT taken
in 1964, the cardboard arrow covers
the initials 'GWR'). The path is clearly
shown on older 1:25,000 OS maps
http://goo.gl/dXUTyO as 'F.P.' leading
from the private drive from the B4391
to Bryn-yr-Aber, (SH937352). BELOW
TOP: OS 1953 1:25,000 map; The
footpath is shown heading southwest
between the 'Junc' and 'Sta' of 'Bala
Junc Sta'; Bala Lake is bottom left with
Bala Lake Halt shown near the terminus of the present Bala Lake Railway. It is no longer possible to
find any trace of the footpath to Bala Junction, it certainly did not make it to the definitive footpath
map. Our (then) youthful contributor was neither the first nor last to repeat the old unfounded
rumour so he can spare us his excuses! Do any of our ticket collecting members know if tickets were
ever issued to/from Bala Junction?
X.124] Taking it to the Wire: RIGHT: In true Branch Line
Society tradition, a random member (face hidden for
anonymity) makes sure he reaches both ends of this zip
line - well, other people are known to do cable cars!
(Glen Wells)
ABOVE: Demolition in Aug 1968, the crane is lifting the final section of the Bala branch.
© Copyright Ben Brooksbank and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.
1664] Corwen - Ruthin (1): (BLN 1262.1567) While some sources state that the Gwyddelwern to
Corwen section was retained only for the North Wales Land Cruise trains after 2 Dec 1957, the Foxline
'Corwen to Rhyl' album contains photographs of a freight train entering and leaving Corwen in Feb and
May 1961. It states that it 'departed Denbigh about 8.10am, returning from Corwen at 2.10pm, and
was worked by Rhyl men out-stationed at Denbigh, designated Rhyl Turn 121, on Mondays to Fridays',
and implies that this continued right up to closure from 30 Apr 1962. Is anyone able to confirm?
[BLN 1263]
1665] Corwen - Ruthin (2): (BLN 1262.1567) The 'land cruise' trains had used the Rhyl to Corwen line
since 1951. They appear in BLN 45 (first series, June 1959) - above. The 'Clwyd Ranger' mystery train
actually ran from Rhyl to Corwen and back by this route; seemingly only in 1958 and 1959. The
clockwise 'Cambrian Radio Cruise', from Llandudno, last ran on 25 Aug 1961 and the anti-clockwise
'North Wales Radio Land Cruise', ridden by our then youthful correspondent - last ran on 8 Sep 1961.
Then an SLS DMU railtour ran over the Corwen - Rhyl line, the Prestatyn - Dyserth and Mold - Coed
Talon branches and the threatened Mold Jn - Denbigh line on Sun 22 Oct 1961. This (slightly less
youthful) correspondent was a passenger as was Angus McDougall (per his Freedom of Wales report).
It was actually called 'Chester, North Wales Diesel Rail Tour' (timing sheet) or 'North Wales Rail Tour'
(itinerary and ticket, the latter subtitled 'Farewell to the Corwen Line'). The Six Bells Junction website
http://goo.gl/vwBY4Z only uses the subtitle. A souvenir photo leaflet was 'Farewell to the Chester -
Denbigh - Corwen and Rhyl - Denbigh lines of the former London & North Western Railway'.
1666] Gwendraeth Valleys Railway: (BLN 1262.1503) The name of the company had 'Valleys' (plural)
and 'Railway' (singular), with the terminus spelled 'Mynydd-y-Garreg' (double 'r'; ' Stone Mountain' or
'Mountain of Stone' in English). A line through the Gwendraeth Fach valley was first promoted in 1853
by the ambitious, but impoverished, Carmarthen & Cardigan Railway (C&C), as a branch from their
proposed main line from Cardigan to a junction with the Llanelly Railway at Cross Hands. The C&C
achieved little, however, only a line between Carmarthen Jn and Llandyssul on the former Newcastle
Emlyn branch, but it did secure powers by Act of 30 July 1866 to build, with separate capital, branch
lines from Kidwelly into both the Gwendraeth Fach and Gwendraeth Fawr valleys. Failing even to
raise this limited capital, powers for the two branches were eventually transferred to independent
companies, the Gwendraeth Valleys Railway and the Burry Port and Gwendreath Valley Railway. The
only surviving part of the C&C is Carmarthen Jn to Carmarthen station and the Gwili Railway.
1667] Gilfach Branch: The line is walkable all the way from the north side of the old GWR bridge under
the A4093. The station house survives at Gilfach Goch as a private residence. Although the station site
is infilled, a path continues, to the rear of old people's flats and across empty ground where once
stood Etna Colliery (1901-1928). Beyond, modern landscaping has obliterated most traces of history,
but near the top of the valley another open space on the eastern side marks the site of Gilfach Goch
Colliery, which once had a 'Colliery Platform'. A backshunt from here led to Britannic Colliery (1894-
1960), another site lost to landscaping. Sources differ over the branch closure date, with 5 Jun 1961
(BLN - maybe the end of traffic?) and 9 Mar 1962 (Cooke - maybe taken out of use?) cited; passenger
trains had however been an early casualty, withdrawn (except workmen's trains) from 22 Sep 1930.
MR148] Rhiw Valley Light Railway, Powys (MR p30) (BLN 1165.MR133): A member visited this friendly
private 15" gauge railway on Saturday 2 July - one of its monthly open days. The remote line is set in
the eponymous and pretty valley, a few miles southwest of Welshpool. Two locomotives 'Jack' and
'Powys' were in steam pulling three spacious covered wooden carriages around the one-mile balloon
loop. Two coaches had windows and all three had smart cushions on the seats. The locos hauled
alternate workings with the spare engine reversing around the triangle, outside the station, while the
train was on the circuit so it could attach itself to the back carriage ready for the next service. Trains
only did one circuit at a time, so one side of the triangle remained ungriced. Admission to the site was
£6 with unlimited rides; no tickets were issued. Open days are 3/4 September and 1/2 October 2016.
Nantwich Methodist Church, Hospital Street, Nantwich
7¼" E 75yds SJ651523 01270 626340
(Line now included)
Fenn Bell Miniature Railway, Fenn Bell Inn, St Mary Hoo, Rochester
7¼" E 180yds TQ800757 01634 270422
(New line opened 28/05/16)
Bressingham Steam Museum Miniature Railway, Diss
5"/7¼" O 200yds TM080806 01379 686900
(New line opened 2015)
Cedarbarn Miniature Railway, Thornton Road, Pickering
7¼" D 430yds SE815832 01751 475614
(New line opened 01/07/16)
9 Stainmore Railway Amend length to: 0.19 (Extension over Bridge 3 opened 19/06/16)
13 Lavendon Narrow Gauge Railway Amend layout to: C. Amend length to: 370yds (Extension
opened 10/04/16)
13 Halton Miniature Railway Amend layout to: O (Short single track section removed by
16 Barleylands Express Delete entry (Line closed. Last ran c11/2015)
19 Knees Woodland Miniature Railway Amend layout to: C. Amend length to: 240yds (Inner
curve opened by 30/05/16)
21 Lightwater Express Amend to: 01765 635321
23 Isle Abbots Railway Amend length to: 1,200yds ('Northern Line' extension opened 03/2016)
24 Little Orchard Railway Delete entry (Line closed. Last public open day 02/07/16)
26 Coate Water Miniature Railway Amend length to: 1,400yds (Extension opened 25/03/16)
26 Woodland Railway Delete entry (Park closed to day visitors 01/11/15. Railway now OOU)
28 Valley International Park Railway Delete entry (Park closed, line out of use. Believed to
have last ran 12/2014)
30 Snowdon Mountain Railway Amend to: 01286 870223 © Peter Scott August 2016
[BLN 1236]
MR149] Botany Bay Railway, Lancashire (BLN 1229.MR25): This 7¼" gauge railway is located at Canal
Mill near Chorley. It may have closed by May 2014 (having only opened on 29 March 2013). By 22
February 2015, it was reported as definitely out of use and partly overgrown. A visit on Saturday 2 July
2016 confirmed that was very much the case. The stock container was still present by the station and
securely locked. However, the track was heavily overgrown and, although mostly intact, has been
disturbed and badly distorted in some places.
MR151] North Norfolk Railway, Norfolk (MR p8): Our roving reporter visited here on Saturday 11 June
- the middle day of a three day Diesel Gala. Enhanced ticket prices were in operation, along with a
special timetable with eight different diesel locos in use, plus the class 101 DMU. Some workings were
operated 'top & tail'. Both platforms were in use at Holt, Weybourne & Sheringham (P1 & P2). The
elevated miniature railway was also running at Holt.
MR152] Sausmarez Manor Miniature Railway, Guernsey (MR p12) (BLN 1126.MR247): This 7¼" gauge
railway was visited on Sunday 19 June. Trains were running from 10.00, on demand, £2 per trip (single
circuit of the 350yd line). In use was 4-4w petrol hydraulic loco 'Remus' (built by T Leigh in 1989), with
two open coaches. The line runs in the grounds of Sausmarez Manor in St Martin - a delightful setting
with tearooms, gardens, ponds and sculptures. It runs from Manor station, passes Willow Tunnel and
through the extended cutting, lovely woodlands and back to the station. With very friendly staff and a
nice setting, the railway makes an excellent destination for anyone holidaying in the Channel Islands.
MR153] Exmouth Express, Devon (MR p15) (BLN 1244.2010): Despite reports of this railway's demise,
it continues to operate as before. At the end of July 2016, the operator stated it should run for
another 12 months before closing. So if any member needs the line, you have been suitably warned!
The closure is due to the controversial redevelopment of the seafront by East Devon District Council.
BELOW: The 10¼" gauge Exmouth Express railway - catch it while you can! (Peter Scott 1 Sep 2012)
[BLN 1236]
MR154] Friends of Invergarry Station, Highland (BLN 1243.1891): Little progress was evident on a visit
on 3 June to this 2012 commenced preservation project compared with BLN and press reports of a
year previously. The length of track laid along the west face of the long and vegetation free island
platform has not increased and virtually no further PW materials were visible. The track is separated
by a fence from the Great Glen cycle/walking trail, which commences up the old station approach road
at the south end of the site and continues north towards Fort Augustus. Some 4½ miles is on the
former branch trackbed, a superb walk (BLNs 1243.1891 & 1253.621). On the track and fixed to it is a
small 4w locomotive, with no apparent identity information but presumed to be the one listed by the
IRS as a petrol-driven Lesmac build of 2006. On the other side of the cycle track are two plinthed
wagons, a hut and a few bits of equipment plus notice boards, which give information about the
project. The display includes planning permission drawings which show track on both sides of the
island platform with headshunts of upwards of a quarter of a mile at each end, and buildings in West
Highland style. A maintenance gang working on the cycle trail had seen no recent heritage rail activity.
MR155] Lavender Line, East Sussex (MR p6): The railway held a Diesel Gala from Friday 22 to Sunday
24 July. On the Sunday at least four Society members were present around lunch time. Trains were
running half-hourly from Isfield station P1 and P2 alternately - over the whole line to Worth Halt.
(Normal operation just sees P2 used). This reporter sampled the following departures from Isfield:
11.00 (P1) Wickham rail bus 999507 in BR Research red/blue livery, 12.00 (P1) Class 09 D4113/CIG
buffet coach S69333/Army 221 (AB354/1941), 12.30 (P2) 2H DEMU 1118 in blue livery (formed
ofS60828/S60117). In use from 13.30 was DEMU 2H 1133 in green livery (S60820/S60151) replacing
1118. Two other DEMU cars were in the yard - a power car and driving trailer. An all day adult ticket
was £10. The 5" gauge ground level Riley's railway was in use with various battery electric locos.
PAGE ABOVE: Isfield station looking north, 1118 in P2 during the Diesel Gala. Riley's Railway is along that
platform behind the train. The old level crossing was behind the photographer. (Peter Scott 24 Jul 2016)
ABOVE: One-inch 7th Series 1957-60 OS map showing Isfield station and the former level crossing
to the south. The 'Lavender Line' runs 71ch northeast to the River Uck (the first underbridge).
BLN 1263.MR156] Rio Grande Railway, Dorset (MR p15) (BLN 1124.MR227): This 10¼" gauge railway
in Lodmoor Country Park in Weymouth was visited on Saturday 9 July and was found to be operating.
The fare is £1.50 for all classes, with no tickets being issued. The railway was quiet, although it was
quite a pleasant day with people elsewhere. A bored looking girl took our reporter's money, came out
and started up the engine and took the train around the circuit with only him aboard. It trundled
round slowly clockwise and returned to the station. Several people were tempted by seeing the train
running and the following trip was quite busy. The inner loop platform is out of use, also the engine
shed (as the former turntable road is filled in but the track across it incomplete). The train stables on
the running line and the shed on the inner loop. In use was steam outline 2-6-0DH 1890 built by
Severn Lamb with three coaches, the front one in red and cream.
MR157] Royden Park Miniature Railway, Merseyside (MR p20) (BLN 1232.MR58): On Sunday 31 May
a member visited this 7¼" gauge railway, operated by the Wirral Model Engineering Society. As is
often the case here, a fair queue of passengers was present, not least as the train capacity is nominally
only eight, although smaller children can sit two abreast. However, earlier in the afternoon only two
trains were in circuit, then three and finally four in the last hour, so they could go home on time at
16.00 having cleared the queue! It was noted that P1 & 2 are preferred, but the new P3 was in use
when all three trains were present. However, a request to specifically ride out of that platform was
happily arranged anyway on reaching the front of the queue and so this and the 'new' connection
beside the steaming bays (relocated here some years ago replacing the old tree obscured connection
more immediately outside the station) were traversed in short order. Latterly all four platforms were
in use. By good fortune the train returned into P2 so the 'realignment' of this to accommodate P3 was
also achieved although visualizing how this has been realigned or how much is almost impossible to
divine. The trains appeared to try to run in parallel around the inner and outer parts of the loop, a
most entertaining feature. Interestingly the diamond crossover common to both sections appeared to
be governed by sight, no signals were apparent, with the first train taking precedence before the
second caught it up on the inside! The elevated line was also sampled where several quite varied
locomotives, steam and electric, were in operation. The latter seem to have a very rapid acceleration
and, helped by the inherently stable configuration of these type of lines, made a rapid circuit; both
lines are funded by donations only, it is a condition of their Council lease that they do not charge.
BLN 1263.MR158] Canal Central Miniature Railway, Shropshire (MR p22) (BLN 1249.MR19): This 7¼"
gauge railway is located at Canal Central at Maesbury Marsh, which is a couple of miles south of
Oswestry and accessed via a narrow lane with an evil humped back bridge. Our reporter was
disappointed to find no trains running on the 400yd circuit, the emphasis being very much on horse
drawn canal trips. He was told that few trains, if any, had run this year due to damage to the track in
the wet winter. Immediate re-opening prospects do not look good and prospective passengers are
strongly advised to check on 01691 652168 before travelling. Another member reports he contacted
Canal Central in late July about the railway and was told it will not be running for the rest of this year.
The operator hopes to complete the necessary work over the winter and reopen next year.
MR159] Rother Valley Railway, South Yorkshire (MR p23) (BLN 1099.MR187): On Friday 29 July a
senior member visited this 7¼" gauge railway, which is located in Rother Valley Country Park at
Killamarsh. The line is a dumb-bell layout of 800yd in route length, giving a return ride of almost a
mile. It used to be known as the Rother Valley Steam Railway but, as they no longer have any steam
locomotives, it is now called the Rother Valley Railway (as printed on the tickets). Working was a bogie
diesel loco, with a 4w battery loco in the shed. Neither engine carried any indication of builder. The
fare was £2.50. The nearest station is Kiveton Bridge, about 2 miles distant. Although there is a bus - it
only takes you half way - our visitor took a taxi, which waited while he had his ride!
MR160] Littlehampton Miniature Railway, West Sussex (MR p25) (BLN 1256.MR83): Thankfully, this
12¼" gauge railway has reopened. It is now operated by the Littlehampton Heritage Railway
Association (LHRA), in association with Arun District Council. The railway is staffed entirely by
volunteers, who are all members of the LHRA. The railway now goes under its original name of the
Littlehampton Miniature Railway. The new operators ran their first (special) train on Tuesday 12 July
for a group booking, followed by (unadvertised) trains on Sunday 17 July 2016. The official day of
(re)opening was Saturday 23 July, when a full advertised service ran. Motive power is the Fairbourne
Railway's small diesel 'Gwyril', which is on hire for the season.
BLN 1236.MR161] Highland Light Railway, Perth & Kinross (MR p28) (BLN 1169.MR176): This 10¼"
gauge railway operated on a large farm at Mill of Logierait, Ballinluig near Pitlochry and ran only in
conjunction with a Country Market, held on the third Saturday of the month from April to October.
However, in 2016 the railway has not run for the public and the Country Market moved to Pitlochry
(the first being held there on 16 April) due to the owners of the farm at Mill of Logierait taking 'a break
this year'. They explained on their Facebook page We have had some unforeseen circumstances to
deal with since the last Market back in October, and a difficult decision had to be taken not to host this
year's events. A member reports he was told that the railway was damaged during the winter storms
and will not be running in 2016. The final public running day was Saturday 17 October 2015. The Farm
says the closure should only be temporary; it is hoped to restart the Country Markets and reopen the
railway in 2017. ABOVE: The Highland Light Railway during one of the Country Markets - hopefully a
scene that will be repeated next year. (Peter Scott 18 Aug 2012)
MR162] Egloskerry Station, Cornwall: (LEFT - Trip
Advisor) The owner has disposed of all track,
rolling stock and equipment from this private site
with all of the 2ft gauge track going to the
Museum of Military Life (Cornwall at War
Museum) at Davidstowe, near Camelford (BLN
1235.MR86), where it will enable them to further
complete the proposed track circuiting the site.
.Please mention the Branch Line Society when booking/ enquiring..
A service to members, details must be checked with the organisers.
1668] Chiltern Advance Fares: 20% off travelling
8 Aug-4 Sep closes 21 Aug https://goo.gl/a1mJAG
1669] Blenheim Palace: (MR p22) (BLN 1262.MR144 - with a report on the 1,000yd long 15" gauge
railway). Through tickets, includes rail travel (GWR only) to Oxford, Stagecoach bus to the palace and
entrance from all GWR stations; e.g. Paddington £36.10, Reading £26.40, Bristol £35 & Gatwick Airport
£37.30 (child/senior reductions). This compares extremely well with the admission charge of £24.90.
1670] Manx Electric Railway Museum: https://goo.gl/YSUhSR Opened in 2014, there are a variety of
exhibits and artefacts from over the years, with information boards about its history and rolling stock.
Open Sundays 12.00-16.30 during the 2016 operating season with FREE admission; donations are
welcome to support the museum. Souvenirs are available. It is inside the Goods Shed, to the left of the
Derby Castle Car Sheds (Depot), north of Douglas's promenade, just beyond Derby Castle Station.
1671] Cholsey & Wallingford Railway: (MR p7) http://goo.gl/Oxex0E An extra Heritage Line add-on
ticket to the 14 listed in BLN 1252.529. 'Wally Rovers' from stations within: Paddington, Greenford,
Windsor & Eton Central, Marlow, Henley-on-Thames, Reading, Swindon, Oxford, Banbury and
Kingham. Off Peak Day Return (railcards valid) plus £9 Adult, £4.50 child, £6.50 concessions. Rail travel
to Cholsey via GWR, Cross Country /Chiltern and a day rover on the heritage line. Not Santa Specials.
1672] Risborough Preview, Sun 21 & 28 Aug, 18 & 25 Sep: Chinnor & Princes Risborough Railway from
Chinnor 'top & tail' with a diesel loco one end and L92 steam the other at 11.00, 12.15, 13.30, 15.00 &
16.30. A 50 minute return trip to Princes Risborough (site of new P4 due to open next year), no
alighting; adults £11, senior £10, child* (3-15) £1. There is a £1 reduction for advance booking by
18.00 the day before for adults/seniors but a booking fee of £2 per advance booking. *Until 4 Sep
2016 up to two children go for just £1 each on any trains when accompanied by a fare-paying adult or
senior ticket holder. BELOW: Chinnor train leaving the new P4 site at Princes Risborough (C&PRR).
1673] Otterton & East Budleigh Light Railway, 'Steam & Teas' Sat 10 Sep: (MR p15) (BLN 1260.
MR119 with picture) The Old Station, Fore St, Otterton, EX9 7BD, (SY077851). Rare public running at
the former East Budleigh station http://goo.gl/Bvm5wy on the Budleigh Salterton/ Exmouth
branches in aid of the local church roof repairs. Includes the new triangle over the drive in front of
the house. Telephone the owner John Edmonds to confirm times (usually 11.00-17.00) 01395
568955. Stagecoach Devon 157 buses 01392 427711 run from Exmouth to the village. Mention
the BLS on the day and, if they are not too busy extra track may be made available.
1674] Brighton Electrical Control Rooms: Thanks to our member Stuart Hicks, an SEG autumn visit
(date to be determined) possibly a weekday afternoon/evening. Orange high-viz vest required, limited
party size, a charity donation applies. Notify [email protected] with your BLS number.
1675] RPSI, Western Explorer Railtour, Sat 22 Oct: Dublin Connolly - Glasnevin Jn - Islandbridge Jn
(both directions) - Athenry - Limerick - Connolly. Connects with first 'Enterprise' from Belfast and the
last one back. Class 071 diesel loco, £65/€75 booking form http://goo.gl/9lzySM 3531 480 0553.
1676] The Humber Vogue, UKRT Sat 29 Oct: Finsbury Park (07.20/21.00) stations to Doncaster
(10.30/ 17.55) Goole, Hull Docks, new Biomass Terminal by-pass line (alignment of the former
Hedon Road No5 Siding), Kingston Bulk Terminal, Hensall, Sudforth Lane Sidings (rev), Drax Power
Station (from Drax Branch Jn the branch is 6¼ miles to the end of the merry-go-round loop) : Flue-
gas desulphurisation branch (one mile long north off the loop - first ever passenger train), also the
Oil Discharge Line and other track not covered before requested, Knottingley East Jn, Knottingley
South Jn, Askern and return. From £79.50, standard class http://goo.gl/BxeJaV 01438 715050
NB: Photo ID required and bookings close on Fri 30 Sep, no last minute bookings/pay on the day.
August Railway Magazine has an article 'Inside Drax' http://goo.gl/4Amerk about the power
[BLN 1263]
X.125] E-BLN 1262 Guess the Location: (BLN 1262.X113) TOP: Filey Holiday Camp station (hence the
reference to 'files') http://goo.gl/Kiku0U which originally had four long terminal platforms (Ian
Mortimer). It was only open from 10 May 1947 until the last train ran on 17 Sep 1977. Butlins Holiday
Camp which was about two miles south of Filey, closed in 1983, has been demolished although there
are remains of the station platforms on the other side of the A165. ABOVE: As can be seen from this
[BLN 1263]
One-inch 7th Series OS 1950-55 map, the branch,
between Filey and Hunmanby had a triangular
junction (Royal Oak North Jn and Royal Oak South
Jn); the branch and its two sides of the triangle
were all double track. Three signal boxes were
needed, one at each junction (the third was 'Filey
Holiday Camp'). The station (wrongly shown CP
below) was served on summer Saturdays only. The
trick was to travel on a service that reversed at Filey Holiday Camp on its way between Hull and
Scarborough, these often did the Anlaby Road Jn to Walton Street Jn curve avoiding Hull Paragon
station and sometimes other interesting lines such as Hexthorpe Jn to Bentley Jn avoiding Doncaster
as well. Some 'All Line Rover' itineraries were planned around the branch on a summer Saturday and it
was sometimes quite a few years before the third side of the triangle (the main line) was covered!
ABOVE: The general arrangement of the station, the station building is the flat roof bottom right.
[BLN 1263] ABOVE: A 'Road Train' from the 1970s that ran to the holiday camp, via a dedicated
subway under the A165 road (both Greg Beecroft 11 Jul 1977). See https://goo.gl/0CUaXa Not shown
in the pictures, the station had non-standard double-sided BR enamelled signs under the lights, joined
by a curved section over the top. They were more the BR Western than North Eastern Region style!
X.126] Fintown Railway:
(MR p26) (BLN 1261.1377)
Four members who are
unfortunately unable to
make our 10 Sep fixtures,
flew to the City of Derry
Airport on 9 Aug and hired
a car to visit this 2¼-mile
3ft gauge railway (on the
original County Donegal
Glenties branch line) and
were very well received.
ABOVE: At Fintown station;
'No18' dates from the
1940s. LEFT: A visit was
kindly made to the far end
of the (clear) shed road.
After two trips and plenty of photos, the Difflin Lake Railway (a 15" gauge, 4½ km run) was visited
later in the day. Both are thoroughly recommended and it is lovely area of Ireland. (Glen Wells)
FULL COMMITTEE AND NEWS etc. CONTACT DETAILS WERE GIVEN IN BLN 1261, the editor would be pleased to forward messages:
Paper BLN Distribution: Dave Monger, 6 Underhill Close, GODALMING, GU7 1NU. [email protected] 07592 585230.
Fixtures Secretary: Kev Adlam, 53 Kemble Close, Wistaston, CREWE, CW2 6XN. [email protected] Twitter: @BLSGeneralSec
North West, Yorkshire, Humberside, & IOM: Graeme Jolley, 3 Laurel Cottages, Rencell Hill, LAXEY, IOM, IM4 7BJ. [email protected]
Editor/Head Lines: Paul Stewart, 4 Clarence Close, MALVERN, WR14 3HX [email protected] 01684562862 07790652351.
Printed by Deva Enterprises, Waters Edge, The Drive, Ifold, LOXWOOD, West Sussex, RH14 0TD 01403 752735 [email protected] or
[email protected] Published by the Branch Line Society, 10 Sandringham Rd, Stoke Gifford, BRISTOL, BS34 8NP. ISSN 1354-0947.