Supplement to e-BLN 1227 21 February 2015
BLN Pictorial
A ‘slimline’ issue this time so that we don’t grab all the space in your mailbox!
This interesting view shows the swing bridge where the LNWR line from Bletchley to Oxford Rewley
Road (OP 20 May 1851 by the Buckinghamshire Railway, CP 1 October1951, CG 5 April 1984)
crossed the Sheepwash Channel, a navigable connection between the Thames and the Oxford Canal.
Although listed, there is concern for the future of the NR-owned bridge, a scheduled ancient
monument, and it is currently the subject of a preservation effort by the Oxford Preservation Trust :
see and BLN 1224.71. Photo courtesy of Jerry Holmes.
Stafford No. 5 box (see BLN 1225.134 and 1226.224) in March 2007. The newer brick building at
centre left of the picture occupies part of the site of the former Stafford MPD (5C) on the Down side
past the station. Beyond the overbridge were Bagnall’s loco works and the junctions with the LNW
line to Wellington (left to the west) and the GN to Uttoxeter (right to the east). Photo courtesy of
Keith Hallin.
At the south end of Stafford station on the Up side, overlooking the junction of the Trent Valley and
Birmingham lines, is Stafford No. 4 box (see BLN 1225.134 and 1226.224). This more recent view is
from July 2014. Photo courtesy of Keith Hallin.
Stafford No. 4 still sees the occasional ‘Duchess’ approaching from the Queensville Curve. Your Sub-
Editor recalled youthful spotting days as 46233 ‘Duchess of Sutherland’ got the Cathedrals Explorer
under way after a signal stop just south of Stafford No. 4 on 9 May 2014. In those far off days, of
course, 46233 would probably have been on the Down main line, towards the left of this picture.
There wouldn’t have been any overhead wires to spoil the picture, either! Photo courtesy of Dave