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Published by franklin, 2021-01-25 00:03:13



2020 Annual Report

Message from Co-founders ​ ​

Virtual is the New Reality.

Dear friends and supporters,

Coming off of an incredibly productive 2019, last
year’s Annual Report captured the significant
steps we had taken to further advance our
mission and detailed several ambitious goals for
our organization to achieve in 2020. Until that
fateful day, March 17th, when we all were
ordered to shelter in place as the severity of
COVID-19 became more apparent.

Through an incredible coordination of resources, hospitals, our donated medical equipment and Road To
we quickly adopted a virtual approach to most Recovery programs remained strong, and we enrolled
everything we offered, hence we adopted “​Virtual is three candidates in our extended therapy program at
the New Reality”​ motto. Our virtual programs caught Neuroworx in Utah.
on not only by the spinal cord injury community here in
Northern California but across the world. We also led The Strategic Goals and Objectives we have outlined for
the implementation of multiple virtual peer support 2021 are the most ambitious ones we have ever
programs at area hospitals at a time they all restricted developed and with the support of the SCI community,
access to visitors. our generous donors and Board of Directors, we are
laser-focused and determined to execute what
We did, however, see the silver lining behind the promises to be an exciting and productive plan for the
COVID-19 cloud. At our annual fundraising event, SCI community. Thank you.
INSPIRE, which also took place virtually this past
October, we announced the launch of our single biggest Nick & Franklin, Co-founders
initiative ever, the “​ 5/22 Capital Campaign”. ​ This
involves raising a minimum of $500,000 to help launch a The cover of this Annual Report features Ethan Scott
much-needed extended rehabilitation program for (top picture in an All Terrain Wheelchair) and his
those with new spinal cord injuries (more on that on family in Sandy, Utah, enjoying a snow outing while
page 7) as well as a separate program for those with enrolled at Neuroworx in Utah; Carson Dohemann,
longer lengths of injuries. Our donors humbled us by 28-year-old quadriplegic using the Lokomat gait
showing their incredible support at that event by training system during his stay at Neuroworx.
helping us raise over $116,000.

And despite not being able to interact in person with
the rehab centers or hold our own outreach efforts, we
continued providing our Care Packages to more

2 ​ 2020 Annual Report

Summary of 2020 by the numbers​


Individuals received $40,000 in Road to Recovery Grants to support their recovery from Spinal Cord Injury


Care Packages delivered to the newly injured at 9 Rehab Centers across Northern California


Individuals benefited from two free virtual consultation with SCI Medical Specialists


Unique Visitors to our Website logging more than 98,000 page views and nearly 1,500 Newsletter


Durable Medical Equipment items delivered to those in need with an estimated value of $128,000


Number of individuals who contacted us by phone or e-mail for support


Attendees at our New Virtual Presentation Program at 70 Events

2020 Annual Report w​ 3

Who we are ​ ​

About the Founders

The Northern California Spinal Cord Injury Foundation (NorCal SCI)
was launched in May of 2017 to provide information, resources and
programs allowing people affected by or living with a Spinal Cord
Injury/Disorder in Northern California to thrive and live productively..
The foundation is guided by Franklin Elieh and Nick Struthers, both of
whom are living with SCI. Franklin has been a peer supporter at Santa
Clara Valley Medical Center (SCVMC), home to the largest SCI rehab
center on the West Coast. For over 15 years, he has met and
supported over 2,600 newly-injured patients. Nick has served in the same capacity during the
past six years, interacting with more than 1,100 patients. Together, they’ve met with hundreds of other persons with
SCI and shared information and resources with dozens of organizations serving the SCI population in Northern California.

Army of Volunteers

Our organization is made up of a dedicated group of volunteers who believe in the need to better support the SCI
community in Northern California.

Carl McGrew, Secretary Mia Gonzalez
David Greenfield, Board Member Krystina Jackson
Christopher Wilder, Board Member Ran Tao
Arash Bayatmakou, Board Member Char Vine
Julie Pollitt, Board Member
Dr. Lisa Knowlton The Keenan Family
Dr. Reza Ehsanian The Bridgman Family
Carole Adler Hughes The Javier Family
Erin Hallett
Shelley Wood Carole Adler Hughes
Kyle Smith
Rebecca Hummel-Moore
Shelley Wood

4 ​ 2020 Annual Report

Our Mission, Vision and 2021 Goals​ ​

Our Mission

NorCal SCI provides information, resources and programs allowing people affected by or living with a Spinal Cord
Injury/Disorder in Northern California to thrive and live productively.

Our Vision

NorCal SCI is the trusted organization enabling people living with a Spinal Cord Injury/Disorder in Northern California to
experience life not defined by a disability.

Our 2021 Strategic Goals

Sponsoring of a Virtual SCI Symposium​ - Collaborate with hospitals and rehab centers in Northern California and hold a
Virtual SCI Symposium to bring together healthcare professionals to hear, learn and share best practices and experiences
from their fellow peers, industry experts, patient advocates and service providers on how to provide better inpatient
and outpatient care for those with SCI in order to have better patient outcomes.
Execute strategy in support of “5/22 Capital Campaign” -​ Produce an execution and financing strategy that would result
in raising a minimum of $500,000 by May of 2022 to help support the launch of our initiative to provide extended
rehabilitation for the newly-injured as well as a plan to help support the physical and mental well-being of those with
longer injuries.
Develop an expansion of paid staff and a succession plan for the founders​ - As our organization continues to grow, the
need for paid staff that can be devoted toward the continued expansion of the organization will grow. Furthermore, as
the founders shift their limited time and focus on more strategic initiatives of the organization, the placement of a new
leader for the organization becomes a necessity.
Expand and diversify the organization​ - We will continue to look and recruit individuals that are equally passionate
about our cause with a focus on increasing the diversity of our Board of Directors as well as increasing our base of
volunteers throughout Northern California.
Continue expanding our digital media presence and programming​ - We will continue to produce innovative and
informative virtual events appropriate for the SCI community as well as expand the use of social media to more
effectively reach and grow this audience.
Smart Home Independence Package (SHIP) -​ Work with 10 deserving individuals with significant spinal cord injuries to
outfit their residence with smart devices in order to provide them with greater independence, security and safety.
Adapted Cycling Program -​ Through partnerships and self initiatives, we will launch a program that will bring adapted
cycling to the SCI community in multiple stages throughout the year.

Our 2021 Legacy Goals

Expand our Extended Rehab and Road To Recovery programs - I​ nvest a minimum of $70,000 to help support the

recovery of those with SCI through grants for therapies, equipment or home modification.
Expand distribution of Care Packages -​ Continue distributing our Care Packages by working with various hospitals.
Virtual SCI Consultations -​ Hold two of these programs making clinical experts available for free consultations.
Outreach to the SCI community -​ We will continue to offer virtual support groups jointly with rehab hospitals as well as

for the broader SCI community.

2020 Annual Report ​ 5

Financials*​ ​ ​​

Donations $193,762 Road to Recovery $45,703
Inspire​** $120,243 Care Package $15,357
$65,000 Fundraising $11,482
Grants Virtual Classes $11,290
Covid Relief $9,567
(**Gross) Admin $9,205
DME $6,406

6 w​ ​* Provisional

2020 Annual Report

5/22 Capital Campaign ​​

Having met a few thousand persons with a spinal cord individuals and groups who would like to support this
injury, we are acutely aware of the failure of the goal. We would be happy to speak to anyone and share
insurance industry and the healthcare system that our vision and demonstrate how they can be part of a
abandons those with SCI at the most vulnerable time of much-needed solution to deliver the kind of care to
their lives. The dramatic reductions in the average those whose lives were shattered by a spinal cord
hospital and rehabilitation stay of a person with a new injury.
spinal cord injury, with no increase in post hospital Just as we have since day one, together with our Board
therapy, have forced them to figure out how to put members and supporters, will work tirelessly to make
together a shattered body and life. this vision come true. And so, we ask you to come
along for this journey and help us get this done. Help us
When we began talking about starting the organization make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. Thank
four years ago, our overarching vision was to continually you.
work toward a better solution to address this issue and
hence, we announced the launch of the “​ 5/22 Capital -- ​Nick & Franklin, co-founders
Campaign”​ at our annual fundraising event, INSPIRE,
last October.

“Our vision is to raise a minimum of
$500,000 by May of 2022 to help launch

that overarching vision of offering
continuing intensive rehab to those newly

injured as well as develop a program for
those with longer lengths of injuries in

order to maintain their physical health and
mental wellbeing.”

-- Nick & Franklin, co-founders

We will accomplish this by seeking out those
organizations who can partner with us and help provide
this service or absent that, we are prepared to launch
our own facility in order to accomplish that goal in

Thanks to the unbelievable outpouring of donations at
INSPIRE, we have allocated $100,000 toward this
campaign. Additionally, with a stunning and generous
$100,000 donation from an anonymous donor, we have
now raised $200,000 toward that goal.

While we are confident of our ability to raise the funds
needed to start this program, we can benefit from the
support of every member of our community to help us
reach and surpass our goal in order to offer a
sustainable and scalable program. To that end, we
welcome direct contributions as well as introductions to

2020 Annual Report w​ 7

In 2020, Virtual Became the New Reality

The two images above were etched in the minds of Some key dates & events in 2020:
most everyone for much of 2020. And while many APRIL 23, 2020 - A​ s more became known about
organizations struggled to adopt a new form of COVID-19, we hosted Dr. James Crew, Executive
communicating with their communities and develop Director of Rehab at SCVMC, as part of a community
new ways of delivering services or programs, we Zoom meeting where he discussed the known impact of
recognized the need to transition to the virtual world. the virus on those with SCI as well as answer many
questions that a concerned community had about it.
To that end, we adopted ​“Virtual is the New Reality”​ as MAY 1, 2020 -​ We launched our first-ever large scale
our new marching order that underscored our virtual presentation by hosting nearly 100 people who
commitment to embrace a new form of digital media in viewed an exclusive live presentation by renowned SCI
order to engage with our community and in the process, researcher, Dr. Wise Young, who presented the latest
we ended up delivering more benefit than we could update on his work to cure paralysis. This was followed
have ever envisioned. by several successful classes on topics such as Pilates
and Nutrition.
In late May, we were notified by the Christopher &
Dana Reeve Foundation that our application for a JULY 16, 2020 - ​We launched the first of 70 virtual
$25,000 grant was approved. There was only one events we hosted in 2020, thanks to the Reeve
problem. We had submitted the application pre-COVID Foundation grant, by featuring a top Physiatrist from
times and the entire grant was centered around SCVMC who delivered an educational and medical
“in-person” events. We requested, and received presentation.
approval, from the Reeve Foundation to completely SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 - P​ ioneering researcher, Dr. Susan
revamp our program by launching our “Virtual is the Harkema, joined us for an exclusive virtual presentation
New Reality Series”. we hosted on the work she is doing involving epidural
stimulation that allows for ambulation, drawing over
“Thank you for putting on all the great 120 attendees.
sessions with the incredibly talented For the year, nearly 1,500 individuals took part at the
presenters. What a gift. I feel so lucky to live events with several thousand more who viewed
be a part of this community.” recordings of all events which we archived and made
available to the public.
-- Lynne McDonald, Berkeley

Working with many partners, we developed a
comprehensive lineup of educational and physical
virtual events for the year that established NorCal SCI as
the only SCI organization in the U.S. to produce a high
volume of innovative virtual events in 2020. While our
primary intent was to serve the community in Northern
California, the virtual world has no such boundaries and
as a result, we began seeing individuals with SCI from
throughout the world joining these events.

8 ​ 2020 Annual Report

Virtual will remain part of our new reality

While we remain pragmatic about life after the ● Mental health
pandemic, and the opportunity to once again hold ● Alternative methods for pain management
in-person events, the lesson we learned from hosting ● Exploring the outdoors
our virtual events last year was that for many reasons, a ● Research for potential cures
large portion of our community is unable to experience ● Demonstration of devices for independence
the benefits of in-person events. We even noticed that ● Returning to the workforce
at our annual fundraising party, INSPIRE, which was also
held virtually, and not only saw significantly more One major virtual event we’ll be conducting involves an
attendees but more of them coming from geographic SCI Symposium directed at healthcare professionals.
areas that would have been too far to come from. We Our goal is to further educate this community of not
even had 20 out-of-state attendees and continue to see only best practices and novel approaches across many
that pattern over and over with our virtual events. specialties but also share the experiences of those with
SCI who can speak about their lives once they got home.
It is with that experience that we decided to continue
offering a robust lineup of virtual events throughout “Thank You NorCal SCI for all the online virtual
2021. When, and if, in-person events return this year,
we will be in a position to develop appropriate events. Due to the Pandemic, these events have
become valuable and priceless. They do not only
“I wanted to thank you for all you do - I have really
appreciated and enjoyed the lectures and movement educate the spinal cord injured community but
Zooms. Great to connect to the larger community. It
has meant a lot to me.” they help many connect with people and the

-- Susan Verde, Cloverdale events have given many the opportunity to

We will continue to offer classes that seek to educate, participate in physical exercise. I am one of those
engage, empower and keep active those with SCI who
are wheelchair users. They include topics such as: people learning, meeting people and exercising.

● Fitness training One who otherwise would have been closed off
● Pilates
● Nutrition from having met such wonderful people who
● Cooking (from a wheelchair)
work for what they believe in.
However, we will also begin offering sessions that
would appeal to a wide range of interests and abilities. I commend both founders of the NorCal SCI for all
This includes:
the work you have done in adapting to the New

Norm. I'm so glad I connected with your


-- ​Sylvia Luna, Watsonville

2020 Annual Report ​ 9

Smart Home Independence Package​ ​

Game Changing Capability Delivered

For the last two years, we have been introducing
technology to the SCI Community in the form of our
Smart Home Starter Package. We have shipped a Smart
Speaker and either a smart bulb or plug to over 70
individuals as an introduction to how technology may
improve their quality of life. This is a good start and we
know we can do more.

Despite the COVID-19 restrictions, we recently The Nest Range of Products
completed a successful pilot program at the home of
Michael Chavez where we took the use of technology to ____________________________________________
the next level via our Smart Home Independance
Package. With the investment for such a system of around
$1,000, an individual can have a level of security and
Using the Google Nest range of products, we installed independence that was out of reach for many budgets a
Smart Locks, a Nest Camera and a thermostat along few years ago. W​ e plan to give 10 individuals similar
with the Google Home System empowering the user. capabilities in 2021.

“I​ 've been using technology products for a number of
years, being able to control lights and sockets with my
voice but the Nest Products take things to a new level.
Whether I am in my chair or bed, I now feel safe and
secure at home on my own. I can see who is at the
door, unlock the door for them to come in or give them
specific instructions about leaving a package. I am also
able to control the temperature of the house using my
voice, whether I am here or while I am out on the road.
I now even have a lock to my own room which gives
me privacy. M​ y mom also feels more comfortable
when she goes out. The Nest products have certainly
been a game changer for me and my family and I want
to thank NorCal SCI for enhancing my security, privacy
and independence.”

Michael Chavez, San Jose

Michael and his mother, Jackie

10 w​ 2020 Annual Report

A More Expanded Peer Support Team​ ​

Among the many areas that the pandemic greatly We also continued to develop a plan to train more
affected was the tragic restrictions imposed on the individuals with SCI to become peer supporters. To that
population of those with a new spinal cord injury that end, we recruited a diverse group of 14 individuals to
were hospitalized in 2020. They not only couldn’t have take part in a virtual peer mentoring training program
family members with them but the access of peer developed by the Christopher and Dana Reeve
supporters to them was also cut off, leaving them alone Foundation.
during a most uncertain time of their lives.
Following the completion of the training and a
But the impact of this also went beyond the hospitals. successful background check, these 14 individuals
All the external support groups that used to meet became the latest group of volunteers available to offer
in-person regularly also discontinued such meetings. support to others with SCI.
There are a few steps we took to address these
challenges and they all began with embracing
technology and virtual platforms.

MARCH 31, 2020 - W​ e launched our first weekly virtual
peer support meeting at a time the SCI community was
cut off from each other and accurate information about
COVID-19 and its impact on those with a spinal cord
injury was not quite available yet.

APRIL 6, 2020 - I​ n collaboration with Santa Clara Valley “NorCal SCI provides invaluable services to our spinal
Medical Center (SCVMC), we launched the first-ever cord injury patients and their loved ones, easing the
weekly peer support meeting for their patients using transition back to their community. I am grateful for
Zoom. We continue to host these meetings this partnership and the enhanced patient experience
collaboratively with the hospital staff and peer it provides.”
-- Julian Fountain, Director of Rehabilitation, Alta Bates
APRIL 22, 2020 - ​We agreed to provide Alta Bates Summit Medical Center, Oakland
Summit Medical Center in Oakland and CPMC Davies
Hospital in San Francisco a joint weekly virtual peer
support meeting for their SCI patients which we
continue to support.

2020 Annual Report ​ 11

Road to Recovery​ needed specific equipment that allowed them to
maintain the health and integrity of their bodies
The purpose of this program is to provide qualified while others were able to enroll in therapeutic
applicants block grants of up to $2,000 to help programs as they became available.
support continued therapy, purchase of medical
equipment not covered by insurance or making
minor home modifications.

With most outpatient rehab facilities shuttered
during the pandemic, we were unable to fund as
many individuals as we had hoped for such
activities. But we were able to issue such grants to
14 individuals for $28,000. Some individuals

Sean from Sacramento working on his walking
while being supported by a harness belt.

Demetrius from Richmond standing once again in Vandana from Antioch practicing her standing
his brand new standing frame. “Thank you NorCal balance.
SCI. You guys are life savers.”

12 w​ 2020 Annual Report

Making A Difference: Extended Rehabilitation

Fifteen years ago, the average stay at a U.S. hospital for 28-year-old Carson from Novato working on a
rehabilitation following a spinal cord injury was 70 days. resistance-based upper-body workout machine
Today, that time has been compressed to less than half
nationwide and less than 25 days in Northern California. “The therapy I received at Neuroworx through
Once you get discharged, depending on your health NorCal SCI has been a milestone in my recovery
plan’s coverage, you might receive a few outpatient process.”
therapy sessions and then you’re left on your own to -- Carson Dohemann, C5 quadriplegic from Novato
pull together a shattered body and life.

Our overarching goal is to change that dynamic and help
support those who don’t have access to a longer
rehabilitation experience. We discovered an incredible
post hospital rehabilitation facility, Neuroworx, a
non-profit located in Sandy, Utah. They offer an
incredible facility, experienced licensed therapists, the
latest and most modern equipment and two
co-founders who share the same vision as Nick and
Franklin do.

We came to agreement with them on an extremely
affordable post hospital rehab experience. This allowed
us to send, in 2020, three candidates there for a
five-week intensive program which also included staying
at their fully accessible apartment. We plan on sending
6-8 individuals in 2021 so that they will have the best
possible opportunity to experience recovery and

17-year-old Ethan from Arroyo Grande undergoing
aquatic therapy

Ian, a C5 quadriplegic from Concord, practicing his Our experience working with Neuroworx, and the
wheelchair transfers feedback we received from those who experienced
their program, inspired us to develop our “5/22 Capital
2020 Annual Report Campaign” that would help fund extended
rehabilitation for more individuals without needing to
send them to Utah.

​ 13

SCI Virtual Consultations ​ ​

10 individuals from throughout Northern On our consultation team, we have a Nurse
California receive free medical consultations. Practitioner, an Occupational Therapist, a
The Covid-19 situation has meant that we had to Registered Dietitian and a Physical Therapist who
postpone our in-person Mobile Clinic Program but specialize in Spinal Cord Injury medicine. The Nurse
when one door closes, another one can open. Practitioner specializes in spasticity and is
Outside of metropolitan areas, access to knowledgeable in skin care and bowel and bladder
specialized medical professionals with expertise in care while the OT and PT have between them many
SCI is difficult, if not impossible. Our solution to decades of experience treating individuals
bring highly-skilled medical professional volunteers specifically with SCI/D. The Registered Dietitian
directly to the individuals in the comfort of their works directly with the SCI community both in the
own homes has certainly helped our community. outpatient rehab setting and in the community.
Using Zoom, NorCal SCI hosted a pilot SCI virtual
consultation at the end of May 2020 targeted at The feedback we have received definitely
individuals who did not have reasonable access to a motivates us to continue with this valuable
SCI medical professional due to their location in program.
Northern California.
“The session was very useful, lots of helpful info …
Following the success of this pilot, NorCal SCI you guys have it nailed”​
carried out a second SCI Consultation where seven
individuals from all over Northern California -- Randy from Murphys
received a 30-minute consultation with our team in
October 2020. “Thought it was excellent…. great group of people
that can answer a huge diversity of questions,
really appreciate being part of it.”

-- Tom from Carmichael

14 ​ 2020 Annual Report

Care Packages for Everyone​ ​
Mace from San Jose receiving his Care Package
Delivered 193 Care Packages
to the Newly Injured

Despite the challenges in 2020, we have continued to
drive this vital program. The support of a grant offered
by the Valley Medical Center Foundation continued to
cover the costs of all the material for 97 Care Packages
delivered to the newly-injured patients at Santa Clara
Valley Medical Center (SCVMC). Working with the
Occupational Therapy Department at SCVMC, we
significantly expanded the availability of specialized
tools and devices to help their patients. The Smart
Home Starter Package making technology products
available to those who most need it continues to be

“Thank You for the smart light and Alexa, I love it.” - “​We really like being able to give items out early to
Bruce from Gilroy help patients get their basic needs met even while
in rehab, such as drinking (water of course) on their
own and connecting via their phones. Many of our
patients cannot hold these items on their own, so
the devices help them feel much more
independent. Especially during COVID, being in
touch with their families on their phone by
themselves is so vitality important.
Thank You NorCal SCI for providing us the Care
Packages and other assistive devices. We
continue to distribute them regularly and they are
making a big difference in our patients lives.”

Sue Porter, Occupational Therapist at Santa
Clara Valley Medical Center

2020 Annual Report w​ 15

COVID-19 Relief & Individualized Assistance

Like most other individuals, finding Personal Protection Altogether, we provided 30 individuals with the $100
Equipment (PPE) became a daunting task for many debit cards and shipped 43 of the kits in Northern
members of the SCI community. This included gloves, California. As the severity of the pandemic has
masks and hand sanitizers. Aside from the scarcity of continued, we resumed shipments of masks to anyone
such supplies, the incredible price increase impacted who has difficulty acquiring or affording them.
those on fixed incomes or unprepared for buying
additional PPE they didn’t need or use previously. Eric from Oakland holding his $100 debit card

The United Spinal Association, a national spinal cord
injury advocacy organization which we’re a chapter of,
offered grants of $5,000 to its chapters to develop
specific COVID-19 relief programs. We applied and
received that grant. At the same time, a long time
supporter of NorCal SCI, Stuart James, executive
director of the Berkeley-based Center for Independent
Living, approached us with an offer to award an
additional $5,000 grant so long as it was used for
COVID-19 relief purposes.

Armed with $10,000, we developed two programs for
those who had difficulty procuring PPE or were having
financial difficulties due to the economic impact of the
pandemic. The first program, a Personal Safety Kit,
offered shipments of gloves, masks and sprayer with
alcohol while the second program offered debit cards of
$100 for vital food supplies.


We offer both electronic and phone options for people
to contact us about anything. If we don’t know the
answer, chances are we know someone who does. We
help those in need filter through the onslaught of
information and get them what they need accurately
and quickly.

In 2020, we responded to 69 individual inquiries and are
here to help provide those with SCI solutions to their

16 ​ 2020 Annual Report

Donated Durable Medical Equipment ​ ​

Distributed 63 pieces of donated durable medical equipment valued at $128,000

One of the unusual situations we found ourselves in, With a limited amount of space in our storage unit, we
during the COVID-19 pandemic, was an increase in the had to be creative and strategic with what to accept and
number of inquiries we started to receive from what to ask the donors to hold onto while we searched
individuals who wanted to donate the medical for someone who could benefit from their donation.
equipment they were no longer using. The few
remaining outlets in Northern California that accepted We even reached full capacity for several weeks but
such donations had closed due to the pandemic, leaving were pleased to send some incredible equipment to the
NorCal SCI as one of a couple of organizations accepting homes of some individuals with SCI who would have
donations. had no other way of obtaining them.

Jorge Macias received this brand new EasyStand Teresa Masini received this nearly-new Permobil M3
Glider, valued at $6,000, from a generous donor. Power Wheelchair, valued at $9,000, from a
“Without this program, it would be impossible for generous donor when her insurance would not
me to have this standing frame due to its high cost cover it.
which is now part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
I’m extremely grateful to NorCal SCI.”

2020 Annual Report ​ 17

Angel Investors and Donors​ ​

2020 Arch Angel Investors

(Contributing $10,000 or more)

Bruce and Anne Fettel

2020 Golden Angel Investors

(Contributing $1,000 or more per year for five years)

Janet Elieh Dave and Margo Moore Vincent and Christina Hu

Dave and Karri Greenfield Rick and Eileen Brooks Joe and Amber DeLaere

Ken and Michelle Daxer and family Shea & Shea Dan and Amy Scrivner

Anonymous (7) 2020 Angel Investors Mike Hutton
Adam and Kati Wright Nancy Ottum
Bill and Teresa Hata (Contributing $1,000 or more in one year) Pam Dickinson
Bill Johnson & Terri Lobdell
Bob and Mary Livingston Heather Crane Ran Tao
Bob and Mimi Greenfield Jeff and Laura Holmbeck Ray & Robin Lyons
Jim and Jeanne Keenan Richard and Lani Cliff
Carl McGrew Jim Scriba & Debbie Ford-Scriba Sandra Sarkissian
Cathy Norfleet Simon and Melanie Dunning
Christopher & Jennifer Bridgman Joan and Matt Scott Steve and Kristin
Colin Haubrich Jon Witkin The Bejan Family
Eileen Brennan Tricia and Kevin Lawrence
Erica Anderson Jordan and Jo-Ann Plofsky
Joseph Okpaku Booster Fuels
Erin Evers Ken & Lena Tailo Camdan Corporation
Frank Feranti Linda Sewell Chemical Safety Technology
Hamish Fallsiide and Julie Livingston Marcus Thordal National Seating & Mobility

Marduke & Diana Yousefpor
Maria Anderson

Michelle and Ruben Padron
Mike & Diane Naar

We’re grateful to the many donors who supported us with their generosity during 2020, bringing the total amount of
donations, including those made at Inspire, to over $270,000, our highest amount ever. THANK YOU.
If you wish to contribute to our cause: ​

Nick & Franklin, Co-founders

18 w​ 2020 Annual Report

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