May 2019 Edition
Jihene Kochrad,
The magazine Redactor
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My Experience as a
Freelance Business Woman
in Frankfurt
I think that I could have success in Business. I work hardly
as a creative beginner, I share my knowledge with different
friends over the world simply for encouraging me to
I have simple great results, my own company Archisales is
build slowly and creatively and I hope that in the future I
could multiply the profit from it.
I start as cra t jewelry amateur, I progress to learn every day
each creation of beautiful masterpieces. They are unique
not yet industrial product.
this is a valuation of the material and its character
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Where do I buy the gold?
Mostly I buy the gold from the Banks in Frankfurt to be
completely sure that no fake is in the golden pieces.
Why do I choose gold for
I choose gold for my company because I start the business
function with big risk of not earning any thing. So I insure
my company by investing with gold. If I have no profit also
I have no debit with gold.
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How to negotiate the price
of a jewelry if you like to
buy the gold from a jewelry
Ask first the jewelry man about the price of his own gold.
ask him a ter how many grams is it composed.
ask him also how much money does he earn concerning the
hand cra t per gram. if it is more than the price of the gold
per gram as international price, So no matter to trust this
jewelry man. it is so much money over the price of the
It is better to buy your own gold 24 carats from the bank
and to create your own jewelry master pieces
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If you have any suggestion concerning design
gold creation, you can draw your preferred
design on the next pages and sending them to
me on [email protected]
I will try the create the design as I can, if you
like to buy from Archisales
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