We 'd like to tell you that their music is out of this world.
And that this five member British/Argentinian/
German group have created some unique, driving
rock and roll and then sweetened it with a memorable
ballad or two. So what are you waiting for? "No Heavy
Petting" sounds like nothing else on earth.
Produced by Leo Lyons
. ~ ,·
• *'_.,,..,.,.,_•
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• 4~-
t• .l.T~~.~ •. ~,"J •~. ~
- . - : '•-:,\It~ ....,,.
Chrysalis.Available now 0~ records and tapes. CHR1103 •
Don1 call us anew group.
When you put together Rick Roberts (of Flying -oO,t,t1..•4_-o_,cctw_o,,_..c. e.o.,p.
Burrito Bros. and some great solo albums), Michael Clarke
of (Byrds, Dillard & Clark, Flying Burrito Bros.)Mark Andes
(of Spirit and Jo Jo Gunne), Jock Bartley (of Zephyr and
Gram Parsons) and Larry Burnett and David Muse, you
could hardly call what results a new group.
Firefall, new music from old friends.
On Atlantic Records &Tapes.
This Free Sept. 1976
sample lesson Vol. 4, Number 5
could start "The Alternative to
you on a the Alternatives"
rewarding EXECUTIVE EDITOR/Patrick Masulli
EDITORIRichard Robinson TIPS & ADVICE/Wayne County
SOCIETY/Lisa Robinson IMPORTS/Marc Zakarin
MOVIES/Donald Lyons COMICS/Howard Zimmerman
We look back on the formative years when Kiss was growing up to attain their
present platinum record status. Some very special photographs direct from the Rock
Scene archives .... ... . ........ . .... .. ................................. . . .10
We love parties, and Bad Company celebrated their continuing, ever growing suc-
cess here with a party ,that lasted almost till dawn . We didn't miss a minute ofit and
you won't either ........... ; .......... . . . .. .. . . ...................... . ....18
But you can judge these real cute pix of Aerosmith, can't you? . . .... . ..... .. . .21
Ringo has a new recording contract with a new record company. The party they had
when he signed the contract ... well, you've never seen anything like it .. . ...22
If your present work doesn't give you the PATTI, LIVE ON SATURDAY NIGHT
,atisfaction and recogni tion you crnvc, why When the Patti Smith group made their network tv debut we were right there to get
don't you learn accounting'? the backstage pix you've all been waiting to see ................... . . . .......24
Accounting is a growing profc~..,ion, one EXTRAORDINARY KEITH RICHARD
that is liule affected by swings in th e economy. Beautiful poses of our cover boy, Keith Richard, the rockin' Rolling Stone .....28
The dcnrnnds of bu,incss,"itry and gov-
crnmc 111 fur uccoun1ing service.., crcu1cs new BOWIE RECEIVES
opport unities for :iccount:.ints each yeur. David has a very successful performance in Madison Square Garden, then entertains
as the Rock Scene photogs snap their shutters ..............................44
To sec how you cnn leurn at home , send for
the interesti ng sample lesson which dcmon- RASTAMAN'S GOOD VIBRATIONS
strntcs the practical LaSulle method of truin- Bob Marley and the Wailers spread good vibes in New York ... . .. . ..........66
ing. This lesson is your!-. free of coM or
obligution. II will show yo u how you tHL' Hot Pix/sex, pistols and others ... .. ..6/57 Massachusetts/madness ..... ........ .40
guided step by step through uctua l accounting Iggy/visits CBGB's ...... .. .......... .42
work ... how you lcnrn by doing ... how you UFO/positive identification .............9
ore prepared for the :iccounting task, you will Bowie/the movie star . .. ..............46
be called upon to handle in bu:,inc:,,. Paul & Linda/in the country ..........13 Marbles/more mania ........... .. ....48
No previous experience required Rock Imports/more reports ..14 Paul Kossoff/a remembrance ...•.... .49
The Who/a big surprise . ......... . ....50
LaSalle\ experienced faculty or CPA-,upcr- Ashley's/celebrat~s ...................15 Derringer/gets hot . . ..... . . . ... •. . . ..52
,·i,cd in,tructors Marh you right at the begin- BTO/on ice ... . . .. ..... . ........•.....54
ning . . . then guides, correct!-. and g1 :ides your Television/tuning in• ...........•. .....15
work all th e wuy. The cost i~ low. David/in Moscow . .... . .......... . . . . .55
Lenny jams/with Mong ............. .. 16 Ramones/buy a pa ... .. ....•.... .. .. .58
For over sixty years. LuS:lllc ha, been a New Bands/more of them . . ... . .•.....60
lcudcr in bu~ine~s education by mail. It ha, Comics/comix ... ..... . . . ...... . ......30
enrolled more than :!.000.000 ;imbitious men Dear Wayne/to you ........... , .•.....63
and women in its many cour,c,. That i, why Did You Hear The One About? ......31 Know YourRock Writer .... . .•...... .64
:t L:1S11lle diploma in nccountin~ i, :i rc~pcc wd Frampton/on tour ..... . ..... ... . . ... .72
crcdcn1i11I. Mui! coupon today for free ,ample Kiss/on the way out of town ....32
le,,on und booklet. No obligation.
Dolls/in Orleans . .....................35
Send coupon for Free booklet
Queen/party with Skynyrd ....•.... . ..37
Alice/at lhe gras ..............39
i LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY 7 Feelgoodimalpractice ................39
,\ l 0urr,·:.1mn1frn1·1• /n ,t1l11tw11 I
I I417 S. Dearborn Street. Dept.81-017 Advertising Representatives
I( Chicago, Illinois 60605 .
I YES , 1 want , free of cost o r ul,hgut1on your J National/Patrick Masulli, 358 Fairwood Rd., Bethany, CT, 06525 (203-393-3082)
I Isample. accounting l~n and booklet.
Mail Order/Dilo Inc., 114 E. 32 St., New York, NY 10016 (212-686-9050)
I ~~i~1~ Age J
ROCK SCENE, published bi-monthly. All rights reserved by Four Seaspns Publica-
: Arlrlrhs ,\pt No : tions, Inc., 358 Fairwood Rd., Bethany, Conn. 06525. Printed in Canada. Written
permission from publisher required to reprint any material. Editorial Offices:
I< CHy I Richard Robinson, P. 0. Box 180, Planetarium Station, New York, N.Y. 10024.
Subscription Rates: $6.00 per year, U.S.A. (6 issues), $6.50 per year, Canada. All
Llg S - -tuw , . -· - - - - - - - - -Z-,p- - ~1 other foreign subscriptions $7.00.
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Hollywood *** When Kiss
played at the Forum in LA,
they were thrilled to have
none other than Elton John
drop by backstage. Not only
did Elton say hello, he also
posed for this photo where
he seems to be doing a Gene
Simmons imitation, al -
though Gene does have a
longer tongue! Paul Stanley
~ looks like he's about to give
~ Elton a tongue stretching
., lesson.
Hollywood *** Also stop-
ping by backstage was
Louise Lasser during
Melissa Manchester's per-
formances at the Trou-
bador. Louise told Melissa
how much she liked her new
Shreveport *** Jim Dandy ~ Hollywood *** Following Terry Kath, and Laudir
Oliveira. Kneeling from left
was laid up for a while with ., their two sell-out perform- to right are Lee Loughnane,
a damaged Achilles tendon Danny Seraphine, James
that kept him off the road for ances at the LA Forum, Pankow, Howard Kaufman
six weeks on doctor's orders. Chicago was presented with of Caribou Management,
Nothing like resting under plaques honoring them on CBS Records' Walter Yet-
the magnolias with a bottle their 99 platinum albums by nikoff, Bobby Lamm, and
of brew, eh Jim. CBS Records. From left to CBS Records' Don Ellis.
right standing are Peter
Cetera, Walter Parazaider,
S **"'NYNY A hot new band bassist Reuben Slquenza, ~ NYNY **"' Rock Scene's own
with plenty of boogie In 'em drummer Manfred, guitarist
Is Mink DeVllle who play at and vocalist Willie Borsey, '1 Bob Gruen poses for a photo
CBGB's, Max's, the 82, and piano player Rich Colbert, with Dick Clark as Rufua
other NYC hot spots. From and lead guitarist Louie "Up-
left to right, Mink DeVllle Is town'" Erlanger. snaps the pie.
I am very interested in pro- Warner Bros. Mr. Richman is
ducing, and hope to someday currently ensconced in
be a producer. I was wonder- Berkeley putting together a
ing if you could give me in- new edition of the band for
formati,on on the field, and touring purposes, and claims
some advice if there are any (not unlikely) the Velvets
special classes I should take and the Stooges as his most
(like in music) . Beth entrancing musical mo-
McGlothlin; South Gate, ments. He's not married,
Calif which might be the reason he
The only prerequisite I looks so normal.
know for a successful pro-
ducer· is a good ear for sound In your May, 1976, issue of
and music; beyond that, any Rock Scene, you talk about
technical skills you are able Mott the Hoople and what's
to acquire can only work in been happening with them.
your favor. A producer is the I'm interested in obtaining a
uniting link in a recording copy ofIan Hunter's Diary of
session, tying together the a Rock Star, but I can't find it
on-the-board manipulations anywhere. Also, is there any
of an engineer with the crea- wordyetonArielBender's da-
tive, instrumental and vocal ings? M. Bergenfeld; West THE RAMONES ARE SO PUNKY
outlook of the performer. He Deal, N.J.
(or she, as your case may be) you can mail-order Ian's HAVE TO,REACT!
must be all things in all situ- excellent backstage memoirs
ations; of course, you don't from the equally excellent
necessarily have to be versed Compendium Books in Lon-
in every phase of the record- don, England, who specialize
ing field (many artists only in music (especially rock and
need a sympathetic friend roll) publications. Their ad- "Herd, loud, fast, and tuff, this is the most cleanly conceptualized
New York rock show there is to see, and the last time I caught them
and "outside" consultant), dress is 240 Camden High I walked home high ."
but it does becorrie helpful to St., and the proprietor's name Robert Christgau
Village vo;ce
know you.can speak to eac_h is Nick Kimberly. Ariel has
"They're simultaneously so funny, such a cartoon vision of rock and roll,
element mvol".'ed .. m their recently-turned up in a new and so genuinely tight and powerful that they're just bound to enchant
anyone who fe ll in love with rock and roll for the right reasons."
own lan~uage: 1.e. could we I-band with fellow Britisher
Charles Shaar Murray
have a little more top-end on Steve Ellis called Widow- New Musical Express ·
that snare?" or, perhaps, maker A debut album and "The Ramones are precise and relentless as a rushing pulse.. .it's all
adrenaline chords at a terrific speed. The Ramones are out to re-live
"how about tryin~ a doubl;,; tour w·ill be heading toward the roots of rock by mauling them."
track on t?at gmtar solo. American shores shortly. Circus Magazine
Whatever, it's a field that re-
"This album is pure TNT.. .unlike most rock groups, they're young. Unlike
quires as much hard work as *** most young rock groups, they really know what they're doing...the album
it might provide ultimate re- captures the essence of the Ramones as I've seen them live."
ward, and that's what it's all There seems to be quite a John Holmstrom
Hit Parader
about, isn't it? few Sam Cooke songs popping
*** up lately. Could you please
give me some informati,on on
I adore Jonathan Rich and him. I know he was shot by a
would like to know a few
things about hi,ri. Why does woman, but could you elabo-
he look so healthy? Is he mar- rate? Jo Anne Welker;
ried? What are his major Springfield, Mo.
musical influences? Where is Sam was among the first
he right now-Berkeley, Bos- performers to begin combin-
ton, N. Y. or . .. ?And when, if ing bedrock rhythm and
ever, will, the Modern Lovers' blues with a consciously pop
album be released? Daphne outlook, as seen from his THEIR MUSIC'S SWEPT THE BOWERY...
Ann M.; Dos Palos, Calif numerous string ofhits: "You
Send Me," "Only Sixteen," NOW IT'S GONNA
To answer your questions "Wonderful World", "Chain
in reverse order, you should Gang", and many, many ,,SWEEP THECOUNTRY!
be able to find the legendary more. He began as lead
Modern Lovers album at your
store right now, containing singer with the gospel Soul
many of the tracks Jonathan, Stirrers, moving into the pop
field when his producer,
Jerry Harrison, Ernie "Bumps" Blackwell, saw the
Brooks, and David Robinson
laid down with producer John possibilities of transition. SIRE
Cale several years ago for (continued on page 70)
M•rk1l1d by AIC
(!.(!U'U'~lli~ in the crotch. In my opinion Kiss is Dear Richard,
one of the most versatile groups
WE GET around. And now . . . should be ... . I am writing in regards to the
SEALED WITH the best Heavy Metal Rock Group
and showmen around. letter written by: "Barry, Joey,
I don't see any reason to put down Stephanie, Syd & Chris" in the
THE ZEP FANS SPEAK: Kiss. They do things that no other
Dear Rock Scene, Whoops, Dear band does ... or did. Kiss does not March '76 issue. This is for them:
Richard: pull cheap stunts, and for_that mat-
ter neither does Alice Cooper. It's Barry, Joey, Stephanie, Syd &
So I'm gonna put this bluntly: just what the fans want to see.
some people wrote in your March Every Rock Group has a right to Chris, "It is quite obvious that you
issue saying Kiss are better than keep their fans.
Zeppelin. They wrote in after the "In Crowders" may have met KISS
Zep freaks , countering them. I don't think the press has helped
What's wrong with those people in person," but I can tell you don't
anyhow? Either they're only 14 Kiss very much. In fact, every arti-
years old or they don't know their cle I've ever read, Kiss was cut actually know them or you
ass from a hole in the ground.
down. Just listen to a Kiss album wouldn't say they're 'boring' cuz
Sure, Kiss play heavy metal, but once, Hard Rock , .. . I dig it.
comparing them to Stairway To they're not. _
Heaven? All I can call those folks Mike McDorman
who say Kiss is better is ignorant. What did you mean they try to
At least with Zep you know you're Greenford, Ohio
getting talented musicians. If Kiss impress people? They don't have to,
were minus their make-up and
blood antics, they'd still be wearing it just comes natural for them.
You said "they want to be the 2nd
As for sitting on the tongue ...
immature, no?? Beatles". Beatles they're not. KISS
C'mon Cut It Out & Beatles are two entirely different
You Kissers
groups. (I can't picture the Beatles
P.S. Kiss ain't gonna get me!
. playing 'Duce' and looking & acti_ng
CONTROVERSY BOILS OVER ... Kiss Army Mobilizes!
I've been reading over solne ofmy
Rock Scene mag and I've found Dear Richard, like Gene Simmons (yeah) or KISS
something that really got me To start things off, Kiss is the singing 'I Wanna Hold Your
pissed. Hand'!!!
best band around, no one can top
An article comparing Kiss to Led them. To hell with Led Zeppelin, Where have you been? I think
Zep. And really giving Kiss a kick Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, etc., you're all missing part of your
8 because those dudes clad in leather,
wearing Pancake Make Up on their heads, your ears!!! KISS is making
face and calling themselves Kiss · it, and before I close, I'd like to say
are the No. 1 Heavy Metal Band. more things-first, I'd like to dedi-
cate the song title 'Rock Bottom' to
I mean these dudes really got • you & your group 'Queen' & second,
their shit together. Gene Simmons, I'd like to tell you that my town is
who looks like a "Demon From Cadillac, Michigan, better known
Hell" doing all those stunts, and as-Kiss City, USA.
pounding on his Gibson bass, Paul
jumping around blasting out broad, "You drive them _wild, they'll
chunky chords, while Ace is walk- drive you crazy!!"
ing around just blowing people's
eardrums out with his lead, and Milissa Codden
Peter in the back beating the hell P.S. I noticed none of you gave last
out of his drums, you would think names, Why ?????????? I think Rich
you were in Hell with all the explo- Weaver of Akron, Ohio deserves a
sions, fire , and dry ice fog creeping hand.
over the stage.
As the beginning of the KISS NEUTRALS:
ALIVE album starts, the an-
nouncer yells out THE HOTTEST Dear Richard,
BAND IN THE LAND, KISS. I'm writing in regard to the let-
Seeing is believing and you won't ters in your March '76 issue. The
believe what you see until you see music freaks were putting KISS
KISS, and I've only seen them once over LED ZEPPELIN. But if they
and they were the most ultimate in would think before they wrote I
Rock 'n' Roll bands I have ever think that they would realize that
(con tinued on page 70)
So all you Led Zep fans out there,
go out and treat yourself to some-
thing really heavy, go see KISS
when they come to your area. Ifyou
think Jimmy Page is good on lead,
then you've never heard Ace get
down , he is the best!!!
Ronnie Hollis
Ozark, Alabama
P.S. Rock Scene is the best!!!
- ?. S. 51A-j tl-1 -,-o ~~s '~
J:.o~ To-...) -
BZ-0047 Distributed by Playboy Records, Inc."
U.F.O. Positive Identification
Group Lands In U.S.
"We've opened to Rod Stewart, J. Geils, Edgar Winter, Peter Frampton, Fleetwood, Foghat and a lot of other big bands, but I
think-we're better than anybody that we're on the bill with and that's why the band's been doing well," says Ph ill Mogg,
vocalist for British band UFO. "I think a lot of the big bands' recent albums aren't anywhere as good as the records that made
them successful in the first place. A lot of the bands have dried up, have lost their drive, or have been overexposed to the
heavy stuff and just aren't getting people off the way they used to. We play raunchy rock and we play it hard, butthere's still a
lot of melodies thrown in."
Mogg says that on UFO's last tour, several headline bands actually asked to have them taken off the bill after a few concerts
because they were going down so well, in a candid moment reminiscent of the 'battle of the bands' days of early rock and
roll. "I see it as almost a competitive thing. If we're opening the show, we want to go down so great with the crowd that the
headline band feels the pressure," says the outspoken Mogg. D
Remember How It All Began
Now that KISS have a gold album and a platinum album and another gold album on the
way, it's easy to say they are the biggest band in the land. But there was a time when KISS
was just getting started when there weren't that many people who believed in their
talents. Rock Scene went back into its files to take a look at the first KISS years-1973 and
1974, when KISS were just beginning to warm up.
Some people call him The
Fifth Kiss, bl!f he's really Neil
Bogart, president of Casa-
blanca Records, Kiss's re-
cord company. Neil was
among the first to believe in
KISS. Here he poses for
photo with KISS just after
they signed their recording
contract in 1973. (Pie: Bob
An early KISS show found
plenty of hot power roaring
out across the stage-
although the band has got-
ten even hotter with their
new show. This action pie
was taken by Bob Gruen in
10, in a characteristic pose from the early years. •
{Pie : Bob Gruen)
- "" .
The first big KISS promotion was the KISSING CONTEST that took place in cities
all over the country. Here Gene hams it up for the cameras as fans look on.
It All
Gene demonstrates a new way of using a microphone during a panel discussion
• -on the state of the music biz which featured such other distinguished music
personalities as Richard Robinson and Danny Fields.
Paul and Linda McCartney, two- A Day In The Country With
thirds of Wings, find a peaceful
moment only occasionally. So it Paul And Linda·
was a real delight during their re-
cent tour of Australia to get away
from it all "out-back" as the
Aussie's say. Paul and Linda took
their daughter Stella on the tour
and Stella of course accompanied
them on their day off.
Paul gives Stella a lift and Stella shouts Linda and Paul admire a filly during their day in the warm Australia sun. Four year old
with glee. After their appearances in Stella enjoys traveling with Mom and Dad. D
Australia the McCartney family re-
turned to their home in Scotland.
. ©(S(a ~(wU'©WI BY catalog, but a newer one is due out
~(B~~il MARC soon, and I believe you can order
newer titles that aren't in the
ZAKARIN catalog. You may not be getting
mail response because you're not
Those of you who have been phere for some energized, down to sending to the catalog address or
checking the record bins weekly earth sounds. the reason could be that Jem is
will have noticed, as I have, that holding back pending the comple-
the last six weeks have been rather I had the privilege recently of at- tion ofthe new catalog. The address
quiet, import release wise. I was all tending the Genesis concerts in for the catalog is: 3001 Hadley
set to create an entire piece by New York. As you know, lead Road, P.O. Box 362, South Plain-
answering all your letters, but the vocalist Peter Gabriel left the field, New Jersey 07080. The
tide turned last week when I took a group after the "Lamb Lies Down catiµog costs one dollar but is well
last minute peek at the distributors worth the price. It's fifty pages
and found some fifteen or so excel- on Broadway" album. Phil Collins, chock full of the best German,
lent new releases, some of which the drummer, took over the singing French, Italian and English im-
we'll get to later. void on the new album, "Trick of ports available, plus many 'Best of
the Tail", and during the shows sets and albums from groups of a
In the new news department they added ex-Yes/King Crimson dozen other countries. If you are in
Nektar have just begun their third dire straights and Jem doesn't
U.S. tour, but this time around they drummer Bill Bruford so Phil could stock an album you're looking for,
are appearing with Larry 'Synergy' concentrate on singing. On the then try Pantasia, a record store
Fast, who performs with the group .songs that Phil played drums with located at 4752 Broadway, N.Y.,
on the new album "Recycled" also. Bill Bruford, I saw one of the best N.Y. They are a retail outlet cater-
P.F.M. have also been touring Eng- drum lessons to date, however, the ing only to imports and they also
land promoting their new L.P. real magic is the way Phil Collins carry quite a complete stock and
"Chocolate Kings" which features fits into Peter's shoes on vocals. Not are quite helpful in addition. B.D.
ex-Acqua Fragile lead singer Ber- only was he almost able to match from Georgia writes (in part): I re-
nad Lanzetti on vocals. They will the strange twisted vocals Peter ally enjoy an import column in
also appear on the British T.V. was famous for, but he also hails an ROCK SCENE. I was surprised to
program "The Old Grey Whistle unforgettable style of his own, as see one. Your famous 'bite-size re-
demonstrated on "Robbery, As- views' disappeared from ROCK
Stop." Carmen, those Spanish rock- sault, and Battery" on the new al- SCENE. How come?
ers famous for their 'flamenco rock', bum. In concert the group played
have lost their bassist John Glas- Anyway I enjoyed the ones
cow. Glascow, originally from New an array of songs, including a cut printed in the September '75 issue.
Jersey, will replace Jeffrey Ham- from "Tresspass" the group's sec- !.AcquaFrogiles' firstL.P. is fantas-
mond Hammond in the Jethro Tull ond album, and material from "Sell- tic too.) Listed are some ofmy favo-
band line-up. German group ing England by the Pound", "Lamb- rite import albums.
Passport's n11w disc, "Infinity Lies Down on Broadway", "Fox-
Machine," will be released shortly trot" and the new album. An amaz- l. Le Orme-"Felona e Sorona"
on the Atlantic label. Gentle ing climax was the entire second 2. Tangerine Dream-"Rubycon"
Giant's new album entitled "In- side from "Foxtrot" entitled 'Sup- 3. Passport-"Cross Colla~eral"
terview" is expected to be released 4. Soft Machine- '7'
in England in late May coinciding per's Ready'. It is clearly evident 5. P.F.M.-"Storia di un Minuto"
with their next tour. Tangerine that Genesis' musical peak is 6. Can-"Soon Over Babaluma"
Dream will soon be recording the genuinely still to come. Le Orme's music is fantastic. Their
music for William Friedkin's next LETTERS: Steve Vivian of Clio, music encompasses rock, jazz, and
film. (Friedkin directed the 'French Michigan writes: classical much like the other Ital-
ian favorites, P.F.M., Banco, and
Connection' and the 'Exorcist'). I would appreciate very much if Acqua Fragile.
Japanese rock group Creation have you would inform me of how to ob-
been signed to A&M records in the tain these imports; "Peter and the "THAT FAMOUS
U.S. and in Canada, and their Wolf', Eno's imports and "Helen of BITE SIZE REVIEW"
newest member is none other than Troy" by John Cale. :1wrote to Jem
our own Felix Pappalardi who met records twice and got no reply. Fruupp-"Modern Masquerades"
up with the band last su,mmer Help. Mike Wieland from Bedford, -Dawn records.
while visiting Japan. The album is John Mason-keyboards, vibes,
due out shortly. Ohio writes (in part): I would like to and vocals; Peter Farrelly-bass
congratulate you on your articles and lead vocals; Martin Foye--
Trace have just released their drums, percussion and vocals.
second L.P. entitled "Birds", on in ROCK SCENE. I enjoy it very ' Suggested cuts: "Janet Palnet" and
Sire records. Trace are a keyboard much and think that it is a big part "Masquerading With Dawn". A
dominated trio headed by Van Der cross between Genesis, Triumvirat,
of today's music. I was especially and King Crimson. Comment: this
Linden formeriy with Dutch interested in yoiµ- article -on Jem British band Fruupps' third album
group Ekseption. Gong have just on import. It was produced in the
unleashed a new record "Shamsi" records, and would like to know if spirit of Fireballet by ex-Crimson
on the Virgin label, which is a radi- you could please tell me how I Ian McDonald. The disc is in line
cal departure from the group you might obtain the mail order import with the so called 'other world' con-
are familiar with. It seems that the cept. The lyrics are quite good and
catalog J em puts out. I'd appreciate written on a little book on the in-
band have kept the upper atmos- it. Keep up the good work. It's good side. The keyboard player and
drummer sound much like Trium-
14 to read such an informative column
for a change. Thanks. (continued on page 68)
The Jem record catalog should
have some ofthe items you request.
Newer releases are not in the
Photog Kate Simon snapped this pie of the boys backstage at CBGB's. TUNE
From left to right are Tom Verlaine, Bill Ficca, Fred Smith, and Richard
Lloyd. l·N
Everyone in the New York
rock scene has their own
favorite Television song.
The group's frequent con-
certs at CBGB's and other
NYC night spots are always
jam packed with fans who
come to see the group and
hear those amazing Televi-
sion songs. The group's
first single, "Little Johnny
Jewel", was a sell-out and it
is hoped they'll continue
with more records.
Tom Verlaine sends out an electric message during one of TV's
•fascinating instrumental passages. (Pie: Guillemette Barbet)
ASHLEY's celebrates
Pleased to be at the celebration are well-wishers the Ramones (that's big
Tommy, Joey, and DeeDee plus artist Arturo around the table) plus
Danny Fields and Sylvia Miles.
Photos by
Leee Childers
Aleo on hand to wish Ashley the best of luck were Lou Reed and One of New York's best
Rachel. D known rock landmarks is
Ashley's restaurant and
club at 59 Fifth Avenue in
the Big Apple. Host Ashley
Pandel has created an at-
mosphere that draws
superstars from both sides
of the Atlantic. Recently
Ashley celebrated his first
year in business and natur-
ally, Rock Scene was there.
LENNY Jonathan greets Lenny at CBGB's as Lenny chucks Jonathan's chin.
JAMS . Mong with the Doc, from left to right are Steve Warren on 'bass,
Barry Marshall (of Boston 's own Marshalls) on drum, Jonathan,
WITH NlONG and Lenny on guitars.
It was one of those nights you
dream of at CBGB's. Jonathan
Paley and his band, Mong, were
scheduled to go on-which was
exciting enough-but then the
front doors swung open and in
came Lenny Kaye! Lenny and
Jonathan are old friends because
Lenny, before he was Doc Rock or
guitarist for the Patti Smith Group,
produced the album that
Jonathan's brother Andy did with
the Sidewinders.
Photos by Roberta Bayley
Before you could say Les Paul, Lenny joined Jonathan onstage. When they talk about that night when Lenny jammed with Mong,
Lenny borrowed Johnny Thunder's guitar (a// the stars were they never forget to mention those golden moments when CBGB
there that night) and then he and Jonathan rocked out with " Love was filled with the sound of "Surfin' U.S.A." Mong-style. In this
Starvation", a song originally made famous by Andy Paley in the rare photo Roberta has captured Jonathan and Lenny as they hit
days of the Sidewinders . Needless to say, it was hot. the dominant E chord which will take them into the strato-
16 sphere. D
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Free booklets reveal the secret of teaching yourself to play the You learn in spare time, in the privacy
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Mick Ralphs had a vodka and orange, Paul Rodgers sticks to beer. (Photo by Bob
What a night Peter
Grant's birthday ... a sold-
You'd be smiling too, if you were standing between two such beauties. Left to
right, Mick Jagger, Lisa Robinson, Lenny Kaye. (Photo by Bob Gruen.)
Lawyer Steve Weiss in an unparalleled
moment of sartorial splendor. (Photo
by Bob Gruen.)
Richa rd Robinson ponders Kiss drummer Peter Criss' real face as Mrs. Criss helps
maintain the mystique. (Photo by Bob Gruen.)
out con~ert at Madison David Johansen talks to one of his biggest fahs, the fabulous Earl McGrath.
Square Garden ... and then (Phot o by Bob Gru en.)
all of it topped off by a glitter-
ing gathering at Rockefeller
Center's posh Belvedere
Suite. Every star in town
showed up, the merrymak-
ing went on until the wee
hours of the morning ...
many people will never be
the same.
Lisa cannot contain her amai ement at Kiss drummer Peter Criss' real face, as
Peter still refuses to pose sans makeup for our cameras. (Photo by Bob Gruen.)
Ahmet Ertegun wishes Peter Gra nt a
happy birthday. (Photo by Bob Gruen.)
Lisa has some white wine, Mick sticks
with the vodka and orange, and Rick
Derringer is content with a gin and
tonic. (Photo by Bob Gruen.)
Bad Company's Clive Coulson greets old pal Ronnie Wood . (Photo by Richard
Aaron.) I
Where else could you see a lineui:, like this? -Barbara Carr, Lisa Robinson , •
Richard Robinson, Gary Baker, Sherry Baker. (Photo by Bob Gruen.)
Supermanagers Peter Grant and Nat Weiss. (Photo by Eric Danny Markus (left) wears a floral printed shirt for his first
Cato .) night out in New York. Tune Erim (right) wears a shirt with a
countryside motif; he's been to these parties before. (Photo
by Bob Gruen.)
Ronnie Wood talks about how he's had to change his image David Johansen looks comfortabiy into Bob Gruen's cam-
since becoming a Rolling Stone. Mick Ralphs, Tune Erim, era; he's had a lot of practice. Lisa and Cyrinda model the
and Paul Rodgers listen in amazement. (Photo by Bob · latest in antique scarves. Richard Robinson looks longingly
Gruen .) into the distance. (Photo by Bob Gruen.)
Lisa Robinson implores Ronnie Wood not to wear the puka Kinky Freidman (with the cowboy hat) invites Mick Jagger
shell necklace on the forthcoming Stones dates. (Photo by
Bob Gruen.) (center), Ron Wood (left) and Paul Rodgers (right) to join up
with the Rolling Thunder Revue. Bob Weiner and Dan Beck
20 (standing) cannot believe their ears. (Photo by Richard
Aaron.) D
YOU Being from Boston, Aerosmith know about books.
CAN'T Matter of fact we hear every member of the band knows
JUDGE A how to read, write, spell, add, and subtract! Just
BOOK BY because Rock Scene is all pictures and no words,
doesn't mean we don't know a good book when we see
ITS one.
Photos By Leee Childers
Joe Perrv looks up some musical lingo so he can Slippin' and slidin' is something a rock and roller
should know about, so Steven and Joey check it out.
later astound the band by saying they should sotto
voce back to the bridge.
John LeCarre meet Steven Tyler. Laura Kauffman agrees to lend her book to Steven.
He's delighted. D
Ringo and Atlantic's Ah met Ertegun arrive at the Hilton in Amsterdam to find this greeting in the lobby.
Atlantic Stages Old World Welcome
Then it's down to business. Ringo inks on the dotted line as his personal assistant Hilary Girard, and Atlantic exec's
Earl McGrath, Jerry Greenberg , and Ahmet Ertegun (I to r) look on.
As the ink drys, Ringo and Ahmet cut the cake and each take a piece.
In one of those big behind the scenes deals that make the record industry an exciting
business, Atlantic Records scooped up Ringo Starr when his contract expired with
Apple Records. Ringo and Atlantic executives flew to Amsterdam to ink the contract
and celebrate the deal.
"Do you want to dance?" Well, it's sort of a fox trot more Ringo does a little high stepping as the photographers
than the hustle, but it looks like fun. have a field day.
Ringo takes a short rest from the fes-
tivities. Then it's back for more fun, fun,
fun. •
PATTI Ron Nessen proved to be the life of the
-LIVE party. Here he models an outfit Bryan
Ferry attempted to buy for the next
ON Roxy tour.
Even President Ford was
watching the night the Patti
Smith Group made their
nationwide television
debut on NBC's
highly-acclaimed Saturday
Night show. In a typically
off-beat extravaganza,
hosted by White House
press secretary Ron
Nessen, Patti and the boys
delivere_d "Gloria" and "My
Generation" to an audience
numbered in the millions.
Photographer Edie Baskin
was on hand to record the
dress rehearsal goings-on.
Chevy Chase looks properly droll while Patti tries to figure
out the punchline of his latest joke ("to get to the other
side???") Up in the right hand corner, show producer
Lorne Michaels is bemused.
"Hey, this stuff ain't so hard," says Patti. Richard DNV
Sohl is never able to resist a camera lens.
Lorraine Newman takes in the whole scene with her inim- Ivan Kral steps up to the microphone to pronounce the •
itable rolling eyes. "Mmmm ... that' s ?reat bass! " "M" of "My Generation".
All Photos by Edie Baskin
(Above), Set in an Oval Office, one of Saturday Night's
most controversial skits involved a typical Presidential
press briefing starring Chevy Chase as you-know-who.
The White House was said to be Not Smiling, but the
audience certainly was.
(Top right), Manager Jane Friedman (once again showing
her famous finger) lectures Patti on the benefits of brush-
ing her teeth after every meal.
(Right), DNV is all concentration as he prepares for the
opening chords of "Gloria".
---· ~
Why, it's the Supreme Court, with nearly the entire cast assembled for a spoof on invasion of privacy. Saturda y
Night's smash success as a vehicle for "new" television means there'll be plenty of yocks like this one to entertain
their f1;1ns for seasons to come. Don't touch that dial I D
All photos by Brad Ellerman
Photos by Bernie Block
Cat Stevens' New York concert was a great
success, not only for those who made up the
sell out crowd, but also fer the many folks who
dropped backstage to say hello to Cat after the
At a recent bash in L.A. (could there be any other word for a
Lynyrd Skynyrd party?), Gary Rossington and Ronnie Van
Zant admire a bullet plaque awarded them for outstanding
service to the legions of American (and European) (and
Asian) (and Austral ian ) rock and roll fans.
Lisa Robinson chats with Cat Stevens after the show. To
her left is a happy Jerry Moss, president of A&M Records,
Cat's record company.
Rock mogul Peter Rudge greets Lisa as the backstage fes- Is that Allen Collins getting a free ride from Leon? Gary R.
tivities get underway.
looks like he's still posing for the last pictu re. Everybody
into the pool I
Enjoying themselves in the Madison Square Garden Ronnie's seen it all before. Now, if someone will only direct
dressing room are Nat Wise, Ellen Delsener, Lisa, Peter his hand to his mouth so he can take a puff on that cigarette
Rudge, and Earl McGrath. D ... D
There isn't anyone who loves rock
and roll who doesn't love Keith
Richard. Bob Dylan wanted to
meet him backstage at Madison
Square Garden. Eric Clapton jam-
med with him until five a.m. at Earl
McGrath's apartment following
the Stones' first New York concert.
Patti Smith and Ivan Kral keep a
Keith Richard onstage is unique. At the beginning of a tour he may stay back near his Keith prepares the song list before the
amp, not leap around onstage much. But by the time a few gigs are underway, the concert. More than anyone else in the
Stones' guitarist has become much more of an extrovert. Ronnie Wood may com- band, Keith is responsible for the
pliment the Stones' sound, and he surely adds to the camaraderie on tour. But for Stones music. Altttough he had ques-
most fans, Keith Richard is the Stones' guitarist. (Photo by Annie Leibovitz .) tioned Ronnie Wood's joining the
Stones at first because he thought they
28 played too much alike, he quickly
changed his mind, and was ecstatic _
with the new addition· last summer.
Keith and Woody were inseparable,
and Keith exulted, "With Woody, it's
what my original idea was for the
Rolling Stones when Brian was still in-
terested in guitar. Two guitars produc-
ing one sound." (Photo by Ken
Regan/Camera 5.)
photo of Keith on every hotel room
wall they stay in. Keith is on our
cover this issue because the
Stones are back-once again-
this summer, to play selected con-
certs, and it wouldn't be the Rol-
ling Stones without Keith. Here, a
few private looks at Keith Richard
Keith applies a minimum amount of pan-
cake makeup and a dash of kohl around the
eyes before a Stones concert. When asked
several years ago why he and Jagger called
themselves the Glimmer Twins, Keith re-
plied, "We were on a boat once, on holiday
... and these people came up to us and
asked us, 'what's it really like to be a Rol ling
Stone? Give us a glimmer' .. . ." (Photo by
Christopher Sykes.)
While Keith is often surrounded by In the tun ing room. Note the scarf. Keith has said, " I like t o make it short and sweet,"
friends and his own sort of family, when referring to his gu itar solos, and indeed, he's known for not indulging himself
keeps odd hours and leads what some in endless instrumenta ls. " Hand of Fate" and " Crazy Mama" are perhaps the most
have described as a gypsy lifestyle, the " Keith-like" sounding Stones classics on Jhe "Black & Blue" album . (Photo by Annie
real Keith Richard is a very private per-
son . Those he trusts are very close, but Leibovitz.) •
it's hard for strangers to get anywhere
near the inner circle. A very different 29
Keith Richard can be seen when he is
with his lady Anita Pallenberg, and
their three children, Marlon, Dandy,
and the newly born Tara. (Photo by
A'ITENTION COLLECTORS valved and Kitchen did a fine job PUNK magazine.
within a somewhat strange
There is now a product on the framework. But even as the third PUNK is a brilliant synthesis of
market that claims to prevent the issue was making its way to news- New York underground rock and
aging of colp.ics!I It is called Inter- stands and candy stores, initial art by street punk and incipient
leaf VPD-Vapor Phase De- sales reports prompted the Marvel genius John Holmstrom. ·John has
acidification-and the theory management to kill the experiment. his finger and wit on the pulse of
behind it is simple and sound. Thus ended an association that New York's new rock music scene
could have, with enough mutual and examines it through hand-
Basically, the pages of yo1.1r trust, set the comics/comix world on lettered articles and sometimes
comic books turn .yellow and be- its ear. devastating comix and cartoons.
come brittle because of the acids in Issue #3 includes an interview
the paper. Comics are made from Denis Kitchen was left sitting with R. Crumb by Harvey
paper pulp which, becau~e of the with two unpublished issues of Kurtzman and the satirical cartoon
processes used to reclaim it, has COMIX BOOK "in unchanged "Star Trick."
high levels of acidity that ulti- form." (I w.onder what Denis means
mately destroy the cell structure of by that?) Anyway, after more than CONVENTION MADNESS
the paper fibre. a year of palavering, he acquired
the rights to publish them. In April, Has it ever occurred to you com-
The Interleaf VPD process con- Kitchen Sink Enterprises released ics fans out there that the term
sists of placing an 8½xll sheet of issue #4 which for the first time "fan" is a contraction of the word
chemically treated paper in the bears the legend "Adult Humor." fanatic? If not, it will all become
center of a comic, sealing it in a With contributing artists such as clear to you when you visit one of
plastic bag and leaving it alone for Joel Beck, Howard Cruse, Justin the large comics conventions held
about a week. The VPD sheet Green, Lee Marrs, Skip William- around the country each year.
should by then have neutralized son, and Basil Wolverto'n, just to
the acids in the paper. name a few, this one is very good. Recently both DC and Marvel
It's tight, fast reading, and a fabu- held conventions in New York that
I haven't tried this yet but if it lous combination of different heads were attended by over 50,000 com-
works it's a revolution! For infor- and styles. ics fanatics.
mation write Interleaf, Inc., 2300
E. 26th St., Minn., Minn. 55406. If It would have been a teal coup for Both conventions had the stand-
there is anyone out there who is Marvel to have been associated ard bill of fare; panel discussions,
familiar with this please write and with this issue; it's too bad they artists' and writers' tables, films,
let us know about it. have spurned their young lover. dealers' rooms and various special
events. But the general atmos-
Now, if they could only come up And speaking of spurned lovers: phere at cons is getting grubbier
with a simple process for restoring catch "Big Marvy's Tips on Tooth and greedier. HOWARD THE
already yellowed and brittle comics Care" in SNARF #6 by top-notch DUCK # 1, less than a year old, was
undergrounder Howard Cruse. All selling for 6 and 7 dollars a copy due
UNDERGROUND: I'll tell you is that the punchline is to its general lack ofavailability at
COMIX BOOK REVIVAL "... Stan Lee has fewer cavities retail outlets. CONAN #1 is now
than Gerald Ford." Seems innocent selling for $25.00, while SAVAGE
In 1974 Marvel Comics had a enough, right? When you see it in TALES #1 is currently valued at
the context ofthe cartoon it's gonna $50.00 . Good news for those of you
short but intense (not to mention knock you right out of your chair!! who picked them up for 15¢ and 50¢
respectively, way back in 1971.
stormy) love affair with under- With issue #6, Denis Kitchen
has turned SNARF into a contem- At the Marvel con., I met one of
ground comics. The result of this porary ZAP, the underground that their fine young writers walking
started it all. This one is definitely around the dealers' rooms who was
strange and unlikely coupling was a must for comix fans as well as for plainly dejected and disgusted. He
those who have yet to find out what was not only turned off by the ap-
a bastardization called COMIX all the shouting is about. parent mismanagement and evident
greed in front of us, but by the pres-
BOOK. OTHER GROUNDS ent comics scene in general. Mar-
vel is in a state of flux, Books are
Stan Lee convinced underground Here are some other under- being cancelled, new projects come
grounds to put on your want list: and go, work loads are cut, editors
biggie Denis Kitchen to edit it COCAINE COMIX #1 by R.I.P.- flee. The price on the stands has
·Snortin' Press, YOUNG LUST #3 gone up to 30¢ per book for a mere
promising "no restrictions, no ads, and 4 published by Last Gasp, 17 pages of art and story. And it is
BINKY BROWN MEETS THE possible that the cover price will
and no need to move to New York." HdLY VIRGIN MARY also by Last still climb and, ifMarvel's creative
Gasp, and STAR*REACH #4 by people get their raise, the books
(Denis lives in Wisconsin where he Mike Friedrich's STAR*REACH will probably · be cut back to 16
PRODUCTIONS. And then there is pages.
runs that mid-America mecca of
There is a growing concern that
underground madness called the comics industry might be pric-
ing itself out of business.
Krupp Comic Works.) However,
(continued on page 68)
apparently no mention was made
that the artists would retain no
rights to their work. Marvel would,
as it does with all of its other books
and magazines, retain all publica-
tion rights. This turned off several
potential contributors, R. Crumb
among others. '
Still, there were many well-
known underground artists in-
Did·You Hear The One About •••
"I just flew in from Hollywood ... Boy, are my arms tired! I stayed in a very modernistic hotel. Even the elevator wu
modernistic. The elevator stands still and the building goes ·up and down ... Yes, some men thirst after money, soma
after fame, some after love. But there's only one thing all men thirst after-salted peanuts."
Pies by Bob Gruen and the
Eric Cato ·
(With apologies to B. Orben)
Although Kiss are the hottest road band in the U.S., they aren't so well known in Europe--
or at least they weren't until their recent tour of the old countries which took them from
London to Paris and then into Germany. The boys called a press conference to announce
their planned European tour and generally have a little chat with the foreign rock press.
Naturally, Rock Scene was there to capture all the action.
Kiss management executive Alan Miller moves into camera range to remove the
beautiful floral arrangement which had been inadvertently set in front of Gene
Simmons' place before the conference-began. Gene stood up so the photogs
wouldn't miss him until Alan came on the scene.
The press conference begins. The press ask questions, the band answers, and all
the while the camera shutters are clicking. The band talked about their new
costumes, how they were looking forward to the tour, and how pleased they were
to be there. The usual stuff.
Photos by Richard Robinson
Paul in a moment of meditation Ace smiles at a question from a representative of an Italian •
before he answers a question. rock magazine.
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Peter talks about his new drum outfit,
then explains how sure he feels that
the boys will do well in Europe.
Gene stands up to display more of his
new costume.
with a
who the
as an
playmate. D
The New York Dolls winged South recently
for a performance in the home of the blues,
New Orleans. David Johansen and the rest
of the band thrilled local residents with
their brand of rock and roll. Rock Scene's
own Bob Gtuen accompanied the band to
get us these exclusive pix.
Before the show, David took to the sidewalk for a little
impromptu harp playing. David is often referred to as
David "Litt! Wal 'tr" Johansen among his friends. He
played harp on the new Derringer album, by the way.
David, Syl, and Cyrinda follow the trail of the mysterious
footprints the morning after the band's first performance.
On a tour of the local hotspots, Syl, David, and Cyrinda pause for Bob to take a pie.
Syl takes a phone call.
While they were in New Orleans Andy Warhol was there too. Andy invited David and Cyrinda to stop by the gallery where
his work was being displayed. D
When Lynyrd Skynyrd held a special midnight party after their concert in Los Angeles,
Queen stopped by to help them celebrate. Many Hollywood rock celebrities were also
in attendance as the wine flowed until the wee small hours of the morning.
Peter Brow of the Queen crew, Patti Clark, Roger Taylor, Carmine Appice arrives and Roger Taylor makes a special
and Hernando Courtwright Jr. relax at the Skynyrd party. point of saying hello and posing for this photo.
.Cca Brian May chatted with Leon, Skynyrd's lead guitarist at
E •the party.
Also in attendance were none other than Britt Ecklund and
her friend Rod Stewart.
• •
• •
• ~~(!.(w •
• •
• •
• •
I will always remember the sum- not-a stiff and hilarious charade. The pounding pace and physical
mers of 1973 and 1974 as the sum- But the movie is none of this; it excitement of the movie come out of
mers of Watergate. 1973 was the sagely keeps to the worm's eye this niggling attachment to jour-
summer of the Sam Ervin Senate perspective of the two reporters nalistic detail-notice the high-
hearings, televised daily and all who immersed themselves wholly angled shot in the Library of Con-
day; each morning like a junkie I in the details ofthe original Water- gress as the duo pores over file
settled in front of the television, gate burglary on June 17, 1972. It's cards. This movie treats hard
waiting for Dean or Haldeman or entirely a newspaper movie, never newspaper work as the stuff of
Erlichman, rooting for Ervin and deviating into any glamorous his- heroic glory. The movie ends before
Inouye and Weicker, loathing torical byways. The mighty and the the really big revelations have
Baker and Gurney, hoping Mon- powerful are glimpsed in the film burst; it leaves us just as the full
toya and Talmadge would finish only on television screens placed in realization of what has in fact been
their questions fast. It was history a corner of the screen, and we feel going on-a plot to undermine the
as soap opera serial; a breathless their ominous and threatening pr!ls- Constitution directed from the
four-month unpeeling of the onion. ence all the more strongly because Oval Office-has begun to dawn, on
of this disembodied, electronic reporters and audience alike.
The next summer, the summer of presence. The menace is conveyed a
1974, was a stranger, more little more visibly and physically Real praise is due everyone for
frightening, more erratic time; by the shadowy, underground fig- the muted, understated prosiness
bombshells would burst on the far ure of Deep Throat, who emerges of the film: it is this very restraint
horizon at irregular intervals; they periodically in the midnight murk that makes it all the more heroic
grew louder and louder. The Su- of a garage like a Delphic Oracle in and romantic in the long run.
preme Court decision; the House a cave to prod and warn and explain Robert Redford and Dustin
Judiciary Committee hearings the tea leaves. Hoffman are physically right and
with their deliberately slow, fun- play cutely together as the grim-
eral march roll-calls-I remember But mainly ALL THE PRESI- lipped eager beaver reporters. All
we all ran in from the beach that DENT'S MEN is a film of doorbells the supporting parts are excellent,
weekend to hear them actually vote and typewriters and filecards and in the general, tight, understated
impeachment of the President of notebooks, and of course, by a won- style: Jason Robards as the big
the United States: "Aye .. . aye ... derful movie paradox, it becomes editor, Jan Alexander as a te:r:rified
aye ... aye ..."; then that last final far more romantic and glamorous, CREEP bookkeeper, down to such a
week that flipped by as quickly as mysterious. and exotic through all perfect cameo as Polly Holiday's
the last pages of a detective story: its humble paraphernalia than ifit hostile Miami secretary. Hal Hol-
Nixon released the "smoking-gun" were all set in the Oval Office. By brook's Deep Throat catches just
tape; Nixon was going bananas; the last scene, when the dynamic the right note of exasperated om-
Nixon resigned and then went duo's clattering typewriters occupy niscience.
bananas on television the next the center of the screen while
morning. Nixon gives his second inaugural Alan Pakuls directed, and it is
address in a corner ofthe screen, we notable how much tighter and
The whole procession of events thrill to the noise ofthe keys as to a crisper his work is here than in his
was an unforgettably exciting magical sound, like Parsifal's last film about political conspiracy,
morality play; the pace was lan- spear, that will undo the evil ruler. the vague and grandiose PARAL-
guid, but the structure of events LAX VIEW-a marvelous instance
was eternal: the mounting, widen- Being a newspaper movie, ALL of truth being stranger and shap-
ing exposure of wickedness, fol- THE PRESIDENT'S MEN deals lier and better art than fiction.
lowed by the creeping but inexora- -:-and superbly-in the time- Commendable also is the photog-
ble punishment of the wicked. It honored cliches of hard-nosed, raphy of Gordon Willis, whose
had a feeling of moral rightness; it smart-assed, wise-cracking city Washington is a symphony of light
made sense; it was the opposite of room films going back at least as and dark, corresponding to its
Dallas and Vietnam. We shall far as THE FRONT PAGE. There's moral selves: The newspaper office
never again see so satisfying, so the menschy city editor; the tough spanky clean and harshly bright; a
shapely a series of events. suspicious managing editor; the lovely green daylight Washington
ballsy lady reporter who helps yielding to the darker, dangerous
Nothing could be more danger- crack the story. Then too there's a greens of nighttime Washington in
ous than to film recent history, and wonderful assortment of awkward, the garage, the homes, and-most
I confess I imagined ALL THE nervo_us, unsettled real people sinister and spooky of all-
PRESIDENT'S MEN would turn -interviewees-who are ruth- limousines filled with the latest
out to be a kind of Brooks Brothers lessly but charmingly used by the editions of the threatening news-
"Adams Chronicles", with nervous two reporters, who place human paper swishing silently into the
actors doing Rich Little turns as anguish second to getting the story. White House. D
Nixon, Cox, Haldeman and what
Gets Nod As Grand Marshall
Feelgood Rocks Starwood
Alice Cooper on his· float at the Krewe of En-
Photos By Laffal dymion Parade which was the largest parade
in the history of New Orlean's Mardi Gras with
Dr. Feelgood has proved to be the most excit- a million people showing up at the event. Alice
ing new English rock and roll band in some was Grand Marshall and joined 25 major
time and their recent tour across the U.S. floats, 11 mini floats, 22 marching bands and
brought them a legion of fans. Particularly ex- 10 military drill units.
citing were their shows in Los Angeles at the
Starwood where luminaries like Pete ALICE C00P£R
Townshend and Richard Robinson were in at-
tendance and New York where they shared
the bill with the Ramones at the Bottom Line.
Now the question is, when are they going to
play at CBGB's.
The show gets off to a rockin' start as the band gets into Alice on his float. All the world's a stage for our Alice.
their Dr. Feelgood specialty, "You Shouldn't Call The Doc-
tor, If You Can't Afford The Bills."
After the show, er parade, Alic!l joined his new wife,
Cheryl, to attend a very private party for 7,000 people held
at the Rivergate Aucitorium. Don't you wish you could
have been there too.
Wilko Johnson plays a hot guitar, but his stage moves are
what bring astounded audiences to their feet to cry for
more more more as the band does "I Can Tell".
Lee Brilleaux gets into "Back In The Night", a favorite cut While getting ready for the parade (Alice didn't wear this
after the Feelgood's second Ip (the first released in the outfit to the party) Mr. and Mrs. Cooper posed for this
•U.S.) "Malpractice" on CBS records. pie. •
.# .,,
Fox Pass are kind enough to point out just who exactly they are. So all we can say is that tfieir pop outlook and seasoned
professionalism (they've been together for several years) only bodes wet.I for their continued success.
Wild Honey have backed the
marvelous Willie " Loco"
Alexander, handily winning
a Best of the Bands title, and
are now off to see what they
can do on their own.
Reddy Teddy (to go steady?)
give their Rock Scene fans a
taste of the old glamour.
Running left to right, we find
singer-percussionist John
Morse, songwriter-guitarist
Matthew Mackenzie, drum-
mer Burt Ward and bassist
Scott Baerenwald. They've
put out their own record,
"Goo Goo Eyes and Novelty
Shoes," obtainable for two
dollars from 127 Kilsyth Rd.,
Brookline, Mass. 02146.
The New New Liverpool? Or merely a return to the golden days of Boston rock and roll
when the Remains, the Lost, and the Beacon Street Union established Bearitown as a force
to be reckoned with? At least one of the clubs where the new bands center, the Rathskeller,
has passed virtually unchanged through the decade, while the Club in Cambridge also
hosts much of the action. Dirty Water!
Thuridertrain has been to-
gether for about a year, in
which time they've also put
out their own record ("I'm So
Excited", $1.00 from Box
524, Natick, Mass.) and their
own photo magazine (free
from the same address) .
Some of their most popular
songs are "Hot For Teach-
er", and "Single-Action
Pump". You can guess the
Pretty Poison became a reality in November of 1975, consisting of four music business veterans, all luminaries of past
Massachusetts bands such as Mad Angel, Sledge Hammer, and Hard Road. Donald Thayer is vocalist, Paul Coxx works out
on guitar and keyboards, James D'Angelo does similarly, while drummer Louis Santoro, Jr. holds the whole combination
The crowds were in full mill
along the bar for a typical
CBGB's night on the Bowery
starring the Ramones. Sev-
eral jaws were seen to drop
as that notorious Stooge,
Iggy Pop, sidled in the front
door. Photographer Roberta
Bayley quickly unleashed her
camera to record the historic
"Well, hello, Iggy," smiles Roberta at the door of CBGB's. "How nice of you to
stop in!" (pie: Richard Robinson)
A newly-blonded Iggy gives Richard Hell the once-over. "Haven't I seen you someplace before ...?"
(L'3ft). Well , it' s back to looking cool.
(Top), Cameron Crowe, Mary Beth Medley, Lisa Robinson
and Punk Magazine's John Holmstrom cheer on the pro-
(Bottom), After the Ramones polish off a dynamic set, the
whole crew gathers for A Night In The Life . . . From left to
right, we find Joey and Tommy Ramone, the lg, manager
Danny Fields, Sire prexy Seymour Stein and his wife Lin-
da, our very own Doc Rock, DeeDee and Johnny
Ramone. •
At the table with Dave-indeed, along for the entire tour, was Iggy Stooge, BOWIE
who listens seriously as Bowie and Lisa Robinson discuss a wonderful new
magazine David's just discovered-Cahiers du Cinema.
There can be no other word
for it. After his wildly
successful Madison Square
Garden concert, David
Bowie was the honored
guest at a small party held
at the Garden's Penn Plaza
Club. He was quickly
escorted to a corner table
where he smiled, posed for
a few rare photographs,
and received his guests.
(All photos by Andy Kent.)
The scene switches as David Johansen (left) tells Flo (center) and Bowie Dave poses with a sultry
(right) how he's met these heavy Nashville dudes. Bowie (right) is always Cyrinda Foxe. And yes, he
eager for new ideas. swears he drank milk on the
whole tour.
"You've always been my idol," Dave tells Ronnie Spector.
'"Walking in The Rain' as a disco number???" Ronnie With hand gestures, Joh'n Cale shows Dave how he
thinks it over. produced the first Stooges album. Iggy remembers.
Flashback to L.A.
Backstage at The Forum,
David Bowie (left) meets
longtime heros David
Hockney (right) and Christ-
opher Isherwood (center)
following his final Forum
concert. What a star studded
tour! D
Whispers That He Should Get Oscar Abound In Hollywood
David plays Thomas Jerome Newton, the mysterious ty-
coon . The plot goes something like this: David as the
mysterious tycoon has a lakeside villa in New Mexico.
From this villa he guides the destiny of his business em-
pire, World Enterprises Corp.
David's acting is one of the high points of the film. David as Mr. Newton departs after an all-night meeting
with patent attorney Oliver Fansworth (played by Buck
46 Henry) during which the plans are laid for the formation of
Newton's business empire.
Mary-Lou (played by Candy Clark) is a simple uncomplicated girl who finds it hard to understand the remoteness of
Thomas Jerome Newton (our boy David) with whom she's fallen in love and obviously gets to share a bunk with .
Roger Daltry may have been
the first to grace the silver
screen from the world of
rock, but David Bowie is the
latest and from all reports
the hottest · with his new
movie, The Man Who Fell To
,,,Mr. Newton and Mary-Lou in a tef)Se scene from the movie.
Mr. Newton has his plans to launch into space frustrated and is restrained in a luxury hotel suite while a secret government
•agency carries out medical tests designed to determine the true nature of THE MYSTERIOUS VISITOR.
Photos by Leee Childers
The Marbles continue to enchant their fans with their precise harmonies and good looks.
Could a record company contract be in the offing? We'll let you know as soon as we hear.
At a recent concert the Marbles introduced several new -- 0
songs to their fans. Eric sings an emotion packed lead
vocal as David keeps the beat. Howard and Jimmy join voices to achieve a spectacular
48 •harmonic effect.
Free At Last
Paul Kossoff first came to prominence as a British lead guitarist early in the
seventies when Free's"All Right Now" stormed worldwide charts. His clean power
chords and impeccably toned leads became a hallmark of the group, and Free were
often touted as the logical heirs to the Rolling Stones tradition. Their break-up only
a few short years later seemed to disappoint Paul the most of any of its illustrious
members. After a long period of personal withdrawal, Kossoff stepped back into
the spotlight last year as the leader of Back Street Crawler. He suffered a severe
heart stoppage shortly before their first album was released; on a flight from Los
Angeles to New York this past March, the illness !ragically returned. In one of his
last photos, Paul (on the left), is shown here jamming at L.A.'s Starwood with
fellow Free alumnus Paul Rodgers of Bad Company, as well as Mick Ralphs and Boz
• ·Burrell. The date is March 3, 1976. He will be missed.
(pie: Richard Creamer)
It was like a giant nursery, with these
building blocks welcoming the band.
Photos by Neal Preston
When the Who played at
Winterland in San Francisco,
Bill Graham cooked up a
special surprise for the band.
He had the backstage area
specially decorated, so when
the boys showed up for the
concert they discovered
something special.
There was a very British ping pong