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The myesterious objects of the multiverse.

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Published by ANTHONY CRAMER, 2019-03-26 11:43:31

The myesterious objects of the multiverse.

The myesterious objects of the multiverse.

The first item on the list is Black holes

Black holes are the densest objects in our universe, and they have a mass of
a few million/billion suns. Their gravitational pull is so strong not even light
can escape.
There are two types

1. Stellar-mass black holes
These black holes are the smallest black holes that form from medium-size
2. Supermassive black holes
These giants are at the center of every galaxy, our galaxy the Milky Way has
an active galactic nucleus and is called Sagittarius A and it even has a
magnetar orbiting it which is a very rare event to take place.

The second object on our list is a Neutron star

Then we have strange matter, or more commonly known as strangelets. Strangelets is a type of
matter that is created when two massive neutron stars collide. This matter if can turn a
fingernail-sized piece of matter into a universal destruction device because when matter
touches it it turn into strangelets and a huge explosion occurs which then spreads more of it and
it consumes more matter witch then explodes and so the cycle contiues indefinitely

A neutron star is the densest object in the universe (other than a black hole)
A neutron star is as you might have guessed is made up of neutrons but the
star itself is formed when a massive star completes its fusion cycle and the
core collapses on itself to form a neutron star that has the density of about
three suns and all that mass is compressed to about the size of Manhattan.
And there are 3 types of classic neutron stars magnetars and pulsars.

Let talk about magnetars first

Magnetars are neutron stars but even stronger instead of having a magnetic
field about a trillion times that of the earth magnetars have a few quadrillion
times that! A magnetar was detected by scientists that is only 15,000 light
years away that might sound far but this thing recently shot a burst of
energy that disrupted satellites and affected the atmosphere of earth from
that far away!

Now let's talk about pulsars

A pulsar is a highly magnetized neutron star with a bunch of gas and debris
of planets or other stars spinning around it. And when some of that matter
lands on the surface of the star it releases a gigantic amount of energy
through gamma-ray bursts.

Then we have strange matter, or more commonly known as strangelets. Strangelets is a type of
matter that is created when two massive neutron stars collide. This matter if can turn a
fingernail-sized piece of matter into a universal destruction device because when matter
touches it it turn into strangelets and a huge explosion occurs which then spreads more of it and
it consumes more matter witch then explodes and so the cycle contiues indefinitely

The following objects we are going to talk about are theoretical but could
exist based on string theory and quantum mechanics

The first object is a white hole

In general relativity, a white hole is a hypothetical region of spacetime where
no matter of any kind can enter its event horizon.

Scientists have theorized that white holes are connected to black holes in
that matter goes into a black hole and then exits a white hole in an entirely
new universe, or that when a black hole gets very old even older than our
universe it dies but because of quantum mechanics the universe will not
allow any further collapse so a black hole turns into a white hole.
These objects can exist the universe is just not at the age for any to exist.

Then there are quark stars…

Quark star is a hypothetical type of star that exits when a star 10-20 times
more massive than our sun dies but was slightly smaller than the
requirement than for a black hole to be born.

Then we have strange matter, or more commonly known as strangelets. Strangelets is a type of
matter that is created when two massive neutron stars collide. This matter if can turn a
fingernail-sized piece of matter into a universal destruction device because when matter
touches it it turn into strangelets and a huge explosion occurs which then spreads more of it and
it consumes more matter witch then explodes and so the cycle contiues indefinitely

These stars are so gravitationally unstable that they send ripples through
If these quark stars do exist then they would be very unstable, it would take
one change in density and the whole thing would shoot out beams of
radiation that would be a million time more powerful than gamma rays and if it
was in the direction of our planet we would have time to blink and then
goodbye earth and probably half of the solar system.

And then we have the most mysterious event that the universe can
offer...zombie stars
These are stars that have been proven to exists but scientist doesn't know
They are white dwarf stars that happen to find a star to feed off of and gain
enough energy to start fusion again but they don't act like normal stars any
matter that touches it will turn into zombie star matter and then explode and
the cycle will continue until there is not enough matter around.

Then we have blazars…

Then we have strange matter, or more commonly known as strangelets. Strangelets is a type of
matter that is created when two massive neutron stars collide. This matter if can turn a
fingernail-sized piece of matter into a universal destruction device because when matter
touches it it turn into strangelets and a huge explosion occurs which then spreads more of it and
it consumes more matter witch then explodes and so the cycle contiues indefinitely

Blazars are a quasar or an active galactic nucleus that for a short time
period will point in the direction of our planet. This event takes place millions
of light years away so the gamma radiation will not harm us.

Now we move on to theories.
The first theory we are going to discuss is the many worlds theory.
The many worlds theory is the theory of indefinite parallel universes slightly
different than our own.
And that means that there are many versions of earth and different laws of
phisics and many outcomes of events.

Scientists think that when you do something like wear a certain piece of
clothing or make a decision the multiverse creates all plausible outcome from
that action and a separate universe is created.
And that where the 11 dimensions come in to play
Let's go over them
The 1st dimension.

The 1st dimension is an infinitely small line that goes on forever
The 2nd dimension

The dimension where everything is only flat.

The third dimension.

The third dimension, the dimension is where we call home

Then we have strange matter, or more commonly known as strangelets. Strangelets is a type of
matter that is created when two massive neutron stars collide. This matter if can turn a
fingernail-sized piece of matter into a universal destruction device because when matter
touches it it turn into strangelets and a huge explosion occurs which then spreads more of it and
it consumes more matter witch then explodes and so the cycle contiues indefinitely

The 4th dimension
This is the dimension of time and where geometry becomes my nemesis.

This is a 4th-dimensional hypercube or a tesseract witch always changes
shape because the 4th dimension is time after all.
The 5th dimension
This is the dimension where you can travel to a different parallel universe
with the same interdimensional location as our own

The 6th dimension
In the 6th dimension, you can travel to any parallel universes with any
interdimensional location
Then we have strange matter, or more commonly known as strangelets. Strangelets is a type of
matter that is created when two massive neutron stars collide. This matter if can turn a
fingernail-sized piece of matter into a universal destruction device because when matter
touches it it turn into strangelets and a huge explosion occurs which then spreads more of it and
it consumes more matter witch then explodes and so the cycle contiues indefinitely

The 7th dimension

In the 7th dimension, you can go anywhere in the multiverse no matter the
location or dimension.
But the dimension has to be lower than the 7th.

In the 8th dimension, you can perceive any possibility with the law of the
universe you came from.

In the 9th you can see anything with any laws from a universe that exist

In the 10th you can do anything you want anything you conjure in your mind
can become reality.
So basically you are playing god.

Now we are going to talk about string theory.

String theory is the theory that elementary particles can be broken down
even further down to a trillionth the size of an atom. the power needed to
view these quantum strings would create a black hole. It's like the universe is
trying to keep its secrets from us.

Then we have strange matter, or more commonly known as strangelets. Strangelets is a type of
matter that is created when two massive neutron stars collide. This matter if can turn a
fingernail-sized piece of matter into a universal destruction device because when matter
touches it it turn into strangelets and a huge explosion occurs which then spreads more of it and
it consumes more matter witch then explodes and so the cycle contiues indefinitely

The space-time continuum
This is a place that exists in all dimensions all places, all universes it is a
place where space and time are kept in order. Things like black hole rip holes
in this place and cause small distortion in the fabric of reality. That is why i
think time travel which is highly risky already but if it is done it could rip a hole
so big it might cause time and space to collapse.

Then we have strange matter, or more commonly known as strangelets. Strangelets is a type of
matter that is created when two massive neutron stars collide. This matter if can turn a
fingernail-sized piece of matter into a universal destruction device because when matter
touches it it turn into strangelets and a huge explosion occurs which then spreads more of it and
it consumes more matter witch then explodes and so the cycle contiues indefinitely

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