Write Away!
children’s writing
in Primary Languages
Issue 12 July 2022
elcome to issue 12 of Write Away! , the last issue of the 2021-
2022 school year. I hope you have enjoyed looking at and
Wreading all the pieces of work over this year.
Find out about this issue's guest language, and don't forget to look
out for my Editor's Pick.
Enjoy issue 12, and have a lovely, relaxing summer holiday.
Spanish page 1
French page 9
Issue 12 Teachers’ Corner page 12
July 2022
Puzzle Corner page 16
[email protected] Our guest language for this issue is
Hungarian, known in Hungary as Magyar.
Clare Seccombe Hungarian is one of the few European
languages which is not Indo-European.
It's a Finno-Ugric language, and therefore
related to Estonian and Finnish.
Hungarian is spoken mostly in Hungary,
by nearly ten million people.
Hungary has some famous inventors. Can
you work out what was invented by László
Bíró and by Ernő Rubik?
Se busca - vivo o muerto
Year 5, Sutton Coldfield
amarillo yellow
azul blue
boca (f.) mouth
cabeza (f.) head
cuerno (m.) horn
diente (m.) tooth
dos 2
marrón brown
nariz (f.) nose
ocho 8
ojo (m.) eye
oreja (f.) ear
pelo (m.) hair
rojo red
tiene it has
tres 3
verde green
violeta purple
y and
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Se busca - vivo o muerto
Year 5, Sutton Coldfield
amarillo yellow
azul blue
boca (f.) mouth
cabeza (f.) head
cinco 5
diente (m.) tooth
dos 2
naranja orange
nariz (f.) nose
ojo (m.) eye
oreja (f.) ear
pelo (m.) hair
rojo red
rosa pink
tiene it has
verde green
violeta purple
y and
2kettő pixabay.com
Se busca - vivo o muerto
Year 5, Sutton Coldfield
azul blue
blanco white
boca (f.) mouth
cabeza (f.) head
ceja (f.) eyebrow
diente (m.) tooth
dos 2
naranja orange
nariz (f.) nose
ojo (m.) eye
oreja (f.) ear
rojo red
rosa pink
seis 6
también also
tiene it has
verde green
violeta purple
y and
¡Tengo hambre!
Year 4, Sutton Coldfield
caramelo (m.) sweet
ciruela (f.) plum
helado de chocolate (m.)
chocolate ice cream
limonada (f.) lemonade
me encanta(n) I love
me gusta(n) I like
no me gusta(n) I don't like
odio I hate
pero but
pescado (m.) fish
quiero beber
I want to drink
quiero comer
I want to eat
sin embargo however
tengo sed I am thirsty
tienes hambre
you are hungry
y and
4négy pixabay.com
¡Tengo hambre!
Year 4, Sutton Coldfield
jamón (m.) ham
leche (f.) milk
lechuga (f.) lettuce
manzana (f.) apple
me encanta(n) I love
me gusta(n) I like
odio I hate
pero but
pescado (m.) fish
piruleta (f.) lolly
plátano (m.) banana
sopa (f.) soup
tengo hambre I am hungry
y and
yogur (m.) yogurt
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¡Tengo hambre!
Year 4, Sutton Coldfield
caramelo (m.) sweet
helado (m.) ice cream
leche (f.) milk
me encanta(n) I love
me gusta(n) I like
no me gusta(n) I don't like
odio I hate
pepino (m.) pepper
pero but
pescado (m.) fish
plátano (m.) banana
quiero I want
sin embargo however
tengo hambre I am hungry
tengo sed I am thirsty
y and
yogur (m.) yogurt
zumo de naranja (m.)
orange juice
6hat pixabay.com
¡Tengo hambre!
Year 4, Sutton Coldfield
helado (m.) ice cream
me encanta(n) I love
me gusta(n) I like
no me gusta(n) I don't like
odio I hate
pero but
pescado (m.) fish
queso (m.) cheese
quiero beber
I want to drink
quiero comer I want to eat
sin embargo however
tengo hambre I am hungry
tengo sed I am thirsty
tomate (m.) tomato
y and
yogur (m.) yogurt
zumo de manzana (m.)
apple juice
zumo de naranja (m.)
orange juice
pixabay.com 7hét
El sorprendente e increíble zoo de Riyaan
Year 5, Kingston-upon-Thames
comer to eat
es it is
feo ugly
feroz fierce
grande big
gris grey
incluye it includes
increíble incredible
largo long
manso calm
melocotón (m.) peach
muy very
naranja orange
negro black
oscuro dark
peligroso dangerous
pez globo (m.) puffer fish
puede it can
salvaje wild
serpiente (f.) snake
sorprendente surprising
tiene it has
venenoso poisonous
verde green
y / e and
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Je porte
Year 6, Eltham
à carreaux checked
à la mode fashionable
à rayures striped
aussi also
blanc white
bleu clair pale blue
bleu foncé dark blue
c'est it is
chambre (f.) bedroom
chapeau (m.) hat
confortable comfortable
elle l'aime she likes it
elle porte she wears
gris grey
il fait froid it is cold
il y a des nuages it is cloudy
il y a du soleil it is sunny
il y a du vent it is windy
je l'adore I love it
je l'aime I like it
je porte I wear
mais but
marron brown
mère (f.) mother
noir black
pantalon (m.) trousers
parce que because
père (m.) father
pull (m.) jumper
robe (f.) dress
sweat (m.) sweatshirt
quand when
rouge red
violet purple
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Je porte
Year 6, Eltham
à la mode fashionable
à rayures striped
baskets (f.pl.) trainers
blanc white
bleu foncé dark blue
c'est it is
chaussures (f.pl.) shoes
confortable comfortable
et and
gris clair pale grey
il fait chaud it is hot
il fait froid it is cold
il pleut it rains
il y a des nuages it's cloudy
imperméable (m.)
j'aime I like
je porte I wear
mère (m.) mother
noir black
pantalon (m.) trousers
parce que because
pull (m.) jumper
quand when
rose pink
Je porte
Year 6, Eltham
à la mode fashionable
à rayures striped
argenté silver
aussi also
baskets (f.pl.) trainers
bleu foncé dark blue
branché trendy
ce n'est pas it isn't
cependant however
c'est it is
chaussettes (f.pl.) socks
chemise (f.) shirt
chemisier (m.) blouse
confortable comfortable
élégant smart
et and
finalement finally
gants (m.pl.) gloves
il neige it snows
il y a des nuages it's cloudy
il y a du soleil it's sunny
il y a du vent it's windy
je ne l'aime pas I don't like it
je porte I wear
je préfère I prefer
manteau (m.) coat
mère (f.) mother
noir black
pantalon (m.) trousers
parce que because
porter to wear
pull (m.) jumper
quand when
rose pink
serré tight
violet purple
Teachers’ Corner
Find out more information about the writing featured
1-3 Lisa Stevens
How long have the children been learning Spanish?
Children start enjoying some Spanish from Nursery upwards but formal learning begins at the start of
KS2. This group have been learning for nearly three years but a significant portion was virtually during
How long are their language lessons?
In Year 5 they have 40-45 minutes.
Describe briefly the teaching and learning activities that took place prior to the children writing this
Children described themselves using ser and adjectives, learning about adjectival agreements (o>a)
before describing their hair and eyes which introduced them to adjectival position and plural agreement.
After learning parts of the face/head using a rhyme and a song, they applied this to describe some
monsters before creating a Wanted poster to show their learning.
What support did the children have to enable them to complete this piece of writing?
A writing frame and all previous work in this unit (and previous ones!)
What do you particularly like about these pieces of work?
I chose these examples as they show understanding of adjectival position and agreement (gender and
number). They are neat and I like the drawings! They used ‘las cejas’ or ‘los cuernos’ which weren’t on
the writing frame. All the children read through and edited their own work once complete. I also enjoyed
seeing how well they had understood the unit as some are reticent to speak in class!
4-7 Lisa Stevens
How long have the children been learning Spanish?
Children start enjoying some Spanish from Nursery upwards but formal learning begins at the start of
KS2. These children have been learning therefore for 18 months although some of that was remotely.
How long are their language lessons?
In Year 4 they have 50 minutes.
Describe briefly the teaching and learning activities that took place prior to the children writing this
Children had learned how to say they were hungry and thirsty, that they would like to eat and drink 15
foods and drinks and then how to express singular and plural opinions. They also interviewed each other
asking the questions (2nd person singular) and reported back (3rd person singular).
What support did the children have to enable them to complete this piece of writing?
A writing frame and all previous work in this unit (and previous ones!)
What do you particularly like about these pieces of work?
I chose these examples as they are accurate and neat; they tried to show off all the work in this unit, not
just opinions which was the subject of the writing frame. They have tried to use 2nd and/or 3rd person as
well as 1st person, and they have listened and looked out for ideas to magpie from feedback and class
8 Rosa Ali
How long have the children been learning Spanish?
Children learn Spanish from Year 4.
How long are their language lessons?
30 minutes per week.
Describe briefly the teaching and learning activities that took place prior to the children writing this
This term the Year 5 children have been learning about animals and adjectives. They acquired
knowledge on how to talk about pets in singular and plural forms and understand how some of them
change in spelling. They have also completed work on adjectival agreements - understanding that
adjectives come after the noun and that they must agree in number and in gender.
What support did the children have to enable them to complete this piece of writing?
During the course of the term, the children have been learning all the vocabulary and the grammar
relating to this topic. They have exercise books which they keep in their classroom and is where they
record all their class work. The poster task was introduced as a competition to be started in the
half-hour class and completed at home. They were encouraged to be creative and use all the knowledge
they had gained in lessons about adjectival agreements.
What do you particularly like about this piece of work?
I have been immensely impressed with the quality of the work produced, both in terms of creativity and
also outstanding grammar skills, which I feel the children have picked up with ease. I like the use of a
variety of different and creative adjectives and a lack of repetition! I admire the use of adverbs too.
Overall, I am extremely proud of the creation and am very pleased to be sharing the work with you.
9-11 Nicola Edwards
How long have the children been learning French?
6 years (since Year 1)
How long are their language lessons?
45-60 minutes once a week
Describe briefly the teaching and learning activities that took place prior to the children writing this
We spent a long time on this topic, starting with introducing clothes and noun gender. We then focussed
on noun/adjective word order, followed by adjectival agreement. The children finally learnt materials
and weather phrases and combined all of this with opinion phrases they had seen in other topics.
What support did the children have to enable them to complete this piece of writing?
The children were able to reference corrected worksheets from their folders, a vocabulary sheet with
extra language (such as “I like it”), an example of a simple sentence with one weather phrase and a
coloured item of clothing and limited access to online dictionaries.
What do you particularly like about these pieces of work?
Having started with a simple example sentence, I am really pleased with how the children have extended
their sentences to include connectives, opinions and reasons.
Puzzle Corner
The word "language" in lots of languages!
Can you fit all the words for "language" into the grid?
There are some letters in the grid to start you off.
Catalan llenguatge
Danish sprog
Dutch taal
French Sprache
Hungarian langue
Italian nyelv
Polish lingua
Spanish język
Lithuanian kalba
Icelandic tungumál
Norwegian språk
Welsh iaith
Turkish dil
Xhosa ulwimi
Swahili lugha
Indonesian bahasa
Esperanto lingvo
Finnish kieli
Estonian keel
Puzzle Corner
Solution from issue 11
4 Spanish-speaking countries 6 Asian languages 5 German-speaking countries
Spain Gujarati Germany
Bolivia Tagalog Austria
Ecuador Burmese Luxembourg
Paraguay Switzerland
3 French-speaking countries Thai Namibia
Senegal 2 South American countries 4 European languages
France Brazil Italian
Guyana Greek
to all the children and teachers
who have contributed their work to Write Away!