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Business plan presentation - May 2019 Warm background

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Published by Viswanath SR, 2019-05-06 04:43:41

Business plan presentation - May 2019 Warm background

Business plan presentation - May 2019 Warm background

The goal Enlighten Yoga Center

To expand the operations of a YOGA center that is started and passionately run by a true Yogi. The center is re-
introducing YOGA in all its Eight Limbs and remove the notion that YOGA = POSTURES.

To enable the expansion, the Yogapreneur is seeking a socially responsible investor who shares the Centers vision of
economic sustainability with the objective of community happiness.

The expansion is to offer the innovative & invigorating adaptations/ enhancements (conceived by the True YOGI) to
Traditional Yoga by interweaving Ayurvedic/ Osteopathic techniques. This is a unique approach for both preventive as
well as Therapeutic care that has thus far repeatedly shown spectacular results.

What else is YOGA Enlighten Yoga Center

Asanas are just one limb of Yoga – its not Yoga. Its like calling the Engine of a Car as a Car! The engine is only one of the components.

There are four Sutras that describe Real Yoga:

Progress in the present moment
Quiet the Mind

See what is really real
Understand what isn’t real

So, an understanding of Real Yoga leads to an “awakening”, opens your Mind to a bigger picture and greater purpose – allows you live more
Mindfully. This takes you off from simply following day to day tasks – like an being on a autopilot – eventually leading you to an ability to choose
tasks that Truly matter!

Now, this is what Pratimoksha Yoga actually propagates

Yogipreneur – Enlighten Yoga Center

The early journey

• Began as a simple exercise program while in early teens.

• Practice of Asanas and reading of Philosophy books continued through marriage.

• Chance encounter with a neighbor who sought help with high blood pressure and stress situation.

• Began freelance Yoga classes as social work about 18years back.

• Undertook formal Teachers Training Program, followed by Advanced Teachers Training Program from Sivananda
Yoga organization in Y2008.

Yogipreneur – Enlighten Yoga Center

Adopting Ayurveda & Osteopathy

With people coming from very diverse ethnic & cultural backgrounds and noticing the effects of Stress relating to current
imbalanced lifestyles, decided to adopt Ayurvedic principles into the Yoga program – this turned out to be very

Many students came in with a need for Yoga Therapy . Their physical body presented serious challenge to starting up a
Regular Asana program. So, took up a course in Osteopathy to become a Certified Manual Osteopath. Adopted this
knowledge to help students begin their journey into a regular Yoga Asana program – a kind of rebuilding of the body.

Starting up Enlighten Yoga Center Enlighten Yoga Center

With Dubai government recognizing YOGA as an activity for issuing Trade License, many a center sprouted in Dubai.

Yoga was soon turning into a commercial exercise program – a kind of Spiritual Body Building program. The Mind Body
connect was missing and it became Yoga = Postures.

That is when Enlighten Yoga Center was set up in January 2017.

Mission Enlighten Yoga Center

To offer a True Traditional Yoga experience – one that truly connects Body with Mind; to utilize certain aspects of
Ayurvedic & Osteopathic fields, interweave/ adapt the traditional Yoga techniques to take care of current lifestyle related

We believe in Guru-Shishya Parampara (Teacher – Student tradition); Our passion driven teachers are equipped with
the right knowledge and eager to share all their knowledge with a student; equip individuals to continue in their self
assisted path to Happiness in their lives.

To bring forth a recognition of the power of True Yoga to a wider community through an exhaustive and
uncompromisingly Unique Teacher Training Program.

Statistics & Information Enlighten Yoga Center

• 900+ students trained *
• 90+ Therapy clients healed *
• 5 - 36 Google reviews from genuine students
• The first and currently the only RYS500 Registered School in Yoga Alliance USA
• The only Yoga studio offering exclusively Course based Yoga programs.

* By Lalitha Viswanath & Enlighten Yoga center combined

Unique diverse success stories Enlighten Yoga Center

• A young cricketer with a left lateral posterior disc prolapse in the lumbar region. Micro disc surgery was advised. He was restored to an
active cricketing lifestyle.

• An 86year old. post hip replacement surgery with severe muscle wastage, wheel chair dependent but young at heart, was back trotting on
her legs.

• A 65 year with post chemotherapy frozen shoulders, restored back to an active lifestyle.
• A migraine headache sufferer for over 20 years, dependent on anti depressants, was fully weaned off medication and restored to a normal

• A 46year old with Scoliosis, with severe pain radiating to the limbs due to scoliotic compression – was brought to near normal lifestyle with

Yoga and therapeutic treatments.

The current abode & Enlighten Yoga Center
the team

The abode:

1500sq ft studio in the 2nd floor of an office complex at Oud Metha, Dubai – more precisely at the Malaysian Trade
Center building, next to Lamcy Plaza.

The team:

A Yoga Guru with a Teacher following in her footstep

A team of 4 passionate volunteers who keep the books, spread the word in the real & virtual worlds and help keep the
wheels turning.

The road ahead Enlighten Yoga Center

In the Short term:

• Need to expand the operations into a larger (at least 3000sq ft) & visible Main center in the heart of Oud Metha community.
• Induct two more qualified Yoga graduates from India over a 6 month period.
• Give a significant boost to current limited marketing campaigns to raise awareness of the Yoga Studio and what it stands for.

Longer term:

• Expand with two or three more smaller centers at new Dubai communities like Dubai Marina/ Jumeira / Emirates Hills etc.
• Focus on Teachers Training program for YOGA by tapping into the stream of European/ American Yoga enthusiasts that are

currently seeking serious & genuine Yoga Teachers Training Institutes in India. The Safe environment, geographical position and
connectivity of Dubai and the abundance of clean & safe accommodations in Dubai will be a strength.

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