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Published by Bhaskar Vijaya, 2019-04-16 05:45:29

bhaskar biodata

bhaskar biodata

Dr. M. VIJAYA BHASKAR Ph. No.: 9676832619

1-285, I Road,
Anantapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Mail id:


 20 years experience in the Teaching field.
 15 years experience in Examination processing section till date
 4 years as coordinator in Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University, Anantapur centre.

(October 2001 – November, 2005)
 4 years as Guest Lecturer in S.V. Degree College, Anantapur
 Guest Lecturer in Intell Engineering College (Second Shift – Polytechnic College,

Anantapur (since 2016 – till date )

Career Profile:

 Worked as a Lecturer in Intell Junior College, Anantapur from 1997 – 1999
 Worked as a Lecturer in Intell Degree College From 1997 – 1998.
 Worked as a Asst. Professor in Intell Engineering College, Anantapur 1998–2000.
 Worked as an Assistant Professor in Sri Krishnadevaraya Engineering College,

Gooty, Anantapur from 2000 – 2007.
 Worked as an Associate Professor in Intellectual Institute of Technology,

Anantapuramu from 2007 – 2016.
 Ratified as a Assistant Professor from J.N.T.U.Hyderabad (2001) and from JNTUA,

 Has been working as Associate Professor in Intell Engineering College, Anantapur

from 2016 – till date.


 Ph.D – Physics from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur,
Anantapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India 2018 with Design and Development of an
Embedded system for the Measurement of Dielectric Properties and investigation on
certain conducting polymers.

 Pursuing Ph.D – in Computer Science & Engineering from Rayalaseema University,
Kurnool in MANETs.( Thesis Submitted for report)

 M.E -Computer Science & Engineering from Satyabhama Deemed University (2004-
2006) with 72%

 M.Sc. Physics from Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapuramu, Andhra Pradesh,
India (1993-1995) with 68.67%

 B.Sc. (Mathematics, Physics, Statistics) from Sri Krishnadevaraya University,
Anantapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India (1991-1993) with 88%

 INTERMEDIATE from Board of Intermediate Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh (1988-
1990) with 57.8%

 SSC from State Board of Secondary Education, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh (1988
with 62.5%

Languages Known:

English, Telugu, Hindi

Subjects Taught in Engineering and other Colleges

 Solid State Physics for B.Tech Students
 Applied Physics for B.Tech Students
 Electronic Devices and Circuits for B.Tech Course.
 Electronic Circuit Analysis for B.Tech course
 Switching Theory and logic Design for B.Tech course
 Digital logic Design for B.Tech course
 Human Computer Interface for M.C.A course
 Embedded System for B.Tech Course
 Pulse and digital circuits for B.Tech course
 Computer Organisation for B.Tech course
 Industrial Electronics for B.Tech course
 Communication Systems for diploma course

Workshops & Seminars Attended:

1. Attended the workshop organized on “System Integration” organized by Microsoft
& IEG through MANA TV. on 20th February, 2009.

2. Attended the Faculty Development Programme on “Free Software –A Research
Perspective” on 12-13th March, 2009

3. Attended the Two Day workshop on “e-learning and effective teaching” organized
by University Grants Commission, Academic Staff College, Hyderabad on 24-25th
September, 2010.

4. Attended Faculty development Program on “Mobile Application Development
using J2ME” held on 20th October 2011 by the Department of Master of Computer
Applications by GATES Institute of Technology, Anantapur.

5. Attended UGC sponsored national level workshop organized by Dept. Of Computer
Science and Engineering on “Research Trends in computer Networks” between
21st – 22nd December 2011 by JNTUA College of Engineering, Pulivendula.

6. Participated in Mission 10X workshop conducted by ISTE and WIPRO conducted
at Intell Engineering College Anantapur from 30th Jan to 3rd Feb 2012

7. Attended Faculty Development Programme in LoopHole – Ethical Hacking
Workshop” by Kyrion Digital Securities (P) Ltd. And organized by IIT Kharapur on
8th August 2012.

8. Attended the course work on “Research Methodology” from 20-08-2012 to 25-08-
2012 at JNTU University Anantapur, Anantapur

9. Attended Phase – II Workshop on “ Training of Evaluators / Resource Persons on
Outcome Based Accreditation“ from 1st to 3rd July, 2013 at JNTUA NBA Nodal
Centre, Anantapuramu.

10. Participated in two day national level workshop on “ Big Data Analytics” organized
by CSI-SRIT – Student Branch and Dept. of CSE & IT, SRIT, Anantapur on 29-30
January, 2014.

11. Attended the One Day workshop on “Technology Enhanced Learning Through
IEEE for Imparting Quality Higher Education” on 19th April, 2014 at JNTUA
College of Engineering, Ananthapuramu.

12. Attended the One Day workshop on “Techology Enhanced Learning Through
NMEICT- Implementation of Spoken Tutorial Project” in collaboration with IIT
Bombay on 10th July 2014, at JNTUA College of Engineering Ananthapuramu.

13. Participated in one day workshop on Image Processing based Robotics Workshop
held at VIT University, Vellore on 12th March 2015.

International & National Conferences Attended:

1. Participated in national conference on “Emerging Trends in Engineering Sciences and
management – 2016” by Shridevi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Tumakur
on 23rd and 24th March 2016

2. Presented a paper in 2nd International Conference on Science, Technology and
Management held on 27th September 2015 at Delhi University, New Delhi.

3. Presented a paper in the national conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
organized by JNTUA College of Engineering, Pulivendula during 3rd and 4th February

International & National Journals Published:
1. Vijaya Bhaskar.M, R. Padmasuvarna, Embedded System design for Measurement of

Conducting Polymers at Microwave frequencies, International Journal of Development
Research, Vol. 5, Issue 03, PP. 3778-3781, March 2015.

(ISSN: 2230-9926, JIF Scientific Journal Impact Factor 2015: 4.753)

2. Vijaya Bhaskar.M, R. Padmasuvarna, Development of embedded system to measure
Dielectric properties of Conducting polymers using microcontrollers at Microwave
frequencies, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol.
5, Issue 6, PP. 249-257, June 2015.

(ISSN: 2249-3905, Impact factor -5.981)

3. Vijaya Bhaskar.M, R. Padmasuvarna, Study and measurement of electrical properties of
some conducting polymers at microwave frequencies using Automation Technique,
International Journal of Science Technology and Management, Vol. 4, Special Issue 1,
PP. 16-24, September 2015.

(ISSN: 2394-1537, Impact factor -2.012)

4. Vijaya Bhaskar.M, R. Padmasuvarna, Embedded system design for microwave bench to
measure Dielectric properties of PPy with NR based CEC Using Two Point Method at X-
Band, International Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, Vol 13, Number 1(2017), pp 1-
15. (ISSN: 0973-1776)

5. Vijaya Bhaskar.M, R. Padmasuvarna, Study of Dielectric properties of PPy with
NR/NBR based CEC using „two point method‟ at X-band using Microwave bench, Asian

Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 08, Issue 01, pp 4149-4153, January, 2017.
(ISSN: 0976-3376, Impact factor-6.315)

6. Madgula Vijaya Bhaskar, R. Ramachandra, SCMR: Secure Cognizant Multipath Routing
for MANET, IJSRST,| Volume 3, Issue 7, Print ISSN: 2395-6011, Online ISSN: 2395-
602X ( UGC approved )

7. Madgula Vijaya Bhaskar, R. Ramachandra, Multipath Optimised Link State Protocol
(OLSR) with Security for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network, International Journal of computer
Science and Engineering, Volume-5, Issue-11 E-ISSN: 2347-2693 (UGC approved)

Personal Address

#1-285, 1st Road,
Anantapuramu, Andhra Pradesh,
India, Pin code – 515001,
Mobile: 9676832619

Place: Anantapur Signature of Applicant


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