NAME English Language Proficiency
NRIC (MPU 3022)
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Table of contents Pages
1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Development from JERIS aspects due to teachers’ roles in the 21st 1-2
3.0 Creativity in teaching and learning at primary level 2-4
4.0 Conclusion 4
1.0 Introduction
Growth and development contribute to each other but different meanings biologically.
Development refers to the qualitative changes that happen which results in cognitive and maturity.
However, according to Diamond (2013), growth refers to the changes of physical characteristics
such as weight, height and size. Every human depends on two factors of every development. The
first factor is genetic. The transmission of characteristics from parents to children through genes
(Berk, 2003). For example, intelligence, height, weight and attitudes. Sometime, diseases and
conditions are also from their genetic such as diabetes and obesity. Next, the other factor is
environment which is people around play an important roles in children’s development. For
example, in learning session at school, children can improve their knowledge, vocabulary or even
attitudes. Thus, people around especially teachers play significant roles in teaching the
Firstly, this essay will present to you the introduction of the entire topic which are several
levels of children development for primary level. Next, the essay will explain more about the JERIS
aspects in Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan including the responsibility of teachers due to the
21st-century classroom. Apart from that, there will be more explanation about the creativity in
teaching at primary level based on five aspects in Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan which are
physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual and social in order to born a holistic students in all
aspects. Finally, the conclusion of the entire essay that will completeness this paper.
2.0 Development from JERIS aspects due to teachers’ roles in the 21st century
“Create an innovation in education will lead to a creative learning and teaching at the primary
level”. Teacher is among the most famous and tops influencer in the world. It is clear due to the
21st-century classroom that needed an educator to take part as facilitators by creating a productive
classroom environments. Well, do teacher manages to establish successful students in all
aspects? Nowadays, as we can see some of the youths are not be able to get any job due their
lacking skills or even being a narrow-minded people in this develop world. In order to make the
students ready for the challenging future, there are many skills needed to fulfill their potential and
credibility as a perfectionist youth. For example emotional intelligence and cognitive flexibility.
Apart from that, Brown, H. Douglas (2007) states that teachers’ ability to carry out effective
learning depend to their level of knowledge and skills. As a profitable teachers, they must include
five aspects of Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan in their lessons at school which are physical,
emotional, mental, spiritual, intellectual and social. All five aspects lead to a better lessons at
school such as help teachers to create specific goals or objectives in order to born a balanced
students in all aspect of life.
3.0 Creativity in teaching and learning at primary level
For the first aspect in Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan, teacher must involving physical
education in their lesson which may lead to develop children’s physical competence and
knowledge of movements and safety. Moreover, physical education also importance to be teach
at school because due to a wide range of activities associated with the development of an active
and healthy lifestyle especially for children around ages of 7 till 12 years old. In order to create an
active lessons in the class, teachers should able active to give real demonstrate on a certain topic.
For example, playing and learning outside the classroom such as at the field instead of watching
videos in the class. By organizing the activity, children will feel more excited to learn the theory of
the topic in physical education. It also become easier for them to understand the subject. Next, in
the class teacher should be able to create a creative environment. Moreover, according to
Chaddock (2012), active lifestyle during childhood is benefical to physical, cognitive and mental
health. In conclusion, physical education really helps to increase the level of children
One of the aspects that importance in knowledge of children’s development is mental. Mental
health includes emotional psychological and good sociality. Apart from that, Hefferon and Boniwell
(2011) states that mental balance is needed to sustain healthy life. As educator, we must stable
the emotions of the students due to create a positive environment learning process at school.
This is because positive thinking able to enjoy every activities and lessons that have been
teaching by teachers in class. There are plenty activities that can be apply in the class such as
playing games and using entertaining videos related to the topics. Moreover, some students get
stress due to tons of responsibilities or pressures from parents and schools may affect their
studies at school. In this case, teachers play an important role to find a problem solving in order
to help the students. For example, the teachers should always get update from the students about
her or his problems and giving fully support on what their good deed. Relationship bond that have
being created by the teacher will create a comfortable zone which easy for her studies. In
conclusion, a healthy mental will create a better future for the children’s development.
Why religious education has an important role play in children’s development at school?
Religious is not just about the critique of believing any religious faith or believe system at all but
it is a moment of deeper reflection when someone respecting the beliefs of their own religious.
Moreover, every religious in the world teaches their believers for being a person with a respectful
manner on the search for meaning and values in their own life. There are plenty of activities that
can be organized by the teachers in their lessons at school. Such as, organize campaign in
helping needed students and celebrate festivals of every religions. By organizing the activities,
students not only gain new knowledge and experiences but it will also strengthen their
relationships among students of other religious. Spiritual activities lessons at school will also
guiding students to choose the appropriate reaction such as empathy, rationale in thinking,
criticism and patience in order facing problems in order of achieving their goals. This is truly proof
by a research that have been made by Sang Min, Ana & Clark (2007) which is spiritual behaviors
help students develop sense of direction for their goals in life, find purpose of their life and stay
focus on their priorities.
For the next point, intellectual of children’s development means the growth of a child’s ability
to think and knowledge. The higher intellectual, the higher capability of someone to organize their
minds, idea and thoughts. Research have been made by P.Shaw, D.Greenstein and J.Lerch
(2006) in their journal of Intellectual and cortical development states that children intellectual
depends on their ages. For example, for ages of 7 to 11 years old, they have a longer attention
span and willing to take more responsibility such as cores or even position at school. At school,
teachers play significant role as scaffolding which have been introduce by Vygotsky (1986).
According to him, teachers’ duties are just helping and encouraging learners especially children
to get the top of a problem. As a helper, they also extend the range of what a learner can do and
being use only when the children need help. For example, firstly, teacher will introduce to a topic
of verbs and give instruction to students to write an essay using verbs. As the day goes on, the
teacher will give feedback of their homework and eventually has the kids to complete the skills
without her guidance anymore unless there certain students that really in need of their teacher
helps. It is clear that teachers play importance role to develop knowledge based on the
experiences of learning process in school.
As the last aspect in Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan, social skills activities help them to
build confidence and also develop emotional intelligence. Confidence level of children will boost
up when they try to play together with less on-hand adult supervision which they free to do
anything because they cannot rely on adult forever to tell them what to do. Harmer, J. (2007)
states that the term of ‘facilitator’ means to describe a particular kind of teacher who is democratic
in sharing their leadership with the students rather than being autocratic by controlling everything
in the class. Every children should gain confidence in order to take responsibility as leadership
roles, to voice their opinion or even think independently. Moreover, lessons at school should
include activities of grouping. For example, teacher divides students into several groups and
organizes activity likes discussing on how to solve mathematics problem. From this activity, it
helps children development a lot on how to teach children vital soft skill that are essential for their
emotional intelligence. The activity also teach children on how to communicate effectively,
negotiate and work together as a team. Next, in class, teacher need to apply two-way
conversation with the students. If the teacher ask the students, they will feel being appreciated by
their teacher and become excited to learn more about the lessons.
4.0 Conclusion
To sum up, in order to step forward the education in Malaysia, Falsafah Pendidikan
Kebangsaan is an importance key. All the 5 aspects that have been specific in Falsafah
Pendidikan Kebangsaan are really important to the level children’s development especially at the
age of 7 to 12 years old which at the primary level. As we know, young generations are the leader
in the future. So, in order to create a better future we must train them in all aspects. In this issue,
school play important role in apply all the prince in Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan in order to
born a knowledgeable, responsible and successful generations. The teachers must play a
significant role to create a creative environment learning at school based on all the principles .As
a teacher we should completely understand and apply all five aspects in daily lessons at school.
Lastly, teachers also need to show good example to them in order to train the children’s for
becoming a person that balanced in all aspects.
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