Application Review
Prepared by :
Muhammad Harith Akif Bin Mohd Shahar
Haris Zafri Bin Hashim (2019280948)
Amir Hazman Bin Mohammad Hanapiah
Inventors and Developers
Strava was founded by Mark Gainey and
Michael Hovarth.
And developed by Strava API Itself,
Initial released in 2009.
Compatible with IOS and Android
Strava’s Capability
Track and analyze Connect with friends Measure Your
every aspect of your and share your Perfomance on
activity. track
Explore new routes
and compete with a
global community.
Beneficial Of Strava In Sports
Runners, riders and athletes of every kind benefit from mixing
strength and stability workouts into their routine.
Exclusive selection of free workouts and training tips from
apps that sync with Strava.
One of the primary reasons the pros use Strava is because it
provides a platform for logging their sessions.
Over the course of weeks and months, those sessions can be
set against customisable goals and progress can be easily
It allows athletes to keep up to date with the training practises
How to Start
1. Download the App
2. Customize your profile
3. Establish your privacy
4. Record your activity
5. Share it to the Strava community
6. Keep improving and enjoy!