History of me
PER. 4
I used to live here in carson but we
moved. The place we moved to was
South Gate it was a change and it looks
awesome there. I am moving again this
week as well. There surroundings of the
house is more houses and trees. I'm
going to like my new house. I also think
I wont move again.
When I was a baby I was baptised
catholic religion. Also my doesn't really
force the religion on me so I don't
really know that much about the
religion. Another thing is that I don't
go to church that often and I only go
to church on special occasions. I also
believe in god like other people.
There are many inventions in this world
and I don't know which one to not have.
I think I'm going to say my tv because
how am I supposed to watch my
spongebob without it. Another thing is
that how would I play with my ps4
without it. I know I could play mobile
games but they have ads and nobody
likes ads am I right? While the ps4
doesn't have ads so you can play
without interruption.
I have many rules I have to follow in
the house. One rule is that i have to
respect my parents. Yes I don't need
to be reminded to respect them. (This
rule is probably in everybody's
household). Another rule is that I have
to do my chores. If I don't have chores
I will have 1 dollar taken away from me.
So if I don't do my chores I will have
money taken away from me. Its like if I
don't do a chore that gives me money
the money will be taken away from me
instead of me getting the money.
In my household I have chores like
taking out the trash and walk my dog
luna. I do not have an allowance or get
money from doing chores. I don't really
complain about it because I can rely on
Christmas and my bday. There is one
job I really want and it would be a
marine biologist. I chose this this job
because I really want to study the
ocean because many things in the ocean
has not been discovered.
S(social structures)
I have 2 parts of my family that live in
different states. One in Mexico and
the other in Philippines. I have 2 dads
my actual dad is Cipriano Rabanal and a
step dad Miguel Guzman. Theres my
mom Daisy Cobian and my sister Jolene
Rabanal. I am really proud and happy to
have this family. That is really the
family I live with.