Acupressure Atlanta
Dr. Du has practiced over 25 years, specializing in pain management, headaches,
depression, allergies, infertility and women's health. Call 404-368-6196
Our Therapy Style Conditions treated by Acupuncture
•Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
•Auricular •Allergies
Acupuncture •Arthritis
•Tui Na Message (a •Asthma
•Back and Disc Problems
combination of •Blood Pressure
acupressure and •Breathing/Lungs
medical massage) •Colds, Cough and Flu
•Chinese herb •Constipation
•Carpal Tunnel syndrome
•Gua Sha
•Heat therapy
At Atlanta Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, we are dedicated to bringing health and
healing to our patients. Our licensed acupuncture doctors have over 20 years of experience in
the field. Give us a call today to find out how we can help you return to optimal health and
Dr. Li Du
Dr. Li Du (Chinese name Du Li) is a Traditional Chinese Medicine
Doctor (TCMD) and an acupuncturist licensed by the State of Georgia
(L.Ac). She has been a professor of oriental medicine in Atlanta and is
currently a board member of the Traditional Chinese Medicine
Association of Georgia. She has over 20 years of experience in the
practice of Alternative Medicine.
Dr. Du graduated from the Tian Jin University of Traditional
Chinese Medicine in China. There she studied both
traditional Chinese medicine and western biomedicine.
After receiving her medical degree in 1986, Dr. Du worked
in the University’s First Teaching Hospital. That hospital’s
Acupuncture Research Center enjoys an international
reputation for its treatment of apoplexy with acupuncture.
During her 14 years at that hospital, Dr. Du treated her
patients with a unique combination of western and eastern
medicines and methods.
Based on her work and research, Dr. Du has published
several research papers on using acupuncture to treat
such problems as chronic gastritis, stroke, migraine
headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome, and prostatitis.
•Initial consultation $40
•Acupuncture treatment $75
•Electrical Stimulation $10/Add
•6 visit acupuncture treatment package
10% off
Payment is expected at the time of service. We do not bill any insurance directly.
Please contact your insurance company to determine eligibility and coverage. for
the patients whose insurance policy covers acupuncture service, we will provide
the necessary information for you to receive reimbursement from your
insurance company.
For more information please visit
Phone: (404) 368 6196