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Published by , 2015-09-05 16:25:33

2015-16 monthly planner

2015-16 monthly planner

The Brain Trust

Logic + Creativity Combined

Index Page #


Tips to master "The Brain Trust Planner"
My Personal Notation

Section One: Discover

Values Planner
Living from Your Core Values
My Space to Discover
Free Thought and Note Pages

Section Two: Dream

My Space to Vision
Letter to My Future Self
3600 Introspection and Insight
My Plan to Refresh and Grow
My Ideal Day
Family Traditions Planner with Common Holidays and
My Space to Plan Vacation with US and World Maps
Free Thought and Note Pages

Section Three: Plan

My Space to Plan: Developing Meaningful Goals
My Personal Big Picture Goals for this Year
My Career Big Picture Goals for this Year
One Bite at a Time
My Space to Plan My Year - Anno-Planner
Big Picture to Milestones
My Space to Plan: Turning Milestones and Goals Into Action
Free Thought and Note Pages

Section Four: Grow

Overcoming Challenges and Obstacles
Accountability Check-in
Password Tracker
Contact Information
Free Thought and Note Pages

Section Five: Monthly and Weekly Calendars

Monthly Calendar for Each Month
My Weekly Action Step Planner
Monthly Planning Worksheets
Weekly pages: (My Space to Schedule and My Space to
To Do - To Done
My Space to Connect, Develop and Maintain Great
My Space to Develop and Transform into My Best Self
My Space to Plan - Finances
Free Thought and Note Pages


What if your success was tied to more than just scheduling the day? What if you could link your core
values to your life and career goals? What if you had a picture of the outcome of your goals, even

before you started? What if you anticipated obstacles and
challenges before they happened?

Whether left brain dominate (logical) or right brain
dominate (creative) - how we think is complicated. Some
of us like to use numbers to guide our decisions. We feel
comfortable working with graphs, sequences, formulas and
charts and are very precise in our thinking. Yet, others like
pictures, drawings, and color and think in visual abstract
concepts. Then, there are some of us who like a combination of both. One way isn't any better than
the other. We all just process information differently. Because of this, many planning systems are
either too structured and others are not structured enough. What if there was another way?

The Brain Trust Planner works to integrate many of the elements of how a person thinks and
processes information. There is ample space for creative expression, drawing, doodling and mind
mapping. There are also highly structured processes that will allow you to lay out your goals in a
logical order using the latest in goal setting techniques. This planner allows the strongest part of
your logical processing to work in combination with the strongest parts of your creative processing.

We each see the world differently and we plan our lives differently.

Traditional goal setting techniques focus on making sure goals are SMART or specific, measurable,
achievable, relevant and time bound. This is great for people who think this way. But, what if you
don't see the world in a straight line? What if you see your goals tied to what drives your life,
passions and purpose?

The Brain Trust Planner guides you in discovering, dreaming, planning and growing so that you can
achieve your best self. Made up of five easy to follow sections, The Brain Trust Planner will help
you to identify your goals while making them meaningful, clear and focused so you can get

We live in the digital age. Yet, writing is powerful.

Sometimes having a digital calendar that allows you to keep up with your appointments or tasks isn’t
enough. You need a comprehensive tool that will help you to develop a clear vision, set focused
goals, track those goals and then ultimately accomplish them. Researchers have found several
benefits to writing things down including: activating areas in the brain to help with memory, learning
and processing and reframing information. “When we write, a unique neural circuit is automatically
activated,” said Stanislas Dehaene, a psychologist at the Collège de France in Paris. “There is core
recognition of the gesture in the written word, a sort of recognition by mental simulation in your

brain.1 ” Writing by hand has other benefits such as enhancing creativity and learning, coordinating
the right and left hemispheres of the brain to support whole brain usage, and calming and
sharpening the mind.2

There are several applications and digital calendars that you can use to schedule your day. The Brain
Trust Planner doesn’t try to compete with your electronic calendar; it simply serves as a tool to
compliment them.

The Brain Trust Planner is more than a planner; it is a system that serves as a canvas for you to
create your best self. The planner supports you in breaking down your goals into manageable
monthly, weekly and daily steps. It is flexible, allowing you to customize areas in your life and career
as you see fit. Use the pages in The Brain Trust Planner to expressively write down your thoughts,
doodle, freely think and plan.

Tips in mastering The Brain Trust Planner

The Brain Trust Planner is more than a planner; it is a life management system. Using the planner
helps you to create, set, monitor, track and accomplish:

• Creative expressions: sketch each day, decorate the planner pages, and use your planner
as an artistic outlet.

• Appointments, family activities and other life events: set your schedule and
appointments using “My Space to Schedule”.

• Financial/ Budgets plans
• Goals

o Track feelings and emotions as you move to accomplishing your goals
o Monitor academic and business assignments, papers, exams and homework
o Track projects, tasks, milestones, deadlines and deliverables.
• Record-keeping and planning
o Food diary and Meals
o Holiday planning: Plan your holidays, vacations, parties, events, birthdays, gifts

and cards.
• Journaling: capture your thoughts, events, hopes and dreams.
• Medical/ health goals: Use the planner to record, your moods and personal life outlook,

medication, blood pressure/ sugar levels, weight, exercise, symptoms and anything else
you need to monitor your health.
• Self improvement / transformation

You are only as strong as the action you take.

The planner works best when you are using each of the sections as intended. However, each section
can stand alone helping you to strengthen a particular area of your life. Make sure you use this
planner every day. It won’t work if you use it once and put it on a shelf. The real magic happens
when you regularly review and use it..

The planner has multiple activities that may seem to overlap. This is done on purpose. Every page of
the planner does not have to be completed for the planner to work for you. The activities of the are
designed to help you plan using either a more logical approach or a more creative approach. Please
keep this in mind as you start the planning process.

Start with the end in mind and work backwards.

A big mistake many people make is to start writing the steps to accomplish a goal without a clear
idea of the desired outcomes of the goal. Before you can start to develop actionable goals, think
about what you want, then work backwards.

To make this planner work, practice brevity. There is no need to write in long sentences. Use
phrases – sort brief groups of words to jolt your memory. Use nouns – some verbs and adjectives
are optional.

The planner is indexed and features numbered pages. The index pages will help you keep track of
where things are. Because the planner has blank pages for your creative ideas, you may want to use
those pages to develop the ideas that you want to refer back to at a later date and time. There is
space in the table of contents for you to include some of your own page numbers for easy tracking
and organization.

Develop and use a quick notation planner to help you highlight tasks, priorities, completed steps or
actions that you move to another day to finish. Feel free to use some examples of common
notations to help get you started. However, you may have developed some of your own. Use “My
Personal Notations” to record a few of your own.

Examples of Common Notation My Personal Notations

* - for important

ABC - A=highest priority, B=Normal, and
C=Low priority. There should only be 1 or 2 A
priorities per day.

When you haven’t completed a task or
action item, use the arrow to indicate you have
move the project on to another day. Put the date
on top of the arrow to indicate where you have
moved the task.

X or check mark - to show you have completed
a task.

- change or has changed.

- Follow-up

Make sure you focus on the actions that give you the most results and not just "the stuff" that fills
up your day. Keep it as simple as possible. The key to success is to focus your efforts on one thing
at a time and not work on too many goals.

Gratitude is an essential practice that will keep you feel abundance and prosperous. Each day be in
the habit of recording the people, experiences and things for which you are grateful. Focus and be
grateful for what you have. Practicing gratitude opens us up for bigger and greater things.

Good things take time. Be patient with yourself.

Mostly, remember it may take you several weeks to complete the sections of the planner. That is
okay. Planning and growing into your best self takes time. Don’t rush it. Commit to having fun as
you relax and dream into the ideal that you want to create for yourself for the year.

To help you to complete the planner pages, you may want to follow the suggested three week

Day 1 - 3: Section One: Discover

Spend time discovering who you are and what you stand for at your core. After you have
identified your core values. Sit with them. Discuss them when others. Take time to be
comfortable discovering you.

Day 4 - 10: Section Two: Dream

Dream and visualize the final outcome of your dreams. Feel internally what it would be like
to accomplish your goals. Once you know in your mind, complete the exercises. Take time
to connect with the outcome of your goals.

Day 11 - 21: Section Three: Plan

Once you know who you are and what you want - combine that knowledge to start to plan
how you will get it. Make sure you refer back to your discovery and your dreams often. You
don't want to make plans that don't connect with who you are at your core.

Ongoing: Section Four: Grow

Many of our greatest challenges stem from who we think we are and what we think that
others may perceive about us. We may judge our "insides", by what others have on the
outside. Use the exercises in this section to help overcome challenges and set a strong
foundation for success.

Ongoing: Section Five: Monthly Calendar
Discovery, dreaming, planning and even growing are great, but can only get you so far
without consistent action and accountability. The monthly calendars are large and provide
ample space to write, doodle, and schedule.

This book is just one piece of The Brain Trust Planner System. To make the most of "The Brain
Trust Planner, use the weekly calendar and monthly accountability tools.


1, July 31, 2015
2, July 31, 2015




Section One:


Section One - Discover

Has this every happened to you? You set your sights on it - you have made New Year’s resolutions
about it and you have even made bargains with friend and family and still nothing seems to happen.

Dreams become powerful when they are in the form of actionable goals. Actionable goals become
unstoppable when they are tied to our deepest desires and core values. This all starts with knowing
who you are and what you stand for in life.

After completing Section One – Discover, you will be able to identify your top 10 core values. This
critical important step helps you to recognize your values and how they show up in your life. This
provides you with a good idea of who you are and what values are important to you in your life.
When you are in alignment with your core values, you will be able to live your life on purpose. This
is the space within where you can find happiness and general peace of mind.

Section one contains tools that will help you to identify your values, show you how those values
show up in your life and finally, help you to discover the person you want to grow into at the end of
the year. You can use this information to make sure that you are living and making important
decisions from your values.

 Values Planner
 Living from Your Core Values
 My Space to Discover

Use these tools to help you to keep your values in the forefront. Review your core values regularly.
Make sure that you are living from your values. Knowing this will help you recognize when you are
or are not in alignment with your values. Keep your values in mind when you dream, plan and grow
each and every day.

Values Planner

My top 10 values are:

Abundance Charm Contentment Healthy Open-minded
Accountability Chastity Courageous Honest Order
Adventurous Cheerfulness Creative Hope Passionate
Appreciation Choice Curiosity Humor Positive
Athletic Clarity Dependable Humorous Purposeful
Awe Classy Determination Independent Resilient
Balance Cleanliness Direct Industriousness Respectful
Beauty Cleverness Educated Innovative Simplicity
Being-ness Closeness Efficient Inspiring Spontaneity
Belongingness Cognizance Empathy Integrity Supportive
Benevolence Comfort Encouragement Intellect Truth
Blissfulness Commitment Entrepreneurial Intimacy Whole-hearted
Boldness Community Enterprising Introspective ____________
Bravery Compassion Extroversion Introversion

Brilliance Competence Faith Kindness

Briskness Complacency Family Laughter

Buoyancy Completion Fashion / Fashionable Listening

Calmness Composure Fit Logic

Camaraderie Concentration Flamboyant Love

Candor Confidence Frugality Loyal

Capability Confident Fun-loving Marriage

Care Conformity Giving Motivated

Carefulness Congruency Gratitude Movement

Certainty Connection Gregarious Nonconformity

Challenge Consciousness Growth Nourishing

Charity Consistency Guide Nurturing

Living from My Core Values

Use the “Values Planner” to identify your top 10 values . Write them in the space below. Detail how the value shows up in your life.

I value: This value shows up in my life as: Check if this value
1) is so important that
you can not com-
promise on it.










My Space to Discover:

My vision of who I am and want to be

This is my vision of who I am today and who I plan to be one year from now. I prioritize the areas of my life that is most important to me.
I will keep in mind that working on one area of my life can automatically impact other areas in my life. If I focus only on one or two areas
at a time, I can get much more done than trying to do everything at one time.

My life today looks like: I desire my life in one year to look Priority I did it!

Spirituality A B C Yes or No

Home A B C Yes or No

Relationships A B C Yes or No

Education / Knowledge/Skills A B C Yes or No

Creative A B C Yes or No

Service A B C Yes or No

Work/Career A B C Yes or No

Financial Health A B C Yes or No
The Type of People I Spend A B C Yes or No
the Most Time Interacting A B C Yes or No
Recreation (Fun Time)

Attitude A B C Yes or No

Clothes and Accessories A B C Yes or No

Physical Body A B C Yes or No

Values A B C Yes or No
Overall, my life this year looks like:
I desire my life at the end of the year to look like:

Using different colors— Check any area which is in conflict with your core values or that will require your immediate attention.

Free Flowing Doodles, Thoughts and Ideas



Section Two:


Section Two—Dream

Everything we do starts with a thought. A dream is an idea or a thought that hasn’t been realized. It
is a want or desire. Dreams are thoughts without form or understanding.

 When do I want to take that perfect vacation? And what do I want it to look like, what
experiences do I want to have?

 What do I want my dream home to look like? How do I want it to feel when someone walks

 How do I want my work to unfold this year? Am I happy where I am or is there some place
else that would ignite my passions and purpose?

 How do I want to give of my time and money to others?

Section two – dream helps you to dream and get clear on the outcomes of your goals. Upon
completing the activities in this section, you should have an idea of what you want your year to truly
look like. You will be able to figure out the answers to a few life questions and ultimately see yourself
growing fully in all the areas of your life. Your result: being the fullest expression of yourself!

Use these tools to discover your dreams, develop a vision of the outcome and start planning your

 My Space to Vision
 Letter to My Future Self
 3600 Introspection and Insight
 My Plan to Refresh and Grow
 My Ideal Day
 Family Traditions Planner with Common Holidays and Observations
 My Space to Plan Vacation with US and World Maps
 Free Thought and Note Pages

My Space to Vision

Visualization helps you to see and connect with your goals before they actually happen. It provides a sense of reality which didn’t exist be-
fore. Think about the process of visualization like “the play book” of life. Just like sports teams use playbooks to memorize the plays before
they happen, developing a visual representation of your dream can do the same thing. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1) Relax and breathe.
2) Be open to the possibilities of what you find.
3) Select images that you can connect on a sensory level. Get in touch with your feelings when you look at the images. If the pic-

ture calls to you, use it. Look for images that you can “feel”, that have texture and interest. Just don’t pick “pretty” pictures.
4) Use the internet, books magazines, and personal photos to gather clippings of images and uplifting words. Include a picture of

5) Use clippings from magazines or print out images from your favorite website. If you don’t want to use pictures, that is okay.

Words are just fine.
6) Use words or quotes.
7) Arrange the images in an aesthetically pleasing way to you. You can always add to your visualization – go for it!
8) Be positive as you glue the images to the pages.
Use this space to write, doodle or draw your “big picture” goals.

“...when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” Paulo Coelho

My Space to Vision-Personal

Find pictures that represent the look and feel of your goals. Select images and words that speak to your heart.

My Space to Vision-Career

Find pictures that represent the look and feel of your goals. Select images and words that speak to your heart.

©Sterling M. Fulton, A Space to Plan, LLC.

Letter to My Future Self

3600 Introspection and Insight

One aspect of your life impacts another. When you are facing a difficult choice (s), such as deciding to take a new job or move to a new
city, it is important to critically look at your choice(s) using a frame work that will provide you with both introspection and insight.

Community People, places and things that People, beings, places and Family Work
are part of your community.
Examples are (but not limited to) things that are part of those
Neighbors, Acquaintances, Mem- closest to you. This can include
bers of service organizations (i.e., people related to you or those that you
clubs, fraternities, sororities and choose to allow closes to you. Exam-
other community based organiza- ples are (but, not limited to—Spouse or
tions), House of Worship, Local life partner, Children, Extended family,
businesses and shops Pets, Friends and /or Care takers and
other healthcare providers.

What is the impact of my choice(s) on my...

The areas of your self that touches People, beings, places and things that are
the deepest part of you. Examples are part of how you earn or acquire money.
(but, not limited to): Self-confidence, Examples are (but, not limited to): Career,
Personal finances, Health, Inner well- Colleagues, Supplies and partners, Man-
being, Beliefs (religious, spiritual and ager(s), Clients, Patients and /or
personal), and Ego Customers


The area of your life that is material in nature. Examples are
(but, not limited to): Personal finances, Current earnings,
Future earning potential, and the Environment.

Use this grid to help you to assess all of the areas of your life, ask yourself the following questions to discover the possible impacts (both
from a positive and negative perspective) of your decision:

Questions Positive Negative

Does my choice(s) align to my core

How will I will feel about my choice
(s) tomorrow?

Tomorrow, how will this choice(s)
impact my family, work, and/or

How will I will feel about my choice
(s) next year?

Next year, how will this choice(s)
impact my family, work, and/or

How will I will feel about my choice
(s) ten years from now?

Ten years from now, how will this
choice(s) impact my family, work,
and/or community?

On my death bed, how will this
choice(s) impact me, my family, work
and/or community?

My Plan to Refresh and Grow:

When goals and dreams get fuzzy or plans go awry, having a way to step back and refresh is important. Refreshing can include developing
yourself. Use the grid below to identify ways you can take a break and get away from the work of achieving your goals.

I can take any of the following actions to relax, refresh and maybe even develop myself:

Exercise _________# of times per Volunteer _________# of times per Meditate _________# of times per
Day Week Month Year or Pray Day Week Month Year
Day Week Month Year at ___________________place at ___________________place
_________________Resources _________________Resources
at ___________________place


Create. _________# of times per Enjoy and _________# of times per Yoga _________# of times per
Enjoy a Day Week Month Year Day Week Month Year
hobby Day Week Month Year connect at ___________________place at ___________________place
with _________________Resources _________________Resources
at ___________________place nature


Take _________# of times per Journal _________# of times per Read _________# of times per
classes to Day Week Month Year Day Week Month Year
learn Day Week Month Year at ___________________place at ___________________place
something _________________Resources _________________Resources
new. at ___________________place


Talk and _________# of times per Watch a _________# of times per Network _________# of times per
Day Week Month Year with other Day Week Month Year
have fun Day Week Month Year good and at ___________________place like at ___________________place
with friends uplifting _________________Resources minded _________________Resources
at ___________________place movie people.


Watch TED _________# of times per Find a life _________# of times per Find a _________# of times per
Day Week Month Year mentor Day Week Month Year
Talks or Day Week Month Year or strategy at ___________________place at ___________________place
other at ___________________place coach _________________Resources _________________Resources
tional TV _________________Resources

Attend a _________# of times per List _________# of times per List _________# of times per
Day Week Month Year Others: Day Week Month Year
constructive Day Week Month Year Others: at ___________________place at ___________________place
lecture. _________________Resources _________________Resources
at ___________________place


I commit to overcome any road blocks that may hold me back. Here are some of the road blocks that are in my way and some steps I can take
to overcome them:

Having a support system makes achieving easier. When I feel like I am getting off track, there are people who I can call on or things that I can
refer to for support. Here are some of the people and things that will support me as I move forward in achieving my goals.

My Ideal Day: 12 - Midnight 1

A Time Circle Exercise. 11

10 2
8 4

6 PM 6 AM




2 10

1 11
12 Noon

How to use the time circle.

But, sometimes, it may feel as if you don’t have enough time to accomplish all you set out to do, especially the impor-
tant steps towards your goals. This can be frustrating. How you use your time is a choice that you make everyday. Use
“My Ideal Day” to help you to notice how you use your time. Label and then color-in or fill in each hour or block of
time as you use them. For example if you sleep from 10-6, color the slices of the circle the same color from 10-6. Con-
sider making copies of the time circle and use the information to notice how you are actually using your time. As you
complete your time circle keep in mind these key things:

1) Take care of yourself first. That means getting good sleep, eating well, moving or exercising and drinking plenty of wa-

2) Do things to refresh. Use “My Refresh and Growth Plan” for ideas.
3) Balance your life between your relationships, work, internal growth and your physical well being.
4) Understand that you don’t have to do everything by yourself. You can get help from others around you. You can serve

as a support for others.
5) Align your day with what you value. Remember that each day is a gift.
Does how I use my time match who I am or who I want to be? If not, why and what am I going to do about it?

My Space to Plan

Family Traditions Planner

Use this space to plan, track and monitor upcoming your family holidays, birthdays, events and special occasions.




Common Holidays and Observances - 2015

Monday, October 12, 2015 Columbus Day

Saturday, October 31, 2015 Halloween

Sunday, November 01, 2015 Daylight Saving

Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Veterans' Day

Thursday, November 26, 2015 Thanksgiving

Friday, December 25, 2015 Christmas Day

Thursday, December 31, 2015 New Year's Eve

Thursday, January 01, 2015 New Year's Day

Common Holidays and Observances - 2016

Sunday, January 18, 2015 Martin Luther King Day
Monday, February 02, 2015 Groundhog Day
Monday, February 09, 2015 Mardi Gras Carnival
Saturday, February 14, 2015 Valentine's Day
Sunday, February 15, 2015 Presidents Day and Washington's Birthday
Friday, March 13, 2015 Daylight Saving
Tuesday, March 17, 2015 St. Patrick's Day
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Good Friday
Friday, March 27, 2015 Easter
Wednesday, April 01, 2015 April Fool's Day
Wednesday, April 22, 2015 Earth Day
Tuesday, May 05, 2015 Cinco de Mayo
Friday, May 08, 2015 Mother's Day
Saturday, May 30, 2015 Memorial Day
Sunday, June 14, 2015 Flag Day
Friday, June 19, 2015 Father's Day
Saturday, July 04, 2015 Independence Day
Saturday, September 05, 2015 Labor Day
Saturday, October 10, 2015 Columbus Day
Saturday, October 31, 2015 Halloween
Friday, November 06, 2015 Daylight Saving
Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Veterans' Day
Tuesday, November 24, 2015 Thanksgiving
Friday, December 25, 2015 Christmas Day
Thursday, December 31, 2015 New Year's Eve

My Space to Plan ~ Vacation

Planning your vacation can be a lot of fun. Use this planner to determine the details of your vacation. Remember
that this is a time to make memories, relax and refresh. Enjoy!

Questions Thoughts and Ideas I did it!

Where am I Yes or No

When am I Yes or No
going to go?

How long Yes or No
will I stay?

Why do I Yes or No
want to go Yes or No
there? Yes or No

How much
will it cost?

How much
will I spend?

Where will I Yes or No
stay? Yes or No
How will I
get there?
What do I want to do?

What do I want to see?

What do I want to experience?

Going with someone else? Use this to plan your joint experience: Mine Yours Ours

Relaxation (ex. sleep, read, pool side - other ___________________)  Relaxation  Relaxation  Relaxation
Exploration (ex. tours, excursions, adventures- other ____________)  Exploration  Exploration  Exploration
 Shop  Shop
Shop (ex. stores, plaza, off the beaten path- other _______________)  Play  Play  Shop
Play (ex. casino, bars, dancing, out door exercise- other __________)  Play
Experience (ex. Theater, talks, classes, food- other _____________)  Experience  Experience
 Experience

Useful tips and ideas

 Don’t forget to take time for yourself and others. Do you need to plan time to sleep in or enjoy time alone?
 Don’t forget to take lots of photos! Do you need to take a photography class?

 Don’t forget to experience the culture of where you are. Do you need to learn phrases of a new language?
 Don’t forget about your family/friends. Do you need to pick up a souvenir or two?

 If you have a pet (s), think about what you are going to do with him/her while you are away.

Map of the United States of America

World Map

Describe through words or pictures your recipe for
the perfect day.




Section Three:


Section Three—Plan

But, when we take our thoughts and develop a structure around them, those thoughts become goals.
Goals followed by action can lead to great outcomes. Coming up with actionable and realistic goals
sets the foundation for identifying and achieving what you want. But, this means thinking about the
future and determining what are the best steps to take to get the results you want. Progress towards
your goals requires consistent action.

Upon completing the tools in Section three – Plan, your goals will be broken down into monthly
milestones, actions, tasks and smaller mini-goals allowing you to clearly see the natural progression
of your goal. This will help you to determine what needs to be done each month in order for you to
accomplish your big picture goal.

To achieve a goal you must take action.

Great and big things happen over time. Use the monthly and weekly schedules to break your goals
into manageable chucks. Input deadlines, vacations, due dates or travel plans. Inputting information
like this will help to keep you on track.

The planner is designed so that your personal reflective space is separate and not tied to you daily
schedule. The real magic happens on the "My Space to Reflect" pages. These pages are designed to
allow you to make changes that fit your life. Write your “to dos” and watch them turn into “to
dones”. Check off the things that you routinely do each day. If what you need isn't on the list, there
is space to add it. Most importantly, chronicle the people, experiences and things that you are most
grateful for along with how you nourished your mind and body each day.

 My Space to Plan: Developing Meaningful Goals
 My Personal Big Picture Goals for this Year
 My Career Big Picture Goals for this Year
 One Bite at a Time
 My Space to Plan My Year - Anno-Planner
 Big Picture to Milestones
 My Space to Plan: Turning Milestones and Goals Into Action
 Free Thought and Note Pages

My Space to Plan
Developing Meaningful Goals
Sit in a quite place and review your “big picture” goals. Consider what you must do, how you will feel and the impact
your goal will have on others. Use each of the below questions as a guide to help you construct a framework around each
goal. Once you have a clear understanding of what you want and why, you will be able to break each “big picture” goal
down to smaller actionable steps. You can measure your progress towards accomplishing these steps during check-in
sessions with an accountability partner.

What is your goal? What are you trying to accomplish?

Where are you now? What is your present situation? How do you know you have accomplished your goal? What results will you experience if
you accomplish this goal?

What does your accomplished goal look like to others? How will they experience you?

What happens if you don’t accomplish your goal?

What could potentially hold you back from accomplishing your goal? What are the things that you must change in your life (people, places,
things) to accomplish this goal? Are you willing to do that?

List a few obstacles and challenges you may encounter along the way? When you run into them, what are you going to do to get back on track?

I feel comfortable discussing this goal with an accountability partner? (Yes or No) If not, what do I need to do to hold myself accountable for
accomplishing this goal?

How committed are you to accomplish this goal?

123456789 10

Not at all committed Neutral Extremely Committed

My Space to Plan
Turning Milestones and Goals into Action

Once you have an understanding of your goals, break them down to actionable steps so that you can measure your progress. Use the below as an

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Attend and complete 2 x month continuing education courses Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No 6 Yes or No

Tools: Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

laptop, printer, ink money, info on available courses, support time to take course. space to focus on
from spouse materials. focus

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

My Space to Plan

Turning Milestones and Goals into Action

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

My Space to Plan

Turning Milestones and Goals into Action

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

One Bite at a Time

When starting to work on a goal, it seem to be overwhelming, like trying to eat an
elephant at one sitting. The only way to successfully eat an elephant is one bite at a
time. This means small steps over time. If you need to, use this free form space to
break your elephant of a goal into manageable bite size chunks.

Use the annu-planner to visualize your entire year at a glance. Input deadlines, vacations, due dates or travel plans and get an overview of your year.

Use the monthly and weekly schedules to break the overview into manageable chucks. Put action steps that you want to accomplish in the month or in
a season on the calendar. Inputting information like this, will help to keep you on track without the need for constant rescheduling.

My Space to Plan

Planning Gantt Chart


Weeks:: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Milestone or Action

Use this grid to plan and fine-tune a timeline for accomplishing goals. Write down all of the steps that you need to
complete your goal. Think about how long each step will take. Staggering your steps will help you to be more effi-
cient and not get overwhelmed. Make sure you don’t try to do to many things at one time. Color in the squares to
mark anticipated due dates. Laying out your goals will help you to determine which steps are dependent upon an-

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

My Space to Plan - “Big Picture to Milestones”

Getting fast results means taking time to plan. Use this worksheet to break the goal into monthly milestones to determine
what task or action needs to be each month done to accomplish the big picture goal.

My big picture goal:

Month Milestones I did it!

(Enter the name of (Use this space to briefly detail the steps needed to complete to accomplish big picture goals. Yes or No
the month) Tip: keep the focus and the action on what produces results. ) Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No

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