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Published by benson.hclo, 2019-09-04 01:24:28

Blessing Walk 2019

National Anthem

O Canada! Our home and native land
True patriot love in all of us command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard fro thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

E v e n t S c h e d u l e

9:00 am – 9:30 am 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Walkathon Registra on Japanese Kendo Demo
(Walkers drop-off pledges and pick up souvenir bag) Chinese Kung-Fu Demo
Charity Singing
9:30 am – 10:00 am Lucky Draw 2
Welcome Music
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
10:00 am – 10:30 am Henry's Magic Show
Opening Ceremony Dance Performance led by Margaret Law
Ontario Premier, Hon. Doug Ford Charity Singing
Hon. Mayor of Markham, Frank Scarpi Lucky Draw 3
Victor Oh, Office of Senator
Mary Ng, MP Markham – Thornhill 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Aris Babikian, MPP Scarborough - Agincourt Drama by ARTSies
Billy Pang, MPP Markham
Daisy Wai, MPP Richmond Hill Music Performance by English Congrega on – Jade Acuña
Don Hamilton, Deputy Mayor Singing - Wing Wah Live Music Group
Jack Heath, Regional Councillor Lucky Draw 4
Joe Li, Regional Councillor
Alan Ho, Councillor 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Amanda Collucci, Councillor Mul cultural Performance at The Peoples Auditorium
Isa Lee, Councillor Mul cultural Costume Show
Khalid Usman, Councillor Cantonese Opera Act Play
Musical: The Sound of Music
Welcome Speech
Saxophone Music - Alex Lau

Tradi onal Chinese Magic Show - Henry Cheng
Volunteer Award Presenta on Singing - Mayor Frank Scarpi , City of Markham
(Presented by Mary Ng, MP)
Korean Dance
Singing with Keyboard - Darrelle London
10:30 am – 11:00 am
Interna onal La n Dance
Blessing Walk Mul cultural Dance - Laos, Nepal

Singing - World-renowned Vocalist : Aelita
11:00 am – 12:00 pm nd
Finale: 2 Round of Catwalk Show in evening gowns
Singing - Alan Ho, Councillor
Henry's Magic Show
Final Lucky Draw
Charity Singing
Lucky Draw 1

Frank Scarpitti

July 2019


On behalf of Members of Council and the City of Markham, I am pleased to welcome everyone
attending the 2019 Blessing Walk & Carnival hosted by the Markham People’s Community
Church and the Markham Wesley Centre.

I would like to thank the team at the Markham People’s Community Church and the Markham
Wesley Centre for engaging members of our community, for your guidance and for your

outstanding community involvement. The actions of kind-hearted individuals go a long way to
creating a vibrant and livable community.
In the City of Markham, diversity is our strength, and as a community we are united by our
shared Canadian values of respect, inclusion and equality for all. I commend your generosity of
spirit, your compassion and volunteerism.

As the Mayor of Markham, I would like take this opportunity to extend my appreciation and
best wishes to the organizers and volunteers for your commitment and dedication to improving
the lives of others.

Wishing you an enjoyable festival and we thank you for choosing Markham as your home.


Frank Scarpitti

The Corpora on of the City of Markham, Anthony Roman Centre, 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario L3R 9W3
Tel: 905.475.4872 Fax: 905.479.7775 MayorScarpi

A Message from the Board Chair

On behalf of the boards of Markham Peoples Community Church (MPCC)

and Markham Wesley Centre (MWC), I would like to extend my warmest
welcome to all of our dis nguished guests, MPCC brothers and sisters, MWC

members and friends joining us this morning in our 9 Markham Carnival
and Blessing Walk annual fundraiser.

This year, our theme is "Embracing Community Harmony"- to celebrate

cultural diversity in our community. To this end, we will have an
interna onal food fair, performances by various ethnic and cultural groups,
games for all age cohorts, spor ng games and basketball tournaments.

Today, we are not only able to advocate community harmony, but we are
able to raise funds for the provision of addi onal youth and mul cultural

programs at MWC.

I must commend the Markham Carnival 2019 Organizing Commi ee, all our
donors and volunteers who have given their me, resources and energy to

organize this fundraiser. None of this could be possible without people like
you who believe in giving back and suppor ng your community.

Thank you for your par cipa on and support, looking forward to seeing you
all at future MPCC and MWC events. God Bless you all and have a deligh ul


With warmest regards,

Charles Poon

A Message from Dr. K. K. Leung
Senior Pastor of MPCC and Honorary Chair of MWC

Markham Wesley Centre (MWC) and Markham People Community Church (MPCC)
will organize its 9 Anniversary Markham Carnival 2019 & Blessing Walk on
Saturday July 27, 2019. This year our main theme is “Embracing Community

It's always the objec ve to connect with the community and offer a diverse
selec on of programs and services to the general public. Since its opening in
December 2014, the MWC has grown more than 3,200 registered members with
more than 400 members par cipa ng daily in a series of programs including ESL
training for new immigrants, volleyball, badminton, golf, table tennis, community
choir, cooking classes, photography, Chinese mar al arts, Karaoke, musical
instruments training and various physical and mental health ac vi es for seniors.
There is numerous educa on, and recrea onal programs for par cipants of all
Markham Wesley Center (MWC) now further seeks to improve youth
employability. We are planning to work and cooperate with three level of
governments especially to serve NEET (Not in Educa on, Employment, Training )
youths to help them to cul vate, innovate and navigate in their lives. It's also our
mission to embrace diversity, foster harmony in the community, enhance
cultural exchange, and increase community par cipa on and social integra on.
Our mul -service center will provide a wide range of community, health, and
social services and programs to serve individuals of all ages and walks of life.

Our new worship/auditorium hall, it will enable both MPCC and MWC to further
expand its mission and purpose. The new worship/auditorium hall is most modern
and contemporary facili es with more than 785 theatre-grade seats, excellent
acous c and audio system, large LCD video wall and vibrant ligh ng system etc.

Both MPCC and MWC hope that Markham Carnival 2019 will have your generous
support and par cipa on so that we can further commit ourselves to provide high
quality service which will be definitely beneficial to our city and community.

Yours Sincerely,

Senior Pastor
Dr. K.K. Leung

Message from Margaret Law

Event Co-chair Markham Carnival 2019

Dear all,

Welcome to Markham Carnival 2019.

Markham Carnival 2019 marks the 9 year of all the successful years of hard work
put on the Blessing Walk. This year our theme is “ Embracing Community Harmony”.
I am very honoured to be one of the co-chairs of this wonderful event. It is a
perfect opportunity to e our community together embracing all ethnic groups, all
ages and people from all walks of life.

Besides raising funds for the community services, we target to showcase the beauty

of all cultures. On this day we are joined by various cultural groups sharing their
beau ful costumes, songs and dances and their na onal foods. Also we are joined
by prominent music and drama groups who generously raise fund in their charity
performances. Not to men on the celebrity performers who generously share with
us their art.
Today all guests are treated with lots of entertainment, games, wagon rides and

train rides etc. You will also enjoy outdoor performances and shopping experiences .

Many thanks to the organizing commi ee , volunteers , performers, sponsors and
all par cipants. Enjoy the summer fun here at Markham Carnival 2019!!!

Russell Investments Canada Limited

Event co-chair
Margaret Law

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Family owned and operated
Custom memorial specialist
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Making Lasting Memories

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