Gross domestic product 2010
Ranking Economy (millions of
US dollars)
1 United States
2 China 14,582,400
3 Japan 5,878,629
4 Germany 5,497,813
5 France 3,309,669
6 United Kingdom 2,560,002
7 Brazil 2,246,079
8 Italy 2,087,890
9 India 2,051,412
10 Canada 1,729,010
11 Russian Federation 1,574,052
12 Spain 1,479,819
13 Mexico 1,407,405
14 Korea, Rep. 1,039,662
15 Australia 1,014,483
16 Netherlands 924,843
17 Turkey 783,413
18 Indonesia 735,264
19 Switzerland 706,558
20 Poland 523,772
21 Belgium 468,585
22 Sweden 467,472
23 Norway 458,004
24 Venezuela, RB 414,462
25 Austria 387,852
26 Saudi Arabia 376,162
27 Argentina 375,766
28 South Africa 368,712
29 Iran, Islamic Rep. 363,704
30 Thailand 331,015
31 Denmark 318,847
32 Greece 310,405
33 Colombia 304,865
34 Finland 288,189
35 Malaysia 238,801
36 United Arab Emirates 237,804
37 Portugal 230,252
38 Hong Kong SAR, China 228,538
39 Singapore 224,458
40 Egypt, Arab Rep. 222,699
41 Israel 218,912
42 Ireland 217,334
43 Chile 203,892
44 Philippines 203,443
45 Nigeria 199,589
46 Czech Republic 193,669
47 Pakistan 192,152
48 Romania 174,799
49 Algeria 161,624
50 Peru 159,426
51 Kuwait 153,845
52 Kazakhstan 148,024
53 Ukraine 142,987
54 Hungary 137,929
55 New Zealand 130,419
56 Vietnam 126,679
57 Bangladesh 103,572
58 Qatar 100,076
59 Morocco 98,313
91,196 a
World Development Indicators database, World Bank, 1 July 2011 1
Gross domestic product 2010
Ranking Economy (millions of
US dollars)
60 Slovak Republic
61 Angola 89,034
62 Iraq 84,391
63 Cuba 82,150
64 Libya 62,705
65 Sudan 62,360
66 Croatia 62,046
67 Syrian Arab Republic 60,852
68 Ecuador 59,103
69 Luxembourg 58,910
70 Belarus 55,096
71 Dominican Republic 54,713
72 Azerbaijan 51,577
73 Sri Lanka 51,092
74 Slovenia 49,552
75 Bulgaria 47,763
76 Oman 47,714
77 Tunisia 46,114
78 Guatemala 44,291
79 Uruguay 41,190
80 Lebanon 40,265
81 Serbia 39,155
82 Uzbekistan 39,128
83 Lithuania 38,982
84 Costa Rica 36,306
85 Kenya 34,564
86 Ghana 31,409
87 Ethiopia 31,306
88 Jordan 29,717
89 Panama 27,574
90 Yemen, Rep. 26,777
91 Cyprus 26,365
92 Latvia 25,039 b
93 Tanzania 24,010
94 Côte d'Ivoire 23,057 c
95 Cameroon 22,780
96 El Salvador 22,394
97 Macao SAR, China 21,796
98 Turkmenistan 21,736
99 Bahrain 21,074
100 Trinidad and Tobago 20,595
101 Bolivia 20,398
102 Estonia 19,786
103 Paraguay 18,674
104 Uganda 18,475
105 Bosnia and Herzegovina 17,011
106 Zambia 16,888
107 Nepal 16,193
108 Honduras 15,701
109 Botswana 15,400
110 Equatorial Guinea 14,857
111 Jamaica 14,007
112 Congo, Dem. Rep. 13,995
113 Gabon 13,145
114 Senegal 13,011
115 Iceland 12,954
116 Namibia 12,594
117 Congo, Rep. 12,170
118 Albania 11,898
World Development Indicators database, World Bank, 1 July 2011 2
Gross domestic product 2010
Ranking Economy (millions of
US dollars)
119 Afghanistan
120 Georgia 11,757
121 Cambodia 11,667 d
122 Brunei Darussalam 11,343
123 Mauritius 10,732
124 Mozambique
125 Papua New Guinea 9,729
126 Armenia 9,586
127 Mali 9,480
128 Macedonia, FYR 9,265
129 Burkina Faso 9,251
130 Madagascar 9,118
131 Malta 8,820
132 Chad 8,721
133 Bahamas, The 7,987
134 Lao PDR 7,588
135 Zimbabwe 7,538
136 Haiti 7,491
137 Benin 7,474
138 Nicaragua 6,710
139 Monaco 6,633
140 Mongolia 6,551
141 Moldova 6,109
142 Bermuda 6,083
143 Tajikistan 5,809 e
144 Rwanda 5,715
145 Kosovo 5,640
146 Niger 5,628
147 Malawi 5,591
148 Liechtenstein 5,549
149 Kyrgyz Republic 5,106
150 Guinea 4,826
151 Montenegro 4,616
152 Andorra 4,511
153 Swaziland 4,004
154 Mauritania 3,712
155 Suriname 3,645
156 Barbados 3,636
157 Togo 3,252
158 Fiji 3,203
159 Guyana 3,153
160 Faeroe Islands 3,009
161 Lesotho 2,222
162 Eritrea 2,198
163 Central African Republic 2,132
164 Sierra Leone 2,117
165 San Marino 2,013
166 Cape Verde 1,905
167 Burundi 1,900
168 Bhutan 1,648
169 Maldives 1,611
170 Belize 1,516
171 Greenland 1,480
172 Djibouti 1,432
173 Antigua and Barbuda 1,268
174 Liberia 1,049
175 Seychelles 1,015
176 St. Lucia
177 Guinea-Bissau 986
World Development Indicators database, World Bank, 1 July 2011 3
Gross domestic product 2010
Ranking Economy (millions of
US dollars)
178 Gambia, The
179 Vanuatu 807
180 Timor-Leste 729
181 Solomon Islands 701
182 Grenada 679
183 Samoa 628
184 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 565
185 Comoros 562
186 St. Kitts and Nevis 541
187 Dominica 526
188 Tonga 383
189 Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 357
190 São Tomé and Principe 287
191 Palau 197
192 Marshall Islands 170
193 Kiribati 156
American Samoa ..
Aruba ..
Cayman Islands ..
Channel Islands ..
Curaçao ..
French Polynesia ..
Gibraltar ..
Guam ..
Isle of Man ..
Korea, Dem. Rep. ..
Mayotte ..
Myanmar ..
New Caledonia ..
Northern Mariana Islands ..
Puerto Rico ..
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) ..
Somalia ..
St. Martin (French part) ..
Turks and Caicos Islands ..
Tuvalu ..
Virgin Islands (U.S.) ..
West Bank and Gaza ..
World 63,048,823
Low income 413,913
Middle income 19,561,744
Lower middle income 4,312,196
Upper middle income 15,246,704
Low & middle income 19,997,455
East Asia & Pacific
Europe & Central Asia 7,579,386
Latin America & Caribbean 3,055,026
Middle East & North Africa 4,969,416
South Asia 1,068,481
Sub-Saharan Africa 2,088,236
High income 1,097,899
Euro area 43,002,175
.. Not available.
Note: Rankings include only those economies with confirmed GDP estimates. Figures in italics are for 2009 or 2008.
a. Includes Former Spanish Sahara. b. Data are for the area controlled by the government of the Republic of Cyprus.
c. Covers mainland Tanzania only. d. Excludes Abkhazia and South Ossetia. e. Excludes Transnistria.
World Development Indicators database, World Bank, 1 July 2011 4