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Published by DnDArchive, 2020-10-24 04:19:39

5th Edition - Monster Manual

5th Edition - Monster Manual

ThuG TRrs.Ai WARRioR

Medium humanoid (any race), any non-good alignment Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 11 (leather armor) Armor Class 12 (hide armor)
, Hit Points 32 (Sd8 + 10) Hit Point s 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30ft.

8 (-1) 11 (+0) 8 (-1)
15 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 13. (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)

Skills Intimidation +2 Senses passive Perception 10
Senses passive Pe rception 10 Languages any one la nguage
Languages any one language (u su ally Commo n) Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Challenge 1/ 2 (100 XP)
Pack Tactics. The warrior has advant age on an attack roll
Pack Tactics. The thug has advantage on a n attack roll agai nst against a creature if at least one of the warrior's a llies is within
a creature if at least one of the thu g's allies is withi n 5 feet of 5 feet of the creatu re and the ally is n't incapacitated.
the creature and the ally is n't incapacitated.
Multiattack. The thug makes two melee attacks. Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft. , o ne target. Hit: 4 (1 d6 + 1) pierci ng damage, or
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. 5 (1d8 + 1) piercin g damage if used with two hands to make a
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning dam age. me lee attack.

Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range Tribal warriors live beyond civilization, most often
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) piercing damage. subsisting on fishing and hunting. Each tribe acts in
accordance with the wishes of its chief, who is the
Thugs are ruthless enforcers skilled at intimidation and greatest or oldest warrior of the tribe or a tribe member
violence. They work for money and have few scruples. blessed by the gods.


Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 17 (spl int)
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Speed 30ft.


16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)

Skills Athletics +5, Pe rce pt ion +2
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages a ny one lang uage (usua lly Common)
Challenge 3 (700 XP)


Multiattack. The veteran makes two longsword attacks. If it
has a shortsword drawn, it can also make a shortsword attack.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one
t arget. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) s lashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3)
slashing damage if used with two hands.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
ta rget. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
100/400 ft. , one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) pie rcing damage.

Veterans are professional fighters that take up arms
for pay or to protect something they believe in or value.
Their ranks include soldiers retired from long service
and warriors who never served anyone but themselves.



Use this index to find a specific monster stat block.

A Constrictor Snake, 320 Giant Frog, 325
Copper Dragon Wyfmling, 11 2
Aarakocra, 12 Couatl, 43 Giant Goat, 326
Aboleth, 13 Courtier. S ee Noble.
Abominable Yeti, 306 Crab, 320 Giant Hyena, 326
Acererak, 49 Crawling Claw, 44
Acolyte, 342 Crocodile, 320 Giant Lizard, 326
Adult Black Dragon, 88 Cult Fanatic, 345
Adult Blue Dracolich, 84 Cultist, 345 Giant Octopus, 326
Adult Blue Dragon, 91 Cyclops, 45
Adu lt Brass Dragon, 105 Giant Owl, 327
Adult Bronze Dragon, 108 D
Adult Copper Dragon, Ill Giant Poisonous Snake, 327
Adult Gold Dragon, 114 Dao, 143 ~
Adu lt Green Dragon, 94 Darkmantle, 46 Giant Rat, 327 '
Adult Red Dragon, 98 Death Dog, 32 1 Giant Scorpion, 327
Adu lt S ilver Dragon, 117 Death Knight, 47
Adu lt White Dragon, 10 1 Death Slaad, 278 Giant Sea Horse, 328
Air Elemental, 124 Death Tyrant, 29
Allosaurus, 79 Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin), 164 Giant Shark, 328
Ancient Black Dragon, 87 Deer, 321
Ancient Blue Dragon, 90 Demilich, 48 Giant Spider, 328 '
Ancient Brass Dragon, 104 Deva, 16
Ancient Bronze Dragon, 107 Dire Wolf, 321 Giant Toad, 329
Ancient Copper Dragon, 110 Diseased Giant Rat, 327
Ancient Gold Dragon, 113 Displacer Beast, 81 Giant Vu lture, 329
Ancient Green Dragon, 93 Djinni, 144
Ancient Red Dragon, 97 Doppelganger, 82 Giant Wasp, 329
Ancient Silver Dragon , 116 Dracolich (template), 83
Ancient White Dragon, 100 Draft Horse, 321 Giant Weasel, 329
Androsphinx, 281 Dragon Turtle, 119
Animated Armor, 19 Dretch, 57 Giant Wolf Spider, 330
Ankheg, 21 Drider, 120
Ankylosaurus, 79 Drow, 128 Gibbering Mouther, 157
Ape, 317 Draw Elite Warrior, 128
Arcanaloth, 313 Drow Mage, 129 Githyanki Knight, 160
Arch mage, 342 Draw Priestess of Lolth, 129
Druid, 346 Githyanki Warrior, 160
Assassin, 343 Dryad, 121
Awakened S hrub, 317 Duergar, 122 Githzcrai Monk, 161
Awakened Tree, 317 Duodrone, 225
Axe Beak, 317 Dust Me phit, 2 15 Githzerai Zerth, 161
Azer, 22
E Glabrezu, 58
Eagle, 322 Gladiator, 346
Baboon, 318 Earth Elemental, 124
Badger, 318 Efreeti, 145 Gnoll, 163
Balor, 55 Elephant, 322
Bandit, 343 Elk, 322 Gnoll Fang ofYeenoghu, 163
Bandit Captain, 344 Empyrean, 130
Banshee, 23 Erinyes, 73 Gnoll Pack Lord, 163
Barbed Devil, 70 Ettercap, 131
Barlgura, 56 Ettin, 132 Goat, 330
Basilis k, 24
Bat,318 F Goblin, 166
Bearded Devil, 70
Behir, 25 Faerie Dragon, 133 Goblin Boss, 166
Beholder, 28 Fi re Elemental, 125
Beholder Zombie, 316 Fire Giant, 154 Gold Dragon Wyrmling, liS
Berserker, 344 Fire Snake, 265
Black Bear, 318 Flameskull, 134 Gorgon, 171
Black Dragon Wyrmling, 88 Flesh Golem, 169
Black Pudding, 241 Flumph, 135 Goristro, 59
Blink Dog, 318 Flying S nake, 322
Blood Hawk, 319 Flying Sword, 20 Gray Ooze, 243
Blue Dragon Wyrmling, 9 1 Fomorian, 136
Blue Slaad , 276 Frog, 322 Gray Slaad, 277
Boar, 319 Frost Giant, 155
Bone Devil, 71 Green Dragon Wyrmling, 95
Bone Naga, 233 G
Brass Dragon Wyrmling, 106 Green Hag, 177
Bronze Dragon Wyrmling, 109 Gale b Duh r, 139
Gargoyle, 14 0 Green S laad, 277
Brown Bear, 3 19 Gas Spore, 138
Bugbear, 33 Gelatinous Cube, 242 Grell, 172
Bugbear Chief, 33 Ghast, 148
Bulette, 34 Ghost, 147 Grick, 173
Bullywug, 35 Ghoul, 148
Giant Ape, 323 Grick Alpha, 173
c Giant Badge r, 323
Giant Bat, 323 Griffon, 174
Cambion. 36 Giant Boar, 323
Camel, 320 Giant Centipede, 323 Grimlock, 175
Carrion Crawler, 37 Giant Constrictor Snake, 324
Cat, 320 Giant Crab, 324 Guard, 347
Cave Bear, 334 Giant Crocodile, 324
Centaur, 38 Giant Eagle, 324 Guardian Naga, 234
Chain Devil, 72 Giant Elk, 325
Chasme, 57 Giant Fire Beetle, 325 Gynosphin x, 282
Chimera, 39
Chuul, 40 H
Clay Golem, 168
Cloaker, 41 Half-Dragon (template), 180
Cloud Giant, 154 HaJf.Ogre, 238
Cockatrice, 42 Half-Red Dragon Veteran, 180
Commoner, 345 Harpy, 18 1
Hawk, 330
Hell Hound, 182
Helmed Horror, 183

Hezrou, 60
Hill Giant, ISS
Hippogriff, 184
Hobgoblin, 186
Hobgoblin Captain, 186
Hobgoblin Warlord. 187

Homunculus, 188
Hook Horror, 189
Horned Devil, 74
Hunter Sha rk, 330
Hyd ra, 190
Hyena, 331


lee Devil, 75
lee Mephit, 215
Imp, 76
Incubus, 284
Intellect Devourer, 191
Invisible S talker, 192
Iron Golem, 170


jackal, 331
jackalwere, 193

K Pit Fiend, 77 Tarrasque, 286
Pix ie, 253 Thri -kree n. 288
Kenku, 194 Planetar, 17 Thu g. 350
Killer Whal e, 33 1 Plesiosaurus. 80 Tiger. 339
Knight, 347 Poisonous S nake. 334 Toad. See Frog.
Kobold, 195 Polar Bear, 334 Treant. 289
Kraken, 197 Poltergeist, 279 Tribal Shaman. See Druid.
Kuo-toa, 199 Pony. 335 Tribal Warrior. 350
Kuo·toa Archpriest, 200 Priest. 348 Triceratops. 80
Kuo-toa Whip, 200 Pseudodrago n. 254
Psychic Gray Ooze, 24 0 Tridron c, 225
L Pteranodon , 80 Troglody te. 290
Purple Worm, 255 Troll. 29 1
Lamia , 20 1 Twi g Blight , 32
Lemure. 76 Q Tyrann osaurus Rex. 80
L ich. 202
Lion. 33 1 Quadrone. 226 u
Lizard. 332 Quaggo th, 256
Li zard King/Queen. 205 Quaggo th Spore Ser vant. 230 Ultrolot h. 31~
Liz ardfolk. 204 Quaggo th Thonot , 256 Umber Hulk . 292
Li za rdfolk Shaman, 205 Quasit. 63 Unico rn . 294
Quipper, 335 Urd . See Win ged Kobold .
R v
Mage. 347
Magma Mephit. 2 16 Raks hasa. 257 Vampire. 297
Magmin. 212 Rat , 335 Vampire S pawn. 298
Mammoth. 332 Raven. 335 Veteran, 350
Manes, 60 Red Dragon \.Vyrmlin g, 98 Vin e Blight. 32
Manticore, 2 13 Red Slaad, 276 V iolet Fungu s. 138
Marid , 14 6 Ree f Shark, 336 Vrock, 64
Marilith, 61 Remorha z, 258 Vulture, 339
Mastiff, 332 Revena nt. 259
Medusa, 2 14 Rh inoceros, 336 w
Merfol k, 218 Riding Horse, 336
Merrow. 2 19 Roc. 260 Warhorse, 34 0
Mezzolot h, 3 13 Rogue Mod ron, 224 Warhorse Skeleton. 273
Mimic, 220 Roper, 26 1 Wat er Elemental. 125
Mind Flayer, 222 Rug of Smoth erin g. 20 Wat er Weird, 299
Mind Flayer Arcan ist. 222 Ru st Monster, 262 Wea sel. 340
Min otaur. 223 Wereb ea r. 208
Minotaur Skeleton . 273 s Wereboar. 209
Monodrone, 224 Wererat. 209
Mud Mephit , 216 Saber-toothed Tiger, 336 Weretiger, 210
Mule. 333 Sa huagin, 263 Werewolf, 211
Mummy, 228 Sa hu agin Baron, 264 Whit e Dragon Wy rmlin g, 102
Mummy Lord, 229 Sa hu agin Priestess. 264 Wight. 300
Myconid Adult. 232 Sa lamander, 266 Will -o'-Wi sp. 30 1
Myconid Sovereign, 232 Satyr. 267 Winged Kobold, 195
Myco nid Sprout , 230 Scarecrow. 268 Winter Wolf. 340
Scorpion. 337 W o l f, 3 41
N Scout, 349 Worg, 34 1
Sea Hag. 179 Wraith. 302
Na lfeshnee, 62 Sea Horse, 337 Wyvern . 303
Need le Blight , 32 Shadow. 269
Night Hag, 178 S hadow De mon. 64 X
Nightmare, 235 Shadow Dragon (template). 84
Noble, 348 Sha mbling Mound , 270 Xo rn , 304
Not hie, 236 Shield Guardi an, 27 1
Nycaloth, 3 14 Shrieker. 138 y
S ilver Dragon Wyrmlin g. 11 8
0 Skeleton. 272 Yeti. 305
Slaa d Tadpol e, 276 Yo chlol. 65
Ochre j elly, 243 Smoke Mephit, 2 17 Yo ung Black Dragon , 88
Octopus, 333 Solar, 18 You ng Blu e Dragon, 91
Ogre, 237 S pec tator. 30 Young Brass Dragon , 105
Ogre Zombie, 3 16 Spec ter. 279 You ng Bronze Dragon, 108
Oni, 239 Spider. 337 Youn g Copper Dragon, Ill
Ore, 246 Spined Devil , 78 You ng Gold Dragon. 115
Ore Eye ofGruumsh. 247 Spi rit Naga, 234 Youn g G ree n Dragon, 94
Ore War Chief. 246 Spore Servant (template). 230 Young Red Dragon , 98
Orog, 247 Sprite, 283 Young Red Shadow Dragon, 85
Otyugh. 248 Spy, 349 Young Rcmorh az, 258
Owl. 333 Stea m Mephit , 2 17 Young S ilver Dragon , 11 8
Owlbea r. 249 Stirge. 284 Young White Dragon, 101
S tone Gia nt, 156 Yuan -ti Abomination , 308
p Stone Golem. 170 Yuan-ti M a li son, 309
S torm G ian t. 156 Yua n-ti Pureblood, 310
Pant her. 333 Succubus. 285
Pega sus, 250 Svirfneblin. See Deep Gnome. z
Pentadron c, 226 Swarm of Bats. 337
Peryton, 25 1 Swarm of Beetles. 338 Zombi e, 316
Pha se Spider, 334 Swarm of Cen tipedes. 338
Piercer, 252 Swa rm of In sects. 338
Pirate. See Bandit. Swann of
Pirate Captai n.
Poi sonou s S nakes. 338
See Band it Cap tain. Swa rm of Quippers, 338
Swa rm of Rat s. 339
Swa rm of Ravens. 339
Swarm of Spiders. 338
Swarm of Wasps, 338


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