ISSN : 0128-2018
IIUM Online Community of USERS TRAINING :
Practice (CoP) Portal Which methods to employ?
page 8 page 12
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia 1
FAST FACTS 6 Workshop on Classification 15
Scheme & Subject Heading 22
on Islam
IIUM Quality Day
SMNA Library : Syed Muhammad 23
Naquib Al-Attas Library
Library Programmes 24
At Other Campuses
Which methods to employ?
Dar Al-Hikmah Library +603-61964855
International Islamic University Malaysia [email protected]
P.O Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur www.iium.edu.my/lib
Dar Al-Hikmah Library Newsletter is a yearly newsletter published by Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia.
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia June 2017(2) 2
EDITORIAL A Note from Editor :
It is with great pleasure that I present Dar
Advisor Al-Hikmah Library Newsletter for 2017. For the
Dr Basri Hj. Hassan past few months, the editorial team has been
busy experimenting with design and story
Editor ideas to make the newsletter more visually
Leenawati Razali stimulating and reader-friendly.
We at Dar Al-Hikmah always do our best to
-Writers- provide reliable services and facilities to all
Dr. Basri Hj. Hassan customers and ensure to meet our customers’
Sarifah Abdullah expectation.
Do drop us a note at [email protected]
Balqis Suja’ to let us know what you think of Dar Al-Hikmah
Nur’Aini Abu Bakar Library Newsletter.
Noraini Mukhtar facebook.com/iiumlibrary
Yusrina Abu Bakar
Nor Hasyimah Mustapa
Irni Izwah Abu Bakar
Ahmad Zaki Rashid
Rosyidah Taju Rahim
Najibah Abu Bakar
Rasyidah Mohd Daud
Online Coordinator twitter.com/LibIIUM
Fazilah Basaruddin instagram.com/iiumLIB
Graphic and Design 3
Mas Azurrina Mazlan
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia
Chief Librarian’s Message
I am happy to introduce to you the second issue of the Dar
Al-Hikmah Library’s newsletter. Just like the previous issue, this issue
is laden with interesting and insightful news on the activities
carried by the Dar Al-Hikmah Library during the past year.
I hope that readers will enjoy this issue and benefit from the
articles, figures, colourful pictures and infographics provided in the
As 2017 draws to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to
extend my best wishes to all readers. Thank you very much for your
continued support.
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia June 2017(2) 4
The IIUM University Library has been established since 1983. The Library has six branch libraries located at
different campuses: Dar Al-Hikmah Library (Main Library) at Gombak ; IIUM Kuantan Library at Indera
Mahkota Campus, Pahang ; Centre for Foundation Studies Library at Petaling Jaya ; Centre for Foundation
Studies Library at Gambang, Pahang ; Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas Library at Kuala Lumpur, Islamic
Institute Banking and Finance, IIiBF Library and also Kuliyyah of Language Management, Hab Pendidikan
Bandar Universiti Pagoh, Johor. The main Library is situated at the crossing of all the central services in the
Gombak Campus. The main Library is also adjacent to the student centre, another focal point for students’
activities. The importance of having sufficient space with a conducive working environment is essential to any
type of library. This is especially crucial to academic library where the main focus is geared towards
supporting the learning process of the students.
The Library always demonstrates continuous commitment and efforts to support the University to accomplish its
vision and mission. This year, the library has launched the iHikmah portal which was to established to propagate
knowledge sharing culture among the university community. By having this community of practice portal, the
Library will assist the community in sharing their knowledge, concerns, and interests in various topics. Besides that,
the Library also was involved in preparing research data by validating & compiling data for MYRA 5. The
Institutional Repository (IREP) managed by the Library is instrumental to the ranking process of the university and
helps to increase the university’s research output visibility.
We will be exemplary dynamic library 5
for the attainment of knowledge and
wisdom of the Ummah
To deliver high quality and
comprehensive information resources and
services to support teaching,
learning and research.
We promise to be a dynamic partner in
the teaching, learning and research activities
of the university
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia
GRAND TOTAL : 875 968 GRAND TOTAL : 2 102 073
--------------------------- ---------------------------
Book - 700 690 E-Book - 105 092
Special Collection - 56 856 E-theses - 1 943 035
Manuscripts - 15 877 Microform - 14 824
Journal (print) - 102 545 CD Rom - 24 132
Multimedia - 14 990
--------------------------- DIGITAL MATERIALS
E-Journals - 63 (Titles) GRAND TOTAL : 30 009
Online Databases - 41 ---------------------------
(databases) Islamic Economics - 6324
Islamic Educations - 899
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia Islamic Law - 2 297
IIUM Thesis - 5131
Examination Paper - 14 812
Manuscripts - 546
June 2017(2) 6
These figures
demonstrate the
library statistics.
Number of Visits
In-person (entries)
1, 231, 258
Virtual (website)
305, 529
(2016 - mid 2017 )
IREP Number of Books
(IIUM Repository)
487, 579
915, 573
Downloads (2016 - mid 2017 )
(2016—mid 2017)
Number of Access to 7
Online Databases
8, 694, 332
(2016 - mid 2017 )
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia
Community of Practice
Sarifah Abdullah, Senior Deputy Chief Librarian
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia
In 2014, IIUM embarked in a knowledge audit IIUM ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2013 – 2015:
project. Seven (7) gaps were identified and four (4) KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT
recommendations were proposed which are :
1. encourage a learning workspace; 2– create The IIUM ICT Strategic Plan 2013-2015 is a plan that
formalised internal knowledge processes and determines the direction, development strategies and
standards; 3– connecting people to content; implementation of ICT projects in the University. It is to
4 - connecting people to people. In 2015 the focus, synergize and spell out the strategic direction
University had decided to develop CoP as a statement, key result areas (KRA), and action plan in order
network platform that links employees to knowledge to fulfill IIUM’s aspiration to be the Premier Global Islamic
sharing. Online CoP project provides a personalized University by 2020. There were three (3) Key Result Areas
workspace where individuals can collaborate, (KRA) supporting the IIUM ICT Strategic Direction Statement
as below:
communicate, conduct research, and plan activities
based on a common interest. The purpose of this IIUM ICT KRA ICT KRA GOALS
paper is to share the experience of IIUM in Governance To strengthen ICT governance towards the highest
developing an online community of practice portal. standard
Keywords – CoP, community of practice, portal, knowledge Service To provide customer-focused, efficient, sustainable
management(KM), knowledge audit. Delivery and reliable service
INTRODUCTION Knowledge To systematically manage knowledge for societal
Management well-being, wealth-creation and new knowledge.
International Data Corp. (IDC) estimates that poorly
managed knowledge costs Fortune 500 companies
about $12 billion a year (Stewart, T. A., 2002). You
do not need numbers like IDC's to know that the need Currently, the systems and databases are in silos. It is a
is there: Just consider how much time you waste challenge for the university to compile and access data. To
searching for information that ought to be at your solve the problem, the University needs to establish a
fingertips, how many times you have been frustrated knowledge management system. Knowledge management is
by having to talk to five or six people before getting defined as “getting the right information to the right
the right knowledge or information, how many times people at the right time”. Under Knowledge Management
a mistake could have been prevented if only you KRA, there are several action plans were layout.
have known who to check with? These scenarios
represent many organizations today that failed to Knowledge 1. To identify and capture information that
identify and leverage existing knowledge, thus capture exists across the University through KM
leading to “reinventing the wheel”, repeating audit exercise.
mistakes and wasting resources. Content without
effective access and usage is worthless and 2. To enhance knowledge capture for
the unmanaged repository can cost a bundle unless knowledge sustainability and to ensure
proper steps are taken. All these represent explicit data validity and reliability.
knowledge. There is another form of knowledge to
consider – tacit knowledge - which is the personal 3. To establish a single, trusted and
knowledge that is in people’s minds. It has been recognized IIUM wide data for better deci-
highlighted that 20% of knowledge is stored in sion making.
documents whilst 80% is stored in the heads of
knowledge workers. Thus, managing organizational 4. To develop University corporate taxonomy.
1. To enhance system integration and data
Efficiently manage mining to pull together isolated knowledge
the University’s bases.
knowledge resources 2. To utilise intelligent agents to deliver “just-
in-time information.
knowledge more effectively and exploiting it in the Strengthening 1. To instil the habit of knowledge sharing
marketplace, is the latest pursuit for those seeking knowledge sharing practices within and across the University.
competitive advantage. Over the years, the and collaboration
university has built a rich bank of information 2. To establish rewards and recognition
program for knowledge sharing.
resources and knowledge assets in various document KM planning 1. To plan and acquire KM budget
forms and as well as a pool of knowledgeable process implementation.
experts. To ensure the information is easily accessible
and used, it needs a proper knowledge management 2. To establish measurable progress made
against KM plan.
system. Due to that, IIUM has included knowledge KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AUDIT
management strategies in its ICT strategic plan. In
2014, the university has embarked on a knowledge
audit project. As a result of the knowledge audit In 2014, the university has asked the Library to lead the
project, the university has established a community of knowledge audit project. Knowledge audit plays an
practice (CoP), an initiative to enhance knowledge important part in introducing KM into any organization. It is
sharing among staff in IIUM. This paper describes a systematic examination and evaluation of organizational
how to implement CoP portal as a tool for knowledge health status, thus providing the audited unit
knowledge sharing. with measured knowledge of its existing and potential
knowledge value.
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia June 2017(2) 8
The project started in May 2014 and ended in October COP FORUM
2014. It was executed by consultant Paradigm Systems
Sdn. Bhd. Upon completion of this project, the University One of the most important aspects of CoP is that a
has asked the Library to implement two (2) projects from group of people are able to share knowledge, learn
the above recommendations. The Library decided to together and create common practice (Buckley &
embark on the following: Giannakopoulos, 2011). Community members frequently
help one another to solve problems, give one another
i. Develop Directory of Experts by subscribing PlumX advise and develop new approaches or tools for their
from Ebsco field. Thus, one of the main modules in CoP portal is
e-forum. Currently there are about 1,500 conversations
ii. Implement IIUM Community of Practice (CoP) projects that had been posted by the domain members. These
namely iHIKMAH. treats need to be replied and codified by
respective moderators.
From the knowledge audit findings, IIUM is facing the Before the launch of iHikmah to the IIUM community, the
following issues: content must be sufficient, valid, reliable and the treats
are attractive enough to the users. All treats created
Knowledge in IIUM is in silos. It is stored in must be examined and validated of their relevance. To
repositories known only to some and ensure these are achieved, we have to schedule several
available only to selected individuals. Access then face-to-face domain management labs. However, the
become an issue. attendance was not encouraging. Probst & Borzillo
(2008) found that there are five major reasons for the
Critical knowledge within individuals gets “lost’ failure of the community of practice
when they leave the organization or retire. activities.
Meaningless effort is then spent in recreating the
lost knowledge. Lack of a core group that may be due to the
workload pressures, not permitting members of the
Workers who need “just in time” knowledge are CoP time to regularly meet and discuss any critical
unable to know who has what knowledge. issue.
Connecting to the right person to impart
experience or advise becomes a challenge. Low level of one-to-one interaction between members
(face-to-face, telephone, e-mail, etc.).
Valuable contributions to knowledge sharing and
transfer cannot be forced. Top management faces The rigidity of competences ~ Members tend to
this challenge even if they can allocate employees primarily trust their own competences and are
to knowledge sharing activities, or assign them to therefore less willing to integrate practices originating
dedicated projects and instruct them to contribute from other CoP members into their daily work.
their knowledge to their organization.
The solution lies in creating a knowledge portal to Lack of identification with CoP ~ Members does not
enable an environment for people to share their view participation in their CoP as meaningful for their
experiences and in establishing special methods for daily work.
identifying, creating, storing, sharing and using the kind Practice intangibility which occurs when members fail
of knowledge that is often not documented. Based on to engage with one another in a way that allows them
to illustrate the practice to make it concrete enough
those challenges, in 2015 IIUM decided to embark on for other members to understand and visualize its
a solution that utilizes the concept of cultivating function.
Communities of Practice (CoP) as an informal learning CONCLUSION
tool to facilitate the creation of knowledge enabling
environment in the organization. The Dar Al-Hikmah From existing studies, like any initiative, CoP need to be
Library is taking the lead in managing this project. The energised especially at the beginning stage. Along the
processes involved in the implementation of CoP are as way we need to ensure quality contents be captured
follows : and codified, the services that we provide to facilitate
a knowledge sharing environment is crucial. Finally, we
Developing a knowledge portal. This portal have to ensure online and face to face
becomes the platform of knowledge sharing tool. conversations are kept alive. We are hoping from
CoP, we are able to share experiences amongst IIUM
Leveraging on social networking tools. community and build a facilitating environment that will
allow our knowledge workers to engage.
Building the online CoP, capturing and codifying
In the implementation of CoP, the portal will become an Ahmad Dahlan, Abdul Rahman (2016). Intellectual assets and knowledge audit as fundamental
enabling tool in the establishment of knowledge sharing step for the “University of the Future” transformation. Burkley, Sheryl, Giannakopoulos,
in IIUM. The portal can knit the experts together into a Apostolos (2011). Knowledge sharing through communities of practice. Proceedings of the European
virtual community and aid collaboration. The portal is Conference on Intellectual Capital, p. 103-112. CITES (2005). Partners Virtual Community. CITES,
developed by using Drupal 7.4.1, database MySQL International Islamic University Malaysia (2012). ICT Strategic Plan : IIUM 2013-2015. Kuala
and PHP as web services. The Drupal system is chosen Lumpur : International Islamic University MalaysiaInternational Islamic University Malaysia
because it supports good forum features. The portal has (2014). Knowledge Audit Report. Kuala Lumpur : International Islamic University Malaysia.
been given the name iHIKMAH (wisdom of knowledge Karwowski, Waldemar & Orlowski, Arkadiusz (2014). Drupal as an
sharing). important Part of a Knowledge Management System. Warsaw : Przeglad Electrotechniczny.
Probst, Gilbert & Borzillo, Stefano (2008). Why communities of practice succeed and why they fail.
European Management Journal, vol. 26, 335-347.Steward, T. A. (2002) The Case Against Knowledge
Management. Business 2.0 (February). Wenger, Etienne, Mcdermott, Richard & Snyder, William
M. (2002). A guide to managingknowledge : cultivating communities of practice. Boston : Harvard
Business School Press.
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia 9
What is available in IIIUMMultiple CONNECT . SHARE . LEARN
What did we achieved?Databases
Connect people to
Limited IIUM’s information at
all the times
Reduce duplication
of works
The IIUM Community Speaks
Is iHikmah easy 69% clear and understandable
to use? 72% Sufficient facilitating conditions
57% I will use if my peers use iHikmah Who can influence me?
72% I will recommend to my friends
Will I recommend the
use of iHikmah?
Using iHikmah will 67% 71% 77%
enhance my
performance? Useful in my Increase my chances Found that iHikmah
daily work of achieving things is advantageous
that are important
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia June 2017(2) 10
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia 11
Which methods to employ?
By: Dr Basri Hj. Hassan, Chief Librarian
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia
Digital information resources are changing rapidly and INFORMATION RESOURCES
in a relatively short period of time have
expanded from a few dozen computerised Developed countries such as the USA, UK, Europe and
bibliographic databases to include an overwhelming Australia have recognized that basic computer
amount of information available on the Internet (Fecko, literacy and information literacy are essential for
1997). Digitisation of information has resulted in access their citizens to carry out their daily activities.
to an unbelievable volume of digital information Information and communication technology (ICT)
resources. Access is no longer dependent on ownership dominates all spheres of human activities and it
of library materials as many academic libraries are demands a certain level of IT skills among
now changing their emphasis from collection individuals. The rapid development of the Internet
holdings to providing access to globally networked and the proliferation of the digital information
information. Academic libraries today provide a wide resources have made computer literacy and
range of digital information resources within and information literacy even more critical to the
beyond the library walls. information consumer. In the case of institutions of
higher learning this literacy is expected from both
The most common digital information resources found in students and academic.
many academic libraries today are online databases A study conducted in one of the Malaysian
(both commercial and in-house), online catalogues public universities revealed that basic computer skills
(OPACs), CD-ROMs, digital journals (e-journals) and and information retrieval skills are necessary before
Internet resources. These digital resources coexist using digital information resources (Majid and
alongside printed resources in most academic libraries Abazova, 1999). Bruce (1992) identifies the
today (Dugdale, 1999). This trend is continuing with information retrieval skills as follows:
digital resources becoming increasingly more important
as they offer students and academic staff numerous How to use information retrieval tools
choices of materials that would enhance their learning effectively;
and teaching experience (Davies, 1997). The variety
of digital information resources currently available in How to construct a search strategy;
academic libraries increases the importance and the How to evaluate information;
necessity of training to enable library users to take full How to select the most appropriate source.
advantage of these new technologies.
A review of library and information science
literature revealed that computer or IT skills are
important prior to using digital information resources
(Davies, 1992; Vander Meer, Poole, and Van Valey,
1997; Watson, 1998; Majid and Abazova, 1999).
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia WHY TRAIN LIBRARY USERS?
Today many academic libraries are changing their
emphasis from holding a collection of printed
materials to providing access to global information
and other library collections via networked
computers. As a result of this change, the
knowledge and skills that are required by the
library users to exploit the new wired resources and
services are also changing. Library users not only
need to become familiar with resources
available in their libraries but also how to access
information from beyond their libraries. The
knowledge and skills required to take advantage of
the digital resources are completely different to
those which were needed by the traditional library
users (Nieminen, 1998; Ray and Day, 1998).
June 2017(2) 12
New technologies might have created new opportunities CONCLUSION
but at the same time it posed new challenges for
individuals, thus, forcing them to learn new skills to take Training is necessary and a prerequisite to
advantage of new technologies. effective and efficient use of digital information
resources. It is imperative that libraries, especially
TRAINING METHODS academic libraries to offer suitable training to
their end-users. Librarians in-charge of training
A wide variety of training methods is available to train need to have information and knowledge about
library users in handling digital information the preferred training methods of their library
resources. The Reference and Adult Services Division users before conducting training so that there will
(RASD), American Library Association (ALA) (1995) listed not be a mismatch of training methods used.
the following training methods for instructing library
users in using digital information resources: REFERENCE :
Classroom/lab presentations American Library Association (2000). Information
Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education.
Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) Chicago, Illinois: ALA. Bruce, C. (1992). Developing
student's library research skills. Campbell town, NSW:
Individual/group hands-on instruction HERDSA, Creanor, L. and Durndell, H. (1994). Teaching
Information Skills with Hypertext. Program, 28 (4),
Point-of-use signage 349-365. Davies, J.E. (1997). Learn by wire: managing
network access to learning materials, The Electronic
Printed guides Library 15 (3), 205-214. Hadengue, V. (2003). CALIS
(Computer-Assisted Learning for Information Searching).
From the review of literature, there does not seem to be Paper presented at the World Library and Information
an agreement as to which is the best method to use for Congress: 69th IFLA General Conference and Council, 1-9
training library users to use digital information resources. August 2003, Berlin. Henley, J.(1992). Training in the use
One method may work best for one person, while of online databases. Aslib Information, 20(11-12),
another method is more suitable for the next person. This 416-419. Kirby, J., Liddiard, L. and Moore, K. (1998).
is because each individual has different style and Empowering the Information User: New ways into user
preference with regard to learning. However, several education. London: LAPL. Majid, S. and Abazova, A. F.
authors (Henley, 1992; Wielhorski, 1994) advocate that (1999). Computer literacy and use of electronic
the most successful training solution for library users is an information sources by academics: A case study of
integrated solution, which employs both people and International Islamic University Malaysia. Asian Libraries,
technology. Probably the combined efforts of IT and 8 (4), 100-111. Nieminen, S. (1998). End user IT and
‘human touch’ (librarians) could have a significant impact information skills training: needs and reality. SLS UK User
on training library users to use digital information Group. Yvonne Fullerton Memorial Bursary 1998 winning
resources. paper. Available at http://www.lib.ic.ac.uk:8081/satu.htm
(6/5/2000). Reference and Adult Services Division
WEB-BASED TRAINING (RASD), ALA (1995). Electronic Information Sources:
Guidelines for Training Sessions, RQ, 35 (2), 187-192.
In today’s digital era, web-based training (WBT) can be Tiefel, V. (1995). Education for the Academic Library user
an effective training tool for library users to use digital in the Year 2000. In: Library Instruction Round Table
information resources. Web-based training is free from (American Library Association) (comp.), Information for a
time and space constraints, it is well adapted to the New Age: Redefining the Librarian. Englewood, Colorado:
needs of library users who prefer an individual learning Libraries Unlimited, pp. 57-77. Ray, K. and Day, J. (1998).
style whether at home or on campus and it is Student attitudes towards electronic information
appropriate for all types of contents or subjects. resources. Information Research, 4(2), 1-16.
Web-based training is interactive and flexible and can
be structured to provide information at different levels
of detail to meet particular situations (Kirby, Liddiard
and Moore, 1998). Web-based training has been
deployed in many academic libraries in the USA, UK,
Europe and Australia. Some examples of the web-based
training in the past were Teaching Independent Learning
Technologies (TILT) at Glasgow University,
EDUCATE - Networked end-user education programme
at Chalmers University in Sweden, Ohio State University
Gateway system (USA), CALIS (Computer-Assisted
Learning Information Searching) at the HEG of Geneva
in Switzerland, and others (Creanor and Durndell,
1994;Tiefel, 1995; Thomasson and Fjällbrant, 1996;
Hadengue, 2003).
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia 13
Our Services
Nur’Aini Abu Bakar
Head of Research Support
The International Islamic University Malaysia's repository
system, IREP commenced operation in June/ July 2011. It is
a digital repository of documents and scholarly output of
IIUM staff encompassing various subjects and disciplines.
The documents include journal articles,
chapter/ section of books, books and conference papers.
The works include those that are written by IIUM staff or
collaboratively produced with other parties. Full-text of
many of the documents are free for the campus community
and others. (subject to copyright)
By Yusrina Abu Bakar, Contents of the IL classes among others include
knowledge on searching techniques,
Head of Information Services Section understanding of citation, instruction on how to
use the Library Catalogue/OPAC, how to use
Information Literacy (IL) is a set of skills needed to find, the online databases to look for articles, cases,
retrieve, analyse and use of information. It is true that in this law acts, thesis, newspaper articles, treaties, etc.
century, anybody can find just about anything they need by and where to look for authentic internet and
using the internet or by referring to sets of books. However, open access resources. Other than that, the
researchers without proper knowledge on how to look for modules introduce the library’s own resources by
information will just go round and round sifting the multitude of understanding the arrangement of resources in
information they get. the library, the library’s digital services, how to
look for books on the shelves and many more.
In Dar Al-Hikmah Library, IL classes began back in the early
years of the establishment with librarians teaching basic Dar Al-Hikmah Library has always been looking
information on using the Library Catalogue/OPAC and other for a possibility in making IL as a credited
library services and resources. In 2003, a more formal and subject and become mandatory to all first year
structured module was introduced into LE4000 (English for undergraduate students. The grand planning has
Academic Purposes), a course under CELPAD. This collaborative yet to be achieved despite an attempt to bring IL
effort with CELPAD saw the development of the module to the IIUM top management meeting. It was not
evolving into other modules. until 2016 that Dar Al-Hikmah Library’s top
management approached CLAV or Centre for
Beginning 2008, the liaison librarians began approaching the Leadership and Virtue for a possibility of making
Kulliyyah with proposals to introduce an IL session into the first IL into an accredited course. The first Basic
year classes. The proposal was accepted enthusiastically by all library class under CLAV stated in Semester 2,
Kulliyyahs. Some Kulliyyahs incorporate the module designed 2016/18. In Semester 1, 2017/18, the classes
into the Research Methodology classes and some set up a zero developed into one Basic Class and one
credit hour course for the library’s IL class. Intermediate Class.
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia Reports on IL show that the IL classes conducted
by the liaison librarians have a positive impact on
the knowledge and information retrieval skills of
the users. Participants agreed that the classes
were beneficial for their study and research
needs. As for Dar Al-Hikmah Library, particularly
the liaison librarians, teaching has been another
job which is seriously shouldered in nurturing the
intellectual minds of IIUM.
June 2017(2) 14
Library Programmes
Reported by Noraini Mukhtar
Head of Bibliographic
Control Section cum
WCSI-2017 Director
Workshop on Classification Scheme & Subject Heading on Islam
Workshop on Classification Scheme and Subject
Headings on Islam (WCSI-2017) was successfully held on the
10th of August 2017 at the Library’s Auditorium and
Multipurpose Room, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., officiated
by Prof. Dr. Abdelaziz Berghout, Deputy Rector,
Internationalisation & Industry and Community Relations.
The workshop was organized in conjunction with the IIUM World Prosumer Convention 2017 (IIUM WPC 2017),
taking the opportunity to showcase the ‘IIUM Library Classification System on Islam’ to the Muslim World.
It marked the Library’s initial effort to share and promote an appropriate and suitable classification system on
Islam. It was held with these objectives in mind - to enhance the understanding among the Muslim World, the need
and importance for a unique and authentic classification system on Islam; to introduce to owners of Islamic
libraries or libraries with Islamic collection, an appropriate and suitable classification system on Islam; and to give
a preview of the modified and customized subclass BPA-BPZ based on the pilot run done at the IIUM Library.
A total of forty-four participants had attended the workshop. Among them, five are international participants. As
for organizational representation, thirty-three are from various institutions - IIUM, USM, UKM, UiTM, UTEM,
UNISZA, KUIS, KUIM, UNISEL, IBFIM, Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia (IAMM), Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies
(IAIS) and Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogjakarta (UMY), and eleven are IIUM librarians.
Workshop on A Workshop on Workshop on Strategic Planning Workshop on Refine
Guide to Getting New Roles of Librarians: A Guide to Getting Workshop III, the Library Quality
Published (GGP) Increase the Visibility of Published (GGP), MPR, Library
Library Auditorium 26/01/2017, Objective
MPR Library Your University,
18/08/2016 02/11/2016 5/12/2016 MPR Library
Workshop on Writing Workshop on Risk Management Workshop on 1st Draft
& Publishing, Understanding Legal Awareness Workshop, Book Chapter,
MPR Library Resources : Related Act 15/08/2017
11/04/2017 and Law Reports on MPR Library
Biodiversity in Malaysia, 19/06/2017
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia 15
Knowledge Management & SHARING SESSION
NOo 3/2017 Part 2 :
Awareness Library Technology Section, Series of knowledge sharing sessions
23 Feb 2017 & 30 March 2017 have been organized throughout the
18 May 2017 year in order to cultivate the sharing
LIBRARY KNOWLEDGE knowledge environment.
Research Support Activities,
No. 2/2017 Part 2: Information
Service Section & Legal Research 26 July 2017
Skill, Tips & tricks, 26 April 2017
Library Tazkirah No.1/2017 : Library Tazkirah No.2/2017 : Public Talk : Information Ethics
Sunnatullah Dalam Zikir Tanda-tanda Orang yang by Prof Dr Kathleen Burnett,
27 January 2017 Mendapat Hidayah Allah,
4 May 2017
31 March 2017
Library Information Talk : Library Tazkirah No.3/2017 :
IIUM Staff Dress Code Psychology Ramadhan
8 June 2017
24 May 2017
Library Awareness Talk : Library Information Talk :
Fire Evacuation Plan Keajaiban Zakat
31 July 2017 13 April 2017
An exhibition on Prof Ahmad Ibrahim : a memoir in conjunction with 15th Ahmad Ibrahim Memorial
Lecture, 16th November 2016, Moot Court, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia June 2017(2) 16
Kconnect 2017 (Knowledge Sharing & Learning for Continuous Awareness Programme and
Improvement), a one-day seminar was held on 25th April 2017 at Training to OSHBE & OQM Staff
Sasana Kijang, Bank Negara Malaysia. The seminar is the collaboration
between Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia (JKR), IIUM and Knowledge OQM
Connections Sdn Bhd. During the
seminar, Prof Dr Mohamed Ridza
Wahiddin, Deputy Rector (Research
& Innovation) delivered his closing
remarks and nine librarians from Dar
Al-Hikmah Library was appointed as
JULY Visit from Delegation Of Visit from Unit Penanda
2016 Maqasar University, Aras Kumpulan Kerja
Indonesia Perpustakaan IPTS (KKPI),
AUGUST Delegation from Faculty of Law,
2016 Universitas Muhammadiyah Visit from Tashkent Islamic
Yogyakarta, Indonesia, University, Uzbekistan,
30.8. 2016 19.7.2017
OCTOBER Visit from Universiti VVisisitit ffrroomm TSacshhokoelnRteIssloaumrcice
2016 Islam Yogyakarta, Indonesia CenUUtlrnueiv'Ks2el8Tra1se.n7i9tagy..7c2,h&.U02e10zrGb17s,e7okDmisibsttaarnikc,,t of
FEBRUARY Visit from INCEIF Visit from Petra Christian
2017 University Library,
2.2.2017 10.8.2017
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia 17
Dar Al-Hikmah Library organized Client’s Day on the 1st & 2nd November 2016. Since 2008, the Dar
Al-Hikmah Library has been conducting its Client’s day to remember, congratulate and express
appreciation to customers.
In conjunction with the 2016 Client’s Day, the Dar Al-Hikmah Library invited Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ridza
Wahidin, Deputy Rector (Research and Innovation) to launch the iHikmah portal. The portal is an
enabling tool for the establishment of knowledge sharing in IIUM.
Launching of iHikmah
“.. the purpose of CoP in IIUM
is actually to promote knowledge
sharing experience ..”
Prof. Dr Mohamed Ridza Wahidin
Deputy Rector (Research and Innovation)
International Islamic University of Malaysia
November 2016
Programmes and activities organized during the Client’s Day :
Awards presentation to Best Library Partners & Best Infohunt Contest
Library Customers Highest Borrower Biblio Aware
Inspirational Talk by Pak Utih ~ “Men are the sun; women Test Your Shelving Skills
are the moon”
Inspirational Talk by Mr Azim Afif ~ “Everest : Journey to Jumble Sale
the peak” Library Exhibition
Institutional Repository Clinic Programme for Students with
E-Resources Clinic Disabilities
Mini Book Fair
Photography Contest
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia June 2017(2) 18
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia 19
Law Information Unit,
Information Services Section,
Dar Al-Hikmah Library
hmad Ibrahim Kuliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) through Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maizatun Mustaffa from
Legal Practice Law Department, organized a two-day workshop on the 23-24 March 2017 at
Multipurpose Room, Dar Al-Hikmah Library. There were 21 workshop participants who were students of
the Bachelor of Diversity from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn
Malaysia (UTHM). The Dar Al-Hikmah Library was invited
to do a presentation in the workshop.
The presentation, entitled “Understanding Legal Resources:
Related Act and Law Reports on Biodiversity in Malaysia”,
was presented by Law Librarian. The participants were
introduced to samples of Act and Law Reports on
Biodiversity in Malaysia. All samples are from the Library
Law Collection.
The program was successfully conducted on :-
Date : 24.3.2017 (Friday)
Time : 9.00 am – 11.00 am
Venue : Level 1, IIUM Library.
The workshop was attended by 21 students and 2
lecturers from UTHM.
The presentation was delivered by Madam Irni
Izwah Abu Bakar, Head of Law Information Unit,
Dar Al-Hikmah Library. The session was also
attended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maizatun Mustaffa
from Legal Practice Law Department, Ahmad
Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws and Madam Yusrina
Abu Bakar, Head of Section, Information Services
After the presentation, the students attended a
library tour session at Dar Al-Hikmah Library Law
Collection, Level 1.
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia June 2017(2) 20
In September 2016, AIKOL management decided to set up a new resource centre. AIKOL planned to move
the existing resource centre from level 2 to level 1. AIKOL requested the cooperation from Dar Al-Hikmah
Library’s staff to assist them on how to arrange and manage the collection properly and systematically.
A series of discussions and visits were conducted to ensure the project operated smoothly. The Dar
Al-Hikmah Library’s staff which consisted of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (CSR) team and
Law Information Section (LIS) team worked together in providing consultation and advice. The project
started on 5.10.2016 and completed on 28.11.2016.
There are six (6) main collections in AIKOL Resource Centre ready to be utilized by the AIKOL community
for their information needs :-
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ariffin Collection
Thesis (Ph. D, Master and Diploma)
Law Books
Law Journals
Law Reports
Act / Statutes
AIKOL Resource Centre which opened to students and staff on 3rd April
2017, has total collections of 5,000 materials.
AIKOL management received a library donation from The project started on 12.1.2017, where
Mohamed Ismail (MI) & Co. Library, Plaza Damansara the processes involved were site visit,
through Allahyarham Dato’ Mohamed Ismail b. Sharif inventory process and appointment of
family members and planned to relocate the resources to mover. The relocation process and
the Library. Mohamed Ismail & Co. Library, Plaza the arrangement of AIKOL RC phase 2
Damansara is a law firm owned by Allahyarham Dato’ were executed on 31.5.2017 and
Mohamed Ismail b. Sharif. He was a practicing lawyer for completed on 16.6.2017.
45 years and specialized in Islamic Banking and
Finance. He was also an Adjunct Professor at International The AIKOL RC collections during phase 1
Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF). project were 5,000 materials and
currently with the addition of 7,344
AIKOL management requested the cooperation from Dar materials from MI & Co., AIKOL RC has
Al-Hikmah Library on how to relocate, arrange and total of 12,344 law materials. The
manage the relocation project properly and systematically. operating hours of AIKOL RC are from
9.00 am – 5.00 pm, Monday – Friday.
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia 21
very year IIUM organized the Quality
Day to symbolize the University’s
commitment in improving the quality of its
services. Thus, this year the Library
participated in a two-day IIUM Quality Day
2017 which was held on 26 and 27 April
2017. The exhibition this year highlighted on
the Communities of Practice (CoP) at IIUM. The
exhibition outlined the journey of knowledge
management in IIUM, promoted the IIUM CoP
portal namely iHikmah and demonstrated to
the community on the concept of knowledge
management sharing culture in IIUM.
Several activities were organized during the exhibition such as quizzes, lucky draw sessions as well as
give aways of free books and magazines.
This year Dar Al-Hikmah Library won second place for Quality Agency Award
(Non-Academic) and third place for best booth IIIUM Quality Day 2017 exhibition. Both of these awards
indicate that the library has excelled in performance and duty responsibilities.
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia June 2017(2) 22
Library Programmes At
Other Campuses
Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas Library
Being a world-class specialist library, the SMNA library offers a substantial paramount collection of materials for
IIUM postgraduates and world’s researchers on Islamic thought and civilization. When ISTAC became part of IIUM in
2002, the library had a total collection of more than 140,000 important works. The research collection comprises
books, old journals (not available online), historical collection, rare books, manuscripts, microfilms and artifacts that
made up the library’s wealth and the number is growing to 160,000 items. Most of the collections can be found on
the IIUM Library OPAC.
Manuscripts and primary sources in various languages are the gem of the library. Researchers will find an
abundance of materials – these resources are waiting to be explored of its contents and history for the search of
truth and invigorating scholarly debate. The oldest manuscript in our collection is a Persian Kitab al-Tafhim li awa’il
sina’at al-tanjim (Instruction in the elements of the art of
astrology) by Abu Al-Rayhan al-Biruni, in 136 leaves, copied
date 1197. Surviving copies of prized rare books and scholars’
collections are our international heritage, preserved for current
consultation and future availability.
The Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas Library was featured in 23
a breakfast show episode, Nasi Lemak Kopi O of TV9
channel aired on 9 June 2017. The Library has been covered in
the Kembara Ilmu segment in which the former ISTAC library now
renamed Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas Library was
screened, showing its al-Hambra inspired architectural and
interior design. The spacious courtyard and the water
elements facing the library highlighted the serene and
tranquil environment.
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia
DAR AL-HIKMAH Library (Kuantan)
The Implementation of ISO 9001:2008 to Dar Al-Hikmah
Libraries (Kuantan & Gambang)
Commencing on July 2016, the ISO 9001 : 2008 certification
has been extended to Dar Al Hikmah Kuantan & Gambang
branches. Thus, the team from Main Library, Gombak had visited
and briefed the staff at both libraries on the activities involved.
The assistance given by the team was highly appreciated as it was
also an eye opener for the staff of Kuantan & Gambang in
understanding the actual procedures.
Medical Library Group meeting in UNIMAS on 27th February 2017
The meeting discussed on the resource sharing among members and the
potential to extend the resource sharing with universities in Brunei &
The committee has decided to appoint Nor Hasyimah Mustapa from
Kuantan Library as the Vice Chairman for the MLG Group from 2016/2018.
Jom Baca Bersama 10 minit on 25th April 2017
The programme of Jom Baca Bersama 10 minit (Read for
10 Minutes) was held in collaboration with the State Library of
Pahang and also Persatuan Pustakawan Malaysia Pantai Timur
(PPMT). The invitation of the programme was also extended to all
Kulliyyahs at Kuantan Campus.
Kurma Distribution for Ramadhan 1438H
The Kurma Distribution programme during Ramadhan is an annual
activity at Kuantan Library. This activity is one of the initiatives of
the library staff to appreciate all users. The library purchased the
dates via the donations received from staff and other individuals.
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia June 2017(2) 24
Library (CFS Gambang)
The Library was invited to present a library briefing on 14th June 2016 to all new
intake of CFS Gambang Campus.
The e-payment terminal was installed at Dar Al-Hikmah Library
(CFS Gambang) on 9 August 2016. All staff members were
trained on how to use the e-payment system. A notice on the
system implementation was announced to all users.
The Library was invited to deliver a library briefing on 6th June 2017 to all new
intake of CFS Gambang Campus.
New student intake 2017/2018 in Gambang Campus as on 5th June 2017:-
AED 15 26 41
65 77 142
ENGINE 30 141 171
ALLHS 10 74 84
NUS 129 318 438
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia 25
-Friends of the CFS Library-
The IIUM Centre for Foundation Studies Library in By:
Petaling Jaya is in the process of launching a volunteer
program this year, called ‘Friends of the CFS Library.’ The NAJIBAH ABU BAKAR
purpose of this program is to involve the students more Head of CFS Library
directly with any library events and activities to bridge the Petaling Jaya, Selangor
gap between students and the library. The students will
also act as library ambassadors and assist the library in
promoting its services and facilities to other fellow students.
At the same time, it is hoped that their involvement would
develop their human and management skills, increase their
thinking skills, competitiveness and self-confidence. These
are all important aspects of character building, which is
one of the main focuses at the Centre.
In exchange for their commitments, the library
would provide certificates of appreciation, priority seats in
library trips, book coupons, extra internet hours in the
library computer lab, exclusive mentorship by the librarian
for library research & meet-up sessions with ‘Friends of the
Library’ from other institutions.
The idea for a volunteer group of this nature in the
library is obtained from similar groups in other institutions and
places. In the United States, for example, many public libraries
have strong support from volunteer groups which are also
known as ‘Friends of the Library’. In Malaysia, USIM Library is
much more advanced in this regard. Its library is very lucky to
have a committed group of students in a program that they call
‘Sahabat Kembara Ilmu (SKIL) since 2012.
SKIL members are involved in every library activities as committees, and they even organized
programs at international levels under the wings of Global Islamic Student Outreach (GISO) in Turkey and
Thailand. A representative from the group had also participated in a library conference as the speaker to
share her experience in helping an academic library.
It is an aspiration of the management in CFS PJ Library to bring ‘Friends of the CFS Library’ to an
international level and for it to become the flag flyer of International Islamic University Malaysia,
in concomitant with planned activities related to books, knowledge and library, all implemented by our own
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia June 2017(2) 26
How to Read a Book :
Sharing Sessions
A pril has always been associated with book celebration in the Western culture. We have all heard of or
participated in some ways in book-related events during the month, such as International Book Giving
Days or Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair (KLIBF). However in Islam, the call to Iqra’ is closely related to the
month of Ramadhan, because the Holy Qur’an was first recited to our beloved Prophet s.a.w. by Archangel
Jibril a.s. on the night of Ramadhan. In commemoration of the significant and historic event of the Revelation,
Dar Al-Hikmah Library at the Centre for Foundation Studies IIUM has held an essential program beginning this
Holy Ramadhan, entitled ‘How to Read a Book’ Sharing Sessions.
This program was organized in four sittings; the first was successfully held on 16 June 2017. Three more
sessions were on 7th, 14th and 21st of July this year. Facilitator for the program, Br. Muhammad Yusra bin
Ahmad Hulaimi, is a 3rd year student of Usul al-Din & Comparative Religion course. He attended Maahad
Hamidiah Kajang before entering IIUM. The Library management chose him to facilitate the program because he
is an avid reader with great selection of readings and most of the titles he chooses to read can be considered as
contributing to the discourse on Western and Islamic civilizations. Other than his skills in reading ‘high-brow’ books,
Br. Muhammad Yusra also sharpened his saw by doing translation. He has translated Naẓm al-Maqūlāt by Baba
Li Chaiya from Arabic to Malay. Baba Li Chaiya was a great Muslim
scholar of the 20th century from Southern Thailand. The book was published by Baytul Hikma in 2016.
The sharing session of ‘How to Read a Book’ is guided by the classical work
written in 1940 by Mortimer J. Adler (1902-2001), who was once the Chief
Editor of the Encyclopedia of Britannica and a well-known figure in the field of
Western philosophy and education. He wrote many important titles that had
all became classics such as the Great Books of the Western World (in 60
volumes) and A Syntopican: An Index to the Great Ideas (in 2 volumes). Both
of these titles are available in CFS PJ Library. ‘How to Read a Book’ has
been translated into many languages of the world including Arabic, Turkish,
Malay, Persian, French, German, Italian, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Spanish,
and Chinese.
During the first session, 28 participants attended the program
including a lecturer and three library staff. The facilitator started the
program with a famous quote by Sir Francis Bacon, “Some books are to be
tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.”
It is hoped that the quote would be the basis for more selective and fruitful
reading in the future, by acknowledging that the purpose of the activity can
be different each time.
Next, Br. Muhammad Yusra shared 4 from 11 steps or rules that Adler had
outlined in his book. The 4 steps were:
STEP 1 - Classifying the book
STEP 2 - Stating its theme in a short paragraph and own words
STEP 3 - Demonstrating the book’s structure
STEP 4 - Stating the problem statement or the author’s goal in writing
The facilitator provided a very clear and precise elaboration to each step to assist the students in applying these
reading techniques in the future. The program started at 10.00 AM continued until 12.10 PM, with many of the
students bringing back their own notes from the session. Hopefully the spirit and meaning behind this program will
spread to others, so that more students will attend the future sessions.
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia 27
Our Staff
NETBALL TEAM The IIUM Staff Games is a university level sports conducted yearly to
encourage, motivate and produce quality athletes to represent IIUM Staff
Team for the annual Inter-Varsity Staff Games as well as to inculcate
healthy lifestyle in IIUM.
In IIUM Staff Games 2017, thirty-one library staff participated in a
number of games including football, netball, badminton, bowling,
dodgeball, futsal, carom and ping-pong. The tournament was held from
1st March 2017 until 11th April 2017.
During the tournament, the contingent won the following games :
FOOTBALL TEAM Badminton (Men’s Singles & Doubles)
Carom (Men’s Single & Doubles)
Bowling (Women’s Team)
Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Badminton (Men’s Singles & Doubles) Carom (Men’s Single &
Carom (Men’s Singles & Doubles ; Doubles ; Women’s Singles)
Women’s Singles)
Netball (Women’s Team)
Futsal (Women’s Team)
Dodgeball (men’s Team)
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia June 2017(2) 28
Quality Day Award 2016 Quality Day Award 2017
Congratulations to Mdm Sarifah Congratulations to Mdm Leenawati
Abdullah, Senior Deputy Chief Razali, Senior Librarian for winning
Librarian for winning the Quality the Quality Administration Staff
Administration Staff Award, Award, Professional & Management
Professional & Management Group Group (University Level) during the
(University Level) during the International Islamic University
International Islamic University Malaysia Quality Day 2017.
Malaysia Quality Day 2016.
Badrul Shahri Basri Nur Aqilah Mustapa
Senior Assistant Director Library Assistant
Nurul Syafikah Rosli
Mohd Nazri Mahwan Administrative Assistant
Senior Computer Technician Transferred to Office of Security
01/02/2016 02/08/2016
Noor Sharipah Kamaludin Mohammad Nor Azwan Mamat
Administrative Assistant Assistant Information System Officer
01/02/2016 08/11/2016
Mohd Zafri Abdul Karim Muhammad Aiman Basri
Librarian Librarian
Amirul Asyraf Abu Talib
Siti Aishah Kamaliah Mohamed Library Assistant (Transferred to CFS PJ)
Librarian 15/08/2017
13/062016 Nur Haziqah Mohamad Eskandar
Library Assistant
Habidella Ramli 15/08/2017
Library Assistant
(Transferred to Pagoh) Siti Latifah Mohamad Hanafi
Library Assistant
13/07/2016 05/09/2017
Mohd Zulkifli Abd Majid Norfatin Farhanah Zamani
Library Assistant Librarian
13/07/2016 12/09/2017
Ruslah Said Norleen Abdul Rashid Normala Harun Norazila Palal
Library Assistant Librarian Deputy Chief Librarian Librarian
25/05/2016 07/08/2016
31/01/2016 Resigned Retired 26/02/2017
Optional Retirement Resigned
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia 29
The primary goal of the Kelab Kakitangan Perpustakaan UIAM
(KKPUIAM) is arranging and organizing series of activities and
events for its members. The objectives are :
To strengthen the ukhuwwah among the staff who
are engaging in the activities together;
To instill the spirit of cooperation, mutual respect
and good values through activities conducted;
To establish a good teamwork among the Library
staff, thus helping to improve the quality and
productivity at the workplace; and
To assist the club members with welfare-related
issues including fundraising donations to those who
are affected.
There are twenty-two (22) programmes well organized By : RASYIDAH MOHD DAUD
throughout the year. Heartful thanks are dedicated to all
members of their dauntless commitment as well as full cooperation SECRETARY, 2015/2016 SESSION
given by the Library Management in making them a success.
June 2017(2) 30
Among the programmes and activities of the (KKPUIAM)
which took place in the 2015/2016 session are :
"Kelas 3 T" (Talaqqi.Tajwid.Tadabbur)– Surah al-Fatihah
by Ustazah Muzayyanah Abdullah, Darul Fawwaz
"Kuliah Ramadhan : Kelebihan Menjadi Ahlul Qur'an by
Ustaz Hj. Azwan Hj. Ali, Darul Fawwaz
School Holiday Programme 2015: Coloring Class with
Uncle Uneh
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia 31
Dar Al-Hikmah Library CONTACT US
International Islamic University Malaysia
Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas Library
Malaysia (SMNA Library)
The International Institute of Islamic Thought
POSTAL ADDRESS and Civilisation (ISTAC)
P.O Box 10 No. 24 Jalan Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin,
50738 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Taman Duta, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
IIiBF Library (Gombak) Phone : +603-62073430 Fax : +603-62073477
Management Centre Building
International Islamic University Malaysia Centre for Foundation Studies
Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya Library
Malaysia International Islamic University Malaysia
Jalan University, 46350 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Dar Al-Hikmah Library (Kuantan) Malaysia
International Islamic University Malaysia Phone : +603-79555322 Fax : +603-79560239
Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah,
Bandar Indera Mahkota, KLM Resource Centre (IIUM Hab)
25200 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur,
Malaysia Bangunan Perpustakaan Gunasama
Hab Pendidikan Tinggi Pagoh,
Phone : +609-5704782 Fax : +609-5704382 KM1 Jalan Panchor,
84600 Pagoh Muar, Johor Darul Takzim
Dar Al-Hikmah Library Malaysia
(CFS Gambang)
International Islamic University Malaysia Phone : +606-9742431
Gambang Campus , 26300 Gambang,
Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia
Phone : +609-5183400 Ext : 3420
Any enquiries, please contact : Circulation Counter, Dar Al-Hikmah Library
Phone : +603-61964825
Reader’s Advisory Desk, Dar Al-Hikmah Library
Phone : +603-61964815 Fax: +603-61964855
Dar Al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia June 2017(2) 32