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Published by , 2017-05-30 16:32:30

ODB 190_LeaderFit Brochure_og07_Singles

ODB 190_LeaderFit Brochure_og07_Singles

Uncover Your
Leadership Potential

The Leadership Imperative

Talent is an organization’s single biggest At Odgers Berndtson, we work with
asset and, at the same time, its single organizations around the world to
biggest risk. With a rapidly changing global help develop adaptive leaders, increase
business environment, today’s leaders team effectiveness, and assess and
must be agile enough to adapt and evolve. cultivate future leaders – all key to
They need to be equipped to execute on success in executing your talent
strategy, while helping their organizations development strategy.
continue to grow and innovate.

With more than 10,000
baby boomers retiring
every day in North
America, the need to
identify and develop the
next generation of leaders
has become a critical
business requirement 1

Helping Organizations
Predict Leadership Success

As executive search and leadership advisors for the last 50
years, Odgers Berndtson understands what makes leaders
successful and how organizations can design and execute a
robust talent development strategy. Our Global Leadership
Practice specializes in the delivery of customized leadership
assessment and development programs for public and
private sector leaders, and their teams. Specifically we
support organizations through our proprietary, validated
assessment tools and methodology that focus on predicting
and improving performance, leadership capabilities and fit
with an organization’s culture.

2 Leadership Practice

Our Leadership Services

Helping You Take Your Organization to the Next Level

Leadership Executive
assessment & coaching

CEO & Board

Succession Executive
planning onboarding

effectiveness 3

LeaderFitTM – Our Unique
Assessment Approach

Odgers Berndtson’s proprietary and board members. Our dedicated
validated LeaderFit methodology predicts assessment experts bring a rigorous,
how a leader will perform and develop insightful and objective approach to
within a specific organizational context. every client project, along with a deep
Designed to anchor the assessment understanding of the executive
process, our unique model identifies leadership context.
the five key competencies common to
successful executives around the world Eighty-eight percent of
which result in the ability to drive top global companies
innovation and results, and build great report that their leadership
teams and relationships. We can also assessment practices are
customize our model to an organization’s explicitly aligned with
existing core competencies. In addition organizational strategy *
to our psychometric assessment tools,
we conduct in-depth interviews and *Aon Hewitt Top Companies for
simulations to assess the strengths, Leaders study, 2015
development opportunities and innate
skill sets of your executive team and/or

4 Leadership Practice

The 5 Dimensions of our
LeaderFitTM Model

ared Vision Outstanding R

Strategic Execution
Clarity Savvy
Diverse Bench Strength
ShPeople & Team Resilience &
Navigates ChangeDevelopmentAdaptability


Influences Others

Our LeaderFit™ model captures the key factors
common to successful executives around the
world: the ability to drive results and innovation,
while building great teams and relationships. 5


When coaching executives, we have one greater self-awareness around their
main goal – to improve a leader’s leadership strengths and development
effectiveness, which in turn positively opportunities. They also equip these
impacts team success and overall business senior leaders with tools and strategies
results. Our coaching professionals work that will allow them to generate new
with executives to help them understand insights and lead them to higher
their assessment results, and achieve performance levels.

6 Leadership Practice


Our accredited executive coaches work closely
with HR leaders to help accelerate an executive’s
transition within a new environment. Whether
you have a senior executive who is new to the
company or in a new role, our tailored approach
guides leaders through a twelve-month plan with
an executive coach that supports successful
integration into the culture, framing of short and
long-term challenges, and developing key
stakeholders relationships. 7

Succession Planning

Whether you are looking for your next objective assessments of your internal
CEO or for enterprise leaders across talent while accurately predicting future
functional spectrums, identifying future performance, leadership potential and
leaders from within your organization ability to shape your organization’s
has become critical to succeeding in an culture. This makes it easier to identify
increasingly competitive talent people who have the ambition, values
environment. With our proprietary tools and potential to drive your organization’s
and methodology, we are able to conduct future success.

Only 36% of organizations
are satisfied with their
method for identifying
high potentials*

*Managing High Potential Employees Survey conducted by Talent
Alliance Management & Oracle Human Capital Management

8 Leadership Practice

Team Effectiveness

Research and experience repeatedly shows or board level, it’s critical to understand
us that high performing teams achieve the team dynamics and each member’s
superior business results. Unfortunately, interpretation of their role and the team’s
teams are susceptible to all manners of purpose. By assessing individual
dysfunction which can significantly inhibit personalities, diagnosing team interactions
cross-functional collaboration and and conducting a structured review of
innovation. To identify the source of a business and culture drivers, we help
team’s inhibitors, whether at the executive teams function at their highest potential. 9

Leadership Assessment Practice

CEO & Board

One of the most important success factors driving organization
effectiveness is the Board and CEO relationship. We work with
organizations to ensure a constructive partnership, recognizing
that the effectiveness of the Board and CEO are interdependent.
Our CEO evaluation is designed to help the board effectively
assess, evaluate and measure a CEO’s performance – providing
the CEO with clear performance expectations and support around
development opportunities. Our Board evaluation is designed to
help enhance collaboration between the Board and the CEO, and
identify clear roles and responsibilities for board members while
uncovering individual development opportunities.

10 Leadership Practice

Leadership Assessment Practice 11

Why Hire Us for Your
Talent Development Needs?

At Odgers Berndtson, we believe that great
leadership is key to achieving competitive
advantage. With more than 225 partners
worldwide across 28 countries, we work
closely with organizations to help design and
execute successful talent development
strategies for leaders and their teams.

Specifically our Global Leadership Practice
will help you:

• Take the guesswork out of leadership selection,
development and succession planning using
highly predictive tools and strategies

• Simplify the assessment process with our
proprietary and validated LeaderFitTM
methodology that can also be customized
to your core competencies

• T ake an unbiased and objective approach
to identifying the high potentials within
your organization

• Implement a proven, structured process that
leads to more effective, high-performing teams

12 Leadership Practice

For more information about how
we can support your leadership
development goals, please call
416-366-1990 or visit our website:

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