“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
- Mark 10:14
Welcome to Sonshine Academy and Venture at First Colleyville. We are a Christian academy for babies through kindergarten on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We offer a third day on Wednesday called Enrich and Explore for 3 year olds through kindergarten. This is a day of discovery as we explore science in an interactive, hands-on environment. Our home school program, Venture, is a day of respite for families. Venture offers four classes on Thursdays-drama, science, P.E., and Spanish as well as an intentional social environment full of team bonding and community building activities. In all of our programs, our goal is to provide a safe and loving environment with passionate teachers modeling a Christ-like love. We are proud of our curriculum and Division Directors that plan each day, but we are here first and foremost to teach children about God in a way they can understand.
The Word of God is the foundation of our teaching. Our curriculum uses ABeka, WEE Learn, and the vision of our directors to weave God’s Word into our entire teaching day. We use the faith-based child training program, Conscious Discipline, to train up our little ones in a godly manner. Our exemplary teaching staff is a provision of God. Our days are filled with creative play and intentional teaching designed to ensure spiritual and character growth, social and emotional development, as well as academic progress and success. Our gifted teachers use music, movement, multi-sensory lesson plans, social interaction, character development, emotional connection, and physical developmental activities throughout each day to successfully prepare our little ones for kindergarten and beyond. We believe in building personal relationships with our children and families. Each one is a precious gift from God for which we are thankful.
We could not be more thrilled to begin the new school year in our brand new Children’s Facility! God has blessed us in an amazing way and given us a beautiful facility with which to share the most precious news of Jesus Christ. We would love to give you a tour of our facility and invite you to visit our website, sonshineacademypreschool.com, to discover more about our Children’s programs.
In His Service,
Nan Hoenich
SSA and Venture Director [email protected] 817-788-5248
Our Mission
• To teach our students about God’s wonderful love for them • To prepare students for elementary school
• To minister to the students’ families with Christian love
Sonshine Academy is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30am-2:30pm. Tours are available on Thursdays at 10am. Please call our office at (817) 788-5248 if you have questions or need any additional information.
Sonshine Academy provides a wonderful, secure and loving Christian learning experience that promotes the emotional, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual development of each child. At each age level, our curriculum is designed to involve children in specific learning experiences. Children will be developing their social skills through a variety of group activities and small group play. A time is set aside each day for large muscle exercise, interactive music program and chapel.
Sonshine Academy is First Baptist Colleyville’s Christian preschool open to children 6 months old through Kindergarten.
Sonshine Venture is designed to assist home school families by providing a Christian, academic enrichment program for home-schooled students 1st through 8th grades.
Our Curriculum
At each age level, our curriculum is designed to involve children in specific learning experiences. We actively include children in discovering the wonders of God’s creation! Children will be developing their social skills through a variety of group activities and small group play. A time is set aside each day for large muscle exercise, which is needed for a fast growing preschooler. We also have a wonderful interactive music program that puts God’s Word in our children’s hearts while giving them a great outlet for their boundless energy. Our chapel program involves our children in putting God’s Word into action on stage and includes many exciting visitors throughout the year!
Beginning in our two year old department and older, we use A Beka workbooks to introduce numbers, letters and readiness skills at an age appropriate level.
Our classrooms are equipped with learning centers in the areas of books, puzzles, art, blocks, science, and home living.
Student/Teacher Ratios
6-12 months
1 year olds
2 year olds
3 year olds
Pre Kindergarten Kindergarten/Bridge Kindergarten
• Low student to teacher ratio.
• Two teachers in every classroom. • Certified teacher in every pre-k
• Secure Campus
• Christian-based learning.
• A Beka and Wee Learn Curriculum. • Special programs, activities and
2 to 8
2 to 8
2 to 10
2 to 12
2 to 15
15 to 20 students with 2 certified teachers
and kindergarten classroom.
• Curriculum director overseeing
events to support classroom education.
each division.
The love and confidence our family has for Sonshine Academy is so comforting to us as parents. The staff and teachers are family. To know that our boys are learning, thriving, being loved, and hearing God's word is such a wonderful feeling. The care and love every teacher has provided throughout the years has truly been an amazing gift!
-The Graves Family
We decided to try out the new Wednesday program at Sonshine Academy and it has been so much more than we expected. Our son really enjoyed the science experiments and hands-on learning-the teachers really work to make these new ideas come to life. This program has been such a fun addition to our usual school activities and we are already signed up for next year.
-The Fitzhugh Family
We are excited to offer special Tuesday workshop classes for homeschoolers.
Institute for Excellence in Writing Classes
Each class is a two-semester course taught by Mrs. Sally Martin that will use the different levels of the Excellence in Writing curriculum.
9:30am IEW Writing Class
(5th grade and above or New to IEW)
10:30am IEW Continuation Class
(6th grade and above and finished 1 year of IEW)
12:00pm The Elegant Essay
(6th grade and above and finished 1 year of IEW)
Prerequisite for all classes:
Basic grammar/sentence structure skills
History with American Girl Dolls
Taught by Ms. Susan Foster is a retired teacher with over 30 years of experience in teaching many ages and many subjects.
9:30am on Tuesdays- open to all age groups
This fun class will focus on these skills each week while learning history:
(See our website for full description of each workshop and prices)
*Note taking *Creativity *Public Speaking *Math
*Questioning *Organizing a notebook *Fine motor
*Memory skills
(short term & long term) Classes should be no larger than 12 girls.
Our 1st – 6th grade program is designed exclusively as enrichment to supplement your child’s homeschool curriculum, adding group activities and fun social interaction to your week!
Venture students will enjoy beginning to learn Spanish! Our goal is to have fun learning basic vocabulary, using hands-on activities and constant conversation throughout each class, so that students will be able to speak simple sentences to one another by the end of each semester en espanol!
In Drama class, actors and actresses will learn the basics of stage production and theater arts. Short plays will be rehearsed and will allow for students to practice good speaking skills and expression! A short drama production will be presented at our Open House.
Engineering Science allows students to explore physical science concepts as they apply to engineering challenges. Engineers from around the world will guide students in problem solving exercises according to their expertise.
Increasing energy and focus through fitness, our students see Physical Education as a favorite time of day! We create a fun and engaging atmosphere using games and team-building exercises, including health education that will last a lifetime. Tennis shoes are a requirement for this class.
The 2015-2016 classes offered include
Spanish, Drama, Engineering Science and P.E.
Our classes are taught from a Christian perspective. Each week we will begin our mornings in God’s Word! Students will dive into the scriptures and share age-appropriate activities that will help them learn how to study the Bible on their own. A notebook will be needed to journal our thoughts and prayers.
1st – 6th Grade | Thursdays 9:15 – 2:45
Registration Fee:
$125 per child (annual & non refundable)
Babies, 1’s, 2’s and 3’s
Monthly Tuition
Days Offered
1 day a week
Tuesday or Thursday
2 days a week
Tuesday or Thursday
3’s Pre-K and Kindergarten
Monthly Tuition
Days Offered
2 days a week
Tuesday & Thursday
3 days a week
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
First child $70
Each additional sibling $35
Monthly Tuition 1st - 6th grade: $120 Annual Supply Fee: $85 per student
*This fee will provide the materials for activities, projects and experiments that accompany your child’s courses.
Tuesday Workshops!
Venture will be offering a variety of Tuesday classes.
Tuesday Class Options 2016-2017
Registration Fee:
American Girl History: grades 1+
World Cultures: grades 4-6
World History: grades 7+
Christian Heroes- Corrie Ten Boom Unit study: grades 4-8 Electing a President: grades 3-5
Dave Ramsey’s Foundations in Personal Finance: grades 6+ IEW Writing Level A: grades 3-5
IEW Elegant Essays: grades 6+ and finished 2 years of IEW
Tuesday Workshop Classes in the fall will be August 30 to November 15.
Tuition for each class is $120 for the 12- week semester, plus supply fees, which vary for each. Registration for these classes, including payment in full, will begin in March and have a deadline of June 1st, so that we can plan over the summer. Each class must have a registration of at least 6 students in order to make, so our schedule is tentative. Registration and supply fees will be returned in full for any class that does not meet the 6 student minimum.
Nan Hoenich Director
Dana Sims Co-Director
Ms. Michelle Pre-K and Kindergarten Director
Ms. Rebecca Ones Director
Ms. Ginger Twos Director
Ms. Ginnie Threes Director
Ms. Martin Venture Director
Ms. Becky Music and Chapel
Sonshine Preschool Academy
5405 Pleasant Run Colleyville, TX 76034
[email protected] www.SonshineAcademyPreschool.com