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Published by vickie, 2019-08-27 15:03:05




September 2019 The monthly newsletter of Congregation B’nai Amoona

Rabbi Carnie Shalom Rose
As we enter the Mysterium Tremendum. the notion of Yirah. For how else I hope you will join me in this ened, and our limbs inspired to do
secular month of He describes this experience as a can I possibly describe the feelings sacred initiative and that our acts of Chesed, Rachamim, and
September, which that well up in me as I think about renewed B’nai Amoona will be Tzedakah. When this is accom-
signals the end mystery (in Latin: Mysterium) that all the hard work, sacrifice, gener- what it was always intended to plished, when we build and are
of the summer, is at once terrifying (Tremendum) osity, dedication, selflessness, and be, as our beloved teacher Rabbi built up, then, and only then, can
we also enter the and fascinating (Fascinans). Otto commitment that have brought us Lipnck Z’L would often say: “A we rejoice in the work of our
Jewish Month posits that the essence of the Holy to the precipice of a new era in Jewel In the Night”, a beacon of hands.
of Elul. Elul is the annual time is encapsulated in the feeling of the history of our beloved Shul? love, light, learning. A place in
when we are bidden by our wise overpowering awe and mystery The work of recasting the physical which the Numinous can rest and May the year 5780 be filled with
Tradition to begin – in earnest that accompanies an encounter plant is well underway. Now, just be felt. all this and much more. VeChen
– the introspective process of with the Divine, or, in his term, in time for the Days of Awe, the Yehi Ratzon, and may this be in
Teshuvah, turning and returning with the “Numinous.” more difficult work of using our Each year on the Yamim accordance with the Divine Will
to the highest and noblest expres- corporeal space to further our reli- Noraim, we endeavor to teach a as well. A sentiment to which I
sions of our selves (often the place In Hebrew, this is best rendered gious, spiritual, educational, social new Niggun, a new melody, to hope you will join me in saying,
that many of us encounter or expe- as moments of Yirah, fleeting feel- justice and Tikkun Olam agenda. enhance our repertoire of holy Amen!
rience glimpses of Divinity and ings that are a mix of awe and fear. music. This year we have chosen
fleeting moments of Holiness), And this, of course, is what the That is why we have chosen “Samchem BeVinyan Shalem – Shanah Tovah U’Metukah!
and which hopefully helps prepare High Holy Day Season endeav- LIVNOT U’LEHIBANOT, To Let them rejoice in the completed Paulie, Noa, Zakai, Lev and Ellior
us for the Days of Awe, the Yamim ors to elicit. As the late Biblical Build It and Be Built Up by It, and complete edifice!” Visit bna- join me in wishing you all a happy,
Noraim. scholar, Rabbi David Shapiro sug- as our congregational theme for to preview healthy, meaningful, inspirational,
To my mind, the most signif- gests: “…the experience of exis- 5780/2019-20. Our task is not only this melody. and sweet New Year!
icant thinker on the subject of tential dread - Yirah - emerges to build, as Rabbi Abraham Joshua
encountering Kedushah (the holy from acknowledgment of one’s Heschel reminded us, Palaces in But what do the words “com- Carnie
or sanctified) in modern times moral unworthiness and need to Space - exquisite edifices, but pleted and complete” connote?
is the eminent German Lutheran do better, be better, and improve.” more importantly, Palaces in Time, They remind us that the beauty of Rabbi Carnie Shalom Rose
philosopher and theologian Rudolf refuges from the commonplace, our building project is not merely The Rabbi Bernard Lipnick
Otto, whose classic oeuvre, The For me, this year, as we pre- the banal, the vapid, the empty, external. In fact, its most pro-
Idea of the Holy, was composed pare to celebrate our first High and the prosaic. Our calling is to found splendor will arise from Senior Rabbinic Chair
in 1917 and which introduces an Holy Day season in our upgraded, help uplift and elevate all those the way our new facility enables 314-576-9990 x105
experience that he dubbed the enhanced, and renewed edifice, I who enter the doorways of our our souls to be stirred, our spir-
have become particularly attuned beautiful campus. its to be moved, our minds to [email protected]
to the notion of the quest for the be challenged, our hearts soft-
Numinous as being catalyzed by

From our President, Jeff Singer SSeeprvtiecme bSecrheSdhualbebat

Shalom B’nai is the time to allow it to resonate that you possess the ability to get Sept. 7 Shoftim
Amoona Family, throughout our beautiful building. as much out of this High Holy Bat Mitzvah of Danielle Jackoby
Take the time to share meaningful Day season as you put into it. If Sept. 14 Ki Teitzei
Welcome to our prayers, create family bonds, and you want to get more involved or Bat Mitzvah of Alyssa Weisenberg
Bet Shalom, our enhance your spiritual life. have any questions, please feel free Sept. 21 Ki Tavo
House of Peace, to reach out to Andy Schwebel, Jick Kallah Scholar-in-Residence,
for the High Holy Our theme for the upcoming year our Executive Director. He can be Dr. Art Green
Day Services for is Livnot U’Lehibanot - To Build reached at 314-336-2551 or Sept. 28 Nitzavim
the year 5780 at It and Be Built Up by It. We have [email protected]. Bar Mitzvah of Dov Ciralsky
Congregation B’nai Amoona. This witnessed what we have had the
year we will once again provide a opportunity to build, a physical and As the President of the B’nai See page 6 for our complete
warm and welcoming environment beautiful campus. We need now to Amoona Board of Trustees, I can High Holy Days Schedule
to all who want to share in a spiri- look internally to be able to under- share how honored and privileged
tual and uplifting experience. stand how we can inspire ourselves we are to provide ongoing daily
The High Holy Days span to uplift our hearts and elevate our inspiration and leadership. From our
over more than 30 days, starting involvement and participation. We families to yours, we wish that you
with Selichot, communal prayers need to seek out and find the com- and yours be inscribed in the Book
for expiation and forgiveness on munity within. of Life for a year filled with Shalom
September 21 and ending with (peace), Briyut (good health) and
Simchat Torah, on the evening We are blessed to have a wonder- Simchah (happiness).
of October 21 and the morning ful Klei Kodesh team who share
of October 22. Simchat Torah is their passion with us each day. In friendship, and with blessings
always a favorite holiday celebra- During the High Holy Day season, for a Shanah Tovah,
tion that you really need to witness. along with our educators, their dedi-
When the Ark is opened, worship- cated work ensures our ability to Jeff
pers leave their seats to dance and identify our personal prayers and to
sing with the Torah scrolls in a bring comfort to ourselves and our Jeff Singer
joyous celebration. We encourage families. 314-249-9607
you to find time to partake in the [email protected]
joy that takes place due to the care- Please take a moment to review
ful planning of the Klei Kodesh, the High Holy Day Bulletin recent-
staff, and members of our Kehillah’s ly mailed to each of you. It pro-
leadership. vides the necessary visibility and
As a member of our communal explanations of the services taking
family, you have the opportunity place once we begin the month
for your voice to be heard, and now of September. Be committed this
year to allowing yourself to experi-
ence a new beginning. Be confident

2 September 2019


Lifelong Learning

The Meyer Kranzberg Learning Center

I remember my first day a “memory” of my first day of kindergarten, This year’s will be even better than good… Have You Registered?
of Kindergarten as if it was but rather it became a tradition. I played it will be Amazing!
yesterday. Although I’m Memory with my parents, and then eventu- Youth Education and Programing
getting older by the minute, ally my younger brother every “first day” of And if anyone of you is interested, I plan Registration has been emailed! We
my memory of this day will school all the way until college. My par- to be at B’nai Amoona very early on the are asking all families with students
forever be inscribed for me ents dragged that Memory game to Tulane 8th of September, Memory game laid out, in grades PreK-12 to register their
inside my heart and mind. University so that we could play in my ready…and I will be looking for some play- students this year through our new
My most important memory is not that of dorm room before they left to go back home mates! format. Please fill out the form,
what Mom made for breakfast or even what to St. Louis. regardless of whether or not you are
Dad said to me as he walked into my room. L’hitraot, registering your student for the Meyer
No, my most vivid memory is that of the This year we will mark our beginning Kranzberg Learning Center (MKLC). If
game Memory. You see, “Memory” is a with a VERY SPECIAL program. We won’t Liessa you can no longer locate the email, the
childhood game in which many cards are be playing the Memory Game; however I registration in online at
laid faced down on a table (though for our envision MANY MANY legos as part of the Liessa Alperin
family it was the end of the driveway, wait- festivities! Come learn how Legos, B’nai Director of Innovative
ing for the bus). Each person turns 2 cards Amoona, and our theme for the year all con- Learning & Engagement Questions? Just ask!
over looking for the matched set. When nect on this fabulous Opening day! Contact Liessa at 314-576-9990 x116 or
they are found, Voila!, you keep the cards. 314-576-9990 x116 [email protected].
If not, they are turned back over until the I love the Chaggim, the High Holy Days [email protected]
next person can “remember” where they perhaps, for many of the reasons that I enjoy
saw a matched set. Easy? Sometimes. An the first day of school. The traditions that IMPORTANT DATES NOT TO MISS:
important educational tool? Probably not. are involved and the “beginnings” that are
However, for me it was perhaps the most marked are only a small part of the holidays First Day of MKLC Grades Pre-K- 8: Sunday, September 8 - 9:00 to 11:30 am
important part of my day. You see, it was though they are very important. I especially First Day of Gesher (Grades 11 and 12) : Sunday, September 8 - 5:00 to 7:00 pm
a way to mark a beginning. It was my first enjoy Simchat Torah when we hear the final First Day of Tuesday Programs: September 10 - 4:30 to 6:15 pm
day of school; “real school”, and this was words of the Torah being read and then I First Day of Sunday Program for Grades 9 & 10: September 15: - 11:45 am to 1:00 pm
a way to make it special and new. I did listen very quietly as the words of Bereshit
not know it then, but soon it was not only are chanted. “And it was Good!” Although
beginnings may be filled with trepidation
and excitement, they are also very good.

The Linda Rotskoff ECC

As I’m writing this, I am and all responsible for each other. Together,
dreaming of what the new our LRECC loving staff supports our fami-
building will look like and lies, children and each other. Together, we
how it will feel to finally are building a village of love and kindness.
be back. I may not be We are all looking forward to a fabulous
able to see the future but I year! Contact Anita to set a time to visit!
know how much we love We want to show off what we are creating.
our children (your children). Our “newly
refurbished” school may look different but With Love,
I already know the feelings of love, respect
and kindness will be what is felt. Anita
One of our LRECC moms, Nikki
Goldfeder taught me a term, Ubuntu. This Anita Kraus
terms is a Bantu term meaning “humanity”. Director of Early Childhood Education
It is often translated as “I am because we
are,” or “humanity towards others” This is 314-576-9990 x127
a perfect term for me as my children will [email protected]
attest. The belief that we are all connected

All New Parenting Classes

Raising Children...It's Complicated

Care for yourself and your family in our fast paced
and always changing world!

Tuesday, September 10 · 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Nourishing Yourself…Nourishing Your Children

with Renee Kohn and Dr. Lisa Ryan

Sponsored by the LRECC. Open to the entire community!

See page 7 for High Holy Days Programming for Youth & Teens

September 2019 3


Lifelong Learning

The Lehrhaus Institute of Jewish Adult Education
Fall & Winter 2019-2020

SHABBAT MONDAY Biblical Hebrew: Understanding the Visit our website for class fee information
language of the Bible, 7:45 - 8:45 pm, and to register.
Torah for Today, 10:15 am Ulpan Ivrit - Advanced Modern Hebrew Facilitated by Chani Pinsberg
Our Rabbis lead discussion on the weekly 2:00 - 3:30 pm, Facilitated by Ophira Students will learn grammatical For questions regarding Adult Education,
Torah reading of our most sacred and Nitzan Melnick; Students deepen their patterns and key vocabulary words. please contact Liessa Alperin at
ancient text. We seek to apply the relevant Hebrew language skills through reading and 314-576-9990 x116 or
lessons of Torah to our lives today. discussing articles on a variety of topics, and WEDNESDAY [email protected]
by listening to, reading and discussing news Adult Education classes are generously sponsored
Torah at Twilight from Israel. Begins Sept. 9 Comparative Religions: An Exploration by the Diane & Paul Gallant Adult Education Fund
Shabbat afternoon study, between Minchah of Faiths, 10:00-11:30 am, Facilitated and the Stanley & Rochelle Ferdman Innovative
and Ma’ariv. Time changes monthly. Ulpan Ivrit - Beginning Modern Hebrew by Rabbi Neal Rose; Join us as we Adult Education Fund.. Todah Rabbah!
Please check our calendar at 5:00 - 6:20 pm, Facilitated by Ophira Nitzan explore, in conversation and discussion, Lehrhaus means “ House of Learning”. Originally, Melnick; A language program that teaches different faiths, beliefs and traditions. it was the name of a Jewish studies school
grammar, reading comprehension and We will invite guest teachers, speakers, founded by Franz Rosenzweig in Germany in 1920.
SUNDAY conversation skills at the beginning level. spiritual leaders and special guests to It sparked a Jewish intellectual revival, attracting
This class welcomes anyone, with little or no join us. Begins Oct. 16. intellectuals such as Martin Buber, S.Y. Agnon, A.J.
Crash Course in Aleph Bet, 10:00 - 11:30 am Hebrew background. Begins Sept. 9. Heschel, Gershom Scholem, and Erich Fromm.
Facilitated by Chani Pinsberg Beginning Hebrew for Tefillot and
Get a “crash course” in Hebrew with Chani Ulpan Ivrit - Intermediate Modern Hebrew Blessing 6:45 - 8:15 pm, Facilitated by
Pinsberg in this class sponsored by NJOP. 7:00 - 8:30 pm, Facilitated by Ophira Nitzan Ophira Nitzan Melnick; Students will
Class begins September 15 and will follow Melnick; Participants improve their reading learn to read the Aleph Bet and then
the MKLC calendar. comprehension and conversational skills move onto reading the Siddur.
in modern Hebrew through articles and Begins Sept. 11.
A Thinking Person’s Judaism, 10:15-11:30 am dialogues in a variety of everyday life topics,
Facilitated by Rabbi Neal Rose and through further study of grammar. Beginning Hebrew Conversation
This weekly text study and interactive Begins Sept. 9. 7:00 -8:30 pm, Facilitated by Chani Pinsberg
discussion focuses on timely, contemporary Students will learn basic vocabulary words
issues facing Jews and Judaism in the TUESDAY for basic conversation. Begins Sept. 11.
Post-Modern Era.
Advanced Hebrew Reading, 6:45 - 7:45 pm THURSDAY
Hebrew Reading From The Beginning Facilitated by Chani Pinsberg
1:00 - 2:00 pm Facilitated by Ophira Nitzan Advanced Reading in the Liturgy with Yiddish Class: A Class for Beginners and
Melnick; A beginners reading course comprehension of key root letters and All Who Enjoy a Bissel of Yiddish!
introducing Hebrew letters, vowels, and repeating words. Begins Sept. 10. 10:00-11:00 am Facilitated by Rabbi Neal
reading. In each class, participants will learn Rose, Students will learn basic Yiddish
new syllables and new words. By the end Beginning Hebrew for Tefillot and Blessing, vocabulary words for basic conversation.
of the course students will have acquired a 6:45 - 7:45 pm Facilitated by Ophira Nitzan Begins Oct. 24.
vocabulary of 150 words and will be able to Melnick; Enhance your Jewish living! Join this
read Hebrew. This twenty-class series will class to explore the meaning of prayers and Midtown Midrash, Enterprise Bank & Trust
begin Oct. 20. blessings - in the Synagogue and at home Building, 150 N. Meramec Avenue, Clayton,
- and learn to recite and read them with 5th floor, 12:00 - 1:00 pm, Facilitated by
Introduction To Judaism, 2:00 - 3:30 pm fluency, understanding, confidence, and joy. Rabbi Neal Rose; Wisdom of Jerusalem
Facilitated by Rabbi Neal Rose Curriculum follows the Jewish calendar and Talmud: Encountering the wisdom, humor
This interactive course explores Jewish includes learning of prayers and blessings and every day lives of the very early
history, practice, texts, and culture. It for Shabbat, holidays, and every day. Jerusalem Rabbis. Previous Talmudic
is designed for anyone who seeks to Begins Sept. 10. background not required - only an inquisitive
live a richer Jewish life, including those and questioning mind.
contemplating conversion to Judaism. Class
Begins Oct. 20.

Visit for our High Holy Day Adult Ed Classes

Youth Department College Connect Do you ever wonder if your college student
will continue to embrace the religious tradi-
Hi B’nai School. In addition, I’ve September Programs tions they experienced at home? Our College
Amoona! attended Camp Ramah in Connect program is designed to support col-
Wisconsin my entire life 4 BAUSY Program lege students and keep them connected with
My name and recently returned from 11 BAUSY Program B’nai Amoona, even if they are miles away.
is Jonah a summer long seminar in 18 BAUSY Program We strive to figure out how to impact the
Boyer and Israel and Poland. It was an 20-22 Leadership Training Institution for most students by sending presents periodically
I’m very amazing experience and I’m BAUSY Executive Board & Regional throughout the year!
excited to looking forward to bringing Executive Board in Ingleside, IL
be your my knew knowledge to the 25 BAUSY Program College Connect is funded by the Rabbi
BAUSY President this B’nai Amoona community. Bernard Lipnick Foundation for Conservative
upcoming year. I’ve been Watch for info coming soon Judaism. With this generous funding, we are
looking forward to leading If anyone has any ques- able to engage college students with love,
BAUSY my entire USY tions about BAUSY, myself, COME JOIN THE even though they may be far away and feel
career and am ecstatic to or anything, please feel free BAUSY BUNCH! less connected to our Shul. I am so looking
finally get the opportuni- to approach me at shul or forward to sending each one of these packages
ty to lead all our amazing shoot me an email. Once and to seeing our college students’ reactions!
BAUSYniks. again, I cannot wait to get
For those who don’t started this year!!! Please share your student(s’) information
already know me, let me use with us (even if it hasn’t changed) so we know
this “shout out” as a short Sincerely, where they are and can update our lists for
introduction. In my free goodies throughout the year.
time, I love playing baseball Jonah
and soccer, traveling, hang- Kindly email the information to Jeanne
ing out with friends, volun- Jonah Boyer Gaska at [email protected], or fill out
teering, and participating in BAUSY President the form at www
various clubs at Whitfield [email protected]

4 September 2019


Get Involved

Sisterhood News

We invite you to be a part of Torah Fund 2019-2020 or 636-537-2538 to sign up and Sisterhood Brunch to Thank
Sisterhood! participate with us! You for Joining
Our upcoming 2019-2020 Torah Fund
2019-2020 Sisterhood Membership sign-up Campaign is quickly approaching. This year’s Book Club Raising Charitable Children
is LIVE and online. Torah Fund theme is Chesed which means
Would you like to feel more connected to “kindness” in Hebrew. Be on the lookout B’nai Amoona and Kol Rinah Sisterhoods Whether you
Congregation B’nai Amoona? for our new flyer which will debut the new have a joint Book Club which meets at the are a mother,
Join together with a wonderful group beautiful Torah Fund pin. Once again Torah St. Louis County Public Library on the 4th grandmother,
of women for educational and social Fund will be a silent campaign. Let’s all Wednesday of each month from aunt or friend,
programming. ensure our legacy for future generations of 10:00-11:30 am. we all strive to
Sisterhood enhances family, our Conservative Jews while continuing to build Photo courtesy of Ladue News feel part of a
community, and supports all aspects of our a world of Chesed (kindness). Sept 26: The Immortalists - Chloe Benjamin greater purpose and community. We are
Synagogue life. We are proud to report that last year’s (352 pages) excited to welcome internationally known
Torah Fund was a success!! Thanks to all of Oct 24: The Only Woman in the Room: A speaker, author, and consultant Carol
Come be a part of the group! you who donated to this important cause. Novel - Marie Benedict (272 pages) Weisman, discussing her practical advice
Please join by going to B’nai Amoona’s B’nai Amoona should be proud of their Nov: Jewish Book Festival (no Book Group & inspirational humor about how to mix
website, view the Sisterhood page amazing contribution of $8,807.00. Let’s see meeting) philanthropy and fun.
under the Community tab and click “Join if we can surpass this!
Sisterhood” OR mail in your membership For information please contact co-chairs: Contact Enid Weinberg Frank at Sunday, November 3
payment OR call the B’nai Amoona office. Lori Sheinbein: [email protected] [email protected] or 314-853-3643 for 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
(For billing inquiries, please contact Tanya at Mercedes Gelman: more information about the Book Club.
[email protected]) [email protected] RSVP by October 16, 2019
For other questions, please contact any of
the Membership Vice Presidents below: Mishnah Berakhot Study Love Mah Jongg? Reservations are required.
Bonnie Davis -314-378-1253
Lori Kabrun-Berry: 636- 579-9905 Join B’nai Amoona Sisterhood as we Sisterhood plays on Wednesdays: Please reply online at
Missy Korenblat-Hanin: 314-249-6935 continue to participate in the WLCJ 1:00– 3:00 pm; doors open at 12:50 pm sisterhood or [email protected]
Mishnah Berakhot Study.
Like us on Facebook Mishnah Berakhot, Chapter Three: Who’s in the Banquet Hall behind the Sanctuary Please help brighten a child’s holiday by
@BASisterhood Obligated? Who’s Exempt? with Rabbi • No requirement of a commitment kindly bringing a new, unopened child’s
Pamela Barmash – Thursday, Sept 19, • Bring a current card game or toy to the brunch. Todah Rabbah!
7:00 pm - contact Sheryl Kalman at sheryl@ • Have fun and make new friends!
Questions? Contact Lisa Samis at
[email protected] or 314-805-2254 Rachel Taxman
President, Sisterhood


[email protected]

Minyan Matters Sisterhood Leadership
YOU! Did you know The Minyannaire Pin depicts ten (10) Marcia Lyons, advi- Marcia says, “Sisterhood is a special way of
every day, 24/7, Sunday Minyannaires with the tenth being YOU! sor to the president, making life-long friends. It gives women the
through Friday, B’nai will assist as needed opportunity to meet “sisters” from all over
Amoona hosts a Minyan Remember: YOU indicate the day and time and help new board the world. We learn, teach and grow from
service? Or, a B’nai of the Service you would like to attend and members enjoy their these encounters.”
Amoona member who plans and commits to we will contact you and get you started. roles and responsi-
setting aside time at least once a week on an Thank YOU in advance for your consider- bilities. She willingly Marcia grew up in a family of volunteers.
ongoing basis is called a Minyannaire. Each ation and willingness to perform this beauti- welcomes new ideas! She has been on the board of B’nai Brith, St.
week Minyannaires meet and join together ful Mitzvah. In conversation with many of Louis since returning to St. Louis in 2004
to provide a comfortable and supportive you I know you’ve been thinking about join- Marcia Lyons was and on the St. Louis Jewish Book Festival
place for those in our community who want ing and now is the time to take action! You’ll born and raised in St. Committee for 13 years. Marcia loves to read
to recite Kaddish (the memorial prayer) for feel a renewed sense of “being!” Louis. She’s married 46 years to Hesh Lyons, and play Mah Jongg. Critics have noted that
their loved ones. However, in order to fulfill a Philadelphia native. They have a daughter her baking skills are exceptional! Marcia
this Mitzvah at least ten (10) adult men and Bev Nikki, a teacher in IL, and a son Jay (Jorie), a will admit that relaxing on the couch watch-
woman need to be in attendance to assure Rabbi in FL. 5 grandchildren Yay! ing her favorite TV programs is her way of
the recitation of the Kaddish prayers. This is Beverly Chervitz Marcia has been a member of Sisterhood chilling out! When she isn’t relaxing, you can
where YOU come in! Please consider adding 314-629-8099 since belonging to her first Conservative find her at a St. Louis Cardinals game cheer-
your name to our MInyannaire list in order Synagogue in Chicago after she married. ing the team on!
to ensure the continuation of this vital and [email protected]
energetic B’nai Amoona program. We need Shomrei Amoonim
YOU, now! Don’t hesitate! It’ll only take I want to recognize a powerhouse of We need your help! We need more vol-
you a minute to text me and let me know Shomrei Amoonim, Dotty Ellis! She has unteers to agree to call and visit congregants
of your desire to join this dedicated group. been performing a vital Mitzvah, Acts of and deliver a comfort package after a loss. If
Kindness (AOK), since its creation about 3 you can even commit to one or two visits a
Social Action years ago. month, please contact either Dotty or myself!

At the end of the month Rosh Hashanah • baby supplies Dotty is calling and visiting congregants Sheryl
begins as does our annual food drive. We • cleaning supplies approximately 1-2 months after the death of
will distribute paper bags for you to fill to • pet supplies and a spouse or parent. This has been a very, very Sheryl Kalman
donate to the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food • personal care items (these are much powerful program. By this simple AOK, 636-537-2538
Pantry. Last year we had a decline in collec- we are letting congregants know that B’nai [email protected]
tions compared to the year before, so please appreciated, as they are not covered by Amoona is thinking about them. We are also
be generous. SNAP cards. recognizing that everyone grieves at their Dotty
Please remember to fill your bags with: own pace. By the end of Shloshim, 30 days,
Please join us for sorting! By doing this, the frequent calls and visits have stopped, and Dotty Ellis
• unexpired items the much needed food and other items will congregants have begun to process their loss. [email protected]
• unopened packages reach people in need more rapidly. Check This is a chance to really make a difference
• non-breakable containers for nonperish- the announcements for the location and in a congregant’s life.
time when we sort everything. Thank you in
able food advance.
• canned meats
• canned fish Laura
• peanut butter
• macaroni and cheese Laura Goldmeier
• breakfast cereals Social Action Committee Chair
• kosher foods are always needed
• paper goods 314-997-1253
[email protected]

September 2019 5
On the Development Side

Did You Know?

With the arrival of the of the new annual membership statement kitchen hallway followed by a right towards otherwise). (Please note this suggestion is
newly designed 2019- (monthly statements through ShulCloud will the end of the hall to enter the auditorium. for informational purposes only and is not
2020 fiscal year member- remain unchanged). Members have vol- The comradery of our staff in this large, intended to provide, or be relied upon for
ship statements, came an untarily added to their dues amounts, new shared, temporary space has been a bonus tax, legal or accounting advice. Members
opportunity to change giv- Benefactors have come on board, ACH has (and communications benefit!) since we had should always check with their tax, legal or
ing practices. For those been well received, and more members are not previously worked together in the same accounting advisor to see if this would be
inclined, a gift could be supportive of the extra fees that accompany office area. appropriate for your circumstances.)
added to increase dues amounts, with the the dues. For this, I offer a well-deserved
knowledge that dues alone are not enough Todah Rabbah to our congregation! As we continue to work with our mem- On a last note, as a reminder, if you would
to sustain the operations of Congregation bers in this new space, it has been great like your memorial plaque(s) from the “old”
B’nai Amoona. Fees, in addition to dues, Another mailing was sent in late May to for me to get to know more of you, or just memorial hall, please feel free to stop by my
were clearly stated. Benefactor levels were those members who had not already pledged to see you again and take a minute to chat. desk (in the auditorium) and pick them up
outlined for those considering becoming a a gift for the Capital Campaign, Atideynu I am so grateful for the willingness of during business hours. It provides me anoth-
Benefactor. For those already supportive of –Our Future. New pledges are arriving our members to share their thoughts, ideas er opportunity to get to know the members
our Benefactor level, the statement included and my hope is more of our members will and suggestions during these impromptu I’ve not already met, or just say hello and
a request to increase that giving, as possible. consider this important giving opportunity visits. One such suggestion, from a savvy catch up with those I have.
And, because all credit card charges will for the legacy of our Shul. Construction member, applies to all of our members
now incur a 3% service charge, we offered a is underway in almost every area and it is with IRA accounts requiring distributions. Gail
no charge method for membership payments exciting to see progress in action! Due to With the recent changes to the tax laws and
through ACH (automatic withdrawal from a the construction, those of you needing to itemized deductions, members with an IRA Gail Armstrong
checking or savings account). purchase scrip or visit the administrative account that requires a distribution might Director of Development
I am delighted to share that our members “offices” now need to visit the auditorium want to consider using that distribution as
have been complimentary of the format – best to come through the “blue awning” a contribution to B’nai Amoona whether 314-576-9990 x126
door and make an immediate left down the for dues, Benefactor, Capital Campaign, or [email protected]

Our Community
Upcoming Mazel Tov to...
B’nai Mitzvah
Cindy and David Schuval, Sonia L. Vazquez and Juan Alvarez on the birth
September 7, 2019 of their granddaughter, Leona Alexia Alvarez. Proud parents are Michelle and
Bat Mitzvah of Danielle Jackoby Geraldo Alvarez. Great-grandparents are Gay Baskin and Sonia A. Vazquez.
Daughter of Jessica & Brian Emery and Carmel Jackoby
As of 07/26/19

Member Spotlight

Meet Richard (Rick) Abrams

September 14, 2019 Rick has been a and reflect as it is a nice break for him from
Bat Mitzvah of Alyssa Weisenberg member of BA all the business of the week.
Daughter of Judith and Brian Weisenberg his life, after all,
he’s a 3rd genera- Rick’s goal is to be more involved in
September 28, 2019 tion member! He advocacy. This past May, he was awarded
Bar Mitzvah of Dov Ciralsky and his wife Judy, the Michael & Barbara Newmark Emerging
Son of Robert Ciralsky and Rachel Edwards his grandparents Leader Award by the JCRC where he has
and parents were been active for the last 6 years. He car-
Condolences all married by dif- ries on his family legacy following in his
ferent BA rabbis. mother’s footsteps. She was the Associate
The Congregation extends heartfelt sympathy to the families of: Director of JCRC in 1940’s – 1970’s.
Aside from hav-
Daniel Norman Ginsparg ing been on the BA Board of Trustees as When he has free time, Rick builds model
Development Chair and on the Executive ships and in Summer, he likes to garden.
Richard Hitt Committee as Secretary, Rick continues to Being with Judy and the kids – seeing a
remain active here at Shul by being a com- play, visiting a museum and traveling are
Katherine Mulkey mitted Minyannaire on Sunday mornings. some of his favorite things to do.
He likes the people and that it’s low key.
Shirley Ruth Schwartz He considers it a Mitzvah to be a part of the Rick has been married to Judy, his wife
May their memories be a source of blessing! service when someone is saying Kaddish. and best friend, for 31 years. They have
two children; Abigail lives in NY and is a
What Rick likes best about BA is Rabbi reporter for Time Magazine and Gordon
Rose’s passion and how the Klei Kodesh just graduated from the University of Tulsa
get the congregants involved in the service, and is starting grad school there getting his
especially how Cantor Sharon has gotten his Masters in Mechanical Engineering.
wife involved through various choirs. Judy
is continuing to learn from Sharon. Rick is an attorney at the Law Offices
of Richard Abrams doing commercial &
During Shabbat services, Rick likes to sit real estate litigation. He and Judy live in
Richmond Heights.

As of 07/26/19

6 September 2019


High Holy Days

Relighting the Fire: A Mystical Spirituality for Today’s Seeker

September 20-22, 2019 The Jick Kallah Scholar-in-Residence Weekend Sponsored by The Jick Family

h Dr. Art Green Friday, Sept. 20 Shabbat, Sept. 21
Friday Evening Services - 6:00 pm Torah for Today - 10:15 am
Lecha Dodi: A Brief Introduction Neo-Hasidic Credo

Followed by a festive dinner Sermonette - 11:30 am
Reservations required at ELUL: Taking the First Step - Teshuvah as an Act
of Moral Courage
Discussion Following Dinner - 8:00 pm
Becoming a Jewish Mystic: An interview and Minchah, Seudah Shlisheet, Ma’ariv - 6:00 pm
dialogue between friends of more than 50 years, Re-meeting the Hasidic Masters
Rabbi Dr. Neal Rose and Rabbi Dr. Arthur Green

Saturday, Sept. 21 Sunday, Sept. 22

Dr. Morris Alex Jewish Ethics Lecture - 8:00 pm A Thinking Person’s Judaism - 10:15 am
Rosh Hashanah: Are You Ready to Become a Born-Again Jew? Reclaiming the Mystical Tradition: A
Jewish Spirituality for the 21st Century
Sponsored by The Alex Family
Visit for more details!
Selichot Service - 10:00 pm
Changing of the Torah Mantles, Havdalah and our exquisite,
soul-stirring Selichot Service

Selichot at B’nai Amoona is sponsored by The Schuval Family

4 High Holy Days 5780

Services SePT/OCT 2019
is happy to invite everyone to our

SELICHOT - Saturday, September 21 7:30 pm KOL NIDREI – Tuesday, October 8 6:00 pm YOM KIPPUR BREAK FAST
Light Refreshments Minchah 6:15 pm
Dr. Morris Alex Jewish Ethics Lecture 8:00 pm Kol Nidrei Service 7:45 pm
Pre-Selichot discussion with Dr. Green 9:30 pm Sermon by Rabbi Josef Davidson
Selichot snacks and refreshments 10:00 pm
Our moving Selichot Service Yom Kippur tealight candles will be available to light at Shul Wednesday, October 9
in the Gallery (formerly the Link). Immediately following the Final Shofar Blast

EREV ROSH HASHANAH - Sunday, September 29 MENU: $18/Adult $10/Children under 13
Tuna salad Complimentary - Children under 3
Evening Services 6:15 pm YOM KIPPUR – Wednesday, October 9 Egg Salad

Shacharit 9:00 am Bagels, Lox and Fixings

ROSH HASHANAH I - Monday, September 30 Torah Service 10:00 am Fruit Salad

Shacharit 8:00 am Early Childhood Service 10:30 am Greek Salad

Torah Service 9:00 am Intergenerational Service 11:15 am Cookies and Assorted Sweets RESERVATIONS REQUIRED
Cheese and Crackers BY SEPT. 22
Shofar Service 9:30 am Musaf 11:15 am Veggies and Dip

Early Childhood Service 9:30 am Sermon by Rabbi Carnie Shalom Rose 12:45 pm Italian Pasta Salad

Special Blessing of our Young Children 10:15 am Yizkor 1:15 pm Orange Juice, Soda, Coffee & Tea

Intergenerational Service 10:30 am Recess 2:15 pm

Musaf Intro 10:30 am Contemplative Service 2:30 pm

Sermon by Rabbi Carnie Shalom Rose 11:30 am Schmooze with our Rabbis 3:30 pm

Tashlich & Blessing of our Pets 5:00 pm Minchah and Neilah 4:30 pm

Minchah & Ma’ariv 6:15 pm Ma’ariv, Havdalah & Sounding of the Shofar 6:45 pm

Followed by our Break Fast (reservations required)


ROSH HASHANAH II - Tuesday, October 1 EREV SUKKOT SERVICES - Sunday, October 13 Visit
Shacharit - Davening Out of the Box 8:00 am Evening Service 6:15 pm
for all the
Torah Service 9:00 am High Holy Day

ROSH U - Alternative Program 9:00 am SUKKOT I - Monday,October 14 details!

Shofar Service 9:30 am Services 9:00 am & 6:15 pm

Musaf 10:15 am

Final Blast of the Shofar 11:45 am SUKKOT II - Tuesday, October 15

Evening Services for the end of Yontiff 6:15 pm Services 9:00 am & 6:15 pm

FAST OF GEDALIAH - Wednesday, October 2 HOSHANAH RABBAH - Sunday, October 20
This fast commemorates the assassination of Gedaliah Hoshanah Rabbah is the last day of the season of
Ben Achikam, the Governor of Judah, after the destruction repentance, and incorporates spiritual and visceral rituals,
of the First Temple, which marked the end of any hope as well as joyous singing and dancing. On Rosh Hashanah
that a sovereign Jewish Government would survive. the decree is written, and on Yom Kippur it is sealed - but
there is always one more chance.
Shacharit 7:00 am
Minchah & Ma’ariv 6:15 pm Shacharit followed by a festive breakfast 9:00 am

Sunday, October 20
Friday, October 4 6:00 pm Monday, October 21 6:15 pm
9:00 am
Saturday, October 5 9:00 am Yizkor (approx) 11:00 am

Evening Service 6:00 pm

Monday, October 21
Pre-Yontif Visitation to the Burial Places of our Tuesday, October 22 5:45 pm
Hakafot & special Kiddush 9:00 am
Ancestors & Teachers 10:30 am Tuesday, October 22 - End of Yontiff 10:15 am
6:00 pm

7 September 2019


High Holy Days

Programming For youth & teens

Babysitting: Infants through children in Pre-K * INTERGENERATIONAL SERVICE *
Pre-registration required. visit
Early Childhood: Children ages 3 - Pre-K ALL NEW - Includes ALL; big or small; young or old; one
or more than one
Early Childhood Service: Geared to families with children Birth
to Pre-K Our Intergenerational Service will include a modified
participatory service including a Torah Service, and will
Youth: Students in Grades K - 7 be led by many of our congregants, including children
through grandparents, and many of our teens. You do
Teen: Students in Grades 8 - 12 not want to miss this engaging, meaningful celebration
which provides an opportunity for everyone to
*Intergenerational Service: Birth to 120! experience the Chaggim (holidays) together!

If you have any questions about which Service or Program is best If you attend the Early Childhood Service, you are
for your child(ren) or family, please do not hesitate to contact Liessa welcome to attend this second prayerful experience
Alperin at 314-576-9990 x116 or [email protected], or Anita (especially on Yom Kippur)! Youth attending Children’s
Kraus at 314-576-3688 or [email protected]. Also, please contact Programming will also be attending these services.
Liessa or Anita if you are interested in leading a prayer, reading, or We encourage you to join your children in the
participating in the Torah Service for our new Intergenerational Service. Intergenerational Service and then return to the Main
Sanctuary at its conclusion.

Rosh Hashanah I Kol Nidrei
Sept. 30 OCT. 8

9:00 am Babysitting opens 6:00 pm Babysitting opens
9:15 am Pre Early Childhood Service Welcome
9:30 am Early Childhood Service 6:15 pm Kol Nidrei Service in the Main Sanctuary
10:15 am Blessing on the Bimah for Young Children • All students should join in the Main Sanctuary with their families
and their families followed by Open House • Liessa Alperin will walk students (Grades K - 7) to Youth Programming following the Kol Nidrei Prayer
and Nosh* and Early Childhood Programming • Teens should remain in Kol Nidrei Services with their families
10:30 am Youth Programming begins (Grades K-7)
10:30 am Intergenerational Service yom kippur Neilah
OCT. 9 OCT. 9
• Youth Programming will begin in this Service
• Teens will attend and help lead this Service 9:30 am Babysitting opens 4:15 pm Babysitting opens
11:30 am At the conclusion of the Intergenerational
Service, Youth and Teen Programming will 10:30 am Early Childhood Service & Programming 4:30 pm Youth and Teens are to attend
continue Neilah Services with their families in the
5:00 pm Tashlich & Blessing of our Pets 10:30 am Youth Programming begins (Grades K-7) Main Sanctuary

Rosh Hashanah II 11:15 am Intergenerational Service
OCT. 1 • Teens will attend and help lead this Service

9:00 am Babysitting opens (see p. 9) 12:15 pm At the conclusion of the Intergenerational
9:30 am Youth Programming begins (Grades K-7) Service, Youth and Teen Programming will
10:30 am Teen Alternative Service continue
10:30 am Chag Family Jam led by Shelley Dean of
Intergenerational Service
• Youth Programming will begin in this Service
• Early Childhood Programming will begin in this Service A wonderful anonymous donor has provided prayer books for our all new Intergenerational services and
we are giving families the opportunity to have a bookplate placed in the books as a legacy contribution.
11:30 am At the conclusion of the Chag Family Jam, The bookplates can be customized to honor or remember a loved one, represent families, or for whatever
Early Childhood & Youth Programming will gift moves your heart. The bookplates can be ordered in advance for a minimum donation of $36 (or any
continue additional multiple of $18).
Please contact Gail Armstrong directly so a bookplate may be specially created and placed in the books in
advance of our services – [email protected] or 314-576-9990 x126. Bookplates may be ordered up to
Monday, September 23.

High Holy Day Children’s Programming at B’nai Amoona is generously sponsored by Howard Weissman
in loving memory of his parents, Rose & Julius Weissman

8 September 2019


In Tribute 324 South Mason Road | St. Louis, MO 63141-8029
314-576-9990 | Fax 314-744-4016
The Congregation acknowledges with thanks the following contributions: TRIBUTES RECEIVED
AFTER JULY 26, 2019
IN MEMORY OF Sue & Marc Lapp IN MEMORY OF NEXT BULLETIN. remember a loved one at
Phillip Gellman Fran & Harvey Cantor June Eidex
Julie & Lenny Frankel A special note from our Rabbis
Estelle, Frank, Scott & Steve Keller Natalie & Larry Goldman Celia Ciemnoczolowski and Cantor: Though we do not
Robert Simon LIBRARY DONATION publish the names of those or contact Gail Armstrong
Judy Krug IN MEMORY OF who make contributions to at 314-576-9990 x126
Cookie Simon Sylvia & Stuart Manewith Louis Kaskowitz our Discretionary Funds (as a
Harry Kaplan, Anne Greenberg David Friedman way to protect their request
Marla & Gary Goldstein Joan & Jerry Kaskowitz for anonymity), we deeply
Sandra & Marvin Greenberg LINDA ROTSKOFF EARLY appreciate your continued
Nolan DeWoskin Shirley Schwartz CHILDHOOD CENTER thoughtfulness and generosity.
Julie & Lenny Frankel DONATION Todah Rabbah & may you
Kathy & Tom DeWoskin Fran & Harvey Cantor IN HONOR OF continue to be blessed from
William Kunitz Joan Hoffman’s 80th birthday On-High.
David Beckerman IN MEMORY OF IN MEMORY OF Jeff Singer, President
Sol & Selma Schumitzky Frieda M. Kreisman Alan Fine, Treasurer
Rita Beckerman Edward Herzog, Secretary
Theodore Olin Aileen & Harvey Melnick Robert D. Kreisman Judith Isaacs, Vice President, Membership
Richard Baron LYNN MYERS MEMORIAL Joel Perlmutter, Vice President, Religious Affairs
Sheila & Darryl Gold MITZVAH FUND Avi Rosenzweig, Vice President, Education
Sam Hieken Ellen & Chuck Kessler IN HONOR OF Beth Saltzman, Vice President, Development
CAMP RAMOT AMOONA JONA- Debra & Joel Spigel’s 50th an- David Kantor, Member-At-Large
Terry & Harvey Hieken THAN GOLDBERG SCHOLAR- niversary Andy Mayer, Member-At-Large
Meyer Leon Horowitz SHIP FUND Howard Morse, Member-At-Large
IN MEMORY OF Gary Myers Gary Wolff, Honorary Member-At-Large
Joan Hoffman The Honorable Louis Kohn MARSHA BRIN WOLFF
Marcie & Mike Handler IN MEMORY OF Rachel Taxman, Sisterhood
Marcia Handler CAPITAL CAMPAIGN DONA- Shirley Schwartz Mark Gersten, Men’s Club
Rebecca Schwartz TION Jonah Boyer, BAUSY
IN MEMORY OF Sherry & Gary Wolff
Florence Rosenthal Arnold Jay Kleinfeld Elaine Wolff KLEI KODESH & STAFF
Meyer Werner Carnie Shalom Rose. The Rabbi Bernard Lipnick Senior Rabbinic Chair
June K. Wolff Ellen & Chuck Kessler Sharon Nathanson, Cantor
Edith Price Hursey White Susan & Neal Kalishman Neal Rose, Senior Rabbinic Scholar
Hattie Rubin NATHAN & BELLE STOLIAR Josef Davidson, Rabbi
Bev & Richard Fogelman CANDY FUND Mira Davis, Rabbi Bernard Lipnick Cantorial Intern
William Rubin Rick Hitt IN MEMORY OF Bernard Lipnick (Z”L), Rabbi Emeritus
Harvey Miller Nathan Stoliar Leon S. Lissek, Cantor Emeritus
Tanya Spivey Greta & Jerry Stoliar Andy Schwebel, Executive Director
Goldee Miller DAVID GREENSTEIN EARLY Eunice & John Reichmanr Liessa Alperin, Director of Innovative Learning and Engagement
Gus Shank CHILDHOOD CENTER MEMO- Rebecca Stoliar Gail Armstrong, Director of Development
RIAL FUND Eunice & John Reichman Jon Hoffman, Mashgiach
Harry Shank IN HONOR OF Richard Baron Anita Kraus, Director of Early Childhood
Rosalee Askuvich Gerry Auger – get well Geraldine Cooper
Jeanette Greenberg
Lenny Frankel Esther & Harvey Greenstein Geraldine Cooper
Kurt Herrmann Susie Gitt – get well OSCAR & ELAINE GOLDBERG
Dee Herrmann Esther & Harvey Greenstein IN HONOR OF
Craig Steven Hessen Beth Saltzman’s speedy recovery Larry Blumenfeld – get well soon
Oscar Goldberg
Barbara & Harry Shechter Esther & Harvey Greenstein RABBI ABRAHAM E. HALPERN
Louis Moss, Henry Moss Mueriel & Stanford Carp’s 50th EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATON
anniversary IN MEMORY OF
Lorraine & Jordan Cherrick Helene & Sig Halpern
Manuel Chorlins Esther & Harvey Greenstein Karen Techner
Irving Diamant, Leonard Lasky Hilda Radloff CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT
Kay Diamant Susan Shevitz Elaine Wolff
Ben Segal FUNK FAMILY ENDOWMENT Gloria & Sandy Spitzer
Nettie Deutsch Sarah Funk CAMP RAMOT AMOONA
Sally Tofle Marsha & Steve Funk IN HONOR OF
Craig Steven Hessen Cheryl & Murray Abrams Stan Goodkin’s speedy recovery
Helen Baker DONATON Nancy & Alan Charlson
Ida Tallin IN MEMORY OF Dr. & Mrs. Fred Leavitt’s daughter’s
Gloria Schwartz marriage
Richard Tallin Sharon & Steve Schwartz
Ezra Hais JACOB AND EDITH SHEINBEIN Nancy & Alan Charlson
Rozella & Jerry Lapp IN HONOR OF Lenny Raiffie
Marc Enger’s speed recovery
GENERAL FUND Sharon Kirsch & Ed Rosen Nancy & Alan Charlson
IN HONOR OF Sheldon Enger’s 2nd Bar Mitzvah Brenda Krekel
Al Finkelstein’s special birthday Sharon Kirsch & Ed Rosen
Debra & Joel Spigel’s 5oth an- IN MEMORY OF IN HONOR OF
niversary Stanley Oberman Mueriel & Stanford Carp’s 50th
Susan Bosse anniversary
Lenny Frankel LIGHT TO CAMP DONATION Cheryl Perl
IN MEMORY OF Debra & Joel Spigel’s 50th
Doris & Steve Schwartz Aaron Eidex anniversary
Alan Taxman’s special birthday Celia Ciemnoczolowski
Mueriel & Stanford Carp’s 50th IN HONOR OF ENDOWMENT FUND
anniversary Debra & Joel Spigel’s 50th IN MEMORY OF
anniversary Rick Hitt
Julie & Lenny Frankel Laurie & Stu Cohen
IN MEMORY OF Judi Scissors & Sam Broh’s Cindy & David Schuval
Barbara Heligman marriage
Karen & Ronnie Polishuk
Estelle, Frank, Scott & Steve Keller
The Lootens Family
Mlina Schramm
Gloria Schramm & Family
Estelle & Fred Handler
Bernadine (Bonnie) Rosen
Shirley Finger
Randi Schenberg
Richard Baron
George A. Schuler
Shirley Finger
Marcie & Mike Handler
Edith Tashma

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